Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20150407 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20150407

and singing with his friends that is what you want it. >> reporter: in oakland has think the june kron 4 news haaziq madyun >> catherine heenan: will get a live look outside were tracking the storm tonight so more wet weather is coming vanessa bezic is here to look at the timing of the rain. >> reporter: the clouds the currently increasing and the winds are out of the south southwest. to continue to pick up up until 11:00 p.m. it is chilly outside the temperatures are in a barely and the low 60s. the system will build much stronger the week spirit will be spears the easter sunday. the pressure grading is typing without the but the winds there currently in the teens. 60 mi. per hour winds and oakland. tonight after midnight will talk about widespread tote moderate rain. tuesday that widespread rain will taper off to showers in the afternoon hours are in for rumbles of thunder and small hail. >> catherine heenan: and a reminder you get all your weather alerts forecast check radar and more by downloading your free kron 4 weather act. application >> catherine heenan: pg&e crews are taking precautionary measures. and oakland for example tree trimming crews were sent to the 3000 block of wisconsin street. they're concerned about the winds near power lines getting them tram will lower the risk when the wind and rain sit. >> catherine heenan: >> reporter: warned 14 streak and salt and this includes another 40 niner's message this time as kwame harris for you to play for the 49 he was arrested for beating up his boyfriend. he then appealed and lost the appeal this time he is accused of to it and runs one at high street and broadway at another would add 14 straight and harrison. then he drove his car the wrong way on 14th street end of the w ott the drilling ship and in the driveway where police then found him unconscious. >>: officers approached the vehicle and so that there was a male and gone to the driver's seat in the vehicle was still running. it was part halfway up the chain of driveway the officers tried to put handcuffs on harris he put up a fight. but the police officer was not injured >> reporter: harris is charged by police with aggravated assault hit-and- run and resisting arrest. you're looking at surveillance video of his vehicle in ottawa we believe making a turn we believe going on the wrong way and into that driveway where police found him. will show you a little bit more of that surveillance video later on tonight at 6:00 this the latest dan kerman kron 4 news >> catherine heenan: a car chase across the bay bridge in up with a pile up the car had been carjacked from stockton. the symbol of both the alameda county chp and then the chp severances " chp took over. >> reporter: the initial east ought spotted the car and started following it and a car did not stop the driver of the vehicle continued across the bay bridge and was involved in several collisions all along the way it came to an end of market street. the suspects' vehicle headed as you believe leaving both cards are disabled the driver and an the passenger bat out and started running and they were caught nearby >>: just looked in my rearview mirror and see this car flying out all house thought that's what may be 60 out and our he was doing this bumper cars defect. he started the car behind men in other cars. >>: he get the cars in front of us hocking you you can see he's coming through and you do is hope that he's not gonna hit in the heard anybody. >> reporter: the chase from oakland to san francisco at last about 10 minutes at a level lot of damaged vehicles luckily no one was seriously injured. >> catherine heenan: the us today the fifth and six suspects in the death of chyemil pierce were charged by alameda county district attorney's office today 25 uralics davis of oakland was charged with murder in connection with the death of chyemil pierce. 20 year-old the john ward of oakland was charged with being an accessory. chyemil pierce was final and fatally shot in the 2800 block of just the street on march 9th and four other suspects have already been charged with murder and other crimes in the case this is still an ongoing investment investigation. >> catherine heenan: and it's not getting a look at scott off on will police baited disturbing discovery a mummified body. will hear from neighbors when coming up at 5:15 p.m. and also the fate of a man accused of the boston marathon bombing goes to the jury will take you inside the trial at 5:30 p.m. and next with the breast cancer fight is costing americans will be right back >> catherine heenan: a new report says the not only is there a lot of false reports to win it all when it comes to mammograms but it is a very expensive myths mistake. the study says the u.s. spends $4 billion a year on unnecessary medical costs because of the over screening. that includes treatment of certain breast tumors which are unlikely to cause problems. breast cancer is the second most common death from cancer among american women the new information only sharpens an ongoing debate on how much grain is needed and will mammograms starting at age 40 have been considered standard but some argue that is too often. >> catherine heenan: a majority of voters in the three key swing states support the legalization of medical marijuana. more than 80 percent of those polled in florida ohio and pennsylvania also more than 50 percent support among adults the legal it less possessed small amounts of marijuana for personal use. florida and pennsylvania have pending bills to legalize pot this year making it an important issue for the 2016 presidential race. >> catherine heenan: still an ad a gruesome discovery in the san francisco home and next white neighbors knew something was wrong also is a something of the sierra has not seen in a while scalds know the picture the next it took tennis legend serena williams, fencing champion tim morehouse and the rockettes years to master their craft. but only moments to master paying bills at depositing checks at the atm and transferring funds on the mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. >> catherine heenan: authorities are trying to figure out how long a mummified body wrapped in blankets with an a san francisco on piles of trash were also found inside and it is believed it might be a horrible case according. kron 4 terisa estacio says the neighbors thought something was wrong but they did not expect anything like this. >> reporter: what looked inside you and see why city officials are calling this one of the worst cases of courting they have ever dealt with. from this angle you concede writing trash piled up to the ceiling and this is after three large dumpsters carted away trash found inside the on on 49th avenue in severances goes richmond district and this anastasia lives close of by her daughter. sadly officials did discover that what is being called a mummified body inside the home over the weekend officials say they check out a home after the woman living year went to get her taxes done admitted to the consultant that there was a dead person inside residents. >> reporter: the home is in supervisor at eric marsh district he says the woman is now getting help at a local hospital. >> reporter: right now the corner is examining the body no foul play is suspected. so much uranus' pcs and other public health hazard were discovered crews wore masks to protect themselves. supervisor marseillaise ought after thick smoke was discovered a professional cleaning crew has been contacted to come to the hong. >> catherine heenan: a homeowner and southern california was taken aback when he caught a robber in the act and al montez. police said the robber and a white van was trying to make a getaway when the president tried to close the gate. but the robber drove on any way backing up three times in hitting the other car homes in dallas shows he had ransacked the house for more than two hours eventually taking off with home electronics and thousands in cash the video help police track down the 19 year-old suspect. >>: if you could afford a surveillance system or something you have been considered highly encouraged them because they act as a deterrent factor. >> reporter: police caught the man and when he tried to run away they got they got back all the stolen property and cash. >> catherine heenan: easter sunday only brought a little rain to the bay area and it also meant some snow in the sierras. this is video from the kirkwood ski resort showing people taking the bench of the new snow. the area has had a severe lack of snow and many resorts closed early this season with another storm coming it hopes that more snow can help some of them stay open a little while longer. >> reporter: the shasta mounds and also the northern sierra this are under winter weather warning over the next 24 hours. still alive look closer to home at the golden gate bridges 6061 degrees. so it will be windy for most of tonight's as the storm system continues to approach the california coast. heavy widespread way expected after midnight. have the widespread re rain... there's a live look the storm trecker corp. he is the bulk of the rain is pushing into northern california south of that the actual call air will move man will time out >> catherine heenan: a week in paribas might have cost one delaware family their lives cnn near valencia has more details on the disturbing details >> reporter: this morning a criminal investigation is underway at this luxury hotel in st. john's in the u.s. virgin islands after a family of four on vacation from delaware was allegedly poisoned by methyl bromide a deadly pesticide used in agriculture. >> reporter: the company low rents out of bill at this saran usa resort clothes see in and the pest control co. term next fumigated the lower unit on march 18th right in the middle of the family stay. the total is nearly undetectable gas attacks along and nervous system causing respiratory and heart failure and so toxic is banned from use in the united states. even the world media rope meteorological organization says methyl bromide is so destructive it significantly contributes to the thinning of the earth's stratospheric ozone layer. >> reporter: the father speak as man was found in a coma while his sons 14 year- old and 16 year-old and their mother teresa divine or having severe seizures according to the family's lawyer the pack the parent's condition improved after the family was airlifted back to the u.s. the mother released from hospital but the attorney said on saturday both of the boys remain in a coma german extol see an end in a statement that they are " looking into this matter internally and cooperating with authorities and they join the community in wishing them a speedy recovery. net valencia cnn net >> catherine heenan: and the new fallout from the rolling stones great scandal coming up what the fraternity at the center of the controversy now says it might do and next the cookie that is in such demand there is a booming of black market for it that information coming up next. the rld fild wi air but r pele wh co sometis brthinair n bediicul if you he co, asyourdoct abo oncdail anorellipta. it hel peoe wi cop brthe tter foa fu 24hrs. anoro liptis t fir fda-prov proct containi twoong-ting brchodatorin o inher. ano isot f asthma. anoro ntai a te ofmecinehat ncrees ri of ath peoe wi asma. it is noknowif ts ri is ineasein cd. anoro n't plac reue ialer fosudd copsympms and ouldot busedore th onca da tell youdoct if u ha a het coitio higbloopresre. tell yr door youave glcomaproste or blaer pblem proems ssinurin as ano mamakeheseprobms wse. call your door rht ay ifyou ve rsen brehing chest painswelng oyour uth tone, proble uritingr ey oble includg vion cngesr eye in wle ting oro. thincan revee co. thworlis fled th a and anoro helng pple th pd bath r beer. get ur first prescptio ee aanorcom. >> catherine heenan: would you wait in line for hours for a cookie? people are doing exactly that in hong kong where a cookie is so popular it is being sold on the black market see in and into stevens has the story. >> reporter: there is nothing unusual about queuing in hong kong people here will happily lineup for the chance of snapping up a deal or turning a quick profit but this queue is different. >>: so welcome to the new hot q and hongkong is it not for financial products not for collectibles and not for corns. is food in fact it is a butter cookie. ginny's butter cookies are red hot in hong kong and local all types and force from near and far are lining up. >>: so we've been waiting here for about 10 to 50 minutes or so another 20 minutes if you don't want to wait there is a black market in ginny's butter cookies follow me. >> reporter: it is just around the corner in the heart of the famous and tim t as a shopping district the towels are easy enough to spot they are dull all little publicity shy ones you may contact is the track into a multi story remains keeping close to your guide stopped i am told the real thing. cambers definitely not welcome the cost ratan is slightly less than the $15 and that's a markup of about 70 percent meanwhile outside the real ginny's the queue is molding. we're giving tickets to enter the inner sanctum in this case yet another maze of shops there are plenty of warnings here from jenny's management about the legality of selling and of course fakes by the time we're ride only small tins are left but that does not seem to dampen the mood the wait is almost over we get our allocation and make our way i out but if a little well underwhelm i do seem to be in the minority >>: very good >> reporter: andrew's stevens cnn hong kong. >> catherine heenan: capital by 30 p.m. at the fate of a man accused of the boston bombing is now going to the jury and later a catwalk controversy in france why the country is banning models who are considered too skinny. ♪♪ at kaiser permanente everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪♪ >> catherine heenan: and not 530 we're tracking the weather tonight the storm system that is going are coming our way will bring some much-needed rain to the bay