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Learning how to kill and what is jihad how to use weapons. Ifill all that and more on tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by and with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made translated they wanted to weaken the french passion to welcome the world to its doorstep, diminish the pride that we have to be a country that exchanges with all cultures. Theyve already lost that fight as today, by standing up firm, determined against terror. This as planes hit syria with more bombs in. Brussels the French Defense minister invoked a never before used provision in thein the eurn charter. All countries said they y wouldw provide aid. Ce translated its the vers first time its been used. I feel that thats an important point to make. N now whats this actually going to mean in practice, well, either taking part in francespo operations in syria or iraq, ora by easing the load or providingr support for france in other1 operations. So lightening our load elsewhere. What ive said to my colleaguesh is that france cant dont everything. Parians have heard of the air raids in syria by france over the last 24ov hours. Some like this man see it as necessary. translated we just dont have a choice anymore. Were there, we are facingng events we have never faced before, men are blowing themselves up, using heavy weapons, those used in a war, so we have to respond with heavy means as well. H sreenivasan 67yearold Agnes Hontebeyrie thinks it does not go far enough. translated only a war on foot, on the ground, send troops there, thats the only way now to end this horrific conflict. My feeling just like before world war ii, when churchill said you wanted peace, you got war, thats exactly what this makes me think of. Yo sreenivasan Francois Folch thinks the bombing will not be effective unless it is part of a coalition approach. Un i dont think this Islamic State is a real danger, i dont think so. Theres one condition, everyone will have to get together, obama, putin, cameron, merkel, and if we are together, its nothing, nothing. Diane baiga says the air raidsir wont fix the problem. translated i think thati we wont solve whats happeningw in france by bombings. Sreenivasan she says tighter border controls and stopping arms sales to conflict regions would be more effective in preventing this, but otherwise she doesnt think her son is any safer today than friday. translated i dont see how they could protect me, and protect my son, adding soldiers in the streets . Me . That scares me because today, i dont see what kind of answer they can provide. Sreenivasan russia alsos hammered targets in syria t purportedly tied to isil with renewed fury today. Dl using Fighter Aircraft and cruise missiles launched fromn bombers and submarines. This, after russian investigators concluded a russian passenger plane flying over egypt late last month was bombed, killing 224 aboard; almost all were russians. National television showing the chief of Russias Federal Security Service briefing a grimfaced president Vladimir Putin. Ac translated vladimir vladmiriovich, according to analysis by our specialists, ari homemade bomb containing up tob one kilogram of t. N. T. Detonate. During the flight, causing the plane to break up in mid air. We can unequivocally say it was a terrorist act. Ca u sreenivasan putin set a 50 million reward for information that leads to the arrest of the attackers. And, he pledged those responsible would be found. N th translated we will search for them everywhere wherever they are hiding. We will find them in any spot on the planet and punish them. Sreenivasan later, putin sa with his defense minister for an elaborate briefing at a military command centre, with generals updating him on the progress of airstrikes. Nt then, he ordered his military to begin operations in concert with the french. translated very soon a French Navy Group headed by an Aircraft Carrier will arrive in your area of operation. You need to establish a direct contact with the french and work with them as with allies. It is necessary to work out a joint action plan with them, t both at sea and in the air. Sreenivasan in washington, pentagon spokesman peter cook said the u. S. Will not be coordinating with russia on its air campaign because of its continued support for the Syrian Regime of bashar al assad. T if the russians would like to focus on isil, wed welcome that. Their policies of supporting tho assad regime are counter productive and until they alter sreenivasan back in paris, secretary of state kerry did promise increased coordinationf with the french on attacking isil, which he called by its arabic acronym daesh. We have to step up our a efforts to hit them at the core, where theyre planning these things, and also obviously to do more on borders and in terms of the movement of people. But the level of cooperation could not be higher. Weve agreed even to exchange more information and im convinced that over the course of the next weeks, daesh will feel even greater pressure. They feeling it today, they felt it yesterday, they felt it in the past weeks. Sreenivasan it was equally clear that europe is alsoan feeling pressure a soccer match in germany was canceled today after Police Reported a possible plot to bomb the stadium inbl hannover. And hari joins me now. Woodruff picking up on whats going on in france, we understand in the last few minutes there has been Police Activity at the palace depublicd sreenivasan they arrested three guys with belgian license plates. We dont actually know if those individuals were guilty of anything other than