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Reporter as reported this morning is not the First Security breach there is been five and a lessening years than. This is video from january jose mendoza is accused of walking on the vehicle road and on the tarmac side of the airport here mendoza was stopped by security as he tried to climb a perimeter fence. And last november, miguel de zaragoza was caught allegedly transparent trespassing on the Atlantic Aviation ran. He tried to escape but was caught by police after they said he took the city made his truck on a joyride. And they call this woman the serial stowaway maryland apartment is from the bay area and has a lot legally aborted plans across the country she was able to actually get on a plane at mineta and flight l. A. Without a ticket. And of course you who could forget the teen stowaway he got on of wine airlines jet and flew all the way till ye in the wheel well of the dead before it was discovered. That was nearly a year ago. Police say he got on the tarmac by scaling the airports perimeter fence. Reporter the chp is issuing a special traffic goodbyes during one base issue a signal will alert the believe one or more lanes will be blocked for more than 30 minutes. It would normally be about 14 to 16 minute drive but right now or clocking in the 22 minutes at the bay bridge the metering lights are activated and the traffic backed up the starting to build up into the Macarthur Maes and there was a wind advisory in the Early Morning hours here and it has been cancelled. But it is still in effect at the san mateo bridge. Is just and 11 minute trip time across the spanish ahead was bound. Reporter looking at the bay bridge from our studios with some light went out there so should not be any problem of their the wins will continue to pick up this afternoon however intercross Half Moon Bay or the beaches is breezy. We have sustained when the 17 mi. An hour. The temperature rise from the chilean side this morning. But vallejo is in the upper 30s. Concord is at 46 livermores 42 so you may one crab boat sweater this morning may not needed later this afternoon because the temperatures will continue to warm up into the upper 60s much across much of the peninsula. Reporter yesterdays forecasts of them happen again today coming up in your forecast with the conduct east bay and we have chances that range of those details are coming up a 615 reporter happening today one of those suspects in the death of oakland mother chyemil pierce is due in court. Police arrested 21 euro michael stills yesterday in connection with last months deadly shooting. Chyemil pierce was killed as she tried to protect two of our Young Children during a shootout in oakland. Today michael spills will face a judge for the first time. Police have not yet said and what role michael still played in the killing but he is one of the four people being held in connection with chyemil pierce is death. Reporter the wrongful death trial of audrey pot is set to start in his san jose. Pot committed suicide in 2012 after she was sexually assaulted by three teenage boys while she was drunk and unconscious. Photos of the assault were posted of social media. One of the boys and his family recently settled for six and a thousand dollars and will not face trial. Lawyers for the other boys favor suicide was prompted by other factors there were not related to the assault. Reporter the Newark Police department is warning residents that fake check scams are becoming more popular in one scams someone called laurie mills victims offering a job and thousands of dollars in paychecks up front. The victims are told to activate their employment by depositing the checks. Then theyre asked to buy green got money pack cards at different locations and be a mystery shopper where they evaluate the retailer. After that they email the evaluation and clothes from the prepaid card. By the time a bank realizes the she paychecks were fake the stammers have cashed in on the green dye cards. Reporter a dramatic rescue tests all caught on camera will play some at footage for you and your east remote customer will tell you what calls than were smell in the water over the weekend. Heres a live look outside the bay bridge camera. Will get another check of the forecast a 615 f you wantt o out and t it reporter welcome back were tracking a hot spot on one 01 northbound werent too left lanes are blocked and will likely be that way for the next two to 20 minutes as along chp thinks it will take to clear this crash. Will update the drive time for calm on a complete report coming up. In also check us out with the arm kron 4 mobile app. Reporter take a look this video and u. S. Coast guard rescuing nine people and happen on monday and showing the coastguard vessel trying to get close to that canadian ship there is see one of the crew members jump from one ship to the other the waves were reaching 10 ft. Barry have it all, a camera. Reporter coming up east bay mud official say they figure out what caused the strange smell and taste and the water over the weekend and were gonna plus up all wildlife researcher in the east bay is using motion sensing cameras to study Mountain Lions what well hopes to learn about the mysterious animals coming up next. Im carie. Ivead meratto sereplaq psoasisost my lif but that hast stpedme fm moling my dtor ld m abt stara. It hps kp myskinlear. With only dosea ye afr 2 artedose. Stelar® hps be sean. Stelara®ay ler yr ilitto fht iectis and incrse yr sk oinfeions some serio inftion reire spitizatn. Befo staing elar®. Your door suldtestor tercusis. Stelara mayncree