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Backing off on the rain fall compared to yesterday we were the to men and venture in this is a widespread rain and will be spotty showers along the and the Golden Gate Bridge we think the showers of going to be really like in nature but you can see right now we have some rain falling far north toward hills board over dell of to your client and some of the start to make this way little farther south to santa rosa parliament in the north bank but again it will lessee widespread rain here was why it is kind of falling apart a lot of moisture with it as well parlay a chance was in showers throughout the morning here is a look at the feature cast for you concede cloud skies at 4 00 this morning. Anny hong today stay spotty and nature by 11 00 to some areas of showers may be out for the coast made in the peninsula Livermore Valley fairfield out for the delta of by 2 00 by the afternoon lingering showers and is a fairly fastmoving system will be left without a conditions include a air by 5 00 for tonight to drive home were looking a partly cloudy skies and dry conditions to the most part and then were setting up for really beautiful afternoon tomorrow. Anny hong 63 in livermore 63 also for oakland mid50s in santa rosa a little milder this morning due to the cloud cover highs for today looks like this still fairly mild for some spots including the more unpleasant and or summaries and staff included in that 67 in downtown San Francisco and los evidence and jose and 71 and ample the next three days looks like this for talking thursday a lot of sunshine on friday whether them out to warm conditions warm back up into the 80s. George the rain is not a factor for this portion of the commute for the south 680 ride sodas was bought high with 24 south of freeways will makes sense and some rain already still strong pretty well with 101 in another direction youre ride here for the maintenance of the odds between carlson and burlingame. James is lintel counterfeit drug circulating our San Francisco we brought you the story last week and we bring you the latest on the counterfeit zanucks. Jeff bush they look similar cut the San Francisco of the promise of the one on the right could be responsible for as many as four deaths in the sitting we told you about one of the cases of overdose last week now since there investigated three other deaths that might be connected to the fake pill that the promises the counterfeit ball on the streets of San Francisco and contained a powerful call signal rendering the patient unconscious and in the case of overdose the user will stop breathing it is always a bad idea to by joseph people off the street if you do not know because in this case you never know what youre going to bed. James Police Arrested a student travels to the 17th and to the hospital please let to identify the seven tenniel suspect in the rest and yes to them san ramon had with another swarm of small earthquakes were the two to five minor quakes hit the city is to allow it registered 3. 2 magnitude a stroke about 5 00 is to the evening have not been rocked of coastal fog of for heart and 50 times in the past two weeks they are aware that they if you were to print out entirely of 500 james theyre taking legal action against the school the 17 yearold was killed near campus back in may and now his parents are suing the School District the principal and others with negligent the lawsuit claimed the school and imported fell to protectant it did not warn them of our our our have occurred a campus to teenager or arrested and facing charges and the murder. James parents say the Vallejo School has long been troubled by violence this schoolyard brawl was recorded just a couple weeks after the murder at least 50 students were involved in that the teachers aide from hey what school was acquitted she was arrested in charge of the end of 2015 the stew was asked to leave the classroom she refused he is now suspended without pay was called in to help and that is when the situation escalated the cheryl says once they determine the investigation is completed will make a decision baekeland he used Excessive Force at the question them about a noise complaint about suit with the also the rule against james theyre looking for three man the man got into a fight with the suspect and were shot by one of them there to the to the hospital treated for lifethreatening injuries they believe the suspects are associated it has been warned of but guest today is the construction to problem with the really build the removal of the darling of the to replace it with a concrete barrier and some new financing as well. we have a very robust schedule robust reporter they did not find any safety issues on the 23rd street overpass neither did the inspection two years ago they broke free and crashed onto freeware below causing accidents and injuries and a fire that would not be replacing it because the entire bridge a said to be reconstructed and two years but today we spoke with the district director who says after the incident james entire bridge was replaced in 2017 will take a quick break coming up you see onlywar footage from 4 to stock of the devastated by fire will have that for you coming up are rare visit to washington d. C. What he plans to do this first visit to america since 2013 we can expect some rainfall was a topic with the bay area are preparing for what might be a wet winter ahead. James they were out ahead of this system for potential flooding and the will to continue to develop Charles Clifford to the afternoon shoppers and Hardware Store lyondell to grab a few last minute rain items theyre buying the plastic in the tarps and the rain boots and retinol that is about and trying to get ready for that the store manager says bed with the possible opening of winter on the way they stocked up on what were the essentials she can to pick of sandbaggers and plans to stick a flood waters are for the rosh she across marin county in their one resident of the storms to bring heavy rains and possible flooding every secondrate to clear debris for weeks san san bass about the republican everyone getting ready for winter anny hong it is falling far north of us out toward ukiah hills bird but were not releasing a major rainmaker in a slab will get a percent it what what rose early this morning but right now fairly quiet you can see out toward cordele ukiah and sings the rain falling a little bit closer to santa rosa by getting some line action this morning task not a whole lot of rain expected what has of and fall out toward stopped out toward san jose the last two to four hours in places like Napa Fairfield yesterday and for some drizzle and light rain saugh. Anny hong right now the low 60s cloudless skies and then by 4 00 p. M. Will hit a high of 70 this afternoon really mild for northwestern breeze on five a 10 m. P. H. Early this morning by a tenant occupancy its scattered in a chicken impact on San Francisco san mateo peninsula test onetenth for some location maybe even a measure about a hundred trouble caught by lunchtime scattered lingering shower here otherwise should be drawing down by 2 00 p. M. As the kids are nearing the end of the school day looking a drier conditions in this light will be a dry evening commute we might have to stretch out here and there but overall the could be drive anny hong low 60s and san jose 53 in livermore mid50s in santa rosa of bringing umbrella just in case this one will talk more about the forecast. George with the lessee in the complications because of the rand in terms a lot more accidents will part of an easy one of 15 minutes from hercules to berkeley no delays on a trip out for the Richmond Bridge on interstate 5 in the