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We start in egypt where another day of road tests has been marred by bloodshed. Security Officials Say at least 60 people died in clashes nationwide. The violence erupted after thousands of people took to the streets and a socalled day of rage called by the Muslim Brotherhood to protest the hundreds killed in a Police Crackdown earlier in the week. Confrontations continued earlier into the evening as supporters of ousted Mohamed Morsi defied curfew. Islamist groups have called in and to fridays rally. The eu is considering measures in response to the violence, and concerns are growing that the unrest could escalate into an allout armed confrontation. In a show of defiance, thousands of Muslim Brotherhood supporters flooded onto the streets after prayers in cairo in cities across egypt in what organizers are calling a day of rage. Everyone is here to express their opinion. Down with military rule. Down with the old regime. Down with anyone who kills egyptians. The military fired tear gas to disperse around 20,000 pro morsi demonstrators who gathered there. The Muslim Brotherhood accuses the police of shooting live ammunition at peaceful protesters, killing dozens of people. Casualty figures climbed as the vening wore on. S climbed as the Security Forces say they retaliated when gunmen attacked a Police Station in the capital. Muslim brotherhood protests in the port city of alexandria also descended into violence. Here, too, a number of deaths and injuries were reported. Police are authorized to use deadly force against looters. Tensions between supporters and opponents of Mohamed Morsi continue to mount, and so, too, does the death toll. We go live now to cairo. What is the latest . We are hearing the Muslim Brotherhood has called off the protest for today. Do you expect any unrest to continue into the night . They called actually for a week of uprising, so we can expect that the protests we have seen in cairo and all over the country will continue across the week. One of the new qualities today, compared to, for example, last wednesday was that we had much more armed clashes today between civilians. A lot of Muslim Brotherhood people on the street while the military and police were watching. Some of the dead are not coming from the military or the police, but from clashes between civilians. Lets talk about the military for a moment. It cannot just wish the Muslim Brotherhood to disappear. It is a fact of egypt in life. Does it really think that this repression is the answer . It could the it could be that they are trying to push the Muslim Brotherhood to the point where they have to radicalize, where they have to become more extreme, where some of them have to become more militant. That is something they can deal much better with any demonstrations and the protest camp. It is also easier to isolate them within egyptian society, and it would be easier to demonize them within society. A disturbing theory there. Thank you very much for that. For more now on the situation in egypt, we are joined in the studio by a political scientist who specializes in egypt. She travels back and forth between cairo and berlin. You yourself what do you think of the situation there at the moment . The situation is really dramatic. It is the army against the muslim brothers, and what we can do again support. What we forget is that the society is against each other. It can be a civil war, and now, the situation is that the Muslim Brotherhood has taken a stance. Now we have a lot of attacks, and the army now, a lot of people have coalition with the army, but they are afraid to because they did not understand why the army has this big violence against the society. Just now, you have a big split in society. What about the people in egypt . What do they think of the Muslim Brotherhood . That is a big problem in egypt. A lot of people sympathize with the muslim brothers, but now, the problem is theres a lot of fear in the society. As you here at the demonstrations, they do not say they want freedom. They say they want an islamic state, which makes the Muslim Broherhood very afraid. Did they have something to do with the violence in the south or not . And then you have maybe a quiet society, but everybody is afraid from the other. You see often women who will be supporting the Muslim Brotherhood for testing with them. If it is a patriarchal group, why are women supporting them . It is a patriarchal group, but the movement assists the Muslim Brotherhood, and it is maybe an alternative to the old liberal or democratic authoritarian system. It is not just a Political Movement but a religious movement. Very interesting insight. Thank you very much. Germany has issued an urgent advisory against traveling to egypts red sea tourist resort in the wake of the unrest in the region. The Foreign Ministry is also advising against travel to cairo. Germanys Largest Travel Agency has responded by canceling all of that holidays to egypt through midseptember. Tourists will be given the opportunity of returning home early. Moving onto other news now, and in business, there is some good news for european carmakers. New figures show that marketing in the eu has rebounded slightly with sales of new cars up almost five percent in june to more than 950,000 new vehicles. It is also the First Time Since october that sales increased in countries like portugal, spain, and greece, which were hardest hit the financial crisis. The German Auto Industry Association also warns sales are around the lowest in 20 years and are projected to fall for the fourth year in a row. Have the figures been going down on the market . Lets hear from frankfurt. European car sales rebounded in july, but this did not correspond with stocks. Traders consider the numbers good news but are still a little bit reserved. Everything that is related to travel, flights, and holidays was under pressure on friday. At the end of the week, the dax was a little bit higher, and so it was for the whole week. Lets take a look at the numbers and a bit more detail. Starting off in germany, a slight gain on the day, also on the week. Euro stoxx 50 also up on the day, slightly stronger gains there. The bureau the euro trading for 1. 