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Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. And the william and flora hewlett foundation, helping people build immeasurably better lives. And with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Ifill the place is paris. The subject is global warming. The goal is the strongest agreement yet to rein in rising temperatures. What could be difficult talks on the issue, began today. translated on this first day of the conference, we have our backs against the wall. Ifill the summit opened with a warning from its host french president francois hollande. translated this wall is built on all our egoisms, our fears, our resignations. This wall is built on indifference, recklessness, and weakness. But this wall can be scaled and it all depends on us. Ifill in all, 151 heads of state and government converged on the french capital. Theyre hoping to finalize an accord on reducing heattrapping emissions of Greenhouse Gases. But the paris attacks loomed in the background, as president hollande argued the problems of climate and security are linked. translated theyre two big world challenges that we have to overcome because we have to leave our children something more than a world free of terror, we owe them a planet preserved from catastrophe. Ifill to underscore the point, after arriving last night, president obama visited the bataclan concert hall one of the sites of the attacks today, he was among the first to speak, and he spoke hopefully of a turning point on more than just climate. Let that be the common purpose here in paris, a world that is worthy of our children, a world that is marked not by conflict but by cooperation and not by human suffering but by human progress, a world thats safer and more prosperous and more secure and more free than the one that we inherited. Ifill a similar effort collapsed in copenhagen six years ago, but this time, many countries committed to action in advance. Last year, mr. Obama pledged to reduce u. S. Carbon emissions by 2628 below 2005 levels over the next decade. And china, the Worlds Largest Greenhouse Gas producer, has said it will slash emissions by at least 60 by 2030. For any deal to be meaningful, india, the worlds Third Largest emitter, would have to make solid cuts as well. But indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said today developing nations need room to grow. We have to ensure, in the spirit of climate justice, that the life of a few does not cloud out the opportunities for the many still on the initial steps of the development ladder. Ifill chinese president xi jinping, addressing the summit, echoed that concern and called for addressing economic differences. translated countries need to increase dialogue, Exchange Best Practices and achieve Common Development through mutual learning. At the same time, countries should be allowed to pursue their own solutions that best suit their Respective National conditions. Ifill the u. S. Joined canada, germany, italy and others today in committing 250 million for poorer nations. President obama also announced private Sector Initiative led by microsoft founder bill gates and other billionaires to boost investment in clean energy. Still, any broad agreement in paris will not take the form of a legally enforceable treaty. But, german chancellor Angela Merkel called for transparent, credible commitments. translated we need a United Nations framework that is binding and we need binding reviews. We know that the agreements are made voluntary but its also important that we also stick to what we have promised. Ifill the paris conference is set to run through december 11th. Well explore whats at stake in paris, in detail, after the news summary. And in the days other news, even as the Climate Conference convened, a choking smog filled the air in chinese cities, prompting hazardous pollution warnings. Beijing had its worst air quality of the year, and officials ordered an orange alert, the secondhighest level. Schools suspended outdoor activities, while factories had to cut back on output. translated it, the smog, is a very serious problem. In my opinion this is the consequence of having too many cars, there should be more measures to fight this. translated i have installed air filters at home. When i leave home i put on a mask. And in my car, i also installed an air purifying system. Ifill and in india, heavy smog also blanketed new delhi, cutting visibility to a mere 200 yards. Air quality in the indian capital routinely gets worse in the winter, when more coal fires are burning. Investigators in colorado shed no light today on the case against robert lewis dear. Hes accused of killing three people at a planned parenthood clinic. There was no discussion of motive as dear had his first court appearance, via video link from jail. Hes being held on suspicion of murder. In baltimore, jury selection began for the first of Six Police Officers charged in the freddie gray case. He died in Police Custody last april, triggering protests and riots. Officer William Porter is charged with assault, manslaughter and reckless endangerment. And a judge in chicago set bond at 1. 