Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20130710 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20130710

timeout is 6:00 on your morning. here is erica with your forecast. >>erica: good morning. i want to give you this live shot. isn't that gorgeous. you can see the sun rising over the horizon so we do have a lot of low and high clouds. widespread cloud cover right now but plenty of sunshine into the afternoon. now some of those high clouds will linger temperatures will be slightly cooler and it looks like an increase in cloud cover to some call wins by later on tonight. although we are seeing will cloud cover this morning. full details on the cool down coming up and my next report. george. >>george: it was a stall that called earlier activation of the metering lights at the bay bridge. the backup remains of the stock has gone now. it is backed up to just beyond the 880 over crossing. the 80 approach is the best one to the bay bridge this morning. 14 to 7 minute drive times. your quick and you check shows that we have picked up some more slow traffic . >>will: be just got done interviewing the chair of the ntsb. she told me they are looking at many things. they have wrapped up all of their interviews with the four pilots. she said this is forthcoming with a very honest and not confrontational. police and that part is done. how the aircraft came to land here. it could take weeks if not months to come up with the conclusion that the close of one of the things they're looking at is air speed. what happened to the aircraft. why did it come and so slow and 36 mi. per hour slower than it should have been periods. a key component is they're looking at the auto throttle. >> what we know is the information that we heard from the pilot and our interview with them and what they told us is that they believe that the auto throttle was monitoring speak for them and controlling the speak for them. they did recognize that they were slow. also, i asked her if that will tell them whether the auto throttle was working at the time. if it was engaged completely or if it looked like it was on. she said the black boxes. i can tell you the victim's. many of them are in the hospital she set once they hill they could go home they will be here for quite some time once this aircraft is removed it looks like it will go to an off site tanker where they will continue with their investigation. much more from the upper herdsmen coming up >>mark: the families of the two chinese girls killed in the crash have met with the san mateo coroner's office. they're trying to figure out whether 16 year-old ye meng yuan was struck and killed by an emergency vehicle. at the coroner's office has not yet determined her cause of death or whether an emergency vehicle struck her at all. the families knew that one of the girl's death was being investigated for that possibility but did not know which of the two. ye and the other girl killed, 16 year-old wang lin jia were part of a group of chinese students headed to southern california's school and an exchange program. >>anny: a media frenzy erupted as an for fiscal international airport when the president and ceo asiana airlines are ride yesterday afternoon. a storm of reporters and camera crew surrounded yoon young-doo at sfo yelling questions at him about the deadly crash of flight 214. he is here to survey the damage of the crash and talk with victims. in korean yoon tried to make an apology to all the families affected. but the crush of the media was so bad, he was unable to get through the international terminal. police had to escort him back to the customs. >>james: new packages are merging of one flight attendant was seen carrying passengers on her back three you can see the flight attendant taking injured away from the downed carrier. also, a veteran flight attendant who was the last person off the burning wreckage is talking to reporters about the first moments after the crash. her remarks are raising some very interesting questions for investigators. >> the captain said he was ok. i asked should i performed evacuation and he told me to wait so i closed the door and made an announcement because the passengers were upset and things were confusing i said ladies and gentlemen our plan has completely stopped. please remain seated. the plan will not move any more. >>james: the fact that when she knocked on the door and asked the pilot whether they should start evaluating, he said no. that is what observers find interesting. experts say they cannot imagine why the pilot with the late evacuations even for a second. she also described how at least one of the evacuation slides affleck it inward pending another flight attendant inside the plane. that person was freed. >>anny: we will have update all morning and to attend. you can get the latest on kron4 dock, and are 247 bay area news channel. that is comcast channel 193. >>james: here is a live look outside at the crash site. the investigation continues. they did interview all four pilots and flight attendant and they will have more details on what was discovered in those interviews into the morning bricky to appear to kron4. look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. >>mark: survivors of the boston marathon about it will watch as the young man who could face the death penalty for the attack appears in court for the first time. dzhokhar tsarnaev's graeme it will be held this afternoon in federal court in boston. the 19 year-old has been charged with using a weapon of mass prayer--mass destruction and the bombings that killed three people and wounded more than 260 people say he hasn't appeared publicly since his april 19th arrest. his