speeding bug the special police dont comeco out for any reason and now you wouldnt know there were any police at all. This is the climate and how tense everyone is around here. Er in the past two days, now everyone looks around the cornee when they hear police cars whizzing by. Im sure police cars whiz by all the time in this big city with their sirens on but now it takes on a different meaning for people. I was having dinner and something hit the awning on top of the restaurants and literally a woman fell flat on the floor because she was still so nervous she didnt know what was happening, whether it was a shot somewhere, and you saw other people in the restaurantan immediately knew what she was going through and wentas over to comfort her. But it was just a certain tension in the air that i cant describe. Woodruff hari, we understand the French Parliament is convening tomorrow. W. Whats that about . Whats on the agenda . Sreenivasan so francoisso hollande wants the parliament to extend the state of emergency for an extra three months, he declared it friday after the attacks. This is one of the First Political tests. Imagine after 9 11 all congress met and started to have a debate on extending or changing the constitution, perhaps, or extending emergency powers,y would there be a tremendousou amount of debate at that point or is that the point where members of congress or in this case members of parliament will show a unified face. And this is a country like the cal views its liberties and democracy, and this is also right now a country that wakes up and in the morning pick up the paper and read their workor 168 raids the night before, there were 120 raids the other night. At what point do people start asking the government more difficult questions about accountability and exactly whos being arrested and why are they being around that, whats the evidence do you have . Av so its an interesting political test. Vote on itnot tomorrow but hollande wants the extension by the end of the week. Woodruff these attacks sparked a big politicalol conversation about what to do about refugees. Ug whats the discussion like there . Sreenivasan its interesting, the moreg, information comes out the more the average public at least we meet on the street is able to discern the information. One of the individuals we had in our story tonight said somethinm that was interesting. Ti he said, you know, the enemy is invisible. They could be the frenchmen that are next tore us, and that was informed by the fact he knew in the last couple of days some of these attackers were frenchborn, spoke french and frenchmen for all practical purposes. Os but in the first few hours, the piece of information everyone grabbed on to was one of these individuals had a syrian passport, a passport that had been checked in from greece, that this was a strong connection to the migrant crisis and this was the problem. And now you see people slicing and dicing more and saying perhaps the migrant crisis is a different conversation, maybe there are overlaps but lets not lump everything into the same category. The more informed they are, the better decisions they will beil able to make. Ak woodruff hari sreenivasanas reporting from paris, thank you. Ifill in the days other news, the United Nations id Refugee Agency warned against closing borders to migrants in the wake of the paris attacks. S. That comes amid calls in parts of europe to halt resettlement of thousands of people. A u. N. Spokeswoman in geneva said the migrants should not be punished. We are also deeply disturbed by language that demonizes refugees as a group. This is dangerous and it will contribute to xenophobia and fear. The Security Problems europe faces are highly complex. And refugees we believe should not turn into scapegoats. They must not become secondary victims of this tragic event. Ifill the british governmenl said today it will not imposeos new curbs on refugee admissions. Woodruff canadas newly elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau insisted today hell stick with a plan to take inn 25,000 Syrian Refugees by january 1. Thats despite growing criticism in his country, since the paris attacks, that the number is too large. Trudeau has also said hell keep a promise to withdraw canadian warplanes from the campaign against Islamic State forces. Well turn to the u. S. Political reaction to paris, after theri news summary. Ifill in kosovo, opposition lawmakers used drastic action, to protest treaties with serbia and montenegro albin kurti, leader of the opposition, fired off pepper spray at government ministers, forcing them to flee. Outside, Police Used Tear Gas to stop rockthrowing protesters from breaking in. The treaties at the center of the dispute grant greater rights to ethnic serbs, and resolve a a border dispute. Woodruff tensions between china and its neighbors overshadowed the start of an asianpacific summit in the philippines today. China claims to nearly all of the south china sea, and has built artificial islands over the protests of five asian nations and the United States. After arriving in manila, president obama reinforced the u. S. Position, touring a former american warship thats now in the philippine navy. The United States has been committed to the security of this region for more than 70 years, we have a treaty obligation, an ironclad commitment to the defense of our ally the philippines, who cano count on the United States. My visit here underscores our shared commitment to the security of the waters of this region and to the freedom ofof navigation. Woodruff the president also announced the u. S. Will transfer two