Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20171123 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20171123

(dave)rain chances return to the north bay on thanksgiving, but the rest of the region is expected to remain dry with continued warmer than normal temperatures. dry weather is expected to return to all areas on friday. high pressure will move east during the weekend and rain chances will begin in the north by late saturday and spread across most of the rest of the region by sunday. a major hot spot in livermore stanly at 84 closed wb . bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. (robin) with all the extra cars on the road this weekend: the c-h-p is out in force to make sure drivers are following the rules. kron 4's terisa estacio rode along with the c-h-p for the start of the "maximum enforcement" period. (robin) make sure you have the kron-4 mobile app for the holidays.. you can stay on top of the traffic and weather right from the palm of your hand. (robin) another big story we're following this morning...following this story we're another big (robin) (robin) make sure you have the kron-4 mobile app for the holidays.. you can stay on top of the traffic and weather right from the palm of your hand. (robin) another big story we're following this morning... after a fire kills three members of a san jose family... there are new questions over whether or not the apartment that caught fire, had smoke detectors. the fire happened saturday on south ninth street. and now there's a memorial for the victims. and as kron-4's dan kerman reports fire investigators are still searching for a cause. it's been 4 days since fire raced through this san jose apartment complex, critically injuring a father and killing his wife, son and daughtersot elisha cortes/friend of 14 year old victim 10-20i met her in 6 7 8 and 9 grade and she was really special, she was shy, i remember when i asked her to be my friend and she said yes. she was my first friend in 6th grade since i didn't know anybody there and since then we were really close coping with this tragedy has been difficult for family and friends of the le family, who have been stopping by this memorial ever since the this point fire investigators believe the fire started in the kitchensotthe cause could be a cooking fire it could be an electrical fire, lots of issues in the kitchenstrangely, fire investigators did find mounting brackets for smoke detectors, but not find the smoke detectors themselves, which are required.sot capt. dan vega/ san jose fire dept 102-110maybe they were there at one point and the resident took them down, because it goes off during cooking. or people take them down to access the battery.and the other option is maybe they never got put up to behind investigators will be talking to the building's owner about this. ironically firefighters inspected this building over the summer and it passed, but that doesn't necessarily mean each unit was checked for smoke detectors.sot when we go inspect an apartment building we may not have access to the private areas to people's homes so we will check the common areas, we'll look at laundry rooms and make sure there are fire extinguishers in the hallways and if someone is home when we are there we will ask to go inside and take a lookstandup dan kerman/san jose 152-202a go fund me page has been set up to pay for the fathers medical expenses and the rest of his family's funeral expenses. a date has yet to be scheduled for a memorial service . in san jose dan kerman kron 4 news. (robin) happening now: one of the two inmates who escaped from a palo alto courthouse remains on the loose.. on tuesday night, police captured tramel mcclough in stockton. but john bivens managed to get away. this all happened after a car chase when the c-h-p tried pulling over a car on interstate- five. one escapee.. ran into a walmart where he was arrested while the other escaped again. (robin) another big story we are tracking: deliberations will resume monday in the pier 14 murder trial of kate steinle. the jurors wrapped up a second day of deliberating yesterday afternoon. jose garcia zarate is charged in the murder of steinle two years ago in san francisco. the jury has the option of first or second degree murder as well as involuntary manslaughter, not guilty, or there could be a hung jury. the defense lawyer for garcia- zarate says he should be found not guilty on all counts since he says the shooting of kate steinle was an accident. the prosecutor called the defense's theory fiction. and argues that the shots were fired on purpose. (robin) a desperate search for a missing service dog in san jose. and now the owner is worried about her dog's very own health problems." it's been five days since "king" went missing. and according to his owner she thinks he was taken right out of their own backyard. kron4's ali reid has the story... he's kind of irreplaceable to medoctor rachel hamel is devastated after getting home on friday, only to find out her french bulldog "king" had gone missing.rachel hamel - i'm devastated honestly and i'm trying to focus as much as i can on finding him. he was like my childshe's been posting flyers all over the neighborhood hoping someone spotted her service dog. i went through some chronic health issues, lime disease and some other stuff and he was very supportive. he's very loyal. he's attached to my hip, so it's been really hard with him being gone and so i just hope he's okshe fears the gate to the house may have been left open, or someone went in the back yard and took him.he's really sweet, he's really friendly, so he'd probably go up to someone if they really wanted him. he's the best dog. he had the best personality and so it's been really hard. like i said he's not replaceable. i'm just really worried about him and hoping and praying he's ok rachel says as much as she needs king by her side, he needs her to care for him as well.he also has allergies and has medications so those are things that he needs. he can't be in extremely hot or cold weathernow the thought of spending the thanksgiving holiday without him is really difficult to handlehe's been through some really hard times with me and it would really mean the world to me if you saw him and could bring him backstanduprachel is offering a $500 reward for the safe return of her pooch. reporting in san jose (robin) coming up on the kron 4 morning news ... a warning for people with small dogs. how another coyote attack has people on edge. (robin) and... a south bay high school is accused of covering up allegations of sexual abuse by a teacher. how far back the alegations go. (dave) and i am tracking your bay area forecast. (robin) and here's a live look the san mateo bridge. (robin) welcome back. checking in on your morning forecast. (dave) rain chances return to the north bay on thanksgiving, but the rest of the region is expected to remain dry with continued warmer than normal temperatures. dry weather is expected to return to all areas on friday. high pressure will move east during the weekend and rain chances will begin in the north by late saturday and spread across most of the rest of the region by sunday. major hot spot in livermore stanley at 84 wb closed. . bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. s. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 (robin) a warning for people with small dogs... not long ago we showed you this video of a coyote in san francisco. now we are learning about a dog attacked by one tuesday. it happened inside stern grove. that's near the corner of 19th street and sloat boulevard. san francisco police say animal care and control was sent to the park to search for the animal.. they are also warning people to be careful walking dogs.. (robin) another big story we're following this morning... a south bay high school is accused of covering up allegations of sexual abuse by a teacher going back decades. kron four's rob fladeboe reports on charges by a former student against the all-girls catholic presentation high school in san jose. katherine leehane/presentation high school graduate "....the administration had notice going back to the mid 1980's that the teacher who abused me was a problem....tragically i was not his first victim or his last...." 1991 presentation high school graduate kathryn leehane says she was sexually abused by a teacher in the late 1980's and that the administration failed to fully investigate.katherine leehane".....there is no indication that my report was ever acted upon or that my abuser was ever held accountably...""