Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20160725 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20160725

hands. it was not true this time and it sparked quite the debate here downtown. there might be a difference between men and women when getting into an uber car. a female passenger reports she was sexually harassed by her uber driver friday night in east palo alto. police identified 59-year-old redwood city resident raherda as the suspect. >> women are really not safe. >> reporter: there are women more at risk at being sexually assaulted than men getting into a ride sharing car. >> generally. yeah. i'm sure that there are occasions where guys are made to feel uncomfortable. i think it is the nature of being a woman in the world we live in. >> reporter: most men i spoke with agree they feel pretty much at ease. >> i think being a man gives me less of a chance of being harassed and sexually abused in an uber. >> reporter: they are appalled at the thought that women are preyed on. >> i feel like the uber system is great. it is really a cheap and easy way to get around. but if that is what is going onto girls in the cars cars that is horrible. >> reporter: it is usually girls who have more to worry about. >> men have power over women and they can take them anywhere. >> reporter: others shared their own awkward moments. >> the time i felt the most uncomfortable is when the uber driver talked to me about his past relationship and he had just broken up with someone and explains what he likes in a woman. >> reporter: some agree uber is a convenient service that they will continue to use. >> it is not going to make me stop using uber. >> according to a buzz feed report, when you search sexual assault, more than 6,000 cases came up. it can raping between just a regular fight. the women i spoke with out here told me that between men and women, that difference might be that men are more likely to get into a physical altercation. a fight as this woman who this past friday alleged happened to her. ella sogomonian, kron 4 news. over 50 acres burned in a crass fire in martinez. you are looking at video that one of our viewers sent us earlier today when the fire broke out. >> you could see just how dry and how hot it was out there. firefighters managed to control the fire: it did shut down a freeway and had a family on edge as they watched from their ranch. kron 4's spencer blake is live in martinez with more. >> reporter: i wanted you to check out this barn on one side of me. it was filled with horses and fresh hay just earlier this afternoon. on the other side, you can see the scorch marks that were just feet away. that is how close it was when a grandmother here on the ranch saw the flames she called 911 just in time. the silvera family has owned this cattle ranch for five generations and they didn't know if it would be around for six. >> they had helicopters, the whole thing. >> reporter: the fire started around 4:30 and spread quickly. >> when our crews arrived, they found fire on both sides of the freeway. the north and the south side. >> reporter: the flames scorched 51 acres and led to a complete temporary shut down of highway 4. >> we know that there is is a downed power line in the incident. what we don't know at this point is whether or not the power line fell and caused the fire or if the fire caused the power line to fall. >> reporter: after a little more than four hours, fire crews from five different agencies had the fire completely contained. >> it is a very dry time of year. and, so we were really appreciative. >> reporter: fortunately, no structures were burned and there were no injuries to humans or animals. >> i praised the firemen. they were right on top of it. this could have been a big thing. everything worked together as a unit and they put this thing out and thank god. >> reporter: the firefighters will be out here another two or three hours getting a final line around that fire. but again, about 100% contained tonight. live in contra costa county, spencer blake, kron 4 news. >> and kron 4 was the first to tell you about this fire through our mobile app. we sent a push alert at 5:02 earlier this evening. make sure to download the kron 4 news app to always stay up to date on breaking news. it is free for apple and android devices. justine? there are two massive wild fires burning in california right now. you are looking at a map showing us where they are burning tonight. one in monterrey county where six homes and two sheds were destroyed in that fire. and we will get to that fire in just a moment. but first to the deadly wild fire that is burning in southern california. hot temperatures are fueling a massive wild fire in santa clarita. 22,000 acres have been burned and it is only 10% contained. and over 1500 homes are threatened. one man was killed in the fire. his body was found burned in a car near one of the neighborhoods under evacuation order. sheriff officials say the cause of the man's death has not been determined. the county is under a red flag warning. 900 firefighters are working to put the flames out. they say this started as a small brush "oeqfire on friday afternoon. >> this is the fifth year of an ongoing drought. the fifth year of an ongoing drought. so, we have very extreme fire behavior. i recognize for some of our citizens, they have seen fires before and some of these wild and urban interface areas. but, these are not normal times so when we say evacuate, that means evacuate. >> about 100 commercial buildings are also in danger from this fire. that wild fire in monterrey county has burned 11,000 acres. it is burning through big sur and threatening over 1500 homes and other buildings. the community of paulo, colorado is still under an evacuation order. right now, we know six homes and two sheds were destroyed in the fire. officials have warned the community of the carmel highlands to prepare to leave. the fire started in a remote area south of the state park. the fire in monterrey is having a ripple effect tonight. the smoke puts a series of hot days expected this week have now resulted in a spare the air smog alert for monday. >> it will be the ninth one so far this year. kron 4's alecia reid reports. >> reporter: when we have long series of hot days like we have been having the past few days and what we will experience in the next week, that is what cooks up the air pollution we have in the air every day. heads up. plan on staying cool through the rising temperatures we mr. see this week. for monday, the air quality will be extremely unhealthy, exceeding the ozone standards. >> we recommend that people close their windows and doors. put their air-conditioning on recirculate. winds from the large fire in monterrey county will bring the smoke into santa clara and southern alameda county. >> reporter: high temperatures, car pollution. children, the elderly will be more susceptible. >> when you are young or the elderly, you breathe it in. it is almost like getting a sunburn on your lungs. so, we want people to make sure they protect themselves in the hottest part of the day which is when the smog will be at the worst. so that they can protect their lungs for the long term. >> to help improve air quality. car pool, bike, walk, or take transit every day instead of driving alone. >> i don't drive too much. my commute to work is really short. so yeah. it is not too bad. >> reporter: alecia reid, kron 4 news. well, meteorologist lawrence joins us with more. >> not seeing enough of a sea breeze, here we go. we have high pressure overhead. we may catch a little bit of a break. that big ridge starts to roll in. the sea breeze is still continuing bringing some fog in along the coastline, but that ridge is so strong it is squashes the marine air. the interior valleys stay nice and hot. in the meantime, the air quality gets very stagnant. we will look at temperatures in the 90s . 100-degree temperatures plus. 60s and 70s toward the coastline. that stagnant air is a big concern. fire danger will be returning high. numbers like this all around the bay area well into the 90s . 