Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20160420 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20160420

happened about 9:00 the morning near the corner of el camino real out and for bundy avenue they said the victim was writing a recumbent bicycle when he collided with an apology struck off of a said he was taken to hospital would not life- threatening injuries they're still trying to determine exactly what led to the collision in this off the police are searching for a suitable cameraman in san jose respond to the shooting of the 2700 block of san. drive and about 10 minutes to 11 last night. >>pam moore: the shooting incident investigated as a homicide and police have not yet released information about the shooter nor a possible motive the victim says she was walking when the suspect was standing in the parking lot of the texas car wash started shooting at him the victim had a he was not hidden or injured anyone with information is as a concept release and berkeley. >>pam moore: a heated debate on the issue of red controlling the council is expected to vote tonight on low rent hikes and given more protection to tenants. >>rob fladaboe: with all the the number of people who filled out cars to speak and not receiving numbers and hundreds a cyclical some built-in the we can tell you that ought to settle all the rent control has spawned a vigorous debate across town from north america will be coming to head to nine experts today outside city hall was so rich as caring signs advocating for reduction in reducing the rent venue a percent increase in the rent controlled apartments and side of city hall was packed council chambers after people wearing t-shirts that read san jose and belong to the other half for property owners they're wearing badges as an affordable housing provider. >>rob fladaboe: other factors reconsidered is that one-third of the current number of units and son was saying that before 1979 or rent-controlled construction of affordable housing is just can't keep of with the job and again the city council is expected to take hours of testimony hundreds of people and land of to speaking with the unexpected vote on this frontier perhaps late tonight sphere. >>pam moore: it is located next to a popular park across the street of a neighborhood and close to a school. >>terisa estacio: the cement sector of the republican ramon at the center of the controversy now the issue in a loss to him where using it out in the open and that is a big issue with the question or there are 26 traditional black and not everyone says it is a bad idea. >>pam moore: this is was some of the dovish and installed about the nicotine when without steph curry. >>pam moore: markka to john is the sea has the latest on one to find out for sure whether announced this is one to plan a sales gain strength. >>reporter: 6 in the water is released as they descended and dripping on the when mri this afternoon in a cult did not reveal anything of concern and it doesn't play game 3 in houston you have the one of you set up the rest of the serious and the meantime the team is prepared to show of strength in numbers that loss nine times this season it is hard to leave houston will be about to come back when four games to advance was not missed a golden state has a strong chance of moving on to around two the question is of #30 will begin with them. >>pam moore: a pacifica home teetering on the average is on the mold next up by the massive effort to save the house before it falls into the ocean crust the big change the could become too popular tourist attraction in san francisco. >>pam moore: the surface as it has separated from his board was taken to an anxious and the fire department thinks he had a recurrence the poem for the out to sing the is not enjoy the but not all six u.s. and hospital for observation. >>dan kerman: that is a fad among some, as is doing with the esplanade avenue home which is precariously above the ocean alternately she decided it was for the seventh place in the contract is using can have the chance to live in the home and their respective bills to your calls to the bottom of on getting farther and farther away from the foundation alternately to consider the notion saughs. >>dan kerman: wednesday the plan is to roll the house for recall stiffing so the front edge of the adjacent to the sidewalk that will buy them time to move on to a prominent location somewhere else in town. >>pam moore: the house and it did move is a lesson in black or row of homes with the mullahs back in 1998 unlike today's hostile tone of the loss of five the town of el nino ways that winter some of the owners say the backyards reached out to the all this left as the senate walk and have asked. >>grant lodes: these procrastinators last night to lead the bunch people showed up in a misleading of the 12:00 last night some angry all disappointed in all concerned about not having to file late this said initial run around midnight but there have been some confusion because of immediate reports of anderson the post office would be open until midnight this is the first-ever all local bay area post offices cap the regular hours on tax day the effort location close a 10 last night the post offices ended with the word out last week. >>pam moore: the drive is still the of the to drive along the western side in the parking line with state opened official said the goal is to keep pedestrians say if it's approved the pilot program would last two years from june 1st of this year until may of 2018 the legislation would ban telephone call is docked close more boy is, as well as packaging products and report to assess the reform as a health and environmental conditions opponents of legislation since the product the the most reliable and cost-effective packaging available. >>pam moore: officials are urging residents to be cautious >>reporter: will continue to see these problems go into effect to the next wanted heat into the good of additional land in the strike was part seven of the break from the clouds- reducing you concede still more rainfall expected to move to the region have turned to dreadnought 85 degrees in math phobia 73 and 0179 and san mateo and the '60s and then the city's 73 san francisco is not as many '80s on math suggested and for fifth. >>pam moore: you won't believe what she didn't fly the key to living longer form and may come down to where they left. >>pam moore: 29 reporter been marceau has a surveillance video and explains why she jumped to the tigers fan. >>reporter: woman jump of a first of two fences the separate visitors from the tires shifters beginning and that is falling down and sign the mendicancy the