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Going forward. Lydia tomorrow raider fans will come together for a keep the raiders in oakland rally. But tonight we talked to raider fans here at rickys bar and grill. As you can imagine, the vote whether to allow the raiders to move to vegas is a hot topic that stirs up a lot of emotions. The Las Vegas Raiders . makes vomiting sound . Its not something people around rickys bar and grill. Where the walls are lined with raider memorabilia. Like to hear. Or say. In fact the idea of the raiders moving to vegas makes fans here a little uneasy. Ughhhhh, yeah, cause, i kind of, ughhhhh, i want to think positive but word around the campfire, its not looking good. Thats just crazy all of a sudden they start winning and now they want to move. But just days before nfl owners are expected to vote on the raiders proposed move to vegas. The city of oakland has sent this letter to the nfl. It lays out more details of the plan to build the raiders a new stadium at the coliseum site. We are doing everything we can to send the message, we are serious, this deal is done here. This is a look at the stadium and mixed use development project. With and without the oakland as staying. Im upset, oakland wants us here, Everyone Wants us here, just let us be here. While some raider fans arent sure how theyll feel if a move happens. The owner of rickys bar and grill says even if the team moves to las vegas. His bar will always be home to raider fans. Its not gonna change its still going to be raider central. You dont give up on them. Support them totally. Lydia there will be a keep the raiders in oakland rally tomorrow at side club at the oakland coliseum. Reporting live in san leandro, Lydia Pantazes kron4 news. grant kron4 has you covered. The owners meeting starts sunday in phoenix. Kron4s mark carpenter will be there reporting live for us on any developments. While there are multiple reports a vote could happen. We are also tracking the possibility that it could get pushed back to the next owners meeting in may. pam only on kron4. A confirmed case of meningitis in Contra Costa County. Has parents and students at a few Contra Costa County high schools worried. Kron fours Spencer Blake brings us more on what the Health Department has already been doing. To prevent the spread of the bacteria. Miramonte high in orinda was one of the participating schools at last weeks swim meet at dougherty valley high in san ramon. It was after the event that Contra Costa County Health Services confirmed one of the swimmers at that meet had the infectious disease. Ive never heard of meningitis before, and then my friend told me like, you can die from meningitis. So i kind of freaked out and googled it. It can really screw you up, and its transmitted through like, contact. Thats when Health Officials started notifying parents. Students started hearing through the grapevine. Yeah, i did hear about it during class. This student is friends with a girl who is on the swim team. She told me, oh i went to the doctor so i can get pills for meningitis. Thats just what Health Officials told parents to do take their kids in to get antibiotics. This other person i knew said her doctor told her not to go in the pool anymore because of this. But to be clear, the potentially deadly bacteria isnt spread through water. However, it can spread through close contact with others, which is why water players and their parents were also notified. Parents of cal high students in san ramon say their principal also sent out an email. I think if they take the necessary precautions it should be okay. Though its still a disease the Health Department takes very seriously. In orinda, Spencer Blake, kron four news. pam the symptoms of bacterial meningitis can appear quickly. Or over several days. According to the cdc. Typically they develop within 3to 7 days after exposure. Symptoms include. Nausea, vomiting, increased sensitivity to light. And confusion. Anyone who thinks they may have meningitis. Should see a doctor as soon as possible. grant after several days of negotiating, republicans could not bring the party together. To get the votes needed to pass their obamacare replacement bill. As it became apparent the bill did not have enough support to pass. House Speaker Paul Ryan pulled it entirely. They never even voted. Kristen holmes is in washington. President trump we were very close and it was a very, very tight margin. We had no democrat support. We had no votes from the democrats. They werent going to give us a single vote so its a very difficult thing to do. And just like that the House Republican Health Care Replacement plan. Is dead. Rep paul ryan r House Speaker i will not sugar coat this this is a disappointing day for us. Speaker paul ryan pulling the bill when it became clear there was not enough republican supportrep paul ryan r House Speaker i spoke to the president just a little while ago, and i told him that the best thing i think to do is to pull this bill and he agreed with that decision. House republicans unsure of what comes next for healthcarerep. Steve womack r arkansas very