Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20171019 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20171019

(dave)a cold front remains on track to push through our district later today and tonight, bringing our first widespread rainfall event of the season, along with cooler temperatures. look for the most rainfall to be in the coastal ranges and across the north bay. along with cooler temperatures, breezy onshore winds can be expected through friday. dry conditions will return on friday and a warming trend is forecast over the weekend and into the first part of next week. temperatures are forecast to be well above seasonal averages during the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( james ) happening now... car break-ins and burglaries are on the rise in san mateo and foster city and police are trying to get the word out about the areas hardest hit. ( darya ) kron 4's will tran is live in san mateo with areas you need to watch out for. will? (will) car burglaries are on the rise at a popular shopping center in san mateo. ( james ) thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( darya ) a san francisco police officer on the bicycle beat is in critical condition this morning... after being hit by an s-u-v. the officer had surgery and is in the intensive care unit. this all happened just before 12:30 yesterday afternoon... between van ness avenue and franklin street. the suspect drove away from the area. the s-u-v was eventually found near buena vista park. then at 3:30... the suspect was found and taken into custody on ellis street in the tenderloin. police have not identified the driver... but witnesses did. he was arrested a matter of blocks from where the hit and run creek. the fire is 15- percent contained. this morning.. evacuation orders are still in effect. at least seven people have been hurt... including firefighters. one looting arrest has been made. ( james ) a petaluma woman is behind bars this morning áagainá ... she's accused of stealing mail and committing fraud against santa rosa fire evacuees. katie lehnhard was arrested on monday after a mail theft victim reported fraudulent charges on her bank account. using a cancelled check ... police tracked down lehnhard and found she had credit cards and checkbooks belonging to santa rosa fire evacuees staying at local shelters. lehnhard was released... but arrested again on wednesday after police found two more victims. ( darya ) the california state bar association has set up a hotline to provide legal aid to fire victims. private and public attorneys will help victims through a variety of legal problems.. among them -- landlord and tenant disputes, medical and property insurance, and home repair contracts. there are separate hotlines for fire victims in napa and sonoma counties. we've made it easy for you and put these numbers on our website at ( darya ) state senator jerry hill says he will try to break up p-g-and-e... áif the utility played a role in causing the fires. he's been pushing to reform the company since the 20-10 san bruno explosion that killed eight people and destroyed dozens of homes. for its role in that tragedy ... state regulators fined p-g-and-e... one-point-six billion dollars. ( darya ) and we want to tell you about a new tool this morning...the city of santa rosa has posted a new map showing the damage caused by the fire. this is a more detailed map than the one that they sent out last week. you can take a look at the damage in your neighborhood. we have this interactive map on our website at kron 4 dot com. ( james ) president trump has made four visits to hurricane zones recently. but he does ánot have plans to survey the damage in the north bay. the president did tweet yesterday... "our hearts are with all affected by the wildfires in california. god bless our brave first responders and @fema team." ( james ) opening statements begin monday in the kate steinle murder case. a jury was seated and sworn-in yesterday. back in 2015... jose garcia zarate was arrested for shooting steinle as she walked on san francisco's pier 14. defense attorneys say the shooting was accidenttal. garcia zarate's arrest created a national controversy over san francisco's sanctuary city policies. garcia zarate -- an undocumented immigrant -- had been taken into custody ábefore the shooting on marijuana charges. when the charges were dropped... he was released. ( darya ) a 14-year-old boy is recovering after being injured while running from gunfire after getting off a bus in san francisco. it happened on tuesday morning near la salle and newcomb avenues in the city's bay view district. the gunman and the victim both got off the bus and that is when the shooter opened fire. the boy took off running and injured his ankle and suffered scratches to his head. he was taken to the hospital for his injuries. police believe the shooter was a 16-year-old boy. he has not yet been arrested. ( darya ) no criminal charges will be filed after a deadly officer inovled shooting in san francisco. that shooting led to the abrupt resignation last year of police chief greg suhr. jessica williams was shot and killed by police in may of last year. police say sergeant justin erb shot her after she drove toward him in a car that had been reported stolen. the shooting came at a time of rising protests over police shootings... including the death of mario woods in the bayview district in 20-15. the district attorney's office says the evidence does ánotá show sergeant erb's acted unreasonably. public defender jeff adachi criticized the decision -- saying it sends the wrong message. ( james ) the man accused of shooting 6 people in maryland and delaware is now under arrest. police say 37-year old radee prince is accused of killing three people and wounding two others at his job in maryland yesterday morning. police say he shot a sixth person about two hours later at a car dealership in delaware. this is video of prince being taken into custody last night in delaware. prince has a lengthy criminal history, including 42 arrests... mostly for probation violations... and 15 felony convictions. ( james ) finding affordable housing in the bay area is difficult, but the city of oakland is doing something to help. mayor libby schaaf says the city plans to turn 26 vacant properties into housing for low and moderate income families. the properties have all defaulted on their taxes and have become eyesores because of illegal dumping. if all goes well, the new homes should be available for move-in sometime next year. ( darya ) today is the annual great california shakeout. students across the state will be asked to drop, cover, and hold during earthquake drills today. it's a statewide earthquake drill designed to make sure people are ready for a massive earthquake. it's set to happen right at 10:19 this morning. ( james ) still ahead on the kron four morning news... the u-s could be moving closer to having a new wall along the u-s meexico border. see the new prototype that is now being built. and see how the state of california is stepping up to put an end to puppy mills. see how santa rosa teachers are helping students who lost their school in the wildfire find a new place to study.( dave ) and rain is in the forecast.