Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20171005 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20171005

(dave)general warming trend with dry weather through the end of the week. dry offshore winds will impact some of the higher peaks and ridges off and on again late this week into early next week. ( mark ) our top story this morning... investigators in nevada are working to piece together events that led to the deadly mass shooting in las vegas. now police say the shooter may have had help. ( darya ) 58 people were killed in the shooting and overnight authorities lowered the number of injured to 489. 300 have been discharged from the hospital.( mark ) las vegas police found 50 pounds of explosives and 16-hundred rounds of ammunition in the car that the shooter left at the mandalay bay. authorities also say that stephen paddock planned to escape after the deadly attack, but instead left a note before killing himself he also may have had help in the attack. police say paddock's girlfriend, marilou danley, is cooperating with authorities and has spoken to the fbi. the police have said she is not a suspect. investigators also say there is indication paddock had planned to survive and escape. ( darya ) at least three of 58 people killed sunday are connected to the bay area. and this morning we are learning about their final moments. san jose native michelle vo had decided to go to the country music concert by herself. while she was there she met a man named kody robertson from ohio. and after michelle was hit by gunfire... kody stayed by her side until help could arrive. now he is sharing his story with michelle's sister. ( darya ) and denise cohen from san ramon had posted photos of her weekend vegas trip on facebook. she even wrote about the great time she was having with her boyfriend at the jason aldean concert. (mark) and the third bay area victim is stacee etcheber. stacee is from novato... and her husband is a san francisco police officer. her parents who live in chico are describing the moment they learned that she did not survive. they went to las vegas to try to find stacee after her husband could not locate her after the shooting. after checking all the hospitals... her husband vinnie reluctantly went to the morgue. it's heart-wrenching, it was really, really heart- wrenching."> (mark) stacee leaves behind her husband and two young children. a gofund me page has been setup to collect donations for stacee's family. so far, more than 185-thousand dollars has been raised. if you would like to donate, we have a link on our website at kron four dot com. (darya) among the people who survived the shooting are two north bay couples who were near the stage when the gunfire broke out. justin and jennifer mcgrath... and kim schubert and her boyfriend joel wahl had been waiting all weekend to see jason aldean perform. these pictures were taken just minutes before the shooting started. during the gunfire, the two couples were separated and they tried to aid other victims. eventually schubert ended up under some bleachers that were being riddled with bullets. that's when she pulled out her phone and made an important phone call: (darya) both couples survived and were reunited hours later. none of them were seriously injured. (darya) our coverage of the las vegas tragedy continues at kron-4 dot com. you can hear more of the stories from survivors of the mass shooting. you can also stay connected to breaking news by downloading our free mobile app (mark) security was out in full force at levi's stadium for the cold play concert last night. police from several local departments were there as people arrived for the concert. security guards with the stadium were also spread out watching for any problems. and sources tell kron 4 that there were even spotters on several of the tall buildings around the stadium. concert goers say they were glad to have the extra security on (mark) and last night's coldplay concert did go past the 10 p-m curfew set by the city of santa clara. the city denied an extension of the curfew for last night's concert. the 49ers who manage the stadium say they are afraid that concerts may not want to come to levi's stadium. last week ed sheeran cancelled his upcomming concert because of the curfew. the 49ers say a big concert can bring in up to 800- thousand dollars and that the city benefits from that money. right now it is not clear if coldplay will be fined for violating the curfew. (darya) breaking overnight... after years of legal battles the billionaire owner of property on martin's beach is now granting á limited access to that beach. but its only on certain days and times. (mark) will tran is live at martins beach in half moon bay this morning with the details. will. ( will )the owner refused to open a road to a popular beach despite a court order to do so. the venture capitalist purchased the 53- acre property in 2008. he then blocked off the only road leading to the beach. an appeals court has ruled he is breaking the law by blocking public access to the beach. california's coastal regulator orderd him to unlock the gate blocking access to the beach and remove all "no trespassing" signs. that gate was opened last night. (darya) thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. (mark) big news for big sur... big news for (mark) the morning. through out with you check back we will thanks will.(darya)(darya) thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. (mark) big news for big sur... a bridge that was damaged by landslides is set to reopen next week. the pfeiffer canyon bridge on highway one will reopen on friday the 13th. caltrans says crews working around the clock to finish the work. the 24-million dollar bridge replaces one that was damaged by a slide eight months ago. that bridge was demolished in march. ( darya ) police are police are asking for help solving a deadly shooting that happened in san francisco one year ago. 26-year-old john sanyaolu, from stockton was killed outside the end-up nightclub at sixth and harrison streets last october. two others were also injured in the shooting. police once again are asking for any witnesses to come forward. police do not have a description of the killer. officers say they are confident that people saw what happened and are just not talking. ( darya ) a judge wants doctors to determine if the man accused of stabbing a police officer at s-f-o is competent to stand trial. dooris johnston is charged with johnston is dooris stand trial.competent to stand trial. dooris johnston is charged with attempted murder after an officer was stabbed several times at an s-f-o terminal last month. johnston was in court yesterday. he said he wanted to act as his own attorney but the judge questioned whether johnston was competent enough to stand trial. the case has been delayed until next month. ( mark ) the san francisco's police chief and two city supervisors have announced their latest plans to fight the city's growing crime problem.(áááboxesááá) police have already doubled the number of officers on foot patrol this year... but they say it's not enough. police chief bill scott says the city is now creating a new crime strategy unit to better identify serial criminals. property crimes in some san francisco neighborhoods has jumped more than 25 percent in the last year. (mark) there is a spike in laptop thefts in the bay area. and the latest happened yesterday in alameda. two people walked into a starbucks store on blanding avenuepolice say they tried to steal a laptop ...but failed. then ten minutes laterthey went into another starbucks...this one on park street. police say each man stole a laptop before running away. (darya) still ahead on the kron four morning news... o-j simpson make his first public outing since being released from jail. see the new pictures this morning. and a lot of technology in your car might áánot be a good thing. we'll explain why. plus after the break... a mother is demanding answers after her daughter is harassed at an east bay middle school. why she says the school is not doing enough to protect students. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. (darya) in the traffic center with robin tracking your commute... (robin) no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. (dave)general warming trend with dry weather through the end of the week. dry offshore winds will impact some of the higher peaks and (dave)general warming trend with dry weather through the end of the week. dry offshore winds will impact some of the higher peaks and ridges off and on again late this week into early next week. (mark) now to a story you will see only on kron 4. a second incident in two weeks at an east bay middle school has one parent claiming administrators are ánot doing enough to protect her daughter. this happened at dallas ranch middle school in antioch. the mother says her daughter was being harassed and the school refused to let her back into the building after school was let out. yokisho justin says a classmate threw water on her daughter but a school official refused to let her daughter into the building when she asked for help. he spent behind bars. he is currently staying in las vegas... and moved into a 5- thousand square foot home on sunday. simpson plans on living there until he figures out his next move. (darya) all of that technology carmakers are now cramming into dashboards... is making drivers take their eyes off the road and hands off the wheel for dangerously long periods of time. triple-a says that can lead to accidents. the study has been examining the impact of "infotainment" systems on safety since 2013. carmakers now include more infotainment options that allow drivers to use social media, email and text. the technology is also becoming more complicated. some vehicles now have as many as 50 buttons on the steering wheel and dashboard. (mark) with fleet week in full swing... you may notice a new addition to the bay waters.