coming from the hoffmans play a spa youre ride through oakland shut the bridge is the good a quick snapshot of the san mateo bridge ride like traffic as we head toward for 20 with no problems at ease about the west, between san mateo said and hayward. James not to of the bill you see only on kron 4 images from about a fire as First Responders rushed in to save people in the fire raging each will have video fromcameras set the fires erupt to bring everything down around it was for a remarkable shift stock the valley fire has just parted and the lake county deputies have no idea that a disaster theyre entering shot fire begins to spread across the street that is relevant and cannot go forward quickly tried turnaround hist they sped away what members scribble them thecamera video it was stressed the urgency stuff as fire trucks whizzed by trees go on flames the smoke is so thick it is hard for them as the deputies rushed to check on people that try to get a family out safely since the death of his plow the controls dart and the burning trucks realizing how severe the fire inspectors. Anny hong theyre exhausted all combine the fire is burning right in front of them stinnes overwhelming this is just the beginning it cost more than 1. 5 billion in damage is considered the third most damaging fire in state history shift more this can video exclusives off is all web site if we have San Francisco last minute gun shop this comes after unanimous votes passes to the but of course bisons and requires video taping of odd bod and ammunition sales force massed incarceration not only affect those behind bars sh that amounts to one in every 14 children of spurring some live with the least one parent according to the report the should consult low selfesteem or mental and physical health cashed the study at the rate is higher and African Americans and the nba champion Golden State Warriors return to the arena and steph curry showed no signs of any of seasonal loves recap last nights game theres a lot of the outside the toll plaza carole a few very light scattered showers will retractable weather and the convict when we come back. Dayquil liquid gels and go. Hey buddy, lets get these but these liquid gels are new. Mucinex fast max. Its the same difference. These are multisymptom. Well so are these. This one is max strength and fights mucus. That one doesnt. Uh. Think fast you dropped something. Oh. Ill put it back on the shelf. New from mucinex fast max. The only cold and flu liquid gel thats maxstrength and fights mucus. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. Lets end this. nature sounds she can rage, and roar, and crack, and storm. But Mother Nature cant stop us. The new 2016 ford explorer. Be unstoppable. James where gannett in our sleep because of daylight savings this weekend that it has to make you feel jet lag will have tips on how to assure you feel fully rested couch a woman is using pumpkins as a canvas acidulous of chemistry since this operation will show you her amazing creatures as well as good news for Pitch Perfect fans a third installment of the series is in the works and from the official be directing the moving to find out who and when that to bay area sports the Golden State Warriors might be getting the title defense taking on enormous public as before the game there was time for the Championship Rings to shore shells that were a finalround 11 to 95 and the warriors the damage started the object of the raucous and houston took office at the six starting. James rose here is a way kansas city in the middle of the fourth inning of failure in both the primary and backup generators and a compound called the broadcast to the black the cause about seven and a delay sh the royals will come to tie the game and the night and went in the 14th inning by final of five to four gained 2 to 95 the canada is facing off the third debate tonight will take a look how it is different unlike the free use donald trump sitting in second place that is one difference the preview of tonights debate coming up stanley is making a great recover soon to a series of strokes of all this a was a dollar will fall for a second part in checking in with stanley. James People Living in iran, to spend the day tuesday and for not just this rain is coming with this storm system with an alpha the Public Interest will to stop all those as well given more than 450 year quick more than 25 struck yesterday along the largest was a 3. 2 and had about 5 00 in the evening the score more points could last for several weeks still sh flick xanax skills of an shulman of all over the city one person has died from an overdose and help the problem is investigating three more deaths. Anny hong here is a live look as a fall this morning were within the takagi skies and heres a look at the storm track you concede the immediate bay area still drive attracted some shower of to the north of of getting closer and closer alignment is 6 00 or so of the fact cash sum as the cause disguise staff by 6 00 there ride in forging the santa rosa and the showers are born to be scattered nature in the site by endicott this morning in a decision showers out to send fell out to mill valley and 2 00 limb also out to the peninsula as San Francisco the showers continue to push on through by lunchtime otherwise partly to mostly cloudy skies and then 5 00 this evening the ride home should be dry bulk partly cloudy conditions sh a 10 mi. Visibility pretty much everywhere temperatures are generally in the sixties and fifties the when cities are called out there for the most part and a quiet life here is look at the southbound ride for today low seventies in sunnyvale and san Jose Milpitas 71 sphere 69ยข sale 67 San Francisco and in san ramon. Anny hong 268 in richmond we come back with a look at the seven days from the bay forecast and let you know how the weekend is shaping up because Everyone Wants to know george the ride out of the optima past that is one of the first areas to get busy in the 4 00 hour shift that is what were seeing this warning of the drive turned out to 2 minutes south no delays into the dublin to change a little more southbound out of dublin for fremont is an easy trip to simmonds the zero delays down to the mission warrant offering no bacchanal the lead of the macarthur maze for five a westbound. James solid youve expressed concern about stanley will continue that he will be back on the job soon finding people behaving badly as is very good at doing he suffered a series of strokes in case you were not aware she Stanley Roberts it is really humbling than your work does not go unnoticed theres no one out there looking for indian idiots. Stanley roberts its not that ive covered under sharp james we want you back as soon as possible and allow is infectious july help live right along with some and lost entire interview with him and we have been there for your www. Kron4. Com james the united kingdoms will be spending time in washington d. C. Area of will join the first and second lady for sauce tests the last visit fifth women have more than a Million Dollars to california consumers fifth the lawsuit claimed it and come in legally increase annual deductibles and other outofpocket cost consumer demand to fall plan to seek reimbursement gabe slate how much do use a your home you may be charged based on usage Cable Companies are exploring Home Internet metred plans. James this may change the way we all councilman and pay and in net for the big Cable Companies the canal storm review such plans in a capitalist internet you can use each month gabe slate does your household use more intimate or more tv with the rise of social media, castles 48,000 cabletv customers and just for the Third Quarter while adding the three of