Transcripts for KRKS 94.7 FM/990 AM [94.7 FM The Word] [990

Transcripts for KRKS 94.7 FM/990 AM [94.7 FM The Word] [990 AM The Word] KRKS 94.7 FM/990 AM [94.7 FM The Word] [990 AM The Word] 20170627 100000

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And design but I knew in Washington a clear victory that's how President Trump described as racial Priem Court decision in favor of his 90 day travel ban on people from mostly Muslim countries and the betting policy is reconsidered why Attorney General Doug kendo among the vehement anti Trump critics and he says it was a bad roof if I were to put myself in the shoes of those people really anybody outside of the United States who's watching everything that's happened there's no question you know this is what has happened has has created a chilling effect it's created uncertainty in the United States as far as you know who's going to be allowed to come into the country and while a presidential spokesman says the high court ruling yesterday amounts to an important victory for the White House White House press secretary Sean Spicer says the president is gratified by the Supreme Court decision to allow temporary enforcement of a limited travel ban aimed at 6 majority Muslim countries his number one responsibility as commander in chief is to keep the American people safe and that's exactly what this executive order does by. Or also called it a unanimous ruling the decision was actually $63.00 justices voted 9 did nothing to hear arguments on the ban in the fall asked whether those arguments will be moot since the ban was supposed to be a 90 day measure Spicer could say only the Justice Department is studying the court's decision a more Levinson etc News legal affairs analyst Matt's favor weighed in on yesterday's high court ruling in favor of a Missouri church that was denied a Share of state funding for resurfacing its playground was safety materials although those grants were given to other nonprofit group I think this is a great decision at this stage because this is one of those situations where the state intentionally discriminated against a church in the words of Chief Justice John Roberts quote It is odious to our Constitution to exclude the church from the grant program Robert said that's true even though the consequences are only a few extra straight nice This is a sorry new. 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There are only 2 types of people in the end those that say to God that it will be done and those to whom God says in the end I will. See there are folks out there at the end they will eventually be. In judgment but they will wait until the last moment they will go down with a hard heart and there's no other choice there's no other choice for them at that point but to be judged in God's basically saying I have given you lots of chances Ok you will have your will. All hell breaks loose. Sadly there will be people who do not accept the message of the Gospel pastor Gerald today will show us that there will be people who will reject what we say about Jesus however we should never stop spreading this message of love and hold while many will miss out on Christianity there are still many who will listen and will turn their lives over to Jean's Now here's pastor Darrell with part one of his message entitled when all hell breaks loose open your Bibles and Chapter 9 we're going to pick up where we left off we left off Chapter 8 with the 4th trumpet blast and now in chapter 9 we pick right back up where we left off it's the 5th trumpet judgment and the title of the message it's when all hell breaks loose but there's no other way to really describe what we see here I mean these events these things that we see it's like it's never been seen before I mean a pit being opened up in crazy things coming out of it demons and and these angels being loose in these armies going against the remainder of the inhabitants of the earth it is crazy stuff and these things are the beginnings of the woes and people have used that term before and you know like the title The message when all hell breaks loose they used that term before but there's nothing nothing like this that is ever happened people just you know they thought that term so flippantly like oh yeah this is a bad time you don't even know what bad is you do not know even bad is because after today's message you can compare everything to this. And it will get a lot worse because there are a lot of things that are you know happening in this world I mean I think we all could agree that we're sliding in the wrong direction for sure that we're sliding in the wrong direction I mean I ask myself sometimes like oh lord what is going on and I know what's going on consciously but it just Griese me that we see some of the things we see but we look at a chapter by chapter 9 and it gets a lot worse people get a lot worse we see today a moral meltdown in America and we scratch our heads and we wonder what's happening but we just need to remember that God knows God is in control and he's predicted so many of so many things that have already come to pass and so many more that will come to pass some of the things we see happening right now some of the pieces of the puzzle coming together but see God is still in control and there's still hope because God is still on the throne. And the secret to all of this is just or always remember that God is in control nothing happens nothing surprises God in any way shape form or fashion he is in control and the things we see happening is because the world is rejecting Him The world is rejecting him and we're going to face a greater rejection more and more folks and when people reject God Well sin increases and we see more and more events like we see now they grieve us eventually that will lead to judgment for them and so it shouldn't surprise us but when we look at Passages like Chapter 9 where we see some things are hard to understand we see some things that are kind of hard to follow and we really want to ask the question why. Like who can endure like those people that we've already read about where they're like who can endure these things well we've already answered that question the people that are redeemed can endure these