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Moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. Xq institute. Lincoln financial committed to helping you take charge of your financial future. The ford foundation. Working with visionaries on the frontlines of social change worldwide. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and friends of the newshour. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Woodruff president elect donald trump has added two more names to his white house staff. The announcement came today from palm beach, florida, where mr. Trump is spending the holiday. Kathleen k. T. Mcfarland was appointed Deputy National security adviser. Shes worked in several republican administrations, and as a fox news analyst; and Donald Mcgahn will be white House Counsel. He served as the trump campaigns attorney. Neither appointment is subject to senate confirmation. In a separate development, Green Party Leader jill stein filed a petition formally requesting a president ial vote recount in wisconsin, to ensure the results were not manipulated. It is expected to begin late next week. Similar challenges are also being prepared in pennsylvania and michigan. In the days other news, the death toll from a massive truck bombing in southern iraq rose to at least 73. At least 40 of the dead were said to be shiite pilgrims from iran. The Islamic State claimed it carried out the Suicide Attack last night at a gas station near the city of hilla. It is the worst isis attack in iraq since july. A train collision in northern iran has killed at least 43 people, and injured 100 more. State tv reports a moving train derailed and caught fire after striking a parked train on a main rail line. Injured passengers flooded an area hospital in subzero temperatures. Firefighters in israel worked today to contain the worst of more than a dozen wildfires. The largest forced 60,000 people to evacuate around the city of haifa. Planes dumped retardant today, but it was too late to save hundreds of homes. Meanwhile, Police Arrested a dozen people, amid allegations of terrorism. translated there are elements of terror here, no doubt, elements with great hostility toward the state of israel. We cannot tell yet if this is organized, but we can see a number of cells operating. I dont know if there is a connection between them, and such a connection isnt even necessary. It could be a terror of knives, and it could be a terror of fires. Woodruff so far, there have been no reports of deaths or serious injuries. The president of turkey threatened today to reopen the flow of middle eastern and african migrants into europe. Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke a day after the European Parliament called for freezing talks to admit turkey to the european union. That Parliament Vote was aimed at erdogans political and news media crackdown since a failed coup in july. In bulgaria, violent clashes broke out between migrants and police last night, leading to some 400 arrests. Officials said more than 2,000 Asylum Seekers rioted after being confined to their camp over a health scare. Demonstrators threw rocks and set trash on fire. Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets. Bulgarias Prime Minister vowed today to punish those responsible. translated we have everything filmed, and all these acts of vandalism committed, all migrants who took part will be charged. A small group will be banned and can immediately be extradited. The others, who all behaved brutally and violated public order, will be relocated to closed doors refugee camps. Woodruff meanwhile in greece, two migrants, including a young boy, were killed in a fire at a camp on the island of lesbos. Police said it was sparked by a gas stove. Hurricane otto weakened to a Tropical Storm and headed into the pacific ocean, after crossing central america. The storm battered nicaragua and costa rica, and killed at least nine people. Otto was an unusually strong lateseason hurricane. In some places, as much rain fell in a few hours as normally falls in a month. Back in this country, a federal judge ruled the man accused of a massacre at a charleston, South Carolina church is competent to stand trial. Dylann roof allegedly killed nine black churchgoers in june of 2015. He faces federal counts of hate crimes and obstruction of religion. He will eventually face a separate trial on state murder charges. Wall street worked a halfday, but hit more record closes, as the postelection rally continued. The Dow Jones Industrial average gained nearly 69 points to finish at 19,152. The nasdaq rose 18 points, and the s p 500 added eight. It is up 4 this month. For the week, all three indexes gained about 1. 5 . And, one of televisions most beloved moms, florence henderson, has died in los angeles of heart failure. She gained enduring fame as carol brady on the 1970s sitcom the brady bunch, but she also had success on broadway. Her roles included the female lead in oklahoma, and the girl who came to supper. Florence henderson was 82 years old. Still to come on the newshour a look at the new legal landscape for marijuana; shields and brooks on the weeks news; and author Michael Chabon on his latest novel. Woodruff president elect donald trump continues to fill positions in his administration over this thanksgiving holiday weekend. John yang has more on one with added significance. Yang to examine the role of the white House Counsel and the challenges Donald Mcgahn will face tackling president elect trumps Business Holdings, were joined by jack quinn, who held that job under president bill clinton. Jack quinn, welcome. Thank you, john. Yang when a white House Counsel approaches an issue like figuring