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This all went down during lunch last monday. As soon as students heard this teenager threatening a freshman, they called for help. Pkgnatssot if the coach wasnt there, more than likely she would have been attackedcaptured on video students say this teenager wearing a blue striped shirt and black tights isnt a student at college park high. But she came there with the intent to hurt another student. Sot she had it in her hand waving it around. She lunged and tried to tase a couple peoplethe girl flaunted the stun gun on snapchat. These teens tell me she had a beef with a freshman over a boy and wanted to settle it. Lukas misenhimer blue sot she wanted to fight them at some point but when they didnt want to fight she decided to come there with a taserwhen the administrator stepped in to pacify the situation, he put his hands on the aggressor, and now they believe that may cost him his job. Sot from what weve heard, hes had to go to the district a couple of times so that isnt goodlincoln destree sot hes been with the district for so long and hes a really great guy. The last thing wed want is for him to leave like thatwitnesses believe the coach put himself in harms way and could have gotten hurt. Klay williams green sot personally i dont think he did anything wrongsot he protected us. She had a weapon. He stood up for ussot i was afraid that coach was gonna get tased standupi spoke with police today, and im told this was dealt with off campus but they wont comment further because the incident involved minors. I also reached out to the School District for comment, but havent heard back. Reporting live from pleasant hill. steve a warning tonight in the east bay. A man tried to grab a young boy right out front of his own home. The victim managed to get away. But the suspect is still on the loose. It happened in a Family Friendly neighborhood in okaland. On 45th street near broadway. Thats right near schools and in an area where lots of children play. Kron4s Justine Waldman has details on the suspect. In a neighborhood like so many others, lined with blossoming trees something frightening happened here. Sot there is an attempted child kidnapping that occurredOakland Police tell us. On the 300 block of 45th street a stranger tried to grab a 10 year old boy who was right in front of his home. At 9 on tuesday night. Srgt. Jeff thompson svu, Oakland Police departmentsot he was able to break free with his strength and able to run to the safety of his parents the neighborhood is right behind oakland technical high school. An arts school. A playground. A preschool. And the temascal pool. Lots of kids hang around herepeople here are just learning about the alleged abduction. No name sot i hardly ever see crime here i never see crime here no name sot nothing surprises me nowhere anywhere it can happen in danville and can happen in oaklandthe neighborhood is now aware and police want all parents to be alert. Sot if there is a predator out there that is victimizing children we want the public to know about itjustinethere is a limited description from Oakland Police on the suspect a large build adult male wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt and jeans. Crimestoppers is offering a 5 thousnad dollar reward in this case. Live in oakland Justine Waldman kron 4 news. grant today San Francisco Police Released videos showing the moments an officer shot an attacker inside a Subway Sandwich shop. It happened last wednesday on Market Street near fifth street. We want to warn you some viewers might find the video disturbing. It started when 26yearold Nicholas Flusche began attacking a subway employee. With a knife. Hes wearing the camouflage shirt. He unlocks the little door to get behind the counter and thats when he starts attacking the employee. Bystanders try to help one woman even starts hitting flusche with a pan. Two officers who were in the area show up. Heres what happens next, the stabbing victim, a bystander trying to help. And the attacker. All come out from behind the counter as officers point their guns at them. Moments after one officer shoots. The suspect was shot once hit int he lower back. He died at the scene. The stabbing victim was treated and released from the hospital later that day. The hospital released from the hospital later that day. The officer who fired the shot has been identified as officer kenneth cha. grant we are also learning the same Police Officer involved in the subway shooting. Was also involved a Police Shooting back in january. In that case all charges have been dismissed against the man shot 43yearold sean moore. This is bodycam video of that incident. Police responded to the mans oceanview home over a noise complaint. The man repeatedly told officers to get off his steps officers say the man started hitting and kicking them. Thats when they opened fire. The man survived the shooting and has undergone multiple surgeries. steve a jury will now decide if the man convicted of murdering sierra lamar will spend life in prison or be sentenced to death. Some are hoping prosecutors will work out a deal with Antolin Garcia torres. And convince him to reveal where he put the teens body. A similar scenario has played