Transcripts For KQED PBS NewsHour 20170121

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On tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. Xq institute. Lincoln financial committed to helping you take charge of your financial future. The ford foundation. Working with visionaries on the frontlines of social change worldwide. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and friends of the newshour. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Woodruff its official. Donald j. Trump is the 45th president of the United States. And hes wasting no time. This evening, he signed an executive order telling federal agencies to, as the white house words it, ease the Regulatory Burden of obamacare. The signing took place in the oval office, after the conclusion of the inaugural parade. The white house also announced that chief of staff Reince Priebus is telling federal agencies to freeze all new regulations. Meanwhile, retired generals james mattis and john kelly were sworn in as the secretaries of defense and homeland security. The next order of business a series of three inaugural balls under way tonight in washington. The new president and wife melania will attend all three. All of this, just hours after mr. Trump assumed his first public office. Here is how this Inauguration Day unfolded. For donald and melania trump, the first public appearance of this inaugural day came at a Morning Church service at st. Johns episcopal in washington. The president elect had already begun his day around 4 30 a. M. With a trademark tweet. It proclaimed the movement continues, the work begins meanwhile, at the white house, the outgoing president left the traditional note for his successor on his oval office desk. Good morning, everybody woodruff and, he took a final nostalgic stroll next to the rose garden. Mr. President elect, how are you . Woodruff the obamas then welcomed the trumps for a reception of coffee and tea, before motorcading to the u. S. Capitol. Thousands had already gathered there despite a light rain, and tight security, having faced protests at several security checkpoints, as police in riot gear battled demonstrators elsewhere in the city. Overall, the crowd on the National Mall appeared well short of the one that celebrated mr. Obamas first inauguration. More than 60 Congressional Democrats boycotted the ceremony. But other dignitaries filled the west front of the capitol, including former president s jimmy carter, george w. Bush, and bill clinton, with his wife, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, who lost the november election to mr. Trump. Hail to the chief played a final time for president obama. Ladies and gentleman, the president elect of the United States, donald john trump. Woodruff and then the president elect himself was announced, to cheers. Still, the political divisions laid bare in the election were on display. Scattered jeering greeted Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer when he addressed the crowd. We face threats foreign and domestic. In such times, faith in our government, our institutions and even our country can erode. Despite these challenges, i stand here today confident in this great country for one reason. You, the american people. Woodruff the crowd cheered again when Supreme Court Justice Clarence thomas administered the oath of office to Vice President pence. Would you raise your right hand and repeat after me. Woodruff the mormon tabernacle choir performed america the beautiful. I, donald trump, do solemnly swear. Woodruff and, the nations 45th president took the oath of office, administered by chief justice john roberts. cheers and applause the new president was greeted by trumpets and cannon salutes, and by scattered shouts of not my president. Then, as the rain resumed, donald trump delivered his first address as president a message of economic populism that portrayed a nation struggling. For too many of our citizens, a different reality exists mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rustedout factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an Education System flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge; and the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential. This american carnage stops right here and stops right now. Woodruff instead, the president declared a new vision will now guide the government in his words, only america first. I will fight for you with every breath in my body and i will never ever let you down. cheers america will start winning again. Winning like never before. We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth. And we will bring back our dreams. cheers woodruff and, he made clear he will hold official washington to account for past failures, and future progress. We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action, constantly complaining but never doing anything about it. The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action. So to all americans in every city, near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words you will never be ignored again. cheers your voice, your hopes, and your dreams will define our american destiny. Together we will make america strong again. We will make america wealthy again. We will make america proud again. We will make america safe again, and yes, together we will make America Great again. America great again. Thank you, god bless you and god bless america. cheers woodruff the ceremony concluded with the national anthem, sung by 16yearold jackie evancho. Oer the land of the free and the home of the brave woodruff and with the peaceful transition of power complete, the new Administration Bid farewell to the past. William