initial court hearing was held at a hospital, where he was recovering from injuries. and we are also monterey the latest on the torch zimmerman murder trial. live without of san for florida. defense attorneys want to introduce tax messages and a facebook posting by tran, and about a fight he supposedly had with a friend. the florida judge already had ruled that the team's interest in guns and fighting couldn't be used in opening statements to the jury. zimmerman says he shot martin in self-defense. >>anny:wikileaks says edward snowden hasn't yet formally accepted asylum in venezuela. a prominent russian lawmaker tweet it as noted had, in fact accepted that offer but the posting was deleted a few minutes later. --snowden. snowden has applied for asylum in a number of countries, and it is not clear just how easy it would be for him to travel to south america from moscow. the bolivian president along with leaders of venezuela and nicaragua have said snowden is welcome in their countries. so you couan fue fl re than yon car c get ge5% cas ch backbat gas stions this hiartear activateva your ou5% cas cback athasehaom/fomedom chasche. so syou cau >> the training pilot who was assisting with the landing was on the right- hand seat. there's also relief pilots in the cockpit using just the training pilot said that as the plane was descending on the runway they thought they had hit the autopilot to settle the throttle. it turned out there were flying too low and too slow and equipped the sea wall there. the landing gear and the tail of the aircraft broke free. the rest of the aircraft continued to sp slide on the runway. >> here is a better shot from above of all black cloud cover. a live look from our mt. tam cam. the sun is up, take a look at how bright it is. in a bigger fog to contend with this morning. is chilly with low 50s currently in nevado, santa rosa. 53 fairfield and 56 out the door in hayward. satellite and radar shows that marine layer is very much in evidence. we're seeing coastal fog, cloud cover for our bay shoreline and it also looks like a cloud cover is moving its way inland. it is a great start here wednesday morning. future cast for tracking the temperatures. '60s, '70s and even some eighties indicated by the orange much o'clock today. but in the clock into motion, what very few nineties and today's forecast. this seabury's look again and it will not be as warm. expect today to be a few degrees cooler than yesterday. we're predominately back in the '60s and '70s by 8:00 p.m. tonight. after an highs fairfield 89, low seventies for the east bay shoreline. pleasanton still holding on to low 90s with downtown san jose with a high of 82 degrees. 7 day around the bay shows very minor changes. minor fluctuations over the next couple of days. the cooling starts today and will continue until the end of the workweek. slightly workewarmer conditions as we head into the next workweek. 6:19 a.m. and here is george. >> we continue to monitor every good ride around the bay area. we had early activation of the metering lights at the bay bridge but the backup has not grown much in the last 20 minutes. it is still pretty steady at the bottom of the ramp for the 880 approach. about 18 to 20 minutes if you are coming from the macarthur maze. the san mateo bridge ride as we continue our bridge check has no delays here east or west bound. the volume however is building. the golden gate bridge 1 01 southbound still incident free through the county. interstate 580 in the westbound direction, the heaviest traffic is now at the end of the optima past as you come into livermore. has that an easy ride through dublin and out toward the castro valley line. >> in texas today, a final vote is set in the state house on the restrictions that would ban abortions after 20 weeks in most cases. the bill would dictate when abortion bills are taken and would require doctors to have admitted privileges at nearby hospitals and allow abortions only at surgical centers. these requirements was shut down 37 of the 40 to abortion clinics in texas. republicans approve the measure last night in a provisional boat. planned parenthood announced it is launching a stand with taxes went bust for.tour. >> new this morning, officials in egypt have ordered the arrest of the leader of the moslem brotherhood and nine others for inciting violence. the brotherhood, which once helped propel ousted president mohammed morsi to power says it will reject any offer to join an interim government unless mohammed morsi is back in charge. that is despite the newly appointed prime minister saying he would give the brotherhood post and the new government. the white house meanwhile is keeping a close eye on the matter. the egyptian military has issued a statement saying destruction of property will not be tolerated. earlier this week, dozens of people were killed in battles between the military in the muslim brotherhood. >> canadian authorities have now opened a criminal investigation into a deadly runway it will train derailment that killed at least 15 people over the weekend. at least 37 more are missing and feared dead after 72 tanker cars carrying crude oil jumped the track saturday setting off a huge fireball and canada. many of the people evacuated from their homes have been allowed to return but about 800 people will still have to stay away. quebec police said yesterday that investigators have discovered elements that have led to a criminal probe. the head of the rail company has accused local firefighters of disabling the trains air brakes while fighting a small fire aboard one of locomotive about an hour before the disaster. the fire she denied that his crews had