out what to do with a president s Business Holdings, is the client, the president as a individual, or the presidency as an institution . Its definitely the latter. As white House Counsel, you remember the office of the president of united states, not the individual, whether its bill clinton or donald trump. Yang so in this case the counsel may be having to tell the president as an individual that maybe he want do what he wants or what he wants to do isnt a good idea . Thats right. The white House Counsel is in a position to invoke executive privilege, for example. A white House Counsel cannot participate in a private litigation involving a president in his individual capacity and move that power to influence the outcome of the litigation. That would be inappropriate. While its true that the president is exempt in certain senses from the conflict of interest rules, as are other federal officials, for good reason, that is not bank check, so to speak. There are other governors on the conduct of the presidency. The president may not accept economic benefits from foreign powers, still has to file disclosure of his financial information, and most importantly, ultimately, is governed by the impeachment provisions which enable the congress to remove a president if he commits high crimes and misdemeanor, which is generally understood to mean an abuse of power. Yang so the standard is more than just the letter of the law . Is there something broader that a counsel looks at when advising the president on Something Like the Business Holdings . Sure. Well, the white House Counsel and others need to look not just at the letter of the law, but also at the power of the congress, which was equally broad to invoke the impeachment provision, for example, if the president does abuse the power. Remember, the conflict of interest provision says you cant participate in a decision that would affect you or a member of you family financially. It doesnt mean that you can use the power of government to influence this to create decisions that would benefit you. Were really in unchartered territory when it comes to that. Thats not to presume that anything of this kind will take place, but this is, as i say, not a blank check. I think its an appropriate metaphor in this case. Yang so in addition to the ethics questions that the counsel looks at, what other areas in sort of representing the institutional interests of the presidency, what other areas is the white House Counsel looking at . Well, look, ultimately what one wants to do is ensure that the American People have faith in their government, in their president , and everyone who works for their president. So it is awfully important that the white House Counsel this the white House Counsel do Everything Possible to make sure the appearance of conflict, the appearance of selfdealing is avoided. Thats critically important. As i say, other officials, the white House Counsel and the president himself need to provide that assurance to the American People, as well. Yang you have been, before you held the office, you had been counsel to Vice President al gore at the time. You had experience on the hill, political campaigns. Is there anything that really can prepare anyone for becoming white House Counsel . No. There are so many things that come up in a job like that that, you know, when i walked into the office the first time, i thought there would be volumes on the shelves of prior decisions. Its in the like that at all. You do have the office of Legal Counsel over at the Justice Department that is helpful, and you have a large staff of lawyers who help you do the research necessary to make good decisions, but decisions come up all the time that are novel, that have never come up before, and, you know, you have to exercise good judgment. Again, remembering all the time that youre in a position of sacred trust, as are the other people around you, and ultimately youve got to make a judgment that is in the interest of the American People and the conduct of good government. Yang and there is no manual, no handbook. There is not. Yang jack quinn, thank you so much for joining us. Youre welcome. Woodruff lost amid novembers Election Results was the large number of states that legalized the use of marijuana for either recreational or medical purposes. The results spell one of the biggest shifts in u. S. Drug policy in decades, but significant questions remain. William brangham has the story. Brangham legalizing marijuana was on the ballot in nine different states in this past election. Except in alz ads, they all passed. Four states, montana, north dakota, arkansas, and florida, voted to legaltize use of marijuana for certain medical conditions. And four other states, maine, nevada, massachusetts, and california legalized marijuana for anyone 21 years and over. This means that millions more people will be able to purchase marijuana in sanctioned, stateapproved shops, but, according to federal law, the drug is still illegal, and the Trump Administration could choose on day one to start enforcing that law. To help us understand the complexity of all, this im joined now by taylor west, 2 Deputy Director of the National Cannabis industry association, and. Jonathan and john hiram. Taylor, do you think of this as a Tipping Point Going Forward . Absolutely. This was a watershed day for the industry of cannabis but also for cannabis policy in the u. S. We saw eight states vote for some form of legal regulated marijuana program. We now have 20 of the Country Living in a state that has access to Legal Marijuana and more than 60 of the Country Living in a state that has legal access to medical marijuana. This is in line with what weve seen from