Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20150318 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20150318

story for today. >>reporter: 10 to the into the '40's and 50's heroes a live look for our studio here concede the bay bridge is very dark out still and we have to clear skies up there will continue on with his clear skies it will help the drop of the temperatures before the sun comes out in seven to this morning sentence of 53 daily city same for some sell fremont had 49 degrees and the temperatures are going to continue to stay cool until about 8:00 this morning and there will quickly one of litter on this afternoon. >>reporter: of our 60 to 07 days you ready to let light jacket + tim to war to lure '60s the wins will pick up the to the afternoon it will rise in reference to the 20 mi. per hour from the west to have any outdoor plazas afternoon plenty of sunshine for today and temperatures into the upper 60s to the peninsula one temperatures across the east bay and south they would soon lower to mid 70's the to the quick check of traffic this morning looking at the bay bridge traffic is very quiet. >>reporter: no delays in this area this morning out of this and the sabres was bought traffic even on the eastbound side a look at the golden gate bridge not releasing any cars this morning should not see any delays if you plan now living in the next 30 minutes will take one more look at the richmond bridge were also quiet debut >>james:we are continuing to follow breaking news from overnight. police in san francisco are investigating a deadly officer involved shooting. >>james:a suspected car thief was shot and killed. it all happened near a busy intersection in the heart of the city. >>james:it is a story we first brought you last night on kron 4 news at 8. and today we are hoping to learn the identity of the woman killed. >>james:kron 4's jeff bush has the latest on the investigation. >>reporter:it all went down just after seven o clock.two san francisco police officers were investigating a stolen car that was reportedly at the gas station. the two officers appoached the female drivershowed their badges and then things got crazy. >>:deputy chief hector sainez it made a u-turn and fled to the gas is a striking the building the deficit westbound on pine street the officers chased the vehicle on foot approximately three-quarters of the way of pine street the vehicle made a u-turn drove back in the opposite direction of traffic. >>reporter:the vehicle drove at the officers, made a u turn and fled the gas station, striking the building. the vehicle then proceeded westbound down pine street and the officers chased pine is a one way streetthe driver was now going against trafficthen police say her driving became even more dangerous and erratic. >>:drove back in the opposite direction of traffic, drove onto the sidewalk, left the sidewalk and came back onto the street again and drove towards officers and occupied vehicles including a motorcyclist. the vehicle then drove back onto the sidewalk towards the officers. the officers fearing for their safety and the safety of the community at large discharged their firearms at the driver. >>reporter:the car came to rest on the sidewalk near van ness and pine. >>:the driver succomed to her injuries and died at the scene. police would not say where the car was stolen from or who the driver was. i'm jeff bush, live in san francisco, kron four news. >>james:also breaking overnight 3 people are dead this morning following a shooting at a grocery store in stockton. >>james:police say a woman was pronounced dead at the scene while a man and another woman died at the hospital. >>james:4 other people were wounded. police say it was a drive by shooting. >>james:dozens of people gathered in the area after the shooting and additional police had to be called to help control the crowd. >>james:the incident is currently under investigation. >>james:a car chase through 4 counties started in vacaville. and ended in los altos hills. kron 4 was the only station to bring you the chase live tuesday afternoon. >>james:kron-4's scott rates has the details on how it started and where it ended. >>reporter: town was close calls and speeds are reaching close to 100 mi. per hour that was the scene of the bay area to the afternoon. >>reporter: according to the sea its field all start a slot accounting/different tire of the best you with this guy with the time to move on and he would not let that stop him. it was not until he was on i 280 support the laws ought to filled with the chase was finally to come to fight and that is what from axle of the suvs finally disintegrated causing the vehicle to fly over in the middle of the interstate, slated to consider the suspect climbed out of the driver side door stand up and look around russian self off and then the chp most and that puts him in handcuffs. >>james:breaking news this morning out of germany. this is what it looks like over the skies of frankfurt. >>james:smoke rising above the city as organizers protesting the policies of the european central bank have turned violent. >>james:these are pictures that have been posted to twitter. you can see here cars have been lit on fire. >>james:the bank's new headquarters opened this morning. police had to use water cannons to try and subdue the crowds. >>james:so far 80 police officers have been injured in the demonstrations involving an estimated 10-thousand protestors. >>james:police say arrests have been made but at this point it is unclear how many. >>james:coming up on the kron 4 morning news. the director of the secret service under fire on capitol hill. >>james:we'll tell you why there could be some big changes coming to the agency that protects the president. >>james:plus. more san francisco police officers under scrutiny for racist and homophobic text messages. >>james:we'll tell you why hundreds of criminal cases could now be jeopardized. >>james:and coming up after the break we'll tell you about an envelope sent to the white house that could contain a deadly chemical. >>james:and here's a live look outside. san mateo bridge >>james:happening right now the secret service is awaiting confirmation one way or another about whether an envelope addressed to the white house contains cyanide. >>james:so far 2 tests have been performed on the envelope. one of the tests came back negative. the other cam back positive. >>james:a third test is scheduled for later today. at a site that screens mail addressed to the white house. >>james:the secret service is also working to determine who may have sent the letter to the white house. >>james:in boston. jurors learned more about the life of the suspected boston marathon bomber. >>james:dzhokhar tsarnaev's best friend from high school testified in court tuesday about the two smoking pot together. >>james:he even told the courtroom he gave tsarnaev the gun later used to kill an m-i-t officer. rosa flores has the latest developments in the trial. >>reporter: smoking in hanging out with the diller they really learned about the young man on tuesday. he said he does his best friend in high school he eventually now prosecutors say that that was used in a boston bombing case. but hurt a lot about that. those cards and say stop killing our innocent people the ridings in the cards could help and hinder his case could not determine if he lives or dies. >>james: 54 degrees at the bomb should war to 63 by lunchtime 71 for the daytime high back with more lies just a minute. law >>reporter: here is a live look out by december sale bridge dark out here but we also seek clear skies and could be snowed all the parts of the area that could delay it is a look at the bay bridge took the offer to the east clear skies for this morning is what to a currency to drop the temperature for the sunrise all of after seven this morning. the difference for this morning is that you probably the graptolite jacket doesn't want to be cool and crisp this morning was clear skies. to losses on easy war into the low to mid '60's will have until some time for much of the afternoon will be breezy at times from the west the 25 to 50 mi. from our testing the 20 was sunshine. >>reporter: the maid that was the premises that were to have some reason conditions for to them of latter there's a storm track 474 test to choose the winners for the week that monday bested not sure chance to cross the bay area will see little bit of sunshine and some mild temperatures and to lower salaries. the drive this morning we never quite commute is a few more cars on the road where the still alive for you in to the toll plaza to looks like right now at the san mateo bridge to a few more cars was bound to ease from the rich and so quiet in this area with the golden gate bridge heading down from recounting nasty any delays travel should be on the speed limit we're looking at the richmond bridge 580 west armed track to the very quiet this morning >>james:a widening investigation into the troubling text messages exchanged by members of the san francisco police department. >>james:and now we are learning that more officers are coming under scrutiny. and hundreds of criminal cases could be jeopardized. >>reporter:the head of the police union says as many as 10 more officers are now under investigation in connection with the racist and homophobic texts send allegedly sent between ian furmingrr.the former police sergent convicted on federal corruption charges.and four other officers. here's court papers showing the disturbing communications.littered with the n-word as well as homophobic slurs. >>reporter:check out these exchange referring to the black husband of a friend of furmingrr's wife and their children. >>reporter:get ur pocket gun. keep it available in case the monkey returns to his roots. it's not against the law to put an animal down. >>: it was appalling and disgraceful that any remembers will be of so should with these six messages. u may have to kill the half breed kids too don't worry their an abomination of nature anyway. >>reporter:the four intial officers were taken off the street as the investigation continues.but the other seven to 10 officers now under scrunity have not been transferred. the poa president believes that's because there involvement is not as serious. >>:there messaging is probably not racist not homophobic not sexist. >>reporter:it's unclear if having more officers under investigation means more criminal cases may be taintedat a news conference today the public defender revealed the number of cases handled by the four officers they expect to review.and it's staggering. >>:could be a 1000 casesgoing back 10 years. >>reporter:the public defender is expected to go to court as soon as next week to ask that the first handful of pending cases be thrown out for failure to disclose bias. maureen kelly kron4 news. >>james: secret service director joe clancy is asking for patience. he told congress it will take time to reform his agency. but lawmakers frustrated with security lapses don't seem to be in the mood to wait. jim acosta explains. >>reporter: he conceded he had big problems to fix. he would take time to change some of the cultural that did not sit well with lawmakers who demanded answers about and senate early this month to a to showed a suspicious package investigation at the white house after drinking at a party. i cannot believe this it will take time to change the culture can you explain to me is why it's ok for member of the sickness service to get so inebriated that they would take the car and run into a barricade? the directive admitted he was not told of the incident for five days we had a good start talk about the ship to step to go out to their management to ensure that these events of this, the operational after big relate of the chain. >>reporter: he became director just a month ago and he explained their deep-rooted issues to such a high pressure drought there's an element of our agency and just cope with the stresses that many of you mention my using all all it is an element members of congress are skeptical clancy will address you have to beg a set chain of command regulated the channel command is haywire. changes are coming to replace the outdated training facility the secret service was to build a new mount white house that the cost of $8 million we think it is important to have to wrap up with the white house is to could do a better job with this and retraining tonight informed risen officers and are taught to all teams and agencies. >>james: will say how long are the/but this is one to be out of action is alive and outside the center toward this morning to talk about what it's like outside temperatures in sunnyvale 50 to one of to the mid-60s by noontime and they're looking for low seven his letter this afternoon. >>james: the jets some of the early part due to the sharks in of the course of sports for san jose but it just wasn't enough. it was fourth given of those first three rules. >>james:warriors guard klay thompson is out for at least 7 to 10 days due to a sprained right ankle suffered monday night against the lakers >>james:thompson tweaked his ankle during the third quarter he was still able to score 26 points in a warrior win despite the injury >>james:head coach steve kerr said justin holiday or andre iguodala are the likely replacements. thompson will be reevaluated in 7 to 10 days >>james:super bowl- 50 in santa clara. is 325-days away. and bay area residents are already trying to cash in. by putting their places up for rent. >>james:the going rates so far are pretty pricey. kron4's alecia reid has been looking at the listings. she's has more on how much it will cost to rent a place to stay next february. >>reporter:this listing is 7- thousand dollars. that's right. 