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We are still tracking slow track on the nimitz freeway into hay wud. A motorcycle accident block the two lanes and it the traffic is backed up to davis street in oakland. Back up on a 238 and the 238 is backing up on the 580. Were watching traffic on the east shore freeway one minor incidents westbound and to eastbound problems are gaining attention for the commute. The drive is coming in now at about 28 minutes which is about 12 minutes longer than usual for this early hour pared temperatures right now are into the fifties appear today mid60s coast side appeared will have more on the extended for castle become that appeared the latest out of a canyon that the deadly attack this morning there were multiple explosion. Adjutancy in his video people are running out of the mall and people will try to get out of the way from the flying bullets. Most of the hostages are reportedly risk rescue before sundown yesterday appeared the militants have killed at least 68 people and have injured a hundred and 75 other people appear in this bill you will see people scrambling for cover and trying to hide. The situation started on saturday when 15 gum and stormed the mall filled with people there shopping appeared after hearing about the attack king is full to hospital tried to find their loved ones appeared back in the bay area on the pole is the people are on edge this morning after a eight pipeline burst in san bruno appeared kron4 terisa stock estacio is on the same. Everyone wants to know when is the smell want to go away. Thats because the smell is still strong out here appeared joining me live now is a p g and e spokesperson jason. Currently repairs are in progress of the 2 in. Blind what the, conditions that we have right now with not a lot of wind it will take a little bit of time for the gas odorant to evaporate into the atmosphere. It has been about six hours since the gas leak was capped appeared with kong conditions the smell the odor is still lingering. We are working to complete repairs on the pipeline appeared question when to find out about this pipeline . There the pg E Construction crew hit a pipeline here in this location and we got here quickly to get the situation under control. We worked quickly to get the gas stopped and now we are working on the repairs to the pipeline. Everyone wants to know how this happened without a doubt. This project started friday evening correct from the initial investigation it appears that the allies were marked correctly. The line initially it was supposed to be capped at 11 but didnt get capt. To one do you know why . Pierre what is pick g anny santa residents and san bruno this morning . Pierre at this time no customers are impacted. Thank you very much for drawing us this morning i appreciate appeared according to pg e is safe out here appeared what is the smell like . Pierre it smells like rotten eggs. And it is a nauseating. The other big story today comes out of the 49 years were linebacker aldon smith will seek treatment for substance of brokabuse problems smith slammed into a tree in san jose last week. You see the dirt and a tire tracks and the tree where that accident happened. This is a problem and i will get fixed and will make sure that never happens again states smith appeared smith was always so arrested for d. U. I. We want to know what to think about all of this year to his presumable suspension down the line. Time now is 79 a m the rain has passed and we have millions of dollars in cleanup remain pier will talk about the latest in a car. Allied still will be back after latest in a car. Allied still will be back after the break i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. I want you to be smart. Super smart. I want one thing in a doctor. To speak my language. I dont want you to look at the chart before you say hi. David. Quiero que me hagas sentir segura. I want you to be awesome. Thats the doctor i want. At kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor thats right for you. Find your Perfect Match at kp. Org and thrive. Welcome back with a week left in talks republicans think that they will stop the possible government shut down appeared president obama address the potential shutdown over the weekend. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi says those who back if the fund or else strategy are legislative arsonist who want to see the government shattered discussions continue today on capitol hill appeared will take a break it is 7 13 a. M. We will get an update on weather and traffic when we come back stay with us. At farmers we make you smarter about insurance, because what you dont know can hurt you. What if you didnt know that its smart to replace washingmachine hoses every five years . What if you didnt know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items . And what if you didnt know that teen drivers are four times more likely to get into an accident . sup the more you know, the better you can plan for whats ahead. Talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. We are farmers bum pa dum, bum bum bum bum shhhhh in our day, we didnt have uverse high Speed Internet. Yeah, our babysitter didnt have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. We had to count sheep to fall asleep. And i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. In my head. Never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. Too much . A little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wifienabled devices with uverse high Speed Internet. Rethink possible. Burning in Yosemite National park. The fire is currently 84 percent contained. The cost to fight this fire has topped 122 million. Widespread flooding in mexico has now claimed 110 lives three storms including hurricane man well and from storm ingrid have battered the country over the past week to hunter rains triggered mudslides and washed out roadways and cause rivers to overflow their banks appeared mexicos interior minister say some 24 states have been impacted by the storm. The toll of the the late deadly flooding in colorado is still being added of the right now there are at least seven dead. Three others are missing and presumed dead. 60 people are unaccounted for, but that number is dropping as rose and all service are being restored. Officials say the raging water destroyed some 1900 homes and damaged another 16,000. The flooding also decimated bridges and roads. Officials say will cost roughly 135 million to begin to fix the states infrastructure. The bridges we have had a couple of minor injuries near the meter and light at the bay bridge and that slowed things a bit pick the drive ties are running 16 through 18 minutes appeared to the san mateo bridge is still a small the commute however in the next hour we could see stop and go conditions westbound which has almost become the norm. The Golden Gate Bridge is completely bogged free pier now will for the weather appeared in line we are waking up to sun shine and blue skies with little hazy nets appeared over the weekend we experienced heavy downpours, on saturday morning into the afternoon appeared satellite and radar show relatively Clear Conditions right now and High Pressure over the bay area with a lot of cool air behind it appeared temperatures are expected to drop with gusty conditions which the wind gusts up to 30 mi. Per hour. A touch of summer for the First Official day of fall appeared 84 in danville and 79 in martinez as today appeared mostly sunny skies today in hay would appear gorgeous day in the south bay. 81 in cupertino appeared high of 71 degrees in downtown San Francisco today appeared the north bay temperatures will be above the 80 degree mark pierre 834 high end fairfield appeared temperatures will start to cool down by tomorrow. The time now is 7 20 a. M. And we are keeping an eye on wall street appeared will have rob black coming up at 915 to talk about the winners and losers on wall street. A group of amazon employees are suing their company. They say they are not paid for the time it takes to go through security checks before and after ships. The lawsuit is being filed by its nasa field employees. Workers or through a 20 30 Minute Security checked off the clock. This is the third sued of its kind to be filed against amaziah appeared amazon declined to comment. Microsoft is expected to announce new surface Tablet Computers at an event in new york today. A version with a small screen is expected to come pick with ghouls nexus seven and apple ipad many perry it comes about a month before microsoft releases an update to its windows eight operant Rating System appeared windows 8. 1 will be usable on a small touch screens that are cheaper and easier to carry. The new servers 0. 