Public Opinion polls, so it really does reflect the direction that the country is moving on these issues. Brangham john, do you think this is the inevitable role of this policy going on throughout the country . This is the biggest day of the Marijuana Reform hands down. In terms of it being a Tipping Point, its a bit hard to tell. In the short term, were not going to see Much Movement at the federal level. What happened in this election is big for marijuana. What also happened is the status quo in congress. The same leadership in congress who frankly is opposed to reform. But what this change in the landscape of Marijuana Policy can do is to start to embolden the industry, to start to get the industry having a stronger voice, a more powerful voice, and a more powerful Economic Voice to eventually move policy in the right direction toward their interests in reform. Brangham john, staying with you, as i mentioned in the introduction, this is still illegal as far as the federal government is concerned. The Obama Administration put out a memo saying to states, if you run a tight ship, were not going to interfere in what youre doing. Now, the Trump Administration could come and undo that memo in an instant. Do you think were going to see that . What do you imagine when trump takes over that that administration is going to do with regard to marijuana . President elect trump has voiced some interest in keeping the status quo when it comes to medical marijuana. His words around Recreational Marijuana have been less firm. Right now we dont know for sure what donald trump will do on marijuana. I think thats true on a lot of policy areas, but its true with marijuana. I think his attorney general pick is one that worries industries. Hes a vowed prohibitionist. Black brang this is jeff sessions. This is jeff sessions. Hes subjected selective judgment on the marijuana and the marijuana user. So however much leash donald trump gives his attorney general will determine whether the Obama Doctrine on marijuana holds the day or whether we see a real transformation back the years past. Brangham taylor, as john points out, jeff session, who likely will be the attorney general, has been very clear he does not like what states all over the country are doing with regards to Recreational Marijuana. Does your industry worry come january you might all of a sudden face federal enforcement . It is certainly something were keeping an eye on. The fact is that during the campaign, as john mentioned, president elect trump said on multiple occasions that he really did see this as a state issue, and that programs in the states that have been chosen by the voters should be allowed to move forward. Certainly senator sessions has expressed his personal opinion on issues around marijuana, but the reality is that senator sessions has also on many occasions been a strong advocate of state sovereignty and that the concept of federalism. So i think there really is a nexus of agreement there on the idea that a program chosen by the voters of the state working in the way its meant to ought to be respected. Now, as john said, theres still some uncertainty about exactly which direction any of these policies will go, but we do see that sort of path forward. Brangham john, lets take taylors point. Lets assume that the federal government does not interfere. Arent we still going to see conflict, though, between federal law and state law . There are still other problems. I mean, banks, for instance, cant take marijuana money. That causes a huge problem for the industry. Those things have to get worked out eventually. The reforms that have happened during the Obama Administration he allowed the industry to really get up and running and have cover, feel safe that what they are going to do will be protected from federal intervention. But at 2 same time, the memos which have really take than Enforcement Discretion to a formal stance from the Obama Administration policy does create these unintended consequences around taxes, around banking, around interstate access, around a variety of issues that can be very challenging for the industry. Those are going to need to be addressed eventually. We just dont know when that will happen. Brangham taylor, weve seen already colorado and washington have had a period of time where their legalization infrastructure has been built, their licensing, their taxing, their selling. Do those states experiences over the last several years or so give us any sense of how this will go forward for other states trying this out . I think there are a couple important lessons to take from what weve seen in places like colorado and washington. The biggest one is that by in large this works. These programs have been implemented successfully. We havent seen the major issues that opponents were concerned about. The sky hasnt fallen. And then a secondary lesson to that is that when there have been problems that have arisen, the legislature and regulators have been able to address them. Thats something that you dont get in an unregulated system. And i think thats an important thing for states that are now embarking on these programs to realize, that they have given themselves the power to shape this industry in their states as it grows. So those are things that i think are important, both from the state implementation standpoint and from something thats important for the federal leaders to remember, as well. Turning back the clock on this doesnt just end regulated sales, it really sends them back into a criminal market that we have very little control over. Brangham john, last question for you. What happens on the legal front . If people are now have a criminal record or are in prison for