Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20150508 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20150508

say they let it was of san the fall number also giving him custody of the girls. but the children's mother says the court order test since been suspended while investigators the taken into washington for miss west's father lives. >>: there were seen last night stopped in the state of oregon this time it was like a refined there were no warrants at that time they're allowed to go on their way. >>michelle apon: it is going to be a dry weekend to the judge will be warm for mother's day and will what it looks pretty good we at warmer temperatures gobbled been bailed listen to the upper '60's and '70's we are to call starred with we at temperatures that will continue to fall until 6:00 this morning and then the sun comes out if your costs and locations to live but outside we do have a clearer skies looking at the bay bridge as to get ready for today a plan on temperatures and heating up into little as six is for bay and in locations that was they all the cooler side again with the temperature's only but coming up with the storm tracker 4 7 day around the bay forecast all the details coming up at 415 a quick look at track this morning traffic moving westbound rival the so pleasant but. >>michelle apon: looking at the san mateo bridge traffic moving on the westbound direction as for this morning as a reminder it will be closed when you take it through by monday it will close at time we keep that in mind and make sure you have alternate plans but would do one more quick check of the richmond san rafael bridge bridge not to mcardle the road at 4 04 this is morning will. we >>james: groups that have been found safe we have video of the three in the back of ambulant they were filed last 91 later that night there are reported missing a search all day wednesday and thursday could not find them until the national guard helicopter spotted the late last night. they're alive and well and will get attention. the family was found is that the 8:00 last night where we 20 mi. for camping they're still trying to figure what happened to the family to cause a to disappear for two whole days. a little more family now home is because the with the u y crash which took the lives of two of their family members the seven year- old is still recovering after being hit by debris during a collision last saturday along with the rest of his family no longer have a place to call home after a corvette was we said was driven by a drunk driver smashed into their apartment building the sister says even if the building was not damaged she's not sure she'll be able to live there anymore. >>james: the driver and a federal crash attended the little more wine but buckets festival now so city leaders say so somehow the sydney to be reviewed and possibly change to the refuge accidents >>reporter: they have been allotted downtown little more for more than two decades and for the most part without any problems but in light of the tragic death of a mother of three and her 14 month old girl the city manages says the changes are being seriously considered for future events. but it is or when it would do that. in other words selling tickets or bracelet and a come to a certain number of boards on a the manager mark is talking about some of the safety improvements for future even he says that the festival has a good track record but is getting bigger and perhaps more oversight is needed. >>: the expansion of the parking lot area of is paid and monitored and we want to expand so as people leave the keys that will have people-driven to make sure there are safe to drive a fraction of the believe the event go to about to area and this will expand the area. >>reporter: a list of all the changes will be put together and they will be working hand in hand with the event organizers to come up with sensible things they need change to make the event as a group of for everyone. >>james: san mateo bridge will be closing in less than a 10 hours from right now it was a close all weekend it begins at 10:00 tonight in the bridge reopens monday morning at 5:00 a.m. the entire weekend it will be shut down there are repaving and also doing a make his work as well caltrans says this the third million-dollar project and is desperately needed to preserve the bridges integrity they would do that this weekend. we cannot prevent at all but we can take the steps to prevent a. >>james: a look at the new training technique if you drink water straight from the tap in the east bay it may be time to buy a filter coming up after the break by the taste and smell of the water is going to be changing. here is a live look outside and oakland let's take a look at preconditions' 50 what should one of the 63 by lunchtime looking for a daytime high of 68 at at 3 this afternoon back introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. >>james: they will be recognizing of 70 years of nazi germany to victory in europe by that is when jumron surrender was announced to the world that is a record may 7th but that really did that take effect until the next day to make a-- may 8 ve day is a national holiday and. >>james: east bay mud officials said the job is for some of the change how they collect water that was the pull water reservoir that contains the algae is filtered before the war is sent out what it might still have a slight odor or disliked a flavor if you are one of the to just using a carbon filter of or chilling the water before you drink it. >>michelle apon: some areas in with an isolated showers will let you know where puzzler looking at the weekend forecasts all those details coming up after the break. >>michelle apon: 10 for just off cool into the low 20s this morning. get them warm when the time off to school is all one another to mid-60s daytime high. the winds will blow in with the twiggs and 50 mi. from our listeners is a residual moisture and for areas of the this is the book details track of and