the 40,000 internet customers most of them already using the telephone in an ad for social and work reasons it can also become the primary source of entertainment for internet listing eventually will have to give up the future might be me your plans for your charge by usage or plans would ban the caps were you given a certain model data you can use each month their test and what theyd cap plans and a small market on the east coast most also not getting near the 300 gigs month limit bottom line for long the war but did it happen or meter plans james the dinner have to post signs warning people halloween will to your way to keep the children safe from creditors on a trip treating as a quick look outside of back with more news in just a minute. Anny hong it is not a lot of rainwear talking about here is a live look and feel embarcadero camera were which left the crowded skies here can down Thompson Francisco also out in the east bank less still fairly quiet but again we are right now tracking some showers this up to the north of Santa Rosa Hills berkeley over there you concede this of the cell getting and closer to santa claus of of the debate also give it a little light rain and it is fair this matter in nature is back on to the widespread problem on our San Francisco good morning to you 61 degrees kron 4 high of 67 to that to the to score down and to lower 60s but in oclock tonight the winds and thickness post in the afternoon if it shows colors guys all across the bay area shower starting to move and an unflagging efforts by six and 7 00 this morning. Anny hong center field and some showers to concede not the most organized system will be scattered showers for the most part you like it a little heavier for napa indicated by the yellow you to see most of is when to be scattered throughout the bay area for the mainly Morning Hours and 3 11 00 and then allow the motion starts to move on out here by lunchtime hold on to cry size and the winds will tickle to the afternoon will have an isolated shower and chance for some showers and 5 00 for a much to suggest as a to cross a lot of them have for us to come back in making way for sunshine temperatures today low 60s and San Francisco and san jose 63 in the vermont before high of 71 anny hong the enough to raise 69 in san rafael and mid60s and in this city still is a quick check of the 7 day around the bay forecast testimony showers this for today and by the afternoon amid the isolated showers and thursday and friday will be breezing a womans back up and then on saturday in the trend test of the mild great for the activities george even the construction that is out on the road winds of 5 6 00 this morning is a voice to call for any problems if youre traveling in the current direction coif youre out early this morning in joining the 280 ride north about it will more than double as the commute letter of the slum right now just 14 minutes for your drive out of downtown out for cupertino here is the ride on 85 northbound through the west valley that is why i called the west about the free with 17 minutes out of the tenafly high web 114 they vs loss and still a very light and easy ride with no delays for the law carchemish james hot damn of troubles might consider the four or a National Poll puts them at Andrew Spencer his music used to be the best but not anymore ben carson is the champ leading him in the latest National Poll from national 26 percent of republicans prefer him for president while just 2 preferred our trump with and the call this a the first time in more than 100 days and someone else has been on top there will stand center stage during tonights debate flag . For real and just push the debate is being hosted by cnbc presently bring Economic Policy the forefront and possibly giving it into business veterans fear ran amid a very strong shawms and both of the previous debates she a struggle to turn that into strong poll numbers james wisconsin is expected to formally nominate for House Speaker pick a source close to the congressman trade says the he will nominate ryan and a favorite of house conservatives will deliver a speech in fact theyre urging members to vote for him to congresswoman of south dakota and congressman archer is give speeches as well the second to the nomination to bass fishing for the gop congressman in todays election and is expected to wind, for nomination is all but sure to be approved by the full house residence of french and is one of the john banham announces recognition as House Speaker and Congress Last month sex offenders on parole california did not have cosines warning to country to stay away on halloween if howe might drift twisted the arm of corrections and the group that challenged the requirement Vicki Liviakis is the Program Better for special halloween restrictions for parolees who are they go to sex offenders home to be sure there are no violations statistically 90 percent of sexual crimes against the child are committed by someone they know parents need to talk with their children and your still concerned about strangers she has made a boom in return back to the Music Industry will sell your should be performing come november that is in todays. James web of day on what theyre about to post the show of that in todays daily wrapped. she is saying hello to saturday night live once again the news focus on the from the 21st of the salt hosted by math him, and off since this version is released two albums earned 10 grammys and won an oscar theyre returning to host the golden glow just three years there santa the shuffle for time when his last posted a 2012 the colorful commentary also quite a few feathers the heck is a new era three years later. James the contents hollywood today live at 1 00 p. M. Right here in committed on the air here with more news will be showing the worst in their profits before losing to the senate are the bosses have been flooded some pictures of children in the cost and if you like to have a picture shared with us to air like weve have this fantastic this evil and the tools of breaking news www. Kron4. Com. James people are preparing for the effects of el nino will be live in santa cruz with what residents there are doing to get themselves ready for the rain or a place raddling san ramon will have an update on the a lot of quick steffan to city and how official their plan to prepare for the workers said franciscos many gunshot is closing down this week will be live with the reactions of their clothes and in the next hour. Heres a little healthy advice eat well, heres live well,ealthy advice and take of whyou. Akes you right down to your skin with aveenoยฎ aveenoยฎ daily and takmoisturizing lotion and 5 vital nutrients forf healthier looking skin in just one day. Healthy skin equals beautiful skin. And for shower softness, add the body wash, too aveenoยฎ naturally beautiful resultsยฎ healthy skin equals beautiful skin. Male announcer this is the bay area news station,kron 4 morning news starts now darya morning james we have coverage on the preparation were keeping an eye on where traffic might start to have problems anny hong this is shown the rain last couple of hours the moving briskly to the east german on this area of to the north bank approaching santa rosa 101 and was this one especially up and nothing that is pretty much it for now may be also some scattered showers come through to San Francisco attention of the performance live and let the clock is not a big rainmaker not widespread by any means by the afternoon lunch time at this is a chance from isolated showers otherwise of the most crowded skies and some partial clearing james for stronger l milhaud does not describe to him is always a long will tran the preparation should already sit places