acted improperly. >> nearly two dozen people were hurt when a deck collapsed at a home and ocean upheld beach, north carolina. at least 28 were hospitalized with injuries ranging from lacerations to a spinal injury. here is night time video of the scene. one person had to be airlifted but none of the injuries were believed to be life-threatening. >> lawyers for the california public utilities commission wants to withdraw a controversial plan for imposing a 2.2 $5 billion fine on pg&e for the fatal pipeline explosion in san bruno and 2010. they give no details but said the revision would correct certain and inaccuracies. the two and a quarter billion dollar fine was criticized as being too lenient by the city of san bruno and by consumer group. the utility reform network because be gene e. would have been allowed to count past and future is 80 improvement expenses as payment of a penalty. i gotta go deposit a check, transfer some money. so it's your uncle's turn. what? wait, wait, wait... . no, (baby crying) so you can deposit a check... with the touch of a finger. so you can arrange a transfer in the blink of an eye. so you can help make a bond... i got it. that lasts a lifetime. the chase mobile app. so you can. having necessary school supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school, new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. >> welcome back, the dow jones industrial average opened another up another 75 from yesterday. 15,300. concerns at the breakneck speeds of the chinese economy is starting to slow down a bit. we will see what happens with the opening bell in just a few minutes. the dow the nasdaq and the s&p on the rise from yesterday. >> apparently the government is willing to pay a lot for data. government surveillance has developed in what has become a murky million dollar public. we have these charged to the government, so those agencies could access data on these servers. the average telephone wiretap cost about $50,000. sometimes an big federal cases the bill could run up as much as $2.9 million. facebook says that it provides access for free while yahoo and google are expected to provide government records for as little as $25. government records for as little as $25. >> a quick break and hehe j jus. ? rerealallyly big. tetellll h him to send a pic. nonoo!o!! ! ok..... whwhoaoa.. whwhoaoa.. itit's's j jack's big stack. tw, ststacked with onion rings,ststs alall l ststacked on toasted so. ohoh, , tetell her i'm easy... .....'.'cacause of the drive-. >> just crossing the wires word that a federal judge found that apple conspired to raise the book prices. that is the court ruling coming out this morning, apple's stock was down almost three-quarters of a percent in overnight trading. we'll have more at 645 a m with rob black. >> we are starting off with plenty of '50s out there. a lot of cloud cover however. although we are dealing with a bigger fog bank visibility is not as much of an issue. we will see 90s today, mid- 70s around the bay and mid- 60s are on the coast. gradually cooler conditions as we push and closer to friday. i will have your 7 day around the bay in my next report. >> things are actually stable and maybe a bit improved here for the westbound ride. we're not tracking any hot spot. there delays coming in from the bottom of the ramp looks good. the golden gate bridge, 1 01 southbound is still a problem free with no delays through marin county. checking transit for you, we're still looking at a good ride for bart, caltrans, a strained, muni metro. >> will tran just interviewed the head of the ntsb again this morning. >> the plane still sits on the runway and will be there for the next several days, possibly weeks. they are documenting from the sea wall to the plane eventually wrested. that will be painstaking. once that is done, they will move to the aircraft. according to deborah person in the chair of the ntsb said she does not know when that particular run way will reopen. that is key because that runway is down and pack the air travel ever since saturday at s f o. they have finished red ink of their interviews with the four pilots involved in this collision. one pilot, the pilot that was a judge would landing has never landed a triple seven aircraft at as at all before. they have a cooperative and forthcoming. they have to look get many things, including information from the flight data recorders. >> the flight data recorder that has 1400 bramah's and so we escorting all the bells. we are validating those to make sure that they that is good and that is measuring something that we want to understand is all but dead. our team and washington in the lab, with a flight data recorder team blow of experts. blowing the operator and house investigative team i developing a comprehensive picture in getting that to us. >> one of the things that they will be looking at is the auto whole. it is one of the things that helps land the aircraft. when they came out this out of the auto whole was engagblack athrottle there'll be a news conference at 2:00 p.m. this afternoon with the ntsb and they will update us at that time very >> new this morning the five there at a family that survive the crash is now speaking out. the father says that all he remembers >> i think most of the injuries came from the impact banging for word and on the seats in front of us. i don't actually remember the impact, i remember i lot of noise as i woke up from my sleep as the plane was landing in the last thing i remembered was i was laying down in a field and people were working on me. i barely opened my eyes to make sure that my children and wife were ok. they were taking me to the ambulance and