Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20121207 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20121207

earthquake hits japan this morning we will have more coming out. >> the live look outside in san jose, still looking pretty but dark out there. in dealing with cloudy conditions as well as past patchy dense fog and the north bay. we're expecting plenty of sunshine in the afternoon, a bit warmer than yesterday. mostly clear and cool conditions into the evening. the full forecast is coming up in just a bit but for now over to erika >> the content as back up to the bay bridge plaza continues. to my knowledge the meeting lights are not active and we do not have any problems around the bay area. the east a phrase look good and no problems in the south bay no accidents along the peninsula and: easy drive time. 23 minutes out of the bottle into the city. >> overnight we had a strong earthquake in the northeastern part of japan. it was a 7.3 earthquake and the same area where we had a 9.0 earthquake years ago that killed 2000 people with the following tsunami. this earthquake took place around 518 local time around midnight in san francisco. 2 mi. off the japanese coast and was followed by many aftershocks were 1/6 point to a 5.0 and several romney for mark. here is a video from tokyo as several hundred miles away buildings swayed for several minutes. no reports of major damage. there was a tsunami warning issued and a small tsunami did it. it was three to 4 ft. high. they're watching the after shocks after the 7.3 earthquake on to the japanese coast. >> a man fell from the upper deck of the coliseum last night at the raiders' game. will tran is joining us with the details. good morning well >> good morning darya. it happened shortly after takeoff and he fell from the upper deck to the lower concourse. that is approximately 30 ft.. it is amazing he survived. the ambulance rushed into the hospital and we do not have his identity at this point. investigators are checking into several things. he fell early on and the one are quite they're looking into is if he jumps. they're talking to witnesses and hopefully talking to him if he follows. he pulls through. they're also looking to see if out of my role in this is too early for them to get back on us with that. the raiders are not playing any role in domestication. their thoughts and playprayers are with the victim and his family. >> i just want to know because we saw the situation at baseball games. is there any safety concerns as far as where does this happen? >> we do not know exactly where it happened but we could show you there are reports that it happened at mount davis at that particular area. still we are hoping hear back from being oakland police department about the specific location. when you come here there are not really any barriers that are high up that will prevent you from falling. they're hoping that you'll use better judgment and not get too close to the sides. they think maybe he was intoxicated and that he fell, he may have been published. we do not know. as far as the ball parks there is not a high wall that will keep this from happening. so far and the sporting season including best game as well as college games five people have fallen at ballgames. >> the all important member jobs report this morning it is coming out the last 35 minutes and surprisingly the u.s. added 146,000 jobs last month. not great numbers of the numbers were expected to be half that because of all the layoffs of people on able to work because of super storm sandy. we had 140,000 americansaw a drop in te unemployment rate to 7.7%. this is the lowest since december 2008. > a month after his election present obama has a sizable rating and more than a year. the poll finds the president's rating stands at 57 per cent the highest since may last year when navy seals killed outside a leader osama bin live in. applies more americans that the nation is headed in the right direction. 42 percent say the country is on the right track and a majority believe is likely president obama will improve the economy. however americans are divided on what a president he has been. but 37 percent think he's been above or above average or outstanding. 36 percent say below average or four. >> the us supreme court scheduled to meet behind closed doors again today to consider reviewing the legal issues regarding same-sex marriage. that includes a challenge to california's controversial controversy old proposition 8. if the court refuses to review the prop a case same-sex marriage could be legal in california as soon as next week. the court also the case on hold for you other decision on the lot. this isn't could come today or monday -- decision san jose firefighters are investigating a three alarm fire that ripped through a restaurant around 930 last night. the pasta, door on san felipe a row. of 30's address from was all from her business at the time of the fire. it was under control within half an hour there were no injuries reported. >> a deadly acts of san jose has left one person dead. it happened on the busy white road in san jose. witnesses told police a pedestrian was struck and killed as e.j. what southbound. there's crosswalk is about a hundred yards up the street from where the accident happened. neighbors say many people seem to be inhabited jaywalking on this vast movie four-lane road. there been other accidents in this area but this is the first pedestrian fatally hit in recent memory. we will be back a federal judge is ready to reduce a $1 billion jury verdict that apple ne of for samsung back in august. the- all lawyers for both apple and samsung that jurors in the previous case appeared to miscalculate damages and now had to trim the award. no word on how much of the awards apple would be caught. samsung is seeking a new trial while apple is arguing for an increase in the damages award. the novel will likely start carrying the iphone next year after its parent company says it had reached a deal with apple. the mobil had been the only carrier that did not offer the iphone. although it is then possible to use iphone on t global network customer had to get the funds themselves. dingell says it is reshuffling its network to match other carriers' data speeds. >> 250,000 eggs at five suvs worldwide are being recalled from bmw. the u.s. national highway traffic safety administration says a bolt holding a belt pulley can break. the driver can thus control the vehicles power assisted steering if the boat breaks. the sec can still use manual steering if it breaks. starbucks will pay $60 million more in taxes and the united kingdom. the announcement comes in response to an out recent outcry in the u.k. that multinational companies are skirting taxes by shifting profits overseas divisions. the managing director of starbucks u.k. says they have always paid taxes to the letter of the law will make additional payments in 2013 and 2014 despite the fact that the u.k. unit is not yet profitable. the will and amazon have also been targeted as not paying their fair