beautiful and then the sumatran tiger becomes excited a quicker pace of back and forth on the fence line and to the woman comes back to the observation area the zoo officials say it melodramatic she was an integral danger from the tiger another reason for the two fences is distance the do not want to be attached to animals is willing animals while in captivity are still very dangerous just as with a zookeeper in palm beach was mauled to death five the title she looked at the people watching the start of the trough was a clearly understood the risks and the video you can have women been called moron more than half a dozen times one guy in protecting the drive from the kind of jumping the fence to is a really bad example for the kids were watching the have not been ever to find that woman seen in the video i have been asking witnesses to come for to help with the investigation. you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. financial guidance while you're mastering life. the wolf was huffing and puffing. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't 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brooklyn debate which featured singer counting was frequented and, bernie sanders at times turned into a bit of a shouting match. >>reporter: pennsylvania and maryland delaware in connecticut and rhode. >>reporter: with an order of this on a foam somehow we cannot seem to get the in the course is to correct our problems and brooklyn of pummeling we suspect will hear more about that even after the results come in to 97 from the san the sand because there will be a lot of democratic voters voting for sanders to the in the boston area. >>reporter: 64 in this city temperatures and 6676 some of the mountain shall we ever did notice some of the changes take all the clout the artist and to push through is an area of the pressure that will continue to pull some of the bus's gas will go into the rest of the world will continue to see the temperature is dropping changes are in store for us this temperatures for tomorrow in the '70s and montagues still few '80s appear closer to the east backed attempt to push to 77 walnut creek 74 castro valley and heywood will be at 70 degrees of pleasanton will '80s and into got a lot of the three forecastles us to go to town to keep the cooling trend and is headed to thursday you will notice the chance of rain by friday and by widespread rain coming of where tracking and expect right to move and will break down all our have a look at the 74 cast. >>pam moore: will and to explain what the syphilis if this time. >>grant lodes: apple and of the tech company said and corruption is the best way to safeguard the customers' privacy and protect them from hackers but the fbi and other law-enforcement agencies say encryption the is that at a cost of all supertax criminals and terrorists of the debate reached its peak in the wake of last december san bernardino massacre the fbi won access to the iphone 5 as the longest one killers but his pass were dyed with them after he was shot by police, or refuse to help the fbi and threatened to go to corn the suit was dropped after private-sector hackers have to obtain the information tonight cnn is reporting a decline than he did not contact of a possible plotters are good and help from family or friends the issue was far from dead on capitol hill for senator dianne feinstein and others has offered legislation to compel companies to in effect give law enforcement the keys to the privacy protections will decide testify before house. >>grant lodes: the reporter during the last half of 2015 american law-enforcement agencies had apple for information for a thousand times covering more than six team fouls in the crisis apple says it complied with 80 percent of those requests. >>pam moore: he was arrested for possible possession of a hoax device and resisting police the same rhetoric as part to graffiti covered car in the middle of a busy street outside the capital stock entrance. >>pam moore: and is 20 people were killed and more than 300 others wounded a truck bomb targeted a security office of the tax cut government officials a suicide bomber detonated vehicle filled with explosives and a private parking lot behind the compound destroying the back wall of the building a second attacker then into the building anti-government militants timothy mcveigh that need a truck bomb outside of the building a hundred and 60 people were killed including 19 young children who read in the daycare center and the building where the 650 others injured the blast damaged or destroyed more than 300 nearby buildings mcveigh was executed for his crimes his co- conspirator technicals received a life sentence. >>pam moore: a republican millionaire businessman donald, my son like a drain and for people on wall street but the district to back him, but 5451 some on wall street may actually fear and donald trump. >>pam moore: messages among the time living in areas with a lot of greenery and a low or high mortality rate among women. >>reporter: living close to that she could help women live longer and a study published in the general environmental health perspectives suggest a link to the time the amount of attention among homes and to the to a lower mortality rates among women the study was conducted by researchers at brigham and women's hospital, compare the number of deaths in the group to satellite imagery and a loss of the different levels of the attention nationwide, and they also accounted for risk factors such as age and ethnicity and tobacco use it found that from a share his was a lot of greenery with medical percent lower mortality rain and in areas with the least amount of attention. >>pam moore: apple unveiled as a book who consume the new features next >>pam moore: she was to simulate a blow was the subject of a massive search 17 years ago now her aunt and shannon public in the mental torture she went to rome and on a to get answers to men who kidnapped her nice tear retailer wal-mart announced its plan to boost wages to $9 an hour followed by an increase to $10 an hour and 2016. >>pam moore: donald trump is not just checking of politics is also shifting of the stock market's republican billion businessman donald trump might some of wall street's in canada but he is non. >>reporter: is legendary investor carl icahn trout has even told him the proper treasury secretary the rest of wall street isn't so sure if trump did read the presidency what would that mean for the market. >>pam moore: stocks closed mostly higher today in the dow gained 49 points as simply as the sex crimes with the nasdaq fell 19 pence to them. >>reporter: family has a much into nine