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And major corporations. What can we do for you . And now, bbc world news america. President obama authorizes the deployment of up to an additional 1500 u. S. Troops to iraq in an effort to help local forces confront the Islamic State. In east jerusalem, palestinians clash with police over resurgence on a holy site. Marking over 15 years since the came down. A light shines on the dividing line. Welcome to our viewers on Public Television on america, and around the globe. President obama authorizes sending up to an additional 1500 u. S. Troops to iraq. They will have a noncombat role, boosting the training of iraqi forces. The Defense Department says the recommendation was made for a number of reasons, including a request from the Iraqi Government. The pentagon laid out the aim. Ultimately, the iraqi forces will enable iraq to defend its interests against the threat of isil, and it is perfectly of the the Mission Forces as they improve their capability. Ago, i discussed the development with a former u. S. Ambassador to iraq, james jeffrey, who is now at the Washington Institute for near eastern policy. It is a good idea. It should have been done earlier, but it took some time to assess iraqi troops and figure out exactly where to put our soldiers and how to keep them safe. The pentagon said partly this is happening because the operation had shown how the stiffening spine of the iraqi forces had taken place. Is this partly a reward for how they performed . To some degree, especially to the north. The iraqi offenses forces have gone on the offensive to a limited degree. We will train up six or seven brigades of regular forces, plus peshmerga forces, to go on the defect the offensive eventually. This is going to take time. To end the war in iraq he is way beyond ending wars in iraq. Him, andued without now he is reacting to it, as he well should. Embarq province, what do you read into that . Province, what do you read into that . These people are ready to throw off the fetters of isis and rise up against them, that they will want to see americans, american commitments, and a different Iraqi Government than they had in the past. What can you tell us about how the airstrikes are going . The airstrikes are having an effect. The one flaw in the plan so far is, we are not going to be putting any of these advisors out in the field with the iraqi unit, so they can call in airstrikes directly. That improves efficiency and increases the confidence of these iraqi and peshmerga soldiers, to see americans on the ground with them. Wouldnt they then become combat troops . Withoutis a distinction a difference. These troops will be involved in planning, training, and figuring out where the airstrikes should go. Whether they are in the field or not, they will not be pulling triggers unless they absolutely have to. This is a semantic difference that has no significance. Do you think the u. S. Is eventually going to have to send combat troops . I think that while that question remains open, my sense is that some u. S. Combat troops we are talking about army and infantry formations will have this, and time is not on our side. We have to get moving. Not to the middle east, where there have been disturbances in some parts of jerusalem and the occupied west inc. West bank. Tensions have risen in recent weeks over rights of worship at the most contentious holy site in the old city, the alaqsa mosque. Teargas at the checkpoint in the west bank. Here, young palestinians threw soldiers, andeli molotov cocktails. There were also clashes in hebron, with fireworks thrown. Palestinian women vented their anger at israeli forces. And an arab neighborhood of east. Erusalem recently, such scenes have been an almost daily occurrence. Tensions have been mounting over restrictions at this site. Today, Israeli Police lined up around the old city to impose restrictions on palestinian muslims heading to the mosque. Down, to calm things officials restated the ban on jews praying at the site which they called temple mount would stick. This has been for many decades, since the sixday war. Stand behind the rights of jews to go to the mosque. Mount andn go to the pray in the alaqsa mosque. Policy chief added a call for a return to peace talks. It is worrying that after the ceasefire was reached in august, we are still having. Ifficulty recently, there have been fresh reminders of how the political vacuum could be filled with silence. Someone from hamas drove into pedestrians, killing two people. It was the second such attack in jerusalem in two weeks. Now in gaza, there is also concern about a return to chaos. Fatasions targeted officials, showing the reconciliation deal with hamas is under severe strain. This is at a time when many palestinians ask their leaders to put up a united front. Bbc news, jerusalem. President obama invited congressional leaders to the white house just three days after the elections that delivered republicans control of the senate. Here is what he had to say about the work ahead. The American People just want to see the work. They would like to see more cooperation. And i think all of us have the responsibility, me in particular, to try to make that happen. And to discover if there could be any common ground, i spoke to the congressional reporter for the washington post. They have their sea bass and pumpkin park, but can the president and republicans agree about much . Early indications are there is not much beyond a few modest , like rollinges back parts of the Affordable Care act even democrats think should get pulled back. There is a lot of disagreement on things like Immigration Reform and what to do on a host of issues. The window for potential agreement is quite small. The president say will poison the well if he acts unilaterally. He said for years he wanted congress to do something. He himself would use his president ial authority to take steps, probably by allowing about 5 Million People to stay at least temporarily. Democratic groups, hispanic groups, see this as a needed step. Tigress have not done it. They would like to do it. At lunch, he was confronted by Republican Leaders who say, if you do this, this makes it hard to work with you on anything. Needshed back by saying, i to do this because you have not done it as an institution