Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20140827 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20140827

>> catherine: it reached 103 last night -- with roughly 20 more being added tonight. the number of yellow tagged buildings is way up -- it now stands at around 500. >> catherine: teams of inspectors have clock.which accounts for the increase. napa city officials say there's a backlog of about 800 calls -- with people asking for building inspections. >> catherine: the city manager says he's trying to make it clear to people that for now -- the city can only deal with buildings that have major problems. >> asking questions. >> catherine: a continuing problem..water. >> catherine: the latest count on how many broken and leaking water mains they're dealing with -- 120. >> catherine: 640 people still don't have water service tonight. people who lost service and are getting it back are still being warned to boil their water >> catherine: for at least a minute - or simply use bottled water. the city manager says crews are also working around the clock - and they're hoping >> catherine: this will be cleared up within a couple of days. as for power -- it's been completely restored. >> catherine: and it's back to school for napa students. aside from one charter school -- all of napa's schools have been declared safe and ready to go. >> catherine: classes resume wednesday. there have been problems ranging from broken windows to cabinets which have to be >> catherine: attached to walls -- but nothing major. grade schools will be getting out a little earlier than usual for awhile. high schools will be on their usual schedules. >> catherine: tonight city officials are beginning to count up the dollar losses. >> catherine: so we may hear more about that within the next day or so. coming up later in the show -- we'll have more details including the latest numberspeople who were injured. >> pam: now lets go live to downtown napa. where cleanup efforts are well underway. kron 4's j-r stone joins us live. j.r.? >> reporter: progress is being made. that is the good news. the intersection i stood at two days ago, cars were not able to drive through here, but that has since changed. you see all of the stones and defense that has been put up. this is the up side of the building. there are other problems as well. it spent my time on the back of a pickup truck or people were calling from home to home to pick up items out of these homes and into a dumpster area spirit that of the problems and concerns that many people are having. finding places to place all of this broken items. >> reporter: you are glenn to hear from some of the people. tonight j.r. stone. kron 4 news >> pam: napa officials have set up a number of sites where residents can dump the debris from the quake. here you can see people as they throw away their quake damaged possessions. >> pam: one of the drop- off locations was in front of napa valley high school. what was once just a single debris box. is now a mountain of junk. >> pam: those clearing away their broken furniture and television's admit, the last few days have been difficult. >>"salvaged what's left" >> pam: the city is now asking residents to stop dumping at the school sites. that's because the high school and most other napa valley schools. are set to re-open tomorrow. a new list of debris drop- off locations can be found on our website - kron4-dot- com. >> pam: for more on the school situation in napa. kron4's vicki liviakis is standing by in the newsroom. vicki? >> reporter:pam, schools have been closed since the quake. news. kids can go back to the classroom tomorrow. return >> reporter:only one school will staystonebridge charter school is near the epicenter of the quake. officials are still checking out some large cracks on campus. >>"all the schools, all 30 schools have been inspected by architects and structural engineers, and they are safe and ready for students and staff tomorrow morning." most of the damage in the schools was not structural. but things like falling bookshelves and broken glass. >> reporter:teachers and staff have been cleaning up the past few days. >> reporter:and to use a cliché - this is a teachable moment. students will begin school wednesday morning with earthquake drills. something that will definitely come in handy. >> reporter:pam? >> pam: the earthquake on sunday is still causing a headache for commuters today. grant lodes is standing by with the latest road troubles in the north bay. grant? >> jacqueline: kind of car to click on. magnitude 3.9 earlier this morning. at 543 creek it was the strongest aftershock today. we may not see much stronger after shot after this. that aftershock was followed by another one. which happened as 612. so people are rattled a little bit about the aftershocks. - chance for a real strong aftershock may be dwindling down . >> pam: there have been scores of aftershocks since sundays magnitude- six quake - most have been small. however, people were shaken by some of the aftershocks today. >> pam: the u.s. geological survey in menlo park is among a handful of places where an >> pam: early warning test system is already up and running. and kron four's rob fladeboe got a first- hand look at how it works, during one of today's aftershocks. >> seismologist >> reporter:u.s. g.s. seismologist ole kaven is interrupted, mid-time alert during an aftershock of the napa quake. >> reporter:the 2-point-7 magnitude aftershock struck at precisely 10:56 on tuesday. it was centered a few miles north of napa, along with several other aftershocks, not far from the epicenter of sunday's main shock. had there been any shaking to come here >> reporter:in menlo park, we would have had about ten seconds warning. >> it was an actual alert sent out. showing a wave of impact. you see the location where we are at right now and mellow part. this event was a small one. expected intensity was at a one. we did have a few seconds. >> reporter:as o fmid day tuesday, scenitests here had recorded some 85 aftershocks in and around napa. the two largest, so far, 3.9 and 3.0. >> reporter:the usgs expects the aftershocks to continue for days if not weeks but scientists here say the magnitude and frequency of those aftershocks will also diminish as time goes on. in menlo park rob fladeboe kron 4 news. >> pam: and you can stay up to date on the napa earthquake with the kron -4 news app. we have a lot more coverage on the quake ahead. >> pam: and all the days other news including. a bay area woman known as a 'serial stowaway' arrested again. >> pam: where she was taken into custody this time. can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. 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>> this building you see here, the color red building you see some of the demolition work that has already started. occupancy where some of the bricks are just falling off the building during the earthquake. they are going to be doing demolition work. uc the most bricks right there. punching holes in the roof and second floor. so they put protective gear with this tart and a rubber tire just in case of this wall on the other side falls on this building. expecting to go to to three more days before they are done. a section of georgia street as sonoma boulevard is closed and will remain closed until they believe that it is safe. >> pam: is this near the church where they were trying to remove the bell tower yester day? >> yes, and that is the same crew about six to seven weeks 67 blocks. away the church is right there. >> pam: said >> jacqueline: wall to wall sunshine and warmer temperatures to concede that there is not a cloud inside. same thing that goes for the golden gate bridge. nothing this afternoon but clear skies. it has been warmer today as we expected. we are back into the 80 degree temperatures for inland. 81 for vallejo and we were in the 70's for downtown san francisco but it is cooling down some. even more tomorrow than today. the boom in trend will continue let's take a look at how hot it will get. coming up. ee local news...sports... weather emergencies...especially diverse communities... rural towns... the elderly. they save thousands every year on cable and satellite bills... pay-tv providers don't like that. they're pushing washington to change the rules and cripple free tv call congress. tell them to stand up for sixty million americans... ...and stand up to pay-tv providers. don't mess with free tv >> reporter: inside tv's biggest night! >> reporter: independent women on the carpet as hot mama, sophia vergara left her man at home. >>this red carpet is just for me and modern family. >>i am just happy in my life. >> reporter: you were dressed alone. not with the kids. they would drive you crazy? >> no, i was dressed by my husband for it you know what i am saying? you know what i am saying? >> reporter: that is what i am saying. >> pam: and the insider there's a tonight at 7:00 at kron 43 and 730 with entertainment. ntur areery ffertthaneal teet. th're out n tis fternd have surface res ere cter n muiply polident kil 99.% of od-caui and lps ssolve sins. for a clner,resh, briger dtureveryy. with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year. all beds on sale! with 50% off the labor day limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. ♪ ♪ ♪ i ♪ know i can't deny... ♪ that i got a new feeling ♪ deep inside... ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good. (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam: now at by thirty we are tracking movement from the earthquake in the napa area. >> catherine: no no damage reported meantime, it is time for students and it's time to get back to class. all of the schools except for the charter schools will be open. broken windows and door books on the floors and no structural damage has that found. the number of red tagged buildings leased 123 at least tonight or could go more. the city is ordering more to keep more fencing to keep people away from the dangerous areas. the city manager says to keep finding more but they are expecting are hoping to finish up on that problem and a couple of days. st., it could be over 1 billion current napa city officials are talking about that tonight. they are beginning to figure it out. exactly, catherine thank you. still causing difficulties for commuters today. >> reporter: as you are getting on to the georgia butler bridge in need to be repaired to mark this morning. you see all of the traffic here. significant crack where the roadway meets the bridge print one southbound lane was crawling all day and a cd crack right there. longer delays because people were trying to deal with this situation. and you can see high with 29 very slow headed this way. that is where the bridge is right there. the alternate, telling people to use to 21. the gypsy that alternate became loaded as the butler bridge issue became more aware. no residual traffic issues in that location. >> pam: aftershocks continued in napa valley today. as residents and business owners continue to clean up from the 6.0 magnitude earthquake. damage from the quake could cost the region a billion dollars. it is impacted california's lucrative long country which produces 90 percent of the u.s. line. >> reporter: across not the valley for lip recover wine barrels and winemakers like mike drash are getting the first look at the damage. >> >> reporter: we are moved more to move fast and get out. >> if you still an aftershock, let's get out of there. >> reporter: here is why .... there'll after beryl... entire stack of them precariously tilting. >> they expect over there where they have fallen off the rack street >> reporter: this is dressed precious 2012 vintage. >> that is my beryl of line. >> reporter: each of these words 10 to $24,000. >> that is really dangerous, right there. these are for these are all mine. >> reporter: there some white wine on the ground. but until he can get all the beryls out and see them he just will not know what he has lost. >> reporter: it took in two years ago from great to wind now and the balance at the short but powerful quake >> unbelievable. 