1 will be usable on small touchscreens are cheaper and easier to carry. The new Service Tablets could be lighter and then a thanks to a processing chip that uses less energy and no fan appeared less than 24 hours after gore also friday apples inventory of the new iphone 5 has sold out. The online store says, all colors of the five as will not ship again until october. Gold versions was the first to sell out. However the new five speed model is still in stock. Apple says it sold a record 9 million new iphone is in the first three days. Record 9 million new iphone is in the first three days. Oracle is being sued extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. Joining the soccer team. Getting help with math. Going to prom. I want to learn to swim. Its hard to feel normal, when you cant do the normal things. To help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. Not everyone can be a foster parent. But anyone can help a foster child. Here is Stanley Roberts was found some people behaving badly appeared there are more than 200 cards attending decide show in east oakland according to the person recording this video who goes by you to name sideshow bids appeared the sideshow abruptly ended when the Oakland Police arrived. And the one vehicle pulled over by the state attempted to flee the scene. But made matters worse when the driver hit an zero pd cruiser in the process which could be considered an assault on a police officer. Be on the ground appeared also learned that a passenger low appear to surrender was a woman. The driver was less than cooperative spirit so Police Officers had to a party break the windows to remove him. After looking deeper into the event and not only did ice officers take on bottles but sources say that they heard what sounded like gunshots and m 100. Side shows happened just about every weekend in oakland and some end in violence. Many of the participants argue that they are peaceful events until the police arrive. But i arbor how they peaceful if the residents are being held hostage and all residents with the sound of tires screeching halt times a night. In oakland with people behaving badly so im Stanley Roberts appeared now lets take a look outside at the beautiful sunrise. Will be back after the break. [ male announcer ] when you have sinus pressure and pain, you feel. Squeeze congesd. Beat down. Crusd. As if the weight of theorld is resting on your fac but sudafed gives y maximum strength sinus prsure and pain rief. So you feel free liberated releas. Decongesd. Open for busiss. [ inhales, exhal ] [ male announr ] powerful sinus relf from the 1 pharmacist recommended brd. Sudafed. Op up. Morning there is shaping up to be a gorgeous day in the bay area with temperatures approaching the upper 80s. To date will feel a little bit more like some of them fall appeared will take a look at the 7 day around the forecast we come back. What is turning to a another rough commute around the bay area appear to interstate 680 is backing up to black pleasant hill. The east shore freeway is very slow this morning as you can see the approach to the bay bridge pier and traffic on southbound 880 is still recovering from an accident this morning. The 580 ride is jammed. Your ride along the mid peninsula is also slow especially here are round and 92 and 84 interchanges. The drive time is over 35 minutes from a bottle to the Golden Gate Bridge pier as a terrorist assault on the king and Shopping Mall interests is third day as many as 10 people may have been held hostage. The attack had so far left at least 68 people dead and 175 people injured. Andrew spencer reports Security Forces appear to be taking control appeared they had machine guns and then we started to run state one shopper appeared the gunfire continued throughout the day from saturday and sunday at the mall. By monday morning the king in Security Forces were still trying to get the situation under control. President obama talk today and the Prime Minister and everybody there appear akron the bay, police are investigating a Fatal Shooting east oakland. Allied officers responded last night in the 96 block of the st. Pierre of their arrival officers found a male suffering from a gunshot wound appeared he died at the scene. Police still searching for a gunman this morning appeared Oakland Police arrested a driver will allegedly struck and killed a man who has stopped to help a stranded motorists. Officials said the suspect was taken into custody after his vehicle ran into a 39 year old jose door and take on international boulevard and fled on foot friday night appeared the run date has stopped to help another motorist push a car out of the road. The suspect was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving and driving under the influence of drugs and could face other charges. Good samaritan killed. Man fatally hit while helping motorists in oakland. Oakland California Police have arrested a driver who allegedly struck and killed a man who is stopped to help stranded motorists feared bart management at its largest unions resumed talks today. Talks broke down last week when bart management negotiations walked out. However the Transit Agency says it is already teaching managers how to operate bart trains in case of talks continued to stall appeared they are learning or in some cases relearning the ins and outs of how to operate a bart train appeared that there is another strike management will have to get the approval of the bart board of directors in order to let the fill in operators actually run the trains. But bart to a union said again today that they are strongly opposed to Training Plan appeared as bart contract negotiations drag on the clock is ticking down to a possible barge strike that could happen as early as october 11th appeared today we learned that bart management and is too large unions are planning to meet this coming monday to discuss the most pressing topics like wages pension and medical contributions. However the Transit Agency says it is already teaching managers have to start bart trains in case the bart talks continued to stall. The currency debacle and all appeared expires at 11 59 p. M. On october 10th. Aken put your option crew working on a 155 million caltran project struck a gas main in san bruno perry this talk to caltran in both directions last night. Firefighters said they werent there were no injuries and evacuations were not needed. Caltran says service stopped in both directions at around 9 00 p. M. Last night while the lie was being capped. The lick was over 4 mi. Away from the 2010 san bruno pipeline explosion appeared the Oakland Athletics are celebrating this morning after they clinched the a a. L. West for a second Straight Year appear kron4 is jackie sizzle is live at the Oakland Coliseum with more on the celebrations. October baseball is back in the bay area and we are celebrating. After the break kron 4 news morning will continue with the first day of fall and will have a look at whether when we come back. Time now is 7 38 a. M. Not back after the break. There are so many things that we do on a daily basis. We run errands. We run to the grocery store. In fact, the average american drives fewer than 29 miles a day. The 100 electric nissan leaf goes twoandahalf times that on a single charge. Its a car. It just doesnt take gas. [ farrar ] so think about where you go in a day. Do you really need gas to get there . [ male announcer ] the 100 electric nissan leaf. Nissan. Innovation that excites. Now get a 2013 nissan leaf for 199 a month. For 199 a month. Goglossophobia, is the fear of public speaking. The only thing we have to fear is. Fear itself. Shhhhh in our day, we didnt have uverse high Speed Internet. Yeah, our babysitter didnt have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. We had to count sheep to fall asleep. And i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. In my head. Never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. Too much . A little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wifienabled devices with uverse high Speed Internet. Rethink possible. Man who assaulted a 60 year old woman appeared the assault occurred at the Sonoma Valley Regional Park near glen ellen. Authorities say the womans dog got into a fight with another mans dog. Thats when the man that angry and wrap a dog leash or around ones neck appear she fought him off an attempted to take his pitcher with a cell phone. The man then grabbed the phone and through it in a nearby lake before taking off. Now were watching gas prices this morning. The average price of regular black bass line in the u. S. Has dropped 6¢ at during the past two weeks. The National Average sitting at 3. 42 for a regular gallon of gas. The state average sitting 50¢ higher than at 3. 99. Heres a look at a bay area averages appeared in 7 cisco gas is 4. 70. Thats down 02 cents from a week ago. In oakland matching state the average gas price is at 3. 99 a gallon. Heres a look at your bay area averages. In San Francisco gas is 4. 