Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20170303 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20170303

crashed into an overpass on southbound u.s. highway 101 in palo alto. the crash occurred thursday at 10:52 p.m. on the highway at the embarcadero road overpass, according to the chp. the chp issued a sig-alert at 11:09 p.m. due to the crash. the crash has closed two lanes of the highway, and there is debris in the roadway. the chp is also reporting there is a significant crack in the overpass, and caltrans crews are responding to the scene to evaluate the damage. the driver of the truck was injured in the crash. thanks will. now lets go to robin in the traffic center. our team coverage continues wth robin... she's tracking the traffic impact. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. overturn crash san jose sb 101 at tully. another dry day with mostly clear skies this morning with chilly another dry day with mostly clear skies this morning with chilly temperatures this morning.high's today will be cooler than yesterday...50's and 60's expected. getting the kids ready for school...dress them warm this morning! we are going to see sunshine today but it will still be a cool day around the bay area. a man working for an organization in santa clara dedicated to helping children is accused of possessing child pornography. police arrested 63-year-old david lang yesterday morning at his home in santa clara. lang is the chief financial officer at the bill wilson center. the center helps more than five thousand troubled kids and teens across the country. police say he also volunteered as an assistant scout master for a sunnyvale boy scout troop in the 19-70s. a neighbor spoke to us off camera after learning about the arrest. "kind of a big surprise because ever since we were living here we had a perfect relationship." the c-e-o of the bill wilson center said that lang has had no direct contact with kids while working as c-f-o. police say there is no evidence that lang was ever physically involved with any children. he is being held on five- thousand dollars bail. there is a report out this morning that vice president mike pence used his personal email to conduct public business while he was the governor of indiana. pence's personal e-mail was hacked last summer. james fletcher is following the story from the breaking news desk. james. pence's office is quick to point out that indiana state law did not require him to use a secure government email account... so there was no wrong-doing. however, c-n-n is reporting that pence used his a-o-l account to communicate with senior advisers about a variety of topics including sensitive homeland security issues. furthermore, pence's personal email account was hacked last summer... at the time he was publicly criticizing hillary clinton for using a private email account. former clinton staffers say this is blatant hypocrisy. voice of brian fallon / "to learn that the vice president himself was now using the same practice was just - is just another indication how hypocritical the attacks were against hillary clinton." again... pence's office is stressing that his use of a private email account was legal... and it rejects any comparison between pence and clinton. lawyers are currently reviewing pence's communication s as governor to see if anything sensitive was hacked. we'll let you know what they find. the white house facing more questions about russia, after allegations that attorney general jeff sessions lied under oath about his dealings with the country. sessions is fighting back against those allegations, but did remove himself from any possible investigations by the justice department. in january, sessions told the senate that he did not have any communications with the russians during the political campaign. but according to the justice department, sessions met with russia's ambassador to the u-s twice as part of his role as a member of the senate armed services committee. the attorney general says his meetings did not touch on politics. jeff sessions/u.s. attorney general: "we talked a little bit about terrorism, as i recall. and somehow the subject of the ukraine came up. i had had the ukrainian ambassador in my office the day before." in a statement, president trump said attorney general sessions, is an honest man who didn't say anything wrong. president trump called any investigation a witch hunt. after a unanimous vote, san leandro became the seventh sanctuary city in the bay area. mayor pauline cutter says it is largely a symbolic move to let people know they will be treated fairly regardless of their immigration status. she says about half the people in san leandro speak a second language at home and about 30-percent are immigrants. many students in the area who talked to us were happy about the decision, but the mayor says not everyone supported the move. "i think what happened is people were, there's a lot of fear out there and angst about what's going on. the fear is all of the sudden police weren't going to be arresting people. they were going to be less safe. our taxes would get raised and all of those things which just aren't going to happen.""their immigration status should have no affect on whether or not they're protected underneath the law. so for me a sanctuary city just makes sense." the mayor says the new status will not affect the city's budget or resources. san leandro joins san francisco, alameda, oakland, berkeley, richmond and san jose as another sanctuary cities in the bay area. two people are under arrest ... accused of shooting at an off-duty police officer on interstate 880 in oakland. we first told you about the shooting yesterday on the kron 4 morning news. the off-duty officer's car was hit, but he managed to get away without injury. the gunman then led police on a high speed chase and were able to get away. but a few hours later officers tracked them down and arrested three people. the alameda county district attorney will now decide what charges the suspects will face. with more rain coming to the bay area this weekend... many areas are still cleaning up after the last round of heavy rain. that includes niles canyon road in alameda county. part of that road is still closed because of mudslides and now several sinkholes have opened up on palomares road. and officials say if the problem gets worsethe entire road could be wiped out. public works crews say each hole is about 5 feet deep. the holes have been filled with asphalt as a temporary fix and if the holes get bigger they could cause the entire road to give way. several mudslides are also blocking part of the road and crews say a culvert under the road also needs to be repaired. in the south bay... the cleanup effort is still underway for neighborhoods affected by last week's devastating floods in san jose. that includes public parks and other city property . coyote creek jumped its banks at kelly park. causing flood waters to sweep through happy hollow zoo. the zoo is now partially opened. however, employees continue to clean up mud and disinfect nearly every inch of the facility. animals like the meerkats have habitats in the flood zone and needed to be moved to higher "between flooding in the zoo, in the lower zoo we had flood water depths of up to 5 feet. in the japanese friendship area of kelly park we had water in our pump station over 7 feet so our pump station is completely gone." all of the animals in the lower zoo had to be evacuated to other areas. the meerkats are currently living in a bathroom until their habitat is cleaned of mud and possible contamination. cleanup costs for the coyote creek area is expected to jump above the current estimate of 23- million- dollars. most of the water from the san jose flooding came from anderson reservoir near morgan hill. now, even though the creek has returned to normal there's lingering concern that the reservoir could still pose a threat to people downstream.. as of yesterday that reservoir is still at 99-point-7 percent capacity. but back in 2007... seismic testing showed that a major earthquake could send a wall of water into morgan hill and san jose. because of that... officials are required to keep the reservoir at only 68% capacity. work to fix the dam to make it more stable is expected to cost 400 million dollars and the work isn't supposed to begin until the year 20-24. for now... officials say it will take atleast 9 weeks to get the reservior down to 68% capacity. for the first time since april 2015, the warriors have lost back to back games. it was in their 1st game without kevin durant as they took on the bulls in chicago. and this game wasn't pretty. the splash brothers had a hard time in this one. combined, they were 3 for 22 in three point attempts in the game. and 11 for 64 in their last 3 games. this is also the worst 3 game stretch of steph curry's career. with this loss, the warriors 147 game streak without back to back losses comes to an end. the dubs will look to bounce back sunday against the knicks in new york. we'll chat with gary and see what he thinks about the loss coming up at 7:45. still ahead on the kron four morning news... city officials say fewer tourists will be visiting san francisco this year. details on why they say the president's stance on immigration is to blame. and a mother is outraged this morning after a prank at her son's fraternity could have turned deadly. we'll explain what they did during a hazing ritual. and this morning there is renewed hope that missing vallejo teenager pearl pinson might still be alive. hear about the new information police are working with. and here's a live look outside... bay bridge robin is here with conditions on the roads this an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. overturn crash san jose sb 101 at tully. bay bridge wb 80 backed up into the maze. mild and dry conditions will hold on for one more day as an approaching storm system begins to weaken the ridge of high pressure currently over the region. increasing high clouds from the approaching storm will result in slight cooling over the north bay today otherwise temps similar to yesterday will prevail. rain is forecast to reach the north bay saturday then spread southward across the rest of the district saturday night into sunday. light to moderate showers along with breezy conditions are expected. unsettled wet weather remains possible sunday into monday before drier conditions return to the area monday evening. mild and dry conditions are expected through the end of next week. there is new hope this morning that a 16-year-old teenager missing from vallejo might still be alive. pearl pinson went missing on may 25th of last year. she was last seen walking on an overpass in vallejo on her way to school. witnesses say they saw pearl bleeding and yelling for help as she was being taken by an armed man. police say they are investigating all possibilities in her disappearance... that includes looking into whether she could have been forced into sex trafficking. "we still very much hold onto hope that we are going to bring pearl home. that she's being held somewhere against her will, or she's being passed from person to person, but that she is alive," "no matter who you're with, don't ever give up." police identified pearl's abductor as 19-year-old fernando castro. he died in a shootout with police near santa barbara days after her disappearance. police found a trace of pearl's blood in the trunk of castro's car... but say it wasn't enough to indicate death. they say she did not know castro, and the motive is still not clear. some of president trump's proposed policies are being blamed for a lack of tourism in san francisco. the san francisco travel association says it is not expecting a big increase in tourism this year. the travel association is expecting tourism to increase by less than 2 percent this year. that number is even lower for international travelers. the travel association says in part, its estimates have to do with the president's recent executive order on we have always been the statue of liberty kinda holding up that torch. welcoming people from around the world. and if all of a sudden people who always felt they were welcome here as tourists feel they are no longer welcome here or it's gonna be a hassle why would they come here? we've always looked at things differently. we always welcomed people here from around the world. welcome people who are different then we are and embrace them. international travelers we spoke to say they are ánotá basing their travel plans on politics. and president trump's travel ban is facing another delay. a white house official said it won't be unveiled until next week at the earliest. president trump had initially planned to sign the new travel ban earlier this week following his first address to congress. the first executive order banned citizens from seven muslim-majority countries from entering the u-s for 90 days. it also temporarily suspended the entry of all refugees and indefinitely closed out syrian refugees. it sparked protests around the nation and right here in the bay area. happening tomorrow... several marches are planned across the country in support of president trump. one of those marches is set to take place in berkeley tomorrow afternoon. it will start at 2:00 at martin luther king jr. civic center park and move towards the u-c berkeley campus. there have been indications that there may be counter protests. police say they are prepared for a possible clash between the two groups. what some college students say was a joke...almost turned deadly. fraternity members rubbed peanut butter on another student's face... who has a serious peanut allergy. this is a picture of 19- year-old andrew seely after the incident. he was reportedly hazed at a fraternity at central michigan university. it happened back in october... but seely's mother says her son just told her about what happened, prompting her to take action. seely says he was passed out at the house during a hazing ritual... and that is when the peanut butter was put on his face. one of the students who participated in the hazing says they didn't know seely had the life-threatening allergy. "it was just a joke. we were just trying to be funny, guys hanging out. we used peanut butter and put some on his face. we didn't know he was allergic. just being funny. being college students. we're sorry to his family that being funny looked like we were trying to be violent. we were not trying to harm him." the students involved say they offered to pay for his medical bills. the fraternity in question has not been recognized on the campus since 20-11 because of other hazing incidents. the university says they take these matters very seriously. seely has since transferred to another school. a high school in mountain view is cashing in on snapchat going public. saint francis high school invested 15-thousand dollars in snapchat five years ago. a student's father, who is a venture capitalist invested in the company after seeing his daughter enjoying the app. he decided to also invite his daughter's school to invest. when the high school invested, snapchat was valued at a little over four-million dollars. yesterday they began trading at a market value of about 33 ábillioná dollars. the school was quoted as saying they sold two- thirds of their shares at 17- dollars each to raise 24- million dollars. stocks are off to a mixed start on wall street.the major indexes are little changed in the early going, ahead of a speech by federal reserve chair janet yellen. investors will be listening for clues on whether the central bank will raise interest rates again later this month. still ahead on the kron four morning news... a recall parents need to know about... a popular baby rattle could cause choking. we'll tell you which ones. plus... devices used to track your sleep could actually cause ááinsomnia. we'll explain after the break. é an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. traffic is slow in both directions as more than a third of americans don't get enough sleep... many people are turning to apps and devices to try to help us get more rest. but a new study says they are doing the opposite. researchers from rush university in chicago say the devices can be misleading and actually contribute to insomnia. they say people check the data and become stressed because they are not getting enough sleep. they can also see when their sleep is restless and that is causing anxiety- induced insomnia. doctors say if you're not getting enough sleep... limit your caffeine, stick to a regular schedule, and limit your screen time in the bedroom. i'm tracking your forecast. dry weather today. still ahead... a funeral planned today for an east bay deputy. i will have all the details coming up. deputy. i will have all the details coming up. deputy. i will have all the details coming up. it's just a date. i can stay. i'm good. i won't be late hey mom. yeah. no kissing on the first date, alright? life doesn't always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise we'll help you handle what's next. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. honey bunches of oats. it's crispy sweetened flakes, plus crunchy granola clusters, plus a touch of honey. it's like adding up "awesome", plus "awe-yeah". it's the sum of the best of the best in a cereal. honey bunches of oats. hey, bud. you need some help? no, i'm good. come on, moe. i have to go. (vo) we always trusted our subaru impreza would be there for him someday. ok. that's it. (vo) we just didn't think someday would come so fast. see ya later, moe. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru impreza. the longest-lasting vehicle in its class. more than a car, it's a subaru. that breaking news we are following... a major problem on the roads already this morning. a dump truck hits an overpass on highway 101 and now the c-h-p is saying that lanes may be closed until noon. kron 4's will tran is live on the scene this morning. will what do we know? the california highway patrol this morning is reporting a dump truck has crashed into an overpass on southbound u.s. highway 101 in palo alto. the crash occurred thursday at 10:52 p.m. on the highway at the embarcadero road overpass, according to the chp. the chp issued a sig-alert at 11:09 p.m. due to the crash. the crash has closed two lanes of the highway, and there is debris in the roadway. the chp is also reporting there is a significant crack in the overpass, and caltrans crews are responding to the scene to evaluate the damage. the driver of the truck was injured in the crash. thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. now we want to get a look at the traffic impact this morning with robin winston. