Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20140605 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20140605

though cause 555 of their light grills and buses are in operation now, they just to get people perspective. 400 people called in sick and our down to just a few dozen or so. and they're not even using the word sickout. if they say things are back to normal. we see riders happy this morning. finally smiling after three grueling days. especially monday and tuesday. joining me now is julia. tell us all was to the past few days ago the better for yesterday i would imagine. it did get better. for but to people rise frightens. and they're worried all day at work. fog and the safety was battered tuesday night. many writers are a little smug on the bart strike " was on. we really felt bad for our brothers and sisters to road part because we know many didn't strike well, i'm calling and i think it is a strike. i'm interested that they did not do it on game nights. which would affect the thousands of game goers. new this morning whopping cough is making a comeback in california especially in parts of the bay area. the california department and held the record just this year more than 2600 cases of whooping cough. and that's just a far this year. that's more cases than this they have for the entire year of 2014 and accounted with the most cases is right here in the bay area. sonoma county reported 410 people with a whopping cough. >>: cruz kron4's terisa estacio explains the minimum wage >>: and richmond in the minimum wage is going to be jumping up all the way to $13 an hour. all of this is going to be phased in in the next couple of years. starting with this. in january it will jump up to $9.60 per hour. what types each year. thereafter until 2018 or it will be at $13 an hour. hist currently san francisco has the highest minimum wage at $10.47. there are some exceptions to this type approval by the richmond city council for example some business fad bill of rights will set by the council that will not have to take part and as a jump in minimum wage. dsm thought about this? we love to hear from you. you can go and follow us on twitter or even go to the kron4 facebook page 3 and going to be talking to some of the workers are tearing richmond brought the morning to give their thoughts. here in richmond terisa estacio kron4 news 3 them and coming up to the kron4 morning news the dramatic 911 cause following the attack on brian stow. and though the latest on the gunmen of [bl ri] abouyournsurce,bause wh youon' you arte e n hu you and at pkingear stre wh youon' e fit mp ders ieveith e [annncercall-800arme,u ansee w mu yououldave. it's the yoplait greek taste-off and we are asking the music city which 100-calorie strawberry greek yogurt is the next big thing. i'm a random lady with a table full of yogurt. want some greek yogurt? can i ask you a question? tell us what tastes best. this one is definitely the winner. that one is good. a is great. yoplait greek 100! that's the stuff right there. you want to see which one yoplait greek beat? chobani yes! yoplait greek wins again. take the taste-off for yourself! it is a beautiful day for yogurt. bulldog: i can't wait to get to imattress discounters because the tempur-pedic bonus event is ending soon. i'll have first pick from the huge selection of tempur-pedic mattresses. then, i'll get to choose $300 in pillows, sheets, and other free gifts. on top of that, up to 48 months interest-free financing. it's a beautiful day for mattress discounters' tempur-pedic bonus event. mmm, some alarm clock you turned out to be. ♪ mattress discounters impact of a kron4 morning news at 710 a quick check of public transit. we now have the 911 calls made just after the attack. as a team member responsible has already been sentenced to announce those family is suing the dodgers and a civil suit. the full recording of the emergency call was placed on the jury to listen. damn what happened. someone got beat up there? >>: someone just got punched and knocked out. >>: is the breeding. >>: know he's snoring. he's unconscious right now i'm an off-duty paramedic. my partner was also a paramedic was punched from the side. it did not see it coming. he's unconscious three he has to appoint three that we need an ambulance right now. the entire 911 call was played in court yesterday. sowing the dodgers and former team owner for inadequate off security at the stadium. even the details gluck is a quick look at the weather. our live camera on route 3 it's quite clear conditions. wednesday like this afternoon 3 that terribly gusty although there is one place around the bay where it is picking up right now. i will show that to you in a. first was it a look at temperatures. san francisco and about 55 degrees. a little, warmer and san jose in concord. some of the rules of naso and the upper 43 finally above the 50 degree mark. 51 currently in santa rosa. out near the sonoma county airport. attendant at fairfield. a 22 mi. an hour sustained winds. relatively calm. but the averages this afternoon. we are going to warm it up nicely. temperatures in the south bay that will quickly ramp up. 83 in san jose. 85 in santa clara. if this out of san jose. errol likely want to the upper 80s and potentially even into the low 90s. the measure commute. a little slow this down to some know. league and to that free but a new into and the south bay slows the ride on a one north bound treated this is a leading up to trouble road where there's a stop blocking the left-hand lane. with this 280 ride. it's getting fairly heavy here as you try to work your way out for cupertino and in the past 17. still having problems here in the morgan hill area. on 11 northbound coming up data gilroy. a vision of the bay ride. obamas outbound looks great grief can add the three officers have been killed two other shots and by a gunman and ran toward canada. the search for the gunmen gone ongoing right now. the rock canadian mounted police tweeting an image of the suspects were in military camouflage and welding to guns 3 there's st his 24 year-old justin board to residents of moncton and east of the main border creek police are urging people to stay in their homes. school has been cancelled. police are asking people not to talk about the police movements on social media right now morning and put even more officers have risk. we will keep my answer in this developing story with a gunman on the loose and the small canadian town. three officers have been killed two other shot and injured by this government. >>: more than 200 firefighters battled a massive fire in new york this morning carried a stick a look at the video that we have shortly after the blaze broke out around one of the morning new york time. we know that at least 34 people were injured including 23 who were fire fighters. but we understand that so far the injuries do not appear to be a serious threat to residential injuries aren't read and kansas city for people were hurt to critically one house exploded and caught fire. at least five neighbors went into the burning home to try and rescue those who were inside because people say in man and woman in milford and their daughter and two other children all inside the home. when it exploded. the man and his friend and once were most seriously hurt grid to of the children have minor injuries and still don't know what caused the explosion of grit, and families of an american woman and her husband missing in afghanistan. into videos released from a of the captors. they lost touch with their family 20 months ago. and the video, and asked for a co. she also mentioned the city child. she gave birth to that child while being held captive for the couple have been traveling traveling when it went missing. , no official homecoming party for a sergeant of kohlberg of the american soldier spent five years and neck to captivity in afghanistan. --bow bergdahl. people have canceled. because of security concerns. you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. whoa! introducg thkohl tohlestoil. hone che thiout. what up? the -tou flu foyourome. whoa get yours day e ho dep. ♪ take the nestea plunge. nothing refreshes like nestea. sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. hmm. is inew. wi newysonay srts breaast atbrds, and u stt wi beer iredits, li reaeggs quity son usag alnatul chses, and cris, fly flbrea quity son usag anour licis sawich, atbrds, of yr day prein. giveou 2 or re member linden on broadway where the sign reads do not stop on tracks. nothing to insulation ever stop on tracks, well maybe you should not be driving. but in just 90 minutes i watched the driver after a driver after driver either stop fully on the tracks or partially on the tracks where trains blow through regularly. >>: this driver is operating a limo. and you see the arm sticking out on the back three the >>: and the driver it's faster. no one now. yes the wonder was going through this woman's mind when she sitting on the tracks. according to the federal railroad administration office january 24th to fame. there's been a 37 fatal crashes. a live better not as you approach a road crossing crude don't even attempt to cross a unless you can clear the tracks. in fact state law says you need 15 bit of distance from the nearest around. and don't think you can move and time because people have tried and failed like that even a fair fight. a train and car and 80 mi. an hour is like a hot knife cutting through butter. the car and the passengers will always lose. by the way, the sign and the fine and san mateo, for stopping on a track is on hundred dollars. but tech on the fees and surcharges and it jumps to a whopping 490 bucks. plus one. and your record. it now does have to figure out if this does driver is behaving badly. in figure out if this does driver is behaving badly. in burlingame stanley ♪ [ telephone rings how's the camping tr? well, the kids had fun, but i think i slept on aock. ♪ the best part of wakin' up what are you doing having coffee. ohh. ♪ is folgers in your cup heat shields are compromised. weare those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you um...hi georgia. i just wanted to apologize again for what happenedoww, that's hot.picnic. that is hot! wow daddy like. owww, that is smoking hot! ahhh, hmmm, awww! hi georgia. hey georgia. man this is hot! try jack's hottest sandwich yet. his new blazin' chicken sandwich has spicy crispy chicken, ghost pepper ranch sauce, and sliced jalapeños. owww, that's hot! you better be holdin' a sandwich. little slower. saw they 1013 it will have a problem coming out of gilroy three the three morgan hill with accident smr teen drive st. coyote cow creek drive. the fans were supposed to last 20 years but it's only been 11 years of obviously there is a little bit of worry to these joint only lasted for 11 years. on this bridge. and they say that's where and tear. it's basically in the slow lane. safeway gets that staying on budget can be a real bear. that's why they've got lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week, dulcinea mini watermelons are just $2.50 each. mayonnaise is a must. best foods mayo is just $2.99. and get your spoons ready. ben & jerry's is a tasty $2.99. