Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20151013 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20151013

...whether i should i don't seek i am ready. because today there's harvoni. i don't seek a revolutionary treatment i am ready. becfor the most common typeni. i don't seek of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cureypeni. i don't seek's the one andior ...onfor 12 weeks.a da of chronic hepatitis c. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, thand there are noro tell your doctor if you have complex regimens other liver or kidney problems, or other medical conditions. complex regimens and about all the medicines you take harvoni should not be ortaken with any mediciness. including herbal supplementss containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. john's wort. it also should not be taken with any other containing amiodarone, medicine that contains sovaldi. i am ready to put hep c behind m i am readyfects may include to be and headache are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni ♪ ♪ grow old with me is right for you ♪ let us share what we see ♪ just you and i ♪ ♪ grow old with me ♪ let us share what we see ♪ and oh the best it could be ♪ just you and i ♪ 96 nevada 93 nevada 97 vallejo. law places for tomorrow of the warming trend in place when things change begins in the sunday forecast 92 tomorrow 96 wednesday article down friday into saturday chance of showers there because of the cool down the wall. last fall next week >> catherine: to buy rival company bell says it is buying corporate stocks for its stores to carry giant e m c a $67 billion. as i complete the transition from a computer and computer see the business to itt solution provider. its name for a company called stores to stumble bmc adult struggling recently because of the rights of other clout companies like amazon and store company data at a cheaper rate. dell says the new company will remain in private. >> catherine: street markets closed higher as they look for a busy week dow climbed up 47 points in nasdaq of a snb game to. >> pam: next at 63 it drifter's accused of killing of yoga instructor backpacker are arrived at marin county jail after a arrested 600 mi. away live in marin county where the trio was charged with murder today. >> pam: officials considering a controversial move to let them make the battle california wild fires in. big question was put public address that left eye and the forecast gary with the sports and next at 6. >> pam: new video of the three murder suspects accused of all violent killing spree spanned the two counties returning to the bay area and face charges. the three suspects could make their first court appearance as early as tomorrow on friday they were charged with murder in one case they are accused of killing 23 year-old canadian visitor autry on october the second golden gate park. an 57 year-old steve carter two days later on a hiking trail in fairfax and herman lie at the marin county jail the suspect that just arrived. >> reporter: here of 40 minutes ago they got that wrote road they could be arraigned as early as tomorrow no one is saying security reasons interest in this case to people dead the three suspects the d.a. says be responsible for both killings lila alan good the shot angles of arrived at the marin county jail by caravan of monday afternoon the caravan arrived at the back a flood of mind county jail and the senate fell five the 30 in its video you see one of male suspect exiting the van entering the jail. the three suspects of a variety of charges the killing of all see the outside fairfax and murder of audrey m. golden gate park. the district attorney filed a first-degree murder charges with three circumstances against all three. additional charges include robbery of vehicle fat being in possession of a stolen vehicle as well as being in possession of stolen property of all murder victims effaced animal cruelty charges presumably for the shooting of the dog. also additional charges of possession of stolen a firearm, a the next line of being in possession of a fire arm. last week the police said that the gun used to kill both the victim of stolen i'll of a car near fisherman's wharf. >> reporter: live outside the county jail we are not told when the arraignment will be and could be as early as tomorrow later this week if convicted on these charges of murder with circumstances suspects could be facing life in prison or the death penalty basf's not saying what he will be seeking. >> pam: 40 the investigating an armed robbery west of santa rosa stony point road near todd road last night. suspects and her family's home bound to the fathers with the thais and place the rest the family members on the ground the past led to the father got away with the chalk cashed several pounds of marijuana and other valuables police say there were signs of cultivation at home. jeff a beating from the cilantro chuck earlier at park meadow drive authorities are still looking for the suspect to lme a county sheriff's deputies shot and wounded a transient