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On tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 f years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. Lincoln financial is committed to helping you take charge of your future. Ol the ford foundation. Working with visionaries on thee frontlines of social change worldwide. And with the ongoing support of these institutions on and friends of the newshour. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. Ro and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. L thank you. Woodruff for the first time, the public is getting a look att the Police Shooting that rocked charlotte, North Carolina. Keith scott was killed monday, and it turns out his wife recorded his last moments. Be advised the video may be disturbing to some. Dont shoot him dont shoot him he has no weapon he has no weapon woodruff the voice of rakeyia scott, pleading withg charlotte police, telling them her husband is unarmed and has a brain injury as the confrontation quickly escalates. Drop the gun drop the gun he didnt do anything. He doesnt have a gun. He has a t. B. I. Hes not going to do anything to you guys. He just took his medicine. Keith, dont let them break the windows. Come on out the car. Keith, dont do it. Get out the car. Keith, dont you do it. Dont you do it. Keith, keith, keith, dont you do it. [gunfire] did you shoot him . Did you shoot him . Woodruff keith scott is now lying on the ground, as his wife screams. Did you shoot him . He better not be dead. He better not be dead. Release the video woodruff all of this, asas city officials face mounting pressure to release Police Body Camera and dashcam video. One piece of evidence willl never, ever make a good case. I know the expectation that video footage can be the panacea, and i can tell you tha is not quite the case. Woodruff the citys mayorhe said today the police video should be released, but only when it wont jeopardize the investigation. Scotts family has now seen the police footage, and is calling for its public release. And protesters kept up that call last night. If you want people to not come out here, and protest, and not to be suspicious or second guess whats going on with the politicians and the police you need to have transparency, people need to know the truth. Woodruff thursdays demonstrations were largely peaceful, as the city imposed a midnight curfew, and National Guard troops helped patrol the streets. Meanwhile, police say they arrested a suspect in the Fatal Shooting of a protester justin carr on wednesday night. They gave no other details. For more on that video and theth ongoing investigation, we turnn, to Yamiche Alcindor who is covering the events in charlotte for the New York Times. I spoke to her a short time ago. Yamiche alcindor, thank you very much for talking with us. We just showed that video. You were one of the reporterste the family gave this to. To where was mr. Scotts wife when she took this . Mr. Scotts wife was nearby his car. Sheca was in the complex where they lived together. Iv they have been married about 20 years. From my understanding, what the lawyers told me, she had seen her husband sitting in the car. He flashed his cell phone at her indicating that his phone was dying and he wanted a charger. She then went inside to go get the cell phone charger. She was inside a couple of minutes and when she came out, she saw the scene unfolding and she started to record the video on her phone. Ph woodruff and it is very difficult to watch, as we just showed our audience. Whats been the reaction . A has there been any official reaction since this has been out . From my understanding, wer have asked for several hours now for a reaction from the city ann we have not, as of this hour, gotten a reaction from the city about this video. Vi i should say the police chief said the dash cam video which is a different video than the video released today, but that video doesnt really answer all the questions and is not definitive about what happened. They at least said all the they talked about what all the videos captured show but have not responded to the video released by the family of keith scott. Woodruff what question yamiche does this video answer . I know there are blurry objects on the ground near where mr. Scotts body is lying. Is there any consensus on whether there is a gun . The family h has told us through their attorneys that mr. Scott did not own a gun. I was told bygu the attorneys today that the why have often cleaned that vehicle and that she never saw a gun, that he didnt own a gun. However, the police, of course,f have been very clear and said he did have a gun, that they found a gun on him after the shooting. Theyre not exactly sure where the gun was found. However, they are saying thereyi was a gun on scene. In terms of the questions this video answers, that was one ofe the first questions i asked the attorney and when i got on the phone i made a list of questions and the first one, i said, whath do you think the video tells us . Really, they said this t individual you doesnt tell us all that much. Ch it obviously just shows you kind of the emotion and the chaos that unfolded when keith scott was killed, but there really isnt anything in terms of whether or not he had a gun in his hand, whether or not he was walking toward police or away from police. There was really not much captured, the video is very shaky as im sure your audiencee has seen. In this video, it doesnt show even a clear picture of keith scott himself. However, i have been told byto attorneys that the dash cam video that they saw with the family, that that shows a lot more than the video that was released 250d. They say that video shows keith scott backing up with his hands down to his side. Hi they