core temperatures are expected by tomorrow where clinton and the called low degrees it will not deliver more 76 degrees, the close to aiding and we do have an area of low pressure you conceded here and that is hoping to bring a lot of calls on shore as we go through the rest of to nine will see mostly cloudy skies a 74 cash shows that has to go on to the next few days should into the work with temperatures will keep dropping by the weekend with drive alfa and keep a close eye on the chance of showers and to head into thursday identified and. >>pam moore:we will be back. >>pam moore: and added that the madness in hollywood with more. >>reporter: controlling and loving your cruises has perfect performance made him as an accountant and justin was on the same age when he was discovered a bicycle on you to. >>pam moore: and on does the search for answers and she confronts the man who kidnapped her seven your knees trembling home what she endured in pursuit of the truth trust the polls and a your car just closing and the votes to bring tabulated will have an up-to-the-minute time of the rest of whitehouse the news continues in seven seconds. male announcer:this is the bay area news station,kron 4 evening news starts now. >>pam moore: here and was expected to the marathon session tonight in the san jose city council is expected to take action to tighten rent control for the passions run high on both sides of the edition. >>rob fladaboe: 10 at the city council is expected to lower the cap crabs to 5%% of also being asked to consider and i get double tied those increases to inflation the council on do anything to him from hundreds and hundreds of renters and landlords at san jose city council chambers on tuesday split between renters green t- shirts that read san jose we belong and property owners ran back to the same for the housing providers the issue by how much of the current 8% annual increase in the lower for rent- controlled apartments to men in jobs and not enough rental so it is more on about one-third of the decision to unocal the bill before 1979 the run control increasingly more affordable apartments like those in the reserve of being replaced by high density market rate units which will not be rent- controlled the challenge will be solicited to strike a balance some protection for renters and rules and acceptable to owners of the same time. >>pam moore: there are signs some land of the bay area's white house housing market is cooling off according to court logic sales dropped by 2.9 percent last month this is one against a statewide trend across california sells fine in the price one of 215,000 on a the last time it was that i was last summer signals on a silicon valley and tell since is eliminating 12,000 jobs a santa clara county company says the cuts will take place over the next he and. >>maureen kelly: for two months back in the year 2000 and she forced a self to come face-to- face with the monster once a week for issue already behind bars the rest of the kidnapping of another vallejo grow and able to skate that made him the prime suspect in the kidnapping of stephanie's knees seven year-old kazan fairchild who disappeared the before steffen had raised as a grown child and would do anything to get her back and anderson played on them at the same time former crime reporter christine was also getting letters from anderson and visited him to try to find out what happened to the young woman to before his death the fbi says it invested killington of the people including seven year-old kidnap victim and this was garcia and those this is 16 years ago affective to this thank both of those hoping better writing about the experiences welcome hill. >>maureen kelly: letter simpson was killing come out next week. >>pam moore: that's where police say a man driving on lindenwold sped past of my patrol car and the asylum office to try to pull the vehicle over and they said the driver kept speeding and drove on to the side wall the land was taken to hospital but not life-threatening injuries. >>pam moore: that raise just called mormons along with are still waiting for results to comment on the democratic side will begin by having a conversation about what is happening in your of our political and as michael gawking. sphere >>reporter: if he keeps cruising a little they're consigned he might win all 95 delegates for tom and is about della does but doesn't for henry clinton not so much if venusian a victim of fleeing. >>pam moore: and one thought that ted was on the road and to track movements what is happening with the no-trump movement hist. >>reporter: this tell him and nine delegates in between them and they don't turn on and on in the cruise to the tunnel also been told presence with an. >>reporter: it always benefits and high turnout election every time because people get confused >>reporter: temperature is 83 degrees and not the 67 and the way home sending a richness and the in concord mid-70s and the more ross 78 live, 78 and present in some it degrees in fremont to into islamic a to a decrease in san jose and. >>pam moore: cambium's or indecent the fiery debate being generated by toilet and a legal action now being taken a house live on the and she will show with on the door and to save the home from a crumbling us a story of survival by a man as >>: himself for giving the tech attacked by a shark. >>pam moore: this video from a helicopter parmesan this abc seven called the aftermath this afternoon after the surfer was arrested today and two beheld teenagers was what a sensible bison san francisco call for hearings to improve the safety of ocean beach supervisor ever crosses he is working with fire chief john lamb hayes white and the golden knights of recreation area on this matter. >>dan kerman: this is the house and question this is now on the stump for feet to nine small them along to roll forward to get as far away from the dangers cliff as possible this is proper for what happens on winston she is open to live a lot more than nine a some with a fine place to move it to the once they move the full one. >>pam moore: it was put in to help with the public outcry about your nation in the park however one group is also considering calling the drama and decent. >>pam moore: the city attorney's office dispute the claim in the loss of our department you're on a to a mock the same and is an eyesore and has a charge more people to come out to use it however some nearby residents say in this better than having those in the area your neck. >>pam moore: 10 under when enamor i just a few hours on the star guard however is still listed as questionable for tonight's game 3 in houston para some warriors fans on last