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Capital for key strategic decisions. We offer expertise and tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. What can we do for you . And now, bbc world news america. This is bbc world news america. Reporting from washington, i am laura kuenssberg. The remains of some of those aboard nba m. V. P. a race to remember are property home. A somber ceremony in the netherlands for the passengers who lost their lives. Huttle diplomacy for the secretary of state. Are we any closer to a ceasefire. And helping to save people from a heroin overdose. We will tell you about the antidote being used to buy time before dream. Welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and around the globe. It was a somber scene in the netherlands today as the first flight carrying the remains of those on board nba m. V. P. a race to remember landed. At the crash site in ukraine, the investigation continues, and tensions are running high with two ukrainian fighter jets shot down in rebelheld tear more. More on that in a moment. First, two reports. Muthaura price is in the netherlands they died when flight mh17 was shot out of the sky. Today, in simple wooden coffins, the first 40 victims left ukraine after a brief, poignant ceremony. It is an attempt by the ukrainians to give some dignity to the departure of the passengers and crew of flight mh17, whose lives were brutally cut short in a war which had nothing to do with them. Today, your journey home begins. The victims are being taken to the netherlands for identification before being returned to their families. But first there was a minute silence. Nobody yet knows whose relatives are in these coffins. They could be dutch, malaysian, australian, indonesian or british. They could be from germany, belgium, philippines, canada or new zealand. They could be passengers or crew. That need to remember there are grieving families and friends. And for each of those bodies, there is a life that has been needlessly lost. As International Investigators cautiously examine the scene of the tragedy this afternoon, the shooting down of two ukrainian fighter jets just a few miles away was a reminder of the dangers of working here. As the first victims bodies left for the netherlands, it is worth remembering that dozens are still missing in the charred fields of eastern conference dark of Eastern Ukraine. Out of a sweltering sky they lew back in. With the Dutch Air Force and the australians, too countries who lost so many. This was not the return anyone imagined. Country t post and a fell silent. One by one, they brought them out, yet to be identified. Here perhaps a holiday maker, once excited about a trip to distant shores. Here, maybe someone on a business trip. A student on a trip. 40 coffins, 40 body bags, and so many more yet to fly out of ukraine. In towns and cities, they marked the return. This has affected so many here and elsewhere around the world. It is a very black day for everybody, especially for people from this part of the country. A lot of people 80 or 90 people come from this part of the country. There are so many innocent people who have been killed by political idiots, terrorists, and that makes us very angry. And then with full honors, the convoy set off. Some the Prime Minister said would be identified quickly. With others it could take months. Outside the air field, hundreds watched. The cars heading north, where the grim task of going through each coffin will begin. Many more will for you this route in the coming days, watched by a nation shattered and grieving. This, though, brings no closure. It only makes each and every death more real. For more on the continued violence in the uconn and the international response, i spoke a brief time ago with senator murphy. There are reports that nato is still seeing evidence of weapons being moved into ukraine from russia. We saw today two ukrainian fighter planes were shot down. Isnt this conflict just escalating despite the outrage over the downing of the mails mails plane . If putin feels he is going to pay a consequence, he is going to continue to escalate his actions there. His goal is clear. He ultimately wants to regain control of ukraine, starting in Eastern Ukraine and moving forward. He wont stop until he sees a coordinate response from the United States and europe. We have heard a lot of strong words from europe since this crash happened, but no action yet. I thin putin is going to continue it move arms, soldiers, training, into that gion until he sees europe is serious. Do you think this continuing movement of weapons and the escalation of the conflict is going to finally persuade european leaders to react . I dont know what will if this doesnt. It has landed at their tore step. It is not just about economic sanctions. It is about repealing several very damaging proactive steps that certain European Countries are taking to arm the russians. France, we know, is still planning on sending these two warships, the type of warships that were used to invade crime ya to begin with. And they have to stop arms sales to the russians. If you do those two together, it may be the cost is too big to bear. You have said that Vladimir Putin understands. What strong action could the u. S. Take . I still think the u. S. Can take unilateral actions that will bite. We have moved forward with sanctions on the two biggest Russian Energy banks. That will deal some type of blow to those institutions. But given the fact that those companies, if they cant get financing from american banks, can just go to european banks, it is not as tough as it could be. But they can move forward on sanctions on Energy Companies and banks. I hope that president obama will do that regardless of what europe decides. But it is not going to be optimal if it is just the United States alone. And the United States shouldnt be the one leading here. Europe should be leading. It is preposterous we are even in a world that we are so far ahead of europe on the doorstep of the problem. That is the problem, the energy ties to russia. Given all the ins talbot, should nato be moving troops to that border . I dont think the United States is going to support putting our troops on the ground in ukraine. I dont think they are going to support moving European Assets into the fight in Eastern Ukraine, but we should be increasing our efforts to bolster the countries like poland, the baltic states, romania, other nations that are worrying about what the next step from russia could be. I am not suggesting that russia is going to send troops across the border soon. But if they get away with this, then nato does have to have a conversation to ensure that ultimately this russian aggression is it not cross the nato boundary. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Today the u. N. Human rights commissioner warned israel and hamas against targeting civilians. They said war crimes may have been commit on both sides. It comes as the hamas leader, Khaled Meshaal called for an opening of gazas borders and an end to the blockade of more than seven years, his preconditions for a ceasefire. Here is our report. A cloud of smoke means another israeli air striker in gaza city. Here, the planses never stop, and stretcher follows stretcher. At least two people were killed and many injured, including ed ldren, when a shell land near a mosqueraperea just afternoon. God protect us. We are dying and nonis checking on us. World, please stop this aggression. In israel, another soldiers uneral, from mack steinberg. As losses mount, israel is uniting in its support for the war. Tens of thousands came to pay their respects. And Paige Steinberg remembered her brother. As your little sister i have always thought the world of you, but never in a million years did i think i would be standing here with this many people who understood how strong you are. Words cannot express how proud i am of the man you became. And israel is counting the costs in other ways. At the countrys main airport, there was a lot of waiting and plenty of worry. Dozens of flights were canceled here after a ronth attack by hamas. The hamas rocket landed about a mile away, didnt actually hit the airport. But the militants had scored a huge victory. Straily says that the world is submitting to terrorism, and it should be hamas rockets that are ground, not passenger aircraft. John kerrys plane is one that imagined to land in israel. Pushing for a ceasefire, he is trying to unite the arab world and reach an aagreement. He met the palestinian president. We will continue to push for this ceasefire. We will continue to work with president abbas and others in the region in order to achieve it. I can tell you that we have in last 24 hours made some progress in moving towards that goal. But it seems progress toward a truce at any time moving fast, while the offensive in gaza continues with terrifying force. Bbc news, tel aviv. Following that meeting with the palestinian president , u. S. Secretary of state john kerry met israels Prime Minister, netanyahu about a possible ceasefire. For more on the negotiations, i spoke with michael. He is a former senior director for middle east affairs at the White House National security council. He is now at the washington institute. Michael, how did michelle, the hamas leader who held the press conference and said there wouldnt be a truce without the lifting of a blockade of gaza by israel. What chance of that . Well, hamas demands are maximalist at this point, and i dont think they are realistic. Hamas cant achieve a military victory because of the asymmetry between the forces. It is hoping for a political victory. They are hoping if they hold t long enough as opinion builds against israel, they can hope for that. Israel tried for a ceasefire before the ground operation began. Now having gone in on the ground wants to accomplish a military objective, destroying most of the tunnels. And they would like a more stable ceasefire. And they are calling for the demill tarization of hamas. Tall order like a because ultimately the amount you can accomplish militarily on the ground is limited unless you intend to reoccupy and be there for a long time, which israel is not interested in doing. There is a sense, not only by israel, but by others, the United States and others in the international community, that ideally you would like to see a more permanent change of what is happening inside gaza, so you dont have this recurring every few years the how about secretary of state john kerry shuttling around the region, meeting with abbas. Without hamas, can there be a ceasefire . Hamas needs to be a part. But we would like to see the Palestinian Authority take a bigger role in what is happening. The jinxes are quite involved. Egyptians in the are quite involved. One question is is it the United States have the influence of some of those players to do that . Does it . The u. S. Israeli relationship has deteriorated, and the hamas relationship is difficult, more so than when Mohamed Morsi was president of egypt. The top human rights official has warned israel and palestinian that they may have committed war crimes against civilians. Does that bring pressure to bear . This is something we have seen before. There have been these types of resolutions against israel. The United States vote against and the other countries sustained. They are lopsided. You see the debate goes on in the region and the criticism of hamas. The feeling is look, it is hamas that bears responsibility for putting civilians in harms way. That is the argument from that side. Thank you for joining us. You are watching bbc world news america. Still to come on tonights program. Dozens have been killed in taiwan after a domestic fly crashes into a residential area with 58 people on board. The doctor leading the fight ainst ebola has himself been infected by the virus. He has been taken to a treatment ward in the east. He is a hero in his efforts to control the epidemic. Here is the report from free town. An increasingly familiar sight. Ee bowl victims laid to rest by the authorities. It is out of control and every week dozens of dying from the disease. The government insists it is doing all it can. Authorities are struggling to explain why Health Workers are uccumbing to the epidemic. The countrys lead doctor in he fight against ebollah has himself been infected by the virus. He told me recently how much danger he and his staff were exposed to. Even with us, with the things you put on, you are at risk. I cher urbina my life. And if you are afraid of it, you take the maximum options. You have to keep up your guard d make sure we all adhere to everything. The government has asked the country to pray for his recovery. Many other workers have been infected with the virus. Three nurses have died from it. On monday. Meanwhile, in neighboring guinea, the authorities claimed they have been able to curb the spread of the virus, thanks to the campaign. In taiwan a domestic plane has crashed after failing to make an emergency landing. 