Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20130222 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20130222

we did see the low 60s earlier, same thing for the south bay. about an hour ago, it was 60 in sunnydale. about 50 in half-moon bay. we did see some breezy conditions. still quite breezy in half-moon bay, 18 mile an hour gusts there. you can expect mostly clear skies, and tomorrow it will be a little warmer. the chance of rain will roll in late tomorrow through early saturday. >> also coming up, stunning new information about the lead investigator in the case of a double amputee olympian accused of murder. right now, there are? s threatening to derail the entire case. and new guidelines for the a's on hour their desire to move to san jose can be fulfilled. and just hours ago, funeral services held for the victim of a cop killer. an update on the deadly southern california revenge shooting spree. and severe weather ravaging the great plains. and severe weather ravaging the great plains. and now the first well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. when you bundle tv and internet. a developing story, the oscar p circumstances torius homicide case is taking a strange turn. the lead investigator is being replaced because of his own legal problems, this as the double-amputee track star was back in court for bail hearing. >> reporter: almost overshadowing the testimony of whether oscar pistorius should get bail, the embarrassing revelation that the lead investigator is being replaced. he's facing 7 charges of attempted murder himself, stemming from an incident in which he and two other police officers fired at a mini van full 067 people. the charges were initially dropped and reinstated. >> only yesterday, we were informed of the outcome of the investigation and they wanted to continue. >> reporter: the news raised questions about the detectives' work on this days case, boda conceding he could not rule out pistorius's version of events, the athlete saying he fired through a bathroom door after mistaking his girlfriend for an intruder. the prosecution has been busy poking holes in that story, saying forensics don't back him up. rebecca steenkamp had just appeared on a modeling and reality show. her family is in shock. >> it's real and it's not real. reba is not supposed to be dead. she was going to be doing great things. >> still no -- >> reporter: still no decision on bail for pstorius. he's considered a considerable flight risk because he has a loft money and property in italy. jay kwon weighs in on a report that major league baseball has provided the oakland a's with a set of guidelines that have to be followed if the team will move to san jose. if this is true, it's bad news for oakland. what did the mayor have say? >> reporter: the mayor believes this is a rehash or a clarification of the old guidelines and partnerships out this task force has been added for major league baseball for 4 years now. bottom line, she says oakland is doing all it can to keep the a's and the key issues have not been changed. >> the giants oppose this. we have the ability to provide them with two great sites. i think the fans prove and that there's no question that these fans love this team. if you give them a good arena and halfway decent team, they'll be there with the a's. >> reporter: the mayor says the a a's fans proved this in the runup to the pennant praips. >> has she presented these plans to major league baseball? >> reporter: they will not give specifics on that right now. >> despite mayor kwon's positive outlook, san jose's team says move the team to san jose should be a good decision. reid says, "we have the site, the economics are compelling, and eventually, it will happen." payor reid also says he speaks frequently with a ease owner allow wolfe. >> we want you know what you think about this story. already dozens of passionate comment. we'll be reading some in less than 10 minutes. funeral services were held for one of the victims gunned down by accused cop killer christopher dorner. hundreds of people today crowded into an amphitheater for his funeral. police say dour near killed himself during a fiery standoff at a mountain cabin. deputy mckay leaves behind a wife and two children. sunny skies over the bay bridge plaza all afternoon. as we get into the overnight hours, it will be slightly warmer tonight and warmer tomorrow afternoon. we'll have sunshine into the afternoon and then increasing clouds into the evening. there's a very slight chance of showers into saturday morning. sunday, we'll rebound, w some nicer conditions. let's look at satellite and radar picture. you can see cloud cover to the forth. we have a weak zurs to the north. we will see this slide down to the south as we head into tomorrow. we'll show you futurecast for what we can expect rain-wise. we'll have more 40-degree readings out the door, 44 in san francisco, 43 in richmonday, 42 for san rofael. still chilly in a number of places. we'll have times to warm into the low 60s. 62 in palo alto, 63 for campbell, and we'll be in the low 60s as well. same thing for our east bay shore, 64 forball nut creek, closer to the coast, even getting into the upper 50s. 56 there, 58 in san francisco, with widespread 60s through the forth bay. look at what's coming down from the nowrpt see some heavy rain by the 5:00 hour in yew reach can. that enwe start to see that increase in clouds for the evening. you notice rain approaching the delta. then it starts to dry up more to the south. we still see the cloud cover. we should get more snow in the sierra. let's look at your extended forecast, again, a slight chance of rain in the north bay for late friday, early saturday. we'll have this thing back and forth to where we have the systems going back to the north, sunshine on sunday, sunshine tuesday and so on. and are going to have pretty nice condition into the rest of next week. still ahead, some san francisco residents weighing in as president obama considers urging the u.s. supreme court to overturn california's ban on same-sex marriage. and a terrorist tip sheet on how to avoid drones. that's next. 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[ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. coming up, we have incredible video to show you as deadly storms blast much of the u.s. and from iphones to iwatches, details on what could be apple's newest product, and airport security brings a young, disabled girl to tears. it was all caught on camera. but the tsa is -- what the tsa is now apologizing for next. you can't move the tv there. yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? 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>> i think he's a busy person, probably one of the busiest we've had in the presidency recently. there's a lot of things going on that should be worked on. he has a lot of people in place working on those. more importantly, it's of paramount importance to get the president's opinion in weighing in on things. i think it's important to have his opinion. >> reporter: what would you want his opinion to be? >> he should be in favor of any human rights issues. this comes down to a human rights issue. people have separated it out for too long. i think gay people are just like anybody else. >> reporter: 5 year ago, he was for civil unions but not gay marriage. now with society turning and the poll numbers have should be that, do you think he's sincere or bloat wind? >> that's forward for me to answer, because i do see him as sometimes caving in at the last minute to gain support. if that's what it takes for us, i'm all for it, but i'd rather he just took a stand. >> reporter: you can file a friend of the court brief yourself. but because it's the president, it does carry weight. those who want prop 8 to be upheld think the president should be concerned about other things and not give his opinion on this matter. more now on the earthquake we told you about a couple minutes ago, a 3.2 magnitude in the south bay. this is mo began hill. it was lo kited 6 miles east- northeast of mo began hill. this red star indicates where the earthquake was focused. that might be one of the reasons we're not hearing a lot of callers calling in. it is a very rural, mount nation area. probably not anyone lives where it was centered. if you did feel it, and if you do see any damage, we want tow send those pictures in. you can send them in a message on facebook or e-mail them to [email protected]. this is about 6 miles east- northeast of morgan hill. pam? >> we have someone on the phone who did feel that quake, solinda shirley. you do live in morgan hill, is that correct? >> that's correct. >> what happened? >> i heard a big boom like someone shook my house. when i woke one there was no damage. uneventful so we're thankful opinion. >> are you new here or have you lived here for a while? >> all my life. >> so something you're used to. did anybody else call you and ask you f you felt it? >> none of my neighbors felt it. >> what was your reaction? >> i asked, is this an earthquake? i'm pretty scared of earthquakes. >> how long did it last? >> just a moment. probably only about 2 seconds. >> solinda shirley, thank you for your observations about the quake that happened not too long ago at about 4:45. again, a 3.2 earthquake, not a big one but nonetheless, people did feel temperature. thank you for your time, ms. shirley. a new report shines a bright spot on the housing market. our financial expert breaks down all of the winners and losers on wall street. and airport security makes a young, disabled girl cry. what the tsa is now apologizing for. >> this could be the next big thing, a new social networking website and app that blend elements from facebook, twitter, tumblr, and instagram is turning heads. [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on for two whole years. from at&t. call to get u-verse tv starting at just $19 a month with our triple-play bundle. get the same great price for two years. plus now two times the internet speed than before. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable high-speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv, you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. 