said there was some sort oo object in his left hand but theyre not saying theyre sewer what that was. They said he was righthanded, so he was holding an object in the handheldent be using primarily. But the family is saying specifically to me that he did not have a gun in his hand. Ha they are saying no one has seen a gun on him and they did not believe he owned a gun. However, i have been talking to the attorneys now for two days and theyre not saying he didnt have adi gun. Gu woodruff yamiche, reaction r in the community to this, what are they saying . Sa what are people saying . People are saying that this video illustrates that the police really need to release the video they have, the dash cam video and the body cam video, need to give us more information about what happened. The people ive talked to said the fact theyre screaming, you know, gun and saying put your hands up, and the wife is screaming he doesnt have a guna and trying to explain to him that he has a traumatic brain injury, that he had just taken his medication, that indicates,n the people i talked to, that the police are looking at keith scott as someone whos violent from the beginning and not taking into consideration this was someone who might be disabled, whose wife w trying to explain the situation. So people are angry at seeing the video but are also saying this doesnt prove he didnt point a gun at police so they want the other videos to be released as well. We woodruff Yamiche Alcindormi reporting in charlotte, we thank you. Thanks. S. Woodruff in the days other news a tulsa, Oklahoma Police officer accused of fatally shooting an unarmed black man, turned herself in early today. Betty shelby is charged with firstdegree manslaughter. Ee she was released after posting a 50,000 bond. Her First Court Appearance is next week. Republican donald trump got a boost today ahead of the first president ial debate on monday night. In a reversal, former rival texas senator ted cruz announced that he will vote for trump after all. Writing on facebook, cruz said t meanwhile, Hillary Clintons camp called for increased scrutiny of trump at the debatet a spokeswoman said his level of lying is unprecedented in american politics. A federal Appeals Court has struck down ohios process for purging voters from the rolls io they havent voted in at least two years. The court ruled today the process removes people who area in fact still eligible to vote. The states republican elections chief defended the process, saying ohio has used it for more than 20 years. Bombs rained down on syrias largest city today in the fiercest aerial onslaught there yet. The heavy air attacks on aleppo came as the syrian governmentsn military launched a new offensive to retake the city with russian backing. Rescuers worked to dig outsc victims buried beneath the rubble, but they came under fire themselves. translated we werentre able to help them quickly because of the shelling that we were subjected to as we were pulling them from under the debris. All night. I have never in my life seen such a bombardment. It is very, very intense. Woodruff the assault on aleppo appeared to shred any remaining hope of reviving last weeks ceasefire. Still, u. S. Secretary of state john kerry says he and his russian counterpart made aar little bit of progress in talks today. Back in this country, a veto showdown now looms over an act of congress permitting families of 9 11 victims to sue saudi arabia the home of most of tha hijackers. President obamas rejected the bill today, saying it could boomerang against u. S. Troopsan and diplomats abroad. Even so, the house and senate may have the votes to override the veto. And on wall street stocks slumped after a new drop in oil prices. The Dow Jones Industrial average lost 131 points to close at 18,261. The nasdaq fell 33 points, and the s p 500 slid 12. For the week, all three indexes gained about one percent. Still to come on the newshour how president Hillary Clinton would govern on day one, inside the last meeting of colombiasbi largest rebel group, ahead of a deal to end 50 years of war, mark shields and david brooks take on the weeks news, and much more. Woodruff this week, were taking a close look at how the president ial candidates might actually govern. Tu last night, the focus was on what Donald Trumps early days in office could look like. Tonight, we turn to Hillary Clinton and what her campaign statements tell us about a clintonled white house. John yang takes it from there. Reporter Hillary Clintons opponents have said that her presidency has been described by her opponent as an extension of the obama agenda. But what would the early days of a Hillary Clinton white housein look like . What might she propose and what could she actually get done . For this, we turn to my colleague lisa desjardins. And amie parnes, whos in neww york, shes the coauthor of h. R. C. , and senior White House Correspondent for the hill. Welcome to you both. Amie, you literally wrote thet t book on Hillary Clinton. What do you think her prioritier would be in the first days in i the white house . Well, shes mentioned as muc on the campaign trail repeatedly, she said she wants to push a major infrastructure bill to fix roads and bridges and highways across the country. She also wants to do a whole immigration overhaul, and thats something that she says is at the very top of her list. She also wants to get done Campaign Finance reform, and i think, also, shes going to have to deal with the Supreme Court and whether or not she picks up obamas appointee and takes that forward, and that is going to be interesting to see in this political climate. L yang based on your reporting on Hillary Clinton,cl based on her time in the senate, do you think shes going to take a bipartisan