It's months to turkeys the fence minister former acting defense secretary Patrick Shanahan mourned that should Turkey acquire the us 400 system it would not get in the f. 35 and Turkish pilots who've been training in Florida and Arizona to fly that shot fighter would have to leave the u.s. By the end of this month David Bowman n.p.r. News Washington this is n.p.r. From k.q.e.d. News I'm tipping the cam Hi Jewel labs the maker of e. Cigarettes is working to overturn San Francisco's ban on baiting products the city became the 1st in the nation to pass such a law last month and k.q.e.d. Is Loric livens is here to talk about this with us Laura San Francisco law goes into effect next year in 2020 and it would ban the sale of e Cigs both at brick and mortar stores and online but now there's a petition to overturn that what's the petition asking for and how does jewel fit in so you thieving is a huge problem we've seen one in 5 high school seniors have used cigarettes in the last 30 days that's the most recent information and the city has said we want to ban the sale of these in our brick and mortar shops and online until the f.d.a. Has reviewed them now there is a coalition that has gathered signatures and they have put together a ballot initiative so it will likely be on our ballot and what it's saying is let's allow the sale of the cigarettes in brick and mortar stores let's change things so we protect youth in a different way what they'll do is they'll try to strengthen age verification at brick and mortar stores for example and so jewel and Jewel money is behind it all right so Jewel has a lot of money in this but this could be like a game of Whack a mole right because other cities around the bay are starting to follow suit right so Livermore next week is going to have a final vote to see if they will also ban isa Gretz and flavored tobacco the city of Richmond. It has said that they will also jump on board with an Isa gret ban similar to San Francisco's and then at the statewide level there are bills that are being proposed to prevent youth from getting East cigarettes so we will be keeping track of that that with k.q.e.d. Is Loric livens and I'm Tiffany can high k.q.e.d. Support comes from Personal Capital introducing a new high yield account personal capital cash f.d.i.c insured support for n.p.r. Comes to Numa offering a personalized weight loss program that uses psychology and small goals to change habits with a goal of losing weight and keeping it off for good learn more at noon and am dot com and the listeners of k.q.e.d. 62 degrees in San Francisco 65 in Oakland it's 72 degrees right now in San Jose 6 and a half minutes past 11. From n.p.r. And be easy Chicago this is wait wait don't tell me the n.p.r. News Quiz check out these fireworks who. Bill. Bill Kurtis. And here is your host at the Chase Bank Auditorium in Chicago Peter Segall thank you Bill Gates everybody. This is the time of year when we celebrate Santa Claus bringing the Declaration of Independence to the happy children of Philadelphia back in the olden times of the 1920 s. . So when you're putting presents under the independence Bush we thought we'd share some favorite segments from our recent shows sometimes actually important people appear on our show probably because they made the mistake of thinking we're normal n.p.r. For example last year Christine Lagarde the managing director of the International Monetary Fund Peter began with a question of protocol. I should say to begin with we've never spoken to the head of an important international alliance before so how should you be addressed as director of the guard Madame God we don't know how you get these gifts is that you called me Christine most people at the I met called me and beat up on some managing director and I hope it's like it because it reminds the up this very by 3 d. In the chain but I will say that's very cool yeah one of the 1st things we're kind of curious about is what you do and now we assume that you have people killed is that. No. No no no no no no no no no that was not a guilty laugh at all so I seriously. Could you just I know this is a complicated question but nonetheless as I understand it you spend all day having people call you up and. Asking you to lend the money. But time stamps at the time of the financial crisis everybody was knocking at the door out about then it's improved over time at the moment it's full table right but the getting a bit worried because of course all tough issues like monetary tightening like financial costs rising and capital flows coming out of the big emerging market economies around the world of time running into trouble Have I mentioned that we're all humanities majors here and I just did a spot of Poundstone here did they pay interest on this loan. Or you're rich country oh you're a developing country if you're a developing country it will lend you money on. The front interest rates because continued You are in trouble you put capital you can get these low and it would be totally abusive and unfair to lend expensive interest rates what's the diff definition of like a good range country or a developing country it's defined with reference to the amount of dollar per person and so you're right if you are below $4000.00 per person and then you're a low income country right I just discovered I'm a developing country you know because I think you know what we research your background and addition to the you know the important education and various posts we discovered that you at one point were a competitive synchronized swimmer correct. So how do you feel about men in speed and I guess what I'm more interested in my children the issue of saving on lunch a big really I mean when you're in and provide them a critically important you have a piece a little bit of hair on your leg because it's actually a Sun surf all. Because you are in the water so it is a. I've never heard anything like this you saying that synchronized swimmers need to have a little bit of hair in their life that can't be completely smooth Why is that it's very weird because when you're thinking like if you shake your like you know where you are in public feeling like you're Since And so. That's what you're telling me is like when you see synchronized swimming as you once were and these women are in the pool and their legs are straight up in the air they can only tell that their legs are straight up in the air or wherever they're supposed to be because of the sensory feeling from the hears on their legs exactly well. I think part of. This is your Because I did not know that I would have anything I could talk to