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[ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪ now for today's market update, a weak upkate on economic day da that sent stocks plummeting. more people are fight for unemployment benefits, sending the dow falling 71 points. the s&p500 closed more than -- s&p 500 closed down. here's the next big thing, called pheed. it's coming to the ann droid plat form soon. some tech analysts say pheed could be the next twitter. it launched only two months ago and has already climbed up the apple top charts top apps. it's sitting at number 1 in the social category, sure asking both twit and facebook. pheed combines elements of facebook, twitter, tumblr, youtube, and instagram. it's trying to combine the best elements into one ultimate social network. can you broadcast whatever you want, videos, or just audio clips. you can pose pictures or just text, and of course, make comments on anything you or anyone else has post. pheed is different in that it doesn't put any restriction on its media so video and audio can be as long as the user wants. that's a much different approach for video sharing whoarns are making restrict distraction on video length and photo size. miley cyrus and other teen celebrities are boosing the popularity of pheed. ride now, pheed is extremely popular with teenagers. teens are moving away from facebook and using other social networks. it's possible teenagers might make pheed the next facebook. i caught up with a pheed rep in l.a. and asked him how they're handling their oampt success and if they're surprised how the coveted teen demographic chose them as the place to be online. >> the power that a couple teens can have to make something go viral in way that we thought a celebrity with millions of twitter followers could have done, we never expected anything like this. temperatures were warmer out there. we saw low 60s here in a number of locations. it was 63 for nappa, 60 in richmond, 61 in concord, and 61 in antioch. we'll have more 40 degree reads, but still chilly in some spots. we'll see increases in clouds as the storm passestous the north. sunday, we'll rebound nicely. let's look behind the door for more. 53 in richmond, 72 in, san losal. as for our afternoon highs, still in the 60s. in fact, fairly widespread 60s tomorrow, same thing in valejo, concord, 62 in san jose, and in sunnyville. clear skies right now, but we do have a weak system passing us to the north. it does look like some of this cloud cover and rain will take a dive to the south. let's look on futurecast. here comes the cloud cover and the rain from the north. at 5:00 hour, it's still well north ofs by 8. and see, it's drying out as it moves down through the cloud cover. we will see a little snow overt see rare. let's look at the forecast for the see rare. partly cloudy tomorrow, a chance of snow into saturday morning. temperatures will take a dive on saturday, but they will rebound into sunday. temperatures are real nice tomorrow afternoon, cooling a few degrees on saturday. a chance of sprinkles in the north bay. we will rebound and stay mild. anytime now for a checkup on your ski report. we did pick up a few flurries at tahoe, sierra, and boreayl. a stunning document has been found in mal pirntion this is apparently a tip sheet for terrorists on how to avoid drones. it's advice for al-qaeda member and includes maps and poles to be used to cover up cars so they won't easily be spotted. the instructions on camouflaging cars includes 22 tips. they also say to use crowds and statue -- to use doll and statues to fool drones into thinking there are crowds of people with when there are not. we have new informs on the south bay earthquake we've been telling you about, a 3.2 magnitude quake. it was centered here about 6 miles east-northeast of the colors that you see here are indicating people who have reported feeling the shaking on the usgs website. again, a 3.2 magnitude earthquake. some people felt it fairly far from the epicenter down here in santa cruz. we will continue to follow this story. if you happened to feel it, we would love to hear from you in our newsroom. breaking news -- you can e-mail us at [email protected]. we have more coming up. i'm here with dr. cynthia crowder. we have a new laser technology. doctor, great to have you on. how does the new technology work? >> we're using a specialized form of light to get directly to the fat cell, stimulating them to release their contents. the fats then shrink and so do you. >> how disease this compare to liposuction or laser lie pow? >> those are invasive techniques. they destroy the fat cell or suck them out. this doesn't do that, it causes them to shrink. >> but why not suck them out? you want them out of your body. >> well, your body is often genetically encoded to have a krern amount of fat by the time you hit puberty. if you suck them out, fat will often show up in place where is you don't want it. >> and what are the results? >> we're seeing 1 to 2-inches come aufg the waist, 9 to 21 over a series. >> and it seems it's so hard to lose weight. why is that? >> we live in a toxic environment. mote most toxins get stuck in the area where is we don't want that weight. >> so it sounds like you're able to lose the toxin, lose the fat with this prix your. >> that's right. they call them stubborn areas for a reason. >> what can people do for more information? >> we came one a special offer just for your kron4 viewers. >> between now and saturday, february 15, positive changes is offering a free evaluation and body sculpting treatment. >> this statement is sponsored by positive changes. this crying 4-year-old is proving embarrassing for the tsa. tsa officials are apologizing to her family for an incident at a missouri airport. agent wanted to pat down that little girl who uses a wheal chair, and she was sobbing. the writing you see is something the family had posted online. lucy forks' father says his daughter pass has spina bifida and agents went too far. >> it's because she was in a wheelchair, they had to be a pat grn down. we weren't trying to be combative, but we were trying to set clear boundaries about what was and was not appropriate as far as someone touching our child. >> the tsa says it's not true when an agent said the mother was not loud too to videotape. the tsa says it's committed to maintaining security and treating all passengers with dignity and respect. more details about that earthquake in the south bay. it was a 3.2 magnitude quake, centered about 6 miles northeast of morgan hill. we'll have more on the kron4 news at 6, which is ahead. i know. i know i need to quit this. - well, how about... - that smokers' helpline? yeah, they can give me a plan. - help me through the rough spots. - so you're ready to... ? everyone wants me to quit-- my doctor, my wife, the dog. - not good for the dog. - anyone else? hmm? what? anyone else want you to quit? me! i want me to quit. tdd# 800-933-4833 - ( rings ) - woman: smokers' helpline. oh, hi, it's me. through sunday, save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic.e savings go on at sleep train. get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale ends sunday. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ am i don't know. any medications? last immunization shots? really? honey, what's my blood pressure medicine called? one time i took something and i blew up like a puffer fish. i'm probably allergic to that. at kaiser permanente, your medical information is available to you and your doctors. quickly. securely. no guesswork required. better information. better care. kaiserpermanente. thrive. some students at city college taking over a campus building as the school stands in limbo over its accreditation. and see we speak to a witness at the scene where a work work on a bay bridge collapsed. tonight, we continue to follow a developing story, a crane collapsed while in use for work on the new eastern span of the bay bridge. this is video from our hell corps partnership with abc7 news. kron4's just teen what woulden is live from treasure island. she talked with a witness who saw the entire thing unfold. >> reporter: the investigation is underway to figure out why this crane collapsed. it was a miss. let's show you a live picture of whoo it looks like now that the sun has set and they've removed most of the metal, you want to focus object yellow structure on the bottom of your screen. as we show you video, taken moments aftd crane collapse, i'll explain to you what happened today. cranes were working on a barge on the bridge. they were removing the temporary supports that are under the bridge. this is a suspended bridge, and those supports are holding up the bridge during construction. i'm told one of the cranes tipped over, and the steel fell can w such force it punctured the barge. one man that works here saw the whole thing. >> i heard a ping noise and a crashing noise. i looked over and saw the support they had just cut out started to swing. the jig was swinging around a bit. and the crane that was holding the jig up started to go too. >> reporter: you're looking at pictures sent to kron4 from another witness. he said he also e heard a loud boom and got out his camera saying he had to capture the moment. the bridge crews have all removed that metal structure, that mangled mess. coming back live to the scene so you can see the situation, ki tell you that no one was hurt, because no one was on that barge. and for drivers, using the bay bridge today and also tomorrow will not be a problem. this crane collapse did not affect the commute. and it will not affect the opening of the span set for labor day. >> and now for a closer look at the crane, you can see it under the bathroom. we'll fly you in for a closer look. this is courtesy of our helicopter partnership with abc7 news. the crane is on its side and will extend to the right. you can see how far it goes onto another barge. back to the base of the grain, these are counterweights. the the crane was removing this temporary structure from under the deck of the new eastern span. only a portion of the crane went into the day bai. dozens of students are occupying a building at san francisco city community college. they say they are trying to save the school. list are on the scene at the ocean campus. kron4's jeff bush is also there. he's live tonight. jeff, has there been any arrests? >> no, there have not been any arrests. right now, things seem peace p. you can see there are about 30 to 40 students. let's take some video we shot and you'll see what we are talking about. we want to talk to the chapts horror but... >> we're having some problems with jeff's audio live at the spean jeff, can you usto get back to jeff. again, some students have occupied a building on the campus of san francisco city college that's trying to stay open with problems with this accreditation. the days are numbered for the largest homeless encampment in san jose. there are now more than 100 campers in some 70 tents and makeshift shelters spread out over a couple of acres. respond dog pressure from neighbors fed up with rising crime and trash and unsanitary condition in the area, city hall has announced it will evict the campers. >> the thing is we first address the concerns of our constituents and hope deploy move people into more stable and appropriate living situation. ideally, we are able to find housing solutions. we are limited in that right now, but we're working with key partners, destination home, which say regional effort. we areworking on a housing 1,000 campaign. we have emergency shelter beds open as well. so we're trying to move people out of the cold where where they can get at least one meal and have access to services. >> the exact date for the eviction and cleanup has not been made public. the campus will get 72 hours notice. an update on the earthquake we have been telling you about for the past hour or so. this is morgan hill, the earthquake's epicenter was about 3.3 miles east. a few people have been calling us and saying they felt the earthquake. it was about 4.6 miles deep. maybe the reason people did not feel it baa s because of how rural and remote this area is. the population in the south bay is