the southeast will be dealing with the sunshine as high pressure continues to build for parts of the weekend. >>michelle apon: everywhere else we will see nothing but sunshine. looking at the afternoon high temperatures low to mid '70's across the north that look at this outplace same thing mid-70s will spots. we will have sunshine for the weekend no rain chances are in store to the judge will be warm on mother's day with the daytime high worm endemic to mid to upper seven is for inland locations the coast will continue to stay cool would fall will begin to the evening hours on the weekend. . >>michelle apon: download are free mobile application to a great way to catch a weekend for past is freed from the average store and a global plan was about rubble for the toll plaza not seen any delays looking at the san mateo bridge at the drive this at this time it sure we have an alternate group it will close all weekend traffic was good if your continued over 92 traffic heading south offer marin county to downtown san francisco a very quiet drive the at the richmond san rafael bridge traffic is why going the speed limit is the traveling into center fell a record start this morning to avoid illegal to ease a valid locations be dweebs >>james: this in a dramatic drop what is called use of the force incidents in their city he'll just to credit to a new video scenario similar to achieve tailless the close look at this new system is being used the stress of the to the store you only see on kron4. >>reporter: european is also look at the new video if training program here inside of the oakland police department. togolese says this training is part of both the the new the escalation of form policy. to open 80 is also pick have no restrictions to the vehicle there will be of the sizes showing down practically save your will to is people into back yards will call the person or you have even as we do not take the chance it often leads to use of force. . >>: all of the interactive we have are recorded people that they're interacting with behave better as well as is the officers have been the escalating a drastic reduction of use of force incidents in this city. the chief also plays out his officers are still being shot at. >>james: take a look at this very moment for passengers on a delta flight that the smoke began filling the cabin that let lauderdale florida and i was diverted and starts of carolina where it landed safely the fbi announced thursday gave local police a warning about one of the opened fire at a cartoon drawing contest this city had no idea of their headed to texas. >>: you come together and you pray five times a day to your brothers. in this fund raising video for arizona moss stickup by using his fate as a weapon that would never suspected him or his accomplice of heavily armed themselves or shooting of police were also killed both men. they were better armed than a were planned. three hours before the attack the bureau showed as fog and less clear intimation with local police they did not know that they had trouble from the arizona home to texas it didn't carry all social medium and inspired by assist wall or two people can do an awful lot of very bad things. >>james: wrote to bay area baseball teams in action we will have highlights some of after the break we have our camera along the san the sale bridge showing as an easy ride on highway 92 san jose to the south of the camera 53 degrees should not want to 72 at 3:00 today. for over 60,000 california foster children, it's a challenge to replace clothes that are too small or worn out. i grew 3 inches last year. i don't need anything fancy. i never had much to begin with. when i look nice on the outside i feel better on the inside. to help, sleep train is collecting new clothes for kids big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train and help make a foster child's day a little brighter. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. >>james: the giant that rough up for the second straight day and a nice hand from the former teammate tim hudson had a rough go and get look to to run double to dan heron they're hitting the big blast that left the hudson two more runs of all the board with that i wasn't allowed 15 hits at the most seven to two is the final score. unfortunately it is a to have all of august 4th to aid to syria >>gabe slate: write you place the camera and show you the cheapest easiest way to get some sort of surveillance a year house it is a lot easier than you think. ♪♪ "smash me. dear god, smash me into a million pieces" little miss puffytail thinks every time someone enters this room. for while the people who come in here can use quilted northern, a toilet paper that works so well they can completely forget their experience... ...little miss puffytail can never forget. she can dream. dream for the sweet, sweet swing of a careless elbow. quilted northern. designed to be forgotten. >>james: he picked up the girls and the 11 year-old and nine year-old from the boys and girls club and took them away an oakland man and his two young children who had been missing since tuesday have been found safe and sound later that night there reported missing the san mateo bridge will be closing tonight and it was a close all weekend long the full closure begins at 10:00 tonight. >>michelle apon: drive for much of the bay area and it illustrates our feet across the north bed but right now and not holding together giving us warmer temperatures and will continue to climb into the weekend. looking at the bay bridge from our studios wicking the to to clear skies along the coast and near warmer spot tuesday across and locations and a softer yen north that to the all but one of the to the lower seven is your off to a cold start 43 degrees as of this morning pleasanton 44 across parts of the south that the chilly star you would need to address all the warmer side this morning. this time planner looks good was starting off wasn't temperatures warm except the to mid-60s for bait and