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They believe the mother and the baby are in a silver 2005 Toubro Forrester with a california license plate. If you see the car, the baby or the mother you are asked to call the Sonoma County sheriffs office. Tragically 13 people were killed including the driver. It is not as easy thing. A deadly bus crash and investigators are trying to figure out what went wrong. 13 people were killed and more than two dozen others were injured. It happened near palm springs a tour bus crashed into a semitruck on the freeway. Sit in was shut down for several hours this morning and authorities worked to get people out of the bus and recover bodies of those who did not make it. Spoke in almost 35 years ive never been to a crash were there have been 13 confirmed fatalities. But that is exactly what authorities came across saturday sunday morning on interstate 10. 13 people died during or after this accident. That includes the driver. Another 31 were hurt. This video you can see the front side of the tour bus that crashed into the back of a semitruck. But it is tough. It is tough for everyone that handles it. You never get used to this. But those with chp said the tour bus was returning to los angeles after a visit to a casino. Most of the passengers were asleep at the time of impact. It is unknown if drugs, alcohol or fatigue played a factor in the crash. Authorities say the bus was traveling at a high rate of speed when it hit. The trailer portion of the semi with 15 feet into the bus. But again, are simply to the families we will do everything we can to find out specifically what the cause of the accident was. The names of the victims have not been released. This evening friends of those who died are holding vigils and at least one section of los angeles. Another big story we are following tonight is out of the north bay as well some people are on edge after a freak and tragic death. The branch of a tree broke off and rest a 77yearold man who was in his own backyard. Kron4 reporter is there with reaction from the neighbors. Reporter it is well known in this neighborhood that sometimes the big eucalyptus trees fall and in a rear accident on friday a tree behind this private date fell on david while he was gardening. He died on the scene. We were able to pull him him 30 the tree and started resuscitative efforts, but we were unsuccessful. Reporter some people that live here said they are concerned tragedy could strike twice. It is a whole new awareness and there is a path near here in the woods and it is a group of eucalyptus lining both sides of the past. I walk on that all the time and sometimes there are creaking noises and i wonder if it will fall. Reporter at times they do so residents have a tree chopped down if it is positioning poses a danger. We have a huge eucalyptus tree on our property and talk to someone about cutting it down and it didnt make economic sense it was going to cost over 10,000. Reporter he says he spent tens of thousands of dollars on removing some of the trees around his home. He says some of them were leaning towards the house. Suzy becker has lived here for decades and says she doesnt worry about this happening again. But it doesnt make me anymore on edge because it is the one and only time it has happened in the decades we have lived here in the only other thing ive heard is that trees or cars have been the unfortunate victims of a shallow root system. Reporter the corners report found the tree had been leaning for a few months. Good evening everybody, things are changing as we start the workweek. Temperatures will back off a little bit. We want to jump into that quickly as we go into the overnight and into tomorrow. We will revisit the 70s, that will be because of a lot of cloud cover coming our way and rain showers. That will take us into tuesday where it will be a little bit cooler, not them chilling cold. Tomorrow rain marches over and talking midweek tuesday or wednesday. Late next week it is late thursday and into friday rain returns possibly into the following weekend. The forecast calls for 64 afternoon wendy and 68 oakland. Afternoon rain and winds. Lets put this whole program together for you and check out your for zone forecast in a bit. In the east bay seven people shot overnight and the shootings all happened within minutes of one another. Oakland police are looking at the connections between the shootings. Alecia reid has details on what happened in oakland. But i heard gunshots. Reporter saturday night officers scoured the scene for evidence. You dont know whos next. You could be an innocent person walking by. Reporter the shooting started just before midnight. It sounded like a block party and i think there were two different parties and a two different kinds of music. I saw strobe lights. Reporter once the chaos started neighbors flag down a patrol car. After stopping officers heard more gunshots near the 7700 block of bancroft avenue. Seven men were shot all between 27 and 45 years old. I cant wait to move. Reporter some of the victims were taken to the hospital before Police Arrived and arrested investigators whatever information they had. Opd says the one victim was treated and released in the others are still being treated at nearby hospital. But that is crazy. Reporter Police Seized surveillance village footage and the owner of the store tells me this is not the first time violence erupted in this area. He says he has been held up and shot twice in the last couple of years. This is why he is forced to close the store earlier than he used to. Although no one was working at the time of the shooting