disappointed. An unforced error. Reporter what did they say were the next steps . Rep we dont knowwhile democrats seized the moment sen. Chuck schumer dminority leader President Trump proven incompetent, no art of the deal. Even his technique, ill threaten them and theyll come back. Gop leadership along side the white house had worked around the clock trying to appease members of the conservative House Freedom caucus as well as more moderate House Republicans pres. Trump i was a team player ultimately failing to fulfill this first version of a Key Campaign Promise that republicans had been championing for several years. Donald trump r president ial candidate we have to repeal obamacare, and and it can be replaced with something much better for everybody. Kristen holmes kron 4 news. grant we are tracking reaction from local lawmakers. Congressman Eric Swalwell who represents part of the east bay tweeted. Addressing his supporters your energy and passion made all the difference together we were able to killthebill and defeat trumpcare. Stay loud. grant congresswoman Jackie Speier who represents parts of San Francisco and the penninsula tweeted thanks to all those who called congress to defeat trumpcare and send a clear message to the housegop this victory belongs to the people hashtag resist grant and new californiia senatator Kamala Harris tweeted while this fight is far from over, today affirms that your voice matters. pam a live look outside at san francsico. The worst of the latest storm has passed. But there is some rain ahead for the weekend. grant kron4 chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp is tracking what you need to know. Im Brittney Shipp. Dry weather will return for saturday through most of sunday as a weak ridge of High Pressure builds back to the coast. Highs will mostly be in the upper 50s to mid 60s on saturday with a few degrees of cooling on sunday as the ridge flattens out. At the same time a minor system will drop down from the north and quickly move through our region. Scattered showers can be expected with the majority of the rain over the north bay. In fact, many locations south of the bay area will likely see a tenth or less. Light showers will mostly come to an end by monday morning. grant make sure you have the kron4 mobile app to track the storm this weekend. We will keep you updated on Severe Weather and traffic in your area. With breaking news push alerts. pam a Homicide Investigation is underway in fairfield. After a man was found shot dead in a car. Tonight kron 4s Hermala Aregawi spoke to the victims family. Natsot mom cryingmurder in broad daylight. The mother of 24 year old Vinshay Bracy heartbroken. The famly mourning tonight. After the fairfield man was found shot to death in his car. Sgt jeff osgoodthis afternoon around 1 42pm, our Fairfield Police dispatch center received a call from a passerby that was in the area of great jones and illinois street reporting that they believed they had seen a shooting victim inside a car at that location. Police arrived on the scene. And determined that the victim had passed away. Investigators spent a few hours combing through the areaand interviewing witnesses. Working quickly in the rain so that evidence wouldnt be compromised. For Family Members. This is too familiar. The victims aunt lost her own son to gun violence a few years ago. Sot victims auntit bring back memories for my son because i lost my son to this gun violence. It just seems like its just happening all over again. I just wish that the violence would stop. I wish the gun violence would stop, that they would take all guns away. He was a wonderful young man. Ive been knowing him for years. And uh him and my son were best friends in their childhood. And uh its just unbelievable. Unbelievable. This having happened in broad daylight. Police are hoping for more witnesses to come forward so they can figure out who is responsible for this crime. Reporting in fairfield, Hermela Aregawi kron 4 news. pam police in Contra Costa County have arrested a man accused of child molestation, rape, and aggravated Sexual Assault this is the suspect. Gary burbank from discovery bay. Sheriffs deputies say, they uncovered evidence that the suspect had sexual contact with at least three teens between the ages of 14 and 16. And investigators believe there may be other victims. The suspect is being held on 14 Million Dollars bail. grant coming up new at ten new details about harisson fords close call during a landing. We have a recording of what the legendary actor told the tower. After nearly hitting a commerical jetliner. Narrator on september ninth 2010 pge learned a tragic lesson we can never forget. pam then pg ande rolling out Court Ordered apology ads. But is it enough to change the feelings of the people affected by the deadly san bruno blast . grant and next we are learning more about a gruesome crime in sacramento. With a connection to the bay area. Tonight the televeision interview. One of the victims gave just hours before she was killed. pam tonight, we are learning more about four people found dead in a sacramento home. That gruesome