things everybody else is going to have a very difficult time and woe to them they see you have to remember it's of their own choosing it's of their own choosing. Are wicked people out there wicked evil people I was talking to someone the other day and they doubted that they're evil people I'm like I know there's the people I've seen it I've seen it and just flat out just craziness and I'm not getting into the place where they can or cannot repent and people like to argue about I think that everybody can repent but actions can be evil and we think sometimes these people get away with it in this lifetime but they don't accord in the Book of Revelations we see that there is judgement and things do get worse but God does come right and Jesus is coming back and the end of the story is we when there's nothing wrong with saying Ok to that we don't have to be ashamed that we could read it in the book it's not a surprise and that's where we have hope and we should be bold about that the devil knows his days are numbered I mean it says this in Revelation Chapter 1212 it says this therefore rejoice Oh heavens and you who dwell in them woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea for the devil has come down to you having great wrath because he knows that he has a short time he knows and we know that the time is short as well and Jesus is coming back soon and we know when he does come back. We does come back we know that it gets better but until then well it gets worse it doesn't matter if the elites people that say they are so much smarter than all of us put together because they have lots of initials after their name or because they went to school and I mean the common thing now is to belittle a person of faith belittling someone who has faith in Jesus Christ well you use that as a crutch you know it's a stretcher for me I don't know about you. Sound just a crutch it's a stretcher and you won't be able to stand when you face these things and we need to be bold in these times because we know the deal we know the end of the story and we know what happens and we know that it ends with these woes the tragedy happens in these people right it's of their choosing we talked about this God takes no delight in whatsoever in this because he desires that all should come to repentance that people would have these chances and that they would repent because God is loving news nurse of phoneys gracious otherwise we wouldn't have to go through 7 seals and 7 trumpets and 7 bowls I mean he could just take care of it in one fell swoop but there are opportunities for people to repent and they don't right now in chapter 9 I believe that the church is in here as we discussed weren't safe and Heaven with the Lord there are people that are coming you know to you know salvation this time we have 144000 sealed but now there's all kinds of stuff happening on the earth c.s. Lewis says this about this time in Revelation He says this There are only 2 types of people in the end those that say to God that I will be done and those to whom God says in the end that I will be done. See there are folks out there at the end they will eventually bather need a guy in judgment but they will wait into the last moment they will go down with a hard heart and there's no other choice there's no other choice for them at that point but to be judged in God is basically saying to humanity I have given you lots of chances Ok you will have your will here you go all hell breaks loose and it says in verse one of chapter 9 then the 5th angel sounded and I saw a star fall in from heaven to earth to him was given the key to the bottomless pit and he opened a bottomless pit and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace so the sun and the air were darker because of the smoke of the pit then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth into them was given power as the Scorpions of years have power and they were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth or any green thing or any tree but those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads and they were not given authority to kill them but to torment them 5 months or 12 it was like the torment of a scorpion when it shrikes a man knows days men will seek death and mourn not find it they will desire to die and death will flee from them what that means in verse 6 is they will actually want to die try to die try to commit suicide and death will flee from them I mean this is a very difficult time here we are introduced to a nother star we see a star in Chapter 8 but this is a different star it's not like the wormwood star this star is a fallen star in the past tense and there are some keys to this it says that a star can't be given keys so this is a person it's not like a media your or something like that it is it's a person but it's a fallen person a fallen person that has kind of the title of a star well we know who. This person is we know a person that's fallen that you know has come some of those titles seen this person doesn't have any authority whatsoever he had to be given keys is the keys were given to him this star is probably Satan and he loosens these armies from the pit a lot of folks will look at this and have you know who is this person that whether he's a different angel or what I believe in Satan Lucifer means brightness we know in Isaiah 14 that he's compared to as the Morning Star it says in verse 12 of Isaiah 14 how you are fallen from heaven for meaning brightness son of the morning how you were cut down to the ground you you who weaken the nations for us in your heart I will ascend into heaven now exalt my throne above the stars of God I will also sit on the Mount of the congregation on the farthest size of the north and I will ascend above the heights of the clouds and I will be like the most high yet you shall be brought down to Sheol to the lowest depths of the pit I believe this is Satan and he's given these keys at this time to open up the pit and this time is going to be very difficult Jesus even says to his disciples that Satan was falling like lightning it says in Luke Chapter 10 verse 18 he said to them I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. So he's giving these keys to the bottomless