Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20160628 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20160628

. >>reporter: concord 6566 to livermore 62 to send rosin for the game tonight actually attach warmer but they will still be a chilly breeze to work southwestern about 50 to 25 breakdown of 70 or so much of the clock pedometer 73 that's what sticky. >>reporter: trying to go to 100 for altman hi as we're looking for lower 60s along the coast. >>robin winston: at the toll plaza if you need to get and is looking good no problem, none of the okoume is clear all the way across the upper deck into the sky where. >>will tran: we're following legendary women's college basketball coach has died and she was the winning coach in division 1 college basketball coach for men or women she had been diagnosed with early onset alzheimer's shield almost 1100 victories and eight masters championships with the university of tennessee as a coach. >>will tran: police a session for the shooting of a killed man in san jose and on the 1700 block at around 920 last night the victim died at the same they do not know modal behind the shooting. >>will tran: shield force from los gatos as they began to take control of the fire. >>reporter: that are still concerned by the danger of falling trees the smoke from the storm have a grass fire in the nearby homes and the santa cruz losel was griffey back to where it is but no one was hurt and no structures burned in the fire. >>reporter: it started about 3:00 monday afternoon the chevrolet monte carlo had a mechanical failure and caught fire on the highway running the to the side of the mountain where there is no shoulder is spreading through the steep terrain torching are deprived trees and charles in the to when the firefighters responded and there were high degree heat. >>reporter: minute wait patiently in their cars hist. >>reporter: he was trying to get to his hall of summit road and the mountains. >>will tran: one of those a complete loss two days after a fire alarm fire neighbor dan spotter a flare-up was call buckets of water and out of it it was also quite scary on saturday. >>reporter: sphere they have limited resources to work with beating this fire one of which is a complete loss that family is not left to start from scratch. >>will tran: a wide 5 that killed two people is 45 percent contained as a guard in steep terrain south of lake isabella it could be vulnerable if they blow the fire back toward some of the communities. >>will tran: it happened saturday afternoon that had been watching the attackers and were able to catch and release them. >>j.r. stone: 48 hours after police say least three man robbed the three women visiting from argentina and walking the city's famed lombard street we broke news of the raw brick towers from out-of-town this the area where the attack happened one day it because our camera is with the drawbridge is just the latest in a series of crimes led the crowd section of lombard street since the start of the years been more than 21 the car burglaries within two blocks of the area pull loaded gun on victims of this to say the downturn of stolen from out of state not installer shock to those visiting the from overseas >>will tran: look of her possible running mate and what the senator had to say about donald trump. (sounds of birds whistling) ♪ music ♪ introducing new k-y touch gel crème. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. k-y touch. >>will tran: we report on how people can stay safe in the heat. >>reporter: temperatures in the bay area give way for fun and the sun some of you enjoy the great outdoors or, more relaxed approach to beat the heat. >>reporter: they wore alcohol could be dangerous if you have too much in the extreme heat senior small children and pets respect to susceptible to heat related illness to stay indoors university report the average about and sighed and quickly climbed to 40 degrees are what the report this year alone 60 children across the nation have died because they were drafted cars. >>reporter: equally remembered our loved ones whose calls to be sensitive to hot pavement. >>reporter: notice to flow pattern of is bubbling up showers will have a bit of the monsoon in the southwest that is not necessarily agree to the problem is that it generates more lightning that i sure bring court can. >>reporter: it is going to remain warmer some of those inland spocks by tomorrow morning richmond about 73 concord and 98 we should see 96 to san ramon and presence and at 96. >>reporter:. >>robin winston: is a nice ride all the way across heading into connecting with highway 101 over 21010 crossed the golden gate into a lot of san francisco from the quiet that is a good time to come you before picks up with and telling about the fire from yesterday's checking and also more drive times starting off of highway 413 minutes from antioch and to counter. >>will tran: he continues to face a backlash has been widely criticized for his sentence after the swimmer was convicted of sexually assaulting and unconscious woman this says is the perfect example of why he needs to be recalled. >>will tran: the sentence is six times longer than his and he likely would not spend all of the six months in prison he should be out a couple of months index like it will be another unsettling they for financial markets