5 million today for a white officer charged with murdering a black teenager. Squad car video showed officer Jason Van Dyke shooting the victim, laquan mcdonald, 16 times. Release of that video led to days of protests. In israel, a judge has convicted two jewish teenagers of beating and burning alive a Palestinian Teen last year. The attack in jerusalem was part of a chain of events leading to the gaza war. The judge today delayed a verdict for the alleged ringleader in the killings after he filed a lastminute insanity plea. But the victims father vowed to pursue justice. translated i dont trust those Israeli Courts because they rule differently for arabs and israelis. We will pursue them. If the Israeli Court wont try them, we want something more than a life sentence. We will go to the International Court of justice. Ifill the two convicted minors are expected to be sentenced in midjanuary. Pope francis spent the final day of his africa trip delivering a message of peace and reconciliation in the Central African republic. The pontiff visited muslims in the capital city, where conflict between muslim and christian militias has raged in recent years. He said religion can never justify violence. Turkey refused today to apologize for shooting down a russian fighter jet last week, despite the threat of new sanctions by moscow. In brussels, the turkish Prime Minister met with nato officials and said again, his countrys actions were justified. If the russian side wants to talk, and wants to prevent any future unintentional event like this, we are ready to talk. If they want to improve relations, normalize relations in all sense, we are ready to talk. But no country can ask us to apologize because of doing our job. Ifill in paris, russian president Vladimir Putin charged that turkeys real motive was protecting oil supplies coming from Islamic State forces inside syria. In washington, the state Department Urged both sides to deescalate tensions. Back in this country, the Environmental Protection agency is requiring more ethanol and other Renewable Fuels in gasoline next year. The rule issued today is a victory for farm states over Oil Companies and environmentalists. It could also be an issue in iowas president ial caucuses. And concerns about Holiday Spending weighed on wall street, after black friday sales fell from last year. The Dow Jones Industrial average lost 78 points to close below 17,720. The nasdaq fell nearly 19 points. And the s p 500 slipped nine. Still to come on the newshour what stands in the way of addressing Climate Change. Terrorism, war and corruption the human toll in nigeria. Truth or fiction on the campaign trail. And much more. Ifill the climate talks over the next two weeks are expected to become a turning point in the global debate over addressing the causes of a rapidly warming planet. The lofty speeches have already begun, but what do leaders gathering in paris this week and hope to accomplish . And what could get in the way . We check in with Seth Borenstein, a Science Writer for the Associated Press. He joins us tonight from paris. And michael levi is with the council on foreign relations. Hes the director of its program on energy, security and Climate Change. Gentlemen, welcome to you both. Seth borenstein, what are all these nations gathered in one place hoping to accomplish this time . Well, this time, theyre hoping to come up with some kind of deal, a binding deal that could reduce the amount of karef Carbon Emissions from fossil fuel. They have failed year after year. Reporter do you mean binding on nations to hit certain targets, to come up with certain amount of money . Binding in what way . Thats the key question. Everyone says they want something binding, but its sort of what do you mean by binding . Thats one of the issues thats going to be hashed out here. It involves lots of new money, billions of dollars if not eventually trillions. It involves all these nations. 181 nations made pledges, heres what well do individually. The binding part is holding them to these pledges, a system to monitor these pledges and perhaps if youre not reaching these pledges, what do you do . Then its all got to be designed so it doesnt go through the u. S. Senate because it cant go through the u. S. Senate because of american politics. Ifill and that requires twothirds ratification in the senate and thats unlikely to happen. Michael levi, we have been to this meetings in cancun and rio and cope copenhagen. Is this one any different . I think its different because were starting to set realistic goals for what the summits can accomplish. We used to go to these expecting global emissions reach and negotiating how to divide it up and everybody would execute that. It was, like, ill get rid of this many miscycles and you will get rid of so m and we would do it. But changing the Energy Economy is difficult and a lot more like a domestic