>>darya: good morning, most of the bay is dry. >>james: will most of it is dry but we are starting to see what does come in. -- westness. the east bay is one to see the worst. it is where they're getting rain. moderate rain in walnut creek for quite some time now. ultimately this will move towards the delta. there is nothing but light, a moderate downpours for the better part it the last hour and a half. it will continue to look like this as the wet weather it tracks to the east right in the direction of the delta this morning. in this at this -- south bay is a dry commute. the showers will intensify by 9:00 p.m. tonight, the next room is expected to enter at this time. grain to the north. 2:00 a.m. saturday will show light rain and 6:00 a.m., heavy rain. right when uri join your breakfast. this is not the only storm system for the weekend, at 3:00 p.m. sunday it and other system is planned to roll in. much weaker. a lot later, the showers are not as widespread. 8:00 p.m. it will be centered over the date and by 9:00 p.m. it is gone. not a lot to worry about this one. no. 8 will be the only one to see a lot of a limited the second store. here is your afternoon high for debate. -- the day. the storm is of rest right now, not to comment until next week. seven day at around the bay. monday, tuesday week tryout from the storm and wednesday and thursday temperatures getting up to 70 degrees. hang in there, springlike weather is on the horizon. good morning george. if it >>george: good morning james. our hot spot that i to meet and the drive up from daly city, they have cleared the lanes of the multi vehicle accident that blocked two lanes near ocean avenue. even though the crash is editor of the way is still backing up traffic 2 19th ave. an improvement expected shortly. the flooding is not as bad in the center lanes. it is still there. they turned to me during lights off. they were activated at 625 and traffic is so light that they have been turned off. right now i need it traffic both to and across the span. san francisco and a look at the downtown freeway. pretty good. light traffic on the inbounds central. no back up toward the purchase the james lick or this guy. updating public transit for it, no delays reported for caltrans or forepart but east trade has been cancelled. a few noted yesterday you know that there was the best to get their passengers back home. the problem is light and debris on the tracks. they will work today and through the weekend to get it cleared. >>darya: serious flooding in the village. they were overwhelmed by rain and a surge of water. there, water rushing down a hill into the village causing damage to homes and businesses. >> kron4 news craig is life. -- live. what is going on? >> reporter: this is where the rain came from. the crews have been here since 9:00 a.m..pm. it is not a pretty sight. very buckey and unpleasant. they seem to have gotten a handle on it since start. i came here an hour and a half ago and it was a real mess. they're using heavy equipment like tractors and shovels and a half minutes to do something about it. there's nothing in building sewage or anything like that. but it is bad enough. this is exactly what they are dealing with, a mixture of mud and water and a close several blocks. seem to have come to a stop at a major intersection. is a bad message.. >> thank-you for the update. power outage at date. i for one in san francisco, lights are on. no. they, toward 55 people without power, the peninsula has a 565 people without power at east bay has 80 people with out. it should be restored between 9:00 a.m. and noon. >>darya: folks near the san lorenzo river are back home now. here is when you look at the shot yesterday. water spilled over into yards and sirens warned the households to and immediately get out. after it the national weather service issued a flash flood warning. just 4 mi. away from that, ably chaired by a slide in the it said the crews mountains. a large tree came down with this side and is blocking conference drive. that is the main right to the conference center. and tilt of the road opens an alternate route is available. 707 day and we will be right back. approach to the bay bridge in this shot. very light trade. >>darya: is 711 them and they live look at storm tracker for in this sphere. a lot of snow up there. good news for those who want to go skiing for snowboarding. i like to go to bid, less physically demanding. (laughter) >> can you give me add to the lesson? >>darya: sit and scream. you'd want to break a wrist. if you are a date sporting type yosemite national park is open now. after the close down for three days the park still has no electricity. the three main roads have been cleared of snow and fallen trees. meanwhile utility crews are replacing it transmission pull that was knocked down by a rock slide. emergency generators. as one part reopens a another one closes. alum rock park is closed. the park was closed to the public at 4:00 p.m. yesterday because of hazardous conditions. officials are going to a says the conditions and then they will decide whether to reopen the park or keep it close by 9:00 a.m.. >> the u.s. economy has been growing faster than expected. 3.1% in the last three months it was boosted by more inventory building still, rising oil prices will see a growth this year. let us see how wall street is doing. the dow is up 26 points. stocks are doing a little bit better. >>darya: 7:12 a.m. and the weather is better to. it is not pouring in most of the bay area. here is a live shot. clouds over san francisco. >>darya: troubled life looks around the bay. you can see it that there is a lot of snow covering it roadways. chance, they got a foot yesterday. more today. fresh pattern for a and on the left it looks like the it james lick is trying to try it out. here is a shot from the nest happening. >>james: better chance at around the new area. that does break down what people see through the bay. temperatures will remain cool and scattered showers will be with us mainly in the morning. they will rebuild and by tonight it will intensify as we head into tomorrow will break down freight and just a little bit. here's where we're seeing the ring. pops here along the peninsula. now that it is there. we're seeing showers in berkeley, and stretches into the hills where we have liked lands north of the highlight 24 divided. we are also seeing some showers into the creek. walnut creek into dental and the stretch of the 680 is under light rain right now. heavier towards clinton. rainfall is racing up to six tenths of. weapon following all morning long this rain as it moves its weight right towards the adults at, and that, at it has been it right under the way with a foggy start. the showers will continue to make their way clearing out before you really need to get out of the door. ok, here is what peter seeing towards freeway. not a lot going on but is affecting your ride. san jose is still fairly clear with light showers reported to of your campbell. taking out water view. storm system working its way past this year giving as a back end of it, ", unstable air. dumping quite a bit of snow. and enough that there is a winter storm warning. closure's and we have a lot of wind causing a disability issues. the tahoe camera earlier shows the forecast two-5 in. of snowfall expected today. we are seeing this note down to the 2,000 ft. mark. we will break down the timing of the reins tomorrow and you are seven day forecast coming up in our next update. >>george: i will detail the closure's in this year in just a moment. first, our hot spot. it is continuing to improve. lane's cleared of an accident. and multicar crash that managed to block a couple of lines. we are starting to see that back up leading to the scene of the crash. a second to none injury accident was reported in the same vicinity for the last 10 minutes. it is the slowest ride it this morning. get into the bay bridge there is no backup or delete. that looks pretty good. to the san mateo bridge it is a good read as well. you can see the west bound commute on the left- hand side of the screen. chp when the advisory that was lifted. your ride to the san are meant belly on the interstate 680. take a look. the headlights are northbound. what you do not see is telling us in this set bound direction. it is pretty light, light enough that as i mentioned the bay bridge the meter and lights that were edited have been turned off. chain requirements on place. >>darya: up more trouble on highway one. marlene kelley tells us what is happening. >> reporter: caltrans has signs to warn drivers that a big chunk of the league is falling away. it is located near stinson beach. only one lane is open. this crack is formed because of recent heavy rains that we have been having. their record to take soil samples to determine how to design a permanent fix. >> in san papillote the latest storm has caused a threat of a landslide. take a look at this as. the couple that live here it lost half of their backyard patio. their next-door neighbor it has similar damage. the ground broke apart and separated. part of the hillside that this meant idea was built on gave way. does not look good. she owns the home and your kids not is the damage first. >> they came in saying " can't we do not have the back yard anymore " i saw a huge hole. our neighbors already had a mudslide in their property. there is no stopping it. >> they're trying to assess the damage and they hope the city will pay for it. >>darya: in fairfax at tree fell on an s u b. people were trapped in their homes. the trade was cleared and they were able to access the road again to get to and from their home. and other tree crashed. bake a pint street are around 4:00 a.m. how about that for a wake-up call? the homeowners says no damage to the host but it was definitely scary. >> 4:00 a.m. the sound was so loud that i did not know what it was. it was a boom. >> my husband and i, he was actually my boyfriend at the time, we planted it during our courtship. >>darya: well, that is scary. it did treat will need to state where it is it for now. the crews cannot move it. >> that does get you updated now with japan. the latest in japan. japanese safety officials say they suspect the reactor core at unit one of the troubled power plant may have been breached. that raises the possibility of more severe radioactive contamination to the environment. japan's police agencies say the death toll from the earthquake and tsunami that happened two weeks ago today has topped 10,000 people. more than 17,000 people are still listed as missing. >>darya: 7:23 a.m. taking a look at the cemetery of bridge. the debt is of little bit west. visibility is not horrible. a reminder to watch gary rutledge at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow night for baseball of the bay. he will have a player interviews and a look at the spring training. >>darya: will come back, is set in 2017 and in local news there is a huge obstacle, and overturned trailer in the new jersey side of the lincoln tunnel. they tried to move the big rig. the driver was taken to the hospital. >> kick plumes of smoke coming from a well fire in georgia. it is near savannah. at present and the nursing home have been evacuated. some areas have lost power, schools are closed as a result. the fire has spread to at least seven or 8 mi. and the winds are making it extremely difficult for firefighters to get the fire up your control. your seven day forecast shows at more showers on the way. the