Transcripts For KQED Charlie Rose 20150421 :

Transcripts For KQED Charlie Rose 20150421

It. And thats what is entertaining, that is what is real. That is where the show is doing what i wanted it to do. Rose al hunt, john podesta and tea leoni when we continue. Funding for carlie rose is provided by the following rose funding for charlie rose has been provided by rose additional funding provided by and by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and Information Services worldwide. Captioning sponsored by Rose Communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. Rose the most Influential Democratic Party insider today is john podesta. Chief of staff to president clinton. He founded a center for American Progress think tank spearheaded an historic Climate Change pact with china and es hes now chairman of Hillary Clintons president ial campaign. We are pleased to have him here, john, thank you for being here. Thanks. The clinton rollout has been carefully choreographed but lowkey. Is this purposefully to contrast with 2007 . No, i think its were very excited abouted way this campaign has begun. I think we wanted to make the point that this is to the about her. Its about every day americans and what she wants to be the champion that began with the launch video that we released sunday and her trip to iowa. And then really i think at her determination to really create a conversation with voters and inn iowa do it at a small case to talk to voters oneonone to answer their questions, to ask them some questions to exchange ideas, and toed whether this campaign from the bottom up. One group of americans shes not talking to is the pressment shes not very accessible am is that going to continue . She took a few questions in iowa. Not very many. But will that be the general approach. You know, look we are on week one of a 19 month campaign. So i think that the press will have plenty of time to ask her questions. But rit now she wants to have a dialogue with the voters and i think she doesnt want that necessarily mediated through reporters questions. She wants to go directly to voters to listen it their stories, to understand what the challenges of their lives are. And thats why shes back in the van and on her way to New Hampshire. And she will be able to she will be able to shes driving to New Hampshire . She is as we are doing this interyou have shes driving to New Hampshire. Shell get to keanee and start off that dialogue by touring a Small Business in keanee New Hampshire and then having a dialogue about how we can do a better job of making sure every american in every day america have a shot to start their own businesses to be entrepreneurs, to get the access to credit to cut red tape and she wants to talk to those people. And when will she start rolling out specifics on big issues . Well look were in a rampup phase. I think at this point she wants to have she laid down the challenges that she thinks that are facing america. Starting with building a new economy for the future. Thats going to reward people for hard work. She will have specifics on that. She is definitely going to put specifics on it. But again, this is going to be a Long Campaign an we are a he in a phase where were building out the campaign shes talking to voters. Sometime next month when we have a more official if you will launch of the campaign shell explain to the American Public what she wants to do. And thats the appropriate moment where she will begin to put specific policy proposals out. Buts thiss not going to be a oneshot only deal. I know you want to see the whole platform today. But we have 19 months and were going to build up to a position where people really understand what why she wants to be a champion for every day americans what shes going to do an why she thinks shes the best candidate to do it. You did put out a statement on the trade pact last week artfully worded but decidedly negative. For instance she says she wants to see if it and im quoting, cracks down on currency manipulation. Yet as you know thats the province of finance ministers and central bank not really trade agreements. So my question is is she really kind of keying up by setting up that kind of an issue to oppose o bomba on trade. Look, people used to say that environment is not part of trade agreements labor rights arent part of trade agreements. Now theyre at the core of whether well have a trade agreement that meets the two tests that she laid out. Which is are they going to does it produce more jobs for American Workers . Does it produce wage growth and are we going to create more jobs than were replacing. And are we going to strengthen our national security. Those things are at the heart of it. Currency manipulation now is at the heart of whether trade can be fair. So it has to address currency manipulation. I think there has got to be a way in which the president can reassure the American People that currency manipulation is being dealt with in the context of this trade negotiation. Or its worth walking away. And so she stated some skepticism about that. But i think the most important thing is that it has to meet these high standards that she has put forward. Her leadership is to provide, you know what needs to be in these agreements and that includes labor rights. That includes environmental protection. That includes making sure that Public Health is aptly attended to. That people have access to lifesaving drugs. She stated in her book hard choices that she is somewhat skeptical about this whole issue around isds the socalled special negotiating provisions because what we dont need to do right now is to tilt the Playing Field more in favor of corporations and against workers and consumers. She has been very populist in her tone that first week without some specifics. And shes talked