additional warships to theo philippines. Ifill back in this country, winter arrived early in colorado today, as part of a major storm system thats pushing east. Blizzard conditions made for treacherous travel conditionsl around denver, and closed much of the states main eastwestof highway. More than a foot of snow was expected in parts of colorado and kansas. The storm system also canceled more than a hundred flights at Denver International airport. Woodruff salt lake city, utah has elected its first openly gay mayor. Former Democratic State lawmaker Jackie Biskupski beat out incumbent mayor ralph becker in official results announcedul today. Salt lake city is the home to the mormon church, which recently banned baptisms for children of gay couples, and disavowed samesexme relationships. And on wall street, stocks struggled to make headway in the face of mixed results from big retailers. The Dow Jones Industrial average added just six points to close at 17,489. The nasdaq rose one point, and the s p 500 lost two points. Ifill still to come on thest newshour russias ramped up airstrikes on the Islamic State. President ial candidates Bernie Sanders and ben carson on accepting refugees. Inside an isis camp that trains children to kill. And much more. Ifill we return to the fighr against the Islamic State group in syria. As we reported, russian president Vladimir Putin ordered Russian Military forces to cooperate with the french military, as both countries bombed targets in syria today. But what are the prospects of cooperating with russia to end the syrian conflict . We get two views. Evelyn farkas was Deputy Assistant secretary of defense for russia and eurasia from 2012 to earlier this year. And vali nasr is the dean of the school of advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins university. Vali nasr, lets talk about timing. Why the steppedup action by russia now . L they had the attack on their plane in sinai and the attack in paris. It gave them an opportunity to argue that i. S. I. S. Should be the top priority for the International Community in syria. Putin has been arguing this all along. He doesnt have many people actually taking this as face value. Now he sees an opportunity, given whats happened in paris,s so align european positions with himself. So hes stepping up fresh. Ifill putin didnt acknowledge till today thatha there was terrorism involved ind the shooting down of the metrojet plane over the sinai. Is he to be trusted in this . What we can see is paris is a game changer. It shifted the focus in europe and potential through United States on i. S. I. S. This actually gives russia an opportunity to align its syria policy with that of the west, lets say to find a Common Ground. So it makes sense of himn ahead of meeting with president hollande to say were both facing the same problem this happened to me in sinai, this happened to you in paris, lets coordinate and cooperate on this. Ifill so evelyn farkas, we have common interests, theoretically, and, therefore, stange bedfellows can get together. Is this a brandnew day when it comes to the u. S. Russiafrance relationship . Sadly, gwen, i dont think so. I think it is an opportunity for the russians to acknowledge we w have a shared foe, if we will, in i. S. I. S. , daesh, i. S. I. L,. S whatever you want to call it. The russians have said it rhetorically for quite some time. They have been talking about combating terrorism with us for years. The proof will be in what they hit and not just tonight but moving into the weeks and the next couple of days. Ifill what should the s United States be doing with what feels not quite like an olive branch but at least a reach out . I think we should always try to cooperate with russia but im skeptical because essentially our objectives in syria and actually beyond syria are not aligned with russias, and until theyre aligned, until one side or other or both sides can compromise, i think there willwi be limits to any kind of cooperation you can have with russia. Ifill Vladimir Putinin accused the u. S. In the past of playing a double game when it comes to the middle east. Whats changed . Nothing changed in the sense our position is very differentnt from russias not only in thehe middle east but beyond, butut there is a lot of pressure now on european governments and alss on the u. S. Government to find a way to address the i. S. I. S. Problem. Were seeing the receding importance of the effect of the immediate resolution of the Syrian Crisis and addressing u. S. And europes Security Problems compared to i. S. I. S. So in the military area, we have one set of problems actuallyct working with the russians in that we dont know what theyre hitting, what they will do. But there is the diplomatic front in vienna and i think putin is counting on the fact the europeans now feel pressure that this war has to end more quickly or we should get to a cease fire. Thatfire. Re that will happen by creating Common Ground around i. S. I. S. I ifill have we reached where a road to peace or cooperation has to run through moscow . I think thats what they want. They want to position themselves there. Theyre in syria. S they can provide underground military operations which the u. S. And the europeans dont want to do right now, but also getting a common language on i. S. I. S. Helps the russians to isolate turks and saudi arabiaa which are still insisting the problem is still assad not i. S. I. S. A lot of this is positioning. Os a lot may not happen in the actual fighting but i thinknk putin finds a lot more room to argue i told you two years ago this is about terrorism, youri wouldnt