area the wet weather is some much-needed relief for the extreme the drought the we have been dealing with. vanessa bezic joins us to look at the timing of the ring. >> reporter: widespread to moderate to heavy rain will start after midnight and will push to the south bay in our morning commute tomorrow. tuesday to the afternoon to be showers and some heavy rain was possible hail. we have a chance to see street showers again along the coast. by 11:00 p.m. tonight you'll see the heaviest rain approaching. it will move to the overnight time for will see the heaviest rain about 2:00 a.m.. somali of the bill lot upon the water will worsen the rain will be from the sitting down to san will they with the morning commute. the rain will start to taper off as the cold air stars to filter in ride be fine that front. you expect scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms. with that cold air filtering in the temperatures will be called afternoon temperatures are 56 degrees along the coastline in the lower fifties around the bay. >> catherine heenan: 9 national news the fate of accused boston marathon by mark jolt arsenite if is now all in the hands of the jury. they are expected to begin deliberations tomorrow morning alecia reid is here to tell us about the emotional windup of the trial. >> reporter: 4 killed nearly 300 wounded one surviving suspect. today a federal prosecutor described a jolt are sonatas sir not have as a cold-blooded terrace on a mission of murder. after showing the jury the mutilated bodies of his victims he said this is the cold reality of what his crimes left behind. certain imf was discovered hiding under a boat stored in a nearby watertown. prosecutors quoted the message he left in the bullet riddled all i do not like killing innocent people but it is allowed all credit goes to allow allah... in an unusual legal twists personae as distance attorney acknowledged that he participated in the bombing and killing of the police officers several days later but he said hurt she said her client was under the influence of his older brother was killed by police lawyer judy clarke specializes in high-profile death penalty cases she was successful in getting licenses for gaby difference shooter juror loner in the eye unabomber ted kosinski of sir devi of is facing 30 counts including 17 that carry the possibility of the death penalty. the deliberations are expected to last us is a full day to and if he is convicted in the second phase of the trial that's when his punishment will be decided. the jury boats must be anonymous unanimous in order to send to death row. >> catherine heenan: now the defense has rested in the trial of murder trial of former new england patriot aaron hernandez it to the defense just one day to present its case calling three witnesses prosecutors represent what hundred 31 witnesses to back their claim that hernandez kill semipro football player odin lloyd part hernandez pleaded not guilty to the 2013 murder lloyd was shot six times at a park near menendez home in massachusetts closing arguments are set for tomorrow or wednesday. >> reporter: the university of virginia fraternity chapter at the center of the rolling stones retracted article says it will sue the magazine and now the date be credited discredited story is the center about a gang rape at the fraternity at the university of virginia. >> reporter: the authorities of the invest the authors of the investigation were blunt the columbia school of journalism was tasked with finding out what went wrong and the rolling stones magazine november article about a look an alleged rape at the university of virginia the account told the story of jackie who claimed she was gang raped at the spy capsizing fraternity house police say there is no evidence this rape occurred colombia's a review found no one lied or invented fax the reporting staff will get a second chance the rolling stones says no one will be fired including the story writer sabrina rubin eagerly. she said in a statement that these are mistakes that i will not make again colombia's a report found that eagerly and her editors failed to corroborate jackie story with the friends who were with her that night did not do enough to get a response from the fraternity was not aggressive enough in making sure the details provided by jackie were accurate will they now the managing director released a statement last night saying in part we would like to apologize to our readers and to all those were damaged by story in the ensuing fallout. and he rose kron 4 news >> catherine heenan: oakland board kamal harris was red has raised more than $2 billion in january for u.s. the senate campaign california statewide races can be expensive analysts said the california attorney general could need up to a $30 million for 2016 race from january to march she is a receiving and contributions from 47 states and is the on lynette only major democrat in the race so far a status symbol and meant rock quiches of as is the only established republican candidate at this point. >> catherine heenan: hillary clinton is expected to begin her presidential campaign in the next two weeks she is expected to focus on smaller events rather than holding large rallies during a run the camp and go will be the focus ought to focus on boaters and less about: herself party plans to put her in the direct high-tech with voters in the states with early primaries and caucuses. >> catherine heenan: former florida gov. jim bush admits he mistakenly marked hispanic on his voter registration form and 2009 bush we did about saying i mistake don't think i'd have told anyone his son jeb bush jr. tweed at his father using cash that honorary latino jeb bush is married to a columbia bush who was born in mexico jeb bush reported speaks fluent spanish and lived in venezuela for two years in his 20s is considering a 2016 presidential run. >> catherine heenan: still become the boys of summer bat coming up 545 we're live at the a's getting ready for the kick off season tonight at the coliseum. >> catherine heenan: actively and arnold all plans to create an equal friendly resort on his private island off the coast of belief it is one and 4 a. and is on populated is back problems resulting from an eroding coast line and overfishing. the actor plans to get it back in good condition he is partners with the new york city based developer and they are planning 68 villas in the naples and unique features like special lighting which incurred asleep the resort is set to open in 2018. >> reporter: were tracking a winter like swarm and and tell you on to tell you how much rain we can expect coming up. a winter like storm universe >> catherine heenan: the of wisconsin fans are getting creative tonight from men's basketball national championship game against duke. a wisconsin farmer pain the university lobar in the badger wed on is prize cow at the the team plunged their ticket to the final four last week run of the cow clothes with a chipped away sign reading eat more wildcat to poke fun at the badger's previous opponent the kentucky wildcats. the farmer said the pay is nontoxic and road does not seem to mind. >> catherine heenan: for the baseball fans the wait is over to and this is opening day for the giants and a's tonight oakland place its first home game for the season against the texas rangers kron 4 jr stone joins us live from the coliseum. >> jr stone: is the team that they're taking on the rivals the texas rangers was taking batting practice right now. some of the french have made the way in here but others are still out in the parking lot because this is a tailgate party i was out their little while ago take a listen to some of the fun we had. >> jr stone: she is decked out today and i you start them young >>: this is our first opening day. >> jr stone: out older that how old are that it >>: she's eight months and these six months. >> jr stone: your lead one of the bigger guys out there with his big grill. ms. of the right shirt that i have ever seen of moses painted 24 minutes ago be of a different one of the shirts every gang >>: know i am not rich. >> jr stone: and is certainly is a party out here you look off into the distance to see some of the fans yes there some rangers fans out here as well. will have a lot more we did not hear all day long. will have some more of the players the coaches and the fans coming up and some of the entire out there did really crazy and will come back out here at the 6:15 p.m. area of the show to show you more the costumes from the parking lot i can tell you is packed outside and is gonna be packed in here when first pitch happens around 7:10 p.m.. >> reporter: it is the calm before the storm. we're tracking went out of the south southwest. live at the san mateo bridge is currently 59 degrees the winds are at 10 mi. an hour. from now 3:11 p.m. you and expressed racial our it will become increasingly wendy. after 11:00 p.m. moderate rain will push into the north bay in a push to the south and east of the majority of the bay area and overnight tom frame and in the morning. as we had from midday into tuesday the rain will taper off into showers and the will be thunderstorms and a blast of heavy rain will also and possible hail will be tomorrow afternoon. it is in that cold front is about to one and 50 mi. off shore pushed to the south and east. it originates from the gulf of alaska that means the temperatures in the upper levels will be called. the cold air is pushing into the afternoon hours of the bay area. and that's when the rain will to take robin to showers and thunderstorms. >> reporter: taking a look at our future cassette you can see leading edge of from 11:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. moderate to heavy rain and packing the majority of the bay area. us with the heaviest rain will be in the south bay area. midday on where as a man that this thunderstorms are in the afternoon hours. taking this chance of we're expecting one to 2 in. of rain. specially in the north bay. down in the peninsula you would probably give least an inch as well. east bay locations were looking at a half an inch of rain. kohl will upper 50s along the coastline and lower fifties elsewhere. the high pressure will build over ahead thursday and friday for another week and is looking breezy and dry. >> gabe slate: remember those holes bend gate stain will the new rival the samsung gala see samsung galaxies test 6 edge could have a bending problem also. this is been bought and he is about to crush the i phone 5. >>: this is the first robot made to test the been the ability of smart phone we partner with berkeley robotics professionals to make it. >> gabe slate: square trade bill this because they like to know the durability of the funds they are an online war to company that offers of protection plans after band-aid hack it they now test every phone by simulating the type or pressuring it received when being sat on in the back pocket. for this round of testing that compared the i phone 6 plus to the new galaxy essex edge at 1 under and 10 lbs. of pressure the i phone 6 plus bent at the same amount of pressure the galaxy as six bent and a glass on the edge of the screen shattered so in the square trade tests at the essex did worse than the eye phone 6 plus dead the i phone 6 + bentham but the screen still held together square trade let been bought gold all the way to see what pressure would kill the phones the i phone 6 reached of its total breaking point and hundred 79 lbs. of pressure and it took last of four this as 6 to reach the breaking point which was on 49 lbs. of pressure. >>: so people with taipans and should be careful when using back pocket or people on long train or plane rides should take it out or get a good case or a good protection plan. >> gabe slate: gabe slate reporting female narrator: for over 60,000 california foster children a pair of shoes is a small but important gift. my shoes have a hole in them. i can barely fit in these anymore. i hope no one would notice. they hurt my feet. i never had new shoes before. to help, sleep train is collecting new shoes of all sizes. bring your gift to any sleep train, and they'll be given to a local foster child in need. not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child. it took tennis legend serena williams, fencing champion tim morehouse and the rockettes years to master their craft. but only moments to master paying bills at depositing checks at the atm and transferring funds on the mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. >> catherine heenan: paris fashion we could look pretty different this december. france is joining italy spain and israel and the emerging trend of body image legislation. >> reporter: the groundbreaking law passed friday the hope is that it will come back anorexia by targeting models were too thin and punishing the model modeling agents and fashion houses to hire them with the severe consequences. france's catwalk controversy then not so and as france's parliament passes a tough law making it a crime for modeling agencies and designers to pay anorexic models or somehow encourage anorexia the consequences six months in jail or $80,000 in fines. france's catwalk controversy >> reporter: but when see more healthier models used on a global. >> reporter: 1 all other french legislation can affect the american industry. >>: think about the fact they're wearing very grown- up clothes marketed to very grown-up women. >> reporter: in the u.s. fashion designers have tried to be more conscientious regarding their fashion shows. we're gonna have a lot more on that story on at 7 on the new insider. >> catherine heenan: after the insider entertainment tonight is the 730 follow by kron 4 news 8. >> catherine heenan: this video shows of former 40 niner's linebacker involved in a hit-and-run over the weekend and also the next steps in the san francisco police officers caught up in the controversy over racist and homophobic tax ting on the job. testing texting.. . known for >> catherine heenan: former 49 alignment kwame harris is making headlines again kron 4 was the first to report today he was arrested this weekend on the you i charges and a long list of