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. another dry day with mostly clear another dry day with mostly clear skies this morning with chilly temperatures this morning.high's today will be cooler than yesterday...50's and 60's expected. here's a peak of your day part forecast for the next 8 hours. dress warm this morning and keep your jacket with you. we are going to see sunshine today but it will still be a cool day around the bay area. breaking news this morning... federal officials have made an arrest connected to the recent threats against jewish community centers across the nation. james fletcher is at the breaking news desk with the details just into the news room. the arrest was made by federal investigators in new york. all we know about the suspect is that he is a man... and his name is juan thompson. federal authorities think he's responsible for threatening at least eight jewish community centers nationwide... including the anti-defamation league's headquarters in new york city. this is video from earlier this week when the anti-defamation league's office in san francisco received a phone threat. the aerial shots courtesy of our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. there's no indication yet that thompson was behind this threat, but they're looking into it. investigators say it looks like thompson's motive for making the threats was actually to harass his former girlfriend. he used her name while making some of those threatening phone calls. in fact, he's already set to appear in a missouri court later today on charges that include cyberstalking. we will continue to track this story and bring you any updates as they come into the newsroom. happening today... happening today... funeral services will be held for alameda county sheriff's deputy michael foley. he was hit and killed by an inmate transport bus that was being driven by another deputy. kron 4's averi harper is live in concord this morning where the services will be held. averi. he was hit and killed by an inmate transport bus that was being driven by another deputy. it happened when he was on the job at the county jail in dublin. the service will be at the concord pavilion starting at 11:00 this morning. a procession is planned afterwards. investigators say the driver of the bus did not see foley as he was walking across the parking lot. thanks averi. a warning in the east bay as police are searching for a serial burglar this morning. police say the criminal is targeting people in their homes while they're sleeping. three homes were burglarized in an upscale neighborhood of lafayette on tuesday. all of the crimes happened late at night when people were inside of their homes asleep. in addition to the homes, seven cars were broken into. police say this is a good reminder to make sure your house is locked up at night... and your car, too. "crooks will come into town. they'll go through and they'll look for unlocked cars, and they're just looking for things that they can steal from inside the vehicles without having to break into them." there were also four burglaries in nearby orinda last week. detectives believe all of these crimes are connected... and are the work of one person. coming up on the kron four morning news... the warriors do something they haven't done in 147 games and it's not good. why the niners say not having a quarterback is liberating. and a baseball prospect impresses the team by catching a bat without batting an eye. the world accoridng to gary is in just a few minutes. and here's a - everything we stock at grocery outlet has crazy low prices. do you know how we do it? - how? - bargainomics! say, if california has a bumper crop and produces too many oranges. or a winemaker in sonoma suddenly has 1000 bottles too many. we've got name-brand, top-quality groceries priced 40-70% off every day. bargainomics. that's our business model. and our business model is... delicious. ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. overturn crash n b 17 at bear creek. bay bridge backed up ino the maze. an important recall parents need to know about this morning... thousands of baby rattles are being recalled due to a choking hazard. they are the "o-ball" rattles in pink, blue, green, or orange. the model number is "8-1- 0-3-1". there are beads in the middle that could come lose and cause choking. there have been three reports of children gagging from the product... and several parents say they found the small beads in their kids mouths. the rattles were sold at several retailers nationwide. if you have one of the affected products, the company will give you a full take a look at this... a new york zoo's pregnant giraffe has its own website, a gofundme page, an apparel line and millions of people worldwide watching live- streaming video waiting for it to give birth. this is a look at the live stream this morning. the 15-year-old is named april and is expected to give birth any time now. this will be april's fourth calf. it will weigh about 150 pounds and will be about six feet tall. you can check out the stream on our website at kron four dot com. i'm tracking your forecast. dry weather today. the world according to gary is after the break. for the first time since april 2015, the warriors have lost back to back games. it was in their 1st game without kevin durant as they took on the bulls in chicago. and this game wasn't pretty. the spalsh brothers had a hard time in this one. combined, they were 3 for 22 from beyond the arc in the game. they are 11 for 64 from 3 point land in their last 3 games. this is also the worst 3 game strech of steph curry's career. shooting just 13 percent from beyond the arc. for his career, curry is a 43 percent 3 point shooter. with this loss, the warriors 147 game streak without back to back losses comes to an end. the dubs will look to bounce back sunday against the knicks in new york. new san francisco 49ers general manager john lynch has a novel take on the lack of quarterbacks on the team. he says it's "somewhat liberating." "a lot of people look at it like, 'oh my gosh, you don't have any quarterbacks,' but that also is somewhat liberating in that you can create this thing in that position that is so critical in the way that you want it," lynch said. "now, we're restricted by who's available and what not, but i think we've got a lot of great options at our disposal." colin kaepernick says he is planning to áástand during the national anthem next season. they say the 49ers quarterback says he believes positive change has been created. the report says kaepernick believes the support he has received from other athletes... as well as the discussion on social inequality has shown the message he was trying to deliver was received. during his national anthem protest... kaepernick kept his word and donated a million dollars to organizations fighting against social inequality. kaepernick's new agents told all 32 teams he will become a free agent in the coming days. " i tell my wife and brothers and sisters to avoid road rage. if you see anyone that's kind of heckling you on the road just go around them and let them win. ...absolutely... and your name? adrian peterson. wait... " tv reporter interviews man on the street ... has no idea it's nfl star adrian peterson. john donnelly was doing a normal story on how to stay safe in a road rage incident, talking to people on the street. the man on the street donnelly interviewed happened to be future pro football hall of famer adrian peterson and the reporter had no idea. adeiny hechavarria loses control of his bat and luis guillorme catches it with a barehanded grab in the dugout so tell us your big idea for getting the whole country booking on choice four words, badda book. badda boom... let it sink in. shouldn't we say we have the lowest price? nope, badda book. badda boom. have you ever stayed with choice hotels? like at a comfort inn? yep. free waffles, can't go wrong. i like it. promote that guy. get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed. when you book direct at book now. ahead at eight on the kron 4 morning news... we continue following our breaking news... a major traffic problem on highway 101 in palo alto where a dump truck crashed into a overpass. we have team coverage of the impact on your commute. and in the south bay... a man is arrested and accused of possessing child pornography... and he works for an organization dedicated to helping troubled kids. we'll have the details. and enjoy the dry weather today... because more wet weather is on the way. details on how it could impact your weekend plans. it's okay to cry, right? no more! we don't want anymore! [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh! everyday price and no extra monthly fees, unlike cable. speeds up to 45 megs, for $30 a month. that breaking news we are following... a major problem on the roads already this morning. a dump truck hits an overpass on highway 101 in palo alto and now the c-h-p is saying that lanes may be closed until noon. we have complete team coverage this morning... kron 4's will tran is live on the scene this morning. robin winston is tracking the impact on your commute in the traffic center. lets first start with will. what do we know? the california highway patrol this morning is reporting a dump truck has crashed into an overpass on southbound u.s. highway 101 in palo alto. the crash occurred thursday at 10:52 p.m. on the highway at the embarcadero road overpass, according to the chp. the chp issued a sig-alert at 11:09 p.m. due to the crash. the crash has closed two lanes of the highway, and there is debris in the roadway. the chp is also reporting there is a significant crack in the overpass, and caltrans crews are responding to the scene to evaluate the damage. the driver of the truck was injured in the crash. thanks will. now lets go to robin in the traffic center. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. traffic backed up into menlo park. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. another dry day with mostly clear skies this morning with chilly temperatures this morning.high's today will be cooler than yesterday...50's and 60's expected. getting the kids ready for school...dress them warm this morning! we are going to see sunshine today but it will still be a cool day around the bay area. a man working for an organization in santa clara dedicated to helping children is accused of possessing child pornography. police arrested 63-year-old david lang yesterday morning at his home in santa clara. lang is the chief financial officer at the bill wilson center. the center helps more than five thousand troubled kids and teens across the country. police say he also volunteered as an assistant scout master for a sunnyvale boy scout troop in the 19-70s. a neighbor spoke to us off camera after learning about the arrest. "kind of a big surprise because ever since we were living here we had a perfect relationship." the c-e-o of the bill wilson center said that lang has had no direct contact with kids while working as c-f-o. police say there is no evidence that lang was ever physically involved with any children. he is being held on five- dollars bail. two people are under arrest ... accused of shooting at an off-duty police officer on interstate 880 in oakland. we first told you about the shooting yesterday on the kron 4 morning news. the off-duty officer's car was hit, but he managed to get away without injury. the gunman then led police on a high speed chase and were able to get away. but a few hours later officers tracked them down and arrested three people. the alameda county district attorney will now decide what charges the suspects will face. there is a report out this morning that vice president mike pence used his personal email to conduct public business while he was the governor of indiana. pence's mail was hacked last summer. james fletcher is following the story from the breaking news desk. james. pence's office is quick to point out that indiana state law did not require him to use a secure government email account... so there was no wrong-doing. however, c-n-n is reporting that pence used his a-o-l account to communicate with senior advisers about a variety of topics including sensitive homeland security issues. furthermore, pence's personal email account was hacked last summer... at the time he was publicly criticizing hillary clinton for using a private email account. former clinton staffers -- including her former press secretary -- say this is blatant hypocrisy. voice of brian fallon / "to learn that the vice president himself was now using the same practice was just - is just another indication how hypocritical the attacks were against hillary clinton." again... pence's office is stressing that his use of a private email account was legal... and it rejects any comparison between pence and clinton. lawyers are currently reviewing pence's communication s as governor to see if anything sensitive was hacked. we'll let you know what they find. back to you. the white house facing more questions about russia, after allegations that attorney general jeff sessions lied under oath about his dealings with the country. sessions is fighting back against those allegations, but did remove himself from any possible investigations by the justice department. in january, sessions told the senate that he did not have any communications with the russians during the political campaign. but according to the justice department, sessions met with russia's ambassador to the u-s twice as part of his role as a member of the senate armed services committee. the attorney general says his meetings did not touch on politics. jeff sessions/u.s. attorney general: "we talked a little bit about terrorism, as i recall. and somehow the subject of the ukraine came up. i had had the ukrainian ambassador in my office the day before." in a statement, president trump said attorney general sessions, is an honest man who didn't say anything wrong. president trump called any investigation a witch hunt. after a unanimous vote, san leandro became the seventh sanctuary city area. mayor pauline cutter says it is largely a symbolic move to let people know they will be treated fairly regardless of their immigration status. she says about half the people in san leandro speak a second language at home and about 30- percent are immigrants. many students in the area who talked to us were happy about the decision, but the mayor says not everyone supported the move. "i think what happened is people were, there's a lot of fear out there and angst about what's going on. the fear is all of the sudden police weren't going to be arresting people. they were going to be less safe. our taxes would get raised and all of those things which just aren't going to happen.""their immigration status should have no affect on whether or not they're protected underneath the law. so for me a sanctuary city just makes sense." the mayor says the new status will not affect the city's budget or resources. san leandro joins san francisco, alameda, oakland, berkeley, richmond and san jose as another sanctuary cities in the bay area. coming up... police say missing vallejo teen pearl pinson may still be alive nearly a year after her she was kidnapped. what they now believe may have happened to her. and... one bay area city says they are not expecting a large number of tourist this year. why they say the reason is political. also... most of the flood water has come down from anderson reservoir. the risk it still presents to people downstream of it. and here's a live look outside... san mateo bridge. what's the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let's take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. áááábreakáááá an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 backed up into the maze. most of the water from the san jose flooding came from anderson reservoir near morgan hill. now, even though the creek has returned to normal there's lingering concern that the reservoir could still pose a threat to people downstream.. as of yesterday that reservoir is still at 99-point-7 percent capacity. but back in 2007... seismic testing showed that a major earthquake could send a wall of water into morgan hill and san jose. because of that... officials are required to keep the reservoir at only 68% capacity. work to fix the dam to make it more stable is expected to cost 400 million dollars and the work isn't supposed to begin until the year 20-24. for now... officials say it will take atleast 9 weeks to get the reservior down to 68% capacity. and i'm tracking your morning forecast. a full weather report right after the break. true radiance comes from within. new radiant toothpaste by colgate optic white. whitens teeth both inside and out. for a radiant, whiter smile. be radiant by colgate optic white. whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums welcome back. let's get a check of the weather this morning with rebecca strom. mild and dry conditions will hold on for one more day as an approaching storm system begins to weaken the ridge of high pressure currently over the region. increasing high clouds from the approaching storm will result in slight cooling over the north bay today otherwise temps similar to yesterday will prevail. rain is forecast to reach the north bay saturday then spread southward across the rest of the district saturday night into sunday. light to moderate showers along with breezy conditions are expected. unsettled wet weather remains possible sunday into monday before drier conditions return to the area monday evening. mild and dry conditions are expected through the end of next week. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. richmond bridge slow from castro. bay bridge wb 80 backed up into the maze. new this morning... ford is recalling 36-thousand cars because their airbags may not inflate properly. the recall affects the 20-16 to 20-17 ford edge and 20-16 to 20-17 lincoln m-k-x. as well as the 20-17 lincoln continental. the air bags were made by japanese supplier takata. this recall does not have the same deadly problem that has led to a recall of millions of takata air bags. ford says there have been no injuries associated with this defect. dealers will replace affected air bags for free. there is new hope this morning that a 16-year-old teenager missing from vallejo might still be alive. pearl pinson went missing on may 25th of last year. she was last seen walking on an overpass in vallejo on her way to school. witnesses say they saw pearl bleeding and yelling for help as she was being taken by an armed man. police say they are investigating all possibilities in her disappearance... that includes looking into whether she could have been forced into sex trafficking. "we still very much hold onto hope that we are going to bring pearl home. that she's being held somewhere against her will, or she's being passed from person to person, but that she is alive," "no matter who you're with, don't ever give up." police identified pearl's abductor as 19-year-old fernando castro. he died in a shootout with police near santa barbara days after her disappearance. police found a trace of pearl's blood in the trunk of castro's car... but say it wasn't enough to indicate death. they say she did not know castro, and the motive is still not clear. some of the president trump's proposed policies are being blamed for a lack of tourism in san francisco. the san francisco travel association says it is not expecting a big increase in tourism this year. the travel association is expecting tourism to increase by less than 2 percent this year. that number is even lower for international travelers. the travel association says in part, its estimates have to do with the president's recent executive order on immigration. we have always been the statue of liberty kinda holding up that torch. welcoming people from around the world. and if all of a sudden people who always felt they were welcome here as tourists feel they are no longer welcome here or it's gonna be a hassle why would they come here? we've always looked at things differently. we always welcomed people here from around the world. welcome people who are different then we are and embrace them. international travelers we spoke to say they are ánotá basing their travel plans on politics. president trump's travel ban is facing another delay. a white house official said it won't be unveiled until next week at the earliest. president trump had initially planned to sign the new travel ban earlier this week following his first address to congress. the first executive order banned citizens from seven muslim- majority countries from entering the u-s for 90 days. it also temporarily suspended the entry of all refugees and indefinitely closed out syrian refugees. it sparked protests around the nation and right here in the bay area. happening tomorrow... several marches are planned across the country in support of president trump. one of those marches is set to take place in berkeley tomorrow afternoon. it will start at 2:00 at martin luther king jr. civic center park and move towards the u-c berkeley campus. there have been indications that there may be counter protests. police say they are prepared for a possible clash between the two groups. coming up... a warning in the east bay as police are searching for a serial burglar. details ahead. and... subway is speaking out over allegations that it's chicken isn't 100 percent meat. what they are saying about what's in their food. áááábreakáááá - grocery outlet is the home of "wow" savings. 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the california highway patrol this morning is reporting a dump truck has crashed into an overpass on southbound u.s. highway 101 in palo alto. the crash occurred thursday at 10:52 p.m. on the highway at the embarcadero road overpass, according to the chp. the chp issued a sig-alert at 11:09 p.m. due to the crash. the crash has closed two lanes of the highway, and there is debris in the roadway. the chp is also reporting there is a significant crack in the overpass, and caltrans crews are responding to the scene to evaluate the damage. the driver of the truck was injured in the crash. thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. now we want to get a look at the traffic impact this morning with robin winston. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 backed up to west grand another dry day with mostly clear skies this morning with chilly temperatures this morning.high's today will be cooler than yesterday...50's and 60's expected. here's a peak of your day part forecast for the next 8 hours. dress warm this morning and keep your jacket with you. we are going to see sunshine today but it will still be a cool day around the bay area. happening today... happening today... funeral services will be held for alameda county sheriff's deputy michael foley. he was hit and killed by an inmate transport bus that was being driven by another deputy. kron 4's averi harper is live in concord this morning where the services will be held. averi. he was hit and killed by an inmate transport bus that was being driven by another deputy. it happened when he was on the job at the county jail in dublin. the service will be at the concord pavilion starting at 11:00 this morning. a procession is planned afterwards. investigators say the driver of the bus did not see foley as he was walking across the parking lot. thanks averi. breaking news this morning... federal officials have made an arrest connected to the recent threats against jewish community centers across the nation. james fletcher is at the breaking news desk with the details just into the news room. federal investigators in new york have arrested 31-year-old juan thompson. they think he's responsible for threatening at least eight jewish community centers nationwide... including the anti-defamation league's headquarters in new york city. this is video from earlier this week when the anti- defamation league's office in san francisco received a phone threat. the aerial shots courtesy of our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. there's no indication yet that thompson was behind this threat... or the ones made to jewish community centers in palo alto and san rafael... but they're looking into it. investigators believe thompson's motive was to harass an ex-girlfriend. he used her name while making some of those threatening phone calls. thompson set to appear in a missouri court later today on charges of cyberstalking. it's important to keep in mind that thompson is only suspected in a fraction of the threats against jewish community centers across the country. the fbi says over the last two months there have been over 100 bomb threats that have come in three distinct waves using robocall technology. the search for whoever is behind áthoseá calls is still ongoing. we will continue to track this story and bring you any updates as they come into the newsroom. a warning in the east bay as police are searching for a serial burglar this morning. police say the criminal is targeting people in their homes while they're sleeping. three homes were burglarized in an upscale neighborhood of lafayette on tuesday. all of the crimes happened late at night when people were inside of their homes asleep. in addition to the homes, seven cars were broken into. police say this is a good reminder to make sure your house is locked up at night... and your car, too. "crooks will come into town. they'll go through and they'll look for unlocked cars, and they're just looking for things that they can steal from inside the vehicles without having to break into them." there were also four burglaries in nearby orinda last week. detectives believe all of these crimes are connected... and are the work of one person. a state senator is asking p-g-&-e to lower heating bills during the coldest winter months. senator jerry hill of san mateo made the request earlier this week as p-g-&-e announced they were making changes to their billing practices. hill says customers are being hit hardest when they need heating the most. he is asking the company to fix the rate structure so bills aren't so high in the winter. senator hill is also asking p- g-&-e to educate customers on how billing works so they can cut their usage to avoid a paying more. coming up... what's your b plan. if you weren't doing your job what would you do? i gave trashman a try. and... a major recall for that parents need to know this morning. a popular toy that can be hazards to your kids health. imagine if the things you bought every day earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. with the united mileageplus explorer card, you'll get a free checked bag, 2 united club passes... priority boarding... and 50,000 bonus miles. everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. the united mileageplus explorer card. imagine where it will take you. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 backed up to west grand. richmond bridge no problems for wb 580. golden gate bridge sb 101 is friday light an important recall parents need to know about this morning... thousands of baby rattles are being recalled due to a choking hazard. they are the "o-ball" rattles in pink, blue, green, or orange. the model number is "8-1- 0-3-1". there are beads in the middle that could come lose and cause choking. there have been three reports of children gagging from the product... and several parents say they found the small beads in their kids mouths. the rattles were sold at several retailers nationwide. if you have one of the affected products, the company will give you a full refund. take a look at this... a zoo in new york is live streaming this pregnant giraffe as it waits to give birth. the 15-year-old is named april and is expected to give birth any time now. this will be april's fourth calf. it will weigh about 150 pounds and will be about six feet tall. you can check out the stream on our website at kron four dot com. and i'm tracking your morning forecast. a full weather report right after the break. in the weather center tracking the forecast with james... mild and dry conditions will hold on for one more day as an approaching storm system begins to weaken the ridge of high pressure currently over the region. increasing high clouds from the approaching storm will result in slight cooling over the north bay today otherwise temps similar to yesterday will prevail. here's a peek at your 7 day around the bay... rain is forecast to reach the north bay saturday then spread southward across the rest of the district saturday night into sunday. light to moderate showers along with breezy conditions are expected. unsettled wet weather remains possible sunday into monday before drier conditions return to the area monday evening. mild and dry conditions are expected through the end of next week. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. expect a 25 min delays. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 slow from westgrand. let's go to the wild 94-9 studio... where we're taking with j-v from the j-v show. j-v what's it about this morning? do you like dogs? i love them!! last night..something i regularly do at home- starts a pedicure, then my dog gets involved. i love getting pedicures, she loves the treats. they eat worse. watch how tough these dogs are. they can't wait to fight one another.then they all chicken i am in real life. life. watch how tough these dogs are. they can't wait to fight one another.then they all chicken i am in real life. i could watch this forever. this kid better be in hair band the two accountants responsible for the best- picture mistake at the need security because they're getting death threats. price waterhouse coopers...the accounting firm in charge of the oscars... says the company is providing security to protect brian cullinan and martha ruiz. they are the accountants who mishandled the winners' envelopes at sunday's academy awards. the security was hired after their home addresses and photos of their family members surfaced on the internet. the film academy says they won't be allowed to work at future academy awards ceremonies. for the first time since april 2015, the warriors have lost back to back games. it was in their 1st game without kevin durant as they took on the bulls in chicago. and this game wasn't pretty. the spalsh brothers had a hard time in this one. combined, they were 3 for 22 from beyond the arc in the game. they are 11 for 64 from 3 point land in their last 3 games. this is also the worst 3 game strech of steph curry's career. shooting just 13 percent from beyond the arc. for his career, curry is a 43 percent 3 point shooter. with this loss, the warriors 147 game streak without back to back losses comes to an end. the dubs will look to bounce back sunday against the knicks in new york. and on the ice... the sharks taking on the canucks in san jose. joe thornton one assist shy of reaching a thousand assists for his career. in the second period, marcus sore- ress-sen turns on the red light for the first time in his nhl career. san jose takes the lead 2-1 then, logan courture puts the game out of reach. that's his 21st goal of the year san jose wins this one easy, 3 to 1. forget about what are you going to be when you grow up.. at our age the question becomes what are you going to when you're too old to anchor? especially for women.. so remember one day i said i'd like to be a trashman? well it happened.. and it wasn't pretty: you can see the full story behind darya's day as a trash collector on a new edition of "the backstory" "the backstory" this sunday night at 9:30. and here's a live look outside... golden gate bridge... and take a look at this... a dad in washington built a roller coaster in the backyard for his three-year- old son. he was planning to build a treehouse, but decided to build this coaster instead. the father built it to spend more time with his son. he is a navy pilot and was deployed in the persian gulf when his son was born. he spent three months designing and building the coaster. he paid about one-thousand dollars for it and says he made sure his wife was o-k with the project before he started building it. ahead at eight on the kron 4 morning news... we continue following our breaking news... a major traffic problem on highway 101 in palo alto where a dump truck crashed into a overpass. we have team coverage of the impact on your commute. and in the south bay... a man is arrested and accused of possessing child pornography... and he works for an organization dedicated to helping troubled kids. we'll have the details. and enjoy the dry weather today... because more wet weather is on the way. details on how it could impact your weekend plans. that breaking news we are following... a major problem on the roads already this morning. a dump truck hits an overpass on highway 101 and now the c-h-p is saying that lanes may be closed until noon. we have complete team coverage this morning... kron 4's will tran is live on the scene this morning. robin winston is tracking the impact on your commute in the traffic center. lets first start with will. what do we know? the california highway patrol this morning is reporting a dump truck has crashed into an overpass on southbound u.s. highway 101 in palo alto. the crash occurred thursday at 10:52 p.m. on the highway at the embarcadero road overpass, according to the chp. the chp issued a sig-alert at 11:09 p.m. due to the crash. the crash has closed two lanes of the highway, and there is debris in the roadway. the chp is also reporting there is a significant crack in the overpass, and caltrans crews are responding to the scene to evaluate the damage. the driver of the truck was injured in the crash. thanks will. now lets go to robin in the traffic center. our team coverage continues wth robin... she's tracking the traffic impact. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 no delays into san francisco another dry day with mostly clear skies this morning with chilly temperatures this morning.high's today will be cooler than yesterday...50's and 60's expected. dress them warm this morning! we are going to see sunshine today but it will still be a cool day around the bay area. breaking news this morning... federal officials have made an arrest connected to the recent nationwide threats against jewish community centers. police say juan thompson was arrested overnight in saint louis, missouri. earlier this week threats were made against a community center in palo alto and the anti-defamation league in san francisco. that threat forced evacuations in san francisco. this is video from those evacuations courtesy of our helicopter partnership with a-b-c-7 news. investigators say the person arrested this morning is connected to threats made at eight jewish community centers across the country. it is not clear if he is connected to the threats in the bay area. a man working for an organization in santa clara dedicated to helping children is accused of possessing child pornography. police arrested 63-year-old david lang yesterday morning at his home in santa clara. lang is the chief financial officer at the bill wilson center. the center helps more than five thousand troubled kids and teens across the country. police say he also volunteered as an assistant scout master for a sunnyvale boy scout troop in the 19-70s. police say there is no evidence that lang was ever physically involved with any children. he is being held on five-thousand dollars bail. the white house facing more questions about russia, after allegations that attorney general jeff sessions lied under oath about his dealings with the country. sessions is fighting back against those allegations, but did remove himself from any possible investigations by the justice department. in january, sessions told the senate that he did not have any communications with the russians during the political campaign. but according to the justice department, sessions met with russia's ambassador to the u-s twice as part of his role as a member of the senate armed services committee. the attorney general says his meetings did not touch on politics. jeff sessions/u.s. attorney general: "we talked a little bit about terrorism, as i recall. and somehow the subject of the ukraine came up. i had had the ukrainian ambassador in my office the day before." in a statement, president trump said attorney general sessions, is an honest man who didn't say anything wrong. president trump called any investigation a witch hunt. there is a report out this morning that vice president mike pence used his personal email to conduct public business while he was the governor of indiana... and that email account was hacked. reid binion explains how the vice president's office is responding this morning. vice president mike pence's office is reacting to reports that he routinely used a private email account for state business when he was governor of indiana.the indy star -- breaking the news that pence communicated with senior advisers using his a-o-l account......discussing topics including homeland security. the star's tony cook spoke to c-n-n about the email records -- which the paper obtained through a public records request.tony cook / indystar reporter: "probably the most sensitive thing we did see was some requests and updates about investigations.. in one case a terror investigation." pence's personal email account was hacked last summer... ...during a presidential campaign in which he was a vocal critic of hillary clinton's use of a private email account and server.vice president mike pence: "why doesn't she go ahead and release all the 33-thousand emails that she did not turn over to the fbi and the congress initially."former clinton campaign staffers -- including her former press secretary brian fallon -- expressing frustration with what they call hypocrisy.voice of brian fallon / former hillary clinton press secretary: "to learn that the vice president himself was now using the same practice was just - is just another indication how hypocritical the attacks were against hillary clinton."pence's office - stressing that his use of the account was legal. tony cook / indystar reporter: "the vice president's office sent us a statement saying that pence didn't break any laws."the office - also rejecting any parallels between pence and clinton.tony cook / indystar reporter: "they've also said that any comparison to clinton is absurd."i'm reid binion reporting. coming up on the kron 4... mercedes is recalling thousands of cars this morning. find out whether your car is impacted. and your kid may be asking you for the new "nintendo switch". after the break we will take a look at whether it is worth the money. and here's a live look outside... bay bridge an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 backed up into the maze. happening now... nintendo switch... the new video game console is on sale right now. kron 4's gabe slate got a sneak peak at the new device to see if it is worth the money. the $300 nintendo switch is a hybrid it's a new type of gaming system a two in one sot - peer schneider gm & co-founder ign "it can be played with a tv like regular or you can take it out on the go with you " peer schneider is with ign, the video game and entertainment website, he has been playing and reviewing the switch for a few days now here's system in kick stand mode with the side controller's off and being used wirelessly. peer said nintendo kept the wii u family friendly theme with the switch keeping parents in mind they designed this a lot of parental controls. sot - peer schneider gm & co-founder ign "there is a lot of parent controls built in a separate app parents can control with " stand up - stand up peer likes it.. but says it also has problems.. if you have a wii u and like it you will like the switch it will be an improvement it's worth the money. it's like the wii u but you can also take it out and about and play with the whole family wherever you are.. in a hotel in the car if you mostly play at home and you and you and your kids have graduated to a playstation or xbox gaming consoles this will feel like a step backwards to you.. .. although nintendo is hoping there is enough to peek you're interest to make the switch.. gsk4n coming up after the break...there is renewed hope that missing teenager pearl pinson might still be alive. hear about the new information police are working with this morning. and here's a live look outside... san mateo bridge. welcome back... checking the roads with robin... an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. san mateo bridge wb 92 at the limit from 880 to hwy 101. bay bridge wb 80 no delays. mild and dry conditions will hold on for one more day as an approaching storm system begins to weaken the ridge of high pressure currently over the region. increasing high clouds from the approaching storm will result in slight cooling over the north bay today otherwise temps similar to yesterday will prevail. rain is forecast to reach the north bay saturday then spread southward across the rest of the district saturday night into sunday. light to moderate showers along with breezy conditions are expected. unsettled wet weather remains possible sunday into monday before drier conditions return to the area monday evening. mild and dry conditions are expected through the end of next week. there is new hope this morning that a 16-year-old teenager who was abducted in vallejo could still be alive. sixteen-year old pearl pinson was last seen on may 25th of last year. now, police have a new theory to what happened to her. they are saying pearl may have been forced into sex trafficking. kron 4's pam moore has the details. natpearl pinson was on her way to school on this freeway overpass in vallejo. eyewitnesses reported a violent sexual assault."and he shot her.""he shot somebody?" "i heard one shot"you heard the shots?"it took 32 hours for detectives to determine that her abductor was 19=year=old fernando castro ... the next days he was spottted driving this gold saturn over the richmond san rafael bridge.the same car led the c=h=p on a chase that ended in a deadly shootout near santa barbara .shots fired shots firedcastro died without revealing pinson's fate.his car held important clues... including a trace of blood in the trunk"but it wasn't a