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. $40 million doctor jury has purchased the mansion and by tom brady and giselle. and how like a bolt some terraces and and and and vanity pull that leads to the pacific ocean. apple announced that it would buy doctor treats company beats electronics 4 $3 billion this will make a trade the first billionaire and hip- hop. he immediately celebrated that. ---dr. dre. [bl ris] ur iuran,becse wt yo dot kn canurt u. [pro bur] atarme,we ke at clisis wi wilife e ro mayot bcoved? and at y cou be ableor y acdenton yr prerty thmoreou kw,thbett youcaplanor . e ro mayot bcoved? drive times are up over 18 minutes now getting out of hayward. over to sam a tale from expect us right to stay sluggish like this. fitch could actually be like this for the next hour and half of course it's always a roll dice for 92 years. the south of they were still jammed the phone 101 here. heading north. we've had the accidents and the south san jose. a sure that any moment. here are the problems here. teddy creek 3 backed of the traffic through morgan hill on 11 north bound. emergency vehicles there still haggling block free to the bay bridge toll plaza in the westbound right back up into the macarthur maze 22 to 24 minutes now to drive time much better day for me. no longer tracking any problems due to a sickout running normal service reporting on the lace >>: >>darya: good morning gary. the >>gary: >>: i don't think my motivation is money. i decide to go out and prove that i can live up to the expectations. i can try to help us organize asian when as many super bowls as possible >>: and if he when he gets paid and if he doesn't will 49ers have some out in this bill. gary with kapernick 126 million zero on 60 man guaranteed. >>: did you go over what date fine-tuned, like i did >>: i think he's under paid. what are the out? the mouth and not a sports agent. i'm noah jasey. i did my best and i looked at all these terms. but this same stood be incentives. the escalating trade terms. --- jay z. there's bonuses and assurances. >>: 99 problems but his contract is at once. >>: i like how he's wearing at his monday sought three-- isn't one. sometimes when you hear these big free-agency signing to the main to the threat. the see it as all the smart or a gamble? >>gary: maybe there's five- to-10 guys in the world who can do what he does. and that's it. and that's what the quarterback to make. and sometimes at the expense of everybody else, so that's the way i look at it. not like 49ers fans rejoiced. if anything you're going to pay a dollar more for your hot dog. but the fact is i think the $1 from yesterday's was good for him. he got paid. everybody else. fine. we love watching him play but to me that wasn't a rejoicing think. because there wasn't a threat-there wasn't a threat of them leaving. -him we can now move on from donald sterling he says find. i'll take the 2 billion. >>: still take the $2 billion and go away. a good for him >>darya: when he filed are threatened a lawsuit in all of that. i really think that was just like a very dull mess around with me. >>: i want my $2 billion. or else i'm going to sue you. and stress testing out. we've got the nba. >>: good for him well i said that's a good for him. the mother and three of the league. and it's a parting >>: by the live your something of be a final start tonight. kings beat the rangers 3 not want to hear you talk about three that he sounds incredible career as an alternate it's not like i follow sports but 66 years in baseball and not a bad word to say other than this one. the 72 year- old guy charges around. he was a co-chair for the giants. for a couple years now the manager of a just kind of hoping now and his story was what a real competitive guy. everybody loved him. he was a great a great player when he was like 2324 years old plate he was plane and got hit in the head with its hits. and he had a big a giants play in his head. the war has come on the inside after that. all my did you see the president left the way to the hotel gem. >>: i was curious how you get a camera and there. >>: what he said the thing belt. >>: by no entities. but it looks like he was lifting tampons. >en pounds. what i see him my state taxes. the mx missile like a jerk. >>: red will see you. ok at shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies, which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. get 5% cash back at lowe's this quarter so you can score more cash. activate your 5% cash back at chase. so you can. i can't wait to get to mattress discounters because the tempur-pedic bonus event is ending soon. choose $300 in free gifts, and, get up to 48 months interest-free financing with any tempur-pedic mattress. ♪ mattress discounters hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet. "i wish i'd done this sooner." don't let that be you. you know your teeth are important. so don't put it off any longer. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ if you are in muni rider this morning is your day. why the word set out to muni are now being mentioned in the same sentence. most of the vehicles are running this morning. i've the in a live >>: and an investigation under way a man found dead on the road in san jose. >>: am for watching weather as the weekend temperatures are about to spike. >>: this is the bay area's new station kron4 news that eight starts now. >>: good morning i'm darya folsom and i mark gannon for the thanks for joining us on this thursday morning for the let's go to james fletcher for our forecast. >>james: and more over cast than anything else. eventually those clouds will parts 3 and will season this afternoon conditions. the milwaukee to the east bay forecast of focus on the part of the bay morning conditions calling for mostly cloudy with some patchy fog and that's exactly what we are scene. temperatures still in the mid '50s right now. this afternoon expecting to be sunny and warmer especially inland. zuckerberg the biggest difference. the east bay shoreline communities through will be right below 76 reid inland europe closer to the 90 degree mark for it will probably head that and the delta and the livermore valley. the san ramon valley probably in the mid to upper 80s and then tonight those clouds roll right back as patchy fog returns. temperatures happening now san jose police are investigating a suspicious death. they found a man dead in the middle of the road along the 500 block appears each tree. kron4's mike pelton has the latest on the investigation. >>: and this is along the remote stretch of road in south san jose. san jose police homicide investigators are taking over the initial stages of the case but at this point they're still trying to determine exactly what they have on their hands. we know so far. august of a man's body was found at the side of the road and they found tire markets indicating possibly this is a hit and run. authorities got the call at 121 this morning and found a latino man in his thirties down on the ground unconscious and not breathing. fire crews declared that mandate here at the scene and while san jose police didn't see and it did see injuries of his are waiting for the corner to vendor to determine exactly what happened. there may be some other injuries. he's lying face down as a result that he was to buy a car that may discover something else. investigators canvassed the neighborhood and there still looking for witnesses. if investigators determined this is a hit-and-run traffic collision investigation team will come on scene. meanwhile that investigation is under way meaning district of the 500 block appears the road will be closed to traffic for at least the next few hours 3 in san jose man mike pelton kron4 news. >>: and muni operating for the first time this week normal. the sickout appears to be over. kron4's will tran is live at the west portal them up march of our navy using the word sickout according to paul rose the many spokes one person says he believes the worst is behind muni. we saw how bad it was on monday and tuesday got a little bit better on wednesday and this morning you can see people slowly walking to the platform. it's a great morning for them. people are happier. the wasn't the case on monday when a 400 people called them sick. for this morning were down to only about 45 which by the way is a normal day for muni. a 555 out of 600 vehicles are working this morning including cable cars. joining me now is chris bury the of them watching the news of listening to the radio, what did you do the previous three days to make life a little bit easier. >>: well monday and tuesday at is something completely abnormal that is abnormal and drove. it was pretty exciting to be back on mannai it sure felt good getting a little bit of exercise pens to the set out grid thanks to the sickout. and back in half by we are tracking on to '80s out the bound and to san bruno now backed up all the way and to daly city. a multi vehicle accidents likely to lease watched one of land of traffic up >>: beating of giants fan bryan--new details in the brutal beating a giants fan brian stow. stow. we now have the 9-1-1 calls made just after the attack. which changed his life forever. forever. the world of fashion is split in two. you can either have high-end or low-price. or you can go to t.j.maxx and you can have it all for up to 50% off department store prices. t.j. maxx. >>:the full recording of the emergency call. was played for the jury hearing the case. take a listen. the entire 911 tape was played in court on wednesday during a civil trail. stow is suing the dodgers and the former team owner for inad security at the and the former team owner for inad security at the stadium the d♪ ♪is life first impressions are important. you've got to make every second count. banking designed for the way you live your life. so you can welcome your family home for the first time. chase. so you can. ooh, a blt with avocado... waitress: yeah. fresh avocado, creamy pepper sauce. it's delicious. and it's a great deal. woman: sounds amazing, but shouldn't that be called a blta? waitress: sweetheart, one bite, and you're not going to care what it's called. [ bell rings ] welcome to denny's. now temperatures are steadily warmer warming. by noon time we will see 60s by the coast '70s by the bay and then 80s inland. those 80s will turn into upper 80s and a couple locations anyway. 