Community that was present some of the most important Business Leaders in this country that they are making progress in governance, their debt to gdp ratios are under control, they have good fiscal management and want to do business with the United States. So it coul would be a shame that countries as far away as south africa would have to suffer because of our lack of ability to understand geography. This is three small countries in west africa not the whole of africa. Charlie we continue with golf with tim finchem, the commissioner of the pga tour. The United States has literally half of the golfers on the planet, and the majority of the top elite players. In 1960, to give you some frame of reference, in 1960 when Arnold Palmer went to augusta and was on Cbs Television, there were 5 million golfers in the United States. There are now 30 million golfers. And if you look at a trend line from 1960 when golf hit television with Arnold Palmer who is the perfect storm, its a constant its a constant disway. Charlie iraqi government, ebola and golf when we continue. Funding for charlie rose is provided by the following rose additional funding provided by and by bloomberg. A provider of multimedia news and Information Services worldwide. Captioning sponsored by Rose Communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. Charlie we begin this evening with iraq. President obama authorized airstrikes targeting i. S. I. S. Militants on thursday. They are the first direct u. S. Military involvement in iraq since 2011. The president address concerns about renewed intervention. As commanderinchief i will not allow the United States be dragged into fighting another war in iraq. Even as we support iraqis as they take the fight to these terrorists, american combat troops will not be returning to fight in iraq because there is no American Military solution to the larger crisis in iraq. Charlie i. S. I. S. Have taken several cities and approaching in iraq, erbil, kyrgyzstan. John kerry said their actions are a wakeup call. I. S. I. S. s campaign of terror against the innocents including the yazidis and the christian minorities and its go desk targeted acts of violence show all the warning signs of genocide. Charlie two writers from new yorker magazine with Extensive Knowledge of the region, Dexter Filkins and george packer. I am pleased to have both at this able at this time. Dexter, whats the risk here . Well, i guess it depends on where you stand, but i think the white house sees the ris risk of getting pulled in to something they cant get out of and i think thats why, last night, the president spent most of his discussion saying this is a very limited action, extremely limited, its not going on forever, im not putting guys on the ground, were not getting into another war in iraq. I guess thats the danger. I think the real danger is something larger than that. Its what the president is facing which is i. S. I. S. Its this growing, metastasizing, very strong, very virulent group which is now spanning two continues, occupying, you know, space wherever they go. Theyre extremely disciplined and really good at what they do and nobodys been able to stop them. Thats why were there. Look, at some point, we have to deal with that. Its only because there are hundreds of fighters there who have american and european passports and theyre going to be coming home some day. Charlie and they also have money and weapons, dont they . Yeah, when they went into mosul, they looted the bank there, got tens of millions of dollars by most accounts, maybe even more. They grabbed all the American Military equipment that we provided for the iraqi army. I mean, you know, tens of thousands of iraqi soldiers and police disappeared, deserted, they left everything behind. You can always ask at a moment like this should they have done something earlier . Well, yeah. I mean, sure. But, you know, i think the central question that youre always that always comes up when you make a decision like this is, look, theres catastrophes in every part of the world and why are we going into this one . And if were going to ignore all these other places that are also imploding and where there are also catastrophes, with why are we going back into iraq . There are a lot of reasons to go back into iraq. The president used the word genocide, and thats as good as any. I. S. I. S. Has shown us what theyre going to do and i think its a good bet theyll make good on their promises and start killing a lot of yazidis if they get a chance. Charlie when you talk to american officials, they say they have no choice, they can make this a limited intervention, how far are they prepared to go . Thats a good question. What theyve done so far is a couple of airstrikes outside of erbil to stop i. S. I. S. From moving into the capital of the kurdish region which is practically an independent state. They havent done any airstrikes yet against i. S. I. S. At the bottom of mt. Sinjar which is where all the yazidis are. I asked a white house official today, are you just going leave them up there . They said, no, were hoping by doing the airstrikes well give the kurdish army, the peshmerga, breathing space and they will start pushing back and doing this stuff on their eown. He said he also hoped the iraqi army would do the same but i think thats wishful thinking. Theyre not good enough and dont have the cohesion. Charlie whats it about the american attitude about the iranians that they want to help . They dont want to get complicated with the iranians. The problem is the iranian influence in the shiite part of iraq, malikis government, has been so strong and charlie its partly responsible. Absolutely. Thats why were here. You ask who do the sunnis really support, do they support i. S. I. S. . You know, where do they stand . Their antipathy toward mallcally and the shiite government is so strong theyre willing to support i. S. I. S. Thats how they hate the baghdadi government. We