....when i sent my first letter reporting that he had groped me and shown me pictures of a naked woman, the administration didn't even respond..."the teacher, who is now deceased, was not named. about the same time, says lehane classmate cheryl hodgin-marshall, a friend she referred to as "jane doe,' said she too was sexually molested by kathryyn's same abuser.cheryl hodgin-marshall"...jane was called in to speak with the principal and afeterward came to me in tears saying she did not feel that the principal believed her and that the principal suggested she must have been dreaming. we were both in disbelief..."in a detailed statement, presentation high school principal mary miller said that it could not reveal more information but that each case described today was investigated and action taken based on the information provided at the time.the statement goes on to say that whether it could have handled certain cases different is open to interpretation and that any suggestion presentation high school covered up or condoned any instance of sexual abuse is an outright lie..."since going public with her story last month in the washington post kathryn leehane says she has hard from other presentation grads who claim they too were were ignored when theycame forward with similar stories katrhryn leehane"...for six years, i repeatedly contacted the administration to ensure it was addressed, but no one ever contacted me to ask questions or to investigate the report. i felt my abuse was brushshed aside. even after i provided a witness tpne incident of sexual misconduct, and then persistantly asked for an update from the administration, i was never given one. eventually i lost hope for a response and was effectively leehane's attorney kathryn lehane and her attorneys are demanding presentation high school acknowledge wrong doing and a public apology. in fladeboe kron 4 news (robin) nick carter - a member of the backstreet boys is denying an accusation from pop singer melissa schuman that he raped her 15-years ago when he was 22 and she was 18. carter denied the allegations in a statement to c-n-n saying he was 'shocked and saddened' by them. he says the two went on to record a song and to perform together... (robin) former acclaimed u-s-a gymnastics team doctor larry nassar admitted he sexually abused underage girls. in a michigan courtroom nassar pleaded guilty to first- degree criminal sexual conduct. reporter mary moloney has more on team u-s-a's reaction to the plea. "guilty."seven times -- former team u-s-a gymnastics doctor larry nassar uttered one word "guilty."125 women and girls told the michigan state police the doctor sexually assaulted them under the guise of treatment.lindsey lemke/victim: "you would go to larry and he would be a savior to you because you would hope that he would make you feel better so that the next day at practice you wouldn't get yelled at, and that's what you trusted him for."nassar served as the u-s-a gymnastics' physician during four olympic games. larry nassar/former usa gymnastics doctor: "for all those involved, i'm so horribly sorry."judge rosemarie aquilina: "you used your position of trust in the most vile way: to abuse children."among the victims -- members of the famed áfierce fiveá -- gold-winning olympic teamincluding gabby douglas -- mckayla maroney --and aly raisman who told 60 minutes nassar abused her while at the olympic games.aly raisman/victim: "why are we looking at why didn't the girls speak up?" "why not look at what about the culture? what did usa gymnastics do, and larry nassar do, to girls so much that they are so afraid to speak up?"in a statement, u-s-a gymnastics says it is "very sorry" nassar harmed any athlete.john manley/victims' attorney: "this situation where you have this many victims doesn't happen with a perpetrator alone. it happens when institutions whose primary job is to protect children fail them."john manley/victims' attorney: "this is an american tragedy." (robin @ landing) the holidays are supposed to be happy times for family and friends. but getting sick is one way to turn your thanksgiving weekend sour. that's why you want to make sure you're being safe with all of the different foods you'll be eating this week. kelli volk has advice on how to keep your thanksgiving leftovers safe to eat. the big meal is tomorrow and there will be a lot of food to go around, perhaps for days. standup: turkey is, of course, a fan favorite at the thanksgiving dinner table, but if you do have leftovers you'll want to be sure you're not leaving them in the fridge for too long."a lot of us take home a lot of thanksgiving leftovers. if you are taking any of them home you want to make sure you're eating them within 3-4 days and you want to make sure you put them in the refrigerator right when you get home," dietitian anna heronimus said. hyvee dietitian anna heronimus says that includes the main entree, mashed potatoes, corn, cranberries, and the rest of the fixings on your table. when you do put away the remainder of your thanksgiving feast, make sure you get it out of what heronimus calls the "danger zone" and into the fridge within 2 hours. "the danger zone is from 40-140 degrees fahrenheit so it's anytime you have taken it off the heating," heronimus said. for some, the leftovers are the best part of the holiday. volk: do you like thanksgiving leftovers?miklos: i think some of it tastes better left over than the first time you sit down to eat it.heronimus says following these guidelines could help you avoid food poisoning. "if you are going black friday shopping that night or you are visiting friends and family over the next week you don't want to be running to the bathroom or doing a sick day," heronimus said. that's one way to make sure you, your family and friends, have a happy holiday weekend. i'm kelli volk. (robin) and here's a live look outside... at the golden gate bridge. the hollywood minute is coming up after the break. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. (robin) on the night before thanksgiving in san francisco is a time for a beloved annual tradition. thanksgiving dinner at glide memorial church. the dinner attracts thousands of people and it takes hundreds of volunteers to prep and serve all that food. kron 4's charles clifford has the details. natswednesday evening, dozens of volunteers came to help prep for glide memorials annual thanksgiving feast here in san francisco.natsthey carved turkey and ham.prepped cranberriesstuffingand sweet potatoes.natsbetsy blamat and her son drove to san francisco from pleasanton to volunteer. sot"we were looking for a way to give back to the community so that's why we are here" glide says they plan to serve more than 5000 thanksgiving meals on thursday and will need 500 volunteers to pull it off. glide's president, says demand for their services has been steadily increasing in recent years. she says that the church now serves about 750,000 meals per year.sot not just for the food but for community. where they know they can come for love and acceptance.> (robin) and here's a live look outside... at the bay bridge toll plaza. we'll be back with more of your kron 4 morning news after the break. (robin) welcome back. checking in on your morning forecast. (dave)rain chances return to the north bay on thanksgiving, but the rest of the region is expected to remain dry with continued warmer than normal temperatures. dry weather is expected to return to all areas on friday. high pressure will move east during the weekend and rain chances will begin in the north by late saturday and spread across most of the rest of the region by sunday. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 (robin) this holiday season law enforcement is now warnigng people to beware of package thefts. approximately 23 million packages are stolen every year. these are crimes of opportunity when they are left in front of people's homes. a lot of thieves even follow delivery trucks as packages are being delivered around this time of year, it becomes more of an opportunity for thieves. some police departments have launched social media campaigns warning about how to avoid package thefts. (robin) you can also have u-p-s and fed ex hold your package at one of their stores or distribution centers for pick-up. (robin @ landing) dramatic new video now from the north korea -south korea border. a north korean soldier desperate to escape makes a harrowing attempt at freedom while being chased and fired at by his comrades. reporter brian todd has a closer look. the man behind the wheel of this jeep- is desperate.he's a 24-year-old north korean soldier-- speeding toward the military demarcation line between the two koreas.. about to make a desperate dash across the border.other north korean troops are alerted- when he drives past their command post.they stream out. gen. james "spider" marks (ret.)/former military intelligence officer in south korea: "now, at this point, what has happened is, these folks are now on the radio, and they're calling ahead, to the joint security area, the northern part of panmunjom, where the north koreans are, and he's saying 'we've got a runner.'"the video of this dramatic defection on november 13th-- just released by the u-s-led united nations command. in the closed-circuit footage, the defector drives the jeep into a ditch- gets out- and makes a run for it. immediately, other north korean soldiers converge, just a few feet behind him- and open fire, releasing an estimated 40-rounds.brian todd/reporting: "how do they not kill him right at that moment?"gen. james "spider" marks (ret.)/former military intelligence officer in south korea: "these guys are moving. this individual is moving. so you have two- one guy who's engaging who's moving, an individual- two guys who are moving are engaging. and then one individual, the target, is moving. and then you also have this adrenaline rush on both sides."the adrenaline- evident, seconds later.. from another camera-angle.the defecting soldier-- presumably hit already, multiple times- is still sprinting full-speed toward the south korean side. gen. james "spider" marks (ret.)/former military intelligence officer in south korea: "he knows if he does not keep going, there's a very high chance that these guys will come rushing across and drag him back. so this guy right now is totally dialed-in, doesn't feel the shots. he's losing blood. he knows he's slowing down a little bit, but he's got to get to freedom."in those frantic seconds, another north korean soldier sprints after the defector.the pursuer crosses the demarcation line, a violation of the armistice. he doubles-back.gen. james "spider" marks (ret.)