Transcripts For KQED PBS NewsHour 20240622 :

Transcripts For KQED PBS NewsHour 20240622

opening the doors to cuba, americans flock to experience the long-closed island's exotic promises, but economic barriers still remain. >> the country is 90 miles south of florida, it's so close and it's interesting because nobody's been here. it's been a, let's ll it a forbidden fruit or an off-limits island. >> sreenivasan: those are some of the stories we're covering on tonight's pbs newshour. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: ♪ ♪ ♪ moving our economy for 160 years. bnsf, the engine that connects us. >> and the william and flora hewlett foundation, helping people build immeasurably better lives. >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> sreenivasan: the republican presidential ring has its biggest hat yet. jeb bush officially tossed his in today, joining 10 other declared candidates. in a miami speech, the former governor of florida promised to aid "the most vulnerable" in society. we'll have a full report, after the news summary. there were two, high-profile departures today, as well. the head of the n.a.a.c.p.'s local chapter in spokane, washington stepped down, amid a storm over her racial identity. rachel dolezal's parents say she's posed as black for years, when she's actually white. ian online statement today, she said it's best she resign because: "the movement is larger than a moment in time or a single person's story..." and in minnesota, the archbishop of st. paul and minneapolis, john nienstedt, resigned, along with an auxiliary bishop. they acted 10 days after the state filed criminal charges that the church had failed to protect children from sexual abuse by a priest. >> a change in leadership offers us an opportunity for greater healing and thebility to move forward. we will continue to do all that we can to create safe environments for all children. and to bring just resolution to the claims against the archdiocese. >> sreenivasan: the prosecutor who brought the criminal charges welcomed the resignations, but said the case will continue. the president of sudan, omar hassan al-bashir, managed to dodge arrest today on war crimes charges. supporters cheered bashir's arrival back in khartoum, the sudanese capital. he'd been at an african union summit in south africa when a court there ordered him not to leave. he left anyway, and a south african judge today sharply criticized authorities for letting him get away. >> the conduct of the respondent, to the extent that they have failed to take steps to arrest and/or detain the president of the republic of sudan omar hassan almat al bashi president bashir, is inconsistent with the constitution of the republic of south africa 1996 and invalid. >> sreenivasan: president bashir is wanted by the international criminaurt on charges of genocide in sudan's darfur region. the u.s. military worked today to confirm that a weekend air strike in libya killed the algerian militant mokhtar belmokhtar. he's linked to al-qaeda, and accused of leading a 2013 attack on an algerian gas plant. 35 hostages were killed there, including three americans. pentagon officials saynitial assessments indicate he was killed in the libai rd. in syria, kurdish fighters, backed by u.s. air strikes, seized most of a key town near raqqa, the islamic state's de facto capital. as they did, desperate refugees crowded a border crossing into turkey. alex thomson of independent television news filed this report. >> terrified, exhausted at least 10,000 have now forced their way into turkey all event lyul -- eventually allowed in the past two days. anything is better than the fighting back home. >> tanks and warplanes are bombing people in syria. these people had to leave their homes and come to tur can because you can't even find a local bread there people are getting killed including women and children. it's a big mess in there. >> ed past 48 hours a public relations disaster for turkey. anchora troops this side of the sealed frontier refusing to let in these desperate syrians. fighters also trying to disperse these tired and frightened people. being on and being seen to be on the same side as is fighters, even for a few hours, is an image no country wants to present to the world. here's what the people are fleeing so close you can see it from the turkish border, smoke and flames around the town. kurdish millish yas on the ground the u.s. by air both pushing back is fighters, late this afternoon it was reported-- reported that the kurds had taken the border crossing here. turkey thoughs increasingly concerned of spreading kurdish military successes in the against is. the more the kurds displace them, the more worried turkey gets about their own internal issue with kurds. for now though they just keep coming. more than 17,000 in the past night. the exhausted the terrified the innocent as ever the most powerless and the most battered by the violence. >> sreenivasan: the kurdish offensive aims to link kurdish- controlled areas in northern syria, and to cut a key supply line for islamic state forces. u.n.