slowdown for monday and tuesday. sometimes beckett on wednesday and a thirst. james will update us when we come back. >>james: it is hard to get around, especially during the morning commute. we're getting some reindeer half mandate. there some sections that could be getting rain right now. there you see it. right at around redwood city and san francisco. we're getting somewhere in there. still very light. heavy rain along highway 24 out to walnut creek. nothing is as bad as we're seeing right now over clinton. take up. you can see the heavy rain measured at half an inch, it is falling and has been like that for an hour- and-a-half. pactel and of this long stretch of weather is approaching plane and ultimately of to the delta of what they have relate see nothing but heavy rain all morning long. brentwood is getting a separate. antioch is still under the gun. all of this is proving to be used in the north and bill hit the bottom edge before maybe even drawing things up. it does not look like it will be tries to take your kids to school. we will still see have the rate paid to that. heavy rain in union city as well. you can see this all there near fremont. as you make your way towards the eat eat you could be getting sprinkles trade otherwise looking good. were following scattered showers earlier and we may have some just south of downtown san jose along the highway 87. all and all is not that this issue be compared to what we saw yesterday. rain coming our way for tomorrow. this system is struggling towards the bay area. it will be lighter and give us a rate, particularly in the north. our clock is set for 9:00 p.m. when we will see it that for showers. by 3:00 a.m. saturday light showers bay wide but the bulk of this will be in the north bay. this is a north bay storm for the most part. 6:00 a.m. the showers are moderate to-heavy canvas and the entire north bay. if you do not catch a sprinkle counts herself lucky. -- yourself lucky. by 8:00 p.m. on sunday like sprinkles across the bay and it will be gone by 9:00 p.m.. it is set fast-moving sunday it rain system. here is your forecast. 50s and a drying trend on its way, next week. temperatures will get into the '70s. 7:33 a.m. good morning george. >>george: good morning james. good news for at the hot spot that we are tracking on i to 80, it is completely cleared out. it is gone from the roadway and a back up is, from the rebate as well. that does get to to the bridges. bay bridge west bound, traffic is light. during likes turned off. they were activated and then turned off. it is looking like a sunday morning except more people would be heading towards church. west bound ride is problem free. still a little puddling here is the roadway as you can see there is flooding reported in the early morning hours. it has cleared out quite a bit. san mateo bridge it is lighter than usual and we have another camera to show you for the ride toward san francisco. it shows you the and the central, i did not that there is no backup for the two freeways meet. updating public transit, no base train service. shuttle buses were on the return trip yesterday but no shuttle buses today. the degree from mudslides has covered the tracks. there is no a stream service today, the zero shuttle buses. >>darya: serious flooding in santa cruz county. a pipe that flows through a mobile home gave way and the surge of water created a whole under the ground of homes. the water rushed into cahill in that village causing damage. craig is there. they've been working on clearing this up for one hour. >> reporter: a couple of hours. it started at 5:30 a.m.. they have been very busy. and nine member crew and the city is on their own. it will show you pictures from the dark of night and they were really working on a lot of that. it was several inches deep. it came down capitol avenue from up at the mobile home park. it happened yesterday but the crews were busy with build up so cal creek just a few blocks away. a big treat clogged it and they were too busy with that to concentrate on this problem until now. they have a lot of time to make up and trying to get this cleaned up. they should be done by 10 am. the street sweeper coming in will take care of it. the traffic comes in and scoops up bad on its own the work crews scoop up as well. all of the mud is going into a dumpster. nothing fancy. it is raining now and making it messier. >>darya: that is not a fun job. i do not envy these guys. they're doing a great job. it is pouring rain. you have three and adding to what they are trying to scoop up, is a thankless. >> isabel: is not fun. >>darya: sorry guys, you guys are doing a great job. >> the diskette to oakland hills to finish our coverage of the storm. landslides have always been a problem here, our reporter tells us approach the problem spots. >> reporter: in snakeroot the heavy rain is loosening the hillside and causing seems like that! huge domes coming down the hill into the roadway. this is around 6500 block of state road. drivers be where as you come at around the trusted turned there will be huge storms that can do major damage to vehicles. oakland hills have been hit hard recently due to heavy rains with mudslides and rock slides and they say it seems like this are often early indicators of more rock slides to time. on snakeroot i am with kron4 news. >>darya: is 74and 7:37 a.m. will be back. >>darya: 741 m herron as storm track there is any element all indicating heavy rain coming down right now. for the most part we're getting and like sprinkles and even a little bit of a brick until more rolls in. >> we have more storm damage to tell you about, a threat to the landslide. will tran is live. well, we are interstate officials request people evacuate. >>will: know, that is not the case. this city is watching what is going on but they have not been told to evacuate. so far it is ok but they have not been out here today. who knows, it might be mandatory. let me show you what is going on. this is a backyard of a beautiful home located on one man wrote. look at this. according to the homeowner a cut so that it managed to break the retaining wall. before she went to bed the wall is still intact. it looked, it is broken. more of the hill is giving way. she is nervous. she is still inside. will talk to her at 8:00 a.m.. her neighbor house looks worse. this is not public property and so the money needs to come out popocket. she is visiting her elderly mother for her elderly mother's birthday. they do not know how it will, put the money to fix it. she has been here for a place for years. they were prepared for this, you can see how long the hillside obviously has been here. eons. but, it probably did not prepare for it something as bad as we some lost public is pretty it is in shock but at this time. they're scrambling on what to do. how to stabilize appeared worst case scenario, how to divide the money to pay for all of this. coming up we will talk to the homeowner. but i think you're looking for to that. >>darya: of 743 and will be back with more of a couple of minutes. here's a live look at settlement creek, the 68 is looking allow it nasty. she and 47 a and it focuses on the weather. with all of there in that we have. take a look at this and it is within. more bad news working to restore areas. peter is is too wet, too many for any construction to get of your way on a new road and around this light. as a 200 m walking past to get to and from homes. just up the street there is another problem. a tree crashed down on that. relieve much of this, is to strip as you can see. a woman and her dog or inside as it happened. heavy rains and high winds. >> let us get updated now. it is raining outside right now. james fletcher will decide whether and when will daria. good morning james. >>james: there are some showers and the hills near boulder creek. we will be watching very carefully, the showers are expected to dissipate as we head deeper and deeper into the ours. sprinkles near san mateo. we will move down there and just share amount light rain tracking towards the 101. this church is about to get lighter. up in walnut creek we are seeing rain, light- moderate. nothing too serious. it will force you to use your headlights, the usual drawl. we're seeing heavier showers falling per hour. this is the cell that is trekking towards brentwood. it started out of originally near orinda. it slowly made its way and finally, hopefully, we will see ante up in brentwood dry up. it is a what start to the morning. here is the wider view. part of this storm is past is now. we're dealing with cold beer. scattered showers throughout the day. mostly, and the morning hopefully it will taper off. we have another system coming at us for saturday. it is causing problems for this year. we of snow levels down at 2,000 ft.. you can see it as rain and snow. chain requirements it expected for certain segments. >>george: the 80 is shut down. what a difference of the day makes. no backups, no delays. we're not tracking and hot spots. the bridge check shows that act of meter and light. they have gone on for maybe an hour. we promised last year that update. the is shut down and it may not reopen until noon today. fears of an avalanche are reasons why the atlantic shore road has been shut down. japan requirements, there are portions of the '88 and for that are closed and portions that are open requiring huge use chains when driving on them. >> thank-you george. more cutbacks in state spending as the budget battle continues. jerry brown signed more bills to help boost the deficit. he wanted to let the people vote on whether to extend existing taxes or make deeper cuts for education and safety. time now for a check of the local gas prices. the average price for regular, $4.50. oakland, $3.99. sandra's 8 the average price is $4. >>darya: they always try and make it sound cheap. i did not offered. as for dollars. there loner the pg and beat fine. three requirements between that. initially approved the plan to find and $300 million a day after day it failed to hand over safety records. customers might soon be will to opt out of smart meters that pg&e is using. they say the meters are meant to help raise energies but critics say that date and it harmful levels of radiation which pg&e has denied. >> coming up, will see how hollywood is remembering the elizabeth taylor. they're working on a pipe a live update on what is happening up there. baseball fans do not forget that this saturday there is a baseball but debate special. it is something you will not to miss. you'll see a couple of minutes. >>darya: 7:56 a.m. taking a look at storm tracker 4. we can see who is getting hit the hardest by the storm this morning. look at antioch. brentwood. really getting hammered, why would likely in there is a dark green which is heavy enough. a steady downpour. we're getting a break for the most part. more rain to come. legendary actress elizabeth taylor was laid to rest during this small ceremony in the late yesterday. her family held a private service at this cemetery, famous for the final resting place of hollywood celebrities. michael jackson was laid to rest here too. it started late. does the weight she wanted it appeared she wanted to be laid to her own funeral. she is buried in a $11,000 tax casket. >> paid to breakers are giving those and second chance to register. it's sold it two months before the event of registration is that but open to accommodate more people. i guess that is great news for most folks. to, you to register