believe me, its not about assad, and if you wantt this thing to go away, we should focus on i. S. I. S. Ifill evelyn farkas, do you agree weve now moved past the argument about assad and that, even though the u. S. Andnd france are on one side and that russia is on the other side, that there has to be some other pathway . I mean, i dont think that were aligned with russia yet. We really have a disagreement, a fundamental disagreement on assad. So until that bridge is until that gap is bridged, which will happen through diplomacy, we wont see real change. C we can bomb i. S. I. L, daesh, et cetera, the russians can bomb them but its still not going to change the ultimate outcome. Ut the the other thing is, right now, russia wants a resolution because, right now, theyre probably at the peak of theirf military engagement. Ng i dont know, quite frankly, how much longer they can sustain the. Ifill it wasnt that long ago we were talking about proxy war in syria with the u. S. Onn one side, russia on the other and the potential for us shooting each other out of the sky and the whole thing escalating. Has that gone away if we sit down at the same table . No, on the military arena, certain things have to happen about deconflicting and gettingt at least our targets aligned. Its in vienna where i see the greatest amount of movement,t mainly if the europeans and americans come with an attitude of let us try to find a compromise around when will assad go, how can we bring a certain number of the Opposition Forces into alignment with the Syrian Government to create a united front to fight i. S. I. S. , there might be movement there. I think what russia would like is to move the u. S. And european positions closer to themselves and break them off from turkey and saudi arabia which if you want to call rite holding to the line that this is about assad, assad must go before we do anything else. At what price . Ri this is not the only agreement the u. S. And russia have. Hes also trying to cleverly create a divide between us and our european allies and that gets to a whole context thats not being addressed here which is whats happening in europe, ukraine, relations, et cetera. So he cleferlly used the word treat them as allies to his military folks when instructingi them when engaging the french navy. The french has allies. Theyre part of a 28member alliance called n. A. T. O. A part of the e. U. Russia is not their ally. I think thats a bit of an exuberant exaggeration to call the french the russian allies. But this is being very clever and hes trying to create some distance and pull off the french towards himself. Ifill im next week well see Francois Hollande who is not an ally of Vladimir Putin and russia going to moscow to meet and also coming to the u. S. To meet with president obama,en trying to straddle that difference. Well, i think there is goingo to be military and intelligence cooperation discussions, but beyond that i think the key question is europe is this, iss that you cant really fight i. S. I. S. Till you end this war, so how are you going to end this war . I think the proposal putin is giving everybody is that youre not going to get rid of assad any more because im protecting against sitting here. And the only way this war iss going to end is if we arrive at a compromise. So i think hes going to try to persuade president hollande to agree to a formula, but then president hollande when he meets with president obama will try ty sell it to washington and, if theyre successful, that becomes the position in vienna around which there might be a compromise. Not reassuring but sounds reasonable. It sounds like the course he would take. C say whether we wouldul compromise or not. Ifill is it worth the paper its written on, is the question. Well, in terms of the russians, i think you have to be really careful and, as i said,ai you have to watch what theyre hitting and not hitting and really test them because, for a long time, they have been talking about cooperating with us, but weve never really seen it in action. Ifill evelyn farkas, vali nasr, thank you both very much. Thank you. Woodruff stay with us, coming up on the newshour f isis seeks a new generation ofw jihadists in afghanistan. But first, in the wake of the paris attacks there is a growing concern among republican candidates, governors and lawmakers about refugees from syria to the United States. Political director lisaa desjardins reports. Reporter on the campaign trail, republican candidates have seized on the refugee issue. On Ohio Governor john kasich who initially said he might support the resettlement of refugees in his state, is now opposed. He explained his thinking at a National Security speech in s washington, today once we have a rational program and can determine who it is thats coming then its another story. But at this point in time in light of where we are in the world, its reasonable for us tos stop. Reporter last night at a rally in tennessee, it was donald trump. Ll so what i like is, build a safe zone in syria, a big a beautiful safe zone, and you have whatever it is, so people can live and theyll be happier. Reporter the u. S. Has let in around 2,500 refugees from syria in the past four years. In september, president obama unveiled a plan to welcome 10,000 more by next fall. Thats just a fraction of the o migrants fleeing the region, and Officials Say they face the toughest vetting of any immigrant to the u. S. For many, thats two years of processing or more. But governors do not trust the process, and in the wake of the paris attacks more than two dozen now say they oppose Syrian Refugees moving to their states. Still, governors technically cannot stop the federal government from resettling refugees within their borders, which means all eyes are onal congress. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell today said he is considering possible action. What youre hearing from all the governors around the country, saying theyre not interested in taking refugees from syria for the forseeable future it strikes me that weth need to pause, or a moratorium. Reporter paul ryan, the new speaker of the house, pushed his members to come up with a plan soon. Weve assembled a task force starting saturday to considerde legislation as quickly as possible. At reporter as republicans mustered to block refugees, attorney general Loretta Lynch defended the Current System today before a house panel. Certainly there are challenges to that process because of the situation in syria. Of but i would note, however, that we do have the benefit of having that significant and robust screening process in place. In a pros today, the white house said it continues to looko for ways to improve vetting of Syrian Refugees. For the gnars, im lisa desjardins. Ifill the next person to occupy the white house will likely be faced with the continuing fallout from thisut weeks paris attacks. Tonight we are joined by two ofj the president ial candidates to hear how they would handle terror threats at home and abroad. Rr we begin with democratic candidate, senator Bernie Sanders of vermont. Ti welcome, senator. Good to be with you. Wi ifill in the wake to have the paris attacks, you have called for what you describe as an International Effort to eliminate the stain of i. S. I. S. From the world. Or how would you do that . The good news, in the midst of all this tragedy, is that countries all over the world, whether it is france, whether it is i russia, whether it is the muslim countries in the gulf region, we now have a common interest, and that is to come together to destroy this barbaric Organization Called i. S. I. S. And what is about to happen, and i dont suggest this is easy, but weve got to overcome a lot of the internal squabbling and disagreements which now exist. St god knows the United States correctly has strong differences of opinion with russia. Iran and saudi arabia have very, very strong differences of opinion. But what leadership is about now is bringing together all of these countries, including the countries in the gulf region who have the most to lose and to say, you know what, were going to work on a coordinated military strategy and a political strategy to destroy i. S. I. S. Thats what i have been sayingen for a long time and i believe it is even truer today. Od ifill in your opinion, has the Obama Administration doneat enough to create a workable strategy . This is tough stuff, and i know its very easy to criticize the president , but i think he has tried as hard as he can. C i think john kerry has been very effective in trying to bring these countries together. Youve got saudi arabia he got saudi arabia and iran to sit down in a room, that is no small thing. To get turkey and the kurds to Work Together is no small thing, but that is what has to happen, so we have to do more. I think the Obama Administration has madedm a good step forward. R we have to tomorrow. Weve seen results in the g20 conferences that have takenen place, but the bottom line is we have to be in this together. Russia lost over 200 people in a flight. God knows we saw quhats happened in paris, we know whats happened in the u. K. We are in this together and when we Work Together, not the slightest doubt in my mind that i. S. I. S. Will be destroyed. D ifill the other thingng thats happened since the terrorist attacks is what appears to be a pretty strong,tr in this country especially, antirefugee backlash, many governors saying, no, not in my state. Whats your position on that . I disagree. When we talk about terrorism, what its really about is the terrorists trying to instillo fear and terror in ourselves. I hear some people saying, maybe well close down mosques, maybe we wasnt let muslims in this country, maybe well turn our back on thousands of people whose lives have been destroyed by terrorism who have had to flee syria and afghanistan. Now, it goes without saying we need a very strong screeningni process to make sure those people who come into this count deserve to be in this country and are not terrorists. I think we can do that. I tell you something else, that if we turn our backs on those people, you know, i think almosm in a way we will be destroying what this country is supposed to be about throughout our history. Weve welcomed people who wereer in trouble. Screening, yes, but turning our backs on people whose lives havv been so affect bid the war in syria and afghanistan, i dont think thats appropriate. Ifill in a your statement you describe it as islamophobiap and racism, strong words. W do you want name names . No great secret. A few months, donald trump said about people from mexico that they are criminalsha and rapist. Well, you know. Y and now were talking trump and others are talking about, well,o you know, maybe well close down mosques. Last i heard, we had a constitution in this country which gave all of our people thp right of religious freedom, you know. And then im hearing other people saying, well, you know, we may have to undermine the constitution in terms of civil liberties. When we do all those things, in fact, the terrorists win withouw a bomb in america. I understand were frightnt. What we saw in paris was horrible and bar raric, but we are a Strong Enough nation to say were not going to