( robin ) and i am tracking your morning commute. . . if you are in your home or business and you smell gas, your first step is to get out, travel to a safe distance until you can't smell the gas anymore and then call 911. the first responders will come out and they'll make it safe for you and your community. if youdon't touch it,downed keep everyone back. call 911 immediately. the fire department will respond with law enforcement and pg&e to figure out what the issue is to keep you safe and there are no hazards to the public. ♪ ( darya ) welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. let's get a check of the forecast with james fletcher. (dave)a cold front remains on track to push through our district later today and tonight, bringing our first widespread rainfall event of the season, along with cooler temperatures. look for the most rainfall to be in the coastal ranges and across the north bay. along with cooler temperatures, breezy onshore winds can be expected through friday. dry conditions will return on friday and a warming trend is forecast over the weekend and into the first part of next week. temperatures are forecast to be well above seasonal averages during the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. ( james ) 42- thousand people from sonoma county... whose homes were ánotá destroyed by the fire.. have returned home. the tubbs fire forced many to leave. but traffic has been an ongoing issue - partly because of road closures that remain in effect. ( james ) while life is getting back to normal for some ... for others in the path of the fires ... it will be a long road to recovery. several schools were destroyed by the tubbs fire. cardinal newman high school along old redwood highway suffered severe damage ... losing its library, 20 classes and the main least two other schools in santa rosa were a complete loss ... including the hidden valley satellite all 82 of students have to move over to the main campus. southern border wall prototypes being set up near san diego. take a look. this picture was taken behind the current border fence from the mexican side of the border in tijuana. the construction of the prototypes began in september. president trump says he is pleased to see the project moving forward. ( darya ) the white house says the white house says there will be eight prototypes tested on the border before one is chosen. the u.s. customs and border protection is expected to choose one before the end of the year. this is happening despite congress refusing to pay for it. ( james ) california is now the first state in the country to ban the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits unless they are rescue animals. state lawmakers approved the bill last month and it has now been signed by the governor. stores must now work with public animal control agencies, shelters or rescue groups. pet stores that violate the new law could face a five hundred dollar fine. ( darya ) still ahead on the kron four morning news..a snapchat photo on a college campus is causing controversy as students say the photo is racist. we'll show it to you coming up. and see what a police department decided to do after this disturbing video of a police officer beating a man surfaces. jack's breakfast pockets for 2 dollars each. break up your breakfast routine with your choice of two grilled pockets filled with either ham or sausage. both made with freshly cracked eggs and two melty cheeses. all jam packed into a warm, grilled flour tortilla. so give your tired old breakfast a wake-up call. try jack's breakfast pockets for just two bucks. but you'd better hurry, because if you snooze, you'll lose out on this deal. come try jack's breakfast pockets, each for just two bucks. only from jack in the box. ( darya ) an ohio police officer is fired after being accused of police brutality during an arrest. the incident was caught on camera. this video was taken two months ago. you can see the officer punching richard hubbard. this started as a traffic stop and police say hubbard resisted arrest. hubbard says he did not resist and that the officer was aggressive the entire time and that the encounter left lasting damage. ( darya ) hubbard says he feels like he did get justice but still wants the officer to apologize. ( james ) a rain delay during a college football game on saturday still has people talking. this photo was taken at kansas state and posted to snapchat. the caption reads -- "newest members of the k-state kool kids." the university says the k-k-k reference does ánotá represent who they are as a school. school officials say if a post targets individuals on campus or if a student breaks the student code of conduct... they'll take action. for now.. k- state says it's still investigating. ( lydia ) searching for victims in the north bay firestorm. i will have the details in a live report. ( dave ) tracking your morning forecast. details coming up. (darya)(mark) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... (dave)a cold front remains on track to push through our district later today and tonight, bringing our first widespread rainfall event of the season, along with cooler temperatures. look for the most rainfall to be in the coastal ranges and across the north bay. along with cooler temperatures, breezy onshore winds can be expected through friday. dry conditions will return on friday and a warming trend is forecast over the weekend and into the first part of next week. temperatures are forecast to be well above seasonal averages during the first half of next week. major hot spot. a stalled big rig in concord on wb 4 near willow pass ( james ) meanwhile... containment on the 3 big fires burning in the north bay -- the atlas, tubbs and nuns -- is above 80 percent. but the death toll has risen to 42.( darya ) another victim was identified in santa rosa yesterday. in sonoma county... 50 people are reported missing. and in napa county... 8 people are reported missing. kron 4 spent the day with search and rescue teams in santa rosa -- searching through the debris of burned homes. ( darya )( james ) kron 4's lydia pantazes joins us live this morning from santa rosa. lydia -- the search for the missing will be a long and difficult one. (lydia) crews continue today to search for missing people in santa rosa. ( darya ) since these wildfires started ... there have been a growing number of stories of people doing good to help others. david stanford of santa rosa has been using his truck to help those whose homes burned down in the coffey park neighborhood.he was one of the lucky few.. his home ... just a block away from the rows of burned out houses ... was not touched by the fire.after developing a relationship with law enforcement ... they trusted him to do runs into the evacuated coffey park area to retrieve things for his neighbors. ( darya ) two bay area victims have been saved... as part of a nationwide effort that focuses on human trafficking. the f-b-i announced the results of its "operation cross country." overall... officials say 120 traffickers were taken into custody and 84 minors were rescued. the f-b-i says 27 women were also arrested for prostitution... and four pimps were cited in the operation. police in san raphael arrested 5 men as part of the round-up. they're all accused of communicating with a minor... with the intent to have sex. f-b-i director christopher wray issued a statement saying the feds -- "have no greater mission than to protect our nation's children from harm." ( james ) two 49ers linebackers say they were held up at gunpoint outside of a san francisco club. now... we're hearing from one of them. this is a followup to a story we first told you about yesterday. rookie reuben foster and 'ray-ray' armstrong ran off and managed to get away unharmed. they were leaving the "love and propaganda club" ... near post and stockton streets early monday morning. they say two men confronted them... armed with an assault rifle and a pistol. foster and armstrong hid in a nearby hotel before calling police. foster says he hopes his teammates can learn from this. predicament.">( james ) the 49ers say they're glad neither player was hurt and that both players are cooperating with police. ( darya ) california's