police of cameras captured some evidence. It is not clear if this saturday night parties are connected to the shootings in any way. The investigation continues. Reporting in oakland, alecia reid, kron4 news. We first told you about this story through a partial or this morning. You can stay connected on breaking news i downloading the kron4 mobile app and getting alerts street your phone. It is free to download. Tracking at 10 tonight investigators are trying to solve a murder at a burlington hotel. One person died after a shooting outside of the higher Regency Hotel on old a sure highway. This happened just before 6 00 this morning. Police have not released the identity of the victim and have not given a description of the suspect. A woman is dead in a man entered and San Jose Police are looking for a killer. The shooting happened independently his san jose neighborhood this morning and police have no suspects, no motive as they continue their investigation. The identity of the female who died has not been released pending notification of the family. Demands gunshot wounds are not considered lifethreatening. Police have arrested three people in connection with the Human Trafficking of minors in Sonoma County. The arrest happened at 2 00 this morning at a budget and hotel on redwood drive in boulder park. Officers received false claims and conflicting stories from the people who were at the hotel and they did find enough evidence to the arrest the trio of charges of Human Trafficking and conspiracy. Also it is a lot easier to ride a bike across the bay bridge now on the weekends. Westbound on and off by cramps are open at treasure island. They replace the tight turns of the old ramps with safer, wider and more efficient ways to get on and off the bridge. One catch, the new bike path will only be open on weekends and for holidays. That is just for now, there are changes in the works. The 98 million project includes the completion of bicycle and walking paths. The Oldest National park ranger in the country worked in the east bay is making headlines again. You may remember the 94yearold , we brought you her story in june when she was attacked during a home invasion. She has since recovered and was honored by the peace and Justice Center yesterday. She received the justice advocate of the year award. The veteran park ranger says the award hits home. But it means for me a return to a community that i grew up in, pretty much and people who i spent maybe the most significant years of my life. The 94yearold says she is not slowing down yet. She plans to continue her service as a park ranger for years to come and hopefully several years to come. Coming up tonight on kron4 news at 10 find out why this Father School picture is inspiring other people. Another hate crime investigation, details on where this happened and to police arrested. Hurricane matthew may be long gone, but people are still dealing with the damages and it is very emotional for case that are coping with the loss as they head back to school. Will take a live look outside at a few different cameras to show you what is happening on this beautiful evening. This is showing us the bay bridge and a much wider shot of the bay bridge and those like. Things will look a little bit different starting monday night. Some rain is moving in and we will detail the forecast when we come right back. Hush my darling. Dont fear my darling. The lion sleeps tonight. [snoring. ] hush my darling. [snoring. ] dont fear my darling. The lion sleeps tonight. [snoring. ] take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. Two men come down in the north they last saturday. Candlelight vigils happening right now for both men. A third victim fights for her life in a hospital. A reporter is light at the town square with the victims friends. They say they were good people and didnt deserve an end like this. Reporter that has been the message out here. You can see the candles and flowers. They have all been donated by the community and that says a lot about these two men who lost their lives in what is being called a senseless crime. This was jesse. This was made. They were people, they were grandsons, signs, nephews and the worst part about all of this is to mothers have to bury their children this week. Reporter they were both shot and killed last saturday and sevastopol over a marijuana sale that turned violent. A third woman shot in the head is fighting for her life. Is tightknit community gathered at the town square in memory of man that they say were article and live to help others. Jesse was a carpenter and he was always trying to fix everything, built thanks and was always building things and making things happen in the real gogetter. He just wanted to help everybody. Reporter friends say nate was a former Kindergarten Teacher who went out of his way to help anyone in need. He was killed by someone who didnt know him because he was the most generous man i know. Theres a man here who was burned out in a fire and nathan has been paying half his rent since then every month. Reporter they are looking for two suspects a black man 5 foot 10 with grated or dreadlocked hair and glasses he drove off in a Hyundai Sonata with a possible hispanic woman described to be 52. So many people out here are just heartbroken in the midst of this terrible crime and they hope to find those people that are behind this. They say these two people did not deserve to be gunned down like this considering they were the best of friends and helped out the community is much as they could. If anyone has information about the people responsible you are urged to cause the sheriffs