70s , 80s inside the bay. 60s at the coast. more weather coming up in a few minutes. back to you. >> thank you very much. now to an update on the oakland police sergeant who was injured in a shooting we first brought you this story at breaking news on the kron 4 news at 10:00. >> i just got shot! i can't get out of the car! >> that is what came over the police scanners before 9:30. the hospital is out of the hospital tonight. oakland police tell us this is what happened. the female sergeant was responding to a call when she was involved in a car accident with another car. after the collision, a man then approached her patrol car and fired one shot hitting her car. the suspect has not been caught as of tonight. they are gathering surveillance video. where this happened to see what led up to the shooting since the deadly ambush of five dallas police officers, members of opd have been patrolling in pairs. but patrol sergeants have been riding alone. we are less than 24 hours away from the start of the democratic national convention in philadelphia. there is tension tonight. the chairwoman of the democratic national committee says she will step down from her position at the end of the convention amid the release of thousands of internal e-mails within the party. just one day before the democratic national convention, and there is drama. florida representative debbie wazzerman-schultz announced she will step down from her position at the end of this week's convention. this comes as wikileaks leaked thousands of e-mails showing the staffers favored hillary clinton over bernie sanders in the 2016 primary contest. with that news, sanders supporters took to the streets of philadelphia sunday rallying for bernie. sanders is one of several speakers to take the stage this week in support of the democratic party and hillary clinton. >> our job right now is to see that donald trump is defeated and hillary clinton is elected. >> reporter: other speakers this week include the president. >> i genuinely believe there has never been a candidate better prepared than hillary clinton. >> reporter: also set to take the stage. first lady michelle obama. the vice president, and bill and chelsea clinton in addition to hillary clinton and her newly announced running mate tim kaine. >> please join me in welcoming the next vice president, my friend, senator tim kaine. >> we are going to be. [ speaking spanish ] in this great lucha ahead. >> keep it here on kron 4 news for the democratic national convention in philadelphia. we will have full coverage and political analysis all week long starting tomorrow. monday, july 25. and coming up on the kron 4 news at 10:00, protests are planned at the dmc. how police in philadelphia plan to keep everybody safe. >> the final funeral for the baton rouge law enforcement officer killed in an ambush is tomorrow. more on the police officers from the bay area who are going there tonight. >> and, the three things you need to know if you are by yourself trapped in a building with an active shooter. the ford freedom sales event is on! with our best offers of the year! ♪ i'm free to do what i want... and 0% financing is back! on a huge selection of ford cars, trucks and suvs. plus get an extra $1000 smart bonus on specially tagged vehicles. that's freedom from interest... and freedom to choose with ford. america's best selling brand. ♪ i'm 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world. >> the shooter identified by police only as david s. killed himself after the rampage. police have described him as a withdrawn loner who was obsessed with playing killer video games and had panic attacks set off by contact with other people. what would you do or what should you do if you are caught in an active shooter situation like the one many munich friday? >> here is some advice from an expert. >> they are looking for easy victims. not people to fight back. >> reporter: in the wake of the tragedy in munich and other mass shootings across the globe, we asked local law enforcement what to do if you find yourself in a situation with an active shooter. >> get out of the building as quickly as possible. warn others if you can what is going on and get out of the path of the shooter. >> reporter: but sometimes, escaping isn't always possible. >> if you are stuck in a room you can't lock, do the best you can to barricade it. make it so that person can't get in through the doors. >> reporter: and the department of homeland security agrees. the best practices for dealing with the shooter, be aware of your surroundings taking note of at least two exits to any building you walk into. get inside a room quickly. if you are in an office, secure a door, but if all else fails be prepared to fight. >> there will be a split second where you know where he is but he doesn't know where you are so take advantage of that surprise and go on the offensive. >> reporter: i wanted to know what could someone do if they were trapped in this room with an active shooter. >> quickly develop a plan with who is in here. if he comes in here, this is what we are going to do. 30 seconds to establish a plan can make all the difference. find something you can use as a weapon. if there is anything. >> reporter: unfortunately, there is no singular golden rule on how to handle a shooter but the best thing you can do is be prepared. >> when it does happen, you feel like you have a little bit of experience in that situation. meteorologist lawrence is here now to talk about how hot it is going to be. also what is happening in hawaii. >> yeah, we have the tropical storm out there. i have seen some video. it is coming down, it is make its way across the big island yesterday. and sliding on by. and now, making its way near honolulu and just moving to west of it right now. looks like it continues to dump some rainfall. 40 miles an hour. keeping it tropical storm strength. it will slowly work its way across kawahi and cooler waters. drenching rain to come. some areas there may see two to four inches more rain and big time swells. 20 feet high along the east facing beaches. all right, today's highs, they were impressive again today. up to 101. 102 in concord. 20 degrees above the average. much more comfortable there. we will see some hot temperatures the better part of this week. we have fog making its way through the golden gate bridge, looks like some of that filling in along the coastline. more of that on the way. patchy low clouds and fog. mostly clear inland. tomorrow, slightly cooler. still going to stay hot in the valleys. you will see temperatures in the 90s . then for the week ahead, the temperatures start to heat back up again as we head toward tuesday, wednesday, and thursday, that likely will be the peak of the heat. out the door right now, still 71 degrees in concord. 58 degrees and cooler in the napa valley. high pressure still dominating our weather here. that ridge is flicking its muscle. it will get well into the 90s as we head into the middle of the week. across the state, as high as 106 fresno. 107 in bakersfield. 76 in santa barbara. low clouds and fog surging overnight. then as we head through the day, that will break up. numbers will be down quite a bit. sunshine, hazy sunshine. and, well, we have a spare the air day in effect for san jose. you will see some unhealthy air- conditions there. in san francisco, a little more of a sea breeze, morning clouds, afternoon sunshine. then into oakland, we will see plenty of sunshine, the temperatures will stay on the warm side of the afternoon. getting hot inland. well into the 90s in many spots. that is the place to hang out. some of these temperatures may be geting to 104 as we look to wednesday and thursday. finally everybody cooling down. coming up in a few minutes we will break down temperature ins the zone forecast all along the bay area. >> thank you very much. san jose police are investigating a homicide. it is the city's 28th homicide this year. happened in downtown san jose early this morning. responding to a call for help, police found the man suffering from a stab wound. later died at the hospital. the identity of the victim has not been released. no arrests have been made. here is what is coming up at 10:00. in the east bay, mosquitoes with the west nile virus have shown up. coming up. >> this guy told you he was okay to put it on there. >> pacifica and half-moon bay were the focus of a traffic crack down. i will show you who was caught in people behaving badly. ♪ ♪ ♪ with this level of intelligence...'s a supercomputer. with this grade of protection... it's a fortress. and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis. introducing the completely redesigned e-class. it's everything you need it to be... and more. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> get this. for the second time this year, the seventh time. there has been a crack down in the peninsula. >> officers from all around the area are targeting troubled spots. >> but where they were, well, stanley roberts was there as well. >> reporter: here is stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> i talked to you about this coming around that turn at 40 miles an hour. it is supposed to be 25. >> reporter: this driver was pulled over by officer grant from the koma police department. but we are not in koma. let's rewind the video. here is a car coming down the hill in pacifica and officer grant. he is part of the monthly crack down for san mateo county's saturation traffic enforcement program. it is traffic officers from all around san mateo county including the california highway patrol. this driver was cited by a city of san mateo officers going 68 on highway 41. back to officer grant. he also caught another driver going faster than the posted speed limit in pacifica. >> your speed when you came around the s turn. 42 miles an hour. >> reporter: then there was a driver of this plumbing van. he wasn't speeding, he wasn't on his cell phone and had his seat belt on. but there was a problem with something on the band. >> the white bar you have across the front? is it a company truck? >> this guy told you it was okay to put it on there? it was completely legal in california? he said you can put the lights anywhere on your vehicle? probably not right? >> reporter: then officers moved over to half-moon bay where they were checking for any traffic violation. we found this guy with a cracked windshield. >> how long has your windshield been cracked? >> a couple of months. >> reporter: since he was taking so long to get it repaired he was given a ticket to speed the process. they issued 82 tickets from everything to cell phones to speeding. one