approach, try to be more bipartisan than weve seene in the past . I definitely think so. When you talk to people who have worked with both clintons, theyre both very much into working across the aisle, to extended an arm. Ex i have spoken to trent lott about this, when he was majority leader he worked with majority leader daschle and bill clinton. He feels very confident, he saia in the past secretary clintonli will work in the same way. She has a pretty good track record of working across the aisle with republicans. Bl she worked with tom delay and other republicans, so i thinkth this is very much her approach. I think shes very much a centrist and this is what shes looking to do when she takes office. Yang one of the things you watch at newshour is the other end of pennsylvania, ishe that avenue of bipartisanshipbi going to be replied to or answered, do you think . It remains to beer seen. In her corner Hillary Clinton has two factors in congress, a growing womens caucus shese worked with for a long time,ti right now 20 female senators,se could be 19 or 2 20 depending on what happens the election, likely 20. But she has something better,be she has a commanding generall coming into his own chuck schumer. In the past few years, wea havent seen him on our air very much, thats because hes becoming more bipartisan himself. Hes been reaching across the aisle in preparation for becoming the new democratic leader. Hes trying to build that groundwork for her. She also has some conservative Democratic Senators who are note going to agree with her on everything. Talk about the women senators. Its a very tight group, as you know, and includes republicans. Could that help her reach across the aisle . Im sure shes hoping so. So it is an interesting group. They eat dinner together, support each other and want to grow their ranks across the aisle, but some of them are in very risky senate seats and can only go so far. R. If Hillary Clinton is perceived ase unpopular as she becomes president , some of these female senators are not going to take a big risk, theyre not going to support tax increase force the wealthy, they may support things across the board popular like a change in childcare or a smaller infrastructure plan like the one Hillary Clinton is proposing now. Yang you mentioned theed Supreme Court vacancy, thatc could be an issue shes got to deal with starting essentially on day one. What do you think that will tell us about the rest of her about her approach to congress, about her attitude toward congress . It will tell us a lot, and shes going to have quite a little debacle because shes going to face some stress andd pressure from the left. Theyre going to want her to not go with someone like merrickne garland and pick someone more of their liking and ilk. And it basically shows what shes going to do with republicans, if she kind of, you know, walks toward them a littlt bit and offers someone whos more centrist, i think its very much you can kind of read the tea leaves there and see how shes going to govern. Yang and do you think the Republican Leaders on the hill are going to take that as an indication as well . Absolutely. It will be one of the first big signs of how shes going to work with them or not. Or its even more important than just predicting what the next few years will be. That Supreme Court choice mayoi determine what she can do on immigration, not just any comprehensive reform that may oh may not go through congress, but can she issue executive orders, can she keep president obamas executive orders. That Supreme Court choice will determine all of that. Th yang are there things she might try to do by executive action rather than going to Congress First . I think there are quite a few. I think shes going to try to take obama executive actions a little further on immigration, i think maybe on climate. She hinted as much about this. Shes been asked about this. I think a lot of republicansre kind of feel threatened that shes already talking about taking executive action. Ta i think her first step would be to work with congress and id think thats her preference, so i dont think shes going to move right away into executive action. And, lisa, whats her relations with or what do you d think the relations would be between the republican Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell and the republican leader, dont know if he will be majority or minority, and House Speaker likely paul ryan . Both those men have their own complex dynamics between caucuses. We know Hillary Clinton has worked with Mitch Mcconnell inmc the past. We understand its a relationship of respect. Ip not particularly a warm relationship versus Mitch Mcconnell who did workla best of all with joe biden. Thats something shell have to work on but there is a potential there. Paul ryan, i think, is someone who has such difficult dynamics in his own conflicts. He has the far right who sometimes say they will jump ship on him, hes got moderates. Those are things hillary clintoy under the white house will have to be tactical about. Ab they are strategists and will try to use it to theirir advantage, but its difficult because sometimes paul ryan cannot make the decisions for himself. Yang how do you think a president Hillary Clinton would make use o of bill clinton . T she talked about chick advisor and got pushback for that, but shell put him to use. He wont have the traditional spouse role. She will send him to capitol hill to work with people he knows. She and he will host meetings at the white house for bothh democrats and republicans ands im sure thats something they want to start right away. Yang amie parnes, lisa desjardins, thank you very much. Thank you. Woodruff this coming monday, in cartagena, colombia, a peace deal will be signed that