33. According to polls, chancellor Angela Merkel and her democrats still have a Comfortable Lead over their closest rivals. Will they still be able to maintain their Current Coalition with their partners . Here is a look at how things are shaping up. Everything could depend on the free democrats. They are confident they will win five percent of the vote, allowing them to remain in the coalition to continue allowing them to remain in the bundestag and for the coalition to continue. Polls have hardly changed since the last such survey two weeks ago. If the vote were held this sunday, christian democrats woodwinds ordered two percent. Spd would lose a point to 25 . The fpd would remain at 25 . The left party would gain a percentage point up to eight percent, while the green party would drop to 12 . The pirate party would only win three percent, and that is not enough to enter the bundestag. Although a centerright coalition appears possible at this point, the nsa surveillance affair does appear to have dented chancellor Angela Merkel s credibility among voters, but she still outclasses her main challenger, peer steinbrueck. If germans had to vote today for chancellor, 55 would choose merkel, versus 22 . 17 which is neither. Most germans would prefer a grand coalition. Steinberg has said such a coalition would have to go ahead without him time brewing steinbrueck. It was one of the most shocking events in South African history, the massacre of 34 miners. South africans have been commemorating the anniversary. The president backed out of the ceremonies, having lost support of many mineworkers. Opponents say the case exposes his failure to tackle south africas problems. Gathering at the rocky outcrop to remember the men who were gunned down more than a year ago. The miners said they would continue their struggle. We need to make sure that there is no blood that is going to be shut again. The massacre was south africas deadliest labor incident since the end of apartheid. The government inquiry set up to investigate the killings has yet to publish its findings. Miners and their families here experience grinding poverty. In stark contrast to the mineral wealth they bring to the surface for the thirdlargest global platinum producer. This rock drill operator fears that the marek kohn of victims died in vain. There can only be peace if the workers are paid what is due to them. The mine owner and local labor representatives are still far apart on the question of pay and workers demands. The anc youth is the main Union Representing workers at the mine. Leadership wants fulltimes parents he over last years bloodshed. Without the full disclosure of how and why this massacre took place, there cannot be healing. Longman has taken some steps aimed at Building Trust with employees, but workers say they are still waiting for real change and real answers. China has been suffering some of its worst flooding in decades. State television says heavy rains have overwhelmed the province. In the northeast, it has been pouring for days, and the reigning waters are wreaking havoc. Emergency workers are trying to protect the area by strengthening their for with sandbags. The city is normally a border port for trade between china and russia, but the floods have but an end to that. Prime Agricultural Land is deep underwater. The daily chas washed away livelihoods. Bags of edible mushrooms are left adrift through this village. 2 Million People have been affected. Many people left their belongings behind. We have to persuade them not to swim back to their villages to fetch them because the water is very deep and dangerous. Further south, the province was hit by one of its most severe typhoons in decades. Houses, power lines, and trees all fell prey to the storm. Some areas suffered their heaviest rain in a century, and tens of thousands of people have been forced welcome back. Egypt cost economy has been in a state of collapse over the past year, and matters look to get worse as violence breeds the uncertainty that is legal for any economy. Others are trying to keep going for the time being at least like this german ceramics maker, which is beefing up security at its plants in cairo. P despite the turmoil in the egyptian capital, the 3000 workers are still on the job. The ceramic specialists largest plant outside germany is located in cairo. They produce wash stations, bathtub wash basins, bathtubs, and toilets. Management is watching developments closely. We have tightened security, and we have decided not to close the plant, unlike many others. We have consulted closely with our Management Team in egypt. We think it is important to give workers some semblance of normalcy in the chaos. 80 german firms have plants in egypt employee in around 24,000 workers. Some have decided to halt reduction until the unrest dies down, but most are determined to maintain a longterm presence in the region some have decided to halt production. This part of africa is a market region and Production Base of extremely high interest, and it is very important to us. We are confident that egypt will find its way, and the situation will calm down. There will be setbacks, but that is to be expected as part of the revolutionary process. The plant has changed working hours in cairo so staff can make it home before the start of the curfew. To east africa now, and ethiopia, where hard work and discipline have driven a magic mix for two brothers trying to help children from poor backgrounds. The formula took them to the top of their game as tennis players. Now as coaches, they are trying to teach eligible life lessons both on and off the court. Serving for a better future. Young players slog it out at a tennis tournament and address of above. These players are doing particularly well. They are all children from extremely poor families. The coach wanted to offer them the same opportunities that wealthier children have. He himself grew up in a slum but made it onto the National Tennis team. It is equal opportunity for rich or for poor. We show them that they can make it by working hard. The children received english lessons afterwards. Education is a top priority at the academy. Kids are only accepted if they attend the school and work hard. If something is happening in their body, it will be