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Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by bnsf railway. And with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Woodruff theyre still counting the actual votes in New Hampshire, but the races have been called. On the democratic side, the Associated Press projects vermont senator Bernie Sanders easily defeated Hillary Clinton in this first primary of 2016. She had won by a whisker in iowa. Among the republicans donald trump scored big, with john kasich a surprising second. Jeb bush, ted cruz the g. O. P. Winner in iowa, and marco rubio are fighting for third place. Political director Lisa Desjardins is in New Hampshire, where she watched the candidates and voters today. Reporter the Campaign Buses rolled across the Granite State one last time, and candidates made one last push to sway possible supporters. But many of those voters admitted they were lastminute deciders i just got out of my car and said, oh my god who am i going to vote for . Who am i going to vote for . Reporter for others, it was more excitement than angst in their First Experience with the first in the nation primary. Hey, we got a first time voter i dont know, i just felt that its time for me to become an american citizen. Its my right. So im doing it. Reporter what a state to have that right. I know. Live free or die reporter for the candidates, its more about living to fight on. Hillary clinton ventured into a frosty manchester morning to keep volunteers spirits up with a selfie or two, and promised her team wont quit. Were going to keep working literally until every last vote is cast and counted. Reporter rival Bernie Sanders was also out, urging along supporters outside a polling site in nashua. Among republicans, marco rubio drew a largely friendly crowd at a polling site, but a few detractors as well. One showed up in a robot costume; a pointed reminder of criticism that rubio came off too programmed in last saturdays debate. At a later stop, the candidate made clear he wont be deterred, regardless of tonights result. Then going to South Carolina and continue to build as we get into the other states. Reporter some of his rivals, too, insisted theyre staying in the race. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie ill see you in South Carolina. Reporter Ohio Governor john kasich well, were going to South Carolina. supporters squeal well be fine. Reporter and former Florida Governor jeb bush this is a long, long process, and a lot of things can happen in a very volatile year. So youre going to see me. Reporter the man theyve all been chasing donald trump and in the end, some who voted today said it wasnt about the outcome, but about savoring a unique day in democracy. Thats the most important. Its almost less important, who wins that people just exercise their right to vote. Reporter from New Hampshire, the democratic race moves on to the nevada caucuses on february 20th. The republican primary in South Carolina is the same day. And these do appear to be some sizable victories tonight. With them perhaps a theme from the New Hampshire voters that i talk to today. They chose candidates that they believe in, not necessarily the candidates that they are sure can win the nomination for the presidency. This was a vote from the heart for New Hampshire voters and now question to see where the heart of the rest of the country lies after this. Judy . Woodruff interesting they were leading Bernie Sanders and donald trump did appear to have ended up on top. Now, let me ask you about democrats first. This is a significant come down for Hillary Clinton, she won New Hampshire in 2008 when she ran against barack obama. Reporter thats right. Hillary clinton tonight it looks like she lost across almost every demographic except for the very wealthiest New Hampshire residents. Now, in 2008 she won in New Hampshire in large part because of her support among women. Thats one of the biggest changes i see in the votes that are coming in tonight, judy. She lost in New Hampshire tonight in large part because of the way women went. This time not for her but for Bernie Sanders instead. Woodruff i was struck by the vote total in 2008 she won 39 of the vote shes winning abouts the same this year but shes just a very different opponent. Based on your conversation with those women voters, lisa, how do you explain the fact that she has lost women . Reporter i think there are number of reasons and each female voter i talked to had a different one that they thought was biggest priority. Some of them told me that they dont trust Hillary Clinton. Some of them told me that they thought it was time for the clintons to move on that they wanted some sort of new political blood in the game. At the same time tonight, judy, i can report that the Clinton Campaign already knew they were going to lose they wrote a memo several hours ago conceding their lost to their supporters and staffers i in that memo, its interesting, Campaign Manager said, hes trying to play down not just todays race, not just iowa but all of february. She wrote that the real game is about march. That is where he points out correctly that half of democratic delegates will be decided. Its fascinating South Carolinas right around the corner, nevada is around the corner. But here is the Clinton Campaign conceding the early game in a way and looking to the long game saying this hope to win in march in states they say have more minorities where they believe they have stronger support. Woodruff really interesting that memo that you were able to get hold of. Lisa, lets talk about the republicans, donald trump the lead he had in iowa evaporated when caucus was happening. It didnt evaporate in New Hampshire. Can you explain the difference . Reporter in New Hampshire voters they certainly like to dig in they love to have a different result than the Iowa Caucuses. In a way perhaps something the Iowa Caucuses might have helped him with