office. Arguably the best news over the past 24 hours is the rain in the forecast. But thats what it sounds like. Two different version of rain are hitting the area this week. Good evening. We are waiting for an event to come our way. Actually two of them. This is whats going on, the cloud cover that develop late tonight. There is some rain in the north bay. That is 6 30 am. The rain event will be late for the morning commute. As the day marches on it looks like the commute home will be affected or the rain will affect more people on the way home. With the frontal system that moves through. The rain continues to linger all the way until Tuesday Morning covering a good central portion of the bay. I mentioned he went because that will be the frontal system. It is a coastal impact and some of the internal valleys and were talking about nighttime. By tomorrow morning we get a lot more coverage as you can see by 10 00 a. M. All of the they affected. Maybe the east bay shoreline not as much, youll see more of that in the afternoon it will go with the front end be obvious. Lets check out how the rain is collected over the time period. 3 00 in the afternoon it is a northbay feature. Just getting over the golden great. Maybe some light sprinkles and the line share has yet to drop south. The rain will be mostly in the north bay and it looks like half of an inch of rain for the east bay shoreline and more than a quarter minutes down to the south bay. Lets check out before zone forecast. We are talking rain here with all of this. Heading over to napa at 67. San francisco check in at 64 and notice the winds. 66 palo alto, the coast lower to middle 60s and not a cold winter like rain. 64 for sunnyvale and down to the south bay it is upper 60s. We will head over to the east bay shoreline and 63 with livermore getting to 73 and most of these readings hanging into the 60s. We have been talking about the rain coming early part of the week coupled with the winds. That will start off your forecast and later it looks like it breaks up for wednesday and thursday redeveloped. We will keep the sun icon in their for now. It is still up in the air whether or not the rain will linger or hang around for the following weekend. We will continue to monitor this as you can to with the kron4 mobile app. Two weeks after Hurricane Matthew ripped across North Carolina claiming life, flooding homes and businesses and watching out roads it continues to take a toll on students. Teachers are trying to help them cope by writing about their experiences. One wrote that the tree crashed through the kitchen after they got out and another call road about a friend of lost everything. [ inaudible ] when she woke back up all the water was rising on her bed. She couldnt save anymore for stuff. Hurricane matthew killed 26 people in North Carolina and many more in other states earlier this month. The Melky Cabrera florida is confirming new nonrelated travel cases of the zika virus in miamidade county. After aerial spraying with pesticides out control the spread of mosquitoes carrying the virus the techniques did not work in miamidade county. Three new cases of the , were reported on friday giving the total cases to 169 in the area. Officials are now delivering insect repellent lamps to homes in the county. Even with the assistance there warning pregnant women to get tested immediately. But women that have probably traveled through miamidade since august since august 2 traveled should get tested just to make sure. Officials say if a mosquito carried zika it can take up to two weeks to cause symptoms which include fever, headache, rash, joint pain and it causes babies to be born with much smaller heads the normal. Hundreds of people that their goodbye to the daughter of us olympian tyson day. Funeral services for the 15 yearold were held at lexington , kentucky yesterday. She was hit by a stray bullet during a shootout outside a restaurant last sunday. Police later arrested three people. Her father said he wants to use the tragedy to educate other young people. This is something that no one should have to live and i never thought i have to use my voice and my situation to put a light on this senseless gun violence and educating our youth. She was a rising track star herself. Her burial is scheduled for monday. A man in bakersfield is facing hate crime charges for attacking a man. He was attacked by a man who threw soda on him because he appeared to be of a different religion or race. The suspect, david houck denies attacking the victim and says he heard him Say Something about a bomb and confronted him about it. When asked why she did not call 911 first you said it was his constitutional right to take action. Regardless of our patriotism , our failed values it is never okay to assault and attack a member of our community. The arraignment date has not been set. He could get up to one year in prison if he is convicted of the the crime charges. Coming up dancing for a historic change in the east bay find out why these kids put on some pantsuits and hit the streets. Swimmers dive into the frigid waters of San Francisco bay to battle the currents and blindness. We will explain. Woman how do we protect them from 4 billion in new cuts to california schools . Man vote yes on proposition 55. Woman prop 55 doesnt raise taxes on anyone. Man not on working californians, not small businesses. No one. Woman instead, prop 55 simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians. Man so those who can most afford it continue paying their fair share. Woman . To prevent new education cuts. Man . And keep improving californias schools. Woman vote yes