criminal sales oar possession, do these legal victories, does anyone get their record expungeed . California built into its initiative the ability of individuals who were arrested and charged with lowlevel marijuana offenses, i effectively what are offenses that would now be considered legal in california to, go to court and ask for their record to be expunged. Those are very specific circumstances. They obviously couldnt be done in conjunction with Violent Crimes or larger crimes, but these are issues that affect particularly communities of color and create barriers to economic opportunity, barriers to educational opportunity, and have really longterm effects on an individual who faces criminal justice through this process. So some states have really spearheaded the ability to do this, but as more states have come on line, that conversation has broadened and these criminal Justice Reform issues have become not dominant but at least pushed to the front of the line in terms of issues that are talked about. I think thats a very important part of this. Brangham all right. Thank you both very much for being here. Thank you. Thank you. Woodruff stay with us. Coming up on the newshour sharing the wealth in this time of giving; one womans mission to improve education around the world; and Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Michael Chabon on his new book. But first to the analysis of shields and brooks. Thats syndicated columnist mark shields, and New York Times columnist david brooks. Woodruff welcome both of you on this day after thanksgiving. David is in philadelphia. Talk about. Were beginning to get a sense, mark, of Donald Trumps administration. A little sense. He named two more people today to the white house. What are we learning from this . What are we. What do you now understand about him that we didnt understand before . Not much. I mean, i would say that theres been the small donald, the petty, vindictive donald who can be rather mean spirited, who was on display at the New York Times Editorial Board meeting where he gratuitously took out on kelly ayotte, the senior republican senator of new hampshire, who after the access Hollywood Tape refused to support donald trump and said she couldnt get a job. Then we see the bit larger donald in hiring nikki haley, who had, in fact, backed both marco rubio and ted cruz and in a National Address in response to official republican response to the president state of the union has warned the party against following the siren call of those, a direct allusion to donald trump at the time. So he was larger in spirit in choosing her. She certainly is a person who has demonstrated leadership and character under stress since the time of the massacre, the racial massacre at the Emanuel Church in charleston and a leader in lowering the Confederate Flag on the statehouse grounds. Woodruff david, what are you learning about donald trump from these appointments or announcements . I guess some comfort i guess. Sometimes the campaign seems to be, as mark said, vindictive, a depraved threering circus. The transition period has not been like that. Hes nominated people like healey who are competent people, professional, experienced people. They may not be on sensitive ground, all of our cup of tea. They are very consistent with the way he campaigned. Nationalist campaign on education policy, a campaign enthusiastic about school choice, but they are more or less the sort of professional version of trumps ideology. And i do think there is just this animating spirit here to create a sort of nationalist, populist conservatism that will in some ways stretch the Republican Party and in some way offend a lot of conservatives, but i think there is an an any mating vision to try to create a movement that will last posttrump, a populist movement that may try to span some of the dividing lines that have existed so far through large economic policies, through infrastructure policies, through tough antiterror policy that nonetheless keeps american troops out of war. Theres an animating vision here, and its being executed, at least in the appointment so far, in some intellectually coherent way. Woodruff a movement. In the making maybe . A movement in the making, i guess i dont share davids enthusiasm about ross. 90 of American School children are in Public Schools, judy, and the emphasis on private schools and Charter Schools and parochial schools is not unimportant. I dont mean that, but 91 will be in Public School. Im not sure if ross has ever spent a day in Public School and im pretty sure donald trump hasnt. I do look upon the secretary of educations primary responsibility is a quality education and improving the education of every child in american Public Schools. Woodruff what about that, david . First of all, Charter Schools are Public Schools. Theyre paid for publicly and theyre part of the public system. They just have a more independent structure. And so i guess i would say we need a reform movement. We have seen i think in the Charter School movement started out whatever it was, ten or 15 years ago, its increasingly gotten better. Charter schools are figuring out how to do this. The Charter Schools that are most effective are scaling the most quickly, so theres got to be a continued move for reform. At the same time. The teachers unions are pushing it. The reform has had political successes. So i think Charter School choice and frankly School Standards need a champion, and shes been a good champion. Shes not without fault. You have to have two things in education reform. You have to have flexibility so people can figure out what to do. But you also have accountable. Basically the common core standards. A