because weve been warned darkening of right and follow a course where you could tell the summit had been running overnight in fact we can feel a few drops coming down there is a lot of cloud cover we do expect the rain to come to this location to the south the starting at around 7 00 this morning 14 coverage speaking of 10 coverage we will to marin county yesterday that area of many parts of marin county from to flooding a lot of people could rust out to the Hardware Stores they bought park and they bought rain boots and the have not used in what i have the need to get new gear because the drive down a lot before getting shredded for the rain fall is not going to be a lot we know the plan follows going to continue again over the next week and so experts say you buy with the to the buying Flood Insurance they stuck a lot of areas to start flooding and it will not take a lot of water to do so high with 17 descent cruz mountain prone to flooding in previous years will allow the rainfall the soil and expand an immeasurable lot of soil will tran will not be allowed to reserve a lot of water and how relevant george so far this morning when theres the first ran afterhours to increase a spa economic access it is pretty busy so far conflict has not happened to the south back because that is what we have been watching, youre ride on the e sure freeway this morning interstate 80 in the west about the election looks pretty good the strap the drive times for your from hercules to berkeley and 15 minutes no delays religious people as a hint from the upper to allow east shore friend and for the right here on the nimitz freeway for oakland 880 know about still 14 metric time out of san leandro and the construction delays or problems for you drive so far into downtown oakland weather on the nimitz here the evil for westbound interstate 580 and tore the macarthur maze, of Castro Valley wide into the bay bridge a bit of a backup and the left and catchlines that likely will clear out before we see the meeting last activated in the next 30 minutes when the backup will begin an analyst. James police a fifth cousin makes the pills of the show looked brought the city and the pretty similar to the actual drug to concede the comparison the one on the left israel xanax one right is conference one person had died so far from over those theyre investigating team or death the ticket could be connected to the call for a drug that of san the powerful of your and it could call someone who takes the pill to lose consciousness exam was office is waiting for of toxicology report your america leaks recall to the high school last third and added another service to track and strange to allow the students were intoxicated from that of the next five of have objected to the hospital that defy the 17 grout suspect arrested in an incident darya 10 the look of this event is video from outside this happened last thursday along the grand park when their kid can spark the drive for the debtors will fight with the thieves and one of them shot to the home owner he was hospitalized with a spouse before recovering to affect the same man may be connected to several other burglaries in that area james as we reported there been more than 450 and quick to san ramon the swarm for a twist could last several weeks and that is necessarily an indication of their larger and with come we spoke with city leaders to visit our where the to have a lot of seismic activity and prepare theyve all been certified as a Disaster Service workers darya the 17 yearold was killed his digestive but the High School Campus mac main his parents are suing for negligence bass said the school failed to detect the haywood teachers aide accused of sexually abusing a male student have been acquitted of all charges the decide against event he was not guilty of 10 felony counts his ridiculous sex abuse and domestic and when he is obvious old 14 the time of unrest in 25 team that worked at all saints private Catholic School again she was found not guilty james the South Carolina School Resource officer the situation escalated the Sheriffs Office investigating this is another video shows the officer with her first but the investors are more concerned about how the officer responded the feels have been suspended without pay back in 2007 use accused of using such a force or responded to norris complaint whenever. Charged in the whenever darya theyre repairing an overpass and oakland were in from a is because of a car crash will tell you when the work should be done it in a close look at the chaos of mamas after about a fire first erupted in middletown. Why let someone else have all ththfun . The sosotimemehaphphard,d, never boring fun. The why cant it smell like this all the time fun. The learning the virtue of sharing this all fun. Time fun. Why let someone else have all the fun . Thats no fun. Unleash the power of dough. Give it a pop. [female announcer] dsave up to 400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. N, get interestfree financing until 2018 on tempurpedic. Plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. Dont miss mattress price wars at sleep train. Anny hong even in the north than ever predict a chance to sing some what road blaze in the next few hours to live look it is not the of the grand avenue for parts of the lot they was zone in to show you the market may you concede we have to my right kron 4 fills barnaul to santa rosa and most will be scattered in nature of the dancing a little bit out to the Santa Clara County area and san jose the last 24 or bring total is not impressed by any means of hundreds of and into san jose Stevens Creek 400 and worm of near 500 and harm the. Anny hong were not releasing any fault out that the main headline this morning will be this added showers temperatures 56 in santa rosa 63 in oakland 60 in the the more and is a cold start out there the kismet on the jacket is the head of the door to the stock this morning the mixed bag of the upper 60s of Brooklyn Alameda Los 70s and pleasanton and do more antioch also getting into lower 70s for the rest of the bay area anny hong on fridays will back into the 80s and the most sunny skies a cyclic appalling for cash and let you know the advocacy more rain over the weekend. George 580 west one still clear into dublin dublin to fremont with the optima past 28 minutes that is what the first slalom shows the it was the right down to fremont and the mission worn off ramp leading over toward a 80 to 20 minutes now for the softball trip down to single grade the ride a ministry wait any southbound still looks pretty good deal all the added one minute to the drive times here for the ride even down toward 237 for the ride given to the bay bridge road the connecticut track or problem free across the span of contract and 11 metric ton to San Francisco for the ride on land to the Center Bridge delay free the problems over to sen sale the Richmond Bridge ride has not even begun to back up yet and this and our way from saying that for the ride to and from iran the of the Golden Gate Bridge in and out of San Francisco not on the light traffic but the traffic, and county of 101 of darya them again for over to the overpass where the cell of interstate 880 in oakland cause of some accidents and injuries for the 60 ft. Still guard rail and fell from the 23rd street the past it was a multiple car crash and started construction to fix the problem yesterday to of removing the relevant replacing the concrete barrier initially they said do not want to replace it because theyre tired of past had been slated to replace in two years but after the accident that the side of the repairs need to be made sooner the pedestrian bridges or to reopen hough Jackie Sissel its been