New Hampshire voters who liked him. I also think that the margin here shows that trump also has done well across all sections of New Hampshire. And not significant for the future of the republican race. Also what i see in the early votes coming in, judy, is that we have a real horse race for second place. Jeb bush is right smack in there, Michael Rubio is in third or fourth place in this of these counties. By the end of the night so far may be under performing a little bit and of course john kasich, this could be his moment well see how much farther hes able to go what hes able to do with perhaps what looks like possible second place. Thats our story coming out of New Hampshire. Hes really needs to take this and do something with it fast and his campaign session theyre ready to. Woodruff in fact, lisa, im hearing right now that two networks, abc and nbc are projecting john kasich will come in second in New Hampshire just quickly i know you talked to voters today, some of them who said they like what they were hearing. Reporter thats right. Folks think john kasich the right mix of smart, how long has dealt with government especially budgets and taxes, republicans like that an awful lot they like that hes not a bomb thrower also very wellknown here in New Hampshire, judy, he had more than 100 town halls, he worked some state hard. The question is going to be how he does in other states where he hasnt been as often. Woodruff lisa, well be talking to you during the special a little later, thanks. Ifill in the days other news, president obama sent his eighth and final budget to congress. The 4. 1 trillion blueprint includes new spending on cybersecurity and cancer research, and a 10abarrel tax on oil to pay for transportation needs. Hours after it arrived at the capitol, the president touted the plans benefits at the white house. The budget that were releasing today reflects my priorities and the priorities that i believe will help advance security and prosperity in america those for many years to come. These are proposals reflected in the budget that work for us and not against us. Ifill but republicans dismissed the plan before it even arrived on capitol hill. Arizona senator john mccain said theres not enough spending for defense. And mississippi senator roger wicker said the president should have consulted with g. O. P. Leaders first. The president s new budget, his final budget as president of the United States has arrived with a resounding thud here in the congress of the United States. This final budget of the Obama Administration misses the president s final opportunity to reach out and do big things in a time of divided government. Ifill Republican Leaders pledged to release their own budget plan in the coming weeks. Woodruff the head of u. S. Intelligence confirmed today that north korea has restarted its plutonium reactor and ramped up uranium enrichment. Both are key components of a Nuclear Weapons program. The director of national intelligence, james clapper, said the north could begin recovering plutonium for bomb making in a matter of weeks or months. Ifill in hong kong, Lunar New Year celebrations erupted into the worst violence since 2014, leaving dozens injured. It started after police tried to shut down unlicensed food vendors. With that, hundreds of protesters rushed police lines, hurling bricks and swinging sticks. Officers fought back with batons and rounds of pepper spray. They arrested more than 60 people. Woodruff safety officials in southern germany are trying to understand what caused a deadly train wreck. The crash today in bavaria killed at least 10 people dead, and injured scores more. Emma murphy of independent Television News reports from the scene. Reporter on one of the safest Rail Networks in the world, whats left of two commuter trains they collided at full speed, just before 7 00 this morning, outside the spa town of bad aibling, an hour from munich. It was a head on collision, both trains on the same track, the impact crushing the front carriages and flipping others off the tracks. You could hear people screaming for help, you could hear how glass was being broken to help people get out. And one by one people were getting out, covered in blood, limping. Reporter this is the same route the trains were on. Its fitted with an automatic braking system, which should have stopped them if the track was not clear. Why it didnt, whether though human or technical failure, is part of the investigation. Walking to this site, what strikes you its straight all the way, the rail track running parallel with the canal until you get to the part where the two trains collided. That is where there is something of a bend. The trains would have been going at top speed, around 60 miles an hour. By the time they came out of that bend on the same track, they would not have had time to stop. And the investigation now must establish why they were in the same place at the same time. The crash happened down a single track road between a canal and forest, which meant huge problems for the 700strong team of Emergency Service staff. Casualties were put into small inflatable ribs to be moved to helicopters and ambulances in germany and austria. Dreadful as this day has been, the only relief is that more were not killed. Usually these trains would be full of school children, but they were off school today for a carnival. Woodruff one person is still missing in the wreckage, but officials had to call off the search at nightfall. Ifill staggering new numbers today on the european migrant crisis. The International Organization for migration reports that more than 76,000 migrants have arrived on the continent by sea since january 1. That comes to nearly 2,000 arrivals a day, and its about ten times more than the same period last year. More than 400 people have died in the crossing attempt this year, up from 69 at this same time last year. Woodruff back in this country, hawaiis big island has declared a state