a vote to www.kron4.com for the link to register we're putting it on our home page. do not forget we are york station for the race. e driveway, and where the kids play can be a little intimidating... until now. with scotts ez seed. it's scotts best grass seed, starter fertilizer and a growing material that absorbs water and expands to surround and protect the seeds, you'll get a thick, green scotts lawn even if you've never been successful with other seed before. the revolutionary scotts ez seed. grow grass anywhere. >> reporter: but friday morning, at 1 tonight shot from van ness avenue in san francisco, we can see blue skies. but it is raining in some of the bay area. >> mark: the funny thing about this storm as we look at storm tracker for a lot of people are waking up thinking why it is this storm. >> james: folks in the delta has not seen any sign, it has been nonstop rain. we just had a new cell pop pop up near emeryville. we wanted to give you a closer look at that. it is down to one- third of an inch per hour right now. it eventually will track towards martinez. it is dry, not always been that way this morning. pleasant hill seeing some rain, concord still dealing with that cell. things will dry a out momentarily as we get a brief break between that and next door.storm. the back edge e system should clear antioch in about five minutes. the bad news as the system is tracking your way in about 15 minutes. you will have a 10 minute break before comes again. then it will hopefully, things down a bit. further south out near pleasanton and dublin we have rain. also 80 down by san mateo bridge. we have scattered showers and nothing to major right now. that storm system 13 yesterday we have the backside of it. we have on stable cold air. we might get a break during the afternoon, by late tonight we get ready for the system coming in makes its way to us this evening, then makes itself felt tomorrow. tomorrow by 3:00 a.m. light scattered showers. it will be mostly and north bay system. in moves off fairly quickly by 1:00 p.m. it is gone. by sunday night light green in the north bay by about 8:00 p.m. it ships to the center of the day but it doesn't hang around too long it is gone by about 9:00 p.m. it will be a light sprinkle, mainly in the north bay. our highs today will be in the upper 50s, to be in oakland, looking for mid-50s in the south bay, also the north bay 55% rosa. 56 in concord. once we get through the rain this week a few scattered showers in the wake of it monday, tuesday. wednesday, thursday looking fantastic. we dry it out thankfully. a lot of ground is saturated we need a good dry spell. >> george: no hot spots and better traffic at the bridges. the metering lights were activated at 6:15 a.m. aboard been turned off. hardly any traffic westbound towards the upper deck. the flooding was reported earlier has cleared up. san mateo bridge much lighter than usual and a dryer deck now for the west bound ride. also eastbound traffic looks good but a little heavier than usual in the counter flow direction in san francisco light most of the morning, it is still here at the end out central. no reports of flooding at the octavia a street on ramp. we still have the closure place in the sierra on 80, it is close to both directions and it is not expected to reopen until noon today. >> reporter: team coverage continues in san pablo where the latest storm causes the threat of a landslide. will tran is there to tell us about it. >> will: we will talk to a homeowner and a few moments. but michaux the of yours just how bad it is. we are on wyman road. the homeowner said it got worse because last night before she went to bed she noticed there was more of the hillside, the retaining wall was intact when she went to bed. i astor but the retaining wall, as far she can remember was unbroken. the hillside continues to give out even though it has stopped raining. as bad as she has that look at next door. part of the land under the pylons have given away. the neighbors have been getting together and wondering what to do now. before bring in the home owner let me show you this. the land is so saturated, it feels like i am stepping on sponge. it is a bad situation, we are supposed to get a heavy rainfall again tomorrow. homeowners have a lot to think about. she is from atlanta and she did live here to take care of her elderly mother. >> this is mind boggling. we have been here 40 years, we have never had this kind of issue. were scratching their heads trying to figure what's next. try and hopefully saber home. >> will: you're saying a couple of days ago it got progressively worse. >> i was able to walk behind where you see right now on tuesday. as of wednesday, i guess it gave away. >> will: the money, this is private home. that is a huge issue and i know that's on your mind. >> we would think we would get assistance from the city, it is our private home we've been here 40 years. their house to be some sort of assistance that the city can provide a spirit myself and neighbors believe the hell has been compromised not just our home, but this bane span. >> will: she has to make phone calls on how to stabilize this hillside. let me leave you with this. her father who died a couple of months ago, he built this with his own two hands this very sentimental. if this goes it goes from bad to worse. >> reporter: you can hear the heart rate in her voice. >> darya: near felton their back home now after rising water levels forced emergency evacuations. it spill over into yards. sirens warned about 225,000 households they have to get out immediately after they issued a flash flood warning. once the levels dropped the evacuation was lifted. 4 mi. from that another large mud slide in the santa cruz mountains. work crews trying to clear a large tree, it came down in the slide. it is blocking conference drive. in to let road is reopen you can use an alternate route. >> reporter: coming up next it is gary's world. alive look at walnut creek, traffic is moving all right it is in no 9:00 a.m. [ woman ] everybody's looking for deals these days, and i'm not talking about saving a dollar off shampoo or two-for-one tacos or something. i'm 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[ female announcer ] call today and get the fastest internet for the price -- an amazing $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] with at&t, i'm surfing at hot spots all over town. ♪ i'm downloading music fast. and watching videos. cute! and the price is great. [ female announcer ] call at&t today and get the fastest internet for the price -- an amazing $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] i went looking for a deal, and at&t delivered. now, i just need to curb the shoe shopping. ♪ alive look at its sierra, there's a lot of snow out there. in capitola a pipe burst, people are out there with a shovel moving mud. it does not look like an easy job. >> reporter: that is where the mud came from, from a burst pipe up at that mobile home park. they have been working at this site since early this morning. this is 5:30 a.m. several blocks of mud. rate at the store fronts they work very hard about a nine man crew from the city of capitola public works. they wanted to do this work earlier but they had their hands full with the creek. large trees had blocked it. there was a backlog of responsibility before they could get here into the spirit that figure this will be cleaned up by 10:00 a.m., i don't know how much as water and how much is sewage but it's not clean. sometimes the rain has been pounding down as they have been doing your job. so far making a lot of progress. >> reporter: dismal like sewage? >> reporter: it just looks like it i don't smell anything. i hate to use the term clean mud, but it is a big mucky mess. right now they are shoveling one more thing i want a show you. a lot of business taking out their hoses and hosing down. >> reporter: it is a messy job, the key for the update. >> darya: let's take a peek on wall street. alive look at the big board stock is up 69 points right now i air at the opening of the trading. we will be back with more of a couple of minutes. [ coach ] in albuquerque, citi pre-approved my mortgage. [ whistle blows ] all right, layups, guys. let's go. in sioux falls, i locked in a rate. coach, you get that house yet? working on it. [ coach ] the appraisal? ...springfield. wherever i was, my citi mortgage consultant had me covered. [ crowd cheering ] and 500 miles from home... [ cheering, cellphone beeps ] ...we finally had a new home. [ male announcer ] from pre-approval to closing, citi is with you every step of the way. what's your story? citi can help you write it. >> darya: a lot of people lost a lot of money on the air is on the duke game. >> gray: i was watching some of that last night. i have no allegiance one way or another. i can even tell you why. >> darya: you were kind of happy? >> gray: i guess you were am sure from duke. it's like the yankees and the dallas cowboys. america's team. >> darya: it was the big bracket buster. you had the and bracket. perhaps you had arizona. >> gray: is brian in town? >> darya: i don't know what your brackets said since he did that. yukon san diego, the other three games including all four. they were so far apart i was thinking shouldn't this be one, 2, 3 points. >> gray: you catch a team on the right night. the game that i enjoyed he got rent out of steam. he doesn't look over at the coach every time to see what to do. i think he took 15 three- point shots and on may 3rd. he added that night. pulls up and shoots whenever he wants. >> darya: you don't want him to be a hot shot. >> gray: last night they were going in as much. the point is he's exciting because a lot of times in college now every time they come up the floor and look over to the bench. big deal, but reason the college game has suffered is the most famous guy on the floors were in a suit and tie. that doesn't lead to excitement. >> darya: i don't follow any of it. >> gray: that makes our segment good. because you have no idea what you're talking about. >> darya: there's no teleprompteteleprompter. i notiy has that your pieces, people are calling and saying what to do. maybe they should wear your pieces and it couldn't look at the coach. >> gray: in football the stock between plays, but you're going back and forth to can do that. i want to clarify what i said, you don't pretend the worst thing in the world may be on going to... guys who never played sports, more power to them and they're smart guys, but they talk about what team should do and back- and-forth. if you didn't play something keep it yourself. >> darya: i'm just trying to problem solve year.here. where n your phone and just try to help. i think everyone in baseball should be protected in hockey mask. they're just ideas and throwing them out. >> gray: with helmet their mandatory now. >> darya: my kids play baseball i want them in football uniforms. my son is 9. he loves that. its symbol. my turn, you turn. nobody's gonna kill you if you have the ball. the nfl said we are going to make sure we test for the hdh thing. because everybody's gonna be little. >> gray: my ideas stop changing about using rolls and fix it. it had me scratching my head. here you are changing roles, get the game back where it should be. but until they missed time this is just practice and posturing. people love football, come september of there's a game more to messed i think there will be a backlash. >> darya: everybody's been watching your special