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Cullman and Louise Hirschfeld cullman. Judy and josh weston. Joyce b. Hale, in memory of miriam and ira d. Wallach. Cheryl and Philip Milstein family. Bernard and irene schwartz. Rosalind p. Walter. Corporate funding is provided by mutual of america. Designing customized, individual and Group Retirement products. Thats why we are your retirement company. Additional support is provided by and by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. From the tisch wnet studios in new york, hari sreenivasan. Good evening. Thanks for joining us. After a week of unsuccessful peace talks the Syrian Military bombed and killed at least eight people. This video is obtained by reuters which was captured on social media. The news agency said it could not confirm the awe then disty. Ban ki moon urged secretary of state john kerry and Sergei Lavrov to press for a political solution to the war in syria. The 3yearold conflict has claimed 130,000 people. At that same conference, kerry called on russia to let ukraine choose its own political path. They backed away from closer ties to the European Union under pressure from russia. Sparking huge and violent protests. The vast majority of ukrainians want to live freely in a safe and prosperous country and they are fighting for the rights to associate with partners who will help them realize their aspirations and they have decided that that means their futures do not have to lie with one country alone and certainly not coerced. Just one day before national elections, there was a flareup of violence today in bangkok, thailand. Journalists and others scrambled for cover after gunshots rang out. At least three people were reported wounded. At least 14 people are dead and many are missing after a volcano erupted today in western indonesia. Mt. Sinabung spewed hot rocks a mile into the air. Forcing the evacuation of tens of thousands yesterday. Villagers who had fled the area yesterday returned home thinking it was safe. In australia, demonstrations against a new program to shoot sharks. Thousands gathered across the country said it was inhumane. The sharks caught longer than ten feet will be kill and the plan went into effect following seven fatal shark attacks during the past three years in western australia. New york citys former mayor Michael Bloomberg has a new job. He was named as special envoy for the united nations, responsible for working with cities around the world to combat climate change. During his 12 years in office, bloomberg launched an ambitious plan to curb carbon emissions. The citys Green House Gas emission reportedly have dropped 19 since 2005. From montana tonight, word that the Catholic Diocese in helena has filed for bankruptcy. This after a 15 million settlement of a lawsuit alleging that priest were guilty of sexual abuse and that the Church Officials had covered it up. Helena is the 11th to file four bankruptcy since 2004. And theres potentially promising news for the blind. Adult stem cells taken from the donated eyes of dead people restored limited vision to completely blind rats. Researchers believe the cells could eventually help people with Macular Degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. Human trials are expected to begin in three years. Three theres a new and potentially Important Development in Chris Christie. For more on that, we are joined by michael aron, the chief Political Correspondent for wjnt news. So what happened yesterday and why is it so important . Late yesterday, David Wildstein, the former Port Authority official at the center of the lane closures through his attorney asked the Port Authority to pay for his legal defense. Something they had said they wont do. In the threepage letter asking the Port Authority to pay for his legal defense, the attorney writes, evidence exists as well tying mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures during the period when the lanes were closed contrary to what the governor stated publicly. Basically, accusing the governor of having lie and when people first heard this they thought the governor is going down. He lied. But i went back to the transcript of the Governors Press conference on this 3 1 2 weeks ago twohour press conference. And 26page transcript, on page 5, he says i knew nothing about this. Until it started to be reported and even then i was told it was a traffic study. It was in the papers and wildstein said he knew about it during the closures that could have been as late as thursday. Christie is saying i learn about it on friday. I dont know that theyre really that far apart in what theyre saying. While the tabloids in new york say gov, youre lying is that such a big lie . Okay. This defection, i mean, people will attribute different motivations for wildstein, saying hell get a more lenient sentence if he turns on the governor. Are there more in the inner circle . There are. Hes clearly looking for immunity. This is the fourth time he or his lawyer have signalled he would like to be immune from prosecution and he has more to say. Hes looking for help with his legal bills that are going to be considerable. At the same time, yesterday bill steppian, the former Campaign Manager through his attorney indicated he wont comply with the legislative subpoena either for documents or testimony. Hell take the fifth. And Bridget Kelly has changed lawyers has week. Going from a