brangham picks it up from there. Brangham the first task for the newly sworn president and Vice President seeing their predecessors off. After a final hug, former Vice President biden and his wife jill hopped into a waiting motorcade, and took an amtrak train home to wilmington, delaware. Hey, guys brangham the obamas boarded a military helicopter for the short trip to joint base andrews in maryland. There, mr. Obama addressed hundreds of staffers from his white house years. This has been the privilege of my life, and i know i speak for michelle as well. And we look forward to continuing this journey with all of you, and i cant wait to see what you do next. And i promise you ill be right there with you. All right . applause brangham and with that, the former first couple flew to palm springs, california, for a vacation. Back in washington, a new, more violent protest broke out, with dozens arrested. But at the capitol, the business of the day went ahead without interruption. In his First Official acts, President Trump signed a proclamation calling for a national day of patriotism on september 11. He also formally submitted his cabinet nominations to the senate, and signed a waiver that clears the way for his defense secretary pick, retired general james mattis. From there, the trumps entered statuary hall for the traditional postinaugural luncheon, and a president ial gesture to his defeated opponent. I was very honored, very, very honored, when i heard that president bill clinton and secretary Hillary Clinton was coming today. And i think its appropriate to say it and id like you to stand up. Id like you to stand up. applause brangham then it was back outside, for a ceremonial review of the troops; and the trip down pennsylvania avenue, from the capitol to the white house. Protests continued, but the parade proceeded without interruption. Along the way, the president got out to greet supporters. As the afternoon turned into evening, the first family watched the parade from the white house viewing box. For the pbs newshour, im william brangham. Woodruff so, our john yang was on the platform on the west side of the capitol for the ceremony today. John, you had a view most of us didnt. Thats right, judy. We were right there next to it. It was a fascinating day. It was full of tradition. It seemed like any other inaugural, but at the same time it was different. The heckling during the administering of the oath that you talked about, and you had the living former president s, all except george h. W. Bush, who is hospitalized in houston, all there, i think especially because of the contentious nature of this election, there to see the transfer of power, but, at the same time, they didnt seem very enthusiastic about the speech. George w. Bush hardly applauded at all during the speech, looked rather stonyfaced, and when a reporter asked him afterward what he thought of the speech, his reply was, good to see you again. Judy . Woodruff so, john, we reported that the new president has already signed some executive orders, a lot is routine, but some significant. What are you learning about what he plans to do in the first few days hes in office . There is going to be a lot of activity. Youre going to see a lot of executive orders signed in the first week, starting monday, were told by sean spicer, the new White House Press secretary. Those will be more substantive, dealing with policy. Were told that immigration will certainly be at the top of the list, trade issues, sort of the issues that he ran on, that were the signatures of his campaign. A lot of them will be undoing what president obama did over the past eight years with executive actions because he faced obstacles in congress. A lot of it will be furthering their own agenda. But they say theyve got an action plan, not just for the first 100 days, but for the first 200 days. Woodruff sounds like enough to keep you and the rest of the press following this new president , really busy. John yang, thank you. So, what to make of this, day one of the Trump Presidency . Here with me now are newshour regulars syndicated columnist mark shields and New York Times columnist david brooks; and from our politics monday team, amy walter of the cook political report. Also joining us, barry bennett. He was Campaign Manager for ben carson in the republican primaries. He then served as an advisor to the trump campaign; from George Washington university, historian lara brown; Karine Jeanpierre, she was a Senior Advisor to moveon. Org during the 2016 elections; and matt schlapp, the chair of the american conservative union, he joins us from downtown washington. You can see the capitol behind you, matt. So what is the main takeway from this day . I feel underdressed. Youve got that bluecollar republican look. The new populous moment laughter the story of the day was the really unabashed populism and nationalism of the trump speech. And so im left with two Big Questions how big is this nationalist moment . Its been spread around the world. Teresa may just gave a, how theyre going to withdraw from brexit in the u. K. Putin is riding high. Japan looking good. Its an international movement. A lot of us dismiss it as a receding part of history but maybe its the 21st century and maybe trump is riding something, maybe it should be something we believe in. How does an outsider who runs against washington actually rally washington to launch his agenda . Thats a gigantic challenge. Woodruff mark shields . Judy, in 1940, there were 137 Million People in the United States of america, and 132 million, and 600,000 more factory jobs than there are today. There were eight million more factory jobs in this country than when jimmy