attorney general is asking a federal judge to force the trump administration to pay for healthcare subsidies. attorney general xavier becerra is leading a lawsuit. he's joined by 18 other states. they're asking for an emergency court order by 4-p-m today. the monthly payments would normally be sent out friday... but president trump cut them off last week. becerra says the president is illegally trying to sabotage the affordable care act. becerra is temporary order would flowing... as the case moves courts. ( darya )white supremacist richard spencer is scheduled to speak at the university of florida this afternoon ... and security concerns are growing. federal and local officials are bracing for potential protests during today's scheduled officials say the school is required by law to allow spencer to speak on campus. while they advise students and staff to stay away from the event ... spencer, for his part denies that he is interested in riling racist tensions. ( darya )the university of florida is spending more than half a million dollars on security for spencer's speech. (darya) coming up on the kron four morning news... will the real klay thompson please stand up. and nike is trying to get to the bottom of jersey gate. also what train does jed york want everybody to get on board? the world according to gary is in a few minutes. ( james ) and after the break... your minivan may not be safe. we will tell you why thousands are being recalled this morning. . . toyotais recalling nearly 350 thousand sienna minivans worldwidebecause they can shift out of the "park" positionand roll away. the recall involves siennas from the 2005-2007 and 2009-2010 model years. toyota says the grease used in the shift lever assembly could transfer to other componentsc ausing them to work improperly. in particularthe shifter can move out of "park"... even if the driver isnt pressing the brake pedal. toyota hasn't reported any accidents related to the defect... but say dealers will repair the vehicles for free. (robin) major hot spot. a stalled big rig in concord on wb 4 near willow pass. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. to 101. ( darya ) lebron james ripped the back of his jersey after leading the cleveland cavaliers to victory against the boston celtic tuesday night. nike is now investigating why it happened. it happened when celtics player jaylen brown grabbed james' jersey and it tore between the numbers 2 and 3. it was the first season opening game after nike outbid adidas as the nba's uniform supplier. ( darya ) lebron james ripped the back of his jersey after leading the cleveland cavaliers to victory against the boston celtic tuesday night. nike is now investigating why it happened. it happened when celtics player jaylen brown grabbed james' jersey and it tore between the numbers 2 and 3. it was the first season opening game after nike outbid adidas as the nba's uniform supplier. ( darya ) you may remember we reported yesterday about celtics player gordon hayward having a gruesome injury during the opening game against the cleveland cavaliers. hayward delivered a video message to fans at last night's game from his hospital bed. he told them he was going to be alright. hayward dislocated his left ankle and fractured his tibula tuesday night. the 27-year-old basketball player does not know when he will be able to return. ( darya ) a klay thompson impersonator went to the warriors home opening game tuesday night. the team played against the houston rockets at oracle arena. the impersonator was at game five of this year's nba finals when the team played against the cleveland cavaliers. the impersonator goes by the twitter handle "big daws tv." ( darya ) the klay thompson impersonator tweeted about getting approval from warriors player kevin durant. he tweeted tuesday night while he was at the home opening game: "kevin durant just gave me a high five and reffered to me as klay." twitter users were not as kind making fun of the impersonator. ( darya ) what train is 49ers owner jed york talking about? this was after york said it is really hard to disagree with former niners player colin kaepernick's protest. york said he would not force his players to stand during the national anthem. what train is jed york talking about? ( darya ) you may remember 49ers player eric reid kneeling with kaepernick when he first started his national anthem protest. reid says he will stand when nfl owners step up, this comes a day after a meeting he had with niners owner jed york and 10 other nfl owners. reid says he left that meeting feeling like he would be prepared to stand eventually. we're less than two weeks away from halloween... and m&m's have taken the top spot for the most popular halloween candy in california. this is a map showing the most popular candy for each state.( darya ) californians will buy more than 1.5 million pounds of the chocolate candy, according to candystore dot com. m&m's is also the favorite in pennsylvania and north carolina.( james ) skittles are also popular in california, coming in third on the list of favorite trick- or-treat candies. the national retail federation shoppers nationwide will spend $2.7 billion on halloween candy this year. ( james ) and if you child is still looking for their halloween costume... super heroes are expected to be the most popular. but batman specifically is the second most popular costume this year. that is followed by princesses at number 3. animals... like a dog or a cat are the 4th most popular costume. and spiderman is the 5th most popular. ( james ) coming up in the next hour... a san francisco police officer has been critically injured after a man hit him with his car. how he's doing this morning. plus.. burglaries are on the rise in two cities on the peninsula. the common places thieves seem to be targeting. and search and rescue crews are still looking for people missing after the north bay wildfires. we'll have an update on the search in a live report. i no longer live with the uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if? i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. ( james ) here's a look at our radar ... we are expecting rain later tonight. (darya) good morning i'm darya folsom..(james) and i'm james fletcher. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... (dave)a cold front remains on track to push through our district later today and tonight, bringing our first widespread rainfall event of the season, along with cooler temperatures. look for the most rainfall to be in the coastal ranges and across the north bay. along with cooler temperatures, breezy onshore winds can be expected through friday. dry conditions will return on friday and a warming trend is forecast over the weekend and into the first part of next week. temperatures are forecast to be well above seasonal averages during the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. golden gate bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. ( darya ) a san francisco police officer on bicycle patrol is in critical condition this morning... after being hit by an s-u-v. the officer had surgery and is in the intensive care unit. this all happened just before 12:30 yesterday afternoon... between van ness avenue and franklin street. the suspect drove away from the area. the s-u-v was eventually found near buena vista park. then at 3:30... the suspect was found and taken into custody on ellis street in the tenderloin. police have not identified the driver... but witnesses did. he was arrested a matter of blocks from where the hit and run happened. reckless, don't care about anyone but themselves.