scene leading police to the bay area. grant the suspect was taken into custody in San Francisco. The victims were discovered after a Family Member here in the bay area called police to do a welfare check. One of the People Killed was actually intetrviewed on the news just hours before being found dead. More on that ahead. First heres ali wolf with the latest on the crime. pam again one of the victims was interviewed on local tv on another matter. Just eleven hours before being found dead. Take a look reporter do you think thats a fair decision . Victim i would have said thats a fair decision. pam the reporter was asking the woman her opinion about a story involving marijuana being banned from a local apartment complex. grant nearly 10thousand inmates in california will be released over the next four years. In an attempt to reduce the states prison population. The new regulations will reduce sentences up to six months for inmates earning a College Degree or getting drug counseling. The change comes after voters approved proposition 57 in november. The initiative lets felons seek parole more quickly and gives corrections officials broad discretion to grant early releases. California prisons have been the subject of several federal lawsuits over prison overcrowding and inadequate healthcare for inmates. pam a woman who owns a vintage Clothing Store in San Francisco. Is accused of selling furs and other items. Made from endangered species. Tonight she is speaking out. As she faces a possible five year prison sentence. And tens of thousands of dollars in fines. Cicely hansen took cameras inside the back room of her store. Called decades of fashion. Thats where she keeps her more expensive and fragile pieces. It is the same room where undercover investigators from californias fish and wildlife say. They found an endangered leopard skin coat and an ocelot coat last month. And then two weeks later, the haight street store was raided. More than 150 items. Allegedly made from endangered species were seized tonight the owner says. What she has in her store has been dead for decades. Cicely hansen ive not sold one endangered species for in this store. Just a list of things that were my own personal things that ive had for 40 or 50 years and the only things that i actually inherited. These things that were taken down these poor animals and made into these first back in the 40s, they were considered endanger i know that sounds a little and delicate but they were not. I think i have a consciousness to even think about that. And once again im gonna tell you i had no reason to jeopardize my business pam a spokesperson for the San Francisco District Attorneys Office says, the age of the endangered items does not matter, if the intent is to sell the items. Hansen is set to be arraigned next wednesday. grant and a live look outside headed into the weekend. The worst of the rain is over for now but dont put away the umbrellas just yet. pam chief meteorologist Brittney Shipp is tracking the weekend weather. Im Brittney Shipp. Dry weather will return for saturday through most of sunday as a weak ridge of High Pressure builds back to the coast. Highs will mostly be in the upper 50s to mid 60s on saturday with a few degrees of cooling on sunday as the ridge flattens out. At the same time a minor system will drop down from the north and quickly move through our region. Scattered showers can be expected with the majority of the rain over the north bay. In fact, many locations south of the bay area will likely see a tenth or less. Light showers will mostly come to an end by monday morning. grant still ahead in a brand new edition of people behaving badly. Drivers. Think hard before you turn the illegal traffic move that could cost you as much as 400 bucks. pam and next new at ten new details about Harrison Fords botched plane landing. We have the recording of what the actor told the tower. Just after the major mistake. grant Harrison Ford had a close call last month when he accidentally landed his small plane in the wrong place at a Southern California airport last month. The 74year old actor was supposed to land on a runway at John Wayne Airport in orange county, but he mistakenly landed on a taxiway. And he even caused a serious safety concern when he descended above a boeing 737 with 116 people onboard. Audio recordings from the febrary 13th incident were released earlier today explaining why he did what he did. Take a listen. Harrison ford im the schmuck who landed on the taxiway, i was distracted by the airliners. grant the faa says the mistake is a violation of regulations and it continues to investigate the incident. Pam A Redding woman was almost scammed out of four thousand dollars. But a best buy employee came to her rescue. pam marysa english. A cashier at best buy knew something was off, when an elderly woman came in to buy four one thousand dollar gift cards. The customer said she was called by her grand daughter and needed the cards to bail her out of jail. English was able to talk the woman out of buying the gift cards. Telling her about scammers targeting loved ones. pam english says, to