(darya) last sunday, the u-s-s essex docked in the san francisco bay... and visitors are making the trip to the embarcadero in san francisco for a glimpse of the massive ship.(mark) kron four's philippe djegal has the story. (philippe) nicknamed "the iron gator."david stevenson/visitor- "oh, my gosh, its beautiful." the motto, appropriately, for the u-s-s essex is "take notice." judie phelps/visitor- "overwhelming. i couldn't imagine anything so big." the ship is 844 feet long... carrying more than 18- hundred troops... it's commanding officer is captain jason burns for decades, the u-s-s essex has been used to assist in humanitarian and disaster relief efforts around the world... serving as a landing craft for jets, helicopters and assault vehicles... boasting medical labs and operating rooms, capable of caring for up to 600 patients. judie phelps and her husband robert drove up from san jose to the embarcadero in san francisco to take a look.robert phelps/visitor- "everythings there that they'd ever need, you know -- impressive." david stevenson is visiting from north carolina... getting a glimpse into the lives of the sailors who serve the u-s navy on what is called a wasp-class amphibious assault ship.david stevenson/visitor- "it was emotional and i didn't realize it would be. it'd been 30- somthing years since i was on a naval ship." walking through the u-s-s essex brought stevenson back to his days as a religious program specialist for the navy aboard the u-s-s ranger. he says fleet week is near and dear to his heart and so are the men and women who bravely serve. david stevenson/visitor- "i actually feel like its great for people to see the youth that are serving our country so selflessly, and to realize the sacrifice that they may be making. sometimes the ultimate sacrifice."nats- robert phelps/visitor- "it just shows us how well protected we are. you know, that, uh, isn't anybody gonna come her the u-s-s essex is truly a special sight... and, it will remain here in the san francisco bay through tuesday... so, if you haven't had a chance to come and check it out... come on down to piers 30 and 32... it's a spectacle you'll want to see. in san francisco, philippe djegal, kron four news. (mark) and kron 4 news has you covered for all your fleet week coverage. we have much more all week long. then on saturday, you can catch our special "blue angels live" show beginning at 2 p-m. (mark) still ahead on the kron four morning news... more threats of violence against bay area high schools. we'll tell you where the latest one happened. and after the break... we'll tell you how these popular meal-sets could cause your children to choke. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. (darya) maze to sf. min from the less then 30 min from the maze to sf. (darya) new this morning... millions of children's bowls and plates are being recalled because of a choking hazard. (mark) the products affected are the playtex toddler mealtime sets. the company says a clear plastic layer can peel or bubble... and cause your child to choke. (darya) there have been several reports of parents finding the plastic in their kids mouths... and some even reported choking. the meal sets were sold at babies r-us, target, and walmart. (dave) tracking your morning forecast. details coming up. (mark) and we continue to learn new details about the man who opened fire at a country concert in las vegas. why police say he may have had help. i'm val. the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. i represent the money you save for the future. who's he? he's the green money you can spend now. what's up? gonna pay some bills, maybe buy a new tennis racket. he's got a killer backhand. when it's time to get organized for retirement, it's time to get voya. (darya)(mark) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... (dave)general warming trend with dry weather through the end of the week. dry offshore winds will impact some of the higher peaks and ridges off and on again late this week into early next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( mark ) investigators are still searching for a motive in the mass shooting in las vegas that left 59 people dead including the gunman.( darya ) right now investigators are slowly piecing together more information about the shooter... stephen paddock. karin caifa is in las vegas with the latest. only a few days have passed since las vegas endured the worst mass shooting in modern u-s history.investigators are piecing together a picture of a troubled man.sheriff joseph lombardo/las vegas police: "more than one-hundred investigators have spent the last 72 hours combing through the life of 64-year-old stephen paddock, to produce a profile of someone i will call disturbed and dangerous. what we know is that stephen paddock is a man who spent decades acquiring weapons and ammo and living a secret life." las vegas police found 50 pounds of explosives and 16-hundred rounds of ammunition in the car paddock parked at the mandaley bay hotel where he mounted his assault on thousands of concertgoers.authorities also say they suspect paddock may have had help.sheriff joseph lombardo/las vegas police: "it's troublesome that this individual was able to move this amount of gear into a hotel room unassisted. it's troublesome for the amount of stuff he had at both residence unassisted."the shooter's girlfriend, marilou danley, is cooperating with authorities and has spoken to the fbi. the police have said she is not a a statement read by her attorney she said she is devastated by the violence. matt lombard/attorney for shooter's girlfriend: "it never occurred to me in any way whatsoever that he was planning violence against anyone."investigators also say there is indication paddock had planned to survive and escape ... but didn't elaborate, citing the investigation. (mark) this morning we are hearing from a fremont couple who survived sunday's mass shooting. david and britni eastin were celebrating a wedding anniversary---along with another couple. after the gunfire started... the two couples got separated but say they were determined to make it out alive. (mark) both couples say it will be a while before they feel safe enough to go to another crowded venue. ( darya ) a former bay area resident is being credited with saving a man during sunday's massacre. james lawson rushed to help a man who was wounded. lawson grew up in concord and graduated from ygnacio valley high school in 2006. his grandmother still lives in the east bay and told kron4 that she's proud of what her grandson did. his long time next door neighbor says she feels the same. a bathroom wall. and on monday in danville, there was a graffiti threat aimed at monte vista and san ramon valley high schools it had been spray-painted on a footbridge near old blackhawk road. investigators say there was no evidence it was a real threat. and last friday at redwood high in larkspur police investigated a graffiti message that threatened a shooting. (darya) alameda county is being sued after a three-year-old foster child died after ingesting methamphetamine. the family's attorney says county workers missed obvious signs that the girl was in danger. the lawyer says the child had already been taken to the hospital once for consuming the drug. less than two weeks later... she died after ingesting methamphetamine for a second time. it is not clear how it happened. ( darya ) police have released surveillance video of the man who robbed a danville drug store. it happened at the walgreens on san ramon valley boulevard last month. the man wore a surgical mask. he walked straight to the store's pharmacy and put some items on the counter. he slips the pharmacy worker a note demanding prescriptions pills. the man then takes a gun out of his pocket and puts it on the counter. getting a bag walks off. no one was today is the last day daca recpients can renew their permits. if they miss today's deadline they could potentially be forced to leave the country. congress now has six months to permanently fix the problem. if they don't, daca recepients will no longer be protected from deportation. both democrats and republicans are now working on legislation to protect dreamers. (darya) coming up on the kron four morning news... why cam newton is probably in the dog house with every woman he knows this morning. we'll see if gary thinks it's funny. also the warriors lost their second pre-season game in china but nobody in the n-b-a thinks they're going to lose when it counts. and mad bum pitched more innings last year than all those bums who started in the n-l wild card game. the world according to gary is in a few minutes. and after the break... we'll tell you why parents shouldn't blame themselves if their kid is a picky eater. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ♪ ah, my poor mouth breather. allergies? stuffy nose? can't sleep? enough. take that. a breathe right nasal strip of course. imagine just put one on and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. so you can breathe, and sleep. better than a catnap. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. (mark) parents... (mark) (mark) parents... don't blame yourself if your child is a picky eater. it could be genetic. that's according to a new report from the university of illinois. researchers say there are two genes that are related two to different types of picky eaters. the first gene is related to children who don't like how certain foods taste. and the second is linked to fussiness and tantrums around meal-times. researchers say this takes some of the blame off parents if your kid is a picky eater. (dave) tracking your morning forecast... the world according to gary is after the break. (darya) devin funchess makes a touchdown running so many routes. (darya) (darya) at the time... panthers quartback cam newton said it was "funny." but he's not laughing anymore. during a news conference yesterday... a female reporter asked newton about the way wide receiver devin funchess ran pass patterns. newton answered the question... but first he added some commentary. the reporter jourdan rodrigue of the charlotte obverver tweeted about the incident later posting"i don't think it's "funny" to be a female and talk about routes. i think it's my job."then later"i spoke with him after and it was worse. i chose not to share, because i have an actual job to do today and one he will not keep me from." (darya) a panthers spokesman says spokesman a panthers (darya) a panthers spokesman says quarterback cam newton has "expressed regret" for his response to a female reporter's question at a news conference.when charlotte observer reporter jourdan rodrigue asked newton wednesday about wide receiver devin funchess' route running, the former league mvp smiled and said, "it's funny to hear a female talk about routes. it's funny."carolina spokesman steven drummond said in a statement to the associated press that newton had a conversation with rodrigue after the news conference ended and expressed regret for his remarks.drummond said the panthers "strive as a department to make the environment for media comfortable for everyone covering the team."after newton's comments, he proceeded to answer rodrigue's question.mike persinger, the executive sports editor of the charlotte observer, said newton's comments were "unfortunate and out of line." (darya) this is how the reporter responded i don't think it's "funny" to be a female and talk about routes. i think it's my job. (darya)the warriors and timberwolves facing off in shenzhen, china on thursday... warriors up one... stephen curry (warriors) leading break, pulls up for three and knocks it down from the wing.... score: warriors up fourdraymond green (warriors) fires a bullet pass to curry (warriors) on the wing, and he drills the three...curry (warriors) - 14 pts, 6 reb, 4 ast score: warriors up 7 warriors out on the break, up 8...andre iguodala (warriors) finds a trailing green (warriors) whohits the three from the top of the key.. karl-anthony towns (wolves) had it going against the warriorsdurant (warriors) charges into the lane, and knocks downtough floater over andrew wiggins (wolves)... final: timberwolves go on to win 111-97jimmy butler (wolves) - 16 pts, 5 reb, 4 ast andrew wiggins (wolves) - 14 pts, 3 reb , 2 astklay thompson (warriors) - 13 pts (darya)relief pitcher archie bradley hit a stunning two-run triple in the seventh inning, one of four three-baggers by arizona that sent the diamondbacks past the colorado rockies 11-8 in the national league wild-card game wednesday night.paul goldschmidt launched an early three-run homer and the diamondbacks built a 6-0 lead before ace zack greinke faltered. colorado climbed back into it and cut it to 8-7 when nolan arenado and trevor story hit consecutive homers in the eighth off bradley, perhaps exhausted from hustling around the bases.but then a.j. pollock knocked in two runs with arizona's fourth triple, this one off closer greg holland, as the diamondbacks scored three times in their half of the eighth to finally put a wild game away.arizona moves on to a best-of-five division series against the nl west champion dodgers, a team the diamondbacks beat the last six times they played. game 1 is friday night in los angeles. trusted battery for your son's favorite toy?t maybe not. maybe, you could trust he wouldn't leave the upstairs water running. (woman screams) or, you could just trust duracell. ♪ a therapy dog is found after it ran off during the shooting in las vegas. "rou" is back in her owner's arms this morning after being lost for days. ryan needham is from california... and he was at the country concert on sunday with his dog. he refused to leave las vegas until he found "rou". he spotted her last a field not far from mandalay bay. (mark) needham had been living out of his truck while he tried to find his dog. both of them are now on their way back home. (mark) ahead at eight on the kron 4 morning news... we are learning more information about the man who opened fire at a concert in las vegas. why police say he may have had help. plus... a mother demanding answers after her daughter is harassed at an east bay middle school. why she says the school is not doing enough to protect students. and we're watching weather and traffic on this thursday morning. dave spahr has a look ahead to your weekend forecast. and robin is tracking your commute. (darya) good morning i'm darya folsom..(mark) and i'm mark danon. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... (dave)general warming trend with dry weather through the end of the week. dry offshore winds will impact some of the higher peaks and ridges off and on again late this week into early next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( mark ) our top story this morning... investigators in nevada are working to piece together events that led to the deadly mass shooting in las vegas. now police say the shooter may have had help. ( darya ) 58 people were killed in the shooting and overnight authorities lowered the number of injured to 489. 300 have been discharged from the hospital.( mark ) las vegas police found 50 pounds of explosives and 16-hundred rounds of ammunition in the car that the shooter left at the mandalay bay. authorities also say that stephen paddock planned to escape after the deadly attack, but instead left a note before killing himself he also may have had help in the attack. police say paddock's girlfriend, marilou danley, is cooperating with authorities and has spoken to the fbi. the police have said she is not a suspect. investigators also say there is indication paddock had planned to survive and escape. ( darya ) at least three of 58 people killed sunday are connected to the bay area. and this morning we are learning about their final moments. san jose native michelle vo had decided to go to the country music concert by herself. while she was there she met a man named kody robertson from ohio. and after michelle was hit by gunfire... kody stayed by her side until help could arrive. now he is sharing his story with michelle's her."cathy vo: "kody, i just want to say i know we met there and i'm so thankful that you stayed behind and waited for us."