10 seconds, 15 seconds, right? >> reporter: let's get out of your ok is making me nervous to. >> reporter: he is not just a winemaker in napa valley. >> reporter: this is the historic home he owns near downtown that cut dating back to the 1800's. (cheers & applause) >> pretty much everywhere you look there is a crack. >> reporter: how can recover from all of this? >> reporter: as well as everyone in his neighborhood in the city. >> what that is bad. >> reporter: what everything and now comes down to the wind. there is spotty damage across the city to see what already has been bottled like this one storage room. >> pam: the earth quickly to economic to the economic toll on the napa valley at this point, no one know how much but in the region known for its vineyards and global reputation there is a lot at stake. >> pam: and it is the up to date on the napa earthquake with kron 4 news application. we have a lot more coverage on the slick had. the first >> reporter: because of an apparent equipment problem on the track near a pleasant hill station we are looking at like israel's right now with our helicopter partnership with abc 7 newsletter it is unclear to see what the exact issue is or what the problem on the track is creek near the pleasant hill station. no one at creek in concord at 535 at the heart of the evening commute, a lot of people are affected by this terrific it is unclear how long this issue will persist creek bart does not have an estimate time of what it will resume crude we will certainly keep you posted. if you know anyone or expecting anyone to be home , it will be an issue if they are trying to come this way. we will take a short break and be right back. >> reporter: another fire on merritt island creek this morning an abandoned military building went up in flames. this is the second fire in the past five days on merritt island. this morning crew showed up just before 9 near the zero tried in g street. this morning to the firefighters were able to get the want alarm fire under control fairly easily creek it is unclear what started the fire. but investigators believe transit squabbling could be to blame. officials said the fire was not connected to the sundays click on this morning after shocks crews did notice some bricks in the water rise to say those did not adversely impact their ability to fire or to fight the fire. no injuries were reported. >> reporter: >> pam: residents and businesses were ordered to shelter in place with that 1 mi. radius of a hazardous material is a that the hayward this afternoon. the has met incident has been cleared. the shelter in place has been lifted this is a video with our helicopter partnership with abc seven creek the incident was reported at 2:00 p.m. at the point road. ♪ ♪ first impressions are important. you've got to make every second count. banking designed for the way you live your life. so you can welcome your family home... for the first time. chase. so you can. >> catherine: some of the new information has a red tank which is roughly 123 right now and that could go up. or a senior centers that could be out of condition definitely. the city can handle serious matters right now. their customers without water service tonight and power outages, everyone has had power restored now. there is back to school for napa students and with no structural damage. so aside from one charter school that will go back a little later the other schools will go back tomorrow. pam? >> pam: san francisco mayor and it will lead toward the net but this morning to observe the post earthquake damage. mayor li wanted to express his support for all who were affected by the earth quake. >> we would like to be good neighbors >> pam: merely added that napa and san francisco are linked together through tourism. he plans to help out in any way that he can. >> everything was ok in the house creek let hasidic couple begins to come down in the crotch. in the garage. >> i cannot really describe it. it was like shaking a little bit. my mom and step father was in there and when it had already happened. class >> reporter: the example and we have spoken with many parents and that is what they all happened to do as well. >> absolutely, everything is ok creek from the first big earthquake we did receive some cracks. >> reporter: the damage was already done print date when from scared to even more so scared. >> this just in to the kron 4 newsroom. >> reporter: this is in the past bart bay. and s f o direction bart has stopped transit their track issues are near the pleasant hill station with two tracks of now damaged are taken out of service while crews complete repairs. you see some of the trains certainly, not moving. right now print trains are turning it around at the walnut creek station. there is no service to concord. there is a shuttle train but his bark pay this hits its burke. station is close down print that are now giving an estimate of when the repairs will be completed. or when the train will resume we will certainly keep the posted. >> jacqueline: warmer side today near 90 degrees out and antioch and 87 in livermore with 86 degrees in concord. in the north bay we were also in the 80 degree temperatures. and this out we were in the upper 70's. in san francisco it was 70 degrees in downtown san francisco today. looking from the golden gate bridge for we have sunny skies and not a cloud in sight not even at the coast line. 73 in oakland, and the '80s for concord and livermore and santa rosa right now it will be minimal and clear fast tomorrow so will be even warmer for wednesday. 90 degrees and inland at in >> jacqueline: by 8:00 already lifting from most locations. from oakland, hayward is said to rose and back to the coast. so it will be warmer again tomorrow and the upper 60s. 70's for the peninsula and 84 for redwood city and east bay shoreline. will be at 73 for alameda. and 774 san leandro. our inland valleys with a mix of the '80s in lower 90s for your day. 91 in pittsburgh and walnut creek. 90 livermore and the upper 80s in danville. the south bay will see quite a few 80 degree readings. early white with the exception of morgan hill what it will be 92 degrees the north bay also largely in the '80s tomorrow perfect 82 in petaluma and 86% rafael. 83 in vallejo. so the warming trend is on the way. its trading tomorrow we have a two low 90s. trending. this week we are expecting more cloud coverage and finally cooler temperatures. >> pam: it is offical. burger king and the coffee and doughnut chain, tim horton are merging. the new combined company will be based in canada and will have 18,000 locations worldwide. but the company says burger king operations will remain headquartered in miami. the scene then chain in canada allows the company to pay lower corporate taxes creek a move lawmakers in the white house have called unpatriotic. >> pam: the s&p rose 2.10 points to just above 2000 points. female announcer: when you see this truck, female announcer: it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models, including the new tempur-choice with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows, and free same-day delivery. are you next? announcer: but don't wait. sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪oh yea... old el paso's... got a bold, new stand'n stuff shell that's blasted for nacho cheesiness oh...yeah how do you helper? make helper with your favorite ingredients, for a fresh taste you'll love. helper. make it yours. now make restaurant inspired dishes with ultimate helper. with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year. all beds on sale! with 50% off the labor day limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. baand ustring.ough but w, tre's betr wa introducinthe rst-er raidefen sysm. it attacks theugs u se ntro theugsyou n't e... d prents. keeng bs out. the id defen sysm... get e e bu. ra. kis bu dea schnso a fily mpan (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam: and happened about 340 this afternoon on the late off route three people and a kia hit another car and went into a canal. all three were killed. >> when vehicle and the tickler pulled off the exit. and loss control. and went into a ditch. >> pam: byars expecting- stretch of highway to stay close police until 8:00 p.m. tonight. >> pam: and we just got word that bart service between walnut creek and concord is disrupted right now because of an equipment problem. >> pam: this video comes from our helicopter partnership withthe problem was reported at about 5:15 near the pleasant hill station and has trains stopped in both directions along the pittsburg-bay point line. >> pam: we're working to get more information, stay with us for updates. >> pam: new and permission to knight on the problem plaguing the area. more building's architect and a water still out for some people. officials gave us an update on the progress that they have made. and get the latest. catherine heenan has been following this from the very beginning. >> catherine: the napa city council formally declares a state of emergency. but as of tonight.the city is beginning to shift from recovery. the new information. >> catherine: the list of red-tagged buildings is growing. it reached 103 last night -- with roughly 20 more being added tonight. >> catherine: and the number of yellow tagged buildings is way up -- it now stands at around 500. >> catherine: teams of inspectors have been working around the clock.which accounts for thenapa city officials say there's a backlog of aboutfor building inspections. >> catherine: the city manager says he's trying to make it clear to people that for now -- they can only deal with buildings that have major problems. >> catherine: >> if this sounds like maybe a health official involved with some approves out there very quickly asking questions about a crack. in the dry wall, that is not critical ever we will be getting to with a visit. >> catherine: water service -- still a big headache in napa. it was much easier to get everyone's power turned on again. >> catherine: but they're still finding leaks in water