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Immigration to professional experience to the integrity of the election process. She should never have been allowed to run for the presidency based on what she did with emails and so many other things. But, sir, there is a tradition in this country, in fact one of the prides of this country is the peaceful transition of power and that no matter how hard fought a campaign is, that at the end of the campaign, that the loser concedes to the winner. Are you saying youre not prepared now to commit to that principle . What im saying is that i will tell you at the time. Ill keep you in suspense. Chris, let me respond to that because thats horrifying. You know, every time donald thinks things are not going in his direction, he claims whatever it is is rigged against him. And joining me now is cbs news Political Correspondent lisa desjardins. Lisa, nice to have you with us again. Great to be back. Thanks for having me. Trumps declaration this week that he would leave the nation in suspense over whether he would accept the elections results, what impact is having on the campaign trail for both trump and clinton . I think were waiting to see exactly what the polls tell us about that. Weve seen clearly a shift in momentum since the first president ial debate, and thats been a shift away from donald trump, not just that first debate performance but also, of course, the tapes that came out with the hot mic incident with him on the bus with billy bush talking about women and then accusations of sexual assault. Weve seen some of his supporters, of course, vigorously defend him but overall the polls have moved away from him. We have to see if this next his words about whether he accepts or not the results of the election will affect voters. Its not clear yet. And how are the controversies surrounding trump, not only the comments made on the bus also, you know, his comment during the debate this week about the bad hombres when he was talking about immigration, a huge issue here in california, of course, his other comment about nasty woman . What kind of impact is that having down ballot, do you think, or do voters make a distinction between the trump brand and the republican brand . I think those are very good questions, and i think the sort of bad hombre and nasty woman comments those certainly are being circulated a lot in the press. Theres a lot of discussion about that. We have to see whether thats hurting him with the voters he needs the most. I think two groups of voters that he needs the most are hispanics and women. So he made comments that kind of connect with both of those groups in a way he might not want. Thats just anecdotal. I dont think weve seen direct scientific or polling evidence thats had an effect. But its not the story line he wants necessarily with those two groups of voters. As for how this is affecting the republican brand, we know a little bit more about that. Paul ryan has been out stumping for republican ideas, and is not mentioning Donald Trumps name. He is not defending donald trump, and he is not openly talking about voting for donald trump. He is trying to keep the republican brand sort of with the Ronald Reagan idea, fiscal conservative, balanced budgets, more privatization, more power to businesses. Those kinds of things hes talking about. But, you know, when he had this speech earlier this week when he was speaking to some College Republicans in wisconsin, it got very little coverage. So each republican seems to be a bit on their own to try and navigate these very tricky waters, but they all know they are having a major branding question right now. Speaking of House Speaker paul ryan, he is traveling to california next week to help some vulnerable congressional candidates here, including steve knight and scott jones. There are some models now, forecast models showing that trump could become the first republican president ial nominee to lose orange county. That would be the first time thats happened here in california since 1936. So do you think ryans presence here would actually help republican candidates all that much . I suspect in individual races it really could to be honest. Weve seen, up until this point, some republican candidates for senate and for house have outperformed donald trump, that voters have shown a willingness to split the ticket. They say, yes, i can decide one way for president and decide a different way for down ballot races. Were not lemmings, i guess voters would want to say. I think that we will see a lot of split tickets this year. Now, as donald trump, if he continues this slide, if his momentum keeps going this direction, it just makes that harder and harder not just because of, you know, will voters vote for a single party, but the question is will republicans show up at all . Thats where someone like paul ryan can help a down ballot candidate, by telling republicans in that area, you do need to go to the polls even if you feel very uncomfortable or unhappy with the president ial race. You still need to show up for everyone else. All right. 