other infractions. believing every one i am catherine heenan. >> catherine heenan: kwame harris is being held on and not one but to hit in runs in san francisco last night kron 4 dan kerman joins us live from mission district at the scene of the arrest with more. >> dan kerman: officers found the 40 niner's behind the wheel of a car was still on the was apparently on a conscious. this is of the vehicle video of vehicle turning down a one-way street in southbound best parts pulling up and to part of black driveway officers when over to investigate and found the driver was unconscious at the wheel with the vehicle still running. the suspect is familiar to bay area for sports fans. is linebacker kwame harris. >>: the suspect then attempted to buy an officer's hand. when he was taken into custody. bite his hand >> dan kerman: and charged with resisting arrest of driving under the influence of drugs into cases of hit and run. >>: had street and broadway and harrison the two separate incidents of hidden mines he collided with a luxury vehicle. >> dan kerman: this is not harris's first run in with the police seen in 2013 he was charged with beating his and boyfriend so badly in the face that he needed a metal plate inserted. we're back live here 14 street and south bend has is sam francisco's mission district. the case has to be turned over to the district attorney's office so that and decide what files would be charged with charges will be filed against them. >> catherine heenan: temperatures have been dropping across the bay area right now we're looking at the san mateo bridge with wendy and chilly conditions. this is what looks like right now in looking at a live shot right now was second with vanessa bezic the call on the latest with our forecast. >> reporter: the storm system is currently organizing itself at the clouds are increasing and so are the winds. the seamen ally at a high-level clouds is said and felt really brisk outside cells like 55 genscher skin the winds are currently at 16 mi. an hour. this ring a push into the north bay as we head to about 11:00 p.m. cold air will fall behind. so breaking down the storm to 11:00 p.m. we cannot rule out a shout from the coast. and after 11:00 p.m. and to tamara was expecting widespread mine with to have a heavy rain. iran should taper off about 11 tomorrow to showers and a gun near rumbles of thunder. a show you how and when it will affect your morning commute coming up. >> catherine heenan: and we will welcome the rank two- thirds of california is an extreme to exceptional drought and that drought is expanding across a pot large part of the nation's crop region. the drought monitor shows dry conditions brought in the midwest. 22 percent of the corn production area and 80 percent of the soybean area are in some degree of drought that is up from 6% and 5% cent respectively just a month ago. >> catherine heenan: alecia reid and colombian joining us >> reporter: accomplice's spotted the car and alameda police get try to get behind and stopped with lights that did not work is the the boat driver of the goals chevy in call-up invaded the chp and was involved in several collisions along the way it came to an end on market street and the suspect vehicle and it and as you be leaving both cars disable the drivers that got hit the bar to suffer with bumps and bruises but no one was seriously hurt. >>: i saw a guy jumping out of the car and running away and that was said the in >>: looks bad but the people were very lucky >> reporter: the chase from oakland to san francisco last about 10 minutes and left a lot of damage to vehicles they tried taking off on foot after their car was less badly damaged but there were caught nearby. >> catherine heenan: the musician the was killed by a stray bullet saturday night it happened in downtown oakland we have you to bed video hit just believing the golden bull club when he was hit by a bullet fired by somebody that was shooting at another person. right >>: doubt we do not know who the suspect is. we have a significant amount of their video surveillance the suit is captures the complete incident from the start to finis >> catherine heenan: adjust the finished playing a birthday party for friend when he was killed crime stoppers is offering of $25,000 reward for any information leading to a reward. the rest come >> catherine heenan: this emphasis the police department text message investigation is now complete the severances kochis says the 14 members of the department did engaged in inappropriate racist homophobic text messaging that violated department policy. the fbi was the lead investigative unit a officers have been suspended and could be fired and six other officers were reassigned and could face a further discipline. >> catherine heenan: the university of california doctors are going on strike again starting april 9th the union of american physicians and dentists have gave the university of california office of a president and notice the doctors employed by the use the plans to hold strikes at all attenuate uc campuses. doctors plan to strike at uc-berkeley san francisco davis center crews and more sit until monday april 13th the student doctors first organize their union and 2013 and are currently bargaining for the first contract with you would use with young university of california. >> catherine heenan: organizes of a fund raiser for the family all fallen officer michael johnson say they have raised more than double the amount paid they set their goals for. the general manager of the pri to catania arms restaurants in san jose says the final is over $100,000 both of his locations held fund- raisers last week when barbeques silent auctions and raffles. all the money will gold officer johnson's family. the 38 year-old was killed in the line of duty on march 24th. >> catherine heenan: now of the opening of the new grabs at the interchange of interstate 280 and interstate 880 and san jose near valley their shopping center has been delayed until april 10th the valley transportation authority had planned to open the rams tuesday but agency spokesman says the crows need more days to complete the flyover ramp that will take drivers from northbound i 280 to northbound 880 and bypass the weaving exit the stevens creek boulevard. >> catherine heenan: periodic closures of the san francisco ban nest for construction of the new california pacific medical center campus will begin tonight and continued through september traffic will be restricted between gary and post rates for the construction of the hundred 24 ft. long pedestrian tunnel. the tunnel will connect the planned to under 74 that hospital with a medical office building across the street according to officials at herero be all l d t the general contractor working on the new campus. there will be partial closures starting tonight at 11:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. tuesday and then on tuesday and wednesday nights as well. then as avenue will be entirely closed this weekend as well as weekends of april 24th and september 5th for 72 hours each. it took tennis legend serena williams, fencing champion tim morehouse and the rockettes years to master their craft. but only moments to master paying bills at depositing checks at the atm and transferring funds on the mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. >> catherine heenan: the trial of accused boston bombing trial fordham alecia reid is here with more on what prosecutors told the jury i know this was very emotional >> reporter: absolutely his lawyers are not denying he took part in the bombing or killed a police officer a few days later but is that this is that his brother was the instigator. >> reporter: shikar son i have jokar tsarnaev.. minutes before the marathon blass entirely untroubled by what he was about to do convince prosecutors say in by the terrace literature in songs he had been listening to and reading for over a year living a double got a double life to the outside world he shall one face inside the harvard another he was careful like inspire magazine taught him to be. the motive spelldown they say in a note written in the blood of spain will it red boat where he was found hiding we muslims are one body you are one you are as all. prosecutors repeatedly described to him and his brother tamburlaine as partners in each of the series of crimes are both planning and together carrying out the marathon bombings. the murder of met officer sean kiley air of a carjacking a robbery of firefight with a watered- down police. i pointed argument against the case the defense may is that he lent his brother led the camp and he followed images of the car outside the forum restaurant shown again to jurors the children lined up on the barricade the government arguing he can help we can't help but see them a haunting retelling of the painstaking details 8 year-old martin richard his body shattered broken any vessel rated lee byrne the blass injures injuries that killed lang zebu who did not plan to be there that day crystal campbell dead from blood loss and less than one minute office a call here shot between the eyes twice more in ahead. so to the out will be asking jurors to consider the death penalty. >> catherine heenan: today the fifth and six suspects in the murder of chyemil pierce were charged by the alameda county d.a.. 25 year-old alex davis of old and was charged with murder 20 year-old de john ward of oakland was charged with being an accessory chyemil pierce was shot and killed march 9th for other suspects have already been charged with murder and other crimes in the case the investigation is ongoing. >> reporter: is filled more risk when you step outside because of the heavy winds. the leading edge of the moderate to locally heavy rain will be approaching the north bay. in the overnight time frame between 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. with some experience heavy rain. the commute come tomorrow i think the we're at worst of the rain will be anywhere from the city down to us at jose on 1 01 will be quite treacherous out there. we're expecting rain rates between 1/3 to i have an inch per hour. to a half an inch per hour. the cold air will be fifth filtering in and we will see scattered their and the storms and and of small and up episodes of yale. hail... in the north bay three-quarters of an ad to run the north bay and about half an inch around east bay and south bay communities. to be chilly as we start out the day in the '40's. >> reporter: down into the south bay area done as we head towards the rain will taper off into showers the temperatures will be barely into the mid fifties. will dry out and warm-up for wednesday through friday. >> catherine heenan: so opening day for major league baseball the giants are way perry at. >> jr stone: is always a good time out here it is gonna be loud tonight and is going to be rocking here at the coliseum. both teams of art taken batting practice we look off into the distance he could see the film crew is now out there and they're preparing this feel for the big game in less than one hour. the fans have been out here all day long some of them tell dating for the game. backup >> jr stone: take me through where you get the i like this. >>: gatt with the a's played the cubs and loss vegas. i got it >> jr stone: what is your prediction i seen showing up the tattoos >>: i get espn warriors and raiders. i love the bank on an oakland fan. i love the bay area and i am an oakland fan >> jr stone: and you actually see a lot of these things will you be able to see what it's dark out there if they did and do well >>: i think they gotta win the world series. >> jr stone: you're looking at one of the two new jumble try as they put out here a little bit more seidman at the coliseum they said you know we don't know what to expect we really don't know what to expect with the a's but that's ok. >> catherine heenan: always told someone see do from the tailgating parties. still ahead what happens when you get too close to a fire in it even if you're firefighter and the easter egg hunt that didn't go off as planned. did ruin the fun though we will be right back. it did not ruin the fun >> catherine heenan: firetruck and maryland get too close to the action today to fire trucks were destroyed near the scene of a big warehouse fire in capitol heights is a suburb of washington d.c.. the building houses a roofing company black smoke was seen for miles including at the national stadium the mall in washington d.c. even at reagan national airport and air arlington va. no injuries were reported. >> catherine heenan: thousands of children from all over this city were looking for more than 500,000 plastic eggs at this at the first state capital parents said things started pretty but then they got chaotic it did not help that some of the parents actually jumped in trying to help their kids up collect the hex. >>: is so crowded and the parents will not stay off the grass we want the kids to have fun is not roped off properly >> catherine heenan: ionizers said they did try to keep things peds peaceful and tried to tell the parents to leave this alone will let the children enjoy this. it was an an effort to bring the community together. is a bi support survivors of human trafficking but this did not quite qualify for some reason of the guinness book of world records. >> catherine heenan: breach of ethics for rolling stone magazine. the independent review done by leaders of the columbia university found that the mobs and more about the mummified body that was found inside a home. and how to deal with water restrictions even though we have re coming through. ♪♪ with kaiser permanente you'll connect with your doctor any time anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪♪ >> reporter: here in san francisco's mission district more trouble for kwame harris former 40 niner's player he was convicted convicted and for beating up his boyfriend this time is under arrest for to hit-and- run aggravated assault and resisting arrest he was a rested at the vw already dealership the police said they found him behind the wheel unconscious with the motor running and san francisco dan kerman kron 4 news >> reporter: a chp car chase across the bridge is up and crashed on market street. the alameda and chp from oakland and a car chase multiple cars were involved it took awhile for the drivers to come to a halt the crashed into an is you the the try to run away we're caught nearby. alecia reid kron 4 new >> reporter: homicide investigators at the oakland police department says that have strong video evidence an altercation between two people outside of ballclub that of cause them musician to lose his life with a stray bullet. a reward of up to $20,000 is being offered to information leading to do rest of the shooter in this case. haaziq madyun reporting >> reporter: city officials said this is one of the worst cases of courting the they have ever seen them taken out bottles of urine species and a mummified body this all came to life when a resident nearer that lives near went to a tax consultant says the sheehan admitted that she was living with a dead body insider ron they believe that the dead body was the woman's elderly mother. they said there was so much trash inside that they have now gone to get an outside contractor to clean up the home furans san francisco terisa estacio reporting >> reporter: i and emily turner and martinez were summed district board members were fired up denise l. skins were voted against putting airconditioner and us elementary school. there conditioners the course clothes did need it because the kids most likely did not have that at home either shot over the phone she said that was taken out of context. in martinez family turner reporting >> reporter: column starting monday evening a big storm is expected to move men but it won't be enough moisture to end or even put a dent in our california is ongoing drought. over the weekend the governor defended his decision to create a mandatory restriction water restrictions. state officials are group warning that water rights holders across the state be prepared for big cuts. >> reporter: the see that a coming storm system coming then it will be when the we cannot rule out stray showers coming across the north bay. we expect the water to north bay at 11:00 p.m. by midday on tuesday that rain will taper off into showers and through the afternoon tomorrow the will be rumbles of thunder. will be bringing clouds and when the conditions to 11:00 p.m. that's we expect the bulk of the rain to head into the bay area about 2 to 3:00 a.m.. i think the call from what actually slow down a little bit as it interacts with land. >> reporter: you're looking at a bit of an active commute when you wake up tomorrow after 11:00 a.m. to notice this showers of the move cleared quickly in the south east direction with the cold air arriving in the afternoon hours. the west to the rain down into the south bay would taper off into showers about 11:00 a.m. continuing in the afternoons showers in the afternoon with some thundershowers impossible rail. we would try things alps after wednesday. meant to low 60s elsewhere it will be warm dry and breezy and from thursday into the upcoming weekend. >> catherine heenan: scandals rocking the world of journalism tonight here an independent review done by leaders at columbia university journalism department found that what the magazine publisher should not have ever seen ink. >> reporter: offer of rolling stones rape on campus is offering of grueling experience and was about a grueling experience. the story center on a woman's claims of a horrific sexual assault at university of virginia frat house. within a month however the story from the alleged victim jackie started to unravel. columbia journalism still published reports of a three month outside please review scathing the multiple incidents of where the author with failed to corroborate this claim. >>: it was a collector of report all of the reported the editor >> reporter: at the report causes painful reading he apologizes and says that he and his staff are committed to making changes that are recommended by the report i'm andrew spencer reporting >> catherine heenan: the men charged with killing three muslim college students back in february might face the death penalty if convicted craig stevens takes is accused of shooting a university of north carolina grad student his wife and her sister after is hearing today the judge ruled that hicks if the death penalty qualified chapel hill police and said that the ickes murder the three and a long- running dispute over parking spaces at the complex they shared. >> gabe slate: there's a new dating act is gaining a lot of traction. this one puts the ladies in track charged the women and select which men are in the dating put will that information will be coming up at 8:00 p.m. gabe slate reporting for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco, made with jennie-o ground turkey, cooked thoroughly to 165. (mom) i'd feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. (woman) i think that they're light and they're just fresh tasting. (vo) it's time for a better taco. (kid) the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. (vo) make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey at a store near you. it took tennis legend serena williams, fencing champion tim morehouse and the rockettes years to master their craft. but only moments to master paying bills at depositing checks at the atm and transferring funds on the mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. >> catherine heenan: very tense scenes in the cockpit of an error played books they were fighting the co- pilot was accused of assaulting the pilot and it took off from their the co- pilot was than told to write down some critical and permission for the flight and is aaron is trying to play this all down saying it was an air argument. >> catherine heenan: in rye and error is telling customers that they cannot bring alcohol of any kind on its flights between glass co scott glenn and spanish party resorts of eyes and visa. the route is the only one of the europeans encounters large route network to get saddled with such a restriction the ban includes duty-free purchases. >> catherine heenan: now brain scanning technique might one day help identify people with the disease lang to concussions in football and other sports and ellis now diagnosed only after death a small studies suggest scans the 14 retired football players at risk for the condition called ct e rebuild pauses of abnormal protein in the pattern resembling that found in an autopsy in the disease. c t e stands for chronic tromped dramatic and seven allopathy it causes progressive brain degeneration and athletes and others who had been repeatedly suffered with concussions and other blows to they had symptoms include memory loss confusion aggression depression and progressive dementia. >> reporter: and time now for sports with gary radnich. >> gary radnich: baseball is opening day the giants and a few minutes and arizona and a their just moments away at the oakland coliseum. and that's the big deal new board people are scratching their heads in now traded 27 players is a complete makeover fourth thing that was pretty good last season rickey henderson showing up on opening night everybody wants to make their presence felt when there's a pretty good crowd about bob melvin is talking about all the changes >>: the way they do things around here there is one reason turnover of you don't embrace it in my experience the turnover is always been good is always brought in good players that may not know the first couple of days to save them or halfway through the season but cut the end of the year you will know their names. >> gary radnich: bomb failed to say is if you do not embrace it you will not have a job. jr stone and his golfing sweater is on the scene at the coliseum allow j r >> jr stone: will and good evening gary radnich have to tell you the chapter has dropped the winds have picked up in the last hour but to no one is opening night so none of that matters because it is all about the baseball game perry look off in the distance you can see all the fans making their way into the coliseum they are excited about seeing one team tonight and that same as the oakland a's we ought on the field earlier and with a loss of face the with seen before but there are slow of new players here markets simian the neuberger and third baseman i talk with a lot of these fans chris said they do not know what to expect this tame but they said really we do we never know what to expect we're excited and usually works out. >> jr stone: we talk to the form of about but no the third basement >>: may be burned in the infidel maybe. burns is really entertaining to watch. he's been a dive a few times more than a delightfully plays the game hard and it's fun to watch >> jr stone: out here live again you can see all the fans making their way to the safe stadium they showed up this morning in have been did tell dating all day long. an aston died an ad energy tonight and they said you bat stock. you bet cha... >> gary radnich: so-have they sold out tonight? >> jr stone: last check there was some tickets i heard that out but i believe they are but the please don't quote me on that. >> gary radnich: jeff are on the scene now me is via those who can't do go into the media so year they specks in a's fans to this kind of when it's a little bit. dayaks our pick 16th by espn. they age are picked a '90s by espn the a's the oakland a's in dallas bourse's 19 says >>: the a's a gun when the world series the oakland a's will win the world series >> gary radnich: your remember and has come in here numerous times but isn't that a good way to do it if you're looking for low attention which all of us are in the media if they don't win the world series people will forget but they do when and killing is a genius. ann killing... she wrote the first big profile on may at home on the same gary radnich is dedicated to his work but he's never been to europe. she >> gary radnich: said that because most guys if you do and hope that you got your peak travel little bit and she thought that i was so single focus their retirement sarah as the allies still have not been to europe. i still have not been. >> gary radnich: alex rodriguez de laugh all you want he is the one yankee the chernobyl he is following his one-year suspension is back in uniform today and the bronx. >>: #15 alex announcer >> gary radnich: the only reason he is back is because he was owed $60 million. is no question that the yankees want to get rid of them but alicia and oes and is first at bat in a base hit all what one for the three-day. necessitous was making a big impression in his first game in detroit cespedes... detroit beat minnesota 4 to 0. there is a man is considered the best player in the game there's trout my trout taking on home-run from seattle the angels lose to seattle but for students to the score of one. 4 to 1... >> gary radnich: 40 niner's and maybe we can go somewhere else will sieve crabtree is the call of begin a real and of staying in the bay area no matter what and back to a lady that has been to europe but let me talk it over with the staff may be crime will submit a rom >> catherine heenan: coming up the incredible effort from texarkana the i x a r in making its newest movie plus when you conceive of them. pixar.. in my wod, wl ist a stre.retu on vestnt i't t on retn i'lookg foard . fosome every doll is rnedithswea sacrificecoure. whh ishy ua isonor tohelpur members with erythg fr invtingfor tirent to sing r coege. r coitme to rrenandform milary mber and eir mili is thou eql. start inveing th alitt fif dolrs. >> catherine heenan: investigators have concluded that our search author farley was not of the album that some of elder abuse. the question arose when the famous writer recently announced that a manuscript she wrote decades ago would be published 8888 your all lives in an assisted living facility in alabama some questions whether she was being exploited or had really given her consent. investigators say there was no wrongdoing and the case is now close lee's new book is called to the goals that a watchman and it features some of the same characters as our only other book to kill a mockingbird. >> catherine heenan: picks our studios in emeryville has finished its moon will be caught inside out. pixar.. it was 5 and 1/2 years in the making is described as being about the life and mind of an 11 year- old including the fear and anger and joy as the most from minnesota to sacramento. as the most from floor minnesota to san francisco this starts at 3 and 50 artists and technicians worked on it and it captures not only the external human world but it also the internal landscape of the mine in sight and out. is scheduled for release in mid june. the kardashians in crisis. will bruce confirm his transition to become a woman? >> "the insider," with perspective on today's top trending stories. >> i just think it's a low blow. i think it's really mean. >> the kardashians in crisis. khloe blasts bruce's critics as his reported transition announcement gets an air date. meantime, rob refuses help for his alleged depression. >> i just want my family happy. >> then, gwyneth, lifestyle maven, and club owner? >> how the oscar winner is taking over the sunset strip. >> and the tidal wave is officially in motion. rihanna and beyonce's new single make the app a must have? >> furious seven burned box office rubber with a record clinching weekend. i gave the bad boys a chance to show me their softer side. let's go inside. >> now it's even harder, concrete. >> now, the latest celebrity and pop culture news delivered to you 24/7, it's "the insider" together with yahoo!. bruce jenner. the interview. will he finally confirm he is transitioning to become a woman? plus, we are keeping up with the rest of the kardashian drama. >> and inside france's game changing skinny model ban. how the new law could change the fashion landscape forever. >> let's get back to the family everybody loves to hate and hates to love. michael yo. i know you just spoke to khloe. >> it's sad, when you're as successful as they are, everyone is looking to tear you down. while the family business is booming