significant enough amount of blood to indicate that it wasn't survivable. other evidence from the saturn indicated castro had been near jenner on the sonoma initial search found no sign of pinson, but solano county sheriff's deputies did not give up.our detetctives and volunteers sifted through hundreds of hours of surveillance footageand then, a hit.castro's car was spotted at a gas station near bodega bay.investigators returned to the far, no results. "we still very much hold onto hope that we are going to bring pearl home. that she's being held somewhere against her will, or she's being passed from person to person, but that she is alive," "no matter who you're with, don't ever give up."pearl's big sister says she may be in the hands of sex traffickers.she could be anywhere with anybody, but i believe she's still alive, and i'm not gonna stop believing until i have proof that she's not," pearl's sister rose pinson says, she believes her sister could have been saved, if an amber alert had been issued sooner. but police say, they could not issue an alert .. until they had a license plate to go with the car description. some of the president trump's proposed policies are being blamed for a lack of tourism in san francisco. the san francisco travel association says it is not expecting a big increase in tourism this year. the travel association is expecting tourism to increase by less than 2 percent this year. that number is even lower for international travelers. the travel association says in part, its estimates have to do with the president's recent executive order on immigration. we have always been the statue of liberty kinda holding up that torch. welcoming people from around the world. and if all of a sudden people who always felt they were welcome here as tourists feel they are no longer welcome here or it's gonna be a hassle why would they come here? we've always looked at things differently. we always welcomed people here from around the world. welcome people who are different then we are and embrace them. international travelers we spoke to say they are ánotá basing their travel plans on politics. president trump's travel ban is facing another delay. a white house official said it won't be unveiled until next week at the earliest. president trump had initially planned to sign the new travel ban earlier this week following his first address to congress. the first executive order banned citizens from seven muslim- majority countries from entering the u-s for 90 days. it also temporarily suspended the entry of all refugees and indefinitely closed out syrian refugees. it sparked protests around the nation and right here in the bay area. happening tomorrow... several marches are planned across the country in support of president trump. one of those marches is set to take place in berkeley tomorrow afternoon. it will start at 2:00 at martin luther king jr. civic center park and move towards the u-c berkeley campus. there have been indications that there may be counter protests. police say they are prepared for a possible clash between the two groups. in the south bay... the cleanup effort is still underway for neighborhoods affected by last week's devastating floods in san jose. that includes public parks and other city property . coyote creek jumped its banks at kelly park. causing flood waters to sweep through happy hollow zoo. the zoo is now partially opened. however, employees continue to clean up mud and disinfect nearly every inch of the facility. animals like the meerkats have habitats in the flood zone and needed to be moved to higher ground. "between flooding in the zoo, in the lower zoo we had flood water depths of up to 5 feet. in the japanese friendship area of kelly park we had water in our pump station over 7 feet so our pump station is completely gone." all of the animals in the lower zoo had to be evacuated to other areas. the meerkats are currently living in a bathroom until their habitat is cleaned of mud and possible contamination. cleanup costs for the coyote creek area is jump above the estimate of 23- dollars. an important recall to tell you about this morning... mercedes is recalling more than 350-thousand cars and s-u-vs because they can catch fire. the cars affected are certan c-class, e-class, and c-l-a cars. as well as g-l-a and g-l-c s- u-v's. all range in model years from 20-15 through 20-17. mercedes says a part in the motor can overheat from repeated attempts to start the car. this could then cause the car to overheat and melt nearby parts.. and possible catch on fire. owners will be notified this month if their car is affected. dealerships wont start fixing the problem until replacement parts are available in july. coming up after the break on the kron 4 morning news... snapchat is the biggest tech i-p-o since facebook... hear how a bay area high school is cashing in on the company going public. and here's a live look outside... bay bridge. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 backed up into the maze. a high school in mountain view is cashing in on snapchat going public. saint francis high school invested 15-thousand dollars in snapchat five years ago. a student's father, who is a venture capitalist invested in the company after seeing his daughter enjoying the app. he decided to also invite his daughter's school to invest. when the high school invested, snapchat was valued at a little over four-million dollars. yesterday they began trading at a market value of about 33 ábillioná dollars. the school was quoted as saying they sold two- thirds of their shares at 17- dollars each to raise 24- million dollars. still ahead... a funeral planned today for an east bay deputy. i will have all the details coming up. and a dump truck hits an overpass on highway 101. i am live at the scene with the latest. your bay area forecast is next. this is violet. she's been waiting for this moment for awhile. a moment other kids wouldn't think twice about. her first bowl of cheerios. because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first bowl today. that breaking news we are following... a major problem on the roads already this morning. a dump truck hits an overpass on highway 101 and now the c-h-p is saying that lanes may be closed until noon. kron 4's will tran is live on the scene this morning. will what do we know? the california highway patrol this morning is reporting a dump truck has crashed into an overpass on southbound u.s. highway 101 in palo alto. the crash occurred thursday at 10:52 p.m. on the highway at the embarcadero road overpass, according to the chp. the chp issued a sig-alert at 11:09 p.m. due to the crash. the crash has closed two lanes of the highway, and there is debris in the roadway. the chp is also reporting there is a significant crack in the overpass, and caltrans crews are responding to the scene to evaluate the damage. the driver of the truck was injured in the crash. thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. now we want to get a look at the traffic impact this morning with robin winston. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 backed up into the maze. mild and dry conditions will hold on for one more day as an approaching storm system begins to weaken the ridge of high pressure currently over the region. increasing high clouds from the approaching storm will result in slight cooling over the north bay today otherwise temps similar to yesterday will prevail. rain is forecast to reach the north bay spread southward across the rest of the district into sunday. light to moderate showers along with breezy conditions are expected. unsettled wet possible sunday before drier monday evening. conditions are expected through the end of next week. happening today... happening today... funeral services will be held for alameda county sheriff's deputy michael foley. he was hit and killed by an inmate transport bus that was being driven by another deputy. kron 4's averi harper is live in concord this morning where the services will be held. averi. he was hit and killed by an inmate transport bus that was being driven by another deputy. it happened when he was on the job at the county jail in dublin. the service will be at the concord pavilion starting at 11:00 this morning. a procession is planned afterwards. investigators say the driver of the bus did not see foley as he was walking across the parking lot. "the city of concord has donated the pavilion here for this service for mike foley. it's kind of fitting since mike spent 29 years of his career here in concord so. and he worked here at the concord pavillion so it's very fitting that we're having mike's service here." thanks averi. a serial burglar is on the loose in the east bay... and the criminal is targeting people in their homes while they sleep. kron4's phillipe djegal has the details. a wallet discovered by one neighbor on a driveway belonging to another neighbor. a pair of stolen keys found in a home apparently dropped by an alleged cat burglar who struck overnight. sot- "everybody woke up to a normal day, and, and, next thing you know, we find out that there was a, you know, people had been rifling through our cars." chris wilcox lives in lafayette's southern burton valley neighborhood... where he says a burglar took advantage of his storm-damaged side gate... and, broke into his garage on cordova way sometime between late tuesday night and early wednesday morning.sot- "you get the sense of it being pretty safe and quiet. so, things like this really do, um, rattle you a little bit." in all... lafayette police chief eric christensen says some seven cars and three homes were burglarized. the alarming part is the alleged cat burglar struck while families were asleep inside.bridge the lafayette police department believes that all of these crimes are connected... and, are the work of one person and one person alone.sot- "crooks will come into town. they'll go through and they'll look for unlocked cars, and they're just looking for things that they can steal from inside the vehicles without having to break into them." fortunately, there were no confrontations and no one was injured... but chris wilcox and the rest of his neighbors know now, that everything at all times must be locked moving forward.sot- "this is a really tight nit community and its uh, hopefully people responsible, and, you know, it'll only make us in lafayette, philippe djegal, kron four news. coming up on the gary's world rewind... the warriors do something they haven't done in 147 games and it's not good. why the niners say not having a quarterback is liberating. and a baseball prospect impresses the team by catching a bat without batting an eye. i will take a look at the bay area roads coming up after the break. . an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to ♪ "turn around... every now and then i get a little bit hungry and there's nothing really good around. turn around... every now and then i get a little bit tired of living off the taste of the air... turn around, barry. i finally found the right snack."♪ "each with one hundred fifty calories or less, try our chocolaty brownies, tangy lemon bars, and creamy cheesecakes. fiber one, an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 at the limit into san francisco. no delays on wb 580 or sb 101 honey nut cheerios gets their delicious taste from honest ingredients. like real delicious honey and real oats. okay that's still honey. huh, there we go. we're back to honey again. who's directing this? that guy. figures. try new very berry cheerios. the taste of real fruit in every bite. so berry good. it's time for our pet of the week... and this week's featured pet is axel. he's a nine month old bulldog- terrier mix. axel has been through some training and would love a home with an active family. because he is strong and young, he's recommended for a family with kids over 10. if you're interested in adopting max, contact pets lifeline. it's a no-kill animal shelter in sonoma. welcome back to the kron 4 morning news... every morning at 7:45 we talk sports with gary radnich. and in case you missed it here's the gary's world rewind. for the first time since april 2015, the warriors have lost back to back games. it was in their 1st game without kevin durant as they took on the bulls in chicago. and this game wasn't pretty. the spalsh brothers had a hard time in this one. combined, they were 3 for 22 from beyond the arc in the game. they are 11 for 64 from 3 point land in their last 3 games. this is also the worst 3 game strech of steph curry's career. shooting just 13 percent from beyond the arc. for his career, curry is a 43 percent 3 point shooter. with this loss, the warriors 147 game streak without back to back losses comes to an end. the dubs will look to bounce back sunday against the knicks in new york. new san francisco 49ers general manager john lynch has a novel take on the lack of quarterbacks on the team. he says it's "somewhat liberating." "a lot of people look at it like, 'oh my gosh, you don't have any quarterbacks,' but that also is somewhat liberating in that you can create this thing in that position that is so critical in the way that you want it," lynch said. "now, we're restricted by who's available and what not, but i think we've got a lot of great options at our disposal." colin kaepernick says he is planning to áástand during the national anthem next season. they say the 49ers quarterback says he believes positive change has been created. the report says kaepernick believes the support he has received from other athletes... as well as the discussion on social inequality has shown the message he was trying to deliver was received. during his national anthem protest... kaepernick kept his word and donated a million dollars to organizations fighting against social inequality. kaepernick's new agents told all 32 teams he will become a free agent in the coming days. " i tell my wife and brothers and sisters to avoid road rage. if you see anyone that's kind of heckling you on the road just go around them and let them win. ...absolutely... and your name? adrian peterson. wait... " tv reporter interviews man on the street ... has no idea it's nfl star adrian peterson. john donnelly was doing a normal story on how to stay safe in a road rage incident, talking to people on the street. the man on the street donnelly interviewed happened to be future pro football hall of famer adrian peterson and the reporter had no idea. adeiny hechavarria loses control of his bat and luis guillorme catches it with a barehanded grab in the dugout st. louis pitcher ryan sherriff thought clubhouse prankster adam wainwright was taking him for a ride. turns out, he was about to be given one. he couldn't afford to ship his car from california to florida for spring training, so he rented a house about 10 minutes away. he's been walking to camp, to the store and pretty much everywhere else this spring. three times wainwright drove past sherriff on his way to the ballpark. after offering sherriff a bicycle, which the reliever appreciatively declined, wainwright asked traveling secretary c.j. cherre to get sheriff a rented car. wainwright took care of the bill. for the first time since april 2015, the warriors have lost back to back games. it was in their 1st game without kevin durant as they took on the bulls in chicago. and this game wasn't pretty. the spalsh brothers had a hard time in this one. combined, they were 3 for 22 from beyond the arc in the game. they are 11 for 64 from 3 point land in their last 3 games. this is also the worst 3 game strech of steph curry's career. shooting just 13 percent from beyond the arc. for his career, curry is a 43 percent 3 point shooter. with this loss, the warriors 147 game streak without back to back losses comes to an end. the dubs will look to bounce back sunday against the knicks in new york. new san francisco 49ers general manager john lynch has a novel take on the lack of quarterbacks on the team. he says it's "somewhat liberating." "a lot of people look at it like, 'oh my gosh, you don't have any quarterbacks,' but that also is somewhat liberating in that you can create this thing in that position that is so critical in the way that you want it," lynch said. "now, we're restricted by who's available and what not, but i think we've got a lot of great options at our disposal." colin kaepernick says he is planning to áástand during the national anthem next season. they say the 49ers quarterback says he believes positive change has been created. the report says kaepernick believes the support he has received from other athletes... as well as the discussion on social inequality has shown the message he was trying to deliver was received. during his national anthem protest... kaepernick kept his word and donated a million dollars to organizations fighting against social inequality. kaepernick's new agents told all 32 teams he will become a free agent in the coming days. " i tell my wife and brothers and sisters to avoid road rage. if you see anyone that's kind of heckling you on the road just go around them and let them win. ...absolutely... and your name? adrian peterson. wait... " tv reporter interviews man on the street ... has no idea it's nfl star adrian peterson. john donnelly was doing a normal story on how to stay safe in a road rage incident, talking to people on the street. the man on the street donnelly interviewed happened to be future pro football hall of famer adrian peterson and the reporter had no idea. adeiny hechavarria loses control of his bat and luis guillorme catches it with a barehanded grab in the dugout st. louis pitcher ryan sherriff thought clubhouse prankster adam wainwright was taking him for a ride. turns out, he was about to be given one. he couldn't afford to ship his car from california to florida for spring training, so he rented a house about 10 minutes away. he's been walking to camp, to the store and pretty much everywhere else this spring. three times wainwright drove past sherriff on his way to the ballpark. after offering sherriff a bicycle, which the reliever appreciatively declined, wainwright asked traveling secretary c.j. cherre to get sheriff a rented car. wainwright took care of the bill. there are three new movies hitting theaters this weekend and one of them could have the biggest opening weekend of far. david daniel takes a look at what's now showing. "we got ourselves an x-men fan. maybe a quarter of it happened... and not like this." plenty of "x-men" fans are expected to turn out for "logan," what's billed as hugh jackman's final "wolverine" movie. the no-longer quite- so-mighty mutant finds himself caring for an aged professor x, and a girl with powers like his own. analysts' predictions range from 65-million to more than 70-million dollars for its domestic debut."i've been looking forward to this.""do i know you?""not very well. but we can work on that."two other films open wide in "logan"'s shadow: "the shack" is based on the best-selling novel about a man who meets god after he loses a child. box office watchers are looking for a 10-to-12 million-dollar opening for the faith-based drama. and the teen drama "before i fall," about a girl who keeps repeating what could be her last day alive, could bring in up to five-million dollars."if i was going to relive the same day over and over, i'd want it to be a day that would make a difference." in hollywood, i'm david daniel. seven day that's it for us this morning... our next newscast is at 5 o clock tonight. don't forget, you can stay connected on our mobile app, kron four dot com and on our facebook and twitter feeds. áááábreakáááá >> announcer: today on an all-new "dr. phil" exclusive. the frat boy accused of murder. >> he started to eat one of the victim's faces. >> announcer: in the first interview since his arrest. >> i've had weird dreams that i was worshipped religiously. >> announcer: from his hospital bed. >> i heard voices. >> dr. phil: what are they telling you? >> announcer: austin harrouff speaks out. >> dr. phil: did you leaf that restaurant wanting to hurt someone? >> no. >> dr. phil: why did you do it? >> today, it's the interview everyone has been waiting to see. austin harrouff, the college student accused of murdering a couple in a shocking and disturbing way that made national headlines spoke out from his hospital bed just days before he was moved to jail.

