Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20150313 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20150313

bulldog: oooh! mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale! television announcer: get a serta mattress any size for just $197 each piece when you buy the complete set. the $197 mattress sale... bulldog: oh boy! television announcer: ...ends sunday. ♪ mattress discounters ♪ ♪♪ with kaiser permanente you'll connect with your doctor any time anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle see how much you could save. the wod isillewithir. t fopeop witcopd sotimebreaing r cabe diffult. if you havcopdask ur ctorboutnce-ily oro lia. itelpseoplwithopd breae beer for full4hou. anoro elpta theirst a-apovedrodu containingwo lg-acng bronodilors onenhal. anoris n forsthma. anoro coains typof medine tt ireas riskf deh ineoplwithasth. it is not own thirisks incrsed cop ano wot reace resc inhers for ddenopd mpto and shld n be ed me thannce day. tellour ctorf yohave hearcondion, origh ood essu. tell youdoct ifou he glauma, osta or bladd proems, orrobls paing ine as anormay ke tse oble wor. call youdoct rig awaif u ha woenedreatng chest in, elli of ur moh orongu prlemsrinang oeyeprlems includinvisi chaes o e pa whi takg ano. noing n reverscopd the rld fild wi air and anoro iselpi peoe wi co breh aibett. t yo first prescriion fr at oro.m. >> look farther off to the west, and there is additional high cloud cover that will be pushing in over the next 48 hours bringing a dirty look to the skies. but temperatures will be on the rise. tonight, light winds are expected and will switch out to the south and west and move up to patchy areas of fog, postally in the north bay and as we head into the dealt as. fog tracker 4 monitors the areas south and west. it will set up in the early part of the morning commute. three days after the bombing, testimony that dzhokhar tsarnaev and late brother tamerlin got in his car and said that he pointed a gun to his head and ordered him to drive. he made his escape when they stopped to get gasoline. police say that tsarnaev and his brother planted two bombs that killed three people and injured 260 others 58 boston marathon. the military no longer expects to find survivors from the helicopter coast guard wrash crash off the coast of florida. the blackhawk helicopter crashed in dense fog during a training mission in florida killing 11 marines and soldiers. the cause has not been determined but bad weather is preventing the recovery of the flight recorder. the white house said president obama still has full confidence in secret service director joseph clancy despite the latest investigation into two senior secret service agents accused of driving a car into a white house security barrier after drinking. supervisors on hand did not require sobriety tests even though it was suggested to them. the two agents have been reassigned to noon supervisory, non-operational jobs whatever that means. this is just the latest in a string of incidents involving the secret service. caught on camera, a camera plows into a pizza place. grant? >> reporter: if you blink, you'll miss it. classic scenario, the driver, gas instead of brake, and you can see it into the pizza place. but a woman was taken in. watch a woman walking right here, and you'll see her. she just lands on the hood and plows through the front glass. there she is on the hood. but remarkably, she is able to get out. that was in slow motion. this is in aurora, colorado. she was under cut, and you can see a few hours later, they cleaned up making pizzas once again, employees and patrons not injured. and the woman walked away from the crash, unbelievable. and this story has a pizza connection as well. so-called fans of "breaking bad" are behaving badly, and now, the couple that owns the home where key scenes were filmed are getting police involved. the albuquerque, new mexico house that belonged to walter white in the show is own inside real life by frances padilla and her husband, and they are frustrated because people keep tossing pizzas on their roof, recreating a scene from breaking bad. police are investigating. and you've probably seen this game, foosball, and now, students in casper, wyoming have built a human foosball table. it's a test of their knowledge in math and construction, and teachers are organizing it. the project is part one of 4 hands on learning programs that roosevelt high school students are taking into consideration. they have to use the ruler and they get together and then they are human foosball machines. pam? will ferrell joins the oakland as, coming up at 5:45, why the actor is taking the field with 10 teams today. and are you planning to tie the knot? how much you can plan to shell out. a sharp rally in the dollar is relepting helping to push the stock market to the best day in five weeks. the dow jumps nearly 260 points. television announcer: mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale is ending sunday. bulldog: mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale! television announcer: that means sunday is your last chance to get a serta mattress any size for