aims to end more than 50 years of war. The accord also will mark the end of the insurgency by the revolutionary armed forces of colombia, known as the farc. Hari sreenivasan has more. Reporter all this week, the Guerrilla Group has been meeting at a desolate location in southern colombia. Today, unanimously, the farc voted to approve the deal and form a new political party. After the signing this coming monday, the accord must survive one more hurdle a nationwide popular referendum next weekend. Special correspondent nadjaia drost has been at this meeting all week, and joins me now. Nadja, we usually dont talk about political conventions in other countries and the imagesie ive seen have sound stages, fog ma sheerntion seems almost like a musical festival. Give us a sense of what it was like. To give you a sense of whereh we are, we are in the middle of the colombian plains, essentially the middle ofdd nowhere and were surrounded by miles and miles of shrubland. It might strike someone as strange to hold a conference but this is a f. A. R. C. Stronghold and has significant historical meaning for the rebel group. The conference that the f. A. R. C. Has been holding here this week is historic. It is their final conference as an armed group. Here they have made the decision to terminate their arms existence and plotting their strategy to transform to a political party. As you mentioned, there are sound stages, concerts, there are also guerilla camps. Theyre really going all out. It looks like this f. A. R. C. Are using this as an opportunity to introduce a new face to the colombian and internationalin public with over 300 journalists here camped out in the middle of nowhere, its a chance for the f. A. R. C. To change the image of them as a narcoterrorist groupgr to a group of rebels who very much want peace and want to transform themselves to become political actors. Po sreenivasan whats theat next step . How do they move forward to disarm . If the peace accords approve approval from the colombian public, thousands of troops will start mobilizing themselves into large areas that are beingg called zones of concentration where they will stay put for six months as they start a gradual process ofties armament. But f. A. R. C. Leaders here this week said they need assurance that an amnesty law will be passed before their troops can move anywhere. They are demanding that they have Legal Protections to ensure their troops are not going tore get arrested as they move on that. Sreenivasan what are the indications in how theca referendum vote will go . It is leaning more toward the side of accepting the peace deal. However, there is a very Strong Campaign being led mostly by former president in rejection of the peace deal. However, both sides of the negotiation, the f. A. R. C. And the government, have made very clear that, if the no side wins, if the public rejects this peace deal, there is no way that theye are going back to the negotiating table. One of the f. A. R. C. Head negotiators told reporters thate there is not even the remostest possibility and, on the government side, its expected in the case this referendumr fails the peace process, then we will likely not see another negotiation for at least ten years. So both the f. A. R. C. And thed government are sending a very strong message to the public that this is colombias best if possibly not last chance for peace. Sreenivasan nadja, youve covered the f. A. R. C. For a long time. How didfo we get to this point . There have been many attempt in the past decade to end the conflict through negotiation ano military means. Essentially, both sides have become very tired of war. Colombia is now in 52 years of war. The f. A. R. C. Has suffered year after year of military blows. The ranks have been shrinking, and despite very Strong Military campaign, the colombian, government has not defeated them entirely. So i think it became clear to both sides that this war waswa going to be intractable unless a negotiation took place. La sreenivasan special correspondent nadja drost joining us from colombia tonight. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you so much. H woodruff now to the analysi of shields and brooks. Thats syndicated columnist mark shields and New York Times columnist david brooks. Welcome, gentlemen. Gored. Woodruff so we turn to the lead story tonight and the last few nights, david, two more shootings in tulsa and charlotte, North Carolina, by police of black men. Were getting information. We know the tulsa policewoman was charged with man slawmpleghm what are we to make of the fact that these keep happening . First of all the videos are harrowing and have an effect on all of us and the national mood. This is a man losing his life. Li this is a wife losing her husband. These are cops in the middle,le and you can feel the pressures building on them as they dont quite know what to do. Beyond that, we dont really know that much. T we think these particular situations are always going toin happen and it seems to me there are two issuesee here, one gettg justice in these individual cases and all the individual cases, and then, second, which is to me more serious than the more political subject, is we do know there is tremendous Racial Disparities in searches, in arrests, in all sorts of police activities, maybe not in police killings. Harvard Research Shows there is not much Racial Disparity there, but in about other Police Activity there are huge Racial Disparities, and when we see legitimatee parts to have the protest, thats the problem. Pr i the individual cases, and we dont know what happened herehe yet from the larger problem which is indisputable and finding a solution to that larger problem is really the political issue. Li woodruff and can we focus on