Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20140313 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20140313

this morning on the kron 4 morning news. a possible cause. plus what's next. at the site of the mission bay construction site that went up in flames. a car crashes into a crowd of people at the south by southwest festival, killing at least two people. and -- campus crackdowns in oakland after two children are sexually assaulted at school. the kron 4 morning news starts right now. breaking news: police in austin have arrested the suspect drunk driver that ran through temporary barricades into a crowd at the south by southwest festival earlier this morning. so far, two people have been killed in the incident and 23 others were injured. the austin police chief says were on a mo-ped that the driver hit along with pedestrians who were leaving a club where a concert had been held. the man also struck a cab before jumping out of his car and trying to run from police. officers shocked him with a stun gun and took him into custody. one witness described the chaotic situation. emergency officials say most of the injuries were minor, but five to seven had more serious injuries. now to our developing news of the san francisco construction site fire. fire fighters have been staying at the scene all night to put out hotspots. investigators are looking into whether welding work is to blame for causing the fire. there's no official cause, partly because it's still too hot to enter the building. excavators and other dismantling equipment have started the process of removing the debris. some nearby residents who were forced to leave due to the fire. *still have not been allowed to return to their homes. and we are now learning just how much water the construction fire at san francisco mission bay neighborhood has used. the san francisco public utilities commission say they do not know exactly how much was used but about 2 million gallons were recorded entering the sewer system the time of the fire. most of the water used in the fire were from two separate water sources. the first source is the regular water system the fire department can access it through these standard fire hydrants. the second system is a high pressure gravity fed water supply that exists for the sole purpose of fighting fires. fire officials say that the two systems really helped with fighting the mission bay fire. and they are both frequently used in fighting many fire around the city. in order to fight the fire and keep it from spreading, the fire department sprayed water for more than 24- straight hours. kron 4's charles clifford has details on how much water was used. and where it came from. and stay with kron-4 for the latest on the construction fire and its aftermath. on our website -- we've posted some of the best images from social media. on the kron-4 app you can follow the latest on the investigation. a magnitude-4.4 earthquake has struck a rural area in central california. the u.s. geological survey says the quake struck around 7-15 last night about 34 miles south of the community of lone pine, near the south end of sequoia national forest. they say it doesn't expect damage in the area that's not very populated. there has been no reports of injuries. a warning from police to parents in oakland. they released this sketch of a man behind two sexual assaults on children on school campuses. on march 7th, investigators say the man went to "world academy charter school" and molested a 7-year-old girl. investigators say, a *second assault happened in january at "think college now" elementary school. asa safety meeting will be held this morning. parents met with school officials last night to learn about some new safety changes. kron-4's philippe djegal has more. only parents and guardians were allowed into the meeting. it was closed off to news organizations. but one parent we spoke with on her way out of the meeting says that she's pleased with what she heard. world academy says these changes go into effect immediately, and they impact of the students enrolled in after school programs. the after school programs will now all be held indoors -- none outside. all students enrolled in after school programs now have to check in as a group at the cafeteria, immediately after the regular school day ends. the outdoor restrooms will also be locked and off limits, except during recess. for the rest of the time, students will have to use the indoor bathrooms. councilman noel gallo, attended the meeting and says parents are being asked to do a little more too. and, once it's time to go home. students will now have to wait in the cafeteria, until their parents or guardian signs them out. in oakland, philippe djegal, kron four news. for 13 the time was handed over to erica with your forecast. >>erica: it's going to be another gorgeous day around the bay today. we are looking at pretty similar conditions. right now temperatures are in the forties and fifties which will be the case as we approach the 8:00 hour so clear skies chilean spot predominately in the valleys and as we head into the afternoon we will talk about with warming effect by 3:00 we will see plenty of '70s for the bay and inland spots. what breathe on your afternoon highs for today. started things off in the south bay. cupertino 763 it plenty of sunshine is expected. we will see similar conditions in the east bay. fairfield to get a high of 7274 degrees in walnut creek. took a look in san francisco and 72. oakland and a bit warmer than that and it looks like mid-70s up in the north bay. as we take a look at satellite and radar. here's the bigger weather story. high pressure. dominant over the same. we don't have the rotation that bring the band easterly winds what we did yesterday. it's not going to be as when the as it wasn't the afternoon. our 7 day around the bay forecast shows it's going to be temperatures. was it wise for 80s as we wrap up our weekend. more details on that coming up in your weekend. looking at traffic around the bay as i mentioned we do have one accident we are following north bound 880 on the nimitz freeway right around industrial. but like a big rig is involved in that accident but we aren't seeing any slowdowns. to contend with some of our camera shots during a lot of upside of the bay bridge toll plaza no way to hear the me very light turnout all right now. if you're making the westbound trip to live look at the rich and san rafael bridge. , >>: at 450 now,a 6th person has been found dead in the rubble after a gas explosion that flattened--415 two new york city apartment buildings. authorities say they are still looking for at least five missing people. the blast also injured more than 60 people. residents had complained of a gas odor about 15 minutes before the blast. general motors now says the first sign of the ignition switch problem that led to its massive recall last month came in 2001 during development of the 2003 saturn ion. the company says that it is reporting the 2001 incident because it only discovered a record of it last month. after an initial recall, gm looked into other cars that used the same switch and then more than doubled the number of models and cars recalled. gm now says first sign of switch problem was in 2001 in world news this morning: malaysian officials say planes have nothing at the site where chinese satellite images show possible debris from the missing malaysia airlines jetliner. but searchers say they will conduct another search later today in the same area. many experts believe that this could be an important lead in the search for the missing plane. the man who helped discover the wreckage of the titanic says it makes sense to concentrate the search there. in the search for a missing passenger jet, satellite images may have found floating objects in the south china sea. chinese government officials are calling it a "suspected crash area" for the missing malaysia airlines flight. andrew spencer reports relatives of the passengers searchers on a vietnamese plane checked the area chinese authorities flag. their first search, thursday morning, did not find anything in that area. they planned to conduct another search, later thursday. meanwhile u-s investigators believe the plane many have flown for four hours once it lost contact with air traffic controllers. malaysia airlines says it has retired the missing jetliner's flight code mh370 and mh371 as a sign of respect to the 239 passengers and crew on board. act ukraine's interim prime --president obama met with ukraine's interim prime minister at the white house today. the visit comes ahead of a referendum planned in crimea. on whether or not to leave ukraine and become part of russia. the president renewed his opposition to the impending vote -- and russia's involvement in the ukrainian crisis. ukraine's prime minister said, he appreciated the support of the united states. and told president obama that ukraine "will never surrender." in bay area news: a mountain view teenager is recovering. after overdosing on drugs. and passing out on a trail. as kron 4's alecia reid reports, this is a fairly new drug, similar in nature to l-s-d. laying unresponsive - the teenager was passed out on the stevens creek trail. emergency services rushed him to the hospital and say the boy overdosed. he was on d-o-c a fairly new psychedelic street drug, with a combination of hallu-cino-genic and am- pheta-mine chemicalsvery similar to lsd. the person may be hallucinating, they may have heart palpitations, higher blood pressure, feel hot to the touch, and they'll be in a zombie like state so they're there staring off into nothing. the boy is now in stable condition. friends say he is a student at mountain view high school. the police chief and school superintendent wrote a letter to parents urging them to talk to their children about the realities of drug use and abuse - hoping if that conversation hasn't already happened, this incident will get it started. i'm really glad that administration is on it. they could've kept it quiet, but they sent out a notice saying hey this happened and have a conversation with your kids. according to police, this is the first reported d-o-c overdose in mountainview, but there has been an increase in synthetic drugs over the last few years. we've been seeing an increase in spice and bathsalts stuff like that. but drugs are drugs. they're ever changing. you never know what kind of reaction your body will have. these are unknown substances, they're not tested, the dosage isn't regulated. it's just dangerous all around. authorities tell us an educational forum will be held in the near future, alerting parents about risks that their children may be facing. reporting in mountainview >>james:the raiders won't be signing offensive lineman rodger saffold after all. saffold failed his physical and will not be signing with the team. saffold agreed to a five- year, $42.5 million contract with $21 million guaranteed on tuesday. instead saffold has agreed to return to the st. louis rams on a new five-year contract. this is not good news for the raiders' free-agent plans. is reporting that raiders owner mark davis pulled the plug on the saffold deal. saffold could have had shoulder surgery and been ready for training camp, but davis said no. klay thompson scored 26 points and david lee had 20 for the warriors, but it wasn't enough to overcome blake griffin 30 points and 15 rebounds. golden state's five-game winning streak ends with their fourth straight loss to the clippers at staples center. the 111-98 win was the clippers' ninth straight victory. stephen curry had just 13 points and 11 assists before sitting out the final minutes. that new jersey teenager who we will get another update on our ride at weather in just a that new jersey teenager who will sued her parents for tuition and living expenses last week is now back home. 18-year-old rachel canning's parents welcomed her back. she had claimed her family threw her out of the house smith -- and she needed money to support herself. she also implied her father had behaved inappropriately with her. but her parents said she was simply upset because she didn't want to obey their rules. a judge last week denied the girl's request for immediate financial assistance. as for the fact they've all reconciled -- it's not clear what changed. rachel's lawsuit has been settled, but the parent's attorney didn't give any details. the f-d-a has approved a headband designed to treat migraine headaches. it is called - cefaly. and forehead. the battery-powered device delivers small impulses to the nerves. research showed it helped reduce the number of chronic migraine attacks by two per month. however, the device did not reduce the severity of attacks. you will need a prescription for the device. hitand experts say, you should only wear it 20- minutes a day. a six-year old girl in north dakota says she is sleeping a lot better. after a pharmacist prescribed her something called - "monster spray". the clever pharmacist designed a special bottle for the girl. who says the monsters in her room were keeping her up at night. the instructions on the label read "spray around the room at night before if necessa as for what's in the spray. the pharmacy is keeping the formula a secret. we're coming up on 4-30. here are the big stories we're working on for you this morning. fire investigators are looking into whether welding work was to blame for the massive blaze that barreled through an apartment building construction site. the exact cause of the fire is under investigation, but fire chief joanne hayes- white says they are looking into preliminary reports that workers were doing torch work at the site shortly before the fire was reported. a warning from police to parents in oakland. they released this sketch of a man behind two sexual assaults on children on school campuses. on march 7th, investigators say the man went to "world academy charter school" and molested a 7-year-old girl. investigators say, a *second assault happened in january at "think college now" elementary school. and police in austin have arrested the suspect drunk temporary barricades into a crowd at the south by southwest festival earlier this morning. so far, two people have been killed in the incident and 23 others were injured. a 430 let's check in with our weather. good morning erica. >>erica: san francisco right now 54. none of this for your eyes will '70s along the east bay shoreline. vallejo a high of 74. mid to upper 60s along the coast line and looks like sunnyvale checking in with a high of 75. astra satellite every hour you can see clear and dry conditions for the entire west coast. although we are dealing with the lens and a margaret warmest day is expected to be sunday with widespread 80s for the alleged individual is. phillip likely local things off as we start the next workweek. in fact we have a weak system headed our way by wednesday and that could be some light rain to the area. i have more details on that coming up in just a moment. meantime traffic around the bay area looking good. quickly looking at the bridges. now - 3 in the hot spots. looks like it's blocking one of the alliance and a big rig is involved. as for the rest of the bay area has a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. although we're seeing an increase and a volume. lots of space between cars. and fact we are and to that free. more on the ever- developing story of san francisco's construction fire. an under- construction apartment building. goes up in flames in san francisco's mission bay neighborhood. crews have been working all day and into the evening. to tear down part of the burned structure. in order to fight this blaze and keep it from spreading, the san francisco fire department sprayed water onto the building for more than 24- hours straight. 