-brokered peace talks on yemen got off to a stumbling start today in geneva. officials of the government-in- exile showed up, but the shiite rebel delegation never got there. they blamed the u.n. for failing to secure their safe passage. u.n. secretary-general ban ki- moon did make it, and met with yemeni government officials. he called for a two-week truce to coincide with the start of the muslim holy month of ramadan. >>oday, yemen's very existence hangs in the balance. while parties bicker, yemen burns. the parties have a responsibility to end the fighting, and begin a real process of peace and reconciliation. >> sreenivasan: the world health organization estimates more than 2,600 people have died in the fighting in yemen since march. half were civilians. the document that inspired the u.s. constitution turned 800 years old today. magna carta is considered the founding document of english law and civil liberties, making the king subject to the law, rather than above it. today, queen elizabeth, british prime minister david cameron and other dignitaries gathered at runnymeade, outside london, where king john signed the charter on june 15, 1215. only four original copies of magna carta still exist. and on wall street today, the failure of the greek bailout talks weighed on stocks. the dow jones industrial average lost 107 points to slip back under 17,800. the nasdaq fell 21 points, and the s&p 500 was down nine. still to come on the newshour: from jeb's announcement to hillary's rally, breaking down this week in politics. greece hangs on the brink of emergency as talks fail. new possibilities, and economic challenges, as americans come to cuba. one school's struggle to beat the odds. and, from a child of privilege to infamous defector, the remarkable life of stalin's daughter. >> sreenivasan: jeb bush first entered the presidential conversation in the late '90s. but today, for the first time, he entered the presidential race itself, announcing his candidacy at an event in miami. our political director lisa desjardins reports. >> the next present of the united states of america jeb bush. >> in a packed miami sdid college with an executive resume and power name jeb bush began bluntly saying the country is on a very bad course. >> the question for me is what am i going to do about it. and i've decided i'm a candidate for president of the united states of america. >> reporter: a moderate to some republicans a conservative to others bush's largest target was the other party and national security. >> with their phone it in foreign policies the obama clinton kerry team is leaving a legacy of crises uncontained. violence unopposed enemies unnamed friends undefended an alliances unraveling. >> bush launches with mixed political blessings. the son and brother of presidents and a two-term high profile governor in his own right lesley sanchez is a strategist who worked for george w. bush. >> he's a proven reform governor. he has reached across the aisles build a broad coalition and dealt with a very diverse state. the disadvantages are there is a haloaffect around the bush name. there is a suspicion among base conservatives that he is if the going to be fiscally conservative enough. will follow in the steps of george w. bush and be a big government conservative. >> reporter: another conservative headwind for bush will be immigration. the former governor is calling for leg status though not citizenship for millions of undocumented residents. and calling out his party. >> the simple fact is there is no plan to deport 11 million people. we should give them a pass to legal status where they work where they don't receive government benefits where they don't break the law, where they learn english and where they make a contribution to our society. that's what we need to be focused on. >> reporter: on foreign policy bush took a more hawkish tact on a european tour last week. he has called for more u.s. trainers in iraq and for a greater military presence in eastern europe to counter putin's russian. >> this is not just a reason nal issue. it's a global issue that in partnership with europe the united states is resolute and is firm and is strg, that we can create a deterrent that will bring more civility not just to ukraine but also to the billion cans. >> reporter: the backdrop to all of this is a fight for the future of the republican party. with bush trying to redefine the gop and himself pore broadly. >> this is a chance to rebrand himself and sharpen himself as not necessarily the establishment republican but a new type of republican. it's going to be a difficult task but i think he has a tremendous track record to run on. >> it was a speech about records from a legacy candidate who went out of his way to play down that legacy. >> not one of us deserves the job by right of resume party seniority family or family narrative. it's nobody's turn. it's everybody's test. and it's wide open exactly as the contest for president should be. >> (cheers and applause) >> now officially candidate bush, his next stop is new hampshire tomorrow. lisa desjardins pbs newshour. >> sreenivasan: bush announced today. hillary clinton held her first major rally on saturday. no better time to talk about this week of campaign legacies and lift-offs than politics monday. joining me are our regular contributors-- amy walter of the "cook political report" and tamara keith of r. >> jeb bush launches with just jeb. >> exclamation point. >> exclamation point but we already knew he was running. what is the difference between when you say you're running versus all the weeks leading up to it when everybody suspected you were. >> that's right. there are a lot of limitations when awe nounce you are a candidate in terms of your ability to work with outside groups. remember he has a big super pac that has been raising a lot of money unregulated unrestricted money. now he has to raise restricted money for his own campaignment but here is what you can't do when you are a noncandidatement you can't really lay out the rational for why you want to be president because are you not really technically running for president. so the debate about jeb bush has been happening in a vacuum, all about how other people feel about jeb bush and not the case that he is micking for himself about why he should be president. that is what this kickoff was today. that's what these next couple days are going to be when he goes on the road to these early states. he has been hobbled by the fact that the other people in the field have been defining him. now here's his chance to do it for himself. >> srennivasan: and it's a crowded field, this is already what nine ten declared folks and there are probably already four or five in the wings right? >> absolutely. another governor at least probably, or two at least another two governors. yes, and