in the same location for over six decades we look inside the windows the shelves are empty most of the merchandise gone theyre planning on closing the doors lead on this week it is because a will pass guest today at the San Francisco board of supervisors so of the toughest gun regulations in the entire state yes to that it was unanimous vote by the supervisors to mandate that in the gun sales to be video taped and also ammunition sales to be reported to the San Francisco Police Department because of that the arms gunshop the on a sense those regulations and other issues on were too much and so they decided to shut their doors for dennis said airborne to actually close the doors at the end of this week the supplies of dispositive to a system of apologetic and he does not care the to the store will close here rubble see a preschool or coffee shop but after six decades to store will be closed as door for good and this week darya new images from the ballot fire showing the First Responders rushing in to save people from the fire reporter flamsteed away innocent of the 12th in the afternoon the bonfire has just parted and the lake, the deputies have no idea what a disaster theyre entering they speed away while embers rain down mom them the video of the stretched and urgency as fire trucks whizzed by trees go up in flames and smoke is so thick it is hard for them to see buffeted since the constant danger one of rocks history and the deputies rushed to check on people that try to get the family out safely that and install the patrol cars into a burden to talk real as a house of bear the fire it is the debt is due out to thrive exhausted overcome by smoke and fire is burning right darya and burned 2000 structures and killed four people 1. 5 billion worth of damage and considered the most damaging fire of the history of california on to you with the intent in doing what some missing wafted to assure you feel fully rested after a change james it will not make a still more rested right away and they say falling back as less drawn a screening for breast of a similar to jet lag type fax anny hong 9 whole lot is expected for the system test and fox are starting school temperatures in the upper fifties to low sixties in the bay shoreline by lunchtime a lot of in the 60s and the mostly cloudy conditions may be an isolated shower by 3 00 p. M. Expecting partial sunshine george east bay looks good to start with a bucket with a is happening in the south and for this report month about green shot on the road sensors man of the drive times a week added to matt george for your trip on highway 85 an easy ride from the kind of talent 17 minutes means weve added one minute to the drive times leaving out for cupertino and 85280 interchange a quick look at the wide latitude to san mateo bridge the second busiest bridge corridor so far this line and looks good but in one hour from now will likely see a completely different picture here darya a six person was also killed math irish wear during live in berkeley reporter he will be no. 2 on the First Responders after the apartment block and a collapse he also remembered the 06 to the sort killed here filed a bank ira students in addition to the reception they will have will First Responders this is all part of a five day trip to bay area and that event is lost out until 2 00 p. M. But here on a trip to st. It to still see where the doctor is were the to students fell from the below is a memorial to the still to on the walls tutors who died james he was killed last to the response to report about our raw brick its general a set for today and japan for expected to attend a hundred did attack attend a wake chiron has been charged with the shooting connected to that murder. James accused of shooting occurred in a teenager and was sacramental of the weekend to happen around 9 00 saturday night they said the 39 yearold fired several shots into a 13 year old girls home while she was sitting on the couch with her grandmother the girl was shot and had rented to a hospital in Critical Condition no word on how shes doing this morning where try to find that out but he was booked into the county jail on suspicion of attempted murder and other chargers darya at the salon where she worked the 24 yearold was found dead on october 25th and lost biggest this morning we dined there was a lost baseball or happened and did not have a license to operate it had not yet been approved james donald trott will not and will allow state of the front runner and the to men no. 2 behind the cars she has struggled to turn led to strong poll numbers is that to attack our record and ceo the agreement raise domestic and defense spending by 80 billion out once the to john banham said the deal was not perfect but it is better than no bill of Republican Senate compromise gives away too much of their democratic opponents the agreement is expected to pass during the vote this morning also today republican congressman paul ryan is expected to formally nominated for the House Speaker he is facing for congressman into this election is all but sure to be approved by the full house on thursday this comes after they announced the resignation. Aspic last resignation james he will be spending some time in washington d. C. Today is going to be joining first Lady Michelle that once the meeting with the military veterans and rehab programs here in the report to walk into vessels for tournament for Service Members who founded by the prince that ron president obama will also the distending Golden State Warriors and champions in the first Season Opener a third installment of the film series is in the works now and the familiar faces will be directed find of when this movie is going to come out and hire a woman is using pumpkins as a canvas some famous faces for inspiration is to declare a pumpkin that is a look here at the library and this was the into the bay area pretty soon with the next couple hours as we track the storm will be right back. Here in vineland, home of progresso, we f furededut h h to o t rich ingredients like bacon into 22 light soups, so if you want 100 calories or less per serving without giving up rich flavor do what we do. Make it progresso. This moment is perfect in every way just like my kid gooey. Flaky. Happy. Toaster strudel. Now with more icing. James these are large pumpkin it was 307 4 lbs. And to see a lot of room online posting pictures she has john stewart of our when free betty white anny hong we will be right back with some news weather and traffic. [female announcer] if the most challenging part of your day is the staying awake part, sleep train has your ticket to a better nights sleep. Because when brands compete, you save during mattress price wars. Save up to 400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Get interestfree financing until 2018 on tempurpedic. Plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. Dont miss mattress price wars at sleep train. Sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep anny hong not widespread but with the not even if youre waking up this morning in santa rosa we have to my rent out there this morning to focus some of the bay there is no rain let now in san jose with this system of the south viet separate like the storm track a strong gust the scattered showers that went through and santa rosa right now out toward whine country provided us more scattered showers to the rest of the morning commute his look of the few to cast for your currency the caucus 6 00 basically the rain in the north bank martin oclock scattered showers may be in San Francisco out to the peninsula parts of the east bank temperatures on to political out there and went to pick up the we should be drained out on the partial clearing