>( darya ) police say that this is the s-u-v that the suspect was driving. they found the s-u-v just two blocks from the d-m-v. you can see the front driver's side is damaged. ( james ) happening now... car break-ins and burglaries are on the rise in san mateo and police are trying to get the word out about the areas hardest hit. take a look at this map. this is where officers say a majority of these car break-ins are happening in san mateo.there's the bridgepointe shopping center.marina plaza shopping center.and the fish market.police say the burglaries are happening in busy parking lots near restaurants in the daylight hours.officers are asking if you see some one hanging around the cars acting suspicious ... to alert them. ( james ) firefighters say they've stopped the forward progress of a wildfire burning in santa cruz county. the bear fire has burned 300 acres in the mountains near boulder creek. the fire is 15- percent contained. this morning.. evacuation orders are still in effect. at least seven people have been hurt... including firefighters. one looting arrest has been made. ( james ) meanwhile... containment on the 3 big fires burning in the north bay -- the atlas, tubbs and nuns -- is above 80 percent. but the death toll has risen to 42. ( darya ) another victim was identified in santa rosa yesterday. in sonoma county... 50 people are reported missing. and in napa county... 8 people are reported missing. kron 4 spent the day with search and rescue teams in santa rosa -- searching through the debris of burned homes. ( darya )( james ) kron 4's lydia pantazes joins us live this morning from santa rosa. lydia -- the search for the missing will be a long and difficult one. (lydia) crews continue today to search for missing people in santa rosa. ( darya ) thanks lydia. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( darya ) and new this morning... the city of santa rosa has posted a new map showing the damage caused by the fire. this is a more detailed map than the one that they sent out last week. you can take a look at the damage in your neighborhood. we have this interactive map on our website at kron 4 dot com. ( james ) the california state bar association has set up a hotline to provide legal aid to fire victims. private and public attorneys will help victims through a variety of legal problems.. among them -- landlord and tenant disputes, medical and property insurance, and home repair contracts. there are separate hotlines for fire victims in napa and sonoma counties. we've put those hotline numbers on our website on ( darya ) opening statements begin monday in the kate steinle murder case. a jury was seated and sworn-in yesterday. back in 2015... jose garcia zarate was arrested for shooting steinle as she walked on san francisco's pier 14. defense attorneys say the shooting was accidenttal. garcia zarate's arrest created a national controversy over san francisco's sanctuary city policies. garcia zarate -- an undocumented immigrant -- had been taken into custody ábefore the shooting on marijuana charges. when the charges were dropped... he was released. ( james )a 49er linebacker is speaking out after he and another player were held up at gunpoint outside a ... the north bay fires are not only affecting wineries ... its also impacting the pot industry.and what you áwon't be seeing the next time you visit a california pet store. that's next on the kron 4 morning news. and here's a live look outside... san mateo bridge. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. ( james ) california is now the first state in the country to ban the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits unless they are rescue animals. state lawmakers approved the bill last month and it has now been signed by the governor. stores must now work with public animal control agencies, shelters or rescue groups. pet stores that violate the new law could face a five hundred dollar fine. ( james )california's attorney general is suiing the trump administration.and it has to do with your healthcare. we'll explain. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ trusted battery for your son's favorite toy?t maybe not. maybe, you could trust he wouldn't leave the upstairs water running. (woman screams) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ ( james ) here's a look at radar where we are expecting rain later today. (james)(darya) (dave) welcome back. let's get a check of the weather this morning... (dave)a cold front remains on track to push through our district later today and tonight, bringing our first widespread rainfall event of the season, along with cooler temperatures. look for the most rainfall to be in the coastal ranges and across the north bay. along with cooler temperatures, breezy onshore winds can be expected through friday. dry conditions will return on friday and a warming trend is forecast over the weekend and into the first part of next week. temperatures are forecast to be well above seasonal averages during the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) california's attorney general is asking a federal judge to force the trump administration to pay for healthcare subsidies. attorney general xavier becerra is leading a lawsuit. he's joined by 18 other states. they're asking for an emergency court order by 4-p-m today. the monthly payments would normally be sent out friday... but president trump cut them off last week. becerra says the president is illegally trying to sabotage the affordable care act. becerra is asking for a temporary restraining order would keep payments flowing... as the case moves through the courts. ( james ) two 49ers linebackers say they were held up at gunpoint outside of a san francisco club. now... we're hearing from one of them. this is a followup to a story we first told you about yesterday. rookie reuben foster and 'ray-ray' armstrong ran off and managed to get away unharmed. they were leaving the "love and propaganda club" ... near post and stockton streets early monday morning. they say two men confronted them... armed with an assault rifle and a pistol. foster and armstrong hid in a nearby hotel before calling police. foster says he hopes his teammates can learn from this. ( james ) the 49ers say they're the 49ers say they're glad neither player was hurt and that both players are cooperating with police. ( darya ) it's not just the wine business impacted by the california wildfires.. some pot farms have burned and that could have a lasting impact on the marijuana industry.( james ) insurance is rare in the business and things like fema aid are out of the question. kron4's maureen kelly talked to one marijuana mogul who's had some close calls... last week.there was a scramble at the acme eliirs lagunitas farm when ash started raining down from the fires in sonoma county..the christmas tree sized plants needed to be harvested quickly and brought out of harm's way. now the bear fire is bearing down on the company's other farm in the santa cruz mountains. the ceo says he knows of other growers who have been wiped out.these fires are hitting at the worst possible time.bite about harvestit's a loss that will harder to the pot industry to rebound from than others hard hit.bite about no insurance he believes that the extent of the damage could have an impact come january 1 when the full rollout of adult recreational marijuana goes into effect.bite about a shortage of organic weed(maure en) the marijuana mogel is hopeful his farm will be spared by this fire but even so the crop could be either the quality could be affected by the smoke or it could be containminated by carcinogens. maureen kelly kron4 news ( darya )hackers are targeting schools across the country.the warning from the u-s department of education.and after months of controversy ... the nfl makes a final decision on its national anthem policy.are