share and england. >> it is 6:11 a.m. and we'll be back in a couple of mess. minutes. you are just going to have to trust me, this is walnut creek. we will be right back. =dj local reservoirs' have seen a needed increase in water levels because of last weekend's storms. reserves and santa clara and proves it evidently with the rainfall. levels are still not exactly where they need to be though. since last wednesday the santa clara valley water district says average storage in their 10 reservoirs' increase from 74 to 91% where they should normally be. that is a nearly 4 billion increase of water. reservoir levels increased about 3%. east bay mud says all their reservoirs are at 85 percent capacity. water supply, they are in good shape. to many more storms and i will have to release water into creeks to maintain levels. i don't think we'll be getting water any time some though >> you are right about that, the drying trend from yesterday's is still lasting. is a quiet day in store for us, slightly cooler that compared to yesterday because it is clear. it will be a little warmer and the afternoon and the weekend. in midweek it will be cooler and there's a slight chance that of some showers that will stay in the north. dense fog in some areas and the north bay napa is down to zero visibility. the fog is hugging the bay stores in parts of the inland valleys and will clear pretty quickly. by 10:00 a.m. lots of sunshine and will stay clear throughout the day. drive evening mostly clear conditions as well. we're still dealing with upper 30's the santa rosa 39 and up to vallejo and nevada mid-40s for the east bay stores and a 9:00 a.m. we are expecting to be sitting in widespread '50s. by your lunch hour it will be similar to yesterday. low 60s. after nine highs, mainly 60s for the east asia or south bay upper 60s the north bay but not low 60s as well. 63 in santa rosa 63 for the not know 62 for not know and downtown 7 cisco. 7 day around the bay shows as we have is light warm-up as store for us as we finish up the work week. mid-40s rios and the bay and early back up to the bay bridge toll plaza fasttrack >> it is only backed up into of the lanes. the other two are just fine. a meeting lights are active but the speeds have certainly in probes across the upper deck. i live look at the san mateo bridge shows all is well here. no problems out towards foster city. southbound 1 01 is looking good coming out of marin county. visibility is clear on the span. dense fog is reported in the north bay. dry with extra caution and be careful of cars in front of you. we may still has the roadway closers southbound 1 01 right where it meets highway 92. the road work was supposed to be picked up at 6:00 and could still be on going. no issues with interstate 280 and southbound 1 01 looks good coming out of nevada. overall pretty good driver on the bay area as we take it over to the east shore freeway. the green indicates speeds over 50 mi. an hour. >> daily parking fees at bart stations could rise sound. are wants to raise their rates based on demand. and the pocket lots are almost full you get likely pay more. at the airline is now open you could pay less. are want to use the extra revenues so aching keep writing fares down repair the lives and for security. bart was your opinion. riders can take a survey on their website. military veterans who are interested in working for the transit system will not have an advantage in the hiring process. bart board of directors has approved in the hiring policy giving an external job candidates with at least six months of active service during consideration. that is less than a passing score an exam during the first phase of the hiring process. to be considered for the policy matters must approve of active status and be out on early discharge. the policy goes into effect january 1st. >> the child man accused of killing four northern california woman has been passed on. joseph naso originally set in the trial results is set for january has been postponed until april. the suspect requested more time. he is charged with the murder of these for one and rocks and raw- pamela parsons carmen colon and tracy to foy and during the late '70s the early '90s. nato is representing himself in court. a judge also designated a public public defender as standby counsel. >> sampras as those abies is debated this it pulls city police department's proposal a stunned and some officers. the board of supervisors is not have the authority to decide on whether the police officers should have the device but rather the decision is made by the police commission. police chief greg suhr had asked the commission to approve the devices for officers who have completed the appropriate training. the dow salon be given the 5 percent of his officers will help the escalates its dangerous situations. >> san jose as a delegate are sharing pilot program with the car through the downtown and midtown area. the program as an attempt to slow global warming continue its green goals. san jose's city council for the pilot program for up to 20 cars. the 18 month program lasts until march 2014. if this succeeds the city's department of transportation will look to expand a program for residents threw it out san jose. i live look at the james lick in san francisco all is clear commute and weather wise. >> a reminder of new year is live on kron4 we will show you fireworks all around the bay and around the world. it is the only local and live new year's eve show. it starts 1130 on december 31st. thousand people are expected at pearl harbor to mark the 71st anniversary of the japanese attack that killed more than 2400 american troops and pull the u.s. in world war two. a moment of silence is planned at 755 local time this morning marking the moment the attack began. the crew guided missile destroyer will stand on deck while the senate passes the uss arizona of a battleship that lies in the harbor where it sank. the death toll from a typhoon that had the southern philippines has climbed to more than 500 people. more than 400 people are still missing. rescuers continued to surge through mud and debris is. the typhoon hit hardest in the southern philippines or government officials say entire families were washed away. more than 310,000 people have lost their homes as the typhoon struck on tuesday. >> the bay area quality management district has received a 1 million grant $1 million grant from the u.s. department of energy to help more local companies use alternative fuel for their vehicles and fleets. the gravel goes towards the california floods in wordplay alternative fuel project which aims to reduce barriers for companies and governments to use alternative fuel. such as issues with permitting. the gravel watch and february and will continue over a two-year period. a report finds a the states themselves agency needs more independent oversight and recommends a restructuring to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest. the institute of medicine says too many board members on the california institute for rich in art of