centered here. if you did happen to feel it, we would love to hear from you here. and enough pictures o of any damage, we would love see that as well. you can message us on facebook ore mail us. why we will continue to follow the earthquake here. pam? developing, a search for human remaps associated with the speed freak killers is over. fbi amendments say they were unable to find human remains of any victims in the case. j.r. stone is following the story. he joins us live tonight from the fbi's sacramento headquarters. j.r.? >> reporter: the search is done, and it doesn't look like there will be any new serchls any time soon. >> despite our intentions of recovering remains of alleged victim, the earth failed to locate any human remains. >> reporter: and with that, the effort to find any remains associated with the speed freak killers came to a close. >> the well was located 95 feet below grown level, which was excavated, sifted, and examine med. >> reporter: cattle remains were recovered, but nothing human. wesley shermantine has indicated several sites, and human bones were found in two locations, but nothing in this most recent dpipg. >> i'm disappointed, but not because of the work and cost. there's no dollar amount you can put on what these families are thinking. >> reporter: shermantine wrote at least one letter, saying the fbi was digging in the wrong spot, something agents say is just not true. >> i will tell you this, i stotted right where shermantine said. and he told us with 70% certainty, he dumped bodies in a well at this location. >> reporter: those with the fbi did try to set up a meeting on tuesday, but say he refused to meet with them. live in sacramento, j.r. stone, kron4 news. it was certainly a nice day today. temperatures ran into the low 60 this is number of places. it was 60 in san rossel and richmonday. we hit 64 in santa rosa, 63 in nappa, 62 in valejo and fairfield. 5 in richmond, a little cooler close tore the coastline. temperatures didn't warm that much there. we will stay warmer through the overnight hour. we will still see chilly conditions for our coolest inland valleys. tomorrow, we'll see temperatures a little bit warmer than today. we could get a little bit of rain out of it in the forth bay. we'll have cooler temperatures into sadded. we will rebound into sunday. we will take a look at your weekend temperatures coming up in a bit. the oakland a's are not packing your bags just yet. but the possibility of the team moving south is becoming more of a reality. a deadly shooting on the las vegas strip. we have the startling video. and the late e-on drew peterson, and his attorneys' latest attempt to get a retrial on his murder conviction. mom, i invited justin over for lunch. good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪ [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪ on on kron4, oakland mayor ji kwon weighing in on a report that the oakland a's are given a guideline of what they must fulfill. i'm sure the oakland mayor is not happy. >> reporter: the mayors have different interpretations of this news. mayor kwon suspects nothing has really chaped. she says the giants still oppose the plan, which is key, since they have territorial right, and the mayor says the fanbase is narrower in her city. she says if lou olson isn't willing ider okayland, o's are. >> what really matters is whether or not we can improvement attendance at the games for the league. we can provide a stadium at two different locations, and if we're going to do that, the league has to look at that. people have made offers and are making offers to step in if they don't want to stay in oakland. it's not unlike what's happening in sacramento. there's a group of people with enough money and the ability to build a new stadium that want the a's to stay. >> reporter: the two site include the howard terminal site and the coliseum city site in east oakland. city officials say both sites have been presented as potential sites, but there's no formal beadback from major league baseball. >> despite mayor kwo n's positive outlook, san jose's mayor quinn reid says it's a question of when it will happen. reid says we have the site, the economics are compelling, and evenly, it will happen. mayor reid says he speaks frequently with lou woll. developing news we first brought you at 5:00 tonight, police are searching for a black range rover sport suv which fled the scene of a deadly las vegas shooting. 4 people were killed, at least 6 others were hurt. one of the victims killed is an oakland rap e. you can see how badly this crash and incident napped las vegas. police say the shooting started after an argument in the valet area of the aria resort hotel. it happened at a famous intersection in las vegas which is home to can sea nose like bel gaseous io, ceasar's palace. someone opened fire on a mazeratti, which then ran a red light and crashed into a tax say. the taxi then burst into flames, killing the drive and a passenger inside. a judge has sentenced drew peterson to 38 gleers prison for the murder of these third wife. the swagger chicago policeman gained national attention after his fourth wife vanished in 2007. the body of his third wife was found in the home bathtub and had a gash on her had. he shocked the courtroom by shouting at one point dwib not kill kathleen. the judge denied a request for a new trial. a growing majority of americans believe it's time for same-sex marriage. >> laura busch has voiced support of same-sex marriage, but doesn't want her voice or image used in that ad. a group of people were killed when a small plane hit a utility pole. 2 people were hurt. an augusta surgeon was identified as one of the victim. one of the plane's wings was cut off when it collided with the pole, causing it to leak fuel. changes are coming ton and saturday morning. we'll see enough sunshine for temperatures to reach the low 60s again. we'll have a of showers friday evening into early saturday morning. we'll rebound back into sunday. he's what you can expect out the door tomorrow morning. more 40 degree readings, still cold in place like santa rosa. 39 out in concord, 35 in livermore. the afternoon will brick us 60 degree readings. 60 in freemont, and 63 in san francisco. we are seeing mostly clear skies, but a little cloud cover coming in from the north. that could cloud cover can be a big wildcard. if we do see more cloud cover, those temperatures in the north bay that are at freezing will not be close to freezing. you can see if is kind of edging down toward the area. again kind of a wildcard. no cloud cover tomorrow morning into 10. it's edging toward the north bay why 8:00. that's when it starts rolling in. look at that rain cell pushing toward the delta. we could pick up maybe an inch of accumulated snow, but it will be very potty. partly cloudy through norm. notice temperatures take a dive into saturday, but they will rebound into sunday. we do have that/slight chance of showers friday night into saturday morning. other than that, no rain in the forecast. just kind of an up and down mix of rain and clouds and sun. increasing chances that the fish you buy in a market or order from a restaurant may not be the fish you think. detail on the fish fraud. a developing story tonight, a new study by the environmental advocacy group found a third of the seafood we buy is mislabeled. the group elected more than 1200 seafood from stores. from dna testing, the group found most commonly mislabeled fish was snapper. it mostly turned tout be rock fish or tilapia. tuna had the next-highest rate of mislabeling. coming up, a colorado family survives an avalanche. the dramatic rescue ahead. [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. at&t u-verse high speed internet offers more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hotspots than ever. call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hotspot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. so call now to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hotspot network, with over 30,000 hotspots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection your whole house can count on. ♪ througet a sealy queen set $500 on befor just $399.osturepedic. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. but hurry, sleep train's presidents' day sale ends sunday. take a look at this, an avenue lamp at a ski resort in colorado. everybody got out okay, including a father and his two sons who were on the mountain when the slide hit. >> all of a sudden, i heard a boom. >> i saw the wall coming towards me. i was skiing across the rock, trying to get away. >> i kept seeing darkness, then someone darkness, then sun. then it filled my mouth and my throat. when i finally woke up, there was a foot and a half to two feet of snow over my face, and i began to dig. >> they escaped with a few bump and bruises. 15 people were caught up in this slide, and a few people buried over their heads, but everyone got out okay. stay with us, more news after the break. well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. an investigation is underway to fine out why a crane collapsed. let show you the scene. you want to focus on that yellow metal, that's the base of the crane. here's what we know happened. cranes were yoog used to remove the temporary supports from under the bridge when one of them tipped over. that steel fell with such force that it punctured the barge. witnesses said it sounded very loud and they heard yelling and screaming. so you should know that drives are not affected by this investigation and the crane collapse. that also will not affect the opening of the eastern span of the bay bridge. on treasure island, i'm just teen walden. students have been protesting all day, and later in the afternoon, they came here to the administration building of conlin hall which closed officially at 5:30. police have been monitoring the situation situation 5:30 and moving in and keeping a close eye on the students and teachers that are protesting. these people say they're willing to risk arrest, and the only thing they want to do is talk to the chancellor at the college. in sacramento, the fbi says the search for human remains in the speed freak serial killer case is over. they've spent the last six weeks searching an abandoned well site in lyndon, california, but did not fine any remains. here at the ben krirks ia cemetery, family and friends said their final good-byes to 13-year-old zwrrks anelle couldn'tway-allen who was killed on february 2. >> she was a wonderful, honest, energetic child. >> this is not to say a good- bye, this is a homecoming. she's going to be with the lord. here? san jose, the city continues to grapple with a growing homeless encampment. >> the 100 or so with l be evicted and the site cleaned up. >> we're worried about the safety of the neighborhood, the environment and people that are living outside and having to ebb dure this really, really cold wenter. gas prices have been on the rise for more than a month, and here in the bay area, the average has increased almost 50 cents since january, and it seems like it's going up on a daily basis. although that hasn't stopped some drivers from fill up, they say they are feeling the