he sort much eluded to that crowded field during his speech saying there are a lot of us running. that's great. we should have a lot of us running. and that our biographies our resumes our family legacies shouldn't-- doesn't mean that anyone deserves this. we all need to fight it out. so i guess he's acknowledging that he didn't blow away the field before he got in. >> right, and the family legacy question is an interesting one because clearly someone thought about the fact to leave bush off the pla card. >> there is also another clinton on -- >> there when you talk to the clinton campaign they refer to her as hillary. so they're making very both of these legacy candidates are making a concerted effort to say let's not focus on the last name piece let's focus on the first name. the good and bad news for jeb bush is his last name while it has opened a lot of doors for him t is obviously a big problem for him in terms of the fact that so many folks see that as a negative. so for the legacy purpose and theact that they don't really like george w. bush. but i just still think he's not as well defined as hillary clinton is people really don't know who jeb bush is. he was last on the scene in 2006 as a governor that in political terms is like light-years ago. hill re clinton's challenge is everybody thinks they know who she is bus they have sen her and she has been in the public eye for 25 years. can she change that perception. >> and bush is still just w's little brother to everybody. and in his speech he did say, i met my first president the day i was born and i met my second president the day i came home from the hospital that was his way of sort of eluding to his family legacy. but that is what people know about him. >> right, rit. >> so you have been covering hillary since she announced and even before then even in the past couple of days obviously there was a lot of attention, we paid attention to it when she launched or at least that rally. what has she been up to. today the news seems to be more on trade at least on the hill. >> right that was the news yesterday too was about trade. on saturday she did her big launch address and she didn't mention trade. and she took some heat for that. that is the hottest debate in democratic pot particulars right now and she didn't touch it then yesterday in iowa and i was there, she went about 20 minutes into her speech and then she sort of paused turned and said now i'm going to talk about trade. and she isn't taking a position on it really. yesterday she did her first sit-down interviews of this campaign and then today she held her first formal press conference with a podium. >> let's take a listen a piece of sound from there. >> the issue for me is what is in the deal. and i think there's an opportunity for the president and his team to reach out and meet with the people who have sat on the floor like nancy pelosi did that we need a better deal not i'm against it no matter what is in it or as many did i'm for it no matter what's in it. i think this is a chan to use this leverage so that the deal does become one that more americans and more members of congress can vote for. i will wait and see what the deal is and then i will tell you what i think about it. >> was there an answer there? >> no, no i couldn't find one. >> and l me try to unpack this year. there is the trade deal the transpacific partnership that the president is negotiating. and then there is tpa fast-track trade authority that the president wants. he was delivered a defeat on that last week by congress. so reporters have been trying to get her to say well wa, do you think of ttp and she says we have to see what is in the deal. then you say what do you think of the fast-track trade authority, would you vote for that would you support that. and she says well the president should use that defeat to negotiate a better deal on trade but she doesn't say whether she would support it or not. she is just-- she's just trying desperately not to have to actually take a yes or no position on this thing. >> and there are also points of the relationship that she has to figure out with the president. >> with the president and with congress, of course. and look she needs a strong president going into 2016 to have a president who has had success who has a high approval rating who is doing well and seen as strong overseas. this does not help. now i'm not going to argue that losing our trade vote is the end of theama presidency and his numbers are going to collapse am but e both needs to be careful not to anger her base which coming out and supporting the president would be angering the base. while also making sure that the president doesn't look weak. that is a very difficult position for her to be in. she doesn't want to be in this position. you can see from the answers that she was giving just wanting this to be over. >> i mean the trade policy right now is one of the kind of trifecta of the obama legacy he wants to leave behind. it's this the iran-nuclear deal, it's cuba. when it comes to his entire -- entire foreign policy f he can't get through this doesn't that make him the type of president she doesn't need going into this election? >> it certainly would make him officially truly a lame duck. and he on the press i business, i mean he is like about to become a lame duck. if this goes wrong you know the iran negotiations it's unclear how that is turning out. this is a time for him. >> absolutely, june -- big deal because you have iran deadline. we also are going to hear from the supreme court about health care which is his other legacy. the supreme court rules against a piece of the obama care and the subsidies. that's another blow to him. and then of course as tamara pointed out some of the other issues coming up for him. the one thing i will say for about about trade democrats have never loved the issue of trade, all right. so the idea that he was going to be able to get this over the finish line was always