7 grand. but wait, it's for a 550 sq foot one bedroom near union square. powell place offers furnished suites. and this particular listing is for 7 nights, and it sleeps 4. not to worry, if you can't afford 7 grand for a week there's an option for 4 nights. >>reporter:the space is at the powell and california street intersection with cable cars out front. near a number of 4 and 5 star hotels like the ritz carlton and fairmont. >>reporter:in phoenix, hotel revenue tripled during this year's superbowl. >>reporter:the bay area will generate millions of dollars next february. there will be many events in san francisco during, and most places are bound to be overbooked. >>james: is the documentary star arrested for murder now they went to look northern california will tell you by mr. durst is being investigated in eureka. ]] here are the big stories we're working on for you this morning. >>james: there's never been pulled over for simply speeding took off you can see just how intense the choice was and how it ended the two went down 680 in the east bank debt on the 2 a northbound santa clara county. the u.s. boxers for the vehicle to pull the little that the section. >>darya: >>j>>james: robert the find out the identity was shot and killed by police in the '70s to learn that would happen or 7:00 last night will have live careers there for mike pelton. >>reporter: is that were stolen car investigation of lilly and after a wild chase please send a suspect drove recklessly to also displayed the permit issues to left the gas isn't a westbound on crime they fall on foot is in the driver turned around and started heading the wrong way on a title to the one which tree. this is why police said all the to open fire. the driver to counter injuries and was pronounced dead at st.. --seen >>reporter: no one else was injured like this incident. >>j >>reporter: a quiet start to the area for today of mersenne some cold temperatures there was a lot right now at the golden gate bridge. for is infected but the morning or light jacket because it will be equal start for the next couple of hours. much of our timber to one of the to the mid to upper 60s will have more sunshine to the afternoon by 5:00 last light winds to the north come up and in full for air will be talking about some great chances for parts of the weekend. traffic has picked up was down eastbound still pretty quiet. >>reporter: a data most of the area bill would require commuter why drive this morning were led down to where going to see some sunshine with a wide as a reserve additions. also happening right now.police in japan are investigating threats to kill u-s ambassador caroline kennedy. >>james:authorities say threatening calls were made to the u.s. embassy in tokyo. >>james:japanese media reports say the death threats came last month from a caller speaking in english and that police were looking into the case. >>james:in world news. >>james:the votes are in. >>james:and while the official results are still being tallied-- israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is saying he and his party won re-election. >>james:today-- his main rival isaac herzog reportedly called the incumbent leader and congratulated him. >>james:mary moloney has the story. >>reporter:in a stunning turnaround -- israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu declares victory. >>:: "against all odds, we achieved this huge victory." >>reporter:shortly before the election netanyahu made a major push pledging that no palestinian state would be established as long as he kept his office. >>:: "the right regime is in danger, the arab voters are coming in huge amounts to the polls." >>reporter:that warning troubled palestinians pushing for peace. >>:: "this election is about racism and the racism that they have been facing as citizens in the state of israel and it's also about the continued occupation and denial of freedom to palestinians in the west bank and the gaza strip." >>reporter:millions of israelis cast ballots and according to earlier exit polls bibi was behind. >>:: "it was not anticipated, but israeli's are notorious for telling the truth the pollsters and lying at the polls." >>reporter:official results aren't expected until next week and the process of coalition building could take much longer. >>reporter:the next prime minister will have a lot on his plate. >>reporter:israeli security concerns -- the continued push for creation of a palestinian state -- the country's soaring cost of living -- plus ongoing nuclear talks with iran -- in which israel has a vested interest. >>reporter:not to mention israel's strained relationship with america. it's a long road ahead for whomever is in charge. i'm mary moloney reporting. >>james: social meeting gets a little scary for actors ashley will table the text that have hurt pursue charges. after the wreck will take you behind the scenes of the most expensive condo in san francisco. >>james:we all know that san francisco is becoming a prohibitively expensive place to live. but we found a place that takes the cake. >>james:it's the most expensive condo in the city. kron 4's vicki liviakis shows it to us. >>reporter:you know what they say - if you have to ask, you can't afford it. asking price? >>reporter:you heard right gregg lynn of sotheby's is listing the lumina high rise condo for 49 million dollars. >>reporter:what do you want for 14,000 square feet and 360 degree views of the city? not to mention, 8 terraces to soak up the scenery. you're going to have four on to a guest rooms as well. the elevator is a hoist - up to the42nd floor. >>reporter:the crazy part - the condo's not even finished yet and the real estate agents already got buyers. >>: there are interested in making this their home. but don't think gregg lynn can retire once he sells this sky- high condo. >>reporter:he's also the real estate agent for san francisco's second most expensive condo - at a mere 29 million dollars. vicki liviakis reporting for us this morning. in case you have 49 million in your pocket and are in the market. >>james:home-owners dues alone for the condo are 8-thousand dollars a month. >>james: quicklime the outside before we go the san mateo bridge cameras from us the ride on 92. >>reporter: we're working up to clear skies across much of the area here is what looks like at the bay bridge looking of to the east is still dark out we have clear skies for pressure building and it will keep the skies clear for much of the day but it will start december 2nd letter this morning and then one of this afternoon years to clear skies to men as a phone not a bad start incident this quantity of the cooler side was subtle and rare combination looks pretty good clear skies for much of the evening everywhere else is back peninsula south bay clear skies for this morning those areas seem clear skies with a to jot down the temperature of the of 40 san jose concord 50 degrees it will feel slightly cooler when you wake up for this morning just unless for today to the judge will quickly one of your these planned next 30 minutes afforded to low 50s by the lunch hour to start the war but to the ultimate success. >>reporter: winds will start to pick up into the early afternoon of the time has to be low to mid 70's by 5:00 the temperatures will start to slow across all down to lower subsidies 72 degrees to the inland area and the winds will blow to the malls are requesting at times. attention for this morning were made up into mid-60's letter this afternoon a few of the '60s are possible as well. will continue on with the warming trend will be one to tomorrow we have a degree weather possible for and areas across the bay mid-70s and the upper 60s across the coastline the next range as the no. they will be on saturday will give presence lotions for string the better french as a mainstay on sunday and monday by tuesday it will start to see those clouds will allow a quick check of your commit this lorna were looking at the san mateo bridge whenever required star on a road toward track to continue to pick up across the land to grab on to say traffic will and the speed limit this morning. >>reporter: traffic heading for more recounting the speed limit in this area here is what looks like at the richmond bridge traffic heading westbound >>james:a u-s air force veteran is due in court today. after he was indicted for attempting to provide support to isis and obstructing justice. >>james:prosecutors say tairod nathan webster pugh. an aviation mechanic. plotted to travel to syria to join the terror group. turkish airport officials stopped pugh in january. when he refused to allow officers to search his electronics. >>james:authorities say they found evidence on his laptop, which had information on turkey- syria border crossings. >>james:the sigma alpha epsilon fraternity says it will unveil a national plan to combat racial intolerance. >>james:the organization is holding a news conference in chicago later today to announce its plans to eliminate insensitivity among its members. this comes after the fraternity's chapter at oklahoma state university got into trouble after a video surfaced of its members taking part in racist chants. >>james:s-a-e disbanded the chapter. and the university expelled two of the students involved in the chant. >>james:happening right now. police in texas are trying to figure out how a decapitated body ended up floating in the gulf of mexico. >>james:the body was found monday night and authorities were able to identify the victim using his finger prints. >>james:the sheriff's office reports a sharp object was used in the apparent attack. so far police have no potential suspects or motives. >>james:this morning we are hearing from 2 quick-thinking passengers on a united airlines flight who tackled and subdued a man who was heading toward the cockpit. >>james:a government official with direct knowledge of the incident says the detained passenger had run toward the cockpit screaming "jihad, jihad." >>james:mark meredith spoke with the two men who sprang into action. >>reporter: he held down with charlie passenger they're not air marshal's adjusted to the core business shot was on anything but a typical flight. he was shoreline expected from the science they're sitting in first class when i when another passenger try to rush the cockpit and scream the words d hot. did not wait for a call for help them quickly brought the man down on to the aisle. at the same time the flight crew made a call the all but the party back to the scene of the presence of they fear for the worse it was not until scott and john got involved. the suspect was killed on a ground to the jet made it back to the gate to the edge of the past is being held under a mental health we westerville one bar or the world capital of the glove of the same thing all over again but hoped it would never have to. >>james:a wild car chase in los angeles county ends with one man running. police followed a stolen car for about an hour and a half last night. >>james:at one point, the vehicle lost its front tires. but the driver kept going with sparks flying. the car was running on its rims as it sped through red lights. >>james:then the driver came to a stop, and a male passenger jumped out and ran away. >>james:he went through backyards and alleys, and jumped over a fence before he was taken into custody. >>james:the female driver stayed in the car and surrendered. >>james: and dishonor the police department use to turn yourself and infest the consequences for your actions. authorities say that he may be driving a 1992 ford pickup truck is considered armed and dangerous. the millionaire and a few dr. star accused of murder police interstate's not suspecting robert burch of being involved in people's death another is the people about the potential involvement with of the cold case brought here in california. take a look of this composite sketch now look at his thirst by any objective measure there was a striking resemblance to does like police look into the possible disappearance of a young woman in your california to to allow for the will to realist air at a home. 60 wrote karen michel went missing in november 1997 issue on which to work at the decker sander according to local news reports of the time she was less a little like a blue car the shipment of that and to the wood is the explicit discussion of the man behind the will offer an address to get a report a pro a deadly secret a book chronicling healy's investigators did not do enough to chase dow closed like a to the same disappears very. >>reporter: the show credit-card records indicating killed and a small sign the day she disappeared. she wanted a home center and eureka which she frequented in addition she ran a shoe store the lead investigator from the request of our men return several years ago and wrote a was to reach them and he was quoted a 2003 newspaper article saying had these of these real following in all the information learned by them have not fully comfortable the eye and let him from our investigation the eureka police chief is not speaking about the case. we're certainly interested in information that may or may not come out of interviews with mr. there's an insurrection come to us that allows us to for the artist is to take the opportunity to do that. >>james: is lopsided allied look from the san mateo bridge camera 7 and 7 are days of the one in the south bank back with more headlines and a minute. >>james: should set an agenda violence to wrestle social media seriously the twins were in response to her same the upon to play dirty little at to the today show the amount of gender bias is there is attached to the extraordinary shift as far to four because of the tweaks. will take a quick break will be back with more in a moment we do come back or rabbit back from in the east that will tell you where will tell you about a couple for recall she to know