just $197 each piece when you buy the complete set. bulldog: any size mattress - twin, full, queen, or king - for one low price! and they'll deliver it free. television announcer: the $197 mattress sale... bulldog: oh boy! television announcer: ...ends sunday. ♪ mattress discounters ♪ still waiting for your tax refund from 2011? maybe you haven't filed? the irs said you need to act now or else. bylaw, taxpayers have just three years to claim their refund. if they do not file by april 15, the refund money will go to the u.s. treasury. the irs has $1 billion in unclaimed money. and you'll need that refund if you're thinking of tying the knot. according to the knot, the average couple spends more than $30,000 on nuptials. the venue eats up the biggest portion of the budget followed by the engagement ring and band. the cost invitations went down possibly because of electronic save the date invites. and we are in the sicks to mid-70s. i'll at this time -- let i know when we could hit the 80s coming up. if you owe back taxes, you need to know what they can take and how. tim, safe to say that the irs is not going to just sit back and wait for payments? >> i don't know if you have owed them money, but they have unlimited resources to help you get caught up and have little patience. [chris]still smoking up a storm? [tom]yeah.pathetic,isn't it? [chris] ever try to... [tom] quit?of course! my best time was six days. the worst was ...uh...23.4 seconds. [chris] so can i ask you... [chris & tom] why are you still smoking? [tom] [sarcastic] "it's so much fun." [chris]why not call the smokers' helpline? the program's free,and... [tom]and they'll tell me..."you oughta quit." [chris] not so. just tell them you're ready to quit. then,they'll tell you how. [tom] really? you wouldn't have that number on you,would you? he is one of the funniest men alive and is completing a marathon baseball challenge in arizona today. grant is back with the fun details, and it does look like fun. i've seen the video. >> the pictures in the video, it's hilarious. will ferrell playing for 10 teams today in spring training. that's five games, and just shuttling between them, you can see them right here staring into the camera. he had the as uniform on and shortstop for the as, and here he is in the cubs and angels game. a little center field, crow hop and hits the cut off man and really is soaking in the applause. will ferrell doing his thing. the guys love it. that's mike trout in the middle; one of the best players around. and they're cracking up. there he is playing third base coach. the games don't count. ig for the last card. play hard. and here he is at bat. will he get a hit? that's a strike. ump says, come on, man. everybody's playing along, a great day, and this is part of an hbo special from the funny or die website that will air later. memorabilia will be auctioned off on and proceeds going for cancer research and stand up to cancer. so a lot of fun and for a good cause. pam? news that lawyers for robin thicke and pharrell williams plan to appeal the blurred lines verdict that came down. and some stars are speaking out against the decision. >> reporter: pam, notable names in music are split. robin was still in the mood to celebrate. >> let's keep having a great time. >> reporter: the verdict accusing robin thicke of copying marvin gaye's song didn't affect his spirit. $7.4million was awarded to the gaye family in damages, and thicke was photographed in this tmz footage. >> maybe they could add a line that it featured an interpretation. >> reporter: but some believe it's not over for robin and pharrell. >> people can sue if a song not only jacks a melody or a line or a rhythm but a vibe, a feel, and that's why so many people are surprised. >> the lesson is you got ab careful. >> reporter: last night as american idol celebrated, the verdict was a hot top eke with the judges, each considered one of a kind artists with their own signature styles who combine have sold 123 million records world wide. >> some people think this is good because now, the true artists, the original artists are getting credit for the songs, and then other people are saying, well, it's sad that you can't be inspired by other artists. >> i feel like we're always inspired by things in the past. i guess there is a line. i don't know. you know, it's tricky. i feel both sides. >> so much more tonight at 7:00 on the insider. i'm luis aguirre, and pam, back to you. >> you can watch all the celebrity news on kron 4. if you're a fan of today's weather, i think you will like the upcoming days. each day will be increasingly warmer and we will have a nice dome of drying air, the center of which is trailing along the california coastline, and then it will shift eastward. the high clouds to the west will continue to stream over the skyline with a storm system riding along the clouds and squeeze the pressure gradient over california. as a result, the warm air overhead will get mixed closer to the surface. the skies will become cloudier but temperatures near the ground will continue to climb. tomorrow, cloudy conditions and areas of fog and comfortable temperatures. lower 50s