beat e r. there is just a lot of chaos. >> the entire family was injured to one extent or another but nothing seriously. all of them have been recovering at san francisco general hospital. they were only supposed to be in san francisco for a quick way over before heading on to denver. the bid to end to kron4 as we continue to update you on the hazy on the plane crash. --asiana we will also update you on line at kron4 .com, facebook and twitter. >> now that the opening of the new bay bridge has been delayed for months, eight $5.6 million celebration planned in honor of the span is also in limbo and it may not happen at all. the san jose mercury news reports more than 1100,000 people were expected to walk, run and bike across the new bridge over labor day weekend. after officials announced monday that it will take at least until december to repair cracks in the seismic safety bolts, the bay area toll authorities said the fate of the free celebration is up in the air. the board to consider alternative plans for a public event at a meeting today. part representatives at its two biggest labor unions will resume formal negotiations on friday. both sides did meet separately with state mediators yesterday. that was the first time since the management and the unions agreed to extend the existing contract for 30 days. the extension was decided in order to give both sides time to work on a new contract. this is what ended last week's board a bart strike. >> traffic is backed up somewhat headed toward san francisco. and livermore, 60 degrees and a warm-up to a very warm 90 this afternoon. we will be right back. denny'y's red rewhite & ue puete stecialci are as aasmericarin as aasle p. especialcily, th, e applap e french tchst. come in itoday dafor spr ials sttingtit jut $4. $. onlyon at det nny'y' 6398 am and new this morning, a man was found stabbed to death at a homeless shelter and resource center in san jose. shortly after midnight, found a man with stab wounds at the julian street inn. please leave to residents get into a fight and one man's that the other. a possible suspect has been detained in connection with the stabbing. the victim's identity is being withheld pending notification of his next of kin. this is san jose's 26, side of the year. >> santa clara county officials have confirmed that mosquitoes caught in a section of south san jose tested positive for the west mild virus. the infected and sex were found in the area between monterey highway and santa teresa boulevard. the vector control district will sprayed insecticide summer on night and affected neighborhoods. this train will take place from 11:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.. >> the group that wants to see hillary clinton run for president is now getting help from veterans of president obama is to presidential campaigns. the it ready for hillary super eac said it has hired a democratic firm called 270 strategies to oversee grassroots organizing, a volunteer training and recruitment. the firm was started by former obama campaign aides though oversaw the election campaign in 2008 when he defeated clinton and the democratic primaries-and his 2012 reelection. >> former alaska at governor's their pale and said she has considered running for u.s. senate bill would like to see new candidates entered the race. they lent sell stocks news channels sean hennesseannity tht people have asked her to run. pailin said she is waiting to see you will enter the race as she is hoping there'll be some new blood, new energy from the gop candidate pool. geico's defensive driver, enginegood student andke 13. multi-policy discounts could save you hundreds of dollus. engineer: uh geico's discounts could save you hundreds of "doll-ars." it sounds like you're saying "dollus." dollus. engineer: if you could accentuate the "r" sound of "dollars." are...are... arrrrr. arrrrr. arrrrrr. someone bring me an eye patch, i feel like a bloomin' pirate. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. honestly, i feel like i nailed that. >> 6:45 a.m. is the time, live look at the crash site of asiana flight 214 crash. this abiding passengers and their families are staying at the crown plaza hotel in burlingame. the hotel staff is going out of its way to make sure they have some privacy. staff members of the number laws to block anyone from seeing the victims' faces as they walked through the doors. security was also on high alert. police manned of the entrances stopping and checking every car that tried to enter. one foundation similar to the red cross, went to the hotel to try and assist the victims but they were unsuccessful because of the tight security. >> they stopped us. they as does every year for a reason and then we could not go and. not even close to the front door. >> right over there were the police officer in is. >> yet, you can't even get into the parking lot. >> they do still plan on having a candlelight vigil for the victims near the hotel on saturday. >> the dow at 15,000. rob black joining us now with some import, export data from china. >> drive 45, the chinese economy is probably a popping what to add at this time. they went through the olympic cycle and base of some inflation and they are beginning to question their debts. that is slowing down. the world sort of needs china but as a u.s. investor, at u.s. a is doing fine. this continues to be the story out there. the federal reserve's minutes meeting. the last four or five meetings at all of the economy is doing better right? or is it just a flow out of equities. >> i would go with the flow and not be a knee-jerk angle. low-cost money has favored utilities. it has favored by a dividend stocks as an