carter was president of the United States. I mean, so donald trump represents a real grievance, a real, a real constituency. But what i could not get over in the speech today, and i dont know what the Global Impact or meaning is, but i do know that it was unlike any inaugural address ive ever heard. It was a call to arms to those already enlisted in his army. There was no attempt to reach across the divide, there was no attempt to heal wounds, there was no attempt to reassure or allay fears of those who were apprehensive and have not supported him. So, in that sense, it was almost unique, at least in the speeches ive heard, and it was an unbridled check upon those president s who spoke in williams piece sitting on the dais with him, having praised the obamas in one sentence to being magnificent, then saying this small group who profited in washington have been indifferent, and almost cruelly so, to the rest of the country. So i just stand in the midnight in america, american carnage, which is i think is a soontobe canceled tv series, but ive just never heard language quite like, or tone quite like it in an inaugural address. Woodruff matt schlapp, since youre so well dressed, im going to call on you next. What did you hear . What are you taking away . Boy, what i would say to mark is that i think one of the things that was ironic is you had donald trump up on that dais, who hasnt been a republican for very long, and who is basically a function of the fact that both those parties and many of those Party Leaders and some of the former president s, did not listen to the american people. President obama will leave office with high approval ratings, but still, twothirds of this nation believe that were on the wrong track, and i think the demonstration of the economic pain and the unrest and unease about whats happening overseas is high. And really, what struck me about the address, about the speech is that he is connecting to the political moment. The political moment is not about morning. Its about a little about mourning, and the fact that there is nothing wrong with a republican connecting to the fact that a lot of americans are hurting. Now, i agree you have to offer solutions and you have to be optimistic and you have to lead them someplace, but its important to listen and connect to him, and thats why donald trump is the president. Woodruff amy walter . Yeah, and to matts point, there is a lot of donald trump on the campaign trail where he seemed to switch positions. We didnt know, and still really dont know where his ideological core is, but there was one thing at was consistent throughout, its the same message we saw today in his inaugural speech was the message we saw on the Campaign Trial was the message we saw at the convention. That has never changed at all. Its what won him the nomination when nobody thought he was going to be able to do that and what won him the presidency when, quite frankly, even going into the election night, nobody really believed that he was going to be able to win this. And so he is taking that same message and he is going to bring it to the white house with him. This was something that he truly, you know, as i said, has stuck with throughout the course of his campaign, and he believes that if he succeeds, other people will join. The reaching out is not to say im going to take others opinions and views, its im going to do so well, were going to make america so great that people who oppose me now will have to come on board. Woodruff is that whats going to happen, Karine Jeanpierre . Somebody who worked against his election. Yeah, look, it was disappointing. It was a rightwing nationalism speech. It was reminiscent of his nomination speech, had that dooms and glooms type of feel. And i think the most disappointing part of it is there are people here who are genuinely fearful because of the type of campaign that he ran and the people that he insulted, and he didnt do anything to mend those wounds. And as president , thats what people look to our leader to do, and i think he missed a really important opportunity as we were going through the peaceful transfer of power. Woodruff barry bennett, missed an opportunity . I dont think so. I think beauty is in the eye of the beholder here. His supporters, me included, we dont want to have a loaf, right, we want him to fight. Today was the beginning of a fight. It wasnt the end of a campaign. Were going to see from the left the protests are big and energetic and they will be so tomorrow, but we want him to fight back, and i think what we saw today was, in the morning, the fight will still be there, and i think thats what the country needs. Woodruff should people be fearful, as karine was just saying . I dont think so, no. Woodruff you shake your head no. No. I mean, there are people here illegally, they should be fearful that theyre here illegally because, you know, they should be deported. You know, the law says they should be deported. But, i mean, if youre here illegally, of course youre not going to be deported. Thats silly. Thats fearmongering. Woodruff we are looking at we have been interspersing our conversation with pictures of the inaugural parade still going on an hour after sunset here in washington, but its still going on. Members of the trump family seated at the reviewing stand literally built right in front of the white house. Were watching that. Were keeping half an eye on the parade, but we also want to hear what everybody here has to say. Lara brown, it is dark at the white house, but donald trump is going to bring light to america. Well, i think thats precisely the problem. Maybe he is going to continue to bring the fight to washington, but there is no