difference. coming up, i'll tell you why aaaa believes these numbers continue to skyrocket and a breakdown of how much it's jumped in only a week. in san francisco, lucy reid. in oakland, mayor jane kwon remains optimistic she can keep the a's in her city, despite the fact that major league baseball has dpifn the team good gin lines that they must follow if the owners are continuing to move the team to san jose. with you the mayor says they have two proposed site withs, the fan base, and have proved to baseball that the a's should stay put. san jose mayor chuck reid says it's a question of when they will move. charges are filed against two employees stemming from the salmonella outbreak that will kilned 8 people and left hundreds sick. the charges include conspiracy, wire fraud, eastern charges related to contaminated or mis- branded food. named in the federal indictment was the campaign's owner, vice president, plant manager, and quality assurance manager. the company has since gone bankrupt. i've been telling you how it's going to be a little warmer tomorrow morning. i've actually upped temperatures in the north bay, santa rosa, and nappa. we are seeing some high clouds moving in on satellite and radar. we'll be the b in the 40s everywhere else. take a look at satellite and radar picture. here comes some of that high cloud coverage. high clouds don't provide enough information. you can see these clouds will continue to come down from the north, and even some rain possibly into tomorrow night. we're going to be saying that until 8:00 tomorrow evening. the chance of rain will be from late friday until early saturday morning. on saturday, we'll see some temperatures with cooler temperatures. we'll keep things pretty mild through the extended forecast. standing at attention with a salute to their family, friends, and comrades, the members of the 502nd military intelligence combat baaalalon returned home after spending nearly a year in afghanistan. they had been waiting 9 months for this moment where they can break ranks and fall into the arms of their families. >> my mom and my clan. >> when i leapt to him, he's a year and a half. that weight has been lifted. >> i'm bursting with joy and thankfulness. we are elated to be together as a family. >> they said they have been waying for this moment for months. coming up, there's a new tool to help fight blight in one east bay community. i'll show you where it is in the next edition of people behaving badly. well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. this is a macon resident that's tired of vacant homes. it has less to do with them being vacant, it has more to do what happens when they are stray can. for example, this apartment complex is unoccupied. there are about 3 holes in the gate, and a dog dog to keep people out. but outside the gate, it's become ab illegal dump site. a few blocks away, this house is all boarded up so no one can enter and strip the home. but to gap the steps, yet another illegal dump site. next door, yet another vacant apartment. this is exactly why the city of richmond recently passed an ordinance requiring vacant property owners to register the property with the city, so the city of richmonday -- of richmond will no who to contact. this property is considered unsafe, but someone kicked the door in and moved in. outside, this couch. couches seem to be the dump material of choice. this o ordinance will cut down on belying with and blight is what make your neighborhood look bad. this house has been sold, meaning there is hope for some of these stray didn't dwellings. but before there is hope, there needs to be help. holding property owners responsible is the help. in richmond, stanley roberts, kron4 news. just 86 days away from this year's bay to break ers. kron4 is proud to be part of san francisco's original event. kron4 will bring you the race from start to finish and all of the crazy costumes in between. the warriors trade two players from their 2011 draft. dpairry has details straight ahead. plus, alex smith news. if the niners cannot trade him, what next? kerry has that story and all the sports coming up. 49ers offseason talk, first and foremost, what will happen to al education smith? kaepernick is the man, but hey, the 49ers are talking about... oh, look at jim harbaugh. loved him until they got someone better. but you heard talk about how the 49ers will not going give him away or grant him his wish where he can be a starter. a very high-placed source is saying we are not going give smith away. here's another guy who you figure is not coming back, statistically didn't come through this season. read between the lines. you think moss is coming back? here's the general manager of the 49ers. we call him tv, trent voche. >> can't say enough good thing about randy. you ask anyone in our organization, they would say the same thing. one of the first guys to work every day, one of the la to leave. probably the smartest football player i've been around and a real leader in that group, in that room. we're certainly happy that he was there. is he going trowrn this year? i don't know. >> i would rather have my kron treatment here. we don't care for gary. he acts like a turkey sometimes, he's not the best, but he's good. the warriors did get rid of two-thirds of their 2011 draft. clay thompson is still here. one of the fellows gone is chias jen kin, just no room for him. jeremy tyler, 6-foot 10 forward, left high school at age 16 to play overseas. good luck to him now. and taste. the air yours also get under the nba's luxury tax, so they save money and get rid two of young guys who it remains to be seen. some guys lose their hair, i'm still pumping mine. >> and it's not a wig. >> not yet. and i got to say this for you since you attacked me for it. i got on kron at 5:20 when i heard about the quake. i was concerned for you. not for your safety, but how much they make you try and scare people for the next two hours. i thought it was going to be wall to wall. somebody's china fell off, stay in your homes and watch kron. but no, the woman opened to you in where? >> morgan hill. >> and it was, nope, no problem. bring the end, you were like, please, anything? effect was fine, right? >> we have to hear from the people that were there. and a special memorial for the late laker owner jerry buss at the north america can theater. jeannie buss and her fee san say joe jackson. all the lives that buss has touched, shaq won 3 titles for mr. buss. let's hear from shaquile o'neal and madgic johnson. >> he gave me everything inwanted. i wanted an education tension, he gave it to me. i wanted a second extypings, he gave it to me. i wanted a third extension, he traded me. [ laughter ] >> this is a celebration of life. this is a celebration of success. we shouldn't be sad. we should be happy that this man enjoyed his life and did it his way. >> real whole thing today. danica, danica, and more danica. she holds the pole position for daytona 500. here we go. harvick taking the checkered flag. he played it safe, finishing 17th in this event. danica, her car in one piece, just playing it cool, waiting for sunday. >> just trying to stay out of trouble for that last few laps. not a lot of fun to drop back light that, but it's the right thing to do. it's more important to start on the pole for the a daytona 500 than to get the last few lap of chaos. the snow went away, allowing tiger woods to play some golf this afternoon. just outside tempe, arizona. the grounds crew clearing snow off the course, and we're ready to go with woods. this is one of those match play keel deals that you have to have tiger in to hold anybody's interest. and then on the 16th hole, he 2 putted. then on 17, charles howe beat woods for the first time in his career. rory mcilroy also lost his match. the top two vids gone. when warm it's time for katherine henenan who promises to get in my face tonight. you ready, katherine? >> iget in your face. >> we're back in a moment. 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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20130222 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20130222

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we did see the low 60s earlier, same thing for the south bay. about an hour ago, it was 60 in sunnydale. about 50 in half-moon bay. we did see some breezy conditions. still quite breezy in half-moon bay, 18 mile an hour gusts there. you can expect mostly clear skies, and tomorrow it will be a little warmer. the chance of rain will roll in late tomorrow through early saturday. >> also coming up, stunning new information about the lead investigator in the case of a double amputee olympian accused of murder. right now, there are? s threatening to derail the entire case. and new guidelines for the a's on hour their desire to move to san jose can be fulfilled. and just hours ago, funeral services held for the victim of a cop killer. an update on the deadly southern california revenge shooting spree. and severe weather ravaging the great plains. and severe weather ravaging the great plains. and now the first well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. when you bundle tv and internet. a developing story, the oscar p circumstances torius homicide case is taking a strange turn. the lead investigator is being replaced because of his own legal problems, this as the double-amputee track star was back in court for bail hearing. >> reporter: almost overshadowing the testimony of whether oscar pistorius should get bail, the embarrassing revelation that the lead investigator is being replaced. he's facing 7 charges of attempted murder himself, stemming from an incident in which he and two other police officers fired at a mini van full 067 people. the charges were initially dropped and reinstated. >> only yesterday, we were informed of the outcome of the investigation and they wanted to continue. >> reporter: the news raised questions about the detectives' work on this days case, boda conceding he could not rule out pistorius's version of events, the athlete saying he fired through a bathroom door after mistaking his girlfriend for an intruder. the prosecution has been busy poking holes in that story, saying forensics don't back him up. rebecca steenkamp had just appeared on a modeling and reality show. her family is in shock. >> it's real and it's not real. reba is not supposed to be dead. she was going to be doing great things. >> still no -- >> reporter: still no decision on bail for pstorius. he's considered a considerable flight risk because he has a loft money and property in italy. jay kwon weighs in on a report that major league baseball has provided the oakland a's with a set of guidelines that have to be followed if the team will move to san jose. if this is true, it's bad news for oakland. what did the mayor have say? >> reporter: the mayor believes this is a rehash or a clarification of the old guidelines and partnerships out this task force has been added for major league baseball for 4 years now. bottom line, she says oakland is doing all it can to keep the a's and the key issues have not been changed. >> the giants oppose this. we have the ability to provide them with two great sites. i think the