prevent scams like this, it is important for everyone to be aware, and keep an eye out for the signs. grant coming up the fbi now on the case. The new lead tonight about a man who walked into a Cheesecake Factory and tossed a homemade firecracker into a crowd of diners. pam then new at ten we showed this high tech eatery. No waiters no cashiers just machines. Now some claim the chain is violating a civil rights law. grant and next six years after the deadly san bruno blast. We have reaction to pgandes very public aplogy. [one is the loneliest number that youll ever do] nobody likes a dog with bad breath. Thats why theres oravet dental hygiene chews. Oravets dual action approach cleans teeth and gets to the underlying cause of bad breath by blocking bacteria to help prevent plaque and tartar. For a cleaner mouth everyone can love. Ask your vet about oravet chews. Serious oral care made simple vo have to happen . Idnt i didnt see it. vo what if we could go back . What if our car. Could stop itself . In iihs frontend crash prevention testing, nobody beats the subaru impreza. Not toyota. Not honda. Not ford. The allnew subaru impreza. More than a car, its a subaru. pam tonight. Pgande has kicked off a court madated ad campaign. Publicly apologizing for its role in the deadly san bruno gas pipeline explosion in 2010. grant a federal judge ordered the utility provider to run the ads earlier this year. Kron 4s Charles Clifford was in san bruno today where city leaders have mixed feelings. Its been more than 6 and a half years since the deadly pipeline explosion here in san bruno. And pge is making a very public appology but it is an apology forced upon them by the courts. City leaders here have mixed emotions. Natson september 9th 2010, pg e learned a tragic lesson we can never forget. On thursday, this Public Service announcement from pg e started running on television stations around the bay area. It will also appear here on kron 4 next week. Natslast summer, pg e was found guilty on 5 federal counts of failing to property maintain and inspect its Gas Pipelines before the san bruno explosion. Earlier this year, a federal judge fined the power provider 3 Million Dollars and required them to run an ad campaign publicly acknowledging the convictions. This commercial was created to satisfy that requirement. Natswe are deeply sorry. We failed our customers in san bruno. Soti think pg e could have gone further but it satisfies the requirements of the court. San bruno city manager Connie Jackson has seen the ad. She says it sets the right tone, but she wishes pg e had done Something Like this sooner. Sot we are still here six and half years later with this ad campaign putting pge in a public position of taking responsibility. It should have happened sooner. But even though pg e has been convicted in federal court, fined more than a billion and a half dollars by the state, put under an ethics Monitoring Program and forced to run ads like this one. Jackson says that what happened in san bruno will not be easily forgotten any time soon. Sotto suggest that this will ever be done, forgotten or fully righted is probably more than we can hope for in the near term. Pge also ran a print campaign with ads in the San Francisco chronicle and wall street journal. In san bruno, Charles Clifford kron 4 news. grant happening tomorrow. A big day for bart and some bay area commuters. After delays, and other challenges, the brand new warm springs station in fremont. Is ready to go. Today, there was ceremony open to the public to check out the station and its features. This 5pointfour mile stretch is the first extension to the fremont line. Bringing riders closer to the south bay. Despite set backs along the way. Today was all smiles. Especially considering the project was under budget by 100Million Dollars. grant the new station officially opens for operation tomorrow morning at 6 00. pam a tech savvy restaurant startup. Is being sued in new york. For violating civil rights law. We did a story not too long ago about the high tech restaurant, when locations opened in San Francisco. Disability rights advocates now say, the restaurant called eatsa. Is not accessible to the blind. Eatsa employs no waiters or cashiers. Instead, patrons order their eatsa meals through a phone app or at an ordering kiosk. The entire process is silent. Disability rights advocates say there should be more tactile or audible cues during the ordering process so that the visually impaired can eat there. Eatsa issued a response to the lawsuit denying the claims and offering a demonstration of the technology to prove the blind are not excluded. grant the fbi is now offering a reward for any information on the man who tossed a homemade firecracker into a crowded Southern California restaurant. And tonight Pasadena Police have released this new Surveillance Video showing the man police are looking for. He is in the white shirt. This Surveillance Video is from a nearby supermarket. It happened back on february second. Pasadena police say a guy threw the firecracker into the Cheesecake Factory around five ohclock. People scrambled to get out