of emergency, over an outbreak of dengue fever. Thereve been 250 confirmed cases of the mosquitoborne illness since late october, the most since the 1940s. The state of emergency allows landfills to accept old tires, which are often breeding spots for mosquitoes. Ifill wall street struggled today to avoid another selloff. In the end, the Dow Jones Industrial average lost 12 points to close at 16,014. The nasdaq fell 15 points, and the s p 500 dropped one point. Woodruff and, thousands of people had to brave cold winds in new orleans today for the climax of mardi gras. Despite the chill, revelers filled the streets of the big easy to enjoy traditional parades, elaborate floats and all the beads they could catch. The celebrations mark the culmination of the carnival season as lent is ushered in. Still to come on the newshour how New Hampshire will change the race for the republican nomination. Syrians stranded on the Turkish Border as Government Forces bear down on aleppo. Plus, a look at detroits crumbling schools. Amy, what does the race mean what do the results mean for the race ahead . We still have a very long slog ahead of us. I think on the republican side its pretty clear that there is no coalescing around the one socalled establishment candidate, it looks at this point as if rubio and kasich and bush all going to be muddled up there, somewhat in the middle. Kasich number two . Reporter see how close third place and fourth place what Michael Rubio wanted to do was to come out of New Hampshire with a clear mandate as the front runner for the establishment lane. That is not going to happen. Were going to go into South Carolina with ted cruz as the sort of evangelical social conservative candidate. Donald trump in that his own lane then vacuum still on socalled establishment. Ifill we cant under play that the magnitude of donald trump tonight, because of this huge turn out may have gotten more votes than mitt romney got last time. Judd what is amaze when you look at donald trump we saw in this iowa he means across the spectrum. He wins conservatives, moderates, even among the people who said that they wanted to see legal status offered to Illegal Immigrants, he tied john kasich on that with 22 . For the top two vote getters among who said that giving status was important. Of course, among those who said they wanted to see Illegal Immigrants deported, he won those voters overwhelmingly. But he has a broad base that is not ideological. That is the interesting piece about donald trump, you cant put them into a nice little neat category, thats what makes him a wild card going on for the rest of this campaign. Ifill because you cant tell whether people are voting or who exit poles voting for donald trump, his ideas or voting against the system. Reporter thats right. Among the people who said that they wanted to see somebody who had experience. Donald trump only got 6 of their vote. But of the 48 they said wanted somebody with outside the establishment he won with 57 . Republican party divide is real, we saw it in iowa, we are seeing it again in New Hampshire and see it continuing on definitely last few states, next few states. Ifill Democratic Party divide, too. There is. What is fascinating i would describe it as, Bernie Sanders it looks like hes going to have very big win, winning among all categories. College educated, noncollege educated he won big among men, barely lost among women. Huge amongst Younger Voters when you ask democratic voters who did you think is the best candidate to win in november, Hillary Clinton wins by more than 08 points. The most experienced is Hillary Clinton. Ifill this isnt about electability. It is when you ask, who do you think cares for people like you, who do you think is honest and truth worthy, Bernie Sanders ahead by 70 i 80 points. For democratic voters who want the most electable candidate thats Hillary Clinton. The candidate that they feel connected to, thats Bernie Sanders. I think that push and pull of heart and head what were going to continue to see again as we move through this process. Ifill they spent a lot of effort and lot of time and energy trying to win first in iowa, the clinton folks. Now in New Hampshire. As lisa reported a short time ago theyre now saying its not reporter it is funny to watch that. The clip concampaign wanted to come out of february with definitive wins to get this thing all nice and sewn up they didnt want to have to go to march. Yes they have the money, the oregon any sack, not what they wanted to do. And now they have opponent in Bernie Sanders who also has money and organization to go deep into march and this is going to be a Hillary Clinton thats going to have to if she wins going to look like like 2008 going to be winning sort of ugly. The winning on the margin, a state here or there not going to be the sort of sweeping in coronation. Ifill one of the things we talk about New Hampshire these folks are independent dent and especially because they can show up on voting day and go either way. Thats not necessarily true in the states coming down the line judd thats right. Ifill there are independent thinking people in both parties who benefit based on what weve seen so far in the up coming upcoming races. If the ifill is the electorate looks like traditional democrats and not people who identify as independents sort of outside the system that should benefit Hillary Clinton. She did well, she tied him among that group. Ifill you mentioned Hillary Clinton we can now hear a little bit of Hillary Clintons concession speech tonight in New Hampshire. Thank you all i just want to begin hillary thank you all very, very much. My goodness. I dont know what we would have done tonight if we had actually won this is a pretty exciting event. Im very great to have all of you. I want to begin by congratulating senator sanders on his victory tonight i want to thank each and everyone of you. And i want to say i still love New Hampshire. And i always