the real problem, mark, when feelings run high, emotions run high, understandably. Yeah, im not sure. I dont think really we have so far, certainly. R, i mean, i agree with david, this is wrenching and sobering. My own perspective on it has changed since senator tim scott, the africanamerican republican from south carolina, tookn to te senate floor, a cardcarrying, authentic conservative, ran as such, got reelected as such, and spoke about his own experience of being stopped seven times byy Police Officers for the principle offense of, as he put it, driving a car in the wrong neighborhood or even being stopped by Capitol Police and demanded to show his i. D. It does give youi. An idea thiss a real problem understanding fully the precious that they talk about and the risks Police Officers do take. I guess when i look at this, judy, most of you will, of i just think of where we are as a country, and im not sure at this moment. Mo woodruff well, thats pretty i dont know what one saysi to that. At i mean, i think, you know, well go around the country i was in nashville last night,ni there were some cops, i was in chicago last week and you find i lot of Police Forces actually doing better at community policing, getting integratedat with the communities,wi san antonio, texas, does a fine job. But then in the chicago case, there seems to be evidence of a ferguson effect of the cops not wanting to be on those videos and pulling back and you get the spike in the murder rate as well. These are super hard issues. Is on the one hand there is clear bias on the way africanamericans are treated. Af on the other hand, i used to be a police reporter, when cops are out there, even if they have a gun, they do not feel safe. They feel theyresa scared. These situations are harrowing on all sides. Si woodruff mark. Tulsa does show, i think, the value of transparency. Woodruff they put the video out almost immediately. They put it out and it was there in the case of terence crutcher, and the District Attorney moved quickly, and what started the process of resolution. North carolina is the only videi weve seen so far, is that of the widow. So, you know, there seems to beb a lack of or absence, so far the arguments for not releasing the video seem weak to me. They really should release it. Woodruff i the family is saying they have seen the videoe but are not saying its definitive but want it made public. Hillary clinton tweeted the video should be made public. Shes going to charlotte this weekend. What do we know about the candidates at this moment . T this comes in the middle of the election. A couple of days away from the debate. Shes made sympathetic commentsi donald trump initially made a sympathetic comment about themm victim in tulsa but last night made a speech and talked aboutou we need to support the police. Just politically, and this is not what i support but what i think realistically is thes effect of this, i think it helpe donald trump. I go back to 1968, Richard Nixon was helped by riots, if you want to put it that way, and Trumps Campaign from the Convention Speech on has been predicated on the argument that americans are under violent threat and that there is chaos and our social order is being undone and, if theres not just the shootings but the riots and unrest, i u think at least for a certaince segment of the population, that will undergird and support his argument, his perceptions ofep what america is, and i do think if theres any political effect of this, that air of disorder d will end up helping him a little. Woodruff you agree it helpst him . S i think its a pretty established principle in american politics that looting during the campaign helps self identify the law and order candidate. Woodruff not all protests involve looting. No, but there is looting, is my point. I think North Carolina is a test case, in many respects. E North Carolina had the reputation among Southern States for being so progressive under the governorships of particularly Terri Sanford and jim montour, state and national leaders. In a sense, in the last year, since the legislature and its bathroom laws and other effects, its seen its own reputation tarnished, its lost theth National Basketball association allstar game, matter of pride in the basketball state, lost the conference, an identifyinge icon of North Carolina, the Voting Rights controversy. Its lost jobs and business expansion, but i think this charlotte had the selfidentified reputation of being the new atlanta, too busy to hate, and all the rest of that. I think this is a blow and i i dont know how it plays out politically in the national election. I think secretary clinton, im not sure what the rewards are of going to charlotte. In there is a risk of losing followers if there isnt peace and tranquility and shes seen as a unifying figure then thats a positive. Po woodruff david, as we are, we said were a couple of days and hours away from the first at the bait. Th what are do we see or feel at this moment . There are expectations. C how different are they for these two candidates and what are they . First its easy to risk the effects to have the debates. E we all have 1960 in our head. They historically produce a 1 or 2 bump. A lot of losers have won a debate. Im taken by an article in the atlanta monthly by james fallos who says when you watch the debate turn off the volume. Vo laughter but when you think of pivotal debate moments, its often a visual image, and thats certainly true with donald trump. What he doestr is he exercise dominance displays throughout the republican race and its his physical nature that helped him stare down george bush and marco rubio and a lot of the moments are not the words that come out of their mouth, its the visual posture people are evaluating,in and