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20150407 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20150407

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and singing with his friends that is what you want it. >> reporter: in oakland has think the june kron 4 news haaziq madyun >> catherine heenan: will get a live look outside were tracking the storm tonight so more wet weather is coming vanessa bezic is here to look at the timing of the rain. >> reporter: the clouds the currently increasing and the winds are out of the south southwest. to continue to pick up up until 11:00 p.m. it is chilly outside the temperatures are in a barely and the low 60s. the system will build much stronger the week spirit will be spears the easter sunday. the pressure grading is typing without the but the winds there currently in the teens. 60 mi. per hour winds and oakland. tonight after midnight will talk about widespread tote moderate rain. tuesday that widespread rain will taper off to showers in the afternoon hours are in for rumbles of thunder and small hail. >> catherine heenan: and a reminder you get all your weather alerts forecast check radar and more by downloading your free kron 4 weather act. application >> catherine heenan: pg&e crews are taking precautionary measures. and oakland for example tree trimming crews were sent to the 3000 block of wisconsin street. they're concerned about the winds near power lines getting them tram will lower the risk when the wind and rain sit. >> catherine heenan: >> reporter: warned 14 streak and salt and this includes another 40 niner's message this time as kwame harris for you to play for the 49 he was arrested for beating up his boyfriend. he then appealed and lost the appeal this time he is accused of to it and runs one at high street and broadway at another would add 14 straight and harrison. then he drove his car the wrong way on 14th street end of the w ott the drilling ship and in the driveway where police then found him unconscious. >>: officers approached the vehicle and so that there was a male and gone to the driver's seat in the vehicle was still running. it was part halfway up the chain of driveway the officers tried to put handcuffs on harris he put up a fight. but the police officer was not injured >> reporter: harris is charged by police with aggravated assault hit-and- run and resisting arrest. you're looking at surveillance video of his vehicle in ottawa we believe making a turn we believe going on the wrong way and into that driveway where police found him. will show you a little bit more of that surveillance video later on tonight at 6:00 this the latest dan kerman kron 4 news >> catherine heenan: a car chase across the bay bridge in up with a pile up the car had been carjacked from stockton. the symbol of both the alameda county chp and then the chp severances " chp took over. >> reporter: the initial east ought spotted the car and started following it and a car did not stop the driver of the vehicle continued across the bay bridge and was involved in several collisions all along the way it came to an end of market street. the suspects' vehicle headed as you believe leaving both cards are disabled the driver and an the passenger bat out and started running and they were caught nearby >>: just looked in my rearview mirror and see this car flying out all house thought that's what may be 60 out and our he was doing this bumper cars defect. he started the car behind men in other cars. >>: he get the cars in front of us hocking you you can see he's coming through and you do is hope that he's not gonna hit in the heard anybody. >> reporter: the chase from oakland to san francisco at last about 10 minutes at a level lot of damaged vehicles luckily no one was seriously injured. >> catherine heenan: the us today the fifth and six suspects in the death of chyemil pierce were charged by alameda county district attorney's office today 25 uralics davis of oakland was charged with murder in connection with the death of chyemil pierce. 20 year-old the john ward of oakland was charged with being an accessory. chyemil pierce was final and fatally shot in the 2800 block of just the street on march 9th and four other suspects have already been charged with murder and other crimes in the case this is still an ongoing investment investigation. >> catherine heenan: and it's not getting a look at scott off on will police baited disturbing discovery a mummified body. will hear from neighbors when coming up at 5:15 p.m. and also the fate of a man accused of the boston marathon bombing goes to the jury will take you inside the trial at 5:30 p.m. and next with the breast cancer fight is costing americans will be right back >> catherine heenan: a new report says the not only is there a lot of false reports to win it all when it comes to mammograms but it is a very expensive myths mistake. the study says the u.s. spends $4 billion a year on unnecessary medical costs because of the over screening. that includes treatment of certain breast tumors which are unlikely to cause problems. breast cancer is the second most common death from cancer among american women the new information only sharpens an ongoing debate on how much grain is needed and will mammograms starting at age 40 have been considered standard but some argue that is too often. >> catherine heenan: a majority of voters in the three key swing states support the legalization of medical marijuana. more than 80 percent of those polled in florida ohio and pennsylvania also more than 50 percent support among adults the legal it less possessed small amounts of marijuana for personal use. florida and pennsylvania have pending bills to legalize pot this year making it an important issue for the 2016 presidential race. >> catherine heenan: still an ad a gruesome discovery in the san francisco home and next white neighbors knew something was wrong also is a something of the sierra has not seen in a while scalds know the picture the next it took tennis legend serena williams, fencing champion tim morehouse and the rockettes years to master their craft. but only moments to master paying bills at depositing checks at the atm and transferring funds on the mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. >> catherine heenan: authorities are trying to figure out how long a mummified body wrapped in blankets with an a san francisco on piles of trash were also found inside and it is believed it might be a horrible case according. kron 4 terisa estacio says the neighbors thought something was wrong but they did not expect anything like this. >> reporter: what looked inside you and see why city officials are calling this one of the worst cases of courting they have ever dealt with. from this angle you concede writing trash piled up to the ceiling and this is after three large dumpsters carted away trash found inside the on on 49th avenue in severances goes richmond district and this anastasia lives close of by her daughter. sadly officials did discover that what is being called a mummified body inside the home over the weekend officials say they check out a home after the woman living year went to get her taxes done admitted to the consultant that there was a dead person inside residents. >> reporter: the home is in supervisor at eric marsh district he says the woman is now getting help at a local hospital. >> reporter: right now the corner is examining the body no foul play is suspected. so much uranus' pcs and other public health hazard were discovered crews wore masks to protect themselves. supervisor marseillaise ought after thick smoke was discovered a professional cleaning crew has been contacted to come to the hong. >> catherine heenan: a homeowner and southern california was taken aback when he caught a robber in the act and al montez. police said the robber and a white van was trying to make a getaway when the president tried to close the gate. but the robber drove on any way backing up three times in hitting the other car homes in dallas shows he had ransacked the house for more than two hours eventually taking off with home electronics and thousands in cash the video help police track down the 19 year-old suspect. >>: if you could afford a surveillance system or something you have been considered highly encouraged them because they act as a deterrent factor. >> reporter: police caught the man and when he tried to run away they got they got back all the stolen property and cash. >> catherine heenan: easter sunday only brought a little rain to the bay area and it also meant some snow in the sierras. this is video from the kirkwood ski resort showing people taking the bench of the new snow. the area has had a severe lack of snow and many resorts closed early this season with another storm coming it hopes that more snow can help some of them stay open a little while longer. >> reporter: the shasta mounds and also the northern sierra this are under winter weather warning over the next 24 hours. still alive look closer to home at the golden gate bridges 6061 degrees. so it will be windy for most of tonight's as the storm system continues to approach the california coast. heavy widespread way expected after midnight. have the widespread re rain... there's a live look the storm trecker corp. he is the bulk of the rain is pushing into northern california south of that the actual call air will move man will time out >> catherine heenan: a week in paribas might have cost one delaware family their lives cnn near valencia has more details on the disturbing details >> reporter: this morning a criminal investigation is underway at this luxury hotel in st. john's in the u.s. virgin islands after a family of four on vacation from delaware was allegedly poisoned by methyl bromide a deadly pesticide used in agriculture. >> reporter: the company low rents out of bill at this saran usa resort clothes see in and the pest control co. term next fumigated the lower unit on march 18th right in the middle of the family stay. the total is nearly undetectable gas attacks along and nervous system causing respiratory and heart failure and so toxic is banned from use in the united states. even the world media rope meteorological organization says methyl bromide is so destructive it significantly contributes to the thinning of the earth's stratospheric ozone layer. >> reporter: the father speak as man was found in a coma while his sons 14 year- old and 16 year-old and their mother teresa divine or having severe seizures according to the family's lawyer the pack the parent's condition improved after the family was airlifted back to the u.s. the mother released from hospital but the attorney said on saturday both of the boys remain in a coma german extol see an end in a statement that they are " looking into this matter internally and cooperating with authorities and they join the community in wishing them a speedy recovery. net valencia cnn net >> catherine heenan: and the new fallout from the rolling stones great scandal coming up what the fraternity at the center of the controversy now says it might do and next the cookie that is in such demand there is a booming of black market for it that information coming up next. the rld fild wi air but r pele wh co sometis brthinair n bediicul if you he co, asyourdoct abo oncdail anorellipta. it hel peoe wi cop brthe tter foa fu 24hrs. anoro liptis t fir fda-prov proct containi twoong-ting brchodatorin o inher. ano isot f asthma. anoro ntai a te ofmecinehat ncrees ri of ath peoe wi asma. it is noknowif ts ri is ineasein cd. anoro n't plac reue ialer fosudd copsympms and ouldot busedore th onca da tell youdoct if u ha a het coitio higbloopresre. tell yr door youave glcomaproste or blaer pblem proems ssinurin as ano mamakeheseprobms wse. call your door rht ay ifyou ve rsen brehing chest painswelng oyour uth tone, proble uritingr ey oble includg vion cngesr eye in wle ting oro. thincan revee co. thworlis fled th a and anoro helng pple th pd bath r beer. get ur first prescptio ee aanorcom. >> catherine heenan: would you wait in line for hours for a cookie? people are doing exactly that in hong kong where a cookie is so popular it is being sold on the black market see in and into stevens has the story. >> reporter: there is nothing unusual about queuing in hong kong people here will happily lineup for the chance of snapping up a deal or turning a quick profit but this queue is different. >>: so welcome to the new hot q and hongkong is it not for financial products not for collectibles and not for corns. is food in fact it is a butter cookie. ginny's butter cookies are red hot in hong kong and local all types and force from near and far are lining up. >>: so we've been waiting here for about 10 to 50 minutes or so another 20 minutes if you don't want to wait there is a black market in ginny's butter cookies follow me. >> reporter: it is just around the corner in the heart of the famous and tim t as a shopping district the towels are easy enough to spot they are dull all little publicity shy ones you may contact is the track into a multi story remains keeping close to your guide stopped i am told the real thing. cambers definitely not welcome the cost ratan is slightly less than the $15 and that's a markup of about 70 percent meanwhile outside the real ginny's the queue is molding. we're giving tickets to enter the inner sanctum in this case yet another maze of shops there are plenty of warnings here from jenny's management about the legality of selling and of course fakes by the time we're ride only small tins are left but that does not seem to dampen the mood the wait is almost over we get our allocation and make our way i out but if a little well underwhelm i do seem to be in the minority >>: very good >> reporter: andrew's stevens cnn hong kong. >> catherine heenan: capital by 30 p.m. at the fate of a man accused of the boston bombing is now going to the jury and later a catwalk controversy in france why the country is banning models who are considered too skinny. ♪♪ at kaiser permanente everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪♪ >> catherine heenan: and not 530 we're tracking the weather tonight the storm system that is going are coming our way will bring some much-needed rain to the bay