someone who seemed to be close to Chris Christie to a much more bulldog, aggressive democratic leaning white collar defense attorney, some say the best in the state, michael prichly. They might have a deal they would like to present to the u. S. Attorneys office. And wildstein has a long history with christie. They went to high school together. Chris christie and David Wildstein went to volunteer for tom kean, sr. , running for governor in 1977. The governor said at his press conference this notion that hes my childhood friend, my High School Friend is way overblown. I was class president and an athlete. I dont know what david was doing. But whats been lost in all of this is that for the last ten years, David Wildstein ran a website, political website and i cant imagine that Chris Christie didnt communicate as u. S. Attorney with David Wildstein quite a bit to get the message out about the various undertakings that he was behind. All those ten years he was building his name and his brand. So finally, there are multiple investigations underway, and one looking at sort of bridge gate. Another one looking at whether the governor used sandy funds in forms of retribution or as a reward for supporting him. Where are these investigations . Whats the pace of them . Theyre going to go slow it feels like. I guess another big revelation or some bombshell piece of testimony could speed things up. But the legislative subpoenas the first round to 18 people and two organizations the Governors Office and his Campaign Community are due on monday. I imagine it would take the staff and the leads of that committee at least a week or ten days to sift through that, decide what they want to release to the public. The u. S. Attorney we learned yesterday through indirect means is looking at both bridge gate as we call it and the sandy recovery. The use of sandy funds. They have impaneled the grand jury and that process could take months. Michael aron, thanks so much. Thanks, hari. And now to our signature segment. While the super bowl showdown is about 24 hours away, and there have been concerns all week about counterfeit tickets and possible cold weather, the tristate area has been preparing for Something Else. An increase in prostitution and sex trafficking. Just this week the nypd made several arrests for a high end Escort Service that aimed to deliver what they called party packs including drugs and prostitutes. While critics contend that there is no measurable spike in such activity around big sporting events, victims and those who work with them tell a different story. In this church in montclair, new jersey, only nine miles away from where the game will be played tomorrow, sister pat daly has a different concern about the super bowl protecting young women she believes are being exploited by sex traffickers. People dont realize the underside of the celebrations. We see spikes of advertising for sex trafficking and prostitution in and around large sporting events. One socalled super bowl week special we found online this past week offered customers a chance to get out of the freezing weather and get warm and cozy with me. Another from someone calling herself a new barbie in town and calling herself an nfl super bowl secret promised satisfaction is always guaranteed. Sister pat says traffickers take advantage of the increased demand for prostitution by bringing in girls and some boys from across the region. The effort to control trafficking at super bowls is actually nothing new. For the past three years, starting in dallas in 2011, nuns and other activists have mobilized to raise awareness of sex trafficking around the game. Especially of minors. Anyone who was involved, whos 18 years and younger, is going to be a victim of human trafficking. Certainly were not going after prostitutes. Thats not what were about. What we are trying to do is focus on who are the people who were really who are really being held captive . Who are who feel trapped . The fear and the coercion is what really holds someone back from doing what they want to do. Danielle douglas who was profiled in a recent documentary about sex trafficking called tricked claims she knows firsthand about the problem. When he was like beating me up, i was right here. At the age of 17 and about to start her freshman year of college in boston, she was befriended by an older man who dumped her on the street without belongings and demanded she prostitute herself. When she didnt, she said she was severely beaten. The way that he treated me got progressively worse. So he was very violent and he would beat me all the time. He would also verbally abuse me. He kept me on a very short chain and made sure that i was always right next to him. Unless i was with a john and thats like part of their manipulation tactic, to keep you very, very close and not let you have any time to yourself. I had sleep deprivation, food deprivation. By her account, she was held for two years and routinely forced to turn tricks at big sporting events. I was forced to go to certain areas when there were events like celtics playoffs, things like that. Big games or big concerts. Things like that as well. To be in the area of those events where it was known for people to go, after those event, bars, restaurants or hotels. Theres alcohol. Theres usually large groups. And, you know, its a form of entertainment. Theyre with their male friends. Theyre looking for Something