held on to the Central Government in baghdad for much too long. Charlie theyd do more once they change the government. Which could be when . Were waiting week after week and now potential genocide. So i think you could look back and say why didnt we cut our losses and start arming the kurds because theyre the only force on the ground that can fight i. S. I. S. And instead we kept saying were waiting for a new government, dont want to undermine maliki. Meameanwhile, everyone underestimates i. S. I. S. Maliki underestimated them and the kurds did, too. The kurds said, we have kirkuk, this is good for us. Charlie analysts are supposed to be able to assess. We dont have much intelligence. There is something about i. S. I. S. And groups like that, people dont have an immediate grasp of the depth of evil when confronted with a group of i. S. I. S. And their resolve and the willingness to go to the limit. Charlie assume people do have the assessment of the depth of evil, where is everybody snells. Everybody else . Why would the United States accused of being the worlds policeman and doesnt want to be is once again the worlds policeman . If not us, then who . Charlie thats the question. We have to make a decision and we did, the the president made the decision, reluctantly, everybody said, but understanding there was a possibility of genocide there and happening. Where is europe and where is erbil. The threat to erbil seems to have been a key trigger. Charlie we cant allow this . We cannot let kurdistan be overrun by remember the libyan intervention, started out with france and the u. K. Going out in front of the United States. They could dont it. You know, they dont have it. They dont have the stuff, you know. Only we can do that. Charlie but they can support it. The president believes, if nothing, in a multilateral action that not just the United States, show the world were doing this and were leading and the question he quoted, you know, who will help . America will help. But america would like to help and have other people support its help. Like turkey who has a major interest in this. The world has been riveted to gaza. This all happened as a sideshow. The yazidis, who are they . It was a nonevent for days when they were on the mountain and suddenly it burst into consciousness and to his credit the president realized he had to act immediately. Well, honestly, its iraq and Everybody Knows what happens when you intervene in iraq, its a nightmare. Nobody knows that better than president obama and you could see it in his body language last night, that i dont want to be here. Charlie where is the opposition to what the president is doing . I think there is some. 2003 haunts everybody, and anyone who was for the war in 2003 should be very humble about cheering on another, you know, military intervention in iraq and everyone who was against the war in 2003 is reluctant to band in that position now. So i think were all stuck in a political paralysis. Charlie wouldnt they argue its not the same thats my argument. Charlie didnt face this situation in 2003 when you launched a war of choice. I think this has every element of that war genocide, a local force willing to fight the kurds, and the fact the airstrikes can actually do a lot. Yeah, and i think its true that we i think obamas made it very clear were not going to do very much. Charlie im asking about the risk. Why not do more . Why not bomb i. S. I. S. At charlie the military air power, is there risk . Its like iraq in 2003. When you tear something down, whats going to go in its place . Or syria, the same. I mean, all this started in area, you know. The syrian war has been going on three and a half years. Will the kurds, for example, really back up whatever we do to the extent of getting people back to sinjar and recreating the conditions of life there . Because we cant do that. So, yes, once youve taken out i. S. I. S. s positions and allowed the kurds to get back into sinjar, what happens next and how involved do we get and what happens when civilians die because of air strikes . Charlie do you both think the will exists to stop i. S. I. L. . From what . Charlie from advancing to baghdad, from advancing to erbil, from advancing and creating a much larger caliphate for themselves . We may get to that point. My understanding is, for instance, i. S. I. S. Has quietly and effectively moved in around baghdad, cut off a lot of the roads and close to the airport. What happens if they shoot a rocket at an airplane . That means no airplanes will land or take off there. What happens then . Basically one highway going in and out of baghdad. Theyre very close to making that city unlivable. Theyre not there yet. They control the electricity of mosul, the water shy supply of most of iraq and can flood the major cities of iraq. If this isnt enough to spur us to at least realize this is no longer i think we told rated i. S. I. S. Because they werent attacking us. The war was going on there. Feels like an army rather than an al quaida global jihad, but why do we imagine i. S. I. S. , given their ambitions, will be satisfied with that land between there. Charlie troops on the ground on the other side of the border, we have been quiet, ramping that up. The the more moderate opposition numbers are getting more sophisticated weapons like antitank missiles. Charlie thats almost a group effort. U. S. Are doing it and other countries are stepping in. Theyre trying to. Part of the reason why i. S. I. S. Is so strong is the people who were you know, for the first couple of years, all these countries were funding anybody who wanted to fight assad. It went to i. S. I. S. They got everything they needed. Charlie this is a bad situation. Right. Charlie therefore, the president will have to make one decision after another. Its against every Foreign Policy instinct. You can sense how reluctant he is to do anything here. Iraq was the country he was getting out of. We were