18 days left until election day. Cbs news hour Political Correspondent lisa desjardins, thank you so much for being with us. We turn now to the south bay and a closely watched contest to represent Silicon Valley in congress. Eight term congressman mike honda is facing a second challenge from attorney ro khanna. Honda narrowly beat kahn na two years ago. Now kahn na, also a democrat, is highly a lengthy house ethics probe into congressman honda. But the congressman is alleging khannas campaign hacked into his Campaign Donor list. Kqed Senior Editor for politics and government scott shafer talked with each of them earlier. Joining me now is congressman mike honda, who represents district 17 in Silicon Valley. Good to see you. Good to be here. Thank you. Youre running for a ninth term in congress. What would you say from where you sit, what is the biggest challenge today facing Silicon Valley . I think in Silicon Valley, the two big areas is the inequity in salaries for service workers, and i think the other is housing. Housing is such a big issue in our district. And are those issues that you, as a congress member, can do something about . Well, there are roles that we can play. For instance, working with hud. I had Joaquin Castro come down for an extra day to visit our homeless projects, to show that there are a variety of ways to address the homelessness of not only veterans but also those others who are in the streets. But i wanted to give him also a document i put together. It was called the inventory of surplus and underutilized lands, to look at that as a possible way of building homes. But you also represent, of course, some of the biggest names in the Tech Industry, apple, facebook, google is around there as well. You represent the innovation economy, and yet i hear you say your biggest concerns are really sort of lowincome folks. Is that going to make the Tech Industry feel a little bit left out . I dont think so because the Tech Industry is one of the leaders in looking at issues around housing and the inequitable salaries and Everything Else like that. Theyve led the way to increase salaries of their own staff and also Silicon Valley Leadership Group has put together a Housing Trust fund where theyre pulling together funds and put some federal moneys in there to help people, firsttime buyers and down payments. So everybody is working together. Its a district where some say that the future is invented. Its in the tomorrow business. Sure. When you think about all the emerging technology coming out of your district in Silicon Valley, generally what excites you . I think the possibility of being able to communicate with anybody globally. And in a very fraction of a second. I guess the idea is the collapsing of time and distance allows us to be very efficient. What about things like Driverless Cars and robotics that are replacing people . Well, i think that thats the future, and people never thought that wed replace the horse, but we did that. So its just part of technology. I think its the next step in how we increase the confidence and the reliability of Driverless Cars. Thats going to be the issue. Youre running a very contentious race with your children, ro khanna. Both of you have been running television ads. I want to take a look at one of your ads from your campaign. Well come back and talk about it. Lets take a look. Sure. With a history of shufting down companies and destroying jobs, no wonder khanna answer the call for tax breaks for millionaires. While refusing to protect social security. Corporate interest gets enough face time in washington. We dont need ro khanna dialing it up. That ad portrays ro khanna has being unethical, beholden to wall street. Is that what you believe . Its a fact hes received over 450,000 from wall street. When you say wall street, do you mean wall street, you know, people who are involved with the financial aspects of this country. People that, you know normal people like myself dont seek help from them. And to say that hes one of the fo folks and portrays himself one way, he is not really forthcoming in the kinds of income that he really does what about the portrayal in that ad . Theres an indianlooking actor playing ro khanna in the back seat of that limousine. Did you have any qualms about that as someone who has faced discrimination in your own past . Sure. I think the last time he accused me of being racist because he said that there was a red dot on his picture. I didnt have anything to do with that, but this one, ill take full responsibility for it. Any regrets about it or no. I think that thats depicting someone like himself taking money from wherever he can. And this is the idea is that hes taking money from wall street, and hes saying that hes the peoples people. In one of his ads, your opponent, ro khanna, alleges that you in all your time in Congress Passed one bill. That was to name a post office. Is that a fair charge . Whats your reaction . Well, i did have one bill that changed the name of post office to gordon chan, and im proud of that. But the thing about congress is that its not only about having your name on a bill. Is that an accurate characterization, though, that you have your name on just one bill . That part is accurate. But what we do as congressional members is a lot of other things too. You know, we work on different projects, different bills, and we get those things done. So, you know, with the results that ive had over the past 16 years, ive brought in almost a billion dollars worth of revenue and all kinds of programs that affect education, nonprofits, Silicon