lose who we are as a people, that weree going to protect our constitution, were going to protect religious freedom and were not turning our backs onon women and children who have been thrown out of their own countries with the shirts on their backs. Yeah, were going to open our doors but screen. Thats my view. Ifill just m today the t speaker of the house, paul ryanr jeb bush and even Chuck Schumer have all said perhaps we should consider a pause in accepting refugees into this country. Well, i think we have to have a very, very effective screening mechanism, and i dont know what people mean by a pause. If a pause means we want tot take a look at how were going screening to make sure doing screening to make sure were doing it effectively, thats one thing. But if a pause is a subtext of were going to turn our backs on refugees who are in need of help and when i talk about t this, it has to be the entire world coming together and helping hundreds and hundreds of thousands of men, women and children who need help. Ifill Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of the Service Employees union. There had been a split in the union about some wanted to support you and some her. Whats your thought of the endorsement today . Obviously i would have likedk to have had that endorsement. T. But what you will see all over this country is sometimes the leadership doing things the rankandfile dont support. New york city, one of the locals is not supporting. We have s support of one of the Largest Nurses Union and postal workers union, were going to t get more union support. But i have absolute confidence that given the fact i have one of thehe highest pro union votig records in the congress that i t have been on a lot of picket lines, that im fighting for 15 an hour, i think my record will in fact convince millions of workers in and out of unions that if we want to stand up for the working class of thiss country, i am the candidate. C ifill senator Bernie Sanders of vermont, democratic candidate for president. P thank you for joining us. Thank you. Woodruff this evening, speaker of the house paul ryan announced he plans to bring legislation on the floor thursday to create afterat pausp in the refugees program. And in the republicanep president ial race, moments ago louisiana governor bobby jindal says he is suspending his campaign. Joining us from san diego is one to have the current frontrunnero in the case dr. Ben carson. I knew ben carson before he was a candidate when he was the doctor for one of my children. Dr. Carson, thank you for joining us. Let me start with the refugee question. Administration says its process for vetting refugees is the very toughest on refugees who come in from syria, that they receive additional scrutiny more than any others who come into this country. Why isnt that enough . Well, first of all, you knowk i think we should be compassionate as we always have been and recognize that there are a lot of people who have been displaced. Is half of the country of syria has been displaced. We should be looking for ways to protect and provide safe zones for them and utilizing our professional resources to helpel them over there. But we also have to use a little bit of common sense and recognize that if we bring large numbers of such people into our country and theyre coming from an area where a lot of the radical islamic jihadists exist, they would be foolish not toin filtrate that number with their own people. I cant believe they would leavp them alone and not try to do that. We have to realize it doesnt take that many people. When you look at what happenedd in france friday, it didnt takk 10,000 people to do that. Didnt even take 1,000 or 100. So we have to be very careful and we have to protect the t American People and we have toav have vetting procedures that we can all agree on, not that just one group says, yeah, this is the best vetting procedure there is. Woodruff but we know its a humanitarian crisis. We know European Countries are being strained. Youve said yourself your heart hurts for these refugee families, for the children, but in essence you would turn them away for the time being at least . Well, my heart would also hurt if we allowed people in here who destroy the lives of hundreds or maybe thousands of americans. We have a responsibility to our people first, and when you get on theet airplane, they always y in case of an Emergency Air masks will drop down, put yours on first, then administer oxygen to your neighbor. Gh woodruff dr. Carson, we just heard before we talked to you, gwen talked to senator sanders, we also know that governor bush said today that he would not ban Syrian Refugees from coming in. He called accepting refugees a noble tradition in this country. And like i said, we have to have a vetting procedure that we can all agree on that is safe, and i dont think thats an unreasonable request. Just because one person says, yeah, this is the best vetting procedure there is in the world, thats not good enough. We need to have something we can all agree on. N. I think the average person who recognizes that youre bringingg people from an area of the world where there are very dangerous territories would likely infiltrate the group of people that you were bringing over here with some of their own. If somebody can tell me why thats irrational reasoning, im all ears. Woodruff governor bush went on to say that the problem needs to be solved in syria, and he and others have talked abouta putting a coalition together, strengthening that coalition to go after i. S. I. S. There. Well, there is no question we need to fight them over there ss they