about will say what items are being impacted aligned the coming of the top of the next hour we'll live the census is still the woman shot and killed by police last night like the to tell us why police were investigating that >>james:good morning and thanks for joining us. i'm james fletcher. and i'm mark danon. >>mark:we want to get right to our breaking news this morning. >>mark:a deadly officer involved shooting in san francisco. >>mark:it happened last night when officers were investigating a stolen car at a gas station near van ness avenue and pine. >>james:kron 4's mike pelton is live in san francisco. >>james:mike, can you tell us how this all unfolded? >>reporter: a very short while police chase is still a lot of glass on the ground to gluck is all start a little after 7:00 last night will please say two plainclothes officers were investigating a possible sale of vehicle at the gas station and six other than as a kind to of to display the department issued with the suspect a woman and 20 the started left the gas station and drove west bound to the one where she officers follow on foot with pleas to the driver turned around and started hitting the wrong way on time tear for the safety of those around offices opened fire least twice that and issued a loran knows it did princess to that place soviet to identify the two officers involved in the shooting in the name of the suspect. >>james: we want to get you caught up on the weather and traffic now. >>george: pretty quiet start to the commit. >>reporter: clear skies when the typical will see plenty of sunshine along the sentinel who looks like as a saw clear skies so dark out will enunciate the sun come down from about two hours. to ensure fall before the sun comes up temperature rise yet of the '40's across the north across the peninsula will have to lower 50s said fiscal this city 49 degrees oakland on the cool side afford it degrees across the south but we have some upper '40's club where we were yesterday to assure you where the jacket and custom touches on to become the cooler stars into large our timber to be comfortable with low to mid '60's sunny skies could guest of to 25 across the peninsula would be into the upper 60 south ave the same for the spy camille will talk more rain chances in storm track four. >>george: we're not tracking any hot stars this morning a line to the bridge look great for the trip out of the eastern it into the macarthur maze 9 minute drive to long all the way through the toll plaza ride from the east bay over to some sale this morning looks good this to a construction and capital picked up in the westbound direction but it is early enough that it should not cause of the problem along with their our they're within the next hour or shall for your trip to the golden gate bridge was aware traffic would wreck northbound softball currently drive time of 25 minutes from the bottle down to the golden gate bridge. >>james: >>james:three people are dead this morning following a shooting at a grocery store in stockton. police say a woman was pronounced dead at the scene while a man and another woman died at the hospital. >>james:four other people were wounded. police say it was a drive by shooting. >>james:dozens of people gathered in the area after the shooting and additional police had to be called to help control the crowd. the incident is currently under investigation. >>mark:first on kron 4. >>mark:a high- speed chase through four bay area counties. comes to a dramatic, fiery crashing end. >>mark:we were the only station to carry the chase live. and captured the dramatic ending on air just after three yesterday afternoon. >>mark:the chase lasted more than an hour. >>mark:it started in solano county near vacaville, after the suspect refused to pull over on a traffic stop. >>mark:the chase then went on for close to 100 miles. eventually coming to an end near the los altos hills. spike strips rendered the nissan pathfinder useless. take a look at how the crash ended. as kron 4's grant lodes followed it live on air. >>reporter: their his precious loss control the car flipped over now is on its side have the driver will see the driver gets our web on to say exactly will happen no sign of the driver right now we did not know of you is where the seat belt use they live with this as long as we can the car and nonsmoking and the driver appears to be getting out of the vehicle is still a man right there his hand and not up he is assessing the damage to his vehicle hit looked stunned rightfully so. >>mark:the c-h-p eventually moved in and put the suspect in handcuffs. he is identified as 24-year-old ramon bernal from davis. >>mark:he was transported to stanford university medical center to be evaluated. find out bernal's condition right now. >>mark:he will bring us a live report with an update in the next 30 minutes. if you want to watch the most dramatic moments from the chase. >>james:the votes are in, and while the official results are still being tallied. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he and his party won. >>james:his main rival, isaac herzog reportedly called netanyahu today and congratulated him. >>james:just before the election netanyahu made a major push. pledging that no palestinian state would be established as long as he kept his office. >>james:official results aren't expected until next week, and the process of coalition building could take much longer. >>mark:still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. the presbyterian church changes their definition of marriage. >>james:we'll explain coming up. and don't be surprised if you're not served water at restaurants. >>mark:we'll tell you about the new water restriction rules. and two major food recalls to tell you about this morning. what to clear from your cabinets. after the break. female announcer: you're on the right track to save big during sleep train's triple choice sale. for a limited time you can choose up to 48 months interest-free financing on a huge selection of tempur-pedic models. or choose to save hundreds on simmons beautyrest mattress sets. you can even choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular stearns & foster mattresses. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ wh heaburnomes eepi up on you... fighbackith relief so smoo... .it'fast tums sothi stas diolvi the stanit tches yo tone ...a neualiz stoch acidt thsour. ♪um, m tutum.♪ ooths! oy fr tum >>mark: macaroni and cheese lovers. >>mark:kraft foods is recalling over six million boxes of original flavor kraft macaroni and cheese. >>mark:this is because some of the boxes contain small pieces of metal. there were eight incidents of people finding metal in the boxes, but no one has been injured >>mark:kraft says consumers can return the affected box for a full refund. >>mark:to find out which boxes were affected and the "best when used by" dates go to kron 4 dot com for all that information. >>mark:and trader joe's is recalling raw walnuts.because of a possible health risk >>mark:the company is recalling raw walnuts because these products have the potential to be contaminated with salmonella. >>mark:the bacteria can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems. the raw walnuts were distributed to trader joe's stores nationwide. to read more about both of these recalls. go to kron4 dot com. >>mark:coming up on the kron 4 morning news. violent protests overnight in germany. we'll tell you what demonstrators are upset about. and we're watching the weather >>reporter: we're on to continue on clear skies across much of the area but with that is what to do over the next couple of hours before the sun comes out with a to fill those temperatures on the call side it would drop down for the next couple of hours attention to the low fifties in this area and just a cloud cover storm to move in the cost a lot that we need to do for today in flannel grammar and jacket dress in layers this morning to the after now it will be of little bit breezy and sunny and warmer not a bad forecast for today required for march bylaws or to measures will warm up into the low to mid '60's perfect weather for the east end rant of wanting instead like will pick of the to the early afternoon across the southwest san jose will bar montebello the upper '40's and given 60 during the lunch hour more sunshine in store where required for have been in the past couple of days will continue on with the warmer trend because of a high-pressure ridge over the area for tomorrow 80 degrees and in the area and send it across the bank into the 60s across the coastline and in the friday of next door system approach and to see stars and agave attracted the changeable farther north. >>reporter: but as he the next rain chance for the region to the much to they started to walk out. >>george: you're is quick to what is going on around the bay as we look at the bridges in the right first year at the bay bridge was down like traffic coming down the east are the macarthur maze and out of the nimitz north as well and free trips on highway 92 the san mateo bridge and equally good ride and they still have those come out in the right hand lane we will see about when they get those picked up all lanes are open for the west about commit free trip to the golden gate bridge like traffic here coming in from marin county no delays across the span. >>george: here is a pretty good right as well like traffic was brought here at the toll plaza the backups or less for the westar trip coming through richmond. >>mark:the secret service will have a third round of testing done to determine whether a letter >>mark:so far two tests have been performed on the envelope. >>mark:the first one came back negative. and the other came back a "presumptive positive." the letter was received monday at a site that screens mail addressed to the white house. >>mark:the secret service is working to determine who may have sent the letter to the white house. >>mark:in world news this morning out of germany. this is what it looks like over the skies of frankfurt. >>mark:smoke rising above the city as organizers protesting the policies of the european central bank have turned violent. >>mark:these are pictures that have been posted to twitter. you can see here cars have been lit on fire. >>mark:the bank's new headquarters opened this morning. police had to use water cannons to try and subdue the crowds. >>mark:so far 80 police officers have been injured in the demonstrations involving an estimated 10-thousand protestors. >>mark:police say arrests have been made but at this point it is unclear how many. >>james:starting today. the u-s army is set to begin destroying the nation's largest remaining stockpile of chemical weapons. >>james:the defense department has given the go ahead to neutralize 26-hundred tons of mustard agent at the army's pueblo chemical depot in southern colorado. >>james:if the weather cooperates crews will start moving the stockpile from a storage bunker to an airtight structure where they'll be destroyed. >>james:this is expected to take four years to complete. under a 1997 treaty. >>mark:the state water resources control board is extending and expanding restrictions on water use. >>mark:servers in bars, restaurants, and cafeterias can no longer bring out water with menus unless customers ask. >>mark:local water departments will have to limit how many days a week people can water lawns. >>mark:the state standard is twice a week, and homeowners have to make sure sprinklers are off days following rain. water departments will enforce the rules, and violators face a fine of up to 500 dollars a day. water departments also have to start reporting on how they're enforcing the rules. >>james:the presbyterian church is now recognizing gay marriage for all of its congregations. >>james:the denomination will expand its definition of marriage in the church constitution to say that marriage is a "commitment between two people." >>james:this amendment follows decades of church debate over same-sex relationships. >>james:there are about 1-point- 8 million members and 10- thousand congregations in the denomination. >>mark:berkeley police are warning residents of an increase in certain stolen vans and trucks in the city since january. >>mark:police say thieves are targeting ford econoline vans and f-series trucks mostly in the western part of berkeley. >>mark:authorities are advising residents not to leave valuable tools, equipment, and other personal property in vehicles. >>mark:police say an alarm system a "kill switch," or a g- p-s tracking system are helpful in preventing thefts. >>mark:governor jerry brown and university of california president janet napolitano will discuss the progress they've differences over u-c's budget. >>mark:the university's board of regents named them as the sole members of the committee charged with recommending posssible changes in how the university is structured and spends its money. >>mark:this comes after the board approved napolitano's proposal to increase student tuition by up to 5 percent in each of the next five years-- a plan brown opposed. >>james:still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. a warning in the east bay after a rabid bat was found near a school. we'll have a live report with details on where and how it was found. >>james:and after the break. tired of carrying loyalty cards when you shop? >>james:we'll tell you about a new program that combines customer loyalty from different stores. hey. these are good. what have you been feeding us all these years? kfc popcorn nuggets. 