man in castro valley sunday night searching for two missing boys they arrive at a wooded area james saunders charge them with knives and civil condition at the hospital is expected to survive the gunshot wound chart up shoulder and leg and ankle when he does recover will beat transported to the drill in the dublin two missing boys turned up safe that their father's home in newark. a share >> pam: if the fetus and i found a human skull this morning search and rescue crews and cadaver dog now searching their area set thus far no other remains not clear how that got there or how it had been there one month that the valley fire there is some progress for those who lost their homes residents say they're eager to start to rebuild before anything can take place massive cleanup must occur to recent reports a part of the cleanup includes dealing with the environmental impact of the fire >> reporter: for the next several days perhaps more fellow said the site with burns on today office area burned so they can get rid of dangerous glidden's many harmful chemicals relief and fires propane tanks other items left behind. these jews. a potential hazard of and materials a slow process in absolute necessary one and see how this crew has made significant progress. the current contents of the home has been removed. the animal does your damaging chemicals. thicken the ground water as years to get more chemicals from going up in that atmosphere. this person says that he was out here to test the air. for blood in such as asbestos residents say they are very glad for the help. dealing with all that happened a still a very difficult. "i lost my house on cobb life goes on a new beginning for all of. o us. >> pam: red cross continues its take donations. you cannot make donations through kron4news-dot- com port tax thing in order to make a $10 donation. call 1800 red cross. >> pam: relief for fire crews battling these california wildfires create it here to explain. they've been so distressed with so many large fires again see the state trying to do something. >> grant: we will be looking at another harsh year next year. state officials considering letting a violent inmates fight wildfires currently the use inmates with no history of violent crime for the dolphins are out there working at next year the current state correction department proposing adding inmates can if convicted of a violent offenses if security classification level has been reduced after years of behavior some people worry about the threat to the public if that happens by like criminals would still not be allowed outside prison walls arsonist kidnappers affects offenders. an affiliate's people serving life sentences for murder of their certain crimes like that would still be excluded. >> pam: dangerous high with some like amateurs were getting right now guy and is checking conditions did we break any records? >> diane: be actually tied here with concord 9. the three today and that's about as close as we got livermore as well 95 record of 96 close. to breaking records there right now but 94 the record of 95 in hayward 86 been quite make it 91 record there it was warm still is in inland valley locations temperature is still in the late 90's and of her 80th. >> diane: 76 currently san francisco press. the evening will look like for you seven p m continue with clear skies it will. be that way overnight as well in the morning hours 10:00 p.m. light breeze sunny conditions then gradually warmed things up around noontime how warm it will get the funding forecast a return. >> pam:a group of tourists got a lot more scenery than they were expecting. during a trip to alcatraz this weekend. a great white shark attacked a seal right in front of them. it is the first time the predator has been seen striking its prey inside the san kron 4's maureen kelly shows us the video and has reaction. >> reporter: it's a's a great white. a group of schoolkids got to see nature in action saturday afternoon as they stood on the ferry boat dock of alcatraz. it's estimated that the great white is 8 to 10 feet long.and lion. news of the attack was the talk of the dolphin club.where members have been swimming in the bay since 1877. while many people showed up to enduldge in their favoite excercise.they couldn't help being a little disturbed. have"kept me closer to shore. in the cove in case i was thinking of going out the opening. in fact.there is a race scheduled for next weekend where dolphin club members plan swim from alcatraz back to the member says he's still on the waiting list to participate.and isn't worried about it at all. i used to worry about it. >> reporter: and a great white here is a good thing shark like this one in the baybite in fact some of of the swimmers >> catherine: students at the community college green each other. state chamber's h.f. that these control out on the ground the. governor also in camp this everything possible to make to be done to meet the students feel safe. "a very strong resilience community will get the support the students need to afford and the healing process. the