timber to john this is pretty much all across the bay area said the santa rosa of the 50s and fairfield check out the socks before cast in the 70s all across the south bay for 71 of cupertino anny hong 67 in San Francisco and 66 flour friends of this difficult for the rest of the bay area on model 70s on the map including the east bay and the locations also napa and the lower 70s mainly some scattered showers this morning may be an isolated shower for the afternoon and will be a mile to the trading for cast on sunday comes increased and we have a chance for some rain. George to the start in the if the bay with the ride on to 42 as we get to conference and accident reported here are at the beginning of 242 just off highway 4 here it was a minor crash here at the sole vehicle against the Center Divider and did manage to create just a little slowdown of the unit to worry about the timing for your trip to the san mateo bridge a westbound still looks good out of the east of a headed for san the sale about another 45 minutes before the stars to back of for your trip to of from renard from San Francisco the Golden Gate Bridge darya fdaapproved to new drugs the use of the herpes virus destroys skin cancer tumors in can be injected into skin cancer tumors were a uses of firearms to rupture of the cancer cells so far has not been sought to extend a persons life but the have seen the tumor shrank if you have after blue cross and try to could have someone coming your way there of the that more than a Million Dollars to california consumers as our lawsuit that challenged media changes in the interest of putting the lawsuit claims that apple may legally increase annual deductibles and another out of pocket cost of some of the canada father claimed anything to get him in december there will a lot of those who paid more because of the changes james the reduced debt for congress to lift the new rules were approved by the department of education the first regulation takes aim at the death and prepaid cards the convenience of these are offset by excessive use of the use the rule allowed anyone to make certain lowerincome requirements darya they sent the profits soaring a whopping 31 percent last quarter map sales grew 3 the alltime record the overall sales were up to 51. 5 billion and in the quarter with a stunning 206 billion profit james after they were handed out as the banner that unveiled and then the game was all right with the left of the big game 24 points in the First Quarter alone double and again with the top 04 accounts that was one of fun when 11 to 95 the next then comes this friday. James the sniffles and my share them during the newscast you to submit false to the mobile application through a series is underway in one last night in the middle of the fourth in the ceremony for brief time with to block the networks have problems it would not and to 14 into the final score of five to four games to to nine the leading scorer and his to of International Soccer of the worlds greatest players is retiring before age 3515 International Career and december is now over she has scored 184 goals the final game on december 16th against china and borlands and that isnt here is a quick look at the storm radar will be back with the full look at the forecast at the top of the our. nature sounds she can rage, and roar, and crack, and storm. But Mother Nature cant stop us. The new 2016 ford explorer. Be unstoppable. Darya Elizabeth Banks is the judge she made her directing debut to which we loved acting like wed been to catch a glimpse of the halloween james of the friday night travel at 78,000 mi. Of our which is just a little bit farther than the moon also revel in is a following that san ramon is better shake apart not that violent have a dramatization but a lot of earthquakes cause a rise in problem in San Francisco the counterfeit drug thus making the deadly for some ve wts y to leash the do queh ablute. Atshy wcd this sysm dely uriss. Queh dress. Fo4 tis mo defed, turacurl do queh ablute male announcer this is the bay area news station,kron 4 morning news starts now james ran not making his presence felt slightly in the north bank were looking for the red rag and keeping tabs on anny hong out for santa rosa out of the matt has that been pretty quiet ozone man and to the north and the type we had santa rosa a tour along 101 Santa Rosa Hills board in may, so what roadways this morning in the sun things are quieting down for now produces more shalls off from coast to bring us some more scattered activity from the Morning Hours today 71 as the high today will time out the rain for you for the rest of the day to day take a look also the we can forecast as well george were monitoring one incident that is in concord on 242 something wrong to south of highway 4 for the accident occurred back of the traffic around the corner of the drive time not too bad here at to 9 minutes james be prepared for a strong element build better on this winter. Will tran it is a great time to rush to the Hardware Store to prepare for l mingle people and marine county is video of people, rencontre already doing that person recounting the one out emboss the essential they needed not just as rental with generics track a lot of the next week then columnist ellen daniel godzilla of their chances of a woman who said something to say about the rain storm, we get back ties and a lot of rain theyre buying the plastic and the tarps and rental we certainly need the rain fall but unlike previous years this year because of the severe drop according to experts the soil cannot absorb and not at this time to asphalt darya the president of ireland is in berkeley to honor the young adults who were killed and back from the collapse \ darya 5 of them students from our land they join us live from berkeley with the details of the president s visit. Reporter michael d. Higgins the irish president will be in berkeley today to honor the memory of the stew was the First Responders after that back on the collapse he will contact them pull rescued them back in just his expected to thank them for their efforts in the aftermath of the deadly collapse is the killed six students in addition to that the First Responders they would join the mayor to plant trees of the memorable students who died this is for the five the trip to the bay area that event as nonstop until to the there was a small memorial with flights and irish live in his cell james is circulating in San Francisco police saying the fake pill of the shrine of from the senate in the stress is similar at the real one is on the left the fake ones on the right one person has died from over bells of the sick people and Health Department investigating the more the sit there and it is well james you remember Police Recall to the high school last thursday after teachers notice several students acting strangely they said seven students were taught to can the zanucks five of them had to hospitalize darya 450 earthquakes and the san ramon area and had about 5 00 class like this send the swarm could last several weeks and it is not indicated in a larger one is on the way we spoke with city leaders this a bear where the have allowed a seismic activity and they are unfair. Darya the employees have been certified a Disaster Service workers they are ready to help if one hits given a measure report of the damage and injuries and the swarm small james you seen the video is on viral lost ark out bridge across country this the Video Software and score resource officers yanking the six in europe still got her seat choose asked to leave the classroom or refused best reviews called in to help shift the officer with the fence with the more concerned about how you respond to the weather was