/former military intelligence officer in south korea: "he's not thinking about the violation of the treaty. he now realizes, 'i'm a target'."the defector's been hit at least five times. but he's alive- lying by a retaining this heat-signature video, two brave south korean soldiers are seen crawling to him- one seemingly raises a weapon to cover them.they drag him further toward their side-- taking a significant risk.gen. james "spider" marks (ret.)/former military intelligence officer in south korea: "they can be seen by the north both visually and through fire. the north koreans if they chose to, could engage this location with fire."how did this not turn into a bloody shoot-out with multiple casualties? experts say both sides are trained to de-escalate in these why did north korean troops fire on their own comrade?balbina hwang/georgetown university: "the north koreans are trained to keep each other from defecting across the line as well. so they're going to shoot each other. and this is actually what keeps the regime intact." (robin) that was brian todd reporting. president trump has recently placed north korea back on the u-s list of state sponsors of terrorism. coming uppeople they have no patience tell the americans to have patience what did you tell him i tike him that you have to f wait you have to f wait laughter shopping for that perfect meal, you just have to find the perfect parking space first.. i'll explain in the next edition of people behaving badly (robin) shopping should be a stress free expirence. but for some, it's far from it. stanely roberts shows us on this edition of people behaving badly. when shopping for the perfect meal there are somethings you should never forget first that it's not a good idea to shove six passengers in a car that only holds 5 nats ambiance i'm outside the berekely bowl marketplace watching as some of the shanaigans unfold right before my eyes the only thing that's missing is some random person walking up to the camera to tell me they don't want to be on tv why would you walk in front of the camera to tell me you don't want to be on tv because you were filming us in the car ask and you shall receive also make sure you give another driver enough space to get into their car are you going to try to climb over i'm gonna do that yuppack your patience .and try not to get into a shouting match.. don't wave your arms in frustation and try not to blow your hornnats ambiance (horn blowing)stay in your car and try not to be too confrontation al i don't know what is being said here.. but i'm nosey so let's find out people they have no patience tell the americans to have patience what did you tell him i tike him that you have to f wait you have to f wait laughter yup he packed his patience we were waiting over here before you got there and remember to play fair with parking spaces so what just happened (laughter) i was waiting to get to get into the parking space the guy was blocking iyt as he was waiting for another parking space so a lady came behind him and thought that she was waiting long than i was she didn't see me waiting on the opposite side so we gave it up especially knowing you're on the scene remember to follow all the traffic signsnats ambiance and you cannot make a u-turn when there is traffic approacing within 200 feet .. i said with in 200 feet if a car is approaching. oh never mind .but the most important part . never forget my name greg i don't know the last name i forgot/ i can give you a hint my mame aint greg oh what's your name stanley sss yes are you sure it's stanley or am i just messing with you, you messing with me in berkeley greg oh i mean stanley roberts kron 4 news (robin) coming up on the kron four morning news... the future of medicine for ceritan attention disorders may be already here. how video games could help. tha'ts next. (robin) live look outside... at the san francisco international airport. bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 (robin) a warning about deep frying turkeys this thanksgiving... if you do not do it properly you can start a big fire. take a look at this demonstration... if you do choose to deep fry your turkey experts say make sure it is ácompletelyá thawed and dry.. unlike the one used in this video. and keep in mind thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires across the country. coming up in the next hour of the kron 4 morning news... we continue to get you ready for thanksgiving. we have team coverage with everything you need to know before you sit down for dinner. the kron 4 morning news is back in just 2 minutes. ( will ) good morning i'm will tran..( anny ) and i'm anny hong. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... (dave)rain chances return to the north bay on thanksgiving, but the rest of the region is expected to remain dry with continued warmer than normal temperatures. dry weather is expected to return to all areas on friday. high pressure will move east during the weekend and rain chances will begin in the north by late saturday and spread across most of the rest of the region by sunday. major hot spot in livermore staly at 84 wb blocked. eb open. . bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( will ) happening today... thousands of people will show up for thanksgiving dinner at glide memorial church.( anny ) it is an annual tradition that requires the help of dozens of volunteers. kron 4's lydia pantazes is live in san francisco this morning with the details. lydia. ( lydia ) wednesday evening, dozens of volunteers came to help prep for glide memorials annual thanksgiving feast here in san francisco. glide says they plan to serve more than 5000 thanksgiving meals on thursday and will need 500 volunteers to pull it off. glide's president, says demand for their services has been steadily increasing in recent years. she says that the church now serves about 750,000 meals per year.even though glide's kitchen helps feed the homeless and those in need year round, thanksgiving is still their main event. ( anny ) thanks lydia. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( anny ) and this morning... new york will celebrate thanksgiving with the annual macy's thanksgiving day parade.( will )day parade. thanksgiving annual macy's with the thanksgiving celebrate york will morning... new and this ( anny ) ( anny ) thanks lydia. we will check back with you the morning. ( anny ) and this morning... new york will celebrate thanksgiving with the annual macy's thanksgiving day parade.( will ) karin caifa is in new york with a look at what you can expect. that holiday spirit is in the air.the macy's thanksgiving day parade -- 91 years strong, with 17 giant character balloons ready to top off two-and-half miles of spectacle.the parade, not just a thanksgiving day tradition. with santa's arrival at the end of the route, it heralds the arrival of a very busy tourist season and a series of high-profile holiday events culminating in new year's eve in times in the city is already heightened after the terrorist truck attack that took place in lower manhattan on october 31st.james o'neill / nypd commissioner: new yorkers are strong and resilient they don't make decisions based on fear, we've had a couple of tough months as a nation.just hours after that attack that killed eight people, the city's halloween parade went on as scheduled, with extra police precautions.and days later, the new york city marathon with 50,000 runners and millions of spectators across the city's five's paradegoers can expect to see officers on every block and with every balloon, k-9 dogs, and teams monitoring the situation on the streets and on rooftops. terence monahan / nypd chief of patrol: you can expect to see numerous sand trucks, blocker vehicles, protecting the entire venues. you will see teams deployed balloons and parade. they'll be all over the 3 million come out to catch a festivities here in new york, i'm karin caifa. ( will ) another big story this morning... after a fire kills three members of a san jose family... there are new questions over whether or not the apartment that caught fire... had smoke detectors.( anny ) that fire happened saturday on south ninth street this morning there is still a memorial there for the victims.