about the wealthy getting too much the spoils. She stapped as her cfo gary againstler which was a trough critic of wall street as a regulator though he used to work on wall street. Managing wall street john, is her Campaign Going to look more like liz warren than bill clinton . I think shell put out her own ideas and i think that will start with protecting dodd frack instead of tearing it down which is what you hear on the republican side finishing the job on wall street reform. So more regulations. I think while the too big to fail still needs work its still being dealt with by the regulators i think it needs to be pressed ahead. So if you are if you know the lack of regulation particularly right in advance of the crash got us into trouble. I think we dont want to go back there. We need to move forward. We need to insurance that banks are healthy an theyre providing credit to businesses in this country. But also that theyre well regulated and they dont result in what we saw in 2008 when the financial crash lead to devastating results from families all across the country. Can the banks be broken up . I think that what we need to do is have tough regulation. Im sure shes going to have some ideas about how we do that. She has decried the corrosive influence of money and politics that we may even have to try a constitutional amendment to stop. But yet shes also reversing the obama practice taking money from washington lobbyists and pacts. Is she also going to consider accepting money from groups that dont disclose their donors socalled dark money . Look shes fighting against dark money. Thats what she said in iowa. She cant take dark money. Shes what she is out there doing is saying that we need to clean up financial the Campaign Finance to listen to the voices of every day americans to to you know move forward and if takes a constitutional amendment so be it. I think the first thing that she will do in quite frackly and that this will set her apart from her republican opponents is that shell appoint Supreme Court justices who protect the right of ef reamerican to vote. Not every corporation to buy an election. So you know that is, i think going in position for her. And i think that we need campaignfinance reform. Theres too much dark money in politics and she would like to see it out. Why take money from washington loppeeist lobbyists obama didnt. Obama didnt. I think if youve noticed how much money is coming at us the Koch Brothers pledging almost 900 million to be spent in this election. Ted cruz raising 31 million per super pac in two weeks. I think that our judgement was we will take money if its legal obviously. And if its from you know, were just going to have to have the resources to to compete in this election which is going to be supercharged with special interest money coming at any democratic candidate but particularly Hillary Clinton. If you listen to the republican candidates in New Hampshire last week you know youll see what is coming at us. And there could be theres going to be a tremendous amount of money being thrown at her so were going to raise the resources that are necessary. What were concentrating on is raising what now seem like small dollar donations. Primary donations that can be from you know 1 up to 2700. Were trying to do that online by going to Hillary Clinton. Com. Were doing it by asking people to raise money from their friends and neighbors. But were not going to cut off resources from people who have participated in the political system and have a right to will she release her full tax returns and medical records before the primaries . She released her tax returns before 2008 up to and through 2008 and she intends to release her tax returns again in this campaign seasonment and she will do consistent with what others have done in the past release her Health Records at an appropriate time. That would be full medical. Release, i think she is going to do shell have a release consistant with what people have done in practice which is people will know that shes in very good health. And they will be reassurance from her doctors that when its appropriate. And if there is anything to see in there youll see it. You mentioned New Hampshire republicans or gop in New Hampshire last week en. They attacked her on her record, her character even her Shopping Habits john. Were you surprised so tough sorlee. I know. Was i surprised . Well lets put it this way. They really dont seem like theyre that into her. But i wasnt that surprised. They are running a fully negative campaign. But look it comes with the territory. And i think what were doing is concentrateding on how we can make every day american lives better not on attacking the republican candidates. If they want to spend all their time attacking her and not talking about what the future should look like for the American Public so be it. Thats their choice. One of those second year candidates charlie fiarini said it wasnt about her a againa it was about her lack of accomplishments. Particularly as secretary of state. What were her major accomplishments as secretary of state. She put together that sanctioned package thats lead to at least the possibility of having a deal on the iran nuclear program. That took very patient and long time careful diplomacy. She restored americas place in the world through which had been very badly battered through the previous administration. She engineered a pivot to asia, socalled pivot to asia. Her first trip was to china. She was i think put some new issues on the table for american diplomacy including Internet Freedom and the importance of womens rights as human rights of lgbt rights as human rights as part of our diplomatic package. Which i think restored values to the way america projects its power around the worldment and she was tough on terrorism and