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Because success takes partnership, and only through discipline and trust can we create something greater than ourselves. Mufg we build relationships that build the world. And now, bbc world news. News america. Anchor this is bbc world news america. Alshabaab citizens have massacred more than 140 students at a college in kenya. Survivors describe a scene of total terror. They crashed through the deadline, but negotiations have agreed to the outline of a deal to curb Irans Nuclear program and. Pres. Obama today, after many tests of diplomacy, we have achieved the framework for that deal. And it is a good deal. Anchor looking for lodging in havana . As of today, american tourists can book a bed in cuba on airbnb. We asked the company about their new markets. Anchor welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and around the globe. Alshabaab militants stormed strapped with explosives, a college in northern kenya and gunned down at least 147 students. Survivors say the students were separated according to the religion. The christians were killed on the spot. Alshabaab has been diminished recently, but this result suggests it still has the capacity to organized of stating attacks. From kenya, the Bbcs Andrew Harding reports. Andrew Kenyan Security forces rushed to the university campus, but too late to prevent a massacre. Four masked gunmen arrived before dawn. Hundreds of Young Students from all over kenya virtually unguarded. The attackers went from room to room. Christians were the majority here. Outside, scenes of confusion and terror, what appeared to be injured students lying in the dust. Eyewitnesses talking, seeing dozens of bodies. Guys certain jumping up and down, running for their lives. It is unfortunate where they were going to is where the gunshots were coming from. Andrew troops surround the campus, unsure of who might be a gunman trying to escape. Soon, hence of the scale of this unfolding carnage for it injured survivors reached by clinic. They started shooting says a wounded student, one was firing from the doorway, so i had to jump out the window. I was hit in the leg by a bullet. Andrew the casualty numbers grow. So to the grief. As the siege continues, they were from kenya past president. This is a moment for everyone throughout the country to be vigilant as we confront and defeat our enemies. Andrew but could the government have done more to secure this campus . It has often been targeted by alshabaab. At the end of a tumult to its day, news both encouraging and heartbreaking. 90 of the threat has been eliminated. At a cost. A very heavy cost. Andrew soon after, confirmation that it is over. When hundred 47 victims, most of them young men and women who had wanted to become teachers. Kenya in shock. Andrew harding, bbc news narrowly. Nairobi. Anchor i spoke with peter pham, the director of the Africa Center at the Atlantic Council in washington. We keep hearing that the leaders of alshabaab have been killed. There are new stories almost every other week about that. They have lost territory inside somalia. How did they have the capacity to carry out Something Like this . Peter several things. They certainly have lost their leaders. The emir of shabbat was killed in a drone attack last september. Their head of Clandestine Operations was killed a month ago by another attack. But these are single individuals and they can be replaced easily. The loss of territory, although significant, has meant that ironically, the more radical faction, which was not interested in governing in somalia, more interested in becoming a global Jihadist Group , they are no longer shackled to somalia as a country or Holding Territory or governing. They can now operate as they have unfortunately, and recent months have shown us with impunity in kenya tried an attack in uganda that was foiled. I think we will expect more of this. Anchor what does it tell you about their level of capacity to organize Something Like this . Peter it was well organized in the sense the target was well chosen. There are several institutes of Higher Education one could have picked if one is looking for institutions to attack, but they chose the one, go with the university college, which is affiliated with more university. It had a larger nonethnic somali student body so they would likely or get more and nonmuslims to kill. They also pick an institution that was less well guarded. Other institutions were apparently warned or received warnings from talking to people on the ground, and had their watch up. They succeeded at a low cost. They lost reportedly four fighters in this. They scored 147 human beings that they killed, and now a group that had been on the wane is back in the news. They have been overlooked in the isis, boo haram boko haram and other groups. Anchor they get a certain amount of international attention. Do they also succeeded in spreading sectarian divisions in the communities, the clinical way in which the survivors are saying they separated the muslims from the nonmuslims and they shot the christians there what is it due to the community . Peter kenya has a history of living together, muslims