Transcripts For KQED Charlie Rose The Week 20150905 : compar

KQED Charlie Rose The Week September 5, 2015

Rose and, so, you began how . Luck at all or something . Its the little thing. Rose whats the object lesson here . Keep asking the question rose tell me what the significance of the moment is. Rose we begin tonight with a look at the news of the week. Here are the sights and sounds of the past seven days. Wes craven the classic horror film director of 76. Rose did he make it too scary. I dont think you can make it too scary. Rose police in hungary allowed thousands of migrants to enter the budapest train station. Many hope to reset toll germany. The problem is not the european problem, its the german problem. Rose president obama won enough support to secure the iran nuclear deal. Every death iran causes now on Barack Obamas head. All eyes on joe biden as he looks like he will run for president. Kim davis will be in federal court this morning. She has been defying federal court orders to issue samesex marriage licenses to couples. The love of my life. Every night he came home to me. The dow plunging after signs of weaknesses in chinas economy. The worst performance in six years. Oh, oh, oh what is that . Because its hot outside. Stuff like that happens. Was that live . Are we live . Oh, brother. Tom brady overturned Roger Goodells decision in the n. F. L. s deflategate case. The president will start a threeday tour of alaska by officially changing the name of mt. Mckinley to denali. No shortage of outrageous antics at the mtv video music awards. I have decided in 2020 to run for president. cheers and applause rap music rose tom brokaw entered the nbc nightly news for more than 20 years. He has a second career as a bestselling author. But there has also been pain. His recent book details his fight with cancer. It is called a lucky life interrupted, a memoir of hope. I was covering the closing days of nelson mandela, going with other friends into the bush, came back, fishing in montana and the back ache would not go away. I had had them before, and they could be relieved. A very well known orthopedist in new york and another at the mayo clinic said it was your lifestyle, tom, and did a conventional xray. Rose did they say slow down . I had a smart internest at the mayo clinic and he said, i think its Something Else. They drew blood, ran the tests and he called me over. Rose in minnesota in. Minnesota. I thought maybe i had a parasite from the african trip. They brought in a very well known hemtologyist and he reads off the screen these numbers, sounds like an sat test to me, speak in the proteins, cells, so on, and he said, you have a malignancy, called multiple myeloma. You know people who have die from this. Ive always wondered how you would react to that kind of news. Then he said, its incurable but its treatable. So in a very calm voice. I was kind of taking my temperature at the time and i said, how long. Ti said, statistically, now, five years, but i think you can beat that because of the progress that is being made and youre in good shape. So i was kind of at sea about how it would affect my life in rochester. Flew back to montana, broke the news to meredith and thought i would resume my life. I went into Central Montana to go fishing. Rose 150 miles away. Paralyzed with pain. I could barely move. I got back to the ranch, and i couldnt move out of my bed. Meredith is calling the mayo clinic. They were throwing everything they had at me with painkillers, nothing worked. So they had to medivac me out of there and got me back to the mayo clinic. Thats when we went to war, frankly. Rose therefore, you put together the team. The imperfections in the system were what . The imperfections in the system, cancer is not math. You know, 2 plus 2 doesnt equal 4 when youve got cancer. The best line about cancer by paul marx. Rose sloa sloan kettering. Yes, he said its the greatest enemy we have. Cancer doesnt care if youre a mother, father, if you have children, it only cares about waging war on your body and everything you throw at it, it will figure out a way to get around that in some fashion. So part of what ive learned quickly is that you have to keep asking the questions and saying, well, wait a minute, theyre trying Something Else over here. I talked to a doctor at the mayo clinic. He says youve got to do stem cells. Ken anderson said we can beat it with drugs. Rose we both know people who had it work and not work. They thought it did, came out of it and a wake later they were dead. Yes, so that was something i learned. I tell folks, you know, there was a time when you would go online and get a tsunami of information and you didnt know what to trust. Now all these major Healthcare Systems have terrific web sites, mayo clinic, johns hopkins, cleveland clinic, m. D. Anderson, and you can go on and they say heres whats going on with multiple myeloma so you can inform yourself. Rose whats your journalism future . My journalism future i think at nbc this is what theyre having me doing is perspective. Ill do meet the press with chuck from time to time to offer perspective, but im not going to go out there and have sharp elbows and be on the line. Ill do it when they want to. Ill pay attention. Im still invigorated by whats going on. Rose Tanehisi Coates writes frequently about africanamerican issues for the atlantic magazine. Now hes exploring connection between violence and racism. The latest book between the world and me is written in the form of a letter to his teenage son. I lived in a household where i had a mother and a father. This was not the typical profile for most of my friends. I had a mother and father who both worked who, by that point, were very, very educated. I had the basics covered in terms of my food, clothing, et cetera, and, yet, dpite all that, when i went out into the world and left for school every day, i confronted all the sort of things that all the other boys and girls in my neighborhood confronted. Rose which was the risk of violence . All the time. All the time. Constant. You know, its the Little Things, the very, very Little Things which, as a child and i have to tell you, i took it as normal, but, you know, now i look back andeth insane. For instance, how many