you about. I wanted to ask you if your career were you a competitive synchronized swimmer did you actually go to competitions and we have Yeah you know I was on I was the French national team you are on your ranch National Security Studies. Do you anything that you learned there in deciding who to loan money. If there's somebody who comes from a country that's clearly not going to be good for the money did a little hairs in your legs cut. Well Christine Legarde we are delighted to talk to you it is a pleasure to get to know you but we have in fact invited you here to play a game that this time we're calling La Garde meat. So. We thought we'd ask you about America's greatest Mayor Fiorello La Guardia of New York City a man much better than the airport they named after. Answer to the 3 questions about the little flowers he was known and you will win our prize for one of our listeners the voice of anyone from our show they choose on their voicemail Boo Boo sorry Bill who is Christine Legarde playing. Carl head. Princeton New Jersey are you ready to. Let you go your 1st question no fear a live wire to it was an immensely popular figure in his day he received what tribute from President Franklin Roosevelt way Roosevelt said he was just 5 feet tall but it's all venom be upon meeting Winston Churchill Roosevelt said quote He's like an Englishman Bhartiya or see Roosevelt said quote The only thing we have to fear is fear around all the r.t.o. . I say be you're right that's what is. Behind Thank you. Next question Laguardia went on a campaign in New York City against crime in vice he once declared that the sale and possession of what would be illegal in his town was it a violin cases b. Slingshots or c artichokes. I can listen he was slingshots Ok I'll take it because I have no idea what you're talking about. I just want you to know now you know how I felt talking to you about it. No In fact it was artichokes really was artichokes merely glorious at the mafia was controlling the artichoke market and thus he banned their sale until prices came down right now this is exciting if you get one to get this last question correctly when our prize and the mayor died in 147 but his influence lives on what other important feature of modern life has been credited to Mare Laguardia Was it a the 10 items or less express lane in the supermarket she demanded after having to wait in line for 20 minutes to buy a single tomato be following the underwear. Which strippers in New York invented to get around La Guardia's and high nudity laws or see the website Buzz Feed which was named after the mayor's practice of public feeding as of his dog Buddy. As. A case you're to go for c. You're going to say that the website Buzz Feed. You know the crowd is mourning that means you have the chance to change your answer. To. The hairs on your legs tell you anything but be. Alright be yes and the answer is b. Yeah whatever the what happened was as I said he went on a campaign against Vice in the city the strippers were told they had to put on underwear to perform but they wanted to expose as much of themselves as possible so they invented falling underwear Wow Isn't that amazing then yes they have also allowed them to be more sensitive to the environment because you know here's a question to you. Bill how do you see how does the director of the International Monetary Fund. Do on our show you know she did marvelously he runs a variation 2 out of 3 year old women very serious the who was the managing director of the International Monetary Fund guys thank you so much for joining us Ok. Thank you thank you. As busily guard found out where not like the rest of the n.p.r. For example you could listen all week to Steve Inskeep and never once hear a new story like this Helena a new study shows that fish can potentially be what. Delicious that's true. But that's not new scientific knowledge no not even on that one yeah kava heads Yes Now some say the fish bowl is half empty. Deprived of close enough pessimists not one for yes what would you be. Derided mean if you're. If you're a fish being a pessimist is just realism Yeah. Well no they are not going to work out great for you because you're afraid when part of a well this is what they did. They they took these fish and they allowed these fish to mate but some of the females got to mate with their 1st choice of male and some did not know when they took those fish the fish that got lucky and the fish that couldn't and they gave them an opportunity to explore places for food following along so far and it turns out that the fish that didn't get their preferred mate just weren't interested. They were like things don't work out it's not going to be food I don't care. This is true wait and I just sat there and the journal. Did this start listening to more c m things there was a oh yeah Ok what it is it was Elliot Smith It was terrible. There's fish that got the hook up with the Brad Pitt a fish and they were like we flew down and then there were fish that got to hook up with like the busted fish and they were like what's the point that is exactly the experiment this is my entire tender existence. This sounds sad but remember with all the prescription drugs that are now in the water supply of these fish are going to feel much better and have no problem getting an erection. But we come back what do you do with a problem like scum for in the greatest anchor ever meets the other greatest ever so many acres will never move again will be back in a minute with more of what they don't tell me from n.p.r. . To me in this week for a special rebroadcast of Live From here recorded in Durham North Carolina with Death Cab for Cutie. Davis and a surprise visit from Silvanus out. Live from here with Kristy Lee It's coming up at 6 o'clock this evening and then also tomorrow morning at 11 am support for k.q.e.d. Comes from the Asian Art Museum tattoos in Japanese Prince reveals how print makers in 1000 century Japan transformed I catching tattoos from a passing fad into a lasting art form on view through August 18th and Cisco prison. Providing integrated audio video and content. Of every. More. They were a family of. Public radio. Support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations and home instead senior care committed to helping seniors stay in their own home offering personalized in home services including personal care meals and nutrition and memory care learn more at home instead dot com slice n.p.r. The Puja Charitable Trusts committed to improving public policy invigorating civic life and turning indifference into action more information is available