something of a long shot. if you look at the history of democrats in the last 15 years you have only gotten about 15% of democrats to sign on in the house at least, to sign on to trade bills. and so this is something where he is really pushing a rock uphill. for hillary clinton it's coming out against something that not only does your base dislike but it dislikes vehemently. >> it seems like congress might even be trying to table this off for longer. >> they could take it up this week. they could not. they aren't saying. i guess we'll find ot soon enough. >> npr tamara keith and amy walter, thank you for joining us. so find out where jeb bush and the other announced candidates stand on key issues from climate change to iraq german mark to our web site and our what the candidates believe page at >> sreenivasan: greek prime minister alexis tsipras held an emergency meeting today with his bailout negotiators, after a weekend breakdown in talks with creditors brought the country closer to bankruptcy. tsipras and his syriza party's rong anti-austerity platform were championed by the european left after winning snap elections in january. today however, many in greece are bracing for more turmoil as they nder whether the new government can avoid a default at the end of the month. newshour special correspondent malcolm brabant reports from athens. >> one of the largest demonstrations seen in years sent a clear message to the greek government the imf and the european union we can't take any more. this dash for a free meal in central athens epitomizes greek pain and illustrates why the left wing government of the syriza party is discrediting -- is he-to-demands to cut pensions further. the soup kitchen organized by greek american from an evangelical church was originally intended to help migrants from the developing world. but now many of its customers are greeks who have plunged beneath the poverty line in a country whose safety net has water away and perished. >> many don't know where they will get their next meal, if they will be evicted so there's fear in their lives. and now with 30 40% slash in those pensions many of the people cannot make it through the whole month so what we've soon an increase is elderly people who by the 15th 18th, -- of the month have run out of money and they actually need this food. >> this 73-year-old is one of the most impoverished client of the second evangelical church. >> there isn't a crisis there's still a lot of money about. an there are people without take this money and leave others without. the crisis is for the poor. >> it's no exaggeration to say that this free clin sick the difference between life-and-death for the children of perama a district ravaged by unemployment. the charity helps the poorest. but with limited resources and facilities continuation can only provide minimal care. >> in some cases we have to face the diffic situations because we can't take care of them here. they need to go to hospital. and that's a big problem for the families because they can't afford even the bus ticket to go to public hospital. >> free medicine is essential for nikkos who fell behind with his social security contributions and has no state pension as a result. >> things were going badly. i had a timber yard with 30 employees. the factory closed. i went to prison because of debt and i owe money to the social security fund. >> he may be imaccurately dressed andmbued with greek entrepreneurial spirit but george is no longer a success. this is what used to be his shop in a prime location is intensely painful. >> it's a life disaster things you cannot build again, you know. looking at your fortune getting lost. >> before the crisis he had 13 shops employing 49 people with an annual turnover of $5.5 million dollars. the lack of cash circulating has forced him down to one store on a side street. he could still go to jail and lose his home over tax debts. >> if the business collapses there is no day after. it is finished. in greece we don't have a nice second chance. the private sector is almost dying. we cannot find sources liquidity. we cannot find products. so we have to do something. and we need time. and we need time to breathe. >> reporter: but time is running out. greece has been teetering on the brink of total disaster for the past five years and it's rapidly approaching the most important deadline of all. if it can't pay 1.8 billion to the international monetary fund by the end of the month the country will be declared officially bankrupt. >> ianist controls the national purse that is virtually empty. the greek finance minister it infuriateed international creditors by refusing to succomb to their demands. >> for five years now the international community and the greek people in particular have had enough of the greek crisis. they've been extensions of the problem. we've been extending d pretending, extending the problem and pretending we solve this. and it's about time that we had one agreement which is comprehensive, which compromises three aspects. firstly reforms secondly debt management program or debt restructure program and thirdly an investment package so that the greek crisis goes away. >> there are some in greece however, who think the new government is overplaying its hand. the previous conservative administration was much more conciliatory with the country's creditors. in 2014 athens posted modest positive gdp numbers. the former prime minister is damn being the series of governments negotiate dk -- the syriza government negotiating. >> the government promised it a better deal to the greek people while staying within the euro but it looks like they're bring a worse deal with another new bailout or even bankruptcy it promised it would receive financial aid without a bailout and ended up extending the bailout without getting any money. >> meanwhile the criticism on the left towards the syriza government has been public and confrontational. communists, trade unionists