Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20131112 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20131112

seen this morning. >>: and the death toll continuing to rise in the philippines. this is latest video coming and of cities completely devastated from the super typhoon. aid is just now starting to pour in including help from the bay area pripet >>james: and george rascasse following a crazy commute this morning. on its check- in with him. >>george: majors with the laser around the bay. it was the westbound accident here at pleasant hill road that has backed up the traffic and the ride all the way through martinez and in fact it's looking like it will affect the ride coming out of the nation. highway 242 backed up to highway 4. we still have major delays on the nimitz freeway coming out of san leandro where a lane was blocked in north bound to 23rd so this ride is way behind schedule. use 580 instead. if that is jammed softbound as well. and as a no great is so badly backed up for the ride to a rather. the southbound traffic is not affecting the commute through dublin of 580 westbound. a particularly slow ride. flasks go down to the south bay. no major surprises for your commute. but as slow world of traffic and the northbound direction and the drive time is well over 28. let's talk about bart to now. major problems with to bart stations close on the richmond fremont line. a richmond and else garrido del norte stations are shut down for if a person trapped underneath a train at the else to read alternate station pre sfo is the destination most heavily affected but the delays are reaching out through the other parts of the system as back up trend coming on that land parcel on go. the rest of the commute heading toward san francisco. that's a look at traffic. here's your weather with erica. >>erica: busy here and the weather center. tracking the rain. very light in nature. not all of this is actually hitting the ground. let's zoom in here. the some light rain. as we focus on the hearts of the bay you will notice of rain drops over the richmond san rafael bridge coming down the e shore freeway 3 wet pavement along the berkeley kerf. now once you reach the center anchor it looks like a dry weather in two san francisco. crosstown freeway also looking good but we did catch a light sprinkle about 15 minutes ago. but like most of the rain is in the east bay. take a look at walnut creek. just a few drops along the 880 corridor, hayward tried to now the drier weather toward union city and fremont. with like we are waking up to mostly cloudy conditions. as for temperatures rights now. we do have some big changes to talk about. gusty winds and your extended forecast for it all walking to your 7 day around the bay forecast. and >>james: develop a news out of hayward this morning, fire crews spent most of the early morning battling a two-alarm fire. kron4's will tran is live in hayward with an update. >>will: the fire department just left the scene. they were here about three hours starting at around 3:00 the morning when they got a call about a kitchen fire. you can see people finally leaving their places to leave for school or work for it is video that we got from person who lives here in the unit. he said he was sleeping at the time. he heard people yelling fire. he woke up reid told his family to get out. that's when he saw the huge flames coming from downstairs and the unit. fortunately no fatalities. three people did live in the unit that it caught on fire. a man and woman and his child. they got everyone out so no fatalities. we had a chance to talk to some people who live in this apartment complex. these are neighbors that you want. they are alert and wanted to help out. they went door to door telling everybody to get outside and get ready for your safety. we had a chance to talk to them. here's what they have to say. >>: we heard all of the commotion outside and i heard somebody screaming that some other apartments caught on fire i just woke up at my son and grab my kids and ran out of the apartment. the >>darya: and here is the apartment that caught on fire. we re but to go as i want to the flames were put out street you could see it's just destroyed. as well as the apartment next to it. four other apartments offered water and smoke problems. there will have to expected-inspected. is it right now the number of people displaced. 15 but that number could go down as inspectors go inside to find out if the units will be able to be returnable. in the meantime i can tell you that one puppy did die from that unit that caught on fire. the fire department wants to save all lives including animals. they saw the puppy, brought them outside. there were unable to resuscitate the puppy who died from smoke inhalation. >>james: thank you for the update. >>mark: an update now from the super typhoon that has destroyed parts of the philippines. the death tolls following last friday's devastating typhoon and eastern philippines stands at more than 1700 people. but officials believe more than 10,000 could be dead but philippine president acquino just says the death toll could be around 2500. a few hundred people and hardest hit city of talcoban have made it out of the area. as thousands try to force their way on board c-one thirty cargo planes, the city of 200,000 wiped out by the storm surge which was estimated to be 15 ft. high. the united nations has released $25 million in emergency funds to help the hardest-hit areas. the u.s. has helped 20-judge has pledged $20 million to the relief effort. the aircraft carrier george washington is headed to the philippines from hong kong. >>darya: coming up on the kron4 morning news a winter blast hitting the eastern half of the country. we will show you the snow next. the next prove that credit card fraud and social media don't mix. i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. with quaavo: thesales event "sis back. drive" which means it's never been easier to get a new 2014 jetta. it gets an impressive 34 highway mpg and comes with no charge scheduled maintenance. and right now you can drive one home for practically just your signature. sign. then drive. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends december 2nd. for details, visit today. >>james: we are back. a 711 is the time. it's another reminder to be careful about what to post on line. and rockland, four people have been arrested for posting this picture of themselves with $120 worth of fast-food they said they bought with a stolen credit card. rocklin police said three adults and one juvenile were arrested for breaking into several parked cars instilling gps units, wallets and other items. after the burglaries, the suspects stopped at a local carl's jr. to buy the food and posted the pick on as the ground. >>erica: as we take a look and stormed tracker for, like rain heading the bay area. how much of this is actually touching the ground. the answer on the kron4 morning news returns. ground. the answer on the kron4 morning news returns. sles do wakup cl. noing ong th tpe. bunope let'openp a n ofhis. anmatcthis let'valite, nagate d th, let'get ter . int,o. let'do..pow. les dohis. re sing. mo doi. that theowerf the me dot. righnow behrltranterr t $5ff gall can whatoes at first spooul tte le?ok. hoy bunches oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mm! it's thoats. honey. yeah. hoy bunches oats. is ia grt cereal. mom: well, i use bount.. kerri:oo! use sparkle®. it's just right for cleaning up everyday little sses sparkl®. the bright way to ean. >>george: it is 714. stick your head back under the covers this morning. at this commute has really gone south. take a look at the ride of 680 south abound. an early morning accident westbound at pleasant hill ride, a new crash in the midst of the back up has backed up the ride onto highway 4 into the willow path. this is actually fill dan in of red right now. forget what the sensors are showing you here. and the 680 is backed up nearly to the phoenician bridge and the southbound direction. that has of course taken some pressure off of the san ramon valley but that's a very small consolation. 40 minute drive times down to walnut creek coming down from the highway 4, 242 junction. we are still badly backed up on the nimitz freeway 3 and earlier morning accident at 23rd installed on all st. the southbound nimitz a parking lot now trying to get out of oakland heading south through san lorenzo, san leandro and leading down to hayward. and there was an early morning crash on 680 south at and try to erode that backed up the traffic all the way to the dublin interchange at westbound traffic is backed up from the interchange here into livermore because of a slow traffic on 680 and the southbound direction less talk about bart. but there are too station closures still permitted richmond station else garrido del norte is also close pre richmond plaza is now open with a bus bridge between the new malls no. stations. the biggest delays are out to sfo but bart to keep sane the systemwide delays are to be expected. let's take a look at the bridges. there was a stall on the bay bridge. the back of this ride. it's improved a bit on the 880 approach but the 580 a park is still backed up nearly to the maze. the san mateo bridge is starting to slow now as drive times are inching upward from 13 to 15 minutes and your golden gate bridge commute still a bright spot for 1 01 and the southbound direction. in fact, through marin county conditions are still pretty good. south bay there is some slow and no hot spot our major into desperate was check-in with erica with the weather. >>erica: while i don't think you're hot spots are because of the rain this morning. rents for about five minutes in the showers move on. dick into the system continues to work its way east. not to organize. an effect once the storm actually went on short we started to see it break apart. not all these raindrops are hitting the ground. frankly the atmosphere is too dry for that. you can see highway 101 for a portion of santa rosa and then not three like sprinkles out there all along the richmond san rafael bridge. take a look in san francisco picking up some raindrops for ocean beach. the richmond district off in the marine up. for those of you and the central area as well. all is clear right now over the entire length of the bay bridge however you