went 80 plus in a 45. and i talked to some of the people caught and got more details. that will be in a future edition of people behaving badly. in pacifica and half-moon bay, stanley roberts, kron 4 news. >> if you have seen any people behaving badly in your neighborhood, let us know. contact stanley on facebook or twitter on e-mail him. [email protected]. she has been missing for two months. >> and bay area police officers headed to the funeral of a fallen officer in baton rouge. why it is person for one of the officer to be there for the baton rouge family. >> now, back to kron 4 news at 10:00 with j.r. stone and justine waldman. >> monday is the final funeral for the baton rouge law enforcement officers shot and killed in an ambush last week. >> several south san francisco police officers are on their way to the funeral now. they departed from oakland international airport this evening. they are going to the funeral to pay their respects and show their support. they feel it is important to honor their brother officers. one of the officers going to the funeral, his uncle, was a millbrae police officer who was killed in the line of duty in 1998 so he knows firsthand how hard it is for the families of fallen officers. >> there is always a constant reminder of how it affected me and my family back in 1998. and it is a constant reminder to tell me what the families are going through in louisiana and dallas. and essentially, nationwide for law enforcement, it is just a tough time. >> it is an honor and a privilege to represent south san francisco going to baton rouge, louisiana to pay respects to officers who paid the ultimate sacrifice by dying in the line of duty. >> it shows camaraderie across the country. i have noticed how many officers from all over the country, every state has been represented so it is very important that we all pay our respects and support to the agencies. >> they are doing to the funeral of montrel jackson. the father of a newborn child. law enforcement from all over the country came to baton rouge yesterday for the funeral of matthew gerald. >> they say it is so important to come together for a fallen comrade. >> reporter: a line of motorcycles took their brother matthew gerald to his final resting place. they came from new york, mississippi, nevada. nearly every state in the country spare the air luted their fallen comrade. mark aaronburg and doug shoreway threw in yesterday to attend the services. >> it is touching to see how it affects so many different lives from all over the country. it resolidifies what it means to serve and protect and it gives you another means of what you are doing is appreciated and people know they are here for the right reasons. >> reporter: noah bennett traveled here with a special tribute. he and his wife own a nonprofit called hearts and crosses. they do this to honor all slain officers. >> we worked all week on it and got it done to bring it to them. that way, it brings them closure. >> reporter: the community gathered outside to show their support and a little southern hospitality. >> they are all thinking us. they are holding their hands out for us. >> reporter: while they were no doubt outnumbered by law enforcement, there were plenty of everyday people there to thank officers for their service. their presence was a warm welcome home for retired new york police department highway patrolman steve brooks who says he said good-bye to too many officers taken away too soon. >> i hope it stops. i hope it stops now. police officers are always going to be killed in the line of duty. they always were, they always will, but the unfair targeting is just horrendous. we are going to stand together. the police officers are not going to take it. >> reporter: it is clear they support one another. they stand stronger than ever. they have been called to protect and serve and they say that is what their fallen brothers would want them to continue to do long after they sign off. just days after the gunman's rampage in munich, a suspected suicide bomber was killed elsewhere in germany when he set off an explosive device injuring ten people. this happened in the city of amsbach. he triggered the bomb hen he was turned away from an open air music festival early on monday. the concert had some 2500 in attendance. it was quickly shut down as a precaution. germany is on edge after a deadly rampage at a munich mall in which nine people were killed at and an ax atrack in a train monday in which five people were injured. the democratic national convention starts tomorrow, monday. lit be happening in philadelphia. security measures are now being put in place to make sure that everyone stays safe. >> certainly, the case from our partners at cnn. joe holden explains what police are doing to prepare for the possible protests. >> reporter: this is the emergency response war room. it is how they handle the crush of the dnc delegates, protesters, and visitorsful at an afternoon news conference, police confirmed they have not received any credible threat against the convention or the city. law enforcement was visible across philadelphia on sunday. mayor kenny has taken a position people will be allowed to demonstrate. that could mean gridlock in center city. >> our goal is not to arrest anyone. and, the civil citations are one of the ways we keep people out of the criminal justice system. >> reporter: traffic was limping along stretches of i- 95. trucks weighs more than five tons were forced to bail from the the highway which runs by the wells fargo center. state police closed down some lanes to attempt to streamline the process. we are in the area of i-95 north and this is where state police are taking four lanes of 95 down to two. they are weeding out five ton or more vehicles. the question is, it is so gridlocked here on a sunday afternoon, what will this look like come monday more thanking? >> commuters should anticipate that. they should be patient. the city has already put that out. >> reporter: the city will juggle protests and demonstrations with soaring temperatures. officials will carefully monitor the threat of severe weather. top city officials emphasized making one thing clear about the tone of the dnc. >> what we are living in is difficult times but it is not all a downer. this country is a great country. it need to hear from us. >> reporter: while significant numbers of law enforcement will be on the street, just how many exactly they wouldn't say. it is expected police will show restraint. this is philadelphia takes center stage in what has been a rough and tumble political season. tomorrow marks two months since teenager pearl penson was kidnapped on her way to school. a witness saw the 15-year-old be taken away by an armed man. she has not been seen since. to keep hope alive she will be found, her family is holing a prayer vigil at the overpass at 7:30. her alleged kidnapper, 19-year- old fernando castro died in a shoot-out with police in southern california. well, the latest now on stories happening here in the bay area. >> we have new warnings about west nile virus in the east bay. >> in two cases in contra costa county, infected mosquitoes have been found in antioch. a bite from an infected mosquito can pass along the virus which can cause death. coco county officials are encouraging residents to wear repellant to avoid getting bitten. gas prices are going down here in the bay area. >> and the video has gone viral. what we are learning about. two officers involved in shooting an unarmed therapist in florida and why the investigation shows one of the officers tried to cover up what happened. >> following the shoots of a black therapist trying to calm his autistic patient, a north miami police officer has been suspended. >> video showed the therapist was lying on the ground with his hands in the air. boris sanchez explains the controversy over the shooting. >> reporter: charles kinsey is home this weekend recovering after being released from the hospital on thursday. there are calls to fire the police officer who shot him. there is other controversy from another officer involved in the incident. this cell phone video taken moments before charles kinsey, an unarmed african-american man, was shot by north miami police sparked outrage across the country this week. but new developments suggest the controversy doesn't end there. police released the names of the two officers involved in the incident. jonathan aletaa, the officer who pulled the trigger is a four year veteran of the department. he is on paid administrative leave. but another officer, emil hollant is on unpaid leave because city officials say he provided false and misleading information about the shooting. >> there will not be any cover- ups in the city of north miami. the police officer who you just heard named who has been put on leave totally violated husband trust from the public to protect and serve. by giving misinformation to this department, he jeopardized mr. kinsey's life and his client and every police officer who serves the city. >> reporter: meanwhile, represents for the officer urged the public to resist jumping to conclusions saying the widely seen video doesn't tell the whole story. >> the initial call went out as a man with a gun. possibly suicidal. that came from an independent witness who called 911. there were other officers on the scene who thought the