even if they dont matter as much, i think if trump can seem normal, he will have normalized himself maybe a little for some voters. Woodruff but youre saying thats a lower expectation . To be seen as ape normally human being and not mentally ill, yes. To return to my sports metaphor, the good basketballt coach, the clintons have worked the referees this week, made the point hes not to be held to a minimal standard if he shows up and isnt profane or obscene or obnoxious, that this is a debat for the presidency and were measuring the qualifications of these people. That sense it has worked. I think she has a greatea advantage going in, not simply she debated barack obama five times, 90 minutes of Bernie Sanders. Hes never gone one on one with anybody. Hes been able to choose his spots, go in and speak in wall posters and Bumper Sticker schoagens, you cant do that for 90 minutes. You cant talk make America Great again and build a wall. It has to have some substance. She knows all the policy. Cy she has to try not prosecute the case. She has to try to win and tell people why she wants to be president. What differences will she make in their lives, what improvements. So i really think she has an advantage. There is a great advantage in the sense hes enormously comfortable with the camera and on stage. Warren buffetts great sidekick said never underestimate a mann who overestimates himself andse donald trump fits that definition completely. Woodruff david, how do you see expectations for hillaryr clinton . What standard does she have to meet . The coolness standard. Es if she loses this election it will be because she loses millennials. They could vote for gary johnson and jill stein. This may be a time she gets millennials to look at her and she has to resonate with the people Bernie Sanders and barack obama touch so deeply. Woodruff how does she do that . Some of it may be college,ll some of it may be just the vulnerable style. This is a generation thats grown up around social media and theyre used to a style of social communication thats more casual, and she has not been that. Her fundraising style is not really reaching the young. Re her policy style is very 1960s democrats, traditional. And she has not stylistically or substantively broken in with the Current Issues either stylistically or the concerns al lot of people have about t. P. P. And all that kind of stuff, about the openness of trade and, so, somehow, millennials has to be her central focus. Shes running againstai somebody whos substancefree. So i think there is a certain responsibility, filling in the empty espaces, which are largela in the case of the republicani thom knee. Kn woodruff well, the two of you will be with us all night monday night starting 6 00 on newshour and a little bit of news at the end. Were told nbc is reporting both Hillary Clinton and donald trump will meet sunday with israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. So a little bit of Foreign Policy in the middle of all this. Cant wait to see you monday night, mark and david. Woodruff its been a difficult week in charlottelo where police and residents have clashed over the shooting deathr of a black man. M it comes in the same week that an officer was charged with manslaughter as weve also been discussing over aer shooting in tulsa. But even amid the protests and tensions around the country, an unusual Theater Project iste trying to help communities move forward. Jeffrey brown went to ferguson, missouri to see the efforts to heal. Th were you aware of my proclamation forbidding the bodi to be buried . Yes, i knew it was a crime. And you still dared to break the law . I didnt know your laws were more powerful than divine laws, creon. Reporter in ancient thebes, a clash between the states need for security and order, and the conscience of an individual as a dead body lies on the groundgr unburied. But we are in modern day missouri, near ferguson where two years ago, 18yearoldar Michael Browns body lay in the street for four hours after he was shot and killed by a police officer, leading to violent clashes and days of protest and rioting. A grand jury cleared officer Darren Wilson of criminal wrongdoing. But the u. S. Justice Department Found a pattern of racial bias in a predominantly white police force in a predominately black city. It was fenced off because it was destroyed. I think they tore it down i know they tore it down. B reporter we drove through the area where the shooting and rioting occurred with lieutenant Latricia Allen of the st. Louis metropolitan Police Department. She was brought into ferguson back then to help calm things down. Two years later, she told me, she can make arguments for both sides. My life is being a Law Enforcement person. And being a mother. Because nobody really knows how i feel. What i do know is that a mother shouldnt have to bury her child, period. Reporter she also says this of ferguson and its aftermath its the big f word. Its something we dont even really talk about anymore. E. Its something that occurred and no one is proud of anything that happened. Its not like were on our badge of honor. Police officers one, the citizens zero nothing like that. Reporter now, antigone ine ferguson, a theater production, has brought lieutenant allen back here again this time, toa sing. Performances at the wellspring church and Normandy High School where Michael Brown graduatee months before his death wereh presented by a new yorkbased group called outside the wire, best known for its socalled theater of war productions aimed at helping military personnel deal with p. T. S. D. Its about holding a space, creating a space where truth can be told and they can be heard. Reporter founder Bryan Doerries has expanded the subjects he addresses in his