on prop 55 to help our children thrive. A little bit earlier this morning dozens of people jumped into the San Francisco bay. A was to benefit research for the blind and avery harper has the story. Reporter it is a 2 mile swim in the cold water of the San Francisco bay. It can be a challenge for skilled swimmers. Imagine doing it without your eyesight. That is the case for many participants in sundays alcatraz swim for site. When i was 18 i was diagnosed with a genetic progressive disease that is causing me to lose my eyesight. Reporter she started the slim for site five years ago. It is all about raising money for research of eye conditions that cause blindness. At times it can get for Competitive Swimming and her passion. This years group is more than 100 swimmers strong. Led by brad snyder a navy that he lost his eyesight after stepping on explosive while serving in asked ganis them. It is important. I can attest to how life without vision can be tough and 10 million cases it is preventive diseases. Been able to raise awareness and funds for curable cases of blindness is something i want to do. Reporter one by one the summer completed the race and was awarded a medal to cheers from the crowd. Snyder says the real winners are the people who benefit from it. Thats why i do the things i do is to inspire people and embrace every day challenges as a way to develop. If i can encourage them to do that thats all i can ever hope for. Reporter the goal was to raise 500,000 and five years and she said with todays swim they have surpassed that goal. Avery harper kron4 news. Still ahead, the accusations against donald trump keep rolling in. What he has to say about it. Plus, gridlock and big crowds to some of the things many of us have to deal with in the bay area. Find out how to stay mentally healthy when you live in such a big city. The World Population is growing and the United Nations report predicted by the year 2050 66 of the population will be living in cities. With more people in the same places Mental Health professionals are putting a new emphasis on reducing the negative impact of urban life. A reporter has more. Reporter bumpertobumper traffic, air pollution, crowded streets the stresses of urban living can appear endless and study shows that citydwellers are more likely to suffer from anxiety and mood disorders. It is certainly more stressful. Stress is the number one cause of illness and the number one cause of loss of productivity and the number one cause. We moved too fast and spend too much time alone and we said too much and think too much. Reporter living in the high price bay area doesnt help. We are worried about how were going to manage and it increases our stress. Reporter to get out of the negative spiral they say to slow down citing recent research from tokyo. When dr. See people who are anxious or depressed the right a little prescription for something called for us bathing and that means that go take a walk in the woods. Reporter she says the Research Shows that walking in the woods one hour day actually feels the depression and anxiety which she knows that not everyone has that kind of time work can get to a forest. Dr. Wade says getting outside is effective and a walk in your Neighborhood Park or on the beach. Most of us dont spend enough time doing it and sometimes it isnt enough because this is the culprit. We usually get caught in a cycle of thinking that increases our stress or we are thinking what if, what if worldwide tonight. When you start to spend like that im going to teach you a quick little trick to stop it. If you just right here on your sternum you will start to stimulate a gland that slows your heart rate down. When we slow that down it is easier to slow the mind down. Reporter it is the mind that controls the stress. One other thing that Health Experts say you can do is increase your sense of control even if you cant solve all of your problems or example loud noises keeping you up at night, just knowing the source of the problem can reduce your stress because it increases that feeling of control. Decision 2016 with about two weeks till election day more allegations of Sexual Misconduct against donald trump are coming to light. The republican president ial candidate strongly denies those claims and says he plans to accuse his accusers. Reporter the latest allegation against donald trump serviced saturday. His accuser adult film performer and director. During a press conference she alongside her Attorney Gloria Allred accuse trump of inappropriate sexual content during a charity golf time and in 2006. She also alleged trump offered her 10,000 and the use of his private jet to attend a party or dinner with him. She declined his offer. But i understand that i may be called a liar or an opportunist. But i will risk that in order to stand in solidarity with women who share similar accounts. Reporter the release of the 2005 access hollywood take opened the floodgates for women nearly a dozen accusing trump of grouping them on a plane to making unwanted advances. During his gettysburg rally saturday the president ial candidates out to take legal action. Everywoman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. All of these liars will be sued after the election. Reporter he has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing and has suggested that Hillary Clintons campaign is behind it. Clinton says her focus is not on responding to trump, but rather what the American People want from the future leader of this country. We need to talk about what we want to do and what we think the country deserves from the next president. Want from the future