occupy the finance ministry a few days ago. they unif you recalled a banner that said we bled enough, we paid enough. another building occupation by former state employees there was anger that the new government has refused to rehire them and is sticking with international demands. >> i had some hopes and i vote to be honest with you i vote that party because irbelieved in that party. and that party gave us a threat or something and that was our problem. >> we lost our faith. >> from one of athens main shopping streets this shuttered mall is a cathedral to austerity. >> so will greece have to return to the trackrks the world's oldest currency? a german economist spent two years with the european union task force helping to recapitalize greek banks in the early days of the crisis. >> i don't entertain the option that greece will leave the euro there are voices and they're gaining in strength that advocate such an option. but it would be catastrophic for the banking sector for the private households and businesses who are indebted in many ways this is a nonstarter. >> after five years of the greece economy enduring -- billeting and never ending-- the traders at athen fish market are desperate for relief. >> the people are very afraid about their money. so they're very tight. they're afraid to buy also food, if they don't pay us we cannot pay other people. it affects the supplies. no money left for living. we're just working-- we're just transporting the money. >>eporter: prot testers demands for resistance to the international creditors seem to outweigh recognition that unless greece agrees to additional measures it will not be able to access more than $8 billion from the bailout program. to keep the country afloat and limit the continued flight of its youngest an finest. >> i fear how i will find job. how difficult that would be. if there is a future here in greece, because i want to stay. i mean greece is my hometown may home country. i love it here. i want to stay. but. >> as greece marches towards the abyss the wise heads o the ancients are needed more than ever for the pbs newshour this is malcolm brabant in athens >> sreenivasan: more than five decades after the u.s. and cuba severed ties, cuba is poised for some big changes ts relations with the united states, and the way business is done there. in just a matter of weeks, the obama administration is expected to announce that both countries will open embassies in other's capital. last month, the u.s. removed cuba from its terrorism list. at the same time, the cuban government is allowing more private enterprise. it's a moment when cuba is preparing for a very different relationship with its american neighbors. jeffrey brown has the story, the first in a special weeklong series about "the cuban evolution," focusing on significant shifts in its politics, business, arts and culture. >> brown: a second-floor bed and breakfast on a caribbean island, home to tatiana zuni'ga and her extended family. so here you can sit at breakfast? >> ci, ci enjoy your breakfast. >> brown: but, this is the island of cuba. and tatiana's rooms are now available through airbnb, the san francisco-based online service, a bit of fledgling capitalism in the home of the hemisphere's socialist revolution. >> ( translated ): airbnb has already been established in this business, and they are preceded by great credentials, so we're getting into something that is already structured, and that will help greatly. >> brown: help tatiana. and help visitors. for, yes, the americans are coming. strolling through a colonial square, riding in open air tour buses, taking selfies with che guevara in revolution square. in fact, we saw more american flags, en if people were wearing them, than portraits of fidel. and many cubans we met are saying: come on down. >> ( translated ): we always love united states people and this is god's doing, that he is making possible this union. i'm saying to obama and to our president, to make this possible. brown: and why not? music everywhere, world famous cigars, sparkling beaches, the romance of a time gone by. so old cars and all, is cuba open for american business and tourism? well, no. tentatively at best. ut does it seem to be opening? yes, and we found signs everywhere. this group of american foodies came on a culinary tour of havana. we joined them on a visit to an organic farm, and later at a restaurant. traveling here is still complicated. tourism is banned under the u.s. embargo. so visitors must qualify in one of 12 categories of licensed travel, including so-called educational people-to-people trips. >suddenly, everyboby has cuba on their radar. virtually all americans have never been to cuba, the country is 90 miles south of florida it's so close and it's interesting because nobody's been here. it's been a, let's call it a forbidden fruit or an off-limits island. >> brown: eric norber's company, "cultural contrast," has been leading these tours for 25 years, and jumped from two to three a year to a booming 20 trips booked in the next 12 months. in a country where the government still runs pretty much everything, new laws allow more private ownership. and that was enough to lure alejandro marcel to return from venezuela to renovate his mother's house into a fancy new restaurant. this is a restaurant that could be in anyplace. you know? you're laughing. it's funny that it's here in vana. >> i know. i been many place. i saw restaurants all over the world. >> brown: but he also added this. >> ( transted ): it is hard very hard to find the right products, the right ingredients to run a restaurant to certain standards it is definitely hard. >> brown: "it's hard": and we saw that, too: alace of need and want. those cars? symbols of a country, living under an embargo, outside the modern global economy. cuba hasn't fully recovered from the crisis brought on after the collapse of the soviet union, whose subsidies kept the country financially afloat. some