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Ratios high, credit ratings, high. Companies expected it then. Companies expect it now. Doing right. Its just good business. Union bank. And now, bbc world news america. This is bbc world news america. Reporting from washington. I am lora. So great fanfare, russian president Vladimir Putin moved to and excrimea. The white house says it is nothing more than a land grab. The search site of the missing Malaysian Airliner is now australian. But International Politics could be complicating the hunt. And could a 3,000yearold skeleton hold the key who how cancer developed in humans . We will have that coming up. Welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america, and also around the globe. With the stroke of a pen and a defiant speech, russias president Vladimir Putin paved the way for crimea to once again become part of russia. He said he had no plans to and exmore of ukraine, todays move drew a swift diplomatic response from america, calling it a land grab. Here is our report. In the imperial splendor of the palace, a defiant president putin entered to a fanfare. Today in the kremlin, a historic piece of power. He was expanding russias borders for the first time in 70 years, welcoming back a former julie in the crown of the russian empire. In the hearts and minds of our people, crimea has always been an nailable part of russia. This is an unshakeable conviction transferred from generation to generation, unshaken by time and by circumstance. Time and again the audience of m. P. s rose to applaud him. He accused the west of acting irresponsibly and hypocritically in ukraine and said he wasnt interested in and exing more territory. I want you to hear me. Dont trust those who want to frighten you about russia. We dont want ukraine to be split. Then he signed a treaty with the new leadership, beginning the process of joining the peninsula to the new russian federation. It could all be over by the end of this week. The Russian National anthem brought to a close a ceremony that went ahead despite the intense accusations of ukraine, american accusations of a land grab and what is sure to be a period of international isolation. Square e crowd on red shouted russia, russia, president putin told them that crimea had returned to its home port. The and exation of crimea has moved with breathtaking speed, three weeks from start to finish. But orld has condemned it, Many Russians see it as the end of a historic mistake. But as troops massed on the border with crimea, there are reports of a ukrainian soldier being shot dead at his base on the peninsula, which brought this warning from the prime minister. Now the conflict is shifting from a political to a military phase. Russian soldier have started shooting at ukrainian soldiers. They know there will be a price, but they have calculated it is a price worth pacing. Bbc news, moscow. And a short time ago in an interview with the bbcs hard reiterated there will be no military action in the ukraine once crimea has joined russian. No one is talking about using forces east ward or about using forces there in the eastern region. Definitely it is not on the agenda, out of the question. But we dont want to make any forecasts for bloodshed that can occur in eastern regions. If the Ukrainian Government pays no attention to the gravest situation in the eastern regions, then the consequences may be very, very bad. A kremlin spokesman there. Reaction coming out of moscow, i spoke with thomas pickering, who served as ambassador to russian and the united nations. You heard them say russia is not going to move into eastern ukraine. Do you believe that . I heard Vladimir Putin say that just a minute before, and i think it is important. Ut i would sake say this. Trust but verify. It is important that we keep our powder dry, so to speak. It is significant that he is obviously concerned by the concern in the west, that he is off on a kind of unrestrained travel an unrestrained log through former soviet territory. Do you think the west is now forced to accept this and xation provided it the provided it goes no former. We are forced to accept it provided there is not a military remedy. The nonmilitary remedies are sparse, but i see them in a couple of categories. Certainly we could reinforce e baltics and poland, but we want to avoid what happened today, shooting incidents and the killing of people. Secondly, it is important to think about over the longterm. European energy independence. Do you think the u. S. Should be exploiting that more that is something that can happen right away. Nor can the europeans be less didnt on Russian Energy right away. The think the first break would come with warm weather, whenever that is going to come, but that will not be enough. I gave a speech in the u. K. In 1994, and i said putting all of our energy eggs in the russian basket, even in the better circumstances was unwise. I was widely ignored. The u. S. Is considering tougher sanctions. Is that going to make any difference . It will make some difference, but i dont think of ll make the kind difference that oil will. Russia is a mono crop. They have some isolation. The news on the bbc today that the rest of the world is aghast at the absorption of crimea may be helpful, but it isnt sufficient. What did you make of Vladimir Putins tone today . He seemed so full of recentment against the west . Do you think the west has missed the anger . He is on a nationalist kick. He feels russia has to be a great power again, and that is where he is strategically wrong. He is headed for isolation if we can manage it, and it is important that he get a good heavy dose of that. And then it is significant that when he gets in trouble and his ratings go down, he usually battles against the u. S. On moscow radio, and we have seen a bit of that today. But it was tempered. Think this is the kind of issue in which emotion cannot prevail. We have to be coldly careful. We have to tell our friends they have to treat their russianspeaking friends as equals. We should look for absolute fairness in ukrainian elections. Thank you. In other