70 per gallon. As down 2¢ from a week ago and had san jose 4 even for a gallon of gas. Come up on kron 4 news heres a look liven look outside. Stay with us we will be back after the break. Welcome back to the kron4 news this morning there Police Activity has shutdown highway 101. All traffic is been taken off the freeway this is only in the northbound direction as a diversion is in place. I however it is backing up the traffic appeared the trend from petaluma is want to be affected because of this appeared there will be extreme delays that has close the north bound lanes of highway 101 appeared no update yet on when this accident will be cleared appeared if you drive out of petaluma this morning please prepare for an extra long an extra slow ride. How way for an interim test state 680 the bay bridge is now backing up into the macarthur made spirit the southbound nimitz highway is still slow appeared the 680 is starting to slow appeared and the 85 highway is slow appeared the mid peninsula document is also jammed up here the san mateo bridge is starting to back up appeared the drive time is about 38 minutes into novado para westbound from the toll plaza to the base of a high rise on the san mateo bridge is starting to back up here in the way to center here is erica appeared we are starting the day off with sun shine and clear skies peer out the door right now is mainly in the 50s and you will need a jacket perry sunny today this afternoon and warm and typical of the first full day of fall. The upper seventies today in Oakland Pierre and 71 will be the high for downtown San Francisco today. Tonight most of us will be in the 60s. The extended forecast shows cool weather and gusty winds to tuesday into wednesday. We will have plenty of sunshine heading into the weekend however. , first of all i want to apologize to the team my family and everybody that i let down. Let it be known that this is a problem and i will get fixed and will do everything in my power to make sure this never happens a gap appeared also want to let everybody know that i am sorry and i said this will never happen again that is aldon smith said that he will never let this happen again. If the guy has a problem he has a problem. The only question here if you are looking to expand on it a little bit why did he play yesterday . Pierre they talked about is that if they havent said on the bench they still have to pay him so they can not suspend him appear the key team cannot suspend a mile until this thing runs its course. When i talk about the latest on aldon smith. What do we think about the niners now we are into week three . Pierre the defense was not very good and often silly it shows that kapernick has not been very good pair the receivers are not get in separation. The eighth clinched the eightl last yea how about those days. Back with more a minute on kron 4 news. Nice car. Sure is. Make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. [ thunder crashes, tires squeal ] so, what do you say . Thanks. But i think i got this. [ male announcer ] the allnew cla. Starting at 29,900. Shhhhh in our day, we didnt have uverse high Speed Internet. Yeah, our babysitter didnt have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. We had to count sheep to fall asleep. And i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. In my head. Never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. Too much . A little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wifienabled devices with uverse high Speed Internet. Rethink possible. With uverse high Speed Internet. Extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. Joining the soccer team. Getting help with math. Going to prom. I want to learn to swim. Its hard to feel normal, when you cant do the normal things. To help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. Not everyone can be a foster parent. But anyone can help a foster child. Stories we are following this morning this scene in kenya is still happening this morning. Allied a pipeline break in san bruno bring back memories of the delayed debt it last three years ago perry a live report, and appeared not a slam backer aldon smith not coming back to the team until further notice after getting eight deep ukiah in san jose. The deadly attack in the mall in kingston still a developing situation appeared this morning there were multiple large explosions and, more gunfire and kenyas West Gate Mall in nairobi. Heres a new video from overnight shun the chaos and shots were fired tear we are in showing come pleasant conditions this monday morning appeared to the issues right now are in the 50s with clear skies. We do have a lot of cool air filtering into the bay area and i will talk about that in just a couple met as we come back here. This morning there were multiple large explosions and more gunfire ed king is was gate mall in nairobi. Allied is a video from overnight showing the chaos as shots were fired. It is believed allocated to areas are Still Holding an unknown number of people hostage. Most of the other hostages have been rescued before sundown. The militants killed at least 68 people and in injured 7175 others. And heres what it looked like inside the mall when the gunshots were fired. Shoppers were hiding inside some of the stores. The situation started on saturday when up to 15 gunmen stormed the mall filled with people appeared in laying dame injured in king appeared our families she suffered injuries to her body. Adjutancy hear people from kenya were trying to donate blood to help out victims. An International Criminal court has excuse kenyas president so that he can deal with this crisis appeared he is being charged for crimes against humanity but they have been put on hold so the deal with this crisis appeared on the peninsula residents are on the edge this morning after a pipeline break in san bruno appeared this happen yesterday near san bruno ave. Kron4 is live at the scene with a update para crews are working on tying a line off appeared you concede this gigantic back whole that is the excavator that caused the problem here crews are expected to capp the line at 11 00 last night but it did not happen until 1 00 a. M. Now at 8 00 a. M. The smell is still strong out here appeared all of this is coming on the heels of the third Year Anniversary of the san bruno glad gas explosion were eight people were killed appeared right now the situation is safe and we are working quickly to get repairs completed their at this time no customers are impacted as a result of this problem and peer absolutely we take safety of the surrounding area very seriously and we are working quickly to make sure the gas is safely done their this is a very largE Construction site and is all about putting some caltran lies under this project but they started this parts on friday evening and it is a 155 million project appeared were waiting to see if some caltrans spokes people will come out here today because they are in charge of this entire project. Pg e says that the line was marked but the big question right now is why did this happen appeared nidus c e zero dead at york said linebacker aldon smith will seek treatment presumably for a substance of booze problem and would not be with the team when it visits the rams on thursday night in st. Louis. There is no date for smiths return perry smith was arrested for suspicion of d. U. I. After his pickup slab into a tree in a residential neighborhood in san jose last week. He made a statement about his behavior. This is the latest off the field is a debt for smith who was also arrested for d. U. I. In january 2012 and stabbed at a party at his house 50 months ago appeared we want to know what you think about al the smith suspicion should be sound off on our facebook and twitter the spirit you also get the very latest on our kron 4 mobile app. The athletics are American League west champions again appeared the oakland as clenched their 16th American League west title and 26 postseason appearance when texas lost 40 to kansas city on sunday appeared opal was playing the Minnesota Twins appeared with the twins batted in the third word started to circulate about the Oakland Coliseum of justin maxwells twoout grand slam that beat rangers in the 10th inning to sell the Division Title for the oakland as appeared it was quite a difference seen about a year ago when the oakland as won the American League west, on the final day of reckless season by beating texas appeared the oakland as class the 25th postseason appearance in franchise history appeared only the yankees and dodgers have more appeared this is the fourth time in oakland history that the oakland as have won a back toback Division Title appear stay with us will be back on after the break on kron4 news morning appeared welcome back to the kron4 morning news. Were tracking a couple hotspot now appeared the san mateo bridge is a standstill in the westbound direction. Align ever since the Labor Day Holiday we have seen traffic come to a standstill on the westbound san mateo bridge at the 8 00 a. M. Hour appeared the Police Action has shut down the northbound lanes of highway 101 in a bottle appear traffic is being diverted here will have more when kron 4 news returns. [ engine revs, tires squeal ] [ male announcer ] since we began, mercedesbenz has pioneered many breakthroughs. Breakthroughs in design. Breakthroughs in safety. In engineering. And technology. And now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. Introducing the cla. Starting at 29,900. Walter likes to download fixit videos. And watch boardwalk empire. It helps sam with math. [ beeping ]. And online gaming. And suze loves her smartphone for social studies. Like videochatting with sara. Hi, ms. Kelly. Hi, sara. [ male announcer ] call to get the Fastest Internet for the price 14. 95 a month for 12 months with a 1year price guarantee. On our newly expanded advanced digital network, get more connectivity, reliability and Speed Options now up to 45 megs. We have our own private wifi hot spot right here. Getting connected is no problem even all at the same time. Its fast. Its reliable. And its affordable. [ male announcer ] call to get uverse high Speed Internet for 14. 