cubans are forced to beg. others use their ration cards to buy a bit of chicken at a government shop. disparities are growing, based on who has access to dollars from outside cuba, mainly from families in the u.s. for example. everyone spoke to us of economic hardship, and the desire to have better relations with the u.s. to help overcome it. yaniuys villafana owns a small pizza shop. >> ( translated ): all the cubans right now that are in need of work, and a better income right now, as of myself i'm pregnant, and i'm working here in this business, and i have to make a better life for my child. >> brown: remember tatiana, taking airbnb bookings? look at her t-shirt: "no es facil"-- "it's not easy." and it's not. like most cubans, she has no internet service and must go to an international hotel or government office and pay a lot for lousy service. >> ( translated ): getting online is painfully slow. it takes forever to open and update the guest calendar. sometimes i get the feeling i'm getting older just waiting for the page to load. >> brown: for tourists, there aren't enough international hotels, no u.s. banks and no american credit card services. >> the challenge here is really one of infrastructure. they don't have the capacity to suddenly have such a high volume of tourists. hotel space isn't available, transportation, infrastructure in every regard. >> brown: we heard other, very different reasons for caution from several cubans, including 87-year-old carmen blanco boyce who worked for an american company here but supported the revolution. she well remembers what she calls the bad old days of americans in cuba. >> we were nothing, you know. we were nothing, we were nobody and they could do with cuba whatever they want. >> brown: today, she worries about a new onslaught of american capital and influence. >> i want to be a friend of the united states, because i love your country. but i'm very, very scared that ings won't come out as i want. >> brown: but you're scared of what... >> that things won't come out as i think they should. >> brown: and there are also those, like 26-year-old manuel mons, part of a dissident group called "somos mas"-- "we are more"-- o want americans to see the cuba they see: for all the tentative openings, still a one-party, repressive state. >> ( translated ): the cuban people are not free. in cuba, thinking independently is prohibited. it's written in the constitution. thinking independently from the government is illegal. >> brown: the contradictions of a still-evolving situation: come to cuba, if you can, and watch the changes unfold. from havana, i'm jeffrey brown for the pbs newshour. >> sreenivasan: tomorrow, jeff reports on efforts to bring modern development, design and critical infrastructure to the city of havana while still maintaining its historic aesthetic and character. decades of deferred maintenance. you see infrastructure that's falling part crack buildings dirt core rose but to me that is not nearly as potentially destructive as what can happen if developers come in here and they don't protect the city. and tlses's more on-line. we sat down with cuban poet omar perez who is also the sn of revolutionary ernesto che guivaro he read one of the works on you which you can see on our home page. >> sreenivasan: as many students finish school this month, a new documentary tells the story of one school's struggle to break thcycle of poverty for its students. amy scott, from american public media's radio program "marketplace" brings us a two- part look at the oyler school in cincinnati. tonight's focus, principal craig hockenberry. >> a little girl coming in, third grader, covered in dirt with one flip-flop. the other one busted on the way in. this was january. i could call her mom and say where's her shoes. be mad and call 241-kids and say this is neglect, or i could just find a way to get this girl a shoe. i want to do something that's much, much different than probably a lot of principals. i want the boards to come down off the houses. want less crime, and people from outside our community coming in and selling drugs. i want to start working on the neighborhood, the streets. good morning, we're all a little lost here aren't we? >> reporter: it's the first day at oyler school after a two- year, 21-million dollar renovion. >> k to six, line up right here. high school on the far door, seventh and eighth grade over here. >> reporter: the school maye new, but the challenges remain the same. as principal, craig hockenberry has overseen five consecutive years of growth on state test scores, but oyler remains in the bottom five percent of all ohio schools. the state is demanding stronger growth, and has given hockenberry until the end of the school year to prove he can lead the turnaround. >> and then the teachers will be right up top there. >> reporter: oyler is in lower price hill, a neighborhood traditionally known for its urban appachian culture. >> when the coal mines and the jobs left in kentucky, west virginia, a lot of the families migrated to the urban centers to get jobs. there was hundreds of jobs and factories around here. a lot of those are gone now. it's kind of become an economic desert. i could walk you outside the door, not even 15 steps away, and i could probably get just about any drug that i want. i could walk you another 15 feet down and there are our parents that are prostituting and are hooked on heroin and crack cocaine. john, you're trying to hide from me. yes you are. come here. you are hiding from me, and i know exactly why. >> no, i'm not hiding from you. >> you look like a zombie. >> in order to revitalize the school, you have to go hand and hand with revitalizing the neighborhood. we have our own school-based health center, our own vision center. >> reporter: oyler is part of a growing national movement to make the neighborhood school a hub for its community-- combining academic, health, and social services under one roof. >> if someone