> ( darya ) and denise cohen from san ramon had posted photos of her weekend vegas trip on facebook. she even wrote about the great time she was having with her boyfriend at the jason aldean concert. (darya) among the people who survived the shooting are two north bay couples who were near the stage when the gunfire broke out. justin and jennifer mcgrath... and kim schubert and her boyfriend joel wahl had been waiting all weekend to see jason aldean perform. these pictures were taken just minutes before the shooting started. during the gunfire, the two couples were separated and they tried to aid other victims. eventually schubert ended up under some bleachers that were being riddled with bullets. that's when she pulled out her phone and made an important phone call: (darya) both couples survived and were reunited hours later. none of them were injured. (darya) our coverage of the las vegas tragedy continues at kron-4 dot com. you can hear more of the stories from survivors of the mass shooting. you can also stay connected to breaking news by downloading our free (mark) security was out in full force at levi's stadium for the cold play concert last night. police from several local departments were there as people arrived for the concert. security guards with the stadium were also spread out watching for any problems. and sources tell kron 4 that there were even spotters on several of the tall buildings around the stadium. concert goers say they were glad to have the extra security on (mark) and last night's coldplay concert did go past the 10 p-m curfew set by the city of santa clara. the city denied an extension of the curfew for last night's concert. the 49ers who manage the stadium say they are afraid that concerts may not want to come to levi's stadium. last week ed sheeran cancelled his upcomming concert because of the curfew. the 49ers say a big concert can bring in up to 800- thousand dollars and that the city benefits from that money. right now it is not clear if coldplay will be fined for violating the curfew. (darya) breaking overnight... after years of legal battles the billionaire owner of property on martin's beach is now granting á limited access to that beach. but its only on certain days and times. (mark) will tran is live at martins beach in half moon bay this morning with the details. ( will )the owner refused to open a road to a popular beach despite a court order to do so. the venture capitalist purchased the 53- acre property in 2008. he then blocked off the only road leading to the beach. an appeals court has ruled he is breaking the law by blocking public access to the beach. california's coastal regulator orderd him to unlock the gate blocking access to the beach and remove all "no trespassing" signs. that gate was opened last night. (darya) thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. (mark) big news for big sur... a bridge that was damaged by landslides is set to reopen next week. the pfeiffer canyon bridge on highway one will reopen on friday the 13th. caltrans says crews working around the clock to finish the work. the 24-million dollar bridge replaces one that was damaged by a slide eight months ago. that bridge was demolished in ( darya ) police are asking for help solving a deadly shooting that happened in san francisco one year ago. 26-year-old john sanyaolu, from stockton was killed outside the end-up nightclub at sixth and harrison streets last october. two others were also injured in the shooting. police once again are asking for any witnesses to come forward. police do not have a description of the killer. officers say they are confident that people saw what happened and are just not talking. ( mark ) coming up... an incident at an east bay middle school has one parent claiming administrators are ánot doing enough to protect her daughter. what the mother claims is going on. and... the parents of one of the las vegas victims is speaking out. the moment they learned their daughter did not survive. and after the break.. a warning for parents. how this toy could catch fire. could catch fire. we're on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it's time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that's it. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? full-bodied. i lomy i love my kids. my kids. my job. taking care of everybody. everyday. my mom. my kids. my job. yes. when i'm at work. when i'm at home. i could just really use some help sometimes. hey we hear you. that's why aarp helps family caregivers... with connections to experts and resources like our prepare to care guide. because we get it. if you don't think "this is right for me" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". get your free guide at a warning for parents this morning after a florida woman says her son's ride on tonka truck caught fire. the family captured video of the their three year old son's tonka dump truck burning. the woman says the fire started when her husband tried to move it. the mother says all parents need to be aware of the danger. (dave) and i'm tracking your morning forecast. a full weather report right after the break. woman: so, greg, it's a lot to take in. woman 2: and i know that's hard to hear, but the doctors caught it early. hi, blake! my dad has cancer. woman: and i know how hard that is to hear. but you're in the right place. man: and dr. pascal and her team, they know what to do. they know what to do. the doctors know what to do. so here's the plan. first off, we're going to give you all... (voice fading away) first off, we're going to give you all... ♪ so we created the only bed that adjusts on both sides to 9 out of 10 couples prefer a different mattress firmness, your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. you can even see how well you're sleeping and make adjustments. does your bed do that? the most amazing part is they start at $699. that's $200 off our queen c2 mattress. and free home delivery on select beds only during our fall sale. ends monday. visit for a store near you. welcome back. let's get a check of the weather this morning... (dave)general warming trend with dry weather through the end of the week. dry offshore winds will impact some of the higher peaks and ridges off and on again late this week into early next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 (mark) now to a story you will see only on kron 4. a second incident in two weeks at an east bay middle school has one parent claiming administrators are ánot doing enough to protect her daughter. this happened at dallas ranch middle school in antioch. the mother says her daughter was being harassed and the school refused to let her back into the building after school was let out. yokisho justin says a classmate threw water on her daughter but a school official refused to let her daughter into the building when she asked for help. trial. the case has been delayed until next month. ( darya ) there is a spike in laptop thefts in the bay area. and the latest happened yesterday in alameda. two people walked into a starbucks store on blanding avenuepolice say they tried to steal a laptop ...but failed. then ten minutes laterthey went into another starbucks...this one on park street. police say each man stole a laptop before running away. ( darya ) more on our top story this morning... the las vegas shooting massacre. now we're hearing from the parents of stacee etcheber.( mark ) the novato woman was killed in the shooting. now her parents are describing the moment they learned she did not survive. mike mangas has their story. natsgreg and linda rodriguez just got back from a trip they would give anything not to have had to take.their daughter... stacee etcheber... was one of the 59 people killed.stacee lived in novato... in the bay area... with her son and daughter and her husband vinnie... a san francisco police officer.her parents went through quite a roller coaster ride as they tried to find stacee in las vegas.after checking all the hospitals... vinnie reluctantly went to the morgue. greg rodriguez/victim's father: "he was able to get in to, personally get in to the coroner's office. there was one jane doe left, he went and described her, told her about the tattoo on her neck. guy went back, came back, says 'no, she's not here.' so a lot of relief went in there, so but we had exhausted all the efforts. we were up to almost midnight going from hospital to hospital. and then vinnie not wanting to do it said, 'get me back into the coroner's office' and we went back to the coroner's office. we went in to the office with the lady, sat down. lady said describe her. he said she has long brown hair, she has this tattoo of this creature on her back from a storybook."linda rodriguez/victim's mother: "where the wild things are..." greg rodriguez/victim's father: "and the lady put her pen down and said i'll be right back. she knew. she knew. she went back. she came back with a picture of stacee and it was just-- it's heart-wrenching, it was really, really heart- wrenching." ( darya ) stacee etcheber leaves behind a husband and. two children. we will continue to share stories about the victims and survivors throughout the morning. (mark) still ahead on the kron four morning news... more threats of violence against bay area high schools. we'll tell you where the latest one happened. and after the break.. how one hour of working out a week, can make you feel better about yourself. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. wb 580 slow from marinia to the tolls ( darya ) any type of excersise that raises your heart rate and gets you sweating and moving for a sustained period of time has significant beneficial impact on your brain.( mark ) researchers at harvard say litterally any kind of workout, whether it's for 5 minutes or 45 minutes can have positive impacts on your mental health. lessening the effects of anxiety.