poor. The fields have been suspended without pay and that is about 70 was accused of using Excessive Force are responding to provide the was never charged the makings darya that and to home in san jose and shot a home owner a second of the Surveillance Video from this it happened last thursday at his home on green park why americans park drive home, arrived at home just as the burglary was under way darya one of them shot him he was hospitalized with a supposed to make for recovery the same man may be connected to several of the home burglaries in that same area the family of the layoff highschool student who was shot and killed near his school sticky legal action against the School District the 17 yearold was killed your adjusted the principal actors the loss to notre seven are robert i. Happen on School Grounds the day before was killed in the school chess has the suitors will whether proper james the number of the dinosaur shigella 180 people and six counties 38 are spread across of the countess alameda san sale santa krugerrand all the case can be traced back to the restaurant is enclosed since the first half of the animals or with fidel it will stay close as top officials investigate the spread of this disease. James we will. Be will. Babies who are talked to from the time theyre born are more likely to have a successful future. Talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. The fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. Talk. Read. Sing. Your words have the power to shape their world. Learn more at first5california. Com parents because at t and directv are offering yesterdays technology, today. Tv from space. [whispered] space as long as its not too rainy. [whispered] rainy or windy. [whispered] windy or there isnt a branch in the way. [whispered] branchy welcome to the moment no ones been waiting for. The Fastest Internet and the best tv experience is already here with x1. Only from xfinity. Anny hong it is not a bad system but every little drop comes hairs look after radar is fairly quiet with this is to showers and some light rain began cloud conditions in hillsboro and the change where track and scattershot activities is looking at the wire via shall the topranked overnight we did anny hong here is a look at the sea to cast for you to see the clock starts to 7 00 will hold off to some scattered shower activities for the next few hours into the morning commute it is not widespread not everyone will be seen the light rain this morning a lot of people are excited about it is not happening for everyone we have a slight chance for an isolated shower most locations will be tried in fact receive partial clearing by 3 00 p. M. Today off as the kids are heading out of school heading home 5 00 tonight world in a partly cloudy skies visibility looks really good all across the bay area fog is not concerned temperatures are mainly in the 50s and 60s under cloudy skies. , low 70s in sunnyvale also of the novel mild to one conditions temperatures and land are back in to low to mid 80s george so far so good definitely getting busy but not tracking any hot spots weve been free of any major incidents but start with the east bay writer still slow for the truck into the west down five if youre ride as always even into dublin were seen some slowing with 36 minute trip times for the ride of dublin south on interstate 680 to 6 to 28 minutes not too bad for the trip back to the snow great into fremont the south bay freeway still doing pretty well and have not seen much of an increase in the flow of traffic track in the bridge ride the bay bridge already up to 23 minutes for the westbound trip time the Committee Last act for 45 minutes the east of a ride from hayward out to san mateo to someone down a little early today and the east bay ride out the rich and still looks good not yet backed up with the drive times is now 12 minutes into san james images from the fire respond to rust in there to save people from the fighting was raging we have more the video here the video shot of the perspective of lifewas like james the deputies had no idea what a disaster they were entering the fire was spreading quickly in causing drivers to attract some of them got trapped in the trained to fires on the road themselves fifth and his deputies that and the tires on fire was sentenced to the car they drove through the what cell lines and headlights milton it was intense this video shows us the smoke and the dangers of the deputies werent and then left the card in the middle the street and maybe even more dangerous theyre trying to swerve between cars on the size of the rote 76000 actors with the shore across three counties for computer and a fire what the 200 home again destroyed darya the report card compares to the achievements across the west ever scorcher for the and if great california students in math and reading for nearly the same and 2015 and where in 2013 the schools scored five to eight points lower decanter 5. 2 lower to amass the average publicschool students is the first time 24 years since they declined darya instead of cutting back on calories and substituted carves in the place of sugar specifically things arent just install the darya they say current and sugary drinks and cookies and candy can go a long way and also help prevent high Blood Pressure Heart Disease and diabetes james will have republican president can this meeting once again for debate tonight for the first time he is not the front runner going into the debate at the last nationwide poll it used to be the best. Andrew Spencer but not anymore now been carson is the champion it shows 26 percent of republicans to for carson wanted to percent for donald trump within the margin of error this of the first time in more than 100 days if someone else has been on top that will stand center stage during tonights debate flights by mark and jim bush the debate is being hosted by cnbc for bringing Economic Policy to the forefront upon a star to attack her record sealed it will part of it she did not absorbent well as an opportunity for her to reintroduce herself again and discuss something she must consider all the authority on the issue has that one of the great debate darya it blew up in his face will have more on this story throughout the morning here we will be right back. [female announcer] during mattress price wars at sleep train, save up to 400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Get interestfree financing until 2018 on tempurpedic. Plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. Dont miss mattress price wars at sleep train. Darya he is in Critical Condition he was at home sleeping in florida and smoking and exploded now is a medical induce, the mouthpiece of the cigarette butt down a throw and explode again darya is an idea that is the network for years and darya give me address that looks a certain way james the Ceo Larry Ellison hes going to be building a high school right next to the headquarters of when to be called design tech about 5 1 5 to students with their teachers will with tickets to began \ \ \ \ james with the opening bell as the New York Stock Exchange trading getting underway positive and a freemarket will see what happens apple as a backstop to watch ahead and free market trading twitter and slumping anny hong who were seeing more approaching toward one than we did this is mike rain falling and santa rosa early this morning amid the of the what out there for 1 01 due to my friend of and that watching this area of energy coming from moisture is supposed to come to live on today is falling apart not a whole lot happen with this system might shower was go through overnight and santa clara area of tort san jose but not a whole lot measured into hundreds heres