150 firefighters and 50 trucks to the scene. some of the crews are still there tonight. a live update we saw crews carrying huge pieces of the building. fire crews auto maker still concern the building could collapse on its own and we do expect a much work to " resume this morning. in the cause of the fire is still under investigation. >>:the biggest fire in recent san francisco history began with a few wisps of smoke from the top story of the building. the first call to fire dispatch came in at a couple of minutes before five. that fifth alarm brought 150 firefighters and 50 trucks to the scene. the 172-unit that went up in flames -- was part of a offs development project by b-r-e properties known as "m-b 360." these are renderings of what the finished product is supposed to look like. hundreds of condos were set to open. the company says it has comprehensive insurance coverage for events like this. and it believes any losses to the company caused by the fire will be covered by insurance. b-r-e properties released a statement saying quote -- "we extend our thanks and gratitude to the fire and emergency services personnel for their rapid response. sphere fifth thought we are currently assessing the situation.and we will be consulting with the appropriate authorities." and stay with kron-4 for the latest on the construction fire and its aftermath. on our website -- we've posted some of the best images from social media. on the kron-4 app you can follow the latest on the investigation. new details coming out this morning.about the richmond teacher suspected of dozens of sex crimes against children. kron 4 sources say, 32 year old ronald guinto took young boys on camping trips. but that when parents thought he was taking students for an overnight stay at mare island in vallejo.he took them to a motel six instead. where guinto is accused of showing the 11 and 12 year old boys what's called "teacher porn".folding and molesting them. as of right now.guinto is has charged with 27 felony sex crimes. the monterey county district attorney's office is considering filing charges against an elementary teacher who allegedly slapped an 8-year-old child during class. police were notified about the incident on monday that incident happened at alisal community school. officers have submitted a case for a warrant for the teacher's arrest to the district attorney's office. school district officials say the teacher is on paid administrative leave pending an investigation. still ahead. it's being called a new era for oakland's waterfront: the huge new project being built -- starting today. and a little later, we'll show you the cool new trend on social media. for people and their pets. the story behind "mutt- bombing." apple has released i/o s 7.1. i recommended u.s. owner than later. the i/o s 7.1 update is worth downloading to your eye device just for the bug and security fixes alone. it features the latest protection against the bucks. make it quicker and smother moving between naps. the hall operating system fills market faster, there are subtle improvements the route. if your present with a call your present with a smoother option to receive or decline the call. series you can now hold down the hall but and let it down when you're not talking. this change mixer questions more precise 3 here's a big improvement for parents who don't want their parents to wrap up and purchases pretty change restrictions settings. -on and that that will " require and password. but you don't change the setting up the default setting it is that after the password is entered kids could purchase 50 minutes worth of stuff. believe me i've heard horror stories were toddlers have accidently ran up hundreds of dollars in the 1000's and purchases often by phone or ipad. that happens all the time. this next one is a small change to what i really like. you can choose to bald the keyboard on your device and both the text you type. on the left of your screen is the default setting we're all used to. on the right is the new bold text option turned off. i know this seems like such a small change but it really helps the text pops out. yet it takes about 10 minutes to do. you can find it understands software update. gabe slate kron 4 news. >>: all rights for 40 is the time. coming up the latest developments on a shooting in san francisco. why have more details on that coming up in a moment. is it live look outside. here's our east bay camera in walnut back. our developing story comes out of san francisco where police are investigating a shooting. kron4's and jack is a soap is a lot on the scene with what we know so far. if >>: good morning. i am out here. you could see the place apart who set up a perimeter. they're looking for a shooting suspects at the corner of alamein the esoteric it in south san francisco. here's a video from earlier this morning. two men were talking outside aid establishment according to police. around 3:00 this morning what someone told them to be quiet. when they refused the person said he had a gun if they didn't quiet down that he would shoot them. apparently that suspect pulled his gun out. for one of the victims' asked are you serious. he say yes and shot him in the lead at that point the suspect fled on foot. the victim in this case was transported to a local hospital with not a life-threatening injuries. as far as the suspect the san francisco police department galazy actually lived right here in the neighborhood. they try to make contact with temperatures are now they set up a perimeter of where the safety is. if you can see the streets are shut off at allegheny. no word yet whether or not they make contact with a suspect but they do believe they know who the suspect is. strange case of james. obviously a developing story 3 as we get more information and if or when they catch the suspect, will lead to know. >>: thank you very much for the update. another developing story we haveattorney's for aldon smith will be in court today. the 49ers linebacker faces costs felony gun charges in santa clara county after the sheriff's department discovered three illegal assault rifles in smith's san jose home. this morning's hearing will set a date for a preliminary hearing in that case. and also set a court date for smith's misdemeanor case on charges of driving under the influence. what's the weather like erica. >>erica: expect a another warm day. we're starting the morning off with calmer wan's and cooler temperatures fairfield right now 48. 44 in santa rosa 3:00 when the mid to upper 50s for oakland and san francisco ago it is cold right now we will make up for it. warmer weather is definitely on the way. i think san jose today checking it with a high of 75. mostly sunny skies and the east bay. vallejo 74. we will see temperatures and the mid to upper 60s. it's going to be a calmer day. the wind and not as apparent with plenty of sunshine. springlike conditions. carrying on into tomorrow we're going to get downright talks. a record-breaking highs with temperatures in the '80s. the city and your 7 day around the bay forecast. sunday shaping up to be the warmest day of the week. i think will see widespread 80s for the inland spots and the bay. more details on that and the cool down coming up in just a couple of minutes. manti traffic around the bay area looking good. now monetary and hot spots. for those of you heading to the bay bridge of all the volume has increased a pretty easy ride. a stalled vehicle coming from the 880 approach. no worries or the ways making your trip and to san francisco. adding to your san mateo bridge will see lots of space between car spirits of taillights currently heading out toward foster city. a live look at the richmond san rafael bridge. your good to go either in the cash lanes are fasttrack clients. as we take it over to the traffic map graeme on the roadways sensors. north bound 101 approaching san jose man that up. the accident for interstate 280. and for those of you coming out of marin county drive time holding steady at 25 minutes from about and to san francisco. james? the >>james: thank you erica. president obama is expected to announce changes in overtime rules today. those rules would require employers to pay millions more workers for the extra time they put in on the job. the rules are aimed at workers currently designated as supervisory employees but who are exempt from overtime because they get paid a salary of more than $455 a week. the changes would take effect in 2015. attorney general eric holder is endorsing a proposal that would result in shorter prison sentences for certain nonviolent drug traffickers. holder is expected to make the suggestion today before the u.s. sentencing commission. he says the sentence reductions would lower federal prison costs and create a fairer criminal justice system. california is seen a surge in applications for concealed weapons permits from people wanting to carry guns. observers said the demand is being driven by a federal ruling last month that made it easier for people to get these permits. the ruling eliminated the requirement for applications that just for applicants to show good cause and that the desire for self defense is good enough. however the ruling has been put off pending an appeal by the state attorney general. >>: san jose police are on the hunt for two men whom officers say, forced two women to withdraw money after they were contacted on craigslist about buying property. it started with one woman, who used the website to meet with the suspects, to buy cell phones. when the men arrived at an east san jose target store, they showed her a handgun, forced her into their car and made her withdraw money from her a-t-m. they then demanded she call her friend for more money. first lady michelle obama welcomes a little green friend to the white house. that, of course, is kermit the frog. the muppets' frontman appeared with the first lady. and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. for a special showing of the new "muppets most wanted" movie. the advanced screening was held for military children and their families. albino redwood tree-topvo standing 52- feet tall this tree, which is called a "ghost redwood". is stirring up a lot of controversy in sonoma county. experts say the tree is so rare. that it is only one of 10 in existence. but now --- the tree is in danger of being removed. because it would be a safety issue. officials say the tree would stand too close to the tracks of the new sonoma- marin rail transit line in the town of cotati. one man in the commmunity says he hopes there can a compromise to save the tree. rail officials say they have no choice but to comply with safety regulators. but are taking steps to preserve the redwood. including trying to replant parts of the tree elsewhere. heading into the five o'clock hour we have some great video we wanted to show you. a suspect is now in custody after a wild police chase in colorado. a four year old child was along for the ride. it's a story we brought you live yesterday on the kron four morning news. police say ryan stone was wanted in a drug case. he stole an s-u-v with a 4 year old boy inside. ditched that vehicle with the boy still inside, he was not hurt, but he wasn't done. there were two more carjackings and a crash before stone gave up. a state trooper was also seriously injured in a failed attempt to stop stone. in washington state, cameras were rolling when a woman stole a truck with two young girls inside. you can see one of the truck's doors opens on the other side as the mother furiously tries to stop the woman from driving off. the mother ran after the the truck, but the carkacker got away with the girls, ages 5 and 2, still inside. the suspect ended up getting out of that truck because of two flat tires. but she didn't stop there. she got into an s-u-v, climbed on top of a pregnant woman and elbowed her. another driver pulled the suspect out of that vehicle and bystanders held her until police