fans prove and that there's no question that these fans love this team. if you give them a good arena and halfway decent team, they'll be there with the a's. >> reporter: the mayor says the a a's fans proved this in the runup to the pennant praips. >> has she presented these plans to major league baseball? >> reporter: they will not give specifics on that right now. >> despite mayor kwon's positive outlook, san jose's team says move the team to san jose should be a good decision. reid says, "we have the site, the economics are compelling, and eventually, it will happen." payor reid also says he speaks frequently with a ease owner allow wolfe. >> we want you know what you think about this story. already dozens of passionate comment. we'll be reading some in less than 10 minutes. funeral services were held for one of the victims gunned down by accused cop killer christopher dorner. hundreds of people today crowded into an amphitheater for his funeral. police say dour near killed himself during a fiery standoff at a mountain cabin. deputy mckay leaves behind a wife and two children. sunny skies over the bay bridge plaza all afternoon. as we get into the overnight hours, it will be slightly warmer tonight and warmer tomorrow afternoon. we'll have sunshine into the afternoon and then increasing clouds into the evening. there's a very slight chance of showers into saturday morning. sunday, we'll rebound, w some nicer conditions. let's look at satellite and radar picture. you can see cloud cover to the forth. we have a weak zurs to the north. we will see this slide down to the south as we head into tomorrow. we'll show you futurecast for what we can expect rain-wise. we'll have more 40-degree readings out the door, 44 in san francisco, 43 in richmonday, 42 for san rofael. still chilly in a number of places. we'll have times to warm into the low 60s. 62 in palo alto, 63 for campbell, and we'll be in the low 60s as well. same thing for our east bay shore, 64 forball nut creek, closer to the coast, even getting into the upper 50s. 56 there, 58 in san francisco, with widespread 60s through the forth bay. look at what's coming down from the nowrpt see some heavy rain by the 5:00 hour in yew reach can. that enwe start to see that increase in clouds for the evening. you notice rain approaching the delta. then it starts to dry up more to the south. we still see the cloud cover. we should get more snow in the sierra. let's look at your extended forecast, again, a slight chance of rain in the north bay for late friday, early saturday. we'll have this thing back and forth to where we have the systems going back to the north, sunshine on sunday, sunshine tuesday and so on. and are going to have pretty nice condition into the rest of next week. still ahead, some san francisco residents weighing in as president obama considers urging the u.s. supreme court to overturn california's ban on same-sex marriage. and a terrorist tip sheet on how to avoid drones. that's next. [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. at&t u-verse high speed internet offers more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hotspots than ever. call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hotspot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. so call now to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hotspot network, with over 30,000 hotspots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection your whole house can count on. ♪ this just in, a relatively small earthquake in the south bay. we are getting reports of a 3 preponderate 2 magnitude earthquake near morgan hill. it happened about 4 minutes before 5:00. it was about 6 miles east- northeast of morgan hill. if you want a specific location, a depth of 4.6 miles. again, a 4.2 mag tuesday we haven't received any calls of people who felt the shaking. however, if you did, please go ahead and call. we're also looking for pictures of any potential damage. we'd love to see them. can you e-mail once breaking news -- again, a 3.2 magnitude earthquake near morgan hill. we'll take a short break right now. be right back. ♪ secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it. througet a sealy queen set $500 on befor just $399.osturepedic. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. but hurry, sleep train's presidents' day sale ends sunday. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. coming up, we have incredible video to show you as deadly storms blast much of the u.s. and from iphones to iwatches, details on what could be apple's newest product, and airport security brings a young, disabled girl to tears. it was all caught on camera. but the tsa is -- what the tsa is now apologizing for next. you can't move the tv there. yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. when you bundle tv and internet. license and registration please. what's this? uhh, it's my geico insurance id card, sir. it's digital, uh, pretty cool right? maybe. you know why i pulled you over today? because i'm a pig driving a convertible? tail light's out.. fix it. digital insurance id cards. just a click away with the geico mobile app. developing right now at 5, a deadly storm rumbling through the planes states. two people are dead in weather- related car accidents. people are warden to stay off the roadways. some airports are experiencing long delays, and looking at that video, you can see why. jan is tracking this monster storm. the map looks only naps. >> it is. it was really two storms merging together and becoming one. the biggest threat is the ice that's expect. there's also freezing rain from a number of places. we also look at the severe weather in the south. louisiana spanning into mississippi. we are seeing a severe thunderstorm warning starting. you can see the warnings, looks like it may have turned into a tornado warning. it has. that's the red on your screen. it has turned severe in that region, also flash flooding. now lets go up to the north where we have a lot of winter weather products issued. you can see the whole region blanketed with winter storm warnings and winter weather advisories. surface temperature is already at freezing. then you have this rain coming in on top of that. you can see the rain/snow mix that's falling right now. again, we have the ice accumulation. not going to see any snow accumulation although the snow is flying. you see the heavy rain where temperatures are freezing on the ground. freezing rain, ice accumulations a big danger. we're expecting flooding as well to the south. it's not going to be out of the area until saturday morning. >> we will show uh-uh how the weather is blasting 20 states. it's even snowing in the desert. you don't see this every day or any day for that matter, snow in tucson, arizona. st. louis officials are warning people to prepare for the worst. >> it's coming for w a vengeance. when it starts, it will cover up quickly. they say our visibility will go away. the important part is to hunker down somewhere. >> reporter: missouri's governor has declared a state of emergency. nights are canceled at airports across the midwest, leaving some people with an unplanned stay in a snowy state. >> our luggage is already in nashville. that's there, but we're not. >> reporter: about 60 million people across 650,000 scare miles are living under storm watches and warnings. scores of snowplows and salt trucks are ready to clear roads. the st. louis payor saying the snow is not the biggest threat. >> worst case see -- scenario, we'll have ice and power outages. >> the snow is cause, not surprisingly, delays at airports like kansas city, where some flyings have been canceled. united airlines is offering to change flight ahead of the storm. >> we want to show you some amazing videos of the storm on camera. look at that, lightning and thurnld during the morning snow. it's called thundersnow. lightning was also seen in springfield, missouri. you had sleet, freezing rain and in parts of oklahoma. it looks like hail pellets coming down. about 20 states battered by this storm. people are doing their shopping nonetheless. once were you done with the shopping, bust out the scraper. the huge storm even brought snoasm and gusty winds to the mountains of sapped yay go. that's not too typical, parked car and streets covered in snow, a huge, huge storm throughout much of the country. president barack obama is considering weighing in on same- sex marriage here in california. president obama is urging the u.s. supreme court to overturn the state's ban on gay marriage. crawford is in san francisco's castro district with reaction. >> reporter: we are in san francisco's castro district. they are following the issue very closely. the president has one week from today to decide whether or not to file a brief known as a friend of the court on his opinion on prop 8, whether it should be upheld or overturned. the rumor is he wants the justices to overturn prop 8 when the justices pick up the issue later this year. for a president to put his neck out on the line to give his opinion on such a r hot top wick joining me is will, your opinion on that. do you think your president should do that, or does he have other fish to fry? >> i think he's a busy person, probably one of the busiest we've had in the presidency recently. there's a lot of things going on that should be worked on. he has a lot of people in place working on those. more importantly, it's of paramount importance to get the president's opinion in weighing in on things. i think it's important to have his opinion. >> reporter: what would you want his opinion to be? >> he should be in favor of any human rights issues. this comes down to a human rights issue. people have separated it out for too long. i think gay people are just like anybody else. >> reporter: 5 year ago, he was for civil unions but not gay marriage. now with society turning and the poll numbers have should be that, do you think he's sincere or bloat wind? >> that's forward for me to answer, because i do see him as sometimes caving in at the last minute to gain support. if that's what it takes for us, i'm all for it, but i'd rather he just took a stand. >> reporter: you can file a friend of the court brief yourself. but because it's the president, it does carry weight. those who want prop 8 to be upheld think the president should be concerned about other things and not give his opinion on this matter. more now on the earthquake we told you about a couple minutes ago, a 3.2 magnitude in the south bay. this is mo began hill. it was lo kited 6 miles east- northeast of mo began hill. this red star indicates where the earthquake was focused. that might be one of the reasons we're not hearing a lot of callers calling in. it is a very rural, mount nation area. probably not anyone lives where it was centered. if you did feel it, and if you do see any damage, we want tow send those pictures in. you can send them in a message on facebook or e-mail them to this is about 6 miles east- northeast of morgan hill. pam? >> we have someone on the phone who did feel that quake, solinda shirley. you do live in morgan hill, is that correct? >> that's correct. >> what happened? >> i heard a big boom like someone shook my house. when i woke one there was no damage. uneventful so we're thankful opinion. >> are you new here or have you lived here for a while? >> all my life. >> so something you're used to. did anybody else call you and ask you f you felt it? >> none of my neighbors felt it. >> what was your reaction? >> i asked, is this an earthquake? i'm pretty scared of earthquakes. >> how long did it last? >> just a moment. probably only about 2 seconds. >> solinda shirley, thank you for your observations about the quake that happened not too long ago at about 4:45. again, a 3.2 earthquake, not a big one but nonetheless, people did feel temperature. thank you for your time, ms. shirley. a new report shines a bright spot on the housing market. our financial expert breaks down all of the winners and losers on wall street. and airport security makes a young, disabled girl cry. what the tsa is now apologizing for. >> this could be the next big thing, a new social networking website and app that blend elements from facebook, twitter, tumblr, and instagram is turning heads. [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on for two whole years. from at&t. call to get u-verse tv starting at just $19 a month with our triple-play bundle. get the same great price for two years. plus now two times the internet speed than before. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable high-speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv, you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse tv starts at $19 a month with our triple-play bundle, with the same great price for two years. plus now get two times the internet speed than before. it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat -- same great price, two whole years, price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪ now for today's market update, a weak upkate on economic day da that sent stocks plummeting. more people are fight for unemployment benefits, sending the dow falling 71 points. the s&p500 closed more than -- s&p 500 closed down. here's the next big thing, called pheed. it's coming to the ann droid plat form soon. some tech analysts say pheed could be the next twitter. it launched only two months ago and has already climbed up the apple top charts top apps. it's sitting at number 1 in the social category, sure asking both twit and facebook. pheed combines elements of facebook, twitter, tumblr, youtube, and instagram. it's trying to combine the best elements into one ultimate social network. can you broadcast whatever you want, videos, or just audio clips. you can pose pictures or just text, and of course, make comments on anything you or anyone else has post. pheed is different in that it doesn't put any restriction on its media so video and audio can be as long as the user wants. that's a much different approach for video sharing whoarns are making restrict distraction on video length and photo size. miley cyrus and other teen celebrities are boosing the popularity of pheed. ride now, pheed is extremely popular with teenagers. teens are moving away from facebook and using other social networks. it's possible teenagers might make pheed the next facebook. i caught up with a pheed rep in l.a. and asked him how they're handling their oampt success and if they're surprised how the coveted teen demographic chose them as the place to be online. >> the power that a couple teens can have to make something go viral in way that we thought a celebrity with millions of twitter followers could have done, we never expected anything like this. temperatures were warmer out there. we saw low 60s here in a number of locations. it was 63 for nappa, 60 in richmond, 61 in concord, and 61 in antioch. we'll have more 40 degree reads, but still chilly in some spots. we'll see increases in clouds as the storm passestous the north. sunday, we'll rebound nicely. let's look behind the door for more. 53 in richmond, 72 in, san losal. as for our afternoon highs, still in the 60s. in fact, fairly widespread 60s tomorrow, same thing in valejo, concord, 62 in san jose, and in sunnyville. clear skies right now, but we do have a weak system passing us to the north. it does look like some of this cloud cover and rain will take a dive to the south. let's look on futurecast. here comes the cloud cover and the rain from the north. at 5:00 hour, it's still well north ofs by 8. and see, it's drying out as it moves down through the cloud cover. we will see a little snow overt see rare. let's look at the forecast for the see rare. partly cloudy tomorrow, a chance of snow into saturday morning. temperatures will take a dive on saturday, but they will rebound into sunday. temperatures are real nice tomorrow afternoon, cooling a few degrees on saturday. a chance of sprinkles in the north bay. we will rebound and stay mild. anytime now for a checkup on your ski report. we did pick up a few flurries at tahoe, sierra, and boreayl. a stunning document has been found in mal pirntion this is apparently a tip sheet for terrorists on how to avoid drones. it's advice for al-qaeda member and includes maps and poles to be used to cover up cars so they won't easily be spotted. the instructions on camouflaging cars includes 22 tips. they also say to use crowds and statue -- to use doll and statues to fool drones into thinking there are crowds of people with when there are not. we have new informs on the south bay earthquake we've been telling you about, a 3.2 magnitude quake. it was centered here about 6 miles east-northeast of the colors that you see here are indicating people who have reported feeling the shaking on the usgs website. again, a 3.2 magnitude earthquake. some people felt it fairly far from the epicenter down here in santa cruz. we will continue to follow this story. if you happened to feel it, we would love to hear from you in our newsroom. breaking news -- you can e-mail us at we have more coming up. i'm here with dr. cynthia crowder. we have a new laser technology. doctor, great to have you on. how does the new technology work? >> we're using a specialized form of light to get directly to the fat cell, stimulating them to release their contents. the fats then shrink and so do you. >> how disease this compare to liposuction or laser lie pow? >> those are invasive techniques. they destroy the fat cell or suck them out. this doesn't do that, it causes them to shrink. >> but why not suck them out? you want them out of your body. >> well, your body is often genetically encoded to have a krern amount of fat by the time you hit puberty. if you suck them out, fat will often show up in place where is you don't want it. >> and what are the results? >> we're seeing 1 to 2-inches come aufg the waist, 9 to 21 over a series. >> and it seems it's so hard to lose weight. why is that? >> we live in a toxic environment. mote most toxins get stuck in the area where is we don't want that weight. >> so it sounds like you're able to lose the toxin, lose the fat with this prix your. >> that's right. they call them stubborn areas for a reason. >> what can people do for more information? >> we came one a special offer just for your kron4 viewers. >> between now and saturday, february 15, positive changes is offering a free evaluation and body sculpting treatment. >> this statement is sponsored by positive changes. this crying 4-year-old is proving embarrassing for the tsa. tsa officials are apologizing to her family for an incident at a missouri airport. agent wanted to pat down that little girl who uses a wheal chair, and she was sobbing. the writing you see is something the family had posted online. lucy forks' father says his daughter pass has spina bifida and agents went too far. >> it's because she was in a wheelchair, they had to be a pat grn down. we weren't trying to be combative, but we were trying to set clear boundaries about what was and was not appropriate as far as someone touching our child. >> the tsa says it's not true when an agent said the mother was not loud too to videotape. the tsa says it's committed to maintaining security and treating all passengers with dignity and respect. more details about that earthquake in the south bay. it was a 3.2 magnitude quake, centered about 6 miles northeast of morgan hill. we'll have more on the kron4 news at 6, which is ahead. i know. i know i need to quit this. - well, how about... - that smokers' helpline? yeah, they can give me a plan. - help me through the rough spots. - so you're ready to... ? everyone wants me to quit-- my doctor, my wife, the dog. - not good for the dog. - anyone else? hmm? what? anyone else want you to quit? me! i want me to quit. tdd# 800-933-4833 - ( rings ) - woman: smokers' helpline. oh, hi, it's me. through sunday, save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic.e savings go on at sleep train. get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale ends sunday. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ am i don't know. any medications? last immunization shots? really? honey, what's my blood pressure medicine called? one time i took something and i blew up like a puffer fish. i'm probably allergic to that. at kaiser permanente, your medical information is available to you and your doctors. quickly. securely. no guesswork required. better information. better care. kaiserpermanente. thrive. some students at city college taking over a campus building as the school stands in limbo over its accreditation. and see we speak to a witness at the scene where a work work on a bay bridge collapsed. tonight, we continue to follow a developing story, a crane collapsed while in use for work on the new eastern span of the bay bridge. this is video from our hell corps partnership with abc7 news. kron4's just teen what woulden is live from treasure island. she talked with a witness who saw the entire thing unfold. >> reporter: the investigation is underway to figure out why this crane collapsed. it was a miss. let's show you a live picture of whoo it looks like now that the sun has set and they've removed most of the metal, you want to focus object yellow structure on the bottom of your screen. as we show you video, taken moments aftd crane collapse, i'll explain to you what happened today. cranes were working on a barge on the bridge. they were removing the temporary supports that are under the bridge. this is a suspended bridge, and those supports are holding up the bridge during construction. i'm told one of the cranes tipped over, and the steel fell can w such force it punctured the barge. one man that works here saw the whole thing. >> i heard a ping noise and a crashing noise. i looked over and saw the support they had just cut out started to swing. the jig was swinging around a bit. and the crane that was holding the jig up started to go too. >> reporter: you're looking at pictures sent to kron4 from another witness. he said he also e heard a loud boom and got out his camera saying he had to capture the moment. the bridge crews have all removed that metal structure, that mangled mess. coming back live to the scene so you can see the situation, ki tell you that no one was hurt, because no one was on that barge. and for drivers, using the bay bridge today and also tomorrow will not be a problem. this crane collapse