mains.with 640 people without water tonight. it could be a couple of days before that work is wrapped up. >> catherine: also - napa students will be back in class tomorrow.with school. no structural damage was found on the 30 school campuses. >> catherine: and one more person was rushed to the hospital last night. >> catherine: a person who didn't think treatment was necessary after the quake sunday - but suddenly had seizures and was rushed into emergency >> catherine: grant? >> reporter: there were significant damage right there. the road way meets the bridge just one sock found plane was crawling all day creek long delays, as people were trying to leave napa. fortunately, not directly impacted but certainly a lot of people looking all around. highway 29 coming right down here, a " it will slow right there with the zero bands and that was the bridges that which is where the issue is located and >> reporter: as you can see, deck was jammed up as well. meanwhile few hours ago cruz finished up what post after shot repairs. >> pam: j.r. stone has more on the story. j.r.? >> reporter: work still need to be done pretty good see some of the stones are just blowing their parent i spent the afternoon with a firefighter who was off-duty and decided to go home to home helping people out. i do want to go to some of the video here in the disease who i am talking about. jeremy nelson and his wife nicole. when house the house is certain areas where people did not have the option and could not do it themselves creek helping a different number of elderly today and took many items that were broken and then took them to dump site is a huge help for so many different people in this area. that were not able to do it themselves. i talked to some that were held up and i spoke with jeremy brett this is what the heck does that this is what they had to set... jeremy nelson. yes, that is my name. >>sitting home depressed. we thought that this would be the right thing to do. >> reporter: live in napa un j.r. stone kron4 news. >> jacqueline: we are continuing to see aftershocks up with the big quake. it happened this morning with a cluster of aftershocks near napa up creek this is the biggest one at 3.9 magnitude just after 530. the chance that we will see anything bigger are dwindling at this hour. at first it was about a 50/50 chance. so that 3.9 followed by 2.8 and 612. we also saw 3.0 at 6:45 p.m.. and one a little bit later in the morning with a 2.5 at 11:00 in the morning. today the biggest one really decreasing at this hour. >> pam: many napa residents are continuing to clean up what has been damaged in the quake. kron4 maureen kelly spoke to quit the comes as they tossed with a broken possessions. >> reporter: what started as a single debris box in front of napa valley high school has turned into a mountain of trash curry left by people trying to clean up their homes after sunday's earthquake. these were white plastic pieces used to be jim ogles back yard pool. >> >> reporter: he says he is not along many of his neighbors are in the same sad situation. >> reporter: these young men are helping a relative get rid of most of her possessions >> most of her stuff is all broken. she is ready to cry. >> reporter: dismantling away some broken furniture says it has been tough. but this is part of the process of moving along with their lives. >> something that we will have to stick together and go through and take the next step for. >> reporter: maureen kelly kron 4 news. >> pam: the city is not asking residents nottheir debria valley high school location in the list of the drop of locations can be found on our homepage kron4 dot com. >> pam: still get a check of all the schools and napa is complete when students will be back in the classroom. plus, busted again. >> pam: were serial stowaway maryland apartment was arrested this time. >> reporter:she did it again. >> reporter:the serial stowaway marilyn hartman was arrested today at phoenix sky harbor international airport. trespassing. >> reporter:these are pictures of her previous mug shots from her other run-ins with the law after trying to board planes at s-f-o and l- a-x. >> reporter: airport employees recognized the 62- year old hartman hanging around baggage claim this morning. >> reporter:she did not have a ticket. just last week, the airport gave her a warning for trying to enter the security check-point without a ticket. >> pam: is back to school for the napa state historic class is arson session tomorrow morning. it may take several more days in this location. it pretty sizable crack for the school grounds. >> we had three teams visiting all three schools, some schools for double and triple checked. fortunately our california schools are stronger than you can count on the napa schools to be strong as well curry >> pam: nothing serious current grade school children will get out a little earlier. >> pam: so far those are the largest more than 85 aftershocks following the earthquake and at ohrid rob fladeboe found out more of the same and the days ahead. >> the bulk of the aftershock activity is to the northwest of the maine. yes, this is a very unusual event in california. this is certainly normal behavior for northern california. >> reporter: replacing additional stress? >> you will see smaller earthquakes tapping their but there is a chance that nearby would change stress with increasing results but nothing has yet to be determined and we will have more information within the next few days. >> they would diminish in bulk in magnitude and number of the events over the next couple of weeks are so accurate >> reporter: rob fladeboe kron 4 news. business in the napa valley and there is concern that the dramatic pictures of collapsed buildings and red tagged homes could keep some visitors away. >> pam: but tourism officials in napa are quick to point out that most of the heavy damage is limited to older buildings in the town of napa. the wineries and countryside actually suffered very little damage. with the late summer harvest underway and labor day just around the corner, everyone in napa is hoping for business as usual. >>we're just trying to get the word out that the vast majority of the valley is open. all of the hotels i wineries with very few just one small area downtown that had the most damage. >> pam: after closing down for the day on sunday, most of the restaurants around napa are back in business and more than one hundred forty hotels are open, with only four remaining closed because of the earthquake >> jacqueline: warmer temperatures but warmer and antioch with 89 degrees sprit 86 in concord, 85 and not cut. seven degrees warmer than yesterday's. it was even 70 in downtown san francisco corporate you to see the clear skies that has been like this since earlier this morning. we have also seen dusty winds. 20 mi. per hour wind with 16 in oakland and 14 in redwood city and san jose. it is a little breezy out there but clear creek the sky the clot would not return and to the very early morning are around 6:00. but this is what we are expecting, not a whole lot. in a clot it will start to lift so we will see sunshine doubt in the south bay, and the delta. even the sun coming out tomorrow occurred to the to be in the '80s doubt in the south bay in san jose. 80 and mountain dew and paul alto. moving with a few nineties for the inland valley. mainly in the '70s inside the baker it 72 in richmond, 79 down in hayward and 70 in sampras's call and our debate a lot of low 80s. san rafael 86 degrees, and 86 also in napa. >> jacqueline: all for the rest of the work week thanks to a minimum fall it will be cooler temperatures throughout the bay area. >> pam: after the break. >> pam: more u-s, keeping a close eye on syria. the declaration today by president obama, and what we've learned about a california man reportedly fighting for isis. and earthquake insurance. >> pam: we all need it, but not many people have it. we'll break down hey can you fix this? you bet! that's our new interactive speaker wall. 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[ man ] it's big. supports in times of need. same with aladdin. the biggest in bail. no one has lower prices, is faster or more professional. aladdin bail bonds. bigger because we're better. >> catherine: president obama has authorized reconnaissance flights over syria to keep an eye on isis. >> catherine: it's seen as a precursor of possible airstrikes in that country. >> catherine: this comes as we learn that an american from san diego died last week while fighting for isis. >> catherine: 33 year-old doug mccain was killed in a battle between extremist groups. >> catherine: mccain's uncle says his nephew converted from christianity to islam several years ago. >> catherine: we are in contact with the family, and are providing all possible consular assistance. as you know, there's typically a process that needs to be gone through before any confirmation can be made. >> and certainly, out of respect for the family, we're not going to be adding any more comment at this >> catherine: mcain's family maintains they had no knowledge he was going to join the fight in syria. >> pam: an unlimited ceasefire, now in place between israel and gaza. >> pam: the egyptian- brokered truce calls for an end to the violence with no expiration date. >> pam: the teams of the deal include-- israelis and palestinians will ease the blockade on gaza. open the boarder crossings for humanitarian and medical aid. >> pam: and, both sides will come back to cairo for more negotiations. the united nations reports 67 israelis, and more than 21-hundred palestinians have been killed in the conflict. >> pam: next at 6:30 a look at your top stories tonight, including the cleanup underway following sunday's powerful earthquake. >> pam: plus, insurance claims are sure to go up, but a surprising new report shows that many people in california aren't covered for earthquakes. >> pam: and the touching tribute to robin williams at the emmy awards. live from the golden gate bridge. not a cloud in sector it really clear out there today creek will it be like that tomorrow to? no rush, andy. come on. with the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. you've got to be kidding. did you guys see that? that ball was out. to paying your coach for adding five miles per hour to your serve. that ball wasn't in. get your eyes checked. help me out here. download the best mobile app today. so you can always have the advantage. chase. so you can at ikea, we don't just we design good mornings. little experiments. big ideas. brighter ways. and better tomorrows you can take home today. imagine if everyday was just a little bit better for everyone. >> reporter: >> reporter: a terrible tragedy here with a car exiting off ramp at 680 cranes crashes into a canal creek they're all wearing their seat belts but there were pronounced dead five minutes into the act the victory cars are now rolling through. >> reporter: and napa up clean up is in full swing. isotonic the firefighter of duty and his wife of going through home to home helping people out in helping people