arrived. just a week before the beginning of spring. blowing snow could be an issue this morning for drivers in parts of the midwest and northeast. this is what the roads looked like in ohio yesterday. police say the snow covered up some traffic signals, so car after car blew through red lights, some drivers didn't even know they ran the lights. there were also pileups along the ohio turnpike. three people were killed and a state trooper seriously injured. kron 4 news in five starts now. go morning and happy thursday. on darya fall some--folsom and im mark danon. let's get an update on our water from james fletcher. >>: today will expect similar conditions. , wins and not like yesterday. tomorrow friday it will continue the warming trend in as we head into the weekend was about even warmer weather with widespread eighties in the forecast. a complete with picture weather in a moment. now the first look at traffic with george. >>george: not tracking any hot spots this morning it will start with our ride to the bay bridge where the westbound commute is a light and in easy ride for the 98 met 9 minute drive time. interstate 580 not jammed up for the westbound ride. no. the freeways look great. not tracking any delays. >>: police are still on the same as fire crews of the overnight construction fire. crews have been on the scene of the fire all morning long. they're monitoring the situation. kron4's mike pelton joins us live on the same. >>: other than an occasional hot spot fire crews tell me the fire is just about out. construction crews must now bring down the building. that process began late afternoon. we saw a lot of big pieces of debris that is why fire crews to demolition work is suspended overnight. crusade is it too dark into dangerous. we do expect clean up to continue. they will look into if welding was partly to blame. >>mark: another story we're following at five 02 let's take a look at that. breaking news: and we are now learning just how much water the construction fire at san francisco mission bay neighborhood has used. the san francisco public utilities commission say they do not know exactly how much was used but about 2 million gallons were recorded entering the sewer if system the time of the fire. most of the water used in the fire were from two separate water sources. the first source is the regular water system the fire department can access it through these standard fire hydrants. the second system is a high pressure gravity fed water supply that exists for the sole purpose of fighting fires. fire officials say that the two systems really helped with fighting the mission bay fire. and they are both frequently used in fighting many fire around the city. in order to fight the fire and keep it from spreading, the fire department sprayed water for more than 24- straight hours. kron4's jackets and so is live on the scene of a shooting that happened late last night. >>: into the san francisco police department tests set up a boulevard. alamein a boulevard that is a showdown between will: an sarah gets due to a shooting. they're looking for a suspect. they believe the suspect in the shooting is held up inside a trailer that is left up at the end of this parking lot. if this all started around 3:00 this morning. here's some video where the two people who were talking here in the area around 3:00 in the morning when someone came out and told them to be quiet. when they didn't he threatened to shoot them if they did not quiet down 3 at that point, he pulled out a gun and at that 0.1 of the victims that are used seriously going to shoot me? and that's exactly what he did. he shot him in the leg. if the victim was taken to a local hospital with not life threatening injuries, but at that point, the san francisco police department says they knew who the suspect was at that point, that's when they surrounded this trailer. i can tell you that within the last five minutes specialists from the san francisco police department have shown up and tactical gear to try and make contact with anyone was inside that trailer. this is a developing story and as we get more information we will definitely passed along the darya. but i can tell you that the streets are closed down and it will be closed down for the foreseeable future. >>: all right thanks a lot of jacki. >>: police in austin have arrested the suspect drunk driver that ran through temporary barricades into a crowd at the south by southwest festival earlier this morning. so far, two people have been killed in the incident and 23 others were injured. the austin police chief says were on a mo-ped that the driver hit along with pedestrians who were leaving a club where a concert had been held. before jumping out of his car and trying to run from police. officers shocked him with a stun gun and took him into custody. one witness described the chaotic situation. emergency officials say most of the injuries were minor, but five to seven had more serious injuries. on march 7th, investigators say the man went to "world academy charter school" and molested a 7-year-old girl. investigators say, a *second assault happened in january at "think college now" elementary school. a safety meeting will be held this morning. parents met with school officials last night to parents met with school offic[ male announcer ] this is jim a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib atrial fibrillation an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of strok for years jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto jim's on the move. jim's doct recommended xarelto. like warfarin, xarelto is proven effective to reduce afib-relat stroke ris but xarelto is the fir and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with af not caused by a heart valve problem that doesn't require routine blood monitorin so jim's not tied to that monitoring routine. 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[ male announcer ] do more than protect. improve mouth health with colgate total®. and use the whole line for even better results. ♪ >>james: 76 for santa clara 77 for all to men valley, 75 for san jose. and east bay almost a carbon copy. and ultimate mix of mid-70s for much of the east bay valleys and along the east bay shoreline. not tracking delays or incidents across the span. the lights are working this morning. you may recall the over light or off yesterday. if looking at the san rafael bridge without problem or delayed. as of they some drive times. with a look at the traffic maps in your ride on the e shore freeway costs 80 westbound. looking at just a 13 minute drive time from hercules to berkeley. that's an easy trip. as it is through the san ramon valley. 60 minutes into dublin westbound pleased was 580 all look good. of a southbound freeway is with good. new this morning seven people have died after an explosion that flattened two new york city apartment buildings. it's a story we brought you live yesterday morning on kron 4. three bodies were found overnight in the rubble. a gas leak triggered the blast yesterday morning on park avenue in east harlem. more than 60 other people were injured. some of them children. the explosion was so strong, it shattered windows a block away and a plume of smoke over the skyline. investigators are now looking into whether complaints about the smell of gas had been ignored. we're just a week away from the beginning of spring. but you can't tell by the way the roads are looking right now in the midwest. snowy conditions caused pileups on the ohio turnpike yesterday. three people were killed and a state trooper seriously injured. the accidents along the busy toll road stretched for two miles between toledo and cleveland. tens of thousands of homes and businesses also lost power in northern illinois and indiana. and a few hundred flights were cancelled at chicago's airports. the storm hit parts of the northeast as well and is now headed to canada. malaysian officials say search crews have found nothing at the site where chinese satellite images showed possible debris from the missing malaysia airlines jet. another search of the area will be conduced later today. but now the wall st. journal is reporting that automatically downloaded date from the plane's engines, shows the aircraft may have flown for four more hours once it lost contact with air traffic controllers. malaysian officials are denying that claim. malaysia airlines says it has retired the missing jetliner's flight code mh370 and mh371 as a sign of respect to the 239 passengers and crew on board. the plane went missing 5 days agao while flying from kuala lumpur to beijing. the u.n. security council will discuss todaya possible resolution that would reaffirm ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. they will also address a referendum on whether its crimean peninsula should become part of russia. the ukrainian prime minister will brief the security council today at an open meeting. selfies are taking over the world. time magazine released a list of the most selfies taken by city. belive it or not, most of the selfie-taking cities are not in the united states. take a look at the list here. sf is #11 on the list. we should take some selfies and make a ugc callout too. the new jersey teenager who sued her parents for tuition and living expenses last week is now back home. 18-year-old rachel canning's parents welcomed her back. she had claimed her family threw her out of the house -- and she needed money to support herself. she also implied her father had behaved inappropriately with her. but her parents said she was simply upset because she didn't want to obey their rules. a judge last week denied the girl's request for immediate financial assistance. as for the fact they've all reconciled -- it's not clear what changed. rachel's lawsuit has been settled, but the parent's attorney didn't give any details. former nfl all-pro safety darren sharper is scheduled to return to court for a hearing that will determine whether he will soon be released from a los angeles jail. the former player was indicted on drug and rape charges in tucson, ariz., this week. the los angeles district attorney's office has declined to say whether they will ask a judge to continue to hold sharper without bail because of the arizona case. the 38-year-old has pleaded not guilty to charges he raped and drugged two women in los angeles county. me wa s earned in korea in 1953. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. it's earned, usaa auto insuran is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection. and because usaa's commitnt to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your lacy. get an auto insurance quote. us. we know what it means to serv female announcer: what will you man:with your new i'm getting a camera!? - i'm getting an espresso maker! - i'm getting a new smart phone! female announcer: during sleep train's big gift event get a $200 best buy gift card with purchase of selected beautyrest, posturepedic or tempur-pedic mattresses. or, get 24-months interest-free financing. - a new tv... - a laptop... - a game console! female announcer: what will you get during the big gift event? ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ attorney general eric holder is expected to formally endorse a proposal for shorter sentencing guidelines for some nonviolent drug crimes today. he will appearsbefore the u.s. sentencing commission, which initially suggested the action. holder says harsh penalties should be for the worst offenses. the commission isn't expected to vote until at least april. california parents upset about a new clothing trend.because of what's printed all over their kid's clothes. plus. new details as they come in about the massive mission bay construction the kron 4 morning news continues this morning. watching wall street this morning, and investors still worried about a sharp drop in chinese exports. that's raising concerns the world's second largest economy is slowing. here's a look at yesterday's closing numbers. stocks barely budged. the dow fell 11 points. the nasdaq gained 16. and the s and p 500 added a half a point. futures point to modest opening gains this morning. general motors now says the first sign of the ignition switch problem that led to its massive recall last month came in 2001 during development of the 2003 saturn ion. the company says that it is reporting the 2001 incident because it only discovered a record of it last month. after an initial recall, gm looked into other cars that used the same switch and then more than doubled the number of models and cars recalled. the problem stems from an ignition switch that can turn to the off position while a person is driving. the faulty switch has been linked to 31 crashes and 13 deaths. the feds are investigating you won't find clothing displaying images of marijuana at one southern california shop. some parents in orange county were upset when they found out their tween children were buying clothes like leggings covered in pot leaves at tilly's clothing store in huntington beach. leaves at tilly's clothing store in huntington beach. [ girl ] roses are red. violets are blue. splenda® is sweet and so are you. [ female announcer ] just abou anywhere you use sugar, you can use splenda® no calorie sweetener. ♪ splenda® lets yo experience the joy of sugar without all the calories. it's a very good reason to enjoy something swe with the ones you love. think sugar, say splenda™ >> welcome back. our top story this morning the latest in the construction of fire in san francisco's mission bay neighborhood. kron4 mike pelton is live with details. >> the four stories that are remaining are much more stable. fire officials tell me that that will be here as long as they're needed. >> but 172 units that one of the enflames was part of a developer project by bre properties known as m-b 360. these are rendering of what the spanish