may encounter some wet pavement on your way to the macarthur maze. it's still raining and the east bay. concord at 242 of the willow pastorate you'll probably need to use those when shelled wipers. we do have clouded skies out there and some raindrops. i guess the consolation prize are the temperatures. starting off the morning much warmer than yesterday. as we press forward into the afternoon expect temperatures to be a lot warmer than what we are accustomed to for this time of year. the of the man valley 72, 78 for san jose 370 is also sprinkled brought the east bay. take a look at vallejo 71. they think richmond will stay in the mid-60s. same goes for downtown san francisco will '70s north of the golden gate bridge in all a meeting with a high of 64 per it into tomorrow, a little bit warmer. more and the white of sunshine bridge fire concern however is elevated thursday and friday with sustained winds between 20 and 30 mi. per hour. here's a look at your 7 day around the bay forecast for it to are shaping up to be the warmest day of the week. temperatures however will start to cool as we transition into the weekend. >>james: thank you erica print speaking of the weather. it's turning out to be an early winter and chicago. the national weather service reported nearly half an inch of snow fell in all here yesterday. meteorologist said the first day of record snowfall is around november 16th. and while it's colder than average for this time of year it's not a record low print-o-hare. --record low. >>darya: a new technology may make it so that japan take liquid onto planes again. at least n europe. london is trying out liquid scanning technology at her throat airports operate the machines can containers and less than 10 seconds from a user radiofrequency and ultrasonic technology to alert security of suspicious substances. all european airports have been mandated the scanners to that judge for liquid explosive by 2014. as for the united states, the transportation to carry administration says liquid scanners are a long- term goal. >>mark: new information on enrollment for the affordable care act. through obama care-ago about the care has been plagued with problems during the health- care overhaul launched, one program is proving to be a success. according to avalere health-medicaid has lined up 444,000 people and the six weeks since open enrollment began expanding medicaid to low income individuals and families as their form of health insurance was a big part of the affordable care act. the the wall street journal reports that as of last week fewer than 50,000 people had successfully and roll for insurance through the federally run about care website. an official tells cnn the numbers reported by the journal are not official and that final official data for the first month of open enrollment is not ready. -- obamacare. according to a cnn analysis, more than 344,000 people have signed up for obama care but have not yet technically completed the roman process. call that number does not include application submitted and paper or by phone. here's stanley roberts and found some people behaving badly. -who. >>stanley: if i were a police officer and i just simply have to, let's say it like a bunch of tickets it would be simply great if the violator is lined up for you. however if i were a cop chances are this people would be on their best behavior or not. this lady appears to have no idea there is a hands free law in california. this is the line of violators waiting for their turn not to get a ticket but to enter the parking lot and trader joe's on masonic. three and a masonic to be exact, let's see i could cite for driving with you vision obstructed, yet the drive with the disabled have passenger hanging in the window could land you a ticket. while there is no law on the books that says you can't take photos. this is not the safest thing while the cars and drive. pacino even if it proper to watch this person for as long as i am watching the driver with still denied ever using the phone. and so with this driver although she is not actually in my shoes is driving along. this woman has her face burned and her phone and so does this one. those blasted foreswear chickens. they say you should never cry over spilled milk, this man does what triggered chosen across what apparently is too far away. so he is about to make a man-but called off and stepped back on the curve than regroups and goes for it. but i could assume that spilled milk would be the least of this jail workers concerned if he were hit. the sound is a very wide very fast track of roadway and people have been killed running across the trader joe's. of course the illegal u-turn to start helping the situation either. all this for some cookie batter. and san francisco, stanley roberts, kron4 news. >>james: still ahead of the kron4 morning news, crews are getting ready to dismantle the old eastern span of the bay bridge. we will have a live report. and before the fourth board of the caldecott opens, emergency crews are making sure they know what to do to increase-what to do in case of an accident. we will show increase-what to do in case of an accident. we will show like the enticing aroma and distinctive taste of nespresso. elegant capsules meet masterfully crafted machines, and one touch creates the perfect coffee, cappuccino, and latte. ♪ tempt all your senses with one extraordinary coffee. [ penélope cruz ] nespresso. what else? [ male announcer ] discover the world of nespresso on grant avenue and step two, baconated cheese for awesome. step three, get ready to wow. step four... mmmmm. ♪ [ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents. make the holidays pop. he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop! >>george: welcome back to the kron4 morning news as we continue to track a very slow ride across the bay area. numerous hot spot. the e shore freeway is jammed up. south about 680 backed up to the venetian bridge street to 42 and 680 backed up to highway 43 highway 4 back of beyond daily road. all this in a result of an early morning accident now cleared from westbound 24 street and east bound crash at central. you're looking at drive times that are 30 to 40% higher than what we are used to this morning bridge west 580 jammed all the way to dublin. the '84, the back door commute a leading down past the pigeon pass is jammed up. we are talking with cc you down and the news room about this 880 commute southbound. least a college the fremont milpitas corridor. slow traffic usually down to dixon landing road. now to the oakland to fremont and milpitas corridor. because the back up usually begins here before davis street remains heavy through hayward. south bay freeways and not very much better this morning. the ride here. we haven't had any major accidents. looking at your ride on the north bay, the drive times have shot up on one 01 southbound. we are now looking at commute to about 15 minutes from a bottle to the golden gate bridge. a quick update on the bart, still major delays, richmond fremont lanes with to station closures. else garrido del norte stations are closed bridge richmond plaza is open. the delays at sfo are a ripple effects being felt >>erica: the atmosphere is up to dry to accommodate this moisture so much of the rain that is falling is not even hitting the ground. sunday by late afternoon and temperatures warmer than they are expected for this time of year. tomorrow is shaping up to be the warmest day of the week. i think we will start to reach the made '70s. pretty quiet weather for the weekend but we are talking about the potential of gusty winds thursday and friday. i will highlight your 7 day around the bay forecast coming up at 745. >>darya: and finally happening now. say goodbye to the old span of the eastern bay bridge. kron4's jackie sizzle is alive taking a look at the bay bridge and reminiscing with a tear in his side. the jackie? >>: was some of us are sentimental. i must say i don't want to drive on this but for 77 years it is a little sad to see this thing go for it today will be the first day of demolition of the old span of the bay bridge. you're looking at the new span obviously on the left-hand side. on the right side you can see the old site. the first 1,500 ft. or so they are going to star demolition today. all one of they say it will take about six weeks before this first phase. now obviously it's a long-term project. actually they say will cost over $200 million and take about three years to get the whole thing down. but but this first intersection should take about six weeks is what they are telling people. there also telling people you could see how close traffic is to the old span of the bay bridge so obviously there's going to be a lot of construction going on. jackhammers and have a commitment-equipment so they are warning drivers to pay attention to the roadway. don't be distracted if you can. if you cannot ride the old section. now a bit of irony. this is actually the 77th birthday of the bay bridge. it opened a back on november 12th. back in 1936. 