from the community needs something, the only thing they have to do is come to the school building. mountain dew in the morning, sir? i don't think so. >> reporter: hockenberry is all in. knowing that getting the kids to school is key to learning and performing well on the tests. >> ms. burns. who you waiting on? you all right? something's going on here we don't know about. we've got kids who haven't shown up in 100 days, 50 days, 60 days. they're not going to show upon testing day, so they're going to have an impact on some of our scores. gentlemen, i know where you go to school, and i know where you live. alex chatman just took off running from me through an alley. could you contact his father and let him know he's skipping? alrighty, mr. mitchell. guys, come on. i know every corner, every inch of this place. do you guys understand that? and i'm going to catch you, every single time you do it. i'm basically on call 24 hours a day. any given moment, i could be working till midnight and up by 5:00. >> when i first saw him, i knew there was something different about him. i told him from the very beginning, you are destined to change lives. sometimes i have to literally tell him to turn, take his face out of his crackberry, and give me some face time. >> one of our parents of three children was shot and killed last night. she was having some problems with drugs. unfortunately this is something 're good at responding about. i'd rather we were good at responding to football games and basketball games. there was a little note in there. she wrote, i love you, mom, i'll miss you, mom. here's a book to read in heaven. i'm going to drag them three kids across the finish line, no matter what happens. hey, eric. how you feeling, man? i'm really sorry about what happened, man. i'm really sorry. i needed you at school today. you going to be there for me tomorrow? >> i'll try. >> the people, fictional creature and animal that are part of the story. >> yep, that's it. >> there's a level of concern right now about how our scores will be. we haven't thrown in the towel yet, by any means, but we're definitely right now fighting an uphill battle. >> there is a lot of pressure on teachers for test scores. we spend a lot of time preparing our children. some of our children are very far behind. >> sometimes it feels unfair to be measured in the same way as other schools in the state. their perfmance on those tests are going to determine whether or not the state believes that we have improved enough to keep our principal. >> reporter: as the state continues to assess principal hockenberry's performance, another crisis hits. the cincinnati school district is facing a $46 million budget gap. >> dear mr. hockenberry, thanks for your service. in ordinance with the ohio revised code, this is to inform you that youradministrative contract expires, and your services will no longer be needed. you know it happened once before in my career and we found out the very next day we all got brought back. but regardless, whatever happens, one dead monkey don't stop the circus down here at oyler, and it's a good school. 'sup, nate. >> hello there. how you doing? >> good. graduation tonight. big pty. big party on state street. she forgot to come to school this morning. oh. who suspended you. me? looks like they brought me back. so we're moving in the right direction. >> reporter: the school district renews hockenberry's contract, but oyler still awaits a decision from the state. >> yeah, yeah. i want to leave with class. there's a lot of people i'd like to say my mind to, but it won't help anything, you know. >> reporter: in late june, the news comes. the state orders cincinnati public schools to replace hockenberry, based on oyler's test scores and graduation rate. >> yeah. i resigned last night after 15 years at oyler. fore the district can appeal, hockenberry has accepted another job. >> reporter: he'll be superintendent of schools in rural manchester, ohio. >> sreenivasan: principal hockenberry is now a superintendent of schools in southern ohio just outside cincinnati. tomorrow we get the student's view. for more on the school and the film check out online. >> sreenivasan: now, the latest addition to the newshour bookshelf. she was born into a life of privilege amidst terror. her father was distant, and one by one those closest to her vanished until she herself defected leaving part of her family behind in the soviet union. her story is told in the new biography "stalin's daughter: the extraordinary times and tumultuous life of svetlana alliluyeva," by rosemary sullivan. recently judy woodruff talked with her, ansvetlana's american daughter chris evans. >> rosemary sullivan, chris evans, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> pleasure to be here >> rosemary sullivan, there is a lot of new material in here. you were able to get access to politburo notes cia files what do you think you ultimately were able to add to her story? >> i don't think anybody has been able to speak to the number of people i spoke to. i was able to interview 40 different people in russia in georgia in london in the united states. i was able to get the fbi files,ed cia files some documents when i went to russia in the state archives. so it was precisely the right moment to write the book because all that material could be brought together in a way that i done think has been known before. and svetlana's story is so different from her father's story, you think you know stalin and then you find his daughter, this woman of principles of intelligence of humanitarian impulses. >> woodruff: different from the prisoner of this terrible set of circumstances that was taking place when she was growing up. >> you lose your mother at six and a half. at eleven your uncle and aunt your favorite uncle and aunt are set off to the gulag and executed. at 16 you fall in love as only a 16-year-old can, a man and your father sends him to the gulag these stories continued. one