acknowledgment that his party has won. One of the most important aspects of an inaugural speech is to actually end the campaign, to move beyond the campaign, to bring about a sense of reconciliation and unity with all of those who fought fiercely against you, and i think there is also this other piece where he failed to recognize his moment in history. He did not acknowledge past president s, those who are sort of lions in the pantheon of president s, whether its thomas jefferson, abraham lincoln, or George Washington, he did not notice or witness the ceremony as being important in history. You know, bill clinton, who came to office with only 43 of the popular vote, began his speech by talking about how this speech takes place in the dead of winter, but that part of the words and the faces of the people are about forcing the spring, that there is a sense of renewal, and trump did not provide that. Woodruff matt schlapp, and we should say, the reason you are dressed up is because you are going to one of the inaugural balls, and i failed to point that out earlier. No, judy, i think its because people think i live like Thurston Howell the iii. laughter woodruff what about we didnt hear to the new president s connection to history, the grand pantheon that is the history of the United States . Look, if you want poetry, there is another candidate for you. Donald trump was the candidate of very blunt, realistic talk, and i think if you look through what politicians tend to do, and obviously i worked for president george w. Bush in the white house, with barry bennetts wife, i might say, and there is definitely great thought that goes into these speeches. But so many times what the voter hears and then what they see in their lives, there can be a bit of phoniness, obviously, to politics. And i think what donald trump did and what everyone on the panel is failing to understand is i think the biggest part of the speech was that he broke it down in very basic terms for them, and he made a pledge to them. He said hes going to fight for them, and hes not going to let them down. Boy, its not a small pledge. This is a high bar to me, which is hes going to change, literally change society and change the way government does these things, and i think that it was bold for him to do that, and i think there was a lot of people i tell you, i talked to a lot of people out on the street today, and they just like the fact there is an authenticity and directness. Well see how it works over the years, but i think its very promising. Woodruff david brooks, bold and authentic. Hes going to literally eradicate disease, so i think it was bold, and bold mostly on its attack on the republican party. Its a party that has never believed in zerosum thinking, it started as a weak party. It leafed in the cold war, the growth abroad is good for growth at home, thats not the zerosum philosophy we heard from donald trump, thats not the combative philosophy we heard from donald trump, so its a stark and bold attempt to reshape his own party party. Whether he can successfully do that im dubious about and whether he can successfully affect change in government when hes so antiinstitutional and not even willing to embrace the institution of the presidency, again, im dubious about, but bold i give him credit for. Woodruff mark shields, did you see signals today that donald trump will be able to make the changes he says hes going to make . No, i didnt. I did not see anything unifying or uplifting in this speech, and i think successful inaugurals in the past, they may be writing a new chapter, but i did not i thought that was missing from the speech. Woodruff but youre saying thats what we should be judging in the speech . I think you have to view the speech as identifying yourself in history, acknowledging who you are, acknowledging humility, acknowledging the importance of the country and its diversity and its strength through that diversity, and your appeal to the people who didnt support you and you pledge to them. And i just to me, its politics 101. I mean, he was playing to his base. Hes continuing to play to his base, and if matt isnt too busy going to his nighttime affairs, he could tell us who the candidate of poetry was in 2016. Was that rick perry . Was it scott walker . I missed it. laughter it wasnt Hillary Clinton it definitely wasnt Hillary Clinton. Woodruff well bring you back on, you can answer that. I wont put you on the spot. Weve only about a minute left. Amy, im hearing two different sets of views about what donald trump accomplished or didnt today. If his goal was to and its been his goal from the entire course of this campaign, he has a vision and message about shaking up washington, hes going to do things differently, not in a traditional manner. He doesnt care about the trappings of this, and you either believe that or you dont believe that, and he will be successful based on a washington working for him despite the fact that he doesnt think washington works. Woodruff well, we have how many days . 