( darya ) researchers added doing any sort of physical activity can cause an instant positive mood change in someone. and people who work out as little as one hour a week but sustain it over time saw improvements to their memory as well. (mark) and we continue to learn new details about the man who opened fire at a country concert in las vegas. why police have had help. have had help.say he may welcome back to the kron four morning lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... (dave)general warming trend with dry weather through the end of the week. dry offshore winds will impact some of the higher peaks and ridges off and on again late this week into early next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( mark ) investigators are still searching for a motive in the mass shooting in las vegas that left 59 people dead including the gunman.( darya ) right now investigators are slowly piecing together more information about the shooter... stephen paddock. karin caifa is in las vegas with the latest. only a few days have passed since las vegas endured the worst mass shooting in modern u-s history.investigators are piecing together a picture of a troubled man.sheriff joseph lombardo/las vegas police: "more than one-hundred investigators have spent the last 72 hours combing through the life of 64-year-old stephen paddock, to produce a profile of someone i will call disturbed and dangerous. what we know is that stephen paddock is a man who spent decades acquiring weapons and ammo and living a secret life." las vegas police found 50 pounds of explosives and 16-hundred rounds of ammunition in the car paddock parked at the mandaley bay hotel where he mounted his assault on thousands of concertgoers.authorities also say they suspect paddock may have had help.sheriff joseph lombardo/las vegas police: "it's troublesome that this individual was able to move this amount of gear into a hotel room unassisted. it's troublesome for the amount of stuff he had at both residence unassisted."the shooter's girlfriend, marilou danley, is cooperating with authorities and has spoken to the fbi. the police have said she is not a a statement read by her attorney she said she is devastated by the violence. matt lombard/attorney for shooter's girlfriend: "it never occurred to me in any way whatsoever that he was planning violence against anyone."investigators also say there is indication paddock had planned to survive and escape ... but didn't elaborate, citing the ongoing investigation. (mark) this morning we are hearing from a fremont couple who survived sunday's mass shooting. david and britni eastin were celebrating a wedding anniversary---along with another couple. after the gunfire started... the two couples got separated but say they were determined to make it out (mark) both couples say it will be a while before they feel safe enough to go to another crowded venue. ( darya ) a former bay area resident is being credited with saving a man during sunday's massacre. james lawson rushed to help a man who was wounded. lawson grew up in concord and graduated from ygnacio valley high school in 2006. his grandmother still lives in the east bay and told kron4 that she's proud of what her grandson did. his long time next door neighbor says she feels the same. permits. if they miss today's deadline they could potentially be forced to leave the country. congress now has six months to permanently fix the problem. if they don't, daca recepients will no longer be protected from deportation. both democrats and republicans are now working on legislation to protect dreamers. some republicans have come up with their own solution for dreamers that could offer a pathway to a green card and then citizenship. but getting a greencard would take 15 years. that bill also includes other proivisions for dealing with border security. ( darya ) thanks lydia. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( mark ) there have been three threats of violence against bay area high schools in less than a week. the latest one happened on the peninsula. police determined san mateo high school was safe yesterday after staff members discovered a threatening note written on a bathroom wall. and on monday in danville, there was a graffiti threat aimed at monte vista and san ramon valley high schools it had been spray-painted on a footbridge near old blackhawk road. investigators say there was no evidence it was a real threat. and last friday at redwood high in larkspur police investigated a graffiti message that threatened a shooting. (darya) alameda county is being sued after a three-year-old foster child died after ingesting methamphetamine. the family's attorney says county workers missed obvious signs that the girl was in danger. the lawyer says the child had already been taken to the hospital once for consuming the drug. less than two weeks later... she died after ingesting methamphetamine for a second time. it is not clear how it happened. ( darya ) police have released surveillance video of the man who robbed a danville drug store. it happened at the walgreens on san ramon valley boulevard last month. the man wore a surgical mask. he walked straight to the store's pharmacy and put some items on the counter. he slips the pharmacy worker a note demanding prescriptions pills. the man then takes a gun out of his pocket and puts it on the counter. after getting a bag of pills he walks off. no one was and after the break... the answer you got from siri if you asked her "what is the national anthem of bulgaria?" you could save energy by living off the grid. completely. or... set the washing machine to cold. do your thing. energy upgrade california. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. ( darya ) if you ask today... siri will give you the right answer.( mark ) but if you asked yesterday -- "what is the national anthem of bulgaria?" -- siri would have replied "despacito." that's the same "despactio" by luis fonsi, daddy yankee and justin bieber.( darya ) the actual bulgarian anthem is "mila rodino"... which means "dear motherland." the problem was spotted by a reddit user who saw the mistake on facebook and tried it. (dave) watching the weather this morning. your forecast is right after the break. jack's breakfast pockets for 2 dollars each. break up your breakfast routine with your choice of two grilled pockets filled with either ham or sausage. both made with freshly cracked eggs and two melty cheeses. all jam packed into a warm, grilled flour tortilla. so give your tired old breakfast a wake-up call. try jack's breakfast pockets for just two bucks. but you'd better hurry, because if you snooze, you'll lose out on this deal. come try jack's breakfast pockets, each for just two bucks. only from jack in the box. in the weather center tracking the forecast with james... (dave)general warming trend with dry weather through the end of the week. dry offshore winds will impact some of the higher peaks and ridges off and on again late this week into early next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) a modesto junior college professor has died following complications from the west nile virus. doctor kimberly kennard came down with flu like symptoms during the fall 2015 semester. she was in and out of hospitals with no diagnosis until february 2016. that's when kennard was finally diagnosed with west nile at the u-c davis medical center. friends say she spent a lot of time outdoors. < to see the deterioration of her health it was quite sobering and alarming for us > ( darya ) kennard never went back to teaching after coming down with symptoms in 2015. ( darya ) novato police have arrested a man they say repeatedly harassed a 14- year-old girl. police she the girl would be waiting at the bus stop on grand avenue when the man would approach her in his truck. officers say he would offer to drive her around and buy her coffee. the teen told police it happened several days in a row. police performed a steak-out at the bus station and caught the man. he is cirilo perez-lopez. he was arrested and charged with annoying a child. ( mark ) the woman forcefully removed from a southwest airlines flight says she was the victim of racial profiling. the plane was heading from baltimore to los angeles. a lawyer for the woman said the incident was motivated by an anti-muslim bias. the woman originally complained that she was allergic to dogs. two were sitting near her. she says she told the flight crew that she would be fine.. as long as she was separated from the dogs. southwest says because she didn't have a medical certificate... they denied her request. police were eventually called in to remove her from the plane. she claims she was treated roughly because she is muslim. southwest airlines says their employees did nothing wrong. ( mark ) governor jerry brown has signed a bill that could force wells fargo into court. the bill would require the bank to go to court over its fake accounts scandal... instead of settling dispute through arbitration. it only applies in disputes involving accounts that were created fraudulently. but this new bill won't help customers who have already taken their claims to arbitration. ( mark ) a traffic crackdown produced some intresting interactions for officers.