100% white meat, extra crispy, and made from the world's best chicken. try our kfc bucket and popcorn nuggets meal. these don't even come with a toy and i don't care. introducing new flonase allergy relief nasal say, w avlabloverhe cnterinull escrtiontrenh. whene brthe allgens r boes rct b overrodung s keyinflmato subance that cau ourympts. the adinalley pi onl ntro one onascontls s. and x isreat thaone. flone th24 hr reef at operfms t #1alrgy ll. soo ahd , haleife. neflone. x isreat thaone. is cngesverying. at cloro2 wee tued movi stas in a sence now e-trt wi clox 2! watch stns dappe ght foreour es. remove 4imesore ains an derge alo. welcome back. before you head out the door this morning here's a look at current temperatures. >>james: low fifties in some senses the. michelle will have your full forecast in less than 10 minutes. >>mark:happening now. the first direct charter flights from new york city to cuba are taking off. >>mark:cuba travel services is now offering a weekly tuesday charter from j-f-k international airport to havana. >>mark:the flights costs 849- dollars round-trip. that price includes airfare cuban medical insurance, and u-s departure taxes. >>mark:the obama administration announced it would be easing travel restrictions to cuba back in january, but tourism is still banned. >>mark:travelers must declare a purpose that its into one of 12 approved categories. including family visits and government work. >>james:new this morning. >>james:some of the biggest brands in the u-s are teaming up for the country's first-ever cross-brand shopper loyalty program. >>james:macy's, rite aid, at&t, exxon-mobil, nationwide, hulu, and direct energy are the first companies to participate in the new "plenti" program which launches in may. >>james:the american express company unveiled plans for the program today. participants no longer have to carry multiple keychain cards or coupons. buying a shirt at macy's can earn you points for your next cell phone bill. >>james:up next on the kron 4 morning news. five people found dead this week in napa. and this morning we have new details on the murder suicide that happened on monday. we'll hear from a witness coming up. and taking a live look at the richmond san rafael bridge. >>will tran: high-speed chase the for comment or the suspect is in jail this morning will show you the dramatic video once again in just a few minutes. i geout wk, and i to e ste, ansomedy says,smeln' aroun smell cookies." i sa, "ono you jussml me, justot o of work th'honebunchesofats, that's al" said "don't eame now." back to our top story this morning. >>james:a high speed chase through the bay area. ending in a crash on interstate 2-80 near the los altos hills. >>james:we carried the ending for you live on kron 4 yesterday afternoon. we were the only station live when the suspect was taken into custody. >>james:the man was taken to stanford medical center to be evaluated. kron 4's will tran is live now with an update on the suspect. will? >>will tran: knew this morning if he is not as stanford medical center this morning we called because of law of not telling us and he's still not there for me know he will be here at the santa clara county jail where you'll be booked multiple charges including evading the chilly the video this of the bill that we showed you live is just off about 80 mi. that is to track the pullover ultimately he was driving on some rams. it is said to a hospital no major injuries innocent people attended her but not in this case. if you want to watch the most dramatic moments from the chase. we've posted the video on our website. check it out on kron-4 dot com. >>reporter: the winds with the sea to pick up in the press love. 52 degrees oakland 50 across the south bay is into the midst of the 40's. >>george: ask that would change as soon as the major allies are turned off the trip to the san mateo bridge out of the east bay and shouldn't over toward sen mattel it is a good ride grammar track any problems yet still haven't heard the truck picking up the ocean the are the way for the one to you. still showing grim on the roadways and to try to stay 80 highway 24 and 680 into 42 out what a quick and heading south toward the san ramon valley sells predicted ride here we're not track any problem to the west like a commute. >>james:another gruesome discovery in napa: the body of a man. found in a freezer. >>james: for the napa area. in two days. police found the body in a freezer on brown street earlier this afternoon. >>james:they say, the dead man was in a kneeling position. >>james:this happened inside a halfway house. where police say. some of the residents have mental problems. >>james: late february. this discovery comes a day. after two decomposing bodies were found in an apartment complex. >>james:new details are emerging in the napa area murder-suicide case. involving a winemaker and his investor. >>james:search crews scoured through at least two vineyards yesterday. looking for more clues. >>james:authorities say 47 year old winemaker robert dahl chased his investor through his vineyard on monday. and then appeared to execute him as deputies arrived on scene. >>james:dahl then tried to escape from authorities by going through another vineyard. but eventually he took his life several miles away. >>james:witnesses describe the chaotic moments leading up to the incident. >>: you try to finish him off perry >>james:court officials say dahl and his investor, emad tawfilis were at odds over money. >>james:they say dahl didn't fulfill his promises over the last two years and was facing a lawsuit. >>mark:happening now out of fremont-- several businesses and buildings damaged overnight and now police are on the look out for the suspects. >>mark:the first one happened just after 1:30 a-m, an alarm went off notifying the company's security of a glass break at plaza real. >>mark:when officers arrived to the area they found that a total of four businesses had been vandalized. >>mark:shortly after responding to this call they responded to another call this time at a target. >>mark:then officers were called about three more businesses that were vandalised. officers say a total of seven business were damaged, and they all appear to be related. >>mark:officers are working to get surveillance videos. >>mark: temperatures and go on right now 54 the backed already starting to warm. >>james: he was picked to buy a dog their playground and the elementary school on friday the honor of the dog took the back to the tri-city animal shelter with the results came back positive on monday when the dog! to take the dog wanting for 30 days with a >>: eyesore pick something up and put in her mouth and i grabbed her and made her spin it out and i saw it was a bat. >>james: the first rabid bat was from march 6th on the interest of the estimate content with either that's could have been exposed to rabies in their orders to contact avenue, public of parliament. >>mark: investigation of a tax room full of police department office of the come under scrutiny for the hundreds of criminal cases could be jeopardized the police juliuses as many as 10 more officers would not under investigation in connection with the races homophobic text messages. there convict them on federal corruption charges for initial officers were taken off the street investigation continues with the other seven to allow the to on the scrutiny and not have been transferred to peel away believe that is because the public defender reveal the number of cases handled by the four officers and is expected to review about a thousand cases for 10 years of public defenders expected to the court as soon as next week and accepted for senseful of pending cases being brought out the failure. >>james: the sigma alpha of alarm that will on they'll announce the plan to eliminate insensitivity among its members which comes as you may know it got into trouble after this deal surfaced showing its members participating in the recession as they need this is still to the students involved in the case. >>reporter: with a to cool temperatures across the area but we will see a one of plus some reason to this is a talk about the range answers all the details coming up with storm track 47 forecast corporate wh heaburnomes eepi up on you... fighbackith relief so smoo... .it'fast tums sothi stas diolvi the stanit tches yo tone ...a neualiz stoch acidt thsour. ♪um, m tutum.♪ ooths! oy fr tum female announcer: right now at sleep train get up to 48 months interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. save hundreds on beautyrest. or choose $300 in free gifts with stearns & foster. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. >>reporter: along with some six this for some other areas mainly along the coastline in the peninsula we do have to clear skies had a few passing clouds mainly for areas across the lawn of the bank this causes want to continue to move for the area and could be afforded to low 50s cool chris was the storm of when the sun comes out in the next two hours we do have a clear skies in this area and we're working to clear skies as well looking at the bay bridge from our studios. >>reporter: would continue on with this is as into the lunch hour and to the afternoon there will start to have another two nights overnight tonight timmy is in the '40's and '50's again dress in layers are projected it will be of the cooler side for the next couple of hours late of 45, the 49-50 degrees fremont 48 sunnyvale 47 warmly of into low 60s during the lunch hour by the early afternoon daytime highs a restatement of the sixties will continue to stay into the '60s until about 7:00 at a cocktail of the fifties as well ones also pick up the to the afternoon just to care for some the to yesterday bridge conditions for the west for to the 20 mi. per hour of 25 the east bay planner over the next the immense the system's incentives have far off human nazi any rain possibly on saturday within by sunday into monday the next rain chancellor the entire bay area. >>george: a relatively quiet ride not any hot spots it is of this entire country as a second look at the traffic map the stressfree recommend time 12 minutes now hercules to berkeley and is not a bad ride with him to the san ramon valley 60 metric to get you down to the dublin interchange south of a freeway still there pretty well enough on the richest the cups and slow the 2 freeway is there's been an accident down since early this morning and has that the on ramp close with other arise not affecting the ride and for mid peninsula traffic and is good for 101 at the 92 interchange and where will want me to the dumbarton bridge no delays off the bayfront expressway for the bay bridge ride the mid relies on the back of the shelling in a westbound for your trip to the san mateo bridge highway 92 to we're looking pretty well here no delays and to get out across the span caltrans clothes crouse. can into marin the of the richmond bridge a backup in the right have line will get you all the cast and is open that would change in tenements on the rest of the shift comes on a to talk >>mark: over in vitro fertilization the o.j. speaking out and interview with cn and the designer was quoted in the times magazine the firm to ids as synthetic now he has two children to ids and responded by it boycott the bonfire back on social meeting call for a convoy out of john and finished third in a speech to the designer spoke to cnn about the controversy and appeared to disagree. >>mark: an interview he went on to say that he was not boycotting fell to john. >>reporter: is listed as $7,000.70 grand is for five charges and 50 sq. ft. one that room near union square the had to offer furnace sweets in this particular listing is for seven nights at his leash for but not to worry if you cannot afford seven grammar for week there is an option for four nights. the cable cars trying to up have the #45 star hotels like the car to and from my and phoenix hotel revenues tripled during this year's super bowl and the bay area would generate millions of dollars next february there be many events in san francisco during the superbowl and most places are bound to be overbooked. will to you cause the explosion after the break. the wod isillewithir. t fopeop witcopd sotimebreaing r cabe diffult. if you havcopdask ur ctorboutnce-ily oro lia. itelpseoplwithopd breae beer for full4hou. anoro elpta theirst a-apovedrodu containingwo lg-acng bronodilors onenhal. anoris n forsthma. anoro coains typof medine tt ireas riskf deh ineoplwithasth. it is not own thirisks incrsed cop ano wot reace resc inhers for ddenopd mpto and shld n be ed me thannce day. tellour ctorf yohave hearcondion, origh ood essu. tell youdoct ifou he glauma, osta or bladd proems, orrobls paing ine as anormay ke tse oble wor. call youdoct rig awaif u ha woenedreatng chest in, elli of ur moh orongu prlemsrinang oeyeprlems includinvisi chaes o e pa whi takg ano. noing n reverscopd the rld fild wi air and anoro iselpi peoe wi co breh aibett. t yo first prescriion fr at oro.m. >>james: a family's wool over pressurize inside of their home in washington state and blow up and the sea would it did to the wall in damages after 3:00 after friday afternoon in the boiler had been in the home since 1960 the mother said the kids normally play in that room that did the dollar was at the tech napa and the head walk to work but we know was inside the room at that wall. the special baseball by the bay area started at 9 we are areamchee tha stl beeves in saving r fo. thlaugng c. inve snaing. >>james: the some common shares office looking for missing at rest of your boiler with special needs that need to look for lukas may he was last in at his home in the 63 on the block of jensen wrote in santa rosa on 730 last night it described as a right mail about a hundred pounds. he was wary of gray hooded jacket and black shirt and red tennis shoes that is say he might have been trying to walk to a safe choice store on google avenue is all the information we have at the moment that like your help this morning and try to find that at this boy.