( will ) as as kron-4's dan kerman reports... fire investigators are still searching for a cause. it's been 4 days since fire raced through this san jose apartment complex, critically injuring a father and killing his wife, son and daughtersot elisha cortes/friend of 14 year old victim 10-20i met her in 6 7 8 and 9 grade and she was really special, she was shy, i remember when i asked her to be my friend and she said yes. she was my first friend in 6th grade since i didn't know anybody there and since then we were really close coping with this tragedy has been difficult for family and friends of the le family, who have been stopping by this memorial ever since the this point fire investigators believe the fire started in the kitchensotthe cause could be a cooking fire it could be an electrical fire, lots of issues in the kitchenstrangely, fire investigators did find mounting brackets for smoke detectors, but not find the smoke detectors themselves, which are required.sot capt. dan vega/ san jose fire dept 102-110maybe they were there at one point and the resident took them down, because it goes off during cooking. or people take them down to access the battery.and the other option is maybe they never got put up to behind investigators will be talking to the building's owner about this. ironically firefighters inspected this building over the summer and it passed, but that doesn't necessarily mean each unit was checked for smoke detectors.sot when we go inspect an apartment building we may not have access to the private areas to people's homes so we will check the common areas, we'll look at laundry rooms and make sure there are fire extinguishers in the hallways and if someone is home when we are there we will ask to go inside and take a lookstandup dan kerman/san jose 152-202a go fund me page has been set up to pay for the fathers medical expenses and the rest of his family's funeral expenses. a date has yet to be scheduled for a memorial service . in san jose dan kerman kron 4 news. kron 4 news.jose dan kerman kron 4 news. ( anny ) another big story we are tracking: deliberations will resume monday in the trial for the man accused of killing kate steinle on pier 14 in san francisco the jurors wrapped up a second day of deliberations yesterday afternoon. jose garcia zarate is charged for the murder. the jury has the option of first or second degree murder ... as well as involuntary manslaughter ... not guilty, or there could be a hung jury. the defense lawyer for garcia- zarate says his client should be found not guilty on all counts, since he argues the shooting was an accident. the prosecutor called the defense's theory fiction ... and argued that the shots were fired on purpose. ( anny ) a warning tonight for people with small dogs... not long ago we showed you this video of a coyote in san francisco... now we are learning about a dog attacked by one earlier this week. it happened inside stern grove... that's near the corner of 19th street and sloat boulevard. san francisco police say animal care and control searched the park for the animal... but they're also warning people to be careful walking dogs.. ( will ) still ahead on the kron 4 morning news... if you don't want to cook thanksgiving dinner today... we have you covered. find out which bay area restaurants will open for dinner. ( will ) and after the break... see how police are stepping up to keep you safe on the roads this holiday weekend. ( dave ) and i am tracking your bay area forecast. ( darya ) welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. let's get a check of the forecast. (dave)rain chances return to the north bay on thanksgiving, but the rest of the region is expected to remain dry with continued warmer than normal temperatures. dry weather is expected to return to all areas on friday. high pressure will move east during the weekend and rain chances will begin in the north by late saturday and spread across most of the rest of the region by sunday. major hot spot in livermore satlay wb at 84 is closed. . bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. ( anny ) with all the extra cars on the road this weekend: the c-h-p is out in full force to make sure drivers are following the rules...( will ) this is a live look at the bay bridge. kron 4's terisa estacio rode along with the c-h-p ... for the start of the "maximum enforcement" period. ( anny ) make sure you have the kron-4 mobile for the holidays.. you can stay on top of the traffic and weather... right from the palm of your hand.. ( will ) a warning about deep frying turkeys this thanksgiving... if you do not do it properly ... you can start a big fire. take a look at this demonstration. .. if you do choose to deep fry your turkey.. experts say, make sure it is ácompletelyá thawed and dry... unlike the one used in this video. and keep in mind -- thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires across the country. ( will ) if you're cooking the thanksgiving turkey this year butterball is offering 24- seven support via text message for the second year running. you can text a staff of turkey experts with questions about how to thaw the turkey and more. butterball's famous "turkey talk-line" will also be in effect, if you prefer to talk with a real person. ( anny ) if you're not looking to cook tonight... no problem... we have you covered. here are some local favorites that will be open on thanksgiving.... in napa... acacia house will be open until 10 serving breakfast, lunch and dinner... bluestem brasserie in san francisco will be serving food until 10 p-m... in oakland the terrace room restaurant & bar will be open from noon until 5pm... and l-b steak in a san jose and menlo park will be open during thanksgiving.... for a complete list of all restaurants that will be open log into kron4 dot com... ( anny ) and the holiday season brings an increased number of people to local hospitals. ( will ) so... to prevent you from taking a trip in an ambulance... nohely mendoza has what you need to know to navigate around holiday dangers. "monday after thanksgiving is probably historically the busiest day in every emergency department across the country." with thanksgiving and other holidays approaching... your risk of injury -- on the road... in the yard... or the kitchen -- goes up."people can choke, it's a good time to look at your internet and find out about the heimlich maneuver.""in the kitchen obviously, there's opportunity to get burned and so what we like to tell people is if you do get burned, don't put any butter on it. we see that a lot, it's sort of an old wive's tale."doctors say over the counter burn creams are a safe bet."the other things with foods is improperly storing it because they have all this food that they try to save it longer and then they try to eat it later and people can get sick from that as well."other things to keep in mind are cooking your food thoroughly, preventing stove fires, and grease fires.there are other concerns outside."i call them weekend warriors, people who might not do something physical on a regular basis, so obviously just be really careful, a man has got to know his limitations.""they want to put up lights, christmas lights, house lights, using ladders, maybe over reaching, using chairs to put up decorations, standing on items they shouldn't."not only can you injure yourself by straining your muscles... but when putting up those christmas lights you're dealing with electricity."it's a time of year when we also have some moisture, so you can get electrecution hazard from cords with water and environments that aren't safe." the most common visits to the e-r... are from injuries on the roadways."don't text, that's actually been shown to be as dangerous as drinking and driving.""if you're going to drink at all probably a better idea to give somebody your keys before you even take the first drink. that'll be safer, and then you don't have to end up with our guys that drive the black and white cars."keep in mind that if you do end up at the hospital... you might have to wait longer than usual."during the holidays we might be the only place that's open."that's why it's important to be extra safe."because you get hurt and it makes your life no fun, you can't do the things you'd like to do." ( will ) coming up on the kron 4 morning news... the search resumes this mornign for three american sailors after a plan crash near japan. we have the latest on the search efforts. ( anny ) and after the break... we have a preview of what you can expect if you are hitting the malls on black friday. the day after thanksgiving usually comes with frenzied shoppers stampeding into stores frantically searching for deals and doorbusters.( will ) but black friday is no longer the busiest shopping day of the year. mary moloney explains. this year -- shopping may be a bit more friday is no longer the busiest shopping day of the year.especially since the national retail federation says 56 percent of people already started buying gifts.sara skirboll/retail-me- not: "black friday is certainly not dead, it is definitely changing."the change may benefit shoppers instead of one day of doorbusters and deals -- expect deep discounts in store and online throughout the weekend.sara skirboll/retail-me-not: "you'll see different stores offering different promotions in store than they are online" shoppers plan to shell out some cash.according to a retail-me-not survey -- people will spend an average of about 750 increase of more than 200 dollars over the same time period last year. sara skirboll/retail-me-not: "people are spending more, but they are getting much savvier. they are getting more for their money. they are using deals and coupons, they are taking advantage of cash-back offers."at some point between thanksgiving and cyber monday -- the national retails federation says 69 percent of americans will whether you go to a store -- or surf online -- be prepared.sara skirboll/retail-me-not: "it only takes a couple of minutes to look around the internet, see exactly what you need, make sure you know who you are shopping for, and set a budget. make sure you know what you are planning to spend on each individual on your list."for consumer watch -- i'm mary moloney ( anny ) still ahead on the kron 4 morning news... as the holiday season heats up... package thefts are on the rise. we have tips on how to protect your gifts from being taken. ( dave ) your bay area forecast is after the break. ( will )( anny ) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... (dave)rain chances return to the north bay on thanksgiving, but the rest of the region is expected to remain dry with continued warmer than normal temperatures. dry weather is expected to return to all areas on friday. high pressure will move east during the weekend and rain chances will begin in the north by late saturday and spread across most of the rest of the region by sunday. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( anny ) a teen is recovering this morning after he was stabbed near a popular park in san francisco. it happened tuesday afternoon in the area of moscow street and france avenue next to the crocker amazon playground. police say the 15-year-old boy was kicking a ball around with friends when one of them kicked it near a 45-year-old man. the man became angry that the ball landed near him .... and stabbed the teen with a pair of scissors. the man was arrested. the boy was taken to the hospital and is expected to be okay. ( will ) three people in san leandro have a lot to be thankful for this thanksgiving... a person driving a car crashed into an amtrak train-- and walked away with only minor injuries. it happened yesterday morning at the railroad crossing between the coliseum and hayward stations. the vehicle flew in the air and landed on another car that was parked and occupied. the force of the collision blasted car parts into the air... injuring a passerby. all three people injured were taken to the hospital as precaution. all of them are expected to be okay. ( anny ) in national news... three u-s navy personnel are missing after a plane crash near japan.( will ) john lawrence has the latest on the search efforts. a military plane carrying 11 navy personnel crashed into the philippine sea wednesday. they were flying from a japanese station to the u-s-s ronald reagan aircraft carrier, about five hundred miles from the okinawa coast. eight people were rescued and are in good condition.but three remain unaccounted for. richard spencer/secretary of the navy "i would like everyone to take a moment and keep some of our navy family, friends and loved ones in their thoughts and prayers." japanese forces have joined in the search, which the navy says is "relentless."col. steve warren, ret./military analyst"the fact that eight personnel were able to survive this incident tells us that there was probably a very skilled pilot at the stick who was able in some way to bring this aircraft down to the sea in such a way that the plane didn't break up." this is the latest in a string of difficult events for the navy's seventh fleet in the pacific ocean.there have been at least six apparent accidents involving the navy in 2017.that includes when the u-s-s john s. mccain and the u-s-s fitzgerald each collided with commercial ships.fleet commander joe aucoin awe-coin was among the eight senior leaders relieved of duty due to these incidents.but despite these issues, the pentagon says its resources in the region are ready for possible threat.especially from north korea.col. steve warren, ret./military analyst"any military force can always improve their readiness but let there be no mistake, the american navy is the most ready, the most capable, the most lethal navy on planet earth today."i'm john lorinc reporting. ( will ) law enforcement in the bay area is warning people to be on guard for package thefts as we move into the holiday season.( anny ) kron 4's gabe slate spoke to police and has some ideas on how to avoid having your gifts stolen. it's a not a violent crime. but it's one of the most annoying things that can happen to you you're package makes to your porch or to your apartment lobby but before you get to it it's snatched sound bites - it's a common crime here in the bay area and authorites are warning that there will likely be a spike around the holiday season these are crimes of opportunity and with all the gifts being ordered and delieverd over the next month there is more opportunity for the thieves nat sound livermore pd - the livermore police department is one of several in the bay area to launch a social media campaign warning people about the risk of package theft and giving tips on how to avoid.. nat sound livermore pd - another option you can always have ups or fed ex hold your package at one of their stores or distribution centers for pick up. but they don't have that many locations around the bay area. if you're ordering from amazon you can have them deliver to an amazon locker near you where you can pick up your package at your convienience. when you're checking out on amazon there is now an option to choose delivery to a locker near you. it does not cost any extra. when it arrives to the locker you are emailed or texted a number code that you type into the locker's touchscreen to retrieve your package. in san francisoco gabe slate kron 4 news.. ( anny ) still ahead on the kron 4 morning news... your jeep may not be safe. we will tell you why thousands are being recalled this morning. ( anny ) and next... keeping animals safe during the holiday. what you need to know before you share your thanksgiving meal with your pet. ( dave ) and i am tracking your bay area forecast. toasting dad: i'm not one for speeches. but here's to... to many more years of friendship. and feasts! crowd: [laughing, cheering] to presents! a mi familia que lo es todo. ♪ to being right here, right now, with you. sfx: dog bark. and you. toasting dad: i guess what i'm trying to say is, here's to family. we're proud to bring your family amazing value every day. t.j. maxx. marshalls. homegoods. family is the greatest gift. pain from a headache whcan make this...ld, ...feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol®. ( anny ) while we're filling our bellies with a holiday meal, many of us have pets looking up at us for a nibble.( will ) but many of the ingredients in our thanksgiving dinners can have negative side effects on our animals.( anny ) tyler young spoke with a veterinarian and found out what food scraps to look out for, when sharing from your holiday plate. ((pkg)) track: with the thanksgiving holiday right around the corner -- many in the grand valley are looking forward to a home-cooked meal shared with the familiy -- including our pets.track: but what many pet-owners may not know is that many of the ingredients in our thanksgiving meals can have harmful side-effects.sot1: "the best things to know this thanksgivingis the holiday is for us to eat lots of food, which is not for the pets. just keep whatever your pets normal diet is, that's the best thing you can do for them."track: pets like dogs and cats are routine oriented -- meaning they're comfortable and content when their lives have structure -- including their diets.sot2: "they just thrive more, they're happier, you'll have less cost if you stick with a routine rather than ending up here or in an emergency center over the weekend." track: knowing what foods to look out for can keep you and your pet from having to visit the veterinarian. stand up: "nuts, onions, garlic, and avocados; these are common household items that you may find in your thanksgiving meal that can be very detrimental and harfmul to your pets, just like this little guy right here. see what i mean?"sot3: "the main ones you want to stay away from is bones and fats. any of the fatty foods like chicken skin and turkey skin can reak havoc on a dog's gi system if they're not used to nutrient rich foods." track: and for those traveling with pets -- we've got you covered.sot4: "if you're traveling with a pet just try to keep their routine normal. if you go over the mountain pass you might want to give them a lighter meal in the morning." if you're looking to treat your pet -- veterinarians recommend you stick with a healthier alternative like apples or bananas. ( dave ) your bay area forecast is after the break. ( will )( anny ) checking bay area weather before you head out the door.. (dave)rain chances return to the north bay on thanksgiving, but the rest of the region is expected to remain dry with continued warmer than normal temperatures. dry weather is expected to return to all areas on friday. high pressure will move east during the weekend and rain chances will begin in the north by late saturday and spread across most of the rest of the region by sunday. no major hot spots. mass transit on modified schedules. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( will ) only on kron4... a desperate search for a missing service dog in san jose. and now the owner is worried about her dog's health problems." it's been five days since "king" went missing. and according to his owner she thinks he was taken right out of her backyard... kron4's ali reid has the story... he's kind of irreplaceable to medoctor rachel hamel is devastated after getting home on friday, only to find out her french bulldog "king" had gone missing.rachel hamel - i'm devastated honestly and i'm trying to focus as much as i can on finding him. he was like my childshe's been posting flyers all over the neighborhood hoping someone spotted her service dog. i went through some chronic health issues, lime disease and some other stuff and he was very supportive. he's very loyal. he's attached to my hip, so it's been really hard with him being gone and so i just hope he's okshe fears the gate to the house may have been left open, or someone went in the back yard and took him.he's really sweet, he's really friendly, so he'd probably go up to someone if they really wanted him. he's the best dog. he had the best personality and so it's been really hard. like i said he's not replaceable. i'm just really worried about him and hoping and praying he's ok rachel says as much as she needs king by her side, he needs her to care for him as well.he also has allergies and has medications so those are things that he needs. he can't be in extremely hot or cold weathernow the thought of spending the thanksgiving holiday without him is really