gun >> catherine: man kill himself after being wounded motive still being investigated the members told police he did have mental problems. >> catherine: the three men that to help stop the gun and a french train be netted over the weekend. alex there on the left thinking a break from dancing close of this bottle visited his hospitalized friend and. sert in the caption said the father here today at. and u.s. chairman less instead an unrelated incident last week trying to defend a woman outside sacramento bar been by an unidentified and the them at recover in from three stab wound is looking for them and question the grew probably no idea spend less of has to be how the drought could force some brewers to leave the state. >> pam: minder from push alerts on news that will the kron 4 mobile application and #1 source for news and weather in the bay area. >> pam: 15 purchased the 12 a. waterfront site in the mission bay neighborhood the team plans to build a brand-new 18 dallas and fort arena to open in time for the two dozen 18 19th seasonkron 4's jr stone is live at the mission bay site jr.this purchase comes just one week after the ucsf hospital plan? >> j.r.:and a treat for warriors fans. this is not a done deal environmental approval plan still needs to be approved review plan that is in those with the mission bay alliance say they will continue to fight this arena idea a step away show you the area i am talking about in the defense. that is purchased by the lawyers giving you an idea just all of the bay bridge. could elect a little bet me in see at&t park. this 12 a. site is right in the midst of as you said ucsf medical center buildings. judge and hospitals across the street uc f f f aback this program last week meeting with the golden state warriors and city about dealing with traffic you get and the new video renderings of the arena there were traffic measures taken to increase light rail service and certain streets will be caught and a. cleared to allow hospitals access to lawyers present wreck spoke with us the seven and ask them how far along this project. "but to go through final certification we year expecting will happen by the end of this calendar year. >> j.r.: the commission by alliance mentioned briefly earlier say this arena would mean nightmare traffic all the way to the bay bridge into downtown san fiscal. you'll hear with those by at 8:00. >> grant: >> pam:on wednesday.the team will get people fired up for the new season with a celebration at san francisco city hall. team with a key to the city. klay thompson and draymond green will be in attendance. the team will also host two basketball clinics at civic center plaza as part of the nba's "get fit" campaign. the event starts at 9:00 and runs until 4:00 this wednesday. 49er fans are voicing frustration about their teams performance so far this season and about levi's stadium itself. a growing number of season ticket holders are said to be trying to sell their personal builder's license and are not happy with the rules that won't allow them to print their tickets until 72 hours before the game, making re-sale very difficult. season ticket holder graham gomez says he is even having trouble giving his tickets away "live in france and can't have their way usually a tome. green to get the the the now at the print. in before and i can guarantee it will get them on time. >> pam:a season ticket holder since 2009, gomez says he misses candlestick park because levi's stadium is too hot and says he doesn't like the atmosphere outside after the game. our 49ers coverage isn't over yet. at 6-45.sports director gary radnich joins us with his take on the niners crushing loss to the giants on the road. stick around for that. >> grant:too big to fail. that's how a nasa climatologist saying today.'this is as close are you're going to get to a sure thing.' federal forecasters say there's a 95 percent chance of el nino lasting through the winter.before weakening in the spring. a strong el nino means warm water in the pacific.and lots of rain for california.especially the southern part of the state. with four years of drought.we badly want the rain.but too much too soon could mean flooding and mudslides.especially in areasel ninos in the early 1980s and late 1990s killed more than 50 californians and caused nearly $2 billion in damage. >> grant:and beer lovers could soon see the drought impacting their brews. lots of beer makers in the state are racing to find new water sources after the governor issued that mandatory 25 percent cutback. companies are digging wells, installing wastewater treatment plants and trying to get exemptions from local water boards. that control water use and can impose fines. some have stopped planed most craft beers require up to seven gallons of water to make one gallon of beer. amount of rain this winter.some beer makers may be forced to leave the state. online. on kron 4 dot com.see how californians are cutting back on plus, how el nino is causing tuna crabs to wash ashore on california beaches. also, where the tap water may taste a little