people am i walking with when i go to school . Rose growing up, did you think, im going to do what with my life . I had no idea what was going to become of me and that, too, added to the kind of fear i remembered because, for young black boys growing up in west baltimore in that period and i suspect growing up in our cities today, school is not just, you know, will i get into harvard or not. Its not uh, you know, how far up the ladder. Its will i go to jail or be shot or not. Its a matter of life and death and thats the way parents talked to kids when i was a child and the message we took in. Rose is it true today in baltimore . I dont know. I dont know. I suspect it is. You know, i have been asked about baltimore quite a bit, but i want to be clear, i havent lived in baltimore in 20 years. But from what i can tell and from what ive seen when i go back to visit family. Rose the same. Yeah, i strongly suspect so, yes. For instance, i want to high light this. The video of the woman beating on her son, the young man who she rose shes installing discipline and we need more parents like that, everyone said. Yes, but thats fear. She said i dont want him to end up like another freddie gray. Thats fear. Rose fear her son might be next. Yes, very much so. And she wants him to go home where she feels hes safe and can be protected. Africanamerican parents understand that. Rose the talk. Yes. The fact is you have to educate your children on how to basically deal with violence. Over the past year, weve seen the violence focused on the police and the things police do. Thats part of it. When i was a child, and i suspect its the same for other folks, i know its same with my child, it doesnt just concern the violence of the police, it concerns the violence of the neighborhood. Africanamerican neighborhoods are on balance much more violent than other neighborhoods. Rose why is that . Africanamericans, after that period, did not walk out of the chains and labor in the cotton fields and become part of america, they suffered 100 years of discrimination and all the other discrimination they suffered from job discrimination, discrimination in terms of federal programs, discrimination in schools, discrimination in Higher Education all of that piled into one single geographic region and the inability toe scape that you know, it creates, you know, a sense of accepdeprivation and frustratio, people have Economic Needs and those neighborhoods tend to be nor violent than those with people with more opportunities. Rose david brooks is an oped columnist for the new york times. He writes about everything from war and peace to politics and culture. Now he has written about great leaders and how they overcame their own personality flaws. The book is called the road to character. The book starts out with a basic distinction that there are two sets of virtues. There is the resume virtues and the eulogy virtues. The resume we bring to the marketplace, are you a good teacher, journalist, lawyer, and the eulogy virtues they talk about when youre dead, were you passionate, honest, courageous, caring, capable of deep love . We all know the eulogy verses are more important. We all have them. But the way we raise our kids, the educational system, most culture is oriented to the resume and a lot of us are clearer on how to build a good career than character. So this is an attempt to figure out how to become worthy of the sort of eulogy we would like to have. Rose you cam. To this because it was about your life. Yes. Rose tell me about thatos. Well, a couple of things. First, i had achieved more career success than i ever imagined i would. I thought, if i could make my living writing, i would be so happy. Things happened, i worked hard, got more career success and learned the elemental truth, it just doesnt make you happy. Second, you have certain moments where your heart just opens up. I remember a moment driving home and my kids were young, 12, 9 and 5, its an afternoon, theyre out in the backyard, kicking a ball up in the air and the sun is coming through the trees, grass is green and theyre laughing and running after this ball and its one of those moments when time just stands still and reality sort of overspills its barriers and you just feel a wave of gratitude and your heart is just open and you become a ware of a higher moral joy that is better than anything you get in career. Rose do you care less about the resume . No. You know and i dont think its not about renouncing. Rose its not a zerosum game. Its a balance. Early in the book i quote from a rabbi who has a concept of adam one, adam two, that inside there are two sides of our nature. Adam one is externally ambitious and wants to build and create, adam two is internal, wants to be obedient and good and true and wants to feel honor and goodness and righteousness. I say the two adams are in balance, sometimes in tension but they live by different logics. So this inverse logic of surrendering yourself to find yourself, thats the adam two object, and youve got to learn that. I dont think we come to that naturally. Were not naturally good in that way. You have to learn that about being around people who are that way and copying them. Rose Toni Morrison is one of americas most honored novelist. She won a nobel and Pulitzer Prize. In 2012, she was awarded the president ial medal of freedom. Morrisons latest novel takes on issues of both race and color, called god help the child. The the contemporary world was hard for me to grasp up. I didnt have a hold. Slippery. Rose always changing, dont know what its going to be. Yeah. So when i finally got a way to talk about it through the confusion of race and color and class, then i could do it, then i felt i could do it that way. Rose when you got through . When i began to think of what was significant now in this 2007, 2008, whatever, period, one of the enormous topics was race, color, shades of color, reaction. Rose whats the difference between race and color . Well, color is a substitute for racism. Rose yes. Ace is just human beings. There are privileges to ctain kinds of color. These are social constructs. These are not inventions that are scientific, its things human beings think of, for good reasons some profitable, some just personal, you