Valley. Youre facing your own investigation and questions about ethics, the House Ethics Committee is investigating. They voted unanimously to investigate, and there are questions about you giving favors to high donors for things like expediting visas and that sort of thing. Sure. Whats your reaction . Isnt that the kind of thing youre sort of accusing him about, favoring the rich . Well, its the ethics issue is one of house rules, whether we had violated house rules. In order to address that, two things. One, to let the people know that i made a decision that nobody on our official staff will be participating but the conclusion of the report found there was substantial reason to think you had done right. The conclusion of the report passed it on to the house congressional ethics committee, which is the Real Committee that really takes all the information, and theyre moving through it right now. So were cooperating with them 100 , and were not saying that were just waiting for the outcome. All right. The charge i have against my opponent, he behaves differently. All right. Were going to get a chance to talk with ro khanna next. But thank you very much for coming in. You can check out kqed voter guide with information on propositions and candidates online at elections. Kqed. Org. Joining me now is ro khanna, who is challenging incumbent mike honda for his seat in congress. Welcome. Thank you. Well, you want to represent a district that is right in the middle of the innovation economy. Tell me what you think is the biggest challenge facing folks in the 17th congressional district. Its education and jobs. Theres no question that jobs are being automated, that globalization is putting pressure on it. I. T. , i worked for the obama administration, and ive offered a plan for how were going to educate the next generation to have the jobs in the 21st century and how were going to put people to work given the challenges of automation. Yit is going to be displacin people or eliminating jobs going forward. Is there anything as a member of congress that you would be pushing for in terms of policies . A couple of things. One is more investment in career technical investigation. Unfortunately weve been cutting that. In my district, in independence high school, those folks learning automated electronics, many of them have done jobs at tesla. We need to be focused on the trade. We also need to make college universal and affordable, and ive come out for robert riekz plan is to have people go to Public College for free and then pay it back once they graduate and get their first job. There is so much emerging technology coming out of your part of california, Silicon Valley. When you think about that, what excites you the most . Well, the most exciting thing in my judgment is biotechnology. I mean theres a chance of having personalized medicine eventually where we will know someones genetic profile and be able to customize medicine to their unique needs. Of course theres Driverless Cars, which is a positive but also a challenge. The biggest employer employment job in this country is drivers. So this is where i think we have to deal with both the positives of technology and also the dislocation. Youve talked about something called universal minimum income. Describe what that is. I assume thats where people who may not be as fully employed as they are now because of things like Driverless Cars. Exactly. The challenges were going to have often people who may not have full time work, and maybe stretching to make ends meet. Universal minimum income is a bipartisan idea proposed by james tobin, a liberal economist, and milton friedman, which says theres a threshold income that everyone who works in this society should achieve, 30,000, 35,000. We can debate. I believe we need that. And its an idea that both republicans and democrats how would that work . That sounds expensive. It would be a massive expansion of the earned income tax credit. Currently we have the earned income tax credit which takes you from 15,000, 20,000 to get something refund. I would say we have to expand it. Of course we would have to have the wealthy pay a greater tax, people making over a Million Dollars who are currently paying Capital Gains tax only should be paying more tax. But i think its important to have a fair society in a world where jobs are going offshore and where jobs are being automated. You are running again against mike honda. It was a close race last time. You did better in the primary this time than two years ago. And a lot of ads have been run on your campaign and on the other side. Lets take a look at one, and well come back and talk. Sure. Around too long, his record an embarrassment. In 15 years, mike honda passed only one bill, to name a post office. Honda has one of the worst attendance records in congress. Now its unanimous. Democrats and republicans on house ethics joining together, investigating hondas abuse of office. Im wondering are you portraying congressman honda, whose 70 youre 40 years old. Is there an element of ageism, which is often prevalent in Silicon Valley. Not at all. Ive come out in supporting hillary clinton. I supported jerry brown. I dont think age is relevant. I think what is relevant is a persons record. The reality is congressman honda has only passed one bill in 16 years