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Financial partnerships are best cultivated for the years to come, giving your company the resources and stability to thrive. Mufg we build relationships that build the world. And now, bbc world news america. This is bbc world news america. Searchers gathered at the crash site in the french alps where a plane went down killing 150 on board. The leaders of spain, france and germany arrived to pay their respects. U. S. Army sergeant bow berg darryl Bowe Bergdahl is now charged with disinterrogation. Mad men has drawn to a close. Before the final show, new york is bidding the series a highly fashionable farewell. Welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and also around the globe. Tonight the search for answers continues in the frerge alps, where investigators are going through the wreckage of a german airliner which crashed yesterday, killing all 150 people on board. Investigators from france say they recovered useable sound and voice recordings from the damaged cockpit flight recorder but its too soon to interpret that. That process could take days. Bbcs Lucy Williamson is in seyneles alpes, now the main center of the search operation. She starts our coverage. Reporter in these mountains, 150 people lie waiting for burial for their families, grief. Husbands, wives and school children. Retrieving them, even finding them, is proving challenging instead. Its quite difficult to detect the bodies and thats why the operation will be done by aircraft only. Its difficult to go there. Reporter meanwhile, the details of those missing have gun to emerge. Among them briton paul bramly, who just completed his first year of college. We have told the families and would like to thank the Foreign Office and david cameron, with all that happened have been very good and the french authorities. It must be a terrible job for what theyve got to do. Reporter two more britons were on board the flight including 50yearold martin matthews. He was a lovely man. He was a kind man he was a generous man. He was martin. What martin said went. But he was god, i cant say words, he was a lovely man. Reporter marina, traveling with her baby son was flying back to join her husband in manchester. She couldnt find a direct flight so opted for a different rue through dusseldorf. Today europes leaders came here to meet those working on the grim task of recovery. But this International Tragedy is for some a very private one. Away from the cameras, a more intimate meeting with some of the victims families. This crisis has brought three of europes most powerful leaders to this small alpine village. The comfort they bring to relatives here is limited but with no bodies to grieve over and few answers as to why this happened its all the families have. And pressure is growing for answers. Translator one black box has already been found. Its being analyzed but this is not easy. We need to be patient. Were still looking for the second one. We found the casing but not the box itself. People are out there now searching and searching again. Reporter another day is ending here with questions and grief over the precious lives these mountains claimed and the answers it slowly, painstakingly has given back. And a brief time ago i spoke with lucy near the crash scene. Lucy, whats been happening there this evening . Well, were just getting the first reports now that the bodies may be being transported from the site. The first bodies lifted out by helicopter. Of course, investigators had wanted to keep them there in order to photograph everything to really get the best possible chance of finding out what had happened. But thats just the last piece of information thats come in, in whats been a day of really unprecedented activity for this little alpine village. We had International Leaders from france, from germany, from spain all come here to meet grieving families who have also come to the village to try and share their grief, to try to find out a bit more about what happened to their loved ones. So its really been a day of shared grief of unprecedented activity, as i say. Tomorrow will more relatives of the dead be automobile to visit the scene dead be able to visit the scene . Reporter i think theres a feeling here the numbers could grow in the coming days. The families who came here today were very private about it didnt want to appear in front of the cameras, met the foreign leaders in private. We dont have too much information about what went on. But we are told extra planes are being prepared in other countries to bring families to this site should they want to come and there certainly are a large number of them. So we are expecting to see more visits in the coming days. Lucy williamson thank you for joining us. As those families grieve, investigators are currently working on audio reportings from the cockpit that include sound and voices from a black box found mangled on the mountainside. Our correspondent Richard Wescott has the latest on the investigation. Reporter does this voice recorder hold the key to the plane crash . Bearing the scars of a colossal impact, the metal bent out of shape, yet the critical part, this bombproof, orange cylinder remains intact. Inside memory boards recorded the final moments in the cockpit. Investigators have now listened back but would not be drawn on any early conclusion. We just succeeded in getting an audio file which contains useable sounds and voices. We have not yet fully understood and worked on it to be able to say, ok, this is starting at this point. This is ending at this precise