thinkly the coastline and the bay shores expptd upper 40s in the inland spots and 3 to 5 degrees warmer in comparison, and then high clouds will glide in, and the afternoon promises to be dealing with mostly filtered sunlight and warmer. upper 60s along the coastline and upper 70s for the bay, and mid to upper 70s for inland locations. we're contending with a warming trend by saturday, record warmth, and attaches -- temperatures along the coastline, low to mid-70s and come sunday, clouds will continue to incrows and there may be an isolated sprinkle by monday. but other than that, we will continue to stay dry. and we will see a drying trend even to lake tahoe. come sunday, there will be a slight chance to see a few showers as we head into the latter part of the day. here is the latest ski report, a pew inches of snow in the last wore hours, the base of which at kirkwood, upper 50s, and 48" in squaw valley. we'll be back after this. >> this man is in a world of trouble seen walking away with something that didn't belong to him and plainclothes officers happened to be in the right place at the right time. more on this guy in a moment. there is a huge problem with bicycle theft in san francisco. it was clearly apparent. at un plaza, it's not hard to watch people walking around with bike parts. this man had a frame and a rear wheel and tire looking for a buyer. your first response is if i can spot all these bike parts, why can't police just make an arrest? well, let's use this bicycle as an example. it was spotted by officer mann of bay view station. and the officer takes photos and looks for anything that might point to the original owner, and this, a pretty strong bike lock that was sawed open. the evidence points to the fact that some, if to the all the bike parts were gained illegally, and with all that evidence, it seems like a clear- cut case but not so fast. you see, unless the bike or bike parts were reported stolen and the serial numbers match, there is nothing that the police can do with no proof of the theft and possession is . 9/10 of the law. unless police see it happening here. >> talking to him in the doorway and as soon as the conversation ended, he quietly walked up and grabbed the bike and started heading out. i was watching from a distance. >> reporter: the point is, yes, bikes are stolen by the hundreds, but unless you register the bike, you are simply giving it away. stanley roberts, kron 4 news. ahead at 6:00, breaking news out of oakland, the first look of a man accused of murdering her mother shielding her children on monday. 19-year-old anthony sims is the teen yesterday for killing the 30-year-old and caltrain addresses a rash of fatalities on the tracks this year all ahead in a full hour of news next. ♪ ♪ ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. ♪ [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... ♪ [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. ♪ [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. breaking news at 6:00. oakland police have made an arrest in the deadly shooting of an oakland mother killed, trying to protect her children from gunfire. police released a booking photograph of 19-year-old anthony sims. grant has more on the charges and when the suspect is expected to appear in court. grant in. >> reporter: pam, sims is charged with murder and is expected to have a bond hearing tomorrow morning. detectives say he killed 30- year-old chyemil pierce as she shielded her two children from bullets on monday. pierce worked as a human resources specialist at kaiser and is survived by three children. she had planned to get married. right now, several cron 4 crews are working the story. as soon as we learn additional information, we will update oi the breaking story. pam? caltrain named a new chief today who said there will be a fresh set of eyes on everything from increasing ridership to public safety, and high on his list is addressing the growing number of suicides on the tracks. there have been 8 people hit and killed by trains this year in the bay area, 7 of them suicide. last year, 10 people were killed by cal trains in the 8 area, and 8 of them were suicide. we spoke with the new ceo who is on a mission to keep people safe. >> safety is the number one priority. it overrides everything else. >> reporter: when he takes over later this month as the new chief of the san mateo county transit district, the new ceo, jim hartman, will take a closer look at the rash of suicides along the tracks. >> it breaks my heart to see things like this happen. i know the impact on the families and the students' friends, classmates and all around them. and it's just something we have to keep paying attention to. >> reporter: he said that the new focus will go beyond recent upgrades to fences and crossing guards to an approach that calls for caltrain to partner with community, schools, and health care professionals. >> reach out and make sure that young people in particular have the resources necessary to know that there is somebody there who can help and wants to help running want -- and wants to help. >> reporter: he said he is aware of the challenges facing