compared to others who have a much more prolific record who are about the same age. Congressman honda has this ethics investigation. I think our ad is factual and fair. Theres been some issues about your campaign as well. Your former director accuses of illegally Campaign Data that really belonged to mike honda. You said you didnt know about. He left the campaign the day those charges came out. Should you have known about it . I think the voters should go to the mercury news and the newspapers. The mercury news editorialized a week ago that this was a publicity stunt of a desperate incumbent, and the judge denied the congressmans motion. The lawsuit was filed five weeks before the final election, and i just hope that people will go and read the papers. Based on what he did, your former campaign manager, how would you characterize it ethically . First of all, we dont know because there have been allegations he hasnt had a chance to respond. He claims that he never accessed these documents. So why did he leave the campaign, then . He didnt want to be a distraction. Hes a 25yearold kid who the congressman is filing a federal lawsuit against, whos had to go hire an attorney and defend himself. He can hardly run a campaign. I think it was outrageous what mike did. We asked mike honda about an ad of his where youre portrayed in the back of a limousine talking to wall street own your cell phone. Theres a bottle of champagne. How do you feel about that characterization and the use of an actor who appears to be indianamerican. Scott harold in the mercury news did an article saying the ad was feeled with racist innuendos. Imagine the outrage if we had an ad with a japanese american actor. I dont think thats honda himself. I think his consultants made a terrible choice, and i hope hell pull that ad because its not who he is. Yeah. You are what many would call an elite. You know, stanford. You went to law school. Youre well educated. You probably travel in circles with wealthy Silicon Valley folks, and thats not a criticism. Thats life. But i took out student loans, still paying them off. I went to public school. You know, its very tough for this characterization given that im the son of immigrants. Theres never been an indianamerican if hindu origin, which is my faith, in congress. I went to public school. I took out loans. I havent had an easy path. Yeah. So that characterization of someone who is out of touch with the havenots, you would disagree with that . I would strongly disagree. I have spent so much time with young people in this district who cant pay for college, who dont have the right opportunities. And my passion is to give them a fair shot. All right. Ro khanna, thanks so much for coming in. Thank you. San franciscos Golden Gate Bridge is world renowned for its beauty, and while its a favorite for tourists, its also a lure for those contemplating suicide. Nearly 500 people have taken their lives by jumping off the bridge since 2000. Now there are new efforts under way to reach distraught people, including adding five new officers to patrol the bridge. Joining us now to discuss these efforts are bridge district general manager Dennis Mulligan and kqed reporter Stephanie Martin taylor. Welcome to you both. Thank you, thuy. Dennis, the Golden Gate Bridge has long been known as one of the countrys hot spots for suicides. But in recent years, theres been quite an alarming change in the age of those who show up intending to kill themselves. Thats true. Since 2000, weve had a five fold increase in people under the age of 25 coming to the bridge to hurt themselves. Its shocking and alarming. Weve seen an uptick in the number of people coming to the bridge, but particularly young people, and so weve made a variety of changes. Weve added staff, changed procedures, taking steps to try to stop these young people and everybody from coming to the bridge to hurt themselves. Lets talk about those steps in a moment. But first do you have any idea as to why so many more young people are showing up to the bridge trying to commit suicide . Well, the suicide rate in our country is growing. Its not going down just in general. This year more americans will die by suicide than in automobile accidents. We have lots of campaigns about reminding people to ticket or dont text ask drive, but we dont have similar outreach to people, particularly young people, with respect to Mental Health issues. For a variety of reasons, young people become despondent. Typically its a oneday thing where they come to hurt themselves, and if we intervene, theyll go on and live a long, fruitful life. Its violatele that we stop them from hurting themselves. I know that among the measures youre taking are these new signs on the bridge, urging despondent people to contact a crisis line for immediate access to a counselor. As we mentioned the at the top, there will also be more patrol officers on the bridge coming soon. Stephanie, you talked to a family of a teenager who jumped to his death from the bridge. Can you tell us a little bit about their story and how did they feel about the new measures being taken . This is the gamboa family. Their 18yearold son, kyle, three years ago seemingly very impulsively drove to the Golden Gate Bridge and jumped. And since that time, the gamboas have come to almost every, if not every, bridge District