project is supposed to look like. hundreds of condos were set to open. the companies say they have a comprehensive insurance coverage for these defense. it's their released a statement saying " we extend our thanks and gratitude to the fire and emergency service personnel for their rapid response. we are currently assessing the situation that we will be consulting with the appropriate authorities. " >> stay with kron4 for the latest on the construction fire and its aftermath. you could check our web site, we have posted some of the best images. >> we have a clear skies and it is not as windy as it was yesterday. by noon time it will quickly warm-up and the temperatures will get into the upper 60s may be low 70's. by 3:00 p.m. there will be plenty of sun and the temperatures will be in the upper 60s. will have a full look picture forecast coming up. >> we did have strong gust around the bay. let's get an update on when that should open. >> there is a slight wind but nothing like it was yesterday. face shutdown alcatraz because they said it was just to cross. they stated that it was just totally unsafe but that this happens some of the time. they stated that they have to do this so everything was canceled yesterday. there stating that they will reopen it today and if you have a ticket or your credit card, it was refunded. if you paid in cash and you want to try to come back today at your best bet is to go to the office and have there reschedule. you can see that the lighthouse-- it's hard to see it but it is a lots, are today. >> have you been to a alcatraz? >> no, not since i was on the third grade. >> there are a lot of people live here >> never been there. they also now have a audiocassettes the chicken listen to. >> whayou george? that you can listen to. >> what about you george? >> yes, i've been there. we are not get tracking in a hot spots the chp does not have any incidents to slow your trip. it is headed for 580 in the westbound direction of. the south bay peninsula and the north bay for ways still looking great. >> the time is 5:34 a.m.. there are new details come in out this morning about the richmond teacher who is suspected of sex crimes against children. kron4 sources say, the 32 year-old ronald guinto took young boys on camping trips. but that is what parents thought he was taking students for overnight stay at its mare island in vallejo. he took them to motel 6 instead. he is accused of showing that 11 and 12 year-old boy is what is called a teacher porn folding and molesting them. as of right now, he is charged with 27 felony sex crimes. >> more than 100 people live in one of russia's most troubled housing projects will have to move. that decision is coming from the city's housing commission. inspectors risley father there were a lot of problems at the apartment complex on roosevelt like roof leaks, plumbing issues, rundown elevators, and most units has some sort of discoloration to the walls or ceilings. some 130 people have to move. the commission voted to give those residence section 8 housing vouchers. the relocation will likely cost the city average of $489,000. >> san jose police are all much tougher to men and officers said, forced to limit to withdraw money after they were contacted on craigslist about buying property. it started with one woman, who use the web site to meet with the suspects to buy cell phones. when the men arrived in the east san jose target store, they showed are a handgun, forced her into their car and made her withdraw money from her atm. then they demanded that she caught her friend for more money. the robbers got away with an unknown amount of cash. >> coming up on the kron4 new spread the new device that can help cure your migraines. >> a sudden, strong demand for concealed weapons permits. what is behind this trend of people wanting to carry [doorbell rings] hey. hey. what's this? it's u-verse live tv. with at&t u-verse... you can watch live tv from your device. hey. hey. anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. hey. so you won't miss a minute of march madness. call now to get a u-verse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. guaranteed. >> welcome back. a california board has approved parole for charles manson follower. he has been in prison since 1972 for murdering two men. the decision is now under review. the governor has 30 days to say something. he was granted parole in 2012 but governor brown rejected it. >> president obama is going to announce changes in overtime. he is stating that they should be paid more for their overtime. people who were exempt were due to them being paid more a week. these changes should take effect in 2015. >> california is now seen a surge in applications for concealed weapons permits from people who want to carry guns. observers say that they demand-that's the demand is being driven by a federal ruling last month that make it easier for people to get their permits. that ruling, eliminated the requirement for applicants to show good cause for permit. however, that ruling has been put on hold, pending an appeal by the state attorney general. [ doorbellings donu? ♪ you'reute. [ door close] [ female annouer ] special k protein cere helps keep you fuller long. willpor. what will you gain when youose? how ya doi? mm [ birds chirng ] okay bye b! [ female announcer help satisfy your hunger lger with special protein bars and shas. willpower. what will you gain when youose? with special protein bars and shas. leto t oneobying you waysante at uversy ofhoen, belve ery ecati- not st os- shou be ilt ound thcare thayou want. imine at. >> and welcome back. i am checking sissel the p jackie sit here in the richmond district. the police believe that as suspects fled to this trailer and since then, we have seen units out there. this story is a developing. as we get new information we will pass along to you. >> (male annoucer): now here is stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> on the corner of syllabus land and oakland road in the city of antioch since this home. but behind the walls of the driveway trash and lots of it, and based on this indoor kicked open someone may be living inside. >> antioch has had a problem with the illegal dumping and sometimes a bed and homes catch the brought to a problem. however, if you have to drive down a few dentistry's you might find pockets of illegally dump trash. >> a lot of people come by here and done things. some of them are from someplace else. >> this side oakley play describes a problem many communities deal with. like here on wilbur where down the road there is piles of illegally dump trash, sometimes in trees. down the hill is this date were temporary concrete barricades are set up to stop illegal dumpers. the barricades to do not work unless this was done from prior to the barricades. >> and this is not just trash, this boat has a 72 hour notice to move the base of his condition it has been here too long already. but the interesting part of this is all this can go away, all it takes commitment and perseverance on and some enforcement. >> how do i know, will this is wilbur street that was trash in the city got right on it and after me highlighted for weeks. but now this is how looks after a huge makeover, on the left the old and on the right to improve. >> so there is always a solution you just need commitment. >> in antioch stanley roberts kron 4 news. >> it is chilly outside but this happen know you will forget about these temperatures. we have mid to upper 70's for the south and 75 for san jose 76 for sunnyvale. in the east is another day a 70 degree weather low to mid 70's. 73 for pleasanton and even in san francisco issued the nice and pleasant with a high of 70 to 72 degrees. 74 degrees for oakland. this is another day of a lot of sunshine come winds. warm weather. it will continue throughout the remainder of this week in fact the temperatures are still expected to reach eighties by saturday and sunday. nonetheless, it will be a nice weekend. you should enjoy because next week the temperatures will cool down >> we're still looking at a pretty good ride and we're not tracking any hot spots. no major delays. the bay bridge toll plaza we start to see things backing up the cash lanes. the metering lights are likely to be activated if the next 20 minutes. for your ride to the san mateo bridge, highway 92 is just a little crowded coming over from industrial. there is no back up just yet. it is still the 11 minutes. the golden gate bridge is clear and here is a look at the richmond san rafael bridge. no problems reported. jesuits take a look at the traffic maps to locate your drive time like 15 minutes from hercules to berkeley. it is still 16 minutes. we picked up a little bit of a delay into dublin. 14 minutes now, easy all through the south. so is a ride to land county for 1 01 southbound. no problems the central san rafael. >> dog owners have taken so ball into a whole new level. they have started something called muttbombing. it does not impostor and a dog into someone's picture but digitally inserts in the dog later using photoshop or other photo at a game software. >> take for example, this picture ellen degeneres did on oscar night, well someone had a dog named sandy. a dallas adoption agency has adopted this idea as a marketing campaign. >> the fda has approved a head bent designed to treat migraine headaches. it is called cefaly. you could wear over your forehead. the battery powered device delivers small impulses to the nurse. research shows that it helps reduce the number of chronic migraine attacks. however, this device did not reduce the severity of the attacks. you would get a prescription for the device. experts say, the to show where this 20 minutes a day, nearly 12 percent of the united states population suffer from migraines. >> attorneys for aldon smith will be in court today. the 49ers' linebacker faces felony gun charges in santa clara county after the surest are discovered three illegal assault rifles in his home. this morning's hearing was set a date for a preliminary hearing in that case and also said its core day for his misdemeanor case on charges of driving under the influence. >> klee taught since scored 26 points and david lee had 24 the war years, but it was not enough to overcome late griffon 30 points and 15 rebounds. golden state's five game winning streak ended with their fourth straight loss to the clippers. the score was 111-98. stephen curry had just 13 points and 11 assists. ♪ be rin twice ♪ it harthesdayso find... ma witonlyeal,naral g. but chobani.'the ly w knohow. chobi. h matrs. >> welcome back. standing 52 ft. tall, this tree, which is called a ghost redwood is stirring up a lot of controversy in sonoma county. experts say that this tree is so rare, that it is only one of tin in existence. but now, the tree is in danger of being remote. officials say that the tree would stand to close to the tracks of the new sonoma-more ran rail transit line in the town of cotati. one man in the community says that he hopes to there can be a compromise. >> well officials said they have no toys but to comply with the safety regulators. but after taking steps to preserve the redwood, including tried to replace parts of the st. elsewhere. >> this is one of the more horrible crimes such will see caught on tape. this is surveillance video of an 8 year-old minnesota boy getting punched and has ipad been stolen. the eight year old was leaving day care with his punt, that is how running after the peace. she did not catch him but the manager of a nearby restaurant it. the stolen ipad was recovered but it was crushed. the man in the video has been charged with aggravated assault. >> a hunter in north carolina bags a giant w ild hog. it measured 8 ft. long and weighed in at more than 500 lbs.. the hunters wears his pitcher is not a full shot. he has a freezer full sausage, pork chops and tender on. >> reno has too short more than 500 new parking meters. the meters do not meet the americans with disabilities act standards. most of these meters top out at about 5 ft. and their screen, is angled up boards, so you have to be above it to get a clear view. crews are now short in the meters to a max height of 48 in.. >> coming up on the kron 4 news walls come tumbling down after a building explosion and fire in new down after a building explosion and fire in new york. [ female announcer birdhouse plans. nacho pans glass on floors. daily chores. for the little mishaps you fee use neosporin to help you hea it kills germs so you heal four days faster. neosporin. use with band-aid bra bandages but one is so clever that your skin looks better even after you take it off. neutrogena healthy skin liquid makeup 98% saw improved skin. does your makeup do that? neutrogen® cosmetics >> an overnight shooting in san francisco brings in the swat team. we'll have a live report. >> firefighters remain on the scene. coming a was to you how they're dealing with hot spots. >> spring is just a week away. and the bay area weather is responding. >> i feel like i was robbed of winter. >> the envy of the nation, especially for people near chicago and new even when they received a lot snow. today, we have something warm conditions for this afternoon. tomorrow, we will continue with is warmer trend. we will still see temperatures get into the 80s, sunday more so than saturday. you should enjoy because come next week we have a storm system coming. hopefully, it will give us a few showers. >>

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20140313 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20140313