ur rk ofance alwaysell ur ctorf yohave any sign of fectn, ve h canr, or if u delop y w sk grohs. Do not take stara if u e alrgico stara or any oits grednts. Alert yo docr ofew worningrobls including adacs, szure cousioand sionrobls these mabe sns a re, potentiay fal ain nditn. Serioualleic actis caoccu tell your door iyouor aone youhousneed or has receny ceiv a vcine in a medal sdymosttela® pient saw ateast5 eareskin. And t majitywereateds cleareor mimalat 1week stelara®elpseepmy sn clrer. Ask ur dtoraboustela® reporter 613 right now listed back to the breaking news with mike elton in his and technical aid to the the top of the our group as of the caucasus time theres been a Security Breach. Reporter yesterday evening a woman get on the runway she was arrested but not without a fight. Mike was the latest there for a tour from airport reporter the sermon by days of the old. Is not to stop them from flying through mineta but is the big concern because this is not like this is the first time this is the fifth time in the past year. This happened about 550 last evening the Police Responded to a woman walking on the airfield that thing she possibly as jumped over the fence. That access to the tarmac the Airport Police officers found her she put up a struggle before the five officers finally put her under arrest and booking into the santa clara send a clear county jail. We do not know her name or motive. But there have been five Security Breaches in the past year and thats five too many. this seems like a simple solution mentioned there should have a secure fence to keep someone from just dropping over the fence and getting on the time tarmac this does not seem very secure to me. Reporter and back out here live it sam up san jose mineta she was booked and trespassing charges and we continue to speak the flyers and the airport officials as soon as we hear back from them we will pass that information along. Reporter not george house the hot spot coming along reporter is still tying up the two left and lanes they did hope to have the trash, the crash cleared by an 30 minister but right now still backed up. Is near the 880 interchange at the oakland road old oakland road exit. Consumers water dinner and dancing the drive time is from the capitol expressway to the money here expressway on 101 northbound. The drive time is now 21 minutes tying up the ride all the way back to the way to the coyote valley. In tracking the commutative bay bridge west palm the drive time is 18 minutes in that area we did have an accident by the metering lights but that did not dual anything to add additional minutes to the drive time. For the san mateo bridge there is a when advisory in effect. The drive time is moving up to 40 minutes in that area and a trip to the Golden Gate Bridge 101 northbound and southbound have live traffic early with no delays. And then marin county with the Richmond Bridge all the polls open and still no backups to the west bound trip into marin. Reporter were looking a clear skies out there right now the winds are common except folks for the coast. No clouds are in sight. The sun is slowly rising. But its good to be a sons field day with the call will start this morning. And the winds along the coast are 14 mi. An hour is breezy it used its travel across the area. Plenum wednesday between 10 and 20 mi. An hour for the old mans. Vallejo starting out with a chilly start at 35 degrees. Fremont is 46 fremont is starting out of 43 degrees. So you problem and crabber sweater this morning. Given the be across the east bay to continue with a cold start this morning as well as a cool afternoon the temperature was warm up into the low 70s later in the day. Even across south bay temperatures will bien in the upper 40s and will eventually warm up into the low seventies. Reporter across the peninsula smith the upper 60s in the same for the north may so data store for much of the reason. Talking about a warmup for thursday and friday friday is looking like the warmest day of the week. Mix them mid70s and land and lota mid70s across the bay. The weekend looks quiet. But we do have of chance for rain on sunday so have a plan before sunday in giving parties planned war will continue on into next week we may get a chance of rain also on monday and tuesday. Reporter happening today the department of Water Resources is going to conduct a snowpack survey in the sierra nevada. Back in december electronic measurements found the state weiss no water equivalent was at 50 . Its historical average for that time of year in january statewide readings a measured at 25 percent and in march readings were at just 19 of average. The snowpack accounts for about 30 the states water. Reporter knew this morning the los angeles coroner says the death of anjou getty is most likely from Natural Causes or accident. The 47 yearold heir to the getty fortune was found dead in the bathroom yesterday in his Hollywood Hills estate. Early reports suggested he may have suffered blood force trauma. Andrews paris accord and and and daddy are well known here in san francisco. Often opening their home on broadway street. Part of socalled millionaires row for Charity Events and to hold political speech of figures. Reporter another state passes a religious freedom lot even as the outcry continues over indianas controversial new law. This time lawmakers in arkansas that pass a law despite protests outside the capital. Critics of the bill lined up in the Governors Office yesterdays signing a guest book in asking him the gold the measure. Many believe the law is meant to get around anti discrimination laws. Indianas governor insists the new law does not give businesses the right to deny services to anyone but critics worry the law in indiana and now the bill in arkansas are too broad. Theyre demanding a debt and added protection to ensure the rights of the l g b t community are not violatednot reporter federal marshals are reviewing security procedures after in inmate who was receiving treatment at a hospital managed to overpower private guard still her gun and set off a nine hour manhunt. 