Meeting with photos of their son, pushing for a suicide barrier. Now, talking to them, they are really happy about this new crisis text line and also the new officers. They believe even if these new steps save just one life, thats a good thing. You also came to the bridge dispatch center and paid them a visit there, and they have whats called a be on the lookout book. What is that . Yes. The captain showed me this binder, and its really pretty stunning to look at. Its page after page of facebook pages basically. When parents get concerned that their children or their or other people, their loved ones, might be coming to the bridge to commit suicide, theyll call in and email, and the dispatchers and patrol officers will actually go on facebook and try to find out as much as they can about these people so that if they do encounter them on the bridge, they have some sort of information to make that connection. They can roecognize their faces but do this person have a dog, a boyfriend or girlfriend, anything that can start a conversation. Thats smart. Theyre going to avenues where young people are expressing themselves and showing photos of themselves . Thats right. You mentioned the gamboa family pushing repeatedly for a suicide barrier or, in this case, a net, a steel safety net around the bridge, which has been widely discussed for many years now, dennis. What is happening with that . We opened bids to construct a net, and bids came in higher than we anticipated. Were putting together a revised funding plan. We anticipate going to our board of directors at their december meeting to award a construction contract to build the net. Your board approved spending 76 million, and the lowest bid out of two bids there were two bids that came in. The lowest bid was 142 million. And the deadline has passed, but you have requested a threemonth extension, right, from those companies to continue their bids . Thats correct. Both companies agreed to extend the bids, to keep them valid for another 90 days. So the bids are valid through january 9th. Our board of directors meeting is on december 16th, so were putting together a funding plan we can bring to our board at that juncture. Where is the money going to come from . Were working very aggressively with the outside funding agencies that helped us with the original funding plan. At this time its not finalized. But the preponderance of money will be government grants. There is an opportunity for philanthropic giving for those may wish to leverage and participate in saving 30 lives a year because thats what the net will do. The net will save 30 lives a year. I just want to understand the funding situation more clearly, though. So thats a big gap, right, from 76 million, which is what you approved, to 142 million, which is the lowest bid. How are you going to make up that difference . And is increased funds, increased tolls a possibility . The original funding plan took changes in federal and state law to take effect. A lot of our elected officials recognize how important and vital this project is because it will save so many lives. The Golden Gate Bridge is today a suicide magnet. About four years ago, federal law changed to make the project eligible for federal highway funds. Prior to that it was not eligible. Two years ago we received some money from the state budget. So the Strong Political support, were working with our political allies, our advocates, working with the various funding agencies, and the plan is still coming together. But its our expectation that at our board of directors meeting well have a revised funding plan so we can move forward and build a net. Youre sounding very optimistic. I am. You are . I am. This is a vital project, thuy. We both know we had 186 people come to the bridge last year to hurt themselves. We stopped 153. They were taken off the bridge to a local hospital for psychiatric evaluation. Unfortunately in 2015, 33 people died. Of course this discussion about a safety net has been going on for more than a decade now. There has been some critics, though, who say theyre not convinced that a net is really an effective deterrent. Is there any evidence to show that it is a good deterrent . Yes. Nets have been built other places. Theres a location in australia. Its a cliff, for example. A barrier was built there, and suicides were cut more than in half there. Also a bridge in bristol, the uk, theres a suicide net put in place there. Not only did suicides go down, also a study was done about other locations around the bristol area, and the suicide rate did not there were no other it wasnt a spike in suicides in other locations at that time. Okay. Well, very interesting. We will monitor that december meeting and see how all this turns out. But certainly a troubling situation, and we hope that this all of this that youre trying to do will help. Thank you so much. Golden gate bridge general manager Dennis Mulligan and also Stephanie Martin taylor. Thank you. That does it for us. Im thuy vu. Thanks so much for watching. Next week well bring you an in depth report about two dueling Death Penalty propositions. Prop 62 seeks to end it while prop 66 seeks to streamline executions. We hope youll join us for that. For all of kqeds news coverage, please go to kqed news. Org. 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