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20150318 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20150318

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story for today. >>reporter: 10 to the into the '40's and 50's heroes a live look for our studio here concede the bay bridge is very dark out still and we have to clear skies up there will continue on with his clear skies it will help the drop of the temperatures before the sun comes out in seven to this morning sentence of 53 daily city same for some sell fremont had 49 degrees and the temperatures are going to continue to stay cool until about 8:00 this morning and there will quickly one of litter on this afternoon. >>reporter: of our 60 to 07 days you ready to let light jacket + tim to war to lure '60s the wins will pick up the to the afternoon it will rise in reference to the 20 mi. per hour from the west to have any outdoor plazas afternoon plenty of sunshine for today and temperatures into the upper 60s to the peninsula one temperatures across the east bay and south they would soon lower to mid 70's the to the quick check of traffic this morning looking at the bay bridge traffic is very quiet. >>reporter: no delays in this area this morning out of this and the sabres was bought traffic even on the eastbound side a look at the golden gate bridge not releasing any cars this morning should not see any delays if you plan now living in the next 30 minutes will take one more look at the richmond bridge were also quiet debut >>james:we are continuing to follow breaking news from overnight. police in san francisco are investigating a deadly officer involved shooting. >>james:a suspected car thief was shot and killed. it all happened near a busy intersection in the heart of the city. >>james:it is a story we first brought you last night on kron 4 news at 8. and today we are hoping to learn the identity of the woman killed. >>james:kron 4's jeff bush has the latest on the investigation. >>reporter:it all went down just after seven o clock.two san francisco police officers were investigating a stolen car that was reportedly at the gas station. the two officers appoached the female drivershowed their badges and then things got crazy. >>:deputy chief hector sainez it made a u-turn and fled to the gas is a striking the building the deficit westbound on pine street the officers chased the vehicle on foot approximately three-quarters of the way of pine street the vehicle made a u-turn drove back in the opposite direction of traffic. >>reporter:the vehicle drove at the officers, made a u turn and fled the gas station, striking the building. the vehicle then proceeded westbound down pine street and the officers chased pine is a one way streetthe driver was now going against trafficthen police say her driving became even more dangerous and erratic. >>:drove back in the opposite direction of traffic, drove onto the sidewalk, left the sidewalk and came back onto the street again and drove towards officers and occupied vehicles including a motorcyclist. the vehicle then drove back onto the sidewalk towards the officers. the officers fearing for their safety and the safety of the community at large discharged their firearms at the driver. >>reporter:the car came to rest on the sidewalk near van ness and pine. >>:the driver succomed to her injuries and died at the scene. police would not say where the car was stolen from or who the driver was. i'm jeff bush, live in san francisco, kron four news. >>james:also breaking overnight 3 people are dead this morning following a shooting at a grocery store in stockton. >>james:police say a woman was pronounced dead at the scene while a man and another woman died at the hospital. >>james:4 other people were wounded. police say it was a drive by shooting. >>james:dozens of people gathered in the area after the shooting and additional police had to be called to help control the crowd. >>james:the incident is currently under investigation. >>james:a car chase through 4 counties started in vacaville. and ended in los altos hills. kron 4 was the only station to bring you the chase live tuesday afternoon. >>james:kron-4's scott rates has the details on how it started and where it ended. >>reporter: town was close calls and speeds are reaching close to 100 mi. per hour that was the scene of the bay area to the afternoon. >>reporter: according to the sea its field all start a slot accounting/different tire of the best you with this guy with the time to move on and he would not let that stop him. it was not until he was on i 280 support the laws ought to filled with the chase was finally to come to fight and that is what from axle of the suvs finally disintegrated causing the vehicle to fly over in the middle of the interstate, slated to consider the suspect climbed out of the driver side door stand up and look around russian self off and then the chp most and that puts him in handcuffs. >>james:breaking news this morning out of germany. this is what it looks like over the skies of frankfurt. >>james:smoke rising above the city as organizers protesting the policies of the european central bank have turned violent. >>james:these are pictures that have been posted to twitter. you can see here cars have been lit on fire. >>james:the bank's new headquarters opened this morning. police had to use water cannons to try and subdue the crowds. >>james:so far 80 police officers have been injured in the demonstrations involving an estimated 10-thousand protestors. >>james:police say arrests have been made but at this point it is unclear how many. >>james:coming up on the kron 4 morning news. the director of the secret service under fire on capitol hill. >>james:we'll tell you why there could be some big changes coming to the agency that protects the president. >>james:plus. more san francisco police officers under scrutiny for racist and homophobic text messages. >>james:we'll tell you why hundreds of criminal cases could now be jeopardized. >>james:and coming up after the break we'll tell you about an envelope sent to the white house that could contain a deadly chemical. >>james:and here's a live look outside. san mateo bridge >>james:happening right now the secret service is awaiting confirmation one way or another about whether an envelope addressed to the white house contains cyanide. >>james:so far 2 tests have been performed on the envelope. one of the tests came back negative. the other cam back positive. >>james:a third test is scheduled for later today. at a site that screens mail addressed to the white house. >>james:the secret service is also working to determine who may have sent the letter to the white house. >>james:in boston. jurors learned more about the life of the suspected boston marathon bomber. >>james:dzhokhar tsarnaev's best friend from high school testified in court tuesday about the two smoking pot together. >>james:he even told the courtroom he gave tsarnaev the gun later used to kill an m-i-t officer. rosa flores has the latest developments in the trial. >>reporter: smoking in hanging out with the diller they really learned about the young man on tuesday. he said he does his best friend in high school he eventually now prosecutors say that that was used in a boston bombing case. but hurt a lot about that. those cards and say stop killing our innocent people the ridings in the cards could help and hinder his case could not determine if he lives or dies. >>james: 54 degrees at the bomb should war to 63 by lunchtime 71 for the daytime high back with more lies just a minute. law >>reporter: here is a live look out by december sale bridge dark out here but we also seek clear skies and could be snowed all the parts of the area that could delay it is a look at the bay bridge took the offer to the east clear skies for this morning is what to a currency to drop the temperature for the sunrise all of after seven this morning. the difference for this morning is that you probably the graptolite jacket doesn't want to be cool and crisp this morning was clear skies. to losses on easy war into the low to mid '60's will have until some time for much of the afternoon will be breezy at times from the west the 25 to 50 mi. from our testing the 20 was sunshine. >>reporter: the maid that was the premises that were to have some reason conditions for to them of latter there's a storm track 474 test to choose the winners for the week that monday bested not sure chance to cross the bay area will see little bit of sunshine and some mild temperatures and to lower salaries. the drive this morning we never quite commute is a few more cars on the road where the still alive for you in to the toll plaza to looks like right now at the san mateo bridge to a few more cars was bound to ease from the rich and so quiet in this area with the golden gate bridge heading down from recounting nasty any delays travel should be on the speed limit we're looking at the richmond bridge 580 west armed track to the very quiet this morning >>james:a widening investigation into the troubling text messages exchanged by members of the san francisco police department. >>james:and now we are learning that more officers are coming under scrutiny. and hundreds of criminal cases could be jeopardized. >>reporter:the head of the police union says as many as 10 more officers are now under investigation in connection with the racist and homophobic texts send allegedly sent between ian furmingrr.the former police sergent convicted on federal corruption charges.and four other officers. here's court papers showing the disturbing communications.littered with the n-word as well as homophobic slurs. >>reporter:check out these exchange referring to the black husband of a friend of furmingrr's wife and their children. >>reporter:get ur pocket gun. keep it available in case the monkey returns to his roots. it's not against the law to put an animal down. >>: it was appalling and disgraceful that any remembers will be of so should with these six messages. u may have to kill the half breed kids too don't worry their an abomination of nature anyway. >>reporter:the four intial officers were taken off the street as the investigation continues.but the other seven to 10 officers now under scrunity have not been transferred. the poa president believes that's because there involvement is not as serious. >>:there messaging is probably not racist not homophobic not sexist. >>reporter:it's unclear if having more officers under investigation means more criminal cases may be taintedat a news conference today the public defender revealed the number of cases handled by the four officers they expect to review.and it's staggering. >>:could be a 1000 casesgoing back 10 years. >>reporter:the public defender is expected to go to court as soon as next week to ask that the first handful of pending cases be thrown out for failure to disclose bias. maureen kelly kron4 news. >>james: secret service director joe clancy is asking for patience. he told congress it will take time to reform his agency. but lawmakers frustrated with security lapses don't seem to be in the mood to wait. jim acosta explains. >>reporter: he conceded he had big problems to fix. he would take time to change some of the cultural that did not sit well with lawmakers who demanded answers about and senate early this month to a to showed a suspicious package investigation at the white house after drinking at a party. i cannot believe this it will take time to change the culture can you explain to me is why it's ok for member of the sickness service to get so inebriated that they would take the car and run into a barricade? the directive admitted he was not told of the incident for five days we had a good start talk about the ship to step to go out to their management to ensure that these events of this, the operational after big relate of the chain. >>reporter: he became director just a month ago and he explained their deep-rooted issues to such a high pressure drought there's an element of our agency and just cope with the stresses that many of you mention my using all all it is an element members of congress are skeptical clancy will address you have to beg a set chain of command regulated the channel command is haywire. changes are coming to replace the outdated training facility the secret service was to build a new mount white house that the cost of $8 million we think it is important to have to wrap up with the white house is to could do a better job with this and retraining tonight informed risen officers and are taught to all teams and agencies. >>james: will say how long are the/but this is one to be out of action is alive and outside the center toward this morning to talk about what it's like outside temperatures in sunnyvale 50 to one of to the mid-60s by noontime and they're looking for low seven his letter this afternoon. >>james: the jets some of the early part due to the sharks in of the course of sports for san jose but it just wasn't enough. it was fourth given of those first three rules. >>james:warriors guard klay thompson is out for at least 7 to 10 days due to a sprained right ankle suffered monday night against the lakers >>james:thompson tweaked his ankle during the third quarter he was still able to score 26 points in a warrior win despite the injury >>james:head coach steve kerr said justin holiday or andre iguodala are the likely replacements. thompson will be reevaluated in 7 to 10 days >>james:super bowl- 50 in santa clara. is 325-days away. and bay area residents are already trying to cash in. by putting their places up for rent. >>james:the going rates so far are pretty pricey. kron4's alecia reid has been looking at the listings. she's has more on how much it will cost to rent a place to stay next february. >>reporter:this listing is 7- thousand dollars. that's right. 