95 a month for 12 months with a 1year price guarantee. With a wireless gateway, connect all your devices and save on tablet and smartphone data usage at home. Now i can do the things i want to do, like email my motherinlaw. Or check celebrity gossip. [ male announcer ] at t brings it all together. This morning. Allied three storms in new mexico have slammed the country. To re range and mudslides have caused a nightmare appeared 24 states in mexico have been impacted by the storm appeared 60 people are still unaccounted for and that number is dropping as rose and phone service of being restored in colorado appeared the flooding also decimated bridges and roads and will cost about 135 million to fix the state is the structure appeared now lets look at the san mateo bridge for drivers of sitting on that span. There are too many cars and not enough lanes and this has been the case since the end of summer. And since the labor day week end here eight out of 10 days we have seen stop and go conditions across the span when there have been zero incidents to cause traffic to back up here when there was construction on the bridge in march april may we thought that that may be the cause for the stock and go conditions however a new pattern is urging we continue to have problems in the north bay with the Police Investigation that has shut down the lanes of highway 101 north down at san dirham down drive pierre theres no indication when the northbound lanes will be open and all that traffic is been diverted and is creating a block for the south now won a one side of the freeway which has backed up the traffic through the novado stood petaluma appeared others slow traffic around the bay through the east bay but east show or freeway westbound for an southdowns 68 jammed concord all the way to danville appeared 101 south now has about a 42 minute commute time appeared we are waking up to temperatures in the victories with the very little fog out there appeared in the cloud cover is that we do see is to the north appeared the bay area is in the with crystal Clear Conditions and High Pressure in place right now which will translate into warmer temperatures as we get into the afternoon. Temperatures could see a 10 degree drop tomorrow penaliz warmer weather is expected for the in the monday appeared 83 in concord appeared San Francisco will be very nice today a high of 71 degrees. The 7 day around the bay shows cooler weather in to tuesday and wednesday it up and be warmer weather expected in to the weekend. We are one week away from a possible government shut down. The lawmakers are working to avoid this. Thisll be the first government shut down since 1996 pierre this is president obama speaking. House democratic leave and nancy Police Policy says that these are legislative arts and as we want to see the government shot appeared a u. S. Navy helicopter had crashed in a red sea. Navy Officials Say three people aboard aircraft were found unstable conditions but two more are missing pair several naval vessels and additional helicopters are searching the remaining crew members appeared their red sea is between africa and the arabian peninsula. Navy officials said the crash was not the result of any hostile activity appeared president obama spoke at a Memorial Service for the 12 men and women killed in a Washington Navy yard last week. The president that and are the falling for their service and emphasize that they would never be forgotten. He offered condolences to the family and assured them that the nation is morning with them. The present also used more to bring attention to the rise of gun violence in the u. S. Appeared we cant not accept this appeared as americans bound in grief and love here tot there is nothing normal about innocent men and women being gunned down while they are at work peer it was one week ago today that aaron alexis, opened fire at the washington d. C. Navy yard killing 12 people appeared tactical teams were used as a route alexis and he was shot and killed on the same. His mental state is in question after reports of instability. The contractor that cleared his background is currently being investigated appeared the concordant concord recaps sides after crashing into a reef on the tuscan coast in january 2012 appeared a man is charged with manslaughter, and the ship wrecked and abandoned the ship 32 people died. If convicted he faces 20 years in prison here chinas foreign minister told the un secretary general dan kite moon that china is willing to send experts to help in the syrrian chemical weapons destruction process appeared wang he also reiterated that a political solution is the only way to solve the crisis in syria appeared when was quoted saying currently it is important that the u. N. Security council should maintain unity over their differences and find a consensus appeared farmers presents fifteen seconds of smart. So you want to drive more safely . Stop eating. Take deep breaths. Avoid bad weather. [ whispers ] get eight hours. [ shouts over music ] turn it down and, of course, talk to farmers. Hi. Hi. We are farmers bum pa dum, bum bum bum bum so you want to drive more safely . Of smart. Stop eating. Take deep breaths. Avoid bad weather. [ whispers ] get eight hours. [ shouts over music ] turn it down and, of course, talk to farmers. Hi. Hi. We are farmers bum pa dum, bum bum bum bum morning the dow is not doing to hide it is off a few points this morning. Earlier this morning we had mixed trading with the dow started out in theafter the s p is also off this morning appeared a group of amazon employees are suing their company. They said that they are not paid for the time it takes to grow through security before and after their ships. The lawsuit is being filed by is nasa field employees. Workers go through a 20 to 30 Minute Security check off the clock is the third sued of its kind to be filed against amazon. Amazon declined to comment. Microsoft is expected to announce new surface Tablet Computers at the event in new york today. A version with a small screen is expected to compete with goebbels nexus seven and apples ipad many fear it comes about a month before microsoft releases an update to its windows 8 opeRating System. When those 8. 1 will be usable all smaller to screens that are cheaper and easier to carry appeared in news surfaced have is to be lighter and then a bank to a processing chip that uses less energy and no fan appeared less than 24 hours after gore on so friday apples inventory of the new iphone 5as sold out. The Alliance Source said all colors of the iphone fight as will not ship again until october appeared the gold version was the first to sell out appeared however the new iphone 5 c model is still in stock. A lot apple says it sold a record 9 million new iphone and the first three days. Caught up on kron 4 news morning using a lot of downside at the toll plaza will have more on traffic and weather when we come back from the break. Unbelievable. Shhhhh in our day, we didnt have uverse high Speed Internet. Yeah, our babysitter didnt have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. We had to count sheep to fall asleep. And i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. In my head. Never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. Too much . A little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wifienabled devices with uverse high Speed Internet. Rethink possible. With uverse high Speed Internet. Extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. Joining the soccer team. Getting help with math. Going to prom. I want to learn to swim. Its hard to feel normal, when you cant do the normal things. To help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. Not everyone can be a foster parent. But anyone can help a foster child. 8 30 a. M. This one will want to start with the hot spots. How 101 northbound lanes are shut down with the lanes being diverted. Here is a closer look at the location and get it is the northbound lanes that are affected and the gawkers have turned the southbound lanes into a parking lot. Slow traffic on the san mateo bridge through the 8 00 hour heavier commutes heading over to foster city with the drive about 38 minutes or to the san mateo interchange. Good morning today will feel a little bit like summer however this is the first full day of fall appeared temperatures will drop off about 10 degrees as we transition into tomorrow. Allied will have the upcoming changes in the extended forecast later in the broadcast aired me this morning multiple large blasts have rocked indias West Gate Mall where haazig is in its third day appeared to militants have also been killed at the mall. Allied reporters on scene say they heard multiple multiple blasts and a broad of gunfire. This is new video into kron4 of the smoke coming from the mall as a result of those block blast appeared said Security Forces have been attempting to rescue an unknown number of hostages inside the mall held by out qaeda linked tears appeared the Oakland Athletics are celebrating this morning after they clinched a and American League west for a second Straight Year. A lot kron4 is jack the sizzle is live at the Oakland Coliseum with more on the celebrations. Jackie barrett last take a look at the video yesterday appeared the oakland as and dictated the Minnesota Twins just today