point in flight. Reporter this footage shows the actual aircraft that crashed earlier this year. At 4 30 in the morning we know they made a final routine call to air traffic control. A minute later, the plane begins falling from the sky. Yet repeated pleas from the ground go unanswered. Critical to this crash is finding out what happened in those 10 or so missing minutes. What made the plane come down so quickly . Why didnt the pilots head for a nearby runway or call in a may day . Now the hunt is on for this the second flight recorder to tell them technically what the plane was doing. Its only by marrying the information from this with the cockpit voices they will be able to piece together exactly what happened. One experienced pilot says theres a good reason they dont have answers yet. The area of the damage contains Electronic Components that link the aircraft to the cockpit voice recorder. Included in that is a time line facility. So by losing it, they lost the time line of when the calls or conversations were taking place inside the cockpit. Reporter it could be days even weeks, before we know for sure what made this run of the mill flight crash without warning. Richard wescott, bbc news. In other news now from around the world, u. S. Military sources have confirmed to the bbc that coalitionled strikes against Islamic State forces in tikrit are under way. An order for u. S. Led strikes and following a meeting between the Iraqi Defense minister and u. S. Ambassador in baghdad. U. S. Forces will provide air strikes of borne intelligent capabilities and other support for Iraq Security forces. Its being reported that hundreds of civilians including many children, have been kidnapped by extremists. Its understood several hundred people were abducted by the islamic militants as they retreated earlier this month from an area of northeastern nigeria. The u. S. Military is bringing decertification charges against Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl who was held captive by the taliban for five years in afghanistan before being released in a controversial exchange. Bergdahl is also charged with misbehavior before the enemy after allegedly abandonning his post. If convicted, he could face life in prison. So only last year an Administration Official said bergdahl served with honor and distinction. Now hes being charged with decertification. Why the turn snarn not only that but you will remember president obama appeared with bergdahls parents and great fanfare about the fact hes been released quickly. There was a pushback on a couple of counts. First, a lot of republicans in particular were saying hang on a minute you negotiated with the taliban here to get bergdahl released and released the five prisoners from guantanamo bay. But then we also heard soldiers who had served with bow bergdahl to say this is a man who deserted his post. He left a note to say he was going to start a new life walked out of his basin in a province in afghanistan and also then endangered the soldiers that went to look for him. We dont know the figures in terms of the numbers of soldiers who were killed in this search but some of his colleagues are saying up to six people were killed in trying to find Bowe Bergdahl. So he did certainly remain hostage for five years. Apparently tortured. But then all of these people coming out and saying, well, he was in the wrong here. But thats what the army investigator are saying theyre going to charge him on these two counts. What is next in the process . There are going to be preliminary hearings first. As i say on these two counts. On the count he deserted his post and for that the maximum sentence could be five years in prison. But then this other charge of misbehavior and endampinge aring endangering his unit. The sentence could be up to loof imprisonment but there could be more lienant sentences taking into account the time he did spend hostage with the taliban. And there could be as little as dishonorable discharge. He is is there were a lot of people saying the Obama Administration white house, was suggesting he shouldnt be charged in this way but he has been. Lima, thank you for joining us. In afghanistan today, a suicide attacker killed six people and wounded dozens more in the capital kabul. The blast took place near the president ial palace. Police Officials Say most of the victims are civilians. Some are in critical condition. The attack comes as afghan president is visiting washington. In an address to the joint session of congress the president spoke to the debt his country owes his american allies. But he also warned of future threats like that posed by Islamic States. Terrorist moments whose goal is to destabilize the region are looking for new bases of operation. The terrorists neither recognize boundaries nor require passports to spread their message of hate in this court. From the west is sending advanced guards to southern western afghanistan to test our vulnerabilities. For more on the threats afghanistan still faces, i spoke a brief time ago with democratic senator christopher murphy, who sits on the Foreign Relations committee. Senator murphy are you confident that afghanistan even with u. S. Support, can withstand this threat from the many extremist groups who threaten the country . I certainly cannot say im confident of the we have seen epidemic levels of violence over the course of the last year. You saw a winter with noorblely lying helfs of violence which predict spring and summer may be bloody as well. What i do know is we have a Stronger Partnership than we had in a very long time. Our