( darya ) stanely roberts shows us on this edition of people behaving badly. at a california highway patrol pop up commercial inspection stations, all types of vehicles get waived in like this tractor which turned out to be a city of sunnyvale vehicle nats: ambiance so a santa clara count sheriff deputy who is also working the inspection station has a chat with the driver since there are no plates on the tractor it needs to be on a flatbed nats: ambiance this big rig had some issues that need to be corrected for the truck could take off if appears that the nut has come loose off the u-bolt that holds the air tank now you know the danger of that right absolutely what is it the air line could come off and i could lose all air pressure in the truck and that could be a major issue however, let's look at this google bus, i call it that because it actually has google written all over it .but it's actually contracted to transport google employees it was waved into the checkpoint; officers noticed one of the compartment doors was missing according to the driver the door fell off on the freeway nats: ambiance but there was a bigger issue discovered listen in this is a traffic ticket for falsifying your driving records so you have to have this accurate and this is all falsified the driver had a valid drivers license and insurance so that wasn't the issue but it would seem the driver is a time traveler because his drivers log was filled out for a week in advance that's a big no no bus drivers are required to have at a minimum 8 hours of rest between jobs let's listen to the chp anyone that driving passenger carrying vehicle such as a bus, if you present a false record of duty status your our of service for 8 consecutive hours so unfortunately you are going to have to get in touch with your employer let him know that he needs another driver out here to operate the vehicle this rule is to prevent bus drivers from falling asleep at the wheel especially while carrying passengers so you cannot leave you are out of service for 8 hours for the record other buses that were checked did not have the same problem i tried to get their side of the story but i was waived off the fine for falsifying driving hours is 238 dollars and a point and a half on your driving record in sunnyvale stanley roberts kron 4 news ( mark ) and here's a live look outside... golden gate bridge... one extra banana or avocado a day could prevent you from getting heart attacks or a stroke. potassium rich foods can stop arteries from getting blocked and keep arteries flexible. researchers say potassium has genes that keep arteries flexible. previous findings have found inflexible arteries can get clogged and have deadly ( mark ) the nominees for the rock and roll hall of fame have been announced. they include radiohead and rage against the machine. both bands released their first single 25 years ago. also among the 19 nominees are the zombies... the cars... bon jovi and l-l cool-j. the 2018 hall of fame class will be announced in december. the induction ceremony in cleveland is in april. (mark) ahead at eight on the kron 4 morning news... we are learning more information about the man who opened fire at a concert in las vegas. why police say he may have had help. plus... a mother demanding answers after her daughter is harassed at an east bay middle school. why she says the school is not doing enough to protect students. and we're watching weather and traffic on this thursday morning. dave spahr has a look ahead to your weekend forecast. and robin is tracking your commute. (darya) good morning i'm darya folsom..(mark) and i'm mark danon. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... (dave)general warming trend with dry weather through the end of the week. dry offshore winds will impact some of the higher peaks and ridges off and on again late this week into early next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( mark ) our top story this morning... investigators in nevada are working to piece together events that led to the deadly mass shooting in las vegas... and police think the killer had plans to escape. ( darya ) 58 people were killed in the shooting and overnight authorities lowered the number of injured to 489. 300 have been discharged from the hospital.( mark ) las vegas police found 50 pounds of explosives and 16-hundred rounds of ammunition in the car that the shooter left at the mandalay bay. authorities say that stephen paddock planned to escape after the deadly attack, but instead left a note before killing himself police say paddock's girlfriend, marilou danley, is cooperating with authorities and has spoken to the fbi. the police have said she is not a suspect. ( darya ) at least three of 58 people killed sunday are connected to the bay area. and this morning we are learning about their final moments. san jose native michelle vo had decided to go to the country music concert by herself. while she was there she met a man named kody robertson from ohio. and after michelle was hit by gunfire... kody stayed by her side until help could arrive. now he is sharing his story with michelle's ( darya ) and denise cohen from san ramon had posted photos of her weekend vegas trip on facebook. she even wrote about the great time she was having with her boyfriend at the jason aldean concert. (darya) and the third bay area victim is stacee etcheber. stacee is from novato... and her husband is a san francisco police officer. her parents who live in chico are describing the moment they learned that she did not survive. they went to las vegas to try to find stacee after her husband could not locate her after the shooting. after checking all the hospitals... her husband vinnie reluctantly went to the morgue. describe her. he said she has long brown hair, she has this tattoo of this creature on her back from a storybook.""where the wild things are...""and the lady put her pen down and said i'll be right back. she knew. she knew. she went back. she came back with a picture of stacee and it was just-- it's heart-wrenching, it was really, really heart- wrenching."> (darya) stacee leaves behind her husband and two young children. a gofund me page has been setup to collect donations for stacee's family. so far, more than 185-thousand dollars has been raised. if you would like to donate, we have a link on our website at kron four dot com. (mark) security was out in full force at levi's stadium for the cold play concert last night. police from several local departments were there as people arrived for the concert. security guards with the stadium were also spread out watching for any problems. and sources tell kron 4 that there were even spotters on several of the tall buildings around the stadium. concert goers say they were glad to have the extra security on hand. (mark) and last night's coldplay concert did go past the 10 p-m curfew set by the city of santa clara. the city denied an extension of the curfew for last night's concert. the 49ers who manage the stadium say they are afraid that concerts may not want to come to levi's stadium. last week ed sheeran cancelled his upcomming concert because of the curfew. the 49ers say a big concert can bring in up to 800- thousand dollars and that the city benefits from that money. right now it is not clear if coldplay will be fined for violating the curfew. (darya) breaking overnight... after years of legal battles the billionaire owner of property on martin's beach is now granting á limited access to that beach. but its only on certain days and times. (mark) will tran is live at martins beach in half moon bay this morning with the details. will. ( will )the owner refused to open a road to a popular beach despite a court order to do so. the venture capitalist purchased the 53- acre property in 2008. he then blocked off the only road leading to the beach. an appeals court has ruled he is breaking the law by blocking public access to the beach. california's coastal regulator orderd him to unlock the gate blocking access to the beach and remove all "no trespassing" signs. that gate was opened last night. (mark) thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( darya ) police are asking for help solving a deadly shooting that happened in san francisco one year ago. 26-year-old john sanyaolu, from stockton was killed outside the end-up nightclub at sixth and harrison streets last october. two others were also injured in the shooting. police once again are asking for any witnesses to come forward. police do not have a description of the killer. officers say they are confident that people saw what happened and are just not talking. ( darya ) a judge wants doctors to determine if the man accused of stabbing a police officer at s-f-o is competent to stand trial. dooris johnston is charged with attempted murder after an officer was stabbed several times at an s-f-o terminal last month. johnston was in court yesterday. he said he wanted to act as his own attorney but the judge questioned whether johnston was competent enough to stand trial. the case has been delayed until next month. ( mark ) the san francisco's police chief and two city supervisors have announced their latest plans to fight the city's growing crime problem.