medicine represent schools that receive funding. california voters in 2004 proposition 71 that form the seat i are am. as distributor about 1.3 billion in grants. california >> california is suing delta air lines over the lack of privacy policy. the state alleges that the airlines is bringing us breaking state law by not warning users that is collecting sensitive informations each time users contact the airline on line. the company missed a 30 day window to comply with the privacy laws on its flight delta at designed for use of smart bombs. this'll be the first legal test for the state's online privacy protection act. we will be right back unemployment dropped 7.7%. >> we have another quiet day in store for us. the view from golden gate bridge, waking up to cloudy in some areas. sunny skies expected, slightly warmer today than yesterday. mostly clear and cool in to the evening as well. low visibility to the north bay through livermore valley. we will track the fog and the upcoming forecast. >> we are contending with the back up on the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. the nimitz freeway is probably your best approach. for the rest of the bay area we are still seeing easy conditions. no problem for the south bay, is bay is moving well. it is still a smooth and easy ride on 1 01 southbound. >> we have a video coming in this morning out of japan showing the earthquake. it had offshore but it was a 7.3 magnitude hitting at the same location as the 9.0 had two years ago because a tsunami that killed an estimated 20,000 people. the buildings or swaying in the early morning hours. there was a tsunami warning but a very small tsunami hit on the shore. it was about 3 ft. tall. the tsunami warning has now lifted around the pacific. no reports of any serious damage but people several people were reportedly injured. this quake happened in the local business and television station robin the programming there to warn about the earthquake. people fled to higher ground. they were urged to leave the coast. the power company and the nuclear power plant reports no problems. >> thieves broke into a bad and to cash in luggage from an oakland christian youth group while they were visiting florida. a group of about two dozen teens and young adults stop to eat at a restaurant yesterday afternoon after arriving in fort lauderdale for a weekend news conference. group members say thieves broke into their rental van and took about $12,000 in cash and most of their luggage and ids. the group had planned in fort lauderdale area for five days. >> a man in critical condition this morning after falling from the upper deck of the oakland coliseum read before the start of the raiders game last night. will tran is at the coliseum with more >> from the upper deck to the lower concourse and that is about 30 ft.. people are ready, this morning whether not he was drunk at the time. investigators simply do not know. they're hoping to have a blood test done to and talk to any possible witnesses in the area when he fell. there also reports that he possibly jaunt. that is also part of domestication. we do know he was in critical condition, rushed to the hospital yesterday and this morning he is alive. we're hoping to hear back from the oakland police the part about how he is doing. the oakland raiders have nothing to do with the investigation and their leading it to the oakland police department as well as the alameda county sheriff's department. all they are saying this morning is that their thoughts and prayers are with the family. so far his identity has not been released. >> the time now is 6:33 a.m. and suspected car thieves are behind bars accused in a series of toll ballistic ups. police say these are the men that pull the plug a gun in rob told acres on the card seen as bridge. the robbery is happened 10 times as the last year and this past may. investigators say the men committed at least three of these 10. chp officials say police are still investigating the remaining seven cases. high-end women's shoes more worth more than $10,000 were stolen out of a car in san francisco's mission district. l l fax l l. q are handmade and italy and rain jet from 120 to $285. the shoe company in just launched in july and specializes in plus size women's shoes. on monday 50 samples shoes were stolen out of the trunk of the company representatives car near 19th and valencia streets. >> an 18 year-old man is behind bars is morning in redwood city after being arrested in connection with the shooting on highway 1 01. police have been searching for eric valencia bargains since the september 30th shooting. argus is suspected of shooting three people at and dodge charger as they drove south on highway 1 01 near the ralston ave off ramp. they believe they were targeted because of road rage or previous dispute. all three occupants of the chargers suffered minor injuries from the incident. and james riley was assisted arrested on suspicion of homicide yesterday after a fight left 47 year-old jarrett nagle that at a homeless camp. authorities say it is unclear why the two men were fighting in the first place. riley is currently being held added county jail in martinez on a million dollars bail. >> the bizarre saga of billionaire and john mcafee has got an even stranger. these fixes are show him being taken to hospital in guatemala. he reportedly collapsed after being told he would not be granted political asylum. mcafee is a founder of the company which bears his name. he has been on the run for three weeks after being wanted for questioning in a murder case in belize. mcafee is being treated for stress hypertension and an abnormally rapid heartbeat. it is 6:35 a.m. and we will be back in a couple of minutes. i live like showing use sampras's go from our roof on van ness ave. we are waking up to clear skies. >> welcome back. we are watching bay area weather. this is 1 01 southbound at the 87 interchange. san jose is at 57 degrees. >> the 2012 presidential election has become the most expensive in american history. the election broke the two million-dollar mark in its final weeks. mitt romney raised nearly $86 million in the last few weeks before the election alone. both president obama and romney race a billion dollars. >> president barack the obamas strategic david axelrod had his trademark mustache shaved today on msnbc after the coast of morning joe helped raise $1 million for his epilepsy charity. axelrod, and his facial hair, appeared frequently on news shows and there he is with his shaved off-stashed and on the right, before it was shaved, a look at his beard for decades. he said that he would shave the moustache he won for 40 years on live tv if obama lost pennsylvania, minnesota or michigan in the november 6th election. obama 1 pennsylvania, minnesota, michigan and florida, but a xelro sayd he was still shave his mustache if his charity raise $1 million by the end of november. his daughter, lauren, has epilepsy, which is a brain disorder in which a person has repeated seizures over time. >> welcome back. the top stories