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this morning on the kron 4 morning news. a possible cause. plus what's next. at the site of the mission bay construction site that went up in flames. a car crashes into a crowd of people at the south by southwest festival, killing at least two people. and -- campus crackdowns in oakland after two children are sexually assaulted at school. the kron 4 morning news starts right now. breaking news: police in austin have arrested the suspect drunk driver that ran through temporary barricades into a crowd at the south by southwest festival earlier this morning. so far, two people have been killed in the incident and 23 others were injured. the austin police chief says were on a mo-ped that the driver hit along with pedestrians who were leaving a club where a concert had been held. the man also struck a cab before jumping out of his car and trying to run from police. officers shocked him with a stun gun and took him into custody. one witness described the chaotic situation. emergency officials say most of the injuries were minor, but five to seven had more serious injuries. now to our developing news of the san francisco construction site fire. fire fighters have been staying at the scene all night to put out hotspots. investigators are looking into whether welding work is to blame for causing the fire. there's no official cause, partly because it's still too hot to enter the building. excavators and other dismantling equipment have started the process of removing the debris. some nearby residents who were forced to leave due to the fire. *still have not been allowed to return to their homes. and we are now learning just how much water the construction fire at san francisco mission bay neighborhood has used. the san francisco public utilities commission say they do not know exactly how much was used but about 2 million gallons were recorded entering the sewer system the time of the fire. most of the water used in the fire were from two separate water sources. the first source is the regular water system the fire department can access it through these standard fire hydrants. the second system is a high pressure gravity fed water supply that exists for the sole purpose of fighting fires. fire officials say that the two systems really helped with fighting the mission bay fire. and they are both frequently used in fighting many fire around the city. in order to fight the fire and keep it from spreading, the fire department sprayed water for more than 24- straight hours. kron 4's charles clifford has details on how much water was used. and where it came from. and stay with kron-4 for the latest on the construction fire and its aftermath. on our website -- we've posted some of the best images from social media. on the kron-4 app you can follow the latest on the investigation. a magnitude-4.4 earthquake has struck a rural area in central california. the u.s. geological survey says the quake struck around 7-15 last night about 34 miles south of the community of lone pine, near the south end of sequoia national forest. they say it doesn't expect damage in the area that's not very populated. there has been no reports of injuries. a warning from police to parents in oakland. they released this sketch of a man behind two sexual assaults on children on school campuses. on march 7th, investigators say the man went to "world academy charter school" and molested a 7-year-old girl. investigators say, a *second assault happened in january at "think college now" elementary school. asa safety meeting will be held this morning. parents met with school officials last night to learn about some new safety changes. kron-4's philippe djegal has more. only parents and guardians were allowed into the meeting. it was closed off to news organizations. but one parent we spoke with on her way out of the meeting says that she's pleased with what she heard. world academy says these changes go into effect immediately, and they impact of the students enrolled in after school programs. the after school programs will now all be held indoors -- none outside. all students enrolled in after school programs now have to check in as a group at the cafeteria, immediately after the regular school day ends. the outdoor restrooms will also be locked and off limits, except during recess. for the rest of the time, students will have to use the indoor bathrooms. councilman noel gallo, attended the meeting and says parents are being asked to do a little more too. and, once it's time to go home. students will now have to wait in the cafeteria, until their parents or guardian signs them out. in oakland, philippe djegal, kron four news. for 13 the time was handed over to erica with your forecast. >>erica: it's going to be another gorgeous day around the bay today. we are looking at pretty similar conditions. right now temperatures are in the forties and fifties which will be the case as we approach the 8:00 hour so clear skies chilean spot predominately in the valleys and as we head into the afternoon we will talk about with warming effect by 3:00 we will see plenty of '70s for the bay and inland spots. what breathe on your afternoon highs for today. started things off in the south bay. cupertino 763 it plenty of sunshine is expected. we will see similar conditions in the east bay. fairfield to get a high of 7274 degrees in walnut creek. took a look in san francisco and 72. oakland and a bit warmer than that and it looks like mid-70s up in the north bay. as we take a look at satellite and radar. here's the bigger weather story. high pressure. dominant over the same. we don't have the rotation that bring the band easterly winds what we did yesterday. it's not going to be as when the as it wasn't the afternoon. our 7 day around the bay forecast shows it's going to be temperatures. was it wise for 80s as we wrap up our weekend. more details on that coming up in your weekend. looking at traffic around the bay as i mentioned we do have one accident we are following north bound 880 on the nimitz freeway right around industrial. but like a big rig is involved in that accident but we aren't seeing any slowdowns. to contend with some of our camera shots during a lot of upside of the bay bridge toll plaza no way to hear the me very light turnout all right now. if you're making the westbound trip to live look at the rich and san rafael bridge. , >>: at 450 now,a 6th person has been found dead in the rubble after a gas explosion that flattened--415 two new york city apartment buildings. authorities say they are still looking for at least five missing people. the blast also injured more than 60 people. residents had complained of a gas odor about 15 minutes before the blast. general motors now says the first sign of the ignition switch problem that led to its massive recall last month came in 2001 during development of the 2003 saturn ion. the company says that it is reporting the 2001 incident because it only discovered a record of it last month. after an initial recall, gm looked into other cars that used the same switch and then more than doubled the number of models and cars recalled. gm now says first sign of switch problem was in 2001 in world news this morning: malaysian officials say planes have nothing at the site where chinese satellite images show possible debris from the missing malaysia airlines jetliner. but searchers say they will conduct another search later today in the same area. many experts believe that this could be an important lead in the search for the missing plane. the man who helped discover the wreckage of the titanic says it makes sense to concentrate the search there. in the search for a missing passenger jet, satellite images may have found floating objects in the south china sea. chinese government officials are calling it a "suspected crash area" for the missing malaysia airlines flight. andrew spencer reports relatives of the passengers searchers on a vietnamese plane checked the area chinese authorities flag. their first search, thursday morning, did not find anything in that area. they planned to conduct another search, later thursday. meanwhile u-s investigators believe the plane many have flown for four hours once it lost contact with air traffic controllers. malaysia airlines says it has retired the missing jetliner's flight code mh370 and mh371 as a sign of respect to the 239 passengers and crew on board. act ukraine's interim prime --president obama met with ukraine's interim prime minister at the white house today. the visit comes ahead of a referendum planned in crimea. on whether or not to leave ukraine and become part of russia. the president renewed his opposition to the impending vote -- and russia's involvement in the ukrainian crisis. ukraine's prime minister said, he appreciated the support of the united states. and told president obama that ukraine "will never surrender." in bay area news: a mountain view teenager is recovering. after overdosing on drugs. and passing out on a trail. as kron 4's alecia reid reports, this is a fairly new drug, similar in nature to l-s-d. laying unresponsive - the teenager was passed out on the stevens creek trail. emergency services rushed him to the hospital and say the boy overdosed. he was on d-o-c a fairly new psychedelic street drug, with a combination of hallu-cino-genic and am- pheta-mine chemicalsvery similar to lsd. the person may be hallucinating, they may have heart palpitations, higher blood pressure, feel hot to the touch, and they'll be in a zombie like state so they're there staring off into nothing. the boy is now in stable condition. friends say he is a student at mountain view high school. the police chief and school superintendent wrote a letter to parents urging them to talk to their children about the realities of drug use and abuse - hoping if that conversation hasn't already happened, this incident will get it started. i'm really glad that administration is on it. they could've kept it quiet, but they sent out a notice saying hey this happened and have a conversation with your kids. according to police, this is the first reported d-o-c overdose in mountainview, but there has been an increase in synthetic drugs over the last few years. we've been seeing an increase in spice and bathsalts stuff like that. but drugs are drugs. they're ever changing. you never know what kind of reaction your body will have. these are unknown substances, they're not tested, the dosage isn't regulated. it's just dangerous all around. authorities tell us an educational forum will be held in the near future, alerting parents about risks that their children may be facing. reporting in mountainview >>james:the raiders won't be signing offensive lineman rodger saffold after all. saffold failed his physical and will not be signing with the team. saffold agreed to a five- year, $42.5 million contract with $21 million guaranteed on tuesday. instead saffold has agreed to return to the st. louis rams on a new five-year contract. this is not good news for the raiders' free-agent plans. is reporting that raiders owner mark davis pulled the plug on the saffold deal. saffold could have had shoulder surgery and been ready for training camp, but davis said no. klay thompson scored 26 points and david lee had 20 for the warriors, but it wasn't enough to overcome blake griffin 30 points and 15 rebounds. golden state's five-game winning streak ends with their fourth straight loss to the clippers at staples center. the 111-98 win was the clippers' ninth straight victory. stephen curry had just 13 points and 11 assists before sitting out the final minutes. that new jersey teenager who we will get another update on our ride at weather in just a that new jersey teenager who will sued her parents for tuition and living expenses last week is now back home. 18-year-old rachel canning's parents welcomed her back. she had claimed her family threw her out of the house smith -- and she needed money to support herself. she also implied her father had behaved inappropriately with her. but her parents said she was simply upset because she didn't want to obey their rules. a judge last week denied the girl's request for immediate financial assistance. as for the fact they've all reconciled -- it's not clear what changed. rachel's lawsuit has been settled, but the parent's attorney didn't give any details. the f-d-a has approved a headband designed to treat migraine headaches. it is called - cefaly. and forehead. the battery-powered device delivers small impulses to the nerves. research showed it helped reduce the number of chronic migraine attacks by two per month. however, the device did not reduce the severity of attacks. you will need a prescription for the device. hitand experts say, you should only wear it 20- minutes a day. a six-year old girl in north dakota says she is sleeping a lot better. after a pharmacist prescribed her something called - "monster spray". the clever pharmacist designed a special bottle for the girl. who says the monsters in her room were keeping her up at night. the instructions on the label read "spray around the room at night before if necessa as for what's in the spray. the pharmacy is keeping the formula a secret. we're coming up on 4-30. here are the big stories we're working on for you this morning. fire investigators are looking into whether welding work was to blame for the massive blaze that barreled through an apartment building construction site. the exact cause of the fire is under investigation, but fire chief joanne hayes- white says they are looking into preliminary reports that workers were doing torch work at the site shortly before the fire was reported. a warning from police to parents in oakland. they released this sketch of a man behind two sexual assaults on children on school campuses. on march 7th, investigators say the man went to "world academy charter school" and molested a 7-year-old girl. investigators say, a *second assault happened in january at "think college now" elementary school. and police in austin have arrested the suspect drunk temporary barricades into a crowd at the south by southwest festival earlier this morning. so far, two people have been killed in the incident and 23 others were injured. a 430 let's check in with our weather. good morning erica. >>erica: san francisco right now 54. none of this for your eyes will '70s along the east bay shoreline. vallejo a high of 74. mid to upper 60s along the coast line and looks like sunnyvale checking in with a high of 75. astra satellite every hour you can see clear and dry conditions for the entire west coast. although we are dealing with the lens and a margaret warmest day is expected to be sunday with widespread 80s for the alleged individual is. phillip likely local things off as we start the next workweek. in fact we have a weak system headed our way by wednesday and that could be some light rain to the area. i have more details on that coming up in just a moment. meantime traffic around the bay area looking good. quickly looking at the bridges. now - 3 in the hot spots. looks like it's blocking one of the alliance and a big rig is involved. as for the rest of the bay area has a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. although we're seeing an increase and a volume. lots of space between cars. and fact we are and to that free. more on the ever- developing story of san francisco's construction fire. an under- construction apartment building. goes up in flames in san francisco's mission bay neighborhood. crews have been working all day and into the evening. to tear down part of the burned structure. in order to fight this blaze and keep it from spreading, the san francisco fire department sprayed water onto the building for more than 24- hours straight. 