out before here in the bay area. As kron4s Terisa Estacio reports. An oakland man found guilty of murdering his wife had long said he did not commit the crime. But after being convicted. He pointed investigators to the scene. And the buried body. Nina reiser an east bay mother of two shown here smilin gin this video at a Birthday Celebration simply disappeared one evening from her Oakland Hills home. Flyers went up immediately. Searches took place, there were pleas from her family but nothing until oakland homicide detectives gathered enough evidence to point the finger at her husband, hans reiser. Oakland Police Roland holmgren worked the case. Roland holmgren, opd we always wanted to find the victim to provide closure to families. As the trial unfolded in an Alameda County courthouse, family members hoped to find the truth about nina. A similar scene played out recently in the south bay, as members of sierra lamars family, friends and searchers hoped that defendant Antolin Garciatorres would reveal where he put the teen. After his conviction monday cries for finding her louder than ever. 20 27 mary doering, searcher, volunteer sierra lamar we want her home, we said we could never stop, until we find where she is. Opd it is understandable. Reiser was convicted after a long trial a trial where he maintained his innocence, claiming his wife who was russian ran back to her county. Garcia torres defense Team Presented a similar sceanrio telling the jury that lamar was not dead, but an unhappy teen and a runaway. In reisers case, after the jury found him guilty and he was facing a long sentence he struck a deal for less prison time, and in turn pointed investigators to her grave site. Opd. I was out there, we had a huge crew and he pointed to her and we were able to bring her to the family so they could start the healing. Next week, the sentencing phase in Garcia Torres case starts. Sources tell kron four news prosecutors have some tough decisions to make. The Death Penalty is on the table for garciatorres. Sources say, Garcia Torres would need to confess and cooperate before a lesser sentence could be considered and presented to the judge jury and family. And he might not do that because an admission would block a chance to appeal his sentence down. Terisa estacio, kron four news. grant happening now a health scare at a bay area in n out burger. Nine people who ate at the livermore location this past saturday got sick. Kron4s jr stone is live in livermore tonight. Jr how are in n out customers taking the news . Steve they are surprised more than anything else. Now the Health Department trying to determine if the restaurant is to blame. Mass confusion outside the livermore Innout Burger. A location that temporarily closed tuesday night and all of wednesday after a health scare. Despite the cones outside would be patrons could be seen driving through the parking lot, stopping outside the restaurant, and making u turns nearbydebbie bruce was unaware of the closure. Were shocked because every time we come here there is traffic and people and cars all the way into the intersection of a parking lot. The department of Environmental Health says that nine members of a College Softball team complained of flu like symptoms after eating at this restaurant last saturday. I relayed that message to would be customers on wednesday. Is it scary or what . Its enough to make me stay away. Officials suspect that the norovirus is to blame but have not yet confirmed that. This livermore in n out burger has had past problems. The county web site shows they were cited for a high risk violation in december of last year. That involving surfaces, utensils, and equipment that was not cleaned or sanitzed. They had minor citations for the same problem just last month. Very concerning considering the amount of foot traffic and patronage this place gets im surprised this hasnt happened sooner if that is the case. Employees with Innout Burger say they dont have any indications that there were any issues at this restaurant but they did clean and disinfect it along with screening their associates. Many people i talked with said they will probably still come back to eat here. As to when this in n out burger will open back up. That is unknown this evening. Live in livermore, j. R. Stone kron 4 news. As expected much cooler temperatures are across our region today as a moderate onshore flow has combined with a deeper marine layer. Some of the 24 hour changes are impressive with some inland locations 10 to 20 degrees cooler. Santa rosa has seen an even bigger change of minus 25 compared to wednesday. That is due to to widespread clouds over the north bay. steve coming up one day after we showed you this brawl on a southwest flight. Now were hearing from a bay area man who jumped in to break it up. Why he says he sprang into action. steve new at ten a Contra Costa County community is outraged. After being told their daycare and school will close next month. Thats leaving parents scrambling to find care for their children. The schools owner says she couldnt renew the lease. But as kron 4s Hermela Aregawi reports, the landlord says thats not true. Outrage and heartbreak among this closeknit group of parents and teachers. They were