news now from around the world. A website in russian is reporting the death of the chechen leader in the north. The media have nicknamed him russias bin laden. They didnt give details of how he died. This group is responsible for a string of bombings. Two people aboard a news helicopter have been killed when it crashed in the center of seattle. The helicopter was trying to take off when it happened. Three vehicles on the street caught fire after the crash, with one man suffering third degree burns. The Rolling Stones have called off their tour of australia and new zealand following the death mick ja g20 ers long time girlfriend, lwren scott. She was found dead in her apartment. He said he was trying to understand the apparent suicide. It has been a week and a half now since Malaysian Airlines flight 370 disappeared with 239 people on board, and the search area now stretches miles. O million square all 26 countries althe search zones need to cooperate closely if the search is to succeed. But as we discovered, politics is already getting in the way. Somewhere over the indian ocean, an american search plane. As just spotted an oil slick in the back, a crew member buoy. A sonar in the search, things like this can make a huge difference. The malaysian government today said the serve area is as big as australia, and it needs more help. The entire search area is now 2. 24 million square nautical miles. This is an enormous area, and it is something that malaysia cannot possible search on its own. Countries have come forward to offer assistance and support to this search and rescue operation. But at the air base today, much of that International Support was sitting on the ground unable to fly. We were supposed to take off more than seven and a half hours ago in one of these japanese search aircraft. By now we should have been well out over the indian ocean flying a grid search pattern, hunting for signs of the flight. As you can see, we are obviously now. That is because we have been waiting here all day for the indonesian government to give permission for the Foreign Military aircraft to overfly their territory. International politics could now be the biggest obstacle to finding flight mh 3706789 the rthern area straddles burma, indy, china and pakistan. None of these countries are likely to allow overflight. Time to find 9 plane is rapid ticking away. The black box flight recorders will continue to put out a signal for just 30 days. 11 of those days are already gone, and the search has hardly got off the ground. Bbc news. For more on where the investigation stands, i spoke moments ago with the former head of the National Transportation safety board and now cbs news aviation and Transportation Safety analyst. Hearing that, a japanese plane sitting on the ground because the indonesian authorities wont give it permission to take off. Time is being lost. That is extraordinary. I believe the search was part of the better part of what was going on here with great cooperation and incredible meticulous methodical work done to try to find the aircraft. Which is not the way the investigation is being operated by the malaysians. Right. What do you think about the fact that the thai Authorities Say a reexamination of their military radar said the plane did cross back, but they didnt think to tell anyone. That is an example of how this investigation is really being absolutely i am at a loss for words to say how inept this investigation has been for the last 11 days. I also cant understand that once the Malaysian Air force began to track this aircraft when the civilian radar went down on it, and it went over their air space and flew for almost an hour, where was the Malaysian Air force to bring up its jets to interpret to find out what was going on . If you were in charge of this investigation, what would you be doing now . Well, the first thing i would be doing is attempting to get my facts right and get them out as quickly as i can. To learn, for example, that the tracking came five or six days after we in fact knew that the aircraft really turned around over the south china sea, beginning to move west towards the straits, and then of course moving into the bay of bengal and then over the indian ocean. These facts have been dribbling out. They have been not been extremely credible, and that is a problem. You have a search area the size of australia. How do you prioritize. You come up with a coordinated effort of who has the best assets. You do a grid. You do a meticulous methodical examination. We are not inventing the wheel here. Searches have been going on for hundreds of years. We can find this aircraft. We just need to do it quickly. But do you think it will be find with the nature of everything you have just said . If this aircraft crashed in the ocean, we will see debris. The question is how long will it be before we see it . And will he be able to calculate where the currents, the wind, the weather has drifted this. Thank you for joining us. Delighted to be with you. Still a mystery. Youre watching bbc world news america. Still to come on tonights program, after being the envy of europe, now turkey is hitting tough economic times. Could actions in the u. S. Be partly to blame . An Egyptian Court has convicted four Police Officers of manslaughter for the deaths f 37 islamist detainees last year. Here is our report. Took place behind the walls of cairos police academy. The police themselves were on trial here. In court, the judge brought a speedy conclusion to a gruesome case. There were cheers from supporters when three of the accused escaped terms. It took just seconds to deliver the verdict here. The senior officer was given 10 years hard labor. The other three defendants were each given a oneyear suspended sentence. It is a verdict that is unlikely to satisfy the relatives of the dead. This one, a telecoms engineer seen here in blue was one of the victims. This video captures the Police Brutality when he was detained last year in a round up of selected islamist people. He and 40 others were packed into a van and transported to jail. Police fired tear gas into the truck, allegedly