of the restaurant. Luckily, no one was hurt. The fbi is offering a reward of up to 20 thousand dollars for any tips and information that identifies the individual or groups involved in this act. Officers do not believe the incident was a terrorist act. pam two days after the deadly terror attack in london. Police are making arrests. But it is unclear at this point ahowa. Or aifa those suspects are directly involved. The lone attacker who killed four people outside the British Parliament was killed. But now police want to know if anyone helped him. Reporter scott mclean has the story. To see your city violated in such a way is truly shocking. A day after their city was attacked, londoners gathered to mourn, and pledge not to live in fear. Terrorism is about trying to scare us through an act to put great fear in us. I think we need to respond with a greater act of solidarity. On wednesday, British Police say 52yearold Khaled Masood used his car to plow through crowds of people on the Westminster Bridge before ramming into the gates of parliament, and stabbing a Police Officer to death. Masood was killed by police now, investigators want to know if he had help. Mark rowley uk acting Deputy Commissioner and head of Counter Terrorism we remain keen to hear from anyone who knew Khalid Masood well. Masood is a possible convert to islam, and was born Adrian Russel ajao. Police have seized personal items and a massive trove of Computer Data from properties in london and birmingham where he most recently lived in a flat above this store. You dont know who is good or bad. Today youre good, tomorrow i dont know who you are. Meanwhile, on the streets of london the number of armed Police Officers has doubled. A re assuring sign, as the city tries to carry on. Scott mclean kron 4 news. pam new tonight at ten. Three bodies were found in the popular resort city of Cabo San Lucas. Police in mexico say the bodies were dumped at the entrance of an upscale neighborhood and found late thursday night. Near cabos famous golden arch. All near the popular twin resorts of Cabo San Lucas and san jose del cabo. The victims have not yet been identified but officers say the bodies are of two men and one woman. The gruesome discovery comes just four days after three other bodies were found dumped in another part of the city. grant still ahead you might have seen this story on social media. A spike in cases of missing girls in washgington dc. Tonight police say its not what it seems. And they want to set the record straight. pam and next a Police Officer puts his interrogation skills to the test. When he called by a phone scammer we have the video you dont want to miss. We are springing ahead this weekend and with the new month and season are new deals in stores. Heres a look at where the experts say you can save. March is frozen foods month pay closer attention to that isle next time youre grocery shopping. You may find a savings worth stocking up on. and its frozen, so it doesnt go bad chocolate is on sale now that valentines day is over, or if youre watching your waistline, spring is the time of year to start seeing those deals again on exercise equipment and gym memberships. They know sales will be down as people start taking their routines outside in the warmer weather. Now is also when the skiing, snowboarding and cold weather equipment goes on sale. Time to get what you know youll want next year. And, while youre planning aheadconsider joining the mailing list of different Gardening Centers now so you dont miss out on spring planting sales couple things to wait on a Car Dealerships are less motivated to drop prices when they know youre getting those tax refunds in the mail. Spring apparel is top dollar right now and you may not want to buy a new smart phone this month the Samsung Galazy s8 will reach store shelves april 18th and the iphone 8 is due out in september. Look for discounts as we approach those dates. Hutch outro the first day of spring falls on march 20th and im already seeing freebies and deals at places like dairy queen to kick off the new season. Stay tuned as more spring moneysavers are announced. Gary radnich coming up later in this broadcast, we got the warrior highlights theyre back on the boards against sacramento. Well also of course follow tara vandaveer and Stanford Cardinal there in the ncaa tournament only Bay Area Team still dancing later in this broadcast. [one is the loneliest number that youll ever do] nobody likes a dog with bad breath. Thats why theres oravet dental hygiene chews. Oravets dual action approach cleans teeth and gets to the underlying cause of bad breath by blocking bacteria to help prevent plaque and tartar. For a cleaner mouth everyone can love. Ask your vet about oravet chews. Serious oral care made simple pam today authorities in washington dc are speaking out about recent rumors going viral on social media. That there has been an increase in missing persons cases in the nations capital. grant the Police Commander says. The false perception of the spike in crime is just because of a change in the reporting procedure. Sam ford reports on why authorities are