Else to continue on after their main event. And this is what happens. People know that. The pimps know that. So they will direct the people under their control whether it be men or women or girls or boys to those areas. And thats why with the game fast approaching, sister pat and 400 volunteers who work with her from connecticut to philadelphia have been reaching out to hotels from small motels to big chains, asking their cooperation in blocking sex trafficking from their lodging. Theyre asking hotels to post missing childrens flyer. We are going around to all the hotels in the area and were asking them to at least keep this in their office so that they can look at images of the girls and see if they recognize anyone. Theyre also asking them to post the National Hotline in hotel rooms, and encouraging them to train staff to recognize the red flags of trafficking. Theyre certainly asking people to be watchful of underage children. And then anybody who might seem to be coerced. And its really a sense of so many some of the stories we have heard from people in on staffs of hotels. Say, yeah, we have this gut feeling. Well, now were trying to train the gut feeling so that the front desk knows what to do or the people in housekeeping they certainly know whats going only in the hotel rooms. The antisex Trafficking Campaign is part of a larger effort. Shes the executive director of the tristate coalition for responsible investment which promotes corporate responsibility. Thank you so very much. Their message about sex trafficking seems to be getting through. The American Hotel and lodging association which represents more than 50,000 hotels, motels, lodges and inns recently developed a trafficking training program. The Association Gave us a statement, saying all employees are expected to comply and are encouraged to alert the authorities if theres suspected trafficking in their hotel. While some dispute that sex trafficking actually spikes at sporting events like the super bowl, sister pat believes attention surrounding the game presents an opportunity to publicize the wider problem. And it is enough of a concern that authorities in new york and new jersey have focused attention on it. In the days leading up to tomorrows game, new York City Police reported a jump in prostitution arrests. Some following from fake sex ads posted by police. Authorities also cracked down on a sex ring that they say had been under surveillance for months. Authorities said they decided to act now in the hopes of disrupting any parties that might have been in the works for the upcoming super bowl weekend. While we will engage in operations that were going to apprehend persons for prostitution, every twist and turn of that process we are going to Just Campaign to see if theres a potential to that person being a victim of trafficking. The issue of sex trafficking came up at a recent security briefing for this game. In this area, trooper, local police officers, county police officers, have been trained to recognize this activity and of course of most importance is whether children are involved in the trafficking which is obviously a very grievous crime. So we are looking to interrupt this activity where and when it occurs. And were also not just looking to make necessarily arrests although the traffickers themselves, but were looking to rescue some people who are trapped in this lifestyle. Danielle believes the efforts of sister pat and others are starting to pay off. Because of heightened Awareness Among Law Enforcement officials and business leaders. But she fears the gains could easily be lost. The moment we decide to stop causing awareness, the pimps will go back to taking their people that are under their control to the events. A thought echoed by sister pat whos already looking ahead to next years game. Were looking at a time today where human beings are treated as commodities, and so were going to continue to be working together long after the super bowl leaves and moves on to arizona. As our report mentioned, there is an around the clock number to call to report sex trafficking. The National Human trafficking resource hotline can be reached at 18883737888. Operators can take calls in more than 100 languages. We asked the nfl about sex trafficking and the league issued a statement saying it works closely with federal, state and local Law Enforcement to ensure that the super bowl is a safe environment for the Host Community and the fans who enjoy the game and the celebration. Meet the filmmakers behind tricked a documentary about human trafficking. Visit our website. During his state of the Union Address earlier this beak, president obama unveiled a plan designed to help americans save for retirement. Something he called a myra. For more on this, we are joined by the correspondent for real clear politics. First of all, whats the problem that the Administration Says this is going to address . Well, the Administration Like many people, very worried that many workers in the United States dont have any option through their workplace to save for retirement. And in fact, are not putting money away for retirement and will find that Social Security isnt enough or that they should have been looking for private options like individual retirement accounts. So as part of his executive initiatives, the president with the Treasury Department finished a new pilot program, get it up and running, use a private