they forcing players to stand?find out next. parodontax, the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. it's clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums, and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind. with parodontax toothpaste. ♪ the nfl is 'not' changing it's national anthem policy to require players to stand during the anthem. this after n-f-l commissioner roger goodell says he believes players who kneel are not trying to show disrespect for the flag. but he did say that the league still believes they should stand. goodell was talking about the issue after two-day meeting of n-f-l team owners in new york city. he says there won't be any policy changes. the policy now simply says that players áshouldá stand for the anthem, but are not so. agrees with the decision to keep the current policy intact. dallas cowboys owner jerry jones has said that any dallas player who kneels during the national anthem will 'not' play. (dave) tracking your morning forecast. what to expect as you head out the door right after the break. break. after the door right head out the expect as you what to forecast. your morning tracking (dave) ( james ) here's a look at radar where we are expecting rain later today. (james) (darya) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start with a check of weather and traffic... (dave)a cold front remains on track to push through our district later today and tonight, bringing our first widespread rainfall event of the season, along with cooler temperatures. look for the most rainfall to be in the coastal ranges and across the north bay. along with cooler temperatures, breezy onshore winds can be expected through friday. dry conditions will return on friday and a warming trend is forecast over the weekend and into the first part of next week. temperatures are forecast to be well above seasonal averages during the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( james ) happening today... the great california shakeout. there are events all over the bay area to help families prepare for the big one.( darya ) kron 4's will tran is in mountain view where demonstrations are happening. will? (will) happening today. people all over prepare in case of the big one. ( james ) thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( darya ) since these wildfires started ... there have been a growing number of stories of people doing good to help others.david stanford of santa rosa has been using his truck to help those whose homes burned down in the coffey park neighborhood.he was one of the lucky few.. his home ... just a block away from the rows of burned out houses ... was not touched by the fire.after developing a relationship with law enforcement ... they trusted him to do runs into the evacuated coffey park area to retrieve things for his neighbors. ( james ) finding affordable housing in the bay area is difficult, but the city of oakland is doing something to help. mayor libby schaaf says the city plans to turn 26 vacant properties into housing for low and moderate income families. the properties have all defaulted on their taxes and have become eyesores because of illegal dumping. if all goes well, the new homes should be available for move-in sometime next year. ( james ) in san francisco. the search is on for the men who robbed a 58-year-old man of his cellphone and wheelchair. it happened around two a.m. yesterday on mary street in the city's south of market neighborhood. three men approached the victm threw him out of his wheelchair and then stole his cellphone. the vicitm was not injured. ( darya ) a warning to teachers, parents and school staffs... hackers are targeting school disctricts across the country. that is according to the u-s department of education. at least three states have been targeted. officials say hackers are asking schools to give them money... or the group will release stolen private records. the hackers also included threats of violence... and shaming or bullying the children. in one case in montana ... a threateneing letter mentioned "sandy hook." law enforcement says they did not believe the threats... and that the attackers are áoutside of the u.-s. ( darya ) one bike lane in san francisco is being used by some drivers as a right turn lane. we'll take you where in the city this is happening. and a new connection between sugar and cancer.we'll explain. don't go away. hard to get a great shape. this i can do, easily. benefiber® healthy shape is a clear, taste-free, 100% natural daily fiber... that's clinically proven to help me feel fuller longer. benefiber® healthy shape. this i can do! spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) scientists in beligium say they've made a breakthrough in researching the relationship between sugar and cancer. they found sugar can make cancer cells multiply áfaster.( james ) this does ánotá mean sugar causes cancer. so cutting sugar from your diet may ánotá lower your cancer risk. but the study does suggest that eating a low-sugar diet could be beneficial to cancer patients. (dave) watching the weather this morning. your forecast is right after the break. in the weather center tracking the forecast with james... (dave)a cold front remains on track to push through our district later today and tonight, bringing our first widespread rainfall event of the season, along with cooler temperatures. look for the most rainfall to be in the coastal ranges and across the north bay. along with cooler temperatures, breezy onshore winds can be expected through friday. dry conditions will return on friday and a warming trend is forecast over the weekend and into the first part of next week. temperatures are forecast to be well above seasonal averages during the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. ( darya ) it's a story that's caused quite a controversy.... president donald trump's phone conversation with the widow of a soldier killed in niger. white house officials say there is áno recording of the president's call with the widow of a fallen soldier. the commander in chief called sergeant la-david johnson's widow, myeshia johnson, to offer his condolences. florida democratic representative frederica wilson, who was with johnson at the time of the phone call said president trump told johnson that her husband quote "knew what he signed up for, but i guess it still hurt." the president denied using those words... and in a tweet he claimed he had proof. president trump also claimed former president obama and others ánever called the families of fallen soldiers. ( darya ) white house officials say multiple people were in the room with the commander in chief during his call to myeshia jonhson ... and that president trump was completely respectful ...and very sympathetic. ( james )white supremacist richard spencer is scheduled to speak at the university of florida this afternoon ... and security concerns are growing. police are bracing for potential protests during today's scheduled speech. university officials say the school is required by law to allow spencer to speak on campus.while they advise students and staff to stay away from the event...spencer denies that he is interested in riling racist tensions.the university of florida is spending more than half a million dollars on security for speech. ( darya ) we all have to share the road... and it doesn't matter if you're in a car or on a bike - attention to detail is critical.