(áááboxesááá) police have already doubled the number of officers on foot patrol this year... but they say it's not enough. police chief bill scott says the city is now creating a new crime strategy unit to better identify serial criminals. property crimes in some san francisco neighborhoods has jumped more than 25 percent in the last year. (mark) there is a spike in laptop thefts in the bay area. and the latest happened yesterday in alameda. two people walked into a starbucks store on blanding avenuepolice say they tried to steal a laptop ...but failed. then ten minutes laterthey went into another starbucks...this one on park street. police say each man stole a laptop before running away. (darya) coming up on the kron four morning news... fleet week is underway in san francisco. we'll show you where to catch some of the best sights. and after the break... a warning for parents. how this toy could catch fire. john tyson's motto was, "when better chickens are hatched, we will hatch them." it's why all of the tyson chicken that bears his name will be raised with no antibiotics ever. every nugget, strip and drumstick. keep it real. keep it tyson. (robin) no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf.. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( mark ) a warning for parents this morning for parents a warning ( mark ) ( mark ) a warning for parents this morning after a florida woman says her son's ride on tonka truck caught fire.(darya) the family captured video of the their three year old son's tonka dump truck burning. the woman says the fire started when her husband tried to move it.(mark) the mother says all parents need to be aware of the danger. the garage.">(darya) dynacraft is the truck's manufacture and they issued a recall earlier this year for a problem with the truck's acceleration pedal that could cause crashes. the recall did not mention any potential problems with the toy bursting into still ahead on the kron 4 morning news.. . we'll talk winners and losers on wall street with our financial expert rob black. welcome back... checking the roads with robin... (robin) no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gate bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. (dave)general warming trend with dry weather through the end of the week. dry offshore winds will impact some of the higher peaks and ridges off and on again late this week into early next week. (mark) time to talk winners and losers with our financial losers with winners and time to talk (mark) week.early next week. (mark) time to talk winners and losers with our financial expert rob black plans for job cuts decline 27 percent from last year; retail leads year to date . . . outplacement firm challenger, gray and christmas says companies announced (mark) time to talk winners and losers with our financial expert rob black plans for job cuts decline 27 percent from last year; retail leads year to date . . . outplacement firm challenger, gray and christmas says companies announced plans to cut 32,346 jobs in september. it says the number is down 27 percent from last year. layoff plans this year are highest in retail. the firm says the year-to-date figure for the third quarter was the lowest since 1996. retailers have announced the most cuts this year - 71,057. that's nearly 37 percent higher than the period last year. netflix is raising the price of its most popular plan . . . . netflix is raising its prices for the first time in two years, increasing the cost of its most popular plan by $1 to $10.99 monthly. subscribers of the $11.99 premium plan, which bumps the number of simultaneous screens up to 4 from 2 (as in the standard plan) and provides 4k video, will see an increase of $2 to $13.99. the price of the basic plan, which costs $7.99 monthly and delivers standard definition video to one screen, remains the same. apple releases update to fix watch connectivity issue . . . version watchos 4.0.1 meant to fix some cellular-connectivity issues with series 3 model. the update comes two weeks after the company acknowledged some of its new series 3 model watches-the first to feature an lte chip for cellular service-had trouble connecting to cellular networks because they were trying to join "unauthenticated wi-fi wireless public places such as hotels said the version fixes the issue "in rare cases" where that occurred. where do i start to prepare for retirement?amber food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. (mark) with fleet week in full swing... you may notice a new addition to the bay waters.(darya) last sunday, the u-s-s essex docked in the san francisco bay... and visitors are making the trip to the embarcadero in san francisco for a glimpse of the massive ship.(mark) kron four's philippe djegal has the story. (philippe) nicknamed "the iron gator."david stevenson/visitor- "oh, my gosh, its beautiful." the motto, appropriately, for the u-s-s essex is "take notice." judie phelps/visitor- "overwhelming. i couldn't imagine anything so big." the ship is 844 feet long... carrying more than 18- hundred troops... it's commanding officer is captain jason burns for decades, the u-s-s essex has been used to assist in humanitarian and disaster relief efforts around the world... serving as a landing craft for jets, helicopters and assault vehicles... boasting medical labs and operating rooms, capable of caring for up to 600 patients. judie phelps and her husband robert drove up from san jose to the embarcadero in san francisco to take a look.robert phelps/visitor- "everythings there that they'd ever need, you know -- impressive." david stevenson is visiting from north carolina... getting a glimpse into the lives of the sailors who serve the u-s navy on what is called a wasp-class amphibious assault ship.david stevenson/visitor- "it was emotional and i didn't realize it would be. it'd been 30- somthing years since i was on a naval ship." walking through the u-s-s essex brought stevenson back to his days as a religious program specialist for the navy aboard the u-s-s ranger. he says fleet week is near and dear to his heart and so are the men and women who bravely serve. david stevenson/visitor- "i actually feel like its great for people to see the youth that are serving our country so selflessly, and to realize the sacrifice that they may be making. sometimes the ultimate sacrifice."nats- robert phelps/visitor- "it just shows us how well protected we are. you know, that, uh, isn't anybody gonna come her (mark) and kron 4 news has you covered for all your fleet week coverage. we have much more all week long. then on saturday, you can catch our special "blue angels live" show beginning at 2 p-m. (dave) tracking the weather this morning. your forecast is right after the break. this is the new comfort food. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. (darya)(mark) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... (dave)general warming trend with dry weather through the end of the week. dry offshore winds will impact some of the higher peaks and ridges off and on again late this week into early next week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) more on our top story this morning... new details are emerging into how the las vegas shooter planned the deadliest mass shooting in modern u-s history. (mark) now police are saying that he may not have acted alone and that he intended to escape. jean casarez has the details. only a few days have passed since las vegas passed since days have only a few only a few days have passed since las vegas endured the worst mass shooting in modern u-s history.investigators are piecing together a picture of a troubled man.sheriff joseph lombardo/las vegas police: "more than one-hundred investigators have spent the last 72 hours combing through the life of 64-year-old stephen paddock, to produce a profile of someone i will call disturbed and dangerous. what we know is that stephen paddock is a man who spent decades acquiring weapons and ammo and living a secret life." las vegas police found 50 pounds of explosives and 16-hundred rounds of ammunition in the car paddock parked at the mandaley bay hotel where he mounted his assault on thousands of concertgoers.authorities also say they suspect paddock may have had help.sheriff joseph lombardo/las vegas police: "it's troublesome that this individual was able to move this amount of gear into a hotel room unassisted. it's troublesome for the amount of stuff he had at both residence unassisted."the shooter's girlfriend, marilou danley, is cooperating with authorities and has spoken to the fbi. the police have said she is not a a statement read by her attorney she said she is devastated by the violence. matt lombard/attorney for shooter's girlfriend: "it never occurred to me in any way whatsoever that he was planning violence against anyone."investigators also say there is indication paddock had planned to survive and escape ... but didn't elaborate, citing the ongoing investigation. (darya) that was jean casarez reporting. police say danley has cooperated with the investigation and is not a suspect. (darya) our coverage of the las vegas tragedy continues at kron-4 dot com. you can hear more of the stories from survivors of the mass shooting. you can also stay connected to breaking news by downloading our free mobile app ( mark ) happening today... it is the last day daca recpients can renew their permits. if they miss today's deadline they could potentially be forced to leave the country.