palo alto high that lost three student this is year and plans to take a close look at anything caltrain can do to help. >> i'll have a fresh set of eyes on anything we're doing, and if there is anything different or better we can do, we'll do it. >> reporter: he said there simply cannot be enough focus on public safety and suicide prevention as the day approaches when faster trains and electification arrive here on the peninsula. crime stoppers is offering a reward for information leading to the arrest of an escaped inmate, 43-year-old jonell carter who has been on the run for nearly a week. last friday, he overpowered a sheriffs department following a routine visit to the medical center. carter faces multiple counts of child molestation. a reward of $3,000 is offered to help police put him back behind bars. the solano county sheriffs office is holding a community meeting on the rest lease -- release of fraisure smith, a high-risk molester. he has filed a petition to be released in an unincorporated area of fairfield. a public hearing regarding the placement recommendation is scheduled for march 24. a san francisco neighborhood is on alert after a man tried to lure a 10-year- old into his car. we are live from the san francisco hall of justice with a description of the man police are looking for. dan? >> reporter: pam, the 10-year- old boy is safe. he did not get in the car with that man but police want to talk with the suspicious man and find out if anybody else can recognize him. san francisco police are on the look out for this man, a white male age 30 to 40 with slicked- back hair and an accent. on march 6 about 5:00 p.m., he attempted to lure a 10-year-old boy into his car. >> the suspect in the incident went up to the victim and said, hey, come in the car and tried to coax him in the car multiple times, approximately 4 times. >> reporter: this happened at in cole valley, and the boy was alone in the bus shelter when the suspect rolled up in a small, 4-door black vehicle similar to a toyota yaris or honda fit. >> he did not go in the vehicle and fled the scene and went to a nearby business. >> reporter: police say that the child did the right thing and this serves as a reminder that this can happen in any neighborhood. >> parents need to have the conversation with children on how to be safe. >> reporter: still, many who live in the neighborhood are surprised this could happen. >> there is a lot of kids in the neighborhood, and it's surprising that that would happen. there are a lot of parents and caretakers around here. >> reporter: but others say that the neighborhood is not as safe as it used to be. >> i've noticed over the past new yearses, petty crimes in the neighborhood have started to buildup. the petty crimes just mask larger crimes, so it's not surprising this might happen here. >> reporter: this also serves as a reminder of what can happen in a split second. the 10-year-old boy was in a shelter with his sister, and then she stepped to a restaurant for a few minute when is this happened. kron 4 news. we know the calendars march, but it feels a lot like june across much of the bay area. this is a live look at treasure island tonight. the forecast says things are only going to get warmer. we have a look at just how warm. vanessa? the warmth will continue to build. and we are talking record warmth heading into saturday. this is a look at the temperatures we hit a few hours ago. we are about 8 degrees warmer compared to yesterday. santa rosa, 76, and that's 12 degrees warmer than 24 hours ago, and yesterday, we were 6 degrees cooler and middle 70s from hayward into pleasanton and 75 in livermore and 74 in sunnyvale. along the coastline, temperatures in the middle 60s in daly city. the current temperatures, still hanging on to the mid and low 70s from livermore into santa rosa. 67 in oakland and 70 in the city and mostly blue sky with a hint of high-level clouds giving if a milky appeal. we will drop into the upper 40s and low 50s, and it will be a foggy start heading into friday. but the afternoon will be much warmer with clouds increasing into the upcoming weekend. we could be hitting the lower aches saturday. we will talk more about the temperatures coming up. new reflective stripes go up in an effort to keep san francisco streets safer for pedestrians. this, as we learn a man hit by a car yesterday has died. new details on the arrest of 49er full back bruce miller, and back here, epic crusade getting more attention. the movie company that just picked up his new documentary. television announcer: mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale is ending sunday. bulldog: mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale! television announcer: that means sunday is your last chance to get a serta mattress any size for just $197 each piece when you buy the complete set. bulldog: any size mattress - twin, full, queen, or king - for one low price! and they'll deliver it free. television announcer: the $197 mattress sale... bulldog: oh boy! television announcer: ...ends sunday. ♪ mattress discounters ♪ new details on the arrest of the 49er player bruce miller. the santa clara county