get rid of their debris. it getting into a dumpster >> pam: near the epicenter near the quake officials are still checking out some very large crack spread some of the damage was not structural it was more of broken glass and broken and book shelves. schools will open on wednesday with earthquake drill sprit something that could vastly come in handy. >> reporter: here in menlo park, keeping track of the ongoing shaking here in napa up. i have been 85 aftershocks at least two at three. all. seismologist >> do expected to two and 12 more moderate yvette's meant that fight at 353 it at 14% of five and a very small chance of a larger than the man shot within the next seven or eight days. >> reporter: continuing our coverage, you see quake damage to rid this started as a symbol debris box on sunday and now to see how large it has grown occurred several broken dishes, tv's and more items separate a size small chunk of their possessions but now they are trying to clean up and move on with their lives. maureen kelly kron 4 news. >> reporter: tourism officials were quick to tell me that almost all of the belly is open for business. the damage is limited to a small area of downtown and. the wineries are located in another location. everyone here is hoping to head a big weekend. charles clifford kron4 newsprint >> pam: the historic first baptist church have been removed. a portion of a vallejo church tower damaged in earthquake has been removed. >> pam: the first baptist chuch is located in the 2- thousand block of sonoma boulevard. >> pam: the pastor says he noticed the south side of the church tower separated from the east side of the building yesterday morning, and was in danger of collapsing. >> pam: the building has been red-tagged, but today the salvation army did use the building to provide its daily lunch to the needy. >> pam: initial estimates are that it will take as much as one billion dollars to repair the property damage from sunday's earthquake. >> pam: most of that money will come out of the owners' pockets. grant lodes is here to explain why many californians have given up on buying earthquake insurance. >> reporter:let's go back to 1996. two years after the big northridge quake in southern california. 30 percent of california homeowners had earthquake insurance. >> reporter:now the statewide figure is 12 percent. and in napa, >>.felt like a bomb hitting the house >> reporter:scary as it was, the napa quake was not the big one. but it is only a matter of time >> reporter:seismologists give us a 63 bay area quake in the next 20 years. homeowners, however, look at a different number >>ka-ching >> reporter:eleven hundred and 33 dollars a year, or about 100 dollars a month. that's the cost of earthquake insurance for a 750=thousand dollar home. >> reporter:what you get is a major magnitude 15 percent deductible. that means the first 112=thousand 500 is on you. >> reporter:unattached garages and pools. not covered. loss of personal possessions, 5=thousand dollars tops. >> reporter:and the so called loss=of=use expenses. the costs of living elsewhere while your home is repaired: 15=hundred dollars. >> reporter:standard homeowners, renters and business policies do not cover earthquakes. but they often do cover secondary causes such as fire and water damage due to burst gas and water pipes. >> jacqueline: it was a beautiful day along the bay area today. looking ahead, we do have a few areas of fog to start the day. 70's and 80's for much of the bay area. but in o'clock it will already start to clear and titanic is back to the coast and then off the coast current temperatures will be in the '80s with the mountain view and sunnyvale. inland valley will be a few into the low 90s. with 90 also in livermore. san leandro with 78 the north bay, wide spread 80 sprit the warming trend will continue and into thursday creek it will stay warm friday as well. will start to see cooler conditions and towards the weekend. >> pam: >> reporter: the different between life and death coming up to my tech report at 8:00 p.m. i would tell you when you can't expect to see early earthquake alert on your smart phone patrick gage slate kron 4 news. get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card with a new volkswagen turbo. why are we so obsessed with turbo? because we like giving you power, but we also like giving you fuel efficiency. like the sporty jetta. and the turbocharged passat tdi® clean diesel. okay... and the iconic beetle... and the powerful tiguan. okay you can't forget the cc. guys, this is going to take a while. get a $1,000 reward card on new 2014 turbo models or lease a 2014 jetta se for $169 a month after $1,000 bonus. ends soon! nds] the internet just got two times more exciting... ...with two times the speed. xfinity is now doubling the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet...period. xfinity internet from comcast, now double the speed. >> reporter: (male announcer): it's now time for gary radnich from the jack in the box sports desk. >> reporter:welcome back everyone! >> reporter: slow to recover from a stress fracture in his book. that is just the latest injury. prior to that has had two surgeries due to and erupted blood vessel. eight and three that nearly cost him his life leaving him with a huge scratch. the huge mark from his stomach to his back. linebacker return to practice today creek east gaga latest hacker gang there was more blunt in the turf creek he was taken off and a structure >> reporter: engines were not too bad it was in a neck strain. he should be good to go for the regular season. against the jets kicker it time for our daily levi stadium update with a step in curry current >> reporter: in the canary islands taking on albania with a decision to go back to the stadium the cd ariel and looked about the same as the day yesterday creek mound of dirt and sand but not much of grass. this will be the third and hopefully last assault installed. the issue was that the previous field was too soft and the players cannot get their footing >> reporter: michael slam the first openly gay and f l player has been added to the first round which should not come as much as a surprise. he had two sacks saturday against the browns. one was mansfield that took a shot of camry and the johnny loss' signature show me the money moves. five tackles and one more round of that coming with 75 to their final 53. niners fans will not let the story sort of fiat $300,000 with no contact rose with on season practice strict sierra will also lose out to double practices next year. i'm sure the players would not protest that on. according to the nfl excessive contact a moss clercs. among players >> reporter: know, and the final world cup warriors guard stepped in curry in the canary islands spending a nice move to the hoop with a three-pointer scoring 10 points and with two of three beyond he's starting with team usa. his teammates hit 3 of 6 three-pointers. 21 minutes final score one and one. opening for real in spain against felon. against cleveland cavaliers >> reporter: there was a lot of talk about kevin glove. he is a cleveland cavaliers. coming over from the timber will street another no. 1 overall is anthony bennett. six-foot 11 can rebound and shoot a three. he is a nice player. >> reporter: becoming the youngest to win a match at the u.s. open after 18 years she is 16 years old creek >> was born in san francisco and 1999. believing with the number one thing she had to do today. that and play incredible tennis. congratulations to heart. >> reporter: great shot he didn't lose and by the sec. >> reporter: you know his history he has 156 appearances but he was not chosen for the roster earlier. he is 32 years old and he was announcing that he will retire from the galaxies after this season creek he will play one last game for teen you as an acre it finally, international soccer with the manchester united. this is the lead, as they lewis' career for 4-0. >> pam: coming up! why now may be a good time to trade in y...we need to break up. is it the biting? cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. you have made my life special by being apart of it.enough. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything, for all your help. through all life's milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. >> pam: legislation hope that they can defer to your phone fast. california is the first state to require the kill switch on your phone. >> pam: apple said that most of new iphone 5 may need to be charged more frequently. they must fall within a certain range of serial numbers and can go to apple's website to find out if your phone is eligible creek >> pam: typically, prices for the old iphone would drop 20% more warm-up before and after apple would introduce their new found throughout the earth starting to lock in an customers for the new phone this way he will now have to worry about being without a smart phone while waiting for the new one. welcome home! woah, this kitchen is beautiful! give him the tour. let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. welcome home! give him the tour. woah, this kitchen is beautiful! let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. the "insider" with perspective on today's top trending stories. >> the "insider" hits the emmys with a -- bang. ♪ >> all the red carpet pda and backstage makeout. >> i got dressed with my husband. know what i'm saying? >> oh. sofia was a know-show? >> too hard and sex toy country wi sexy to come with me. >> ooh. that's hot. >> yeah. >> like that. >> breaking down his likes, loves and -- >> lord have mercy. >> plus, the moments you didn't see and a few that needed explaining, like fallon's emmy steal. >> could give it a balance. >> and julia and bryan's smooch. >> she said grab me and give a lock-up kiss. lock it down. >> from locking it down to breaking free. ♪ break free >> "breaking bad." >> anna gunn. >> "breaking bad" leads the night. >> say my name. >> bryan cranston. >> i love it. now the latest celebrity news delivered to you 24/7. it's "the insider" together with yahoo!. >> it was a great night to be bad. 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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20140827 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20140827