90 degree weather this afternoon. portions of the south bay south of san jose here's a quick snapshot of what temperatures we are expecting. 83 for san jose. not that actually nice and to the east the delta antioch brentwood. 90 to 92 degrees for you. monday in livermore the san ramon valley with the with mid to upper 80s. the east bay shoreline. 70 degree weather. the thing we are to be in the upper low 70's. oh, will be 72. a downtown san francisco 66 and across the north bay upper seventies to low 80s is what you can expect his or 7 day around the bay forecast a more of the same with mild. senators emergency briefing and said their focus was on another recording. a so- called proof of life video showing the sergeant bird dog for the classified video had difficulty speaking. >>: the administration sighting concerns. but republicans who spoke for the camera and more on the democrats. including senator dole mention of west virginia says a looked at him the bird dog was a drug and questioned whether it was enough to justify a " prisoner swap. we don't leave americans behind. now there will be a lot of discussion on whether the mechanism for getting start ever got back was right and i'll leave it to people to argue that. >>: >>: well the students and staff are redwood high school called a viral video will help more people learn about what's going on for the school. this student list students staff have a video lip-synching for sandy black eyed peas let's get started. >>: the organizers say it took about two months to plan the video but only two days to get at our record with augusta that's out there. to view the video in its entirety to help get it by rote we post to the full cut on you on kron4 dot concord will be back with more news weather and [bl ris] abouyournsurce,bause wh youon' you arte [pro bur] atarme,we ke n hu you and at pkingear stre wh youon' e fit mp ders ieveith [pro bur] atarme,we ke [annncercall-800arme,u ansee w mu yououldave. i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damang the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it. i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronge that it was importan that that is somethi i could do each da to help prott the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the li that i want to liv most people don't know how to choose a new dentist. that's where we come in. we've helped over 8 million people find the right dentist, and we can do the same for you. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ call 1-800-dentist today. i can't wait to get to mattress discounters because the tempur-pedic bonus event is ending soon. choose $300 in free gifts, and, get up to 48 months interest-free financing with any tempur-pedic mattress. ♪ mattress discounters heat shields are compromised. weare those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you so we made our own commercial to tell you why. first, chex makes lots of gluten free flavors. which is a huge thing for us. and there's seven to choose from. like cinnamon, honey nut, and chocolate. i tell them "you guys are gonna turn into chocolate chex!" i like cinnamon, greg is a honey nut nut. when you find something this good, you want to spread the word. [ all ] we're the pearsons, and we love chex! , as of the handle new gadget that. somewhat flat spot the 15 that. without any monthly charge this pteranodon and you are connected. what to do libeler here dissever cisco-san fransico. 50. levered livermore 55 a napa almost a 60 degree mark by 9:00 hour will see mid-60s. 86 in an analyst had particular out on the delta. he actively sought of san jose before your into the race. sentences could downtown be around 66 degrees partly cloudy around the coast. so what impact and tomorrow no finish tamara throughout the weekend. the san mateo bridge we're looking at this very slow ride. san jose police arrested one of their own while investigating a pot bust. authorities say on tuesday evening officers were investigating a claim from an employee at a rental storage facility. that marijuana was being stored there. after consultation with the santa clara county's district attorney's office they came to the conclusion that they had enough information to arrest and ultimately book the officer for basically there were two counts. felony possession of marijuana for sale and cultivation. the officer was booked into the santa clara county jail. the officer named - son vu. is a twenty -year veteran of the san jose police department. he is now on administrative leave. police say a man impersonating an officer will face charges after pulling over a real detective monday night. the florida detective was shocked when he didn't recognize the officer behind the wheel of the other car. matthew mcmahon was charged with impersonating an officer and unlawfully displaying blue he was released from jail yesterday after posting bail. the detective says he has arrested several impersonators over the years. but no one has car. someone sneaked a camera into a hotel gym in poland -- and took working out. except the guy in this case was president obama. it's considered a major security breach -- and now everyone is warsaw where he was staying. throughout a polish tabloid. for their fifth straight yoenis cespedes homered twice, josh donaldson hit a tiebreaking shot in the seventh inning cespedes also had three hits to help the a's move a season-best 15 games over.500, the best mark michael morse and juan perez sixth inning rallying the giants cincinnati reds. san francisco won for the 10th best record in the majors. ryan vogelsong extended his recent streak of solid pitching by giving up two runs and seven hits in 6 1-3 innings while fanning a career-high nine. heading into the nine o'clock hour we have some great video we wanted to show you. [bl ris] abouyournsurce,bause wh youon' you arte [pro bur] atarme,we ke n hu you and at pkingear stre wh youon' e fit mp ders ieveith [pro bur] atarme,we ke [annncercall-800arme,u ansee w mu yououldave. safeway gets that staying on budget can be a real bear. that's why they've got lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week, dulcinea mini watermelons are just $2.50 each. mayonnaise is a must. best foods mayo is just $2.99. and get your spoons ready. ben & jerry's is a tasty $2.99. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. heat shields are compromised. weare those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you and good news for commuters as the muni sickout is now over. or watching weather and traffic this morning looking for a warming trend, will we back and into minutes when kron 4 and a this morning looking for a warming trend, will we back and t lyl por & ee c he ofn and a angehe w youlean it cans en bter an blea witut t harness a werf cle, th's filyfrndly th's wt weall althg. sol wer freestar althg. sol wer freebulldog: i can't wait to get to imattress discounters because the tempur-pedic bonus event is ending soon. i'll have first pick from the huge selection of tempur-pedic mattresses. then, i'll get to choose $300 in pillows, sheets, and other free gifts. on top of that, up to 48 months interest-free financing. it's a beautiful day for mattress discounters' tempur-pedic bonus event. mmm, some alarm clock you turned out to be. ♪ mattress discounters a man found dead and san jose police stratify now would kill him. and a military jet crashes into a neighborhood. and what's in the weather is to which is about to strike was eluate. and mike in the morning westing bricks of sunshine, we are seeing more sunshine and we are expecting warmer conditions throughout the day. and these bit later this afternoon is going to be sunny and it's going to be warm, i think a lot of locations of one to be approaching the 90 degree mark. in the101 ride it to san jose as things at easing their. it is pretty slow on one 01 by the peninsula, the son of about ride leading down from birling gaining is still pretty slow. traffic getting off the san mateo bridge looks better than 101 southpaw. good morning, here in vallejo, and they found expansion joints and the cracks in them. and this is on the new span of the cockiness bridge that opened in 2000 the expansion joints are made, keep the to tell the integrity of the bridge fop's they have to go back to replace those joint. phipps. s. adler said this bridge opened in 2003 and is supposed to last for 20 years and is only lasted for 11. the joint staff may have said a car keenan's also the joint study and a number of other bridges in the bay area. piercy street. latest on the investigation. happening now, police find a man and they don't know what killed this - along the 500 block of piercy road. we could finally be seeing an, san jose says is a latino man from along the road. was there raphaels and catchers and not breathing fire fighters announcing dead at the sink. police thought this might be hit and run. lisa now, this homicide this city's 18th of the period please do not have any such. a marine jet crashed into a neighborhood in southern california. it exploded on impact and said to homes of five. the pilot safely ejected before the pilot before the crash, but this is the second area jet to crash on may 9th another harrier jet crashed outside. the navy says another jet crashed into the ocean the navy says the super hornet get- jet. when someone wrong the pilot successfully ejected. calling cabinet is going to make a hundred and $50.61000000 is guaranteed. he'll be 33 when his contract expires. there may be the first team to host the super bowl and play and it. cabinet says he's not worried that the money is going to change for-him. this gives media tended to god improve back to live up to the exhortation says cabinet. donald sterling is agreeing to sell the los angeles clippers, but sterling has vowed to fight that sell and sue the league. and now of things of unsettled and he will sign off in so. thiss li-a-w tur pow. watclime-r rougthislockf pu mesce! w, l's s it actn. ugh rd wer bld-u go. nocrubng! rbo wer stro it! lime-wayurboower see e dieren, orourmoy ba. welcome back to kron 4 morning news, dishes out quickly improving and the westbound direction. in an traffic on 92 westbound is now,gone. instead of being debated in new jersey. his a live look at the >>james: freeway ithe part of us that a littwants to play,on. wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood. there's a multivocal accident that occurred earlier as a head this his. southbound 380 toward san bruno the faster the speeds ovenproof. no backups no delay by a westbound ride for the san mateo bridge. in much better now draft * i down to 15 minutes headed down toward hayward in howling 92. traffic was still the heavy where 101 meets. we seem clear skies as a take a live look from our roof camera let tallies the afternoon we are looking at warmer conditions. 