150 firefighters and 50 trucks to the scene. some of the crews are still there tonight. a live update we saw crews carrying huge pieces of the building. fire crews auto maker still concern the building could collapse on its own and we do expect a much work to " resume this morning. in the cause of the fire is still under investigation. >>:the biggest fire in recent san francisco history began with a few wisps of smoke from the top story of the building. the first call to fire dispatch came in at a couple of minutes before five. that fifth alarm brought 150 firefighters and 50 trucks to the scene. the 172-unit that went up in flames -- was part of a offs development project by b-r-e properties known as "m-b 360." these are renderings of what the finished product is supposed to look like. hundreds of condos were set to open. the company says it has comprehensive insurance coverage for events like this. and it believes any losses to the company caused by the fire will be covered by insurance. b-r-e properties released a statement saying quote -- "we extend our thanks and gratitude to the fire and emergency services personnel for their rapid response. sphere fifth thought we are currently assessing the situation.and we will be consulting with the appropriate authorities." and stay with kron-4 for the latest on the construction fire and its aftermath. on our website -- we've posted some of the best images from social media. on the kron-4 app you can follow the latest on the investigation. new details coming out this morning.about the richmond teacher suspected of dozens of sex crimes against children. kron 4 sources say, 32 year old ronald guinto took young boys on camping trips. but that when parents thought he was taking students for an overnight stay at mare island in vallejo.he took them to a motel six instead. where guinto is accused of showing the 11 and 12 year old boys what's called "teacher porn".folding and molesting them. as of right now.guinto is has charged with 27 felony sex crimes. the monterey county district attorney's office is considering filing charges against an elementary teacher who allegedly slapped an 8-year-old child during class. police were notified about the incident on monday that incident happened at alisal community school. officers have submitted a case for a warrant for the teacher's arrest to the district attorney's office. school district officials say the teacher is on paid administrative leave pending an investigation. still ahead. it's being called a new era for oakland's waterfront: the huge new project being built -- starting today. and a little later, we'll show you the cool new trend on social media. for people and their pets. the story behind "mutt- bombing." apple has released i/o s 7.1. i recommended u.s. owner than later. the i/o s 7.1 update is worth downloading to your eye device just for the bug and security fixes alone. it features the latest protection against the bucks. make it quicker and smother moving between naps. the hall operating system fills market faster, there are subtle improvements the route. if your present with a call your present with a smoother option to receive or decline the call. series you can now hold down the hall but and let it down when you're not talking. this change mixer questions more precise 3 here's a big improvement for parents who don't want their parents to wrap up and purchases pretty change restrictions settings. -on and that that will " require and password. but you don't change the setting up the default setting it is that after the password is entered kids could purchase 50 minutes worth of stuff. believe me i've heard horror stories were toddlers have accidently ran up hundreds of dollars in the 1000's and purchases often by phone or ipad. that happens all the time. this next one is a small change to what i really like. you can choose to bald the keyboard on your device and both the text you type. on the left of your screen is the default setting we're all used to. on the right is the new bold text option turned off. i know this seems like such a small change but it really helps the text pops out. yet it takes about 10 minutes to do. you can find it understands software update. gabe slate kron 4 news. >>: all rights for 40 is the time. coming up the latest developments on a shooting in san francisco. why have more details on that coming up in a moment. is it live look outside. here's our east bay camera in walnut back. our developing story comes out of san francisco where police are investigating a shooting. kron4's and jack is a soap is a lot on the scene with what we know so far. if >>: good morning. i am out here. you could see the place apart who set up a perimeter. they're looking for a shooting suspects at the corner of alamein the esoteric it in south san francisco. here's a video from earlier this morning. two men were talking outside aid establishment according to police. around 3:00 this morning what someone told them to be quiet. when they refused the person said he had a gun if they didn't quiet down that he would shoot them. apparently that suspect pulled his gun out. for one of the victims' asked are you serious. he say yes and shot him in the lead at that point the suspect fled on foot. the victim in this case was transported to a local hospital with not a life-threatening injuries. as far as the suspect the san francisco police department galazy actually lived right here in the neighborhood. they try to make contact with temperatures are now they set up a perimeter of where the safety is. if you can see the streets are shut off at allegheny. no word yet whether or not they make contact with a suspect but they do believe they know who the suspect is. strange case of james. obviously a developing story 3 as we get more information and if or when they catch the suspect, will lead to know. >>: thank you very much for the update. another developing story we haveattorney's for aldon smith will be in court today. the 49ers linebacker faces costs felony gun charges in santa clara county after the sheriff's department discovered three illegal assault rifles in smith's san jose home. this morning's hearing will set a date for a preliminary hearing in that case. and also set a court date for smith's misdemeanor case on charges of driving under the influence. what's the weather like erica. >>erica: expect a another warm day. we're starting the morning off with calmer wan's and cooler temperatures fairfield right now 48. 44 in santa rosa 3:00 when the mid to upper 50s for oakland and san francisco ago it is cold right now we will make up for it. warmer weather is definitely on the way. i think san jose today checking it with a high of 75. mostly sunny skies and the east bay. vallejo 74. we will see temperatures and the mid to upper 60s. it's going to be a calmer day. the wind and not as apparent with plenty of sunshine. springlike conditions. carrying on into tomorrow we're going to get downright talks. a record-breaking highs with temperatures in the '80s. the city and your 7 day around the bay forecast. sunday shaping up to be the warmest day of the week. i think will see widespread 80s for the inland spots and the bay. more details on that and the cool down coming up in just a couple of minutes. manti traffic around the bay area looking good. now monetary and hot spots. for those of you heading to the bay bridge of all the volume has increased a pretty easy ride. a stalled vehicle coming from the 880 approach. no worries or the ways making your trip and to san francisco. adding to your san mateo bridge will see lots of space between car spirits of taillights currently heading out toward foster city. a live look at the richmond san rafael bridge. your good to go either in the cash lanes are fasttrack clients. as we take it over to the traffic map graeme on the roadways sensors. north bound 101 approaching san jose man that up. the accident for interstate 280. and for those of you coming out of marin county drive time holding steady at 25 minutes from about and to san francisco. james? the >>james: thank you erica. president obama is expected to announce changes in overtime rules today. those rules would require employers to pay millions more workers for the extra time they put in on the job. the rules are aimed at workers currently designated as supervisory employees but who are exempt from overtime because they get paid a salary of more than $455 a week. the changes would take effect in 2015. attorney general eric holder is endorsing a proposal that would result in shorter prison sentences for certain nonviolent drug traffickers. holder is expected to make the suggestion today before the u.s. sentencing commission. he says the sentence reductions would lower federal prison costs and create a fairer criminal justice system. california is seen a surge in applications for concealed weapons permits from people wanting to carry guns. observers said the demand is being driven by a federal ruling last month that made it easier for people to get these permits. the ruling eliminated the requirement for applications that just for applicants to show good cause and that the desire for self defense is good enough. however the ruling has been put off pending an appeal by the state attorney general. >>: san jose police are on the hunt for two men whom officers say, forced two women to withdraw money after they were contacted on craigslist about buying property. it started with one woman, who used the website to meet with the suspects, to buy cell phones. when the men arrived at an east san jose target store, they showed her a handgun, forced her into their car and made her withdraw money from her a-t-m. they then demanded she call her friend for more money. first lady michelle obama welcomes a little green friend to the white house. that, of course, is kermit the frog. the muppets' frontman appeared with the first lady. and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. for a special showing of the new "muppets most wanted" movie. the advanced screening was held for military children and their families. albino redwood tree-topvo standing 52- feet tall this tree, which is called a "ghost redwood". is stirring up a lot of controversy in sonoma county. experts say the tree is so rare. that it is only one of 10 in existence. but now --- the tree is in danger of being removed. because it would be a safety issue. officials say the tree would stand too close to the tracks of the new sonoma- marin rail transit line in the town of cotati. one man in the commmunity says he hopes there can a compromise to save the tree. rail officials say they have no choice but to comply with safety regulators. but are taking steps to preserve the redwood. including trying to replant parts of the tree elsewhere. heading into the five o'clock hour we have some great video we wanted to show you. a suspect is now in custody after a wild police chase in colorado. a four year old child was along for the ride. it's a story we brought you live yesterday on the kron four morning news. police say ryan stone was wanted in a drug case. he stole an s-u-v with a 4 year old boy inside. ditched that vehicle with the boy still inside, he was not hurt, but he wasn't done. there were two more carjackings and a crash before stone gave up. a state trooper was also seriously injured in a failed attempt to stop stone. in washington state, cameras were rolling when a woman stole a truck with two young girls inside. you can see one of the truck's doors opens on the other side as the mother furiously tries to stop the woman from driving off. the mother ran after the the truck, but the carkacker got away with the girls, ages 5 and 2, still inside. the suspect ended up getting out of that truck because of two flat tires. but she didn't stop there. she got into an s-u-v, climbed on top of a pregnant woman and elbowed her. another driver pulled the suspect out of that vehicle and bystanders held her until police arrived. just a week before the beginning of spring. blowing snow could be an issue this morning for drivers in parts of the midwest and northeast. this is what the roads looked like in ohio yesterday. police say the snow covered up some traffic signals, so car after car blew through red lights, some drivers didn't even know they ran the lights. there were also pileups along the ohio