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>> catherine: it reached 103 last night -- with roughly 20 more being added tonight. the number of yellow tagged buildings is way up -- it now stands at around 500. >> catherine: teams of inspectors have clock.which accounts for the increase. napa city officials say there's a backlog of about 800 calls -- with people asking for building inspections. >> catherine: the city manager says he's trying to make it clear to people that for now -- the city can only deal with buildings that have major problems. >> asking questions. >> catherine: a continuing problem..water. >> catherine: the latest count on how many broken and leaking water mains they're dealing with -- 120. >> catherine: 640 people still don't have water service tonight. people who lost service and are getting it back are still being warned to boil their water >> catherine: for at least a minute - or simply use bottled water. the city manager says crews are also working around the clock - and they're hoping >> catherine: this will be cleared up within a couple of days. as for power -- it's been completely restored. >> catherine: and it's back to school for napa students. aside from one charter school -- all of napa's schools have been declared safe and ready to go. >> catherine: classes resume wednesday. there have been problems ranging from broken windows to cabinets which have to be >> catherine: attached to walls -- but nothing major. grade schools will be getting out a little earlier than usual for awhile. high schools will be on their usual schedules. >> catherine: tonight city officials are beginning to count up the dollar losses. >> catherine: so we may hear more about that within the next day or so. coming up later in the show -- we'll have more details including the latest numberspeople who were injured. >> pam: now lets go live to downtown napa. where cleanup efforts are well underway. kron 4's j-r stone joins us live. j.r.? >> reporter: progress is being made. that is the good news. the intersection i stood at two days ago, cars were not able to drive through here, but that has since changed. you see all of the stones and defense that has been put up. this is the up side of the building. there are other problems as well. it spent my time on the back of a pickup truck or people were calling from home to home to pick up items out of these homes and into a dumpster area spirit that of the problems and concerns that many people are having. finding places to place all of this broken items. >> reporter: you are glenn to hear from some of the people. tonight j.r. stone. kron 4 news >> pam: napa officials have set up a number of sites where residents can dump the debris from the quake. here you can see people as they throw away their quake damaged possessions. >> pam: one of the drop- off locations was in front of napa valley high school. what was once just a single debris box. is now a mountain of junk. >> pam: those clearing away their broken furniture and television's admit, the last few days have been difficult. >>"salvaged what's left" >> pam: the city is now asking residents to stop dumping at the school sites. that's because the high school and most other napa valley schools. are set to re-open tomorrow. a new list of debris drop- off locations can be found on our website - kron4-dot- com. >> pam: for more on the school situation in napa. kron4's vicki liviakis is standing by in the newsroom. vicki? >> reporter:pam, schools have been closed since the quake. news. kids can go back to the classroom tomorrow. return >> reporter:only one school will staystonebridge charter school is near the epicenter of the quake. officials are still checking out some large cracks on campus. >>"all the schools, all 30 schools have been inspected by architects and structural engineers, and they are safe and ready for students and staff tomorrow morning." most of the damage in the schools was not structural. but things like falling bookshelves and broken glass. >> reporter:teachers and staff have been cleaning up the past few days. >> reporter:and to use a cliché - this is a teachable moment. students will begin school wednesday morning with earthquake drills. something that will definitely come in handy. >> reporter:pam? >> pam: the earthquake on sunday is still causing a headache for commuters today. grant lodes is standing by with the latest road troubles in the north bay. grant? >> jacqueline: kind of car to click on. magnitude 3.9 earlier this morning. at 543 creek it was the strongest aftershock today. we may not see much stronger after shot after this. that aftershock was followed by another one. which happened as 612. so people are rattled a little bit about the aftershocks. - chance for a real strong aftershock may be dwindling down . >> pam: there have been scores of aftershocks since sundays magnitude- six quake - most have been small. however, people were shaken by some of the aftershocks today. >> pam: the u.s. geological survey in menlo park is among a handful of places where an >> pam: early warning test system is already up and running. and kron four's rob fladeboe got a first- hand look at how it works, during one of today's aftershocks. >> seismologist >> reporter:u.s. g.s. seismologist ole kaven is interrupted, mid-time alert during an aftershock of the napa quake. >> reporter:the 2-point-7 magnitude aftershock struck at precisely 10:56 on tuesday. it was centered a few miles north of napa, along with several other aftershocks, not far from the epicenter of sunday's main shock. had there been any shaking to come here >> reporter:in menlo park, we would have had about ten seconds warning. >> it was an actual alert sent out. showing a wave of impact. you see the location where we are at right now and mellow part. this event was a small one. expected intensity was at a one. we did have a few seconds. >> reporter:as o fmid day tuesday, scenitests here had recorded some 85 aftershocks in and around napa. the two largest, so far, 3.9 and 3.0. >> reporter:the usgs expects the aftershocks to continue for days if not weeks but scientists here say the magnitude and frequency of those aftershocks will also diminish as time goes on. in menlo park rob fladeboe kron 4 news. >> pam: and you can stay up to date on the napa earthquake with the kron -4 news app. we have a lot more coverage on the quake ahead. >> pam: and all the days other news including. a bay area woman known as a 'serial stowaway' arrested again. >> pam: where she was taken into custody this time. can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything, for all your help. through all life's milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. ♪ go! go! wow! go power...oats! go! made from oats cheerios! cheerios! go, go, go! go power oats! go! cheerios! go power! go...power! yayyyy! exactly the way you want it... until boom, it's bedtime! your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. right now, all beds are on sale. he's the softy. his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60. and snoring? sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year. all beds on sale! with 50% off the labor day limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. >> pam: she did it again. >> pam: the bay area woman arrested for sneaking onto a plane without ticket. has been caught loitering around another airport. >> pam: kron 4's justine waldman joins us live in our newsroom. with details on where this happened and the >> reporter:the serial stowaway marilyn hartman was arrested today at phoenix sky harbor international airport. this time for criminal trespassing. >> reporter:these are pictures of her previous mug shots from her other run-ins with the law after trying to board planes at s-f-o and l- a-x. >> reporter:according to phoenix police, airport employees recognized the 62- year old hartman hanging around baggage claim this morning. >> reporter:she did not have a ticket. this arrest. comes after she was spotted at sky harbor on august 14th, trying to enter the security check-point without a ticket. that time, she was given a warning and removed from the airport. >> reporter:this is the third time. this month hartman has been arrested. >> reporter:she was arrested after she flew on a southwest airlines flight, without a ticket, from s-f-o to l-a-x. >> reporter:right after her release, she was arrested at l-a-x again after she was seen scouting out the terminals, a violation of was released from a los angeles jail because of overcrowding. now officers in phoenix, are requesting she undergo a mental health evaluation. >> pam: we are tracking developments out of the napa area. where that 6 -point zero magnitude quake hit sunday. coming up -- more on the effort to tear down buildings in danger of falling. falling. it y se strge, t people allyan le thr laxative. escially wheit's milax. hydtes,ases, and ftens, allyan le thr laxative. unbck your syst natally. ve yr lative. miralax. is it the biting? youave ace of mind ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. >> pam: and we are tracking the latest developments in the zero earthquake that rocked the napa area sunday. >> pam: lets get the latest now, from catherine heenan. catherine? >>we learned tonight that the total number of people who have been treated for injuries is up to 209. 18 of them were admitted. up from 17. >> catherine: that's because someone who didn't think treatment was necessary suddenly had seizures last night and was rushed into emergency surgery. >> catherine: the update on water.they keep finding new leaks. and 640 customers still do not have water service tonight. including both homes and businesses. the city manager says repairs continue around the clock. >> catherine: but as they fix the ones are discovered. >> so, what they are doing is isolating and shutting off and moving to the next. adding more as we fix. >> catherine: meantime -- the number of red-tagged buildings has gone up. there were 103 as of last night -- and the city manager figures he'll be adding about 20 more to the list tonight. >> catherine: and the number of yellow tagged buildings -- which means limited access -- is 'way' up. it now stands at about 500. we'll have more on the latest 5:30. >> pam: where a building is being demolished because of the damage from the earthquake. daniel? >> this building you see here, the color red building you see some of the demolition work that has already started. occupancy where some of the bricks are just falling off the building during the earthquake. they are going to be doing demolition work. uc the most bricks right there. punching holes in the roof and second floor. so they put protective gear with this tart and a rubber tire just in case of this wall on the other side falls on this building. expecting to go to to three more days before they are done. a section of georgia street as sonoma boulevard is closed and will remain closed until they believe that it is safe. >> pam: is this near the church where they were trying to remove the bell tower yester day? >> yes, and that is the same crew about six to seven weeks 67 blocks. away the church is right there. >> pam: said >> jacqueline: wall to wall sunshine and warmer temperatures to concede that there is not a cloud inside. same thing that goes for the golden gate bridge. nothing this afternoon but clear skies. it has been warmer today as we expected. we are back into the 80 degree temperatures for inland. 