tomorrow night napm as i right? >> gray: that is right tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. river will be here. >> darya: be there at 5 minutes to 8:00 p.m. >> gray: was amended in for 5 minutes. >> darya: he's not kidding. we will be right back. >> james: alive look at storm trucker for, as some moving towards a peninsula right now. more detailed look at the forecast coming up. >> george: what difference a day makes no delay, no back up, no metering lights. easy ride to the bay bridge and headed across the upper deck. >> reporter: yosemite is back open this morning it was closed for three days when a powerful storm blocked road and took down power lines. the park does not have electricity, officials say the three main roads have now been cleared of snow, and falling trees. san jose officials closed allan rock park because of the weather. it was closed because of hazardous conditions yesterday because of the bad weather we have been having. and 9:00 a.m. they will decide whether not they could reopen the parker if they have to keep it closed. >> darya: we will be back with more in a couple of minutes. alive look at tahoe. they're getting more snow, they are getting them foot of snow today. and snow showers through the weekend. if you can get there you will enjoy a nice powder weekend. >> reporter: say blue skies, clouds, the son may be sneaking out a little bit. but james it is raining some places. >> james: san francisco could see showers shore leave.shortlyn at the moment. but it is tracking towards an francisco, may be the next 10 minutes we will see rain over the city. following heavier rain in the east bay, concord seeing heavy sell rain now. pleasant hill, martinez, starting to see some of that. anybody below 680, seeing some rain. slanting towards a delta we see antioch with heavy light green right now.y stream of showers headed your way. san ramon dealing with rain along 680 along the valley. dublin, pleasanton dealing with rain as well. highway 92 passed the bar and bridge working its way toward san jose. south of san jose and we have some heavy cells of rain there. that is what is happening in terms of rain right now. not a lot, but where it is falling it will be wet. we are dealing with the cold air behind the storm yefrom yesterday. we have another store moving in. as we push the clock to 3:00 a.m. saturday the heavier rains days north, by 6:00 a.m. heavy rain in the north bay light to moderate rain everywhere else. by 1:00 p.m. we should see the bulk pushing off. it will be a morning rain. now lookit sunday 3:00 p.m. light rain, and and it dissipates by 8:00 p.m. sunday storm is quick and light. 70 forecast we are looking for conditions to give us a nice turn for the better come next week. after the residual showers monday, tuesday sunny and warm wednesday and thursday. >> george: even with rain we have no hot spots. even a stolid the bay bridge there is no backup or delayed or metering lights. it is a good ride getting to the bridge and headed across. we have no delays one of the latest 80 rides you'll find even for friday. i think yesterday's commute war lot of people live. a lot of folks are staying away today. san mateo bridge a little heavier than last time we looked at it, still not a problem headed over towards foster city. the ride through what craig 680 in the southbound direction usually a hot spot at this hour but not today. little sluggish is the extent of it. >> will: and san ramon traffic looks good.danville looks good.n highway 4 is lighter than usual for the commute is well. >> reporter: storm damage to share with you this morning. will tran is live in san paulo. you have been showing us one home owner's house. when he spoke tour last hour it sounded devastating. >> will: she is busy trying to get ahold of the contractor to stop the bleeding, this wall continues to give. imagine this being perfect condition. it was hire a few days ago, with the hillside giving out with all the rain fall not only did it break but it is falling down 8 ft. below for more was. she needs to get a contractor out to stabilize this to stop it from getting worse. there is a bit of a break right now but everybody knows the rainfall is coming again. for now the homeowners can stay here. the situation is bad. across the way it is worse. you can see some of the pillars, they are deciding on what to do. they stayed up all night talking about who to contact, how much will it cost? they don't know. they know it's not the city's property so the city turned it over to them. they will have to decide what to do. there is a bit of luck for now because they are allowed to stay home. this is a family member they grew up in this hall, she lives in atlanta, she came to check on her elderly mother. this should be at the time it's her birthday. >> they told us we can choose oto leave or not. they did say t is a precarious situation it is on us, and we have to take care of it. >> will: its private property you get ahold of the insurance. the insurance said it is an act of god, we are not the going to cover this for now. according to her the assurance told her it's a flood situation in which it was not. let me show you how saturated the ground is. it feels moshi, if i step down you can see my footprint. worst-case scenario, they might have to say goodbye to the patio. but it has sentimental value. her dad who recently passed away built this. they are trying to save money because they don't know what it will cost. what adds to the heartbreak, for years they can see this beautiful view but that's not on your mind. precautionary mode a few months ago but the woman we just heard from she no longer lives here she lives in atlanta. they had no idea it would see their rainfall we have seen over the past couple of days and weeks. the city has told her you can stay here for now, they are not great tag, of course that's what they told her yesterday. if they come out here today there is no doubt the hillside about a little more. who's to say they come out today and say upon review you have to go. all lots of phone calls ahead, not only to insurance to tell them please help, also to contractor to see what they could do to stop the bleeding. >> reporter: what's happening now marin county darya? >> darya: highway one as a caution sign. it started collapsing as you can see the video shot yesterday. they had to close the southbound lane because of a deep crack in the road. heavy rain is causing the ground to sink. crews will be there today taking soil samples, and beginning to work on the problem. >> reporter: coming up next weather and traffic updates. we will be right back. 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[ female announcer ] it's easy to compare online at att.com/comparesanfrancisco and see for yourself. >> darya: you can hear the water, some serious flooding yesterday. a pipe that runs under mobile home park was overwhelmed by heavy rain. the surge of water tore through the timpipe. then the water rushed n the hill in the village. it left a big mess. we have been following that story this morning. this is the cleanup continuing here let's get an update. >> craig: they are just about done. this is avenue, the are trying to blow away what is left, it has been along hard morning. it was far worse earlier this morning. let's show you some pictures. they had an nine man crew out here, they did some work yesterday but most of it was this morning. they have been very busy the creek was backed up badly by some trees, that caused a backlog of work here. they had to wait to get some of the mud away. they had to make a choice and the choice was to take care of the creek first. >> trees coming down the creek you have to worry about it. you have to tackle the most dangerous problem first. >> the storm drain was a complete surprise to everyone. everybody was getting storm damage. certainly what happened at the trailer was absolutely unprecedented. >> craig: it was up slope of capitacapitola. so corsican dow. workers are working hard to get this cleaned up before the business they get going. i don't think there has been in the sewage in the mud. i haven't smelled anything is seems like it might be a clean mud. just mud and water. they're bringing in a street sweeper and other equipment to clean this up. it will try to get a semblance of normality. >> reporter: in fairfax at tree crashes down on net suv. this left some people trapped inside the courtroom because the good news the road to get out. they had to cut away big chunks of the tree to get off the car. it was cleared and the road was eventually reopened. more trees coming down because of the bad weather. this one on top of the house on snow drive it came down at 4:00 a.m. the homeowner says there's a lot of damage to the house but it was definitely a frightening way to wake up. >> 4:00 a.m. the sound was so loud, i really didn't know what it was. it was just a loud boom. my husband and i planted the tree 20 years ago. we planted it during our courtship. >> reporter: so the tree has sentimental value as well. nobody was hurt but the tree will have to stay where it is for now cleanup crews cannot move it into the ground has has dried up. >> darya: we are in for a rainy weekend as well. more on weather and traffic in a moment. all look at walnut creek. you can see the spray from a truck. the ground is wet but it looks like there's sunshine. but trying to grow grass from seed in tough areas like deep shade, along the driveway, and where the kids play can be a little intimidating... until now. with scotts ez seed. it's scotts best grass seed, starter fertilizer and a growing material that absorbs water and expands to surround and protect the seeds, you'll get a thick, green scotts lawn even if you've never been successful with other seed before. the revolutionary scotts ez seed. grow grass anywhere. >> james: alive look outside today. a big difference for more work 24 hours ago. right now as cell of rain headed toward south san francisco abou9 heavy one. m 680 up and over will pass down to pittsburgh we see heavy rain right now. intense showers for morning commute on highway 4. it looks like the rain over antioch is pushing off making room for the next system to come and your antioch has been a conveyor belt to receiving rain after rain. for the moment fremont is drying out it is pushing off into the hills in the east. san jose looks like all the we see heavy rain along one no one appeare101. you can see the low pressure system is moved inland, we're getting the called unstable air keeping things dicey. you saw that on the radar. in the sierra is bring snow, and wind. blizzard conditions along 80, 88 and highway 4. george will give you more detail about that. from the whether perspective snow is coming down at 2,000 ft.. plan extra time getting to tahoe but one should get their skiing is fantastic. let's give your report in corkwood 203 in. of base, 28 new wenches of snow on the ground, 12 lifts open. sculley they are celebrating 45 in. of new snow, 21 less. shall the bil. surely the has 8 lifts. that's rain will bring it more snow to the sierra this weekend. >> george: easy commute around the bay area. the bay bridge we had a stall on the bridge for a while it has not affected the ride. there has been no metering lights turned on in nearly two hours. we have been enjoying this easy ride all morning long. early morning advisory's for wind has been cancelled. san mateo bridge looks good as well. the eastbound traffic is very light for the non commute direction. from here this deal of wheeler adding another road way to the closures. 