42 yearold lawson a say escape from a hospital in virginia yesterday. Officials are wondering why two guards were not enough to prevent him from escaping. He was charged earlier this month with robbing a dozen banks in the Northern Virginia and sometimes leak fleeing on a bicycle. He was in the hospital after attempting suicide. Reporter these bay mud says the unusual taste and odor that causes all calls to customers reported in their water over the weekend was caused by a greater presence of algae blooms. The district said the algae was filtered out before it reached customers and the water was safe to drink. Most of the water comes from the party red the war. The Water District is required to preserve cold water deep in the reservoir to release later in the year for returning salmon. Because of that the district started pulling warmer water from a pot higher up in the reservoir of saturday that water has more algae in it. The district switched back to taking water from the deeper part of the reservoir on monday while looking for ways to eliminate the unusual taste and odor. And if youre an east bay mud customer you might notice more changes to your tap water this week. And kitchens where every meal is the most important of the day. Lifes the food that brings us together. And kitchens where every meal is the most important of the day. Reporter you ever give your kid a sip of wine or beer because they beg to taste it is a report this even if you do that once in awhile its not a good idea. Cassette bomb this study found kids who has said alcohol by six great are five times more likely have a full drank by the time they reach high school. There also four times more likely to avenge drink or get drunk. With one of the studys author says she hopes the research it teaches kids when not which is not susceptible of rainbows. The study was published in the journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. Reporter bindles of the comedy centrals daily show has not taken off the anchor desk yet it hasnt taken over the anchor desk yet but he is already off to a bumpy start. Getting a lot of backlash from his past post on social media. 31 yearold trevor know what is being criticized for comments he made on twitter in may of last year and back in 2011. One critic says that no law the biggest problem is most americans just do not know he is. Comedy central says trevor know what is a talented comedienne with a bright future. Trevor themselves as the comments were jokes and not a true reflection of his character. Reporter still ahead on kron 4 morning news a french magazine and german newspaper says there is a cell phone video of the final moments of the end german wings flight that crashed in the french alps what investigators are saying about it. Reporter and here we have a live look at the New York Stock Exchange godet in bringing the bill this morning gdp why is there to assemble. About 20 each a share. There you have it go daddy ringing the bell this morning. Free market trading has not been all that impressive. The nasdaq is a palm down five. Reporter would continue to track the lazier and center of bay the chp is whole of have the lanes reopened by 20 minutes after the hour are not realize were now over 45 minutes. Dissimilar are oneonone this is really gem duck the south bay ride the drought dried thyme is now up to 51 minutes northbound highway from 85 highway up to the money you. The one a one commute the was the two left lanes the block everything out. Reporter gestalt on the high rise of the san mateo bridge says it is see what this is done to the traffic. There silently jammed up all across the bridge and are ready looking at over in a 22 minute drive time from hayward to san mateo. Reporter were in store for another windy day with a cold start and some sunshine. Heres what looks like from our studios learned is coming up is a very beautiful shot. American continue on with clear skies throughout much of the afternoon we have a breezy conditions out there so small lean mostly mainly across the coach coast. Everywhere else is pretty light compared to yesterday morning the wins will continue to pick up later on today. If your lawn by lay hold this morning is in the mid 30s so was very cold right there. Pleasanton and livermore has lower 40s. To vallejo is currently in the 30s. Grabs your sweater because this is wetter weather is surely this morning. This is actually very mild for this time of year the those areas across the bay upper 60s along a coast. The wins will pick up later this afternoon to attend to what tanned to 20 mi. An hour 10 mi. An hour to 20 mi. An hour the wins will pick up and spade. Reporter happening now more bizarre twist in the alleged case of the kidnapping in vallejo. The police call the the host and will tran is that the vallejo Police Department with why investigators believe zealand doctors may have committed a crime on their island in the past. Reporter it appears that the alleged kidnappers were the person to blame big toll officer kenny parker petit had until noon to apologize and they would turn into agents of time they have now backed off from that