night's win without threatening mvp and on term restriction according to the war his car is expected to continue treatment in preparation for thursday night's game that also have an extra day of rest following game 3 and 4 scheduled for sunday afternoon is also in houston. >>grant lodes: more than token investors haven't made more than a thousand homes have been flooded in the video shows in the system living facility in the have to be evacuated to said woman getting lifted of the truck the source here was in trouble a crowd of people have to give it to dry land also molded reopen today car after car still on the water used in refrigerators more than a foot and half of rain in some places these kids saw the excess water a chance to. >>reporter: alive the outside right now cows' increase today we saw lots of sunshine record- breaking temperatures and as we go to the rest of tonight temperatures will continue dropping by tomorrow or a game as a head into tomorrow as well a mix of sun and cloud for the rest of the week or tracking chance of rain starting on thursday in the best chance to see widespread rain on friday when you had to work friday morning by from 7:00 a.m.. >>pam moore: surviving a close encounter a fishing and diving expedition nellie turned deadly our men managed to fight off the charts that nearly took office armed to have an update on the new york primary loss to delegates at stake tonight the number the starting to command. >>pam moore: afternoon lows of his arm and a shark attack a reporter michael steadman spoke with a 25 about his friend and counselor for the bulls are all performers beach >>reporter: 25 your kyle sandwich is describing the moment he came face-to-face in was the boy shot to of the palm beach inland by the end of that track the delray beach man found himself in the water surrounded by sharks tile sister was in the middle of really in his fish on the shark was on the attack sinking his teeth into his right arm or a story of survival for lifelong fishermen closest cannot wait to get back on what to, as the counterculture holiday known as for taunting with this year's celebration biggest sign of a bigger movement to come to california. ♪ ♪ you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. >>haaziq madyun: a woman and struck and killed by a speeding vehicle driven by a suspect trying to get away from police. >>reporter: the council from certain lorimar of a percent limit on annual rent increases but it is not clear exactly how much on about one-third of the apartments in the sitting before 1979 a subject to rent control however several streets and on the part will be closed off to traffic. >>pam moore: a critical night in the 2016 presidential race donald trump has been declared the winner and york. >>: donald trump... and we're going to use the great business people to negotiate unbelievable trade bills to bring our jobs by a and we don't and then our companies go to mexico and all of these other countries and in one regard to keep the jobs here >>: we've been listening to donald trump live in new york addressing his supporters after his big win and the new york primary on the republican side hillary clinton but to determine your senator with a commanding lead over brooklyn-born bernie sanders clinton was 62 percent of the vote 25 percent of precincts reporting will continue to monitor this will have a very latest see. >>pam moore: the company cheated on mrs. test last and the judge ordered repairs and compensation if the company does not fix the issue by 37 the request was made for him and for u.s. a solution may be revealed at thursday's hearing. >>gary: the big question on this parts will receive steph curry on thursday night of four a game with 3 in houston he cannot last evening wound up 11 rv here is the good news here on the when mri today to his leg on the back of is for the release a statement same results the not reveal anything of concern. >>gary: a red not everyone in the warrior conceive and predicted it had reduced and without the best player in the bleak limits with an independent testing of what fast the sharks had a chance to vote for nothing and did not happen but they're not going to go on and everyone talks about a couple years ago charge on the first three and then the kings came back and knock them off in seven games to but with the 21 lead in the game in san jose tomorrow night and won this film critic and sphere pieces and one life to everything under control. . >>gary: he's been job by his second isn't he is one of those guys if you're breathing and economic 5¢ off you his reputation as he will sign you up men cell has just been guarding a nonstop and his center and there's no way i can help as an effect this is the first time in 27 years as an agent and to that for the popular streaming server is not flex would cause the stock to send nearly 13%. p?p?o?gv >>pam moore: its stock dropped more than $14 a share and that is needed for a 10 percent off the plunge was fueled by yes the second quarter forecast a subscriber growth has not quite minister and is expected of hillary clinton did win the primary and your who have complete details coming up at headcloth--8:00 the insider counting down th biggest stories tracking today. >> number one, are david and victoria beckham raising the next justin bieber? inside their growing family empire. >> me and my wife we're very han >> from romeo's modeling gig to cruz's shot at music stardom. >> justin bieber's manager has taken notice. >> we get in on the dancing love fest. >> i love val. >> who has the best gift for maks and peta's upcoming debuts? ♪ i'll make love to you >> and we look back at the legacy of doris roberts. >> shame on you raymond. >> the final interview with the television icon. >> i'm too blessed to complain. >> plus our insider bonus. kate hudson giving up her family secrets. >> the one thing that you inherited from your mom. >> watch out kanye, dropping the mike. >> come on kate hud. >> now hollywood from the inside out is the insider together with yahoo!. >> hollywood designer is taking us inside his first ever bridal collection for every size and wait until you see some of these dresses. they have are gorgeous. >> move over kardashians. the beckham broad is coming for you. you know talent is in the jeans. >> this is true but t the latest post of 11-year-old son cruz singing that has everybody talking today with some asking if they're grooming him to become the next justin bieber. let's go inside the beckhams, the next generation. >> we control everything. ♪ i got my ticket for the long way around ♪ >> social media is somethi