( james ) and as stanley roberts reports... there is a section of a bike lane in san francisco that might be considered the most dangerous. i have to show you this, i drive past this location on an almost daily basis and every single time i roll past i see drivers doing this nats: ambiancedid you miss it? ok ill show you yet another driver doing the exact same thing.nats: ambiance now if you are wondering exactly what they are doing. let's take a closer look.nats: ambianceyou see this is a dedicated bike lane and the lane of traffic next ot it says no turns. back before the intersection it reads right lane must turn right and after that one there's another one which reads "right lane must turn onto battery street" there is a dedicated lane for the right- hand turn everyone must go straight . that's because there is a dedicated bike lane crossing that intersectionbut you will see driver nats: ambiance after drivernats: ambiance after driver make that illegal maneuver crossing over the dedicated bike lane and sometimes you will see drivers ignore the right turn only and go straight nats: ambiance this is bike route 5 on the embarcadero and is used by hundreds of bicyclists every day which leaves the exposed to getting hit by speeding cars and trucks the driver wanting to make the right-hand turn should enter the turn lane a block back, here but instead they wait will the very last second. nats: ambiance it's not worth risking anyone's life just because you couldn't wait to enter the dedicated turn lane .. in san francisco stanley roberts kron 4 news ( james ) and here's a live look outside... golden gate bridge... copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription free at ( james ) an east bay woman is raising money for north bay fire victims.( darya ) this weekend... she's hosting a garage sale at her home in concord. terry nelson is selling thousands of dollars worth of halloween costumes and decorations. she will keep a small portion of the proceeds to cover some costs. the rest will go to non-profit groups in the north bay. nelson says two of her friends were impacted by the fires -- one lost her home. ( darya ) nelson's home is on galindo street in concord. the garage sale will be held this coming weekend... on saturday and you can find nelson's times on our 4-dot-com. ( james ) coming up in the next hour... a san francisco police officer has been critically injured after a man hit him with his car. how he's doing this morning. plus.. burglaries are on the rise in two cities on the peninsula. the common places thieves seem to be targeting. and search and rescue crews are still looking for people missing after the north bay wildfires. we'll have an update on the search in a live report. trusted battery for your son's favorite toy?t maybe not. maybe, you could trust he wouldn't leave the upstairs water running. (woman screams) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ ( james ) this morning on the kron 4 morning news we are getting ready for the rain. taking a live look outside from our embarcadero camera. clouds in the sky with rain expected later today. (darya) good morning i'm darya folsom..(james) and i'm james fletcher. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... (dave) a cold front remains on track to push through our district later today and tonight, bringing our first widespread rainfall event of the season, along with cooler temperatures. look for the most rainfall to be in the coastal ranges and across the north bay. along with cooler temperatures, breezy onshore winds can be expected through friday. dry conditions will return on friday and a warming trend is forecast over the weekend and into the first part of next week. temperatures are forecast to be well above seasonal averages during the first half of next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( james ) just in to the kron4 newsroom. a man is in critical condition after being run over by a thief who was stealing his truck. (ááátriggerááá) it happened around 5:30 this morning on via del sol in san lorenzo. the alameda county sheriff's office says the victim heard someone breaking into his truck...ran outside and confronted the thief. the thief then took off running over the man. his injuries are life- threatening. deputies say the stolen truck likely has front end damage. ( darya ) a san francisco police officer on bicycle patrol is in critical condition this morning... after being hit by an s-u-v. the officer had surgery and is in the intensive care unit. this all happened just before 12:30 yesterday afternoon... between van ness avenue and franklin street. the suspect drove away from the area. the s-u-v was eventually found near buena vista park. then at 3:30... the suspect was found and taken into custody on ellis street in the tenderloin. police have not identified the driver... but witnesses did. he was arrested a matter of blocks from where the hit and run the s-u-v that the suspect was driving. they found the s-u-v just two blocks from the d-m-v.the front damaged. ( james ) happening now... car break-ins and burglaries are on the rise in san mateo and police are trying to get the word out about the areas hardest hit. take a look at this map. this is where officers say a majority of these car break-ins are happening in san mateo. there's the bridgepointe shopping center... marina plaza shopping center... and the fish market.police say the burglaries are happening in busy parking lots near restaurants in the daylight hours.officers are asking if you see some one hanging around the cars acting suspicious ... to alert them. ( james ) firefighters say they've stopped the forward progress of a wildfire burning in santa cruz county. the bear fire has burned 300 acres in the mountains near boulder creek. the fire is 15- percent contained. this morning.. evacuation orders are still in effect. at least seven people have been hurt... including firefighters. one looting arrest has been made. ( james ) meanwhile... containment on the 3 big fires burning in the north bay -- the atlas, tubbs and nuns -- is above 80 percent. but the death toll has risen to 42. ( darya ) another victim was identified in santa rosa yesterday. in sonoma county... 50 people are reported missing. and in napa county... 8 people are reported missing. kron 4 spent the day with search and rescue teams in santa rosa -- searching through the debris of burned homes. ( darya )( james ) kron 4's lydia pantazes joins us live this morning from santa rosa. lydia -- the search for the missing will be a long and difficult one. (lydia) crews continue today to search for missing people in santa rosa. ( darya ) thanks lydia. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( darya ) and new this morning... the city of santa rosa has posted a new map showing the damage caused by the fire. this is a more detailed map than the one that they sent out last week. you can take a look at the damage in your neighborhood. we have this interactive map on our website at kron 4 dot com. ( darya ) opening statements begin monday in the kate steinle murder case. a jury was seated and sworn-in yesterday. back in 2015... jose garcia zarate was arrested for shooting steinle as she walked on san francisco's pier 14. defense attorneys say the shooting was accidenttal. garcia zarate's arrest created a national controversy over san francisco's sanctuary city policies. garcia zarate -- an undocumented immigrant -- had been taken into custody ábefore the shooting on marijuana charges. when the charges were dropped... he ( darya ) no criminal charges will be filed after a deadly officer inovled shooting in san francisco. that shooting led to the abrupt resignation last year of police chief greg suhr. jessica williams was shot and killed by police in may of last year. police say sergeant justin erb shot her after she drove toward him in a car that had been reported stolen. the shooting came at a time of rising protests over police shootings... including the death of mario woods in the bayview district in 20-15. the district