individual had a firearm. they thought he was reloading the firearm. >> reporter: that individual was an autistic person who walked out of the assisted living facility where kinsey worked. he then stopped in the middle of the street to play with a toy. kinsey's boss says he was doing the right thing. >> my employee was trying to get him out of traffic going down the street. and then, mr. kinsey has stated next thing you know, the police sirens arrive and we saw what he did. >> reporter: the police union has said this whole thing was an accident. they are saying the officer wasn't even aiming his weapon at kinsey, but rather at the autistic person that was to the side of kinsey in that video. the question now is why? what was it was the person that was doing to escalate the situation where they aimed the weapons to begin with. there is surveillance videos by nearby surveillance cameras. the electrical company in south florida. we are hoping to get an eye on that surveillance footage soon so we can see how the whole incident unfolded. boris sanchez, cnn, miami. a lot more to come on kron 4 news at 10:00. the san francisco giants were in new york city taking on the yankees today. trying to turn the losing trend around. we will show you what happens in sports. when consultant josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. and when josh thinks big you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some... he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. look at that pie chart! boom! you've never seen a number like that! you feel me lois? i'm feeling you. yeah you do! let's do this! watch out he just had a whole thimble full of coffee... woot! woot! the ready for you alert, only at la... quinta! yeah! >> we are taking a live look right now outside of the embarcadero. it was another beautiful day around the bay. >> it was not just people who got to enjoy the nice weather. look at this video we got earlier this afternoon. these little guys taking a ride. >> was your dog on there? >> no. he would not enjoy that. but man, these dogs are cute with their sunglasses an the convertible. they knew how to beat the heat which is what a lot of people were doing. lawrence is here now to talk about the weather forecast. >> stanley roberts is on it. [ laughter ] >> i wish somebody would pull me an on the embarcadero like that. >> get out there and enjoy it. a lot of sunshine. hot weather in spots. but you know in san francisco, what a nice day. i mean really. not feeling that heat at all. very patchy fog. strong ridge of high pressure still overhead. the temperatures cooling off now. 54-degree ins san francisco. 71 in warm and concord still. 69 san jose. 59 degrees into oakland. all right, this is what we expect. some patchy fog along the coast. just inside the bay, then, mostly clear in the interior valleys. tomorrow, morning clouds early on giving way to some sunshine. don't get used to it. we will heat things right up again as we head into the middle of the week. numbers around the bay area tomorrow, 60s into san francisco. mid 70s in oakland. mid 80s into san jose. so comfortable weather there. you head inland, it heats up in a hurry. high pressure weakens and starts to build in, in the desert southwest. that means very hot temperatures coming our way. overnight, low cloud us and fog surge into the bay. as we wake up tomorrow morning, a couple of clouds in place. that will break up in a hurry. a lot of sunshine all day long. a couple of patches of fog flirt withs the coastline. temperatures are going to look like this. 60s into the san francisco area. 69 in the warmer spots in daly city. then as you head a little further to the south, the temperatures warming up. low 80s into sunnyvale. into the south bay, temperature ins the mid 80s . then the east bay, temperatures soaring well into the 90s in many spots. looks like the temperatures are flirting with triple digits. it will be another hot one just along the coastline, you will see the cool weather in the 60s . 87 in santa rosa. temperatures well inland, the 80s and the 90s in many spots so the next couple of the days, we will see the hot weather continuing. probably some triple digit heat. getting hotter through wednesday and thursday. of course the air quality is suffering. we will get a nice breath of fresh air. much stronger sea breeze. >> 104 though. that is really hot. >> jr loves this stuff. >> especially when you watch a baseball game. the giants trying to beat the yankees in the last game of the series before heading back to san franciscoment we go to the video. these giants, you see hem them rooting for jeff samardzija. and he was struggling. gets up. it was just calling it a b. yankees up 2-0. samardzija allowed a couple of runs early in this one. had eight hits he gave up. gave up five runs and three strikeouts. top of the seven. buster posey gave san francisco some life. giants bring in two runs by two yankees. top of the eighth. giants on the move again. pena is going to ground into the double play. mack williamson tries runing to third base. he gets caught here, the final 5-2 yankees. win this thing. 5-2. giants now lost seven of the last eight. bob melvin looking for his as third win versus the rays in a four-game series. they are playing pretty good ball. chris davis hits a long double in the first. bringing in the first run of the game for oakland and it was looking good. that was jesse han's turn on the mound. he had five strikeouts. four hits. one run up. they finally took him out. you see that ovation. he was pitching good. logan forscythe ties the game up at 2-2. han in the dugout. not happy after seeing that. we go to the bottom of the 8th inning. and billy butter hit it is go ahead home run to put the as back in the lead. the final here 3-2. oakland. the record 45 and 54. fourth in the al west. usa took on china in preparation for the olympics. you see coach k here and the crew looking on for the u.s. team before the game first quarter. kevin durant, the warrior off an inbound pass. 3rd inning. deandre jordan. he is a beast. he is a monster. it was just an onslaught in the game. that is klay thompson with the three. 57-106. usa crushed them. keep in mind, tuesday night, they will be oracle arena is in what should be, if it is not like that, it won't be that great of a game. but lit be fun seeing the players. celebrity golf at lake tahoe. alfonzo doing the carlton dance. this was a good time. were you watching him? >> i did watch this. because, you know, they are letting loose, having some fun. >> you like justin timberlake. >> of course i do. >> of course you do. the winner though was former as pitcher mark mulder. he birdied seven of his first 12 hole to win by five points defending his title. i wish if we got more of that dancing video, steph curry was rolling around on the golf course. it was something to watch. i believe jim harbaugh was out there. larry the cable guy was out there. it was a fun time all around. still ahead, gas prices are going down. we will tell you how much after the break. ♪ is the world truly ready for a vehicle that can drive itself? an autonomous-thinking automobile that protects those inside and outside. ready or not, the future is here. the all-new e-class. self-braking, self-correcting, self-parking. a mercedes-benz concept car that's already a reality. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> the midsummer relief at the gas pump continue. >> the national average price of gas has dropped seven cents over the past three weeks. experts say lower oil prices and abundant gasoline supply caused the decline. they say the price is 60 cents less than it was a year ago. triple a says california prices have dropped a few fractions of a cent since a week ago. and add that the downward trend could continue for the rest of if year. >> so now, let's look at bay area gas prices in the east bay for regular. it is 2.81. in the south bay, in san jose, it is the cents more at 2.83. in san francisco, 2.95. coming up on the kron 4 news at 11:00, the democratic national convention is tomorrow and philadelphia is getting ready for all the planned protests. >> find out how police are planning to keep everyone safe. kron 4 news is back in just three minutes. aha! oof! weee! slurp. mmmmmm. cinnamon. milk. cinna-milk. cinnamon toast crunch. crunch! crave those crazy squares. cinna-milk! the democratic national convention starts tomorrow. thank you for joining us here. security measures are being put in place in philadelphia to ensure everyone's safety. >> from a partnership, jordan expense would police are doing to prepare for protests. >> this is the emergency response program. it's how police and other agencies will handle the crush of delegates, directors, producers and visitors. police confirmed that have received any credible threat against the convention or the city. law enforcement is visible across philadelphia on sunday. the