know, thinking of how can you feel really, really good about yourself if there is nothing if you cant separate yourself from something that youre convinced is lower than yourself. Rose tell me who lula ann bridewell is . Shes a beatenup little girl, you know, sort of personally threatened by her mother, who was very upset when she saw her child because of her color. Shes very, very black, really black, and this is what we used to call a high yellow woman, who she could be looking at a toad, as far as she is concerned. She tries to take care of her, but she needs, she believes, to protect her from people who will perhaps feel the same way she does and, in so doing, she disables her, until the girl can use that very thing, the blackness, to her advantage, shes sort of a pitiful person, i think, sad, aggressive, young, and it takes the book for her and her lover, who is also traumatized, to figure it out. Rose David Mccullough has twice won the Pulitzer Prize for his narrative histories. Hes just published another one. It is called the wright brothers. Orville was very bright and inventive,genous mechanically, but wilbur really was the genius and the big brother, he was the leader. It wouldnt with happened without both of them. Two heads were better than one, as it turned out, and the old idea that very little of consequence is ever accomplished alone, they are a good example of that. Rose when did they have the idea . They had the idea that they could learn to glide, to build a glider rose to use the wind. To use the wind, to ride the wind, and they studied birds and soaring birds on the beaches of north carolina. Rose i love that, just the idea of them out there trying to flap their arms. And the local people all thought they were wacko, nut cakes from the middle west. Rose they were studying yes, they were studying the birds. Orville said learning to fly by studying birds is like learning magic from a magician, and they figured it out. Nobody ever had. Then, they had to fly. There were theorists who had very exciting and often very ingenious ideas, but they wouldnt fly. Wilbur once said that there are two ways to train a wild horse, one is to sit on the fence and study the horse and then go to your comfortable chair in your living room and write your theory about how to train up a horse. The other way is get on the horse and ride. Exactly as you know, they were bicycle mechanics, so they not only had the skill and the ingenuity and the genius to create a glider that would do more than any glider ever had, but they also had the courage to do it, and they were not defeated by failure. Rose this is the completion of a trilogy of high achievement. Thats exactly right. The first book was the great bridge about the building of the Brooklyn Bridge and the second book ant the building of the panama canal and now this and all those extraordinary accomplishments took place in a handful of years in the late 19th century into the first ten years of the 20th century and each in its own way was a major breakthrough without any historic precedent, but this one more obviously changed the world in no time because man had never flown a motorpowered machine into the air before. When that happened, it was clear to a few but not to all that this was one of the decisive turning points in history. Rose karl is a norwegian author. Book four of six volume autobiographical series my struggle released in the United States this year, it hasecome a lit layer sensation. I was sitting in my room and writing a book about my life. I thought no one would be interested, not even in my friends. I was embarrassed when i gave it to my editor, why should he read it. Even the Publishing House didnt expect anything. It was a low print of the first edition, so nobody felt anything would happen, you know. Rose one out of every ten people inle norway has read it. Yeah, its crazy. Rose what is it . I have no idea. But it feels like when it takes off, there is a certain identification. There are things ive written in there that i havent said to a living person, they have been my secrets, but its in the book. So i thought this was too private and too personal and i thought there would be no recognition and no edification possible in this book, but it doesnt work like that. Its like i think we are much, much more like them than we think we are. Rose what is the consequence of doing this other than being able to publish, you know, compelling reading for people around the world . One major subject in these books are selfhatred, selfclothing, and thats a big part of my life. Rose why . I think thats one of the things im looking for in my writing to figure out. Rose to answer why . Yeah, thats one of the things. Ii was 40 years old when i started to write. I had a beautiful wife, a house, but i wasnt happy, and thats one of the seven deadliest sins, you know, not appreciating life, and i didnt. Its like everything was grey. So why . Why . How did i get there . Rose why this title . That was really by coincidence. I was talking to a friend of mine about miin kampf, and my editor said, no, you cant do that. If you say my struggle in norway, you will think of this book. It is mein kampf. Rose here is a look at the week ahead. Sunday race day for the formula 1 italian grand prix. Monday is labor day. Tuesday is the day Stephen Colbert takes over as host of the late show. Wednesday is the day that Queen Elizabeth ii passes Queen Victoria to become the longest ruling monarch in british history. Thursday is the day pittsburgh and new england meet in the opening gym of the n. F. L. Season. Friday is the 14th anniversary of the 9 11 attacks. Saturday is the u. S. Open tennis womens final. And here is whats new for your weekend. Robert redford and nick nolte are in theaters with a walk in the woods. Well, they say the appalachian trails are like life. You dont know whats going to happen next. You give it your best shot. Rose iron maidens new album is the book of souls. Rose and arianna grandi has shows in portland, oregon and sacramento, california. singing rose thats charlie rose the week for this week. On behalf of all of us h be, thank you for watching. Im charlie rose. Well see you next tim

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