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20170303 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20170303

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crashed into an overpass on southbound u.s. highway 101 in palo alto. the crash occurred thursday at 10:52 p.m. on the highway at the embarcadero road overpass, according to the chp. the chp issued a sig-alert at 11:09 p.m. due to the crash. the crash has closed two lanes of the highway, and there is debris in the roadway. the chp is also reporting there is a significant crack in the overpass, and caltrans crews are responding to the scene to evaluate the damage. the driver of the truck was injured in the crash. thanks will. now lets go to robin in the traffic center. our team coverage continues wth robin... she's tracking the traffic impact. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. overturn crash san jose sb 101 at tully. another dry day with mostly clear skies this morning with chilly another dry day with mostly clear skies this morning with chilly temperatures this morning.high's today will be cooler than yesterday...50's and 60's expected. getting the kids ready for school...dress them warm this morning! we are going to see sunshine today but it will still be a cool day around the bay area. a man working for an organization in santa clara dedicated to helping children is accused of possessing child pornography. police arrested 63-year-old david lang yesterday morning at his home in santa clara. lang is the chief financial officer at the bill wilson center. the center helps more than five thousand troubled kids and teens across the country. police say he also volunteered as an assistant scout master for a sunnyvale boy scout troop in the 19-70s. a neighbor spoke to us off camera after learning about the arrest. "kind of a big surprise because ever since we were living here we had a perfect relationship." the c-e-o of the bill wilson center said that lang has had no direct contact with kids while working as c-f-o. police say there is no evidence that lang was ever physically involved with any children. he is being held on five- thousand dollars bail. there is a report out this morning that vice president mike pence used his personal email to conduct public business while he was the governor of indiana. pence's personal e-mail was hacked last summer. james fletcher is following the story from the breaking news desk. james. pence's office is quick to point out that indiana state law did not require him to use a secure government email account... so there was no wrong-doing. however, c-n-n is reporting that pence used his a-o-l account to communicate with senior advisers about a variety of topics including sensitive homeland security issues. furthermore, pence's personal email account was hacked last summer... at the time he was publicly criticizing hillary clinton for using a private email account. former clinton staffers say this is blatant hypocrisy. voice of brian fallon / "to learn that the vice president himself was now using the same practice was just - is just another indication how hypocritical the attacks were against hillary clinton." again... pence's office is stressing that his use of a private email account was legal... and it rejects any comparison between pence and clinton. lawyers are currently reviewing pence's communication s as governor to see if anything sensitive was hacked. we'll let you know what they find. the white house facing more questions about russia, after allegations that attorney general jeff sessions lied under oath about his dealings with the country. sessions is fighting back against those allegations, but did remove himself from any possible investigations by the justice department. in january, sessions told the senate that he did not have any communications with the russians during the political campaign. but according to the justice department, sessions met with russia's ambassador to the u-s twice as part of his role as a member of the senate armed services committee. the attorney general says his meetings did not touch on politics. jeff sessions/u.s. attorney general: "we talked a little bit about terrorism, as i recall. and somehow the subject of the ukraine came up. i had had the ukrainian ambassador in my office the day before." in a statement, president trump said attorney general sessions, is an honest man who didn't say anything wrong. president trump called any investigation a witch hunt. after a unanimous vote, san leandro became the seventh sanctuary city in the bay area. mayor pauline cutter says it is largely a symbolic move to let people know they will be treated fairly regardless of their immigration status. she says about half the people in san leandro speak a second language at home and about 30-percent are immigrants. many students in the area who talked to us were happy about the decision, but the mayor says not everyone supported the move. "i think what happened is people were, there's a lot of fear out there and angst about what's going on. the fear is all of the sudden police weren't going to be arresting people. they were going to be less safe. our taxes would get raised and all of those things which just aren't going to happen.""their immigration status should have no affect on whether or not they're protected underneath the law. so for me a sanctuary city just makes sense." the mayor says the new status will not affect the city's budget or resources. san leandro joins san francisco, alameda, oakland, berkeley, richmond and san jose as another sanctuary cities in the bay area. two people are under arrest ... accused of shooting at an off-duty police officer on interstate 880 in oakland. we first told you about the shooting yesterday on the kron 4 morning news. the off-duty officer's car was hit, but he managed to get away without injury. the gunman then led police on a high speed chase and were able to get away. but a few hours later officers tracked them down and arrested three people. the alameda county district attorney will now decide what charges the suspects will face. with more rain coming to the bay area this weekend... many areas are still cleaning up after the last round of heavy rain. that includes niles canyon road in alameda county. part of that road is still closed because of mudslides and now several sinkholes have opened up on palomares road. and officials say if the problem gets worsethe entire road could be wiped out. public works crews say each hole is about 5 feet deep. the holes have been filled with asphalt as a temporary fix and if the holes get bigger they could cause the entire road to give way. several mudslides are also blocking part of the road and crews say a culvert under the road also needs to be repaired. in the south bay... the cleanup effort is still underway for neighborhoods affected by last week's devastating floods in san jose. that includes public parks and other city property . coyote creek jumped its banks at kelly park. causing flood waters to sweep through happy hollow zoo. the zoo is now partially opened. however, employees continue to clean up mud and disinfect nearly every inch of the facility. animals like the meerkats have habitats in the flood zone and needed to be moved to higher "between flooding in the zoo, in the lower zoo we had flood water depths of up to 5 feet. in the japanese friendship area of kelly park we had water in our pump station over 7 feet so our pump station is completely gone." all of the animals in the lower zoo had to be evacuated to other areas. the meerkats are currently living in a bathroom until their habitat is cleaned of mud and possible contamination. cleanup costs for the coyote creek area is expected to jump above the current estimate of 23- million- dollars. most of the water from the san jose flooding came from anderson reservoir near morgan hill. now, even though the creek has returned to normal there's lingering concern that the reservoir could still pose a threat to people downstream.. as of yesterday that reservoir is still at 99-point-7 percent capacity. but back in 2007... seismic testing showed that a major earthquake could send a wall of water into morgan hill and san jose. because of that... officials are required to keep the reservoir at only 68% capacity. work to fix the dam to make it more stable is expected to cost 400 million dollars and the work isn't supposed to begin until the year 20-24. for now... officials say it will take atleast 9 weeks to get the reservior down to 68% capacity. for the first time since april 2015, the warriors have lost back to back games. it was in their 1st game without kevin durant as they took on the bulls in chicago. and this game wasn't pretty. the splash brothers had a hard time in this one. combined, they were 3 for 22 in three point attempts in the game. and 11 for 64 in their last 3 games. this is also the worst 3 game stretch of steph curry's career. with this loss, the warriors 147 game streak without back to back losses comes to an end. the dubs will look to bounce back sunday against the knicks in new york. we'll chat with gary and see what he thinks about the loss coming up at 7:45. still ahead on the kron four morning news... city officials say fewer tourists will be visiting san francisco this year. details on why they say the president's stance on immigration is to blame. and a mother is outraged this morning after a prank at her son's fraternity could have turned deadly. we'll explain what they did during a hazing ritual. and this morning there is renewed hope that missing vallejo teenager pearl pinson might still be alive. hear about the new information police are working with. and here's a live look outside... bay bridge robin is here with conditions on the roads this an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. overturn crash san jose sb 101 at tully. bay bridge wb 80 backed up into the maze. mild and dry conditions will hold on for one more day as an approaching storm system begins to weaken the ridge of high pressure currently over the region. increasing high clouds from the approaching storm will result in slight cooling over the north bay today otherwise temps similar to yesterday will prevail. rain is forecast to reach the north bay saturday then spread southward across the rest of the district saturday night into sunday. light to moderate showers along with breezy conditions are expected. unsettled wet weather remains possible sunday into monday before drier conditions return to the area monday evening. mild and dry conditions are expected through the end of next week. there is new hope this morning that a 16-year-old teenager missing from vallejo might still be alive. pearl pinson went missing on may 25th of last year. she was last seen walking on an overpass in vallejo on her way to school. witnesses say they saw pearl bleeding and yelling for help as she was being taken by an armed man. police say they are investigating all possibilities in her disappearance... that includes looking into whether she could have been forced into sex trafficking. "we still very much hold onto hope that we are going to bring pearl home. that she's being held somewhere against her will, or she's being passed from person to person, but that she is alive," "no matter who you're with, don't ever give up." police identified pearl's abductor as 19-year-old fernando castro. he died in a shootout with police near santa barbara days after her disappearance. police found a trace of pearl's blood in the trunk of castro's car... but say it wasn't enough to indicate death. they say she did not know castro, and the motive is still not clear. some of president trump's proposed policies are being blamed for a lack of tourism in san francisco. the san francisco travel association says it is not expecting a big increase in tourism this year. the travel association is expecting tourism to increase by less than 2 percent this year. that number is even lower for international travelers. the travel association says in part, its estimates have to do with the president's recent executive order on we have always been the statue of liberty kinda holding up that torch. welcoming people from around the world. and if all of a sudden people who always felt they were welcome here as tourists feel they are no longer welcome here or it's gonna be a hassle why would they come here? we've always looked at things differently. we always welcomed people here from around the world. welcome people who are different then we are and embrace them. international travelers we spoke to say they are ánotá basing their travel plans on politics. and president trump's travel ban is facing another delay. a white house official said it won't be unveiled until next week at the earliest. president trump had initially planned to sign the new travel ban earlier this week following his first address to congress. the first executive order banned citizens from seven muslim-majority countries from entering the u-s for 90 days. it also temporarily suspended the entry of all refugees and indefinitely closed out syrian refugees. it sparked protests around the nation and right here in the bay area. happening tomorrow... several marches are planned across the country in support of president trump. one of those marches is set to take place in berkeley tomorrow afternoon. it will start at 2:00 at martin luther king jr. civic center park and move towards the u-c berkeley campus. there have been indications that there may be counter protests. police say they are prepared for a possible clash between the two groups. what some college students say was a joke...almost turned deadly. fraternity members rubbed peanut butter on another student's face... who has a serious peanut allergy. this is a picture of 19- year-old andrew seely after the incident. he was reportedly hazed at a fraternity at central michigan university. it happened back in october... but seely's mother says her son just told her about what happened, prompting her to take action. seely says he was passed out at the house during a hazing ritual... and that is when the peanut butter was put on his face. one of the students who participated in the hazing says they didn't know seely had the life-threatening allergy. "it was just a joke. we were just trying to be funny, guys hanging out. we used peanut butter and put some on his face. we didn't know he was allergic. just being funny. being college students. we're sorry to his family that being funny looked like we were trying to be violent. we were not trying to harm him." the students involved say they offered to pay for his medical bills. the fraternity in question has not been recognized on the campus since 20-11 because of other hazing incidents. the university says they take these matters very seriously. seely has since transferred to another school. a high school in mountain view is cashing in on snapchat going public. saint francis high school invested 15-thousand dollars in snapchat five years ago. a student's father, who is a venture capitalist invested in the company after seeing his daughter enjoying the app. he decided to also invite his daughter's school to invest. when the high school invested, snapchat was valued at a little over four-million dollars. yesterday they began trading at a market value of about 33 ábillioná dollars. the school was quoted as saying they sold two- thirds of their shares at 17- dollars each to raise 24- million dollars. stocks are off to a mixed start on wall street.the major indexes are little changed in the early going, ahead of a speech by federal reserve chair janet yellen. investors will be listening for clues on whether the central bank will raise interest rates again later this month. still ahead on the kron four morning news... a recall parents need to know about... a popular baby rattle could cause choking. we'll tell you which ones. plus... devices used to track your sleep could actually cause ááinsomnia. we'll explain after the break. é an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. traffic is slow in both directions as more than a third of americans don't get enough sleep... many people are turning to apps and devices to try to help us get more rest. but a new study says they are doing the opposite. researchers from rush university in chicago say the devices can be misleading and actually contribute to insomnia. they say people check the data and become stressed because they are not getting enough sleep. they can also see when their sleep is restless and that is causing anxiety- induced insomnia. doctors say if you're not getting enough sleep... limit your caffeine, stick to a regular schedule, and limit your screen time in the bedroom. i'm tracking your forecast. dry weather today. still ahead... a funeral planned today for an east bay deputy. i will have all the details coming up. deputy. i will have all the details coming up. deputy. i will have all the details coming up. it's just a date. i can stay. i'm good. i won't be late hey mom. yeah. no kissing on the first date, alright? life doesn't always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise we'll help you handle what's next. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. honey bunches of oats. it's crispy sweetened flakes, plus crunchy granola clusters, plus a touch of honey. it's like adding up "awesome", plus "awe-yeah". it's the sum of the best of the best in a cereal. honey bunches of oats. hey, bud. you need some help? no, i'm good. come on, moe. i have to go. (vo) we always trusted our subaru impreza would be there for him someday. ok. that's it. (vo) we just didn't think someday would come so fast. see ya later, moe. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru impreza. the longest-lasting vehicle in its class. more than a car, it's a subaru. that breaking news we are following... a major problem on the roads already this morning. a dump truck hits an overpass on highway 101 and now the c-h-p is saying that lanes may be closed until noon. kron 4's will tran is live on the scene this morning. will what do we know? the california highway patrol this morning is reporting a dump truck has crashed into an overpass on southbound u.s. highway 101 in palo alto. the crash occurred thursday at 10:52 p.m. on the highway at the embarcadero road overpass, according to the chp. the chp issued a sig-alert at 11:09 p.m. due to the crash. the crash has closed two lanes of the highway, and there is debris in the roadway. the chp is also reporting there is a significant crack in the overpass, and caltrans crews are responding to the scene to evaluate the damage. the driver of the truck was injured in the crash. thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. now we want to get a look at the traffic impact this morning with robin winston. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. another dry day with mostly clear another dry day with mostly clear skies this morning with chilly temperatures this morning.high's today will be cooler than yesterday...50's and 60's expected. here's a peak of your day part forecast for the next 8 hours. dress warm this morning and keep your jacket with you. we are going to see sunshine today but it will still be a cool day around the bay area. breaking news this morning... federal officials have made an arrest connected to the recent threats against jewish community centers across the nation. james fletcher is at the breaking news desk with the details just into the news room. the arrest was made by federal investigators in new york. all we know about the suspect is that he is a man... and his name is juan thompson. federal authorities think he's responsible for threatening at least eight jewish community centers nationwide... including the anti-defamation league's headquarters in new york city. this is video from earlier this week when the anti-defamation league's office in san francisco received a phone threat. the aerial shots courtesy of our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. there's no indication yet that thompson was behind this threat, but they're looking into it. investigators say it looks like thompson's motive for making the threats was actually to harass his former girlfriend. he used her name while making some of those threatening phone calls. in fact, he's already set to appear in a missouri court later today on charges that include cyberstalking. we will continue to track this story and bring you any updates as they come into the newsroom. happening today... happening today... funeral services will be held for alameda county sheriff's deputy michael foley. he was hit and killed by an inmate transport bus that was being driven by another deputy. kron 4's averi harper is live in concord this morning where the services will be held. averi. he was hit and killed by an inmate transport bus that was being driven by another deputy. it happened when he was on the job at the county jail in dublin. the service will be at the concord pavilion starting at 11:00 this morning. a procession is planned afterwards. investigators say the driver of the bus did not see foley as he was walking across the parking lot. thanks averi. a warning in the east bay as police are searching for a serial burglar this morning. police say the criminal is targeting people in their homes while they're sleeping. three homes were burglarized in an upscale neighborhood of lafayette on tuesday. all of the crimes happened late at night when people were inside of their homes asleep. in addition to the homes, seven cars were broken into. police say this is a good reminder to make sure your house is locked up at night... and your car, too. "crooks will come into town. they'll go through and they'll look for unlocked cars, and they're just looking for things that they can steal from inside the vehicles without having to break into them." there were also four burglaries in nearby orinda last week. detectives believe all of these crimes are connected... and are the work of one person. coming up on the kron four morning news... the warriors do something they haven't done in 147 games and it's not good. why the niners say not having a quarterback is liberating. and a baseball prospect impresses the team by catching a bat without batting an eye. the world accoridng to gary is in just a few minutes. and here's a - everything we stock at grocery outlet has crazy low prices. do you know how we do it? - how? - bargainomics! say, if california has a bumper crop and produces too many oranges. or a winemaker in sonoma suddenly has 1000 bottles too many. we've got name-brand, top-quality groceries priced 40-70% off every day. bargainomics. that's our business model. and our business model is... delicious. ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. overturn crash n b 17 at bear creek. bay bridge backed up ino the maze. an important recall parents need to know about this morning... thousands of baby rattles are being recalled due to a choking hazard. they are the "o-ball" rattles in pink, blue, green, or orange. the model number is "8-1- 0-3-1". there are beads in the middle that could come lose and cause choking. there have been three reports of children gagging from the product... and several parents say they found the small beads in their kids mouths. the rattles were sold at several retailers nationwide. if you have one of the affected products, the company will give you a full take a look at this... a new york zoo's pregnant giraffe has its own website, a gofundme page, an apparel line and millions of people worldwide watching live- streaming video waiting for it to give birth. this is a look at the live stream this morning. the 15-year-old is named april and is expected to give birth any time now. this will be april's fourth calf. it will weigh about 150 pounds and will be about six feet tall. you can check out the stream on our website at kron four dot com. i'm tracking your forecast. dry weather today. the world according to gary is after the break. for the first time since april 2015, the warriors have lost back to back games. it was in their 1st game without kevin durant as they took on the bulls in chicago. and this game wasn't pretty. the spalsh brothers had a hard time in this one. combined, they were 3 for 22 from beyond the arc in the game. they are 11 for 64 from 3 point land in their last 3 games. this is also the worst 3 game strech of steph curry's career. shooting just 13 percent from beyond the arc. for his career, curry is a 43 percent 3 point shooter. with this loss, the warriors 147 game streak without back to back losses comes to an end. the dubs will look to bounce back sunday against the knicks in new york. new san francisco 49ers general manager john lynch has a novel take on the lack of quarterbacks on the team. he says it's "somewhat liberating." "a lot of people look at it like, 'oh my gosh, you don't have any quarterbacks,' but that also is somewhat liberating in that you can create this thing in that position that is so critical in the way that you want it," lynch said. "now, we're restricted by who's available and what not, but i think we've got a lot of great options at our disposal." colin kaepernick says he is planning to áástand during the national anthem next season. they say the 49ers quarterback says he believes positive change has been created. the report says kaepernick believes the support he has received from other athletes... as well as the discussion on social inequality has shown the message he was trying to deliver was received. during his national anthem protest... kaepernick kept his word and donated a million dollars to organizations fighting against social inequality. kaepernick's new agents told all 32 teams he will become a free agent in the coming days. " i tell my wife and brothers and sisters to avoid road rage. if you see anyone that's kind of heckling you on the road just go around them and let them win. ...absolutely... and your name? adrian peterson. wait... " tv reporter interviews man on the street ... has no idea it's nfl star adrian peterson. john donnelly was doing a normal story on how to stay safe in a road rage incident, talking to people on the street. the man on the street donnelly interviewed happened to be future pro football hall of famer adrian peterson and the reporter had no idea. adeiny hechavarria loses control of his bat and luis guillorme catches it with a barehanded grab in the dugout so tell us your big idea for getting the whole country booking on choice four words, badda book. badda boom... let it sink in. shouldn't we say we have the lowest price? nope, badda book. badda boom. have you ever stayed with choice hotels? like at a comfort inn? yep. free waffles, can't go wrong. i like it. promote that guy. get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed. when you book direct at book now. ahead at eight on the kron 4 morning news... we continue following our breaking news... a major traffic problem on highway 101 in palo alto where a dump truck crashed into a overpass. we have team coverage of the impact on your commute. and in the south bay... a man is arrested and accused of possessing child pornography... and he works for an organization dedicated to helping troubled kids. we'll have the details. and enjoy the dry weather today... because more wet weather is on the way. details on how it could impact your weekend plans. it's okay to cry, right? no more! we don't want anymore! [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh! everyday price and no extra monthly fees, unlike cable. speeds up to 45 megs, for $30 a month. that breaking news we are following... a major problem on the roads already this morning. a dump truck hits an overpass on highway 101 in palo alto and now the c-h-p is saying that lanes may be closed until noon. we have complete team coverage this morning... kron 4's will tran is live on the scene this morning. robin winston is tracking the impact on your commute in the traffic center. lets first start with will. what do we know? the california highway patrol this morning is reporting a dump truck has crashed into an overpass on southbound u.s. highway 101 in palo alto. the crash occurred thursday at 10:52 p.m. on the highway at the embarcadero road overpass, according to the chp. the chp issued a sig-alert at 11:09 p.m. due to the crash. the crash has closed two lanes of the highway, and there is debris in the roadway. the chp is also reporting there is a significant crack in the overpass, and caltrans crews are responding to the scene to evaluate the damage. the driver of the truck was injured in the crash. thanks will. now lets go to robin in the traffic center. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. traffic backed up into menlo park. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. another dry day with mostly clear skies this morning with chilly temperatures this morning.high's today will be cooler than yesterday...50's and 60's expected. getting the kids ready for school...dress them warm this morning! we are going to see sunshine today but it will still be a cool day around the bay area. a man working for an organization in santa clara dedicated to helping children is accused of possessing child pornography. police arrested 63-year-old david lang yesterday morning at his home in santa clara. lang is the chief financial officer at the bill wilson center. the center helps more than five thousand troubled kids and teens across the country. police say he also volunteered as an assistant scout master for a sunnyvale boy scout troop in the 19-70s. a neighbor spoke to us off camera after learning about the arrest. "kind of a big surprise because ever since we were living here we had a perfect relationship." the c-e-o of the bill wilson center said that lang has had no direct contact with kids while working as c-f-o. police say there is no evidence that lang was ever physically involved with any children. he is being held on five- dollars bail. two people are under arrest ... accused of shooting at an off-duty police officer on interstate 880 in oakland. we first told you about the shooting yesterday on the kron 4 morning news. the off-duty officer's car was hit, but he managed to get away without injury. the gunman then led police on a high speed chase and were able to get away. but a few hours later officers tracked them down and arrested three people. the alameda county district attorney will now decide what charges the suspects will face. there is a report out this morning that vice president mike pence used his personal email to conduct public business while he was the governor of indiana. pence's mail was hacked last summer. james fletcher is following the story from the breaking news desk. james. pence's office is quick to point out that indiana state law did not require him to use a secure government email account... so there was no wrong-doing. however, c-n-n is reporting that pence used his a-o-l account to communicate with senior advisers about a variety of topics including sensitive homeland security issues. furthermore, pence's personal email account was hacked last summer... at the time he was publicly criticizing hillary clinton for using a private email account. former clinton staffers -- including her former press secretary -- say this is blatant hypocrisy. voice of brian fallon / "to learn that the vice president himself was now using the same practice was just - is just another indication how hypocritical the attacks were against hillary clinton." again... pence's office is stressing that his use of a private email account was legal... and it rejects any comparison between pence and clinton. lawyers are currently reviewing pence's communication s as governor to see if anything sensitive was hacked. we'll let you know what they find. back to you. the white house facing more questions about russia, after allegations that attorney general jeff sessions lied under oath about his dealings with the country. sessions is fighting back against those allegations, but did remove himself from any possible investigations by the justice department. in january, sessions told the senate that he did not have any communications with the russians during the political campaign. but according to the justice department, sessions met with russia's ambassador to the u-s twice as part of his role as a member of the senate armed services committee. the attorney general says his meetings did not touch on politics. jeff sessions/u.s. attorney general: "we talked a little bit about terrorism, as i recall. and somehow the subject of the ukraine came up. i had had the ukrainian ambassador in my office the day before." in a statement, president trump said attorney general sessions, is an honest man who didn't say anything wrong. president trump called any investigation a witch hunt. after a unanimous vote, san leandro became the seventh sanctuary city area. mayor pauline cutter says it is largely a symbolic move to let people know they will be treated fairly regardless of their immigration status. she says about half the people in san leandro speak a second language at home and about 30- percent are immigrants. many students in the area who talked to us were happy about the decision, but the mayor says not everyone supported the move. "i think what happened is people were, there's a lot of fear out there and angst about what's going on. the fear is all of the sudden police weren't going to be arresting people. they were going to be less safe. our taxes would get raised and all of those things which just aren't going to happen.""their immigration status should have no affect on whether or not they're protected underneath the law. so for me a sanctuary city just makes sense." the mayor says the new status will not affect the city's budget or resources. san leandro joins san francisco, alameda, oakland, berkeley, richmond and san jose as another sanctuary cities in the bay area. coming up... police say missing vallejo teen pearl pinson may still be alive nearly a year after her she was kidnapped. what they now believe may have happened to her. and... one bay area city says they are not expecting a large number of tourist this year. why they say the reason is political. also... most of the flood water has come down from anderson reservoir. the risk it still presents to people downstream of it. and here's a live look outside... san mateo bridge. what's the story behind green mountain coffee and fair trade? let's take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. áááábreakáááá an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 backed up into the maze. most of the water from the san jose flooding came from anderson reservoir near morgan hill. now, even though the creek has returned to normal there's lingering concern that the reservoir could still pose a threat to people downstream.. as of yesterday that reservoir is still at 99-point-7 percent capacity. but back in 2007... seismic testing showed that a major earthquake could send a wall of water into morgan hill and san jose. because of that... officials are required to keep the reservoir at only 68% capacity. work to fix the dam to make it more stable is expected to cost 400 million dollars and the work isn't supposed to begin until the year 20-24. for now... officials say it will take atleast 9 weeks to get the reservior down to 68% capacity. and i'm tracking your morning forecast. a full weather report right after the break. true radiance comes from within. new radiant toothpaste by colgate optic white. whitens teeth both inside and out. for a radiant, whiter smile. be radiant by colgate optic white. whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums welcome back. let's get a check of the weather this morning with rebecca strom. mild and dry conditions will hold on for one more day as an approaching storm system begins to weaken the ridge of high pressure currently over the region. increasing high clouds from the approaching storm will result in slight cooling over the north bay today otherwise temps similar to yesterday will prevail. rain is forecast to reach the north bay saturday then spread southward across the rest of the district saturday night into sunday. light to moderate showers along with breezy conditions are expected. unsettled wet weather remains possible sunday into monday before drier conditions return to the area monday evening. mild and dry conditions are expected through the end of next week. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. richmond bridge slow from castro. bay bridge wb 80 backed up into the maze. new this morning... ford is recalling 36-thousand cars because their airbags may not inflate properly. the recall affects the 20-16 to 20-17 ford edge and 20-16 to 20-17 lincoln m-k-x. as well as the 20-17 lincoln continental. the air bags were made by japanese supplier takata. this recall does not have the same deadly problem that has led to a recall of millions of takata air bags. ford says there have been no injuries associated with this defect. dealers will replace affected air bags for free. there is new hope this morning that a 16-year-old teenager missing from vallejo might still be alive. pearl pinson went missing on may 25th of last year. she was last seen walking on an overpass in vallejo on her way to school. witnesses say they saw pearl bleeding and yelling for help as she was being taken by an armed man. police say they are investigating all possibilities in her disappearance... that includes looking into whether she could have been forced into sex trafficking. "we still very much hold onto hope that we are going to bring pearl home. that she's being held somewhere against her will, or she's being passed from person to person, but that she is alive," "no matter who you're with, don't ever give up." police identified pearl's abductor as 19-year-old fernando castro. he died in a shootout with police near santa barbara days after her disappearance. police found a trace of pearl's blood in the trunk of castro's car... but say it wasn't enough to indicate death. they say she did not know castro, and the motive is still not clear. some of the president trump's proposed policies are being blamed for a lack of tourism in san francisco. the san francisco travel association says it is not expecting a big increase in tourism this year. the travel association is expecting tourism to increase by less than 2 percent this year. that number is even lower for international travelers. the travel association says in part, its estimates have to do with the president's recent executive order on immigration. we have always been the statue of liberty kinda holding up that torch. welcoming people from around the world. and if all of a sudden people who always felt they were welcome here as tourists feel they are no longer welcome here or it's gonna be a hassle why would they come here? we've always looked at things differently. we always welcomed people here from around the world. welcome people who are different then we are and embrace them. international travelers we spoke to say they are ánotá basing their travel plans on politics. president trump's travel ban is facing another delay. a white house official said it won't be unveiled until next week at the earliest. president trump had initially planned to sign the new travel ban earlier this week following his first address to congress. the first executive order banned citizens from seven muslim- majority countries from entering the u-s for 90 days. it also temporarily suspended the entry of all refugees and indefinitely closed out syrian refugees. it sparked protests around the nation and right here in the bay area. happening tomorrow... several marches are planned across the country in support of president trump. one of those marches is set to take place in berkeley tomorrow afternoon. it will start at 2:00 at martin luther king jr. civic center park and move towards the u-c berkeley campus. there have been indications that there may be counter protests. police say they are prepared for a possible clash between the two groups. coming up... a warning in the east bay as police are searching for a serial burglar. details ahead. and... subway is speaking out over allegations that it's chicken isn't 100 percent meat. what they are saying about what's in their food. áááábreakáááá - grocery outlet is the home of "wow" savings. 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"boooyah" has three os. ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ stop by our bar bonanza event and save up to 80%! the whole country booking on choice four words, badda book. badda boom... let it sink in. shouldn't we say we have the lowest price? nope, badda book. badda boom. have you ever stayed with choice hotels? like at a comfort inn? yep. free waffles, can't go wrong. i like it. promote that guy. get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed. when you book direct at book now. getting food to hungry older amerand it won't.stop hey, these are our parents and grandparents out there. let's start talking about how we can really get to the route of the problem. hey, we hear you. fighting hunger doesn't stop here. i'm working with aarp foundation's drive to end hunger team to change the national conversation around hunger, bring experts together, and make programs better than ever. if you don't think "we're in this together" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp." learn more at this is the story of green mountain coffee and fair trade, told in the time it takes to brew your cup. let's take a trip to la plata, colombia. this is boris calvo. that's pepe. boris doesn't just grow good coffee, boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm to grow even better coffee and invest in his community, which makes his neighbor, gustavo, happy. that's blanca. yup, pepe and blanca got together. things happen. all this for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee. packed with goodness. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 backed up into the maze. subway is responding to reports that their chicken is not 100-percent real meat. they say they conducted their own lab tests that show their chicken only has trace amounts of soy. this comes after a canadian broadcasting corporation show reported that tests showed only about half the dna from subway chicken samples was from chicken. the rest was mostly from soy. they say they sent chicken to two labs and the results from both found soy protein to be less than 1 percent of the samples. the c-b-c is standing by their report... saying the tests were done by independent credible experts. subway says soy is an ingredient used in the marinade and seasoning for its chicken. and i'm tracking your morning forecast. a full weather report right after the break. a dump truck plows into an overpass. the clean up effort this morning. that breaking news we are following... a major problem on the roads already this morning. a dump truck hits an overpass on highway 101 and now the c-h-p is saying that lanes may be closed until noon. kron 4's will tran is live on the scene this morning. will what do we know? the california highway patrol this morning is reporting a dump truck has crashed into an overpass on southbound u.s. highway 101 in palo alto. the crash occurred thursday at 10:52 p.m. on the highway at the embarcadero road overpass, according to the chp. the chp issued a sig-alert at 11:09 p.m. due to the crash. the crash has closed two lanes of the highway, and there is debris in the roadway. the chp is also reporting there is a significant crack in the overpass, and caltrans crews are responding to the scene to evaluate the damage. the driver of the truck was injured in the crash. thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. now we want to get a look at the traffic impact this morning with robin winston. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 backed up to west grand another dry day with mostly clear skies this morning with chilly temperatures this morning.high's today will be cooler than yesterday...50's and 60's expected. here's a peak of your day part forecast for the next 8 hours. dress warm this morning and keep your jacket with you. we are going to see sunshine today but it will still be a cool day around the bay area. happening today... happening today... funeral services will be held for alameda county sheriff's deputy michael foley. he was hit and killed by an inmate transport bus that was being driven by another deputy. kron 4's averi harper is live in concord this morning where the services will be held. averi. he was hit and killed by an inmate transport bus that was being driven by another deputy. it happened when he was on the job at the county jail in dublin. the service will be at the concord pavilion starting at 11:00 this morning. a procession is planned afterwards. investigators say the driver of the bus did not see foley as he was walking across the parking lot. thanks averi. breaking news this morning... federal officials have made an arrest connected to the recent threats against jewish community centers across the nation. james fletcher is at the breaking news desk with the details just into the news room. federal investigators in new york have arrested 31-year-old juan thompson. they think he's responsible for threatening at least eight jewish community centers nationwide... including the anti-defamation league's headquarters in new york city. this is video from earlier this week when the anti- defamation league's office in san francisco received a phone threat. the aerial shots courtesy of our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. there's no indication yet that thompson was behind this threat... or the ones made to jewish community centers in palo alto and san rafael... but they're looking into it. investigators believe thompson's motive was to harass an ex-girlfriend. he used her name while making some of those threatening phone calls. thompson set to appear in a missouri court later today on charges of cyberstalking. it's important to keep in mind that thompson is only suspected in a fraction of the threats against jewish community centers across the country. the fbi says over the last two months there have been over 100 bomb threats that have come in three distinct waves using robocall technology. the search for whoever is behind áthoseá calls is still ongoing. we will continue to track this story and bring you any updates as they come into the newsroom. a warning in the east bay as police are searching for a serial burglar this morning. police say the criminal is targeting people in their homes while they're sleeping. three homes were burglarized in an upscale neighborhood of lafayette on tuesday. all of the crimes happened late at night when people were inside of their homes asleep. in addition to the homes, seven cars were broken into. police say this is a good reminder to make sure your house is locked up at night... and your car, too. "crooks will come into town. they'll go through and they'll look for unlocked cars, and they're just looking for things that they can steal from inside the vehicles without having to break into them." there were also four burglaries in nearby orinda last week. detectives believe all of these crimes are connected... and are the work of one person. a state senator is asking p-g-&-e to lower heating bills during the coldest winter months. senator jerry hill of san mateo made the request earlier this week as p-g-&-e announced they were making changes to their billing practices. hill says customers are being hit hardest when they need heating the most. he is asking the company to fix the rate structure so bills aren't so high in the winter. senator hill is also asking p- g-&-e to educate customers on how billing works so they can cut their usage to avoid a paying more. coming up... what's your b plan. if you weren't doing your job what would you do? i gave trashman a try. and... a major recall for that parents need to know this morning. a popular toy that can be hazards to your kids health. imagine if the things you bought every day earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. with the united mileageplus explorer card, you'll get a free checked bag, 2 united club passes... priority boarding... and 50,000 bonus miles. everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. the united mileageplus explorer card. imagine where it will take you. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 backed up to west grand. richmond bridge no problems for wb 580. golden gate bridge sb 101 is friday light an important recall parents need to know about this morning... thousands of baby rattles are being recalled due to a choking hazard. they are the "o-ball" rattles in pink, blue, green, or orange. the model number is "8-1- 0-3-1". there are beads in the middle that could come lose and cause choking. there have been three reports of children gagging from the product... and several parents say they found the small beads in their kids mouths. the rattles were sold at several retailers nationwide. if you have one of the affected products, the company will give you a full refund. take a look at this... a zoo in new york is live streaming this pregnant giraffe as it waits to give birth. the 15-year-old is named april and is expected to give birth any time now. this will be april's fourth calf. it will weigh about 150 pounds and will be about six feet tall. you can check out the stream on our website at kron four dot com. and i'm tracking your morning forecast. a full weather report right after the break. in the weather center tracking the forecast with james... mild and dry conditions will hold on for one more day as an approaching storm system begins to weaken the ridge of high pressure currently over the region. increasing high clouds from the approaching storm will result in slight cooling over the north bay today otherwise temps similar to yesterday will prevail. here's a peek at your 7 day around the bay... rain is forecast to reach the north bay saturday then spread southward across the rest of the district saturday night into sunday. light to moderate showers along with breezy conditions are expected. unsettled wet weather remains possible sunday into monday before drier conditions return to the area monday evening. mild and dry conditions are expected through the end of next week. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. expect a 25 min delays. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 slow from westgrand. let's go to the wild 94-9 studio... where we're taking with j-v from the j-v show. j-v what's it about this morning? do you like dogs? i love them!! last night..something i regularly do at home- starts a pedicure, then my dog gets involved. i love getting pedicures, she loves the treats. they eat worse. watch how tough these dogs are. they can't wait to fight one another.then they all chicken i am in real life. life. watch how tough these dogs are. they can't wait to fight one another.then they all chicken i am in real life. i could watch this forever. this kid better be in hair band the two accountants responsible for the best- picture mistake at the need security because they're getting death threats. price waterhouse coopers...the accounting firm in charge of the oscars... says the company is providing security to protect brian cullinan and martha ruiz. they are the accountants who mishandled the winners' envelopes at sunday's academy awards. the security was hired after their home addresses and photos of their family members surfaced on the internet. the film academy says they won't be allowed to work at future academy awards ceremonies. for the first time since april 2015, the warriors have lost back to back games. it was in their 1st game without kevin durant as they took on the bulls in chicago. and this game wasn't pretty. the spalsh brothers had a hard time in this one. combined, they were 3 for 22 from beyond the arc in the game. they are 11 for 64 from 3 point land in their last 3 games. this is also the worst 3 game strech of steph curry's career. shooting just 13 percent from beyond the arc. for his career, curry is a 43 percent 3 point shooter. with this loss, the warriors 147 game streak without back to back losses comes to an end. the dubs will look to bounce back sunday against the knicks in new york. and on the ice... the sharks taking on the canucks in san jose. joe thornton one assist shy of reaching a thousand assists for his career. in the second period, marcus sore- ress-sen turns on the red light for the first time in his nhl career. san jose takes the lead 2-1 then, logan courture puts the game out of reach. that's his 21st goal of the year san jose wins this one easy, 3 to 1. forget about what are you going to be when you grow up.. at our age the question becomes what are you going to when you're too old to anchor? especially for women.. so remember one day i said i'd like to be a trashman? well it happened.. and it wasn't pretty: you can see the full story behind darya's day as a trash collector on a new edition of "the backstory" "the backstory" this sunday night at 9:30. and here's a live look outside... golden gate bridge... and take a look at this... a dad in washington built a roller coaster in the backyard for his three-year- old son. he was planning to build a treehouse, but decided to build this coaster instead. the father built it to spend more time with his son. he is a navy pilot and was deployed in the persian gulf when his son was born. he spent three months designing and building the coaster. he paid about one-thousand dollars for it and says he made sure his wife was o-k with the project before he started building it. ahead at eight on the kron 4 morning news... we continue following our breaking news... a major traffic problem on highway 101 in palo alto where a dump truck crashed into a overpass. we have team coverage of the impact on your commute. and in the south bay... a man is arrested and accused of possessing child pornography... and he works for an organization dedicated to helping troubled kids. we'll have the details. and enjoy the dry weather today... because more wet weather is on the way. details on how it could impact your weekend plans. that breaking news we are following... a major problem on the roads already this morning. a dump truck hits an overpass on highway 101 and now the c-h-p is saying that lanes may be closed until noon. we have complete team coverage this morning... kron 4's will tran is live on the scene this morning. robin winston is tracking the impact on your commute in the traffic center. lets first start with will. what do we know? the california highway patrol this morning is reporting a dump truck has crashed into an overpass on southbound u.s. highway 101 in palo alto. the crash occurred thursday at 10:52 p.m. on the highway at the embarcadero road overpass, according to the chp. the chp issued a sig-alert at 11:09 p.m. due to the crash. the crash has closed two lanes of the highway, and there is debris in the roadway. the chp is also reporting there is a significant crack in the overpass, and caltrans crews are responding to the scene to evaluate the damage. the driver of the truck was injured in the crash. thanks will. now lets go to robin in the traffic center. our team coverage continues wth robin... she's tracking the traffic impact. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 no delays into san francisco another dry day with mostly clear skies this morning with chilly temperatures this morning.high's today will be cooler than yesterday...50's and 60's expected. dress them warm this morning! we are going to see sunshine today but it will still be a cool day around the bay area. breaking news this morning... federal officials have made an arrest connected to the recent nationwide threats against jewish community centers. police say juan thompson was arrested overnight in saint louis, missouri. earlier this week threats were made against a community center in palo alto and the anti-defamation league in san francisco. that threat forced evacuations in san francisco. this is video from those evacuations courtesy of our helicopter partnership with a-b-c-7 news. investigators say the person arrested this morning is connected to threats made at eight jewish community centers across the country. it is not clear if he is connected to the threats in the bay area. a man working for an organization in santa clara dedicated to helping children is accused of possessing child pornography. police arrested 63-year-old david lang yesterday morning at his home in santa clara. lang is the chief financial officer at the bill wilson center. the center helps more than five thousand troubled kids and teens across the country. police say he also volunteered as an assistant scout master for a sunnyvale boy scout troop in the 19-70s. police say there is no evidence that lang was ever physically involved with any children. he is being held on five-thousand dollars bail. the white house facing more questions about russia, after allegations that attorney general jeff sessions lied under oath about his dealings with the country. sessions is fighting back against those allegations, but did remove himself from any possible investigations by the justice department. in january, sessions told the senate that he did not have any communications with the russians during the political campaign. but according to the justice department, sessions met with russia's ambassador to the u-s twice as part of his role as a member of the senate armed services committee. the attorney general says his meetings did not touch on politics. jeff sessions/u.s. attorney general: "we talked a little bit about terrorism, as i recall. and somehow the subject of the ukraine came up. i had had the ukrainian ambassador in my office the day before." in a statement, president trump said attorney general sessions, is an honest man who didn't say anything wrong. president trump called any investigation a witch hunt. there is a report out this morning that vice president mike pence used his personal email to conduct public business while he was the governor of indiana... and that email account was hacked. reid binion explains how the vice president's office is responding this morning. vice president mike pence's office is reacting to reports that he routinely used a private email account for state business when he was governor of indiana.the indy star -- breaking the news that pence communicated with senior advisers using his a-o-l account......discussing topics including homeland security. the star's tony cook spoke to c-n-n about the email records -- which the paper obtained through a public records request.tony cook / indystar reporter: "probably the most sensitive thing we did see was some requests and updates about investigations.. in one case a terror investigation." pence's personal email account was hacked last summer... ...during a presidential campaign in which he was a vocal critic of hillary clinton's use of a private email account and server.vice president mike pence: "why doesn't she go ahead and release all the 33-thousand emails that she did not turn over to the fbi and the congress initially."former clinton campaign staffers -- including her former press secretary brian fallon -- expressing frustration with what they call hypocrisy.voice of brian fallon / former hillary clinton press secretary: "to learn that the vice president himself was now using the same practice was just - is just another indication how hypocritical the attacks were against hillary clinton."pence's office - stressing that his use of the account was legal. tony cook / indystar reporter: "the vice president's office sent us a statement saying that pence didn't break any laws."the office - also rejecting any parallels between pence and clinton.tony cook / indystar reporter: "they've also said that any comparison to clinton is absurd."i'm reid binion reporting. coming up on the kron 4... mercedes is recalling thousands of cars this morning. find out whether your car is impacted. and your kid may be asking you for the new "nintendo switch". after the break we will take a look at whether it is worth the money. and here's a live look outside... bay bridge an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 backed up into the maze. happening now... nintendo switch... the new video game console is on sale right now. kron 4's gabe slate got a sneak peak at the new device to see if it is worth the money. the $300 nintendo switch is a hybrid it's a new type of gaming system a two in one sot - peer schneider gm & co-founder ign "it can be played with a tv like regular or you can take it out on the go with you " peer schneider is with ign, the video game and entertainment website, he has been playing and reviewing the switch for a few days now here's system in kick stand mode with the side controller's off and being used wirelessly. peer said nintendo kept the wii u family friendly theme with the switch keeping parents in mind they designed this a lot of parental controls. sot - peer schneider gm & co-founder ign "there is a lot of parent controls built in a separate app parents can control with " stand up - stand up peer likes it.. but says it also has problems.. if you have a wii u and like it you will like the switch it will be an improvement it's worth the money. it's like the wii u but you can also take it out and about and play with the whole family wherever you are.. in a hotel in the car if you mostly play at home and you and you and your kids have graduated to a playstation or xbox gaming consoles this will feel like a step backwards to you.. .. although nintendo is hoping there is enough to peek you're interest to make the switch.. gsk4n coming up after the break...there is renewed hope that missing teenager pearl pinson might still be alive. hear about the new information police are working with this morning. and here's a live look outside... san mateo bridge. welcome back... checking the roads with robin... an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. san mateo bridge wb 92 at the limit from 880 to hwy 101. bay bridge wb 80 no delays. mild and dry conditions will hold on for one more day as an approaching storm system begins to weaken the ridge of high pressure currently over the region. increasing high clouds from the approaching storm will result in slight cooling over the north bay today otherwise temps similar to yesterday will prevail. rain is forecast to reach the north bay saturday then spread southward across the rest of the district saturday night into sunday. light to moderate showers along with breezy conditions are expected. unsettled wet weather remains possible sunday into monday before drier conditions return to the area monday evening. mild and dry conditions are expected through the end of next week. there is new hope this morning that a 16-year-old teenager who was abducted in vallejo could still be alive. sixteen-year old pearl pinson was last seen on may 25th of last year. now, police have a new theory to what happened to her. they are saying pearl may have been forced into sex trafficking. kron 4's pam moore has the details. natpearl pinson was on her way to school on this freeway