police released its report on theallied incident last thursday between miller and his fiancee. grant is back with a closer look at the report. >> reporter: bruce miller accident not real well known, number 49, a full back, but according to records, the 255- pound miller pushed his fiancee to the ground and destroyed her cell phone. they are said to have been arguing outside the posh bagel store in santa clara. he was arrested on incident of spousal battery and is free on $10,000 bail. no charges have been filed. the da's office is reviewing the case. he is the len niners' player arrested since 2012. pam? san francisco mayor edly on a mission to make the city streets safer. the new crosswalks just unveiled and an intense man hunt underway in ferguson, missouri after two police officers are shot. an update on their conditions. san francisco city leaders are trying to cut down on mortality in the city, and the event was sobering given there were two serious incidents. >> reporter: officials are talking swreeba striping in high-collision corridors. >> there might be a person about to enter or finishing to enter. >> reporter: and they've announced a lowering of the speed limit on a big chunk of fullon avenue from 35 to have 30 miles per hour. it's part of the vision zero goal of no fatalities or serious collisions by 2024. but the improvements to make the goal a reality didn't come soon enough for the motorcyclist killed on thursday morning at 15th and link open or 87-year-old 87-year-old albert lea, struck in the crosswalk on wednesday morning by a van. he died at the hospital. you will notice the crosswalk where the elderly pedestrian was killed has the zebra stripes but what it doesn't have is a traffic stall. the city is planning to put one, but installing a new signal takes planning, engineering, and time, and they are quite a ways from getting it done. >> we have been working hard to shrink the timeline and one we already had planned. >> reporter: city leaders say everyone on the road, driving, biking, or walking needs to do their part following the traffic laws and paying attention. >> we don't want to call them accidents anymore. they are preventible. >> reporter: maureen kelly, kron 4 fews. tensions are running high in ferguson, missouri after two police officers were shot on what officials are calling an ambush, the latest incident following the shooting death of unarmed michael brown. they are now looking for the suspect. >> reporter: violence returned to the streets of ferguson overnight. two police officers were shot on thursday morning, standing guard after word that police chief jackson was stepping down. one was struck in the shoulder with a bullet exiting the become and the other in the face. both have been released from the hospital. >> what happened last night was a pure ambush. this was not someone trying to bring healing to ferguson. this was -- this was some damn punk, punk. >> the bullet went past my head. it was dramatic. >> reporter: on thursday, law enforcement officials brought in two men and a woman for questioning. no arrests have been made. the resignation comes a week after the defendant department report found rampant discrimination in the force. an unarmed michael brown was shot and killed by officer darren wilson that led to protests and violence. and now, officials are getting ready for another night of protest. more fallout from video of a racist chapter at the university of oklahoma. the sigma alpha epsilon fraternity is confirming it's investigating racism alleges at universities in louisiana and texas saying that young men there sang or knew about the sang chant. the university of oklahoma expelled two students after the video surfaced. you're looking at video from a campus meeting on diversity last night. a chapter of the same fraternity is being investigated at the university of texas in austin and louisiana tech. if you're a fan of today's weather, i think you will enjoy the next 48 hours. the skies will become progressively cloudier and temperatures will climb, and we could see record highs by saturday. a live look over the golden gate. the clouds are bringing that milky feel into the skyline. clouds will continue to increase tonight and high pressure will maintain and keep us nice and dry. a nice dome of dry and stable air. currently, the center of the system is along the california coastline and will continue to push off to the east into western nevada come tomorrow, and understand that's why these clouds, the subtropical moisture will glide overhead. but we are warming up from top to bottom. the warm air above will get mixed in closer to the surface, and although clouds will increase, so will the temperatures. fog tracker 4 brings in light winds out of the west southwest and patchy areas of fog setting up into the north bay and along the delta and the coastline. here's a look at the morning commute starting at 6:00 a.m. by 8:00, 9:00 p.m., lingering clouds along the coastline. but other than that, high clouds will glide into the afternoon and temperatures will increase. tomorrow, more comfortable, and we'll start off in the upper 40s along inland locations to