will. [ cheering and applause ] and heres what were going to do. Now we take this campaign to the entire country. Were going to fight for every vote in every state. Were going to fight for Real Solutions that make a real difference in peoples lives. General what she did there. Reporter New Hampshire as been fun but were just going to go somewhere else now take it to the rest of the country then end with, real looks. This is her focus still is on im the person who can get things done. But again if you look at what happened in New Hampshire, yeah, 40 of voters said that was important but 60 thought honest and trustworthy someone that relates to them was the most important. Ifill the lessons from the first two caucuses and primaries with Donald Trumps victory and with ted cruz won in iowa but donald trump tonight and Bernie Sanders tonight, is people may be much more in love with the idea of pushing back against what currently what people reporter what they are supposed to be doing. Who they should be voting for. The question Going Forward is, does the heart continue to win out over the head as we move through the process, as we get into bigger states as the focus gets off of one individual small state and into bigger, broader states where the candidates dont get to spend as much time. And have to, you know, spend it mostly on tv. Ifill we start tracking them beginning tomorrow. Reporter we do. Ifill amy walter, thank you. Woodruff and now we break down some interesting facts and figures from New Hampshire that arent voting results. Heres hari sreenivasan. Sreenivasan our data team looked what the numbers say about New Hampshire going into tonights primary results. How does the Granite State compare to the rest of the country, and what are new hampshirites saying compared to the rest of country . New hampshire is whiter and more wealthy according to the census bureau. 94 of the votingage population is white versus 66 of the u. S. And the Median Household Income is 66,532. Thats 12,000 more than the amount you find nationwide. In fact, there are fewer people in poverty in New Hampshire, as well. The National Poverty rate is nearly 14 , almost twice as high as whats found in New Hampshire, slightly more than 8 . And there theyre more politically active. Among New Hampshire residents age 18 and older, the census says nearly three out of four are registered to vote compared to about two out of three americans. But whats on the minds of New Hampshire voters as this years election Gains Momentum in just like in iowa last week, facebook users in this small new england state have more to say about donald trump than any other president ial contender, republican or democrat. Next theres ted cruz who won last weeks iowa g. O. P. Caucus and then marco rubio and jeb bush. The president ial race is two democrats, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, follow trump in generating interest on facebook there. Regarding issues that most concern New Hampshire voters, conversation on facebook may offer some clues. Campaign finance is the most important topic among facebook users in New Hampshire leading up to todays primary vote. Next new hampshirites are talking about taxes, the economy, wall street and same sex marriage. And when new hampshirites want to learn more about this years candidates, what are they googling . According to the Search Engine newslab, interest in rubio peaked after his debate performance saturday, and top trending questions among New Hampshire residents include is Marco Rubio Catholic and is ben carson prochoice. In an effort to influence the hearts and minds, campaign and special Interest Groups are buying lots of ads in New Hampshire. The boston globe reported that since december, more ads have aired in New Hampshire both for and against jeb bush than anyone else, interestingly ted cruz was featured in the fewest ads. Tonights vote in new england will show if those ad dollars make a difference. Woodruff and that brings us to the analysis of shields and brooks. Thats syndicated columnist mark shields and New York Times columnist david brooks who joins us from manchester. David, we have projections, results, whatever you want to call them, a big loss for Hillary Clinton, how do you explain it . Reporter well, im sort of reminded, mark and i were covering with jim lehrer the impeachment process of bill clinton we knew it was going to happen this trial. But when it actually happened it took our breath away. The fact that Bernie Sanders and donald trump have won triumphant victories dominating victories sort of takes your breath away. And for standers it was broad. He won just about every single Demographic Group in the Democratic Party with the exception of people making over 200,000 a year. Thats pretty impressive. So were all counting out Bernie Sanders down the road, you got to rethink that, its just a broad and deep and among voters here hes acceptable nominee to Something Like 78 of the party. Thats impressive. Woodruff ask New Hampshire an outlier . Reporter if you are on losing side of New Hampshire its all unrepresentative and remote place. Its an impressive victory. David is absolutely right. What struck me is overlap between Bernie Sanders smashing victory tonight and Donald Trumps victory in the sense of what they have in common. They are entirely different in many respects, they are both emphatically antitrade. Theyre not establishment candidates, both emphasize strong op sticks to the United States invasion and occupation of iraq. Neither one of them takes money from traditional donors in either party and are both kind of contemptuous and disdainful of it and both have obviously sanders more so critical of wall street. Distance themselves from wall street. Its very much outsider night but great smashing victory for Bernie Sanders. I think he carried men, he carried women. Carried every educational income group, it was married, single, there was no Demographic Group that did not