told this week that fountainhead montessori in pleasanthill is shutting its doors next month. Jen wyckoff parent it was very abrupt. The email subject said lost our lease. It was very curt if you want my opinion. It simply said were sorry fter june 15, we wont be able to care for your children anymore and its basically good luck. Nearly 100 children and 9 teachers are now displaced. Joanna mylin parent this is a place where he has found his stride. He loves the stuff. Hes doing so well here. And to take this from him when he has at least a year and a half to go, it breaks my heart. Cristina mones parent its our family. Its where we send our kids. Its where we trust that theyll be safe and that theyre loved. Lindsey lang parent when i told her yesterday, she broke into tears and that made me cry too because this is her family. This is where she belongs and shes hurt. Im not just upset. Shes hurt. Most of the parents tell us they had already registered through the summer and fall. And were asked to confirm their enrollment as recently as last week. Now they are scrambling to find care for their children. Lindsey lang parent were also now all competing against each other to find these coveted spots that might be left and for a community and a family to now be in that position is deplorable. We spoke with the nonprofit that owns the building. They tell us they offered a years lease to the schools director but it was declined. Hermela Aregawi we reached out to the schools executive director. She says she was only given a month to month lease option. When we told her what the owner said about the years lease still being available she said she would need to check on that and get back to us. We havent heard back. Reporting in pleasant hill, Hermela Aregawi, kron 4 news. steve in the east bay. The drought may be over. But your water bill could still be on the rise. Rate hikes could begin as soon as this summer. The Lafayette Reservoir is brimming with water. From heavy rain water. Customers are even using about 20percent less water. In fact so much water has been conserved east bay mud is now short on funding a new proposal calls for a nineand a quarter percent rate hike this year. And another ninepercent hike the next. The extra rates would be used to repair and replace aging water pipes. grant a warning tonight about a surge in ticks around the bay area. Experts say the wet winter is at least partially to blame. Ticks are known to feed on people and pets. And can also carry very serious diseases, including lyme disease. Kron 4s Charles Clifford has what else we need to know. Natsfollowing a wet winter, the bay areas parks and trails are covered in tall lush grass but there are also ticks lurking nearby. Waiting to hitch a ride on pets or people. Ticks also love moisture and they are thriving in the damp conditions. Sot bonnie crater is Vice President of the bay area Lyme Foundation. Ticks are known carriers of lyme disease, which if left untreated, can result in Serious Health problems. Just a few years ago, lyme disease was almost unheard of in the bay area but ticks carrying the disease are now widespread. Sotfinally, not all ticks carry lyme disease and the Lyme Foundation encourages people to enjoy the outdoors but to also be carefull. Sot steve a live look outside at San Francisco. Cooler weather around the bay area today. grant chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp is tracking whats ahead. As expected much cooler temperatures are across our region today as a moderate onshore flow has combined with a deeper marine layer. Some of the 24 hour changes are impressive with some inland locations 10 to 20 degrees cooler. Santa rosa has seen an even bigger change of minus 25 compared to wednesday. That is due to to widespread clouds over the north bay. grant still ahead the new app that could help you avoid a pricey parking ticket. steve and next hear from the bay area man who jumped in to help stop this brawl on a southwest flight. Why he felt compelled to take action more people than ever are making the move to nissan. Because of rogue, the best selling suv in america. Titan, with americas best truck warranty. And the most advanced safety features on altima and other best selling models. Thats why were americas fastestgrowing auto brand. Get 0 financing for up to 72 months on 11 models. With tempurpedic. T our proprietary material automatically adjusts to your weight, shape and temperature. So you sleep deeply, and wake up feeling powerful. Find your exclusive retailer at tempurpedic. Com we are learning about this brawl on a southwest flight headed for oakland. We first showed you this video last night at ten. Now we are learning a bay area passenger that helped break up the brawl is a former firefighter. Kron4s rob fladeboe talked to him today. Dan green intervened in fight on planeformer fire captain dan green, of santa clara, is talking about the brawl that erupted sunday on Southwest Airlines flight 2530 after it landed in burbank, en route to oakland. Nats video of brawl dan green assess the situation, make a decision and take action. At first, says green, as the the Flight Attendant tried to get between two men who were arguing, instead of helping, other passengers were