85 degrees in santa clara in similar weather should be in the survey low 90s in vallejo and 66 in downtown san francisco. his seven days forecast boy reading things up sunday is the warmest day within a local down as a head back to work on monday and even some cloud cover by the end of next week. what in today's biggest winners and losers of the rise of black the savings rate for the cb is negative city put money with them you have to pay them 0.1%. the bank the bank borrows money and the bank pays -0.1%. sweden has done this to protect their characters-currency. banks have been rewarded with a good deposit rate rate. shad that. a stimulus and the economy grew great and lower benefit, united states our economy when south and staff i market with higher . comcast going after another cable company at&t gone after another satellite company a lot of consolidation is taking place where we consumers may now have a lot of options. chef june 18th kitty's a video-teaser video, and the fighters said is a hologram fallen in is to gain changer-game changer. on the 18th and will see if apple logo should be worried. look incredibly low interest rates weather is the home of john or rental property. kevin o'leary who's on shark tank said housing is a crafty investment, i'm convinced that we will see a 25% interest wrasse off, he doesn't believe home values of spike like that have in recent years when interest rates rise it will be bad news. as interest rates rise to will be of a to purchase last-less. all across america, people a using lysol in hundreds of way what's christine's story? i started using lyso disinfectant spray, gosh, as long as i can remember. i use lysol on soft surfaces because you can't put your couch in the washing machine. i think that lysol disinfectant spray compares to other products in that it actually kills the germs. which helps keep my family healthy. it's tried and true. i mean all you have to do is just spray. it does the job for you. lysol - hundreds of ways to he protect your family. it does the job for you. safeway gets that staying on budget can be a real bear. that's why they've got lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week, dulcinea mini watermelons are just $2.50 each. mayonnaise is a must. best foods mayo is just $2.99. and get your spoons ready. ben & jerry's is a tasty $2.99. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. heat shields are compromised. weare those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you no official homecoming party for sgt botha with respect to how we announced it at think was important for people to know this is now a political football. with a couple of fans whose kid volunteered to fight for our nation. will they ever seen in five years and was assured there ever see him again. and as commander-in-chief i am responsible. we have a basic principle we do not leave anyone wearing an american uniform the hat.-behind. we saw an opportunity and we seize it and make no apologies for it. says obama san jose police arrested one of their all in while investigating up hot blast-pot bust. after consultations with the santa clara district attorney's office with fine enough affirmation to go ahead and arrest and charge the officer for two counts the first, with four felony possession and cultivation. offices on the oval-sohn vu. matty mccann was a charge with impersonating an officer and was released yesterday. the arresting officer has arrested a number of impersonators that seven years but never has someone poured a more-iullepulld him over. nature valley crunchy granola bars contain 1/3 of your daily whole grains, so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. 1/3 of your daily whole grains means energy to take the road less traveled. nature valley crunchy granola bars. as the liggett the weather looks like we're in for warm weather, so little hazy toward the cemetery a bridge. saudi policy temperatures in the upper 50s low 60s. by the afternoon of a plan of sunshine allow warmer we're looking at upper '70's may be of greatest-upper 80's. to of the weekend were talking about the possibility of triple digits. things are finally quieting down his a quick survey of conditions around the bay the east bay ride on the sewer freeway is 26 minutes and that a lot of time is dropping sematech of valley is 4 minutes west 580 is still sluggish, here in the south bay 101 is much improved. the north iraq has a lingering but delay from the civic center. your overall drive time is up on the petty minutes from the golden gate bridge. it looks like the first time for this week and normal new in the day and as, workers calling in sick due to a labor dispute. a level we saw on monday were 400 people called in sick, cable cars are back in service. it's a matter of operators getting back to work, mayor and the agency of come and get to work something out. were you surprised of the number draft and-dropping? well operatives wanted to give back to work and now have to see that the city was able to work something out. that's paul rose of muni spokesman. and these base city votes to have the heisman and weighs in california. hear richmond this new job eric and minimum wage will be phased in the next couple of years. basically it will top off at 13 down first and january will move to 9 until 2018. his with some people think about this newest: a think it's important that a, commit to live analysand desk for help, areas considered for and if he would work here work hard. a thin your hope our quality of life, love to hear from you about this chicken follow me on twitter or pull closer, it on our. the victim and genera marcy was shot and killed by a share- sheriff. in the car nylon hoping their they live and help her to take care medicine. the shares showed up and shot them later after scene she had a knife. it's a very unfortunate situation. the city is now under investigation include in this year's offerings-office. just this year will think of his men report sonoma county has reporter 400 counts of the open golf-the next county fair circular, and never connie hess 59. all across america, people a using lysol in hundreds of way what's christine's story? i started using lyso disinfectant spray, gosh, as long as i can remember. i use lysol on soft surfaces because you can't put your couch in the washing machine. i think that lysol disinfectant spray compares to other products in that it actually kills the germs. which helps keep my family healthy. it's tried and true. i mean all you have to do is just spray. it does the job for you. lysol - hundreds of ways to he protect your family. welcome back to the kron 4 news the ninth 39. that as an officer involved shooting and will give you more affirmation here's >>stanley: roberts you always fine driver stopped calling train tracks. we see signs the say do not stop on tracks if you need someone to explain that may be sure that the gatt. but driver after jabber after jabber start stop fully or partially on the tracks. yet wonder what goes to the phones mind as she sits on the tracks waiting for the light to change how the brand new chevon as it's on the tracks. as you approach your current crossing don't attempt to cross on less feed and cross checks. in fact that a state law and people think they can move in time in the fao. a train hitting a car 80 mi. from or if i had a knife to buy a car will always lose. the fine for steffan and checks as a hundred dollars but tacked on the surcharges is a one-to-one on record and 400 hours-dollars. and as the online characters to blame for to tour your gross stabbing a friend. a fictional character may be very-the rea son. the staff in 1910 leaving her for dates-dead. the plan the attack the motives all to please slender and a-slenderman. the elder brother of the victim of love the slender man stories , bordering on crete the- creepay. some at various within the same gym class. and she was scared kid she doesn't know who to jerk trust anymore volvo tempters a few degrees from yes to the . it's slow going from downtown daly city, a force of law rather one no one looks great if you need to take it going anywhere this morning. looking at the bay bridge ride it cleared out about our and 45 minutes ago so slow a slow trip one of the approaches of the lines enjoy it it doesn't happen often. san mateo have an attitude is back to a 13 minute commute draft-drive. fleet of new details on the beating of the giants fan bragging bryant's details in the brutal stow. the father of former paramedic now has brain-dead. you struck by a fist and a and hit the ground and is still on the grass his breathing bodies completely untaxed. the dodgers fan and a dodgers jersey, and there is hard to identify. sanchez admitted to kicking and punching stuff-stow. still is sowing the badges for an adequate security on the four the day his life changed. all across america, people a using lysol in hundreds of way what's christine's story? i started using lyso disinfectant spray, gosh, as long as i can remember. i use lysol on soft surfaces because you can't put your couch in the washing machine. i think that lysol disinfectant spray compares to other products in that it actually kills the germs. which helps keep my family healthy. it's tried and true. i mean all you have to do is just spray. it does the job for you. lysol - hundreds of ways to he protect your family. it does the job for you. oh chris, did you remember to pay the dog sitter? oh, i knew i forgot something. i'll just do it now. well, we're boarding. no, i'll use citi mobile. it takes two seconds, better safe than sorry, right? yeah, who knows if we'll even get service on the island? what! no service? seriously? you guys might actually have to talk. to each other? we do it all the time. i like it. should we? no. bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. to learn more, visit in fair oaks and maude avenue there's out officer shooting, a speeding car crashes into ambulance, the driver was drinking and crashed head-on to atlanta was on his way to the emergency bill to the and tease the hospital last never in everyone in the car is in critical condition. >> announcer: today on "dr. phil." >> i am a violent person. >> dr. phil: according to her, you put a pillow over her face. >> i didn't try to suffocate here. >> announcer: scared to leave her violent boyfriend. >> dr. phil: you said he's going to kill me. >> yes. >> not only have you put yourself in a dangerous situation but you put your son in danger. >> i'm not this crazy stalker. >> dr. phil: i'm just asking you questions. >> ask me questions the way they're worded and i'll fill in the blanks. >> dr. phil: i don't need you telling me how to do an interview. >> announcer: plus -- >> dr. phil: two women leaving their abusive boyfriends left them both fighting for their lives. >> announcer: a video that will leave you speechless. >> i felt the gasoline hit my face.