feel the burn. Woodruff before we turn to the republicans and Bernie Sanders is speaking right now were going to defend some that have in just a moment but is this the kind of win that Bernie Sanders can take somewhere else. A lot of notice made about the fact the states come up are not necessarily friendly territory for him. Reporter right, but that can change. And i wouldnt count on it changing. But it can change if he gets 20 point win thats impressive. A lot depends what Hillary Clinton. Shes not shown the most political imagination. Will she respond by hugging Bernie Sanders policies, im not sure that is a central strategy. Will she continue her strategy of being the boring pragmatist, maybe that hasnt worked so well. A lot will depend on candidates themselves. Sanders is not going to change hes incapable of chaining. Clinton has the opportunity to come up with some new message. Well see if she has the imagination to do it. Woodruff mark, speaking of Hillary Clinton we just heard gwen and amy discussing we heard Hillary Clinton saying, im going after every vote, im going to every state. Can she come up now with a new approach, a new message that can catch fire . Reporter well, she certainly got to get off of what was really an unfortunate if not dumb approach of trying to scold and shame young women into voting for her as they tried in New Hampshire with most Madeleine Albright and gloria stein am. Gloria using the Annette Funnicello where the boys are argument why young weep were voting for woodruff thats for that reminder. Reporter they try to later to smear Bernie Sanders today as feature of wall street because appeared that Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Fundraiser whether it was wall streetst money, going to have a better, better message as to why and what the differences are. I just i think its campaign right now that has got knocked back on its heels and. Dont think that the results of New Hampshire and draw in iowa are going to have no impact upon South Carolina and nevada. Both of which should be demographically friendly territories to Hillary Clinton. Woodruff we do have some of what Bernie Sanders has just been saying to his supporters there in New Hampshire lets listen. And let me take this opportunity to thank the many, many thousands of volunteers here in the Granite State who worked so tirelessly [ cheering and applause ] our volunteers worked night and day, made phone calls and knocked on a heck of a lot of doors. And we won because of your energy, thank you all so much [ cheering and applause ] and i want to thank julia barnes and our Great Campaign staff. Together we have sent the message that will echo from wall street to washington from, maine to california. And that is that the government of our great country belongs to all of the people and not just a handful of wealthy Campaign Contributors and their super pacs. Woodruff Bernie Sanders speaking just moments ago there in New Hampshire. David, hes sticking with the message that brought him to where he is. Reporter yeah, hes been on that message since he was at the university of chicago. And the time has met the man. And that message is sort of the part of the trump appeal where a nation coming apart demographically, socially, economically. And people are afraid that have with good reason so theyre looking at the two vessels who speak most directly. Im not sure either has a solutions that are practical but they are the vessels who represent country that is fragmenting along social, economic and other lines. Woodruff lets talk about that other vessel. Donald trump, looking at exit poles as they left the polling places, he is winning across all Demographic Groups as well. Its broad, hes winning old, young. Its a pretty impressive victory for donald trump. Reporter it is an impressive victory, judy. Did he it the Old Fashioned way, he spent very little money. Only spent 3. 7 million, jeb bush tent ten, 1 times that to his campaign and Political Action committee. And he didnt do the town meetings. This is a new and rather remarkable victory and formula for victory in a state and i dont think theres any question after tonight that marco rubio among late deciders, marco rubio came out of with such a head of steam out of iowa, people who decided late he finished fourth. That just has to be traced to his bad debate moments. Guarantees that robots will show up at every marco rubio event from this point forward. But Donald Trumps victory was across the board, and it guarantees to be long race i would say right now in both parties. Barring some intervening factor. Going well into the spring. Woodruff david, from looking at the rest of the results on the republican side you still have pretty muddled picture, its true that marco rubio failed to maintain the lift off coming out of iowa. But you got several candidates with john kasich coming in second, the others, nobody was completely put away tonight, were they . Reporter no. Good news for people in the mainstream wing of the party is that if you add up the rubio, bush, kasich vote you get a pretty significant chunk of the vote. If you throw in christie even more. That vote is potentially out there. Is there a candidate that can unify that vote. Rubio had the best shot if this stumble translates into a stumble in South Carolina and further on, then maybe there is no clear alternative who can unify the moderate vote. Kasich, big night for him, very successful, very surprising given where he was three or four weeks ago. But is he the guy who can actually have any sort of operations in South Carolina at this late date, any money to do anything there . A little dubious about that. Trump has a ceiling, but maybe there is no real alternative to a trump or a cruz. That could be what the rubio decline means. Woodruff mark, youre nodding vigorously. I think david is right. John say kick taking nothing away from his impressive showing all the town meetings he did, the Old Fashioned