7 grand. but wait, it's for a 550 sq foot one bedroom near union square. powell place offers furnished suites. and this particular listing is for 7 nights, and it sleeps 4. not to worry, if you can't afford 7 grand for a week there's an option for 4 nights. >>reporter:the space is at the powell and california street intersection with cable cars out front. near a number of 4 and 5 star hotels like the ritz carlton and fairmont. >>reporter:in phoenix, hotel revenue tripled during this year's superbowl. >>reporter:the bay area will generate millions of dollars next february. there will be many events in san francisco during, and most places are bound to be overbooked. >>james: is the documentary star arrested for murder now they went to look northern california will tell you by mr. durst is being investigated in eureka. ]] here are the big stories we're working on for you this morning. >>james: there's never been pulled over for simply speeding took off you can see just how intense the choice was and how it ended the two went down 680 in the east bank debt on the 2 a northbound santa clara county. the u.s. boxers for the vehicle to pull the little that the section. >>darya: >>j>>james: robert the find out the identity was shot and killed by police in the '70s to learn that would happen or 7:00 last night will have live careers there for mike pelton. >>reporter: is that were stolen car investigation of lilly and after a wild chase please send a suspect drove recklessly to also displayed the permit issues to left the gas isn't a westbound on crime they fall on foot is in the driver turned around and started heading the wrong way on a title to the one which tree. this is why police said all the to open fire. the driver to counter injuries and was pronounced dead at st.. --seen >>reporter: no one else was injured like this incident. >>j >>reporter: a quiet start to the area for today of mersenne some cold temperatures there was a lot right now at the golden gate bridge. for is infected but the morning or light jacket because it will be equal start for the next couple of hours. much of our timber to one of the to the mid to upper 60s will have more sunshine to the afternoon by 5:00 last light winds to the north come up and in full for air will be talking about some great chances for parts of the weekend. traffic has picked up was down eastbound still pretty quiet. >>reporter: a data most of the area bill would require commuter why drive this morning were led down to where going to see some sunshine with a wide as a reserve additions. also happening right now.police in japan are investigating threats to kill u-s ambassador caroline kennedy. >>james:authorities say threatening calls were made to the u.s. embassy in tokyo. >>james:japanese media reports say the death threats came last month from a caller speaking in english and that police were looking into the case. >>james:in world news. >>james:the votes are in. >>james:and while the official results are still being tallied-- israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is saying he and his party won re-election. >>james:today-- his main rival isaac herzog reportedly called the incumbent leader and congratulated him. >>james:mary moloney has the story. >>reporter:in a stunning turnaround -- israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu declares victory. >>:: "against all odds, we achieved this huge victory." >>reporter:shortly before the election netanyahu made a major push pledging that no palestinian state would be established as long as he kept his office. >>:: "the right regime is in danger, the arab voters are coming in huge amounts to the polls." >>reporter:that warning troubled palestinians pushing for peace. >>:: "this election is about racism and the racism that they have been facing as citizens in the state of israel and it's also about the continued occupation and denial of freedom to palestinians in the west bank and the gaza strip." >>reporter:millions of israelis cast ballots and according to earlier exit polls bibi was behind. >>:: "it was not anticipated, but israeli's are notorious for telling the truth the pollsters and lying at the polls." >>reporter:official results aren't expected until next week and the process of coalition building could take much longer. >>reporter:the next prime minister will have a lot on his plate. >>reporter:israeli security concerns -- the continued push for creation of a palestinian state -- the country's soaring cost of living -- plus ongoing nuclear talks with iran -- in which israel has a vested interest. >>reporter:not to mention israel's strained relationship with america. it's a long road ahead for whomever is in charge. i'm mary moloney reporting. >>james: social meeting gets a little scary for actors ashley will table the text that have hurt pursue charges. after the wreck will take you behind the scenes of the most expensive condo in san francisco. >>james:we all know that san francisco is becoming a prohibitively expensive place to live. but we found a place that takes the cake. >>james:it's the most expensive condo in the city. kron 4's vicki liviakis shows it to us. >>reporter:you know what they say - if you have to ask, you can't afford it. asking price? >>reporter:you heard right gregg lynn of sotheby's is listing the lumina high rise condo for 49 million dollars. >>reporter:what do you want for 14,000 square feet and 360 degree views of the city? not to mention, 8 terraces to soak up the scenery. you're going to have four on to a guest rooms as well. the elevator is a hoist - up to the42nd floor. >>reporter:the crazy part - the condo's not even finished yet and the real estate agents already got buyers. >>: there are interested in making this their home. but don't think gregg lynn can retire once he sells this sky- high condo. >>reporter:he's also the real estate agent for san francisco's second most expensive condo - at a mere 29 million dollars. vicki liviakis reporting for us this morning. in case you have 49 million in your pocket and are in the market. >>james:home-owners dues alone for the condo are 8-thousand dollars a month. >>james: quicklime the outside before we go the san mateo bridge cameras from us the ride on 92. >>reporter: we're working up to clear skies across much of the area here is what looks like at the bay bridge looking of to the east is still dark out we have clear skies for pressure building and it will keep the skies clear for much of the day but it will start december 2nd letter this morning and then one of this afternoon years to clear skies to men as a phone not a bad start incident this quantity of the cooler side was subtle and rare combination looks pretty good clear skies for much of the evening everywhere else is back peninsula south bay clear skies for this morning those areas seem clear skies with a to jot down the temperature of the of 40 san jose concord 50 degrees it will feel slightly cooler when you wake up for this morning just unless for today to the judge will quickly one of your these planned next 30 minutes afforded to low 50s by the lunch hour to start the war but to the ultimate success. >>reporter: winds will start to pick up into the early afternoon of the time has to be low to mid 70's by 5:00 the temperatures will start to slow across all down to lower subsidies 72 degrees to the inland area and the winds will blow to the malls are requesting at times. attention for this morning were made up into mid-60's letter this afternoon a few of the '60s are possible as well. will continue on with the warming trend will be one to tomorrow we have a degree weather possible for and areas across the bay mid-70s and the upper 60s across the coastline the next range as the no. they will be on saturday will give presence lotions for string the better french as a mainstay on sunday and monday by tuesday it will start to see those clouds will allow a quick check of your commit this lorna were looking at the san mateo bridge whenever required star on a road toward track to continue to pick up across the land to grab on to say traffic will and the speed limit this morning. >>reporter: traffic heading for more recounting the speed limit in this area here is what looks like at the richmond bridge traffic heading westbound >>james:a u-s air force veteran is due in court today. after he was indicted for attempting to provide support to isis and obstructing justice. >>james:prosecutors say tairod nathan webster pugh. an aviation mechanic. plotted to travel to syria to join the terror group. turkish airport officials stopped pugh in january. when he refused to allow officers to search his electronics. >>james:authorities say they found evidence on his laptop, which had information on turkey- syria border crossings. >>james:the sigma alpha epsilon fraternity says it will unveil a national plan to combat racial intolerance. >>james:the organization is holding a news conference in chicago later today to announce its plans to eliminate insensitivity among its members. this comes after the fraternity's chapter at oklahoma state university got into trouble after a video surfaced of its members taking part in racist chants. >>james:s-a-e disbanded the chapter. and the university expelled two of the students involved in the chant. >>james:happening right now. police in texas are trying to figure out how a decapitated body ended up floating in the gulf of mexico. >>james:the body was found monday night and authorities were able to identify the victim using his finger prints. >>james:the sheriff's office reports a sharp object was used in the apparent attack. so far police have no potential suspects or motives. >>james:this morning we are hearing from 2 quick-thinking passengers on a united airlines flight who tackled and subdued a man who was heading toward the cockpit. >>james:a government official with direct knowledge of the incident says the detained passenger had run toward the cockpit screaming "jihad, jihad." >>james:mark meredith spoke with the two men who sprang into action. >>reporter: he held down with charlie passenger they're not air marshal's adjusted to the core business shot was on anything but a typical flight. he was shoreline expected from the science they're sitting in first class when i when another passenger try to rush the cockpit and scream the words d hot. did not wait for a call for help them quickly brought the man down on to the aisle. at the same time the flight crew made a call the all but the party back to the scene of the presence of they fear for the worse it was not until scott and john got involved. the suspect was killed on a ground to the jet made it back to the gate to the edge of the past is being held under a mental health we westerville one bar or the world capital of the glove of the same thing all over again but hoped it would never have to. >>james:a wild car chase in los angeles county ends with one man running. police followed a stolen car for about an hour and a half last night. >>james:at one point, the vehicle lost its front tires. but the driver kept going with sparks flying. the car was running on its rims as it sped through red lights. >>james:then the driver came to a stop, and a male passenger jumped out and ran away. >>james:he went through backyards and alleys, and jumped over a fence before he was taken into custody. >>james:the female driver stayed in the car and surrendered. >>james: and dishonor the police department use to turn yourself and infest the consequences for your actions. authorities say that he may be driving a 1992 ford pickup truck is considered armed and dangerous. the millionaire and a few dr. star accused of murder police interstate's not suspecting robert burch of being involved in people's death another is the people about the potential involvement with of the cold case brought here in california. take a look of this composite sketch now look at his thirst by any objective measure there was a striking resemblance to does like police look into the possible disappearance of a young woman in your california to to allow for the will to realist air at a home. 60 wrote karen michel went missing in november 1997 issue on which to work at the decker sander according to local news reports of the time she was less a little like a blue car the shipment of that and to the wood is the explicit discussion of the man behind the will offer an address to get a report a pro a deadly secret a book chronicling healy's investigators did not do enough to chase dow closed like a to the same disappears very. >>reporter: the show credit-card records indicating killed and a small sign the day she disappeared. she wanted a home center and eureka which she frequented in addition she ran a shoe store the lead investigator from the request of our men return several years ago and wrote a was to reach them and he was quoted a 2003 newspaper article saying had these of these real following in all the information learned by them have not fully comfortable the eye and let him from our investigation the eureka police chief is not speaking about the case. we're certainly interested in information that may or may not come out of interviews with mr. there's an insurrection come to us that allows us to for the artist is to take the opportunity to do that. >>james: is lopsided allied look from the san mateo bridge camera 7 and 7 are days of the one in the south bank back with more headlines and a minute. >>james: should set an agenda violence to wrestle social media seriously the twins were in response to her same the upon to play dirty little at to the today show the amount of gender bias is there is attached to the extraordinary shift as far to four because of the tweaks. will take a quick break will be back with more in a moment we do come back or rabbit back from in the east that will tell you where will tell you about a couple for recall she to know about