77 years old today and what does it give for its problems, is being torn down. it's been a long time coming and we have all been waiting for years of the new section to open. >>james: you can't stop progress. oslo and the news. hoss fire safety drills are taking place this week inside the new fourth floor of the caldecott tunnel. over the next few days, drivers along highway 24 may notice emergency response vehicles moving in and around the fire fighters from moraga-or brenda-- orinda, oakland, and contra costa county are participating in emergency safety testing. caltran spokesperson ivied morrison says if the if this week's fire safety drills are successful, the new ford the bore of the caldecott tunnel may open as early as next week. >>darya: the 16 year-old boys suspected of lighting another team on fire on an ac transit bus is scheduled to appear in court this morning. richard thomas of oakland has been charged as an adult in last monday's attack on a 18 year-old luke " sasha " fleischmann. oakland police say fleischman was asleep on an ac transit bus and wearing a kilt like skirt when thomas at the garment on fire. district attorney nancy 0 o'malley says her office is charging both offenses as hate crimes but she did not indicate why. thomas didn't he entered a plea during his arraignment thursday. thomas is said to be in court at 9:00 a.m. this morning in oakland. >>mark: check it out responded to a bay area fire. a camera mounted on a firefighter's helmet capturing these images. alameda county fire released this video. now let's go inside this house fire. >>: the fire was earlier this month in san leandro on altamont road. they said the two-alarm blaze was hard to fight because the house was built on a slope. to get to the fire, firefighters had to deploy it out interior stairs that for like a chimney. the homeowners suffered minor burns. two dogs died in the fire five other dogs escaped. >>james: 49 aldon smith is due in court today. he's facing three felony possession charges after police found their-30 legal semiautomatic rifles at his house during a 2012 party that resulted in two men being shot. smith returned to the bay area for rehab on october 28th of this year and turned himself in the three he will be in court again a week from now for a dui charge. he is also facing civil suit filed by the two men shot at that party. up next on the kron4 morning news, a florida couple behind bars for a series of creative robberies. and don't tell this five year- old he can't lead the band 3 will have more on this drum major minor. >>anny: a couple in tampa is facing decades behind bars after a string of bank robberies in different costumes that spans two states. federal agents said the pattern of the bank robberies was the same. 28 year-old emanuel williams is seen at the bank teller windows wearing a hat and delivering a demand notes for cash. this went on as several banks strategy from the tampa bay to fort myers and also in alabama. williams is a former postal employee while his wife and alleged accomplice 28 year- old car up-cara lee williams is the suspected getaway car driver. she's a former chase bank employee and according to the fbi she took a day off from her day job to do a big job in tampa in december of last year. >>: i believe 15 bank robberies. the seem to be a much larger case. it was smaltite jurisdictional. so this was a case that the fbi did get involved and that's why these are federal charges that they're facing. >>anny: both suspects face federal robbery charges that could lead to a maximum sentences of 20 years behind bars. time now is 742. we will be back right after this break. [ malennouer ] t day bestoods d hoday ftovs beco irristiy eamyurkecassole. rl decioubestoods brinout e be foo. brg outhe st. [ale nounr ] can belve y canronoce evythi in ? beeve. ew dicioly sple fr i c't lie it notutte wh 10 tas andero articiapresvatis. it'sime ...bieve >>george: drive times around the bay area are running twice as much as they should. the ride on the nimitz freeway so badly backed up over a 45 minute drive time. southbound 880 this. the ride here on the ps pitcher trip on 101. not as bad as it's been lately but still quite crowded for the 101 and 84 interchange. . once again slow traffic from sfo all the way down to hillsdale. north bay ride over 55 minutes. the bottle to the golden gate bridge and steel mill joint for bart this morning. medical emergency, a fatality at the richmond else a reno del norte station early this morning. that station is closed. so is the richmond station for a bus bridge is in place. it's not join a very good job at handling the flow of passengers. big delays out to sfo but there are some delays around this system. a quick bridge check. here's your bay bridge ride. westbound backing up once again your ride to the san mateo bridge is at peak capacity. so slow traffic across the span with an over a 18 minute commute time and golden gate bridge a little heavier traffic than we usually see at this hour. still moving smoothly though. but it is still bunching up along the presidio park west. >>erica: the morning george. rain not so much for it we did see some street showers earlier this morning but it only right for a couple of minutes and then go showers moved on. all of this is actually hitting the ground. more moisture of candy landed on shore. take a look at the consolation prize. not too cold out there. in fact a very mild weather in san francisco and oakland. talk right now 54 and 53 currently in santa rosa so much warmer than 24 hours ago. as we head into the afternoon it would be a cloudy to mostly cloudy day. we will see partly sunny skies by late afternoon i want to focus on their highs for today richmond 66. 71 and san rafael. it looks like mid to upper 60s down the east bay shoreline. san jose checking and at 737 day around the bay forecast highlights tomorrow as the warmest day of the week. cooler weather expected for the weekend. >>darya: good morning gary >>james: the morning darya per ed >>darya: final late tomorrow dolphins owner steven ross is actually going to talk to martin. >>james: i did i will be surprised if even a place for them again. >>: here's what he had to separate the we are appalled. i'm going to meet with him face-to-face and hear what he has to say and then i will deal with it from there. >>darya: in dealing with it he says he will bring to the locker room into a culture that suits the 21st century. >>james: if this does make anybody who thinks this is funny to ross people are talk about somebody's mother. see that's the deal for it whenever somebody says all that for martin. he kept in touch with of the bully and he tried to be friends with them. of course he did. he's probably scared. he probably said hey i have to somehow try and make a connection with these guys and then it just got too much for him. >>darya: and then the whole argument about everything that happened. a kind of gets further confused by one of your. i know what to call him a friend about this case in the archive. maybe it's one man's fault. maybe we take the fun out of football. >>james: >>gary: >>darya: is that women's fault. somehow we've ruined football. >>gary: i'm just saying if you've been on the minor leagues stations for almost nine years there's a tendency for it. it's just a guy trying to say something and he got some attention but unfortunately it's the wrong kind. i think people mix it up. if he was on the regular stations with the advertising and ratings, maybe they would not have been no let him stay but when it's on the minor leagues station, put him on there and hopefully he grows up. >>darya: so the thing that's bart everything in case you're just catching up. listen to this one snippet. >>: i enjoyed many of the women's contributions to the sports bridge well that's a lie. i can't even pretend that trooper if there are very few small handful of women who are any good at this at all. that's the truth. >>darya: so he goes from san he was tried to talk about john fmr 10 and basically saying has opinion is that market handled it wrong and it's a guy's a world and if you can stand the heat this is the way, the locker room desperate he went from that to women shouldn't be in sports first of all agreed it was like what. >>james: and he's not a bad kid. he's just frustrated. he's not seeing any advancement and so out back to 99 percent of that was out of frustration. he wanted something to read about and that was it. for anybody who makes a big deal out of this, we are just looking to fill time ourselves. >>darya: and i guess i moved off of the martin think it started focusing on what he said and he said i don't expect women to understand and manage to anything more and then that man up would understand labor pains. he basically said demand should to be obstetricians. is that what he meant? >>: he's not a bad guy. but see 3839 single guy. he's on a second-tier radio station. he's trying to get off the second tier station. i don't think he's. i think he's just frustrated in his career and that's it. it's frustration. when you show off for a living and they're not advancing in your career, you did frustrated and that's it. >>darya: and he's tried to grab a headline. and with everything that's going on and called for a football. nba handed came out with an anti hazing memo. they say basically none of the biggies. no violence, no racial slurs, no threats. and also note kid seemed to back packs because for 20 years they have it rookies where kids deemed a backpacks. >>: if you're part of the team you're part of the team. hopefully everything out of the martin deal will stop all this nonsense. >>darya: i think this is a line. i think we can find that line and i think that's what football was going to do that we are going to make our reporters your kron 4 stop carrying backpacks. >>: laughing. >>: are right gary. i will talk to you later. les do wakup cl. noing ong th tpe. bunope let'openp a n ofhis. anmatcthis let'valite, nagate d th, let'get ter . int,o. let'do..pow. les dohis. re sing. mo doi. that theowerf the me dot. righnow behrltranterr t $5ff gall can ♪ hey, that's the last crescent! oh, did you want it? yeah. we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light, buttery and flakey. that's half. that's not half! guys, i have more. thanks, mom. [ female announcer ] do you have enough pillsbury crescents? so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop. everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. top stories we are following on this tuesday, november 12th. the teen who set this teen on fire will be in court today. we're live in oakland with the details. and as the death toll continues to rise after typhoon haiyan. many filipinos and others in the bay area prepare to send more relief to the region. we'll have the latest details coming up. the a-c transit fire suspect richard thomas-- is expected in court today. costa went to the forecast for the rest of the week. out in highlighting the seventh day of the bay forecast coming up at 815. >>george: trucking multiple spots still this morning on the freeway and with public transit. here's a look at your ride through the east bay still jammed up 680 southbound so heavy that it's affected the ride along of the nature of bridge. san ramon valley traffic not so bad because it's all been held up up and pleasant hill at concord for it was 580 an hour drive time through the asomugha pass off to the dublin interchange bridge the nimitz is jammed out of hayward and to oakland and out of oakland all the way into milpitas this morning. took a look at the southbound ride. you'll see it's having nearly a down to 237. 