Transcripts For KQED BBC World News America 20170624

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Mmm. I thought wed be in paris by now. Paris can wait. Paris can wait, rated pg. Now playing at a theater near you. And now bbc world news reporting from washington, i am jane obrien. Vladimir putin directly ordered meddling in the u. S. Election favoring president says a shocking new report in the washington post. In the block destroyed by fire failed safety test. We are looking at charges such as manslaughter new a new romantic comedy is breaking down stereotypes. On public our viewers television in america and around the globe. An article has everyone talking today. According to the washington post, the cia had proof that Vladimir Putin gave specific instructions to interfere in the u. S. Election. Equivalent of cyber bombs that could be detonated in case of an escalation. They didntder why pursue the threat more forcefully. Our correspondent join me a short time ago. Your story makes it clear that the Obama Administration knew long before any of this made a public that this was happening. Why was president obama reluctant to act . There are a number of reasons. There was not a consensus among the intelligence agencies that putin wanted trump to win. That was the conclusion of this cia, as you pointed out, at least in august. But the fbi and National Security agency didnt have the means to corroborate that intelligence, not initially, not immediately. Perhaps more importantly, the white house was consumed over the summer with a debate whether in fact go public with the the that russia had hacked dnc and was engaged in a campaign of interference. One of their primary concerns was that to do so would make them to political, too partisan. It was an election that was already hyper partisan. Back inrump himself a august was accusing the election of a being rigged. President obama did decide to go public, he alluded that he wouldnt publicize what you decided these bombs, what were they . When they announced sanctions against russia including policies for spying and expelling russian operatives, they also noted there were some measures of they would not make public. What we revealed is that one of them included a Covert Program will, thatmbs if you would be consistent of essentially computer code implanted in Russian Networks that were of high value to the russians and that could be triggered at some later point should there be an escalation. Lets say russia tries to intervene or meddle in the 2018 elections or maybe disrupt the power grid in the united states. Jane on that subject did any of , the experts you talked to say they were confident this wouldnt happen again . No. In fact, the heads of the intelligence agencies are saying that they expect russia to try this again, that they are coming back. We are also watching to see what happens in europe this year with the elections in germany and elsewhere. Jane ellen, thank you very much for joining me. Thank you for having me. How the building engulfed in flames last week failed safety tests. Tonight in north london, 800 households are being evacuated from a building with similar siding. There was no warning, just a request. We need you to move out, because we cannot be sure you are safe. I dont want to go now. I feel bad. Suddenly i have to leave my flat. Tonight, Camden Council is mobilizing, Opening Hotels and opening a center in an attempt to find somewhere to sleep for 4000 people. They are not being forced to leave. They are encouraged to leave. I am staying put. I think it is a kneejerk reaction of the council. They need to be seen doing something, but this is chaos and pandemonium. In the aftermath of the glenville fire, there were areas tested. Any area that wasnt up to the best standards was given the combination. That was the message from the Fire Services today. The issue was the combination of the two factors. That is why we have taken the action we have taken tonight. The shadow of the worst fire in decades now looms large over social housing. Grenfell tower was destroyed from the bottom to the top. The fire started in a kitchen on a lower floor. Now police have confirmed what eyewitnesses said. The origin of the inferno was a hotpoint fridge like that one in a kitchen. Flames got through a window and began to raise up and across the outside of the building. Which is why the focus has been on what was added to the tower during its refurbishment. Aluminum cladding and foam insulation. Police want to know how fire right from the start resistant , was it. Show theynary tests combusted soon after the fire started. Initial tests also failed the safety test. Such are our safety concerns on the outcome of those tests. We have shared our data with the department of communities and local government. The cladding and insulation simply should not have burn so quickly. Instead of a fire that devoured the tower, it should have been contained like this tower in camden five years ago. This tower is now being evacuated. So the police tests have thrown , up a string of questions. How did it spread . The materials used are under suspicion, but was the design of the refurbishment also to blame . Did the work completed last year breach building regulations . And are the laws governing building standards clear enough and tough enough . This is a criminal investigation. Police are seizing documents from the companies that managed and refurbished the tower and they will consider potential criminal charges, breaches of health and safety, or even corporate manslaughter, though that is difficult to prove. For several decades now, councils have been putting up cladding to improve the look and insulation of their aging tower blocks. Now, in what amounts to a crisis for that strategy, some of it is being taken down. Initially for testing, but next week for good. Everyone in the block is thinking that is enough. We are thinking oh, my god. It could have been us. It makes me quite fearful actually. So far it is affecting highrise residents in nine council areas. Where this fire broke out in 2010, 100 tower blocks are to be fitted with sprinklers. But there is grim Unfinished Business back at grenfell tower. Everyone has been accounted for in this flat but the police need , help to be sure they