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Crystal blue caribbean sea. Nonstop flights are available from most major airports. More information for your vacation planning is available at aruba. Com. And now, bbc world news america. Laura this is bbc world news america. Reporting from washington, i am laura trevelyan. Mr. Trump president barack obama was born in the United States. Period. Laura after fueling the controversy for years, donald trump finally admits america is Barack Obamas birthplace. The Clinton Campaign calls her rivals actions disgraceful. Governmenthacking computers, judge orders a british man should be extradited to face trial. He vows to fight the ruling. And it could be the sport of the future. Drone racers are using technology to push the limits with a virtual view. To our viewers on Public Television in america and also around the globe. Donald trump reversed course today after years of questioning whether barack obama was worn in the United States. For the first time he acknowledged he was, in emphatic fashion. But the furor was hardly put to rest, with black members of Congress Calling him a disgusting fraud and ordering he apologize for peddling rumors for so long. Reporter this is the man who had spent five years promoting a false idea about president obama ready to finally retract it. The tv networks went to live in anticipation and he made the most of it. Mr. Trump nice hotel. Reporter first, plug for his new luxury hotel in washington. Under budget and ahead of schedule, isnt that nice . Reporter the president was again confronted with an issue he thought he had laid to rest. President obama im shocked a question like that would come up when we have so many other things to do. Well, im not that shocked, actually. Reporter perhaps because it is deja vu. President obama yes, i was born in hawaii, 1961. Reporter in his first term, mr. Obama was hounded by mr. Trump to prove he was american. Mr. Trump if he has a birth certificate, he should release it. Reporter the billionaire had seized on a fringe Conspiracy Theory to raise his political profile. our president has finally released his birth certificate. I want to look at it but i hope it is true. Reporter the Birther Campaign connected to the white Republican Base but its racist overtones alienated black voters. Pressed on the matter, mr. Trump signaled an important announcement. But first, a likely program of lengthy program of endorsements from military veterans. God bless america and god bless donald trump. Reporter all still carry the life carried live on the cable networks, until finally, this. Mr. Trump president barack obama was born in the United States, period. Now we all want to get back to making america strong and great again. Reporter no apology, no questions, and for good measure, he falsely accused his opponent Hillary Clinton of starting the Birther Movement. There was a long wait for a short statement, leaving the media feeling like they had been played. Donald trump has finally admitted what we all know, that president obama was born in the United States. What he has really done is show he can drive the discussion and news cycle no matter what the issue like no other candidate , has been able to do. In effect, he has managed to turn his campaign into a Reality Tv Show and that is a key part of his success. Laura and for more on yet another crazy day on the campaign trail, i spoke brief time ago with north america editor jon sopel. President obama released his longform birth certificate in 2011, if im not mistaken. Why is donald trump talking about this now . Jon Spring Cleaning is normally done in spring. Donald trump has opened up the cupboards of some of the more ludicrous things he has said and decided maybe a bit of autumn cleaning is in order. He is getting rid of some of the rubble, the junk, before he gets to the first president ial debate. Because if he is asked on those things and be pressed, and say, barack obama has release his birth certificate, are you still saying he was born somewhere else, he has not got anything to back up aside from conspiracy theories. With the most breathtaking chutzpah, audacity use Barack Obamas word, audacity says no, i have cleared it up. Laura does it really clear it up or does it risked reviving it for those suburban women who are on the fence and are like, my gosh, this is one of the skeletons in his closet . Jon yes, but what would have been worse is when the tv debate is taking place and he could be about this,oned that would have been more uncomfortable. In one insouciant sentence he said, no. He tried to present himself as some sort of detective. Rather than the reality of it, the proponent of this conspiracy syria for the past five years Conspiracy Theory for the past five years. Donald trump has gotten away with it, didnt answer any questions because two hours of questions on it would be uncomfortable. If hillary raises it at the debate he will say ive cleared this up and we should be talking about the issues of the future. Laura but it has really infuriated