financial official as the administrator, but give millions of workers who dont have options for their employment to save in little microaccounts. Very risk free. Theyll be low returns, but it will be very safe. And theyre describing this as a way to almost have a training or beginner savers account that would allow workers to get more used to putting money away for retirement and accrue enough they could roll it over into regular ira that were used to where we choose the funds we want the invest in. One of the points were hearing is that this something that employees would be something to opt out of, than in. No, the president is saying hed Like Congress to take up a separate legislative initiative that would be called the opt out. Its an automatic ira and congress is a little resistant that idea because theyre concerned it would require employers to sign up their workers. And theyd prefer a especially republicans it be a voluntary idea, continuing the way were doing it now in the retirement system. But the president is saying there are many studies out there that suggest that workers are much more likely to put aside money for retirement if theyre automatically signed up for an account through their workplace and then they have the choice to opt out. And there are many Academic Studies that show that we overcome our inertia about saving if someone actually starts to execute it for us. So without congressional support, the president is saying he wants to create this little starter saving account, the my r. A. And to encourage workers to think of payroll deductions automatically with their employers and they would accrue money in a very small way and get more used to saving. Briefly, how do they know how many people would sign up . Very good question. And they dont know. They have some in the administration some ballpark estimates, but they dont know behaviorally how many workers would be interested in this, how Many Employers will make this an option to do the payroll deduction. How well theyll be able to spread the word this is available. So theyre not estimating how many other than to say many millions they hope after the pilot program. All right. Thanks so much. Thanks. This is pbs newshour weekend saturday. And now to our viewers like you segment. Your thoughts about our program. Every day, hartman staff weighs and records the amount of food wasted when preparing meals. Our piece last week ear new entrepreneurial efforts about food waste was well received. We were tweeted, its encouraging to see more mainstream coverage of addressing the food waste challenge in the u. S. On the newshour website, Brent Crocker wrote, what a great piece on food waste in america. Im guilty and sickened by the food we throw away every day. Id love to see more programs to compost and recycle the food we put in our landfills every day. I believe that the food giants would make a huge difference if we could implement a Composting Program within them. But jim gordon wrote, composting is admitting defeat in most cases. Lets work to prevent waste to the point composting is the only salvage option. There are too many working poor out there. In japan, farmers put up a selfservice shack to offer cheap or free cosmetically challenged foods to the public. They also measure the waste from untouched leftover meal. A number of you told of local efforts to curb the food waste. The big stores here in Northern Indiana give the food thats nearing the sell by date to the food bank. Therefore i believe the food bank and pantries should implement a Compost Program so any food left over can be composted. There are many Unity Community gardens that could easily take on the task of composting for their local area. On facebook, Steve Williamson wrote, its just stupid what we toss. All of that could be going to making soil. And you know what soil is good for . Growing food without the need for tons of chemicals. Join us tomorrow on air and online. From hawaii, a get tough program thats keeping probationers out of prison. I thought of the way i was raised, the way my wife and i were trying to raise the sons and if theres misbehavior, you do something immediately. Thats it for this edition of pbs newshour weekend. Im hari sreenivasan. Thanks for watching. Pbs newshour weekend is made possible by lewis b. Cullman and Louise Hirschfeld cullman. Judy and josh weston. Joyce v. Hale. In memory of miriam and ira d. Wallach. The cheryl and Philip Milstein family. Bernard and irene schwartz. Rosalind p. Walter. Corporate funding is provided by, mutual of america, designing customized, individual and Group Retirement products. Thats why were your retirement company. Additional support is provided by and by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Tonight. Jeremy schaap he is the quintessential olympic hero. Margaret macmillan hitlers script was the triumph of the aryan race, the triumph of nazi germany. Louis zamperini after winning all of those gold medals, he expected the whole nation to love him, and here the greatest athlete in america is being treated shabbily. Jesse owens, on american experience. Captioning sponsored by liberty mutual, the alfred p. Sloan foundation, the corporation for public broadcasting and viewers like you. Nasa announcer liftoff the clock is running. Pilot they have mass casualties up here. Ringside announcer schmeling is down

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