funny for some bay area communities.and what to it's all just a click away at >> diane: air temperatures and high temperatures in an allocation for. clear skies right now pushing the bainbridge. clear skies and place of rest of the evening. and at the edges libris the oakland onshore breeze the sideline at miles an hour. much the same pattern six of our rural calm wind speeds. mp about was the letters guy 7:00 p.m. of the sunny conditions 64 inland valley location 63 for the base the. noontime and if it were closer to 90 is once again for inland valley locations a brady the spatial and cities that the warming trend high pressure system no moisture to the area right now here is a low pressure system on the south. the goddess of in california and of central california and eventually in our area. ledoux's cool things down quite a bit temperature wisely of a slight chance of rain showers out of the system that chances at 18% if it does happen it will happen saturday early morning and clear out saturday afternoon. four-o'clock much of the same deal compared to today . east bay shoreline at 3 to 5 degrees warmer compared to today. in sulfate '90s it the south bay you get 90 is in it terms of publisher temperature. 83 thursday partly sunny skies and cool down in place in the fund a forecast when i return. coming up. another fleet week is in the but you won't want to miss one more chance to see the blue angels from a vantage point we've never seen. and later.the stage is set for tomorrow's democratic presidential debate in las vegas. the final i don't want to live with ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. seek treatment. a revolutionary treatment i am ready. becfor the most common typeni. seek treatment. of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cureypeni. seek treatment.'s the one andior ...onfor 12 weeks.a da of chronic hepatitis c. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, thand there are noro tell your doctor if you have complex regimens other liver or kidney problems, or other medical conditions. complex regimens and about all the medicines you take harvoni should not be ortaken with any mediciness. including herbal supplementss containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. john's wort. it also should not be taken with any other containing amiodarone, medicine that contains sovaldi. i am ready to put hep c behind m i am readyfects may include to be and headache are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni >> grant: the flips and debts are in st. he. gluck and have a listen. >> grant: you can hear the engines roaring this is what it feels like to be a bird of breaking the speed of sound. go pro video. capturing video. screaming across the bay 18 in. from wing tip to wing said. about the land gone sideways path and the others the game of the check and you can see sights you recognize of their. kron4news-dot-com >> pam: the gop had their turn at the democratic chances that the take the stage in the first debate of the season. glitch that grounded southwest airline flights in the bay area/three suspects accused of violent killing spree returned the bay area to face charges (nature sounds) she can rage, and roar, and crack, and storm. but mother nature can't stop us. the new 2016 ford explorer. be unstoppable. ♪ >> reporter: in center fell the three suspects tied to a area murders have arrived back to face charges. "private the marin county jail from portland by caravan monday afternoon" >> reporter: the video you can see the male suspect exiting the band entering the jail. the three suspects face a variety of charges for the killing of full piker steve carter outside fairfax murder of often carry golden gate park. >> reporter: middletown the valley fire some recovery going on. a couple hones to have been leveled the half that the same time there's still lot of uncertainty that spoke with one woman she says her home had been in her family for a hundred years. her son who was in the '50s was born at the house and now there is nothing left and she says she has no idea whether she will ever rebuild in the mean time she is living with a neighbor and says she's grateful but still heartbroken. >> reporter: group of kids came from qingdao to tread the thought great white shark going to the water and kill us feel their chaperon called the incident on tape this is the first reported sighting of a great white attacking any kind of prey and said they. shark expert i talked to says great whites have been known to swim be on the golden gate the call this month shark over. the migrate after their favorite prey felt the. thus to >> j.r.: the golden state warriors announced monday that purchase of land directly behind me 12 a. of the city's mission bay area south of the bay bridge at&t part of a plan to build a new arena for the warriors' way help to have open by the start of the 20182019 season of the commission by alliance say the environmental review here has not yet been approved and plan on fighting less,. >> reporter: stranded with the dismal start the season on happy