locations to to continue to heed up by the afternoon we pick up the kids to school bay locations will be in the upper 60s the code listed as a low 60s to the afternoon coming up could see it more rain has all the minor backed up in the castellanus but at the katz plans were predicting that as a little bit more so as you drive over the bay bridge into downtown san francisco. >>michelle apon: looking at the san mateo bridge traffic in the westbound direction of both sides minutes to get through written into seven cell. all is the chilly for some areas and in. the 13 year-old was able to fight back and eventually he left and the police are looking for him now the seven as video is playing a key role in helping employes find a suspect this was all for this attack. the experts and by have as many cameras as duquesne can't cover every inch of your home but that is impossible for a lot of was if if you have the jews cover the front of the house to cover from the outside this house will be right of their pointing down. >>gabe slate: home surveillance is very intimidating expense of but i want to show you a quick easy way you can get home surveillance in your home it you have wireless and an old smart phone and is to turn the old device into a surveillance camera store your home wireless the fall will send a real time and by the same video surveillance through the camille application it records the also dozens of cheap stand on the rise is you can buy it for home surveillance. >>james: police sent it to bird are to be a profound in their cars suffering from gunshot wounds the driver of the car died at the same of the passenger is expected to survive police are still looking for possible suspects in that case knew this warrant 33 people have been indicted by federal grand jury in san francisco for illegally selling prescription drugs headed to the were arrested yesterday the man who owned the prescription drug operation is still at large they are searching for him he purchase the hundred and $57 million worth of unlicensed drug between 2010 and 2014 with the intent to sell. >>james: the deadly shooting of a homeless man by police was justified they say he is very concerned about that and that the officer killed homeless man lapd use it is just the beginning after watching surveillance police said the man was shot while struggling with all this as i responded to a desert recall the hatteras interaction just before he was shot the officer who shot a homeless man hurt his leg during the struggle he is on medication for the homeless man said he would get drunk sometimes but never carried a weapon will take a break what is next for the midwest following the round of severe storms more on the latest damage now that the report is out it was a quick live look from the embarcadero camera as he looked out of san francisco 53 and the city should will move to 60 by no (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. why >>james: will fall apart and network has the story >>reporter: this cell full video shows the fight inside of the library. according to police the personnel and the man we see throwing the knife is the other is brand invalid. their argument is that he did as well as the night came out in the next couple of seconds that happen and he tried to subdue him and take control of it and tried and true across the road. but he said go get the security site they pulled to rise from here when police arrived they found a third the to to you're in charge of attempted felony assault and three counts of carrying a concealed weapon we did not want anyone to get hurt with in the us or another student after watching video of what happened police say peterson was justified. >>reporter: this sunday night at 930 we will air its first episode of the backed story. >>stanley roberts: i'm trying to get these cards coming off of the rap here they're supposed to go that way they are going this way it is basically a tedious coming up at drivers caught by c h k >>james: watch how he puts them together is hilarious sunday night at 93 but will take a quick break when we come back the latest out of dallas a train derailed after flash flooding their the county about an hour north of dallas you're looking at live pictures of all the railcars crumpled up and piled up after that the real but more on the story is just a minute. >>james: the court decides hailstones coming down pretty nasty weather for that part of the country is now on its way to the east in the direction of kansas actually golf ball sized hailstones being reported this talk about taxes were we have this morning or to nettle touching down here is some of the on the part of the country this in texas is northwest of dallas bar tournedos no word on any injuries and how much damage was caused by bad storm also the latest out of the train derailment just north of dallas you can see all the real cars piled up blooding is been reportedly a problem. a lot of bad writing--flooding >>michelle: i. pincus innocent and support it was allowed us deplore seven disk this i know when you drive home plan on the cuff to mid-60s not a bad looking for task to for us are born to continue to stay mild and even warmer before the weekend temperatures right now for this and fifth this said francisco 53 degrees to of all the cool side at 49 concord livermore's santa rosa up into the mid-40s this morning and of course start we have across the region and vallejo at 43. it is going to be washed across the east valley warm enough by 10 degrees walnut creek woman up to 75 degrees mid to upper seven is all the way from pittsburg down into brentwood will have slightly cooler temperatures for parts of the east bay mid to upper 60s by the afternoon was the low seventies for union city and fremont this week and looks good i will continue to warm up looking at mother's the temperatures will woman to mid to upper '70's a warm spot for is a valid locations looking of the rest of the bay area we have lores '70s for mother's day. >>michelle: looking