have identified all of the victims. Their message today, if you know someone who was there for whatever reason, we need to know. Tom simons, bbc news. Ongoing crisis there are affecting some of the Councils Housing here in a very narrow path that his how President Trump has described the health care proposal. Five republicans say they oppose the bill and the party can only , afford to lose two votes. The house has passed their version but needs the senate to , act. I spoke to Republican Congress man Steve Russell from oklahoma a short time ago and asked him how confident he was that they could still repeal and replace obama care. Rep. Russell you are always going to have the naysayers and people who want perfection. I learned a long time ago that a 70 plan violently executed will take the hill every time. We have the same dilemma and the house of representatives appeared got it done. I am confident the senate has the same ability to get it done. Leader mcconnell is not accustomed to making assurances and promises that he doesnt have confidence about. So the fact that he is making , strong statements i think is an indication. Jane but how far are you prepared to compromise or has this issue become a political football . Rep. Russell well, you would have to ask the four holdouts, but america has to move forward on this. My own state, we are down to one insurer. We have had a 200 increase in health care. Iowa and wisconsin, many of them have no health care as of july 1. We absolutely have no alternative. We cant sustain the sinking ship we are on. So, we have to act. Better to improve a position once you take it than it is to wish that you had perfection by your own imagination. Jane what are the stakes here . Not just in terms of the people that this directly affects, patients, but for the Republican Party itself if you cant do this . Well, we have to do it. And i think thats the thing. We can see it. We can see a path to get there. We are confident that we can get there. I remember during the house fight there was a setback. We regrouped. We were able to move forward. We dont have a choice. What congress did to america with the unaffordable care act has placed us in this position. So, we have to act. I am confident we will get to something that the senate will vote on and get it over to the house and get it done. Jane congressman, a lot of americans seem to have mixed feelings about this. In fact, obamacare seems to be more popular than when it was first introduced. Are you sure that your voters still want to do this . Rep. Russell how can you compare examples of a population of one . They talk about what it will or will not do in the states take , oklahoma for example. You are comparing a single insurer to itself. How do we know that is good . Any time we have seen americans backed against the wall, we have become very creative, very innovative and able to solve the problems. We put it back out to the free market. There are a lot of innovative ways we can get to this. We dont need stateowned health care where we get about six cents return on our dollar. Jane congressman Steve Russell, thank you very much for joining me. You are watching bbc world news. Life inspireswhen art, a new romantic comedy hits. Ome the leading man britains glass and very Music Festival is getting underway. Been arrivingave and this year, security has been stepped up. The festival began with a minutes silence. Musicians and hands remember and those who died at grenfell towers and at the tower attacks terror attacks in manchester and london. The already significant security here has increased even further. Come intods of people the festival, bag searches and a body searches. And it is not just at entry points, random checks as well as a Police Presence that is hard to miss. The organizers of try to make sure festivalgoers feel safe without affecting their enjoyment. They got the think balance of just right. I am sure we will be fine. You feel safe . Totally. None of it seems to take away from the reason people come here, the music. With performances now happening across the site and of course tonbury is a festival not just about music. Thousands of people have come together to form a huge peace sign. Many believe with powerful memories. Security,e increased some festivalgoers may be feeling more anxious than in previous years, but so far, those worries dont seem to be showing. Bbc news. Jane iraqs Prime Minister says the city of mosul will be liberated from the Islamic State within days in a stretch of battle that has lasted months they discovered the bodies of , militants on the river. In their possession were photographs and documents including the first written proof of chemical weapons training. The bbcs Quentin Sommerville has this report weird a warning some of the images are disturbing. These are the men on the other side of mosuls front line. Some of them are just boys. They lived and fought for the socalled Islamic State. Through months of investigation, and thanks to documents they left behind, we have learned important new details about their desperate battle for mosul. We joined iraqi forces on the day that the fighters in the support group met their end. This was their hideout. When the battle ceased, it almost felt tranquil. But by the banks of the tigris, three of the group lay dead. One was just a child, said Iraqi Security forces. They fought for the caliphate in its prime and in its most desperate days. In the sleeping quarters, they were careless. Littered among bombmaking equipment and clothes, they left a paper trail. The men died fighting near here, but this is where they lived. It is filthy, but it is full of instructions and orders from the caliphate. Also all over this room there , are small hints to the people these men were before they joined the Islamic State. There are documents belonging to a man that contains his i. S. Staff number. It is his notes from mortar training class. Importantly here in the munitions sections in his own handwriting, he lists chemical munitions as a weapon. In breach of i. S. Orders one of , the dead fighters kept on him a mobile phone memory card. It reveals private moments, which give way to battle poses. These snapshots serve the the to later be used in martyrdom deals when the fighters died in