the british pound set a 31 year low it closed monday nearly 900. lower than it was before the u.k. voted to leave the union. >>reporter: of this happening against the backdrop of market volatility this century is of dollars and welcome back off the books lead politicians did not have a plan the data expected victory even more people come to regret their vote. is timmy to go from the east bay into san francisco the bay bridge toll plaza >>reporter: they were held a lost angeles and the story is jesse williams inspiring speech as he accepted the bt humanitarian award and a be spoken out against racism. >>reporter: you can catch hollywood today live off law- and-order several scandal swirling around the oakland police apartment the commander talked only about how he is keeping his office was focused. p?p?o?gv i did everything i could to make her party perfect. almost everything. you know, 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. >>will tran: and is one firefighter is being treated for heat exhaustion and this is a try to find out if a person that cost the cigarette should be criminally charged for a fight in the damage for homes and antioch. >>will tran: they're watching the attackers and were able to catch them later it was recorded by a neighbor who heard the attack is just the latest in a series of crimes nether section of lombard street. >>reporter: in the slack over the next about seven that is not one to check the fog here was the more you can seen the coverage finally getting the hundred + in the ec a little bit of to the slot accounting month of where talking 89 the bay of around 70 and for the coast hardly changing. >>robin winston: a little bit of a backup at the bay bridge toll plaza is getting crowded here was one all across the golden gate bridge into san francisco the will part presidio will lead to trouble spots no problem for the macarthur or the next. >>will tran: the democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton the first joint campaign this to clear snow pile to learn of the people said to be on clinton's short list. >>will tran: he slammed elizabeth warren: her goofy and of this conduct of senators and the united states she lied about her heritage sister claim to be that of american. >>will tran: we're looking how the police department to the city safe that will allow for ride along and talk about. >>haaziq madyun: and 18 year veteran and zero pd he has 100 officers under his command that under investigation for alleged sexual misconduct of time example of need and to keep focused in addition to the command stabbing their talk to answer and questions counseling has also been made available to help in the opposite who may need it. >>will tran: this comes after a video showed the boy being slapped and rustic by teacher's aide that the concern and one of insulation to help him with the investigation introducing new k-y touch gel crème. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. >>reporter: the fire prevention have been for contra cost accounting in might seem like they're only associated with the fourth of july they're often given what fire related problem to weeks before and after the fourth they hope that the residents would take advantage of the public fireworks display on the fourth of july instead of trying to set off their all- time if. plus police is history officers come under fire for their slow response to the clashes during our rally outside the state capital the reason the group of white supremacy allowed to hold a rally on the capitol grounds. alright kiddos! everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman. i like to watch them clean, but they'll never get me on the mattress! finally there's a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. introducing new lysol max cover. its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray that kills 99.9% of bacteria. max cover is another great way to lysol that. you could spend or you can spend it on this. ♪ you could spend your buck on this. or you can spend it on this. ♪ this? or this. ♪ this? or any of these ten delicious items on taco bell's new $1 morning value menu. each for just a buck. the new $1 morning value menu at taco bell. it's not even fair. [sfx: bong] >>will tran: it killed an elderly couple and grown to more than 70 square miles in a similar case listed as an immigrant from a salvador to three years in jail if you lived inland there will not be much relief to much as expected to hit the '90s in walnut creek. . >>reporter: not much of the terms of coverage into also tomorrow before that into the northwest shut everything down tonight the osha cold air mass over the mountains some terrell about 76 in the fourth recall out so that it would milpitas and santa clara matching are nearing that as well we do resent talk about the change in the forecast. >>robin winston: connecting with 101280 if you need to get over all live look to 580 west is a ride into santa fell eight minutes the reasonable block into to talk this morning. >>robin winston: they're still on cinchonine of slow traffic only two lanes in the tech when one is tight squeeze is a counter commit direction and image problems and not to 372888101 the confirm again on the east bay drive times also nice and castro valley into oakland. >>will tran: office is used to draw to track down