at rest of this contractor 70 forecast temperatures moved and from the beginning of next week then we start a war of the illiterate more you can actually it is the forecast of our free mobile application a quick check of traffic moving westbound right before the toll plaza at the bay bridge good and quiet we are travelling into downtown san francisco not seen any delays in this area looking at the san mateo bridge traffic in the westbound direction a very quick to you as we continue over 92 looking at the golden gate bridge traffic in the southbound direction of very quiet start to the area of you could see some pettifog keep in mind if you are traveling into downtown san francisco 101 @ richmond san rafael bridge still a pretty quiet start with cool across much of the area but warmer across the east bay valley locations and then we have sunshine and warmer temperatures into the weekend. >>james: of the national front the new england patriots quarterback tom brady saying he is not responsible or not respond to the nfl investigation did i had enough time to digest the investigative report. >>reporter: significant and terrible disappointment the report says brady's was called was the jelly aware for that approach the activities all stayed in front of a crowd thursday night he was asked about the report this is the most of the question same day visit process is still ongoing. the crowd applauded but not everyone appreciates his reaction to smiling and yucking it up with something very serious we have to remember this is the integrity of the game that not heard from the officials about whether the nfl and pursuing a potential punishment the aftermath of a report prepared >>james: the investigation was requested by the city's mayor and is expected to officially announce later on today investing is a comes in the wake of freddie gray is that the 25 your suffered a fatal injury to his spine while in police custody how he got that injury is still unclear six officers have been arrested reservoir false imprisonment to people are dead after a small plane crashed into the river in washington state that according to local media reports the plan had drawn all the small airport the plane was been taken to a test like to approve experience some emergency is still under investigation this morning. pentagon employees charge gambling activity it was a called adult entertainment to the government credit cards this them more than $96,000 and adult entertainment establishments disciplinary action has been taken and a majority of the cases the pentagon official said all the if resources have been replaced by the employees. back with more news weather and traffic. >>james: the studer said abbas and lemon juice or gathered and excited for the surprise to see the comedian the star of comedy central report to the south carolina school of the satellite was what he had to say that took center stage. he will fund every classroom project request made by south carolina of the school all >>james: he will fund about the project for more than 800 teachers and of a 375 schools that is all my charity helping to tip the material they need for their glasses. the wire star the race known as the flying mile about a mile apart on the beach in south wales that is all hundred and 80 m.p.h. and broke the record low at 75 m.p.h. at the standoff in san jose after a man with a gun barricaded themselves inside a home that will is live at the same still have a lot report public or to the top of the our awareness of police at the two moms pushing their babies in strollers were sexual assault in their a bay area target more on that to come we have our camera at the bay bridge we would get an update on weather and traffic coming up in just a minute. these little angels build in softness. and these little angels build in strength. and that little angel says "weeeeeeeee!" 60% more sheets than charmin. everything you want and the value you love. angel soft. >>mark: a man barricaded himself inside a home near downtown. >>will tran: police officers are still here but they're winding down this started in the evening on thursday they were here and patient over the past hour the rebels in this the officers are still here this is approximately 11 and julian street they brought out the swat team but it ended peacefully no injuries as far as we know here is lt. she is one of the us on the situation is the report of a man that happened on 300 block of north look straight it was reported that a man threatening a female possibly had a gun when they arrive they did hear that disturbance the female was able to exit the residence and tell us that she was threatened with the gun with the necessary precautions we evacuated some surrounding residents and we called out the unit to take over the tech the proportion of this call. >>will tran: did use last bang grenades how did in peacefully? >>: they were eventually able to make contact with the subjects it did take some time at first he would not comply and eventually he did complying and to come into custody. she is not and did the suspect is being treated for some pre-existing conditions after that you booked into jail. his name is john adams he is 51 years old it is almost all my when their weapons involved always extra precautions and that weighs very heavily on our part to come out here and do the job or had to do we take the necessary precautions. i can tell you is also within the past hour day that led so many people this area during the standoff over the past hour they were able to allow the residents is the alumni of them able to return to the home. >>james: there was a brief chance heavy early this morning is pretty much gone away just setting up for will be really great weekend ahead at the moment on the cool side we have temperatures widespread and the low fifties of the 40's for some to call for we seen so far the visibility nice and clear at this level if you consider the bay bridge at as a lookout from the market or in san francisco the weekend here