101 and the south bay especially slow looking at about a 60 minute drive time from here to here. 85 especially heavy thirst saratoga. mid peninsula of release low for your ride along three of them are ran a ride as that one hour. there may be some single tracking going on at an apartment there have been closures this morning because of a fatality that that occurred at the nelson riddle del norte station. the richest asian and nelson riddle stations have been closed for the better part of the morning. a bus bridge in place. oakland police say 18-year- old luke "sasha" fleischman was asleep on an a-c transit bus and wearing a kilt-like skirt when thomas set the garment ablaze. the 16-year-old boy suspected of lighting another teen on fire on an a-c transit bus is scheduled to appear in court this morning. richard thomas of oakland has been charged as an adult in last monday's attack on 18-year-old luke "sasha" fleischman. oakland police say fleischman was asleep on an a-c transit bus and wearing a kilt-like skirt when thomas set the garment on fire. district attorney nancy o'malley says her office is charging both offenses as hate crimes, but she did not indicate why. thomas didn't enter a plea during his arraignment thursday. thomas is set to be in court at nine a-m this morning in oakland. the death toll following last friday's devastating typhoon in the eastern philippines stands at more than 17-hundred people. but officials believe more than 10-thousand could be dead. but philipine president acquino just say the death toll could be around 2,500. a few hundred people in the hardest hit city of tacloban have made it out of the area. as thousands tried to force their way onboard c-130 cargo planes.the city of 200,000 wiped out by the storm surge. which was estimated to be 15 feet high the united nations has released 25-million dollars in emergency funds to help the hardest hit areas. the u.s. has pledged 20 million dollars to the relief effort. the aircraft carrier george washington is headed to the phillipines from hong kong new video in this morning out of the philippines. survivors are facing a new battle to stay alive. on the left. video of people boarding a military plane to get out of the hard hit area of tacloban. and on the right, relief supplies are slowly beginning to arrive, but its just a start.. much more is needed. some areas are still hard to get to. in fact, one relief truck had to turn around because it was so overwhelmed by people grabbing at their supplies. and the bay area is doing what they can to help those affected by the typhoon. 49er aldon smith is due in court today. he's facing three felony gun posssesion charges after police found three illegal semi-automatic rifles at his house. his house was the sight of a party that resulted in two men being shot in 2012. smith returned to the bay area on october 28th of this year and turned himself in. smith will be in court again a week from now for a dui charge. he is also facing civil suits filed by the two men shot at the 2012 party. smith officially missed six weeks of the season due to rehab. >>darya:the latest legal battle between the world's two biggest smart-phone makers is getting underway in silicon valley. lawyers for apple and samsung electronics will begin picking a jury today that will decide how much samsung owes apple for infringing its patents. the proceedings are a warm- up for a much larger trial between the two companies scheduled for march. . its another reminder to be careful about what you post online. will have the story after this break. zñ [ male announcer ] with at&t, you're sure to get a better bundle. just choose the two, three, even four services you want to build a bundle that works for you. [ female announcer ] call at&t now. choose a u-verse triple play bundle for just $79 a month. get the same great price for two years guaranteed. plus, switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] with u-verse high speed internet, connect all your wi-fi enabled devices to your wireless gateway and save on smartphone and tablet data usage at home. and now, choose from internet speeds up to 45 megs. with u-verse tv, you can record up to four shows at once with a total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ female announcer ] call now to choose a u-verse triple play bundle for $79 a month. get the same great price for two years guaranteed. switch and get a total home dvr included for life. why wait? call today. [ male announcer ] choose at&t and build your bundle. it's whatever works for you. ♪ in rocklin, four people have been arrested for posting this picture of themselves with 120 dollars worth of fast food they say they bought with a stolen credit card. rocklin police say three adults and one juvenile were arrested for breaking into several parked cars and stealing g-p-s units, wallets and other items. after the burglaries, the carl's jr. to buy the food and posted the pic on instagram. new technology might soon make it so you can take liquids onto an airplane least in europe. london is trying out liquid scanning technology at heathrow airport. the machines scan containers in less than 10 seconds, and use radio frequency and ultrasonic technology to alert security would you rather have spoons for hands or elbows for ears? i'd rather have food. [gasp] let's make a late night foody call and get - my munchie meal with the new hella - peño burger. it's loaded with sliced and stuffed jalapeños, melting cheese, and spicy taco sauce. i'll eat it with my... sppoooooonnnnn haaaaaands! what? i can't hear you... talk into my elbow! the los angeles memorial sports arena. hernandez is the first tsa officer killed in the line of duty. authorities say paul ciancia with a rifle and a rant against the tsa pulled the gun out of a bag and shot the 39-year-old father of two on nov. 1. ?? kç tracking several hot spots. was check-in with the george rasp. >>george: thank you mark. we are monitoring big delays. the bay area as a hot spot this morning. lodes talk about the release slow stuff. but highway 4 westbound 680 southbound. earlier occurring problems here and pleasant hill. and the reason why traffic is backed up into phoenicia right now. 0680 and the southbound direction. he was a very slow as well. highway 4 still jammed from pittsburg all the way out to concord. the ride on the 880 north bound still solid what di- just look at this. west 580 parking lot of this morning. saab 680 from some no has eased a little bit. south 880 still jammed up for the ride down to milpitas coming out of hayward and san leandro. south bay freeways heaviest. a look at this. a 101 north bound ride. in looking at well over an hour commute ride. two 80 is much better go so that's looking good. trafficking in the commute for the peninsula. slow traffic 101 a share in both directions between redwood city and the mountain view still jammed up southbound into san mateo bridge and the ride out of nevada . and 90 to the san mateo bridge still has sluggish traffic from its plan to the base of the high rise. let's have over to the weather center now. >>: waiver of the bay bridge toll plaza shot most of us waking up to over cast conditions. if they're just getting out the door probably not dealing with any rain parade we did see some pretty widespread light rain around the bay area and the 56 and 7:00 hour street as of now we do have a little bit of slowing. in the brain is actually not touching the ground. the atmosphere is just too dry to accommodate it. if you're not dealing with raindrops you're probably dealing with what conditions. we will continue to see caught skies with a consolation prize are the temperatures right to not print the 30's and 40's. most of us in the '50s with about 55 degrees. very mild and san francisco currently at 57. it's going to be a cloudy day three expect partly cloudy conditions for the late afternoon for it mountain view 69 at. we will sprinkle some seven days on the east bay and to rear spots. danville today 72. we will keep temperatures in the mid-60s for downtown san francisco and 72 your hide and petaluma print your 7 day around the bay forecast shows it will return to that pattern of morning fog and afternoon sunshine by tomorrow. in fact when they could be the one instead of of the week before mid-70s expected for most of the inland spots. would be surprised if the national weather service issued a red flag warning. milder weather. quite condition saturday and sunday with temperatures will be a little bit cooler only expecting low '70s for the warmest inland spots. >>darya: 818 as the time right now. the boston marathon bombing suspect wants his prison restrictions lifted while he awaits trial. lawyers for dzhokhar tsarnaev are headed to court today to ask a judge to ease those restrictions. which they say are impairing their ability to defend him. the measures are often used in terrorism cases and restrict access to mail, the media, the telephone and visitors. tsarnaev is accused in twin bombings near the finish line of the april 15 marathon that killed 3 people and injured more than 260 others. >>james:new information on enrollments for the affordable care act. though obamacare has been plagued with problems during the healthcare overhaul launch, one program is proving to be a success. according to avalere health-- medicaid has signed up 444-thousand people in the six weeks since open enrollment began.expanding medicaid to low income individuals and families as their form of health insurance was a big part of the affordable care act the wall street journal reports that as of last week. fewer than 50- thousand people had successfully enrolled for insurance through the federally-run obamacare website. an official tells c-n-n the numbers reported by the journal are not official and that final official data for the first month of open enrollment is not ready. according to a c-n-n analysis, more than three- hundred-and-44-thousand people have signed up for obamacare, but have not yet technically completed the enrollment process. that number does not include applications submitted in paper or by phone. a victory for gay couples in hawaii. hawaii's senate is expected to pass a bill legalizing same sex marriage today. the bill would allow gay couples to wed starting december 2nd. governor neil abercrombie has indicated he would sign the bill. their g-p-as are a -o-k and their test scores are top- notch. but