lower 50s along the coastline with patchy areas of fog. low clouds will be replaced by high clouds, and temperatures will top off in the upper 60s along the coastline, and middle 70s look the bay shore communities, and looking ahead, the heat will continue to climb by saturday, and we're talking low 70s and possibly mid-70s along the coastline, and heading farther inland, low to possibly mid-80s. we could be nearing record highs by saturday, and can't rule out an isolated, spotty sprinkle by sunday afternoon mostly along the extreme northern tier of sonoma county. most of us will stay dry or remain above average. up next, batkid returns. a big name movie company that picked up the rights to a crime fighter's documentary. and candlestick is coming down slowly but surely. a look at the progress straight ahead. bad kids, crime fighting crusade through the streets of san francisco. now the pint size hero is on its way to much larger audiences. >> isn't this the story that just keeps going and going? >> yeah. he's such a sweet kid. >> today's development means the bat kid movie is going to be seen around the world. new line cinema has gotten the rights. also the rights to turn the documentary into a film. julia roberts set to star in and produce the narrative version. it's set to tell the story of miles scott whose wish to be a super hero for a day led to the whole bay area celebrating with him. miles was diagnosed with leukemia when he was 18 months old. the people at new line cinema really taken with the whole story saying it shows humanity is essentially good, not bad. much more news coming up at 6:30. we continue to track the breaking news. a suspect now in custody for the shooting death of an oakland mother who was killed in front of her children. >> and the new mcdonald's commercial that has one north bay community fired up. >> temperatures are holding in the 60s from the city to oakland. tell be warm this weekend at home and also in the sierra. your lake tahoe forecast is coming up. now, news with a quick look at the day's top stories. >> here in the peninsula, the new leader of public transportation is a familiar face. former red wood city mayor and city councilman jim hartman was introduced thursday as the new today of the san mateo transits district which oversees caltrans. public safety will be his top priority and has pledged to renew [ indiscernible ] to stop suicides along the tracks. the arrest of 19 year oldanthony sims for the murder of chyemil pierce. he was allegedly taking part in a shoot out when a bullet shot from his gun fatally shot chyemil pierce as she tried to get her children to safety. in oakland, crime 4 news. here at the hall of justice in san francisco, police are attempting to speak with this man. they say on march 6th, he attempted to lure a 10 year old boy into his car. the boy was standing at a bus shelter at the intersection of carl and cole in san francisco's col evaly. police say this is a grate opportunity for parents to have a conversation with their children and tell them what to do if they're in a similar situation. in this case, the child did not get in the car and ran to a nearby business for help. in sunnyvale, police arrested two car jacking suspects. the two car jacks a cadillac escalade around midnight. police ultimately found the two men hiding inside a garage and after they refused verbal commands, a police k-9 bit both men. they face a long list of charges including car jacking and burglary. in san francisco, the city just finished restriping 33 intersections along geary boulevard. the idea is to make cross walks more visible so drivers will notice them. they also lowered the speed limit on fulton avenue from 35 to 30 miles per hour. kron4 news. in another big story in fremont, a bat discovered on the ground at the community center has tested positive for rabies. now officials are out here. they are handing out the flyers to neighbors in the area about staying away from batsot ground. they want to make sure especially children and pets stay away from any bats on the ground. here in ala meeda county, kron 4 news. nancy snyderman is resigning after the ebola scandal. last year she and her crew were asked to observe the 21 day quarantine, but she didn't. the journalist was seen inside her car outside a local restaurant. she will now be returning to academic medicine. she once worked in san francisco. this comes as we learn another american healthcare worker in africa has tested positive for ebola. tonight that patient is headed back to the united states and will be transferred to maryland to be treated at a special clinic there. officials say the worker came in contact with the virus while volunteering in a ebola treatment unit in sierra leone. here at home, high clouds will increase overhead. tomorrow we're looking at a foggy start. temperatures will be running 3 to 5 degrees milder and more comfortable than this morning. lower 50s along the bay shore communities and along the coastline we're looking at the mid to possibly low 50s as well. fog will continue to dissipate replaced by high clouds. temperatures will be in the low to upper 60s and by 3:00 p.m., we're