they said that they apologize it was wrong for them to go after the Police Department. Heres a picture of Denise Huskins 10 days ago she and her bird boyfriend claims she was adopted out of her boyfriends home and vallejo. Two days later she turned a safe in huntington beach. Bass said a was a wrong for the Police Department to come out and a late night News Conference last wednesday saying this was a complete hoax. They said that on our we did kidnap Denise Huskins dropped robin hunter and beach because we felt bad about doing that because she was not the intended target target and hunted beecher was very similar to the bay area. And the water so right at home not to mention that her father lives in huntington beach. Reporter they still have not made any comments about this tape case the police have not made any comments. Sold whether this is is constantly email in the severances the Police Department. They came out and said in an email the the police did not deserve to be carte targeted even when theyre making port calls regarding victims. They going to say about Denise Huskins and eric when the day did not deserve to be in harms way nor have their Property Damage or hong or have their sense of security road in these are the same people that said they kidnapped a Denise Huskins reporter so what theyre saying is theyre the kind this kidnappers in history. The same to be the kindest kidnappers in history is that what theyre saying theyre kind reporter they are the kind this kidnappers there were only doing this as a practice run. This one give enough money so they did napa work for the rest of their lives. Why anybody would do this on the surface you would think they would be happy that theyre blaming the wrong people what theyre bringing attention to themselves. In the last email to the severances chronicle yesterday says the two will not be hearing from them reporter we mean practice run . Crashed practice mark practice run for what reporter this said that they wanted to give enough money so they can have a nice life so they wouldnt have to work. As hoskins and her boyfriend was just a pry up a practice run than they needed to perfected because dating get the ransoms though maybe the operate differently next time. Reporter and thus help police the master plan and our at it reporter hoping off as the reported to high schools in antioch. To call me live from deer valley high pedestal whether the cases have been confirmed. Reporter i am at your belly high school in any active test of cases of whooping cough and Antioch High School has sent out an alert to parents notifying them of the case here at deer valley high schools get the alert went out yesterday obviously vaccinations have been in the news lately last year in fact they had a 70 percent increase over scarce of 10,000 cases of whooping cough the growing number spring break shortly were hoping to talk to the principle or students and teachers regarding this. Is that theyre doing everything they can to prevent more cases. As we get more information on this or words from the school we will pass along to you. Reporter a french magazine and a german newspaper are reporting that there is self from video that captured the final moments of the german wings flight that crashed into the alps. Authorities say hundred lubas purposely crash the flight into the french alps on march 24th killing all 150 people aboard. According to the magazine parismatch and the newspaper and b i l d video recovered from a phone at wreckage site showed the inside of the plane moments before it crashed. Two publications describing the video have not posted on the website. The authenticity of them video is unquestionable. Although this eatery on board is chaotic totally blurred and no individuals can be identified an official in frances Accident Investigation Agency the b e a has said that agency is not aware of any such video another official in charge of the rescue effort said the reports are completely wrong. But wait theres more shop here first and youll always find more bargains. But wait theres more amazing deals on bigname brands in every aisle. But wait theres more like right now its our amazing wine sale, save up to 86 versus elsewhere grocery outlet. Bargain market. vo at jennieo, we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride ten miles for tacos. We thought wed show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco, made with jennieo ground turkey, cooked thoroughly to 165. mom id feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. woman i think that theyre light and theyre just fresh tasting. vo its time for a better taco. kid the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. vo make the switch. Look for jennieo ground turkey at a store near you. cluing isesevyone wantso bethe cadby bunny causonlye brings delious dburcreme eggs. Ile hersay keep trng bunnknoweaster tterhan cadbury. Reporter welcome back to the kron 4 morning news the accident were tracking is finally beginning cleared. Will the traffic is backed up the highway 85 and the drive times are over 50 minutes for the northbound 101 ride leading up the highway 207. Reporter remember you did traffic any time with the of kron 4 mobile act as a Free Download for apple or and roy devices. We will be right back. Turn around every now and then i get a little bit hungry and theres nothing good for me around turn around every now and then i get a little bit tired of craving something that i cant have turn around, barbara forever ive been praying for a snack in my life and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife i finally found