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20160420 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20160420

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happened about 9:00 the morning near the corner of el camino real out and for bundy avenue they said the victim was writing a recumbent bicycle when he collided with an apology struck off of a said he was taken to hospital would not life- threatening injuries they're still trying to determine exactly what led to the collision in this off the police are searching for a suitable cameraman in san jose respond to the shooting of the 2700 block of san. drive and about 10 minutes to 11 last night. >>pam moore: the shooting incident investigated as a homicide and police have not yet released information about the shooter nor a possible motive the victim says she was walking when the suspect was standing in the parking lot of the texas car wash started shooting at him the victim had a he was not hidden or injured anyone with information is as a concept release and berkeley. >>pam moore: a heated debate on the issue of red controlling the council is expected to vote tonight on low rent hikes and given more protection to tenants. >>rob fladaboe: with all the the number of people who filled out cars to speak and not receiving numbers and hundreds a cyclical some built-in the we can tell you that ought to settle all the rent control has spawned a vigorous debate across town from north america will be coming to head to nine experts today outside city hall was so rich as caring signs advocating for reduction in reducing the rent venue a percent increase in the rent controlled apartments and side of city hall was packed council chambers after people wearing t-shirts that read san jose and belong to the other half for property owners they're wearing badges as an affordable housing provider. >>rob fladaboe: other factors reconsidered is that one-third of the current number of units and son was saying that before 1979 or rent-controlled construction of affordable housing is just can't keep of with the job and again the city council is expected to take hours of testimony hundreds of people and land of to speaking with the unexpected vote on this frontier perhaps late tonight sphere. >>pam moore: it is located next to a popular park across the street of a neighborhood and close to a school. >>terisa estacio: the cement sector of the republican ramon at the center of the controversy now the issue in a loss to him where using it out in the open and that is a big issue with the question or there are 26 traditional black and not everyone says it is a bad idea. >>pam moore: this is was some of the dovish and installed about the nicotine when without steph curry. >>pam moore: markka to john is the sea has the latest on one to find out for sure whether announced this is one to plan a sales gain strength. >>reporter: 6 in the water is released as they descended and dripping on the when mri this afternoon in a cult did not reveal anything of concern and it doesn't play game 3 in houston you have the one of you set up the rest of the serious and the meantime the team is prepared to show of strength in numbers that loss nine times this season it is hard to leave houston will be about to come back when four games to advance was not missed a golden state has a strong chance of moving on to around two the question is of #30 will begin with them. >>pam moore: a pacifica home teetering on the average is on the mold next up by the massive effort to save the house before it falls into the ocean crust the big change the could become too popular tourist attraction in san francisco. >>pam moore: the surface as it has separated from his board was taken to an anxious and the fire department thinks he had a recurrence the poem for the out to sing the is not enjoy the but not all six u.s. and hospital for observation. >>dan kerman: that is a fad among some, as is doing with the esplanade avenue home which is precariously above the ocean alternately she decided it was for the seventh place in the contract is using can have the chance to live in the home and their respective bills to your calls to the bottom of on getting farther and farther away from the foundation alternately to consider the notion saughs. >>dan kerman: wednesday the plan is to roll the house for recall stiffing so the front edge of the adjacent to the sidewalk that will buy them time to move on to a prominent location somewhere else in town. >>pam moore: the house and it did move is a lesson in black or row of homes with the mullahs back in 1998 unlike today's hostile tone of the loss of five the town of el nino ways that winter some of the owners say the backyards reached out to the all this left as the senate walk and have asked. >>grant lodes: these procrastinators last night to lead the bunch people showed up in a misleading of the 12:00 last night some angry all disappointed in all concerned about not having to file late this said initial run around midnight but there have been some confusion because of immediate reports of anderson the post office would be open until midnight this is the first-ever all local bay area post offices cap the regular hours on tax day the effort location close a 10 last night the post offices ended with the word out last week. >>pam moore: the drive is still the of the to drive along the western side in the parking line with state opened official said the goal is to keep pedestrians say if it's approved the pilot program would last two years from june 1st of this year until may of 2018 the legislation would ban telephone call is docked close more boy is, as well as packaging products and report to assess the reform as a health and environmental conditions opponents of legislation since the product the the most reliable and cost-effective packaging available. >>pam moore: officials are urging residents to be cautious >>reporter: will continue to see these problems go into effect to the next wanted heat into the good of additional land in the strike was part seven of the break from the clouds- reducing you concede still more rainfall expected to move to the region have turned to dreadnought 85 degrees in math phobia 73 and 0179 and san mateo and the '60s and then the city's 73 san francisco is not as many '80s on math suggested and for fifth. >>pam moore: you won't believe what she didn't fly the key to living longer form and may come down to where they left. >>pam moore: 29 reporter been marceau has a surveillance video and explains why she jumped to the tigers fan. >>reporter: woman jump of a first of two fences the separate visitors from the tires shifters beginning and that is falling down and sign the mendicancy the beautiful