national set of standards so we can measure. Its hard for parents to measure schools. So shes been really good at the flexibility. Shes not been enthusiastic about the accountable. But ive met her a few times. Shes a normal, sophisticated, in some ways a selfeffacing person. She has been a champion of reform, if too much emphasizing choice. I applaud davids interest in, enthusiasm for Charter Schools. Its a very mixed record, particularly in detroit, where thats been the emphasis. Its less than mixed. Its really discouraging. The final analysis, American Public education, American Education will be determined by the quality of American Public education, and thats Public Schools that are available. The Charter School is a possibility, an alternative in certain circumstances, but not in most, and not in most places, and not most parents dont have either the time, the inclination or the aptitude to sit and go through sifting what school and what is available and what the options are, and they are dependent upon the quality of their neighborhood and local schools. If i could make one more point on that quickly. As ive traveled around from school the school, whether its projectbased learning or outward bound, its hard to tell the difference between charters and public. Theres no fine line. Theyre adopting very similar programs. What im saying is youre seeing reform throughout the movement, in the socalled charters and the socalled publics, if we call them, that and that reform dynamism has to be kept going. Woodruff david, i want to bring up with both of you the questions i think that came up day after day this last week about Donald Trumps business connections, his deep business interests and how thats going to work as president of the united states. It came up in john yangs conversation just now with jack quinn, the former white House Counsel. How do you see that developing . Do you see that as a problem . Do you see it as something trump will be able to handle . What do you see . I would invite viewers to read a book about george of tammany hall. Thats what trumps seems to be advocate, merging the public and private interest. Its just bad news, and i hope the presumed white House Counsel will say, this is not going to work. You have to have a bridgette line between these two things. Were no longer living in tammany hall america. It will lead the scandal after scandal that will end up hurting your own administration. Woodruff mark . I think david is absolutely right. Its very serious. I mean, you have 70 days between the election and taking office. Thats an enormous responsibility. And youre going to spend that time meeting with Indian Business investors, a trump apartment complex in mumbai. It raises the questions of eliminating the wind song because it would hurt the view of Donald Trumps golf course in scotland and urges a change in policy. This is the man who doesnt understand the difference between public policy, public trust and private interests. When you see ivanka trump hawking the 10,000 bracelet that she wore on the 60 minutes broadcast from her jewelry collection, president ial trust is something, judy, thats perishable and precious, and once a president loses it, its in the a question of whether its a conflict of interest, the president has to have the trust, earn the trust, maintain the trust in order to lead. And theres nothing that will lose it quicker than a sense that hes in it for a quick buck. Woodruff david, anything on that . I want the move on to what seems to be a split inside trump world over who will be secretary of state. We saw Kellyanne Conway, who has been the face of the trump transition tweeting openly just yesterday that theyre picking up a lot of criticism about the fact that hes considering mitt romney. What does this tell us about folks inside trump world who may be dismayed at where donald trump is headed . Im looking forward to the live treats from the oval office meeting. Certainly a lot of chaos and openness so far. I think trump is sort of, from what we can see from his comments, sort of attracted to the idea of a romney. He looks the part. Looks are very important to donald trump. But i do think there is some sign of respectable. Personally, i think mitt romney would be a great secretary of state. He knows a lot. Hes a very professional, consummate professional. Frankly, if i were donald trump, i would be a little suspicious. Its very easy to imagine hes got his America First crew in the National Security council. Mitt romneys a more internationalist. Its easy to see him setting up a Foreign Policy establishment in the state department that would be a rival to the white house, and maybe thats a good thing, but if i were donald trump, its not necessarily what id want in my Foreign Policy apparatus. Woodruff what do you think . Now that david has sunk mitt romneys chances. To me its fascinating. Its a choice. Trump loves loyalty. He prizes loyalty, who is with him. Rudy was with him. Rudy, youll recall, was the moderate republican mayor of new york who was for immigration rights, for gun control, for abortion rights, gay rights, he abandoned those positions to endorse donald trump after a disastrous run for president , and davids speech at the convention sounded like a new york cab driver stuck in traffic at 4 30 p. M. It was a rant. He went on, judy to, say, if youll recall, eight years before. Eight years prior the barack obama coming in, there were no attacks on the united states, and think all began when obama and clinton took office, conveniently forgetting completely the tragedy, the National Tragedy of 9 11. So there are questions and doubts about Rudy Giuliani and his competence for the job, but theres no