recording the fight on their cell phones. Dan green so i say sit down and shut off your cell phones and so the sea separates a little and i get there and im able to separate them. Nats video of brawl thats green in the grey shirt and tan shorts. We dont see it in this clip but he says the fight started up again, after this clip was shot, with the Flight Attendant pinned beneath the combatants, until the 6 foot two green got tough. Dan green i got between them and pulled one guy off and drove him to the front of the plane. Eventually, some other passengers also helped. But green says he was motivated not just by his long experience dealing with emergencies, but also by what happened on another flight on a day we all remember as nineeleven. Dan greendan green i saw some tweets where people were saying. Oh, why get involved, theyre just a couple of thugs. Well, i didnt know that. Why not get involved. Its not to the same degree but can you imagine if the people on flight 93 had said why get involved. It turns the man we see throwing most of the punches was not the aggressor. The other man was booked for misdemeanor battery. The plane went on to oakland without incident. Southwest praised the crew and thanked captain green. Dan green people call and tell me i, a hero. But im not, i just did what we all should be doing. grant still ahead a man describes the moments men with guns wearing masks. Robbed his family their home. steve then an arson warning. What we know about cars being targeted and torched in the east bay. grant and next its San Franciscos new tallest building. Well take you to the top of the Salesforce Tower. steve the skyline of San Francisco is changing. A new behemouth building is punching through the city sky. It will be the tallest building in town. And tongiht we go indepth aanimationa grant its not just the tallest building in town. It is also the tallest building west of chicago. Were talking about the salesforce building. That is reaching for the stars on mission street. It will litterally be a work of art. San francisco artist jim campbell will install led lights to the top nine floors when the building is done. Featuring ballet like dancers in motion. This wil be the view at night. But the view by day is just as spectacular. Kron 4s Spencer Blake takes us on an eyeopening tour. looklive standup here at street level in San Francisco, youre probably used to seeing traffic just about everywhere. But it you go up 62 stories and more than a thousand feet, you start to change the way we see the city by the bay. The Salesforce Tower has slowly been emerging over San Franciscos skyline for the last three years. You know, we all know when you come in town, wherever you are in town, you sorta look over your shoulder and go, oh, there it is. nothing tops the aview from the top. nats you can just about see into tomorrow in all 360 degrees. Landmarks like sutro towerthe bay bridgeand the transamaerica building which used to be San Franciscos tallest almost look like legos from above. Only a handful of skyscrapers nationwide top one thousand feet. The Salesforce Tower eclipses that mark by 70 feet, marking a new high point in the skyline that people have known and loved for decades. Its not just a physical shift; its kind of an emotional shift. Everyone has a feeling about it because they have to think about their city a little differently. One of the people getting a new point of viewis photogrpaher janet delaney, who has been watching the changing city grow since the 70s. This particular engineering and architectural feathas her in awe. Ive been watching salesforce every day for years now, ever since it was a hole in the ground. She showed me the work shes done over the years, capturing aother landmark buildings in atheir beginning stages, too. These buildings over there that were south of Market Street, they were the back room to the financial district. Now, the financial district will never be the same again. Peter back bach , who is Vice President of construction for boston properties, hopes the Salesforce Tower will become a symbol for other cities in the bay area not just for San Francisco. Delaney admits the building is a sign of Economic Growth and a sort of manhattanization. im mesmerized by the line of the skyline and how its changing but on the ground i find it kind of troubling. Troubling because she says it gets a little chilly down there. The building affects the flow of wind in the city, and changes the shadows cast on neighboring structures. Back addresses those concerns. One of the things that helped a lot is the way the building is curved on the corners and its not your typical rectangle it sheds the wind much better than many other buildings in town. standup from 35th floor even only halfway up or halfway down the building, depending on how you look at it you still have a pretty great view here on the 35th floor. But down on the 2oth floor, you could say things are a little more hohum the view doesnt give you any indication how high the tower rises above your head. But whoever ends up working hereprobably wont want to trade whichever view they end up withfor anything. In San Francisco, Spencer Blake, kron four news. grant the salesforce building should be completed