some high schoolers are not passing the *social media* test. many colleges now have. according to a recent study from kaplan, 31-percent of 381- admissions officers surveyed, say, they check an applicant's social media pages to learn more about them. that's up five -percent from last year. 30-percent say, they found something that would hurt an applicant's chances. that figure is down five- percent. perhaps suggesting students are more mindful of what they post. san francisco will be transformed into gotham city on friday. . for a 5 year old boy named miles. miles is battling leukemia and his one wish. is to be batman. so the 'make a wish' foundation coordinated with more than 7-thousand volunteers who will participate. they will help create a damsel-in-distress scene with the hyde street cable-car. to help make this dream come true. the executive director of 'make a wish' says. the number of volunteers keeps rising. after miles is done saving the city, he will meet the mayor and police chief of san francisco where they will present him with a key to the city. crews will start dismantling the old eastern span of the bay bridge this morning. fire safety drills are taking place this week. inside the new fourth bore of the caldecott tunnel over the next few days, drivers along highway-24 may notice emergency response vehicles moving in and around the tunnel avo: the volkswagen "sign then drive" sales event is back. which means it's never been easier to get a new 2014 jetta. it gets an impressive 34 highway mpg and comes with no charge scheduled maintenance. and right now you can drive one home for practically just your signature. sign. then drive. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends december 2nd. for details, visit today. >>george: welcome back to the kron4 morning news. the san mateo bridge. while it's flowing smoothly right now it is so heavy enough on the stand that we will from time to time continue to see stop and go condition tear just west of the toll plaza leading out on to the trestle section of the bridge. sally we're still looking at a number of small spot on the freeway. and aren't now recovering from earlier occurring problems in which a person was killed at the el to rio del norte station. systemwide the ways of 5 to 10 minutes. i'll have more when the kron4 of 5 to 10 minutes. i'll have more when the kron4 morning news r ♪urns. with holiday magic in both parks, the happiest place on earth, just got merrier. >>george: will come back to the kron4 morning news as we continue to monitor the hot spots around the bay. residually slow traffic. take a look for example at the contra costa county 6 '80s out the bound and westbound we're still backed up because of an accident that occurred about 2 1/2 hours ago maybe three westbound on highway 24 at pleasant hill road. it is amazing that something so long ago and so far away can fill up this traffic here and here but it does. as the e shore freeway as slow because of the earlier accord east bound problems. and traffic is getting heavier and the san ramon valley now and the southbound direction. it look of the 580 ride. this is badly backed up into the 80 ride getting through downtown oakland. six 80s lows again for the so great. and the ride on 880 remains heavy all the way down to melt the desperate looking here are lower peninsula traffic still badly backed up as is the ride on 85101 and again on 283 and now let's go more on the mid peninsula where it is especially slow at the 10190 interchange and ran a ride still behind schedule for 11 southbound. erica? >>erica: and george on this tuesday morning if you were up early and probably saw a few of the raindrops. it's only on the north bay ride to now. just some light rain along portions of highway 101. looks like the catch a driver braked heading into petaluma. the showers however stretch down. a looks like pretty dry weather making its way closer to the golden gate bridge. so all of us in the same boat in terms of cloud cover and a lot of the brain we are seen. and most of most of it not even hitting the ground not as bad as a where we were and the 56 and 7:00 hours. as we head into the afternoon the state went as we head into thursday and friday. i'll have that part of the extended forecast coming up in about 15 minutes. >>darya: crews are starting to dismantle the older eastern span of the bay bridge this morning. kron4's jackets assault is live at the bay bridge from a treasure island with more. >>: it is not gone yet. for some strange reason this thing continues to stand out here. let's face some of us, me included are a little sentimental to see it go. the bridge turned 77 years all of november 12th 1936 when the bridge opened three and demolition they're going to take the top row deck for the first 1,500 ft. from the tunnel on word for it that whole project all and all will take about three years and cost about $240 million. now it won't have an impact on traffic on the new span of the bay bridge but obviously there will be a lot of construction material. workers of their greed and jackhammers and things like that. you probably won't see a whole hell had a lot. they're letting drivers know that this is like to be starting today. it will last for six weeks. not a great way to celebrate his 77th birthday,. a camera mounted on a san jose police have arrested three suspects in a prostitution ring. they allege. antonio moya, jovana washington and saul garcia. robbed a "john" and tried to steal his car back on october 19th. they're also accused of kidnapping a pizza delivery driver in his own car, three days later. they allegedly fired a gun out the car's window before setting him free on a freeway. police also believe the trio robbed a bank in san joaquin county. all three face carjacking, kidnapping and robbery charges. >>: the morning. it's sad but it's reality. our schools now need to be prepared for the possibility for so much join up with a gun and intending to kill for it and bay area company has just come out with new technology that could help a school or mall or any public building deal with an active shooter print shop spot has been a technology that police departments depend on street that were shot seven fired and a city street oakland pd users at all the time. the company behind shot spotter has just launched a site to secure. this could really help offered his response to a school shooters situation print knowing where the shooter is and getting to them before they heard more people-a hertz. >>: it is able to detect and locate gunfire and door systems under site secure print effective shooter enters into a building orson school and stars to fire shots, our system is going to be able to immediately notify responded law- enforcement on a real-time basis where the shots are being fired, the number of shots being fired on an intense basis. it is a very significant benefits to as we know enactive shooter is often two to five minutes before the first call to 911 are made. after the shots have been fired for it in any law enforcement professionals will tell you that in this situation a minutes or really does matter print some of the obvious candidates are schools and universities but it can also the other critical infrastructures sites like shopping malls, federal buildings, courthouses, airports etc. we're going to be deploying the technology and a couple of schools and universities. we're talking to a number of schools and universities throughout the west. we will be deploying in the next 30 or so days and the idea is over the next 60 to 90 days we will really shake the system out. continue to evolve and improve it so we can have a generally available product and the near future. gabe zñ use chase freedom at select department stores and get 5% cash back this quarter. so you can give her an even bigger surprise. activate your 5% cash back at >>anny: welcome back. new this morning. a conn rabbi and his wife said they had no choice but to do the right thing after finding thousands of dollars in a desk and they bought off craigslist. the couple bought a desk for less than $200 on craigslist. when the couple brought the desk home, it wouldn't fit through the door so they had to pull the desk park including the file cabinets. behind the doors they discovered a plastic bag filled with cash. $98,000 worth. >>: right away my wife and i sort of looked at each other and said we can't keep this money. >>: the couple called the original owner who said she stuffed her inheritance and the desk, forgetting where she put the money. the good samaritans return the cash adding that the most important thing in life is to be honest. the time is 8423 we will be right back with more. i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. a bad traffic morning. let's go to george raft and the traffic center. >>george: this is clearly going to have a big and packed on the ride coming across the party and as straight as heading westbound. on 242 southbound continuing delays here. a new accident reported on 242 before the 680 interchange. westbound highway 4 south 6 '80s still jammed as is the nimitz and north bound. san mateo bridge is heavy. 