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20140605 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20140605

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though cause 555 of their light grills and buses are in operation now, they just to get people perspective. 400 people called in sick and our down to just a few dozen or so. and they're not even using the word sickout. if they say things are back to normal. we see riders happy this morning. finally smiling after three grueling days. especially monday and tuesday. joining me now is julia. tell us all was to the past few days ago the better for yesterday i would imagine. it did get better. for but to people rise frightens. and they're worried all day at work. fog and the safety was battered tuesday night. many writers are a little smug on the bart strike " was on. we really felt bad for our brothers and sisters to road part because we know many didn't strike well, i'm calling and i think it is a strike. i'm interested that they did not do it on game nights. which would affect the thousands of game goers. new this morning whopping cough is making a comeback in california especially in parts of the bay area. the california department and held the record just this year more than 2600 cases of whooping cough. and that's just a far this year. that's more cases than this they have for the entire year of 2014 and accounted with the most cases is right here in the bay area. sonoma county reported 410 people with a whopping cough. >>: cruz kron4's terisa estacio explains the minimum wage >>: and richmond in the minimum wage is going to be jumping up all the way to $13 an hour. all of this is going to be phased in in the next couple of years. starting with this. in january it will jump up to $9.60 per hour. what types each year. thereafter until 2018 or it will be at $13 an hour. hist currently san francisco has the highest minimum wage at $10.47. there are some exceptions to this type approval by the richmond city council for example some business fad bill of rights will set by the council that will not have to take part and as a jump in minimum wage. dsm thought about this? we love to hear from you. you can go and follow us on twitter or even go to the kron4 facebook page 3 and going to be talking to some of the workers are tearing richmond brought the morning to give their thoughts. here in richmond terisa estacio kron4 news 3 them and coming up to the kron4 morning news the dramatic 911 cause following the attack on brian stow. and though the latest on the gunmen of [bl ri] abouyournsurce,bause wh youon' you arte e n hu you and at pkingear stre wh youon' e fit mp ders ieveith e [annncercall-800arme,u ansee w mu yououldave. it's the yoplait greek taste-off and we are asking the music city which 100-calorie strawberry greek yogurt is the next big thing. i'm a random lady with a table full of yogurt. want some greek yogurt? can i ask you a question? tell us what tastes best. this one is definitely the winner. that one is good. a is great. yoplait greek 100! that's the stuff right there. you want to see which one yoplait greek beat? chobani yes! yoplait greek wins again. take the taste-off for yourself! it is a beautiful day for yogurt. bulldog: i can't wait to get to imattress discounters because the tempur-pedic bonus event is ending soon. i'll have first pick from the huge selection of tempur-pedic mattresses. then, i'll get to choose $300 in pillows, sheets, and other free gifts. on top of that, up to 48 months interest-free financing. it's a beautiful day for mattress discounters' tempur-pedic bonus event. mmm, some alarm clock you turned out to be. ♪ mattress discounters impact of a kron4 morning news at 710 a quick check of public transit. we now have the 911 calls made just after the attack. as a team member responsible has already been sentenced to announce those family is suing the dodgers and a civil suit. the full recording of the emergency call was placed on the jury to listen. damn what happened. someone got beat up there? >>: someone just got punched and knocked out. >>: is the breeding. >>: know he's snoring. he's unconscious right now i'm an off-duty paramedic. my partner was also a paramedic was punched from the side. it did not see it coming. he's unconscious three he has to appoint three that we need an ambulance right now. the entire 911 call was played in court yesterday. sowing the dodgers and former team owner for inadequate off security at the stadium. even the details gluck is a quick look at the weather. our live camera on route 3 it's quite clear conditions. wednesday like this afternoon 3 that terribly gusty although there is one place around the bay where it is picking up right now. i will show that to you in a. first was it a look at temperatures. san francisco and about 55 degrees. a little, warmer and san jose in concord. some of the rules of naso and the upper 43 finally above the 50 degree mark. 51 currently in santa rosa. out near the sonoma county airport. attendant at fairfield. a 22 mi. an hour sustained winds. relatively calm. but the averages this afternoon. we are going to warm it up nicely. temperatures in the south bay that will quickly ramp up. 83 in san jose. 85 in santa clara. if this out of san jose. errol likely want to the upper 80s and potentially even into the low 90s. the measure commute. a little slow this down to some know. league and to that free but a new into and the south bay slows the ride on a one north bound treated this is a leading up to trouble road where there's a stop blocking the left-hand lane. with this 280 ride. it's getting fairly heavy here as you try to work your way out for cupertino and in the past 17. still having problems here in the morgan hill area. on 11 northbound coming up data gilroy. a vision of the bay ride. obamas outbound looks great grief can add the three officers have been killed two other shots and by a gunman and ran toward canada. the search for the gunmen gone ongoing right now. the rock canadian mounted police tweeting an image of the suspects were in military camouflage and welding to guns 3 there's st his 24 year-old justin board to residents of moncton and east of the main border creek police are urging people to stay in their homes. school has been cancelled. police are asking people not to talk about the police movements on social media right now morning and put even more officers have risk. we will keep my answer in this developing story with a gunman on the loose and the small canadian town. three officers have been killed two other shot and injured by this government. >>: more than 200 firefighters battled a massive fire in new york this morning carried a stick a look at the video that we have shortly after the blaze broke out around one of the morning new york time. we know that at least 34 people were injured including 23 who were fire fighters. but we understand that so far the injuries do not appear to be a serious threat to residential injuries aren't read and kansas city for people were hurt to critically one house exploded and caught fire. at least five neighbors went into the burning home to try and rescue those who were inside because people say in man and woman in milford and their daughter and two other children all inside the home. when it exploded. the man and his friend and once were most seriously hurt grid to of the children have minor injuries and still don't know what caused the explosion of grit, and families of an american woman and her husband missing in afghanistan. into videos released from a of the captors. they lost touch with their family 20 months ago. and the video, and asked for a co. she also mentioned the city child. she gave birth to that child while being held captive for the couple have been traveling traveling when it went missing. , no official homecoming party for a sergeant of kohlberg of the american soldier spent five years and neck to captivity in afghanistan. --bow bergdahl. people have canceled. because of security concerns. you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. whoa! introducg thkohl tohlestoil. hone che thiout. what up? the -tou flu foyourome. whoa get yours day e ho dep. ♪ take the nestea plunge. nothing refreshes like nestea. sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. hmm. is inew. wi newysonay srts breaast atbrds, and u stt wi beer iredits, li reaeggs quity son usag alnatul chses, and cris, fly flbrea quity son usag anour licis sawich, atbrds, of yr day prein. giveou 2 or re member linden on broadway where the sign reads do not stop on tracks. nothing to insulation ever stop on tracks, well maybe you should not be driving. but in just 90 minutes i watched the driver after a driver after driver either stop fully on the tracks or partially on the tracks where trains blow through regularly. >>: this driver is operating a limo. and you see the arm sticking out on the back three the >>: and the driver it's faster. no one now. yes the wonder was going through this woman's mind when she sitting on the tracks. according to the federal railroad administration office january 24th to fame. there's been a 37 fatal crashes. a live better not as you approach a road crossing crude don't even attempt to cross a unless you can clear the tracks. in fact state law says you need 15 bit of distance from the nearest around. and don't think you can move and time because people have tried and failed like that even a fair fight. a train and car and 80 mi. an hour is like a hot knife cutting through butter. the car and the passengers will always lose. by the way, the sign and the fine and san mateo, for stopping on a track is on hundred dollars. but tech on the fees and surcharges and it jumps to a whopping 490 bucks. plus one. and your record. it now does have to figure out if this does driver is behaving badly. in figure out if this does driver is behaving badly. in burlingame stanley ♪ [ telephone rings how's the camping tr? well, the kids had fun, but i think i slept on aock. ♪ the best part of wakin' up what are you doing having coffee. ohh. ♪ is folgers in your cup heat shields are compromised. weare those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you um...hi georgia. i just wanted to apologize again for what happenedoww, that's hot.picnic. that is hot! wow daddy like. owww, that is smoking hot! ahhh, hmmm, awww! hi georgia. hey georgia. man this is hot! try jack's hottest sandwich yet. his new blazin' chicken sandwich has spicy crispy chicken, ghost pepper ranch sauce, and sliced jalapeños. owww, that's hot! you better be holdin' a sandwich. little slower. saw they 1013 it will have a problem coming out of gilroy three the three morgan hill with accident smr teen drive st. coyote cow creek drive. the fans were supposed to last 20 years but it's only been 11 years of obviously there is a little bit of worry to these joint only lasted for 11 years. on this bridge. and they say that's where and tear. it's basically in the slow lane. safeway gets that staying on budget can be a real bear. that's why they've got lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week, dulcinea mini watermelons are just $2.50 each. mayonnaise is a must. best foods mayo is just $2.99. and get your spoons ready. ben & jerry's is a tasty $2.99. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. $40 million doctor jury has purchased the mansion and by tom brady and giselle. and how like a bolt some terraces and and and and vanity pull that leads to the pacific ocean. apple announced that it would buy doctor treats company beats electronics 4 $3 billion this will make a trade the first billionaire and hip- hop. he immediately celebrated that. ---dr. dre. [bl ris] ur iuran,becse wt yo dot kn canurt u. [pro bur] atarme,we ke at clisis wi wilife e ro mayot bcoved? and at y cou be ableor y acdenton yr prerty thmoreou kw,thbett youcaplanor . e ro mayot bcoved? drive times are up over 18 minutes now getting out of hayward. over to sam a tale from expect us right to stay sluggish like this. fitch could actually be like this for the next hour and half of course it's always a roll dice for 92 years. the south of they were still jammed the phone 101 here. heading north. we've had the accidents and the south san jose. a sure that any moment. here are the problems here. teddy creek 3 backed of the traffic through morgan hill on 11 north bound. emergency vehicles there still haggling block free to the bay bridge toll plaza in the westbound right back up into the macarthur maze 22 to 24 minutes now to drive time much better day for me. no longer tracking any problems due to a sickout running normal service reporting on the lace >>: >>darya: good morning gary. the >>gary: >>: i don't think my motivation is money. i decide to go out and prove that i can live up to the expectations. i can try to help us organize asian when as many super bowls as possible >>: and if he when he gets paid and if he doesn't will 49ers have some out in this bill. gary with kapernick 126 million zero on 60 man guaranteed. >>: did you go over what date fine-tuned, like i did >>: i think he's under paid. what are the out? the mouth and not a sports agent. i'm noah jasey. i did my best and i looked at all these terms. but this same stood be incentives. the escalating trade terms. --- jay z. there's bonuses and assurances. >>: 99 problems but his contract is at once. >>: i like how he's wearing at his monday sought three-- isn't one. sometimes when you hear these big free-agency signing to the main to the threat. the see it as all the smart or a gamble? >>gary: maybe there's five- to-10 guys in the world who can do what he does. and that's it. and that's what the quarterback to make. and sometimes at the expense of everybody else, so that's the way i look at it. not like 49ers fans rejoiced. if anything you're going to pay a dollar more for your hot dog. but the fact is i think the $1 from yesterday's was good for him. he got paid. everybody else. fine. we love watching him play but to me that wasn't a rejoicing think. because there wasn't a threat-there wasn't a threat of them leaving. -him we can now move on from donald sterling he says find. i'll take the 2 billion. >>: still take the $2 billion and go away. a good for him >>darya: when he filed are threatened a lawsuit in all of that. i really think that was just like a very dull mess around with me. >>: i want my $2 billion. or else i'm going to sue you. and stress testing out. we've got the nba. >>: good for him well i said that's a good for him. the mother and three of the league. and it's a parting >>: by the live your something of be a final start tonight. kings beat the rangers 3 not want to hear you talk about three that he sounds incredible career as an alternate it's not like i follow sports but 66 years in baseball and not a bad word to say other than this one. the 72 year- old guy charges around. he was a co-chair for the giants. for a couple years now the manager of a just kind of hoping now and his story was what a real competitive guy. everybody loved him. he was a great a great player when he was like 2324 years old plate he was plane and got hit in the head with its hits. and he had a big a giants play in his head. the war has come on the inside after that. all my did you see the president left the way to the hotel gem. >>: i was curious how you get a camera and there. >>: what he said the thing belt. >>: by no entities. but it looks like he was lifting tampons. >en pounds. what i see him my state taxes. the mx missile like a jerk. >>: red will see you. ok at shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies, which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. get 5% cash back at lowe's this quarter so you can score more cash. activate your 5% cash back at chase. so you can. i can't wait to get to mattress discounters because the tempur-pedic bonus event is ending soon. choose $300 in free gifts, and, get up to 48 months interest-free financing with any tempur-pedic mattress. ♪ mattress discounters hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet. "i wish i'd done this sooner." don't let that be you. you know your teeth are important. so don't put it off any longer. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ if you are in muni rider this morning is your day. why the word set out to muni are now being mentioned in the same sentence. most of the vehicles are running this morning. i've the in a live >>: and an investigation under way a man found dead on the road in san jose. >>: am for watching weather as the weekend temperatures are about to spike. >>: this is the bay area's new station kron4 news that eight starts now. >>: good morning i'm darya folsom and i mark gannon for the thanks for joining us on this thursday morning for the let's go to james fletcher for our forecast. >>james: and more over cast than anything else. eventually those clouds will parts 3 and will season this afternoon conditions. the milwaukee to the east bay forecast of focus on the part of the bay morning conditions calling for mostly cloudy with some patchy fog and that's exactly what we are scene. temperatures still in the mid '50s right now. this afternoon expecting to be sunny and warmer especially inland. zuckerberg the biggest difference. the east bay shoreline communities through will be right below 76 reid inland europe closer to the 90 degree mark for it will probably head that and the delta and the livermore valley. the san ramon valley probably in the mid to upper 80s and then tonight those clouds roll right back as patchy fog returns. temperatures happening now san jose police are investigating a suspicious death. they found a man dead in the middle of the road along the 500 block appears each tree. kron4's mike pelton has the latest on the investigation. >>: and this is along the remote stretch of road in south san jose. san jose police homicide investigators are taking over the initial stages of the case but at this point they're still trying to determine exactly what they have on their hands. we know so far. august of a man's body was found at the side of the road and they found tire markets indicating possibly this is a hit and run. authorities got the call at 121 this morning and found a latino man in his thirties down on the ground unconscious and not breathing. fire crews declared that mandate here at the scene and while san jose police didn't see and it did see injuries of his are waiting for the corner to vendor to determine exactly what happened. there may be some other injuries. he's lying face down as a result that he was to buy a car that may discover something else. investigators canvassed the neighborhood and there still looking for witnesses. if investigators determined this is a hit-and-run traffic collision investigation team will come on scene. meanwhile that investigation is under way meaning district of the 500 block appears the road will be closed to traffic for at least the next few hours 3 in san jose man mike pelton kron4 news. >>: and muni operating for the first time this week normal. the sickout appears to be over. kron4's will tran is live at the west portal them up march of our navy using the word sickout according to paul rose the many spokes one person says he believes the worst is behind muni. we saw how bad it was on monday and tuesday got a little bit better on wednesday and this morning you can see people slowly walking to the platform. it's a great morning for them. people are happier. the wasn't the case on monday when a 400 people called them sick. for this morning were down to only about 45 which by the way is a normal day for muni. a 555 out of 600 vehicles are working this morning including cable cars. joining me now is chris bury the of them watching the news of listening to the radio, what did you do the previous three days to make life a little bit easier. >>: well monday and tuesday at is something completely abnormal that is abnormal and drove. it was pretty exciting to be back on mannai it sure felt good getting a little bit of exercise pens to the set out grid thanks to the sickout. and back in half by we are tracking on to '80s out the bound and to san bruno now backed up all the way and to daly city. a multi vehicle accidents likely to lease watched one of land of traffic up >>: beating of giants fan bryan--new details in the brutal beating a giants fan brian stow. stow. we now have the 9-1-1 calls made just after the attack. which changed his life forever. forever. the world of fashion is split in two. you can either have high-end or low-price. or you can go to t.j.maxx and you can have it all for up to 50% off department store prices. t.j. maxx. >>:the full recording of the emergency call. was played for the jury hearing the case. take a listen. the entire 911 tape was played in court on wednesday during a civil trail. stow is suing the dodgers and the former team owner for inad security at the and the former team owner for inad security at the stadium the d♪ ♪is life first impressions are important. you've got to make every second count. banking designed for the way you live your life. so you can welcome your family home for the first time. chase. so you can. ooh, a blt with avocado... waitress: yeah. fresh avocado, creamy pepper sauce. it's delicious. and it's a great deal. woman: sounds amazing, but shouldn't that be called a blta? waitress: sweetheart, one bite, and you're not going to care what it's called. [ bell rings ] welcome to denny's. now temperatures are steadily warmer warming. by noon time we will see 60s by the coast '70s by the bay and then 80s inland. those 80s will turn into upper 80s and a couple locations anyway. 