politics problem than a traditional foreign policy, National Security issue. Whats different this time sin stead of putting the burden on paris to solve the problem, negotiators are asking how can we build an International Agreement that helps countries solve the problem themselves . How do we help them cut their emissions more deeply, how do we help them adopt the Climate Change . To make this fundamentally different. Ifill the money that has to be committed here, what would you say would be the potential major Sticking Point in the next eleven days . I think its likely to be over money. When we saw the clash in copenhagen six years ago, the ultimate turning point was over money. This is money that comes from wealthier countries to help poorer countries adapt a Climate Change, deal with the damages caused by Climate Change and transition their comrnlg economies. Its basically a political reality which is, if youre from a poor doesnt and go home from a Climate Change summit, people will say what does it mean for me today . If you come back with pledges of aid in addition, then thats a Stronger Political proposition. If you look at the basic politics, it leads you to money. Ifill Seth Borenstein, speaking of money, we heard private sector giants with names like gates and zuckerberg, promised to make a commitment to a green energy fund. Does that change this in any way . Is this something for the u. S. To trumpet . This is something quite a bit different than the previous years. You are seeing and this is happening in the last couple of years with you its especially happening now, private industry money, business is theyre stepping up and probably doing more than many countries, and thats helping. Theyre seeing sort of the reality of the economics and Climate Change and theyre saying if youre going to do something, let us volunteer instead of you impose and let us help do something with technology. So, i mean, what youre looking at is both technology and a business are dramatically different than, lets say, 1997 in kioto. Those are two biggest reasons people are optimistic because technology has improved so much and much of the Business Community is on board now. Ifill michael levi, i want to ask you about two countries not the u. S. Involved in whether this will succeed or not, one is china and the other india. How do you begin to take into concern their concerns or their desire to make this happen or stop it from happening . Well, i think the china front, at least when it comes to the diplomacy, is relatively blight. The United States tried before the copenhagen talks to get on the same page with china. But for the most part didnt succeed and the two countries clashed sharply at the copenhagen summit. This time around, they seem to be considerably more successful. They had an announcement last year of mutual emissions cutting target. They hadnother this year that put them on a similar page for the paris summit. Beijing is reacting to pressure at home to cut local pollution, and the desire from xi jinping to find an area where he can work constructively with the worlds biggest power in order to build a more positive story of great power relations in the great 20th century. So even though china has big challenges in cutting emissions and so does the United States, the two have gotten on a similar diplomatic pledges. India is tougher. India is a far poorer country than china. It is a country going through enormous transition. Its impossible to predict what indian emissions or energy use will be in ten years without policy, let alone to make promises about what will happen to them with policy. India guards independence gelsly. Even if it thinks it can cut emissions, very rarely will it sign up on a deal to do that, very much like the United States. You will find india is sticky in the negotiations, the tough to deal with and wont promise much, but on the ground, in practice, its likely to deliver considerably more. Ifill Seth Borenstein, more on that especially the india point. China is the major player here. Theyre the number one carbon polluter by far and the difference between now and copenhagen is night and day. They are trying to be leaders in all sorts of things, especially solar technology. So they are the reason why so many people are so optimistic. India is the reason why some people are afraid things might still fall apart because india still wants to talk about the richpoor divide. A lot of countries talk about continuing developed vs. Developing world and that helped cause problems in copenhagen and theyre worried this might crop up now and were hearing glimmers of that now. Ifill Seth Borenstein of the Associated Press and michael levi of the council on form relations. Thank you both. Thank you. My pleasure. Ifill tonight, we begin a weeklong series on africas most populous country nigeria pain and promise. Special correspondent Nick Schifrin and producer and cameraman zach fanin spent more than a month on the ground there, chronicling a nation in the midst of an encouraging