50 had been opened with chain requirements. it is now closed at slide park because of downed power lines. interstate 80 is closed from colfax tuesday line and it won't reopen for three hours.2 state y for each have closures. when they opened the need to chains. >> darya: drivers tried to get out of new york faced a huge obstacle. an overturned tractor trailer. traffic was a nightmare as you can only imagine a outbound lanes were closed as they took the driver to a hospital and clean the spirit >> reporter: a prison a home has been evacuated because of a wild fire appeare. school districts e closed today because it is a dangerous situation. authorities say fire has spread 7-8 mi. the winds are making things difficult. >> darya: we will be back with more. a programming note if you are hanging out saturday check out gary's special baseball by the bay. he will have a player interviews and look at spring training. that is tomorrow >> reporter: do you want to register for bay to breakers? will you can. registration is back open to accommodate more people. if you want to register go to a website, look for the link to the registration. the best news is we are the bay to breakers station we will have coverage of the race may 15th. >> darya: back in a couple of minutes with more weather news and traffic you can see a peak of sunshine, but tomorrow rain again. we will be right back. more snow in the sierra and a major highway is closed. the news at 9:00 a.m. starts now. >> darya: all live look from san francisco, those clouds looked like they mean business. i'm darya james tracking the storm. >> james: we are seeing rain over san francisco so let's zoom in and see what we're talking about south san francisco moving west to east nothing income grew to we saw yesterday. it is enough to be concerned on 2 80 and 1 01. and heavier system in pittsburgh, from martinez on intake antioch appearein to antg attention to the south, said was a not bad but in the east by 2 80 as all popped up moments ago. we have a lot of rain yesterday, a live look at the san mateo bridge the route is beginning to dry and appeared napa reported 1.24 interest, los gatos 2.7 in., we had a lot rain yesterday and we felt that as we trouble. there's another system moving in tonight. showers beginning to organize them by 3:00 a.m. it turns heavy in the north bay. it will track to the north, the north bay will see the heavy showers. by 1:00 p.m. we will dry things out, but then by 3:00 p.m. sunday another system comes in. it will be spun quick moving and lighter. by 9:00 p.m. it will be gone. it will be here and then gone before aquino appeareyou know nt conditions and dry conditions. particularly thursday, friday >> george: much the ruling today will not tracking any hot spots and we of looking at light traffic appeared at the bay bridge the metering lights are often look at how like the traffic is. i think yesterday's commute scared everyone off. san mateo bridge no problems on the approach and no slowing on 80 be approaching 92. through walnut creek no delays in to one muckrake allow a out of bed.dele with closures i-80 coast, highway 50 as closures, highway 88 is closed for emotions, high with also has portions closed. the it chain contracts and closures in place. closer to is inferences gsan francisco, art e minor delays there was problems earlier and minute delay the into downtown san francisco. >> darya: serious flooding as a pipe that runs underneath a mobile home park was overwhelmed by heavy rain. the surge of water torture the pipe creating a whole. it rushed down the hill into the village causing damage to homes and businesses. continuing our team coverage we have live coverage. >> craig: it is all lot nicer on capitola ave. these work crews cleaning thesit up. at 530 this morning it was an absolute mess. it built up from yesterday when this first happened. they used shovels and tractors to clean this up before the real business they started. unfortunately it covered quite a bit of space. crew did not have enough time to work on that they were busy with the creek. they had to go with that first. >> trees coming down so kyle craig you have to worry about. you have to tackle the biggest problem first. this storm drain was a complete surprise. everybody was getting a lot of storm damage, certainly what happened at the trailer park was absolutely unprecedented. >> craig: on top of that business owners are using hoses to clean it. the heavier work was done by these guys in the yellow coats. it was thankless work. they had to deal with traffic and rainfall. it is looking pretty good right now, i wouldn't want a walk around in it, but it is a lot better. >> darya: this scene has changed throughout the morning. and it is the top job in the rain. when it is raining in the bay area in is snowing in the sierra. let's look at 80, you can see the snow-covered road ways, you need your chains. 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[ female announcer ] at&t u-verse: tv like you've never seen before. >> darya: tracking the storm in the bay area, sam francisco and the south by san mateo getting wet right now. the media bay area is dry at the moment. we expect rain on saturday. now to the latest in japan. it is suspected the reactor core at the nuclear plant may have been breached. that raises the possibility of radioactive contamination. japan's please agency says the death toll from the quake and tsunami two weeks ago has now topped 10,000 + 17,000 people are listed as missing. 6.8 quake was felt as far away as china and thailand that quake hit you can see it shaking. reports say the death toll could to continue to rise. we will be back with more team coverage of weather and traffic in a minute. the james lick, trying to dry out in san francisco. traffic is light. i wonder remind you of the special tomorrow night, it's almost baseball season, and gary is hosting baseball by the day. player interviews and looking at spring training through barry's player interviews and looking at spring training through barry's world. e fourteenth in line for takeoff. looks like it's bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! ♪ [ child ] the train is now arriving. [ male announcer ] the train has arrived indeed. amtrak guest rewards members earn up to triple points this spring. details at amtrak.com. >> darya: in st. paul ballsan pe up live interview with the mayor? >> will: according to the home owners this happened yesterday. they were notified by their children by 3:00 p.m. mr. afternoon. it was raining and the kids said we don't have a back yard anymore. she looked outside and sure enough, her backyard is gone. there were one have a bridge to the sun. but that is no longer the case. their voyage moved out today for their safety, this continues to give. we know the rain will continue over the next few days. it continues to crumble so bad that they are is very busy but he stopped by to talk to the homeowners. so we will talk to the mir first. what is available for these people.mayor. >> the city will offer as much support is weekend. this is private property, there is possibly grant money available. it is an engineering issue, the equipment will have to be broadened to demolish it. at this point in time i cannot comment on what we can do. >> will: is there a chance these homes will be red tag? >> i would be worried if it was me. that's why we are here to take in the whole situation we've had the city here this morning and yesterday. we are fully aware of the situation. we will get this handled. >> will: will you contact fema to help out these home owners? >> anything we can do we will make happen. we will do the best we can. emergency services are available. >> will: and you very much these homeowners are confused, distraught, our range of emotions. you have been here seven years, you said not one movement in all that time just one day. >> i'm in shock. when i got the call for my wife she said our backyard when away, i wondered where it went. i didn't imagine it slid 5 ft. away. >> will: what will you do? you're not red tag for now. you've decided for your family safety to go. >> yesterday we had evacuated our children the art a friend's house at this point. we stayed to see what would happen overnight. after waking up this morning, we will move out as well. get our most important momentos for right now and come back and move the rest of the stuff. >> will: darya id is not what right now, buthis is not wet he, but the wife's tears started flowing when she saw what happened to poor home. they don't know what to do, hopefully shima might be called into how about these homeowners. their private insurance says it's an act of god. they consider this a flood. this is not a flood, this is a hill flights over knows. >> darya: we are so sorry for them. we feel really bad. give them our best. we can james take all look and see what to expect as they tried to do what they need to do. >> james: 4 rain now they are dry. there is a rain just north of where he is right now. so far things will be .com for today. we have a storm system coming in saturday, that will bring in rain. we will keep you up on their progress. a cell is moving through san francisco. south san francisco pushing in to the bay, it could track across the bay, for there in the east bay brent ward, at the antioch kinstarting to dry at.out. also scattered showers in the south bay. we have asked cell here pushing its way along 280. here is the satellite view, winds are trickling in from the north west. that will arrive saturday. this sierra snow at the 2005 level, which get their great skiing. your tahoe forecast went to get upstairs will be fantastic. snow coming down today, one or 2 ft. tomorrow. at storm system giving us rain and the sierra, lot more snow than they have on the ground. winter storm warning in effect we have closures and george will track that. 9:21 a.m. we will be right back >> darya: 7 day, tomorrow more rain, sunday a chance of rain, the sun pops out wednesday and thursday. in new york city drug versed is that obstacle. and overturned tractor trailer on the new jersey side of the lincoln tunnel. they tried to move the big rig, it took nearly five hours to get the truck out of the way. in fairfax, a tree falls on 8 suv leaving people trapped in their homes. so large tree was cleared and the road was reopened. another tree into a house in martinez, a big pine tree comes down at 4:00 p.m. yesterday evening, the homeowner says there's no damage to the house, it was a definite scary way to wake up. 9:26 a.m. we will be right back >> darya: all live look at 9:28 a.m., the big box on the left, 680 looks nice and light, san mateo bridge on my lower right- hand corner books the driest. the bay bridge would be a breeze. >> james: i'm running out of things to talk about because the rains are light. there is a cell out in the state rate between oakland and san francisco. eventually this will make its way towards calling me back, so far we're looking okay, rainfall rates for the are of an inch per hour. in the east bay tracking showers moving off from india. a cell popped up and nothing to worry if we were falling san jose to a relatively clear of the city, of we are starting to see sharett nativity, pushing and north of curve latino seeing some light green. portions of 1 01 seeing sprinkles this morning otherwise we look good. we have a storm system had our way once again for saturday