not just republicans, but both parties. Not republicans also have an with the to work president . On the Table International trade agreements. There have been two big ones, regarding countries in the pacific rim. Republicans are eager to do it. It is the Democratic Party that have problems with it. Tax reform is another potential place. And perhaps a waste to chip away at the Big Health Care law. Do the republicans really want a standup row over health care . Not necessarily. Polling shows elements of the Health Care Law remain popular. Even House Speaker john boehner said this week, i realize that even if it gets out of the lower chamber, the house, in the senate, which remain so differently divided and has different sets of rules, it would be impossible for that kind of bill to get out and get to the president desk. It will probably try to get at specific parts of it that have proven unpopular and unworkable, and say, either you can reject this, or you can approve it. One of the messages they sent is, they are fed up with the dysfunction. You think there is a chance of that changing . Based on the readout of todays lunch, while it sounded delicious, it did not necessarily yield signs of agreement. On iraq, there is near universal support the rise of the Islamic State group. Even there, there is concerns about the siege are and how quickly this should happen. It looks like when the new Congress Comes in, in january, it will have a broader debate about this. International police have closed down 400 websites operating on the hidden side of the internet, the socalled dark web, which gives users anonymity. A joint effortas by European Police and the fbi. 17 people linked to the sites have been arrested. Saysos attorney general suspects in the case of 43 missing Student Teachers have confessed to their murder. The three gang members said students were handed over to them by the local police in the southern town of equality iguala. New, unidentified human remains had been found. The authorities, trying to clean up. Two weeks after furious students attacked the municipal palace with molotov cocktails, this charred debris is all that remains of the disgraced mayors time in office. For years, this was the seat of power of the mayor and his wife. Now under arrest in mexico city, he was described as the chief suspect in the disappearance of the 43 students. Yet his temporary replacement would not publicly condemn him. We have always respected the authorities, and have collaborated with them fully. But we are not criminal investigators and are only focused on our job of local government. But cleanup after the night of violence is well underway. On mexicos reputation over the disappearance of 43 students will be much harder for the president to wipe away. The students are thought to be somewhere in this thick countryside. Scores of bodies have already are found, but none of them the missing youths. There are helicopters in the search, while locals are using more simple methods. These groups of vigilantes are leaving and heading up to the mountain side, where they believe they may know when the mass grave, which they hope will bring some light on the whereabouts of the 43. Has revealed just how common disappearances are in mexico. Some are taking matters into their own hands, offering dna tests to the victims families. This is the work of the state, says one activist, whose own son vanished seven years ago. In a country without a responsible government, we have to do it ourselves. It is the evening meal at teaching school. Among the family and friends of narrowlyuths, one who avoided being kidnapped by hiding in the hills. He says he is running out of patience. It makes no difference it is not going to solve the problem that they have arrested the mayor. Dead shrinef the honors the six who were killed on that fateful night in september. 43 others reside in that most harrowing of places for their families neither dead nor alive. Will grant, bbc news, iguala. A horrifying case. You are watching bbc world news america. Opening the stasi files. Wall came down, a debate over whether the wrongs of the past should continue to be brought to light. Being shut down for the last three years, japan moved one step closer to restarting its Nuclear Power program. Sparked by the accident at the fukushima plant, authorities in the Southern Region have approved plans to switch on to react others reactors at the facility, in hopes of reviving the industry. Japan wantsone in the Nuclear Reactors turned on again. When local leaders debated the opening of the seven sendai facility, their voices were drowned out by protesters. His words were barely audible when he announced the plan had been approved. He said it was a decision that had to be made, despite the Fukushima Nuclear accidents four years ago. A it is true that such largescale accident happened in fukushima. Considering the various conditions japan now faces, i do not see the need for Nuclear Power plants will change for the time being. Fukushima, it was switched off. Several reactors went into meltdown. Teams work in dangerous conditions, slowly removing fuel rods. The whole process could take decades. In the meantime, japan is importing expensive fossil fuels to make up for the energy shortfall. Next year, the sendai power station will have the First Nuclear reactor to come back online. The government wants that to appen, but it will be done in [indiscernible] this is the scene in germany tonight, as a nine mile path of light has been designed to mark a friend here between east and west berlin. It was 25 years ago this weekend that the berlin wall finally came down. Chancellor Angela Merkel is urging three days of commemoration of those killed trying to end one of the most oppressive states. The secret police infiltrated every corner of life, even recording recruiting family members to spy on one another. Emily buchanan reports. Berlin is now a unified capital. For 40 years, the eastern part was under the iron grip of communism, and forced by the stasi. It was the ultimate surveillance society. , in thealexanderplatz heart of what was east berlin, it is hard to imagine what it was like living in one of the most ruthless and efficient communist states. Rents and family spying on each other. Even today, the ghosts of that terrifying network of