can direct their attentiont to that area of the world and less attention to our area of the world. We fight them over there, or we fight them over here. So, yes, we must be extremely serious. We must look at what has workedr in the past and expand on that. You know, even last week, you know, with sinjar, look at what happened there. The kurds were able to cut off the supply routes, and then our special ops people were able to work with the kurds and soften the target so that, when we came in with our air support, itt, wasnt all that difficult. Thats a model that should be repeated and expanded upon, and we should have set our sights on mosul and other places as well and take back some of the caliphate they have managed to build and also to strangle them in terms of finances and resources from oil and everything. We should go all out for this, not just pinpricks. P woodruff when it comes to i. S. I. S. And Foreign Policyic questions, im sure you know one of your Foreign Policy nationaly Security Advisors dwayne clarriago is scwoated today inn the New York Times saying nobody has been able to sit down with you and have you get one iota of intelligent conversations about i the middle east. M hes talking about questions youve had from the press recently where youve appeared to have struggled with answers on National Security. I think thats ana picture people want to paifnlt this sunday when Chris Wallace kept saying,weekold you call firstr who would you call first . Ir i wasnt interested in answering the question, because if i said id call egypt, israel, jordan first or whoever, then the next thing is, well, but why would you not call this one first . I know how that works, and thats just silly. What i was talking about is we have to have a broad plan, a coalition that brings in all of our friends and all of the people who have interests in that region throughout the woodruff but what about your go ahead. Yeah, so, you know, what i sort of object to is the sound byte answers that people can then pull apart and then say, see, i told you he doesnt knoww anything when, in fact, youu really need a much more comprehensive answer to some of these questions. Q woodruff well, this is your own advisor, mr. Clarriage, who said you need weekly briefings to make you smart. Hes not my advisor. He is a person who has come in on a couple of our sessions to offer his opinions about what washa going on, t. To call himself my advisor would be a great stretch. Et and he has no idea who else im sitting down and talking to. Woodruff who is your principle advisor of nationalon security because one of our other advisors Armstrong Williams says youre still on a steep learning curve. Ur i am. M. You know, i know a lot more than i knew a year ago, and a year from now ill know a lot more than i know now. Thats what we call continuing medical education. You have todi get the credits ic order to be recertified. I think that applies to every aspect of our lives, particularly in a rapidly changing world. Or woodruff dr. Ben carson,ar thank you for talking with us. U thank you. My pleasure. Ifill tonight on frontline, an unprecedented look at howw Islamic State militants have spread across one country at the center of the war on terrorism. With remarkable access to the militants themselves, tonights report isis in afghanistan shows how the group is expanding its control in the country, fighting some members of the taliban, coopting others, and battling Afghan National armyti forces. William brangham has the story. Brangham after months of negotiations, afghan journalist Najibullah Quarashi got permission from isis militants to come visit their stronghold in afghanistan. In his frontline report, quarashi shows not only how isis is gaining power in that nation, but also how theyre indoctrinating young afghan y children into their cause. Narrator the fighters tell najibullah they receiveig propaganda videos directly from isis in syria and iraq. They say they show the videos to the village children every day. Quraishi i was asking them why they are watching in front of these Young Children . They said they should learn, they should know from now, and its normal for them. Narrator the videos dont just show attacks and atrocities. This is an isis military school for children, somewhere in the middle east. Ir gunfire quraishi all these videos, theyre just telling them how to kill people, how to behead and how to become suicide bombers. And their main thing is to killi infidels. This is their aim and they are clearly telling this is in quran. So what does the child believe . What does he think . He thinks yes, i am muslim, and hes telling me the truth. Narrator najibullah films the afghan children copying whan theyve just watched. Quraishi when i saw these Young Children, i was really, really upset, really sad. I was thinking about afghanistan future. Afghanistans next generation. What we have next . These children who learn how to kill people, how to do jihad, how to behead, how to fire . This would be afghanistan . I was thinking maybe the war will never end. Never. And the people will keep suffering from war. Brangham welcome, Najibullah Quarashi. This is a veryrana powerful pief reporting. You get to see i. S. I. S. In action in a way many of us in i the west have never seen before. Why is it you think they let you in . Well, when i heard first about i. S. I. S. In afghanistan, then i started contacting thect people who used to work for me and some local journalists. J then i found some villages and elders. So through the elders, we send a message out to them to their leader, the i. S. I. S. Commander. S in