and then the sumatran tiger becomes excited a quicker pace of back and forth on the fence line and to the woman comes back to the observation area the zoo officials say it melodramatic she was an integral danger from the tiger another reason for the two fences is distance the do not want to be attached to animals is willing animals while in captivity are still very dangerous just as with a zookeeper in palm beach was mauled to death five the title she looked at the people watching the start of the trough was a clearly understood the risks and the video you can have women been called moron more than half a dozen times one guy in protecting the drive from the kind of jumping the fence to is a really bad example for the kids were watching the have not been ever to find that woman seen in the video i have been asking witnesses to come for to help with the investigation. you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. financial guidance while you're mastering life. the wolf was huffing and puffing. like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't 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brooklyn debate which featured singer counting was frequented and, bernie sanders at times turned into a bit of a shouting match. >>reporter: pennsylvania and maryland delaware in connecticut and rhode. >>reporter: with an order of this on a foam somehow we cannot seem to get the in the course is to correct our problems and brooklyn of pummeling we suspect will hear more about that even after the results come in to 97 from the san the sand because there will be a lot of democratic voters voting for sanders to the in the boston area. >>reporter: 64 in this city temperatures and 6676 some of the mountain shall we ever did notice some of the changes take all the clout the artist and to push through is an area of the pressure that will continue to pull some of the bus's gas will go into the rest of the world will continue to see the temperature is dropping changes are in store for us this temperatures for tomorrow in the '70s and montagues still few '80s appear closer to the east backed attempt to push to 77 walnut creek 74 castro valley and heywood will be at 70 degrees of pleasanton will '80s and into got a lot of the three forecastles us to go to town to keep the cooling trend and is headed to thursday you will notice the chance of rain by friday and by widespread rain coming of where tracking and expect right to move and will break down all our have a look at the 74 cast. >>pam moore: will and to explain what the syphilis if this time. >>grant lodes: apple and of the tech company said and corruption is the best way to safeguard the customers' privacy and protect them from hackers but the fbi and other law-enforcement agencies say encryption the is that at a cost of all supertax criminals and terrorists of the debate reached its peak in the wake of last december san bernardino massacre the fbi won access to the iphone 5 as the longest one killers but his pass were dyed with them after he was shot by police, or refuse to help the fbi and threatened to go to corn the suit was dropped after private-sector hackers have to obtain the information tonight cnn is reporting a decline than he did not contact of a possible plotters are good and help from family or friends the issue was far from dead on capitol hill for senator dianne feinstein and others has offered legislation to compel companies to in effect give law enforcement the keys to the privacy protections will decide testify before house. >>grant lodes: the reporter during the last half of 2015 american law-enforcement agencies had apple for information for a thousand times covering more than six team fouls in the crisis apple says it complied with 80 percent of those requests. >>pam moore: he was arrested for possible possession of a hoax device and resisting police the same rhetoric as part to graffiti covered car in the middle of a busy street outside the capital stock entrance. >>pam moore: and is 20 people were killed and more than 300 others wounded a truck bomb targeted a security office of the tax cut government officials a suicide bomber detonated vehicle filled with explosives and a private parking lot behind the compound destroying the back wall of the building a second attacker then into the building anti-government militants timothy mcveigh that need a truck bomb outside of the building a hundred and 60 people were killed including 19 young children who read in the daycare center and the building where the 650 others injured the blast damaged or destroyed more than 300 nearby buildings mcveigh was executed for his crimes his co- conspirator technicals received a life sentence. >>pam moore: a republican millionaire businessman donald, my son like a drain and for people on wall street but the district to back him, but 5451 some on wall street may actually fear and donald trump. >>pam moore: messages among the time living in areas with a lot of greenery and a low or high mortality rate among women. >>reporter: living close to that she could help women live longer and a study published in the general environmental health perspectives suggest a link to the time the amount of attention among homes and to the to a lower mortality rates among women the study was conducted by researchers at brigham and women's hospital, compare the number of deaths in the group to satellite imagery and a loss of the different levels of the attention nationwide, and they also accounted for risk factors such as age and ethnicity and tobacco use it found that from a share his was a lot of greenery with medical percent lower mortality rain and in areas with the least amount of attention. >>pam moore: apple unveiled as a book who consume the new features next >>pam moore: she was to simulate a blow was the subject of a massive search 17 years ago now her aunt and shannon public in the mental torture she went to rome and on a to get answers to men who kidnapped her nice tear retailer wal-mart announced its plan to boost wages to $9 an hour followed by an increase to $10 an hour and 2016. >>pam moore: donald trump is not just checking of politics is also shifting of the stock market's republican billion businessman donald trump might some of wall street's in canada but he is non. >>reporter: is legendary investor carl icahn trout has even told him the proper treasury secretary the rest of wall street isn't so sure if trump did read the presidency what would that mean for the market. >>pam moore: stocks closed mostly higher today in the dow gained 49 points as simply as the sex crimes with the nasdaq fell 19 pence to them. >>reporter: family has a much into nine