and impressive economic boom, but still plagued by income inequality, corruption and terrorism. This evening, we look at the governments attempts to wipe out boko haram, a terrorist group that killed more people in 2014 than the Islamic State we hear so much about. While the Nigerian Military has made significant gains, the killings by the group continue. As we report, some civilians are getting caught in the middle. A warning some of the images in this report may be disturbing. On the outskirts of the city, the men who protect the city fight with whatever they can find. 40yearold shotguns and iphone earbuds. Some carve their own clubs. Others patrol in floral and kitchen knives. What they lack in weaponry they make up for in divinely inspired confidence. A few shotguns, a few machetes and knives but thats it so what would you be able to do if you ran into boko haram . Well take them on with our weapons. This 50yearold used to be a government auditor. Today hes more comfortable on the front lines. If we kept walking this way, where would we end up . In the forest, down this road. His men called caul him elder. Thats him in dark grey on the left. He and his vigilantes round up suspects using their own brand of justice. Their biggest fear, boys and girls carrying bombs. If you see anybody you dont take chances. Reporter those bomb attacks are boko harams primary weapons. An intelligence official says the groups that made more bombs in the last six months than the previous six years. So many of boko harams targets today are soft like this mosque. A man walked in here pretty much where im standing and blew himself up as the group prayed. The blast was so powerful it obliterated the mosques roof. These attacks are grizzly. A few days after this one and you can still smell the blood that stains the walls. Boko haram celebrates its attacks in i. S. I. Linspired propaganda. It pledged allegiance to i. S. I. L and calls itself the Islamic State of west africa and embrace the brutality. The leader preached from a local mosque and his fighters celebrated in newlyacquired Nigerian Army tanks. If you can see the attack, they have attacked the church, christians and muslims. Reporter a man was riding a motorcycle into a stronghold to rescue his mother. He witnessed and exodus. A city of 140,000 people fleeing by any means necessary. In total, more than 2 Million People fled boko haram since the fighting began. Whawhat did Nigerian Army soldis do when boko haram attacked . They did nothing when the attacked tack happened. Not one single bullet. Reporter but today, the Nigerian Military is firing back. It released this video showing boko haram fighters fleeing an air force attack. The military success has redrawn the map. At its peak, boko haram controlled an area the size of belgium. Now it controls only three remote towns and a final stronghold, the sambisa forest. The military Spokesman Says this year the militarys been transformed. There have been tremendous changes. Reporter the reconstruction has barely begun. Bridges, bombed by boko haram, are still broken. Street vendors use burnedout cars as street stands. Many banks are still destroyed and empty. Boko haram needed the cash to finance itself. Inside that reframe is all thats left to have the front door. The papers, all thats left of depositors accounts. Outside the nearby church, the breath rine, the damage is everywhere. Inside high above the podium, the fire set by boko haram almost erased a cross from the wall. 16 parishioners died. This is the churchs secretary. But the streets are busy, and those who fled have returned including his mother. Why do you feel safe here . We want everybody to go back to his or her village. Reporter the border governor leaves the state at the epicenter of this war and vows to force all displaced people to return home by may. When we are back to our communities, at least the kids can go to school. Reporter there is nowhere in the world with more children out of school. The i. D. P. Camps are overflowing with people and trump. I. Desa is 17 years old, kidnapped by boko haram and held nearly a year. In this war the spoils of the battlefield are often girls. Reporter she uses the word marriage only out of shame. This really isnt marriage, is it . No, its rape. Reporter this woman is a unicef Public Health specialist. But for hundreds of girls, the impact is permanent. Shes six months pregnant. And what will you tell your child about his or her father . Reporter how traumatized are some of these girls . Boko haram kidnapped this boy. Shes scared they will kill his family if he reveals his identity. I asked him his age. Hohe didnt know. Boko haram teachers tried to indocindoctrinate him, had he succeeded he would have ended up in a boko haram propaganda video. Were you convinced by what you learned from boko harams teachers . When he escaped, the military found him and accused him of being a militant and says they left these marks on his arms. The military has been accused of human rights abuses and