battle. Heme he knew the men. Most were from mosul, but there were foreigners, too. Ebrahim was an i. S. Fighter but also a double agent. We met him at an Iraqi Security forces base near the front lines. Most of the foreigners are either snipers or suicide bombers. The iraqis corrupted them. They used to offer them family members in marriage. And if so, those foreigners would become soft and relinquish their roles as suicide bombers enemy linehem commanders. And i. S. Was facing other problems. Documents discovered by the bbc show the caliphates ranks depleting fast. On november 11, the Islamic States minister for war calls for more special forces recruits. Orders toember, new prevent desertion from the front. Brothers are not allowed to retreat it commands. Use of force and commensurate violence recommended. On fighters they , turned to new recruits. The thing that jumps out at you when you look at these private Islamic State photo albums is just how young many of the faces are in the pictures. Intelligence officers here in mosul say this has been a striking aspect of the Islamic States defense of the city. Not only have they used foreign fighters and convert locals, but they created a brand new army of child fighters, who are willing to sacrifice their lives. As the Fire Support Group moved through mosul, they left a blood y wake. Things would get darker still. As iraqi forces closed in and mosul turned against them, i. S. Sacrificed the city. In january, they set the university alight. The Islamic State has no love for mosul, for its institutions , or for its people. The lie at the very heart is that these are men of faith. They are not. They are men of war. They are men of destruction. This is an existential battle for them. And like all totalitarian regimes, they are prepared to sacrifice anything and anyone to ensure that they survive. As their fighters valter, their caliphate has begun to shrink and collapse. Mosul still has not escaped the darkness brought by the support group, but as i. S. Retreats, the trail of crimes that they and others committed is slowly being brought to light. Quentin sommerville, bbc news, mosul. Jane disturbing details about Islamic States emerging from muscle bear. French and german leaders attempted to highlight a Bright Future for the eu without britain. Chancelor Angela Merkel spoke of confidence and said the the work of the remaining 27 countries should take priority over the negotiations on brexit. The list of demands saudi qatar to shut down a news network, close a military base and downgrade its ties with iraq. This weekend, a new romantic comedy will hit the screens with a Muslim American playing the leading man. The cast of believes it will bring a nuanced portrayal of a community suspiciously portrayed in the current political climate. I have been dating this girl. She is white. A white girl . It is based on the true romance of pakistani writer and actor. It follows his courtship with his future wife his parents into ant to force them arranged marriage it is. Cowritten by him and his real life wife, emily gordon. It is a blend of humor, tragedy , and interaction. 911. I have always wanted to have a conversation with people. You have never talked to people about 911 . In many ways he is like the lead in every other romantic comedy. If the film helps to destigmatize them in the eyes of the american public, that would be good. Ideal. Would be that would be great. Muslims need to be normalized. I feel like we have taken a bunch of steps back. That would be a great happy side effect of our movie. Pres. Trump donald j. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. The film has a topical resonance. The president , other politicians, news media, and culture have at times presented muslims as a threat. Many american muslims feel they have demonized by trump and the travel ban on six mostly muslim countries. I dont think the film strives to be political, but in the current climate there is no other way to read it, or at lease to be a part of its intentions. Of up normalization muslims is political, then yes, this film is political. After years of negative media portrayals of muslims in cinema, there seems to be an evolution in representation. Things are changing. What has been lacking is a nuance only one type of muslim. Is represented in the media for a long time. It was only one type. The terrorist, the bad guy. But the big screen represents the nuance that already exists in the country. And by seeing that nuance reflected on the big screen, it is going to have a tremendous effect in the way we view ours view ourselves as a nation. You screwed up with your daughter. It is a small film, but it may pack a punch. And it is being predicted that it could emerge as a sleeper hit amid all the summer blockbusters invading american cinemas. Tom brooke, bbc news, new york. Jane ending on a welcome high note. Thank you for joining us. I am jane obrien. Have a good weekend. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs, and Sony Pictures classics. I think i should just go straight to paris. Ill take care of her. Thats very generous, but you sure its ok with you . Driving is the only way to see a country. Oh, its incredible hows paris . Im actually not there yet. The rhone river is nearby. Are we ever going to get to paris . I thought wed be in paris by now. Paris can wait. Paris can wait, rated pg. Now playing at a theater near you. Bbc world news was presented by kcet, los angeles. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc sreenivasan good evening. Im hari sreenivasan. On the newshour tonight new revelations detail what the Obama Administration knew of russian meddling in the president ial election, and the internal debate about how to punish president putin. Woodruff and im judy woodruff, reporting from colorado at the aspen institutes spotlight health conference. As Congress Fights over replacing obamacare, we tackle the controversy over drug pricing with stephen ubl, head of pharma, the nations largest pharmaceutical trade association. We think, as an industry, the pricing model needs to evolve. We need to move away from paying for volume, to paying for the value of care. Sreenivasan and, uniting a community through health

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