leader of this country. We need to talk about what we want to do and what we think the country deserves from the next president. Even though they are not old enough to vote kids in berkeley got political today. This was the pantsuit flash mob a group of mostly girls showed off their lives in support of Hillary Clinton for president. This was the pantsuit flash mob a group of mostly girls showed off their lives in support of Hillary Clinton for president. The candidate is best known for her fondness pantsuits when it comes to fashion. Kron4 spoke with the 10year old to organize this and also the only way to join in. We wanted to get their thoughts. We thought that having a woman president was important in this celebrate that. You think it is time that america finally has a female president . Yes. Finally. About time. The kids have been rehearsing for several weeks and they say there got their idea after seeing a video of a flash mob in new york. Dont forget the deadline to register to vote in california is tomorrow. Your registration has to be postmarked or submitted electronically by monday, october 24 in order to register you must be a us citizen, a california resident and at least 18 years old on election day. To make this easier for you there is a link on our website with more information go to kron4. Com. Police say three people were arrested for marijuana sales and legally possess firearms in fairfield. This is the image of the items. Officer say they approached the car yesterday last night that is on parole for drive your fairfield high school. When it reached the car they could smell marijuana. They saw several jars containing pod. Officers had the driver exit the car and after a short struggle they caught the suspect and found a large amount of marijuana and a handgun. The trio is in the jail. The alameda support system is going to take days off to save money. All courthouses and Alameda County will be closed and alameda courts have a budget deficit of more than 5 million. One other costsaving is offering unpaid vacation to staff during the holiday season. Coming up three big movies at the theater this weekend and we will tell you which one may be top of the list. Find out why this photo is inspiring others. Tell you about in the school took over the internet this week. A young girl from rockland and she is showing the world that her disability is not keeping her from inspiring others. Reporter it is a plane it is[ inaudible ] is also her wardrobe inspiration for School Picture day. Ive always wanted her to be as independent as possible. Reporter thats why he is not offended about what she suggested. I love her wearing these. Reporter her fashion choice went viral. Her picture was shared all over the country. Reporter there is more to this taller than her love for superheroes. This picture isnt just getting laughs and smiles across the internet supergirl parents say they are overwhelmed with support from the deaf community. They say she is an inspiration. Being death is not a disability that you are able to go out there being deaf is not a disability that you are able to go out there reporter whatever the name she does not let the impairment get in her way. She proudly shows off her hearing aid and knows sign language. She has one thing to say. Thank you. Reporter encouraging signs in the bay area markets it was below the state average in september. The Unemployment Rate range from 3. 1 in San Mateo County to a high of 5. 3 . The states Unemployment Rate helped steady at 5. 5 in the Unemployment Rate in six bay area counties was below 4 and. Another round of rain will hit the bay area this week. There are two storms that are moving in. Find out when it will get to where you live, coming up. Ahead in sports were talking 49ers and ravens after the break. All the care your family needs. All connected for you. Cisco city hall a beautiful light. It has been a fantastic weekend. There are two rounds of rain moving their way in. We get the latest. We are monitoring filtering coming our way the first starting on monday will be concentrated in the north bay. Lets go ahead and take this out for you. There you see the rain developing at six sex 30. As far as the morning commute it will miss most people across the bay area. It is passed noon and yet to drop south. There you see it gives some progress and people for the evening commute. This will be coupled with the went. Overnight scattered rain showers and takes the south to 10 30 am. Lets look at the wider perspective. Tuesday morning at 9 15 notice the rain forest comes from the southwest not from the northwest so this is more mild or warmer airmass that we are dealing with. Thursday it redeveloped and into friday you can see the coverage. It takes us up to 1 30 p. M. It may linger into friday. The question is will it linger into next weekend. We will continue to cop all of those models. You can see the winds picking up overnight and along the coast in the valleys internally and it doesnt go away in only. 10 00 a. M. The winds will become more intense over a larger geography during the afternoon. Thats why i said the evening commute will be more of a sloppy event then it will be the morning commute and it will be concentrated toward the north. Watching the future cast rain Going Forward, picking up some rain by 3 pm and you see very sparse further to the south. We have to let the whole day play out into Tuesday Morning by 10 00 a. M. There is the share of the brain may be more than an inch in spots and a three quarters of the next to the south. The forecast checking things out for San Francisco along with twin peaks. Along the peninsula