365 times four to talk about what he accomplished today and what he may accomplish in the future. I want to thank each one of you, mark shields, david brooks, amy walter, barry bennett, Karine Jeanpierre, lara brown and matt schlapp. You all get a come back and weigh in many more times on this. Thanks very muchch. Thanks, judy. Woodruff as we heard, there were vocal opponents of the president thousands of them protesting across washinton throughout the day. Most were peaceful, but a number of incidents turned violent. Late this afternoon, a limousine was set on fire downtown; smoke could be seen for blocks away. And protesters hurled trash cans, flash bombs and objects at police, who used pepper spray in return. By this evening, at least 95 by this evening, at least 217 people were arrested. Six Police Officers were injured. Jeffrey brown and our team have been out on the streets all day. Heres what they saw. chanting it was a disparate group of protesters to come together to march, and air arrange at what some see is an illegitimate president. Im going to sit at home and let Trumps Administration be normalized. Reporter robby was an organizer of disrupt j. 20 Inauguration Day. We have definitely been disrupting all day. Brown but in a few moments from now when were talking donald trump will be president. Yeah, but we were not under any impression we would stop him from becoming president. The point is to set a tone of resistance from the first moment that he is in office. Brown one act of disruption, at security checkpoints leading into the National Mall, demonstrators attempted to block access to the inauguration, change themselves together and refusing to move. In another protesters shut down part of a major highway near the capitol. Mcpherson square in washington, d. C. Has been ground zero for protesters alday. Groups fanned out throughout the city, some peaceful, others more violent. At times the peaceful burst into the violent, after a tense standoff at 12th at k streets, police used pepper spray and flash grenades to disperse the crowd. Others smashed windows leading to more confrontations and arrests. These common strairtd used tactics with black bloc anarchist groups in europe, seizing the moment amid more peaceful protests. Mayor mural bowser said, again, i respect your right to peacefully protest but the damage that has occurred today is unacceptable and not welcome in d. C. For most, though, today was a day to come together and plan for the future. I spoke with this couple from new hampshire. A lot of folks feel not heard, not represented and their voices do not matter, and its reminding folks even though he is president , we respect that fact because that is a fact, that does not mean that over the next four to eight years, those voices will not matter or be a part of the conversation, that those thoughts and opinions will not be a part of the conversation. I just wanted to make it a point to say they will. Brown the National Park service gave out about 22 permits for First Amendment events, considerably more than in previous inaugurations when some halfdozen were requested. More than 3,000 police and 5,000 National Guard were on hand and security expenses for the day are expected to exceed 100 million. Protests today also occurred well beyond washington, for marches in denver to across san franciscos golden gate bridge, and around the world. In london, demonstrators unfurled banners from bridges with messages to the president , among them, to build bridges, not walls. In tokyo, hundreds mostly women marched in the streets of mr. Trumps presidency. Woodruff and jeff joins me now. Hes still in downtown washington. Jeff, you have been there all day. Where do things stand right now . Well, you can hear all around me, sirens in one corner, a band playing in another corner, police off right behind me. Its been a very unusual day here, judy, in washington, and it is an extremely unusual evening. Its calmer right now than it was. Im standing actually right at the spot outside the washington post. This is where the limousine, the car was set on fire that you showed our audience the video of from a little earlier. Its a little calmer now. There is a very large security presence now. There is more protesters down at the other end and actually i see flames right there, but i dont think thats a major fire at the moment, but well watch that. Its a little calmer, but and we have been told that, for most part, at least the Main Coalition groups are not planning any more activities tonight, but maybe these smaller groups that caused more of the trouble and the thinking really is that it is these smaller groups that have caused most of the trouble. You dont quite know whats going to happen with them later on, but for the most part, i think we may have seen its a little calmer now. Woodruff in a few seconds, jeff, we saw you talking to some of the protesters, do you get the sense they feel their message is being heard . Well, judy, i think its more about and i was listening to the conversation you were just having, and i think its more about whats next, you know, where do they go from here. They wanted to make sure that they were here, showing, they exist, that they have a message and can press things ahead, and it was about meeting people and speaking up and sort of organizing to see where they go from here. But i think that, of course, just as you were saying with the guests earlier, thats really the big question for the people on the streets as well. Whats next . Jeffrey brown out on the streets all day long for the newshour. Really fine reporting. Thank you. Brown thanks. Woodruff well, since the november election, there has been a lot of talk about how well mr. Trump connected with those voters who felt ignored or looked down upon by politicians. Today, they had their moment to be heard. Our Lisa Desjardins was on the mall to listen to what some Trump Supporters had to say. Reporter they came from across the country, many at their first inauguration, on a gray day that didnt dampen their excitement and hope. Marion carpenter and Larry Sanders drove up from South Carolina last night. We intend to follow him all the way. Reporter they traveled here with their church group, they said, because before trump, theyd seen their way of life disappearing. People are hurting for jobs. Reporter the crowd did not reach as