alternative to bonds. they change now to where is the growth going to go and what does that mean. as we add jobs, consumers will spend money. banks will borrow more money, we saw credit go up recently. some consumer staples still look like a good place. >> the s&p getting closer to its all-time high. we went to see a big drop in the dow but things are back up over 15,000. >> it is crazy. january through june are all trending higher. nothing to crazy. we are due for a pullback, a correction. a lot of people are lining up their money, their investments and how. >> if you have any 401k, do you keep putting money into that or you just put it into cash and wait for a correction? >> i have never met anyone worth a million dollars buying market. i put in my 401k every two weeks, sometimes i by high, sometimes i buy low. between age 20 and 60 i buy low. >> now let's go on to weather and traffic, we will start with the forecast. >> we made it through most of the week and we have made it through the warm stretch of weather that we dealt with last week. mild conditions and how much fluctuations for the next several days. conditions mid-50s downtown san francisco, widespread cloud cover this morning. it is not as low as it was yesterday. visibility is not impacted, we will see it sunshine in the afternoon. expect high clouds to remain and even some nineties on the board. upper 80s slated for walnut creek, 90 it is the number for pleasanton and livermore. will mostly be met with '70s in the east bay, oakland 72, low seventies berkeley. in the south bay is saving up to be a gorgeous day 83 sunnyvale, looks like the almaden valley and has a high of 88 degrees. stamford cisco 7ocean beach struggling to make it out of the '50s and 634 pacific up. and then are they, wine country looking pleasant. the llama 81, 90 fairfield. for those of you head to the giants game at at&t park later today against the new york mets, first at 1245 expect temperatures in the mid-50s. 7 day around the bay highlights not much change. we will be pretty comparable for the next several days. we are technically in a cooling trend but temperatures will only draw up a few degrees each and every day. temperatures will climb saturday into sunday and morning fog as we start the next workweek. 6:51 a.m. and here is george. >> we continue to monitor a hot spot free ride around the bay area. at the bay bridge westbound, still pretty much a steady speed, 14 to 20 minutes depending on your approach to the bridge. the long as if you're coming from the macarthur maze or highway 24. the short this is for the 880 approach. on 92, the san mateo bridge drive times are still below 13 minutes to foster city. the golden gate bridge 1 01 southbound is still an easy trip as you come in from marin county. we are delay free here. looking at the right and the east bay, the upper east shore freeway still looks good. drive times are around 20 minutes from hercules to berkeley. a little slowing of the walnut creek interchange and six in the southbound. the san ramon valley it still looks good. the selling on 1 01 usually starts right here and begins to spread from there. we are still looking pretty well on 280 in the northbound direction from downtown toward cupertino. it's essentially a delay free ride in marin county on 1 01 southbound. >> the time is now 6:52 a.m. on your wednesday. coming up on the kron4 morning news, a look at the headlines when we come back. look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv 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[ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generationn because it offers a superior level of protectioo and because usaa's commitmente to serve military members, veterans, and their familiese is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote.t usaa. we know what it means to serve.rv on the bay area baseball, it keeps getting worse for the giants. major league debut for the japanese- kensuke to not tanaka. he makes the top leaping catch at the walter raab andrew browne of a homer. he played only nine games and might as and left field the makes a great catch. there is the the pitching six innings, he is winless in its last seven studs. top of the eight, 65 and marlon but facing the betting with a grand slam home run. 106 the final score. the giants fall a season-high are nine games under 500 and ice 17-day for since mid may. that is the worst in the majors. the face off against the mets again today, a purse bid at 1245. the a's are playing great baseball. arnold palmer frowning at it may be due to the wind out in 42 minute rain delay before the game. that the irs press is a home run straight away off then straight league. estimated 441 pp feet. six innings pitched by staley giving up one run. by then must watch as it to run home to write of jet cold that proved to be the difference as the is that to one lead and never looked back. they clinched the series. the pilots at the level and well, they never lost to them. with the final 21. the a's have won five straight series, a season-high 17 games over 500, the best record in the league. the play again today in pittsburg at 4:05 p.m.. >> still and the kron4 morning is at 7, and informations as morning from federal investigators looking into the crash of asiana flight 214. also ahead, the surviving suspect a boston at the bombing cases the victims families with the first time in court. we also violate the latest out of egypt did not information involving the muslim brotherhood, the group once ousted president mohammed morsi back in power. we will be right back. the secret is out. hydration is iisn. 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