informers have not been laid to rest. This is the catalog of state control. There are over 100 kilometers of stasi files, containing infinite details of peoples daily lives. One reveals the ultimate betrayal. Whowas a leading dissident discover her own husband had been spying on her. She was devastated, and he was not the only one to inform on her. I found out only after the opening of the files that i was watched by 49 informants. That was painful to look into the file, but it was also the only way to heal the scars in your life. Down,er the wall came protesters stormed the stasi headquarters, but the secret police had already started to shred the files. There are 16,000 bags of torn up documents, 600 million tiny scraps of paper. After years in development, a Computer Program has finally begun to piece together the fragments. They will no doubt reveal more painful tales of deception. They are poison files, of the trail, of jail, of incarceration, files of death, of persecuting a whole people. Is it really good for society to do that . It was a demand of peaceful resolution to open these files, to regain control of the lives and manipulations that were taken control of by the stasi. Churches became magnets for the oppositions. Gatherings were riddled with stasi agents. One prominent theologian was filed on from the age of 14. Even his most trusted friends deceived him. Yet he thinks it is time to stop delving into the past. I am so thrilled that the whole system is gone, and i dont want my life to be poisoned yet again, because that would be a belated victory for the stasi, who could spend the next 20 years stirring things up. But despite her own personal things she wants to stir up. She and other victims of communism are petitioning the president and germanys parliament for a memorial, and they want all stasi documents to be restored. It is better to know the truth than to have the feeling that something was absolutely wrong in your life, and you dont know why. It will take years for this jigsaw of treachery to be complete, that when it secrets emerge, they will resonate across germany and beyond. Bbc news, berlin. For more on the events surrounding the fall of the berlin wall 25 years ago, the role the american president s played. The historian joined us from austin, texas. President Ronald Reagan called on gorbachev to tear down the berlin wall. How important was that rallying cry . It was an amazing moment. Now everybody talks about it as Ronald Reagans greatest speech. Time, pundits and foreignpolicy analysts thought it was inflammatory, it was just going to anger the soviet union. Instead, reagan gets a lot of hard marks. As Margaret Thatcher famously said, you won the cold war without firing a single shot. There is a little hyperbole with that, but that speech being delivered in 1986, and in 1989 the wall coming down is often seen as cause and effect, reagans great moment. Bush was the. President when the wall actually came down. How did he respond to the end of the iron curtain . There is the unsung hero of it all. 41, as he is called now. He showed such grace and diplomacy, caution. Remember, we did not know what was going to happen. It did not just come tumbling down. It was getting chipped away, bit by bit. It was a fear the soviet army might come in and stop the wall from being ripped down. What he did was handhold ,hancellor kohl and gorbachev and took an adult approach to things. Do not brag. Do not call it a victory. Do not say we won the cold war. Do not pound your chest. Just wait. We did not know what was going to happen. Now, we know german reunification is a huge success. There was a liberation of eastern europe. Democracy did start coming to the Czech Republic and slovakia. At the time, he did not know. 41 did not get the bounce out of all this. He lost in 1992 to bill clinton. Today, we are looking at him as one of the great foreignpolicy president s, largely because of the way he handled the wall coming down, german reunification, and the breakup of the soviet union in 1990 one. Then secretary of state james baker called it the most rheumatic event since the end of world war ii. Stand the test of time . I think so, because berlin was the nerve. Every cold war president in the united states, and in Great Britain all the prime ministers, had to worry about berlin. Harry truman got high marks for handling the berlin airlift of 1948. Eisenhower had to grapple with crises in berlin. Kennedy famously went there and gave the big speech that i am a berliner. Mentioned Ronald Reagan. It became the focal point of the cold war. Policymakers,an democrats and republicans, decided to show the wall as a symbol of the evil of the eastianism, that germans and soviet union have to wall there people in, because they are afraid of freedom and democracy. A were very clever to take the symbol of the wall and turn it around. American president s deserve some credit for that. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. The fall of the berlin wall 25 years ago, bringing todays show to a close. I am laura trevelyan. Thanks for watching. See you back here next week. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits from newmans own to charity and pursuing the common good, kovler foundation, and union bank. At union bank, our relationship managers use their expertise in Global Finance to guide you through the Business Strategies and opportunities of international commerce. We put our extended Global Network to work for a wide range of companies, from Small Businesses to major corporations. What can we do for you . Bbc world news was presented by kcet los angeles. Captioning sponsored by Macneil Lehrer productions woodruff the Supreme Court says it will take up a new challenge to the Health Care Law. And decide if it is legal for millions of low to middle income americans to receive subsidies. Good evening, im judy woodruff. Also ahead, president obama meets congressional leaders at the white house to chart the course ahead. Then, detroit gets the green light for its grand bargain to emerge from the largest municipal bankruptcy in u. S. History. A breakthrough in military medicine that could save injured soldiers from bleeding to death on the battlefield. We literally went to williams and sonoma, brought compress

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