saying. There is no need to be alarmed. In recent months, theres been growing alarm that more people in dc are missing, particularly girls Patricia Brown residentall of a sudden we start having a lot of young females missing and i work with teenagers. Today city officials called a News Conference to say no. commander Chanel Dickerson youth and Family Services division, metropolitan police dept. The number of reported missing person is not going up. Commander Chanel Dickerson who heads the Police Youth Division joined the mayor and the chief today in emphasizing no increase in numbers nor sex trafficking. Chief Peter Newsham metropolitan police dept. In 2016 we had almost one thousand fewer reports of missing persons than we had in 2012. And they said of those reported missing this year 2017, 95 have been located. As abc7 news reported last month, the new commander says she does a release for the news media on all critical missing persons defined as 15 or younger, 65 over older, and others who meet certain criteria that used to be up to individual detectives commander Chanel Dickerson youth and Family Services division, metropolitan police dept. Since i came over in december that discretion is no longer there. Its every case. To ensure that every case receives the same level of attention. She also puts it out on facebook and twitter. Chief Peter Newsham metropolitan police dept. I thinks this awareness that the commander has raised in our community about the number of kids who do go missing. I think its very important to get that information out. Helen taylor a local activist on missing and exploited childrens issues was happen to hear that, but helen taylor activistif people are running away from home, especially kids, what are they running away from and what are they running to . pam many people believe that this is a major concern. Pointing out. That it is primarily children and minorities who are going missing. Some think social media should be used, as a platform to spread information about missing persons cases. To help return them home faster. grant that was just the beginning of an irs scam gone wrong. grant when a wisconson Police Officer got a call saying he committed fraud and was going to be arrested if he didnt call back. He decided to give the number a call. pam the Department Posted the video of the phone call online to show others what the scammers try to do. When the officer called back he asked the scammer several questions that the suspect was clearly not able to answer. pam the pam the department says, the officer used his interrogation skills to scam the scammer. grant this video has gone viral. Being viewed more than 5 million times im Brittney Shipp. Dry weather will return for saturday through most of sunday as a weak ridge of High Pressure builds back to the coast. Highs will mostly be in the upper 50s to mid 60s on saturday with a few degrees of cooling on sunday as the ridge flattens out. At the same time a minor system will drop down from the north and quickly move through our region. Scattered showers can be expected with the majority of the rain over the north bay. In fact, many locations south of the bay area will likely see a tenth or less. Light showers will mostly come to an end by monday morning. The warriors back at oracle arena hosting the kings. Kevin durant sitting courtside. Hes been making strides in his recovery. He took a few shots during team warmups. The warriors will evaluate durant this upcoming week. Off Andre Iguodalas threepointer miss. Steph curry cleans it up and knocks it down from three. Golden state took the lead in the game. curry 27 points, 12 assists, 7 rebounds in the second. Matt barnes steals the ball from his former team and Draymond Green in transition throws it down to give the warriors a tenpoint lead. Draymond puts the game early in the third with triple. green seasonhigh 23 points, 8 assists, 4 rebounds, 3 steals final 114 100 golden state athey remain 2. 5 games ahead of the spurs in the west wipe to devin booker the warriors are currenly playing the kings at oracle arena. But suns devin booker made history tonight. Against the celtics. The phoenix guard dropped 70 points. Hes the first player to score the most points in an nba game since kobe bryants 81point game over toronto in 2006. Boston did go on to win the game 130 to 120. Stanford and texas facing off in the womens ncaa basketball tournament sweet 16. Tara vandaveer and the cardinals trying to move on the elite 8 to face notre dame. Karlie samuelson hits a triple putting stanford up by three in the third quarter. The cardinals pulled away in fourth. Briana robertson hits one from downtown. Final 7766 stanford theyll face the irish on monday Aaron Rodgers at the wisconsinflorida game. This was argubly the best game so far in the mens ncaa basketball tournament. The badgers needing a three to send it to overtime. Zak showwalter splases it in. Rodgers was loving it from the stands. But that smile turned into a frown. Four seconds left in the game. Gataros down by a two. Chris chiozza hits the gamewinning threepointer. Final 8483 florida athis was the first