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hands. it was not true this time and it sparked quite the debate here downtown. there might be a difference between men and women when getting into an uber car. a female passenger reports she was sexually harassed by her uber driver friday night in east palo alto. police identified 59-year-old redwood city resident raherda as the suspect. >> women are really not safe. >> reporter: there are women more at risk at being sexually assaulted than men getting into a ride sharing car. >> generally. yeah. i'm sure that there are occasions where guys are made to feel uncomfortable. i think it is the nature of being a woman in the world we live in. >> reporter: most men i spoke with agree they feel pretty much at ease. >> i think being a man gives me less of a chance of being harassed and sexually abused in an uber. >> reporter: they are appalled at the thought that women are preyed on. >> i feel like the uber system is great. it is really a cheap and easy way to get around. but if that is what is going onto girls in the cars cars that is horrible. >> reporter: it is usually girls who have more to worry about. >> men have power over women and they can take them anywhere. >> reporter: others shared their own awkward moments. >> the time i felt the most uncomfortable is when the uber driver talked to me about his past relationship and he had just broken up with someone and explains what he likes in a woman. >> reporter: some agree uber is a convenient service that they will continue to use. >> it is not going to make me stop using uber. >> according to a buzz feed report, when you search sexual assault, more than 6,000 cases came up. it can raping between just a regular fight. the women i spoke with out here told me that between men and women, that difference might be that men are more likely to get into a physical altercation. a fight as this woman who this past friday alleged happened to her. ella sogomonian, kron 4 news. over 50 acres burned in a crass fire in martinez. you are looking at video that one of our viewers sent us earlier today when the fire broke out. >> you could see just how dry and how hot it was out there. firefighters managed to control the fire: it did shut down a freeway and had a family on edge as they watched from their ranch. kron 4's spencer blake is live in martinez with more. >> reporter: i wanted you to check out this barn on one side of me. it was filled with horses and fresh hay just earlier this afternoon. on the other side, you can see the scorch marks that were just feet away. that is how close it was when a grandmother here on the ranch saw the flames she called 911 just in time. the silvera family has owned this cattle ranch for five generations and they didn't know if it would be around for six. >> they had helicopters, the whole thing. >> reporter: the fire started around 4:30 and spread quickly. >> when our crews arrived, they found fire on both sides of the freeway. the north and the south side. >> reporter: the flames scorched 51 acres and led to a complete temporary shut down of highway 4. >> we know that there is is a downed power line in the incident. what we don't know at this point is whether or not the power line fell and caused the fire or if the fire caused the power line to fall. >> reporter: after a little more than four hours, fire crews from five different agencies had the fire completely contained. >> it is a very dry time of year. and, so we were really appreciative. >> reporter: fortunately, no structures were burned and there were no injuries to humans or animals. >> i praised the firemen. they were right on top of it. this could have been a big thing. everything worked together as a unit and they put this thing out and thank god. >> reporter: the firefighters will be out here another two or three hours getting a final line around that fire. but again, about 100% contained tonight. live in contra costa county, spencer blake, kron 4 news. >> and kron 4 was the first to tell you about this fire through our mobile app. we sent a push alert at 5:02 earlier this evening. make sure to download the kron 4 news app to always stay up to date on breaking news. it is free for apple and android devices. justine? there are two massive wild fires burning in california right now. you are looking at a map showing us where they are burning tonight. one in monterrey county where six homes and two sheds were destroyed in that fire. and we will get to that fire in just a moment. but first to the deadly wild fire that is burning in southern california. hot temperatures are fueling a massive wild fire in santa clarita. 22,000 acres have been burned and it is only 10% contained. and over 1500 homes are threatened. one man was killed in the fire. his body was found burned in a car near one of the neighborhoods under evacuation order. sheriff officials say the cause of the man's death has not been determined. the county is under a red flag warning. 900 firefighters are working to put the flames out. they say this started as a small brush "oeqfire on friday afternoon. >> this is the fifth year of an ongoing drought. the fifth year of an ongoing drought. so, we have very extreme fire behavior. i recognize for some of our citizens, they have seen fires before and some of these wild and urban interface areas. but, these are not normal times so when we say evacuate, that means evacuate. >> about 100 commercial buildings are also in danger from this fire. that wild fire in monterrey county has burned 11,000 acres. it is burning through big sur and threatening over 1500 homes and other buildings. the community of paulo, colorado is still under an evacuation order. right now, we know six homes and two sheds were destroyed in the fire. officials have warned the community of the carmel highlands to prepare to leave. the fire started in a remote area south of the state park. the fire in monterrey is having a ripple effect tonight. the smoke puts a series of hot days expected this week have now resulted in a spare the air smog alert for monday. >> it will be the ninth one so far this year. kron 4's alecia reid reports. >> reporter: when we have long series of hot days like we have been having the past few days and what we will experience in the next week, that is what cooks up the air pollution we have in the air every day. heads up. plan on staying cool through the rising temperatures we mr. see this week. for monday, the air quality will be extremely unhealthy, exceeding the ozone standards. >> we recommend that people close their windows and doors. put their air-conditioning on recirculate. winds from the large fire in monterrey county will bring the smoke into santa clara and southern alameda county. >> reporter: high temperatures, car pollution. children, the elderly will be more susceptible. >> when you are young or the elderly, you breathe it in. it is almost like getting a sunburn on your lungs. so, we want people to make sure they protect themselves in the hottest part of the day which is when the smog will be at the worst. so that they can protect their lungs for the long term. >> to help improve air quality. car pool, bike, walk, or take transit every day instead of driving alone. >> i don't drive too much. my commute to work is really short. so yeah. it is not too bad. >> reporter: alecia reid, kron 4 news. well, meteorologist lawrence joins us with more. >> not seeing enough of a sea breeze, here we go. we have high pressure overhead. we may catch a little bit of a break. that big ridge starts to roll in. the sea breeze is still continuing bringing some fog in along the coastline, but that ridge is so strong it is squashes the marine air. the interior valleys stay nice and hot. in the meantime, the air quality gets very stagnant. we will look at temperatures in the 90s . 100-degree temperatures plus. 60s and 70s toward the coastline. that stagnant air is a big concern. fire danger will be returning high. numbers like this all around the bay area well into the 90s . 70s , 80s inside the bay. 60s at the coast. more weather coming up in a few minutes. back to you. >> thank you very much. now to an update on the oakland police sergeant who was injured in a shooting we first brought you this story at breaking news on the kron 4 news at 10:00. >> i just got shot! i can't get out of the car! >> that is what came over the police scanners before 9:30. the hospital is out of the hospital tonight. oakland police tell us this is what happened. the female sergeant was responding to a call when she was involved in a car accident with another car. after the collision, a man then approached her patrol car and fired one shot hitting her car. the suspect has not been caught as of tonight. they are gathering surveillance video. where this happened to see what led up to the shooting since the deadly ambush of five dallas police officers, members of opd have been patrolling in pairs. but patrol sergeants have been riding alone. we are less than 24 hours away from the start of the democratic national convention in philadelphia. there is tension tonight. the chairwoman of the democratic national committee says she will step down from her position at the end of the convention amid the release of thousands of internal e-mails within the party. just one day before the democratic national convention, and there is drama. florida representative debbie wazzerman-schultz announced she will step down from her position at the end of this week's convention. this comes as wikileaks leaked thousands of e-mails showing the staffers favored hillary clinton over bernie sanders in the 2016 primary contest. with that news, sanders supporters took to the streets of philadelphia sunday rallying for bernie. sanders is one of several speakers to take the stage this week in support of the