the right snack reporter and we are back president obama has declared a major disaster the really go back to the beginning of map march 29th counties were looking at wouldst smell landslides funds also be available to the emergency ward cross. Theres a whole lot of cleanup efforts going on. On that now lets bring you back to the bay area. With debts and when gus yesterday. Reporter is gonna continue on this later after this afternoon. The was a light this morning but it will pick up later on in the day. The see the sun is coming up a very beautiful shot this morning looking at the bay bridge from the embarcadero nicosia little bit of a wave and the flag the winds are very light and when breezy paths by is along the coast with some breezy wins in the northwest and a Half Moon Bay about 70 mi. An hour. With some Cool Temperatures to start off the morning vallejo was starting off in the mid 30s. They were is waking up to 46 the same for a fremont and sunnyvale. Across the peninsula 49 red the sweater first thing this morning and and this afternoon will of the cold day with the breeze. Temperatures will only warmed up and took 07 days reporter meant the upper 60s across the peninsula and a loss bay we have the upper 60s. With starts to warm up into tomorrow and the warmest day of the next seven days will be on friday with some sunshine meant for easter weekend the temperatures will meander around the 70 degree mark. We have a chance of soured on sunday soviet in the activities planned for Easter Sunday have a backup plan. Reporter traffic is still pretty bad on 101 northbound. But accident that blocks the left lanes has been cleared out of the way. The chp is in this final clearing stages on the shoulder. Thats what this back up is reaching all the way back down to highway 85. Now talking about death nearly 55 minute drive. To put pressure on 85 and the guadalupe parkway and already has. Theres solved bounds hoppers presidio drive there were fewer lanes blocked their with Police Activity but we understand the things have cleared up but the lanes of the streets of still back up. Reporter the bay bridge is backed up into the macarthur maze is a slow rise the metering lights and not been set with very quickly right now and thats why the backup has grown to 580 and a trip to the san mateo bridge is jammed up to ride to and the buck is already well into the 20s in the number of time, altman is a with a free to get. The Golden Gate Bridge right is a delight for anyone that gets to drive across the this morning. At the Richmond Bridge were just beginning to back up here now. Reporter this morning we now know that a wildfire in Southern California started out as a controlled burn. December denote fire chief says that the fire was disposed to clear out of the area of the riverbed but the shifting winds blew the fire out of control. It is see that big black smoke. It quickly grew to 70 a. Near the city of victorville destroying the car and a shed as well as going to all lead drybrush. This morning all the mandatory evacuation orders are listed. Firefighters hope that the blaze or will be fully contained sometime today. Reporter happening today Nuclear Talks with iran will continue despite tuesdays midnight deadline. A u. S. Department officials as diplomats and negotiators are still trying to broker deals and theyre sorting out the details on the framework of the agreement right now. Reporter tisza on new wildlife ecologists in the east bay has been studying the alliance for several years using motions sensing cameras kron 4 is jeff pierce spoke with him. Reporter stephen about zein is all wildlife ecologists for the east Bay Regional Park District and for several years now he has been studying mount lines in the park system using motions sensing cameras. Bosnian hoaxes cameras will answer some of the mystery surrounding Mountain Lions in the east bay. The cameras have captured hundreds of pictures a Mountain Lions in just a small part of the park. That number of Mountain Lions was a surprise to the researchers. If youre hiking through mid the many trails in the east bay Park District do not expect to come across one of them. is highly unusual tool for you be able to see a Mountain Lion. They do extraordinary job of avoiding people and is very very wary that if you see a Mountain Lion in the wild. Reporter steve and bob by the end is always in all when he checks his remote cameras. In the east Bay Regional Park District jeff pierce kron 4 news. In thimomeyo babis gtingmore than clean. Ur tch smulas he nsesnd ntureher nd. And e johnsos®cent lather a bubes hp hancthe perice. So w juscleayouraby when youan ge her mucmore . Reporter to look at take a look at this for corporate babies have been born as an actual higher number than usual the been born in the last three months. The baby boom brings the total to 81 whales in the puget sound area. A spokesman for the center says they hope this is a sustained upswing in the population. But he says they will remain endangered until the population gets above 100. 100. Reporter seth terry and the warriors are taking names and breaking ankles. And something that see meld baseballs fans are gonna love at the ballpark coming up. Reporter will live in san jose this morning where there is yet another Security Breach will tell you how woman data on the airfield as coming up in a live report. Reporter Health Alerts have been sent out to parents into east bay high schools. I tell you why they send that out. Reporter and the rumpled dealt trial of a south bay team begins today. Reporter

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