difficult to handlehe's been through some really hard times with me and it would really mean the world to me if you saw him and could bring him backstanduprachel is offering a $500 reward for the safe return of her pooch. reporting in san jose ( anny ) detectives from the contra costa county sheriff's office seized 600 marijuana plants from a home in discovery bay. the sheriff's special investigation unit served a search warrant at the residence. detectives seized the plants worth an estimated 45-thousand dollars. no one was at the house during the search... this follows an investigation into a marijuana growing operation at the home which is on going. ( anny ) a warning for anyone who drives a jeep... the airbag can come loose on certain models in the front passenger seat. the company is recalling about eight-thousand 2018 compass s-u-v's. if the passenger airbag goes off in a crash, the fasteners of the airbag could shoot off. no injuries have been reported from the problem. dealers say they will replace the airbags when parts become available. ( will ) now to bay area bsaketball... the warriors taking on the thunder in oklahoma city. kevin durant gets booed during his introduction. in his three games against the thunder games against in his three games against the thunder he's averaged more than 30 points. russel westbrook was a nightmare for the warriors... throwing down dunk after dunk. he had 20 points at the half golden state trailed pretty much this entire game. the thunder destroy warriors by final 108 to 91. ( will ) coming up after the break... it could be disney's biggest animated film of the year. we will take an indepth look at "coco" ( will ) in entertainment news... the latest pixar movie is now in theaters with a message about memory and family.( anny ) david daniel has a preview of "coco." "i'm not supposed to love music.""no music! no music!" "but my great-grandma coco's father was the greatest musician of all time!""coco" pits a boy's dreams against his family's wishes on dia de los muertos -- mexico's day of the dead. those dreams send "miguel," voiced by anthony gonzalez, across the marigold bridge to the land of the dead... just as his ancestors are heading in the other direction."he has a passion for music and he doesn't let anyone stop him, he doesn't let anyone get in his way. and that's what i really look up to, and i think other kids might look up to as well: like, if they have a secret passion they have, to share it with the world just like miguel does."benjamin bratt voices "ernesto de la cruz," a legendary singer. one problem: "i've never sung in my life. you know, i'm the guy in the car on the radio where my kids say 'dad, please don't, don't, don't do that,' because it doesn't sound good."meanwhile, gael garcia bernal's "hector" can't cross over."when there's no one left in the living world who remembers you, you disappear from this world." "people that haven't lived the tradition of the day of the dead will connect with this movie, because death is universal, life is universal and what happens next, that question is very universal as well.""everyone comes from a family, we all come from somewhere. this film points out that you can pursue your dream, and take off on a singular journey, and you don't have to abandon where it is that you come from or who it is you belong to. that in fact if you keep those things close to you, it makes you a better person, a more complete person. and that's a lovely thought to have especially in this time and age.""never forget how much your family loves you."in hollywood, i'm david daniel. ( will ) coming up in the next hour of the kron 4 morning news... we continue to get you ready for thanksgiving. we have team coverage with everything you need to know before you sit down for dinner. the kron 4 morning news is back in just 2 minutes. who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. (anny) good morning and happy thanksgiving... i'm anny hong.(will) and i'm will tran. ( will ) happening today... the annual macy's thanksgiving day parade. giant balloons, marching bands, and a thousand! clowns are participating in this year's event.( anny ) and given recent events, the city of new york is on high alert with a massive security and police presence along the 2- point-5-mile parade route. karin kay-fah is in new york this morning with the latest. ( karin ) ( anny ) thanks karin. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( will ) happening today in the bay area... thousands of people will show up for thanksgiving dinner at glide memorial church.( anny ) it is an annual tradition that requires the help of dozens of volunteers. kron 4's lydia pantazes is live in san francisco this morning with the details. lydia. ( lydia ) thanks lydia. we will check back through out the morning. now let's get a check of the weather with dave spar. (dave)rain chances return to the north bay on thanksgiving, but the rest of the region is expected to remain dry with continued warmer than normal temperatures. dry weather is expected to return to all areas on friday. high pressure will move east during the weekend and rain chances will begin in the north by late saturday and spread across most of the rest of the region by sunday. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( anny ) with all the extra cars on the road this weekend: the c-h-p is out in force to make sure drivers are following the rules...( will ) this is a live look at the bay bridge. kron 4's terisa estacio rode along with the c-h-p ... for the start of the "maximum enforcement" period. ( anny )( anny ) make sure you have the kron-4 mobile for the holidays.. you can stay on top of the traffic and weather... right from the palm of your hand.. ( anny ) another big story we are tracking: deliberations will resume monday in the trial for the man accused of killing kate steinle on pier 14 in san francisco the jurors wrapped up a second day of deliberations yesterday afternoon. jose garcia zarate is charged for the murder. the jury has the option of first or second degree murder ... as well as involuntary manslaughter ... not guilty, or there could be a hung jury. the defense lawyer for garcia- zarate says his client should be found not guilty on all counts, since he argues the shooting was an accident. the prosecutor called the defense's theory fiction ... and argued that the shots were fired on purpose. ( will ) still ahead on the kron 4 morning news... if you don't want to cook thanksgiving dinner today... we have you covered. find out which bay area restaurants will open for dinner. ( will ) plus... the search resumes this morning for three american sailors after a plane crash near japan. we have the latest on the search efforts. (will)and after the break... how to avoid food borne- illnesses with your thanksgiving leftovers. really? really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. (darya)(james)( robin ) welcome back. lets get a check of weather and traffic this morning. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101.. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 (dave)rain chances return to the north bay on thanksgiving, but the rest of the region is expected to remain dry with continued warmer than normal temperatures. dry weather is expected to return to all areas on friday. high pressure will move east during the weekend and rain chances will begin in the north by late saturday and spread across most of the rest of the region by sunday. (anny) the holidays are supposed to be happy times for family and friends. but getting sick is one way to turn your thanksgiving weekend sour. that's why you want to make sure you're being safe with all of the different foods you'll be eating this week. kelli volk has advice on how to keep your thanksgiving leftovers safe to eat. the big meal is tomorrow and there will be a lot of food to go around, perhaps for days. standup: turkey is, of course, a fan favorite at the thanksgiving dinner table, but if you do have leftovers you'll want to be sure you're not leaving them in the fridge for too long."a lot of us take home a lot of thanksgiving leftovers. if you are taking any of them home you want to make sure you're eating them within 3-4 days and you want to make sure you put them in the refrigerator right when you get home," dietitian anna heronimus said. hyvee dietitian anna heronimus says that includes the main entree, mashed potatoes, corn, cranberries, and the rest of the fixings on your table. when you do put away the remainder of your thanksgiving ( will ) and a warning about deep frying turkeys this thanksgiving... if you do not do it properly ... you can start a big fire. ( will ) if you're cooking the thanksgiving turkey this year butterball is offering 24-seven support via text message for the second year running. you can text a staff of turkey experts with questions about how to thaw the turkey and more. butterball's famous "turkey talk-line" will also be in effect, if you prefer to talk with a real person. ( anny ) if you're not looking to cook tonight... no problem... we have you covered. here are some local favorites that will be open on thanksgiving.... in napa... acacia house will be open until 10 serving breakfast, lunch and dinner... bluestem brasserie in san francisco will be serving food until 10 p-m... in oakland the terrace room restaurant & bar will be open from noon until 5pm... and l-b steak in a san jose and menlo park will be open during thanksgiving.... for a complete list of all restaurants that will be open log into kron4 dot com... ( will ) law enforcement in the bay