africanamerican voters and members of congress, and he has recently, if rather tepidly, engaged in black outreach. Jon i suspect he was never going to do brilliantly with a black outreach program. We saw him in flint, michigan earlier on in the week and having been upbraided by the pastor at the local church, saying it was not meant to be political. I think it will not make any difference for that group of people. But potentially to large swaths of america will be supporting him, they think it is no big deal and the fact that the press are upset, who cares if a few journalists feel donald trump has pulled one . Theyre probably admiring wow, look at the way trump did that. People will be cheering that in a lot of places. No, he wont win the black vote, but he will do well elsewhere. Laura thank you for joining us. In london today, a judge ruled oft a british man accused stealing confidential information should be extradited to the u. S. To face trial. Lauri love, who suffers from asperger syndrome, says he will fight the ruling and has two weeks to log an appeal. Reporter the eccentric son of a prison chaplain accused of being a sophisticated hacker of u. S. Government computers. I will remain, he signed, before the hearing began, but in one short minute in court, lauri loves hopes were dashed. The district judge ruled he should be extradited to america. I worry about the toll it is taking on my health and my family. It is my belief that it is not fair or just that a boy who has Mental Health issues can be taken away from his family or his support network to satisfy the desire of the americans to exact when i feel is vengeance on him. Reporter lauri loves problem is the serious charges he faces. He is accused of hacking into the federal reserve, fbi, nasa, and even the missiledefense agency, among many other u. S. Government computers. He is suspected of stealing hundreds of thousands of personnel records and tens of thousand of credit card details. But his lawyers argued that he has aspergers syndrome and depression and could kill himself in u. S. Prison far from family. They say it would be safer to put him on trial here. Earlier this week he told me he does not want to run away from the allegations. I dont know what my defense would be because ive not seen the evidence or charges in the u. K. But i know that if there is debt to society, it could be repaid be rehabilitation and we could continue to work constructively. I cannot see that happening in america. Reporter although he has lost today, this is not the end of the legal road for lauri love. He still has the right to go to the court of appeals to have the decision overturned. Once he left, his disappointed supporters blocked one of the busiest streets in london. The arguments in this hugely controversial case will continue for months, or even years. Laura 4 days after the start of the ceasefire in the syrian withof aleppo, a convoy desperately needed food and medicine is still not permitted to get to the city. United states has called on the Syrian Government to allow access. Russia is blaming rebel fighters for the deadlock. Jeremy bowen reports from aleppo. Is it the Syrian Government or the rebels who are stopping the aid from getting to aleppo . Jeremy it is hard to say. The u. N. Has said the syrians could be doing a lot more. The rebels as well, according to the russians, according to be Syrian Government, have been still engaged in pressuring this very strategic highway which the aid would come in on. The thing about aid is it is very political, about the politics of the war. The syrian army has had a tactic that is very effective of just trying to starve out their enemies. That is what they are trying to do in east aleppo and perhaps why they are not letting humanitarian aid in. They do not want to dilute the tactic. Laura you have been reporting from aleppo all week. How fragile does the ceasefire seem to be . Jeremy the longer it takes for humanitarian aid to get in, it makes the ceasefire more fragile because rebel groups only signed up to it because the idea of getting relief and humanitarian aid was something which they thought justified doing a deal with the regime they hate and taking part in an agreement which they thought let the regime off the hook. I think the agreement was never right from its birth it was never very loved by anybody here. Everybody was skeptical about it. It has not broken down. But it has not prospered either. And i think for it the first target was for it to keep going for seven days. It might well do that. If they want to continue to be the start of a process that might inch the country away from war, it needs to work a lot better than it has because it is starting to deteriorate. Laura without the aid, how much suffering is there in east aleppo, where several thousand people have been without water and food, as you have been reporting for so long . Jeremy well, ive been on the west side of aleppo and you cannot cross over for obvious reasons. So i can only go on what the aid agencies, who have people over there and local groups