at the end of the year or the beginning of 2018. Now that weve taken you to the top of the city. Tomorrow night were heading down. Underground to show you whats going on that is supposed to make getting around San Francisco easier. Thats tomorrow night at 10. steve Police Say Three masked men robbed a family at gunpoint. In a quiet pittsburg neighborhood the Home Invasion happened around 10 30pm tuesday night on rosa blanca drive in the citys valencia neighborhood. One of the victims. Who asked kron4 not to reveal his identity. Says the Home Invasion began when his father saw someone suspicious in the backyard. My dad asked him, hey what are you doing in my backyard . Immediately he pulled out a gun, pointed it at my dad, told him to get inside the house police say the three suspects ran off with money and jewelry. This man says his mom suffered minor injuries but other than that his family is okay. Investigators are checking surveillance cameras in the area for any leads. grant Contra Costa County Fire Department is investigating what they think is a case of arson. After at least two cars went up in flames overnight. Layfayette resident Pat Mccormick came out to his drive way early this morningto find his suv engulfed in flames. But when he spoke with fire officials he found his was not the only vehicle that was the victim of fire. Just minutes earlier east bay fire crews had extinguished the flames on this car just a short distance away in walnut creek. Fire officials are investigating both incidents as possible arson fires. sot lafayette police, lafayette fire, they said it was set, so they found something that made them think it was set and they just came from another one too. Fortunately fire crews were able to prevent the fires from spreading to the victims homes steve shock waves still resonating through washington. Following yesterdays bombshell move by president trump. To fire fbi director james comey. Questions are swirling over the timing of the dismissal. Amid an investigation into russian meddling leading up to the 2016 election. Democrats are now calling for a special prosecutor to take over the investigation. Dianne gallageher. Is in washington with the latest. President donald trump he wasnt doing a good job, very simply, he wasnt doing a good job. Washington is still reeling from president Donald Trumps decision to fire the man investigating him. Fbi director james comey was looking into potential trump russian ties during the 2016 campaign. His dismissal on tuesday night led to sharp criticism from democrats and even some republicans puzzled by the rationale that the president was unsatisfied with how comey handled the clinton email investigation. Sen. John Mccain R Arizona i dont believe that is sufficient rationale for removing the director of the fbi. The white house is pushing backVice President mike pence im grateful for the action the president has taken. Vice president mike pence says the firing had nothing to do with the russian investigationVice President mike pence the simple fact is director comey had lost the confidence of the american people. Sarah Huckabee Sanders Deputy White House press secretary we encourage them to complete this investigation so we can put it behind us and we can continue to see that this is exactly what weve been saying for nearly a year, there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump Campaign and russia. But the acting fbi director says the investigation will continue, and the Senate Intelligence committee issued a subpoena wednesday to former National Security adviser Michael Flynn for documents. The chair and Ranking Member have invited comey to testify before the committee tuesday. Now theres no word yet on if he will accept. But the recently fired director did send a letter to friends and agents at the fbi, saying in parti have long believed that a president can fire an fbi director for any reason, or for no reason at all. Im not going to spend time on the decision or the way it was executed. I hope you wont either. It is done, and i will be fine, although i will miss you and the mission deeply. Comey goes on to talk about the fbi being a rock of competence for the people of the united states. In washington, im dianne gallagher, back to you. grant coming up. She thought she was going on a dream date. But ended beaten and bloody. The lesson she wants others to hear about dating online. Then. Youre going to be hanging out in here. So if you need anything, text me. Do you play . Use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. You got next . Chase. Helping you master whats now and whats next. Kron4 news. Coming up on kron4 news. Danon solar city coming out with solar tiles for your roof. This is pretty exciting. Black yes, and this is elon musk. This is kind of a little bit of tesla and solar city kind of getting together and coming up with the idea. Elon musk is going to give us a little bit more of pricing as the day goes on. But the proposition, its a base proposition. You get a roof that looks better than your normal roof. It lasts twice as long. It costs less and by the way it generates. Danon this is cool. These are all solar tiles. So its like every tile is like a glass solar panel. Its really cool. Black