turnpike. three people were killed and a state trooper seriously injured. kron 4 news in five starts now. go morning and happy thursday. on darya fall some--folsom and im mark danon. let's get an update on our water from james fletcher. >>: today will expect similar conditions. , wins and not like yesterday. tomorrow friday it will continue the warming trend in as we head into the weekend was about even warmer weather with widespread eighties in the forecast. a complete with picture weather in a moment. now the first look at traffic with george. >>george: not tracking any hot spots this morning it will start with our ride to the bay bridge where the westbound commute is a light and in easy ride for the 98 met 9 minute drive time. interstate 580 not jammed up for the westbound ride. no. the freeways look great. not tracking any delays. >>: police are still on the same as fire crews of the overnight construction fire. crews have been on the scene of the fire all morning long. they're monitoring the situation. kron4's mike pelton joins us live on the same. >>: other than an occasional hot spot fire crews tell me the fire is just about out. construction crews must now bring down the building. that process began late afternoon. we saw a lot of big pieces of debris that is why fire crews to demolition work is suspended overnight. crusade is it too dark into dangerous. we do expect clean up to continue. they will look into if welding was partly to blame. >>mark: another story we're following at five 02 let's take a look at that. breaking news: and we are now learning just how much water the construction fire at san francisco mission bay neighborhood has used. the san francisco public utilities commission say they do not know exactly how much was used but about 2 million gallons were recorded entering the sewer if system the time of the fire. most of the water used in the fire were from two separate water sources. the first source is the regular water system the fire department can access it through these standard fire hydrants. the second system is a high pressure gravity fed water supply that exists for the sole purpose of fighting fires. fire officials say that the two systems really helped with fighting the mission bay fire. and they are both frequently used in fighting many fire around the city. in order to fight the fire and keep it from spreading, the fire department sprayed water for more than 24- straight hours. kron4's jackets and so is live on the scene of a shooting that happened late last night. >>: into the san francisco police department tests set up a boulevard. alamein a boulevard that is a showdown between will: an sarah gets due to a shooting. they're looking for a suspect. they believe the suspect in the shooting is held up inside a trailer that is left up at the end of this parking lot. if this all started around 3:00 this morning. here's some video where the two people who were talking here in the area around 3:00 in the morning when someone came out and told them to be quiet. when they didn't he threatened to shoot them if they did not quiet down 3 at that point, he pulled out a gun and at that 0.1 of the victims that are used seriously going to shoot me? and that's exactly what he did. he shot him in the leg. if the victim was taken to a local hospital with not life threatening injuries, but at that point, the san francisco police department says they knew who the suspect was at that point, that's when they surrounded this trailer. i can tell you that within the last five minutes specialists from the san francisco police department have shown up and tactical gear to try and make contact with anyone was inside that trailer. this is a developing story and as we get more information we will definitely passed along the darya. but i can tell you that the streets are closed down and it will be closed down for the foreseeable future. >>: all right thanks a lot of jacki. >>: police in austin have arrested the suspect drunk driver that ran through temporary barricades into a crowd at the south by southwest festival earlier this morning. so far, two people have been killed in the incident and 23 others were injured. the austin police chief says were on a mo-ped that the driver hit along with pedestrians who were leaving a club where a concert had been held. before jumping out of his car and trying to run from police. officers shocked him with a stun gun and took him into custody. one witness described the chaotic situation. emergency officials say most of the injuries were minor, but five to seven had more serious injuries. on march 7th, investigators say the man went to "world academy charter school" and molested a 7-year-old girl. investigators say, a *second assault happened in january at "think college now" elementary school. a safety meeting will be held this morning. parents met with school officials last night to parents met with school offic[ male announcer ] this is jim a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib atrial fibrillation an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of strok for years jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto jim's on the move. jim's doct recommended xarelto. like warfarin, xarelto is proven effective to reduce afib-relat stroke ris but xarelto is the fir and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with af not caused by a heart valve problem that doesn't require routine blood monitorin so jim's not tied to that monitoring routine. 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[ male announcer ] chobani simply 100 how matters. [ male announcer ] chobani simply 100 hey. hey. [doorbell rings] what's this? it's u-verse live tv. with at&t u-verse... you can watch live tv from your device. hey. hey. anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. hey. so you won't miss a minute of march madness. call now to get a u-verse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. guaranteed. improving your health isn't always easy, but you can do it. stay active... get outdoors... eat healthy... and choose colgate total®. it does more than protect, it actually helps improve mouth health. [ male announcer ] it fights germs for 12 hours, in 24 hours starts to fortify enamel, and in 4 weeks helps improve gum health. you can do it with colgate total®. [ male announcer ] do more than protect. improve mouth health with colgate total®. and use the whole line for even better results. ♪ >>james: 76 for santa clara 77 for all to men valley, 75 for san jose. and east bay almost a carbon copy. and ultimate mix of mid-70s for much of the east bay valleys and along the east bay shoreline. not tracking delays or incidents across the span. the lights are working this morning. you may recall the over light or off yesterday. if looking at the san rafael bridge without problem or delayed. as of they some drive times. with a look at the traffic maps in your ride on the e shore freeway costs 80 westbound. looking at just a 13 minute drive time from hercules to berkeley. that's an easy trip. as it is through the san ramon valley. 60 minutes into dublin westbound pleased was 580 all look good. of a southbound freeway is with good. new this morning seven people have died after an explosion that flattened two new york city apartment buildings. it's a story we brought you live yesterday morning on kron 4. three bodies were found overnight in the rubble. a gas leak triggered the blast yesterday morning on park avenue in east harlem. more than 60 other people were injured. some of them children. the explosion was so strong, it shattered windows a block away and a plume of smoke over the skyline. investigators are now looking into whether complaints about the smell of gas had been ignored. we're just a week away from the beginning of spring. but you can't tell by the way the roads are looking right now in the midwest. snowy conditions caused pileups on the ohio turnpike yesterday. three people were killed and a state trooper seriously injured. the accidents along the busy toll road stretched for two miles between toledo and cleveland. tens of thousands of homes and businesses also lost power in northern illinois and indiana. and a few hundred flights were cancelled at chicago's airports. the storm hit parts of the northeast as well and is now headed to canada. malaysian officials say search crews have found nothing at the site where chinese satellite images showed possible debris from the missing malaysia airlines jet. another search of the area will be conduced later today. but now the wall st. journal is reporting that automatically downloaded date from the plane's engines, shows the aircraft may have flown for four more hours once it lost contact with air traffic controllers. malaysian officials are denying that claim. malaysia airlines says it has retired the missing jetliner's flight code mh370 and mh371 as a sign of respect to the 239 passengers and crew on board. the plane went missing 5 days agao while flying from kuala lumpur to beijing. the u.n. security council will discuss todaya possible resolution that would reaffirm ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. they will also address a referendum on whether its crimean peninsula should become part of russia. the ukrainian prime minister will brief the security council today at an open meeting. selfies are taking over the world. time magazine released a list of the most selfies taken by city. belive it or not, most of the selfie-taking cities are not in the united states. take a look at the list here. sf is #11 on the list. we should take some selfies and make a ugc callout too. the new jersey teenager who sued her parents for tuition and living expenses last week is now back home. 18-year-old rachel canning's parents welcomed her back. she had claimed her family threw her out of the house -- and she needed money to support herself. she also implied her father had behaved inappropriately with her. but her parents said she was simply upset because she didn't want to obey their rules. a judge last week denied the girl's request for immediate financial assistance. as for the fact they've all reconciled -- it's not clear what changed. rachel's lawsuit has been settled, but the parent's attorney didn't give any details. former nfl all-pro safety darren sharper is scheduled to return to court for a hearing that will determine whether he will soon be released from a los angeles jail. the former player was indicted on drug and rape charges in tucson, ariz., this week. the los angeles district attorney's office has declined to say whether they will ask a judge to continue to hold sharper without bail because of the arizona case. the 38-year-old has pleaded not guilty to charges he raped and drugged two women in los angeles county. me wa s earned in korea in 1953. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. it's earned, usaa auto insuran is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection. and because usaa's commitnt to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your lacy. get an auto insurance quote. us. we know what it means to serv female announcer: what will you man:with your new i'm getting a camera!? - i'm getting an espresso maker! - i'm getting a new smart phone! female announcer: during sleep train's big gift event get a $200 best buy gift card with purchase of selected beautyrest, posturepedic or tempur-pedic mattresses. or, get 24-months interest-free financing. - a new tv... - a laptop... - a game console! female announcer: what will you get during the big gift event? ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ attorney general eric holder is expected to formally endorse a proposal for shorter sentencing guidelines for some nonviolent drug crimes today. he will appearsbefore the u.s. sentencing commission, which initially suggested the action. holder says harsh penalties should be for the worst offenses. the commission isn't expected to vote until at least april. california parents upset about a new clothing trend.because of what's printed all over their kid's clothes. plus. new details as they come in about the massive mission bay construction the kron 4 morning news continues this morning. watching wall street this morning, and investors still worried about a sharp drop in chinese exports. that's raising concerns the world's second largest economy is slowing. here's a look at yesterday's closing numbers. stocks barely budged. the dow fell 11 points. the nasdaq gained 16. and the s and p 500 added a half a point. futures point to modest opening gains this morning. general motors now says the first sign of the ignition switch problem that led to its massive recall last month came in 2001 during development of the 2003 saturn ion. the company says that it is reporting the 2001 incident because it only discovered a record of it last month. after an initial recall, gm looked into other cars that used the same switch and then more than doubled the number of models and cars recalled. the problem stems from an ignition switch that can turn to the off position while a person is driving. the faulty switch has been linked to 31 crashes and 13 deaths. the feds are investigating you won't find clothing displaying images of marijuana at one southern california shop. some parents in orange county were upset when they found out their tween children were buying clothes like leggings covered in pot leaves at tilly's clothing store in huntington beach. leaves at tilly's clothing store in huntington beach. [ girl ] roses are red. violets are blue. splenda® is sweet and so are you. [ female announcer ] just abou anywhere you use sugar, you can use splenda® no calorie sweetener. ♪ splenda® lets yo experience the joy of sugar without all the calories. it's a very good reason to enjoy something swe with the ones you love. think sugar, say splenda™ >> welcome back. our top story this morning the latest in the