question that Newt Gingrich is out for him, Kellyanne Conway is apparently advocating and championing for him. So its a split. I agree with david that mitt romney does fit the bill. He looks like a secretary of state. He looks like the chancellor of the exchequer. Woodruff a lot of people say he looks like a president. Central casting, you want an English Speaking leader, mitt romney. Woodruff well reserve a amendment for the democrats. Were seeing chum schumer, the incoming leader in the senate, saying we the democrats need the look at ways possibly to work with trump, and on the other hand were seeing congressman Keith Ellison running for head of the Democratic National committee say, no, were not going to be working with him, and i dont want to hear about it. David, are the democrats making the right kind of noises right now . Or do we just wait and see what happens . I think schumer is right the keep the possibility open that trump is movable on some issues, which is clearly what obama believed, and they can work with him on some issues, like infrastructure or Something Like that. So i think if they have a good six months where they work together, there will be plenty of time for fighting later on. David is right, and i think the worst thing the democrats could do is the follow the playbook that Mitch Mcconnell and the republicans adopted in 2009 against barack obama and thats just total allout obstructionism. Woodruff to say on day one or day two, the most important thing is to defeat him for relevels. America has had enough of this. It doesnt work and its not the best of the democratic tradition. Woodruff mark shields, david brooks, thank you very much. Woodruff next, on what the stores call black friday, the unofficial launch of the Holiday Shopping season, special correspondent mike cerre reports on a growing effort to expand the scope of seasonal giving to include charitable causes with a focus on one Company Turning bombs into bracelets. christmas bells reporter looking to escape the Holiday Shopping madness, to give something more unique and maningful this year . goats this coming giving tuesday, you can buy a goat online through care usa to help an african family in need. So, how can you prove . Reporter or closer to home, buy some School Supplies for your Neighborhood School through donorschoose. Com. For something a little more exotic, how about jewelry handmade in laos out of unexploded bombs, to help the Mines Advisory group, clear uxos . We know about black friday, and about cyber monday. We know they help stimulate our economy. But it felt like there was a missing gap. It felt like there wasnt a moment to talk about philanthropy and giving. For the arts, for education. Reporter its called the giving season for a reason. December is typically the most important month for nonprofits all over the country. Reporter henry timms started this online philanthropy event four years ago, out of new yorks 92nd street y. Giving tuesday is now celebrated in over 30 countries. Last year, over 700,000 Holiday Shoppers pledged more than 110 million to their favorite charities, big and small. One of the things weve always seen, and we see it more now with social media, is the kind of fluidity of giving. So people are able to form movements quickly around campaigns and causes they care about. I think weve already seen that, postelection. Weve seen lots of different groups that have seen spikes in giving. And each piece helps clear the 80 million bombs that havent yet exploded. I think our jewelry has this multilayered impact, where the giver is consciously choosing something that has benefits for the people that make it. Well still continue to use these hand tools. Reporter we first discovered Elizabeth Suda and her article22 jewelry during president obamas state visit to laos in september, when he pledged to nearly double the amount of money the u. S. Spends each year cleaning up unexploded ordnance dropped during the vietnam war. This is actually a cluster bomb known as the pineapple, and it has aluminum fins and base. They can also use plane parts hammered down and placed in the kilns, and you can actually get quite a few bracelets out of various pieces. The pieces really started as conversation starters. The idea was to buy back the bombs and help clear unexploded ordnance, and to give people an entry point into a conversation about what might otherwise be a forgotten part of history. Reporter more than four decades since the end of the vietnam war, neighboring laos is still littered with u. X. O. s unexploded ordnance which continue to kill and maim civilians, mostly children, and even some of the artisans, like this one, who lost his eye as a boy. Proceeds from the sale of the u. X. O. Jewelry on giving tuesday and throughout the year goes to m. A. G. The Mines Advisory group to safely clear the artisans fields of these still dangerous legacies of war. explosion and the thing weve seen happen over and over again, is the most creative campaigns are coming from some of the smallest institutions, right . We often see those with the fewest resources actually think he has a really smart idea, is to try and think about how to approach giving tuesday in new ways. Giving tuesday and recycling bombs into jewelry isnt as much about anticonsumerism as it is about buying, making and selling stuff that benefits others and extends the gratification that comes from gift giving beyond the holidays. The love is a bomb piece is 185. You know people are shopping for Holiday Gifts that theyre going to give to somebody that they love or that they care about, and the jewelry that we offer is a symbol of that love, both in terms of it being a gift, but in terms of