indiscriminate arrests. This video is from 2013. All people rounded up by soldiers were thrown into the armys barracks. This woman insists she is not boko haram. She spent one year inside the barracks and was never charged with anything. The Army Spokesman didnt deny her allegations of abuse. Reporter but its not clear thats possible when the victims say theyre threatened into silence. Were you told never to talk to anyone about what happened to you in the barracks . Eventually, they would win the battle, but the larger war wont be won until the wounds are healed. Nick schifrin, pbs newshour, nigeria. Ifill tune in tomorrow for nicks next report on nigeria pain and promise. This one about the nations status as the continents biggest economy. Stay with us, coming up on the newshour finding religion in unexpected places. How one man is ministering to baltimores children through boxing. But first, separating truth from fiction in the race for the white house. Political director lisa desjardisn reports. Reporter a candidates words count. Or at least, theyre supposed to. But as the president ial campaign grinds on, that rule is being severely tested. For example what Republican Donald Trump said about a month ago on president obamas plan to resettle Syrian Refugees on u. S. Soil and now i hear we want to take in 200,000 syrians. Reporter in fact, the actual number is just 10,000. In another incident last week, trump appeared to mock New York Times reporter serge kovaleski, and his physical disability, during a campaign rally. Asked about it afterward, the candidate said i certainly do not remember him. In fact, kovaleski says they once knew each other on a first name basis. Rivals, including Ohio Governor john kasich, point to trumps words as a sure sign hes unelectable. Trump has criticized and insulted women, hispanics, muslims, and reporters. Hes insulted other reporters, but this one, he absolutely mocked, who was disabled. Were hearing that they all want to come here to the United States up and thats not what they want. They want to go back home. Reporter and this from ted cruz. He said sunday its too early to link antiabortion rhetoric to the accused planned Parenthood Shooter in colorado. Its also reported he was registered as an independent and woman and a transgender leftest activist, if thats what he is. Reporter in politics, accuracy and truth can be a casualties. And now pressure for candidates to stand out, and for voters to scrutinize, will only increase. The opening contests in iowa and New Hampshire, now just two months away. For the pbs newshour, im lisa desjardins. Ifill and its time for politics monday. So, amy walter of the Cook Political Report and tamara keith of n. P. R. Are here to sort it all out. Tamara, you get the short straw this week because i have to ask you straight out as to whether it feels there is an epidemic of untruthfulness in this campaign. I think there is a backlash against Fact Checking that started in 2012 and has taken hold. I think you can attribute this to a couple of things. One, i think the public believes politicians will generally lie on some level, so truth is a fuzzy thing in campaign politics. Two, the public doesnt really believe the media. 60 of people polled say they dont trust the news media to accurately and fairly report the news. Well, if people dont trust us to accurately and fairly report the news, then Fact Checking, then candidates haver are little to fear. Ifill people have access to information unfiltered by the media more so than ever before and yet, somehow, when you confront somebody, like today Chris Christie, the former governor of new jersey said Donald Trumps claims that there were muslims celebrating in new jersey after 9 11 were not true, that it didnt happen, and Donald Trumps response is yes, it did. So how will you refute that . You say, well, show us the proof of it. Well, i know its proof because ive heard people tell me its the truth. It goes back to something tamara said to you. Its not only that people dont trust the media is telling them the truth, its everybody has their own definition of what the media is and what the truth is. More and more americans live in silod reality and they get their news from people who agree with them and listen to people who agree with them and unfriend people who disagree with them, then most of what you do every day is get your world view pulled back to you and youre never challenged on it. How can you tell me my truth isnt my truth . You take the trump 9 11 rumor, if you want unfilter search on the internet, you can find lots of web sites that for years have been spreading that internet rumor. Rumor. Ifill weve always known people thought the media or politicians are not telling the truth but now weve reached another level. Today we saw a spectacle in the trump tower where donald trump met with black clergy, many who supported him and many who hadnt, and the trump folks said it was going to be an endorsement, it kind of wasnt. What was it . Well, like most of his campaign, i