will say what items are being impacted aligned the coming of the top of the next hour we'll live the census is still the woman shot and killed by police last night like the to tell us why police were investigating that >>james:good morning and thanks for joining us. i'm james fletcher. and i'm mark danon. >>mark:we want to get right to our breaking news this morning. >>mark:a deadly officer involved shooting in san francisco. >>mark:it happened last night when officers were investigating a stolen car at a gas station near van ness avenue and pine. >>james:kron 4's mike pelton is live in san francisco. >>james:mike, can you tell us how this all unfolded? >>reporter: a very short while police chase is still a lot of glass on the ground to gluck is all start a little after 7:00 last night will please say two plainclothes officers were investigating a possible sale of vehicle at the gas station and six other than as a kind to of to display the department issued with the suspect a woman and 20 the started left the gas station and drove west bound to the one where she officers follow on foot with pleas to the driver turned around and started hitting the wrong way on time tear for the safety of those around offices opened fire least twice that and issued a loran knows it did princess to that place soviet to identify the two officers involved in the shooting in the name of the suspect. >>james: we want to get you caught up on the weather and traffic now. >>george: pretty quiet start to the commit. >>reporter: clear skies when the typical will see plenty of sunshine along the sentinel who looks like as a saw clear skies so dark out will enunciate the sun come down from about two hours. to ensure fall before the sun comes up temperature rise yet of the '40's across the north across the peninsula will have to lower 50s said fiscal this city 49 degrees oakland on the cool side afford it degrees across the south but we have some upper '40's club where we were yesterday to assure you where the jacket and custom touches on to become the cooler stars into large our timber to be comfortable with low to mid '60's sunny skies could guest of to 25 across the peninsula would be into the upper 60 south ave the same for the spy camille will talk more rain chances in storm track four. >>george: we're not tracking any hot stars this morning a line to the bridge look great for the trip out of the eastern it into the macarthur maze 9 minute drive to long all the way through the toll plaza ride from the east bay over to some sale this morning looks good this to a construction and capital picked up in the westbound direction but it is early enough that it should not cause of the problem along with their our they're within the next hour or shall for your trip to the golden gate bridge was aware traffic would wreck northbound softball currently drive time of 25 minutes from the bottle down to the golden gate bridge. >>james: >>james:three people are dead this morning following a shooting at a grocery store in stockton. police say a woman was pronounced dead at the scene while a man and another woman died at the hospital. >>james:four other people were wounded. police say it was a drive by shooting. >>james:dozens of people gathered in the area after the shooting and additional police had to be called to help control the crowd. the incident is currently under investigation. >>mark:first on kron 4. >>mark:a high- speed chase through four bay area counties. comes to a dramatic, fiery crashing end. >>mark:we were the only station to carry the chase live. and captured the dramatic ending on air just after three yesterday afternoon. >>mark:the chase lasted more than an hour. >>mark:it started in solano county near vacaville, after the suspect refused to pull over on a traffic stop. >>mark:the chase then went on for close to 100 miles. eventually coming to an end near the los altos hills. spike strips rendered the nissan pathfinder useless. take a look at how the crash ended. as kron 4's grant lodes followed it live on air. >>reporter: their his precious loss control the car flipped over now is on its side have the driver will see the driver gets our web on to say exactly will happen no sign of the driver right now we did not know of you is where the seat belt use they live with this as long as we can the car and nonsmoking and the driver appears to be getting out of the vehicle is still a man right there his hand and not up he is assessing the damage to his vehicle hit looked stunned rightfully so. >>mark:the c-h-p eventually moved in and put the suspect in handcuffs. he is identified as 24-year-old ramon bernal from davis. >>mark:he was transported to stanford university medical center to be evaluated. find out bernal's condition right now. >>mark:he will bring us a live report with an update in the next 30 minutes. if you want to watch the most dramatic moments from the chase. >>james:the votes are in, and while the official results are still being tallied. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he and his party won. >>james:his main rival, isaac herzog reportedly called netanyahu today and congratulated him. >>james:just before the election netanyahu made a major push. pledging that no palestinian state would be established as long as he kept his office. >>james:official results aren't expected until next week, and the process of coalition building could take much longer. >>mark:still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. the presbyterian church changes their definition of marriage. >>james:we'll explain coming up. and don't be surprised if you're not served water at restaurants. >>mark:we'll tell you about the new water restriction rules. and two major food recalls to tell you about this morning. what to clear from your cabinets. after the break. female announcer: you're on the right track to save big during sleep train's triple choice sale. for a limited time you can choose up to 48 months interest-free financing on a huge selection of tempur-pedic models. or choose to save hundreds on simmons beautyrest mattress sets. you can even choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular stearns & foster mattresses. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ wh heaburnomes eepi up on you... fighbackith relief so smoo... .it'fast tums sothi stas diolvi the stanit tches yo tone ...a neualiz stoch acidt thsour. ♪um, m tutum.♪ ooths! oy fr tum >>mark: macaroni and cheese lovers. >>mark:kraft foods is recalling over six million boxes of original flavor kraft macaroni and cheese. >>mark:this is because some of the boxes contain small pieces of metal. there were eight incidents of people finding metal in the boxes, but no one has been injured >>mark:kraft says consumers can return the affected box for a full refund. >>mark:to find out which boxes were affected and the "best when used by" dates go to kron 4 dot com for all that information. >>mark:and trader joe's is recalling raw walnuts.because of a possible health risk >>mark:the company is recalling raw walnuts because these products have the potential to be contaminated with salmonella. >>mark:the bacteria can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems. the raw walnuts were distributed to trader joe's stores nationwide. to read more about both of these recalls. go to kron4 dot com. >>mark:coming up on the kron 4 morning news. violent protests overnight in germany. we'll tell you what demonstrators are upset about. and we're watching the weather >>reporter: we're on to continue on clear skies across much of the area but with that is what to do over the next couple of hours before the sun comes out with a to fill those temperatures on the call side it would drop down for the next couple of hours attention to the low fifties in this area and just a cloud cover storm to move in the cost a lot that we need to do for today in flannel grammar and jacket dress in layers this morning to the after now it will be of little bit breezy and sunny and warmer not a bad forecast for today required for march bylaws or to measures will warm up into the low to mid '60's perfect weather for the east end rant of wanting instead like will pick of the to the early afternoon across the southwest san jose will bar montebello the upper '40's and given 60 during the lunch hour more sunshine in store where required for have been in the past couple of days will continue on with the warmer trend because of a high-pressure ridge over the area for tomorrow 80 degrees and in the area and send it across the bank into the 60s across the coastline and in the friday of next door system approach and to see stars and agave attracted the changeable farther north. >>reporter: but as he the next rain chance for the region to the much to they started to walk out. >>george: you're is quick to what is going on around the bay as we look at the bridges in the right first year at the bay bridge was down like traffic coming down the east are the macarthur maze and out of the nimitz north as well and free trips on highway 92 the san mateo bridge and equally good ride and they still have those come out in the right hand lane we will see about when they get those picked up all lanes are open for the west about commit free trip to the golden gate bridge like traffic here coming in from marin county no delays across the span. >>george: here is a pretty good right as well like traffic was brought here at the toll plaza the backups or less for the westar trip coming through richmond. >>mark:the secret service will have a third round of testing done to determine whether a letter >>mark:so far two tests have been performed on the envelope. >>mark:the first one came back negative. and the other came back a "presumptive positive." the letter was received monday at a site that screens mail addressed to the white house. >>mark:the secret service is working to determine who may have sent the letter to the white house. >>mark:in world news this morning out of germany. this is what it looks like over the skies of frankfurt. >>mark:smoke rising above the city as organizers protesting the policies of the european central bank have turned violent. >>mark:these are pictures that have been posted to twitter. you can see here cars have been lit on fire. >>mark:the bank's new headquarters opened this morning. police had to use water cannons to try and subdue the crowds. >>mark:so far 80 police officers have been injured in the demonstrations involving an estimated 10-thousand protestors. >>mark:police say arrests have been made but at this point it is unclear how many. >>james:starting today. the u-s army is set to begin destroying the nation's largest remaining stockpile of chemical weapons. >>james:the defense department has given the go ahead to neutralize 26-hundred tons of mustard agent at the army's pueblo chemical depot in southern colorado. >>james:if the weather cooperates crews will start moving the stockpile from a storage bunker to an airtight structure where they'll be destroyed. >>james:this is expected to take four years to complete. under a 1997 treaty. >>mark:the state water resources control board is extending and expanding restrictions on water use. >>mark:servers in bars, restaurants, and cafeterias can no longer bring out water with menus unless customers ask. >>mark:local water departments will have to limit how many days a week people can water lawns. >>mark:the state standard is twice a week, and homeowners have to make sure sprinklers are off days following rain. water departments will enforce the rules, and violators face a fine of up to 500 dollars a day. water departments also have to start reporting on how they're enforcing the rules. >>james:the presbyterian church is now recognizing gay marriage for all of its congregations. >>james:the denomination will expand its definition of marriage in the church constitution to say that marriage is a "commitment between two people." >>james:this amendment follows decades of church debate over same-sex relationships. >>james:there are about 1-point- 8 million members and 10- thousand congregations in the denomination. >>mark:berkeley police are warning residents of an increase in certain stolen vans and trucks in the city since january. >>mark:police say thieves are targeting ford econoline vans and f-series trucks mostly in the western part of berkeley. >>mark:authorities are advising residents not to leave valuable tools, equipment, and other personal property in vehicles. >>mark:police say an alarm system a "kill switch," or a g- p-s tracking system are helpful in preventing thefts. >>mark:governor jerry brown and university of california president janet napolitano will discuss the progress they've differences over u-c's budget. >>mark:the university's board of regents named them as the sole members of the committee charged with recommending posssible changes in how the university is structured and spends its money. >>mark:this comes after the board approved napolitano's proposal to increase student tuition by up to 5 percent in each of the next five years-- a plan brown opposed. >>james:still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. a warning in the east bay after a rabid bat was found near a school. we'll have a live report with details on where and how it was found. >>james:and after the break. tired of carrying loyalty cards when you shop? >>james:we'll tell you about a new program that combines customer loyalty from different stores. hey. these are good. what have you been feeding us all these years? kfc popcorn nuggets. 