construction of fire in san francisco's mission bay neighborhood. kron4 mike pelton is live with details. >> the four stories that are remaining are much more stable. fire officials tell me that that will be here as long as they're needed. >> but 172 units that one of the enflames was part of a developer project by bre properties known as m-b 360. these are rendering of what the spanish project is supposed to look like. hundreds of condos were set to open. the companies say they have a comprehensive insurance coverage for these defense. it's their released a statement saying " we extend our thanks and gratitude to the fire and emergency service personnel for their rapid response. we are currently assessing the situation that we will be consulting with the appropriate authorities. " >> stay with kron4 for the latest on the construction fire and its aftermath. you could check our web site, we have posted some of the best images. >> we have a clear skies and it is not as windy as it was yesterday. by noon time it will quickly warm-up and the temperatures will get into the upper 60s may be low 70's. by 3:00 p.m. there will be plenty of sun and the temperatures will be in the upper 60s. will have a full look picture forecast coming up. >> we did have strong gust around the bay. let's get an update on when that should open. >> there is a slight wind but nothing like it was yesterday. face shutdown alcatraz because they said it was just to cross. they stated that it was just totally unsafe but that this happens some of the time. they stated that they have to do this so everything was canceled yesterday. there stating that they will reopen it today and if you have a ticket or your credit card, it was refunded. if you paid in cash and you want to try to come back today at your best bet is to go to the office and have there reschedule. you can see that the lighthouse-- it's hard to see it but it is a lots, are today. >> have you been to a alcatraz? >> no, not since i was on the third grade. >> there are a lot of people live here >> never been there. they also now have a audiocassettes the chicken listen to. >> whayou george? that you can listen to. >> what about you george? >> yes, i've been there. we are not get tracking in a hot spots the chp does not have any incidents to slow your trip. it is headed for 580 in the westbound direction of. the south bay peninsula and the north bay for ways still looking great. >> the time is 5:34 a.m.. there are new details come in out this morning about the richmond teacher who is suspected of sex crimes against children. kron4 sources say, the 32 year-old ronald guinto took young boys on camping trips. but that is what parents thought he was taking students for overnight stay at its mare island in vallejo. he took them to motel 6 instead. he is accused of showing that 11 and 12 year-old boy is what is called a teacher porn folding and molesting them. as of right now, he is charged with 27 felony sex crimes. >> more than 100 people live in one of russia's most troubled housing projects will have to move. that decision is coming from the city's housing commission. inspectors risley father there were a lot of problems at the apartment complex on roosevelt like roof leaks, plumbing issues, rundown elevators, and most units has some sort of discoloration to the walls or ceilings. some 130 people have to move. the commission voted to give those residence section 8 housing vouchers. the relocation will likely cost the city average of $489,000. >> san jose police are all much tougher to men and officers said, forced to limit to withdraw money after they were contacted on craigslist about buying property. it started with one woman, who use the web site to meet with the suspects to buy cell phones. when the men arrived in the east san jose target store, they showed are a handgun, forced her into their car and made her withdraw money from her atm. then they demanded that she caught her friend for more money. the robbers got away with an unknown amount of cash. >> coming up on the kron4 new spread the new device that can help cure your migraines. >> a sudden, strong demand for concealed weapons permits. what is behind this trend of people wanting to carry [doorbell rings] hey. hey. what's this? it's u-verse live tv. with at&t u-verse... you can watch live tv from your device. hey. hey. anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. hey. so you won't miss a minute of march madness. call now to get a u-verse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. guaranteed. >> welcome back. a california board has approved parole for charles manson follower. he has been in prison since 1972 for murdering two men. the decision is now under review. the governor has 30 days to say something. he was granted parole in 2012 but governor brown rejected it. >> president obama is going to announce changes in overtime. he is stating that they should be paid more for their overtime. people who were exempt were due to them being paid more a week. these changes should take effect in 2015. >> california is now seen a surge in applications for concealed weapons permits from people who want to carry guns. observers say that they demand-that's the demand is being driven by a federal ruling last month that make it easier for people to get their permits. that ruling, eliminated the requirement for applicants to show good cause for permit. however, that ruling has been put on hold, pending an appeal by the state attorney general. [ doorbellings donu? ♪ you'reute. [ door close] [ female annouer ] special k protein cere helps keep you fuller long. willpor. what will you gain when youose? how ya doi? mm [ birds chirng ] okay bye b! [ female announcer help satisfy your hunger lger with special protein bars and shas. willpower. what will you gain when youose? with special protein bars and shas. leto t oneobying you waysante at uversy ofhoen, belve ery ecati- not st os- shou be ilt ound thcare thayou want. imine at. >> and welcome back. i am checking sissel the p jackie sit here in the richmond district. the police believe that as suspects fled to this trailer and since then, we have seen units out there. this story is a developing. as we get new information we will pass along to you. >> (male annoucer): now here is stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> on the corner of syllabus land and oakland road in the city of antioch since this home. but behind the walls of the driveway trash and lots of it, and based on this indoor kicked open someone may be living inside. >> antioch has had a problem with the illegal dumping and sometimes a bed and homes catch the brought to a problem. however, if you have to drive down a few dentistry's you might find pockets of illegally dump trash. >> a lot of people come by here and done things. some of them are from someplace else. >> this side oakley play describes a problem many communities deal with. like here on wilbur where down the road there is piles of illegally dump trash, sometimes in trees. down the hill is this date were temporary concrete barricades are set up to stop illegal dumpers. the barricades to do not work unless this was done from prior to the barricades. >> and this is not just trash, this boat has a 72 hour notice to move the base of his condition it has been here too long already. but the interesting part of this is all this can go away, all it takes commitment and perseverance on and some enforcement. >> how do i know, will this is wilbur street that was trash in the city got right on it and after me highlighted for weeks. but now this is how looks after a huge makeover, on the left the old and on the right to improve. >> so there is always a solution you just need commitment. >> in antioch stanley roberts kron 4 news. >> it is chilly outside but this happen know you will forget about these temperatures. we have mid to upper 70's for the south and 75 for san jose 76 for sunnyvale. in the east is another day a 70 degree weather low to mid 70's. 73 for pleasanton and even in san francisco issued the nice and pleasant with a high of 70 to 72 degrees. 74 degrees for oakland. this is another day of a lot of sunshine come winds. warm weather. it will continue throughout the remainder of this week in fact the temperatures are still expected to reach eighties by saturday and sunday. nonetheless, it will be a nice weekend. you should enjoy because next week the temperatures will cool down >> we're still looking at a pretty good ride and we're not tracking any hot spots. no major delays. the bay bridge toll plaza we start to see things backing up the cash lanes. the metering lights are likely to be activated if the next 20 minutes. for your ride to the san mateo bridge, highway 92 is just a little crowded coming over from industrial. there is no back up just yet. it is still the 11 minutes. the golden gate bridge is clear and here is a look at the richmond san rafael bridge. no problems reported. jesuits take a look at the traffic maps to locate your drive time like 15 minutes from hercules to berkeley. it is still 16 minutes. we picked up a little bit of a delay into dublin. 14 minutes now, easy all through the south. so is a ride to land county for 1 01 southbound. no problems the central san rafael. >> dog owners have taken so ball into a whole new level. they have started something called muttbombing. it does not impostor and a dog into someone's picture but digitally inserts in the dog later using photoshop or other photo at a game software. >> take for example, this picture ellen degeneres did on oscar night, well someone had a dog named sandy. a dallas adoption agency has adopted this idea as a marketing campaign. >> the fda has approved a head bent designed to treat migraine headaches. it is called cefaly. you could wear over your forehead. the battery powered device delivers small impulses to the nurse. research shows that it helps reduce the number of chronic migraine attacks. however, this device did not reduce the severity of the attacks. you would get a prescription for the device. experts say, the to show where this 20 minutes a day, nearly 12 percent of the united states population suffer from migraines. >> attorneys for aldon smith will be in court today. the 49ers' linebacker faces felony gun charges in santa clara county after the surest are discovered three illegal assault rifles in his home. this morning's hearing was set a date for a preliminary hearing in that case and also said its core day for his misdemeanor case on charges of driving under the influence. >> klee taught since scored 26 points and david lee had 24 the war years, but it was not enough to overcome late griffon 30 points and 15 rebounds. golden state's five game winning streak ended with their fourth straight loss to the clippers. the score was 111-98. stephen curry had just 13 points and 11 assists. ♪ be rin twice ♪ it harthesdayso find... ma witonlyeal,naral g. but chobani.'the ly w knohow. chobi. h matrs. >> welcome back. standing 52 ft. tall, this tree, which is called a ghost redwood is stirring up a lot of controversy in sonoma county. experts say that this tree is so rare, that it is only one of tin in existence. but now, the tree is in danger of being remote. officials say that the tree would stand to close to the tracks of the new sonoma-more ran rail transit line in the town of cotati. one man in the community says that he hopes to there can be a compromise. >> well officials said they have no toys but to comply with the safety regulators. but after taking steps to preserve the redwood, including tried to replace parts of the st. elsewhere. >> this is one of the more horrible crimes such will see caught on tape. this is surveillance video of an 8 year-old minnesota boy getting punched and has ipad been stolen. the eight year old was leaving day care with his punt, that is how running after the peace. she did not catch him but the manager of a nearby restaurant it. the stolen ipad was recovered but it was crushed. the man in the video has been charged with aggravated assault. >> a hunter in north carolina bags a giant w ild hog. it measured 8 ft. long and weighed in at more than 500 lbs.. the hunters wears his pitcher is not a full shot. he has a freezer full sausage, pork chops and tender on. >> reno has too short more than 500 new parking meters. the meters do not meet the americans with disabilities act standards. most of these meters top out at about 5 ft. and their screen, is angled up boards, so you have to be above it to get a clear view. crews are now short in the meters to a max height of 48 in.. >> coming up on the kron 4 news walls come tumbling down after a building explosion and fire in new down after a building explosion and fire in new york. [ female announcer birdhouse plans. nacho pans glass on floors. daily chores. for the little mishaps you fee use neosporin to help you hea it kills germs so you heal four days faster. neosporin. use with band-aid bra bandages but one is so clever that your skin looks better even after you take it off. neutrogena healthy skin liquid makeup 98% saw improved skin. does your makeup do that? neutrogen® cosmetics >> an overnight shooting in san francisco brings in the swat team. we'll have a live report. >> firefighters remain on the scene. coming a was to you how they're dealing with hot spots. >> spring is just a week away. and the bay area weather is responding. >> i feel like i was robbed of winter. >> the envy of the nation, especially for people near chicago and new even when they received a lot snow. today, we have something warm conditions for this afternoon. tomorrow, we will continue with is warmer trend. we will still see temperatures get into the 80s, sunday more so than saturday. you should enjoy because come next week we have a storm system coming. hopefully, it will give us a few showers. >>

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