58 passengers and crew were on board, and Emergency Services are reporting that 40 people have been confirmed dead. Plane nsasia airways cashed. The plane took off at 5 42 p. M. Locality time. It was suppose to be a short 35minute flight to an outlying city northwest of taiwan. But the pilot aborted the landing and asked for a go around, around 7 06. What we know is shortly after that are the plane lost contact with the control tower, and shortly after that, local residents said they saw the plane crash and there was a huge fire. As of late wednesday, local Authorities Say they have confirmed at least 40 people have died and only about 10 people have survived. There are still searching through the wreckage for survivors, but it is believed that other than the 10 people injured and taken to hospitals, there were no other survivors. Now this crash happened shortly after the typhoon had left taiwan. It made landfall early wednesday, but by the plane took off, the typhoon had already left taiwan and the wind had died down. Authorities said at the time of the crash in the area, there was still rain and lightning. But it is still not clear whether this crash was related to the weather conditions. In other news from around the world, at least 40 people have been killed in two huge explosions in a northern nigerian city. In the first blast, 25 people died in a suicide bomb attack on a prominent clairic. Ed. Clairic escaped unharm 15 people have died in a second blast in the city, which targeted a senior opposition figure and military leader. Today it was confirmed that the 25yearold daughter of sing are bob geldof died from a heroin overdose. In the United States, a surge n the drugs use, has led to a renewed interesting in an antidote drug. It temporarily reverses some of the effects of heroin on the body. Recently we traveled to camden, new jersey, to hear from them. To call heroin an epidemic is an under state. In a 24hour period we had over 40 overdoses. Comes were on the cops were on the street, and they didnt have the tools to help with the situation. Now if First Responders get to the scene, we can get this antidote and administer it and help them. This is buying us time. The only action onis it has a higher affinity for the receptors in our bodies that tell us to breathe. We have it available in the Emergency Department and with paramedics, but many times it takes too long for those to arrive. We are trying to get the drug closer to those who are overdosing. Unfortunately, there is a lot of resistance in that process. It wasnt double bon jovis daughter overdosed in new york that we convinced the governor. I want to make sure it is in everybodys hands. My son overdosed on heroin. One night he left and never came home. I wake up in the morning, and it is almost like i am sick to my stomach because my first thought is he is really gone and not coming back. It is like a dream, and i have to go through another day without him. But i need to do something so that other parents arent like me. I didnt think that i was going to have to use it, no. I wanted it for safety precautions because i had an addict in the house. My daughter was a good kid, and she got hooked on the drug. Ever since then it has been a roller coster. My daughter was in the bathtub, and the door was locked. That is when i got scared and called my boyfriend. He broke the door down, and i ran for the kit. He opened the door, and i pulled the shower curtain back, and she was unresponsible, blue and in the water. I gave it to her in her arm. She would have been dead. It gave her a Second Chance. She is having her Second Chance right now to try and get better. They call them junkies, and they are not. They are not. They are kids that go to college, and basketball players, and moms and good people. The story of one community in new jersey and how the heroin antidote has been used to save lives. Before we go, we wanted to show you the time laps pictures of the Casta Concordia being pulled away from the scene where it capsized. Two tug boats are pulling the ship from the island to the northwest port of genoa, where the boat will be scrapped. It was take four days at two miles per hour. You can find more on the days news at our website. For more, go to twitter. For awful us here at bbc world news america. Thanks for watching. For all of us here at bbc world news america, thanks for watching. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation. Newmans own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years. Kovler foundation. And union bank. 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Every day, when youre walking down the street everybody that you meet has an original point of view laughing and i say, hey hey what a wonderful kind of day if we could learn to work and play and get along with each other you got to listen to your heart, listen to the beat listen to the rhythm, the rhythm of the street open up your eyes, open up your ears get together and make things better by working together its a simple message, and it comes from the heart believe in yourself believe in yourself for thats the place to start place to start and i say, hey hey hey what a wonderful kind of day if we could learn to work and play and get along with each other hey what a wonderful kind of day hey what a wonderful kind of day hey arthur over tv hey, d. W. hey whoa loud thud letters shattering bird chirping hi, tree. Hows it going . Trees dont say much. Maybe thats why i dont notice them most of the time. But theres a lot going on in them. Birds make their homes there. So do bugs. screeches cats love to climb trees. And kids do, too. Yep. Everyone likes a good tree. I wonder what life would be like without them. yelling thud purring chirping good thing thatll never happen. Right . Now, its a spring party, bailey, so everything has to be springy. Well have a pinkandgreen tent over there and the trained poodles here. And here is where the Main Attraction will be st. Basils cathedral in moscow . I fear the russian government may not approve of its relocation, miss muffy

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