81 for vallejo and we were in the 70's for downtown san francisco but it is cooling down some. even more tomorrow than today. the boom in trend will continue let's take a look at how hot it will get. coming up. ee local news...sports... weather emergencies...especially diverse communities... rural towns... the elderly. they save thousands every year on cable and satellite bills... pay-tv providers don't like that. they're pushing washington to change the rules and cripple free tv call congress. tell them to stand up for sixty million americans... ...and stand up to pay-tv providers. don't mess with free tv >> reporter: inside tv's biggest night! >> reporter: independent women on the carpet as hot mama, sophia vergara left her man at home. >>this red carpet is just for me and modern family. >>i am just happy in my life. >> reporter: you were dressed alone. not with the kids. they would drive you crazy? >> no, i was dressed by my husband for it you know what i am saying? you know what i am saying? >> reporter: that is what i am saying. >> pam: and the insider there's a tonight at 7:00 at kron 43 and 730 with entertainment. ntur areery ffertthaneal teet. th're out n tis fternd have surface res ere cter n muiply polident kil 99.% of od-caui and lps ssolve sins. for a clner,resh, briger dtureveryy. with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year. all beds on sale! with 50% off the labor day limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. ♪ ♪ ♪ i ♪ know i can't deny... ♪ that i got a new feeling ♪ deep inside... ♪ [ female announcer ] with five perfectly sweetened whole grains... you can't help but see the good. (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam: now at by thirty we are tracking movement from the earthquake in the napa area. >> catherine: no no damage reported meantime, it is time for students and it's time to get back to class. all of the schools except for the charter schools will be open. broken windows and door books on the floors and no structural damage has that found. the number of red tagged buildings leased 123 at least tonight or could go more. the city is ordering more to keep more fencing to keep people away from the dangerous areas. the city manager says to keep finding more but they are expecting are hoping to finish up on that problem and a couple of days. st., it could be over 1 billion current napa city officials are talking about that tonight. they are beginning to figure it out. exactly, catherine thank you. still causing difficulties for commuters today. >> reporter: as you are getting on to the georgia butler bridge in need to be repaired to mark this morning. you see all of the traffic here. significant crack where the roadway meets the bridge print one southbound lane was crawling all day and a cd crack right there. longer delays because people were trying to deal with this situation. and you can see high with 29 very slow headed this way. that is where the bridge is right there. the alternate, telling people to use to 21. the gypsy that alternate became loaded as the butler bridge issue became more aware. no residual traffic issues in that location. >> pam: aftershocks continued in napa valley today. as residents and business owners continue to clean up from the 6.0 magnitude earthquake. damage from the quake could cost the region a billion dollars. it is impacted california's lucrative long country which produces 90 percent of the u.s. line. >> reporter: across not the valley for lip recover wine barrels and winemakers like mike drash are getting the first look at the damage. >> >> reporter: we are moved more to move fast and get out. >> if you still an aftershock, let's get out of there. >> reporter: here is why .... there'll after beryl... entire stack of them precariously tilting. >> they expect over there where they have fallen off the rack street >> reporter: this is dressed precious 2012 vintage. >> that is my beryl of line. >> reporter: each of these words 10 to $24,000. >> that is really dangerous, right there. these are for these are all mine. >> reporter: there some white wine on the ground. but until he can get all the beryls out and see them he just will not know what he has lost. >> reporter: it took in two years ago from great to wind now and the balance at the short but powerful quake >> unbelievable. 10 seconds, 15 seconds, right? >> reporter: let's get out of your ok is making me nervous to. >> reporter: he is not just a winemaker in napa valley. >> reporter: this is the historic home he owns near downtown that cut dating back to the 1800's. (cheers & applause) >> pretty much everywhere you look there is a crack. >> reporter: how can recover from all of this? >> reporter: as well as everyone in his neighborhood in the city. >> what that is bad. >> reporter: what everything and now comes down to the wind. there is spotty damage across the city to see what already has been bottled like this one storage room. >> pam: the earth quickly to economic to the economic toll on the napa valley at this point, no one know how much but in the region known for its vineyards and global reputation there is a lot at stake. >> pam: and it is the up to date on the napa earthquake with kron 4 news application. we have a lot more coverage on the slick had. the first >> reporter: because of an apparent equipment problem on the track near a pleasant hill station we are looking at like israel's right now with our helicopter partnership with abc 7 newsletter it is unclear to see what the exact issue is or what the problem on the track is creek near the pleasant hill station. no one at creek in concord at 535 at the heart of the evening commute, a lot of people are affected by this terrific it is unclear how long this issue will persist creek bart does not have an estimate time of what it will resume crude we will certainly keep you posted. if you know anyone or expecting anyone to be home , it will be an issue if they are trying to come this way. we will take a short break and be right back. >> reporter: another fire on merritt island creek this morning an abandoned military building went up in flames. this is the second fire in the past five days on merritt island. this morning crew showed up just before 9 near the zero tried in g street. this morning to the firefighters were able to get the want alarm fire under control fairly easily creek it is unclear what started the fire. but investigators believe transit squabbling could be to blame. officials said the fire was not connected to the sundays click on this morning after shocks crews did notice some bricks in the water rise to say those did not adversely impact their ability to fire or to fight the fire. no injuries were reported. >> reporter: >> pam: residents and businesses were ordered to shelter in place with that 1 mi. radius of a hazardous material is a that the hayward this afternoon. the has met incident has been cleared. the shelter in place has been lifted this is a video with our helicopter partnership with abc seven creek the incident was reported at 2:00 p.m. at the point road. ♪ ♪ first impressions are important. you've got to make every second count. banking designed for the way you live your life. so you can welcome your family home... for the first time. chase. so you can. >> catherine: some of the new information has a red tank which is roughly 123 right now and that could go up. or a senior centers that could be out of condition definitely. the city can handle serious matters right now. their customers without water service tonight and power outages, everyone has had power restored now. there is back to school for napa students and with no structural damage. so aside from one charter school that will go back a little later the other schools will go back tomorrow. pam? >> pam: san francisco mayor and it will lead toward the net but this morning to observe the post earthquake damage. mayor li wanted to express his support for all who were affected by the earth quake. >> we would like to be good neighbors >> pam: merely added that napa and san francisco are linked together through tourism. he plans to help out in any way that he can. >> everything was ok in the house creek let hasidic couple begins to come down in the crotch. in the garage. >> i cannot really describe it. it was like shaking a little bit. my mom and step father was in there and when it had already happened. class >> reporter: the example and we have spoken with many parents and that is what they all happened to do as well. >> absolutely, everything is ok creek from the first big earthquake we did receive some cracks. >> reporter: the damage was already done print date when from scared to even more so scared. >> this just in to the kron 4 newsroom. >> reporter: this is in the past bart bay. and s f o direction bart has stopped transit their track issues are near the pleasant hill station with two tracks of now damaged are taken out of service while crews complete repairs. you see some of the trains certainly, not moving. right now print trains are turning it around at the walnut creek station. there is no service to concord. there is a shuttle train but his bark pay this hits its burke. station is close down print that are now giving an estimate of when the repairs will be completed. or when the train will resume we will certainly keep the posted. >> jacqueline: warmer side today near 90 degrees out and antioch and 87 in livermore with 86 degrees in concord. in the north bay we were also in the 80 degree temperatures. and this out we were in the upper 70's. in san francisco it was 70 degrees in downtown san francisco today. looking from the golden gate bridge for we have sunny skies and not a cloud in sight not even at the coast line. 73 in oakland, and the '80s for concord and livermore and santa rosa right now it will be minimal and clear fast tomorrow so will be even warmer for wednesday. 90 degrees and inland at in >> jacqueline: by 8:00 already lifting from most locations. from oakland, hayward is said to rose and back to the coast. so it will be warmer again tomorrow and the upper 60s. 70's for the peninsula and 84 for redwood city and east bay shoreline. will be at 73 for alameda. and 774 san leandro. our inland valleys with a mix of the '80s in lower 90s for your day. 91 in pittsburgh and walnut creek. 90 livermore and the upper 80s in danville. the south bay will see quite a few 80 degree readings. early white with the exception of morgan hill what it will be 92 degrees the north bay also largely in the '80s tomorrow perfect 82 in petaluma and 86% rafael. 