democratic party and hillary clinton. >> our job right now is to see that donald trump is defeated and hillary clinton is elected. >> reporter: other speakers this week include the president. >> i genuinely believe there has never been a candidate better prepared than hillary clinton. >> reporter: also set to take the stage. first lady michelle obama. the vice president, and bill and chelsea clinton in addition to hillary clinton and her newly announced running mate tim kaine. >> please join me in welcoming the next vice president, my friend, senator tim kaine. >> we are going to be. [ speaking spanish ] in this great lucha ahead. >> keep it here on kron 4 news for the democratic national convention in philadelphia. we will have full coverage and political analysis all week long starting tomorrow. monday, july 25. and coming up on the kron 4 news at 10:00, protests are planned at the dmc. how police in philadelphia plan to keep everybody safe. >> the final funeral for the baton rouge law enforcement officer killed in an ambush is tomorrow. more on the police officers from the bay area who are going there tonight. >> and, the three things you need to know if you are by yourself trapped in a building with an active shooter. the ford freedom sales event is on! with our best offers of the year! ♪ i'm free to do what i want... and 0% financing is back! on a huge selection of ford cars, trucks and suvs. plus get an extra $1000 smart bonus on specially tagged vehicles. that's freedom from interest... and freedom to choose with ford. america's best selling brand. ♪ i'm free, baby! now get 0% financing plus a $1000 smart bonus cash on specially tagged vehicles. only at the ford freedom sales event. ♪ feel free... honey, is the internet back yet? yes!! i need to let her know that i like this! i like, like, like, like... i haven't seen a movie based on a comic book in so long. i know. we're over here internet people! get high speed internet from at&t. with over 99% reliability. at an everyday price with no extra monthly fees. keep calm, you internet's on. >> in munich, germany, the friend of the 18-year-old man who killed nine people is being questioned by police. they are trying to find out if he knew of his friend's plans to attack. in the scene of the killings, mourners are bewilders, angry, an deeply saddened by the tragic event. >> one of my friends. they are all alive and safe. and i'm so sorry for the people who are here at the moment. >> i'm in pieces. i haven't seen it happening in your own neighborhood. >> pray for munich and pray for the world. >> the shooter identified by police only as david s. killed himself after the rampage. police have described him as a withdrawn loner who was obsessed with playing killer video games and had panic attacks set off by contact with other people. what would you do or what should you do if you are caught in an active shooter situation like the one many munich friday? >> here is some advice from an expert. >> they are looking for easy victims. not people to fight back. >> reporter: in the wake of the tragedy in munich and other mass shootings across the globe, we asked local law enforcement what to do if you find yourself in a situation with an active shooter. >> get out of the building as quickly as possible. warn others if you can what is going on and get out of the path of the shooter. >> reporter: but sometimes, escaping isn't always possible. >> if you are stuck in a room you can't lock, do the best you can to barricade it. make it so that person can't get in through the doors. >> reporter: and the department of homeland security agrees. the best practices for dealing with the shooter, be aware of your surroundings taking note of at least two exits to any building you walk into. get inside a room quickly. if you are in an office, secure a door, but if all else fails be prepared to fight. >> there will be a split second where you know where he is but he doesn't know where you are so take advantage of that surprise and go on the offensive. >> reporter: i wanted to know what could someone do if they were trapped in this room with an active shooter. >> quickly develop a plan with who is in here. if he comes in here, this is what we are going to do. 30 seconds to establish a plan can make all the difference. find something you can use as a weapon. if there is anything. >> reporter: unfortunately, there is no singular golden rule on how to handle a shooter but the best thing you can do is be prepared. >> when it does happen, you feel like you have a little bit of experience in that situation. meteorologist lawrence is here now to talk about how hot it is going to be. also what is happening in hawaii. >> yeah, we have the tropical storm out there. i have seen some video. it is coming down, it is make its way across the big island yesterday. and sliding on by. and now, making its way near honolulu and just moving to west of it right now. looks like it continues to dump some rainfall. 40 miles an hour. keeping it tropical storm strength. it will slowly work its way across kawahi and cooler waters. drenching rain to come. some areas there may see two to four inches more rain and big time swells. 20 feet high along the east facing beaches. all right, today's highs, they were impressive again today. up to 101. 102 in concord. 20 degrees above the average. much more comfortable there. we will see some hot temperatures the better part of this week. we have fog making its way through the golden gate bridge, looks like some of that filling in along the coastline. more of that on the way. patchy low clouds and fog. mostly clear inland. tomorrow, slightly cooler. still going to stay hot in the valleys. you will see temperatures in the 90s . then for the week ahead, the temperatures start to heat back up again as we head toward tuesday, wednesday, and thursday, that likely will be the peak of the heat. out the door right now, still 71 degrees in concord. 58 degrees and cooler in the napa valley. high pressure still dominating our weather here. that ridge is flicking its muscle. it will get well into the 90s as we head into the middle of the week. across the state, as high as 106 fresno. 107 in bakersfield. 76 in santa barbara. low clouds and fog surging overnight. then as we head through the day, that will break up. numbers will be down quite a bit. sunshine, hazy sunshine. and, well, we have a spare the air day in effect for san jose. you will see some unhealthy air- conditions there. in san francisco, a little more of a sea breeze, morning clouds, afternoon sunshine. then into oakland, we will see plenty of sunshine, the temperatures will stay on the warm side of the afternoon. getting hot inland. well into the 90s in many spots. that is the place to hang out. some of these temperatures may be geting to 104 as we look to wednesday and thursday. finally everybody cooling down. coming up in a few minutes we will break down temperature ins the zone forecast all along the bay area. >> thank you very much. san jose police are investigating a homicide. it is the city's 28th homicide this year. happened in downtown san jose early this morning. responding to a call for help, police found the man suffering from a stab wound. later died at the hospital. the identity of the victim has not been released. no arrests have been made. here is what is coming up at 10:00. in the east bay, mosquitoes with the west nile virus have shown up. coming up. >> this guy told you he was okay to put it on there. >> pacifica and half-moon bay were the focus of a traffic crack down. i will show you who was caught in people behaving badly. ♪ ♪ ♪ with this level of intelligence...'s a supercomputer. with this grade of protection... it's a fortress. and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis. introducing the completely redesigned e-class. it's everything you need it to be... and more. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> get this. for the second time this year, the seventh time. there has been a crack down in the peninsula. >> officers from all around the area are targeting troubled spots. >> but where they were, well, stanley roberts was there as well. >> reporter: here is stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> i talked to you about this coming around that turn at 40 miles an hour. it is supposed to be 25. >> reporter: this driver was pulled over by officer grant from the koma police department. but we are not in koma. let's rewind the video. here is a car coming down the hill in pacifica and officer grant. he is part of the monthly crack down for san mateo county's saturation traffic enforcement program. it is traffic officers from all around san mateo county including the california highway patrol. this driver was cited by a city of san mateo officers going 68 on highway 41. back to officer grant. he also caught another driver going faster than the posted speed limit in pacifica. >> your speed when you came around the s turn. 42 miles an hour. >> reporter: then there was a driver of this plumbing van. he wasn't speeding, he wasn't on his cell phone and had his seat belt on. but there was a problem with something on the band. >> the white bar you have across the front? is it a company truck? >> this guy told you it was okay to put it on there? it was completely legal in california? he said you can put the lights anywhere on your