here in front of their home crowd. This top off a great season and their second straight American League championship. This year they decided to get it done early and we had a chance to talk to some of the players and coaches on the field and in the locker rooms yesterday as you could imagine they were excited. They said it could be done again and here we are we gonna against is one of the players peer if they started the playoffs today they will play the Detroit Tigers appeared the zero play as and celebrate an American League title. The oakland as and celebrate the second American League title in a row. Bart management and is to lodging resume talks today. Talks broke down last week when bart management negotiators walked out. However the Transit Agency says is already teaching managers how to operate bart trains in case talks continued to stall appeared there are learning or in some cases relearning the ins and outs of how to operate bart train. If there is another strike imagine it will have to get the approval of the bart board of directors in order to let the still in operators answer to run the trains. But bart said union said again today that they are strongly opposed to the Training Plant. As the bart contract negotiations drag on the clock is still ticking down to a possible barge strike that could happen as early as october 11th appeared a construction crew working on a 155 million caltrans protestant the gas main in san bruno is halted caltrans in both directions last night firefighters say there were no injuries and evacuations were not needed. Caltran says service stop in both directions at around 9 00 p. M. While the line was being tapped. The leak was over 4 mi. Away from a 2010 san bruno pipeline explosion. Police are investigating a Fatal Shooting in east oakland. Allied officers respond last night in a 9600 box block of the street. When they arrived officers found a male suffering from a gunshot wound. He dined at the same. Police still searching for gunmen this morning. Oakland Police Arrested a driver who allegedly struck and killed a man who has stopped to help stranded motorists. Officials say that the suspect was taken into custody after his vehicle ran into a 39 year old jose dante on international boulevard and fled on foot friday night. Toronto had stopped to help another motors pushed a car out of the road. The suspect was arrested and suspicion of drunken driving and driving under the influence of drugs and could face another charge. Back after the break on kron4 morning news. Were new to town. Ells. Welcome to monroe. So you can move more effortlessly. We want to open a new account checking and savings. Well we can help with that. We tend to do a lot of banking online. You play . Yeah discover a mobile app that lets you bank more freely. And feel at home more quickly. Chase. So you can. Shhhhh in our day, we didnt have uverse high Speed Internet. Yeah, our babysitter didnt have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. We had to count sheep to fall asleep. And i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. In my head. Never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. Too much . A little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wifienabled devices with uverse high Speed Internet. Rethink possible. 8 40 a. M. Here last night was the annual emmy awards. Julia Louis Dreyfus to call best actress in the Comedy Series b appeared for the third time jim parsons won best actor in a Comedy Series for the Big Bang Theory appeared hour days capturing the top actors oz for the our troubles cia agent in homeland. Yet debt is one in before the best drama series actor for his portrayal of an idealistic tv anchormen in the news room. While modern family won its fourth consecutive trip before the communist years. Breaking bad the brutal saba of an everymans ambition turned even capt. Is first draw in the award. And no initial is complete without the red copper park appeared late of durable girls called as a police this out it appeared caviars burned dont want the blood is about perhaps the buzz cut appeared last finales hiding clone in the gal that oddly resembles an insect here where the bright spots as per usual is Martin Family sophia appeared also audit was Cory Monteith and the glee star who died aged 31 and july of the drug and alcohol overdose. And it touches louis to the late star james gamble finis the sopranos. Well be back after the break. Well site has been helping people to keep in touch across the internet and now they are celebrating their 10th anniversary appeared spite connects people around the world and it pretty much worked on every device appeared today were talking with them about 10 years of connections. Most people know that you can communicate with friends and family bill spite you can leave someone a video message appeared there are people offer fed did fitness class is cooking class a lot of firsttime job interviews a happening or sky appeared overuses sky what we look forward to the next in your year spirit today there are plenty of alternatives such as face time but only asking why appeal time now is 846 and will talk about traffic. Line as we continue to monitor the extremely slow going all around the bay area, but in particular the san mateo bridge where we are still jammed up across the span with 18 to 22 minute drive time which is twice the normal commute time. Problems also continue in the north the bay with a northbound lanes of highway 101 shutdown in novado at san marin drat drive as an investigation is on the way. South now ride on how we won a one is also backed up due to gawkers looking at the slowdown in the north the bay lanes appeared as we continue to see extremely slow driving all around the bay area highways 680 is heavy although the way into danville. I weigh 88580 are both heavy through downtown oakland and to pay would to the corridor. Highway 85 has happened to manage to break free of the slow traffic appeared highly to 80 is still heavy out towards cupertino. A quick look at the bay bridge would ride you can see we are still backed up through the macarthur made. It is also 18 to 20 minute drive time. The Golden Gate Bridge however is still trouble free. Right now it is very sunny out over the Golden Gate Bridge. We also set up clear skies just about everywhere appeared best and live look outside and our mount tam cam as it overlooks the San Francisco area appeared before right now and haight what appeared in his upper 50s in antioch you might want to grab a jacket paired this afternoon it will feel a little bit like summer although it is the first day of fall appeared upper seventies in the east may show shorelines appeared and sentences the was the a high of 71 degrees. Tonight Clear Conditions will stick around with temperatures back in the 60s for the most part. Allied the extended for castros that temperatures will drop tuesday into wednesday. Low pressure will cool the temperature is down with a windy conditions in the bay area appeared by thursday temperatures will start to rebound and on saturday and sunday we will see temperatures in the mid 80s. It is 8 50 a. M. This morning and oracle is now being sued by a set of cisco strip cup here and employ a rapid build more than 33,000 and put on the Company Credit card and oracle is refusing to pay the bill appeared jose man well Gomez Sanchez use his oracle issued American Sports car for the charges spanning over two different nights this happen at the new century theatre de la last years oracle open world fast. Oracle declined to comment on the suit. Arco is still in a spirit or continue as be new zealand in the fourth and 52 races of americas cup finals. Like extending the yachting competition to one of the day perry continues its long continues to lead the series needing just one major victory to take the americas cup from team usa peer todays races are scheduled for a 115 and 2 15 p. M. Thousands of their devils turned out across the country to build their all flying machines that compete in the First National red bull black tag competition appeared this event was held over the weekend in five cities across the u. S. Appeared judges were looking for distance created a course showmanship year this just been were seeing the child has been hit and you can see and 11 year old was struck and killed by and as youll be in front of excelsior and middle school. Will have more information on the story as it becomes available. The time now is 8 52 a. M. And a daughter will did their by bill allot a pollard will always remember her First White House visit here this because it is something most would not take up. Her dad says when the president came out of the room to meet them a lot arrested for him and jumped into his arms given president obama in a hug and kiss. A lot of then ask the president to write her excused from letter for her school appeared line before giving her the note the commander in chief gave her some of my spirit the door of a soldier wounded in afghanistan is now an internet sensation. Lets take a look outside right now at the Golden Gate Bridge to concede clear skies and plenty of sunshine. Will have to forecast when we come back from the break. Its great having at t uverse high Speed Internet. Walter likes to download fixit videos. And watch boardwalk empire. It helps sam with his math. [ beeping ]. And online gaming. And suze loves her smartphone for social studies. Like videochatting with sara. Hi, ms. Kelly. Hi, sara. [ male announcer ] call at t now to get the Fastest Internet for the price just 14. 