game in this tournament that went into overtime and had a buzzer beater. The sharks were in dallas to face the stars. We go straight to the action. It wasnt a good night for the sharkies. Adam cracknell was a nightmare for san jose. After joe thornton and joe pavelski couldnt turn the red light on. Cracknell goes the other way to get his first hat trick in the nhl. Final 61 dallas 1st in pacific asan jose has lost five straight usas Mens National team needing to make ground in the world cup qualifier. Heading into tonights game they were sitting at the bottom of the standings. Tonights game against honduras was at avaya stadium, the home the earthquakes. Sebastian lleget open the game with a tap in goal. The bay area native scored his First International goal. Clint dempsey makes it 3nothing before halftime. He finshed the game with a hat trick. Final 60 usa thanks gary. Heres whats next. vo what if this didnt have to happen . I didnt see it. vo what if we could go back . What if our car. Could stop itself . In iihs frontend crash prevention testing, nobody beats the subaru impreza. Not toyota. Not honda. Not ford. The allnew subaru impreza. More than a car, its a subaru. grant if you drive or ride around at all. You know there are plenty of people who are bad drivers. pam so the question is do they know the law, or do they not care. I kinda caught the end of this but Pay Attention to what is happening, the driver of this mercedes wagon just made uturn on castro street in Mountain View nats ambiance the driver wants a parking space so which will require a little bit of manuerving, all the while the driver is blocking traffic including the number 35 busit would seem to me that drivers are totally unaware of the traffic laws in a Business District or they just chose to ignore them you deceide nat ambiance here is another example. This driver in the volvo. Now while his u turn was much smoother. Non the less it is not permitted that driver had to make a quick deliverly now if only he can figure out exactly where that food is suppose be delivered to. Nats ambiance then there was this guy he filpped the uturn right in front of me and parked so i asked him if he has any ideal how much the fine is for doing what he just didis that. You cant do that . Nope, actually you can do what every you want just know that if its wrong there can be consequences but lets see if he can guess the fine. Maybe a 100 dollars how much 100 dollars no keep going 150 keep going 200 keep going 300 oh there you go actually the fine can be close to 400 dollars if you do it in a double fine zone not including the point on your driving record, the increase in insurance rates oh and traffic school, now ask youself is that parking space worth it censored i made a mistakei dont consider someone making an illegal uturn in a businees district a mistake bumping into a curb a mistake you can make u turns at intersections, just as long as they are no signs that say you cant save yourself the headache and possibly the very expensive ticket in mountain roberts kron 4 news pam our top story tonight. A confirmed case of meningitis in the east bay. Now parents and students at a few Contra Costa County high schools are worried tonight. Good evening and thanks for joining us. Im pam moore. grant and im grant lodes, in for steve aveson. Kron fours Spencer Blake has details on what the Health Department has already been doing to prevent the spread of the bacteria. In a story youll only see here on kron4. Spencer Blake miramonte high in orinda was one of the participating schools at last weeks swim meet at dougherty valley high in san ramon. It was after the event that Contra Costa County Health Services confirmed one of the swimmers at that meet had the infectious disease. Ive never heard of meningitis before, and then my friend told me like, you can die from meningitis. So i kind of freaked out and googled it. It can really screw you up, and its transmitted through like, contact. Thats when Health Officials started notifying parents. Students started hearing through the grapevine. Yeah, i did hear about it during class. This student is friends with a girl who is on the swim team. She told me, oh i went to the doctor so i can get pills for meningitis. Thats just what Health Officials told parents to do take their kids in to get antibiotics. This other person i knew said her doctor told her not to go in the pool anymore because of this. But to be clear, the potentially deadly bacteria isnt spread through water. However, it can spread through close contact with others, which is why water players and their parents were also notified. Parents of cal high students in san ramon say their principal also sent out an email. I think if they take the necessary precautions it should be okay. Though its still a disease the Health Department takes very seriously. In orinda, Spencer Blake, kron four news. pam the symptoms of bacterial meningitis can appear quickly. Or over several days. According to the cdc. Typically they develop within threeto seven days after exposure. Symptoms include

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