work, but kept the original format. Four prominent actors present a staged reading of an ancient greek tragedy. No womam will ever tell me what to do as long as i live reporter a group of experts or, here, Community Members representatives including a friend of Michael Brown and his former teacher respond to the issues raised. Some people look at the shooting. Of the people forget about the total blatant disrespect of that boy laying in the ground because people were trying to figure out what to do. Reporter and, mostmo important, the audience of Community Members People Living amid the problem being tackled engage in a i discussion. We, all over the country, have the same problems here as everywhere. We are at war with ourselves. Where do we go as a society when we know what we do is wrong and we continue to do it . Reporter sometimes that can get heated. Thats the elephant in the roovment we dont want to talkt about the murder rate or black on black trial because it gives us a black eye. There is no such thing as black on black crime. 94 of crimes are black perpetrated on other blackmen but 84 of murders committed on white people are committed by white people. Reporter all of them a connecting dots between the ancients and their own, real experience and pain. We collectively are the corps russ and speak for what democracy is and what we want in our world. Aak brown sov cleez tragedyag was chosen. Reporter for ferguson, doerries chose sophocles antigone. The central question this play, antigone, is what happens when everyones right or feels justified in what theyre doing . We think about the fact that the protester in the street is right for feeling rage, and betrayal, and anger. And for being devastated by incident after incident after incident that we keep hearing about in the news. And the police force is right to be afraid, because living in this incredibly violent world in which one only has a few milliseconds sometimes to make a decision that could change the rest of your life. The plays about stepping back from all that and acknowledging that were all human and were all fallible. Reporter doerries found a local collaborator in Phil Woodmore, a choral teacher at a middle school who also headsoo singing groups for the st. Louis Police Department and for his church. I feel that the artistic value of what were doing breaks down a lot of barriers. It breaks down a lot of walls,ak and it breaks down a lot of things that put people in boxes where they can be open, they can express themselves freely and they can give information or share things, personal stories that they might not have sharede otherwise. Reporter the star power came from four actors gloria reuben, reg e. Cathey, samira wiley, and glenn davis whod flown in from various television and other projects specially for this one day of performances. Take her away she has said enough. Bury her alive. Reporter cathey, known for his work on house of cards, is a veteran performer of the theatre of war. This time he played creon, the king and uncle of antigone, whod in trying to preserve the state is also tearing it apart. The family killing each a other, struck me really deeply. I guess because its only my sister and i, ive lost both of my parents. Ar thats what were doing in america. If america, if were one family, if we truly are e pluribus unum, were killing each other in a vile way. These people are doing wrong. Reporter samira wiley is a newcomer to this type ofne performance. She played antigone, and said her current work on orange is the new black has a deep connection to events in ferguson after Michael Browns death. Te you are standing in front of people, you are looking at people who were in this young mans class. People who were his educators. What we do, at the end of the day, is fake, were acting, but we can elicit real, emotional, human feelings from people. Ma one thing that Bryan Doerries d told me was that its not so much about what we can give them, but about what they can give us. You can hear that in theory, but i really experienced that today. That last song im covered, which has multiple meanings of, im covered in the blood of thd lamb, which of course is jesuse sometimes it sounded like they were singing im covered in the blood of the land, whichan strikes you a whole different way. Then youre thinking, oh there wasnt a dry eye in the house. The selfish part of being an actor, you love it. We love killing the people. Its even better when we all get to take a journey together. And that happened this afternoon. Reporter that song wasso written by Phil Woodmore and dedicated to st. Louis Law Enforcement. Through art, a chance to be heard and, perhaps, move forward. From ferguson, missouri, im Jeffrey Brown for the pbs newshour. Reporter that song was woodruff now to another in our brief but spectacular episodes. Yesterday, president obama honored mel brooks with the National Medal of arts. Tonight, we celebrate one of his comedic cohorts, legendary performer and writer carll reiner, whose new book, carl reiner, now youre 94 will be out later this year. I wanted to be an operatic tenor. My father had these red seal records of enrico caruso. I lacked one thing. Ed two things actually pitch and timing. Shall i sing it for you . I dont know how the voice is today, but well see. Well find out. Ow those people who have a sense of humor get through life more comfortably than those who dont my influences in comedy started because my parents loved comedy. My parents always sought out comedies the Marx Brothers were their favorites and our favorites. Couldnt wait for a new marx brother movie. I was a straight actor. I didnt think id ever be doing that. My brother saw a thing in the paper that said free acting classes w. P. A. 100 and center street, new