you and me would say, duh, this makes sense right . But americas been very slow to embrace solar and i think the next president or the next governor of california should say every new building has solar on top of it. At least thirty percent of it. Danon these are amazing. Those are solar panels. Black its not going to be profitable for quite a while, but the black glass smooth and the texture tiles are going to be available first. The french slate and the tuscan tiles are going to be a little bit later but this will also help elon musk say, well now that you have a solar roof, why not get a solar car and a solar battery charger for your house . Danon alright, heres a question about credit scores. Its pretty interesting and asking or answering the question, what is an excellent credit score . Black eight hundred or above and believe it or not very few people actually have perfect credit. 850 is perfect credit. One percent of america has perfect credit. 800 to 850 is excellent. How you get it. You have payment history that shows you pay youve been paying your credit cars. Your mortgage, your student loans. Any sort of credit out there. You dont use more than thirty percent of your credit. Utilization. You have credit history. Its important to go open up a bank account for your children before theyre eighteen, so they can start showing that they have a bank account. Consider a secured credit card. New accounts show up on it as well. The more type of accounts you have, the better. So if you have a mortgage account, student loan, credit cards, thats going to influence your thats going to get you a higher mix and a higher number. gary coming up all the days highlights in sports. brittney ill have the seven day forecast in weather. New at ten a california woman left bloodied and beaten after a date with a man she met on instagram is sharing her very scary story. She met the man over the summer in the los angeles area. Tonight as reporter Mary Beth Mcdade tells us the woman is hoping what happened to her will serve as a warning to other women. An instant dream date turns into an instant nightmare. India he beat me up. And instead of texting or tweeting her friends the next morning, this is her scared and desperate 911 call. Like many digital daters the model met james baker online after dynamic dm popped up in her inbox. He didnt really look like a creep from his pictures. He looked like he had it going on or something, and with so much access to personal pics and videos and likes, a one time social media stranger can quickly feel like a friend. Last july the 32 yearold made plans to meet onlnie. The duo drank a lot. Baker posted this video on instagram from their date. You can tell india is tipsy, while baker has much more sobering look on his face. She say sshe doesnt remember leaving the restaurant with baker or their ride back to the area around lax, which baker also posted videos of on instagram. She says she cant fathom going up to his hotel room that nght. It was horrible. I woke up. I lifted my head up. I was lying in a puddle of throw up. So i look around and i see blood everywhere and my clothes everywhere and my clothes everywhere. She says she had been beaten and couldnt believe her reflection. Oh my god. I cant believe that happened. What if they come back and kill me . Her cellphone and car keys were gone, so she used the hotel phone to call 911. 911 operator so they just beat you up . India theres blood all over the room. 911 operator where are you hurt, maam . India im hurt in my face. India was rushed to Ucla Medical Center where doctors determined she had suffered significant head injuries. Her veins bridging the skull to the brain had torn, and her brain had shifted on its axis. Investigators used her find my iphone app and in a few hours tracked baker down. He was found with her phone in her car at a Marriot Hotel a few miles form the westin. Police also found surveillance showing him leaving the westin in her car at 2 00 a. M. Baker was found guilty. For india she wants her cruel connection to be a lesson. I wouldnt want anybody to go and meet up with anybody that they dont know. Please dont ever do that, ali said. You have to value your life. steve baker was steve baker was found guilty of felony assault, auto theft and use of forged credit cards. His sentencing hearing is scheduled for june. As expected much cooler temperatures are across our region today as a moderate onshore flow has combined with a deeper marine layer. Some of the 24 hour changes are impressive with some inland locations 10 to 20 degrees cooler. Santa rosa has seen an even bigger change of minus 25 compared to wednesday. That is due to to widespread clouds over the north bay. The giants hadnt come from behind to win a game in the 9th inning in two years until todaygiants fans having some fun in new yorktop 9th 33 tie bases loadedchristian the giants hadnt come from behind to win a game in the 9th inning in two years until today giants fans having some fun in new yorktop 9th 33 tie bases loadedchristian arroyo into the leftcenterfield gap off familia Eduardo Nunez is in pence is in and buster posey scores arroyo clears the bases 63 giantsfinal 65 giantsgiants snap 5game losing streak its their first 9th inning comeback win in exactly two years may10, 2015 . 