a look at the forecast for today anny hong maybe another shower to buy lunch time temperatures now in the 60s mid60s by 3 00 p. M. , maybe a share shower by Late Afternoon otherwise most foolish of the drying out in fact it might be a pretty nice afternoon was to couch the chiron offer part of the bay area of will track or the shower chances, a political leadera lot to a bit later george we have not sent hot spot that is good news especially for you in a bill to enjoy a normal drive to and this update the drive time for the east bay of interstate 80 for the west about ride and fully with an incident free this morning if youre heading to the bay bridge the back of hair is already formed an already over 20 minutes not out of the maze of thing is 24 minutes and 60 for the was bombed by we would expect this time backed up here at the san mateo biggest the back of is already reaching toward cloud rolled his renown 19 to 21 minutes for the trip turned out of hayward over toward san mateo and highway 101. James gun and ammunition sales will not be video taped in San Francisco that was the decision they approve the new rule and all the city is very last the store is closing that plays a very big part in the reason why they decided to close the doors. Will tran yesterday the San Francisco board of supervisors unanimously it decided to Institute New gun regulations to register part of those regulations are that all gun sales after a video taken on ammunition sales will be reported to the city of San Franciscos Police Department the supervisor who actually initiated this regulation says he is unapologetic were down to the final hour of the gun shop thats been here for 60 years ago out of business. James the end of the dynasty in San Francisco darya because an accident 460 ft. Steel guard rail fell from the 23rd street overpass and cause an multicar crash and injuries the start of construction to fix the problem yesterday that on to the removal of the ruling replacing the concrete barrier half after this happened they said we cannot wait two years to make these repairs now. James it was nothing but euphoria at tear ran last night are macarenaarena. James 11 for the points you would have added to the game pretty incredible that a friday game the rockets in houston tipoff time darya 5 hour 9 minutes game they went through a power outage for about five minutes that went through inside of the park home the tide to go into extra innings will talk more about the stand and surprises in one case heartbreaking and heart wrenching story you might be getting an extra hour of sleep this weekend but they like savings might make you feel less restivelessrested. Darya they look at our injuries and fashion casualtys and made that were looking at radar and scattered showers to continue through the morning commute to track the showers when we come back. James here are some of the stores where working on for the 7 00 hour another violent confrontation at high school or on camera will show you what is different about this case darya president ial candidate mark is neglecting his duties what they want the florida sun and the to do james charge of keeping a woman capt. For more than 40 days howe the lore that woman and to their home. Anny hong Matt Robinson showers for san rafael and San Francisco watching that area of moisture and because of this were not seen a whole lot for the Morning Hours for the afternoon a lingering shower here and there a look at the st. Past four a were always enough to call the skies this morning that qantas recent fattish out a lot the Morning Hours by lunchtime or so will deal with the lingering showers like i slid into our activities and less apt to see a pretty nice afternoon parcel sunshine and the San Francisco sunny skies with 3 00 in the kids getting out of school even the and in spots will be sent to some disguised as well to gazar cool off there were looking at the la 56 is in the march 59 and the crowd conditions 59 and san jose with the south bay high for today a lot of low 7 to the afternoon 71 and some of the 71 also on Almaden Valley and for more than him for the peninsula a percentage of san the sale of were looking a 66 and then sitting 67 at downtown San Francisco anny hong a percentage and mel valley 71 and vallejo and 68 in sonoma and petaluma tomorrow morning might be a little chilly air for a lot of low nations will definitely see a jacket with the tomorrow morning will look at friday and saturday back into the 80s, when looked great george numbers verified by the metropolitan Transportation Commission here is a good example and that is the ride on interstate 680 on highway 242 southbound leading into walnut creek nearly a 20 minute trip time and we have an accident early this morning was bombed on highway 4 looking at the tip of a heavy thud minute trip turned out antioxidant for concord the ride on the nimitz freeway surprisingly good news here still 4880 north down for just the 14 minute drive times out of san manager into Oakland James would raise domestic and defense by 80 billion of outgoing speaker said the deal isnt perfect but better than no bill at all of republicans said the compromise gives away too much of the democratic opponents the agreement is expected to pass during the vote this morning he will be facing congressman Daniel Webster of the of the canada by all accounts their corn to walk were with the victory the whole house expected to approve the election tomorrow to a plan to resign at the end of the month darya action says that does not mean that they are reconciling she did after they were found unconscious at a broad stock what she was by his side in the hospital she stop the divorces to make medical decisions that was the reason their blades have overdosed cocaine and other drugs and that is what happened there if necessary theyre hoping the recollection reduce debt for callers to james the moscows are using to the strip. And to accomplish the offices the convenience of these cars in many cases are offset by excessive user fees the sec will allow anyone meeting certain lowincome requirements to have the low payments capped a 10 of the annual discretionary earnings were getting an extra hour of sleep because of bad life savings darya because of the time change you still feel tired to the quick look at the higher woman who created the giant, and tortured a republican darya we will be back with more than just a few minutes. James there was a nobrainer in town this one comes with chocolate it is called the recent pc barker is saver candy melts and cut inside of the meat will take a high you can tell the difference track in the weather when to the rain to come to bay area was a and in garys rocks the have the when and the rings last night are you a jury man and the story behind the best kept secrets in the world series nature sounds she can rage, and roar, and crack, and storm. But Mother Nature cant stop us. The new 2016 ford explorer. Be unstoppable. Male announcer this is the bay area news station,kron 4 morning news starts now darya below went through wall and it did hit someone this is near new street in the location again for can zoom in on where this is on almaden road near new street is hard to see the dark of our la replace cars in that area is all happening to us within an hour at 6 00 this morning with our reporter added to the scene on the ground and a live shot of the head of the scene at the Police Investigate the shooting in san jose. James we have some sprinkles of and what their problems of those showers overnight in the south bank and was well looks like right now and lets talk about the Team Coverage and maybe what were looking to see any chapa fax 7

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