far down the mall as at president obamas inaugurations, but it was a devoted group. Joseph zadehs from ohio hit on a theme for many Trump Supporters, that seeing President Trump take office eased years of personal frustration i started being interested in politics midway through obamas second term. So as a republican, its being told, oh, your ideas are stupid. And finally, look were here. And were making America Great again. Im a marine mom, shes a navy mom. Reporter Kelly Haisley and Marilyn Byers are from indiana, friends since high school. They drove nine hours to be here. To them, mr. Trump represents a change in national priorities. Its been a real disappointment for eight years, and its time that we get back to grassroots and family values. Military. Amen i just dont feel our troops have been supported, and im looking forward to them having a president and commander in chief thats going to do that for them that loves america. Reporter here too were some from a democratic base, unions, like iron worker tom dwyer who fought back pain to make it here. Hes a new yorker, like mr. Trump, and doesnt trust politicians. Hes a man of his word. I belie like i said, i grew up in new york, in queens. And hes just part of the woodwork in new york so when he says hes going to do something, i believe hes going to do it, and hes going to make it shine. Reporter most came for mr. Trump, but many, like these delaware middleschoolers, came just to witness the peaceful transfer of power itself. Some of their parents admitted they didnt support the new president , but told us their trip was about more. For the pbs newshour, im Lisa Desjardins in washington d. C. Woodruff so, in addition to the protests today, there are plans for much more to come tomorrow. Women from around the country are making their way to the nations capitol, with others preparing for events in cities around the globe. The crowds on the National Mall on saturday are expected to be in the hundreds of thousands. William brangham recently sat down at the newseum with two organizers of tomorrows march, bob bland and carmen perez. William began by asking them what they hope to accomplish. We are bringing together women, men and allies from all different types of communities, from all over the country in a show of unity, to say that womens rights are human rights. We are coming here so that we could show this new administration that were not going anywhere, right, and there are so many more of us united than we are divided. This march on washington is to ensure that congress, our new president and the senate know that were going to continue to fight for our rights, that were going to protect the most marginalized communities. Brangham what are you marching for and what are you marching against . So, we are marching to continue to allow women to make decisions about their bodies and ensure we have reproductive justice rights, immigration reform, criminal Justice Reform as well as indigenous rights. So theres so many things. Weve been extremely intentional about allowing organizations to get involved, planned parenthood, as well as define american. And every woman has their own reason for marching. So thats the really beautiful thing about this. Weve seen, through the last 18 months and everything thats happened, that we can be complacent no longer. Brangham there are so many specifics in your Guiding Principles everything from minimum wage to reproductive rights to Environmental Concerns to Indigenous Peoples concerns. Why was it important to you to be so specific in the things that youre marching for . We wanted to make sure that there was a mission, there was a vision, that we started organizing for something, not against something. Right . So this is not a march against trump; this is a march on washington, congress, the senate, our president. Brangham i hear what youre saying, that this is not against trump, but the timing of it couldnt be more obvious. Is there something about his administration that you guys are particularly concerned about . Well, we saw an increase in this country in instances of bigotry and racism, anti semitism, misogyny. A lot of this came to the forefront and these conversations came to the forefront during the election cycle. Brangham some of the Guiding Principles that youve laid out seem to really place a lot of emphasis on the concerns of women of color, immigrant women. Was that intentional . It was intentional, especially because our new president elect was attacking a lot of these communities with some of his racist rhetoric around mexicans and building a wall. And im mexicanamerican myself. Linda sarsour, one of our national cochairs, is muslim american. We need to have courageous conversations. Sometimes we we dont speak about religion and politics and race because we dont want to offend anyone. But how are we going to learn . Brangham its hard to talk about these things. Right, exactly. So thats what this march has been able to do to create a very safe space and an honest space where we could have these difficult, courageous conversations, so that we could move Forward Together as a country. Brangham what would you say to a young woman of color who has heard about what they might see at a feminist march or a feminist action in the past, and felt excluded from that and they think, im not going to do this . What i would say to a young woman of color who doesnt feel like this march, or even feminism, has ever been for them, i would say, we need you. We welcome you. There are many moments i never saw somebody like myself reflected in leadership and thats why ive taken that role now. Brangham is there any concern that, because this is march is happening the day