95 a month for 12 months with a oneyear price guarantee. On our newly expanded advanced digital network, you get more connectivity, more reliability and more Speed Options. And with at t uverse high Speed Internet, you can choose the speed you need. Getting connected is no problem with our wireless gateway. We have our very own private wifi hot spot right here. We do. So we can all be connected at the same time. And even save on our tablet and smartphone data usage. Plus its fast. And reliable. And affordable. Its totally affordable. Thats what i said. I know. Yep. [ male announcer ] connect all your devices and even save on your tablet and smartphone data usage at home. So call now to get uverse high Speed Internet, just 14. 95 a month for 12 months with a oneyear price guarantee. And for no extra charge, i get access to over 30,000 wifi hot spots. So i can stay connected when im out. Running errands. Shes a regular. [ male announcer ] at t customers say uverse high Speed Internet is more reliable than cable. So call at t now to get uverse high Speed Internet, just 14. 95 a month for 12 months with a oneyear price guarantee. Now i can do the things i want to do, like email my motherinlaw. Or check celebrity gossip. [ male announcer ] with our newly expanded advanced digital network. Thank you, daddy. Thanks, dad. [ male announcer ]. You get more connectivity, reliability, and Speed Options. Youre welcome. [ male announcer ]. To bring it all together. Movies did or the weekend the hill jackman kidnapping drama prisoners, open with a box office leaving 21. 4 million a good start to hollywoods fall season pierre is a look at the top three last weekend top films in city is a chapter to slip into second place at earning an estimated four to 14. 5 million. Like the family comes and a number of three earning 7 million appeared another funny man is officially off the market appeared three weeks after his former saturnine live co star said myers tied the knot and december has tied the knot himself stamberg mayors singersongwriter girlfriend on a news appeared the two have been dating for five years and confirm their engage to back in february. They win saturday at the post ranch in big sur. Will have more we come back on kron 4 news morning edition. Good morning is 9 00 news stories happening this morning at the 9 00 a. M. News. Topps stars will fall on monday sent a 23rd a very active seen in king of this morning as black smoke rises from inside the mall that was the scene of the deadly terrorist attack appeared pipeline in san bruno breaking back memories of the deadly blast three years ago appeared we are still looking at a number of big delays in the north bay appeared north bound how well one is still slow moving here in a Police Investigation and activity is still under way and jamming up the southbound route as well appeared the san mateo bridge has been a hot spot for an hour now and is still heavy, but not quite stop and go in the westbound direction. The bay bridge toll plaza has been backed up into the macarthur maze but things are starting to break up to a bit but it is still a slow ride appeared no complaints this monday morning we are waking up to clear skies and temperatures in the it is right now appeared today is one to be a warm day with a mid 80s inland pier and the upper 60s along the coast appeared cool weather is also expected for the next couple of days. A lot will have the 7 day forecast, up a few minutes there heres a new video over not shun the chaos as shots were fired in kenyas West Gate Mall in nairobi appeared it is believed all cain the tears are Still Holding an unknown number of people hostage. Most of the other hostages had been rescued before sundown. The militants killed at least 60 people and injured 175 others. And heres what it looks like inside the mall when gunshots were fired. Shoppers were hiding inside some of the stores. This is what to start on saturday when up to 15 dumbest on the mall filled with people appeared yearold berkeley graduate was among those wounded in kenya Shopping Mall attack erik a. Lang gang was injured and is expected to make a full recovery appeared these pictures are from that courtordered camp days family believes she suffered injuries to her chest arm and led a lot of the best of merging injuries remain unclear appeared on the peninsula residents on edge as one after a pipeline break in san bruno appeared as happy as a bay near san bruno ave appeared kron4 is Terisa Estacio is live at the same with an update. The smell has gone down which is a good thing but unfortunately we do not know why this happened. Crows are here in the middle of san mateo avenue working on one of the lies that pg and each had to sever and tie off last night appeared you could see this a large machine or to the left on the need the caltran ramp is what caused the problem last night appeared that a large machine was over here by the large burial while digging into the line putting in some new pathways underneath the house trained and it was digging and uncovered a line that was clearly marked but for some reason excavator hit the line which cause a domino effect. Allied they say that the area is now safe and all of the gas has been capped. Caltran service was interrupted for a while but everything is back to normal. Allied however there is a big investigation as to why this happened here as you know this is the third anniversary of the biggest boost disposal were three people were killed. Allied now on to the 49ers they are also making headlines this morning. Niners c e zero j york said linebacker aldon smith will seek treatment presumably for Substance Abuse problem and would not be with the team when it is the rams on thursday night in st. Louis. There is no date for smiths return appeared smith was arrested for suspicion on d. U. I. After his pickup slammed into a tree and a residential neighborhood in san jose last week here he made a statement about his behavior appeared this is the latest off the field is an enforcement tool has also arrested for dui in january 2012 and stabbed in a party at his house 50 months ago appeared we want to know what to think about all the smith suspicion should be suspension said be appeared sound off on facebook and twitter fees. You also get the very latest on our kron4 mobile app appeared the oakland as are the American League west champions again appeared the oakland as 16th American League west title and 26th postseason appearance when texas lost 40 at kansas city on sunday appeared opel was play the Minnesota Twins appeared with the twins batted in the third word started to circulate around Oakland Coliseum of justin maxwells to out grand slam that beat rangers in the 10th inning to sell the Division Title for the oakland as. This is the fourth time in oakland history that the oakland as have won back toback Division Titles appeared the countdown is on to a possible government shut down will tell you what the congress is doing to prevent it will become back from the brake on kron4 morning news. Well the time now is 9098 yen 9 09 a. M. When we are now one week from a potential government shut down and the decide is given in perry republicans are still split within their party some members insisting on the finding obama care as part of any deal appeared jim costal reports on what a shutdown could mean. Taxes and strategies are be based on what the real world is and we do not have the political power to do this appeared this is not about a means for statesmanship if the government shuts down some things will stay there paychecks to show soldiers would be delayed in some parts would be shut down appeared as to the president say he will beef up obama care all we appeared he would keep up the pressure on shutdown supporters cheered were not want to allow anyone to flee pain on millions of people States Fresno bomb appeared come upon kron4 news why have our financial expert rob black to talk about what is happening on wall street appeared right now there is sense as outside. There is 61 degrees in livermore will be back after the break on kron4 morning news. Welcome back the time is 9 50 a. M. An update on the fire burning near Yosemite National park. Full containment is expected on october 1st. Right now it is 84 percent contained. A lot of fires burned over 287,000 a. And destroyed more than 100 buildings appeared including the berkeley family cannot appear acosta fight the fire has topped 122 million. A mass is wildfire burning areas in his neck apart since last month is 84 percent contained for contained now predicted to occur in iran fire would start our 17 and jawbone rich in this national fires before spreading into senate has consumed 257,001 and 26 a. As of sunday official says contain the was initially predicted to occur by september 20th but that date has since been pushed back the fire had destroyed structures including lennar homes and 98 out buildings as well as the berkeley to lome family cap and cost and injuries, officials said it also damage San Francisco public utility. Commission hydro electric electric power house