area is warning people to be on guard for package thefts as we move into the holiday season. kron 4's gabe slate spoke to police and has some spoke to police gabe slate kron 4's gabe slate spoke to police and has some ideas on how to avoid having your gifts stolen. it's a not a violent crime. but it's one of the most annoying things that can happen to you you're package makes to your porch or to your apartment lobby but before you get to it it's snatched sound bites - it's a common crime here in the bay area and authorites are warning that there will likely be a spike around the holiday season these are crimes of opportunity and with all the gifts being ordered and delieverd over the next month there is more opportunity for the thieves nat sound livermore pd - the livermore police department is one of several in the bay area to launch a social media campaign warning people about the risk of package theft and giving tips on how to avoid.. nat sound livermore pd - another option you can always have ups or fed ex hold your package at one of their stores or distribution centers for pick up. but they don't have that many locations around the bay area. if you're ordering from amazon you can have them deliver to an amazon locker near you where you can pick up your package at your convienience. when you're checking out on amazon there is now an option to choose delivery to a locker near you. it does not cost any extra. when it arrives to the locker you are emailed or texted a number code that you type into the locker's touchscreen to retrieve your package. in san francisoco gabe slate kron 4 news.. (anny) still ahead on the kron4 morning news... do you know the most common cause of injury around the holidays?how to stay safe this thanksgiving. coming up (anny) and here's a live look at the macy's thanksgiving day parade. ( anny ) and the holiday season brings an increased number of people to local hospitals. ( will ) so... to prevent you from taking a trip in an ambulance... nohely mendoza has what you need to know to navigate around holiday dangers. "monday after thanksgiving is probably historically the busiest day in every emergency department across the country." with thanksgiving and other holidays approaching... your risk of injury -- on the road... in the yard... or the kitchen -- goes up."people can choke, it's a good time to look at your internet and find out about the heimlich maneuver.""in the kitchen obviously, there's opportunity to get burned and so what we like to tell people is if you do get burned, don't put any butter on it. we see that a lot, it's sort of an old wive's tale."doctors say over the counter burn creams are a safe bet."the other things with foods is improperly storing it because they have all this food that they try to save it longer and then they try to eat it later and people can get sick from that as well."other things to keep in mind are cooking your food thoroughly, preventing stove fires, and grease fires.there are other concerns outside."i call them weekend warriors, people who might not do something physical on a regular basis, so obviously just be really careful, a man has got to know his limitations.""they want to put up lights, christmas lights, house lights, using ladders, maybe over reaching, using chairs to put up decorations, standing on items they shouldn't."not only can you injure yourself by straining your muscles... but when putting up those christmas lights you're dealing with electricity."it's a time of year when we also have some moisture, so you can get electrecution cords with water and environments that aren't safe."common visits to the e-r... are from injuries on the "don't text, that's actually been shown to be as dangerous as drinking and driving.""if you're going to drink at all probably a better idea to give somebody your keys before you even take the first drink. that'll then you don't have to end up that drive the cars."that if you do end up at the might have to than usual."during the might be the only open."that's why it's be extra safe.hurt and it makes your life no fun, things you'd like to do." coming uppeople they have no patience tell the americans to have patience what did you tell him i tike him that you have to f wait you have to f wait laughter shopping for that perfect meal, you just have to find the perfect parking space first.. i'll explain in the next edition of people behaving badly ( anny ) and next... keeping animals safe during the holiday. what you need to know before you share your thanksgiving meal with your pet. ( will )( anny ) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... (dave)rain chances return to the north bay on thanksgiving, but the rest of the region is expected to remain dry with continued warmer than normal temperatures. dry weather is expected to return to all areas on friday. high pressure will move east during the weekend and rain chances will begin in the north by late saturday and spread across most of the rest of the region by sunday. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. . richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101min from the toll to 101 ( anny ) while we're filling our bellies with a holiday meal, many of us have pets looking up at us for a nibble.( will ) but many of the ingredients in our thanksgiving dinners can have negative side effects on our animals.( anny ) tyler young spoke with a veterinarian and found out veterinarian spoke with a tyler young ( anny ) tyler young spoke with a veterinarian and found out what food scraps to look out for, when sharing from your holiday plate. ((pkg)) track: with the thanksgiving holiday right around the corner -- many in the grand valley are looking forward to a home-cooked meal shared with the familiy -- including our pets.track: but what many pet-owners may not know is that many of the ingredients in our thanksgiving meals can have harmful side-effects.sot1: "the best things to know this thanksgivingis the holiday is for us to eat lots of food, which is not for the pets. just keep whatever your pets normal diet is, that's the best thing you can do for them."track: pets like dogs and cats are routine oriented -- meaning they're comfortable and content when their lives have structure -- including their diets.sot2: "they just thrive more, they're happier, you'll have less cost if you stick with a routine rather than ending up here or in an emergency center over the weekend." track: knowing what foods to look out for can keep you and your pet from having to visit the veterinarian. stand up: "nuts, onions, garlic, and avocados; these are common household items that you may find in your thanksgiving meal that can be very detrimental and harfmul to your pets, just like this little guy right here. see what i mean?"sot3: "the main ones you want to stay away from is bones and fats. any of the fatty foods like chicken skin can reak havoc on a dog's they're not used foods." track: and for those traveling with pets -- we've (anny) shopping should be a stress free expirence. but for some, it's far from it. stanely roberts shows us on this edition of people behaving badly. when shopping for the perfect meal there are somethings you should never forget first that it's not a good idea to shove six passengers in a car that only holds 5 nats ambiance i'm outside the berekely bowl marketplace watching as some of the shanaigans unfold right before my eyes the only thing that's missing is some random person walking up to the camera to tell me they don't want to be on tv why would you walk in front of the camera to tell me you don't want to be on tv because you were filming us in the car ask and you shall receive also make sure you give another driver enough space to get into their car are you going to try to climb over i'm gonna do that yuppack your patience .and try not to get into a shouting match.. don't wave your arms in frustation and try not to blow your hornnats ambiance (horn blowing)stay in your car and try not to be too confrontation al i don't know what is being said here.. but i'm nosey so let's find out people they have no patience tell the americans to have patience what did you tell him i tike him that you have to f wait you have to f wait laughter yup he packed his patience we were waiting over here before you got there and remember to play fair with parking spaces so what just happened (laughter) i was waiting to get to get into the parking space the guy was blocking iyt as he was waiting for another parking space so a lady came behind him and thought that she was waiting long than i was she didn't see me waiting on the opposite side so we gave it up especially knowing you're on the scene remember to follow all the traffic signsnats ambiance and you cannot make a u-turn when there is traffic approacing within 200 feet .. i said with in 200 feet if a car is approaching. oh never mind .but the most important part . never forget my name greg i don't know the last name i forgot/ i can give you a hint my mame aint greg oh what's your name stanley sss yes are you sure it's stanley or am i just messing with you, you messing with me in berkeley greg oh i mean stanley roberts kron 4 news (will) the longest serving congressman from texas is apologizing after nude image of him surfaced online.. republican representative joe barton apologized for letting his constituents down and not using "better judgment." the photo was posted anonymously on twitter. in a public statement-- barton indicated the image stemmed from an extramarital affair before his divorce. ( anny ) coming up after the break... we have a preview of what you can expect if you are hitting the malls on black friday. ( anny ) the day after thanksgiving usually comes with frenzied shoppers stampeding into stores frantically searching for deals and doorbusters.