133 stright losses fans playing fooseball outside the Oakland Coliseum bottom 5th 10 angelschad pinder takes former a jesse chavez out to right centerfield off the top of the wall 2 run homer 21 as final 31 asandrew triggs 52 6 ip, 3 hits, 1 run as have won 4 of last 5 games as have won 4 of last 5 games recently the bay area sports hall of fame inducted its class of 2017 this one. From Elk Grove High School in sacramento. To usf. To five nba titles. Bill cartwrightthis bay area sports hall of fame moment is brought to you by toyota. Lets go places. I felt drawn to this place. It was close. From sacramento, mom and dad could watch me. And he took the hilltop to incredible heights. As he became the programs all time leading scorer while guiding the dons to the postseason four years in a row. And at one point, the top of the national rankings. After a decorated college career, the three time allamerican unsurprisingly went 3rd overall in the 1979 nba draft to the eight seasons later, cartwright went from playing against the legends. To playing alongside one gut on his way to the top. Cartwright was a part of all of world title runs the latest honor on his storied resumesports hall of fame. This bay area sports hall of fame moment has been brought to you by toyota. Lets go places. After two 40 sweeps the warriors back at work today after two 40 sweeps the warriors back at work today steph curry and kevin durant enjoying some tamdem shooting if the spurs close it out the rockets tomorrow game one for the warriors will be sunday if the rockets force a game 7 they will play tuesdaybut the headliner today was Draymond Green who wasnt pleased by media reports he was demeaming the Cleveland Cavaliers opponents when he said they werent getting much competition sot green everyones always chasing the headline, the controversey. Watching espn is now like watching a controversal Reality Television show. Its pretty pathetic. So there goes yall headline of the day. draymond says cleveland is playing great basketball. lets see if that one makes it. Nba playoffs wizardsceltics game 5 in boston. Robert Kraft Patriots owner and Julian Edelman patriots receiver and reedwood city native2nd quarteravery bradey a little shake and bake and hits the jumper he led the celts with 29 points celtics up 6751 at halftime4th quarter isiah thomas going to work and to the hoop for two he had 18 points ad 9 assists 4 of the 5 celtics starters scored 18 or morefinal 123101 celticsceltics lead series 32 game 6 friday in washington, d. C. steve coming up at the top of the hour. An east bay Innout Burger closed after health concerns. Tonight we look into the locations past history of run ins with the Health Department. Plus all the days big stories and your complete Weather Forecast in half the time on kron4 news at 11. grant but first in tonights tech report the new app that could help you avoid a parking ticket. More people than ever are making the move to nissan. Because of rogue, the best selling suv in america. Titan, with americas best truck warranty. And the most advanced safety features on altima and other best selling models. Thats why were americas fastestgrowing auto brand. Get 0 financing for up to 72 months on 11 models. [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when theyre smoked. [ rat squeaking ] theyre dangerous long after. Cigarette butts are toxic. They release chemicals that poison our water. And harm wildlife. And millions. Are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ] grant if you have ever gotten a parking ticket in San Francisco you know how painful an experience it can be the tickets here are some of the most expensive in the country. steve and they are given out very aggressively. Tonight we look at a new app that can help you avoid a costly ticket. Gabe slate tech reporter says Aboud Jardaneh spotangels says spot angles has the city mapped. San jose also it knows where you are parking and what the rules are. With this information besides helping you to avoid tickets they can help you park safely without having to worry. Aboud jardaneh spotangels says are. Gabe slate tech reporter says steve now at eleven. A health scare at one of the most popular fast food restaurants in the bay area. Im steve aveson. grant and im grant lodes. In for pam moore. An in n out burger in livermore. Suddenly closed its doors after nine people got sick. steve the incident happened on saturday. And as kron 4s jr stone explains, theres no word on when the restaurant will reopen. Mass confusion outside the livermore Innout Burger. A location that temporarily closed tuesday night and all of wednesday after a health scare. Despite the cones outside would be patrons could be seen driving through the parking lot, stopping outside the restaurant, and making u turns nearbydebbie bruce was unaware of the closure. Were shocked because every time we come here there is traffic and people and cars all the way into the intersection of a parking lot. The department of Environmental Health says that nine members of a College Softball team complained of flu like symptoms after eating at this restaurant last

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