after trump becomes president , and is clearly targeted in some ways at the trump administration, that you might alienate a part of the country who may have supported trump or might have been a republican or that you might end up driving people away because this is seen as a partisan day . I will say we welcome everybody who actually supports womens rights. And so, if you are republican, if you are democrat, if you are green party whatever party you are, we welcome you to be a part of this. And so, i believe that there are many women who voted for trump who are also coming. And families. Brangham you think thats right . Youre going to have women who support trump that will be here on saturday . I believe, you know, that people who feel connected to womens rights are going to be there. And i think that there are many, many conservative women who did not vote for trump. And they have been emailing us and saying, yes, we want to stand in solidarity against misogyny and for our rights as women. And so, i think its a moment where we can look at what does are you republican or are you democrat, and thats it. I think were all people first. Brangham how will you measure whether or not saturday is a success . For us, this impact will be something that reverberates across the country and across the world for quite a while. And so, you know, we will see what the long term impact of it is. But i think thats also up to the marchers. I think its up to them to take their power and use it. I agree. Brangham do you think donald trump will be watching . I think hell be tweeting. laughter brangham all right. Bob bland, carmen perez, thank you both very much. Both thank you. Woodruff the new president is already weighing in on some policy matters. Within minutes of the swearing in today, the white house website carried new statements one promised a stateoftheart Missile Defense systems to protect against attacks from states like iran and north korea. Another condemned what it called the dangerous antipolice atmosphere in america, and promised it will end. At the same time, the website dropped all mention of climate change. The inauguration also reverberated around the world. In moscow, russians welcomed the new president with posters, special sales and parties, anticipating better relations with the u. S. And in a statement, pope francis urged President Trump to be guided by the rich spiritual values that have shaped the history of the american people, especially, he said, concern for the poor. Meanwhile, the u. S. Senate late this afternoon confirmed the first of mr. Trumps cabinet nominees. Former marine general james mattis was approved as secretary of defense; and john kelly, another former marine general, won confirmation to head the department of homeland security. The mexican drug lord El Chapo Guzman pleaded not guilty today in new york, to federal Drug Trafficking charges. He was extradited yesterday from mexico, after twice escaping from prison there. Federal prosecutors in brooklyn said today its time he faced justice. Guzmans destructive and murderous rise is akin to that of a small cancerous tumor that metastasized, and grew into a fullblown scourge that littered the streets of mexico with violent drug wars over turf, and same that scourge helped to perpetrate the drug epidemic in the United States. Woodruff mexican officials said the timing of the extradition was unrelated to the inauguration of President Trump. In central italy, a dramatic scene played out as rescue crews found ten people alive in a resort hotel crushed by an avalanche. They are among some 30 people thought to be trapped after the massive snow slide on wednesday. Workers captured the moment today that two survivors were pulled from the snow one of them a young boy amid cheers from the crews. translated they survived thanks to this bubble of air that formed inside the hotel. Finding them was really tough because, not only were we working in the middle of the debris, but we also had snow to deal with. Its like an earthquake in the snow. Its hard to describe, its something unbelievable, its awful. Woodruff so far, the crews have also found four bodies. There is word that the defeated president of gambia has agreed to step aside, apparently ending a political crisis. Officials in neighboring senegal say final arrangements are still being worked out. Senegal and other West African States had sent in troops to force yahya jammeh to give up. The man who beat him in last months election, adama barrow, says jammehs rule of fear is over. In economic news, chinas growth last year was the slowest since 1990. Beijing reported today that the growth rate ran at 6. 7 . And on wall street, the Dow Jones Industrial average broke a fiveday losing streak, and gained nearly 95 points today to close at 19,827. The nasdaq rose 15 points, and the s p 500 added seven. It is up 6 since the election. Woodruff finally tonight, as former president obama now embarks on life after the white house, flying to california for a vacation, few people had as intimate view of him as the man tasked with taking his picture. John yang is back with that story. Reporter for the past eight years, pete souza has watched history through the viewfinder of his camera. To walk into the oval office every day, to walk along the colonnade, to photograph this man every day, has just been a unique experience. Reporter he was behind the scenes for worldchanging events, like the may afternoon in 2011 when u. S. Special forces killed osama bin laden. This was in the situation room. You can see in the faces, how tense this was to watch. The interesting thing to me is that you can see the general sitting in what would be considered the