it will be a wet one for the north bay from it looks to be further north and yesterday, the north it gets the brunt of it, the fur char's pop up and you can see the intense ones showing up tomorrow morning. at 6:00 a.m. the north to a say heavy shower activity. light green for the rest of us. by about 1:00 p.m. most of it leaves the map. and then we have sunday, there is another system. what do what for me? another wave of wet weather by sunday 3:00 p.m. by 8:00 p.m. around the middle of the bay but it is all white. it is a fast-moving system and very weak. your seven day forecast, well let's talk about the highs today amid upper 50s. we're still in the cool weather pattern. it changes next week. you're 74 test once iran is behind us you feel a lot like spring with temperatures up to 70 wednesday, thursday. deaths >> george. >> george: at the bay bridge it has been a light and easy ride all morning long, the metering lights were not activated even for one hour this morning. it has been a sunday morning at the bay bridge ever since. san mateo bridge ride a little heavier at times it has had no problems. we did start with the winded by azeri that was canceled, very light traffic on right side of your screen which is the westbound direction. san francisco is light, it looks as though our sunshine, it looks like a dry and nice ride on the inbounds central. the north bound ride from the 280 interchange, completely clear. it was our early morning hot spot northbound at ocean avenue. we have closures in the sierra that affect 80, 50, the eight and four. i will tell you about that in our next report. >> darya: we have serious flooding that happened yesterday the pipe that runs under mobile home park was overwhelmed with heavy rain. all that water is flowing right down to more homes and businesses. a big cleanup is underway this morning. we have than live monitoring the workers. we are scooping up a lot of mud, water, sewage and anything it ran out >> craig: if you take a close look at the road it looks like the street is getting the mud facial earlier this morning it was a lot worse. i will show you pictures of this morning to read an absolute mess. a crew of nine people out here with shovels, tractors trying to clean up this mess. it built up bornite, the situation was allowed to build because they were dealing with the problem at the creek about a block away. they had to choose keep the creek from overflowing or clean up the mess. they took care of the creek. > now it is almost done, it is almost completely clean up. people are using garden hoses to pick up the mess. the road is only going one way, hopefully they will open it both ways soon. after a hard work and effort they're getting this clean up. >> darya: it looks a lot different than it did a few hours ago. also wanted to give you the latest on the power outages. san francisco back up and running. on the peninsula 1400 customers are impacted most clear room pescadero. so is a 200 people, north bay 1400, the east bay 80 people. are without power. in fairfax, a tree falls on an suv, some people are trapped in the homes because of the mess. the had to cut away chunks of the tree and it was eventually cleared out. another tree down this one into a house, at snow drive in martinez. it came down about 4:00 a.m. yesterday morning there's no damage to the house but it was a frightening way to wake up. >> 4:00 a.m. the sound was so loud, are really did know what was it was just a loud boom. my husband and i planted the tree 15 years ago we planted that during our courtship. >> darya: nobody was hurt, the tree will have to stay word is for now they cannot move in until the ground dries up a bit. as you saw we have all wheat for another several days before it dries out. we will be back with more a couple of minutes. all look from our mount tam camera, salk didn't clouds it is gray and dark. we will be right back. [ woman ] everybody's looking for deals these days, and i'm not talking about saving a dollar off shampoo or two-for-one tacos or something. i'm talking about paying less -- every month. like this deal. [ female announcer ] call today and get the fastest internet for the price -- an amazing $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] with at&t, i'm surfing at hot spots all over town. ♪ i'm downloading music fast. and watching videos. cute! and the price is great. [ female announcer ] call at&t today and get the fastest internet for the price -- an amazing $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] i went looking for a deal, and at&t delivered. now, i just need to curb the shoe shopping. ♪ >> darya: we move storm trucker for two tajo to show you what you will face. all the way down to bare valley snow. that blew it is no. they are getting a dusting of a couple of inches. compared to the foot of snow they got yesterday. conditions are terrific force he and boarding. you need change over the passes. north star is a ton of fun the road is covered in snow. it will be snowballing but a worthwhile trip. yosemite is back open, limited services after they were closed for three days when a store left power lines down. the park has no electricity but the three main roads have been cleared of snow and fallen trees. utility crews are trying to replace of power transmission all that was knocked out by air rockslide. san jose has to be open to some parts of all and rock. it was closed because of the stormy weather. the sections that are closed are neutral between the entrance and a main area as well as the road to the main parking lot. more highway travel ian highway one. the section between mill valley and stanchioand stad has caused to the pavement to sink. there trackinthey are takl samples to fix that. rising water sirens warned people they had to get out because there was a flash flood warning yesterday once the water receded the evacuation was lifted. 4 mi. away from that and other large mud slide in the santa cruz mountains. they are trying to clear up a tree that came down with the slide is blocking conference drive. until they open the route you have to use an alternate route. 9:41 a.m. back with more a couple of minutes. we have the baseball special on saturday with gary. baseball by the bay. he will have a player interviews and a look at spring training. >> darya: walnut creek not a lot of traffic you think he made it through it but you haven't. >> james: right we have another system head and then tomorrow. we have some sprinkles are around. tracking to the northeast, in maybe is a 10th of an inch per hour right now is a light rain your light rai. aloiy here north of 275 you have a bit of rain headed your way. it is very light. not much to talk about there. we do have a system headed our way, this one is tracking no. so the north bay will get most of the rain. we are seeing some snow in the sierra. we were talking about that earlier. we have a lot of snow that has been blocking access and change are required. 2,000 ft. is where the rain turned to snow. we also have dusty snow conditions. we have had visibility down to near zero. george has been following that. let's look at your ski report. conditions are going to be fantastic. we actually don't have it in there. i built this segment in i forgot to put it in. let's go to george. >> george: we will update conditions in the sierra as well. no hot spots, a quick check on the bay bridge and the san mateo bridge we shall light and easy traffic with no delays in the commute direction for the bridge. we have some sunshine at the san mateo bridge. it is an easy one imposed directions. not so easy at the sierra there is not a route available right now except for maybe a pony express trail. the latest word we got is there wasn't college feewas e on i-80. portions of 88 and 4 are open and they require chains. but they are closed in some spots as well. highway 50 is closed at slide park. we may have a better commute this afternoon then we had even yesterday. we were talking about problems on highway one where the road has given away, there is going to be one way traffic control today well they do some drilling work between 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. >> darya: barry bonds trial has a break today. we will be back on monday so let's talk with ivan our legal expert about what happened yesterday. >> caller: sorry i couldn't be there a person today. darya can you hear me? >> darya: so he cannot hear me at this time. i will give you an update yesterday it seems to have met a biology class as they were told about hgh and made his feet, hands, had grown. they talked about what it could do to the body to try and support their case. we will continue with this in the latest on monday. monday his former girlfriend kimberly belton is scheduled to be on the stand. and his personal shopper are going to be on the stand. as the shopper or the athletic trainer would have ordered holvis and shoes and talked about how the issue size increased. 9:50 a.m. we will take a break. the dow was up 72.3 now we will be right >> darya: >> caller: they are saying that barry bonds was a steroid user. his extra brand will talk about his temper, all of these side effects. they had a chemist to talk about what it can do. kimberly bill is up next, they are tried to establish he was the user. in order to enhance his performance on the field. it's only reasonable and logical to assume he knew he was taking steroids. you don't take steroids for years and not know that you're taking steroids. a lot of people are led to assume a lot of people knew. he says he that is not knowingly take steroids. they're trying to show this guy was a serious long-term steroid user. >> darya: we will stay to on monday as well. 9:55 a.m. all live look @ storm tracker 4. the big story has been the weather today. it has been dry today, a bit of activity in the east bank.bay. we are waiting for moe stormy weather today and more rain tomorrow. but we will get through this. after saturday then on sunday we have a mix again. not terrific but look how it improves until midweek we are dry and 70 degrees. actors courtney cox coming together with her ex-husband. witnesses say they appeared affectionate when asked about the movie and why it was special. both said they came down the family. theirs has been through up and downs the couple announced they were separating and october. they met on the set for the movie screen and have one daughter to the other. elizabeth taylor has been laid to rest. she was buried in l.a. famous for hollywood celebrities. michael jackson was also buried here. hurt fuel started yet leak because she wanted to be late for her her own funeral. she died wednesday at the age of 79. charlie sheen is losing at least in one aspect. he lost a book deal if it ever was his deal. a spokesman says he never hired an agent who has been shopping the book in this several weeks. 