way. Retail politics. But rees the John Huntsman of 2016 who finished impressive third with 17 against mitt romney, behind ron paul in 2012. Where do you go from there . I guess john kasich certainly go back to ohio and maybe michigan, some of the other midwestern states. He doesnt have the money. He doesnt have the infrastructure of a campaign. And i think this is a result that probably helps donald trump tonight more than any other he could have foreseen. Woodruff i come back to david what the two of you have talked about, that is, that voters want to hear want to see outsiders triumph. At least at this stage, maybe on to november. There is an anger, theres a frustration, a disappointment on the part of the american electorate and were seeing it vividly tonight in New Hampshire on both democratic and the republican side. Reporter yeah, if you think of the language that donald trump used that guy go on to win a big New Hampshire primary maybe double up his closest competitor. Thats a sign that people want a change in manners, change in the way people talk. They want change in the way people are funded. And presumably they want change how they would govern though im not sure donald trump has any theory of that. Interesting thing they factored in all the negatives, not people the people are blind to how obnoxious he is. They said, yeah, im factoring that in i still want the guy. If you ask republicans who voted today, 48 say he would be acceptable nominee. And thats. Higher than would say cruz or rubio down around 38 and 40 . Theres a significant chunk ever voters here even if they didnt vote for himok would find him acceptable. Woodruff what does that say to you, mark . Reporter a smaller hes better off coming out of New Hampshire than he was coming out of iowa. In the sense of acceptability. There had been a great resistance among many people in the party to trim physician they go to accept him. The resistance dissipates. Its only to his benefit. I would say one of the people that looks like it could be beneficiary tonight is ted cruz. I mean, both Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum won iowa as evangelical candidates is founded in New Hampshire. Hes playing with house money. He had very few commercials and if he finishes third in New Hampshire that is an impressive victory for him and certainly earn courage. Going south after not extensive effort in the state. Woodruff there is that significant block of the republican electorate, david. Who very much would like to see a Christian Conservative do well. He wins among those who label themselves extremely conservative, the problem 33 i think in iowa was about 40 . But he does not do well among people who did not label extremely conservative. The Christian Conservative support has always mystified me with ted cruz because christian virtues are humility, charity, grace, im not sure ted cruz exemplifies that. But politically he is extremely conservative. And so i still think theres a ceiling on what he can get to just because he has not been able to expand beyond his walls. Whether trump can expand beyond his walls is a much more open question especially after tonight. Woodruff certain ly s. Mark shields and david brooks, boy, do we have election to cover after this. We already did now we really have one to cover. Thank you both. We will see you at 11 00. And we hope you will stay with us well have lot more on the New Hampshire primary on our pbs newshour special report, that is at 11 00 p. M. Eastern plus, tune in on thursday, gwen and i will moderate the democratic president ial debate in partnership with facebook from the univeristy of wisconsinmilwaukee. That starts thursday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. Ifill american intelligence officials told a Senate Hearing today that russias Bombing Campaign in syria has stabilized the regime of president Bashar Alassad and turned the tide of the fiveyear civil war against u. S. Backed rebel forces. That is most apparent in aleppo, in northern syria, where tens of thousands have fled as the Syrian Army Closes in. William brangham reports. Brangham this is everyday aleppo now sirens wail as rescue crews rush to the scene of yet another air strike, believed to be the work of russian warplanes. translated we have the planes over us. We have the rockets over us. We are dying. We are left with nothing but our clothes. We want to be at ease. We want our dignity. Its been five years of living under bombs, crying oh god. Brangham Syrian Government troops, backed by a barrage of russian airstrikes, are fighting their way closer and closer to aleppo. The United Nations warns that 300,000 people are at risk of being trapped inside what was once syrias largest city. Rami jarrah is a syrian journalist and activist, now in istanbul, turkey. He was in aleppo just two weeks ago, and spoke today, via skype. In the center of the city we are seeing is an escalation, so mainly the marketplaces, and locally heavy populated residential areas are being attacked. Brangham as a result, the World Food Program reported today, conditions are rapidly getting worse. We are extremely concerned about the situation on the ground. We are worried about access and supply routes from the north to eastern aleppo that have been cut off. We are making every effort to get food to the people. Brangham desperate to escape, tens of thousands of syrians are trying to flee the short, but difficult distance north to turkey, only to find the border cordoned off. Many people are not being allowed to cross the border, and we are asking turkey to open its border to all civilians from syria who are fleeing danger and seeking international protection. Brangham over the last few years, the turks have already taken in some two and ahalf million syrian refugees. And the foreign minister said today his government has started taking in some of the 50,000 syrians massed at the border. But he warned that influx could become a