that pew Trust's org And do with the lingo a language trap whose mission is to make language learning fun and to accessible to the world with lessons in more than 30 languages including French Spanish and Chinese available in the App Store or at dual lingo dot com. From n.p.r. And it would be easy Chicago this is wait wait don't tell me the n.p.r. News quiz I'm Bill Curtis and here is your host at the Chase Bank Auditorium in Chicago Peter Sagal thank you but they are both be this way. We are celebrating our nation's birth which bill will now reenact. George Washington it's time to close. The way for baby America to crown Let's keep listening back to our favorite segments from the last year this is the Bluff the Listener game we played last September how did this make him an I live in the mountain what I love Missoula Montana one of my favorite places what do you do there well I work at a local t.v. Station full time and I work at animal wonder went to. Local exotic animal rescue and outreach Well now wait a minute exotic animals not dogs and cats but things like what we have we just like you that b.p. . These are live and learn who are you rescuing them from well I am going to. Be preparing. To go to the beaver had a severe disability and. He gets to live the rest of his life in the wrath of God I don't know what I learned. That would be funny. Anyway I want to go to the show they are going to. I'm going to play the game in which you have to tell truth from fiction Bill what is Megan's topic these Thorp problem the. Problem it sounds like a terrible Robert Ludlum novel and it might be we haven't checked but it's also a real term for something we saw a written about in the news this week our panelists are going to tell you about it pick the one who's telling the truth and you win our prize the voice of your choice on your voicemail Are you ready to play absolutely All right 1st let's hear about this gun for a problem from hell and home it's a struggle that many public radio fans know all too well after years of listening to their favorite radio personalities they finally get tickets to see them in person and show up excitedly at the venue only to experience the shock of their lives that's what they look. 'd fresh air host Terry Gross reports her most commonly heard feedback at live events is but you're supposed to have a long flowing hair and. It happens so often that n.p.r. Has given it a name this gun Thorp problem named after allies a Scunthorpe a long term contributing member of w.b. You are in Boston this country at last scored tickets to see her favorite radio show Wait Wait Don't Tell me I guess I always imagined them to be you know really distinguished looking. But maybe done Thorpe's unsettling experience came to a head when the host of the show Peter Segall was announced leaping to her feet. If Nay nay Scunthorpe repeatedly yelled. No I don't believe you're hit and. Bring out the real Peter say go home I'm able to be appeased miscount the ark was escorted out of the show and off the premises Well you can bet on cancelling my membership there is no way back and posture with Peter Sagal Peter Sagal I know and love looks like Pierce Brosnan and gold and I. Was stunned for a problem is people believing that public radio figures are more attractive than we really are and being shocked to find out the truth. Your next Scunthorpe Splenda nation comes from Adam Burke was so much intentional obscenity on the internet it seems that unintentional obscenity is also becoming a problem take the case of sports writer Natalie Wiener who tried to log onto a website only to have the site security protocols reject her name as offensive language it's part of what web developers refer to as the scum for problem so-called because when certain AI's and Internet monitoring algorithms are confronted by a name like that of the English industrial town scum Thorpe they often flag it as objectionable as it happens to contain within a particular 4 letter word that many find offensive quick hence the word isn't for. As researcher Michael Beal puts it some words such as the common abbreviation of the name Richard are harmless in certain contexts but in other cases parents might not want them used and would be flagged by certain types of program it seems that after so many years of being plagued by dirty minded 11 year old boys the Internet has turned into one. Who can't or won't distinguish whether charity but kids is a woman's name or just a very particular request on Go Fund Me. It's time for me. Thank you very very much. Teach computers when the naughty word is not really a naughty word and your last description of the Scunthorpe problem comes from a he can see this gun part problem if you're not familiar is the term in biology for the tendency of human beings to react to the discovery of a new species by immediately trying to teach us it gets its name from an 856 incident when a scientist named Dr Thomas Gunn tarte proudly presented their discovery at the platypus at a conference he described the flea to the body of a weasel the head of a duck and the teeth of a woman go to the 1st question from the audience was incredible discovery fair what side dishes do you recommend. Weeks later Dr scum tarp ultimately released his findings in a paper called the platypus Please don't eat it he was they ignore it's thought it was populations the message and the scum part problem with born. All right. There is something. Real. Called The Scunthorpe problem but is it from hell and the problem of people being inevitably disappointed when they find out what their favorite public radio personalities actually look like is it from Adam Burke the problem of people or words with names that could be dirty not being able to use computers because the computers won't let them or is it from made Hagan's the problem of people immediately celebrating the discovery of any new species by immediately trying to eat it which of these is the real Scunthorpe problem well it's really funny because recently I looked out a picture of what you look like Peter and I was very shocked to find out what people. Are going up 100 percent couldn't replace them. Shocked with pleasantly. I know I'm going to be correct but I am pretty certain Adam so are you pretty sure it's Adam story that Scunthorpe problem refers to a problem in computer programming. Well you've chosen Adam story then and to bring you the real definition of the Scunthorpe problem we spoke to somebody who knows all about my last name Weiner record an algorithm that would design to prevent people from using pornographic con and that was definitely