9:57 a.m. we will be back with more a couple of minutes from our roof on and then ask avenue this is looking a lot better. when the news started at 4:00 a.m. under cloudy skies and rain. we will be right back. >> reporter: our top story new video where the storm has for through a pipe band broke all in the ground. we will fill you in on what is happening. a landslide putting home owners on the edge. the latest on your forecast with james. >> james: alive look this morning i shot from our roof camera where we have clouds breaking up. blue skies and sunshine which is good news here if we will break down what we see over the course of the day. " we are looking for is temperatures on the cool side. scattered showers, mostly in the morning but it should be with us all morning long. this evening, though showers will intensify the especially the overnight hours. here's what the radar showing is up right nous right o valley getting it, all the way back to dublin. the cell is getting in to danville. that is the biggest batch of wet weather right now. light to moderate rain on that portion of 80 towards the bridge past crooked. crockett. it looks like its moving east, not only 880 + 680 as well. that stretch of highway is damp at the moment. it is wet in those spots. the next wave of wet weather should make its presence known at about 9:00 p.m. tonight. it will dump more snow in the sierra as well. it turns to snow and about 2,000 ft.. your highs for today upper 50s, we will not get into the '60s until maybe monday, tuesday. 70 forecast, sunday we get into the '60seven day forece thursday, for 70 degrees. >> erica: we had one hot spot to contend with at 5:00 a.m. this morning but that is eaten history. the bay bridge the cycling lights were on for 25 minutes that the 6:00 a.m. hour traffic has been flowing freely through the morning. a drive timecontinuing with the bridge check, the san mateo bridge in good shape. all that light traffic on the right-hand side approaching foster city it has been a decent ride throughout the city. in walnut creek in this at bound direction of 680, no problems here and has been nice and light through the morning. westbound 24 has been well-behaved. james mentioned problems in the sierra, closures along 80 more details in the next report. >> reporter: team coverage of the storm damage, out of san pablo storm took damage to a home. will tran has more. >> will: it is the major threat, the clock is ticking, it is sunny, but we know that the rain will continue. this happened in one day. on wednesday his backyard was intact, thursday gave way, over night more land gave way. the best way i can describe it is somebody at this part off and it has sheared. it has fallen down. we spoke to the mayor at 9:20 a.m. he says it is so bad he will try to contact fema to seeking get federal money to help the homeowner spirit home owners are frustrated, confused, scared because they don't know what to do. they turn to insurance and their insurance company said you're on your own. you stay here for seven years before what happened with the rain this week no problems? >> i was there a where there was a slide area below us but i never thought i lived in an area that would be affected. >> will: what is your the events. your kids informed you guys the backyard gave way but you thought it was a joke? >> she gave me a call and i said what you mean the backyard is gone? she said on standing on the patio of the patio is not here anymore. it's gone. and i asked where? and she just said it was gone. she tried to send me pictures but i didn't get the pictures. when i arrived it was worse than i thought. >> will: when he laid eyes on this what was first thought? everybody loves their home. >> this is worse than i ever thought it could be. its mission impossible. >> will: especially with your insurance right? >> i will give them a second call today to see if they will give us any relief. hopefully the mayor will talk to fema they said they would get a guy out here after the meeting and they can assess that. then we will go from there. i would like to save my home but if it will cost half a million dollars i don't have the money. >> will: we wish you all the best. i can say he's not waiting for help, obviously his family is on his mind. the most important priority. back to you. >> reporter: think you for the report and giving us that sound bite. let's check with the power outages. no power outages in san francisco, 1400 people in the peninsula without power, the north bay 1400, and the east bay 100 people. we're told the peninsula all good just to be restored any time between now no estimate on when everybody else will get the power back on. santa cruz mountains more and bad news work to restore access to homes blocked by a huge landslide has been delayed. the areas to wet and muddy for construction around the slide. for now they have to use the walking past to get to and from their rooms. when one of you updated on your forecast coming up. a live look in the sierra, sorry it's the james lick freeway. [ woman ] everybody's looking for deals these days, and i'm not talking about saving a dollar off shampoo or two-for-one tacos or something. i'm talking about paying less -- every month. like this deal. [ female announcer ] call today and get the fastest internet for the price -- an amazing $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] with at&t, i'm surfing at hot spots all over town. ♪ i'm downloading music fast. and watching videos. cute! and the price is great. [ female announcer ] call at&t today and get the fastest internet for the price -- an amazing $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] i went looking for a deal, and at&t delivered. now, i just need to curb the shoe shopping. ♪ >> reporter: live look at the sierra, it is snowing out there. it looks like it has led up allowed there. james will tell us about it in a few minutes. serious flooding in said crewane of water tore through the pipe and created a hole in the ground beneath some of the homes. it rush down the hill into a village and caused damage to homes and other businesses. we have live crews out of showing us the cleanup. >> craig: the first time we have seen bear pavement since yesterday. it is nice and clean. they took up equipment and went home. street sweeper just went by. i wanna show you what it looked like a few hours ago. it was a mess almost half a foot of mud. this came down from that mobile home park. it took a lot of effort. nine members of the city crew to clean it out. the had to leave that said there because they had to take care of the creek which had its own problems. >> trees coming down the so- called craig you have to worry about. you have to tackle the biggest problem first appeared at least the stores dream was a complete surprise. we were getting a lot of storm damage, but what happened at the stroktr park was unexpected. >> craig: that is the last part of all of that effort, traffic is still going one way into town, they are blocking traffic off going the other direction that will end soon. they aiming for 10:00 a.m. and the look- alike it's going to be right. they're getting things ready to go again. by this afternoon you will never know there was a problem here. this certainly was a mess for quite some time. >> reporter: the thing that the schedule to clean up is on time. we will be right back. >> james: following weather, we see a handful of light showers in the east bay. right now between he word and danville. it is raining very light. but 680 will be led out there. --light out there. --further to the north rain in hercules, the upper east shore freeway. north of the bridge we see rain in vallejo, also towards benicia. that stretch will be a wet one. it should not last for too long. south bay in milpitas, a sample of that one shows 500 of an inch. it is enough to make to 76 little wet. oh wider perspective showing us the back edge of the system. pop-up showers here and they're nothing major. next round of whether tonight. from most of the morning tomorrow. the clock set at 9:00 p.m. rain to the north. on saturday heavy rain coming into view. 6:00 a.m. heavier rain for the most part. most of the showers will state north of the golden gate bridge. by 1:00 p.m., it leaves our area and we dry it out towards sunday. by 3:00 p.m. sunday showers come back into the mix. light green by 6:00 p.m. we will keep a chance of rain in for an here tuesday. today upper 50s for the most part. it won't be until maybe sunday, monday, tuesday's that we see the temperatures near 60. wednesday near 70. 10:18 a.m. good morning area.. >> erica: highway wind shut down most corrections due to mud slides. it will be shut down through mill valley, you can see the red beginning to build. speeds down to 8 mi. an hour. no hot spots to track. for the most part traffic is flowing freely. a small weight in some of the cash lanes but traffic looks good through the ask for an up the incline. i do want to give you an update on conditions in the sierra we have both closures and chain requirements. you will need chains on highway 50 in his back open, highway 88 closed from to drop to pick get junction. >> reporter: this weeks wet weather has knocked down trees and we will look at the damage. >> reporter: what you're looking at is a tree trimmer cutting up an oak tree that came crashing down in mill valley. you can see the size of this thing is 100 ft. tall. in knocked down a fence and landed on his roof. a family with two kids were home but nobody was hurt. mill valley fires as they had numerous calls of trees falling since the storm started. >> reporter: for more video and you are photographs go to our web site at www.kron4.com. now for the latest in japan. the latest in japan. japanese safety officials say they suspect the reactor core at unit one of the troubled power plant may have been breached. that raises the possibility of more severe radioactive contamination to the environment. japan's police agencies say the death toll from the earthquake and tsunami that happened two weeks ago today has topped 10,000 people. more than 17,000 people are still listed as missing. the 6.8 magnitude 2 earthquake that hit yesterday in myanmar was felt as far as china. lido agreed to take over the no-fly zone but the toughest part of the operation which are the attacks on the ground, will be continued to be led by united states. u.s. economy has been growing faster than at first estimated the government said it grew at 3.1% in the last three months. that was boosted by more inventory building, and business investment. rising oil prices will limit growth this year. a look at the big board, the markets are up 60 points. after a couple of days of gains we are going in that direction. coming up on morning news, we want to find out what is happening locally. and in the bay area news wise we have been covered. all live look at san jose, people seem to be getting an early start on the weekend. we will >> reporter: 0 look at your 7 day around bay. in looks like showers dick brown for the weekend look forward towill stie weekend. what happens if you're walking in the rain with her umbrella what are you supposed to do. you know who knows? stanley roberts. >> stanley: when it's raining outside a sturdy umbrella is a good way to keep dry. there are rules. remember when you decide to come indoors. the umbrella is useless. so close that. don't be like this guy who goes into the station but doesn't close his umbrella. this man must be expecting a sudden downpour inside the civic center. these large mats are at our station so you can shake the water after umbrella. and maybe by your feet. most people bypass them back and shake the umbrella on the marble floor. this guy walks past the mat with the umbrella opened, and shakes the water on the floor. soon the floor looks like this wet and very slippery. well were on the subject, umbrellas what's up with golf umbrellas. some umbrellas take up the entire sidewalk. and if you're having a conversation it's ok to share an umbrella. changing subjects, when driving remember if you have white person and you must turn on your headlights. it is the lot. a mother in training are not, if eupepsia flashing red traffic light treated like a traffic sign. running but traffic light could give you a traffic ticket even in the rain. state dry and drive carefully in san francisco stanley roberts kron 4 news. >> reporter: we will be right back. >> reporter: alive look outside at mt. tam, also san jose, in san francisco from our roof camera. gray in some spots and we can also see it is nice in san francisco. what's going on? >> james: it depends on where you are if you're under sprinkle or in the clear. 