is how it was set up a three day planner to take a look at the weekend forecast of a '60s by the bay in land will be the typical to mid 70 degree range as a notice will one of slightly by saturday not a bed in we can forecast a loss of look forward to craft a more complete set of the weather come up some 15 minutes after it is whatever it is our right now off of the '40's and low 50's on the map. >>george: 0 word is quiet and that is always a good word over and the traffic center with an eye tracking any hot spots of any major delays sea is he now with an image incidents currently less trouble to look at the bridges on you're ride in from the east bay toward downtown san francisco if of one to be heading out to the next 30 minutes you're likely to find conditions pretty much like this it will not be a problem for another 40 minutes before we start to see things backed up in the westbound direction hear the traffic forecast for you do not use the bridge this weekend you will not be able to it is closing of officially at 10:00 tonight caltrans giving warners to motorist still an easy one this morning with no delays southbound through the county that is a low-rent housing no delays across the span is it has light-hitting right to the toll plaza for a trip into iran via the richmond bridge the headlines are was bound approaching the toll plaza again no delays as a come to respect is just a minute drive time heading across into marin county and san rafael speaking of drive times mirror is a few hercules to berkeley and an easy ride and 12 minutes under half an hour for the altamont to dublin 580 ride the nimitz ride from san leandro to milpitas. >>darya: police are looking for two girls lenore they who are missing they think the girls may have been abducted by their father and mother says her husband is an ex-convict and the girls have unidentified the follows there was none of the road and a nine year-old mother recently filed for restraining order against the has been given her full custody of the children somehow he got an emergency court order which also gave him custody, on monday he picked the girl suffered from the boys and girls club and took them away investigators think that is set in the girls to washington with his father lives they do not think the girls are in danger. >>mark: oakland man into children have been missing since tuesday have been found to save this is video of the three in the back of an ambulance after being found last night everlasting it live in the camp site after a seven on tuesday night later that night there reported missing is a is all day wednesday and thursday could not find them the national guard helicopter spotted them last night. the truck was found just a ways away what they were hiking. they've found is that the endicott last at 20 mi. for there were camping their time to figure out what happened to them to call the to disappear for two days. >>darya: that had the old lies with the other to the man who attacked the 13 your girl to her home on tuesday will for essential uses video on the morning news of the attacker he is following her up to her door and ask for directions and then shoved his way into the house wrapped and not the two floor she had an essayist he eventually left police think it is the same guy who tried to assault the woman and a restroom at a san jose market on april 2nd there is a good chance that he lived in that neighborhood because location of these two incidents. our cover contains online as the story we have the full video of that frightening attack and a complete interview with the young victim as well. >>mark: they're now out of home will have the latest details of the d y crash and the more dramatic video out of texas how the storm scrawls this explosion the first half the rate is a much is making changes to your tap water why it may taste different starting this weekend. we need snac in y havany? przelsgrana ba ener bar trail cashew pischio pecans, walns, a l? peuts.laug] ybe t yo bes no.. maken-buet hpen. ma bre-timhappen. aple makmoreappe i'm reallysych suby's brginghe fvor with this n guamoleade fr crey ha ocad... pele rlly ve i guamol guamol acame se trit osandchesike e new ipot chien mt th gcamo. subw. eafres brksidchocatenohas crun. brooide unchclusrs - cris mul-gras an eet uit-avor pies dipp in ch dk cholat discer boksi unchclusrs. ♪ ♪ rsh's read brinthe licis tae of hshe's ocole anying evythi. th hshe's read the ssibitieare licis. >>mark: it is because the drought is forcing them to change how they collect water and a half to start pulling water from a reservoir the allergy is jilted before the water is sent out with a mildly was let older or flavor in the water not all customers will be affected by this but if you are what official just using of kilter killing the water before drinking it. smoke-filled cabin of an airplane will see what caused this mid air emergency next. introding w flase lerg liefasalpray is cngesverying. new flone ouerfos aleing lergpill so you will haleife.hen eathin aerge r bodieseacty overrodung six key flamtoryubstcesth cau ourympts. most allgy pls oy ntroone bstae, flonase corolsix. d siis grear th one roldownour ndows, h ur p du offome mori, ma w on. new onas siis gathethanne. th chaes erythg. (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at >>mark: it went to northern texas last night ... let's let this video showing the damage done was to restore last in north texas today and tomorrow. >>darya: for a lot of people >>james: we are dealing today with drying conditions and temperatures that will warm gradually write in the range will talking 07 is maybe amid 7 is here and there but in a santa clara valley here is what we see right now as an ally of the conditions santa rosa 46 today's weather will follow these lines during the morning our will the sequel conditions will cds and sunshine that will was up slightly 36 degrees warmer than guest today the warmer centers out on the delta of the sunshine first selectman for concord in pleasanton 