and power transformer allies. Saturdays rains and high humidity in the area may limit the fire spread, also cause erosion and rock and debris falling in the burned areas, fars official said. The far has cost 122 million to fight so far officials said. Snow this morning endeavor, rotter appeared anywhere from the for institute also fail in the areas best in the higher elevations. Colorado of course theyre recovering today from the debt and flooding that killed seven people this state highway crews and National Guard troops were fiercely over the weekend to repair highways to mountain towns that were cut off by the flooding. Now here is a look at traffic. The bay bridge ride was the bal looks al little bit better right in the heart of the toll plaza but the back of are still there appeared they are still behind schedule with an 18 minute drive task as that of the usual 11 minutes drive time. Completely clear of fog is the Golden Gate Bridge pier a bright spot indeed we are waking up to clear skies and you can tell over at the Golden Gate Bridge pier temperatures are slowly on the rise and most of us have made its way into the 60s right now appear the sexes will be contained to the coast line. The most places will cease 70s. It is will be in the north bay and the delta today appeared it would feel a little bit more like some of them fall today appeared to a persons will be will be back down in the 60s later this evening appeared temperatures today 83 in santa clara appeared the upper 80s and walnut creek pier in downtown San Francisco high of 71 degrees pierre and low 80s north of the Golden Gate Bridge pier Cool Conditions will start tuesday into wednesday and warm up as we get closer to the weekend appeared the 7 day around the four castro son is as for the next few days appeared police remain on the scene of a fatal bike accident that happened earlier this morning in eastern Contra Costa County. Johnny was on the phone is john francis with the chp were an 11 year old was struck and killed. It is an unfortunate set of circumstances a mother was driving and as you be and just drop off her children at a middle school and she was pulling out of the driveway at felt she had struck some sort of object that was dragging and pulled to the right and thats when she realized she had struck one of the other xl sure all middle School Children that was a partner 12 years of age here do we know it is a bore of a girl . It is a boy appeared how did this happen . Everything is still pending investigation it looks like she was traveling and the mother was pulling out of the driveway from exiles your middle school on to the highway appeared was the boy wearing a helmet . Yes he was feared is that road close off right now and how is the school handle it . The school is completely devastated. The roadway is still shut down until we finish the investigation. Do you know for how long any idea . Here right now we are not making that determination care thank you john francis would chp on the same in eastern Contra Costa County where they are investigating and of a 12 year old boy at excelsior middle school. Now for todays winners and losers on wall street with financial expert rob black joining us. Apple released the iphone 5 last friday and we got three days in to sell and we are way better than expected to apple had to contact the fcc and tell them that we are one to have a great quarter appeared everyone expected a flop of a phone but it turned are very well appeared it is nicely that now were into the fifth or sixth generation of iphone and they sewed and expected a 9 million in three days. Apple has there mojo back perry the other out those items on your winners lose this is picturesqu intereste contras the other thing you want to talk about is in net flex their net flexes starting to change the model about how people View Television appeared net flicks is a poor mans hbo which is 7. 99 per month appeared the loser on list is a microsoft unveiling their surface to tablets appeared on no use it or give away those nine have that feeling here microsoft is losing money on these tablets. The ipad continues to steal the show. Up to rob black thank you so much. We will take a quick break and be back with more news on kron4 appeared its great having at t uverse high Speed Internet. Walter likes to download fixit videos. And watch boardwalk empire. It helps sam with his math. [ beeping ]. And online gaming. And suze loves her smartphone for social studies. Like videochatting with sara. Hi, ms. Kelly. Hi, sara. [ male announcer ] call at t now to get the Fastest Internet for the price just 14. 95 a month for 12 months with a oneyear price guarantee. On our newly expanded advanced digital network, you get more connectivity, more reliability and more Speed Options. And with at t uverse high Speed Internet, you can choose the speed you need. Getting connected is no problem with our wireless gateway. We have our very own private wifi hot spot right here. We do. So we can all be connected at the same time. And even save on our tablet and smartphone data usage. Plus its fast. And reliable. And affordable. Its totally affordable. Thats what i said. I know. Yep. [ male announcer ] connect all your devices and even save on your tablet and smartphone data usage at home. So call now to get uverse high Speed Internet, just 14. 95 a month for 12 months with a oneyear price guarantee. And for no extra charge, i get access to over 30,000 wifi hot spots. So i can stay connected when im out. Running errands. Shes a regular. [ male announcer ] at t customers say uverse high Speed Internet is more reliable than cable. So call at t now to get uverse high Speed Internet, just 14. 95 a month for 12 months with a oneyear price guarantee. Now i can do the things i want to do, like email my motherinlaw. Or check celebrity gossip. [ male announcer ] with our newly expanded advanced digital network. Thank you, daddy. Thanks, dad. [ male announcer ]. You get more connectivity, reliability, and Speed Options. Youre welcome. [ male announcer ]. To bring it all together. Aside says his government will allow International Experts to access his chemical weapons sites. Allied he wants to know the rebels might block them from reaching some of the locations. He says damascus is dedicated to surrounding surrender its chemical weapons to international control. And that the Syrian Government has already handed over a list of chemical weapons to an International Agency appeared time now is 9 28 a. M. Will have more news we come back stay with us. Break the news at 930 people are on the same pier police on the scene where a 12 year old boy was hit in front at a bad access to your middle school by an s u v perry both directions of the byron highway remained closed during this investigation. George is still following the hot spots in traffic appeared lanes are still shut down on northbound highway 101 appeared from the south end of the Sonoma County commute to petaluma, all the way down past the county lines are jammed up here is the no. Now lanes there are shut down and all of the traffic is being detoured appeared there is persistently slow traffic on the san mateo bridge and the back of this not want to go away appeared the slow traffic is now the new normal from about 8 00 a. M. To 9 00 but here at 930 it is usually slower than ever appeared allied is still jammed up on highway 101 of the 92 appeared plenty of sunshine to go around this morning. Very warm conditions of this first full day of fall appeared july we do have some big changes in the extended forecast as i will break them down in just a couple of minutes. Our developing story this morning in kenya said there are few hostages left. The attacks so far has left at least 62 people dead which is the latest number and some 175 people injured appeared secured forces seem to be taking control. As gunshots echoed through the mall customers try to stay low looking for any think they can use for cover. We heard machine guns and we started to run states one shopper appeared the gunfire continued throughout the day on sunday. By monday morning the Kenyan Military Security Forces had taken control of most parts of the building but many people were still being held hostage appeared set secretary of state john kerry says the obama ministration has been in touch with kenyan officials. Militants linked to al qaeda based in somalia have claimed responsibility for the attack. About a year ago kenyan Authorities Say they disrupted at another major attack in the final stages of planning the target was publics places in nairobi put. Bart management and its two largest unions will resume talks today. Why talks broke down last week when bart management negotiators walked out. However the Transit Agency says it is already teaching managers how to operate bart trains in case talks continued to stall appeared they are learning or in some cases relearning the ins and outs of how to operate a bart train. If there is another strike manager will have to get the approval of the bart board of directors in order to let the film operators add to run the train appeared bart unions says again today they are still opposed to the Training Plan appeared police of investing a Fatal Shooting in east oakland officials responded last night in the 96 block of the st. Pierre of their writeoffs of about a male suffering from a gunshot wound appeared he died at the same spirit Police Still Searching for a gunman this morning. Coming up on the kron4 morning news payne at the gas pump, but a less painful will have more on that next. The time right now is 936 and will have more on weather and traffic when we come back from the break. New this morning a company is offering 60,000 to an haik i actor who can lift a fingerprint from the iphone. Near this one a company is offering 16,000 to a hike or that can lift a finger print from the new iphone appeared watching gas prices this morning the average price of regular gas in the u. S. Has dropped 6¢ during the past two weeks. The National Average city at 3. 