with the stadium itself some 3000 fans trying to sell their personal builders license other disgruntled about policies that will allow them to print their tickets fell 72 hours before the game and others complain of the stadium is too hot atmosphere outside after the game is too rowdy. >> catherine:on the eve of the first democratic presidential debate -- two new polls show that lead. cnn is hosting the event in las vegas -- and has made it clear candidates onstage will be based on polls since august first. on either side of clinton -- will be bernie sanders to her right. jim webb and lincoln chafee will book-end the stage. should vice president biden decide to enter the race and join in at the last minute -- a podium will be placed onstage for him. president obama is defending hillary clinton. private e-mail server was a mistake. trustee has been given up because of politics. he made comments on 60 minutes. "i think it posed the national security problem mistake she the knowledge when those issues i think it's legitimate but. the fact for last month the the all that was spoken about the vindication or in the presidential political season. >> grant: campaign. committee has now paid for a newclinton of misleading the public. the tag line reads "hillary clinton is not telling the truth -- again." >> diane: when the jurors all afternoon clear skies the rest of the evening. out the golden gate bridge area and the son begins this that that. denies 4:00 p.m. another round of what the canelo '90s new concord that if. the pleasanton 94 livermore . dealing with a cooling trend not till later in the league another round of warm, which is tomorrow 92 daytime highs for the valley 89 east bay shoreline sunday along the coast when the state police and the conditions of low front comes and friday will give us temperatures in the valley 77 for the bay shoreline cooling trend coming in the slight chance of rain showers that his lap with the chance of showers and the 70 forecast it should clear up by sunday at the fall if temperatures early next eight >> pam:still ahead. for many americans, gluten-free is not a new diet fad, it is new research is out this week from a study looking at why elephants rarely get cancer. biologists say the massive mammals have a cancer rate of just five percent -- compared to about 25 percent in people. scientists found elephants have at least 40 extra genes that stop tumors long before they form. the special genes detect damaged cells and repair or kill them. humans have only two genes of that type. researchers say the discovery could lead to more effective cancer treatment in humans. many americans have decided to curb or even eliminate gluten from their diets - because that makes them feel better. but for some.a gluten-free diet is essential. >> pam: celiac disease. cnn's jim morelli spoke with one patient who says her new diet >> reporter: life feeling, well, lousy. lot of bloating had headaches all the time. about ten years ago, her sister was diagnosed with celiac disease a genetic disorder in which part of the small intestine becomes inflamed, as a result of eating gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and other grains. doctor john garber co-directs the adult celiac disease program at boston's massachusetts general hospital. he says the number of patients diagnosed with celiac disease is soaring. the fact that were seeing this dramatic increase in the incidence of this disease really indicates that we're sort of in the middle of a slow kind of simmering epidemic. celiac disease differs from it's classified as an auto- immune disorder in which the body attacks and damages part of the small intestine, including the duodenum, when gluten is ingested. as for treatment simple but not necessarily easycut gluten from the dietit worked for lisa vasile. two weeks after modifying her diet she felt much better. it's just food. you don't have to take a bunch of pills. you don't have to have surgery. and it completely changed my life. in hopkinton massachusetts jim morelli for c-n-n 40 niners better but not good enough >> pam: gary has coached, and all sports coming up next. kron 4 has a new featurekron 4 has a new feature - called the "ford - high school send us a selfie from your school's high school football game. just use the hashtag "kron 4 we'll feature a photo every week on 'sports night live'. >> gary:1-4 kept her neck at the very least paid the year trying to run for their money. tom sue loves letting perfect profusely. 2335 52 yds a couple scores that the game right at the finish but no eli manning the part the giants' secondary. 