07 for san jose in the south bay 63 san francisco will gradually warming up sunday and will be the warmest day of the monday resulted temperatures. >>george: in the way of slow traffic that is good news for you here is the bay bridge writer we're still pretty low as it will be for the next 20 minutes said but it will set mineralize activated and about 15 to 20 minutes and that is when conditions usually change you're ride to the san the sale breadsticks a lot longer but it will start to back up a use the stock to soar around 630 you will enjoy a trouble-free ride looking at the ride to the golden gate bridge 101 an easy trip here and from accounting or for that matter having to with the presidio parkway at the richmond bridge there are no delays through richmond on 580 and that is what counts for the second minute drive times over to iran for a promise to take a look at what is going on in the south that we will start by looking at the east bay writer it is still under 30 minutes and this trip time is a good one we're not tracking any delays for the south about ride from the dublin and to change down to fremont milpitas at 20 minutes through the south bay is a pretty good to you as well the last drive times for example the ride on 101 in the northbound adjutancy is pretty good and is 18 minutes from the capitol expressway up to the montague expressway. >>darya: it is now homeless the seven year-old is still recovering after being hit by debris in the crash on saturday he and his family no longer have a home because it was damaged in the crash the 35 year-old was the one driving behind the wheel of a corvette of his last into the family's home there was the burning of our stake in first a million they're not sure if they will be allowed to live in their home anymore because it had been damaged. i don't want to be there every day knowing that's what happened. >>mark: the santa clara sheriff's deputy in san jose police they were fired yesterday after his arrest. take a look at is the passenger on a delta flight of smuggling up the cabin during a flight it was on his way from fort lauderdale to new york city when an engine problem on that it passes on the plane delta blues one of the aircraft engines had equal performance and shoot the faa is investigating. >>darya: them given the green light to install new steel spikes on top of the white house fence the spikes will be more than 7 in. long the purpose to turn away or delay any possible fence jumpers and a future. >>darya: oakland police officers are being taught to limit their use of force that story is coming up at 530 after the break a sneak peek at our new show about how we get the news to you. dude totino's blasted rolls. sweet. totino's blasted crust rolls... yeah. flavor at full blast you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh >>: we're here at 802 a bit of a crunch we need to get up and get plenty live shot to. 321. a listing from the back store in >>darya: the tech a lot of the outside from our studios rather than a mild temperatures the wicked is pretty nice we will be right back. the brands you know and love. even name-brand natural foods and organics. at prices up to 60% less than you'd spend... at those "big-name grocery stores." right now at grocery outlet, one pound of tillamook butter is just $2.99. save up to $3.60. things that i know... and love. grocery outlet. bargain market (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. >>james: which to live look outside san francisco and the peninsula's give you look at the forecast in the next 30 minutes if it will be chilly as you can up the door mostly clear and the stress of the course of the temperature on the cool side this morning it will be mainly clear a little bridge to the temperature is warming up to the upper 60s at that point very low 60s if by 3 this afternoon the sea breeze will still be with us like it has been all week to of just woman to the low 60s and best again nice and clear as to take a look at the golden gate bridge temperatures the map right now shows us cool conditions we have 48 and can't afford one of the lead of 52 in san jose 46 in oakland this the in san francisco i will be back in 15 minutes with the complete set of the forecast. >>george: to look at the san mateo bridge and the ride on highway 92 here in the westbound direction the bridge closings of course tonight to for the ride across the bay you have to find an alternate route to >>jackie sissel: i am here at the toll plaza of the san mateo bridge and the traffic is moving separately defined but in just a little over 16 hours that will stop because trap will not be allowed on the bridge for the entire week they need to do general made his on the bridge and resurfacing of order to do that if there will have to close and not only now but in a few weeks during the memorial day weekend for two weekends they will have to fully complete no traffic on the bridge if in either direction 10:00 p.m. tonight at chemical is well traffic a little earlier somewhere between seven and a that was stored at foster city boulevard if you're traveling that way you should make sure you get across the bridge before it closes if you're traveling westbound will be close at any for the was the claudia they have been talking about this but we talk about the bay bridge or golden gate is the first time and a longtime san mateo bridge had been shut down. >>george: these are the fast track plans write down the center here in the case to bay bridge early morning hours the castellanus that back of all those that can change later in the day if it does at the bay bridge discontinue the bridge checked over at the bay bridge looking at the ride here and right on cue we start to back up in the cast blame here is the best chatelains' with no delays the meeting lasted probably get activated in the next 15 minutes the last couple of days then the come on as 63530 it could later this morning because this is friday hear the golden gate bridge ride your time for more