disaser after another and yet she survived. she found the universal resources to survive. that was very impressive. >> woodruff: chris, you were the child of your mother's marriage to a man in the united states this is after she had grown-up in what was then the soviet union defected to the u.s. why do you think she was able to make something of her life after the just unspeakable things she saw and knew as a child? >> you just keep going keep going, driving stand ma and falling apart occasionally and picking yourself back up and dusting yourself off and moving forward. adaptability. adapting to change. and she was an incredible nomad, rather than run away from things she was able to run to things to try to start over fresh. >> woodruff: rosemary sullivan, how do you explain the nomad part of her life? >> she got to the point of having no investment in things. she believed in the buddhist principles of being tied down by things so let's a been done them. an each time she thought she could find actually i think almost a spirituality a still peaceful place. and she kept leaving them and kept looking for it. in the morally ambiguous universe shes with born into stalin's world she did have her mary poppins nanny. she had the most wonderful nanny whom she loved. when her nanny died she said the person who loved me unconditionally is now done from my life. and that nanny's love intensity created a kind of moral center i think for her. that changed her and made it possible to be the person she was. >> chris evans, how much was your mher's past a part of your relationship with her? and what kind of relationship did you have with her. >> it wasn't a part of my past at all until i was a young teenager. because she kept me very very sheltered from it. she always called me american as apple pie. she wanted me-- she always wanted to protect me from the hardships that she had had to go through. we had a very special relationship once i had become probably a young teenager. sometimes i was doing the parenting, sometimes she wasment we were a little bit more of an equal partnership sort of a superduo. >> woodruff: that really comeshrough in the book. you had to have been struck by that rosemary. >> yes absolutely i remember sitting in when i advised-- visited chris in portland sitting in my hold el room in the descending dark and saying to me, there were moments when my mother could fall into the night terrors of a child. and you wouldn't know what precipitated it. and those who stayed with her, those who loved her saw the volcano and accepted the volume canny owe and i thought yes thatis the dynamic between mother an child. sometimes you took care of her and she was constantly protecting you right up to the end. >> uh-huh. >> woodruff: rosemary, what else would you have liked to know about her and how what happened to her shaped her but then how she survived. >> i would have actually liked people to have been more generous. the idea that she was stalin's daughter preceded her. an thre was always this projection. so it was never possible for her to be really freely herself. she would carry that projection. and if she was angry, they would say just like her father. if she was anxious superstitious about something, for instance thinking that perhaps the agb was still interested in r paranoid just like her father. north americans they don't understand what the defection of stalin's daughter from the soviet union meant it would be like president obama's daughter going to china and saying i'm fed up with this you know with united states. so she carried a weight for the soviet government in her defection that was not to be forgiven. >> woodruff: finally, chris what part of your mother do you think is most in you? >> she had incredible faith. and i did not really develop that sense of faith until after she passed away. and the sense of her being with me. i have a sense of accomplishment that i didn't have before that i know that she left with me. shwas always proud of me when i hadn't even really accomplished anything. the unconditional love which i haven't felt from anybody else ever because she was my mother. and that warment of friendship which i probably will look for for the rest of my life in other people. but i know that it's possible. >> well, so much comes through t is a remarkable book. stalin's daughter the extraordinary and tumultuous life of svetlana alliluyeva. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> sreenivasan: on the newshour online, is it appropriate for a child to wear a bikini? parenting blogger wendy thomas russell struggled with an answer to this after heown nine-year- old daughter fell in love with a two piece. read her essay, and weigh in on the topic, on our homepage. all that and more is on our web site, tonight on charlie rose general electric c.e.o. jeff immelt on the need for global trade. on tuesday, we'll look at new solutions to tackle the big problem of wasted food, perfectly good food that never makes it to your table simply because it just doesn't look perfect. it's a collaboration with our colleagues at npr, who will have a related story on "morning edition" tomorrow. i'm hari sreenivasan. we'll see you online, and again here tomorrow evening. for all of us here at t pbs newshour, thank you and good night. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> and by the alfred p. sloan foundation. upporting science, technology, and improved economic performance and financial literacy in the 21st century. >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions and... >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> this is "bbc world news america." >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newman's own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good kovler foundation, and mufg. >> they say the oldest trees bear the sweetest fruit. at mufg, we have believed in nurturing banking relationships

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