pit literally the a bit Lou talks about this pit that it's a temporary jail this isn't the lake of fire this is just a temporary place for demons and fallen angels to basically be imprisoned and it's interesting that even the demons that Jesus is time there's a conversation that even demons are afraid of this place or the people in this place it says in Luke chapter a verse 30 Jesus asked him saying What is your name Jesus is speaking to a demon and the demon said his name was Legion because many demons had entered him and they begged him that he would not command them to go out into the abyss they begged him like don't send us there not until this time comes they know what the end will be but they didn't want to go there they were afraid this pit was set up a while ago we see that in Judah verse 6 and he says and Jude 6 it says this in the angels who did not keep their proper domain but left their own abode he speaking of God has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day this is the Bottomless Pit This is the abyss again not the lake of fire that's in Revelation chapter 20 that's a final prison but this place now Satan gets the keys and all of these angels all of these demons or whatevers are there are out I magine them and one day every prison globally they just let all their prisoners out every terrorist every single individual every person the did something wrong and they're all out now taking a step further imagine you arm them to the teeth with weapons of mass destruction. And then you take it a step further you basically encourage them to create havoc that's what happens here they're encouraged they're armed and they're out of jail and kind of gives you a sense of how bad this is going to be when this bottomless pit is opened up these are super bad demons drawn out. Back in chapter 9 verse 3 it says in to them was given power as the Scorpions of the earth have power and they were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth or any green thing or any tree so let's stop right there 1st of all these aren't the normal locust has locus typically that's what they would eat normal locusts would eat you know trees and grasses but here we see that they can only affect men this is only those men who do not have the c.e.o. God on their foreheads and they were not given authority to kill them but to Twitter meant them for 5 months I did a lot of research on locus and there's lots of parallels between locusts and this I mean I was watching this I mean I was fascinated by it I knew this swarms of locusts especially in the Middle East can get quite large but do you know that some of the swarms of locust could be almost like 4XB4XB and in one day a swarm like that can eat enough food they were giving how much food they can eat in tonnage and what it equates to is feeding like almost a nation for a year I mean these things are destructive and when they come out they look like a cloud it darkens the sky and they had some great pictures of it see these things here are different they attack like a scorpion they come out all over the earth they torment. I mean they have this ability that they can't hurt people that have the c.e.o. Of God in their heads it's $144000.00 we've talked about them and probably those that come to salvation at that time are not martyred but if you're not protected well you're going to be tormented and this is an obvious judgment of God This is a judgment on those people that don't have the seal of God on their forehead and so this judgment it comes at the Express governance of God God is saying hey this is happening because this is the place we're at now. But I still believe and I still know because at the end of the chapter I still believe God's heart in it that they would repent because they're not going to die yet they're not facing like the final judgment yet he's not killing them right the judgment isn't to kill them it's to torment them to get them to go why is this happening oh it's prisoners and God right there and we should be doing these things and we should repent I mean it says we'll skip ahead we'll read it later but we'll read it right now it says in verse 20 of chapter 9 it says the rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues did not repent of the works of their hands that they should now worship demons and idols and gold and silver brass stone and wood which neither can see nor hear nor walk and they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual morality or their thefts This tells me that God there is still an opportunity for them to repent and God wanted them to repent but they did not repent it says they did not repent there was still an opportunity it's almost like they would rather die and be tormented than repent as we already read in those days men would see death and they would find it and it says it fled from them they would rather die than repent that tells you how hard their hearts are right now guys still giving them the opportunity to repent but their pride they would rather die in sin die and not bowing their knee to God then repent it just shows you how sinful this group of people are right now how like we read this week in numbers they're sending with a high hand it's like we're sinners we're proud of it you can't tell me how to live my life all the way to the end all the way to the end pride does truly take someone to destruction. And here we are now the pit is open and this smoke emerges out the doors a furnace has been opened and then we get to see what they look like it says the shape of the locusts in verse 7 was like horses prepared for bottle on their heads were crowns of something like gold and their faces were like the faces of men and they had hair like women's hair and their teeth were like lion's teeth and they had breastplates like the breast place of my own and the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots with many horses running into battle and they had tails like scorpions and there were stings in their tails and their power was to hurt men 5 months so what are these what are these things what are they what do they look like well let's look at John's words he says was like horses c

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