relationship can karzai became unimaginable fblet he was unwilling to take and accept the help we thought was necessary to make this transition. Gani, of course, immediately signs the new status of forces agreement. The president announced he will keep Additional Forces through the end of the year, something i support. I think were in a better position than we have been to repel the taliban and the threats in afghanistan. But i would be lie fg i stood lying if i stood here today and said im confident we will get to where we need to get to over the next year or so. Will it take more than 8,900 troops staying in afghanistan only until the end of this year to with stand the great threat . I think thats going to be sufficient for military purposes. But were going to have to have a corresponding commitment when it comes to funding. The reality is government is standing on top of massive u. S. And International Aid and should that aid withdraw over the course of the next several years, support for that government will completely fall apart. So we have to be Economic Partners as well as military partners. I think 10,000 troops is going to be enough i think, that combined with special forces, operational capabilities and some air support will do the trick on the military side but the economic side has to be robust too. Clearly theres a change in tone now that president gani has replaced hamid karzai. Is that change alone going to be enough to tackle corruption and rampant instability in afghanistan . Spent a good part of his speech today talking about tackling corruption, talked about the immediate actions they took on the kabul bank. Certainly take him at his word. Of course, we took karzai at his word and turned out he didnt have the kind of interest we hoped when it came to tackling corruption. Thats why our new agreement with afghanistan, benchmarks are assistance towards measurable goals. They have to take a stand to see the flow of u. S. Aid. But i think gani seems to be taking this very, very seriously, much more seriously than karzai did certainly in the last years of his time in office. Turning to yemen where the situation is deteriorating rapidly with the militia advancing toward aden is there anything the u. S. Should be doing to stabilize the situation . Clearly, we have to make it abundantly clear to all of our partners in the region this could only be worked out through a political solution. Thats why were going to be pressing for this process in qatar to move forward quickly as possible. I know saudis are going to reserve their right to try to use military means to gain stability. But frankly in the long run, that kind of interference from the saudis could make the situation much worse rather than better. It speaks though as to why these iran negotiations are so important. We want to take this initiative off the table so we can work on a lot of their very deleterious and underhanded effects to try to undermine our allies and other countries in the region. This is delicate. The United States has limited tools given the fact we evacuated all of our personnel but were going to be focused on trying to tell all parties this has to be ultimately a political rather than military solution. Senator murphy, thank you very much for joining us. Thanks a lot. Youre watching bbc world news america. Still to come bbc motors away from Jeremy Clarkeson saying he crossed the line. More than 2. 5 Million People are in urgeant need of food aid in south sudan after fighting between Government Troops in rebel forces displaced many of them. Peace talks are expected next month. There are fears they could be jeopardized. We report from neighboring kenya. Reporter this is in the oilrich Mountain State of unity. Thousands of displaced people now forced to again on food aid for survival. The program feeds one in four people across the country and they do not know where their next meal will come from. The country only just avoided a famine last year but the food situation remains dire. W. F. B. Says 2. 5 Million People requires urgent assistance and that figure could more than double by midyear if fighting continues. I just want peace. Reporter but that peace has so far been elusive. 15 months of fighting have left much of the Northern State inaccessible. Now eight agencies are in a rush to get had thope areas before the onslot of rains. The 3 Million People we are trying to reach are not just statistics, they are people. And the challenge is the longer this crisis goes forward, it is easy for the world to begin to think of them simply as a cough or statistic. Reporter a fresh round of talks are expected to begin next month but could be complicated by the decision to extend the president by three years. Rebels said he to leave power. This could lead to many being homeless for some time. Bbc news, nairobi. The bbc announced today it will not be renewing the contract of Jeremy Clarkeson. Host of the globally popular show top gear. It comes after an investigation revealed he launched an unprovoked physical and verbal attack that left one of the shows producers in hospital. We have the details. Reporter a man famous for being outspoken was this afternoon uncharacteristically quiet thoughtful as he stood on his balkanny. Jeremy clarkeson bbcs biggest global star, had just been sacked. The reason a violent assault here at this North Yorkshire hotel on a producer. His lip was split. He went to hospital. Police are awaiting the bbcs reports. The Corporation Said it had no choice. What happened in this incident has crossed a line. I think the report makes clear, you