83 in vallejo. so the warming trend is on the way. its trading tomorrow we have a two low 90s. trending. this week we are expecting more cloud coverage and finally cooler temperatures. >> pam: it is offical. burger king and the coffee and doughnut chain, tim horton are merging. the new combined company will be based in canada and will have 18,000 locations worldwide. but the company says burger king operations will remain headquartered in miami. the scene then chain in canada allows the company to pay lower corporate taxes creek a move lawmakers in the white house have called unpatriotic. >> pam: the s&p rose 2.10 points to just above 2000 points. female announcer: when you see this truck, female announcer: it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models, including the new tempur-choice with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows, and free same-day delivery. are you next? announcer: but don't wait. sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪oh yea... old el paso's... got a bold, new stand'n stuff shell that's blasted for nacho cheesiness oh...yeah how do you helper? make helper with your favorite ingredients, for a fresh taste you'll love. helper. make it yours. now make restaurant inspired dishes with ultimate helper. with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year. all beds on sale! with 50% off the labor day limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. baand ustring.ough but w, tre's betr wa introducinthe rst-er raidefen sysm. it attacks theugs u se ntro theugsyou n't e... d prents. keeng bs out. the id defen sysm... get e e bu. ra. kis bu dea schnso a fily mpan (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam: and happened about 340 this afternoon on the late off route three people and a kia hit another car and went into a canal. all three were killed. >> when vehicle and the tickler pulled off the exit. and loss control. and went into a ditch. >> pam: byars expecting- stretch of highway to stay close police until 8:00 p.m. tonight. >> pam: and we just got word that bart service between walnut creek and concord is disrupted right now because of an equipment problem. >> pam: this video comes from our helicopter partnership withthe problem was reported at about 5:15 near the pleasant hill station and has trains stopped in both directions along the pittsburg-bay point line. >> pam: we're working to get more information, stay with us for updates. >> pam: new and permission to knight on the problem plaguing the area. more building's architect and a water still out for some people. officials gave us an update on the progress that they have made. and get the latest. catherine heenan has been following this from the very beginning. >> catherine: the napa city council formally declares a state of emergency. but as of tonight.the city is beginning to shift from recovery. the new information. >> catherine: the list of red-tagged buildings is growing. it reached 103 last night -- with roughly 20 more being added tonight. >> catherine: and the number of yellow tagged buildings is way up -- it now stands at around 500. >> catherine: teams of inspectors have been working around the clock.which accounts for thenapa city officials say there's a backlog of aboutfor building inspections. >> catherine: the city manager says he's trying to make it clear to people that for now -- they can only deal with buildings that have major problems. >> catherine: >> if this sounds like maybe a health official involved with some approves out there very quickly asking questions about a crack. in the dry wall, that is not critical ever we will be getting to with a visit. >> catherine: water service -- still a big headache in napa. it was much easier to get everyone's power turned on again. >> catherine: but they're still finding leaks in water mains.with 640 people without water tonight. it could be a couple of days before that work is wrapped up. >> catherine: also - napa students will be back in class tomorrow.with school. no structural damage was found on the 30 school campuses. >> catherine: and one more person was rushed to the hospital last night. >> catherine: a person who didn't think treatment was necessary after the quake sunday - but suddenly had seizures and was rushed into emergency >> catherine: grant? >> reporter: there were significant damage right there. the road way meets the bridge just one sock found plane was crawling all day creek long delays, as people were trying to leave napa. fortunately, not directly impacted but certainly a lot of people looking all around. highway 29 coming right down here, a " it will slow right there with the zero bands and that was the bridges that which is where the issue is located and >> reporter: as you can see, deck was jammed up as well. meanwhile few hours ago cruz finished up what post after shot repairs. >> pam: j.r. stone has more on the story. j.r.? >> reporter: work still need to be done pretty good see some of the stones are just blowing their parent i spent the afternoon with a firefighter who was off-duty and decided to go home to home helping people out. i do want to go to some of the video here in the disease who i am talking about. jeremy nelson and his wife nicole. when house the house is certain areas where people did not have the option and could not do it themselves creek helping a different number of elderly today and took many items that were broken and then took them to dump site is a huge help for so many different people in this area. that were not able to do it themselves. i talked to some that were held up and i spoke with jeremy brett this is what the heck does that this is what they had to set... jeremy nelson. yes, that is my name. >>sitting home depressed. we thought that this would be the right thing to do. >> reporter: live in napa un j.r. stone kron4 news. >> jacqueline: we are continuing to see aftershocks up with the big quake. it happened this morning with a cluster of aftershocks near napa up creek this is the biggest one at 3.9 magnitude just after 530. the chance that we will see anything bigger are dwindling at this hour. at first it was about a 50/50 chance. so that 3.9 followed by 2.8 and 612. we also saw 3.0 at 6:45 p.m.. and one a little bit later in the morning with a 2.5 at 11:00 in the morning. today the biggest one really decreasing at this hour. >> pam: many napa residents are continuing to clean up what has been damaged in the quake. kron4 maureen kelly spoke to quit the comes as they tossed with a broken possessions. >> reporter: what started as a single debris box in front of napa valley high school has turned into a mountain of trash curry left by people trying to clean up their homes after sunday's earthquake. these were white plastic pieces used to be jim ogles back yard pool. >> >> reporter: he says he is not along many of his neighbors are in the same sad situation. >> reporter: these young men are helping a relative get rid of most of her possessions >> most of her stuff is all broken. she is ready to cry. >> reporter: dismantling away some broken furniture says it has been tough. but this is part of the process of moving along with their lives. >> something that we will have to stick together and go through and take the next step for. >> reporter: maureen kelly kron 4 news. >> pam: the city is not asking residents nottheir debria valley high school location in the list of the drop of locations can be found on our homepage kron4 dot com. >> pam: still get a check of all the schools and napa is complete when students will be back in the classroom. plus, busted again. >> pam: were serial stowaway maryland apartment was arrested this time. >> reporter:she did it again. >> reporter:the serial stowaway marilyn hartman was arrested today at phoenix sky harbor international airport. trespassing. >> reporter:these are pictures of her previous mug shots from her other run-ins with the law after trying to board planes at s-f-o and l- a-x. >> reporter: airport employees recognized the 62- year old hartman hanging around baggage claim this morning. >> reporter:she did not have a ticket. just last week, the airport gave her a warning for trying to enter the security check-point without a ticket. >> pam: is back to school for the napa state historic class is arson session tomorrow morning. it may take several more days in this location. it pretty sizable crack for the school grounds. >> we had three teams visiting all three schools, some schools for double and triple checked. fortunately our california schools are stronger than you can count on the napa schools to be strong as well curry >> pam: nothing serious current grade school children will get out a little earlier. >> pam: so far those are the largest more than 85 aftershocks following the earthquake and at ohrid rob fladeboe found out more of the same and the days ahead. >> the bulk of the aftershock activity is to the northwest of the maine. yes, this is a very unusual event in california. this is certainly normal behavior for northern california. >> reporter: replacing additional stress? >> you will see smaller earthquakes tapping their but there is a chance that nearby would change stress with increasing results but nothing has yet to be determined and we will have more information within the next few days. >> they would diminish in bulk in magnitude and number of the events over the next couple of weeks are so accurate >> reporter: rob fladeboe kron 4 news. business in the napa valley and there is concern that the dramatic pictures of collapsed buildings and red tagged homes could keep some visitors away. >> pam: but tourism officials in napa are quick to point out that most of the heavy damage is limited to older buildings in the town of napa. the wineries and countryside actually suffered very little damage. with the late summer harvest underway and labor day just around the corner, everyone in napa is hoping for business as usual. >>we're just trying to get the word out that the vast majority of the valley is open. all of the hotels i wineries with very few just one small area downtown that had the most damage. >> pam: after closing down for the day on sunday, most of the restaurants around napa are back in business and more than one hundred forty hotels are open, with only four remaining closed because of the earthquake >> jacqueline: warmer temperatures but warmer and antioch with 89 degrees sprit 86 in concord, 85 and not cut. seven degrees warmer than yesterday's. it was even 70 in downtown san francisco corporate you to see the clear skies that has been like this since earlier this morning. we have also seen dusty winds. 20 mi. per hour wind with 16 in oakland and 14 in redwood city and san jose. it is a little breezy out there but clear creek the sky the clot would not return and to the very early morning are around 6:00. but this is what we are expecting, not a whole lot. in a clot it will start to lift so we will see sunshine doubt in the south bay, and the delta. even the sun coming out tomorrow occurred to the to be in the '80s doubt in the south bay in san jose. 80 and mountain dew and paul alto. moving with a few nineties for the inland valley. mainly in the '70s inside the baker it 72 in richmond, 79 down in hayward and 70 in sampras's call and our debate a lot of low 80s. san rafael 86 degrees, and 86 also in napa. >> jacqueline: all for the rest of the work week thanks to a minimum fall it will be cooler temperatures throughout the bay area. >> pam: after the break. >> pam: more u-s, keeping a close eye on syria. the declaration today by president obama, and what we've learned about a california man reportedly fighting for isis. and earthquake insurance. >> pam: we all need it, but not many people have it. we'll break down hey can you fix this? 