they deal with, say. And they say that things are considerably worse on that side than this side. The squeeze has put food prices up enormously. They are apparently 300 higher than they are in west aleppo. Here there are markets full of food and if youve got the money, you can buy it. Theres not even a presence in markets on the east side. Add to that the military groups who are not part of the ceasefire and the airstrikes. Artilleryrd a lot of tonight as i have been waiting to talk to you. I think in east aleppo they are having a very tough time indeed. Laura jeremy bowen in aleppo, thank you for joining us. There is hardly anything that donald trump and Hillary Clinton agree on, except for their stated opposition to the transpacific partnership. President obama firmly backs the deal and wants to get it through congress in his last four months in office. Today he called on business and National Security leaders who joined him in the white house. I spoke to neil king, Global Economics editor at the wall street journal. Who did the president have at the white house . Neil most notable was Ohio Governor john kasich, who ran for the presidency on the republican side. The fact that he is a republican from a very important state and a big voice in congress having spent years there, is important. Obama is trying to make this lastminute push to get congress to move on this trade deal and the only time he will be able to do it is the lameduck after the election. Laura lets talk about the substance of the deal. What would it do for america and the countries involved . Neil this is a 12country trade deal that includes japan, vietnam, mexico, canada. It has been in the works for years and there is a lot of credibility on the line. It is important not only for lowering tariffs, but more rule setting. I think for the u. S. In particular it is a credibility thing. Can we push forward on a deal and make it pass in our own congress . It has geopolitical importance in part because the administration if it does get movement in congress will be largely that we need to counteract the role of china and asia. Laura a big bit of the president s pivot towards asia and the hedge against chinese influence . Neil that is how it is being portrayed. President obama has very little time left in office. This is the biggest thing hanging out there among his legacy things, the things he really wants to bring home. I would say the odds of it happening are less than 20 at the moment. Laura other countries who had agreed to support it are wobbling, like vietnam. Why is vietnam wobbling . Neil vietnam has a lot to gain on the upside is it because it will get access to countries like the u. S. To which it would sell its products. On the other hand, it would have to open up protected industries and agree to certain labor standards that are causing some friction domestically within the political system. Laura if the president doesnt get this through, is that the end of it . Neil thats a really good question because we have seen this kind of thing happen before. Nafta is something that george h. W. Bush had pushed, spilled into bill clintons presidency. He had to champion it and he won it. In this case it is difficult because not only is donald trump very vociferously opposing it, but so is Hillary Clinton. Both candidates opposing it, and somebody like Bernie Sanders on the left of Hillary Clinton and he will try to get her to not go along with this. Yet there is that sense that she could switch a little bit she to becomeere president and agree to a modified version. Laura neil king, thank you for joining us. Neil its a pleasure. Laura you are watching bbc world news america. Still to come on tonights program, not sure what to have for dinner . How about some bugs. The market for a double insects. Activists have held demonstrations in nairobi today against a new railway that will cut across the Nairobi National park. It is one of the largest Infrastructure Projects ever undertaken in kenya. Activists raising their voices. It is a battle between modernization and culture. One of kenyas most ambitious Infrastructure Projects is set to cut through the Nairobi National park. Activists say they have not been given a chance to share their views. Consulted e not even if they cut through the park, they exit on peoples land. The project started in 2014 in a coastal city of mumbais of. In a coastal city. The second phase is underway and related to the capital of uganda and other countries in the region. But not before the issues in nairobi are solved. A bone of contention is a plan to build a sixclimate over headline across national park. Activists say the construction would interfere with wildlife. The Nairobi National park is unique, the only one in the world founded in a capital city, that is why activists say it must be protected at all costs. Wildlife service has already improved the project and it is said to be launched later this month. Afterwards, parts management says members of the public will have an opportunity to share their views. It is an answer that did