recounted still under 25 minutes for the southbound trip no delays across the span getting into of mayor moran the richmond rich and just in a minute drive times over to senator fell out of richmond as take a look a what is happening in the east bay freeway come about our next report. >>mark: to attacks on mothers pushing their babies in strollers on a popular marin county hiking trip mike pelton is live in san rafael with more on these attacks. mike pelton: the two victims never came forward they gave that information to the health and human services department this happen over on the san francisco bay terrell their bonds alongside the shopping center if you're familiar with the area of even the to was that saddam retained to and the five months ago to a woman pushing a young child in a stroller was approached by a man in both cases they push the women into the bushes and sexually assaulted them in one of his authority said the man had a gun is difficult for police and never came forward to speak with them only relying the information to the county health and human services department here is what they had saved. we are treating the allegation as true in the hopes that we are able to tanker dollars bees you would come forward investigators are still trying to get in touch with the two victims and hopes of getting a better suspect description >>darya: a startling discovery in morgan hill landscaping crews stumbles on a dead body in a field that from the body along copper road yesterday afternoon at this point there is on the clothing and shoes they believe is an adult man in his 50s the area where the body was found is not far from the search area for sierra lamar that get to the to the cause of identity hoare best of that man's body >>mark: enacted to force of the last nine and a 2100 block two people were found in their car suffering from gunshot wounds of the driver died at the same the passenger is expected to survive they're still looking for the shooter. >>darya: exclusive look at a video that is based on a training program of the oakland police department to have seen a dramatic drop and use of force because of the video scenario simulator is are the new desolation policy. the chiefs won on to add that the oakland police has installed new restrictions to vehicles and put pursuits >>mark: a strong gain for the u.s. economy to what the 23,000 jobs in april that is now seven yellow a sluggish start to the year for the economy this new numbers suggest the economy may be recovering strongly will be right back as we continue on the features doubling up now for one. onutopot wn itomestoensive tth?st numng.noyou n reir. w coate nsite tohbru wi bui inseitivy reef p shies exsed rves reivinpainy reirin nsite teh. st numng. art pairg. brksidchocatenohas crun. brooide unchclusrs - cris mul-gras an eet uit-avor pies dipp in ch dk cholat discer boksi unchclusrs. ♪ ♪ rsh's read brinthe licis tae of hshe's ocole anying evythi. th hshe's read the ssibitieare licis. >>darya: his agent caused the wells report a significant and terrible disappointment at not have any reaction he commented on the a settlement and 30 hours not have much time to digest it. i felt a little bit uncomfortable the word was we will see something come down in the next few days. >>james: a live look outside is a real quick glance at our south of they forecast for today and i will be back with full details on what everyone else will enjoy and with the weekend looks like as well >>he keeyourhin . for yes, hnz kchupas be witthe ong star ll, t anore. introding inz w beer tastg yeow mtard mm [♪♪♪] ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ gonna have a look around ♪ ♪ now is the time ♪ ♪ i started flyin' ♪ ♪ both feet off of the ground ♪ ♪ head in the sky ♪ ♪ eyes open wide ♪ ♪ happy to look around ♪ >>darya: police a looking for two missing grows from lenore to ban the also think they made the of the to by their father then picked up his daughters from the boys and girls club took them away the father was an order against the man but somehow he got an emergency court order that and found several family was 20 mi. for their camping in the sierra by national guard helicopter >>mark: if traffic is light it could happen sooner and will reopen monday morning at 5 their repaving and doing some work on the structure heading into mother's day weekend >>james: summit will be the best day of this upcoming weekend was it is time that the to mid-70s here is a live look outside have the bay area did not see anything with the other half dead we have a little bit of a shower activity yesterday as it has of over nine hours that move dauphin deposit the brunt of that system as well outside lansing a very nice sky overhead low clouds up there we have no blankets as a result of the to the recall side they will warmer and this what it will look like in san jose after starting up today will woman of the to the '60s by tan as we head toward to 4:00 this afternoon will hit the peak temperature between 71 and 72 degrees before trailing off into the low 60s the breeze will still be with us 1015 again come out the direction of the ocean we have low seventies in the south bay with mostly clear skies not a bad forecast a law here is where tempers are read now 48 for concord livermore 46¢ a rosa 46 will also sing the same temperature and open this morning milder and send a is a san francisco both of those it is coming in a 52 as a headed to the afternoon will follow this pattern we're looking for 11:00 to know the sea to the two warmer to mid-60s by the bank we're going to see potentially upper 60s and land and 07 is by three this afternoon 4:00 this afternoon to mention the date we will increase to temperatures from 3 to 6. >>james: 07 in pleasanton and livermore 73 for san jose 63 in san francisco and another to they will range anywhere from 71 to 73 degrees sunday as mothers they do not forget that all but one of the of the weekend will cool off as we head into next week that is the way the weather is