attorney's office says the evidence does ánotá show sergeant erb's acted unreasonably. public defender jeff adachi criticized the decision -- saying it sends the wrong message. ( james ) coming up on the kron 4 morning news... see what a police department decided to do after this disturbing video of a police officer beating a man surfaces. and after the break... the north bay fires are not only affecting wineries ... we will show you how they are also impacting the pot industry. and here's a live look outside... bay bridge (robin) no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( darya ) ( darya ) it's not just the wine business impacted by the california wildfires ... some pot farms have burned in sonoma county. last week one marijuana company was forced to quickly harvest its crops ... and get them out of harms way. insurance is rare in the business ... and things like fema aid are out of the the bear fire is threatning the company's other farm in the santa cruz mountains. companies say crops could be affected by the smoke or they could be containminated by carcinogens. ( james ) checking the markets this morning... winners and losers is next with our financial expert rob black. welcome back... checking the roads with robin... (robin) no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 (dave)a cold front remains on track to push through our district later today and tonight, bringing our first widespread rainfall event of the season, along with cooler temperatures. look for the most rainfall to be in the coastal ranges and across the north bay. along with cooler temperatures, breezy onshore winds can be expected through friday. dry conditions will return on friday and a warming trend is forecast over the weekend and into the first part of next week. temperatures are forecast to be well above seasonal averages during the first half of next week. (james) time to talk winners and losers with our financial expert rob black loser: us weekly jobless claims total 222,000, vs 240,000 expected . . . the number of americans filing for benefits fell to its lowest level in more than 44 years last week, pointing to a rebound in job growth. initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 22,000 to a seasonally adjusted 222,000 for the week ended oct. 14, the lowest level since march 1973. the decrease in claims was the largest since april and was probably exaggerated by the columbus day holiday on monday. winner: amazon offered billions in tax breaks for second u.s. headquarters. u.s. cities are offering at least as much as $7 billion in tax breaks ahead of today's deadline as they compete to house its second headquarters. elected officials who are eager for the $5 billion-plus investment and up to 50,000 jobs that will come with "amazon hq2." california is offering some $300 million in incentives over several years and other benefits. austin looks to be the likely winner as is also the headquarters of whole foods market, which amazon recently acquired. winner: halloween sales of candy and costumes expected to break a record . . .. retailers are in for a treat this halloween, with revelers expected to spend more on costumes, candy, and decor than ever before. halloween spending will hit a record $9.1 billion . shoppers expect to splurge the most on costumes, spending $3.4 billion. candy passed out to eager trick-or-treaters is expected to tally in at $2.7 billion, and that same amount is projected to be spent on the jack o lanterns, glow in the dark skeletons and other decorations revelers put out for the fall holiday. is now a good time to is now a is now a good time to get into bay area real estate like sonoma?-peter when you're close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. do not use if you are allergic to taltz. before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. now's your chance at completely clear skin. just ask your doctor about taltz. ( darya ) an ohio police officer is fired after being accused of police brutality during an arrest. the incident was caught on camera. this video was taken two months ago. you can see the officer punching richard hubbard. this started as a traffic stop and police say hubbard resisted arrest. hubbard says he did not resist and that the officer was aggressive the entire time and that the encounter left lasting damage. bringing back the memories.">( darya ) hubbard says he feels like he did get justice but still wants the officer to apologize. (dave) tracking your morning forecast. what to expect as you head out the door right after the break. (will) get ready to stop drop and cover. earthquake drill today. if you encounter a downed power line, you need to stay away from it. call 911. let our first responders come out and handle it. police and fire will respond as well as pg&e. pg&e will make the scene safe. ♪ aimmediately get everyone out of the building. call 911. the fire department and pg&e will respond immediately and figure out what the issue is and keep you safe. ♪ (darya)(james) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... (dave)a cold front remains on track to push through our district later today and tonight, bringing our first widespread rainfall event of the season, along with cooler temperatures. look for the most rainfall to be in the coastal ranges and across the north bay. along with cooler temperatures, breezy onshore winds can be expected through friday. dry no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( james ) ( james ) happening today... the great california shakeout. there are events all over the bay area to help families prepare for the big one. ( darya ) kron 4's will tran is in mountain view where demonstrations are happening. will? (will) happening today. people all over prepare in case of the big one. ( james ) the morning. ( james ) finding affordable housing in the bay area is difficult, but the city of oakland is doing something to help. mayor libby schaaf says the city plans to turn 26 vacant properties into housing for low and moderate income families. the properties have all defaulted on their taxes and have become eyesores because of illegal dumping. if all goes well, the new homes should be available for move-in sometime next year. ( james ) in san francisco the search is on for the men who robbed a 58-year-old man of his cellphone and wheelchair. it happened around two a.m. yesterday on mary street in the city's south of market neighborhood. three men approached the victm threw him out of his wheelchair and then stole his cellphone. the vicitm was not injured. ( james ) two bay area victims have been saved... as part of a nationwide effort that focuses on human trafficking. the f-b-i announced the results of its "operation cross country."