to foil an escape bid. Trapped inside in the sweltering heat. 37 men suffocated. His father condemned the verdict and claimed the police are above the law. They do everything now. They talk to people in the jail , in the prison. They do anything they want. Another grieving father cried out to god for justice for the dead. The single 10year sentence in this case is shorter than jail terms given to some antigovernment pro it wasors. Bbc news, cairo. Today a Federal Reserve committee which sets Monetary Policy met for the first time under the new leader. Among those who have their eye on the results are emerging economies. One is turkey. Our chief correspondent linda yu has been to turkey to find out who is to blame for its economic woes. Where east meets west. Istanbul, the bridge between europe and asia. Turkey is a strategic country that investors had favored as e flow of cash from the u. S. Slowed, fragilities were exposed. This company, it is a worrying time as consumers spend less. It is harder to borrow and spend than before. It is not a comfortable time at the moment. Unfortunately in the last year have been nesses sort of shaking. For factories like this one producing power generators, the cooling economy is a worry. Some Turkish Companies have also borrowed too much from foreign creditors, which makes them vulnerable if demand slows. This is very important. The owner tells me that relying on overseas customers will be key for growth. It is a big change from a year ago. Turkeys economy had been the envy of europe. G. D. P. Growth was over 8 before the slowdown. Inflation had dropped to 7 from 120 a decade ago. It paid off its last lone to the i. M. F. And was about to become a creditor for the first time in 52 years. During the boom teams, the money flowed in and led to a lot of borrowing. What a difference a year makes. Now as the money is stopping, will all of that debt borrowed for households and other things leave turkey in crisis . Commuters go about their daily business. It is a calm that has already been broken regularly since last summer. Across istanbul, protests have erupted against the government over corruption. But the finance minister tells me that turkey has good growth potential. Still, that an political instability have led to crisis before. Consumer confidence has collapsed. Even though we may experience some slowdown, i think it is unlikely to be sustained, because what was happening was on the backs of these domestic political noise. Despite turkeys large and young population of consumers, the end of money from the fed, a lot of debt owed to foreigners, and political protests do not make for an attractive combination for investors. For europe on the brink of recovery, the last thing it needs is a crisis on its doorstep. Linda yu. The consequences of what the Federal Reserve here in the u. S. Has been doing. Could cancer have been around 2,000 years longer than we thought. That is the conclusion of research on the skeleton of a young man who lived in the sudan. Our science correspondent has all the details. 3,000 years ago in the nile valley, life was hard. But the stresses of our busy world were absent. Now, a discovery of the bones student g man by a phd has shown that a modern day disease existed in egyptian times. They found the bones were riddled with holes. Using Detailed Analysis techniques, researchers from the british museum, she discovered the holes were evidence of a type of cancer. I was surprised to see that in an individual from a population from ancient egypt that is 3,000 years old. We still dont know about the history of cancer. Only a few examples of cancer have been found that are older than 1,000 years. Cancer is thought of as a modern disease spurred on by smoking and the stresses of daytoday limping. But this suggests it has its root much deeper in our past. That could be something useful to medical researchers. Scientists are interested in how the disease first arose and how it developed over time. Maybe if they could analyze d. N. A. From the person, maybe it could tell them about the permeations s or they carried. The the ancient skeleton will give new insight into a disease that may well be as old as humanity itself. Bbc news. Cancers history. One final story before we go. At the white house today, president obama awarded 24 american soldiers the prestigious medal of honor decades after they were overlooked due to discrimination. Three of those honored are still alive. Among them was Army Staff Sergeant melvin morris. He was one of the countrys irst green berets. He took out a bunker after being shot three times. Here he is receiving his medal tonight. Congratulations to the recipients and their families. That concludes our broadcast. You can continue to watch us on our 24hour news network. Check your local listings for our channel number. To reach me and most of the team, go to twitter. Thanks for watching, and please tune in tomorrow. Make sense of special news at bbc news. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newmans own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, and union bank. At union bank, our relationship managers work hard to understand the industry you operate in, working to nurture new ventures and help provide capital for key strategic decisions. We off expertise and tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. Hat can we do for you . Bbc world news was presented by kcet, los angele captioning sponsored by Macneil Lehrer productions woodruff with the stroke of a pen and a stiff rebuke of the west, russian president Vladimir Putin today claimed the disputed region of crimea under moscows control. Good evening, im judy woodruff. Ifill and im gwen ifill. Also ahead this tuesday, the experiment that reached back 13. 8 billion years to make a dramatic discovery about what happened at the very dawn of the universe, just a splitsecond after the big bang. Woodruff plus, the story of the buses shuttling the San Francisco bay areas top tech talent to work. For some, just another symbol of the regions widening economic divides

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