looking at high clouds filtering at sunlight and a lot of warmth building overhead. middle 70s if you head to the bay shore communities. we're talking about the heat building until about saturday afternoon. we could be talking about record warms. low to mid-70s along the coast. low to mid-80s elsewhere. there could be a isolated sprinkle this the clouds overhead on sunday. if you are heading to tahoe, here's a look at the snow report. the heat will also continue to rise and we could be reaching a record high of 69 degrees on saturday. we're looking at about 58- inches in kirk wood, alpine meadows looking at 48-inches. for discount lift tickets, log on to there's an old saying that any publicity is good publicity. but some people in petaluma disagree with that. >> it's a strange controversy. we've already mentioned that mcdonald's has set one of its latest ads in petaluma. it's folksy, kind of quaint. here's a short sample. >> nestled away in northern california, in the quaint town of petaluma, you'll find a locally owned restaurant -- >> it turns out some residents hate the ad. they don't want to be associated with a fast food chain. they say the two mcdonald's are no near the downtown area. despite the buzz, others argue what's the harm saying the ad does show case the beauty of sonoma county. the cost of a permit to shoot downtown reportedly cost mcdonald's only $266. several people are sounding off about this commercial on social media. this one says glad more people will know about petaluma through mcdonald's, but the commercial is misleading. another one says if you want to start a huge debate, let mcdonald's film a commercial in your home town. people are going crazy how mcdonald's filmed a commercial in petaluma. my home town. you guys, it's mcdonald's. look at this one here. i'm offended they're representing us. petaluma is much more than mcdonald's. coming up, it is a place full of memories for so many people. now the former home of the 49ers and giants coming down piece by piece. what candlestick is looking like right now. wake up with mark and daria tomorrow on the kron 4 morning news. 9ers fans remember candlestick, maybe this play comes to mind. joe montana, the play that is known now only as the catch. yeah, fans love that. much different situation right now, though. demolition is happening today at candlestick. look at this wide shot as we pan out. you can see all the work that's been done and being done. these aerials here by our partnership abc7. you see some of the heavy machinery right there poking away at the top of the structure. it falls to the ground. there's lights that have been moved. look at the seats in the middle there, bulldozers having their way can candlestick. it is a slow process, but they are demolishing candlestick. coming up in sports. the cal bears try to stay alive in the pac5 tournamenta. and will ferrel -- time now for sports with gary radnich brought to you by black bear diner. >> you play 18 games against conference opponents during the regular season and then you need a tournament and you don't even play it in a city with a pac12 team. cal against 5th ranked arizona. that's how you do sports talk. you find a topic and yell. wallace and cal played pretty well in the second half. he had 15 and arizona's 5th in the country, so cal, to their credit, good for a half, then they couldn't hang. stanley johnson is only a freshman. he had 19. cal's season is over. 73-51 at the pac12 tournament. stanford, little bit later tonight, they will play utah. you figure 18 and 15, cal, not even that exciting. will ferrell the comedian was all over arizona today settled to suit up for over 10 big league teams. >> no. 19, short stop, will ferrell. >> this was for an hbo special and also for charity. so there's some good in the hi jinx. ferrell played short stop for the a's. then he started to go to work. he's going to replace busty posey for the giants. the problem is the great jr stone informed me the giant's game is almost over and ferrell is not there. anyway, during batting practice, he had some fun with a's manager bob melvin and ben zobris. >> are you really chewing out the guys [ indiscernible ] >> put your hands down. >> pull them down. maybe throw a little rod carew. >> there's something about ferrell that just endeers him to the audiencia. comedians that are way over the top like that, you say okay, i've seen one movie, i've seen them all. but he keeps coming back and people enjoy him. he did a basketball movie. he doesn't embarrass himself. >> he does sweet movies too like elp -- elf was really sweet. >> every movie now has to have kevin hart. >> you know what happens when anybody gets hot. >> do you remember when kevin hart came into kron? real nice guy. he was appearing at a comedy club up in sacramento and he was coming to one of the things heres. >> i must not have been here. >> you were probably working internationally at that time tweeting or texting. kevin hart was this close to you -- >> no-no no. >> i don't think i was here. >> next time kevin comes, i'll tell him how impressed you were. now real baseball without will ferrell. marcus [ indiscernible ] starts