41 passes all time york record. today, still left close but in june. "we are focused on the reality is of the locker room and we'll keep working through and get this thing right. >> gary: this the first family fascine coach tom still not enfilade your. here the pressure on what for what it's worth 49ers host baltimore and the ravens harbaugh big brother john harbaugh went in for. raiders same story the 49ers the full. royal pain many felt particularly affected yesterday to run the football no offensive touchdowns by denver 39 years to interceptions. tummy say that they're intercepted paid batting the finished 1/2 bid in oakland chris harris the you go dario the media today about losing the turnover in particular that when "that's football a opportunities and that there are due over certainly an area of emphasis for us when the turnover battle and a white give them away. >> gary: baseball business has been really good if today roils and gas rose early in the morning our time place going nuts and houston to look like they would be getting the champagne removed the next round there goes the governor even treated think congratulations of 62 everyone figured it was kennedy party time the royals scored five and eight finning including a two run homer in the ninth from the golan and win 96 kansas city fed lacked that serious teleplay f f game room meanwhile blue jays and rangers adrian bell tray back to the lineup blue jays' lead to nothing kept pouring it on the broad david price on the finishing up eight before the toronto that series is tied the play again wednesday at 1 07 in toronto right now the cubs are leading in their game against st. louis. >> gary: us to weeding grass you know what it feels like going back to win a world series of about a game at 10 the morning at 1:00 makes you feel like they're cutting class lisa and watch that. >> gary: people watching baseball n.c.a.a. tournament if brackets will pittsburgh and san diego have a higher rating than the dodgers the math you'd think so family market new york market importance of game >> gary: visible matter who's playing all offensive players: 0 hauler guy doing none of leninist with older audience wears taken in school and say today again will get the story enough the mission bay today they purchased 12 a. waterfront site in mission bay neighborhood the plan to build 18 belsen seat arena to. office tower is $1 billion new arena only sports team in america doing it with private funds. a group same candled there a hospital as nearby all types of trouble if indeed there is emergency vehicle trend again but they go lawyers practice to they have a couple more exhibition games we hear all this talk about curse the feeling right. \ "more than you could know you actually half to do. that intelligent players guys that want to work" >> gary: we hope her feel better as long as current feels good everything is cool. the so >> pam: as halloween fast approaching half moon bay pumpkin when off and whose pumpkin is the plumpest >> gabe: features for i felons andipad tonight on the kron 4 news at a heady turn of the future in favor money. >> catherine: >> pam:steve daletas of pleasant hill is the winner of a san francisco bay area pumpkin growing contest. growers gathered today to try to break the current world record although the record was not broken.daletas' pumpkin tipped the scales at 1,969 pounds. he won 12-thousand dollars for his efforts. a 500-dollar prize was also awarded to the most beautiful pumpkin based on color.shape.and size. >> pam: a new episode of the back story sunday night after. sports night after quick look at our weather before we head out tonight. >> diane: >> catherine: again tomorrow brace yourself another round of 90 degrees in land values and. 92 tomorrow 89 east bay shoreline and. then things go down third thing friday that the fall like temperature of. stay in touch kron4news-dot- com amy schumer takes on gun control. did she hit her target? >> plus, scott regrets while the walk with bieber. babies who are talked to from the time they're born are more likely to have a successful future. talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at the "inside hollywood, your 24/7 celebrity conversation. >> amy schumer. >> thank you very much. >> making her sketch about gun control. >> family and also gun. >> amy puts guns in her cross hairs. did her controversial "s&l" parody hit the bull >> she was brilliant. >> then, scott's tearful kardashian discon >> it's been a really hard time. is kourtney wiping away her tears with a little bieber fever? >> plus, charlie sheen is booted from a bar as shia labeouf gets arrested again. >> it's been all over th for so many y >> and dancing bad boy is back. >> who in their right mind would want to come back? >> apparently you. this is on his ballroom return and romancing j-lo. did you ever date jennifer lopez? >> i see the attraction. >> now hollywood from the inside out, it's the "insider" together with yahoo. how was your weekend? for hollywood's hot messes was more meltdowns and mayhem. >> i mean it was a busy couple of days for some people. charlie sheen, for instance, he was thrown out of a bar while in a headlo and shia arrested >> can anything be done to help these guys? we're going to explore that first. >> first, amy schumer turned "saturday night live" into a gun platform. >> she is such a staunch advocate for gun control after a gunman opened fire in a theater during her movie. let's see if amy's satire hit

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