90 degree weather this afternoon. portions of the south bay south of san jose here's a quick snapshot of what temperatures we are expecting. 83 for san jose. not that actually nice and to the east the delta antioch brentwood. 90 to 92 degrees for you. monday in livermore the san ramon valley with the with mid to upper 80s. the east bay shoreline. 70 degree weather. the thing we are to be in the upper low 70's. oh, will be 72. a downtown san francisco 66 and across the north bay upper seventies to low 80s is what you can expect his or 7 day around the bay forecast a more of the same with mild. senators emergency briefing and said their focus was on another recording. a so- called proof of life video showing the sergeant bird dog for the classified video had difficulty speaking. >>: the administration sighting concerns. but republicans who spoke for the camera and more on the democrats. including senator dole mention of west virginia says a looked at him the bird dog was a drug and questioned whether it was enough to justify a " prisoner swap. we don't leave americans behind. now there will be a lot of discussion on whether the mechanism for getting start ever got back was right and i'll leave it to people to argue that. >>: >>: well the students and staff are redwood high school called a viral video will help more people learn about what's going on for the school. this student list students staff have a video lip-synching for sandy black eyed peas let's get started. >>: the organizers say it took about two months to plan the video but only two days to get at our record with augusta that's out there. to view the video in its entirety to help get it by rote we post to the full cut on you on kron4 dot concord will be back with more news weather and [bl ris] abouyournsurce,bause wh youon' you arte [pro bur] atarme,we ke n hu you and at pkingear stre wh youon' e fit mp ders ieveith [pro bur] atarme,we ke [annncercall-800arme,u ansee w mu yououldave. i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damang the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it. i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronge that it was importan that that is somethi i could do each da to help prott the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the li that i want to liv most people don't know how to choose a new dentist. that's where we come in. we've helped over 8 million people find the right dentist, and we can do the same for you. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ call 1-800-dentist today. i can't wait to get to mattress discounters because the tempur-pedic bonus event is ending soon. choose $300 in free gifts, and, get up to 48 months interest-free financing with any tempur-pedic mattress. ♪ mattress discounters heat shields are compromised. weare those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you so we made our own commercial to tell you why. first, chex makes lots of gluten free flavors. which is a huge thing for us. and there's seven to choose from. like cinnamon, honey nut, and chocolate. i tell them "you guys are gonna turn into chocolate chex!" i like cinnamon, greg is a honey nut nut. when you find something this good, you want to spread the word. [ all ] we're the pearsons, and we love chex! , as of the handle new gadget that. somewhat flat spot the 15 that. without any monthly charge this pteranodon and you are connected. what to do libeler here dissever cisco-san fransico. 50. levered livermore 55 a napa almost a 60 degree mark by 9:00 hour will see mid-60s. 86 in an analyst had particular out on the delta. he actively sought of san jose before your into the race. sentences could downtown be around 66 degrees partly cloudy around the coast. so what impact and tomorrow no finish tamara throughout the weekend. the san mateo bridge we're looking at this very slow ride. san jose police arrested one of their own while investigating a pot bust. authorities say on tuesday evening officers were investigating a claim from an employee at a rental storage facility. that marijuana was being stored there. after consultation with the santa clara county's district attorney's office they came to the conclusion that they had enough information to arrest and ultimately book the officer for basically there were two counts. felony possession of marijuana for sale and cultivation. the officer was booked into the santa clara county jail. the officer named - son vu. is a twenty -year veteran of the san jose police department. he is now on administrative leave. police say a man impersonating an officer will face charges after pulling over a real detective monday night. the florida detective was shocked when he didn't recognize the officer behind the wheel of the other car. matthew mcmahon was charged with impersonating an officer and unlawfully displaying blue he was released from jail yesterday after posting bail. the detective says he has arrested several impersonators over the years. but no one has car. someone sneaked a camera into a hotel gym in poland -- and took working out. except the guy in this case was president obama. it's considered a major security breach -- and now everyone is warsaw where he was staying. throughout a polish tabloid. for their fifth straight yoenis cespedes homered twice, josh donaldson hit a tiebreaking shot in the seventh inning cespedes also had three hits to help the a's move a season-best 15 games over.500, the best mark michael morse and juan perez sixth inning rallying the giants cincinnati reds. san francisco won for the 10th best record in the majors. ryan vogelsong extended his recent streak of solid pitching by giving up two runs and seven hits in 6 1-3 innings while fanning a career-high nine. heading into the nine o'clock hour we have some great video we wanted to show you. [bl ris] abouyournsurce,bause wh youon' you arte [pro bur] atarme,we ke n hu you and at pkingear stre wh youon' e fit mp ders ieveith [pro bur] atarme,we ke [annncercall-800arme,u ansee w mu yououldave. safeway gets that staying on budget can be a real bear. that's why they've got lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week, dulcinea mini watermelons are just $2.50 each. mayonnaise is a must. best foods mayo is just $2.99. and get your spoons ready. ben & jerry's is a tasty $2.99. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. heat shields are compromised. weare those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you and good news for commuters as the muni sickout is now over. or watching weather and traffic this morning looking for a warming trend, will we back and into minutes when kron 4 and a this morning looking for a warming trend, will we back and t lyl por & ee c he ofn and a angehe w youlean it cans en bter an blea witut t harness a werf cle, th's filyfrndly th's wt weall althg. sol wer freestar althg. sol wer freebulldog: i can't wait to get to imattress discounters because the tempur-pedic bonus event is ending soon. i'll have first pick from the huge selection of tempur-pedic mattresses. then, i'll get to choose $300 in pillows, sheets, and other free gifts. on top of that, up to 48 months interest-free financing. it's a beautiful day for mattress discounters' tempur-pedic bonus event. mmm, some alarm clock you turned out to be. ♪ mattress discounters a man found dead and san jose police stratify now would kill him. and a military jet crashes into a neighborhood. and what's in the weather is to which is about to strike was eluate. and mike in the morning westing bricks of sunshine, we are seeing more sunshine and we are expecting warmer conditions throughout the day. and these bit later this afternoon is going to be sunny and it's going to be warm, i think a lot of locations of one to be approaching the 90 degree mark. in the101 ride it to san jose as things at easing their. it is pretty slow on one 01 by the peninsula, the son of about ride leading down from birling gaining is still pretty slow. traffic getting off the san mateo bridge looks better than 101 southpaw. good morning, here in vallejo, and they found expansion joints and the cracks in them. and this is on the new span of the cockiness bridge that opened in 2000 the expansion joints are made, keep the to tell the integrity of the bridge fop's they have to go back to replace those joint. phipps. s. adler said this bridge opened in 2003 and is supposed to last for 20 years and is only lasted for 11. the joint staff may have said a car keenan's also the joint study and a number of other bridges in the bay area. piercy street. latest on the investigation. happening now, police find a man and they don't know what killed this - along the 500 block of piercy road. we could finally be seeing an, san jose says is a latino man from along the road. was there raphaels and catchers and not breathing fire fighters announcing dead at the sink. police thought this might be hit and run. lisa now, this homicide this city's 18th of the period please do not have any such. a marine jet crashed into a neighborhood in southern california. it exploded on impact and said to homes of five. the pilot safely ejected before the pilot before the crash, but this is the second area jet to crash on may 9th another harrier jet crashed outside. the navy says another jet crashed into the ocean the navy says the super hornet get- jet. when someone wrong the pilot successfully ejected. calling cabinet is going to make a hundred and $50.61000000 is guaranteed. he'll be 33 when his contract expires. there may be the first team to host the super bowl and play and it. cabinet says he's not worried that the money is going to change for-him. this gives media tended to god improve back to live up to the exhortation says cabinet. donald sterling is agreeing to sell the los angeles clippers, but sterling has vowed to fight that sell and sue the league. and now of things of unsettled and he will sign off in so. thiss li-a-w tur pow. watclime-r rougthislockf pu mesce! w, l's s it actn. ugh rd wer bld-u go. nocrubng! rbo wer stro it! lime-wayurboower see e dieren, orourmoy ba. welcome back to kron 4 morning news, dishes out quickly improving and the westbound direction. in an traffic on 92 westbound is now,gone. instead of being debated in new jersey. his a live look at the >>james: freeway ithe part of us that a littwants to play,on. wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood. there's a multivocal accident that occurred earlier as a head this his. southbound 380 toward san bruno the faster the speeds ovenproof. no backups no delay by a westbound ride for the san mateo bridge. in much better now draft * i down to 15 minutes headed down toward hayward in howling 92. traffic was still the heavy where 101 meets. we seem clear skies as a take a live look from our roof camera let tallies the afternoon we are looking at warmer conditions. 