the story that it carries. Reporter Charlie Decker discovered the story and article22s holiday booth in new Yorks Union Square and bought a matching set of wedding bands made from bombs, to give Something Back this holiday season. Hoping that, you know, all the wounds get healed, and this is our little piece we had to play in it. Reporter for the pbs newshour, im mike cerre, reporting from new york. Woodruff now, another installment of our entrepreneur series. Emily feistritzer, who was a catholic nun in her youth, later became a teacher. In 2011 she created teachnow, a company that trains and certifies teachers around the world. It is now a multibillion dollar business. William brangham returns, having caught up with feistritzer in her washington d. C. Home. Brangham for emily feistritzer, life as an entrepreneur began early. As a young girl growing up in kentucky, she went doortooor in her mostly protestant neighborhood. Selling statues of the virgin mary that glowed in the dark. Brangham that was your First Business . Yeah, my First Business. It was in this rural town in brangham that business never took off, but it lead to her next stop the catholic convent. At 19, she became a nun, and got her first job in education, teaching Highschool Math and science. I would never be doing what im doing today if i hadnt learned that kind of focus and discipline that that life provided. I mean, you were taught to be laserfocused. Brangham you really do trace it back to your time in the convent . Absolutely, absolutely. Theres no question about that. People sort of say, where did you get your training to be a successful businesswoman . And i say, the convent. Brangham she left the convent, and the catholic church, at 31, earned a ph. D and launched a career in education that has spanned more than four decades. She was a professor; she wrote books on teacher training; she started a clearinghouse on best practices. And then, a few years ago, she plopped down half a Million Dollars of her own money to launch a brandnew digital company. You couldve very easily have just said you know what, this time im going to have a peaceful retirement and just enjoy the end of your life. Instead, you dove into what maybe is, arguably, the most intense period of work in your life. Why . Well, i was sort of playing around with retiring. I was already getting a Social Security check, and i really didnt like it. I was bored. I have to be engaged in something. I didnt want to do pottery. Brangham that decision has more than paid off. Today, her company, known as teach now, has 15 fulltime employees, and more than 40 parttime instructors around the world. Its now bringing in revenues of around 4 million and a profit margin of about 20 25 . Brangham teachnow charges 6,000 per person to take its ninemonth teachercertification program a cheaper and faster alternative to what most traditional universities offer. And since it began, more than 1,200 people have completed the course. I want you all to eliminate brangham students log in virtually anywhere in the world. Lessons are given by veteran teachers. Dan roggenkamp lives and works in taiwan. Hes leading this discussion. I want you all to eliminate as much redundancy as possible. After several weeks brangham before completion, however, people like walter allen must spend at least 12 weeks in a real classroom, where they are filmed and monitored by mentors online. As a teacher, it helps a lot. I know a lot of firstyear teachers personally that did not have to undergo any field experience prior to getting hired, and sometimes that first year is like a disaster. Brangham allen is teaching reading intervention at Kelly Miller Middle School in washington d. C. Its a class designed to help students who have fallen behind in english. Hes aiming to not only be certified as a specialed instructor, but he also wants do something much bigger. Growing up, going to d. C. Public schools, elementary, middle school, high school. I didnt have many African American male teachers. So, enrolling in the teach now program, taking education seriously, graduating from college, all of this allows me to become that idea. They see me inside of their classroom teaching as an African American male teacher and think, maybe one day i can become a teacher. Brangham kerri valencia is an elementary spanish teacher in washington d. C. s sheridan school. She completed the teachnow certification three years ago while living in ecuador, where she was teaching english at an international school. Valencia had a bachelors degree in spanish, but thought that wasnt going to be enough to land her a teaching job back in the u. S. I was just really drawn to the fact that it was a nine month program. I have a family, im a little bit older, im not starting out in my career. So, that really interested me. Brangham feistritzer says shes met several teachers like valencia, who came to the profession late or had been working, but without certification. So theres really been a groundswell of interest in teaching on a part of midcareer switchers, people whove raised a family and decided to do a career later in life, people who want to move in and out of careers. So, that market i saw coming, and when you run the kind of program were running, it can be taken anywhere, anytime. Its very desirable and very brangham as for what the future may have in store . Feistritzer says shes keeping an open mind, even to another Business Opportunity coming up. For the pbs newshour, im William Brangham in washington d. C. Woodruff finally tonight, the newshour bookshelf. Jeffrey brown sits down with Pulitzer Prizewinning author Michael Chabon about his new book, moonglow, and the blending of fact and