york. I met ms. Whittington, an old english woman who said, were going to all learn something from shakespeare, and were going to do a soliloquy from shakespeare. Were going to recite queen gertrudes speech on the death of ophelia. And to this day there is a willow growes aslant a brooke, that shewes his hore leaues in the glassie streame there with here coroneter clambring to hang; an enuious sliuer broke, when downe the weedy trophies, and her selfe, fell in the weeping brooke puld the pooer wretch from her melodious lay, to muddy death. Its pretty close to that. Anyway. Applause, applause max liebman who was about to do a thing called your show of shows. And he needed a straight man for sid sid was maybe the best comedian that ever lived. Di i auditioned and i got the job. There was a young comic calleda mel brooks, i didnt know who he was, but he was standing up andn delivering a monologue about a jewish pirate. Im delighted to be alive, no matter anything else. I said to mel, heres a man who was actually at the scene of the crucifixion 2000 years ago. And he said, oh boy, so you knew jesus . He says thin lad right. He wore sandals, walked around, with 12 other guys . Yeah, they always came into the store. E. I had a candy store they never bought anything, but i gave them water. They were nice boys. Steve allen said, fellas, you gotta record this. Re he had a Recording Studio world pacific jazz go there, wail, do whatever you want with it. For about two and a half hours, mel and i adlibbed, and cut it down to 47 minutes, and the 2000 was born. We still werent sure that it was for everybody and that only jews would like it. Carrie grant popped by and i said, i have a record i think youre gonna like. And i gave him one of the records, and he came back the following day, and he says, could i have a dozen . A he says, im going to england. He came back and he said, she loved it. I said, who loved it . He said, the queen mother went to buckingham palace, played the record. And i said to mel, the biggest ships in the world loved our record were in. When im asked whats the best time ive had in my life in show business, hands down, creatingnd and producing the Dick Van Dyke show, and writing for it. If you have one good friend, youre lucky, and i have one l good friend i call him my bes friend. My life is fuller because ive had mel in my life. D if he doesnt come over i dont know what to do with myself. He comes over every night. We love movies. We said any movie that has thres or four lines in it, and we hear those, and we know were in for a good time. The lines are lock all the doors, secure the perimeter and let nobody in or out, and get some rest. He became an entity, and that entity wrote some of the best and most memorable movies of all time i mean to this day. I mean farting is okay because he wrote a movie called blazing saddles. The best thing that ever happened to me was meeting a woman named Estelle Lebost. She raised three of the greatest kids ever lived, and she raised one great husband. Because she was eight yearsei older than i, and knew everything about everything. She informed me about life, politics, everything. That i am is because Estelle Reiner Estelle Lebost made mee who i am today. 65 years with the right woman, cant ask for anything more. This is carl reiner. That was my brief but spectacular take on this guy. Woodruff you can watch additional brief but spectacular episodes on our website pbs. Org newshour brief. Gwen ifill is preparing forll washington week, which airs later this evening. Gwen . Ifill bombs in new york and new jersey, controversial Police Shootings in oklahoma and North Carolina. What would the candidates do if they were president . And what will mondays debatemo show us . Its all about the context, which well provide tonight on washington week. Judy . Woodruff and we will be watching. On pbs newshour saturday gerrymandering. Who should have the power to draw Congressional District lines . And on monday, well be back with live coverage of the first general Election Debate of 2016. But online right now, you can interact with all the general election president ial debates since 1960. Senator , youre no jack kennedy. Vice president bush youre patronize. Or binders full of women. Ivo posedme the Death Penalty all my life. Woodruff you can find the interactive on e watchthedebates. Org. And thats the newshour for n tonight. Im judy woodruff. Have a great weekend. Thank you and good night. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by ee lincoln financial is committed to helping you take charge of your future. Supporting social entrepreneurs and their solutions to the worlds most pressing problems skollfoundation. Org. And the william and flora hewlett foundation, helping people build immeasurably bettee lives. And with the ongoing support of these institutionsit h g this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbt station from viewers like you. U. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llcdu captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org with Tyler Mathisen and ss. Getting bigger. The most valuable publicly traded companies are all in technology. And that may reflect the big shift under way in the economy. Price spike. The epipen isnt the only lifesaving emergency medicine that is getting a lot more expensiv grill it up. One mans quest to find a better way to clean his backyard grill. And his invention helped him make mil those stories and more tonight on nightly business for friday, september good evening, everyone. And welcome. Triple digit decline to end the week in the market. We begin with what may be a sign of the times. Technology companies are dominating the stock market like

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