580 is still backed up coming out of the optima past and to livermore and from livermore out to dublin. we've seen some improvement but not enough. on 11 and the northbound direction. here the 85 ride looks a little better. looking at the bridge right here for the bay bridge westbound, things are starting to ease a bit and we are seeing some back up. we have been tracking stock and go traffic for about the last 45 minutes now. but from time to time you see a stock like this even at the toll plaza. after the golden gate bridge, we're now at what would be the peak of low and the southbound direction. over to the weather center for this update with their coverage >>erica: although we have seen some rain. a little bit of light rain for the may need some umbra was ever have to use your when chilled wipers and that's perhaps the extent of it. the trade-off. because it's so cloudy temperatures have kept insulated. we'll also see 60s down the east bay shoreline and a mixture of low '70s north of the golden gate bridge. your extended forecast shows tomorrow will be the warmest day with mid- 70s expected. it will give the breezy with gusty conditions expected thursday and friday. it's been very dry and our area. temperatures will start to slide. in fact were pushing closer to the seasonal average >>mark:the proposed waterfront arena to house the warriors keeps shrinking. and that still might not be enough for those opposed to the project. designers have shaved down the roof line. and added open green space and public plazas. they've also moved the entrance to the proposed parking garage to help ease possible congestion on game days. the new design cuts back on the amount of retail space and reduces the number of parking spaces. aso a reduction the number of seats in the new arena. the design changes are unlikely to silence critics of the project. stanford always near the top of the heap when it comes to academics. especially among their athletic programs. but last night's basketball game against byu started off on an embarrassing note. stanford misspelled "brigham" on the parking pass. instead the passes read "bring-ham." byu got the last laugh though. byu beat stanford 112-103. bay area sports radio host, damon bruce, has been suspended and yanked from the 49ers pregame show on k-n-b-r. this, after he made controversial comments last week about women broadcasters covering football. his almost nine minute rant is all over the internet. kron 4's j.r. stone has the story. his name is dame and bruce. that was just three seconds of his almost nine minutes ran to about one man's influence on sports. granted that also included sports journalists who are white men. then i enjoy many of the women's contributions to the sport creek well, that's a lie. i can't even pretend that's true grit there are very few small handful of women or any good at this at all. that's the truth. >>: the reaction to those comments have been swept from blockers to riders. >>: it's not in 1950 and more. a lot of women are into sports especially in the bay area print of >>:dahmon bruce. >>: it was kind of this part name. somebody who's been on this to have this happen and go unnoticed. but kay and pr has now acted for it sources say bruce has been taken off the 49ers pre-game show and will continue on the station second half channel 1050. carmen q says what she does feel someone back about the backlash. each time she listens to the comments she understands what originally excited her. about all lot of sports has lost its way and i'm going to tell you part of the reason is because we have a gwen and giving its direction. >>james: 114 year-old is the envy of gamers everywhere after receiving a highly anticipated x box 1 weeks before its release date. the joshua garza pre order of the system from target and was supposed to get it after november 22nd to you could imagine his surprise when it was delivered november 7th. >>:tech bloggers estimate joshua is one of about 1500 receive the microsoft's new game system ahead of its release. target says the error was a computer glitch. even though joshua has it took up, he can't do much with it. the system isn't connecting probably one for the next 11 days until the official date of sale. we'll be right back. it's great having at&t u-verse high speed internet. walter likes to download fix-it videos... and watch "boardwalk empire." it helps sam with his math... [ beeping ] ...and online gaming. and suze loves her smartphone for "social" studies... like video-chatting with sara. hi, ms. kelly. hi, sara. [ male announcer ] call at&t now to get the fastest internet for the price -- just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. on our newly expanded advanced digital network, you get more connectivity, more reliability and more speed options. and with at&t u-verse high speed internet, you can choose the speed you need. getting connected is no problem with our wireless gateway. we have our very own private wi-fi hot spot right here. we do. so we can all be connected at the same time. and even save on our tablet and smartphone data usage. plus it's fast. and reliable. and affordable. it's totally affordable. that's what i said. i know. yep. [ male announcer ] connect all your devices and even save on your tablet and smartphone data usage at home. so call now to get u-verse high speed internet, just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. and for no extra charge, i get access to over 30,000 wi-fi hot spots. so i can stay connected when i'm out... running errands. she's a regular. ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t customers say u-verse high speed internet is more reliable than cable. so call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet, just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. now i can do the things i want to do, like e-mail my mother-in-law. or check celebrity gossip. ♪ [ male announcer ] with our newly expanded advanced digital network... thank you, daddy. thanks, dad. [ male announcer ] get more connectivity, reliability, and speed options... you're welcome. [ male announcer ] bring it all together. ♪ look at this a classic track on the basketball court goes wrong to look at what happened. look at where that landed. it's a good thing that it didn't kill himthat's bull bullard of the harlem globetrotters. he threw down this dunk during a game in honduras. but the whole basket came down on top of him, hitting the floor and shattering. bull is o-k. he was up and walking around by the end of the game. but he did have cuts on his forehead. it's unbelievable that the whole thing toppled over like that. a really dangerous. missed them. >>james: that's pretty crazy video. still ahead on the kron4 morning news and updates on the merger of two major airlines. we will share and a moment street safety inside the new force the board of the caldecott tunnel and gq magazine unveils its man of the year issue. it will tell you who made the list. top stories we are following on this tuesday, november 12th. the teen who set this teen on fire will be in court today. we're live in oakland with the details. and as the death toll continues to rise after typhoon haiyan. many filipinos and others in the bay area prepare to send more relief to the region. we'll have the latest details coming up. >>george: en el accident here and hot spot we continue to see delays and from time to time stop and go traffic still at the san mateo bridge for the westbound 92 ride. and slow commute this morning. here's an a now with a look at the weather. >>erica: i'm starting to see the possibility of some rain. i said that because there's a lot of dry air. so a lot of this rain uc. and the higher elevations you may be seeing some wet weather this morning but again very light. maybe even more of a sprinkle this morning. within see a lot of the rain started to die down was asleep on an a-c transit bus and wearing a kilt-like skirt when thomas set the garment ablaze. richard thomas has been charged as an adult on last week's attack. at the 16-year-old boy suspected of lighting another teen on fire on an a-c transit bus is scheduled to appear in court this morning. richard thomas of oakland has been charged as an adult in last monday's attack on 18-year-old luke "sasha" fleischman. oakland police say fleischman was asleep on an a-c transit bus and wearing a kilt-like skirt when thomas set the garment on fire. district attorney nancy o'malley says her office is charging both offenses as hate crimes, but she did not indicate why. thomas didn't enter a plea during his arraignment thursday. thomas is set to be in court at nine a-m this morning in oakland. the death toll following last friday's devastating typhoon in the eastern philippines stands at more than 17-hundred people. but officials believe more than 10-thousand could be dead. but philipine president acquino just say the death toll could be around 2,500. a few hundred people in the hardest hit city of tacloban have made it out of the area. as thousands tried to force their way onboard c-130 cargo planes.the city of 200,000 wiped out by the storm surge. which was estimated to be 15 feet high the united nations has released 25-million dollars in emergency funds to help the hardest hit areas. the u.s. has pledged 20 million dollars to the relief effort. the aircraft carrier george washington is headed to the phillipines from hong kong that the daily cruz building they are taking and donations to help those affected by the deadly typhoon. thousands of people reportedly dead and countless others are without homes as well as a vital supplies. this facility is taking and cash and supplies to send to the central facility. you can go to the kron4 news website. you cannot see how you can help. three is terisa estacio, kron 4 news. zñ welcome back to the kron4 morning news. the boston marathon of bombing suspect once his prison restrictions lifted while he awaits trial. lawyers for dzohokhar tsarnaev are headed to court today to ask a judge to ease those restrictions which they say are entering their ability to defend him. the measures are often used in terrorism cases and restrict access to mail, of the media, the telephone and visitors. the suspect is accused in twin bombings near the finish line of the april 15th marathon that killed three people and injured more than 260 others. . a couple led tampa is facing several years in prison after a string of bank robbery spanning two states. federal agents said the pattern of the bank robberies was the same. 28 year-old emanuel williams is a former postal employee. he seen wearing a hat and demanding cash from the bank teller with a no heat treat his alleged accomplice, his wife. she is a former chase bank employee and the suspect it getaway driver. agents say she took a day off last december to help her husband robbed a bank. the robbery took place in florida and alabama >>: this seemed to be a much larger case, there were, i believe it was 15 bank robberies and it was multi jurisdictional. so this was a case that the fbi did get involved and that's why these are federal charges that they are facing. both suspects face federal robbery charges that could lead to a maximum sentences of 20 years behind bars. >>: more updates on the traffic when we return. but the good news is no incidents on the stand for it will have more traffic on the >>mark: new this morning, the justice department says it has reached an agreement to allow the merger of u.s. airways and american airlines. the agreement requires the airlines to scale back the size of the merger at key airports in