going to pivot to asia, now were pivoting to minimal province, were pivoting to sinjar. Charlie basketball terminology here, pivoting back. And dont forget that right now as we speak, the Lebanese Army is fighting i. S. I. S. In lebanon. So this is something which stretches across the entire middle east. Weve talked about this before and charlie so before we leave, i want to know what the president s options are. I can tell you what the plan is. What they imagine, what they want to happen, is first, they want to get rid of maliki, want a new prime minister. Charlie this emergency has overtaken that. Yes, but i think the dream and i think increasingly its something receding on the horizon, but i think they can still hold the iraqi state together if they can get a leader to bring everybody together and that will kind of spur people to fight and rally around the government, but until they do that, were mr. President , i would advise you, at least think about accelerating the timetable of kurdish independence because they are our only reliable friends and on the front lines with i. S. I. S. I think we have to fight them charlie accelerate the recognition and the support. Yeah, yeah. Weapons now and independence faster than we might have wanted. To echo georges point, the kurdish region has the 600mile border with i. S. I. S. They have about 16 miles with the iraqi army. Thats the front line up and down. Allow them to sell the oil, which were not doing now. Theyre our best friends. Charlie thank you. I assume you guys will be there in the next week. Back in a moment. Stay with us. Charlie two American Healthcare professionals who were working in africa contracted the ebola virus are now being treated with an experimental drug in atlanta, georgia, one never before used on humans. Theres much we dont know about how to combat the disease and what resources needed to fight it. Dr. Jim kim joins me from washington to talk about that. He is currently president to have the world bank which just pledged 200 million to the fight. Hes also a founder of partners in health, that nonprofit has an impressive track record of fighting Infectious Diseases. First of all, i want to talk about the world bank and the hat that you wear today. In fact, let me begin there. What do you hope to accomplish and tell me how you see containing the crisis at this moment. Well, just this week, i have been talking with dr. Margaret chan, director general of the World Health Organization, and she tells me things are getting better. Now, the hope is that the worst part of the crisis can be brought under control in weeks, and we can extinguish it literally in 3 0 three to six months. We need now immediate input and moved quickly. Out of the 200 million, 75 million will go to immediate needs. She told me many of the Health Workers are just leaving. Firstly, theyre not getting paid well and the governments dont have the funds. So this immediate infusion of cash from the world bank is going to help with the immediate response. You know, what she also told me was that, on the ground, they need everything. They need mobile laboratories, mobile clinics. They need protective gear. So theres been a lot of talk of helping, but what we hear from her and from others on the ground is that the countries that have pledged help need to step up and step up quickly. Remember, charlie, this is something that we can get under control. This is not an airborne Infectious Disease like sars, for example. So we have to move it and move quickly, but if we do we think we can get it under control. Charlie but this is the worst example of ebola in history. It is. It is. You know, about is thousand cases, and its spread from one country to another. Its gone to the capital cities. Its the Worst Epidemic in history, but, again, as an Infectious Disease doctor, i really want to stress, ive dealt with tuberculosis and airborne disease, i was at the World Health Organization and helping to run a transition to a new director general in 2003 at the end of the sars epidemic. This is different. If we move quickly, if we get all of the technology, the supportive care, medical doctor, nurses, if we get them in place, we can shut this down, but we have to move, and we have to move despite the fact that theres all this fear. Theres a tremendous amount of fear, but the fear cannot slow us down. We cant we know what to do, if we have the equipment, we can make progress and we can make quick progress. Charlie and you think the organization, the collaboration and the coordination and the organizational effort including the world bank is in place to be able to move quickly . Well, everyone has to understand that its the leader. You know, you have three leaders of these countries who are well known for something champions of fighting corruption and champions of good governance. So we have good leadership in these countries. Everyone has to go work with the World Health Organization. During the sars epidemic. W. H. O. Played a Critical Role and theyre ready and have to play a Critical Role this time as well. Margaret chan is ready to do it. She was in charge of the spars response in hong kong. She knows exactly what to do. Right now theres a little too much freelancing. We want everyone to follow the lead of the heads of state, of course, but the heads of state are following the lead of dr. Chan. If we fall into order and get things in place this will be brought to an end much more quickly. Charlie Margaret Chan said the outbreak was moving faster than the efforts to control it. Thats right, but part is because they dont have what they need on the ground. What she just told me was that promises of mobile clinics, promises of mobile laboratories, protective equipment, of, you know, basic materials like, for example, intravenous fluids to provide protective care for those who are sick, the ability to reach out and bring people into the clinics, those things have not been put into p