dont think we really know what this was. It started out as an attempt for donald trump to talk about Something Else which is what hes good at doing. He gets criticism and changes the subject. In this case, the subject being hes racist, hes making statements about people that are over the top. Okay, ill show you, says donald trump, im going to bring together all these black clergy who are going to endorse me and it turns out they said, actually, were not here to endorse you, were here to talk to you and then donald trump says, well, maybe its just a meeting. Ifill Chris Christie dot the endorsement of the New Hampshire union leader the states largest newspaper. He did and this proved helpful for other candidates in the past. Ifill you mean Newt Gingrich . Right. It hasnt been the greatest predictor of the next president of the United States. But Chris Christie hays taken up residence in New Hampshire, baiting on New Hampshire and having something to propel him forward. If youre 5 , you will take what you can get. Its not a negative. New hampshire is notorious for doing a couple of things one, for being the counterweight to iowa. So what iowa does, they sort of pick the opposite of that. And witting till the last minute. Most half the voters in the 20082012 campaign decided in the last week of the election who they were voting for. Chris christie, this gives him a good talking point to say it matters that ive stayed here, i havent put residence down in the state even though im showed to be governor of new jersey, but it also shows how wide open this establishment side of the equation is. This is the key for this campaign. We know there is the donald trump factor and he has consolidated his support. He has about 25 . The problem is there is no antitrump thats consolidated on the other side. Ifill in this election, one to have the predictable things ben carson did is what happens when you dont have any international experience, you take a foreign trip, and he went to jordan. He did and met with Syrian Refugees in refugee camps in joshed. He came out of it with the same conclusion he went into it with, which is there are other ways to deal with refugees from syria than bring them to america. He said they dont want to come to america, they want to go back to syria. Im sure many people will say, i want to be able to go home. So he went in, went to jordan, did what many past president ial candidate have done with mixed records. I dont know that it changed anything. Ifill and the questions were raised in and the questions were raised in his sunday talk show interviews about what is your strategy for the war in syria, for the war against i. S. I. S. , and its as vague as it has been, so its not that he brought anything more back with him as far as specifics, this is his biggest problem. Ifill and life or news interferes in the campaign and in this case tissues of guns and abortion, both hotbutton issues in the republican primary but also democratic, came together in the planned parenthood shootings in colorado. We didnt hear from republicans for a while. We heard from democrats right away linking the two. How did they handle that . Well, its become almost so predictable. If you have guns and abortion or any other cultural issue, it hits the media, it hits twitter and facebook and instantly, each side goes into its camp and they make assumptions about what happened, they make accusations, and everybody just sort of gets in their camp on this side, gets in their camp on that side. Were in our silos to the end. Watching this play out on twitter, it was, like, ah, were in america and were deeply divided. Ifill we end up where we started who knows what truth is, right . Amy walter of the Cook Political Report, tamera keith of n. P. R. , thank you both. Youre welcome. Ifill in just a few minutes, well be back with a look at how a boxer is working to reduce violence in baltimore. But first, take this moment to hear from your local pbs station. Its a chance to offer your support, which helps keep programs like ours on the air. Ifill for those stations still with us, we turn to the growing needs of the baby boomer generation, the youngest of whom turned 50 last year. Special correspondent megan hughes reports on the push to create new health and Wellness Technology that Older Americans will want to use, and investors are increasingly eager to back. Reporter rebel desk c. E. O. Kathleen hale makes the case for her treadmill desks, which record user activity to the cloud. 