torrent. translated we admitted 10,000 but for the others we will set up camps on the other side of the border. We can only let them through in a controlled fashion. If air strikes continue, the refugee flood could reach 100,000 or even one million. Brangham russia insisted today there is no credible evidence that its air strikes have caused civilian deaths. But rami jarrah says the view on the ground in aleppo is decidedly different. There is extreme fear amongst the civilians there. They are totally disabling the movement there so if there is any small form of commerce, or Business Trade that is happening in these areas that people can live off, they are also destroying that. And they are scaring the rest of the civilians. They are willing to hit hospitals, willing to hit local councils, the Civil Defense for example, then they are willing to kill anyone. Brangham underscoring the point, a humanitarian Group Calling itself the syria Civil Defense posted these images online, showing the aftermath of a russian attack on a refugee camp in northern aleppo. At least five people were killed. The fierce bombardment has also taken a heavy toll elsewhere, according to humanitarian activist mohammad alhamseh. Hes witnessed the scope of russias aerial onslaught first hand, farther south in the town of talbiseh, near homs. translated russian planes are bombarding in the morning and evening and inflicting damage to civilians they are killing and hurting civilians daily and also bombing what are supposed to be safe areas in the town of talbiseh. In regards to the humanitarian situation, it is very, very bad. There is no way for any food or supplies to reach this area. From sugar to flour to oil or gasoline. Brangham faced with this escalation, the u. N. Backed syrian peace talks in geneva stalled last week. In washington today, u. S. Secretary of state john kerry said moscows military campaign in syria has jeopardized any prospect for peace. Russias activities from aleppo and in the region are making it much more difficult to be able to come to the table and be able to have a serious conversation. Weve called on russia and we call on russia again to join in the effort to bring about an immediate ceasefire and bring about full humanitarian access. Brangham for the pbs newshour, im william brangham. Woodruff next, to detroit, and a City School System in turmoil, plagued with decrepit buildings, financial uncertainty, a chronic lack of resources, and now, a recent wave of teacher sickouts. All of it is fueling a growing anxiety that the system could run out of money in coming months. April brown has our report, part of our making the grade series, which airs every tuesday. We started to call it a theme geyser because we really dont know what it is. If you notice there are steam coming out there. Is also liquid spewing out from it. So its very dangerous because it causes the temperatures on the playground to reach 110 degrees. Reporter ms. Wilson is the councilor at this school. But for the last three years she says steam and water, reportedly from the sewer system, have been seeping out of the concrete in the parking lot and shooting out of this pipe a few feet away. This is your only playground . Reporter what do your kids do for exercise now . Our kids are walking the hallway. Theyve become like mall walkers. Reporter the gym she referred to is now locked and but before that happened, a few cameras captured what is there. If we were to go inside what would we see, how would you describe it . A scary movie, the floor has been removed the parquet. Now what you see is a layer of blackness. Weve been told it was black mold, in fact the city inspector said that it was mold. Reporter teachers, and staff say theyve had building issues for years, including mold, water damage, and broken windows. Some of which city inspectors recently cited as code violations. India brimberry, the schools Student Health aide, is among those concerned these problems are affecting the health of those who work and study here. I see a lot of nosebleeds, a lot of stomach aches, a lot of headaches, vomiting, every day. Reporter the conditions at spain, along with structural and maintenance problems at other schools in the Detroit Public School district, came to light last month after more than 80 were closed because of the most recent in a series of teacher sickouts over working conditions. Soon afterward the mayor ordered nearly all the citys schools be inspected. This is one of the first schools city inspectors came to. Cody houses three separate high schools and here the inspectors found 30 Violations Including mold, mildew and evidence of rodents and insects. The Detroit Institute of technology, a College Prep School located at cody is where Christal Bonner teaches. She was among a group of teachers, parents and students who wanted to share their many experiences with issues including large class sizes, and few resources, in a district that may soon run out of money. How can you call yourself Detroit Institute of technology when your technology is nonexistent or very low. We just have some outdated desktop dells. Some outdated netbooks, and a in a couple of rooms you might have a smart board. Thats it. Reporter 18 year old lucas beal is a senior at communication and Media Arts High School a few miles away. In my math class, there are not enough textbooks. Some of the pages are missing, so we have to scramble around, try to take pictures of the problems we have to do, share the books. Reporter at yet another high school, cass technical, senior Ashley Carson is among a group of students there who organized a walkout both to support teachers and protest the poor conditions. She says that even though the physical conditions at cass tech arent as bad as some others, having so few resources is demoralizing its kind of like you feel like youre the bottom of the barrel. Like were not worth anything. We may know different but what theyre showing us is