afghanistan. S i asked them if they allow me to film them about their presence in afghanistan. A so then they told to the villages of the people i sent over to wait. I was waiting for at least eight months. They called us in. They said, come, were ready to be filmed. So i was excited that i am going to meet them or filming them about their daily life, or at least i would expose them what they are doing there. And the other side of my life was my family, my wife, my children. To be honest, this was kind of 50 50. I was hoping i would come back again and 50 i wasnt. Its always dangerous. Its always there is a risk. But we have to tell the story. If not, who shall tell . T brangham the education the children are getting, if you can call it that, are quite terrifying. I was wondering if you could tell us more about the men who think this is a good thing to teach children so young to learn how to kill. L. Ive never seen this in my journalism life before. Ef at the beginning. , i didnt knowthey mentioned a school for children. I thought they may learn some mathematics or grammar or a language or something or quran, but i come across with jihad for 3, 4, 5yearold children, youre telling them about jihadh and how to kill. So i was shocked. Jihad these guys were coming from pakistan and saying this is the time they should teach the children and they should learn from now and be prepared. For them, they should be ready for fighting, for everything at the age of 12 or 13 or somethinm like this. They were asking the children about the weapons. Ea for example, how many bullets it takes. What is this pistol made from, why we should use this, whoho should we be against with this and a lot of Different Things which the children knew from this age. Then on the film, we can see the Second Generation which is all the teenagers, like 13 or 17, and theyre ready to blow themselves up or to do a suicide pact. I came to the conclusion about afghanistans future and afghanistans next generation, over 90 uneducated people, dont have security. Y. Day by day, all the terrorists come into afghanistan, all the farmers. Right now in afghanistan, we have the taliban, islam, and now we have this crazy group the most worse group ever ive seen in my life and i cannot see any Bright Future about that country, and i dont think iff this is any power to defeat them. Brangham given the newse of the most recent attacks weve seen in france recently, everyones been wondering about i. S. I. S. s motives, and youve now spent a good deal of team with the militants. When you heard about the attacks in france, did that come as a surprise for you or not . No, it didnt come as a surprise for me because their aim is not theyre not talking about one village or one district or one country. Theyre talking about the world. Theyre not like a taliban. For example, the taliban says, we are in afghanistan and we are not for other countries or russia or iran or otherr countries can. C our aim is to capture afghanistan and have sharia law here in afghanistan. A but they are not like this. They say, we want to go to europe, we want to go to other countries, and theyre tackling the world. Theyre not tackling only one country or one province or district. Brangham Najibullah Quarashi, thank you forst joinii us and this terrific piece of journalism. Youre welcome. Ifill frontline airs tonight on most pbs stations. M and a news update before we go. U on the heels of the parisri attacks, theres been anotherhe major bombing in nigeria. The red cross and the government say at least 32 people were killed in the northeastern city of yola. Another 80 were wounded. Officials say it bears the hallmark of boko haram. The Islamist Militant Group has killed thousands in the last six years. An woodruff on the newshour online as countries all over the world face these active threats of terrorism, a new survey reveals how ordinary afghans feel about the Islamic State in their own homeland, a place where theyre still battling the taliban. You can find those results on our home page, thats pbs. Org newshour. And thats the newshour for tonight. Im gwen ifill. Woodruff and im judy woodruff. Join us online, and again here tomorrow evening. For all of us at the pbsjo newshour, thank you and good night. D l major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. The ford foundation. Working with visionaries on the frontlines of social change worldwide. Carnegie corporation of new york. Supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the advancement of International Peace and security. At carnegie. Org. Rpnsoc and with the ongoing support of these institutions and individuals. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Iongio captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llcio captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Orgwg testimony. Tyler mathisen. This is nightly Business Report. With Tyler Mathisen and sue herara. Nervous markets, stocks fell when a Security Threat canceled a soccer match in germany as authorities continue to hunt for the most wanted men in europe. Dont count retail out yet. Sales surprised at both walmart and home depot two of the biggest and Influential Brands in the industry. And capital fight. Will the next budget showdown focus on americas plan for Syrian Refugees . All that and more tonight on nightly Business Report for tuesday, november 17th. Good evening, everyone. And welcome. The markets on edge. Stocks gave up most of their gains, the Dow Jones Industrial average wiping out a triple digit rise. After news that a soccer match between g

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