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[ man ] it's big. supports in times of need. same with aladdin. the biggest in bail. no one has lower prices, is faster or more professional. aladdin bail bonds. bigger because we're better. >> catherine: president obama has authorized reconnaissance flights over syria to keep an eye on isis. >> catherine: it's seen as a precursor of possible airstrikes in that country. >> catherine: this comes as we learn that an american from san diego died last week while fighting for isis. >> catherine: 33 year-old doug mccain was killed in a battle between extremist groups. >> catherine: mccain's uncle says his nephew converted from christianity to islam several years ago. >> catherine: we are in contact with the family, and are providing all possible consular assistance. as you know, there's typically a process that needs to be gone through before any confirmation can be made. >> and certainly, out of respect for the family, we're not going to be adding any more comment at this >> catherine: mcain's family maintains they had no knowledge he was going to join the fight in syria. >> pam: an unlimited ceasefire, now in place between israel and gaza. >> pam: the egyptian- brokered truce calls for an end to the violence with no expiration date. >> pam: the teams of the deal include-- israelis and palestinians will ease the blockade on gaza. open the boarder crossings for humanitarian and medical aid. >> pam: and, both sides will come back to cairo for more negotiations. the united nations reports 67 israelis, and more than 21-hundred palestinians have been killed in the conflict. >> pam: next at 6:30 a look at your top stories tonight, including the cleanup underway following sunday's powerful earthquake. >> pam: plus, insurance claims are sure to go up, but a surprising new report shows that many people in california aren't covered for earthquakes. >> pam: and the touching tribute to robin williams at the emmy awards. live from the golden gate bridge. not a cloud in sector it really clear out there today creek will it be like that tomorrow to? no rush, andy. come on. with the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. you've got to be kidding. did you guys see that? that ball was out. to paying your coach for adding five miles per hour to your serve. that ball wasn't in. get your eyes checked. help me out here. download the best mobile app today. so you can always have the advantage. chase. so you can at ikea, we don't just we design good mornings. little experiments. big ideas. brighter ways. and better tomorrows you can take home today. imagine if everyday was just a little bit better for everyone. >> reporter: >> reporter: a terrible tragedy here with a car exiting off ramp at 680 cranes crashes into a canal creek they're all wearing their seat belts but there were pronounced dead five minutes into the act the victory cars are now rolling through. >> reporter: and napa up clean up is in full swing. isotonic the firefighter of duty and his wife of going through home to home helping people out in helping people get rid of their debris. it getting into a dumpster >> pam: near the epicenter near the quake officials are still checking out some very large crack spread some of the damage was not structural it was more of broken glass and broken and book shelves. schools will open on wednesday with earthquake drill sprit something that could vastly come in handy. >> reporter: here in menlo park, keeping track of the ongoing shaking here in napa up. i have been 85 aftershocks at least two at three. all. seismologist >> do expected to two and 12 more moderate yvette's meant that fight at 353 it at 14% of five and a very small chance of a larger than the man shot within the next seven or eight days. >> reporter: continuing our coverage, you see quake damage to rid this started as a symbol debris box on sunday and now to see how large it has grown occurred several broken dishes, tv's and more items separate a size small chunk of their possessions but now they are trying to clean up and move on with their lives. maureen kelly kron 4 news. >> reporter: tourism officials were quick to tell me that almost all of the belly is open for business. the damage is limited to a small area of downtown and. the wineries are located in another location. everyone here is hoping to head a big weekend. charles clifford kron4 newsprint >> pam: the historic first baptist church have been removed. a portion of a vallejo church tower damaged in earthquake has been removed. >> pam: the first baptist chuch is located in the 2- thousand block of sonoma boulevard. >> pam: the pastor says he noticed the south side of the church tower separated from the east side of the building yesterday morning, and was in danger of collapsing. >> pam: the building has been red-tagged, but today the salvation army did use the building to provide its daily lunch to the needy. >> pam: initial estimates are that it will take as much as one billion dollars to repair the property damage from sunday's earthquake. >> pam: most of that money will come out of the owners' pockets. grant lodes is here to explain why many californians have given up on buying earthquake insurance. >> reporter:let's go back to 1996. two years after the big northridge quake in southern california. 30 percent of california homeowners had earthquake insurance. >> reporter:now the statewide figure is 12 percent. and in napa, >>.felt like a bomb hitting the house >> reporter:scary as it was, the napa quake was not the big one. but it is only a matter of time >> reporter:seismologists give us a 63 bay area quake in the next 20 years. homeowners, however, look at a different number >>ka-ching >> reporter:eleven hundred and 33 dollars a year, or about 100 dollars a month. that's the cost of earthquake insurance for a 750=thousand dollar home. >> reporter:what you get is a major magnitude 15 percent deductible. that means the first 112=thousand 500 is on you. >> reporter:unattached garages and pools. not covered. loss of personal possessions, 5=thousand dollars tops. >> reporter:and the so called loss=of=use expenses. the costs of living elsewhere while your home is repaired: 15=hundred dollars. >> reporter:standard homeowners, renters and business policies do not cover earthquakes. but they often do cover secondary causes such as fire and water damage due to burst gas and water pipes. >> jacqueline: it was a beautiful day along the bay area today. looking ahead, we do have a few areas of fog to start the day. 70's and 80's for much of the bay area. but in o'clock it will already start to clear and titanic is back to the coast and then off the coast current temperatures will be in the '80s with the mountain view and sunnyvale. inland valley will be a few into the low 90s. with 90 also in livermore. san leandro with 78 the north bay, wide spread 80 sprit the warming trend will continue and into thursday creek it will stay warm friday as well. will start to see cooler conditions and towards the weekend. >> pam: >> reporter: the different between life and death coming up to my tech report at 8:00 p.m. i would tell you when you can't expect to see early earthquake alert on your smart phone patrick gage slate kron 4 news. get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card with a new volkswagen turbo. why are we so obsessed with turbo? because we like giving you power, but we also like giving you fuel efficiency. like the sporty jetta. and the turbocharged passat tdi® clean diesel. okay... and the iconic beetle... and the powerful tiguan. okay you can't forget the cc. guys, this is going to take a while. get a $1,000 reward card on new 2014 turbo models or lease a 2014 jetta se for $169 a month after $1,000 bonus. ends soon! nds] the internet just got two times more exciting... ...with two times the speed. xfinity is now doubling the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet...period. xfinity internet from comcast, now double the speed. >> reporter: (male announcer): it's now time for gary radnich from the jack in the box sports desk. >> reporter:welcome back everyone! >> reporter: slow to recover from a stress fracture in his book. that is just the latest injury. prior to that has had two surgeries due to and erupted blood vessel. eight and three that nearly cost him his life leaving him with a huge scratch. the huge mark from his stomach to his back. linebacker return to practice today creek east gaga latest hacker gang there was more blunt in the turf creek he was taken off and a structure >> reporter: engines were not too bad it was in a neck strain. he should be good to go for the regular season. against the jets kicker it time for our daily levi stadium update with a step in curry current >> reporter: in the canary islands taking on albania with a decision to go back to the stadium the cd ariel and looked about the same as the day yesterday creek mound of dirt and sand but not much of grass. this will be the third and hopefully last assault installed. the issue was that the previous field was too soft and the players cannot get their footing >> reporter: michael slam the first openly gay and f l player has been added to the first round which should not come as much as a surprise. he had two sacks saturday against the browns. one was mansfield that took a shot of camry and the johnny loss' signature show me the money moves. five tackles and one more round of that coming with 75 to their final 53. niners fans will not let the story sort of fiat $300,000 with no contact rose with on season practice strict sierra will also lose out to double practices next year. i'm sure the players would not protest that on. according to the nfl excessive contact a moss clercs. among players >> reporter: know, and the final world cup warriors guard stepped in curry in the canary islands spending a nice move to the hoop with a three-pointer scoring 10 points and with two of three beyond he's starting with team usa. his teammates hit 3 of 6 three-pointers. 21 minutes final score one and one. opening for real in spain against felon. against cleveland cavaliers >> reporter: there was a lot of talk about kevin glove. he is a cleveland cavaliers. coming over from the timber will street another no. 1 overall is anthony bennett. six-foot 11 can rebound and shoot a three. he is a nice player. >> reporter: becoming the youngest to win a match at the u.s. open after 18 years she is 16 years old creek >> was born in san francisco and 1999. believing with the number one thing she had to do today. that and play incredible tennis. congratulations to heart. >> reporter: great shot he didn't lose and by the sec. >> reporter: you know his history he has 156 appearances but he was not chosen for the roster earlier. he is 32 years old and he was announcing that he will retire from the galaxies after this season creek he will play one last game for teen you as an acre it finally, international soccer with the manchester united. this is the lead, as they lewis' career for 4-0. >> pam: coming up! why now may be a good time to trade in y...we need to break up. is it the biting? cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse. switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years. you have made my life special by being apart of it.enough. 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