participated in the decisions that lead up to the to the eventual killing of o bin laden. So i think she has a strong record to run on and shell run on it. Another candidate rand paul really went after her on benghazi. Said it dis four americans were killed. The chairman of the House Committee trey gowdy says the missing emails he will have to personally interview her privately before there is any public inquiry. Will she go along with that . She has gone out of her way to answer these questions. Already testified about it. It was a tragedy. And i think she responded to it. And she has put forward all of her emails that had to do with her job as secretary of state to the state department. Shes taken unprecedented step and asked them to release all of them after theyve been reviewed. She has said she will testify before mr. Gowdy but she wants to do it in public and i think thats appropriate. She didnt want a private interview. Whats the point of a private interview. She is perfectly willing to be testified and grilled if you will in public so that a couple of things can happen. One is that the American People can see all the mails that she isnt since they have he seem obsessed with that. They can see her record as a strong secretary of state. Shell answer the questions about what lead up to it. I think there have already been seven inquireries and theyve all dispelled the conspiracy theories that the republicans started peddling at the beginning. It was a tragediment we lost four americans including a great ambassador. And i think it was, you know, a tragedy for those families and i think she took responsibility moved forward. Appointed a commission implemented a set of new procedures which secretary of kerry has moved forward with to insurance that were never going to eliminate this risk never going to eliminate it. We can minimize it. We can do a better job. We can create better flows of intelligence. But if we want american diplomats out on the front lines doing their job taking those risks risking their lives cant get that risk to zero. The only thing you can do is take responsibility when tragedies happen and try to build on those, and move forward and that is exactly what she did. Another controversy that has just come out is that there is a book that is going to come out may 5th that accuses the clintons of giving favors to foreign interests while cashing in on donations to their foundation. The book was circulated to members of the Senate Foreign relations committee. Some members. I dont know who. I havent read the book. And also it sounds like maybe just the republican members. Maybe just because maybe just because you know marco rubio and rand paul happen to be members of the Senate Foreign relations committee. It was not circulated by the democrats. Not to the best of our knowledge. The New York Times, the washington most and fox news cut a deal where they were going to work with the author and i have never quite heard of Something Like this. To follow up on any charges. Is in of concern to you . Well look lets take a look at this book. And you know its kind of par for the course in politics. Its a book thats written by a former bush op rattive who is a reporter for that august News Institution brightbart. Com or has been in the past. Hes cheree picked information that has been disclosed. And woven a bunch of conspiracy theories about it. The facts theres nothing new about the conspiracy theories, i guess well get to judge when we read the book. Were you surprised the New York Times cut a deal with him to foulup . I think they have to be asking themselves is that kind of appropriate behavior. They have a lot of reporters that could take a look at it too. But you know you get them in here and ask them that question. I will. But i think this is a you know this is what it is. Its, you know weve seen it before. There have been a couple of others earlier of places where the perception of fairness is belied by the cheree picking of facts the weaving of conspiracy theories. And i want you to remember something, al. The only reason there are not out there is the Clinton Foundation has out put all of that out. They have gone beyond any foundation of like size thats operating globally in public disclosure. And they you know im very knowledgeable and very proud of the work theyre doing around the world whether its hiv aids whether its providing Development Assistance to people in africa, whether its trying to rebuild hatie haiti. Theory doing tremendous work. And i think that all the clintons are proud of what the found sdation has been able to do. The Clinton Foundation has said its to the going to take money from some of the more controversial foreign governments. It hasnt said that. It said it will take money from the small from a small set of countries that have been funding previously programs that are on the ground theyre working theyre in malawi theyre in liberia in ethiopia in haiti, theyre doing Climate Change work in the caribbean. Those fruns that that small set of governments is building real real sustainable development. And they said they will continue to accept that money. U. K. , germany canada australia, netherlands and norway, i believe. But arent there still potential conflicts with those governments . I think the work is wellknown. If anybody wants to they should get on the plane with the president chelee chelsea, go look at the actual projects, look at the work thats being done. Look at the lives that are being saved. Look at the fact that the Clinton Foundation people were on the ground in liberia working with president to try to deal with the ebola crisis go out and look and see what is going on on the ground. And then say whoa is that a conflict of interest. Or is that actually

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