we're following at this hour. a man is in critical condition this morning after falling from the upper deck of oakland coliseum. it happened during the first 30 minutes of last night's breakers game. the man fell about 36 onto the concrete below oakland police believe that the fall was an accident. >> the u.s. supreme court is meeting behind closed doors today to consider reviewing the talents to california's proposition 8. if the court refuses to review the case same-sex marriage will be legal in california and same-sex couples could marry as soon as next week. the decision could come today or monday. >> a 7.3 magnitude earthquake rocks north east japan early this morning. it struck a round midnight pacific time. the usgs says that the earthquake hit about 200 mi. off the coast. but to some the warning issued early this morning has since been called off. >> a chance of showers are is and the forecast but hopefully that will state toward the north. we see patchy areas of dense fog in some areas. there are mostly sunny conditions as you head into the afternoon. it will be slightly sunnier for the afternoon. the visibility is still down to zero in napa. it has been flip-floping. as for storm tracker 4 it is still hugging the bay shore area. it will clear off by 10:00 a.m. and we will be seeing about--iteen a cooler start for the morning because of the clear skies. we are still dealing with an upward 30's for napa up in fairfield. >> as we set the clock to 9:00 a.m. we are expecting widespread 50s. this is pretty much where are afternoon highs will be at. it will be similar to what we saw it yesterday. the temperatures will drop back down to the '50s by 8:00 p.m.. 63 degrees in santa rosa and 62 degrees in downtown san francisco. for those of you head into taco there is no fresh power expected. it is chilly and it is dropping down to the low 20s. >> the 7 day around the bay shows that we do have plenty of sunshine for the weekend and the beginning of your next work week. we may see showers by the middle part of next week. the time is 6:47 a.m.. >> the slowest traffic in the bay area can be at the toll plaza. we are starting to see delays from the east shore freeway as well as from the minute. there are no accidents reported but for those who come from 880 fasttrack is also doing better. we're five minutes behind schedule. here at the san mateo bridge westbound traffic has no incidents to report. this ride is 14 minutes. the golden gate bridge has more cars and it looks like we are starting to slow things down just a little bit. the visibility here is crystal clear. we do have some reports of dense fog in the north bay. as we go to the traffic map we're still on schedule for the east shore freeway with 14 minutes from your ride from hercules to berkeley. >> you can see for yourself as we zoom in here that southbound 680 is over 60 mi. per hour. a lot of the cars are born above the speed limit. >> it is 6:48 a.m.. >> netflix is facing scrutiny for government regulators over a facebook post may by c. ito read the hastings in july. the securities and exchange commission sent notices to netfilx and hasting regarding the post on hastings' account. he wrote of facebook that monthly buick or one netflix has exceeded 1 billion hours in june. the sec says that this material that the investigators information must be disclosed in a regulatory filing or press release. the company says that the information is not material because it has already been disclosed that subscribers were doing about 8 billion hours of content per month. >> men are more likely than women to be diagnosed with cancer, and those who get it will have a higher chance of dying from the disease. this according to a study posted in the journal of urology. researchers say that overall, me with any type of cancer or a 6% more likely to die of their disease in women with cancer. >> it is not looking good for the nhl season. as labor talks between the lead in the players' association broke off in their third straight day. the nhl has rejected the players' union's offer. one point of contention between the two sides is that the length of the new contract owners want 18 year contract with players won a shorter one. >> on the bay area sports. the raiders taking on the denver broncos at the coliseum last night. broncos quarterback peyton manning through his 30th touchdown pass of the season on the game's opening drive. beating the raiders' 26 to 13 last night. carson palmer threw one interception that brought it is possible scorn changing for the raiders. loss was a fumble the set up a touchdown for the broncos as oakland lost its sixth straight game. the raiders will take on the kansas city chiefs' next sunday december the 16th at the coliseum at 1:25 p.m.. >> raiders running back darren mcfadden maybe sideline once again. he reinjured his ankle last night after playing for the first time in five weeks. mcfadden did not get to finish the game. head coach dennis allen says that he does not know the severity of mcfadden's injury. >> today dr. phil will talk about a mom and dad who are trying to get help for their 25 year-old drug apodictic door. that's at 10:00 a.m. right after kron 4 news morning. >> >> yahoo has released its annual tally of the top 10 destinations searches. s san francisco makes the top 10! loss biggest leads the pack in the top spot. chicago comes in at no. 2. topping london, new york city and washington d.c. in the top side. san francisco is the sixth most searched city. rounding out the top 10 are san diego, dubai, new orleans and hong kong. >> analysts by dink life dot com right san francisco was the best place for couples with and will end comes and no kids to live. new york city comes in second place. and washington d.c. is third on the list. san francisco has the lowest percentage of children out of major cities in america. only 13.4% of the city's approximately 800,000 residents are under 80 years old. >> wthis is for you. a new company golden spike announce that you can go get a round trip tickets to the moon for $1.5 million by 2020. the company is selling this moon trip to the nation's, corporations, and individuals. golden spikes says that they're putting much of the details together for these flights. >>

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Japan , Mount Davis , California , Tokyo , Philippines , Nevada , Dubai , Dubayy , United Arab Emirates , Alameda County , Santa Clara Valley , Livermore Valley , Redwood City , Florida , Minnesota , Bay Shore , Guatemala , Washington , District Of Columbia , Belize , Denver , Colorado , London , City Of , United Kingdom , San Francisco , Marin County , Fort Lauderdale , Arizona , San Jose City , San Jose , Hong Kong , Pennsylvania , Chicago , Illinois , Italy , Americans , America , Japanese , American , Pamela Parsons Carmen , John Mcafee , David Axelrod , James Riley , Greg Suhr , Peyton Manning , Dennis Allen , Jarrett Nagle , Darren Mcfadden , Santa Clara , Carson Palmer , Joseph Naso , Oakland Christian ,