washington and other big cities. in august, the government sued to block the merger, saying it would restrict competition and drive up prices for consumers on hundreds of routes around the country. the airlines have said their deal would increase competition by creating another big competitor to united airlines and delta air lines, which grew through recent mergers. >>darya: the latest legal battle between the world's two biggest mark phone makers is getting under way in silicon valley. lawyers for apple and samsung electronics will begin picking a jury today that will decide how much samsung goes apple for infringing its patients. the proceedings are a warm-up for a much larger trial between the two companies can go for march. we want to get an update with the traffic. how's it looking at this late morning our george. at the >>george: the san mateo bridge remains a hot spot. we continue to have stop and go conditions for most of your trip across the flat section of this band. past the high rise its better but heavy on the ride out towards 101 and the 10192 interchange is still heavy as well. east bound 92 palo me this day less bovespa. on the bay bridge the back up late in the commute as the back up here was starting to ease. drive times of over 18 minutes. looking at your commute for the golden gate bridge. what had been a peak in traffic. about a half- hour ago has passed. and the traffic flow is moved here for the southbound 101 a ride. let's check the weather. here's anny hong. >>anny: good morning george. we do have clotted conditions but if you start with star tracker for three that it looks like it's a lot better than there really is. in fact we have dry air at the surface of lot of this rain uc out towards petaluma and a bottle not even hitting the ground. it's evaporating before it's even hitting the surface. if you're in the higher elevations you might be seeing a little bit of light rain this morning but otherwise, we are looking at mostly cloudy conditions for the rest of the bay area. we've had trace amounts transported to the north bay and portions of san francisco even a little bit south towards my right but it looks like a lot of this is pushing through and find out as far as the wet weather is concerned. temperatures will cool down as well. but again, so very light rain of being reported. most of us into a cloud conditions including here. expecting mostly cloudy conditions this morning. just some areas of light rain. we need to rent out. this afternoon, mostly cloudy. it will be cool to mild and we will start to clear things out and that means temperatures will start to drop. tomorrow morning may feel a little bit chilly compared to this morning to milder start. temperatures run our and the '50s. and 60s in oakland. same for san jose and 50 degrees. 56 and napa. 57 in of opera it is your futurecast started at noon today. all of us will be in the '60s by lunchtime parade most of us will be staying and the mid to upper 60s today. and thanks to that cloud cover and this evening we will cool down into the fifties as well. few of the milder spots will stay in the '60s. here's your highs for today% low '70s and san jose, 66 and fremont, 68 in palo alto, mountain view pushing close to 70 as well. for the east bay, low seventies for danville and pleasanton. 66 and richmond and 69 and san leandro. hayward we're talking mid '60s. for the north bay, los '70s and petaluma. now around 73, berkeley 65. downtown san francisco looking at a high of 65 degrees for it is your kron 47 day around the bay forecast. i've made some changes. we will be a little milder threat to try over the next several days a little concern for fire danger will be elevated. we do see someone's picking up especially friday, saturday and sunday. and it should be a lot cooler. models are showing saturday to beat chile. we will be back during the cooler conditions and windy conditions for this weekend. time is 919 creek let's go to james. >>james: a closer look now at the latest information on enrollment numbers for the affordable care act. even though the federal website, a health-care stock of has been plagued with problems since its rollout, one program has proved to be a success. medicaid has signed up 444,000 people and the six weeks and to open enrollment began. that's good news for the white house, because expanding medicaid to low income individuals and families was a big part of the affordable care act. we should note that neither estimate includes applicants was submitted in favor or by phone. that was not covered in these estimates. >>mark: san francisco will transform into gotham city come friday and it's all for a five-year old boy who's which is to be batman. kron4's lisa reid tells us how this one which is bringing thousands of people together. >>: 5 year-old miles gets to live out his dream. diagnosed with leukemia at 20 months old it's been a long battle and haven't made it through the worst part of his treatment miles is now in remission. on friday he will need all of the energy he can muster. he will be getting a list of for his help is needed. >>: he is going to report to those places and safe. i bet he is going to be pretty successful. there are villains involved. >>: the make a wish foundation greater bay area has never before seen an outpouring of like this. they're hoping this effort will push people to help make other children's wishes come true. >>: i think this is a once- in-a-lifetime experience we are all having. there over 350 children we're going to serve in the greater bay area chapter this year alone. >>: in this moment how special is desperate about miles will end his task care at city hall, where both the mayor and police chief will congratulate him and present him with a key to the city. because of the massive crowd expected, the make a wish foundation encourages anyone that plans to come share miles on to rsvp before friday three reporting in san francisco, police your read, kron 4 news. >>darya: and here's some video of a five-year all that's gone by roper it we have no kron4 dot com. a five year-old drum major. he's at a football game. in south florida. his name is torazza maccalvin. check out his moves. he doesn't realize because look at his confidence. with his moves and his style. nice bright. you can watch the whole thing because it gets better and better on our web site kron4 dot com. >>james: he's a pro at five. coming up on the kron4 morning knows will show a video of what it's like to battle a house fire face on. video of what it's like to battle a house fire face on. mçó4+y?i i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. with qualifying bundles. to those whoworried...... poked and prodded... taken risks... and lived in a state of "what if?"... welcome to a new state... of health. welcome to covered california. the place to find quality, affordable coverage. financial help for those in need. and nobody can be denied because of a pre-existing condition. enroll now at or call 1-800-752-6631. welcome back to the kron4 morning news. we have some amazing video to show you right now of the bay area fire. a camera mounted on a firefighters helmet capturing these images. now let's go inside the house fire. alameda county fire released this video. the fire was earlier this month in san leandro on altamont road. they say the 2-alarm blaze was hard to fight. because the house was built on slope. to get to the fire, firefighters had to deploy. down interior stairs that were like a chimney. the homeowner suffered minor burns. two dogs died in the fire. five other dogs escaped. san jose police have arrested three suspects in a prostitution ring. they allege. antonio moya, jovana washington and saul garcia. robbed a "john" and tried to steal his car back on october 19th. they're also accused of kidnapping a pizza delivery driver in his ow three days later. they allegedly fired a gun out the car's window before setting him free on a freeway. police also believe the trio robbed a bank in san joaquin county. all three face carjacking, kidnapping and robbery charges. go to george for russia an update on this crazy commute this morning. >>: take a look at this. it looks like it's fixed but it's not of course. uc of the traffic is at a standstill here. here's the accident were you can see it right and between the cross members on the tower bridge this is the west span. the old suspension span of the bridge and it's a motorcycle crash that blocked the two left hand went out towards the center anchorage. this is backing up the traffic now all the way to a big oakland touchdown. i'm going to switch to the toll plaza here. traffic is going to start slowing down here about an order to accommodate the traffic that is rapidly backing out of the way across the bridge. the this 80 approach. we're still looking at 16 to 19 to 21 minute drive times out of the macarthur maze. expect those to continue to climb. also we've been tracking a hot spot on the san mateo bridge. things are easing a bit but the drive times are still up around 80 minutes. and our other hot spot to the upper e shore freeway they're getting some lanes open now. the rest of that drive westbound is still very slow mark. the start of the first phase of dismantling of the old eastern span of the bay bridge. against today. the start of the first phase of dismantling a set for 10 this morning. 