president s chair, and he stood up to give the president his chair, and the president s like, no, no, no, you stay where youre at, because youre in control here. And ill just pull up a chair. There were days of sadness, like preparing for the december 2012 Prayer Service for the young victims of the newtown, connecticut, school shooting. It meant president obama would miss his own daughters dance recital. Instead, he went to her dress rehearsal. Sashas participation was in, i think, in three of the 16 performances. So when she was dancing, he was totally focused on watching her. And then when she left the stage and other people were dancing, he was editing his speech. And you see just that little subtle look on his face. Hes still very emotional. Reporter emotions that would touch souza as well. Newtown was the one time where i had tears. It was very difficult just to watch him greet these families and just imagine all of them, meeting the president for the first time, in the worst of circumstances. And i would say that was the one time where, emotionally, i couldnt hide how i was feeling. Reporter and youre not just capturing the moments of history, the big moments of the presidency, youre capturing the small human moments as well. And to me those are probably my favorite moments little unexpected gems, as i call them, that happen on occasion. Reporter like this otherwise routine Oval Office Meeting with a departing staff member and his family. The mans son, jacob, asked the president if he could feel his head because his friends had told him that he had the exact same haircut as the president. So president obama just kind of leaned down, and jacob feels his head. And, click. Over the years, this had kind of taken on somewhat of an iconic status just because it showed the kind of person he is, meaning, president obama. Reporter did you have any sense that it would because so iconic, so symbolic . Absolutely not. Even after we posted it on whitehouse. Gov, i just didnt realize how significant it would become. Reporter its one of many images souza has captured of mr. Obama with children. I feel the joy and the disbelief that the president of the United States is lying on the rug of the oval office, hoisting up a little girl in her elephant costume. Theres that picture of him flexing muscles with superman, or getting zapped by spiderman. Reporter were you surprised when he sort of flies back when spiderman slings the web . Sure i mean, its like, completely unexpected. And, you know, i always tell people that the only pressure of my job is to make sure im ready for those moments and try not to mess them up. Reporter after two terms, the president jokes about his graying hair. But souza says the man he sees through his cameras lens has been constant. You know, ive got to say that the core character of this man has not changed one iota. I mean, i think hes still the same person he was that i met in january of 2005, when he was first elected to the senate. Has he gotten older . Well, sure, i mean, but this is what happens, not just to a president. But in terms of this character, i honestly dont think he has changed at all. Reporter for the pbs newshour, im john yang at the white house. Woodruff whatever your political view, you have to admire the photos. And you can watch our entire series, the obama years, in which we spoke to many leaders in the outgoing administration, on our website at www. Pbs. Org newshour. Woodruff and a news update before we go. President and mrs. Trump are out on the town tonight in washington. The new first couple have arrived at the first of three inaugural balls being held in their honor. We began this journey they said, we, we and me, we didnt have a chance but we knew we were going to win. And we won. And [ cheering and applause ] today we had a great day. They went on to dance all this when mr. Trump was sworn in as the 45th on the newshour online right now, hear the voices of the inauguration. We talked to seven americans who are in washington during the transfer of power, to observe, to celebrate or protest the beginning of the trump administration. That, and much more on this day of change, is on our website, www. Pbs. Org newshour. Later tonight on pbs on washington week, a closer look at how the new trump administrations policy proposals may change the lives of average americans. Thats later tonight, on washington week. On pbs newshour weekend continuing coverage of President Trumps first days in office; the womens march on washington; and candid conversations with exiting members of congress. And we will be back, right here, on monday. That is the newshour for tonight. Im judy woodruff. What an incredible day. Have a great weekend. Thank you, and good night. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by lincoln financial committed to helping you take charge of your financial future. Bnsf railway. Xq institute. Supporting social entrepreneurs and their solutions to the worlds most pressing problems skollfoundation. Org. The william and flora hewlett foundation, helping people build immeasurably better lives. And with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States. The constitution of the United States. Today, america swore in a new president , donald trump. January 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. He takes office amid a bitterly divided nation. Well take you to capitol hill. Im scott shafer and im here in washington, d. C. Talking with lawmakers and citizens from across the country about the inauguration of donald j. Trump. Well hear from lawmakers past and present. And people are worried. Were worried about their future

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