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20121207 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20121207

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earthquake hits japan this morning we will have more coming out. >> the live look outside in san jose, still looking pretty but dark out there. in dealing with cloudy conditions as well as past patchy dense fog and the north bay. we're expecting plenty of sunshine in the afternoon, a bit warmer than yesterday. mostly clear and cool conditions into the evening. the full forecast is coming up in just a bit but for now over to erika >> the content as back up to the bay bridge plaza continues. to my knowledge the meeting lights are not active and we do not have any problems around the bay area. the east a phrase look good and no problems in the south bay no accidents along the peninsula and: easy drive time. 23 minutes out of the bottle into the city. >> overnight we had a strong earthquake in the northeastern part of japan. it was a 7.3 earthquake and the same area where we had a 9.0 earthquake years ago that killed 2000 people with the following tsunami. this earthquake took place around 518 local time around midnight in san francisco. 2 mi. off the japanese coast and was followed by many aftershocks were 1/6 point to a 5.0 and several romney for mark. here is a video from tokyo as several hundred miles away buildings swayed for several minutes. no reports of major damage. there was a tsunami warning issued and a small tsunami did it. it was three to 4 ft. high. they're watching the after shocks after the 7.3 earthquake on to the japanese coast. >> a man fell from the upper deck of the coliseum last night at the raiders' game. will tran is joining us with the details. good morning well >> good morning darya. it happened shortly after takeoff and he fell from the upper deck to the lower concourse. that is approximately 30 ft.. it is amazing he survived. the ambulance rushed into the hospital and we do not have his identity at this point. investigators are checking into several things. he fell early on and the one are quite they're looking into is if he jumps. they're talking to witnesses and hopefully talking to him if he follows. he pulls through. they're also looking to see if out of my role in this is too early for them to get back on us with that. the raiders are not playing any role in domestication. their thoughts and playprayers are with the victim and his family. >> i just want to know because we saw the situation at baseball games. is there any safety concerns as far as where does this happen? >> we do not know exactly where it happened but we could show you there are reports that it happened at mount davis at that particular area. still we are hoping hear back from being oakland police department about the specific location. when you come here there are not really any barriers that are high up that will prevent you from falling. they're hoping that you'll use better judgment and not get too close to the sides. they think maybe he was intoxicated and that he fell, he may have been published. we do not know. as far as the ball parks there is not a high wall that will keep this from happening. so far and the sporting season including best game as well as college games five people have fallen at ballgames. >> the all important member jobs report this morning it is coming out the last 35 minutes and surprisingly the u.s. added 146,000 jobs last month. not great numbers of the numbers were expected to be half that because of all the layoffs of people on able to work because of super storm sandy. we had 140,000 americansaw a drop in te unemployment rate to 7.7%. this is the lowest since december 2008. > a month after his election present obama has a sizable rating and more than a year. the poll finds the president's rating stands at 57 per cent the highest since may last year when navy seals killed outside a leader osama bin live in. applies more americans that the nation is headed in the right direction. 42 percent say the country is on the right track and a majority believe is likely president obama will improve the economy. however americans are divided on what a president he has been. but 37 percent think he's been above or above average or outstanding. 36 percent say below average or four. >> the us supreme court scheduled to meet behind closed doors again today to consider reviewing the legal issues regarding same-sex marriage. that includes a challenge to california's controversial controversy old proposition 8. if the court refuses to review the prop a case same-sex marriage could be legal in california as soon as next week. the court also the case on hold for you other decision on the lot. this isn't could come today or monday -- decision san jose firefighters are investigating a three alarm fire that ripped through a restaurant around 930 last night. the pasta, door on san felipe a row. of 30's address from was all from her business at the time of the fire. it was under control within half an hour there were no injuries reported. >> a deadly acts of san jose has left one person dead. it happened on the busy white road in san jose. witnesses told police a pedestrian was struck and killed as e.j. what southbound. there's crosswalk is about a hundred yards up the street from where the accident happened. neighbors say many people seem to be inhabited jaywalking on this vast movie four-lane road. there been other accidents in this area but this is the first pedestrian fatally hit in recent memory. we will be back a federal judge is ready to reduce a $1 billion jury verdict that apple ne of for samsung back in august. the- all lawyers for both apple and samsung that jurors in the previous case appeared to miscalculate damages and now had to trim the award. no word on how much of the awards apple would be caught. samsung is seeking a new trial while apple is arguing for an increase in the damages award. the novel will likely start carrying the iphone next year after its parent company says it had reached a deal with apple. the mobil had been the only carrier that did not offer the iphone. although it is then possible to use iphone on t global network customer had to get the funds themselves. dingell says it is reshuffling its network to match other carriers' data speeds. >> 250,000 eggs at five suvs worldwide are being recalled from bmw. the u.s. national highway traffic safety administration says a bolt holding a belt pulley can break. the driver can thus control the vehicles power assisted steering if the boat breaks. the sec can still use manual steering if it breaks. starbucks will pay $60 million more in taxes and the united kingdom. the announcement comes in response to an out recent outcry in the u.k. that multinational companies are skirting taxes by shifting profits overseas divisions. the managing director of starbucks u.k. says they have always paid taxes to the letter of the law will make additional payments in 2013 and 2014 despite the fact that the u.k. unit is not yet profitable. the will and amazon have also been targeted as not paying their fair