that were not worth something. Reporter arlyssa heard pulled her son out of a Detroit Public School, but is still concerned about whats happening. How long can you go without enough supplies, no prep time . Id love to ask the teacher in the room, how do you keep going . Well, good question. I guess i keep going because the students, miss bonner, are you coming back next year . Reporter bonner has stayed in the classroom, but many other teachers have quit. And after januarys largescale teacher sick out by many who remained, the district sued to stop similar protests in the future. The districts head of communications, michelle zdrodowski. We understand the teachers frustration. Were frustrated. We feel the same things teachers feel but ultimately teachers need to be in the classroom teaching when you close 88 schools on one day that doesnt help kids. Reporter the Teachers Union next announced it was filing suit against the district alleging it is not providing a minimally adequate education or properly maintaining the schools. Ivy bailey is the interim president of the Detroit Federation of teachers you shouldnt have to worry if water is dropping on your head if youre breathing in mold spores. If theres a teacher sitting in front of you, coat on all day, reporter but district Officials Say theyve been trying their best to solve the problems. When there are life and safety issues weve done our best to address those as quickly as possible Bigger Picture issues like complete roofs that need replacing. We just dont have the funds for right now. Reporter the mayor described the schools as the worst performing of any large city in america. The district financial situation has been declining for more than a decade, along with its enrollment, which plummeted from more than 140,000 in 2005 to about 47,000 a decade later. At the same time, revenue has dropped from roughly 1. 4 billion to less than 800 million. And now expenditures exceed revenue. The district is now on the brink of insolvency, with more than 500 million of debt. Emergency managers effectively took control away from the local school board in 2009. I think its critically important we improve education in detroit. Reporter Darnell Earley was appointed a year ago, but earley has been under fire for his tenure as the emergency manager in flint michigan when the city switched its water supply in a costcutting measure, which resulted in lead contamination and a Public Health crisis. Earley resigned last week but is still in his post until the end of february. Why is mr. Earley not available . Hes doing the work of the district. Reporter Detroit Public Schools head of Communications Michelle zdrodowski. As an emergency manager he was responsible for coming in and addressing the financial emergency. If you look at our audit report for fiscal year 2015 it shows that were it not for the 515 million in Long Term Debt we would have had a 13 million surplus. Reporter but just last month, earley acknowledged the district will run out of cash in april. Governor snyder says he plans to appoint a transitional leader for Detroit Public Schools before the end of the month. There is legislation pending that could eliminate the 515 million debt and offer millions more for restructuring, but also concerns the district could file for bankruptcy. Lucas beal hopes the money and improvements come soon enough to benefit younger students, because he doesnt expect theyll be in time to help him. Im a senior and im about to go off and i might know half of the stuff i need but i might not because of lack of resources. Reporter for the pbs newshour im april brown in detroit. Woodruff updating our top stories in the New Hampshire primary democrat Bernie Sanders soundly beat Hillary Clinton and said his win and progressive message will echo, question, from wall street to washington. Donald trump won the republican contest with more than double the support of john kasich who came in second. And the u. S. Supreme court has blocked president obamas plan to curb Carbon Dioxide emissions from power plants until legal challenges are resolved. Later tonight on most ifill later tonight, on most pbs stations, dont miss the Fantasy Sports gamble. Frontline teams up with the New York Times to investigate the phenomenon of online Fantasy Sports sites, exploring among other things whether playing constitutes gambling. On the newshour online, youll also find the latest results from todays New Hampshire voting, and a calendar of upcoming primaries and debates. All that and more is on our web site, pbs. Org newshour. Woodruff and thats the newshour for tonight. Join us later at 11 00 p. M. Eastern for special live coverage of the results of the New Hampshire primary. Im judy woodruff. Ifill and im gwen ifill. For all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and see you later tonight. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. Lincoln financial committed to helping you take charge of your financial future. The ford foundation. Working with visionaries on the frontlines of social change worldwide. Carnegie corporation of new york. Supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the advancement of International Peace and security. At carnegie. Org. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and individuals. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org the nightly Business Report with tyler math son. The force awakens disneys results, but does the company need more than blockbuster movies to keep its shares climbing . Utility stocks are the best performer sos far this year. Theyvds what can go wrong . Plenty. Going to the polls. Why the number one issue on the minds of New Hampshire voters maybe neither jobs nor the all that and more tonight on nightly Business Report for tuesday, february 9th. Good evening, everyone and welcome. The force was strong. Disney reported its best quarter ever. Profits hit

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