finished, but if they are educated properly well, then they can still help them selves and others. He teaches students both passion and discipline. The training has already helped this 17yearold to get onto ethiopias national team. He now plays regularly in international tournaments. Tennis has changed my life. When i win tournaments, i get money to help me change the life of my family. The prize money he has one has already enabled him to pay doctors bills for his sick other and to afford a slightly better home for his family. Jonas often thinks of the places he has seen in europe and the u. S. While playing tennis. When i go there, it is not only for playing tennis. It is also for experience and looking the way how they live. When i see the way how they live, i think to myself that i really have to work hard to get to that level. Every morning, he travels 45 minutes with various minibuses to go to a good school. He received a scholarship to be able to attend here, once again, thanks to the tennis project. I want to pay back the work study, so i really want to help others who have a really low standard of living to help them change their families life and also their life at the same time. He wants to do what he can to help fulfill his coaches dream of overcoming social and class limitation. The poor kids, it changes their lives. They make friends, and they exchange different experience, you know . They learn. The children at the tennis project are already fulfilling their dreams, and they are being trained to fight for a better future. In a moment, theres anger over ecuadors plan to open up art of the amazon rain forest to oil drilling. But first, lets have a look at some of the other stories from around the world. At least 13 people have died in the philippines after a ferry collided with a cargo ship. The accident happened off an island where 700 people have been rescued by local fishing boats. Officials say the ferry sank about one kilometer from sure. A report in the Washington Post newspaper says americas nsa Intelligence Agency has broken privacy laws and overstepped its Legal Authority thousands of times, citing documents leaked by edward snowden. The paper says most of the infringements involved unauthorized surveillance of americans and foreigners in the united states. A controversial french lawyer often nicknamed devils advocate has died at the age of 88. He defended some of the 20th centurys most notorious criminals, including a former captain of the Nazi Secret Police and exyugoslav leader. Well, ecuador has just scrapped a huge conservation plan. It was an ambitious one that had been designed to stop oil drilling in parts of the National Park in the amazon rain forest. Nors president decided to raise funds for one of the most bio diverse areas in the world. However, he says only a tiny fraction of the money trickled in. He has ditched the plan and is opening up the basin to oil drilling instead. Ecuadors National Park is a largely untouched national wonder. The rain forests convert massive amounts. Chain chainsaws and bulldozers are set to move in soon. Environmental activists say the effect of Oil Exploration in this part of the world will be devastating. As of the 9000 square kilometers inside and is considered one of the most biologically diverse habitats in the world. Oil companies have already started drilling on the edge of the park. We cannot build an economy based on oil. The oil will run out. That is why we need to start aching about how we can preserve our last natural refuge right now, how we can preserve the National Park. Ecuador is one of the poorest countries in the world. The oil industry provides much needed work. Aware of the environmental effects, ecuadors government had offered to limit Oil Production if developed nations chipped in to cover for lost revenue, but quito has abandoned that conservation plan after it received only 1 of the target goal. The government says it will pay back those funds and open up the park for Oil Exploration. Social media, of course, played a huge role in the outbreak of the arab spring. Its hard to imagine that the protests that began in tunisia spread so far and so fast with help from sites like facebook and twitter. In egypt today, they are as relevant as ever spreading news from the streets of cairo right across the world. They used to call it journalism in the first draft of history, so what do you call a tweet . He is far away from the violence sweeping through his home city. He uses twitter to find out about the latest clashes. He created an internet archive site to document egypts transition to democracy. He says social media made egypt s arab spring possible. I guess the egyptian revolution since 2011 is the most documented and wellshot revolution ever. I guess that is something we succeeded in. A new exhibit and hamburg is explaining his work. It is called cairo new pictures of an ongoing revolution. Photos by professional journalists, political activists, and everyday egyptians are displayed sideby side. Individual perspectives create a living history. The exhibit gives the viewer a direct look at events as they are unraveling. It gives an unfiltered perspective. A new form of historical account. Together, the separate viewpoints posted on social media create a unified narrative. The museum hopes the exhibit will give visitors a clear picture of modern egyptian history. Well, just in time to recap our main story at this hour, the situation in egypt does appear to be calming somewhat this evening after what islamists are calling a day of rage. Security Officials Say at least 60 people were killed across the country. They were killed after protesters took to the street to denounce wednesdays military crackdown. Hundreds of people died. You are up to date. Thanks for watching. Always the latest on egypt on our website, dw. De. Captioned by the National Captioning Institute www. Ncicap. Org they say i might as well face the truth that i am just too long in the tooth so im an o. A. P. And weakkneed but i am not yet quite gone to seed i may be over the hill now that i have retired fading away but im not yet expired clapped out, rundown too old to save one foot in the grave water running

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