share and england. >> it is 6:11 a.m. and we'll be back in a couple of mess. minutes. you are just going to have to trust me, this is walnut creek. we will be right back. =dj local reservoirs' have seen a needed increase in water levels because of last weekend's storms. reserves and santa clara and proves it evidently with the rainfall. levels are still not exactly where they need to be though. since last wednesday the santa clara valley water district says average storage in their 10 reservoirs' increase from 74 to 91% where they should normally be. that is a nearly 4 billion increase of water. reservoir levels increased about 3%. east bay mud says all their reservoirs are at 85 percent capacity. water supply, they are in good shape. to many more storms and i will have to release water into creeks to maintain levels. i don't think we'll be getting water any time some though >> you are right about that, the drying trend from yesterday's is still lasting. is a quiet day in store for us, slightly cooler that compared to yesterday because it is clear. it will be a little warmer and the afternoon and the weekend. in midweek it will be cooler and there's a slight chance that of some showers that will stay in the north. dense fog in some areas and the north bay napa is down to zero visibility. the fog is hugging the bay stores in parts of the inland valleys and will clear pretty quickly. by 10:00 a.m. lots of sunshine and will stay clear throughout the day. drive evening mostly clear conditions as well. we're still dealing with upper 30's the santa rosa 39 and up to vallejo and nevada mid-40s for the east bay stores and a 9:00 a.m. we are expecting to be sitting in widespread '50s. by your lunch hour it will be similar to yesterday. low 60s. after nine highs, mainly 60s for the east asia or south bay upper 60s the north bay but not low 60s as well. 63 in santa rosa 63 for the not know 62 for not know and downtown 7 cisco. 7 day around the bay shows as we have is light warm-up as store for us as we finish up the work week. mid-40s rios and the bay and early back up to the bay bridge toll plaza fasttrack >> it is only backed up into of the lanes. the other two are just fine. a meeting lights are active but the speeds have certainly in probes across the upper deck. i live look at the san mateo bridge shows all is well here. no problems out towards foster city. southbound 1 01 is looking good coming out of marin county. visibility is clear on the span. dense fog is reported in the north bay. dry with extra caution and be careful of cars in front of you. we may still has the roadway closers southbound 1 01 right where it meets highway 92. the road work was supposed to be picked up at 6:00 and could still be on going. no issues with interstate 280 and southbound 1 01 looks good coming out of nevada. overall pretty good driver on the bay area as we take it over to the east shore freeway. the green indicates speeds over 50 mi. an hour. >> daily parking fees at bart stations could rise sound. are wants to raise their rates based on demand. and the pocket lots are almost full you get likely pay more. at the airline is now open you could pay less. are want to use the extra revenues so aching keep writing fares down repair the lives and for security. bart was your opinion. riders can take a survey on their website. military veterans who are interested in working for the transit system will not have an advantage in the hiring process. bart board of directors has approved in the hiring policy giving an external job candidates with at least six months of active service during consideration. that is less than a passing score an exam during the first phase of the hiring process. to be considered for the policy matters must approve of active status and be out on early discharge. the policy goes into effect january 1st. >> the child man accused of killing four northern california woman has been passed on. joseph naso originally set in the trial results is set for january has been postponed until april. the suspect requested more time. he is charged with the murder of these for one and rocks and raw- pamela parsons carmen colon and tracy to foy and during the late '70s the early '90s. nato is representing himself in court. a judge also designated a public public defender as standby counsel. >> sampras as those abies is debated this it pulls city police department's proposal a stunned and some officers. the board of supervisors is not have the authority to decide on whether the police officers should have the device but rather the decision is made by the police commission. police chief greg suhr had asked the commission to approve the devices for officers who have completed the appropriate training. the dow salon be given the 5 percent of his officers will help the escalates its dangerous situations. >> san jose as a delegate are sharing pilot program with the car through the downtown and midtown area. the program as an attempt to slow global warming continue its green goals. san jose's city council for the pilot program for up to 20 cars. the 18 month program lasts until march 2014. if this succeeds the city's department of transportation will look to expand a program for residents threw it out san jose. i live look at the james lick in san francisco all is clear commute and weather wise. >> a reminder of new year is live on kron4 we will show you fireworks all around the bay and around the world. it is the only local and live new year's eve show. it starts 1130 on december 31st. thousand people are expected at pearl harbor to mark the 71st anniversary of the japanese attack that killed more than 2400 american troops and pull the u.s. in world war two. a moment of silence is planned at 755 local time this morning marking the moment the attack began. the crew guided missile destroyer will stand on deck while the senate passes the uss arizona of a battleship that lies in the harbor where it sank. the death toll from a typhoon that had the southern philippines has climbed to more than 500 people. more than 400 people are still missing. rescuers continued to surge through mud and debris is. the typhoon hit hardest in the southern philippines or government officials say entire families were washed away. more than 310,000 people have lost their homes as the typhoon struck on tuesday. >> the bay area quality management district has received a 1 million grant $1 million grant from the u.s. department of energy to help more local companies use alternative fuel for their vehicles and fleets. the gravel goes towards the california floods in wordplay alternative fuel project which aims to reduce barriers for companies and governments to use alternative fuel. such as issues with permitting. the gravel watch and february and will continue over a two-year period. a report finds a the states themselves agency needs more independent oversight and recommends a restructuring to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest. the institute of medicine says too many board members on the california institute for rich in art of