vehicle? probably not right? >> reporter: then officers moved over to half-moon bay where they were checking for any traffic violation. we found this guy with a cracked windshield. >> how long has your windshield been cracked? >> a couple of months. >> reporter: since he was taking so long to get it repaired he was given a ticket to speed the process. they issued 82 tickets from everything to cell phones to speeding. one went 80 plus in a 45. and i talked to some of the people caught and got more details. that will be in a future edition of people behaving badly. in pacifica and half-moon bay, stanley roberts, kron 4 news. >> if you have seen any people behaving badly in your neighborhood, let us know. contact stanley on facebook or twitter on e-mail him. she has been missing for two months. >> and bay area police officers headed to the funeral of a fallen officer in baton rouge. why it is person for one of the officer to be there for the baton rouge family. >> now, back to kron 4 news at 10:00 with j.r. stone and justine waldman. >> monday is the final funeral for the baton rouge law enforcement officers shot and killed in an ambush last week. >> several south san francisco police officers are on their way to the funeral now. they departed from oakland international airport this evening. they are going to the funeral to pay their respects and show their support. they feel it is important to honor their brother officers. one of the officers going to the funeral, his uncle, was a millbrae police officer who was killed in the line of duty in 1998 so he knows firsthand how hard it is for the families of fallen officers. >> there is always a constant reminder of how it affected me and my family back in 1998. and it is a constant reminder to tell me what the families are going through in louisiana and dallas. and essentially, nationwide for law enforcement, it is just a tough time. >> it is an honor and a privilege to represent south san francisco going to baton rouge, louisiana to pay respects to officers who paid the ultimate sacrifice by dying in the line of duty. >> it shows camaraderie across the country. i have noticed how many officers from all over the country, every state has been represented so it is very important that we all pay our respects and support to the agencies. >> they are doing to the funeral of montrel jackson. the father of a newborn child. law enforcement from all over the country came to baton rouge yesterday for the funeral of matthew gerald. >> they say it is so important to come together for a fallen comrade. >> reporter: a line of motorcycles took their brother matthew gerald to his final resting place. they came from new york, mississippi, nevada. nearly every state in the country spare the air luted their fallen comrade. mark aaronburg and doug shoreway threw in yesterday to attend the services. >> it is touching to see how it affects so many different lives from all over the country. it resolidifies what it means to serve and protect and it gives you another means of what you are doing is appreciated and people know they are here for the right reasons. >> reporter: noah bennett traveled here with a special tribute. he and his wife own a nonprofit called hearts and crosses. they do this to honor all slain officers. >> we worked all week on it and got it done to bring it to them. that way, it brings them closure. >> reporter: the community gathered outside to show their support and a little southern hospitality. >> they are all thinking us. they are holding their hands out for us. >> reporter: while they were no doubt outnumbered by law enforcement, there were plenty of everyday people there to thank officers for their service. their presence was a warm welcome home for retired new york police department highway patrolman steve brooks who says he said good-bye to too many officers taken away too soon. >> i hope it stops. i hope it stops now. police officers are always going to be killed in the line of duty. they always were, they always will, but the unfair targeting is just horrendous. we are going to stand together. the police officers are not going to take it. >> reporter: it is clear they support one another. they stand stronger than ever. they have been called to protect and serve and they say that is what their fallen brothers would want them to continue to do long after they sign off. just days after the gunman's rampage in munich, a suspected suicide bomber was killed elsewhere in germany when he set off an explosive device injuring ten people. this happened in the city of amsbach. he triggered the bomb hen he was turned away from an open air music festival early on monday. the concert had some 2500 in attendance. it was quickly shut down as a precaution. germany is on edge after a deadly rampage at a munich mall in which nine people were killed at and an ax atrack in a train monday in which five people were injured. the democratic national convention starts tomorrow, monday. lit be happening in philadelphia. security measures are now being put in place to make sure that everyone stays safe. >> certainly, the case from our partners at cnn. joe holden explains what police are doing to prepare for the possible protests. >> reporter: this is the emergency response war room. it is how they handle the crush of the dnc delegates, protesters, and visitorsful at an afternoon news conference, police confirmed they have not received any credible threat against the convention or the city. law enforcement was visible across philadelphia on sunday. mayor kenny has taken a position people will be allowed to demonstrate. that could mean gridlock in center city. >> our goal is not to arrest anyone. and, the civil citations are one of the ways we keep people out of the criminal justice system. >> reporter: traffic was limping along stretches of i- 95. trucks weighs more than five tons were forced to bail from the the highway which runs by the wells fargo center. state police closed down some lanes to attempt to streamline the process. we are in the area of i-95 north and this is where state police are taking four lanes of 95 down to two. they are weeding out five ton or more vehicles. the question is, it is so gridlocked here on a sunday afternoon, what will this look like come monday more thanking? >> commuters should anticipate that. they should be patient. the city has already put that out. >> reporter: the city will juggle protests and demonstrations with soaring temperatures. officials will carefully monitor the threat of severe weather. top city officials emphasized making one thing clear about the tone of the dnc. >> what we are living in is difficult times but it is not all a downer. this country is a great country. it need to hear from us. >> reporter: while significant numbers of law enforcement will be on the street, just how many exactly they wouldn't say. it is expected police will show restraint. this is philadelphia takes center stage in what has been a rough and tumble political season. tomorrow marks two months since teenager pearl penson was kidnapped on her way to school. a witness saw the 15-year-old be taken away by an armed man. she has not been seen since. to keep hope alive she will be found, her family is holing a prayer vigil at the overpass at 7:30. her alleged kidnapper, 19-year- old fernando castro died in a shoot-out with police in southern california. well, the latest now on stories happening here in the bay area. >> we have new warnings about west nile virus in the east bay. >> in two cases in contra costa county, infected mosquitoes have been found in antioch. a bite from an infected mosquito can pass along the virus which can cause death. coco county officials are encouraging residents to wear repellant to avoid getting bitten. gas prices are going down here in the bay area. >> and the video has gone viral. what we are learning about. two officers involved in shooting an unarmed therapist in florida and why the investigation shows one of the officers tried to cover up what happened. >> following the shoots of a black therapist trying to calm his autistic patient, a north miami police officer has been suspended. >> video showed the therapist was lying on the ground with his hands in the air. boris sanchez explains the controversy over the shooting. >> reporter: charles kinsey is home this weekend recovering after being released from the hospital on thursday. there are calls to fire the police officer who shot him. there is other controversy from another officer involved in the incident. this cell phone video taken moments before charles kinsey, an unarmed african-american man, was shot by north miami police sparked outrage across the country this week. but new developments suggest the controversy doesn't end there. police released the names of the two officers involved in the incident. jonathan aletaa, the officer who pulled the trigger is a four year veteran of the department. he is on paid administrative leave. but another officer, emil hollant is on unpaid leave because city officials say he provided false and misleading information about the shooting. >> there will not be any cover- ups in the city of north miami. the police officer who you just heard named who has been put on leave totally violated husband trust from the public to protect and serve. by giving misinformation to this department, he jeopardized mr. kinsey's life