and christians. They are try to get this division. We saw it in the attacks at the end of last year when they separated christians at the minors corey minoers quarry. This is a new spin on their brutality. Anchor thank you for coming in. A potentially Historic Deal is been agreed on limiting Irans Nuclear program after eight days of negotiating in switzerland writing iran and representatives of six world powers unveiled a framework curving the countrys Nuclear Capabilities for at least a decade. President obama has stressed the need for verification, but he hailed this as a good deal. From the site of the talks, more for us. Reporter after eight long talks that went through the night and today almost ended without a deal, there was a last a breakthrough. Today we have taken a decisive step. We have frees solutions on key parameters of a joint comprehensive plan of action. The political determination, goodwill, and the hard work of all parties made it possible. We have stopped a cycle that was not in the interests of anybody, not in the interests of nonproliferation and not in the interests of anybody. That will in fact be a gain for all parties concerned. Reporter under this outline of the deal, iran will significantly limit its ability to produce the fuel used to build a bomb, and will submit to unprecedented inspection. In return, sections crippling its economy will be lifted in phases. They are already celebrating and iran. Hardline critics who want to see the details first. And so too its skeptics in washington. President obama immediately hailed this progress. President obama today, after many months of diplomacy, we have achieved the framework for that deal. And it is a good deal. A deal that meets our core objectives. This framework would cut off every pathway that iran could take to develop a nuclear weapon. Reporter the deal is certain to be rejected as a bad one by its greatest opponent, israels leader, benjamin netanyahu, who tried hard to stop it. But tonight there is huge relief even if a final deal still has to be drafted and agreed in the next two months. It is here that a 12 year standoff over a rons Nuclear Program has been broken. That is a historic breakthrough. In many capitals in the middle east and beyond, there is still deep suspicion of iran nuclear and political ambitions. Sso now the onus is on iran to keep its word. Bbc news. Anchor so how is this deal being received . I spoke a short time ago with richard hass, the president of the council on foreign relations. I think its fair to say you have been skeptical about the chances of reaching a deal to you would see as a good deal on a run past Nuclear Program. Irans Nuclear Program. Richard it is more substantive than i thought, more comprehensive than i thought. We still have 90 days to go to translate this into a comprehensive final document. The skeptics including me, should be pleasantly surprised. Anchor you would say we are better off with this deal than without it . Richard we will have to see what the final document says. It is possible there could be backtracking. There are still some question marks about the sequencing and timetable of the lifting of sanctions. There are questions in some areas about what would happen after the duration runs out. The biggest question is one of compliance, will iran live up to the deal, will we as outsiders be able to know if they do not. All things being equal, yes, i think this on the surface looks to be a good agreement. Anchor everyone is going to be watching the details and whether the iranians stick to it and thats why the ability for the sanctions to snap back into place is important. What surprises you most about the iranians so far have appeared to agree to . Richard significant reductions in the uranium stockpile, quite dramatic. Certain absence of modernization of some of the equipment. The opening up of their supply lines is 25 years, if my memory serves me right. So youre not just looking at the endpoint, but the entire supply line from the yellowcake through the uranium enrichment and so forth. Its a little bit more comprehensive than i would have thought, and the iranians im not able to read the farsi but what i saw in english is it looks as though they did agree at least in principle to challenge inspections. I would think thats one of the Big Questions to be worked out if, for example, the to see something they are suspicious of, will the iranians allow them to do that. Anchor do you think president obama will be able to sell this framework to members of congress who have been critical of his negotiations . Richard what he really needs to do is sell the final agreement at the end of june. The white house has to make a tactical decision. Do they agree to submit the agreement and congress has the right to disapprove it, the president could veto that and so forth. I believe the white house would be politically wise to work with the congress. I think this agreement is potentially the sort of thing they could gain a sufficient amount of support for. That remains to be seen. Anchor where does this leave Prime Minister netanyahu . Richard he will be disappointed over any agreement that does not