medicine represent schools that receive funding. california voters in 2004 proposition 71 that form the seat i are am. as distributor about 1.3 billion in grants. california >> california is suing delta air lines over the lack of privacy policy. the state alleges that the airlines is bringing us breaking state law by not warning users that is collecting sensitive informations each time users contact the airline on line. the company missed a 30 day window to comply with the privacy laws on its flight delta at designed for use of smart bombs. this'll be the first legal test for the state's online privacy protection act. we will be right back unemployment dropped 7.7%. >> we have another quiet day in store for us. the view from golden gate bridge, waking up to cloudy in some areas. sunny skies expected, slightly warmer today than yesterday. mostly clear and cool in to the evening as well. low visibility to the north bay through livermore valley. we will track the fog and the upcoming forecast. >> we are contending with the back up on the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. the nimitz freeway is probably your best approach. for the rest of the bay area we are still seeing easy conditions. no problem for the south bay, is bay is moving well. it is still a smooth and easy ride on 1 01 southbound. >> we have a video coming in this morning out of japan showing the earthquake. it had offshore but it was a 7.3 magnitude hitting at the same location as the 9.0 had two years ago because a tsunami that killed an estimated 20,000 people. the buildings or swaying in the early morning hours. there was a tsunami warning but a very small tsunami hit on the shore. it was about 3 ft. tall. the tsunami warning has now lifted around the pacific. no reports of any serious damage but people several people were reportedly injured. this quake happened in the local business and television station robin the programming there to warn about the earthquake. people fled to higher ground. they were urged to leave the coast. the power company and the nuclear power plant reports no problems. >> thieves broke into a bad and to cash in luggage from an oakland christian youth group while they were visiting florida. a group of about two dozen teens and young adults stop to eat at a restaurant yesterday afternoon after arriving in fort lauderdale for a weekend news conference. group members say thieves broke into their rental van and took about $12,000 in cash and most of their luggage and ids. the group had planned in fort lauderdale area for five days. >> a man in critical condition this morning after falling from the upper deck of the oakland coliseum read before the start of the raiders game last night. will tran is at the coliseum with more >> from the upper deck to the lower concourse and that is about 30 ft.. people are ready, this morning whether not he was drunk at the time. investigators simply do not know. they're hoping to have a blood test done to and talk to any possible witnesses in the area when he fell. there also reports that he possibly jaunt. that is also part of domestication. we do know he was in critical condition, rushed to the hospital yesterday and this morning he is alive. we're hoping to hear back from the oakland police the part about how he is doing. the oakland raiders have nothing to do with the investigation and their leading it to the oakland police department as well as the alameda county sheriff's department. all they are saying this morning is that their thoughts and prayers are with the family. so far his identity has not been released. >> the time now is 6:33 a.m. and suspected car thieves are behind bars accused in a series of toll ballistic ups. police say these are the men that pull the plug a gun in rob told acres on the card seen as bridge. the robbery is happened 10 times as the last year and this past may. investigators say the men committed at least three of these 10. chp officials say police are still investigating the remaining seven cases. high-end women's shoes more worth more than $10,000 were stolen out of a car in san francisco's mission district. l l fax l l. q are handmade and italy and rain jet from 120 to $285. the shoe company in just launched in july and specializes in plus size women's shoes. on monday 50 samples shoes were stolen out of the trunk of the company representatives car near 19th and valencia streets. >> an 18 year-old man is behind bars is morning in redwood city after being arrested in connection with the shooting on highway 1 01. police have been searching for eric valencia bargains since the september 30th shooting. argus is suspected of shooting three people at and dodge charger as they drove south on highway 1 01 near the ralston ave off ramp. they believe they were targeted because of road rage or previous dispute. all three occupants of the chargers suffered minor injuries from the incident. and james riley was assisted arrested on suspicion of homicide yesterday after a fight left 47 year-old jarrett nagle that at a homeless camp. authorities say it is unclear why the two men were fighting in the first place. riley is currently being held added county jail in martinez on a million dollars bail. >> the bizarre saga of billionaire and john mcafee has got an even stranger. these fixes are show him being taken to hospital in guatemala. he reportedly collapsed after being told he would not be granted political asylum. mcafee is a founder of the company which bears his name. he has been on the run for three weeks after being wanted for questioning in a murder case in belize. mcafee is being treated for stress hypertension and an abnormally rapid heartbeat. it is 6:35 a.m. and we will be back in a couple of minutes. i live like showing use sampras's go from our roof on van ness ave. we are waking up to clear skies. >> welcome back. we are watching bay area weather. this is 1 01 southbound at the 87 interchange. san jose is at 57 degrees. >> the 2012 presidential election has become the most expensive in american history. the election broke the two million-dollar mark in its final weeks. mitt romney raised nearly $86 million in the last few weeks before the election alone. both president obama and romney race a billion dollars. >> president barack the obamas strategic david axelrod had his trademark mustache shaved today on msnbc after the coast of morning joe helped raise $1 million for his epilepsy charity. axelrod, and his facial hair, appeared frequently on news shows and there he is with his shaved off-stashed and on the right, before it was shaved, a look at his beard for decades. he said that he would shave the moustache he won for 40 years on live tv if obama lost pennsylvania, minnesota or michigan in the november 6th election. obama 1 pennsylvania, minnesota, michigan and florida, but a xelro sayd he was still shave his mustache if his charity raise $1 million by the end of november. his daughter, lauren, has epilepsy, which is a brain disorder in which a person has repeated seizures over time. >> welcome back. the top stories