and his client and every police officer who serves the city. >> reporter: meanwhile, represents for the officer urged the public to resist jumping to conclusions saying the widely seen video doesn't tell the whole story. >> the initial call went out as a man with a gun. possibly suicidal. that came from an independent witness who called 911. there were other officers on the scene who thought the individual had a firearm. they thought he was reloading the firearm. >> reporter: that individual was an autistic person who walked out of the assisted living facility where kinsey worked. he then stopped in the middle of the street to play with a toy. kinsey's boss says he was doing the right thing. >> my employee was trying to get him out of traffic going down the street. and then, mr. kinsey has stated next thing you know, the police sirens arrive and we saw what he did. >> reporter: the police union has said this whole thing was an accident. they are saying the officer wasn't even aiming his weapon at kinsey, but rather at the autistic person that was to the side of kinsey in that video. the question now is why? what was it was the person that was doing to escalate the situation where they aimed the weapons to begin with. there is surveillance videos by nearby surveillance cameras. the electrical company in south florida. we are hoping to get an eye on that surveillance footage soon so we can see how the whole incident unfolded. boris sanchez, cnn, miami. a lot more to come on kron 4 news at 10:00. the san francisco giants were in new york city taking on the yankees today. trying to turn the losing trend around. we will show you what happens in sports. when consultant josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. and when josh thinks big you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some... he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. look at that pie chart! boom! you've never seen a number like that! you feel me lois? i'm feeling you. yeah you do! let's do this! watch out he just had a whole thimble full of coffee... woot! woot! the ready for you alert, only at la... quinta! yeah! >> we are taking a live look right now outside of the embarcadero. it was another beautiful day around the bay. >> it was not just people who got to enjoy the nice weather. look at this video we got earlier this afternoon. these little guys taking a ride. >> was your dog on there? >> no. he would not enjoy that. but man, these dogs are cute with their sunglasses an the convertible. they knew how to beat the heat which is what a lot of people were doing. lawrence is here now to talk about the weather forecast. >> stanley roberts is on it. [ laughter ] >> i wish somebody would pull me an on the embarcadero like that. >> get out there and enjoy it. a lot of sunshine. hot weather in spots. but you know in san francisco, what a nice day. i mean really. not feeling that heat at all. very patchy fog. strong ridge of high pressure still overhead. the temperatures cooling off now. 54-degree ins san francisco. 71 in warm and concord still. 69 san jose. 59 degrees into oakland. all right, this is what we expect. some patchy fog along the coast. just inside the bay, then, mostly clear in the interior valleys. tomorrow, morning clouds early on giving way to some sunshine. don't get used to it. we will heat things right up again as we head into the middle of the week. numbers around the bay area tomorrow, 60s into san francisco. mid 70s in oakland. mid 80s into san jose. so comfortable weather there. you head inland, it heats up in a hurry. high pressure weakens and starts to build in, in the desert southwest. that means very hot temperatures coming our way. overnight, low cloud us and fog surge into the bay. as we wake up tomorrow morning, a couple of clouds in place. that will break up in a hurry. a lot of sunshine all day long. a couple of patches of fog flirt withs the coastline. temperatures are going to look like this. 60s into the san francisco area. 69 in the warmer spots in daly city. then as you head a little further to the south, the temperatures warming up. low 80s into sunnyvale. into the south bay, temperature ins the mid 80s . then the east bay, temperatures soaring well into the 90s in many spots. looks like the temperatures are flirting with triple digits. it will be another hot one just along the coastline, you will see the cool weather in the 60s . 87 in santa rosa. temperatures well inland, the 80s and the 90s in many spots so the next couple of the days, we will see the hot weather continuing. probably some triple digit heat. getting hotter through wednesday and thursday. of course the air quality is suffering. we will get a nice breath of fresh air. much stronger sea breeze. >> 104 though. that is really hot. >> jr loves this stuff. >> especially when you watch a baseball game. the giants trying to beat the yankees in the last game of the series before heading back to san franciscoment we go to the video. these giants, you see hem them rooting for jeff samardzija. and he was struggling. gets up. it was just calling it a b. yankees up 2-0. samardzija allowed a couple of runs early in this one. had eight hits he gave up. gave up five runs and three strikeouts. top of the seven. buster posey gave san francisco some life. giants bring in two runs by two yankees. top of the eighth. giants on the move again. pena is going to ground into the double play. mack williamson tries runing to third base. he gets caught here, the final 5-2 yankees. win this thing. 5-2. giants now lost seven of the last eight. bob melvin looking for his as third win versus the rays in a four-game series. they are playing pretty good ball. chris davis hits a long double in the first. bringing in the first run of the game for oakland and it was looking good. that was jesse han's turn on the mound. he had five strikeouts. four hits. one run up. they finally took him out. you see that ovation. he was pitching good. logan forscythe ties the game up at 2-2. han in the dugout. not happy after seeing that. we go to the bottom of the 8th inning. and billy butter hit it is go ahead home run to put the as back in the lead. the final here 3-2. oakland. the record 45 and 54. fourth in the al west. usa took on china in preparation for the olympics. you see coach k here and the crew looking on for the u.s. team before the game first quarter. kevin durant, the warrior off an inbound pass. 3rd inning. deandre jordan. he is a beast. he is a monster. it was just an onslaught in the game. that is klay thompson with the three. 57-106. usa crushed them. keep in mind, tuesday night, they will be oracle arena is in what should be, if it is not like that, it won't be that great of a game. but lit be fun seeing the players. celebrity golf at lake tahoe. alfonzo doing the carlton dance. this was a good time. were you watching him? >> i did watch this. because, you know, they are letting loose, having some fun. >> you like justin timberlake. >> of course i do. >> of course you do. the winner though was former as pitcher mark mulder. he birdied seven of his first 12 hole to win by five points defending his title. i wish if we got more of that dancing video, steph curry was rolling around on the golf course. it was something to watch. i believe jim harbaugh was out there. larry the cable guy was out there. it was a fun time all around. still ahead, gas prices are going down. we will tell you how much after the break. ♪ is the world truly ready for a vehicle that can drive itself? an autonomous-thinking automobile that protects those inside and outside. ready or not, the future is here. the all-new e-class. self-braking, self-correcting, self-parking. a mercedes-benz concept car that's already a reality. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> the midsummer relief at the gas pump continue. >> the national average price of gas has dropped seven cents over the past three weeks. experts say lower oil prices and abundant gasoline supply caused the decline. they say the price is 60 cents less than it was a year ago. triple a says california prices have dropped a few fractions of a cent since a week ago. and add that the downward trend could continue for the rest of if year. >> so now, let's look at bay area gas prices in the east bay for regular. it is 2.81. in the south bay, in san jose, it is the cents more at 2.83. in san francisco, 2.95. coming up on the kron 4 news at 11:00, the democratic national convention is tomorrow and philadelphia is getting ready for all the planned protests. >> find out how police are planning to keep everyone safe. kron 4 news is back in just three minutes. aha! oof! weee! slurp. mmmmmm. cinnamon. milk. cinna-milk. cinnamon toast crunch. crunch! crave those crazy squares. cinna-milk! the democratic national convention starts tomorrow. thank you for joining us here. security measures are being put in place in philadelphia to ensure everyone's safety. >> from a partnership, jordan expense would police are doing to prepare for protests. >> this is the emergency response program. it's how police and other agencies will handle the crush of delegates, directors, producers and visitors. police confirmed that have received any credible threat against the convention or the city. law enforcement is visible across philadelphia on sunday. the

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