( darya ) kron 4's lydia pantazas is live in san francisco with more. lydia? (lydia) today is the last day daca recpients can renew their permits. if they miss today's deadline they could potentially be forced to leave the country. congress now has six months to permanently fix the problem. if they don't, daca recepients will no longer be protected from deportation. both democrats and republicans are now working on legislation to protect dreamers. some republicans have come up with their own solution for dreamers that could offer a pathway to a green card and then citizenship. but getting a greencard would take 15 years. that bill also includes other proivisions for dealing with border security. a threatening note written on a bathroom wall. and on monday in danville, there was a graffiti threat aimed at monte vista and san ramon valley high schools it had been spray-painted on a footbridge near old blackhawk road. investigators say there was no evidence it was a real threat. and last friday at redwood high in larkspur police investigated a graffiti message that threatened a shooting. (mark) now to a story you will see only on kron 4. a second incident in two weeks at an east bay middle school has one parent claiming administrators are ánot doing enough to protect her daughter. this happened at dallas ranch middle school in antioch. the mother says her daughter was being harassed and the school refused to let her back into the building after school was let out. yokisho justin says a classmate threw water on her daughter but a school official refused to let her daughter into the building when she asked for help. another incident when as student was attacked after a teacher left the classroom. the school has not commented on either incident. (darya) coming up on the kron four morning news... why cam newton is probably in the dog house with every woman he knows this morning. we'll see if gary thinks it's funny. also the warriors lost their second pre-season game in china but nobody in the n-b-a thinks they're going to lose when it counts. and mad bum pitched more innings last year than all those bums who started in the n-l wild card game. the gary's world rewind is in a few and here's a live look outside... san mateo - grocery outlet is the home of "wow" savings. "wow" means you save 50% or more. there are three stages of "wow". denial. - is this price right? - acceptance. and boooyah! wait for it. boooyah has three "o's". ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ - this week, classico extra virgin olive oil is just $3.99. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. (darya) new this morning... millions of children's bowls and plates are being recalled because of a choking hazard. (mark) the products affected are the playtex toddler mealtime sets. the company says a clear plastic layer can peel or bubble... and cause your child to choke. (darya) there have been several reports of parents finding the plastic in their kids mouths... and some even reported choking. the meal sets were sold at babies r-us, target, and walmart. (dave) i'm tracking your forecast. cam newton just lost his oikos yogurt deal and he already lost a lot of female fans with his sexist comment yesterday, check it out in the gary's world rewind: ( darya ) devin ( darya ) ( darya ) devin funchess makes a touchdown running so many routes. do you want to hear more about the routes? gary says cam newton wasn't using his head. he's a good football player, but he doesn't have social grace. newton blew off a female reporter's question. little bit of enjoyment to see him kind of truck stciking people out there?"cam newton/carolina panthers quarterback:"it's funny to hear a female talk about routes. like, it's funny."> (darya) at the time... panthers quartback cam newton said it was "funny." but he's not laughing anymore. gary says it's not really a man / woman thing, it's about disrepecting another person. gary does say a male reporter in a similar situation would not be getting the same amount of attention.( darya ) the reporter jourdan rodrigue of the charlotte obverver tweeted about the incident later posting "i don't think it's "funny" to be a female and talk about routes. i think it's my job." then later "i spoke with him after and it was worse. i chose not to share, because i have an actual job to do today and one he will not keep me from." gary says cam newton needs some male reporters that he can be a jerk too... to say he blew us off too. darya says there is sexism in the n-f-l. gary says in 5 to 10 years women will take over the sports broadcasting world. gary says ex-athletes and women will be in charge. gary says the only place where older men will be welcome is sports talk radio.(darya) what's coming for the warriors. the warriors and timberwolves facing off in shenzhen, china on thursday... warriors up one... stephen curry (warriors) leading break, pulls up for three and knocks it down from the wing.... s core: warriors up fourdraymond green (warriors) fires a bullet pass to curry (warriors) on the wing, and he drills the three...curry (warriors) - 14 pts, 6 reb, 4 ast score: warriors up 7 warriors out on the break, up 8...andre iguodala (warriors) finds a trailing green (warriors) whohits the three from the top of the key.. karl-anthony towns (wolves) had it going against the warriorsdurant (warriors) charges into the lane, and knocks downtough floater over andrew wiggins (wolves)... final: timberwolves go on to win 111-97 gary says he fell asleep during the game at 1:45 in the morning. gary says the game was still tied and when his wife woke up this morning... the t-v was on "mike and mike." gary jokes the warriors are falling apart.(darya)relief pitcher archie bradley hit a stunning two-run triple in the seventh inning, one of four three- baggers by arizona that sent the diamondbacks past the colorado rockies 11-8 in the national league wild-card game wednesday night.14 pitchers took the mound last night.paul goldschmidt launched an early three-run homer and the diamondbacks built a 6-0 lead before ace zack greinke faltered. colorado climbed back into it and cut it to 8-7 when nolan arenado and trevor story hit consecutive homers in the eighth off bradley, perhaps exhausted from hustling around the bases.but then a.j. pollock knocked in two runs with arizona's what if you had a medical emergency away from home? my chest hurts. i can't breathe. what you need is mobile help. america's premier mobile medical alert system. most systems only work at home. but with mobile help, you get help outside the home, with coverage nationwide on one of the largest cellular networks, at the press of a button. call the number on your screen for a free, full color brochure. we'll send you everything you need! including this base station, the patented mobile device, and the waterproof pendant and wrist button. you can also add the fall button that automatically detects falls and signals help. call today and receive a risk- free 30-day trial. there is no equipment to buy and no long-term contract. for a limited time, you will also receive a free emergency key box with your plan purchase. remember, mobile help keeps you safe coast to coast. harold hatahh.verything. but i recently bought jimmy dean stuffed hash browns. they're stuffed with delicious meat and cheeses. all of that crispy goodness has him seeing the day in a whole new light. jimmy dean stuffed hash browns. shine on. found after it ran off during the shooting in las vegas. "rou" is back in her owner's arms this morning after being lost for days. ryan needham is from california... and he was at the country concert on sunday with his dog. he refused to leave las vegas until he found "rou". he spotted her last a field not far from mandalay bay. into my arms.">(mark) needham had been living out of his truck while he tried to find his dog. both of them are now on their way back home. seven day (darya)that's it for us that's it for us this morning... our next newscast is at 5 o clock tonight. (mark) don't forget, you can stay connected on our mobile app, kron four dot com and on our facebook and twitter feeds. (darya)when highway 101 was shut >> announcer: today on an all-new "dr. phil." kicked out of his home. >> i'm living in a tent next to where my best friend shot himself. >> announcer: what happened? >> dr. phil: this kid has been on 50 different medications. this is obscene. >> announcer: that made him so volatile. >> dr. phil: did your mother tell you you were a waste of a good kid? >> never. >> your lying. you keep lying. >> i said it. okay. >> dr. phil: don't tell me what you think i want to hear. >> dr. phil: let's do it! >> have a good show, everybody. >> dr. phil: this is a safe place to talk about hard things. >> stand by, i'll count you down. >> dr. phil: today will be a changing day in your life. >> five, four -- >> dr. phil: i'm not giving up on you. [cheers & applause]

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