eliminate Irans Nuclear capability. For the moment, he is largely going to be criticizing it. I dont see he can necessarily stop it, and i dont see israel taking unilateral military action at this point. Anchor thanks for a much. That final deal not actually do until the end of june. General prosecutors say the copilot of that passenger plane that crashed into the elves last week had been researching suicide methods and cockpit door security. Investigators found a tablet computer at the apartments of the pilot and a have been able to reconstruct a search history. The revelation came that french investigators say they found the second black box from the plane. Reporter prosecutors of the pilots home have made a disturbing discovery. On the copilots tablet computer, it was used to Research Medical treatments and methods of committing suicide. The news will reinforce the theory that the plane was brought down deliberately. Examination of the cockpit voice recorder found soon after the crash has already revealed a wealth of information. Investigators believe that the pilot left the flight deck shortly before the accident. They think andreas lubitz, left alone, lock the aircraft door and put the plane into a fatal dissent. If the recorder is readable, it should prove invaluable to the inquiry and may confirm beyond doubt that the plane was crashed on purpose. This box should have about 500 recorded parameters, including speed of the aircraft, altitude of the aircraft, its engine settings, and the actions of the pilots in different ways in which it was flown. You can see this information will be vital for us in demonstrating the truth of what happened. Reporter all this information will be used by investigators to build a complete picture of what happened on board the aircraft and as far as possible, why it happened. Ultimately it should help airlines and regulators take steps to prevent a similar tragedy from happening in the future. Bbc news. Anchor youre watching more bbc world news america still to come on this program. We take a closer look at the saudi airstrikes that are meant to be stopping the shia rebels. A Russian Fishing trawler has sunk off the countrys far east coast. At least 56 of the 132 people on board died, and dozens were rescued by nearby boats. Because of the ice cold water, many suffered from hypothermia. Reporter it was almost 200 miles from shore when it sank. It took 15 minutes to vanish underwater. The caption captain did not even managed to issue a distress signal. It is mainly other fishing boats that are hunting for the crew of the sunken trawler. Time is critical. The water is close to freezing, and many of those saved so far have hypothermia. This official says more than 100 people have been accounted for. The search for the rest and efforts to bring survivors back to land continues. But this map shows the challenge. Reaching dryland from here would take 12 hours by ship in summer. In april a it would need an icebreaker. A possible collision with ice is one key theory for the disaster. Another, the trawler capsized as the crew brought in nets full of fish. An investigation is being opened into possible safety violations. We will assess whether the ship was at sea legally. We will look into the availability of lifesaving equipment, whether the sos signal was sent in a timely fashion, and we will check the crews qualifications. Reporter that crew was international. A list of names just released shows 78 russians on board and 42 people from myanmar, as well as latvians and ukrainians. President clinton has sent his deepest condolences. Putin has sent his deepest condolences. High wind is keeping helicopters from the accident site, but the search by fishing boats goes on. Bbc news moscow. Anchor in yemen, some of the worst clashes so far in this conflict are currently taking place in the port of aden between Houthi Rebels and forces loyal to the president. The rebels have attacked the former headquarters of the president. This comes after more than a week of airstrikes against those rebels by a saudiled coalition. Reporter the saudi led Operation Decisive storm has entered its second week. There appears to be no let up in airstrikes on yemens Houthi Rebels. These are him a ratty pilots, part of a 10 Nation Coalition heading to attack targets set up by informants on the ground, backed by u. S. Intelligence and logistics. The airstrikes have destroyed the rebelss air force, scud missiles, and many of their armed devos. They are reportedly killing dozens of civilians. At a saudi military airbase, i met the general who is the Coalition Spokesperson here. I pressed him on what steps theyre taking to avoid civilian casualties. We are using all the resources of intelligence to make sure that we do not hit the wrong targets. We do not target any target without make sure it is the houthis target. Reporter plenty of yemenis reject that and the airstrikes. Thousands have been protesting. We condemn what the Intelligence Services of saudi arabia america, and israel are doing against the yemeni people. We told him we are coming and we will get revenge for whoever you kill. Reporter the conflict in yemen has yet to [indiscernible] in riyadh. The government is extremely nervous about the violence spilling over the border. There is now a serious risk that the violence in yemen could get even worse. So for the saudi led war effort has gotten no closer to restoring the legitimate president. Now the u. N. Says yemen is on the verge of total collapse. Frank gardner, bbc news, saudi arabia. Anchor in response to a boom in demand by american tourists airbnb has announced it will open up for business in cuba. The Online Home Rental Service so i massive surge in interest after president obama eased relations with havana last year, allowing u. S. Travelers to book a place to stay in a cuban home is one of the largest signs of Business Expansion on the island nation so far. For more, i spoke with the airbnb cofounder, nathan but charming, in San Francisco a short time ago. How much of a Business Opportunity for airbnb is this move into cuba . Nathan over the last 50 years americans have largely not been able to travel to cuba. When president obama announced the restrictions would be relaxed in december, we saw a 70 increase in the number of search queries to cuba. I think it makes sense. Theres clearly pentup demand and curiosity for cuba, and airbnb is a great fit for those who want to experience local culture. I think cuba has a lot of that to offer. The final point i will make is that you think about where americans travel outside the u. S. Certainly canada and mexico and the caribbean are the top destinations. Cuba will quickly join a list. Anchor but american travelers can be fairly demanding and their choice of accommodation. Cuban housing tends to be pretty simple. Do you think they are prepared for the kinds of things you can offer them . Nathan i think the really traction to cuba right now is the ability to experience a place that has largely stayed the same over the last 50 years. A little bit like time travel. I think the first wave of travelers will be looking for that kind of experience. That is the kind of experience that airbnb can offer. Anchor your move is being described is much more substantial because it can put money into the pockets of cuban entrepreneurs. What is it like from your point of you trying to get those household owners onto your site . Email is tricky, the internet is incredibly limited in cuba. What is it like trying to do business in cuba at the moment . Nathan in cuba there has been an existing industry around home sharing for many decades. Theres not a lot of hotel infrastructure. People have been renting out their homes for many years to make extra income. This is probably the only country im aware of that has such a rich tradition and home sharing. This is an existing network we were able to plug into very quickly. You are right that there is a lack of internet penetration. A lot of these properties were being advertised through intermediaries or through friends who have internet connections. We have worked with these partners to help on board our staff and properties in cuba as of today. Anchor i love the idea of cuba as a nation of early airbnbers. What is your favorite property you have online on cuba at the moment . Nathan i have not been able to get down there yet. I do not have any firsthand experience, but i think what is really exciting about the properties i have seen and the hosts we have spoken to and are stories is they are already making plans about how the extra income theyre going to make by having access to an american audience will allow them to upgrade their homes. Basic things like improving the water pressure and their plumbing and things like that. It is a real opportunity for the entrepreneurs there. Anchor thanks very much. If you are thinking of a trip down to cuba, there is no airbnb as well. Amazing. 70 surge in interest straight after president obama announced the easing of relations. That is it from the show. Im katty kay. Thanks so much for watching us. See you back here tomorrow. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the Freeman Foundation newmans own Foundation Giving all profits from newmans own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, and mufg. They say the oldest trees bear the sweetest fruit. At mufg, weve believed in nurturing banking relationships for centuries, because Strong Financial partnerships are best cultivated for the years to come, giving your company the resources and stability to thrive. Mufg we build relationships that build the world. Bbc world news was presented by kcet los angeles. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc today, the United States together with our allies and partners has reached a historic understanding wiht iran. Woodruff a breakthrough in the Nuclear Weapons talks. We have full analysis of the deal, and the details still to be resolved. Good evening, im judy woodruff. Ifill and im gwen ifill. Also ahead this thursday a deadly attack in kenya. Alshabab gunmen storm a university, firing at random and targeting christians. Woodruff then, politicians work to fix religious freedom laws in arkansas and indiana, balancing faith gay rights and the bottom line

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