cannot condemn an assault, physical assault plus sustained verbal abuse against a member of the staff. Its crossed a line. Its sad but its crossed a loin. This is a massive letdown for millions of fans. There must have been another alternative. Youre denying people the star they really like. Well, i can see sadly through the course of action i have taken today. Reporter a few minutes later his colleague james may stepped out to speak scomblfment its a tragedy. Im sorry that this incident turned so big. I dont want to say anything more than that. I have only known a few minutes and if you excuse me, i have to write the ebay listing. Reporter it is Jeremy Clarkeson who turned top gear into a global success. Oh, no reporter when he first appeared on the show 27 years ago it was a bit dull. This one, for instance, is seriously lacking. Reporter he and producer andy william reinvented it. It became funny and thrilling and delighted many. The fat man who only goes to poland. Reporter while there are many foreign versions of the show, it seems to work best with Jeremy Clarkeson. Although formats with other presenters had been made in the u. S. , australia, france, even russia those formats have generally not performed as well as the original master show and therefore, Jeremy Clarkeson and his copresenters are key to the current success. Reporter so a show bringing in a profit of more than 50 Million Pounds will have to be reinvented. His copresenters, its understood, go with him but this isnt about words or opinions or profits. This is about how people are treated and a promise that rules will apply to everyone, no matter how powerful, how popular. Bbc news. Now for the past eight years many of us have been hooked on another show. The tv series mad men. Soon the final episode will air. In anticipation new york city is celebrating the cast and crew behind their Award Winning drama, which relives the advertising world in new york during the swinging 1960s. Reporter back in front of the cameras but this time of out character, the cast of mad men may owe their success to madison avenue but with the shows end in sight, its new york paying tribute. Hello, everyone. Reporter the Television Drama follows the life of don draper, a brilliant creative director at one of the most prestigious advertising agencies. While skillfully capturing the glamour and count culture of the 60s. On the eve of the time series, mad men has already become a museum piece. The sets and props reassembled and on view at this combination in new york. We have scale sets installed in galleries, which is a magical place for people to walk into the sets and feel what it was like inside, its like walking through your television set. Reporter theres don drapers midcentury modern office in the time life building, colonial style draper kitchen. And, of course, the costumes. Fans will remember megan drapers black mini dress. Throughout theres an emphasis on the Creative Process with the recreation of the shows writers room. Regardless of how meticulous or how beautiful the costumes or sets were, the show would not have been as successful as it is if the story telling and Character Development had not been as good as it is. Reporter but strolling through the time of mad men does not require a trip to the museum. For those who want a real taste of don drapers world, more than 30 new York City Restaurants are holding a mad men dining week. They created menus inspired by the popular food and drinks from the 1960s and theres even the long lost liquid lunch option. Wonderful time here, glamour elegance and also the decadence. We dont have two and three cocktail lunches these days. Pretty exciting to have that moment to step back and enjoy it in a place that actually existed, that the characters would have drank in themselves. Reporter the seven seasons covered almost the entire decade on screen, picking up 16 emmys and 4 Golden Globes along the way. For those who are mad about mad men, its truly the end of an era. I will miss that show. Especially the fantastic program. That bringing todays broadcast to a close. You can find much more on all of the days news at our website. And for the bbc team, just go to twitter. From all of us here at world news america, thank you for watching and please tune in tomorrow. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the Freeman Foundation newmans own foundation, giving all profits from newmans own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, and mufg. Build a Solid Foundation and you can connect communities and commerce for centuries. That is the strength behind good banking relationships, too. Which is why, at mufg, we believe financial partnerships should endure the test of time. Because with time comes change and what matters in the end is that you are Strong Enough to support it. Mufg we build relationships that build the world. Bbc world news was presented by kcet los angeles. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc ifill desertion charges. A oncemissing soldier now faces prosecution for abandoning his post in afghanistan. Good evening, im gwen ifill. Woodruff and im judy woodruff. Also ahead this wednesday yemen unravels. Rebels seize a key airport once used by american forces, and put out a bounty for the capture of the countrys president. Ifill a day of decisions and arguments at the supreme court. Justices revive a pregnancy discrimination claim against u. P. S. , reject a redistricting plan in alabama, and question regulations to remove mercury from the air. 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