100% white meat, extra crispy, and made from the world's best chicken. try our kfc bucket and popcorn nuggets meal. these don't even come with a toy and i don't care. introducing new flonase allergy relief nasal say, w avlabloverhe cnterinull escrtiontrenh. whene brthe allgens r boes rct b overrodung s keyinflmato subance that cau ourympts. the adinalley pi onl ntro one onascontls s. and x isreat thaone. flone th24 hr reef at operfms t #1alrgy ll. soo ahd , haleife. neflone. x isreat thaone. is cngesverying. at cloro2 wee tued movi stas in a sence now e-trt wi clox 2! watch stns dappe ght foreour es. remove 4imesore ains an derge alo. welcome back. before you head out the door this morning here's a look at current temperatures. >>james: low fifties in some senses the. michelle will have your full forecast in less than 10 minutes. >>mark:happening now. the first direct charter flights from new york city to cuba are taking off. >>mark:cuba travel services is now offering a weekly tuesday charter from j-f-k international airport to havana. >>mark:the flights costs 849- dollars round-trip. that price includes airfare cuban medical insurance, and u-s departure taxes. >>mark:the obama administration announced it would be easing travel restrictions to cuba back in january, but tourism is still banned. >>mark:travelers must declare a purpose that its into one of 12 approved categories. including family visits and government work. >>james:new this morning. >>james:some of the biggest brands in the u-s are teaming up for the country's first-ever cross-brand shopper loyalty program. >>james:macy's, rite aid, at&t, exxon-mobil, nationwide, hulu, and direct energy are the first companies to participate in the new "plenti" program which launches in may. >>james:the american express company unveiled plans for the program today. participants no longer have to carry multiple keychain cards or coupons. buying a shirt at macy's can earn you points for your next cell phone bill. >>james:up next on the kron 4 morning news. five people found dead this week in napa. and this morning we have new details on the murder suicide that happened on monday. we'll hear from a witness coming up. and taking a live look at the richmond san rafael bridge. >>will tran: high-speed chase the for comment or the suspect is in jail this morning will show you the dramatic video once again in just a few minutes. i geout wk, and i to e ste, ansomedy says,smeln' aroun smell cookies." i sa, "ono you jussml me, justot o of work th'honebunchesofats, that's al" said "don't eame now." back to our top story this morning. >>james:a high speed chase through the bay area. ending in a crash on interstate 2-80 near the los altos hills. >>james:we carried the ending for you live on kron 4 yesterday afternoon. we were the only station live when the suspect was taken into custody. >>james:the man was taken to stanford medical center to be evaluated. kron 4's will tran is live now with an update on the suspect. will? >>will tran: knew this morning if he is not as stanford medical center this morning we called because of law of not telling us and he's still not there for me know he will be here at the santa clara county jail where you'll be booked multiple charges including evading the chilly the video this of the bill that we showed you live is just off about 80 mi. that is to track the pullover ultimately he was driving on some rams. it is said to a hospital no major injuries innocent people attended her but not in this case. if you want to watch the most dramatic moments from the chase. we've posted the video on our website. check it out on kron-4 dot com. >>reporter: the winds with the sea to pick up in the press love. 52 degrees oakland 50 across the south bay is into the midst of the 40's. >>george: ask that would change as soon as the major allies are turned off the trip to the san mateo bridge out of the east bay and shouldn't over toward sen mattel it is a good ride grammar track any problems yet still haven't heard the truck picking up the ocean the are the way for the one to you. still showing grim on the roadways and to try to stay 80 highway 24 and 680 into 42 out what a quick and heading south toward the san ramon valley sells predicted ride here we're not track any problem to the west like a commute. >>james:another gruesome discovery in napa: the body of a man. found in a freezer. >>james: for the napa area. in two days. police found the body in a freezer on brown street earlier this afternoon. >>james:they say, the dead man was in a kneeling position. >>james:this happened inside a halfway house. where police say. some of the residents have mental problems. >>james: late february. this discovery comes a day. after two decomposing bodies were found in an apartment complex. >>james:new details are emerging in the napa area murder-suicide case. involving a winemaker and his investor. >>james:search crews scoured through at least two vineyards yesterday. looking for more clues. >>james:authorities say 47 year old winemaker robert dahl chased his investor through his vineyard on monday. and then appeared to execute him as deputies arrived on scene. >>james:dahl then tried to escape from authorities by going through another vineyard. but eventually he took his life several miles away. >>james:witnesses describe the chaotic moments leading up to the incident. >>: you try to finish him off perry >>james:court officials say dahl and his investor, emad tawfilis were at odds over money. >>james:they say dahl didn't fulfill his promises over the last two years and was facing a lawsuit. >>mark:happening now out of fremont-- several businesses and buildings damaged overnight and now police are on the look out for the suspects. >>mark:the first one happened just after 1:30 a-m, an alarm went off notifying the company's security of a glass break at plaza real. >>mark:when officers arrived to the area they found that a total of four businesses had been vandalized. >>mark:shortly after responding to this call they responded to another call this time at a target. >>mark:then officers were called about three more businesses that were vandalised. officers say a total of seven business were damaged, and they all appear to be related. >>mark:officers are working to get surveillance videos. >>mark: temperatures and go on right now 54 the backed already starting to warm. >>james: he was picked to buy a dog their playground and the elementary school on friday the honor of the dog took the back to the tri-city animal shelter with the results came back positive on monday when the dog! to take the dog wanting for 30 days with a >>: eyesore pick something up and put in her mouth and i grabbed her and made her spin it out and i saw it was a bat. >>james: the first rabid bat was from march 6th on the interest of the estimate content with either that's could have been exposed to rabies in their orders to contact avenue, public of parliament. >>mark: investigation of a tax room full of police department office of the come under scrutiny for the hundreds of criminal cases could be jeopardized the police juliuses as many as 10 more officers would not under investigation in connection with the races homophobic text messages. there convict them on federal corruption charges for initial officers were taken off the street investigation continues with the other seven to allow the to on the scrutiny and not have been transferred to peel away believe that is because the public defender reveal the number of cases handled by the four officers and is expected to review about a thousand cases for 10 years of public defenders expected to the court as soon as next week and accepted for senseful of pending cases being brought out the failure. >>james: the sigma alpha of alarm that will on they'll announce the plan to eliminate insensitivity among its members which comes as you may know it got into trouble after this deal surfaced showing its members participating in the recession as they need this is still to the students involved in the case. >>reporter: with a to cool temperatures across the area but we will see a one of plus some reason to this is a talk about the range answers all the details coming up with storm track 47 forecast corporate wh heaburnomes eepi up on you... fighbackith relief so smoo... .it'fast tums sothi stas diolvi the stanit tches yo tone ...a neualiz stoch acidt thsour. ♪um, m tutum.♪ ooths! oy fr tum female announcer: right now at sleep train get up to 48 months interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. save hundreds on beautyrest. or choose $300 in free gifts with stearns & foster. the triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train. >>reporter: along with some six this for some other areas mainly along the coastline in the peninsula we do have to clear skies had a few passing clouds mainly for areas across the lawn of the bank this causes want to continue to move for the area and could be afforded to low 50s cool chris was the storm of when the sun comes out in the next two hours we do have a clear skies in this area and we're working to clear skies as well looking at the bay bridge from our studios. >>reporter: would continue on with this is as into the lunch hour and to the afternoon there will start to have another two nights overnight tonight timmy is in the '40's and '50's again dress in layers are projected it will be of the cooler side for the next couple of hours late of 45, the 49-50 degrees fremont 48 sunnyvale 47 warmly of into low 60s during the lunch hour by the early afternoon daytime highs a restatement of the sixties will continue to stay into the '60s until about 7:00 at a cocktail of the fifties as well ones also pick up the to the afternoon just to care for some the to yesterday bridge conditions for the west for to the 20 mi. per hour of 25 the east bay planner over the next the immense the system's incentives have far off human nazi any rain possibly on saturday within by sunday into monday the next rain chancellor the entire bay area. >>george: a relatively quiet ride not any hot spots it is of this entire country as a second look at the traffic map the stressfree recommend time 12 minutes now hercules to berkeley and is not a bad ride with him to the san ramon valley 60 metric to get you down to the dublin interchange south of a freeway still there pretty well enough on the richest the cups and slow the 2 freeway is there's been an accident down since early this morning and has that the on ramp close with other arise not affecting the ride and for mid peninsula traffic and is good for 101 at the 92 interchange and where will want me to the dumbarton bridge no delays off the bayfront expressway for the bay bridge ride the mid relies on the back of the shelling in a westbound for your trip to the san mateo bridge highway 92 to we're looking pretty well here no delays and to get out across the span caltrans clothes crouse. can into marin the of the richmond bridge a backup in the right have line will get you all the cast and is open that would change in tenements on the rest of the shift comes on a to talk >>mark: over in vitro fertilization the o.j. speaking out and interview with cn and the designer was quoted in the times magazine the firm to ids as synthetic now he has two children to ids and responded by it boycott the bonfire back on social meeting call for a convoy out of john and finished third in a speech to the designer spoke to cnn about the controversy and appeared to disagree. >>mark: an interview he went on to say that he was not boycotting fell to john. >>reporter: is listed as $7,000.70 grand is for five charges and 50 sq. ft. one that room near union square the had to offer furnace sweets in this particular listing is for seven nights at his leash for but not to worry if you cannot afford seven grammar for week there is an option for four nights. the cable cars trying to up have the #45 star hotels like the car to and from my and phoenix hotel revenues tripled during this year's super bowl and the bay area would generate millions of dollars next february there be many events in san francisco during the superbowl and most places are bound to be overbooked. will to you cause the explosion after the break. the wod isillewithir. t fopeop witcopd sotimebreaing r cabe diffult. if you havcopdask ur ctorboutnce-ily oro lia. itelpseoplwithopd breae beer for full4hou. anoro elpta theirst a-apovedrodu containingwo lg-acng bronodilors onenhal. anoris n forsthma. anoro coains typof medine tt ireas riskf deh ineoplwithasth. it is not own thirisks incrsed cop ano wot reace resc inhers for ddenopd mpto and shld n be ed me thannce day. tellour ctorf yohave hearcondion, origh ood essu. tell youdoct ifou he glauma, osta or bladd proems, orrobls paing ine as anormay ke tse oble wor. call youdoct rig awaif u ha woenedreatng chest in, elli of ur moh orongu prlemsrinang oeyeprlems includinvisi chaes o e pa whi takg ano. noing n reverscopd the rld fild wi air and anoro iselpi peoe wi co breh aibett. t yo first prescriion fr at oro.m. >>james: a family's wool over pressurize inside of their home in washington state and blow up and the sea would it did to the wall in damages after 3:00 after friday afternoon in the boiler had been in the home since 1960 the mother said the kids normally play in that room that did the dollar was at the tech napa and the head walk to work but we know was inside the room at that wall. the special baseball by the bay area started at 9 we are areamchee tha stl beeves in saving r fo. thlaugng c. inve snaing. >>james: the some common shares office looking for missing at rest of your boiler with special needs that need to look for lukas may he was last in at his home in the 63 on the block of jensen wrote in santa rosa on 730 last night it described as a right mail about a hundred pounds. he was wary of gray hooded jacket and black shirt and red tennis shoes that is say he might have been trying to walk to a safe choice store on google avenue is all the information we have at the moment that like your help this morning and try to find that at this boy.

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