it is 60s, san mateo and Half Moon Bay jackson at 64. Honeyville 62 and redwood city at 67. Calling a cloudy and the rain delayed until late in the day. 67 santa clara, san jose at 70, no [ null ] at 66 and 70 might be a little bit of the gift. Richmond 67, concord might be 70. It is a late rain event. Hayward comes in at about 69. Brenda wood 69. Following all of this through we talked about the rain, wind and monday and tuesday we take a break in the middle of the week. That is wednesday into thursday. Next rain thursday night into friday and that may be into the following weekend. We dont have consistency on the models Going Forward however you can follow us 24 7. The 49ers back at home and hopeful of breaking their five game losing streak against the tampa bay bucs. kaepernick and early on it seemed to work. 1st quarter 70. Kaepernick its out of trouble and find sean drone for the 17 yard touchdown. Things go sour in the second quarter. Kaepernick looking for a match and takes off right there. That led to a touchdown pass 17 14. 3rd quarter this is typical of 49ers. Aaron and jeremy they run into each other on the path returned and set up a blocked field goal. Kaepernick is sacked, fumbles and recovered one of three 49ers turnovers and kaepernick only 1634. That led to this winston for your touchdown toss to mike evans 2714 tampa bay in the fourth quarter. The run defense continues to struggle giving up 249 yards on the ground. 49ers fans appear to be getting used to the final and unused used to this. Tampa bay 49ers six straight loss. Readers looking to start 40 on the road first time it would be since 2000. It was a homecoming for kojak for his return to jacksonville. The head coach from 2003 to 2011. 1st quarter he is going to pick him off in the end zone. 30 and then it was murray on this play. He is going to find the end zone and 136 lead and less than a little bit in the second quarter. Derek carr is going to look for his main man michael crabtree. On a deeper out 56 yard gain on the play, finished the game with 96 yards receiving. Moments later car tied to number 15 for another raiders touchdown. 26 oakland in the fourth and they sealed the game with murray second touchdown of the game oakland wins it 3316 and approving 5to remain in first place in the division. The San Jose Earthquakes wrapping up their season on the road against the kansas city team. We go to the game and it was not a pretty game at that. This is the team that struggled all season long and would struggle and this one against kansas city. They would go want to lose this one 20 and they finished ninth in the division and were under 500 and certainly had some struggles. We are less than 48 hours away from Golden State Warriors basketball. We go to the video because who doesnt like watching video of what some people are calling the dream team. 18 that is the oddson favorite to win the nba finals. Lets not get ahead of ourselves, but kevin durant will be out there, trade on green will be out there, south korea, and they will take place first in the season and that will happen on tuesday night against the san antonio spurs. I just checked some help in the tickets are going for 129. They are dropping a little bit before tipoff. That is good news because they were out 1 40 last night. Lets hope they can get back to the playoffs and get back to the finals. That they had that little guy feels but kevin durant. That we were watching them. Still had the movies that his the theaters, we will tell you which one was at the top of the list. The long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Is also one of the first for the halloween season. And are spencer has this weekends rankings. Reporter madia is back and is number one again. Tyler perrys movie topped the box office this weekend bringing in an estimated 27. 6 million for the seasonal spin on a winning franchise. Shes not the only one whos back. Tom cruise reprises his role and jack richard never go back. The sequel to the 2012 it opened at number two earning 23 million. A seasonal the low thriller ouija origin of evil is a winner for universal in the earning 14. 1 million. Coming up police are looking for a missing baby in the north bay tonight. Find out who Police Believe took the child. That is coming up. New clients . Lets go meet them soon. In person, we could read the room. On the phone, youre just a voice. Yeah, im good. For fast rewards, lets book on choice. This trip could really help us grow. Should i stay or should i go . When its time to go for business, book on choicehotels. Com and get a free night when you stay with us two times. Book direct at choicehotels. Com our top story tonight a sevenmonthold baby missing out of the north bay. Thank you for joining us at 11 i am j. R. Stone. The baby is seven months old and his name is henry. The baby is in danger after he went missing in kern bill this morning. We have a picture of henry and his mother. According to the chp hay was taken by ashley who does not have custody of him. She is described as 35 years old, white female, 56 and 125 pounds with brown hair. They believe the mother and baby are in a silver 2005 Subaru Forrester with california license plates. If you see the car, the baby or the mother you are asked to contact the chp or the Sonoma County sheriffs office. Another big story tonight, a deadly bus crash in southern california. Investigators are trying to figure out what went wrong. 13 people were killed and more than two dozen others injured. It happened early this morning their palms rings. The tour bus crashed into a truck

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