overpass in vallejo. eyewitnesses reported a violent sexual assault."and he shot her.""he shot somebody?" "i heard one shot"you heard the shots?"it took 32 hours for detectives to determine that her abductor was 19=year=old fernando castro ... the next days he was spottted driving this gold saturn over the richmond san rafael bridge.the same car led the c=h=p on a chase that ended in a deadly shootout near santa barbara .shots fired shots firedcastro died without revealing pinson's fate.his car held important clues... including a trace of blood in the trunk"but it wasn't a significant enough amount of blood to indicate that it wasn't survivable. other evidence from the saturn indicated castro had been near jenner on the sonoma initial search found no sign of pinson, but solano county sheriff's deputies did not give up.our detetctives and volunteers sifted through hundreds of hours of surveillance footageand then, a hit.castro's car was spotted at a gas station near bodega bay.investigators returned to the far, no results. "we still very much hold onto hope that we are going to bring pearl home. that she's being held somewhere against her will, or she's being passed from person to person, but that she is alive," "no matter who you're with, don't ever give up."pearl's big sister says she may be in the hands of sex traffickers.she could be anywhere with anybody, but i believe she's still alive, and i'm not gonna stop believing until i have proof that she's not," pearl's sister rose pinson says, she believes her sister could have been saved, if an amber alert had been issued sooner. but police say, they could not issue an alert .. until they had a license plate to go with the car description. some of the president trump's proposed policies are being blamed for a lack of tourism in san francisco. the san francisco travel association says it is not expecting a big increase in tourism this year. the travel association is expecting tourism to increase by less than 2 percent this year. that number is even lower for international travelers. the travel association says in part, its estimates have to do with the president's recent executive order on immigration. we have always been the statue of liberty kinda holding up that torch. welcoming people from around the world. and if all of a sudden people who always felt they were welcome here as tourists feel they are no longer welcome here or it's gonna be a hassle why would they come here? we've always looked at things differently. we always welcomed people here from around the world. welcome people who are different then we are and embrace them. international travelers we spoke to say they are ánotá basing their travel plans on politics. president trump's travel ban is facing another delay. a white house official said it won't be unveiled until next week at the earliest. president trump had initially planned to sign the new travel ban earlier this week following his first address to congress. the first executive order banned citizens from seven muslim- majority countries from entering the u-s for 90 days. it also temporarily suspended the entry of all refugees and indefinitely closed out syrian refugees. it sparked protests around the nation and right here in the bay area. happening tomorrow... several marches are planned across the country in support of president trump. one of those marches is set to take place in berkeley tomorrow afternoon. it will start at 2:00 at martin luther king jr. civic center park and move towards the u-c berkeley campus. there have been indications that there may be counter protests. police say they are prepared for a possible clash between the two groups. in the south bay... the cleanup effort is still underway for neighborhoods affected by last week's devastating floods in san jose. that includes public parks and other city property . coyote creek jumped its banks at kelly park. causing flood waters to sweep through happy hollow zoo. the zoo is now partially opened. however, employees continue to clean up mud and disinfect nearly every inch of the facility. animals like the meerkats have habitats in the flood zone and needed to be moved to higher ground. "between flooding in the zoo, in the lower zoo we had flood water depths of up to 5 feet. in the japanese friendship area of kelly park we had water in our pump station over 7 feet so our pump station is completely gone." all of the animals in the lower zoo had to be evacuated to other areas. the meerkats are currently living in a bathroom until their habitat is cleaned of mud and possible contamination. cleanup costs for the coyote creek area is jump above the estimate of 23- dollars. an important recall to tell you about this morning... mercedes is recalling more than 350-thousand cars and s-u-vs because they can catch fire. the cars affected are certan c-class, e-class, and c-l-a cars. as well as g-l-a and g-l-c s- u-v's. all range in model years from 20-15 through 20-17. mercedes says a part in the motor can overheat from repeated attempts to start the car. this could then cause the car to overheat and melt nearby parts.. and possible catch on fire. owners will be notified this month if their car is affected. dealerships wont start fixing the problem until replacement parts are available in july. coming up after the break on the kron 4 morning news... snapchat is the biggest tech i-p-o since facebook... hear how a bay area high school is cashing in on the company going public. and here's a live look outside... bay bridge. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 backed up into the maze. a high school in mountain view is cashing in on snapchat going public. saint francis high school invested 15-thousand dollars in snapchat five years ago. a student's father, who is a venture capitalist invested in the company after seeing his daughter enjoying the app. he decided to also invite his daughter's school to invest. when the high school invested, snapchat was valued at a little over four-million dollars. yesterday they began trading at a market value of about 33 ábillioná dollars. the school was quoted as saying they sold two- thirds of their shares at 17- dollars each to raise 24- million dollars. still ahead... a funeral planned today for an east bay deputy. i will have all the details coming up. and a dump truck hits an overpass on highway 101. i am live at the scene with the latest. your bay area forecast is next. this is violet. she's been waiting for this moment for awhile. a moment other kids wouldn't think twice about. her first bowl of cheerios. because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first bowl today. that breaking news we are following... a major problem on the roads already this morning. a dump truck hits an overpass on highway 101 and now the c-h-p is saying that lanes may be closed until noon. kron 4's will tran is live on the scene this morning. will what do we know? the california highway patrol this morning is reporting a dump truck has crashed into an overpass on southbound u.s. highway 101 in palo alto. the crash occurred thursday at 10:52 p.m. on the highway at the embarcadero road overpass, according to the chp. the chp issued a sig-alert at 11:09 p.m. due to the crash. the crash has closed two lanes of the highway, and there is debris in the roadway. the chp is also reporting there is a significant crack in the overpass, and caltrans crews are responding to the scene to evaluate the damage. the driver of the truck was injured in the crash. thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. now we want to get a look at the traffic impact this morning with robin winston. an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 backed up into the maze. mild and dry conditions will hold on for one more day as an approaching storm system begins to weaken the ridge of high pressure currently over the region. increasing high clouds from the approaching storm will result in slight cooling over the north bay today otherwise temps similar to yesterday will prevail. rain is forecast to reach the north bay spread southward across the rest of the district into sunday. light to moderate showers along with breezy conditions are expected. unsettled wet possible sunday before drier monday evening. conditions are expected through the end of next week. happening today... happening today... funeral services will be held for alameda county sheriff's deputy michael foley. he was hit and killed by an inmate transport bus that was being driven by another deputy. kron 4's averi harper is live in concord this morning where the services will be held. averi. he was hit and killed by an inmate transport bus that was being driven by another deputy. it happened when he was on the job at the county jail in dublin. the service will be at the concord pavilion starting at 11:00 this morning. a procession is planned afterwards. investigators say the driver of the bus did not see foley as he was walking across the parking lot. "the city of concord has donated the pavilion here for this service for mike foley. it's kind of fitting since mike spent 29 years of his career here in concord so. and he worked here at the concord pavillion so it's very fitting that we're having mike's service here." thanks averi. a serial burglar is on the loose in the east bay... and the criminal is targeting people in their homes while they sleep. kron4's phillipe djegal has the details. a wallet discovered by one neighbor on a driveway belonging to another neighbor. a pair of stolen keys found in a home apparently dropped by an alleged cat burglar who struck overnight. sot- "everybody woke up to a normal day, and, and, next thing you know, we find out that there was a, you know, people had been rifling through our cars." chris wilcox lives in lafayette's southern burton valley neighborhood... where he says a burglar took advantage of his storm-damaged side gate... and, broke into his garage on cordova way sometime between late tuesday night and early wednesday morning.sot- "you get the sense of it being pretty safe and quiet. so, things like this really do, um, rattle you a little bit." in all... lafayette police chief eric christensen says some seven cars and three homes were burglarized. the alarming part is the alleged cat burglar struck while families were asleep inside.bridge the lafayette police department believes that all of these crimes are connected... and, are the work of one person and one person alone.sot- "crooks will come into town. they'll go through and they'll look for unlocked cars, and they're just looking for things that they can steal from inside the vehicles without having to break into them." fortunately, there were no confrontations and no one was injured... but chris wilcox and the rest of his neighbors know now, that everything at all times must be locked moving forward.sot- "this is a really tight nit community and its uh, hopefully people responsible, and, you know, it'll only make us in lafayette, philippe djegal, kron four news. coming up on the gary's world rewind... the warriors do something they haven't done in 147 games and it's not good. why the niners say not having a quarterback is liberating. and a baseball prospect impresses the team by catching a bat without batting an eye. i will take a look at the bay area roads coming up after the break. . an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to ♪ "turn around... every now and then i get a little bit hungry and there's nothing really good around. turn around... every now and then i get a little bit tired of living off the taste of the air... turn around, barry. i finally found the right snack."♪ "each with one hundred fifty calories or less, try our chocolaty brownies, tangy lemon bars, and creamy cheesecakes. fiber one, an accident us-101 southbound at embarcadero rd in palo alto. the two left lanes are closed. caltrans plans to reopen the roadway by 12 noon. bay bridge wb 80 at the limit into san francisco. no delays on wb 580 or sb 101 honey nut cheerios gets their delicious taste from honest ingredients. like real delicious honey and real oats. okay that's still honey. huh, there we go. we're back to honey again. who's directing this? that guy. figures. try new very berry cheerios. the taste of real fruit in every bite. so berry good. it's time for our pet of the week... and this week's featured pet is axel. he's a nine month old bulldog- terrier mix. axel has been through some training and would love a home with an active family. because he is strong and young, he's recommended for a family with kids over 10. if you're interested in adopting max, contact pets lifeline. it's a no-kill animal shelter in sonoma. welcome back to the kron 4 morning news... every morning at 7:45 we talk sports with gary radnich. and in case you missed it here's the gary's world rewind. for the first time since april 2015, the warriors have lost back to back games. it was in their 1st game without kevin durant as they took on the bulls in chicago. and this game wasn't pretty. the spalsh brothers had a hard time in this one. combined, they were 3 for 22 from beyond the arc in the game. they are 11 for 64 from 3 point land in their last 3 games. this is also the worst 3 game strech of steph curry's career. shooting just 13 percent from beyond the arc. for his career, curry is a 43 percent 3 point shooter. with this loss, the warriors 147 game streak without back to back losses comes to an end. the dubs will look to bounce back sunday against the knicks in new york. new san francisco 49ers general manager john lynch has a novel take on the lack of quarterbacks on the team. he says it's "somewhat liberating." "a lot of people look at it like, 'oh my gosh, you don't have any quarterbacks,' but that also is somewhat liberating in that you can create this thing in that position that is so critical in the way that you want it," lynch said. "now, we're restricted by who's available and what not, but i think we've got a lot of great options at our disposal." colin kaepernick says he is planning to áástand during the national anthem next season. they say the 49ers quarterback says he believes positive change has been created. the report says kaepernick believes the support he has received from other athletes... as well as the discussion on social inequality has shown the message he was trying to deliver was received. during his national anthem protest... kaepernick kept his word and donated a million dollars to organizations fighting against social inequality. kaepernick's new agents told all 32 teams he will become a free agent in the coming days. " i tell my wife and brothers and sisters to avoid road rage. if you see anyone that's kind of heckling you on the road just go around them and let them win. ...absolutely... and your name? adrian peterson. wait... " tv reporter interviews man on the street ... has no idea it's nfl star adrian peterson. john donnelly was doing a normal story on how to stay safe in a road rage incident, talking to people on the street. the man on the street donnelly interviewed happened to be future pro football hall of famer adrian peterson and the reporter had no idea. adeiny hechavarria loses control of his bat and luis guillorme catches it with a barehanded grab in the dugout st. louis pitcher ryan sherriff thought clubhouse prankster adam wainwright was taking him for a ride. turns out, he was about to be given one. he couldn't afford to ship his car from california to florida for spring training, so he rented a house about 10 minutes away. he's been walking to camp, to the store and pretty much everywhere else this spring. three times wainwright drove past sherriff on his way to the ballpark. after offering sherriff a bicycle, which the reliever appreciatively declined, wainwright asked traveling secretary c.j. cherre to get sheriff a rented car. wainwright took care of the bill. for the first time since april 2015, the warriors have lost back to back games. it was in their 1st game without kevin durant as they took on the bulls in chicago. and this game wasn't pretty. the spalsh brothers had a hard time in this one. combined, they were 3 for 22 from beyond the arc in the game. they are 11 for 64 from 3 point land in their last 3 games. this is also the worst 3 game strech of steph curry's career. shooting just 13 percent from beyond the arc. for his career, curry is a 43 percent 3 point shooter. with this loss, the warriors 147 game streak without back to back losses comes to an end. the dubs will look to bounce back sunday against the knicks in new york. new san francisco 49ers general manager john lynch has a novel take on the lack of quarterbacks on the team. he says it's "somewhat liberating." "a lot of people look at it like, 'oh my gosh, you don't have any quarterbacks,' but that also is somewhat liberating in that you can create this thing in that position that is so critical in the way that you want it," lynch said. "now, we're restricted by who's available and what not, but i think we've got a lot of great options at our disposal." colin kaepernick says he is planning to áástand during the national anthem next season. they say the 49ers quarterback says he believes positive change has been created. the report says kaepernick believes the support he has received from other athletes... as well as the discussion on social inequality has shown the message he was trying to deliver was received. during his national anthem protest... kaepernick kept his word and donated a million dollars to organizations fighting against social inequality. kaepernick's new agents told all 32 teams he will become a free agent in the coming days. " i tell my wife and brothers and sisters to avoid road rage. if you see anyone that's kind of heckling you on the road just go around them and let them win. ...absolutely... and your name? adrian peterson. wait... " tv reporter interviews man on the street ... has no idea it's nfl star adrian peterson. john donnelly was doing a normal story on how to stay safe in a road rage incident, talking to people on the street. the man on the street donnelly interviewed happened to be future pro football hall of famer adrian peterson and the reporter had no idea. adeiny hechavarria loses control of his bat and luis guillorme catches it with a barehanded grab in the dugout st. louis pitcher ryan sherriff thought clubhouse prankster adam wainwright was taking him for a ride. turns out, he was about to be given one. he couldn't afford to ship his car from california to florida for spring training, so he rented a house about 10 minutes away. he's been walking to camp, to the store and pretty much everywhere else this spring. three times wainwright drove past sherriff on his way to the ballpark. after offering sherriff a bicycle, which the reliever appreciatively declined, wainwright asked traveling secretary c.j. cherre to get sheriff a rented car. wainwright took care of the bill. there are three new movies hitting theaters this weekend and one of them could have the biggest opening weekend of far. david daniel takes a look at what's now showing. "we got ourselves an x-men fan. maybe a quarter of it happened... and not like this." plenty of "x-men" fans are expected to turn out for "logan," what's billed as hugh jackman's final "wolverine" movie. the no-longer quite- so-mighty mutant finds himself caring for an aged professor x, and a girl with powers like his own. analysts' predictions range from 65-million to more than 70-million dollars for its domestic debut."i've been looking forward to this.""do i know you?""not very well. but we can work on that."two other films open wide in "logan"'s shadow: "the shack" is based on the best-selling novel about a man who meets god after he loses a child. box office watchers are looking for a 10-to-12 million-dollar opening for the faith-based drama. and the teen drama "before i fall," about a girl who keeps repeating what could be her last day alive, could bring in up to five-million dollars."if i was going to relive the same day over and over, i'd want it to be a day that would make a difference." in hollywood, i'm david daniel. seven day that's it for us this morning... our next newscast is at 5 o clock tonight. don't forget, you can stay connected on our mobile app, kron four dot com and on our facebook and twitter feeds. áááábreakáááá >> announcer: today on an all-new "dr. phil" exclusive. the frat boy accused of murder. >> he started to eat one of the victim's faces. >> announcer: in the first interview since his arrest. >> i've had weird dreams that i was worshipped religiously. >> announcer: from his hospital bed. >> i heard voices. >> dr. phil: what are they telling you? >> announcer: austin harrouff speaks out. >> dr. phil: did you leaf that restaurant wanting to hurt someone? >> no. >> dr. phil: why did you do it? >> today, it's the interview everyone has been waiting to see. austin harrouff, the college student accused of murdering a couple in a shocking and disturbing way that made national headlines spoke out from his hospital bed just days before he was moved to jail.

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