1,400 ft. of the upper deck will be removed during the first phase. this is all being done and east of the year dublin ireland, on the cantilever section of the stand. bay bridge official said the first phase will take about six weeks to complete. fire safety drills are taking place this week inside the new 4th the bore of the caldecott tunnel bridge over the next few days, drivers along highway 24 may notice emergency response vehicles moving in and around the tunnel. firefighters from morocco or ran the, oakland and contra costa county are participating in emergency safety testing. if the fire safety drills are successful print than a fourth more of the caldecott tunnel may open as early as next week. >>james: now to the latest on the deadly typhoon there ripped through parts of the philippines. philippine president benigno aquino says reports that typhoon high and--haiyan killed 10,000 people is too much. president says the high estimate came from local officials who perhaps were " too close " to the center of destruction and make an accurate guess. " 2000, the figure i right now i have is about 2000 but this might still get higher. we're hoping to be able to contact something like 29 municipalities left were and we still have to establish their numbers could especially for the missing, but so far to thousand, about 2500 is the number we are working on as far as deaths are concerned. " >>darya: pg&e is warning customers of at least two recent scams of people posing as utility workers on the phone and san francisco. the latest happened last week to a donuts shop owner. and back in october, a restaurant owner was tripped over the phone into believing an automatic payment for our gas bill had been declined. she was instructed to pay using to $500 green got money pack cards produced at walgreen stores. no one taking a look at wall street. u.s. airways stock halted for trading for some time after we had the announcement of that to the government will allow u.s. airways and american airlines to merge. >>darya: in this case if you're going to be dumb enough to still don't be so dumb that you put it on line. in rocklin, four people have been arrested for posting this picture of themselves with $120 worth of fast food they say they brought with thatcher's they bought with a stolen credit card. police say three adults and one juvenile were arrested for breaking into several parked cars instilling gps units, wallets and other items bridge after the burglaries, the suspects stopped at a local carl's jr. by the food and posted to pick on and stood graeme. --instagram. >>james: see world is challenging a federal court decision today that bans contact between trainers and killer whales. the ban was put in place after able orca--bull orca drowned a.c. world trainer in 2010. lawyers for sea world said the ban affects business which centers around killer whales. they said the law requires the world to minimize risks, not eliminate them. it's the final check of bay area weather and traffic. george russ is still tracking hot spots. >>george: on the west stand the suspension span here. of course there distention stance and now. you might be able to make out the flashing lights. right there near that cross member of the towers. the two left lanes that are blocked out near the center anchorage and jackie resumes and read it will be easier to spot and. this motorcycle crash turns out to be a pretty serious crash. i believe that one of the involved parties may have been trapped under a vehicle for it that extrication is taking place. that's one of the reasons why the chp issued a special traffic advisory. a sixth alert which basically means avoid the area if you can print it usually issued here in northern california through we've already been half an hour and to this. backing up the ride to the toll plaza. the back up now stretches from the scene of the crash through the island across the new east span. but the suspension span, the sky way and the touchdown. delays continue. also a hot spot late in the commute was the san mateo bridge highway 92. and just when you think it's safe to head here again. think start to slow down. look for delays to persist on '92 with drive times of over 18 minutes. the upper e shore freeway interstate 80. we also had a similar to an affect fear for a while. traffic's been slow coming out of crockets. over at the golden gate bridge of the westbound a ride. of a southbound ride rather is moving at the limit. the posts already added the extra limits. this will continue to be a problem when lanes blocked on the upper deck of the bridge. no indication on when they will get it clear. >>anny: lester with storm trucker for pretty pence still see that little bit of activity as for petaluma three mainly the north bay. this looks much more impressive. the rain we're santa at the upper atmosphere is falling but it's evaporated before it hits the ground. deputy skies are clouded this morning. mostly cloudy conditions with areas of light rain tomorrow will be a little warmer% we are concerned about the fire danger going up this week. because it's so dry out there. also the winds are going to pick up. here's a look at your satellite and radar. behind clear skies. we will see more sunshine. tomorrow the skies would clear out we are going to see temperatures to be a little milder but right now temperatures not too bad. 61 and downtown san francisco. though 60s in fremont and san jose. the same in livermore. 59 and no vital. here's your futurecast 4. you can tell what o'clock this morning, still cloudy but not picking up in the rain. and as we had today expecting to stay pretty dry. temperatures will be a little cooler and we may feel a little bit more chili especially for tomorrow morning. temperatures will be a around 65 in downtown san francisco, where '70s and redwood city. heading to the east bay shoreline also temperatures will be around a '60s and '70s. 65 and the berkeley. and 66 and hayward. los '70s i think and clothing walnut creek and 73. danville and polo '70s also martinez around 70 per it livermore valley also popping out. adding further to the south bay mostly cloudy conditions for you as well. some peaks of sometime late this afternoon. highs and we haven't forgotten our friends in the north they carried mostly cloudy for you as well the bottles high at around 71 degrees. all '70s for sonoma and the '70s for san rafael. here's your kron 47 day around the bay forecast, prepare for light rain but this afternoon we won't be seen desperate of wet weather. a little milder for tomorrow and a little bit breezy maybe three a lot of sunshine but more went for thursday and even for the weekend looking to be a little cooler especially saturday. breezy as well. the time is 9493 hears darya% >>darya: 65 for us is a chilly but look at this. this is real with corporate and chicago, it's turning out to be an early winter. of the national weather service reported nearly half an inch of snow fell and in o-hare to yesterday. meteorologist said the first day of a record snowfall was around november 16th. and while it's colder than average for the first time of year it's not a record low. >>mark: the proposed waterfront iran and to house the warriors keeps shrinking. and that still might not be enough for those opposed to the project. designers have shaved down the roofline and added open green space and public plazas. they also moved the entrance to the proposal parking garage to help ease possible congestion on game days. the new design cut back on the amount of retail space and reduces the number of parking spaces. also a reduction of the number of seats and the new arena. the design changes are unlikely to silence critics of the project. stanford always near the top of the head heat when it comes to academics especially among their athletic programs. the last night's basketball game against byu started off on an embarrassing a note. stanford misspelled" brigham" on the parking pass. instead the passes red "bring-ham" byu got the last laugh the. byu beat stanford won 12-1 03. no one-112-103. here stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >>stanley: if i were a police officer and i just simply have to, let's say ride a bunch of tickets it would be simply great if the violator just lined up for you. however if i were a cop chances aren't these people would be on their best behavior or not. this lady appears to have no idea there is a handsfree law in california. this is the line of violators waiting for their turn not to get a ticket to enter the parking lot at trader joe's on masonic. let's see if i could cite for driving with you vision obstructed, yet the driving with a disabled passengers hanging and the window-packard can get and the window could land you a ticket. while there is no law on the books that say you can't take fuddles this is not the safest thing while the cars and drive. the line but you know even if a cow or to watch this person for as long as i am watching the driver, that the driver with still deny using the phone. and so with this driver although she is not actually on line. she's just driving along. this woman has her face buried in her from and so does this one. those blasted for square check-in. they say you should never cry over spilled milk. this man just left her joes and across what apparently is too far away. so he is about to make heyman-because it often steps back on the curb then regroups and goes forward. but i could assume that spilled milk would be the least of this jail walker's concerns if he were hit. masonic is a very wide and very fast stretch of roadway and people have been killed running across to trader joe's. of course the illegal u-turn toward helping the situation either. all this for some cookie batter. and stanley roberts and san francisco, stanley roberts kron 4 news. gq magazine has released its men of the year issue celebrated male superstars. justin timber like is featured on one of five featuring it covers and gives an in-depth interview and ran questions about his acting career. also featured on the cover is our rapper kendrick lamar and actors madam, hey, will ferrell and late james kendall fini. -- matthew mcconaughey, will ferrell, and the late ja mes gandolfini. the magazine hits newsstands november 19th. well that's all we have for this morning. we hope you have a great day. dr. fuel is next. farmers presents: fifteen seconds of smart. so you want to drive more safely? stop eating. take deep breaths. avoid bad weather. [ whispers ] get eight hours. ♪ [ shouts over music ] turn it down! and, of course, talk to farmers. hi. hi. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum ♪ >> the following program contains strong sexual content. viewer discretion advised. today on an all new "dr. phil." >> dr. phil: they say you're involved in threesomes with your boyfriend. >> they whip each other. >> dr. phil: is this a fetish group? announcer: they claim their sister has a secret sex life. >> dr. phil: you post pictures of your body beaten and bruised. announcer: and she needs a intervention. >> i december pie despise kim t. >> dr. phil: they say there are oergys. >> my niece says she hears the sounds. >> my daughter is not exposed. i haeup whips. >> dr. phil: are you okay with paddles? >> yes. >> when i hear my niece telling me stuff. >> dr. phil: what's the most

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