we're following at this hour. a man is in critical condition this morning after falling from the upper deck of oakland coliseum. it happened during the first 30 minutes of last night's breakers game. the man fell about 36 onto the concrete below oakland police believe that the fall was an accident. >> the u.s. supreme court is meeting behind closed doors today to consider reviewing the talents to california's proposition 8. if the court refuses to review the case same-sex marriage will be legal in california and same-sex couples could marry as soon as next week. the decision could come today or monday. >> a 7.3 magnitude earthquake rocks north east japan early this morning. it struck a round midnight pacific time. the usgs says that the earthquake hit about 200 mi. off the coast. but to some the warning issued early this morning has since been called off. >> a chance of showers are is and the forecast but hopefully that will state toward the north. we see patchy areas of dense fog in some areas. there are mostly sunny conditions as you head into the afternoon. it will be slightly sunnier for the afternoon. the visibility is still down to zero in napa. it has been flip-floping. as for storm tracker 4 it is still hugging the bay shore area. it will clear off by 10:00 a.m. and we will be seeing about--iteen a cooler start for the morning because of the clear skies. we are still dealing with an upward 30's for napa up in fairfield. >> as we set the clock to 9:00 a.m. we are expecting widespread 50s. this is pretty much where are afternoon highs will be at. it will be similar to what we saw it yesterday. the temperatures will drop back down to the '50s by 8:00 p.m.. 63 degrees in santa rosa and 62 degrees in downtown san francisco. for those of you head into taco there is no fresh power expected. it is chilly and it is dropping down to the low 20s. >> the 7 day around the bay shows that we do have plenty of sunshine for the weekend and the beginning of your next work week. we may see showers by the middle part of next week. the time is 6:47 a.m.. >> the slowest traffic in the bay area can be at the toll plaza. we are starting to see delays from the east shore freeway as well as from the minute. there are no accidents reported but for those who come from 880 fasttrack is also doing better. we're five minutes behind schedule. here at the san mateo bridge westbound traffic has no incidents to report. this ride is 14 minutes. the golden gate bridge has more cars and it looks like we are starting to slow things down just a little bit. the visibility here is crystal clear. we do have some reports of dense fog in the north bay. as we go to the traffic map we're still on schedule for the east shore freeway with 14 minutes from your ride from hercules to berkeley. >> you can see for yourself as we zoom in here that southbound 680 is over 60 mi. per hour. a lot of the cars are born above the speed limit. >> it is 6:48 a.m.. >> netflix is facing scrutiny for government regulators over a facebook post may by c. ito read the hastings in july. the securities and exchange commission sent notices to netfilx and hasting regarding the post on hastings' account. he wrote of facebook that monthly buick or one netflix has exceeded 1 billion hours in june. the sec says that this material that the investigators information must be disclosed in a regulatory filing or press release. the company says that the information is not material because it has already been disclosed that subscribers were doing about 8 billion hours of content per month. >> men are more likely than women to be diagnosed with cancer, and those who get it will have a higher chance of dying from the disease. this according to a study posted in the journal of urology. researchers say that overall, me with any type of cancer or a 6% more likely to die of their disease in women with cancer. >> it is not looking good for the nhl season. as labor talks between the lead in the players' association broke off in their third straight day. the nhl has rejected the players' union's offer. one point of contention between the two sides is that the length of the new contract owners want 18 year contract with players won a shorter one. >> on the bay area sports. the raiders taking on the denver broncos at the coliseum last night. broncos quarterback peyton manning through his 30th touchdown pass of the season on the game's opening drive. beating the raiders' 26 to 13 last night. carson palmer threw one interception that brought it is possible scorn changing for the raiders. loss was a fumble the set up a touchdown for the broncos as oakland lost its sixth straight game. the raiders will take on the kansas city chiefs' next sunday december the 16th at the coliseum at 1:25 p.m.. >> raiders running back darren mcfadden maybe sideline once again. he reinjured his ankle last night after playing for the first time in five weeks. mcfadden did not get to finish the game. head coach dennis allen says that he does not know the severity of mcfadden's injury. >> today dr. phil will talk about a mom and dad who are trying to get help for their 25 year-old drug apodictic door. that's at 10:00 a.m. right after kron 4 news morning. >> >> yahoo has released its annual tally of the top 10 destinations searches. s san francisco makes the top 10! loss biggest leads the pack in the top spot. chicago comes in at no. 2. topping london, new york city and washington d.c. in the top side. san francisco is the sixth most searched city. rounding out the top 10 are san diego, dubai, new orleans and hong kong. >> analysts by dink life dot com right san francisco was the best place for couples with and will end comes and no kids to live. new york city comes in second place. and washington d.c. is third on the list. san francisco has the lowest percentage of children out of major cities in america. only 13.4% of the city's approximately 800,000 residents are under 80 years old. >> wthis is for you. a new company golden spike announce that you can go get a round trip tickets to the moon for $1.5 million by 2020. the company is selling this moon trip to the nation's, corporations, and individuals. golden spikes says that they're putting much of the details together for these flights. >>

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Japan , Mount Davis , California , Tokyo , Philippines , Nevada , Dubai , Dubayy , United Arab Emirates , Alameda County , Santa Clara Valley , Livermore Valley , Redwood City , Florida , Minnesota , Bay Shore , Guatemala , Washington , District Of Columbia , Belize , Denver , Colorado , London , City Of , United Kingdom , San Francisco , Marin County , Fort Lauderdale , Arizona , San Jose City , San Jose , Hong Kong , Pennsylvania , Chicago , Illinois , Italy , Americans , America , Japanese , American , Pamela Parsons Carmen , John Mcafee , David Axelrod , James Riley , Greg Suhr , Peyton Manning , Dennis Allen , Jarrett Nagle , Darren Mcfadden , Santa Clara , Carson Palmer , Joseph Naso , Oakland Christian ,

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