did not affect the commute. and it will not affect the opening of the span set for labor day. >> and now for a closer look at the crane, you can see it under the bathroom. we'll fly you in for a closer look. this is courtesy of our helicopter partnership with abc7 news. the crane is on its side and will extend to the right. you can see how far it goes onto another barge. back to the base of the grain, these are counterweights. the the crane was removing this temporary structure from under the deck of the new eastern span. only a portion of the crane went into the day bai. dozens of students are occupying a building at san francisco city community college. they say they are trying to save the school. list are on the scene at the ocean campus. kron4's jeff bush is also there. he's live tonight. jeff, has there been any arrests? >> no, there have not been any arrests. right now, things seem peace p. you can see there are about 30 to 40 students. let's take some video we shot and you'll see what we are talking about. we want to talk to the chapts horror but... >> we're having some problems with jeff's audio live at the spean jeff, can you usto get back to jeff. again, some students have occupied a building on the campus of san francisco city college that's trying to stay open with problems with this accreditation. the days are numbered for the largest homeless encampment in san jose. there are now more than 100 campers in some 70 tents and makeshift shelters spread out over a couple of acres. respond dog pressure from neighbors fed up with rising crime and trash and unsanitary condition in the area, city hall has announced it will evict the campers. >> the thing is we first address the concerns of our constituents and hope deploy move people into more stable and appropriate living situation. ideally, we are able to find housing solutions. we are limited in that right now, but we're working with key partners, destination home, which say regional effort. we areworking on a housing 1,000 campaign. we have emergency shelter beds open as well. so we're trying to move people out of the cold where where they can get at least one meal and have access to services. >> the exact date for the eviction and cleanup has not been made public. the campus will get 72 hours notice. an update on the earthquake we have been telling you about for the past hour or so. this is morgan hill, the earthquake's epicenter was about 3.3 miles east. a few people have been calling us and saying they felt the earthquake. it was about 4.6 miles deep. maybe the reason people did not feel it baa s because of how rural and remote this area is. the population in the south bay is centered here. if you did happen to feel it, we would love to hear from you here. and enough pictures o of any damage, we would love see that as well. you can message us on facebook ore mail us. why we will continue to follow the earthquake here. pam? developing, a search for human remaps associated with the speed freak killers is over. fbi amendments say they were unable to find human remains of any victims in the case. j.r. stone is following the story. he joins us live tonight from the fbi's sacramento headquarters. j.r.? >> reporter: the search is done, and it doesn't look like there will be any new serchls any time soon. >> despite our intentions of recovering remains of alleged victim, the earth failed to locate any human remains. >> reporter: and with that, the effort to find any remains associated with the speed freak killers came to a close. >> the well was located 95 feet below grown level, which was excavated, sifted, and examine med. >> reporter: cattle remains were recovered, but nothing human. wesley shermantine has indicated several sites, and human bones were found in two locations, but nothing in this most recent dpipg. >> i'm disappointed, but not because of the work and cost. there's no dollar amount you can put on what these families are thinking. >> reporter: shermantine wrote at least one letter, saying the fbi was digging in the wrong spot, something agents say is just not true. >> i will tell you this, i stotted right where shermantine said. and he told us with 70% certainty, he dumped bodies in a well at this location. >> reporter: those with the fbi did try to set up a meeting on tuesday, but say he refused to meet with them. live in sacramento, j.r. stone, kron4 news. it was certainly a nice day today. temperatures ran into the low 60 this is number of places. it was 60 in san rossel and richmonday. we hit 64 in santa rosa, 63 in nappa, 62 in valejo and fairfield. 5 in richmond, a little cooler close tore the coastline. temperatures didn't warm that much there. we will stay warmer through the overnight hour. we will still see chilly conditions for our coolest inland valleys. tomorrow, we'll see temperatures a little bit warmer than today. we could get a little bit of rain out of it in the forth bay. we'll have cooler temperatures into sadded. we will rebound into sunday. we will take a look at your weekend temperatures coming up in a bit. the oakland a's are not packing your bags just yet. but the possibility of the team moving south is becoming more of a reality. a deadly shooting on the las vegas strip. we have the startling video. and the late e-on drew peterson, and his attorneys' latest attempt to get a retrial on his murder conviction. mom, i invited justin over for lunch. good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪ [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪ on on kron4, oakland mayor ji kwon weighing in on a report that the oakland a's are given a guideline of what they must fulfill. i'm sure the oakland mayor is not happy. >> reporter: the mayors have different interpretations of this news. mayor kwon suspects nothing has really chaped. she says the giants still oppose the plan, which is key, since they have territorial right, and the mayor says the fanbase is narrower in her city. she says if lou olson isn't willing ider okayland, o's are. >> what really matters is whether or not we can improvement attendance at the games for the league. we can provide a stadium at two different locations, and if we're going to do that, the league has to look at that. people have made offers and are making offers to step in if they don't want to stay in oakland. it's not unlike what's happening in sacramento. there's a group of people with enough money and the ability to build a new stadium that want the a's to stay. >> reporter: the two site include the howard terminal site and the coliseum city site in east oakland. city officials say both sites have been presented as potential sites, but there's no formal beadback from major league baseball. >> despite mayor kwo n's positive outlook, san jose's mayor quinn reid says it's a question of when it will happen. reid says we have the site, the economics are compelling, and evenly, it will happen. mayor reid says he speaks frequently with lou woll. developing news we first brought you at 5:00 tonight, police are searching for a black range rover sport suv which fled the scene of a deadly las vegas shooting. 4 people were killed, at least 6 others were hurt. one of the victims killed is an oakland rap e. you can see how badly this crash and incident napped las vegas. police say the shooting started after an argument in the valet area of the aria resort hotel. it happened at a famous intersection in las vegas which is home to can sea nose like bel gaseous io, ceasar's palace. someone opened fire on a mazeratti, which then ran a red light and crashed into a tax say. the taxi then burst into flames, killing the drive and a passenger inside. a judge has sentenced drew peterson to 38 gleers prison for the murder of these third wife. the swagger chicago policeman gained national attention after his fourth wife vanished in 2007. the body of his third wife was found in the home bathtub and had a gash on her had. he shocked the courtroom by shouting at one point dwib not kill kathleen. the judge denied a request for a new trial. a growing majority of americans believe it's time for same-sex marriage. >> laura busch has voiced support of same-sex marriage, but doesn't want her voice or image used in that ad. a group of people were killed when a small plane hit a utility pole. 2 people were hurt. an augusta surgeon was identified as one of the victim. one of the plane's wings was cut off when it collided with the pole, causing it to leak fuel. changes are coming ton and saturday morning. we'll see enough sunshine for temperatures to reach the low 60s again. we'll have a of showers friday evening into early saturday morning. we'll rebound back into sunday. he's what you can expect out the door tomorrow morning. more 40 degree readings, still cold in place like santa rosa. 39 out in concord, 35 in livermore. the afternoon will brick us 60 degree readings. 60 in freemont, and 63 in san francisco. we are seeing mostly clear skies, but a little cloud cover coming in from the north. that could cloud cover can be a big wildcard. if we do see more cloud cover, those temperatures in the north bay that are at freezing will not be close to freezing. you can see if is kind of edging down toward the area. again kind of a wildcard. no cloud cover tomorrow morning into 10. it's edging toward the north bay why 8:00. that's when it starts rolling in. look at that rain cell pushing toward the delta. we could pick up maybe an inch of accumulated snow, but it will be very potty. partly cloudy through norm. notice temperatures take a dive into saturday, but they will rebound into sunday. we do have that/slight chance of showers friday night into saturday morning. other than that, no rain in the forecast. just kind of an up and down mix of rain and clouds and sun. increasing chances that the fish you buy in a market or order from a restaurant may not be the fish you think. detail on the fish fraud. a developing story tonight, a new study by the environmental advocacy group found a third of the seafood we buy is mislabeled. the group elected more than 1200 seafood from stores. from dna testing, the group found most commonly mislabeled fish was snapper. it mostly turned tout be rock fish or tilapia. tuna had the next-highest rate of mislabeling. coming up, a colorado family survives an avalanche. the dramatic rescue ahead. 