one of the people operating in the casino in addition to the casino forces believe the people in the home or seven jobs involved and other crimes. >>will tran:. >>pam moore: meaning in the second cards door with his or 10 cities and public land the biggest city has more than 4000 people for homeless about 400 for each 100,000 residents more than one-third have drugs i call problems and more the one-third has psychological promotional difficulties + dickerson have physical disabilities african- americans make up 36% of the total one of five times their share of the general population most common cause with a loss of job of divorce or drugs recall all of a 10 percent said they were evicted that as of 44 increase over four years. >>will tran:. we will be glad backed--right zack. >>will tran: his break with the consumer products in commission and how the recalls will how to do with the problem. >>will tran: it was a model) from the first game of the series that a is laurel the three run home run by market simeon in the second member aquino's of the sock and one person is dead at the shooting in san jose and will have a live report at the top of the our + road closures on highway 17 still affecting traffic. (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... change your thinking about buying your next one. for over 100 years like kraft has,natural cheese you learn a lot about how people cook. i wish i had like four different mexican cheeses but in one super melty cheese. it does exist! you still have two cheese wishes left. >>male announcer:this is the bay area news station,kron 4 morning news starts now . >>robin winston: south down between idlewild in redwood estates. >>robin winston: was a vehicle fired a starter brush fire just of the slowness and north down traffic looks good. >>mark: bracken bill clinton there was haulage basketball coach has dawned she was the women's clothes and the vision that basketball has to bring into called dimension been diagnosed with early onset alzheimer's to retire and to have nickel should almost 1100 victories and eight national championships for university had passed away at the age of 64. >>jackie sissel: so far they have not released any information about potential suspects in this case of the city will continue to look for those shoulders as far as the but of all the senate is an adult male will stay on the story until it gets more information. >>mark: they believe it started as a car fire and spread to nearby brush and trees to think the fire was caused by illegal fireworks and have not confirmed but there are cracking down on illegal fireworks just had before the july. >>darya: the crystalline and interim. >>mark: the synthesis of bicycle coalition does voice concern about the recent and the bicycle accidents. >>darya: that asking governor brown to free up counsel investigate them believe that the shootings are can lead the oakland city council votes unanimously to ban the shipment: any plans for the west on a project the city council for the contract with the copper investing corp. in 2012 to develop a terminal site at the former oakland army base. >>mark:. >>darya: more than a hundred also from the chp in the press department because they did anticipate there will be cautious but they were too slow to get involved. people love my portobello mushroom buttery jack, made with portobello mushrooms, grilled onions, and garlic herb butter. ever wonder how i came up with it? well... actually, i came up with it at the water cooler. but i thought you'd like this cowboy story better. the portobello mushroom buttery jack is back. part of the buttery jack family. taste it before it's gone. your heart loves omega-3s. but there's a difference between the omega-3s in fish oil and those in megared krill oil. unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body... ...which makes your heart, well, mega-happy. happier still, megared is proven to increase omega-3 levels in 30 days. megared. the difference is easy to absorb. ♪ ♪ the best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. ♪ ♪ >>reporter: is to them as a lead in scattered and produces more lightning back to the problematic in terms of starting more fires is reaching for this particular event capped off by a toss with into northwest. >>reporter: for the east spend easter shoreline oakland 7985 inward the denver 96 >>robin winston: the grit by hitting into san acosta voting date is talking all this document has wipers traffic and practice movements to problems and into a house and france of leaving the santa cruz mountains into lost battles the portion of the commitments tend no problem for 237 taxable bond a defiance list of some of them to 27 to 92. >>mark: 1 home was destroyed and three others were damaged in this fire to fire for its estimated cost on the $50,000 in damage one family has to start from scratch >>darya: the former stanford swimmer was sentenced to six months in jail cells often unconscious woman but now the judge to assume more criticism for her sentence that he gave another man involved in a similar case reports from abortuses an immigrant from el salvador can begin to sexual assault and to men remain as part of ricky bell and he sentenced him to three years in prison. >>mark: this is a 25 year-old captain since he was this a post as a teenager on facebook. >>mark: and another unsettling they for the this shows how leaders of both the u in the u.k. are trying to figure out what to do next he believes even more people come to regret their vote. >>reporter: here is a look at the numbers on wall street and up to of the of losses in the travers to on the 60. down 17 crowns and 140 after falling over six and appliance that as of the 500 to about the mark as a critical level (vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free ownership. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. >>reporter: keep an eye on the dogs and if they start panting to take a break. >>darya: it that caused him to the system as your hands and feet be mindful of how hot the ground as we were walking your dog the inside of the car it extremely hard extremely quickly it can be up to 40 degrees hotter in the card is out signed 16 children across and is to have died from the left and high cars and also. >>mark: we ride along with oakland police officers that time to focus on men talking crime. i pinky promised my little girl a fabulous garden party for her birthday. so i mowed the lawn, put up all the decorations. i thought i got everything. almost everything! you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to $13,000. but for only $7 a month, rid-x is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. rid-x. the #1 brand used by septic professionals in their own tanks. it's tfrom the old way off buying and selling cars. introducing beepi, the radical new way to buy & sell cars, all online. carefully inspected, guaranteed and delivered right to you. if you never have to step foot on a dealership lot again, neither should they. zero to happy. >>darya: we wanted to set on weather and traffic. >>reporter: looking good definite power over at the bay bridge toll plaza is of critical ride across the upper deck to downtown san francisco south since and in the script and a build and to small room for more the problem from the inside of hayward and union city and baltimore looks good and five in the west of the more and to dublin on out to cost about. >>haaziq madyun: he is 100 officers under his command the command and to get an idea of what it is like to be an opiate officer in the midst of it may just a scandal rocking the department seven please so this is under investigation for alleged sexual misconduct with an underage girl who was now 18 years old a prime example of need and to keep focus on the job of being in place of this occurred earlier this month was 16 year-old rigid a jefferies a shot to death on attending memorial downtown in addition to the command staff in that answer and questions that have about the sex scandal counseling has also been made available to help in the officers who may need. >>darya: shoe the first to bring you the new law will was happening at the october world on the department of justice lost the investigation and as non public-school related to the treatment of students with disabilities can accept the worst of security situation of libya and an adequate resources and the month to the letter to the attack. >>darya: that helped forge a joint and and and and ohio one of the people said to be on clinton's short list of the to treatment and is the fighter who would never back down she also slammed republicans attended down a trunk that john and forces to shine a spotlight on the homeless problem we talked a homeless advocates to see was san francisco is doing to find a solution. . . the radical new way to buy & sell cars, all online. carefully inspected, guaranteed and delivered right to you. if you never have to step foot on a dealership lot again, neither should they. zero to happy. (voand exceptional customerity pre-ownservice,les... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... flip your thinking about buying your next one. i get out of work and i go to the store, and somebody's, smellin' around, "mmm! i smell cookies." i say, "oh no, you just smell me. i just got out of work. that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." and now in delicious chocolate. >>mark: 60 this and fireworks find a way into the county and the often create problems firefighters the cactuses even though we're still six days away from the fourth as long given fire what little problems. >>darya: who live along san francisco's downtown san in pleasanton and at the marin county fair income to talk to show strong the nation. mr. brady, we've been expecting you. will you be needing anything else? no. not a thing. beautyrest black. get your beautyrest. beautyrest black. ♪ ♪ the best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. ♪ ♪ 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migraine lying down. stand up. prevent headaches and migraines. talk to a headache specialist today. >>mark: she is the winningest coach in division 1 college basketball they announce a tendency been diagnosed with early onset alzheimer's to castanet is a 64. >>robin winston: overall the commune was to commence given over to the skyline ally of the combined to this the right here, probably to handle a little sluggish but this talk of denied to split the amendment small concordant south of mind to this a little sluggish >>reporter: 57 local and 59 hey what we have six to two for san jose and mountain view and 61 we have sworn court air king of the hill. >>reporter: from the east along the east of the shaman 7 story son and nine from oakland and hayward will no one from managua hundred + that--day. >>mark: where tickets are an unprecedented media event 71 me how this all join forces to shine a light on homes,. >>reporter: the most recent survey in 2015 found about 35 of the people living on the street in a given night that is down about a thousand from 2000 to choose the coalition on homelessness says are the problem has been a budget cuts and the state and federal level >>reporter: she does know this a sea change and added to this to help tackle the problem at hand. >>mark: that approved the $2 billion bond for palm and housing for mentally ill homeless >>darya: the to capt. slot machines away from the home from abroad this in the people live there were also some drugs and of off of the crime to use the drone to monitor the scene as a blunt end to bust them 14 people arborescent cacophonous work for custom products safety commission. >>mark: the total cost as -$15 billion this is sad to been to repair or buy back 475,000 blue volkswagen vehicles. >>darya: presence of canada and mike hooker been. it's a taste so bold, yet so smooth, it could only be called, black silk, from folgers. a taste you could enjoy, fresh brewed, or one cup at a time. black silk, from folgers. >>male announcer:this is the bay area news station,kron 4 morning news starts now >>gabe slate: >>reporter: this is our attempt to bar in the upper 50s haywood 59 oakland 57 percent was a 61 concern san francisco 52 for the giants and forced the a's 715 2:00 the spouse always mid-90s some places already racing to see no >>robin winston: >>: about a passport to the point not bad is 80 minutes from hillcrest and to act out to for the two in concord. >>jackie sissel: according to police this began around 930 last night they said they received for all of a shooting that took place for several hours to court were shut down as investigators and inspectors from some of the police department conducted the investigation fifth. >>jackie sissel: by civil the continue to reach out to the san jose police department to get any information on this case as it can >>mark: back in 2011 did not to ship and diagnosed with early onset alzheimer's issue tied to the office of ship almost 1100 victories and eight national championships with university tennessee >>mark: people live and the area said the fire was called the legal fireworks the have not confirm but there are cracking down on illegal fireworks this week they announced the new get- tough approach this calls for a minimum fine of $500 for the first since/ >>mark: to develop the terminal site at the former oakland army base the tunnel under the hood that is among the poorest month tumbled and the region the project argue that it was considered in the indictment review of the project it will be a public health and safety hazard it would provide the jobs. >>mark: minute people are wondering why this chp even permitted in a van that was organized by " the message that many find cancer if. >>darya: the south which accused of the sec's them how pleased to hear your teenagers and the senate can't express appalls going to the doctors want it more expensive how much more americans are paying in the time to go to the hospital. >>robin winston: if you don't have the were brought in a magic place right now we're talking capra quarter gunman, was at that is because of equipment problems the right and is blocked and they have that pick up but no delays and dog didn't care checked in the drive time the image problem for 880 and the third minutes from santa to milpitas 11 san jose from 85 to 237 in sunnyvale. >>reporter: soon is happening in the east bay shoreline a lot of tear north in relief and nine would talk about-ever seems like as riposted image and red and this week will have an heat wave all of the southwest. >>reporter: 96 will decree look 97 and the 74 cast as a back to double-digit territory. >>mark: this is in a backlash is one half to information about some of the past cases he was widely criticized linnaean sentence in the stanford rick tenths the three-year sentence in that case is six times longer and guitar but he was counted on the attack with the law treats is a more serious offense the victim was on contretemps the attack he likely will spend all of the six month sentence and jim. >>darya: he was the rain and santa clara county coroner this a post as a teenager on facebook toward teenagers into senate and 66 percent photographs several victims filed lawsuits against the school district. >>darya: the man accused of running of brothel in pleasant hill will be in court for preliminary hearing is to choose of running an illegal sex trafficking business in door and women to work through affect the modeling business that got a tip about prostitution happen at home from the home was being advertised as an upscale private club. >>mark: the market's lost the recon three trillion dollars since the vote and the prime minister david, and is meeting with officials and + + the parliament conference the president is holding a special session. >>darya: to the kentucky come to clear chris french insurer simpson to see play the eye of the tiger by survivor the campaign was sued for copyright infringement in the settlement was reached and now he has to pay $25,000. >>mark: the use of additional shot seven times and a party hosted by brown and none of the and is a life-threatening the parties have a history of violence breaking out and also claiming he has gained giants is despite the victory in the supreme court act of the sec it could take years to some of the 20 + client by the taxes to reopen texas had 41 abortion facilities. after breakfast and the scope of the crates of robot that can kill human emotions see how to work so. >>mark: the study shows the main reason for higher hospital bills and the amount applied to deductibles. >>darya: a camera and his face can identify who was playing with him the with the to provide application he remembered the person's identity. i just picked us up 2 breakfast croissants for $4, when this bear attacked. with one swipe, it devoured one of the croissants. then jack showed up, and took care of the beast, so i could escape. and that's what happened to your breakfast croissant. and yours? it survived. enjoy freshly cracked egg with ham and bacon. or sausage. two tasty croissants at an even tastier $4 price. it's a deal you'll devour. >>reporter: and a spot 94 already leased by 2:73 and for those coast locations. >>reporter: phoenix could mimic the problem or any talk to other that is the good news than bad news is you have to sit in the usual back and to san francisco. >>: will continue to till the end of this is not a reflection of who they armed he says counseling has been made available to help in the officer who minute and our coverage continues our web site we have every story we covered on the scandal and the racist exercising scandal. >>darya: the chill justices also asking people information to come forward with a one to come down anything like this happened in school. >>will tran: fortunately there were 30 homes ever threaten but they were able to stop the flames from spreading no homes no injuries but a cause for a long commute. >>mark: in the east of the undercover officer was busted in a legal casino operations in san leandro to the is the drone to track down one of the people operating that to construct machines. >>darya: he frequented the downtown area and central some no one has been arrested house republicans are planning to release all along with a report on the big got to tear attack that killed four americans watching sectarian state in the to the worst security situation in libya and then data resources and the month a letter to the attack. >>mark: henry clinton's campaigning alongside center and elizabeth warren that yesterday in a while one of the people said to be on the short list of potential running. >>darya: the dressers killed two children but the company decided to issue the four recall after a third try was recently killed by addressing--a dresser. p?p?o?gv >>mark: it to placed below track on this and he won to send a message to society. >>mark: we have new details released this morning on the investigation into a confusing gear shifter and certain chrysler jeep cars. after trying brookside crunchy clusters, @carlybeyar tweeted: at this point, i should just be a brookside chocolate ambassador. well, i am sorry, carly... it's something you earn. brookside. talk about delicious. >>darya: it happened a long long 20 last night the men were shot and killed a police to have any information on the suspect. >>reporter: the actual numbers this hour will '60s but it didn't quite get all those dollars of nine. >>reporter: a shrewd of the seven is to be found on a 79 which in 7485 he would 11 from of more 85 fremont. >>robin winston: that is considered a good drive time or ride come across the golden gate recanted the towers is moving some of the problems in the north bay and san francisco assistant with diminished 1137 to get over to san francisco's sign tracking closure in the santa cruz mountains in south 17. >>mark: tonight 7000 homeless people be looking for a place to sleep in san francisco and most of them will not find one indoors for the next of the motion stated track shelters and friends homes to the time she decided to pull suppled play the public library. >>:. >>darya: you've heard about a repeat offenders one woman takes that phrase to a new level of 26 your has the rest a staggering 41 times including nine times this year alone one of the reasons she can skidding least from shasta county jails because of legislation to reduce prison populations. >>darya: the police say most of the rest are for property crimes and narcotics. >>mark: the official said the fires and well-defined went to the council decreed the problems of firefighters the present practices even know we're still six days away from the holiday inn it already been fire related fire work led problems. >>mark: is sitting at 17,352 of the we closed on thursday before the results were announced and just over the 18 calls a market so as awful loss 750. on that before the announcement. ystal geyser alpine spring water from here to there ♪ to you crystal geyser. always bottled at the mountain source. ysl geyser alpine spring water from here to there ♪ to you crystal geyser. always bottled at the mountain source. >>mark: to confirm he did not have to pay a toll because he was not in the mortgage vehicle he was at 2:00 p.m. or for trespassing and for impeding traffic.

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