not appease activists. They hope the prediction they have presented today will make a difference petition they are presented today will make a difference. Laura ok, so this next piece, we have a small warning. If you are eating, you might want to stop for the next two minutes. Every day, 2 billion people eat insects as part of their diet. The very idea makes many feel queasy. Experts say that bugs are the highprotein teachers of the future. Creatures of the future. In the u. S. , businesses are one step ahead. Worm or crunchy scorpion . Or even a tick. It is estimated there are 2000 medical species of insects in the world. Dead or alive, they are widely consumed here. The vast majority of grasshoppers more often than the process of collecting the means they trample on crops to catch. More farmers see grasshoppers as pests. But this farmer for 30 years three years ago came up with a different strategy. Our crops, especially our vegetables, and it cost us a lot. We decided to make a business out of the grasshoppers instead of fighting them. Is ther but jose exception to the rule. Travel north of the border, and these entrepreneurs in los angeles are beating mexicans at their own game. They have a sustainable cricket farm and borrowed from the nascent cannabis industry. People up and eating insects is the beginning of time, since people were people. It is more about reintroducing and makingng it sexy it in a way that will be much more receptive by the general public. Reporter they could be onto a good thing. It takes 10 Times Less Energy to produce a kilo of grasshoppers that a kilo of beef. Same things were said about sushi. Nobody would think of eating raw fish. Now same thing happening with insects. Younger generations are starting to try them. They are catching up with this tradition. I think it will grow. Reporter one person in the Younger Generation might need some convincing. Ive been presented with 2 dishes. Ticks, which look far too much like cockroaches. I cant try them but im going to try to worm. I am terrified. Actually, really nice flavor. [laughter] katy watson there being extremely brave. Now to a different competition which some are calling the sport of the future. Adrenalineg rides that can only come from flying around an Obstacle Course 160 miles an hour. The first chapter to prevent will be held in hawaii. The bbc has met two of the racers from south africa who will be taking part. An absolute adrenaline rush. I personally think the sport is going to be one of the biggest sports in the world. Drone racing is the art of racing your copter as fast as you can around the track in first person view. That is what fpv stands for. This is my racing drone. It does 160 miles an hour, with the camera. The camera transmits to these goggles. Your Quick Reaction times. To reach the pinnacle, you need to train a lot. Determination more than anything else. It is not an easy thing to just pick up and start and be good at. Handeye coordination. Practice. 3, 2, 1. Go. Drones are getting a negative spin with military use. Drone racing has created a whole new avenue and shown how quickly the technology has grown. And how it can be used as entertainment. The growth of the sport has been pretty phenomenal, in my opinion. It has exploded. It is literally going viral. To show to be heading the rest of the world South African racers. We practice two hours a day. I hope to win. [laughter] we will do everything we can to take that trophy home. Laura coming to a park near you, drone racing bringing todays broadcast to a close. You can find much more of all the days news on our website. To reach me and the rest of the bbc team, sadly go to twitter. From all of us here simply go to twitter. From all of us here at bbc world news america, thanks for watching and have a good weekend. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits from newmans own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs, and aruba tourism authority. Planning a vacation escape that is relaxing, inviting, and exciting is a lot easier than you think. You can find it here, in aruba. Families, couples, and friends can all find their escape on the island with warm, sunny days, cooling trade winds, and the crystal blue caribbean sea. Nonstop flights are available from most major airports. More information for your vacation planning is available at aruba. Com. Bbc world news was presented by kcet, los angeles. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc woodruff good evening. Im judy woodruff. On the newshour tonight barack obama was born in the United States period. Woodruff reversing his long standing claim, donald trump acknowledges president obama is a nativeborn citizen, as Hillary Clinton argues history cant be erased. He has lead the Birther Movement to delegitimize our first black president. Woodruff then, in syria, a shaky ceasefire is tested as the u. N. Attempts to deliver aid to those stuck in the war torn city of aleppo. Plus, protests from more than a hundred native american tribes

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