35 of our customers are over the age of 45. Reporter this is just one of the pitches being made at 1776, a washington, dcbased incubator where Startup Entrepreneurs come to share ideas. It looks like a Young Persons game. But two of aarps futurists, Jeffrey Makowka and sanjay khurana, are on patrol, holding regular office hours to listen to startups pitch how they might help Older Americans. In addition to hearing about the rebel desks, they also hear from Infield Health cofounder douglas naegele. His app gives patients and caregivers preand post surgery instructions on their mobile phones. Its personalized to your medical needs. So older hip replacement patients would get one set of content and younger hip replacement patients get a separate set of content. Reporter nearby, two physicians explain their concept for a virtual game called bushytail. Users meet their health goals by placing a wager in a pool with other patients. If they meet their goal, they will get their money back plus a share of money lost by underachievers. Youre betting on getting your colonoscopy at age 50, but at 100, im going to get it done this year. There are a lot of startups that dont see the opportunity. Reporter 1776s meagan riley says the incubators partnership with a. A. R. P. Is helping them to cast a wider demographic net. So, 1776 plays an integral role in actually making those opportunities more apparent. And again, if it is a company that might be providing a solution for someone in their 30s, maybe they pivot a little and suddenly there is a much larger opportunity. Reporter just how large . More than 100 million americans are now over the age of 50. Oxford economics estimates their Consumer Spending accounts for 7. 1 trillion in Economic Activity a year. If that were the Gross Domestic Product for a country, it would be the Third Largest economy in the world, just after the u. S. And china. Theres a tsunami of older adults coming into the population, and we have to design for this. Reporter Research Scientist brad fain is in charge of product testing for georgia techs homelab, focusing on Older Americans. Theyre more scared of assisted living than they are of death, and losing their independence. And so for them, it is a life or death issue, they truly see the loss of independence as that level of importance and to the extent that we can support People Living in place longer, through technology, new technologies, then i think thats important. We ought to do that. Reporter in a new partnership with a. A. R. P. , fains latest study tests how wearable fitness devices like the fitbit are working for older customers. And why look at wearable devices . Wearable devices is an emerging area right. It allows part of the quantifiedself movement, where were starting to learn a little bit more about our own behavior, that we havent really seen before. One of the things weve noticed with this kind of research is that older adults, and adults in general, just really dont know how much activity they have during the day. They are not getting their recommended amount of activity during the day and these devices can help measure that, help motivate that, help change behavior, and thats even more important as we age. Reporter andrew baranak, the lead industrial designer at georgia tech, gave us a quick tour of the wearable products. The Fitbit Charge is one of theyre newer offerings. And weve got the basis, which is a smart watch touch screen. The withings pulse, its a simple, very streamlined nice little tracker, low profile. Weve got the spire, this is a little, a cool little Activity Tracker from a startup. Reporter the researchers follow up on consumers testing products throughout the state, including neighbors Tovah Melaver and Catherine Shiel in decatur, georgia. I check how many steps ive walked every day. I never thought that would be an important part of this, reporter both of the women say the devices have motivated them to do more. I dont think of myself as a senior. Obviously, im over fifty, so im in that older adult category. And so, you know, fifty is the new forty or thirty, i dont know what it is. But i yeah, i feel like im active, i dont feel like a senior citizen. Reporter back at the lab, 64yearold judi mucci reports to researchers that shes had a very different experience. The types of things they have on it for activity are limited. Okay, limited in what way . Soccer, tennis. And theyre just things that i dont do at this time in my life. Reporter a. A. R. P. s Jody Holtzman says his group is preparing to launch its own Investment Fund dedicated to the longevity economy. He says the growing aging adults market has lacked the investor frenzy seen in the social media space. He says that was sparked when facebook became a publicly traded company, allowing early investors the opportunity to cash out. What we saw after facebook exited was that all of a sudden everyone was building funds focused on social media. My hope is that when that first big exit happens in our space, those type of internal efforts also find their way into the vcs so they start to think about the longevity economy as an investment theme. Reporter as for the future of wearable fitness products, shiel says her cohorts may be seen as late adopters, but that industry should pay attention. You know the stereotype that old people dont like the technology . I want to break that right now. I love these technological devices. I know how to use them. I just need to see how theyre going to serve me. And i dont want them to run me, either. Reporter if enough Older