( will ) but black friday is no longer the busiest shopping day of the year. mary moloney explains. this year -- shopping may be a bit more friday is no longer the busiest shopping day of the year.especially since the national retail federation says 56 percent of people already started buying gifts.sara skirboll/retail-me- not: "black friday is certainly not dead, it is definitely changing."the change may benefit shoppers instead of one day of doorbusters and deals -- expect deep discounts in store and online throughout the weekend.sara skirboll/retail-me-not: "you'll see different stores offering different promotions in store than they are online" shoppers plan to shell out some cash.according to a retail-me-not survey -- people will spend an average of about 750 increase of more than 200 dollars over the same time period last year. sara skirboll/retail-me-not: "people are spending more, but they are getting much savvier. they are getting more for their money. they are using deals and coupons, they are taking advantage of cash-back offers."at some point between thanksgiving and cyber monday -- the national retails federation says 69 percent of americans will whether you go to a store -- or surf online -- be prepared.sara skirboll/retail-me-not: "it only takes a couple of minutes to look around the internet, see exactly what you need, make sure you know who you are shopping for, and set a budget. make sure you know what you are planning to spend on each individual on your list."for consumer watch -- i'm mary moloney (will)a bay area family is missing a very important member this thanksgiving... it's a story you'll see only here on kron4...and it's coming up just after the break. ( dave ) and i'm tracking your morning forecast. what to expect as you head out the door right after the break. (anny)(will) welcome back. lets get a check of weather with dave spar... (dave)rain chances return to the north bay on thanksgiving, but the rest of the region is expected to remain dry with continued warmer than normal temperatures. dry weather is expected to return to all areas on friday. high pressure will move east during the weekend and rain chances will begin in the north by late saturday and spread across most of the rest of the region by sunday. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. ( will )( will ) ( will ) only on kron4... a desperate search for a missing service dog in san jose. and now the owner is worried about her dog's health problems." it's been five days since "king" went missing. and according to his owner she thinks he was taken right out of her backyard... kron4's ali reid has the story... he's kind of irreplaceable to medoctor rachel hamel is devastated after getting home on friday, only to find out her french bulldog "king" had gone missing.rachel hamel - i'm devastated honestly and i'm trying to focus as much as i can on finding him. he was like my childshe's been posting flyers all over the neighborhood hoping someone spotted her service dog. i went through some chronic health issues, lime disease and some other stuff and he was very supportive. he's very loyal. he's attached to my hip, so it's been really hard with him being gone and so i just hope he's okshe fears the gate to the house may have been left open, or someone went in the back yard and took him.he's really sweet, he's really friendly, so he'd probably go up to someone if they really wanted him. he's the best dog. he had the best personality and so it's been really hard. like i said he's not replaceable. i'm just really worried about him and hoping and praying he's ok rachel says as much as she needs king by her side, he needs her to care for him as well.he also has allergies and has medications so those are things that he needs. he can't be in extremely hot or cold weathernow the thought of spending the thanksgiving holiday without him is really difficult to handlehe's been through some really hard times with me and it would really mean the world to me if you saw him and could bring him backstanduprachel is offering a $500 reward for the safe return of her pooch. reporting in san jose ( anny ) in the east bay.... detectives from the contra costa county sheriff's office seized 600 marijuana plants from a home in discovery bay. the sheriff's special investigation unit served a search warrant at the residence. detectives seized the plants worth an estimated 45-thousand dollars. no one was at the house during the search... this follows an investigation into a marijuana growing operation at the home which is on going. ( anny ) a warning for anyone who drives a jeep... the airbag can come loose on certain models in the front passenger seat. the company is recalling about eight-thousand 2018 compass s-u-v's. if the passenger airbag goes off in a crash, the fasteners of the airbag could shoot off. no injuries have been reported from the problem. dealers say they will replace the airbags when parts become available. ( will ) now to bay area bsaketball... the warriors taking on the thunder in oklahoma city. kevin durant gets booed during his introduction. in his three games against the thunder he's averaged more than 30 points. russel westbrook was a nightmare for the warriors... throwing down dunk after dunk. he had 20 points at the half golden state trailed pretty much this entire game. the thunder destroy warriors by final 108 to 91. (will)analysts are predicting the new star wars movie could break records when it comes out in just a few weeks -- that and more in the hollywood minute, after the break. we'll be back as the kron 4 morning news continues... and here's a live look outside... embarcadero. ♪ what if home security was different? what if it looked different? what if the measure of working, was that you never had to think about it. ♪ what if it was so easy to use, you actually used it. [alarm] you have 3 minutes to exit. what if it gave you time, and what you really need from home security. a sense of security. ♪ ( ♪ ) more people shop online for the holidays than ever before. (clapping) and the united states postal service delivers more of those purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. ( ♪ ) because we know, even the smallest things are sometimes the biggest. even the smallest things our bodies grow babies... ...we run marathons... ...companies... ...solve problems. how? we eat. we eat almonds... ...strawberries... ...quinoa. and yeah...we eat chocolate. ♪ we eat in sweatpants... skirts. we eat alone... ...and together. women are strong. we eat, and we own it. special k. (anny)"star wars: the last jedi" is still several weeks away from hitting movie screens, but it is already predicted to bring in big numbers at the box office. rick damigella tells us how much it could make in the hollywood minute. (nat lightsaber to music sting) this is no jedi mind trick. the hollywood reporter says industry analysts are predicting "star wars: the last jedi" could have an opening weekend of more than 200-million dollars. only three other movies have achieved that level of opening weekend success: "jurassic world," the original "avengers" movie and "star wars: the force awakens." "the last jedi" lands in theaters december 15th.(nat)hollywood gives back. emmy rossum, melissa rivers and camryn manheim were among a group of celebrities taking part in the los angeles mission's thanksgiving for the homeless. other celebs dishing out meals included minnie driver and garcelle beauvais (boo-vay). the event also provided new socks, hygiene kits and blankets to men, women and children in need."hold on. our boys are going to ride into battle on horseback?""chances are we are not going to make it out of this one."here's a sneak peek at "12 strong." the war drama based on the non-fiction book "horse soldiers," stars chris hemsworth and michael peqa as part of a group special forces soliders who launch an attack against the taliban in the days following the september 11th terrorist attacks. "12 strong" rides into theaters january 19th. in hollywood, i'm rick damigella. (will) have you ever wondered what happens to those thanksgiving turkeys that the president pardons every year? this year's officially pardoned turkeys -- drumstick and wishbone -- didn't even get to enjoy an hour at their posh washington hotel after the ceremony with president trump. a graduate student from virginia tech arrived promptly to load them into her car and whisk them away to their new home. it's a place called gobbler's rest on the university's campus. the turkeys enjoy round the clock care from the school's agricultural program...and all the food they can eat. ( will ) coming up in the next hour of the kron 4 morning news... we continue to get you ready for thanksgiving. we have team coverage with everything you need to know before you sit down for dinner. the kron 4 morning news is back in just over a minute. (anny) good morning and happy thanksgiving... i'm anny hong.(will) and i'm will tran. ( will ) happening today... the annual macy's thanksgiving day parade. giant balloons, marching bands, and a thousand! clowns are participating in this year's event.( anny ) and given recent events, the city of new york is on high alert with a massive security and police presence along the 2- point-5-mile parade route. karin kay-fah is in new york this morning with the latest. ( karin )

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