core temperatures are expected by tomorrow where clinton and the called low degrees it will not deliver more 76 degrees, the close to aiding and we do have an area of low pressure you conceded here and that is hoping to bring a lot of calls on shore as we go through the rest of to nine will see mostly cloudy skies a 74 cash shows that has to go on to the next few days should into the work with temperatures will keep dropping by the weekend with drive alfa and keep a close eye on the chance of showers and to head into thursday identified and. >>pam moore:we will be back. >>pam moore: and added that the madness in hollywood with more. >>reporter: controlling and loving your cruises has perfect performance made him as an accountant and justin was on the same age when he was discovered a bicycle on you to. >>pam moore: and on does the search for answers and she confronts the man who kidnapped her seven your knees trembling home what she endured in pursuit of the truth trust the polls and a your car just closing and the votes to bring tabulated will have an up-to-the-minute time of the rest of whitehouse the news continues in seven seconds. male announcer:this is the bay area news station,kron 4 evening news starts now. >>pam moore: here and was expected to the marathon session tonight in the san jose city council is expected to take action to tighten rent control for the passions run high on both sides of the edition. >>rob fladaboe: 10 at the city council is expected to lower the cap crabs to 5%% of also being asked to consider and i get double tied those increases to inflation the council on do anything to him from hundreds and hundreds of renters and landlords at san jose city council chambers on tuesday split between renters green t- shirts that read san jose we belong and property owners ran back to the same for the housing providers the issue by how much of the current 8% annual increase in the lower for rent- controlled apartments to men in jobs and not enough rental so it is more on about one-third of the decision to unocal the bill before 1979 the run control increasingly more affordable apartments like those in the reserve of being replaced by high density market rate units which will not be rent- controlled the challenge will be solicited to strike a balance some protection for renters and rules and acceptable to owners of the same time. >>pam moore: there are signs some land of the bay area's white house housing market is cooling off according to court logic sales dropped by 2.9 percent last month this is one against a statewide trend across california sells fine in the price one of 215,000 on a the last time it was that i was last summer signals on a silicon valley and tell since is eliminating 12,000 jobs a santa clara county company says the cuts will take place over the next he and. >>maureen kelly: for two months back in the year 2000 and she forced a self to come face-to- face with the monster once a week for issue already behind bars the rest of the kidnapping of another vallejo grow and able to skate that made him the prime suspect in the kidnapping of stephanie's knees seven year-old kazan fairchild who disappeared the before steffen had raised as a grown child and would do anything to get her back and anderson played on them at the same time former crime reporter christine was also getting letters from anderson and visited him to try to find out what happened to the young woman to before his death the fbi says it invested killington of the people including seven year-old kidnap victim and this was garcia and those this is 16 years ago affective to this thank both of those hoping better writing about the experiences welcome hill. >>maureen kelly: letter simpson was killing come out next week. >>pam moore: that's where police say a man driving on lindenwold sped past of my patrol car and the asylum office to try to pull the vehicle over and they said the driver kept speeding and drove on to the side wall the land was taken to hospital but not life-threatening injuries. >>pam moore: that raise just called mormons along with are still waiting for results to comment on the democratic side will begin by having a conversation about what is happening in your of our political and as michael gawking. sphere >>reporter: if he keeps cruising a little they're consigned he might win all 95 delegates for tom and is about della does but doesn't for henry clinton not so much if venusian a victim of fleeing. >>pam moore: and one thought that ted was on the road and to track movements what is happening with the no-trump movement hist. >>reporter: this tell him and nine delegates in between them and they don't turn on and on in the cruise to the tunnel also been told presence with an. >>reporter: it always benefits and high turnout election every time because people get confused >>reporter: temperature is 83 degrees and not the 67 and the way home sending a richness and the in concord mid-70s and the more ross 78 live, 78 and present in some it degrees in fremont to into islamic a to a decrease in san jose and. >>pam moore: cambium's or indecent the fiery debate being generated by toilet and a legal action now being taken a house live on the and she will show with on the door and to save the home from a crumbling us a story of survival by a man as >>: himself for giving the tech attacked by a shark. >>pam moore: this video from a helicopter parmesan this abc seven called the aftermath this afternoon after the surfer was arrested today and two beheld teenagers was what a sensible bison san francisco call for hearings to improve the safety of ocean beach supervisor ever crosses he is working with fire chief john lamb hayes white and the golden knights of recreation area on this matter. >>dan kerman: this is the house and question this is now on the stump for feet to nine small them along to roll forward to get as far away from the dangers cliff as possible this is proper for what happens on winston she is open to live a lot more than nine a some with a fine place to move it to the once they move the full one. >>pam moore: it was put in to help with the public outcry about your nation in the park however one group is also considering calling the drama and decent. >>pam moore: the city attorney's office dispute the claim in the loss of our department you're on a to a mock the same and is an eyesore and has a charge more people to come out to use it however some nearby residents say in this better than having those in the area your neck. >>pam moore: 10 under when enamor i just a few hours on the star guard however is still listed as questionable for tonight's game 3 in houston para some warriors fans on