Americans are as tech savvy as shiel, companies will have plenty of opportunity to turn golden years into gold. Megan hughes in decatur, georgia for the pbs newshour. Ifill in baltimore today, jury selection began in the first trial against Six Police Officers related to the death of freddie gray. A small group of protestors demonstrated this morning outside the courthouse, in a city that is still healing, one church in the cherry hill neighborhood is offering a unique ministry. A version of this piece was originally produced by the pbs Program Religion ethics newsweekly. Open the eyes open the eyes of my heart, lord maims mike mosley. Im the pastor of the worship center. Yall get in the line and look at the mirror. Bend at the knees. Thats good. I enjoyed fighting. Never was a bully. I was talking to my cousin win day. He said, you know, they recently opened up a boxing gym in the area. Put this up, always protect home. Your face is home. The boxing program has become a medium that is part of our ministry to help children, young men and women, to be able to reach their own potential through an activity that creates discipline. Youre late again and also creates commitment. 6 00, 6 00. It helps us to minister to them. Its not even separate from our ministry. It is our ministry. We have been able to for the past several years to see the Great Success its had to get kids who have been involved in violence in some sort of way out on the street to now come to the boxing gym and to be able to learn and to learn the skill of boxing and also get the word of god at the same time. I havent even lived a life half as rough as some of these kids. Every minute that a kid is in this gym, every evening that a kid is in this gym, they are in a safe zone. Jab your way in there there you go they are protected. I like that. Boxing is about technique and flow. It lets me reach myself. It keeps me out of the streets. It keeps me busy. Boxing is not about aggression at all. It made me humble as a young teen. It kind of took me away from the immaturity and outside of the gym and kind of brings me closer to, you know, different people and kind of made me see the world a different way. When i came in here, i felt hike i belonged here, like i actually became a part of this family. My hope for the kids is just to awaken something in them that cant be put to sleep. One of the first kids i worked with and helped was dante become an assistant coach to see a kid who used to be on the streets making money in ways that werent legal to see him working with the kids and spending his time and giving his gifts, his intelligence, his skills, his savvy, and really enjoying doing that. That just makes me ease tact ecc because thats what its about. They dont know what love and discipline look like. They dont know life and death, they dont understand the consequence of it because that piece of the past has been missing. Boxing teachous respect for your opponent. You can be defeated. To learn what it feels like to fail in the boxing gym but to learn how much harder theyve got to go back and work around come back and be successful and be able to work at it, that gives you a respect for life. It also gives you a respect for death and gives you, more importantly, a respect for yourself and other human beings. singing my real dream and my real hope is just for the kids. singing this gym is my everything. We sing holy, holy, holy in life, there is so much temptation and bad out there that its hard to know that youre doing the right thing. I know 100 of the time when im in the gym is the right thing. And theres a freedom in that. singing ifill on the newshour online right now, its the 150th anniversary of the death of oscar wilde. One of the wittiest people of his day, the irish writer died at age 46. But what did he die of . Its probably not what most people believe. Read that and more on our web site, pbs. Org newshour tune in tonight, on charlie rose, sportsinduced brain trauma and the dangers to young athletes. And thats the newshour for tonight. Im gwen ifill. Join us online and again here tomorrow evening. For all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and good night. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by and by the alfred p. Sloan foundation. Supporting science, technology, and improved Economic Performance and Financial Literacy in the 21st century. Supported by the john d. And catherine t. Macarthur foundation. Committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. More information at macfound. Org and with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org this is bbc world news america. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits from newmans own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs, and hong kong tourism board. Want to know hong kongs most romantic spots . I will show you. I love heading to repulse bay for an evening stroll. Its a perfect, stunning backdrop for making romantic moments unforgettable

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