area the wet weather is some much-needed relief for the extreme the drought the we have been dealing with. vanessa bezic joins us to look at the timing of the ring. >> reporter: widespread to moderate to heavy rain will start after midnight and will push to the south bay in our morning commute tomorrow. tuesday to the afternoon to be showers and some heavy rain was possible hail. we have a chance to see street showers again along the coast. by 11:00 p.m. tonight you'll see the heaviest rain approaching. it will move to the overnight time for will see the heaviest rain about 2:00 a.m.. somali of the bill lot upon the water will worsen the rain will be from the sitting down to san will they with the morning commute. the rain will start to taper off as the cold air stars to filter in ride be fine that front. you expect scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms. with that cold air filtering in the temperatures will be called afternoon temperatures are 56 degrees along the coastline in the lower fifties around the bay. >> catherine heenan: 9 national news the fate of accused boston marathon by mark jolt arsenite if is now all in the hands of the jury. they are expected to begin deliberations tomorrow morning alecia reid is here to tell us about the emotional windup of the trial. >> reporter: 4 killed nearly 300 wounded one surviving suspect. today a federal prosecutor described a jolt are sonatas sir not have as a cold-blooded terrace on a mission of murder. after showing the jury the mutilated bodies of his victims he said this is the cold reality of what his crimes left behind. certain imf was discovered hiding under a boat stored in a nearby watertown. prosecutors quoted the message he left in the bullet riddled all i do not like killing innocent people but it is allowed all credit goes to allow allah... in an unusual legal twists personae as distance attorney acknowledged that he participated in the bombing and killing of the police officers several days later but he said hurt she said her client was under the influence of his older brother was killed by police lawyer judy clarke specializes in high-profile death penalty cases she was successful in getting licenses for gaby difference shooter juror loner in the eye unabomber ted kosinski of sir devi of is facing 30 counts including 17 that carry the possibility of the death penalty. the deliberations are expected to last us is a full day to and if he is convicted in the second phase of the trial that's when his punishment will be decided. the jury boats must be anonymous unanimous in order to send to death row. >> catherine heenan: now the defense has rested in the trial of murder trial of former new england patriot aaron hernandez it to the defense just one day to present its case calling three witnesses prosecutors represent what hundred 31 witnesses to back their claim that hernandez kill semipro football player odin lloyd part hernandez pleaded not guilty to the 2013 murder lloyd was shot six times at a park near menendez home in massachusetts closing arguments are set for tomorrow or wednesday. >> reporter: the university of virginia fraternity chapter at the center of the rolling stones retracted article says it will sue the magazine and now the date be credited discredited story is the center about a gang rape at the fraternity at the university of virginia. >> reporter: the authorities of the invest the authors of the investigation were blunt the columbia school of journalism was tasked with finding out what went wrong and the rolling stones magazine november article about a look an alleged rape at the university of virginia the account told the story of jackie who claimed she was gang raped at the spy capsizing fraternity house police say there is no evidence this rape occurred colombia's a review found no one lied or invented fax the reporting staff will get a second chance the rolling stones says no one will be fired including the story writer sabrina rubin eagerly. she said in a statement that these are mistakes that i will not make again colombia's a report found that eagerly and her editors failed to corroborate jackie story with the friends who were with her that night did not do enough to get a response from the fraternity was not aggressive enough in making sure the details provided by jackie were accurate will they now the managing director released a statement last night saying in part we would like to apologize to our readers and to all those were damaged by story in the ensuing fallout. and he rose kron 4 news >> catherine heenan: oakland board kamal harris was red has raised more than $2 billion in january for u.s. the senate campaign california statewide races can be expensive analysts said the california attorney general could need up to a $30 million for 2016 race from january to march she is a receiving and contributions from 47 states and is the on lynette only major democrat in the race so far a status symbol and meant rock quiches of as is the only established republican candidate at this point. >> catherine heenan: hillary clinton is expected to begin her presidential campaign in the next two weeks she is expected to focus on smaller events rather than holding large rallies during a run the camp and go will be the focus ought to focus on boaters and less about: herself party plans to put her in the direct high-tech with voters in the states with early primaries and caucuses. >> catherine heenan: former florida gov. jim bush admits he mistakenly marked hispanic on his voter registration form and 2009 bush we did about saying i mistake don't think i'd have told anyone his son jeb bush jr. tweed at his father using cash that honorary latino jeb bush is married to a columbia bush who was born in mexico jeb bush reported speaks fluent spanish and lived in venezuela for two years in his 20s is considering a 2016 presidential run. >> catherine heenan: still become the boys of summer bat coming up 545 we're live at the a's getting ready for the kick off season tonight at the coliseum. >> catherine heenan: actively and arnold all plans to create an equal friendly resort on his private island off the coast of belief it is one and 4 a. and is on populated is back problems resulting from an eroding coast line and overfishing. the actor plans to get it back in good condition he is partners with the new york city based developer and they are planning 68 villas in the naples and unique features like special lighting which incurred asleep the resort is set to open in 2018. >> reporter: were tracking a winter like swarm and and tell you on to tell you how much rain we can expect coming up. a winter like storm universe >> catherine heenan: the of wisconsin fans are getting creative tonight from men's basketball national championship game against duke. a wisconsin farmer pain the university lobar in the badger wed on is prize cow at the the team plunged their ticket to the final four last week run of the cow clothes with a chipped away sign reading eat more wildcat to poke fun at the badger's previous opponent the kentucky wildcats. the farmer said the pay is nontoxic and road does not seem to mind. >> catherine heenan: for the baseball fans the wait is over to and this is opening day for the giants and a's tonight oakland place its first home game for the season against the texas rangers kron 4 jr stone joins us live from the coliseum. >> jr stone: is the team that they're taking on the rivals the texas rangers was taking batting practice right now. some of the french have made the way in here but others are still out in the parking lot because this is a tailgate party i was out their little while ago take a listen to some of the fun we had. >> jr stone: she is decked out today and i you start them young >>: this is our first opening day. >> jr stone: out older that how old are that it >>: she's eight months and these six months. >> jr stone: your lead one of the bigger guys out there with his big grill. ms. of the right shirt that i have ever seen of moses painted 24 minutes ago be of a different one of the shirts every gang >>: know i am not rich. >> jr stone: and is certainly is a party out here you look off into the distance to see some of the fans yes there some rangers fans out here as well. will have a lot more we did not hear all day long. will have some more of the players the coaches and the fans coming up and some of the entire out there did really crazy and will come back out here at the 6:15 p.m. area of the show to show you more the costumes from the parking lot i can tell you is packed outside and is gonna be packed in here when first pitch happens around 7:10 p.m.. >> reporter: it is the calm before the storm. we're tracking went out of the south southwest. live at the san mateo bridge is currently 59 degrees the winds are at 10 mi. an hour. from now 3:11 p.m. you and expressed racial our it will become increasingly wendy. after 11:00 p.m. moderate rain will push into the north bay in a push to the south and east of the majority of the bay area and overnight tom frame and in the morning. as we had from midday into tuesday the rain will taper off into showers and the will be thunderstorms and a blast of heavy rain will also and possible hail will be tomorrow afternoon. it is in that cold front is about to one and 50 mi. off shore pushed to the south and east. it originates from the gulf of alaska that means the temperatures in the upper levels will be called. the cold air is pushing into the afternoon hours of the bay area. and that's when the rain will to take robin to showers and thunderstorms. >> reporter: taking a look at our future cassette you can see leading edge of from 11:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. moderate to heavy rain and packing the majority of the bay area. us with the heaviest rain will be in the south bay area. midday on where as a man that this thunderstorms are in the afternoon hours. taking this chance of we're expecting one to 2 in. of rain. specially in the north bay. down in the peninsula you would probably give least an inch as well. east bay locations were looking at a half an inch of rain. kohl will upper 50s along the coastline and lower fifties elsewhere. the high pressure will build over ahead thursday and friday for another week and is looking breezy and dry. >> gabe slate: remember those holes bend gate stain will the new rival the samsung gala see samsung galaxies test 6 edge could have a bending problem also. this is been bought and he is about to crush the i phone 5. >>: this is the first robot made to test the been the ability of smart phone we partner with berkeley robotics professionals to make it. >> gabe slate: square trade bill this because they like to know the durability of the funds they are an online war to company that offers of protection plans after band-aid hack it they now test every phone by simulating the type or pressuring it received when being sat on in the back pocket. for this round of testing that compared the i phone 6 plus to the new galaxy essex edge at 1 under and 10 lbs. of pressure the i phone 6 plus bent at the same amount of pressure the galaxy as six bent and a glass on the edge of the screen shattered so in the square trade tests at the essex did worse than the eye phone 6 plus dead the i phone 6 + bentham but the screen still held together square trade let been bought gold all the way to see what pressure would kill the phones the i phone 6 reached of its total breaking point and hundred 79 lbs. of pressure and it took last of four this as 6 to reach the breaking point which was on 49 lbs. of pressure. >>: so people with taipans and should be careful when using back pocket or people on long train or plane rides should take it out or get a good case or a good protection plan. >> gabe slate: gabe slate reporting female narrator: for over 60,000 california foster children a pair of shoes is a small but important gift. my shoes have a hole in them. i can barely fit in these anymore. i hope no one would notice. they hurt my feet. i never had new shoes before. to help, sleep train is collecting new shoes of all sizes. bring your gift to any sleep train, and they'll be given to a local foster child in need. not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child. it took tennis legend serena williams, fencing champion tim morehouse and the rockettes years to master their craft. but only moments to master paying bills at depositing checks at the atm and transferring funds on the mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. >> catherine heenan: paris fashion we could look pretty different this december. france is joining italy spain and israel and the emerging trend of body image legislation. >> reporter: the groundbreaking law passed friday the hope is that it will come back anorexia by targeting models were too thin and punishing the model modeling agents and fashion houses to hire them with the severe consequences. france's catwalk controversy then not so and as france's parliament passes a tough law making it a crime for modeling agencies and designers to pay anorexic models or somehow encourage anorexia the consequences six months in jail or $80,000 in fines. france's catwalk controversy >> reporter: but when see more healthier models used on a global. >> reporter: 1 all other french legislation can affect the american industry. >>: think about the fact they're wearing very grown- up clothes marketed to very grown-up women. >> reporter: in the u.s. fashion designers have tried to be more conscientious regarding their fashion shows. we're gonna have a lot more on that story on at 7 on the new insider. >> catherine heenan: after the insider entertainment tonight is the 730 follow by kron 4 news 8. >> catherine heenan: this video shows of former 40 niner's linebacker involved in a hit-and-run over the weekend and also the next steps in the san francisco police officers caught up in the controversy over racist and homophobic tax ting on the job. testing texting.. . known for >> catherine heenan: former 49 alignment kwame harris is making headlines again kron 4 was the first to report today he was arrested this weekend on the you i charges and a long list of