85 degrees in santa clara in similar weather should be in the survey low 90s in vallejo and 66 in downtown san francisco. his seven days forecast boy reading things up sunday is the warmest day within a local down as a head back to work on monday and even some cloud cover by the end of next week. what in today's biggest winners and losers of the rise of black the savings rate for the cb is negative city put money with them you have to pay them 0.1%. the bank the bank borrows money and the bank pays -0.1%. sweden has done this to protect their characters-currency. banks have been rewarded with a good deposit rate rate. shad that. a stimulus and the economy grew great and lower benefit, united states our economy when south and staff i market with higher . comcast going after another cable company at&t gone after another satellite company a lot of consolidation is taking place where we consumers may now have a lot of options. chef june 18th kitty's a video-teaser video, and the fighters said is a hologram fallen in is to gain changer-game changer. on the 18th and will see if apple logo should be worried. look incredibly low interest rates weather is the home of john or rental property. kevin o'leary who's on shark tank said housing is a crafty investment, i'm convinced that we will see a 25% interest wrasse off, he doesn't believe home values of spike like that have in recent years when interest rates rise it will be bad news. as interest rates rise to will be of a to purchase last-less. all across america, people a using lysol in hundreds of way what's christine's story? i started using lyso disinfectant spray, gosh, as long as i can remember. i use lysol on soft surfaces because you can't put your couch in the washing machine. i think that lysol disinfectant spray compares to other products in that it actually kills the germs. which helps keep my family healthy. it's tried and true. i mean all you have to do is just spray. it does the job for you. lysol - hundreds of ways to he protect your family. it does the job for you. safeway gets that staying on budget can be a real bear. that's why they've got lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week, dulcinea mini watermelons are just $2.50 each. mayonnaise is a must. best foods mayo is just $2.99. and get your spoons ready. ben & jerry's is a tasty $2.99. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. heat shields are compromised. weare those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you no official homecoming party for sgt botha with respect to how we announced it at think was important for people to know this is now a political football. with a couple of fans whose kid volunteered to fight for our nation. will they ever seen in five years and was assured there ever see him again. and as commander-in-chief i am responsible. we have a basic principle we do not leave anyone wearing an american uniform the hat.-behind. we saw an opportunity and we seize it and make no apologies for it. says obama san jose police arrested one of their all in while investigating up hot blast-pot bust. after consultations with the santa clara district attorney's office with fine enough affirmation to go ahead and arrest and charge the officer for two counts the first, with four felony possession and cultivation. offices on the oval-sohn vu. matty mccann was a charge with impersonating an officer and was released yesterday. the arresting officer has arrested a number of impersonators that seven years but never has someone poured a more-iullepulld him over. nature valley crunchy granola bars contain 1/3 of your daily whole grains, so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. 1/3 of your daily whole grains means energy to take the road less traveled. nature valley crunchy granola bars. as the liggett the weather looks like we're in for warm weather, so little hazy toward the cemetery a bridge. saudi policy temperatures in the upper 50s low 60s. by the afternoon of a plan of sunshine allow warmer we're looking at upper '70's may be of greatest-upper 80's. to of the weekend were talking about the possibility of triple digits. things are finally quieting down his a quick survey of conditions around the bay the east bay ride on the sewer freeway is 26 minutes and that a lot of time is dropping sematech of valley is 4 minutes west 580 is still sluggish, here in the south bay 101 is much improved. the north iraq has a lingering but delay from the civic center. your overall drive time is up on the petty minutes from the golden gate bridge. it looks like the first time for this week and normal new in the day and as, workers calling in sick due to a labor dispute. a level we saw on monday were 400 people called in sick, cable cars are back in service. it's a matter of operators getting back to work, mayor and the agency of come and get to work something out. were you surprised of the number draft and-dropping? well operatives wanted to give back to work and now have to see that the city was able to work something out. that's paul rose of muni spokesman. and these base city votes to have the heisman and weighs in california. hear richmond this new job eric and minimum wage will be phased in the next couple of years. basically it will top off at 13 down first and january will move to 9 until 2018. his with some people think about this newest: a think it's important that a, commit to live analysand desk for help, areas considered for and if he would work here work hard. a thin your hope our quality of life, love to hear from you about this chicken follow me on twitter or pull closer, it on our. the victim and genera marcy was shot and killed by a share- sheriff. in the car nylon hoping their they live and help her to take care medicine. the shares showed up and shot them later after scene she had a knife. it's a very unfortunate situation. the city is now under investigation include in this year's offerings-office. just this year will think of his men report sonoma county has reporter 400 counts of the open golf-the next county fair circular, and never connie hess 59. all across america, people a using lysol in hundreds of way what's christine's story? i started using lyso disinfectant spray, gosh, as long as i can remember. i use lysol on soft surfaces because you can't put your couch in the washing machine. i think that lysol disinfectant spray compares to other products in that it actually kills the germs. which helps keep my family healthy. it's tried and true. i mean all you have to do is just spray. it does the job for you. lysol - hundreds of ways to he protect your family. welcome back to the kron 4 news the ninth 39. that as an officer involved shooting and will give you more affirmation here's >>stanley: roberts you always fine driver stopped calling train tracks. we see signs the say do not stop on tracks if you need someone to explain that may be sure that the gatt. but driver after jabber after jabber start stop fully or partially on the tracks. yet wonder what goes to the phones mind as she sits on the tracks waiting for the light to change how the brand new chevon as it's on the tracks. as you approach your current crossing don't attempt to cross on less feed and cross checks. in fact that a state law and people think they can move in time in the fao. a train hitting a car 80 mi. from or if i had a knife to buy a car will always lose. the fine for steffan and checks as a hundred dollars but tacked on the surcharges is a one-to-one on record and 400 hours-dollars. and as the online characters to blame for to tour your gross stabbing a friend. a fictional character may be very-the rea son. the staff in 1910 leaving her for dates-dead. the plan the attack the motives all to please slender and a-slenderman. the elder brother of the victim of love the slender man stories , bordering on crete the- creepay. some at various within the same gym class. and she was scared kid she doesn't know who to jerk trust anymore volvo tempters a few degrees from yes to the . it's slow going from downtown daly city, a force of law rather one no one looks great if you need to take it going anywhere this morning. looking at the bay bridge ride it cleared out about our and 45 minutes ago so slow a slow trip one of the approaches of the lines enjoy it it doesn't happen often. san mateo have an attitude is back to a 13 minute commute draft-drive. fleet of new details on the beating of the giants fan bragging bryant's details in the brutal stow. the father of former paramedic now has brain-dead. you struck by a fist and a and hit the ground and is still on the grass his breathing bodies completely untaxed. the dodgers fan and a dodgers jersey, and there is hard to identify. sanchez admitted to kicking and punching stuff-stow. still is sowing the badges for an adequate security on the four the day his life changed. all across america, people a using lysol in hundreds of way what's christine's story? i started using lyso disinfectant spray, gosh, as long as i can remember. i use lysol on soft surfaces because you can't put your couch in the washing machine. i think that lysol disinfectant spray compares to other products in that it actually kills the germs. which helps keep my family healthy. it's tried and true. i mean all you have to do is just spray. it does the job for you. lysol - hundreds of ways to he protect your family. it does the job for you. oh chris, did you remember to pay the dog sitter? oh, i knew i forgot something. i'll just do it now. well, we're boarding. no, i'll use citi mobile. it takes two seconds, better safe than sorry, right? yeah, who knows if we'll even get service on the island? what! no service? seriously? you guys might actually have to talk. to each other? we do it all the time. i like it. should we? no. bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. to learn more, visit in fair oaks and maude avenue there's out officer shooting, a speeding car crashes into ambulance, the driver was drinking and crashed head-on to atlanta was on his way to the emergency bill to the and tease the hospital last never in everyone in the car is in critical condition. >> announcer: today on "dr. phil." >> i am a violent person. >> dr. phil: according to her, you put a pillow over her face. >> i didn't try to suffocate here. >> announcer: scared to leave her violent boyfriend. >> dr. phil: you said he's going to kill me. >> yes. >> not only have you put yourself in a dangerous situation but you put your son in danger. >> i'm not this crazy stalker. >> dr. phil: i'm just asking you questions. >> ask me questions the way they're worded and i'll fill in the blanks. >> dr. phil: i don't need you telling me how to do an interview. >> announcer: plus -- >> dr. phil: two women leaving their abusive boyfriends left them both fighting for their lives. >> announcer: a video that will leave you speechless. >> i felt the gasoline hit my face.

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