looking. >>george: since our last report of the metering lights have been activated at the bay bridge for the west about ride with a starting to see things back up a bit but they're not completely backing up and notice here you see this the 880 rep at least on the nimitz freeway into the so pleasant and that is a pretty good bell letter that tells us of the extended back up in you concede it's going to the right hand lane and that is all the traffic heading to open toll lanes they used to sneak over there it is harder to do that now. >>george: the backup is still only the drive times about 16 to 18 minutes because only slow from the 880 over crossing here at the san mateo bridge where been talking about the closure but something that you need to keep in mind that you do not use the san mateo bridge is that they're going to be heavier traffic on the bayshore freeway leading away from and for the san mateo bridge because it will be closed down. at the bay bridge and dumbarton bridge if you do normally use those you're likely to have some action company today we sure to plan accordingly traffic at the golden gate bridge still like an easy ride the late 3 beautiful morning here at the richmond bridge there are no problems for the west about ride we do not have all the cast is open yet these do not open the 26 all that's why everyone is funding over to the right with the course the left side of your screen. a look at the ride here both on interstate 80 and highway 24 look at that drive times. >>george: hercules a berkeley is problem free after the caldecott tunnel looks good as well as the macarthur maze we mention no backups or delays the slow track to grab at 880 over crossing nonetheless from here or here getting to the toll plaza. >>mark: 70 years since the fall of nazi germany make a 1945 call the each day for victory in europe. bleep on may 7th but the headquarters of general their agreement not to the effect until the next day is a video of the force is raising the flag emblem of a giant swastika celebration the more was a place all over the world today. >>darya: they're expected to get into your to remember a police officer who was killed and a line of duty write more were shot in the face last weekend he and another officer tried to stop and question the man who was walking on the sidewalk when the man pulled out a gun and shot them a 25 your officer was a member of the force less than five years in that time you receive to except the police service. >>mark: attacking of business in north the nine jailed for the rest of the security forces to lead the gunman started shooting and he jumped a wall of the school and said in a bomb at a student dormitory one suicide bomber blew himself up prematurely and the colleges parking lot five stones or injured by gunfire others were hurt trying to escape. >>darya: the defense part codifies a pentagon employee charged gambling activities and even adult entertainment to the government credit card their lack of nearly a million dollars to and gambling charges to spend more than $96,000 at adult entertainment establishments while traveling on government business the findings are in an expected general report that is not go been made public a department of defense officials say disciplinary action has already been taken and a majority of the cases and all of the charges on credit cards were reimbursed by the employees. >>michelle: stephen cordero giveback to teachers in his home state west side to see the surprise the committee and visited the satellite he announced on thursday he will find every classroom project request made by south carolina public schools online dollars to news corp. that what total $800,000 will fund about the project more than a hundred teachers and over 375 schools is an online charity helping teachers get materials they need for glasses and in 30 minutes the company will help as track this that i will have the story coming up. >>mark: here was a look the current temperature is around the bay area we have clear skies and the rain showers dissipating and more on the forecast had in the mid-40s the livermore valley toward santa rosa low '40's from vallejo and fairfield. th allgy sson, ll y be sounsleeper, or mou breher. wellput a eathrighstri and inantlopenour no up 38%ore thanller medineslone youan bathend sep. shut yr moh d slp rit. eathrigh oh n we ve adrescodeere, anit'sot s roug nex whoa, thiss a nchb not halleen g. sor - ts luhboxs already capity. rrr.a naral auty. yore ming mel all ? miniabyb is10 natal cheese. a goodourcof protn ancalcm, and whollot fun mini babel.snaca lile bger! >>james: here is a lot of the outside the embarcadero camera giving us a great looking shot of the bay bridge the palm trees flanking the embarcadero not much of a breeze out there at all the skivvy a quick look at their forecasts for the east bay we're expecting things to get nice and warm and the delta region 75 for antioch will have 74, 75 will look recall in just a touch into san ramon 71 the daytime high back to 74 for both pleasanton and for the more here is the inland is to bay area coastal shoreline is a forecast temperatures a little bit cooler and talking widespread upper 60s to the city can always check whether any time with a delicate web application available for apple and android devices. >>darya: should kill o'neal's as having some fun at his own expense to set a bang and bears his having a good time is often applied for the dollar to the best memel this is one of hazards coming up in the next hour to hour standoff and a suspect over and said jose will have details and a live report the sellers sighted the most money when selling your home that story in our spot like we're watching weather and traffic the mother's day weekend on the forecast and traffic hot spots as return in just two minutes. looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. >>george: we're talking a lot about that but so far we are hot spot for a period of

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