other infractions. believing every one i am catherine heenan. >> catherine heenan: kwame harris is being held on and not one but to hit in runs in san francisco last night kron 4 dan kerman joins us live from mission district at the scene of the arrest with more. >> dan kerman: officers found the 40 niner's behind the wheel of a car was still on the was apparently on a conscious. this is of the vehicle video of vehicle turning down a one-way street in southbound best parts pulling up and to part of black driveway officers when over to investigate and found the driver was unconscious at the wheel with the vehicle still running. the suspect is familiar to bay area for sports fans. is linebacker kwame harris. >>: the suspect then attempted to buy an officer's hand. when he was taken into custody. bite his hand >> dan kerman: and charged with resisting arrest of driving under the influence of drugs into cases of hit and run. >>: had street and broadway and harrison the two separate incidents of hidden mines he collided with a luxury vehicle. >> dan kerman: this is not harris's first run in with the police seen in 2013 he was charged with beating his and boyfriend so badly in the face that he needed a metal plate inserted. we're back live here 14 street and south bend has is sam francisco's mission district. the case has to be turned over to the district attorney's office so that and decide what files would be charged with charges will be filed against them. >> catherine heenan: temperatures have been dropping across the bay area right now we're looking at the san mateo bridge with wendy and chilly conditions. this is what looks like right now in looking at a live shot right now was second with vanessa bezic the call on the latest with our forecast. >> reporter: the storm system is currently organizing itself at the clouds are increasing and so are the winds. the seamen ally at a high-level clouds is said and felt really brisk outside cells like 55 genscher skin the winds are currently at 16 mi. an hour. this ring a push into the north bay as we head to about 11:00 p.m. cold air will fall behind. so breaking down the storm to 11:00 p.m. we cannot rule out a shout from the coast. and after 11:00 p.m. and to tamara was expecting widespread mine with to have a heavy rain. iran should taper off about 11 tomorrow to showers and a gun near rumbles of thunder. a show you how and when it will affect your morning commute coming up. >> catherine heenan: and we will welcome the rank two- thirds of california is an extreme to exceptional drought and that drought is expanding across a pot large part of the nation's crop region. the drought monitor shows dry conditions brought in the midwest. 22 percent of the corn production area and 80 percent of the soybean area are in some degree of drought that is up from 6% and 5% cent respectively just a month ago. >> catherine heenan: alecia reid and colombian joining us >> reporter: accomplice's spotted the car and alameda police get try to get behind and stopped with lights that did not work is the the boat driver of the goals chevy in call-up invaded the chp and was involved in several collisions along the way it came to an end on market street and the suspect vehicle and it and as you be leaving both cars disable the drivers that got hit the bar to suffer with bumps and bruises but no one was seriously hurt. >>: i saw a guy jumping out of the car and running away and that was said the in >>: looks bad but the people were very lucky >> reporter: the chase from oakland to san francisco last about 10 minutes and left a lot of damage to vehicles they tried taking off on foot after their car was less badly damaged but there were caught nearby. >> catherine heenan: the musician the was killed by a stray bullet saturday night it happened in downtown oakland we have you to bed video hit just believing the golden bull club when he was hit by a bullet fired by somebody that was shooting at another person. right >>: doubt we do not know who the suspect is. we have a significant amount of their video surveillance the suit is captures the complete incident from the start to finis >> catherine heenan: adjust the finished playing a birthday party for friend when he was killed crime stoppers is offering of $25,000 reward for any information leading to a reward. the rest come >> catherine heenan: this emphasis the police department text message investigation is now complete the severances kochis says the 14 members of the department did engaged in inappropriate racist homophobic text messaging that violated department policy. the fbi was the lead investigative unit a officers have been suspended and could be fired and six other officers were reassigned and could face a further discipline. >> catherine heenan: the university of california doctors are going on strike again starting april 9th the union of american physicians and dentists have gave the university of california office of a president and notice the doctors employed by the use the plans to hold strikes at all attenuate uc campuses. doctors plan to strike at uc-berkeley san francisco davis center crews and more sit until monday april 13th the student doctors first organize their union and 2013 and are currently bargaining for the first contract with you would use with young university of california. >> catherine heenan: organizes of a fund raiser for the family all fallen officer michael johnson say they have raised more than double the amount paid they set their goals for. the general manager of the pri to catania arms restaurants in san jose says the final is over $100,000 both of his locations held fund- raisers last week when barbeques silent auctions and raffles. all the money will gold officer johnson's family. the 38 year-old was killed in the line of duty on march 24th. >> catherine heenan: now of the opening of the new grabs at the interchange of interstate 280 and interstate 880 and san jose near valley their shopping center has been delayed until april 10th the valley transportation authority had planned to open the rams tuesday but agency spokesman says the crows need more days to complete the flyover ramp that will take drivers from northbound i 280 to northbound 880 and bypass the weaving exit the stevens creek boulevard. >> catherine heenan: periodic closures of the san francisco ban nest for construction of the new california pacific medical center campus will begin tonight and continued through september traffic will be restricted between gary and post rates for the construction of the hundred 24 ft. long pedestrian tunnel. the tunnel will connect the planned to under 74 that hospital with a medical office building across the street according to officials at herero be all l d t the general contractor working on the new campus. there will be partial closures starting tonight at 11:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. tuesday and then on tuesday and wednesday nights as well. then as avenue will be entirely closed this weekend as well as weekends of april 24th and september 5th for 72 hours each. it took tennis legend serena williams, fencing champion tim morehouse and the rockettes years to master their craft. but only moments to master paying bills at depositing checks at the atm and transferring funds on the mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. >> catherine heenan: the trial of accused boston bombing trial fordham alecia reid is here with more on what prosecutors told the jury i know this was very emotional >> reporter: absolutely his lawyers are not denying he took part in the bombing or killed a police officer a few days later but is that this is that his brother was the instigator. >> reporter: shikar son i have jokar tsarnaev.. minutes before the marathon blass entirely untroubled by what he was about to do convince prosecutors say in by the terrace literature in songs he had been listening to and reading for over a year living a double got a double life to the outside world he shall one face inside the harvard another he was careful like inspire magazine taught him to be. the motive spelldown they say in a note written in the blood of spain will it red boat where he was found hiding we muslims are one body you are one you are as all. prosecutors repeatedly described to him and his brother tamburlaine as partners in each of the series of crimes are both planning and together carrying out the marathon bombings. the murder of met officer sean kiley air of a carjacking a robbery of firefight with a watered- down police. i pointed argument against the case the defense may is that he lent his brother led the camp and he followed images of the car outside the forum restaurant shown again to jurors the children lined up on the barricade the government arguing he can help we can't help but see them a haunting retelling of the painstaking details 8 year-old martin richard his body shattered broken any vessel rated lee byrne the blass injures injuries that killed lang zebu who did not plan to be there that day crystal campbell dead from blood loss and less than one minute office a call here shot between the eyes twice more in ahead. so to the out will be asking jurors to consider the death penalty. >> catherine heenan: today the fifth and six suspects in the murder of chyemil pierce were charged by the alameda county d.a.. 25 year-old alex davis of old and was charged with murder 20 year-old de john ward of oakland was charged with being an accessory chyemil pierce was shot and killed march 9th for other suspects have already been charged with murder and other crimes in the case the investigation is ongoing. >> reporter: is filled more risk when you step outside because of the heavy winds. the leading edge of the moderate to locally heavy rain will be approaching the north bay. in the overnight time frame between 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. with some experience heavy rain. the commute come tomorrow i think the we're at worst of the rain will be anywhere from the city down to us at jose on 1 01 will be quite treacherous out there. we're expecting rain rates between 1/3 to i have an inch per hour. to a half an inch per hour. the cold air will be fifth filtering in and we will see scattered their and the storms and and of small and up episodes of yale. hail... in the north bay three-quarters of an ad to run the north bay and about half an inch around east bay and south bay communities. to be chilly as we start out the day in the '40's. >> reporter: down into the south bay area done as we head towards the rain will taper off into showers the temperatures will be barely into the mid fifties. will dry out and warm-up for wednesday through friday. >> catherine heenan: so opening day for major league baseball the giants are way perry at. >> jr stone: is always a good time out here it is gonna be loud tonight and is going to be rocking here at the coliseum. both teams of art taken batting practice we look off into the distance he could see the film crew is now out there and they're preparing this feel for the big game in less than one hour. the fans have been out here all day long some of them tell dating for the game. backup >> jr stone: take me through where you get the i like this. >>: gatt with the a's played the cubs and loss vegas. i got it >> jr stone: what is your prediction i seen showing up the tattoos >>: i get espn warriors and raiders. i love the bank on an oakland fan. i love the bay area and i am an oakland fan >> jr stone: and you actually see a lot of these things will you be able to see what it's dark out there if they did and do well >>: i think they gotta win the world series. >> jr stone: you're looking at one of the two new jumble try as they put out here a little bit more seidman at the coliseum they said you know we don't know what to expect we really don't know what to expect with the a's but that's ok. >> catherine heenan: always told someone see do from the tailgating parties. still ahead what happens when you get too close to a fire in it even if you're firefighter and the easter egg hunt that didn't go off as planned. did ruin the fun though we will be right back. it did not ruin the fun >> catherine heenan: firetruck and maryland get too close to the action today to fire trucks were destroyed near the scene of a big warehouse fire in capitol heights is a suburb of washington d.c.. the building houses a roofing company black smoke was seen for miles including at the national stadium the mall in washington d.c. even at reagan national airport and air arlington va. no injuries were reported. >> catherine heenan: thousands of children from all over this city were looking for more than 500,000 plastic eggs at this at the first state capital parents said things started pretty but then they got chaotic it did not help that some of the parents actually jumped in trying to help their kids up collect the hex. >>: is so crowded and the parents will not stay off the grass we want the kids to have fun is not roped off properly >> catherine heenan: ionizers said they did try to keep things peds peaceful and tried to tell the parents to leave this alone will let the children enjoy this. it was an an effort to bring the community together. is a bi support survivors of human trafficking but this did not quite qualify for some reason of the guinness book of world records. >> catherine heenan: breach of ethics for rolling stone magazine. the independent review done by leaders of the columbia university found that the mobs and more about the mummified body that was found inside a home. and how to deal with water restrictions even though we have re coming through. ♪♪ with kaiser permanente you'll connect with your doctor any time anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪♪ >> reporter: here in san francisco's mission district more trouble for kwame harris former 40 niner's player he was convicted convicted and for beating up his boyfriend this time is under arrest for to hit-and- run aggravated assault and resisting arrest he was a rested at the vw already dealership the police said they found him behind the wheel unconscious with the motor running and san francisco dan kerman kron 4 news >> reporter: a chp car chase across the bridge is up and crashed on market street. the alameda and chp from oakland and a car chase multiple cars were involved it took awhile for the drivers to come to a halt the crashed into an is you the the try to run away we're caught nearby. alecia reid kron 4 new >> reporter: homicide investigators at the oakland police department says that have strong video evidence an altercation between two people outside of ballclub that of cause them musician to lose his life with a stray bullet. a reward of up to $20,000 is being offered to information leading to do rest of the shooter in this case. haaziq madyun reporting >> reporter: city officials said this is one of the worst cases of courting the they have ever seen them taken out bottles of urine species and a mummified body this all came to life when a resident nearer that lives near went to a tax consultant says the sheehan admitted that she was living with a dead body insider ron they believe that the dead body was the woman's elderly mother. they said there was so much trash inside that they have now gone to get an outside contractor to clean up the home furans san francisco terisa estacio reporting >> reporter: i and emily turner and martinez were summed district board members were fired up denise l. skins were voted against putting airconditioner and us elementary school. there conditioners the course clothes did need it because the kids most likely did not have that at home either shot over the phone she said that was taken out of context. in martinez family turner reporting >> reporter: column starting monday evening a big storm is expected to move men but it won't be enough moisture to end or even put a dent in our california is ongoing drought. over the weekend the governor defended his decision to create a mandatory restriction water restrictions. state officials are group warning that water rights holders across the state be prepared for big cuts. >> reporter: the see that a coming storm system coming then it will be when the we cannot rule out stray showers coming across the north bay. we expect the water to north bay at 11:00 p.m. by midday on tuesday that rain will taper off into showers and through the afternoon tomorrow the will be rumbles of thunder. will be bringing clouds and when the conditions to 11:00 p.m. that's we expect the bulk of the rain to head into the bay area about 2 to 3:00 a.m.. i think the call from what actually slow down a little bit as it interacts with land. >> reporter: you're looking at a bit of an active commute when you wake up tomorrow after 11:00 a.m. to notice this showers of the move cleared quickly in the south east direction with the cold air arriving in the afternoon hours. the west to the rain down into the south bay would taper off into showers about 11:00 a.m. continuing in the afternoons showers in the afternoon with some thundershowers impossible rail. we would try things alps after wednesday. meant to low 60s elsewhere it will be warm dry and breezy and from thursday into the upcoming weekend. >> catherine heenan: scandals rocking the world of journalism tonight here an independent review done by leaders at columbia university journalism department found that what the magazine publisher should not have ever seen ink. >> reporter: offer of rolling stones rape on campus is offering of grueling experience and was about a grueling experience. the story center on a woman's claims of a horrific sexual assault at university of virginia frat house. within a month however the story from the alleged victim jackie started to unravel. columbia journalism still published reports of a three month outside please review scathing the multiple incidents of where the author with failed to corroborate this claim. >>: it was a collector of report all of the reported the editor >> reporter: at the report causes painful reading he apologizes and says that he and his staff are committed to making changes that are recommended by the report i'm andrew spencer reporting >> catherine heenan: the men charged with killing three muslim college students back in february might face the death penalty if convicted craig stevens takes is accused of shooting a university of north carolina grad student his wife and her sister after is hearing today the judge ruled that hicks if the death penalty qualified chapel hill police and said that the ickes murder the three and a long- running dispute over parking spaces at the complex they shared. >> gabe slate: there's a new dating act is gaining a lot of traction. this one puts the ladies in track charged the women and select which men are in the dating put will that information will be coming up at 8:00 p.m. gabe slate reporting for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco, made with jennie-o ground turkey, cooked thoroughly to 165. (mom) i'd feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. (woman) i think that they're light and they're just fresh tasting. (vo) it's time for a better taco. (kid) the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. (vo) make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey at a store near you. it took tennis legend serena williams, fencing champion tim morehouse and the rockettes years to master their craft. but only moments to master paying bills at depositing checks at the atm and transferring funds on the mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. >> catherine heenan: very tense scenes in the cockpit of an error played books they were fighting the co- pilot was accused of assaulting the pilot and it took off from their the co- pilot was than told to write down some critical and permission for the flight and is aaron is trying to play this all down saying it was an air argument. >> catherine heenan: in rye and error is telling customers that they cannot bring alcohol of any kind on its flights between glass co scott glenn and spanish party resorts of eyes and visa. the route is the only one of the europeans encounters large route network to get saddled with such a restriction the ban includes duty-free purchases. >> catherine heenan: now brain scanning technique might one day help identify people with the disease lang to concussions in football and other sports and ellis now diagnosed only after death a small studies suggest scans the 14 retired football players at risk for the condition called ct e rebuild pauses of abnormal protein in the pattern resembling that found in an autopsy in the disease. c t e stands for chronic tromped dramatic and seven allopathy it causes progressive brain degeneration and athletes and others who had been repeatedly suffered with concussions and other blows to they had symptoms include memory loss confusion aggression depression and progressive dementia. >> reporter: and time now for sports with gary radnich. >> gary radnich: baseball is opening day the giants and a few minutes and arizona and a their just moments away at the oakland coliseum. and that's the big deal new board people are scratching their heads in now traded 27 players is a complete makeover fourth thing that was pretty good last season rickey henderson showing up on opening night everybody wants to make their presence felt when there's a pretty good crowd about bob melvin is talking about all the changes >>: the way they do things around here there is one reason turnover of you don't embrace it in my experience the turnover is always been good is always brought in good players that may not know the first couple of days to save them or halfway through the season but cut the end of the year you will know their names. >> gary radnich: bomb failed to say is if you do not embrace it you will not have a job. jr stone and his golfing sweater is on the scene at the coliseum allow j r >> jr stone: will and good evening gary radnich have to tell you the chapter has dropped the winds have picked up in the last hour but to no one is opening night so none of that matters because it is all about the baseball game perry look off in the distance you can see all the fans making their way into the coliseum they are excited about seeing one team tonight and that same as the oakland a's we ought on the field earlier and with a loss of face the with seen before but there are slow of new players here markets simian the neuberger and third baseman i talk with a lot of these fans chris said they do not know what to expect this tame but they said really we do we never know what to expect we're excited and usually works out. >> jr stone: we talk to the form of about but no the third basement >>: may be burned in the infidel maybe. burns is really entertaining to watch. he's been a dive a few times more than a delightfully plays the game hard and it's fun to watch >> jr stone: out here live again you can see all the fans making their way to the safe stadium they showed up this morning in have been did tell dating all day long. an aston died an ad energy tonight and they said you bat stock. you bet cha... >> gary radnich: so-have they sold out tonight? >> jr stone: last check there was some tickets i heard that out but i believe they are but the please don't quote me on that. >> gary radnich: jeff are on the scene now me is via those who can't do go into the media so year they specks in a's fans to this kind of when it's a little bit. dayaks our pick 16th by espn. they age are picked a '90s by espn the a's the oakland a's in dallas bourse's 19 says >>: the a's a gun when the world series the oakland a's will win the world series >> gary radnich: your remember and has come in here numerous times but isn't that a good way to do it if you're looking for low attention which all of us are in the media if they don't win the world series people will forget but they do when and killing is a genius. ann killing... she wrote the first big profile on may at home on the same gary radnich is dedicated to his work but he's never been to europe. she >> gary radnich: said that because most guys if you do and hope that you got your peak travel little bit and she thought that i was so single focus their retirement sarah as the allies still have not been to europe. i still have not been. >> gary radnich: alex rodriguez de laugh all you want he is the one yankee the chernobyl he is following his one-year suspension is back in uniform today and the bronx. >>: #15 alex announcer >> gary radnich: the only reason he is back is because he was owed $60 million. is no question that the yankees want to get rid of them but alicia and oes and is first at bat in a base hit all what one for the three-day. necessitous was making a big impression in his first game in detroit cespedes... detroit beat minnesota 4 to 0. there is a man is considered the best player in the game there's trout my trout taking on home-run from seattle the angels lose to seattle but for students to the score of one. 4 to 1... >> gary radnich: 40 niner's and maybe we can go somewhere else will sieve crabtree is the call of begin a real and of staying in the bay area no matter what and back to a lady that has been to europe but let me talk it over with the staff may be crime will submit a rom >> catherine heenan: coming up the incredible effort from texarkana the i x a r in making its newest movie plus when you conceive of them. pixar.. in my wod, wl ist a stre.retu on vestnt i't t on retn i'lookg foard . fosome every doll is rnedithswea sacrificecoure. whh ishy ua isonor tohelpur members with erythg fr invtingfor tirent to sing r coege. r coitme to rrenandform milary mber and eir mili is thou eql. start inveing th alitt fif dolrs. >> catherine heenan: investigators have concluded that our search author farley was not of the album that some of elder abuse. the question arose when the famous writer recently announced that a manuscript she wrote decades ago would be published 8888 your all lives in an assisted living facility in alabama some questions whether she was being exploited or had really given her consent. investigators say there was no wrongdoing and the case is now close lee's new book is called to the goals that a watchman and it features some of the same characters as our only other book to kill a mockingbird. >> catherine heenan: picks our studios in emeryville has finished its moon will be caught inside out. pixar.. it was 5 and 1/2 years in the making is described as being about the life and mind of an 11 year- old including the fear and anger and joy as the most from minnesota to sacramento. as the most from floor minnesota to san francisco this starts at 3 and 50 artists and technicians worked on it and it captures not only the external human world but it also the internal landscape of the mine in sight and out. is scheduled for release in mid june. the kardashians in crisis. will bruce confirm his transition to become a woman? >> "the insider," with perspective on today's top trending stories. >> i just think it's a low blow. i think it's really mean. >> the kardashians in crisis. khloe blasts bruce's critics as his reported transition announcement gets an air date. meantime, rob refuses help for his alleged depression. >> i just want my family happy. >> then, gwyneth, lifestyle maven, and club owner? >> how the oscar winner is taking over the sunset strip. >> and the tidal wave is officially in motion. rihanna and beyonce's new single make the app a must have? >> furious seven burned box office rubber with a record clinching weekend. i gave the bad boys a chance to show me their softer side. let's go inside. >> now it's even harder, concrete. >> now, the latest celebrity and pop culture news delivered to you 24/7, it's "the insider" together with yahoo!. bruce jenner. the interview. will he finally confirm he is transitioning to become a woman? plus, we are keeping up with the rest of the kardashian drama. >> and inside france's game changing skinny model ban. how the new law could change the fashion landscape forever. >> let's get back to the family everybody loves to hate and hates to love. michael yo. i know you just spoke to khloe. >> it's sad, when you're as successful as they are, everyone is looking to tear you down. while the family business is booming

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