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[ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. an investigation is underway to fine out why a crane collapsed. let show you the scene. you want to focus on that yellow metal, that's the base of the crane. here's what we know happened. cranes were yoog used to remove the temporary supports from under the bridge when one of them tipped over. that steel fell with such force that it punctured the barge. witnesses said it sounded very loud and they heard yelling and screaming. so you should know that drives are not affected by this investigation and the crane collapse. that also will not affect the opening of the eastern span of the bay bridge. on treasure island, i'm just teen walden. students have been protesting all day, and later in the afternoon, they came here to the administration building of conlin hall which closed officially at 5:30. police have been monitoring the situation situation 5:30 and moving in and keeping a close eye on the students and teachers that are protesting. these people say they're willing to risk arrest, and the only thing they want to do is talk to the chancellor at the college. in sacramento, the fbi says the search for human remains in the speed freak serial killer case is over. they've spent the last six weeks searching an abandoned well site in lyndon, california, but did not fine any remains. here at the ben krirks ia cemetery, family and friends said their final good-byes to 13-year-old zwrrks anelle couldn'tway-allen who was killed on february 2. >> she was a wonderful, honest, energetic child. >> this is not to say a good- bye, this is a homecoming. she's going to be with the lord. here? san jose, the city continues to grapple with a growing homeless encampment. >> the 100 or so with l be evicted and the site cleaned up. >> we're worried about the safety of the neighborhood, the environment and people that are living outside and having to ebb dure this really, really cold wenter. gas prices have been on the rise for more than a month, and here in the bay area, the average has increased almost 50 cents since january, and it seems like it's going up on a daily basis. although that hasn't stopped some drivers from fill up, they say they are feeling the difference. coming up, i'll tell you why aaaa believes these numbers continue to skyrocket and a breakdown of how much it's jumped in only a week. in san francisco, lucy reid. in oakland, mayor jane kwon remains optimistic she can keep the a's in her city, despite the fact that major league baseball has dpifn the team good gin lines that they must follow if the owners are continuing to move the team to san jose. with you the mayor says they have two proposed site withs, the fan base, and have proved to baseball that the a's should stay put. san jose mayor chuck reid says it's a question of when they will move. charges are filed against two employees stemming from the salmonella outbreak that will kilned 8 people and left hundreds sick. the charges include conspiracy, wire fraud, eastern charges related to contaminated or mis- branded food. named in the federal indictment was the campaign's owner, vice president, plant manager, and quality assurance manager. the company has since gone bankrupt. i've been telling you how it's going to be a little warmer tomorrow morning. i've actually upped temperatures in the north bay, santa rosa, and nappa. we are seeing some high clouds moving in on satellite and radar. we'll be the b in the 40s everywhere else. take a look at satellite and radar picture. here comes some of that high cloud coverage. high clouds don't provide enough information. you can see these clouds will continue to come down from the north, and even some rain possibly into tomorrow night. we're going to be saying that until 8:00 tomorrow evening. the chance of rain will be from late friday until early saturday morning. on saturday, we'll see some temperatures with cooler temperatures. we'll keep things pretty mild through the extended forecast. standing at attention with a salute to their family, friends, and comrades, the members of the 502nd military intelligence combat baaalalon returned home after spending nearly a year in afghanistan. they had been waiting 9 months for this moment where they can break ranks and fall into the arms of their families. >> my mom and my clan. >> when i leapt to him, he's a year and a half. that weight has been lifted. >> i'm bursting with joy and thankfulness. we are elated to be together as a family. >> they said they have been waying for this moment for months. coming up, there's a new tool to help fight blight in one east bay community. i'll show you where it is in the next edition of people behaving badly. well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. this is a macon resident that's tired of vacant homes. it has less to do with them being vacant, it has more to do what happens when they are stray can. for example, this apartment complex is unoccupied. there are about 3 holes in the gate, and a dog dog to keep people out. but outside the gate, it's become ab illegal dump site. a few blocks away, this house is all boarded up so no one can enter and strip the home. but to gap the steps, yet another illegal dump site. next door, yet another vacant apartment. this is exactly why the city of richmond recently passed an ordinance requiring vacant property owners to register the property with the city, so the city of richmonday -- of richmond will no who to contact. this property is considered unsafe, but someone kicked the door in and moved in. outside, this couch. couches seem to be the dump material of choice. this o ordinance will cut down on belying with and blight is what make your neighborhood look bad. this house has been sold, meaning there is hope for some of these stray didn't dwellings. but before there is hope, there needs to be help. holding property owners responsible is the help. in richmond, stanley roberts, kron4 news. just 86 days away from this year's bay to break ers. kron4 is proud to be part of san francisco's original event. kron4 will bring you the race from start to finish and all of the crazy costumes in between. the warriors trade two players from their 2011 draft. dpairry has details straight ahead. plus, alex smith news. if the niners cannot trade him, what next? kerry has that story and all the sports coming up. 49ers offseason talk, first and foremost, what will happen to al education smith? kaepernick is the man, but hey, the 49ers are talking about... oh, look at jim harbaugh. loved him until they got someone better. but you heard talk about how the 49ers will not going give him away or grant him his wish where he can be a starter. a very high-placed source is saying we are not going give smith away. here's another guy who you figure is not coming back, statistically didn't come through this season. read between the lines. you think moss is coming back? here's the general manager of the 49ers. we call him tv, trent voche. >> can't say enough good thing about randy. you ask anyone in our organization, they would say the same thing. one of the first guys to work every day, one of the la to leave. probably the smartest football player i've been around and a real leader in that group, in that room. we're certainly happy that he was there. is he going trowrn this year? i don't know. >> i would rather have my kron treatment here. we don't care for gary. he acts like a turkey sometimes, he's not the best, but he's good. the warriors did get rid of two-thirds of their 2011 draft. clay thompson is still here. one of the fellows gone is chias jen kin, just no room for him. jeremy tyler, 6-foot 10 forward, left high school at age 16 to play overseas. good luck to him now. and taste. the air yours also get under the nba's luxury tax, so they save money and get rid two of young guys who it remains to be seen. some guys lose their hair, i'm still pumping mine. >> and it's not a wig. >> not yet. and i got to say this for you since you attacked me for it. i got on kron at 5:20 when i heard about the quake. i was concerned for you. not for your safety, but how much they make you try and scare people for the next two hours. i thought it was going to be wall to wall. somebody's china fell off, stay in your homes and watch kron. but no, the woman opened to you in where? >> morgan hill. >> and it was, nope, no problem. bring the end, you were like, please, anything? effect was fine, right? >> we have to hear from the people that were there. and a special memorial for the late laker owner jerry buss at the north america can theater. jeannie buss and her fee san say joe jackson. all the lives that buss has touched, shaq won 3 titles for mr. buss. let's hear from shaquile o'neal and madgic johnson. >> he gave me everything inwanted. i wanted an education tension, he gave it to me. i wanted a second extypings, he gave it to me. i wanted a third extension, he traded me. [ laughter ] >> this is a celebration of life. this is a celebration of success. we shouldn't be sad. we should be happy that this man enjoyed his life and did it his way. >> real whole thing today. danica, danica, and more danica. she holds the pole position for daytona 500. here we go. harvick taking the checkered flag. he played it safe, finishing 17th in this event. danica, her car in one piece, just playing it cool, waiting for sunday. >> just trying to stay out of trouble for that last few laps. not a lot of fun to drop back light that, but it's the right thing to do. it's more important to start on the pole for the a daytona 500 than to get the last few lap of chaos. the snow went away, allowing tiger woods to play some golf this afternoon. just outside tempe, arizona. the grounds crew clearing snow off the course, and we're ready to go with woods. this is one of those match play keel deals that you have to have tiger in to hold anybody's interest. and then on the 16th hole, he 2 putted. then on 17, charles howe beat woods for the first time in his career. rory mcilroy also lost his match. the top two vids gone. when warm it's time for katherine henenan who promises to get in my face tonight. you ready, katherine? >> iget in your face. >> we're back in a moment. 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[ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪ [ male announcer ] only from at&t. through sunday, save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic.e savings go on at sleep train. get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale ends sunday. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ we love when catherine is here. i always check to see how i look. did i miss something? -- can i admit something? i've never been in love with a woman taller than me. >> but you are taller than me. >> but that doesn't come off, because my torso is immediate yolker. that's why when i look at the tape... >> that's okay, i'm looking in the monitor. >> and i'm sitting on top of tom tom. what do you have there? >> if giants win a third companionship in 4 years, when we talk about them the way we talked about the great 49er team light in the 80s and 90s... >> i think so. they have likable personalities. people thaw know. and that's why this year's 49er team, people felt bad, but it wasn't like montana and young and rodney lock lost the game. these guys were still getting to know them. we know lincecum. we know buster. we know kade. last year, the a's had their most memorable season in a decade. any chance they can do it again? >> i wouldn't put anything past them. they were great. the angels may have the most potent lineup in baseball. trout, hamilton, and pujols, and texas texas has a fabulous lineup. i would be surprised if the a's did what they did last year. and danica patrick, she's had like 1 win in 180 start. why all the hoopla? >> because she's the fist woman. and if she win, -- and if she wins, this will be a groundbreaking event. i hope she dowses does, because that would be huge for the sport. it's like when a big man stands up on the show, you know what i mean?

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