the double play. he's going to start at short stop for the a's this year. exhibition baseball. a's come back and win this thing 4-3. go ahead, pam. >> apparently flying in right now to the giants game. >> is there video maybe we can have? >> kevin? >> this is live breaking news. >> they're in the process of getting the video now. >> good. we've got 3 minutes and 3 seconds. that's kevin the body guard doing it? kev, get the video or you know what happens around here. challenge is -- some would say threaten the staff, i say challenge the staff. i want video of ferrell or just take it live. sunday night at -- that's good honesty. sunday night at 9:00, there will be nothing stolen. it's just biff and jay, new material. demar co murray, another one of the deals that make me laugh. just two days ago, sports talk radio and all us media experts were saying the eagles chipped kelly, what are they doing? they got a new quart back, and then they sign the best back in the league. what this does with demarco mura leaving to join the philadelphia eagles, dallas has a hole and they could sign adrian peterson who went through that problem last season. murray is going. stevey johnson stayed with the 49ers. one and done. way this work, you hear these big contracts, oh, he's going to make 13 or 14. but if it's not guaranteed and they don't like your production, they walk you to the door. and they walked him to the door today. stevey johnson and gone. the raiders signed a former [ indiscernible ] safety named nate allen when branch was released. mike, i'm not going to kid the audience. how do we feel now about the will ferrell video? are they going to get it? i'd like to say it's not a threat, it's a challenge. in the meantime, show me international soccer. a player playing possum. you know these guys abroad are famous for taking guys this. is a fellow from barcelona. goes down and spends nearly two minutes pretending he's passed away. the referee finally shows him a red card he was trying to avoid. so the referee didn't believe him and that is it. mickey, i'm expecting one of these from you. if you just happen to be flipping around, will ferrell has just suited up and gone on the field for the giants. we were having some fun, but we need another weather update. we need pam to have a kicker in the end. so at 8:00, we will have will ferrell -- we'll have it for you then. it won't be live, it won't be local. it will just be left over from 3 hours ago, but we'll have it at 8:00. still ahead, the sun beginning to set on another gorgeous day on the bay area. vainnessessa's coming to tell us about the heat up ahead. bulldog: oooh! mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale! television announcer: get a serta mattress any size for just $197 each piece when you buy the complete set. the $197 mattress sale... bulldog: oh boy! television announcer: ...ends sunday. ♪ mattress discounters ♪ star wars episode 7 comes out this december. now we know when the next installment of the sci-fi series will hit the theatre. it will hit in september 2016. star wars fans, get your calendars out because the return to the galaxy far, far away will begin in december. in another story that takes us into space, the tiny spacecraft that touched down on the comet may still be functioning. it landed in a shady shot where there was not enough sunlight to keep it powered. today, mission controllers will send blind commands to it hoping it will have enough power to receive instructions even if it cannot respond. that's it, the insider is next at 7:00. of course, entertainment tonight at 7:30. we're back at 8:00. vanessa will have the latest with hot weather ahead. see you then. we're back at 8:00. and a lot helping you. technology that's with you always. this is our promise. it's never been better to wander because wherever you go, you'll find us doing everything we can, so you can. 7 "the insider" with perspective on today's top trending stories. >> she's been brilliant in the way she's tackled these things. >> charles and camilla celebrate their ten-year anniversary and surviving the princess di scandal. >> there's three of us in this marriage so it's a bit crowded. >> how they changed the public perception. and music elite. the "blurred lines" verdict. >> you can't copyright a feel. >> i feel both sides. >> doesn't seem a bit concerned. >> just keep g a great time, thank you all for did the 50 sh just score a 7-figure pay raise? >> plus, i know where you can get some extended [ indiscernible ] >> then the city of angels known for glits, glamour and god? the spiritual side of hollywood. meet the preacher who made a believer out of bieber. >> i've had the privilege of walking with justin for 6 years. i love him and i'm going to go the longhaul with him. it's the insider, together with yahoo. charles and camilla10 years later. how the touchess of cornwall strategically stepped out of diana's spotlight. >> and we got the power of the pump. >> let's get back to the royal interview with prince charles that has both sides of the ponds talking. the future king proudly revealing how his camilla

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