42 for every gallon gas. The state ever sitting at its entire than 3. 99 pair heres a look pitcher bay area averages appeared in 7 cisco 4. 70 thats down 2¢ from a week ago appeared a wall of oakland maxim the state average and three dogs and a 9¢ per gallon and in san jose 4 even for a gallon of gas police of the four men was all to a 60 year old woman appeared the assault occurred at Sonoma Valley regional partner glenn allen appeared the court say the womans dog got into a fight with another mans dog. Thats when the man got angry and rapid dog leash around the womans neck. She fought him off an attempted to take his pitch with the cell phone. Then the man grabbed the ball and threw it in a nearby lake before taking we will have more we come back on kron 4 news morning. [ male announcer ] with at t, youre sure to get a better bundle. Just choose the two, three, even four services you want to build a bundle that works for you. [ female announcer ] call at t now. Choose a uverse tripleplay bundle for just 79 a month. Get the same great price for two years. Plus switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] with uverse high Speed Internet, connect all your wifienabled devices to your wireless gateway and save on smartphone and tablet data usage at home. And now, choose from internet speeds up to 45 megs our fastest speed ever. With uverse tv, you can record up to four shows at once with a total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ female announcer ] so call now to choose a uverse tripleplay bundle for just 79 a month. Get the same great price for two years. Plus switch and get a total home dvr included for life. Why wait . Call today. [ male announcer ] choose at t and build your bundle. Its whatever works for you. Shhhhh in our day, we didnt have uverse high Speed Internet. Yeah, our babysitter didnt have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. We had to count sheep to fall asleep. And i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. In my head. Never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. Too much . A little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wifienabled devices with uverse high Speed Internet. Rethink possible. Have a hot spots. Time now is 9 45 a. M. And we will have hotspots on the traffic. The chp between now and 7 00 will be able to release some traffic on the san mateo bridge. Southbound traffic is still back up to san antonio road. Take a look around the bay as some of the hot spots appeared the 680 commute has finally cleared out appeared interstate 80 west is still heavy peer the 580 from dublin to Castro Valley is much better now appeared highway 85 commute is the slowest from the guadalupe parkway to the valley. It has been an exceptionally rough ride appeared the north ground is jam from 92 headed up to san bruno appeared the south now commute from 37 is a lighter than usual appeared the bay bridge westbound is still backed up has been a slow ride through the Macarthur Mays appeared the commute time is at least 80 minutes for people headed to the bridge pier the Golden Gate Bridge still has a light and easy ride. Now here is the last check the weather. Everyone who did not like saturday with the rain and cooler temperatures you will death and the like was in store today appeared plenty of sunshine and temperatures are on the climb appeared 61 currently in hay will appear in its 64 curley and novado appeared today it is one to be sunny and warmer and feel a lot more like summertime than fall. Many eighties and pleasanton and livermore today appeared 82 in redwood city. Later on tonight was a Clear Conditions with temperatures for the most part in the 60s. Big changes in the next couple of days with the 7 day around the bay shows the temperatures were dropped 10 degrees difference as we head into tuesday and wednesday. Cool air will come to the bay area and last until wednesday with gusty winds especially in the hills appeared 948 right now and the governor of illinois is considering bringing in the National Guard following last week weeks mass shooting at a park in chicago. But this weekend a Surprising New sign of hope. Heres cnn ted rawlins. All but saturday there was this example of hope. While rival gangs together plan basketball appear it brings everybody together like we work as a team to accomplish our goals and will on and leave all the shooting and gang banging for the streets in peer call the piece tournament the gang basketball games included nba star derrick Rose Ann Hall of Famer Isiah Thomas both chicago natives all pushing for peace appeared this event is run by father Michael Fletcher who spent the past 30 years tried to stop gang violence. I want to just balances that there was this horrible thing of violence on thursday this wonderful thing apiece on saturday in peer how to find that balance is the problem illinois governor is a just and bring it in the National Guard appeared at some point they are going to have to leave and then what . Were still left with the same issues. Mayor ron emmanuel who was booed by some people at the basketball game is our strategy hasnt been able to solve the problem. We will not allow children in the city of chicago to have their youthfulness their optimism there hope taken from them in peer the numbers of chicago, as our action down compared to last year by 21 percent. But no one will argue that what a thrill shot in a park with an Assault Rifle bears a major problem here that need to be sought. Im ted rolands cnn chicago appeared oracle is been sold by a sentence is the strip club appeared an employee ran up to be awarded 33,000 and put it on a Company Credit card and at oracle is refusing to pay the bill appeared jose man will go mayor sanchez is used his oracle issued American Express card for the charter spanning over the two different nights. This happened at the news centuries. Pilasters oracle world festival appeared on oracle declined to comment on this the lawsuit appeared back in a moment after the break on kron4 morning news. [ maragno ] if the car was invented today, it would run on the most Affordable Energy source available. It would charge overnight. Every morning, youd wake up with a full tank, ready to go. If the car was invented today, it would be the 100 electric nissan leaf. With over 200 million gasfree miles driven and automatic hov lane access, the question isnt why electric . Its why gas . [ male announcer ] the 100 electric nissan leaf. Nissan. Innovation that excites. Now get a 2013 nissan leaf for 199 a month. Tv and film at the 65th primetime emmy awards. Neil Patrick Harris kicked off the 65th prime time emmy awards appeared there was some dance and celebration. Julia Louis Dreyfus to come best actress in a Comedy Series for be prepared for the turn third time jim parsons won best actor in a Comedy Series for the Big Bang Theory appeared clara gains capturing the top actors arent as for trouble cia agent in homeland appeared jack daniels 1 in may for best drama series actas actor for his portrayal of an idealistic tv anchorman in the new throne appeared on modern family won its fourth consecutive trophy for the top Comedy Series. Breaking bad the blues song of every mans ambition turned evil capt. Is first best drama emmy award. And no initial is complete without the red carpet. Today is one to feel summerlike as temperatures get up into the low 80s. Nothing but sunshine over the next seven days. But temperatures to cool during midweek and warm back up into the mid 80s as we get close to the weekend. Police remained on the scene and byron after a 12 year old boy is killed while riding his bicycle to school. Here is our helicopter report says that the boy was hit by the driver of a eight s u b appeared both directions of byron ave are closed. Will have more about this story on kron 4 news evening news appeared will see then thank you for tuning in to kron4 morning news. Today. I believe my daughter. The bitter battle over modern family star, ariel winter. Its all about her money. A dr. Phil exclusive. Did you spend a lot of money on yourself . Did you abuse your daughter at anyway, any time. Ariels mother speaks out. The judge let her go with her sister. Did your older daughter make similar claims. And. One of ariels childhood friends is here. Well find out whos side shes on. Watch a couple on the brink of divorce. Youre telling america you have not lied for 8 years . Only eight months. Will they stop arguing . If i tried to be honest with you, youd explode. Long enough to save their marriage. Let me ask a h

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