580 where it meets up with highway 880 we have been tense showers.intensen interchange in are seeing wet whether this is tracking 30 mi. an hour. it should take another half hour for finally to clean the area. tracking wet weather to the north, cartoonist bridge under intense rain showers courteg rain right now. rain now that is what commute making your way across that span. in the south bay east of milpitas light showers near san jose, other than that fairly mild in the south bay. this is part of the system that rolled through yesterday, another one roles and tomorrow showers in the north bay although the rest of the bay area will see a sprinkle or two. by 6:00 a.m. those moderate to heavy showers extend north bay and the rest of us having a light shower activity. you may even see nothing at all out of this. this might even be just the north bay storm. then we fast toward sunday, 3:00 p.m. a like quick shower rolls through by 8:00 p.m. we cease prickles but then it's gone by 9:00 p.m. it will be a fast light moving rain forest. temperatures into the 50s today, if leaking get through this wet whether we will be okay because next week we have a good stretch where the ground will dry out just a little bit. our temperatures will be near 70 degrees comes wednesday and thursday. at 10:32 a.m. let's go to traffic >> erica: on highway one we have a hot spot in has been shot by chp and caltrans due to lack mud slide. they don't have an estimated time to open the roads. if you're headed in the southbound direction you will have to find an alternate route. no problems reported at the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. a minor weight in the cash lanes. metering lights have been cycled off since its a.m.. traffic is moving freely and no problems reported. quickly looking at the south bay, no hot spot track for you, it is in very good shape, it has been all morning. it may be very windier out thera little windy out thert there is no backup. we are clean and green on the mat showing speeds at or above 50 mi. an hour. >> reporter: let's check out the power outages in the bay area. they are it on your screen. peninsula 1400 homes are in the dark, north bay 1400 homes, south bay 200 homes and east bay 80 homes are without power. this video is out of san pablo, this house is almost about to fall off a cliff, there is a threat of of landslide in this area. >> will: we spoke to the mayor who says he will try to contact the mud to see if taking come out here provide money to the home owners to restore the hillside. --contact fema--this man says yesterday his backyard was intact and then yesterday this happened. it is so bad, there is a chance his hohmann could be red tag. he and his children are leaving this home just for their safeties. they both have the same insurance company, they both said the insurance company told them they won't help them out that this is an act of god and it's considered flooding. this is not a flood, it is torrential rains that caused the hillside to give out. we don't know how much money will cost to fix this. the mayor is going to see if he came get contractors out here to see if they can get this to stop giving out any more. it looks like we are taking a break from the rain but of course the rain is a better way. >> reporter: serious flooding in santa cruz county. times became so bad it created a hole in the ground beneath the grounds. a cause damage to other homes and businesses. >> craig: it was an ugly sight downtown capitola account of work crews cleaning up the mess with the help of heavy equipment. a culvert giveaway under pressure from flooding. it took several hours to clear away the mess. it would have done it faster but they are trying to fix the creek. >> trees coming down you have bridge they have to worry about so you have to tackle the biggest problem and the most dangerous problem first. at least the storm drain was complete surprise to everybody. everybody was getting storm damage but certainly what happened at the trailer park was absolutely unprecedented. >> reporter: coming up we won a find out when the sun will dress up. james has our forecast and we have a look at the very cloudy san francisco. we will be right back. 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[ female announcer ] at&t u-verse: tv like you've never seen before. >> reporter: 10:41 a.m. we will zoom in on the east bay where the worst of the rain is right now. it looks like it is approaching 680. crews will be on the scene today on highway 1 in the north bay. it started to collapse yesterday that closes southbound lane after crack appeared. heavy rain is causing the ground to sink. it looks like someone took a knife and slice did open. they can try and figure out the best way to fix that. yosemite is back open with limited service after being closed four days. the three main roads have now been cleared of snow and fallen trees, so that is good news for people who want to go to the park. another park that is closed, unfortunately sorry allan rock park has been reopened today. there are still sections remaining closed because of cleanup and trails. the main road to the parking lot is open. coming up here 70 forecast by rain now a live look at mt. tam. when will the sun come ♪ have a good daisy ♪ eat well, live long ♪ have a good daisy, work out, get strong ♪ ♪ when you need a lift, just sing a song ♪ ♪ and have a good daisy ♪ have a good daisy with a natural treat ♪ ♪ have a good daisy, healthy foods to eat ♪ ♪ when you want some joy, dance to the beat ♪ ♪ and have a good daisy [ female announcer ] enjoy the fresh, 100% natural choice in cottage cheese. ♪ have a good daisy ♪ have a good daisy >> reporter: 10:46 a.m. close to the san lorenzo river got to go home after rising water levels caused emergency evacuations. sirens went off to tell people they had to leave immediately. they issued a flash flood warning. once the water dropped people got to go home. just about 4 mi. from their large mudslide in the santa cruz mountains. a tree came crashing down, they tried to fix the problem as the tree is blocking conference drive. another route is available to let people get to and from the conference center appeared for the latest on the forecast here is james. >> james: today is a good example of that we have had a book showers right now with the most intense showers falling along interstate 580 along the dublin craig. the showers making their way east, it will be another half-hour before moves on. it shows it has built in intensity here. that is the name of the game for a lot of these cells. civil are growing in intensity.some of them are grown intensity. in the south bay you can see near allan rock some rain falling there. that storm system has moved to the east, we are getting that back and of it now, pop-up showers here and there and more rain coming our way into tomorrow. we are seeing some snowfall in the sierra. starting to break up with all that white and blue that was their solid. we are still seeing snow at the 2,000 ft. level. winter storm warning is set to expire in 15 minutes. we are still seeing difficulty getting along on 80, 50, 88. anything headed to a higher elevation. we have rain saturday, sunday. things will mellow out as we hit monday, tuesday. middle of next week we feel more like spring. warm temperatures and it will be fantastic. if you're headed to tahoe this weekend let's get to your www.showbomb.com, report. squaw valley 30 in. of new snow, 21 lifts open, sure rublsr verbal 8 lifts or open. --sugar bowl-- >> erica: highway 1 is no longer completely shut down but we do have one way traffic control in a fact.a fact. still tracking sw conditions in the southbound direction speeds as low as 12 mi. an hour. updates on our traffic maps we see a sinkhole. it is in the right lane not causing slowdowns quite yet but if you are eastbound direction be aware that as you make your way to san leandro. crosstown freeways look good no problems. a final update travel conditions interstate 80 is still shut down to the nevada state line. chain sun highway 50 is no longer closed. highway 88 the closure is from kirkwood to silver lake. highway 4 is closed from our rebec to highway 89. >> reporter: firefighters from coast to coast have their hands full from mudslides and flooding in northern california to out of control brush fires in the southeast. >> reporter: drenching rain is to blame for the scene in northern california neighborhood. our rockslide cause the street to crash in scotts valley. the region is inundated after several days of storms. drivers in san francisco have closed roads. some cars were left stranded by mudslides in all countries. south of the city 2000 homes were evacuated but everybody has returned. a different scene in colorado. 1,600 mi. wildfire. there was good news thursday night the sheriff's office lifted evacuation, the fire has been contained. in georgia and firefighters are scared struggling to get control of 70 firefighters. this was a controlled burn but strong winds picked it up. inmates at a state prison and a nursing home were evacuated. some places have lost power. shifting winds are putting more stress on fire fighters. >> reporter: several boats went up in smoke in southern california, flames broke out near san diego. the honor of one yacht describes smelling burning electrical parts before the fire started. they used hoses from a boat from land and sea. over $1 million in damage. a city bus in detroit michigan and beard off course. he was involved in a crash with a car smashing into the building. fire officials say six people including bus driver were hurt in this accident. they believe the bus driver cut off another car and swerved to avoid hitting it. if you why register for bay to breakers you still can, is sold out two months before the event by registration is back open. here's a registered go to our web site, and you can look there for the link to the registration page. if he just won a lot of fun on tv you can kron 4 will have coverage. coming up on the kron 4 morning news one last look at your forecast before ago on this friday morning, all live look not will muckrake traffic seems to be ok. don't forget to tune in saturday at 8:00 p.m. for baseball's special it is something you will not want to mess. >> reporter: alive look at san francisco year 7 da52 right now, your highs today will 59. the seven day looks like it will warm up and dry it out by the middle of next week. quickly before we go we want you to know about elizabeth taylor's finger she was laid to rest yesterday her family leave her to rest at a cemetery that is famous for a if i. she asked in her will to e the funeral start late. she died at the age of 79. that will do it for us this morning on the kron 4 morning news. don't forget you can always go to our web site to find out anything that's happening weather wise and new sphere and i hope everyone has a great weekend. we will be back starting at 4:00 a.m. monday morning.