last night's win without threatening mvp and on term restriction according to the war his car is expected to continue treatment in preparation for thursday night's game that also have an extra day of rest following game 3 and 4 scheduled for sunday afternoon is also in houston. >>grant lodes: more than token investors haven't made more than a thousand homes have been flooded in the video shows in the system living facility in the have to be evacuated to said woman getting lifted of the truck the source here was in trouble a crowd of people have to give it to dry land also molded reopen today car after car still on the water used in refrigerators more than a foot and half of rain in some places these kids saw the excess water a chance to. >>reporter: alive the outside right now cows' increase today we saw lots of sunshine record- breaking temperatures and as we go to the rest of tonight temperatures will continue dropping by tomorrow or a game as a head into tomorrow as well a mix of sun and cloud for the rest of the week or tracking chance of rain starting on thursday in the best chance to see widespread rain on friday when you had to work friday morning by from 7:00 a.m.. >>pam moore: surviving a close encounter a fishing and diving expedition nellie turned deadly our men managed to fight off the charts that nearly took office armed to have an update on the new york primary loss to delegates at stake tonight the number the starting to command. >>pam moore: afternoon lows of his arm and a shark attack a reporter michael steadman spoke with a 25 about his friend and counselor for the bulls are all performers beach >>reporter: 25 your kyle sandwich is describing the moment he came face-to-face in was the boy shot to of the palm beach inland by the end of that track the delray beach man found himself in the water surrounded by sharks tile sister was in the middle of really in his fish on the shark was on the attack sinking his teeth into his right arm or a story of survival for lifelong fishermen closest cannot wait to get back on what to, as the counterculture holiday known as for taunting with this year's celebration biggest sign of a bigger movement to come to california. ♪ ♪ you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. >>haaziq madyun: a woman and struck and killed by a speeding vehicle driven by a suspect trying to get away from police. >>reporter: the council from certain lorimar of a percent limit on annual rent increases but it is not clear exactly how much on about one-third of the apartments in the sitting before 1979 a subject to rent control however several streets and on the part will be closed off to traffic. >>pam moore: a critical night in the 2016 presidential race donald trump has been declared the winner and york. >>: donald trump... and we're going to use the great business people to negotiate unbelievable trade bills to bring our jobs by a and we don't and then our companies go to mexico and all of these other countries and in one regard to keep the jobs here >>: we've been listening to donald trump live in new york addressing his supporters after his big win and the new york primary on the republican side hillary clinton but to determine your senator with a commanding lead over brooklyn-born bernie sanders clinton was 62 percent of the vote 25 percent of precincts reporting will continue to monitor this will have a very latest see. >>pam moore: the company cheated on mrs. test last and the judge ordered repairs and compensation if the company does not fix the issue by 37 the request was made for him and for u.s. a solution may be revealed at thursday's hearing. >>gary: the big question on this parts will receive steph curry on thursday night of four a game with 3 in houston he cannot last evening wound up 11 rv here is the good news here on the when mri today to his leg on the back of is for the release a statement same results the not reveal anything of concern. >>gary: a red not everyone in the warrior conceive and predicted it had reduced and without the best player in the bleak limits with an independent testing of what fast the sharks had a chance to vote for nothing and did not happen but they're not going to go on and everyone talks about a couple years ago charge on the first three and then the kings came back and knock them off in seven games to but with the 21 lead in the game in san jose tomorrow night and won this film critic and sphere pieces and one life to everything under control. . >>gary: he's been job by his second isn't he is one of those guys if you're breathing and economic 5¢ off you his reputation as he will sign you up men cell has just been guarding a nonstop and his center and there's no way i can help as an effect this is the first time in 27 years as an agent and to that for the popular streaming server is not flex would cause the stock to send nearly 13%. p?p?o?gv >>pam moore: its stock dropped more than $14 a share and that is needed for a 10 percent off the plunge was fueled by yes the second quarter forecast a subscriber growth has not quite minister and is expected of hillary clinton did win the primary and your who have complete details coming up at headcloth--8:00 the insider counting down th biggest stories tracking today. >> number one, are david and victoria beckham raising the next justin bieber? inside their growing family empire. >> me and my wife we're very han >> from romeo's modeling gig to cruz's shot at music stardom. >> justin bieber's manager has taken notice. >> we get in on the dancing love fest. >> i love val. >> who has the best gift for maks and peta's upcoming debuts? ♪ i'll make love to you >> and we look back at the legacy of doris roberts. >> shame on you raymond. >> the final interview with the television icon. >> i'm too blessed to complain. >> plus our insider bonus. kate hudson giving up her family secrets. >> the one thing that you inherited from your mom. >> watch out kanye, dropping the mike. >> come on kate hud. >> now hollywood from the inside out is the insider together with yahoo!. >> hollywood designer is taking us inside his first ever bridal collection for every size and wait until you see some of these dresses. they have are gorgeous. >> move over kardashians. the beckham broad is coming for you. you know talent is in the jeans. >> this is true but t the latest post of 11-year-old son cruz singing that has everybody talking today with some asking if they're grooming him to become the next justin bieber. let's go inside the beckhams, the next generation. >> we control everything. ♪ i got my ticket for the long way around ♪ >> social media is somethi

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