( darya ) overall... officials say 120 traffickers were taken into custody and 84 minors were rescued. the f-b-i says 27 women were also arrested for prostitution... and four pimps were cited in the operation. f-b-i director christopher wray issued a statement saying the feds -- "have no greater mission than to protect our nation's children from harm." ( darya ) new photos are coming out that show the southern border wall prototypes being set up near san diego. take a look. this picture was taken behind the current border fence from the mexican side of the border in tijuana. the construction of the prototypes began in september. president trump says he is pleased to see the project moving forward. ( darya ) the white house says there will be eight prototypes tested on the border before one is chosen. the u.s. customs and border protection is expected to choose one before the end of the year. this is happening despite congress refusing to pay for it. ( james ) two 49ers linebackers say they were held up at gunpoint outside of a san francisco club. now... we're hearing from one of them. this is a followup to a story we first told you about yesterday. rookie reuben foster and 'ray-ray' armstrong ran off and managed to get away unharmed. they were leaving the "love and propaganda club" ... near post and stockton streets early monday morning. they say two men confronted them... armed with an assault rifle and a pistol. foster and armstrong hid in a nearby hotel before calling police. foster says he hopes his teammates can learn from this. ( james ) the 49ers say they're glad neither player was hurt and that both players are cooperating with police. (darya) coming up on the gary's world rewind... will the real klay thompson please stand up. and nike is trying to get to the bottom of jersey gate. also what train does jed york want everybody to get on board? and after the break... your minivan may not be safe. we will tell you why thousands are being recalled this morning. and here's a live look outside... san mateo (robin) no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( james ) toyotais recalling nearly 350 thousand sienna minivans worldwidebe cause they can shift out of the "park" positionand roll away. the recall involves siennas from the 2005-2007 and 2009-2010 model years. toyota says the grease used in the shift lever assembly could transfer to other componentsc ausing them to work improperly. in particularthe shifter can move out of "park"... even if the driver isnt pressing the brake pedal. toyota hasn't reported any accidents related to the defect... but say dealers will repair the vehicles for free. (dave) i'm tracking your forecast. if you took a selfie with klay thompson you may have been duped. and are the jerseys cheap or is lebron the hulk. ( darya ) haha. gary! i hope you are seeing this transition. it's bruce banner turning into the incredible hulk. don't you like superheroes transforming right before our eyes. gary says he does. it's not like these other superheroes like superman who go into a phone booth. i like to see it happening. and lebron is no hulk. how did his jersey rip during the game? gary says he doesn't know because he was in and out of the game. ( darya ) okay we will get to the bottom of this mystery as well as other ones. this is the first one. his whole jersey just split down the back. why is this a big deal? a lakers player had his jersey split during a preseason game. these are nike jerseys. this is the first time nba has used nike jerseys instead of adidas. nike made a one billion dollar deal with the nba for eight years. gary asks if darya thinks if the jersey splits on lebron, people would be worried about buying it. we got to get to the bottom of this. gary asks where it is torn. the jersey tore right down the back between the numbers 2 and 3. nike is investigating this. this is not okay. gary says it is a big deal. it is a big deal. when i buy a jersey from nike, i expect it to hold up.( darya ) we're also going to get to the bottom of the game where gordon hayward disappeared. he showed up last night just on the big screen from his hospital bed to say thank you. you saw he dislocated his left ankle and fractured his tibula tuesday night. looks like he is going to be out for the whole season. gary says you got to give him credit. doing something right from his hospital bed. he's got spirit and cares about what people think of him it would be safer to have a body double do the stunts.( darya ) i say body double because if it was klay you might say who is the real klay? gary says if you look fast you can't tell. so here he is taking selfies with fans before the opening game. i thought that isn't the real klay. he does pretend basketball videos. his name on twitter is big daws t-v. before the game, he got into the real parking area. here he is. he's driving in the tunnel. they let him in, he stole all the headlines of the news websites during the game. some people actually thought he was klay.( darya ) even k-d thought he was klay. he gave him a high-five and said "hey klay!" he naturally looks like klay's body double. it's funny once, but it is going to get old.( darya ) this is the biggest mystery. where are the forty-niners going? owner jed york said they are going on a train and it's leaving and i want to be onboard. listen to what he said: ( darya ) i've heard of the peace train, the love train, the soul train, but the progress train? gary what does that mean? gary says he is guessing york was at the nfl meetings. he figures well these are some fresh faces. we know what the soul train is, but the progress train is we are all in sync and getting better. they are in a trainwreck but that's a whole other story. gary says they are going to win sunday. they are talking about the national anthem controversy- whether to kneel or not. they had players. eric reid was there. kaepernick wasn't but they wanted him to be. but what is the progress train. gary says the progress train means the team is getting better. they have been down a few points but they are getting better. they didn't make it mandatory for players to stand. the media has moved on from it and most people have. ( darya ) i didn't know there was a train. i wanted to know where it ( darya ) one star wars fan built a replica of the at-at walker just in time for halloween. nick meyer built a two-story high replica that is used by the empire in the star wars movies. he used foam, wood and plastic barrels to make it. he has been working on the replica since april. meyer says he is not a huge star wars fan. he just likes watching the movies. ( james ) we're less than two weeks away from halloween... and m&m's have taken the top spot for the most popular halloween candy in california.( darya ) this is a map showing the most popular candy for each state. californians will buy more than 1.5 million pounds of the chocolate candy, according to candystore dot com. m&m's is also the favorite in pennsylvania and north carolina.( james ) skittles are also popular in california, coming in third on the list of favorite trick- or-treat candies. the national retail federation estimates that shoppers nationwide will spend $2.7 billion on halloween candy this year. seven day (darya) that's it for us this morning... our next newscast is at 5 o clock tonight. (mark) >> announcer: today on an all-new "dr. phil." she claims her mother-in-law -- >> dr. phil: you have no trespassing signs. >> she has a restraining order against me. >> after she took one out against me. >> announcer: is really a monster in law. >> dr. phil: you happened to have your arm out and she ran into it? >> i did. >> announcer: whose side will he take? >> dr. phil: let's do it! >> have a good show, everybody. >> dr. phil: this is a safe place to talk about hard things. >> stand by, i'll count you down. >> dr. phil: today will be a changing day in your life. >> five, four -- >> dr. phil: i'm not giving up on you. [cheers & applause]

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New York , United States , Montana , Sandy Hook , Pennsylvania , Oakland , California , Mountain View , Ohio , Embarcadero , Cleveland , Buenavista Park , Florida , Delaware , Bayview , James An , Santa Cruz County , Coffey Park , San Francisco , Jersey , Mexico , Tijuana , Baja California , Sonoma County , Kansas , Dallas , Texas , Californians , Americans , Mexican , Mateo James , Jaylen Brown , James Kron , James Fletcher Dave , James A Petaluma , Justin Erb , Klay Thompson , Greg Suhr Jessica Williams , Terry Nelson , David Stanford , Dave James , Nick Meyer , James Santa Rosa , Mateo Robin , April Meyer , James Fletcher , Garcia Zarate , Jed York , Jose Garcia Zarate , James ,

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