fiction in literary art. Brown moonglow, background music of Michael Chabon, where he of often works keep into the night. Moonglow is also the title of chabons new book, a memoir blurring the lines between truth and fiction. Youre telling a lie when youre writing a november. But its a good kind of lie. Its the lie that youre telling to someone with their permission, and not only with their permission, but at their invitation, so the reader comes to the novel and says, lie to me. I want to hear it. Brown you the author say, let me tell you a good lie. Exactly. Thats part of whats so beautiful about that particular relationship. Its a kind of voluntary permission to deception, just like that. Brown in, in case the magic started with an ad from a 1958 esquire magazine for something called chabon scientific company, that sold models of missiles that you can fly. My name is chabon. If thats your last name, youre related to me. There arent that many chabons in the world. Brown but this chabon hadnt heard of that company, nobody had, so he invented its story as part of moonglow. I invite anyone to contradict anything in the history chabon scientific in this book. Brown because there isnt any. The decent dents of the company may emerge to tell their version, but until that happens, google cant help you. Youre at my mercy. Brown then there was this man, chabons real grandfather who on his deathbed under the influence of painkilling drugs began telling his then26yearold grandson unknown stories from his life. This too became fodder for the novel. There is all this stuff i was hearing that was clearly still there, you know, that was in his memory, in his experience, in his life that i had never heard before, and it just was all coming out. You think you know somebody, you think youve heard their stories, and then suddenly to get this glimpse of an entire other life that i had never heard of before, not that it was a life of dark secrets or anything. There was so much more, so much more. Brown that opened the floodgates to you, you being a novelist. Thats what i do with every book, that procedure of taking bits and pieces of an element of lived experience of stories ive heard, anecdotes and research, whatever it might be, guess all swirled together with the invention, the reader wants to hear the lie that sounds true. And ultimately i think in the case of fiction, in the case of a novel, that delivers the truth, a truth. Brown to see chabons studio is to see into the brain that produces that invention. Action figures, vintage Science Fiction and viem records, much of it connected to things hes written, from the Pulitzer Prize winning idead a even commerce of cavalier and clay to now the mashup of moonglow, which explores war, family and technology in midcentury america and mixes historical figures with the fictional. Space travel, even we talked about this before when youre writing some of the genre bending, its a memoir. Love in the golden years. A lot of things going on there. That allows you the freedom, once you have that freedom, youre off. Thats what its all about. The facts are so dull. Brown so dull . We turn to fiction. We turn to a novel because fiction persuades us, all art persuades us that there is a pattern o life, that there is rules to life, that if you look at life the right way, you can see sense in it, you can find meaning in it. It might not be true. Maybe thats an illusion. Maybe thats like the greatest illusion of literature, but i dont care. Thats what is good about it. Thats what we turn to it for. Brown the novel is moonglow. Michael chabon, thank you. Oh, absolutely. Thank you, jeff. Thank you. Woodruff online, a 22year old syrian refugee tells his story of how he fled his war torn home for the netherlands, where he helps other refugees rebuild their lives. Plus, has black friday become less relevant . Our partners from the conversation tackle the question. All that and more is on our website, www. Pbs. Org newshour. Tonight on washington week, a roundtable discussion focusing on Donald Trumps administration picks, and the future of the democratic party. Thats later this evening on most pbs stations. On tomorrows edition of pbs newshour weekend, Jeffrey Brown sits down with singersongwriter norah jones to talk about her evolving craft, her signature voice, and her musical roots. Everything i see about the novel, included in the publicity, its norah jones returning to her jazz roots. Do you buy that . I definitely think thats accurate. Thats now how i would describe what im doing, because i feel like im moving forward as i do with every album, but i definitely have been playing more piano again. I dont know. Music is good, just listen to it brown jones was at ease at the brooklyn conservatory of music, not far from where she lives with her family. Marriage and motherhood, no doubt changes your life. Does it change your music . I dont think it necessarily. It certainly changes my sleeping schedule and my drinking habits. Woodruff thats tomorrow night, on pbs newshour weekend. And well be back, right here, on monday, with a look at the farright movement in france. Thats the newshour for tonight. Im judy woodruff. Have a great weekend. Thank you, and good night. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by lincoln financial committed to helping you take charge of your financial future. Bnsf railway. Xq institute. Supporting social entrepreneurs and their solutions to the worlds most pressing problems skollfoundation. Org. And the william and flora hewlett foundation, helping people build immeasurably better lives. And with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. 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