Coming up. This Hour. From n.p.r. News in Washington Barbara Kline divers in northern Thailand are in the process of rescuing 12 boys and their coach who've been trapped in a flooded cave for more than 2 weeks officials say 4 of the boys have already been extracted in a dangerous operation that started this morning from Thailand near the cave complex Michael Sullivan reports rescuers are hoping to beat the heavy rain that's forecast the plan to get the boys out of the cave which involves taking them through narrow submerged underground passageways is going quicker than expected the 1st who came out several hours earlier than expected and more of followed good news for all involved who have been fearing heavy rain that could have complicated any relief effort the boys went missing on June 23rd after they'd gone to the cave with their coach after soccer practice only to be trapped by rising floodwaters from a sudden ring the blocked their exit for n.p.r. News I'm Michael Sullivan in northern Thailand the trumpet ministration says it's cutting off payments to some insurance companies payments that are required under the Affordable Care Act that are meant to stabilize the health insurance markets N.P.R.'s Allison Kojak reports insurance companies say they may have to boost insurance premiums the Department of Health and Human Services says it will stop making billions of dollars in so-called risk adjustment payments to insurers because earlier this year a court in New Mexico ruled that the formula used to calculate the payments is not valid the law requires the agency to collect money from insurers who enroll high numbers of healthy people and then transfer the money to companies that have lots of sicker customer to need more health care. Deficits and will force insurance companies to raise their premiums for next year says the industry trade group America's Health Insurance Plans The move may also cost taxpayers because most people who buy insurance on the a.t.m. Markets get government subsidies Alison Kojak n.p.r. News. NATO says it's investigating an attack in southern Afghanistan that left service member dead. NATO said the 2 wounded service members were in stable condition and were being treated the shooters fight wasn't immediately clear insider attacks once a regular feature of the war in Afghanistan but they've become less common in recent. Spokesman says the shooting was carried out by a member of the Afghan security forces. But the militant group says it appreciates the attack a top u.n. Official says most of the 10s of thousands of Syrians who fled to the border with Jordan have returned home the Syrian government has retaken control of a long stretch of the southern border. Who held it for some 3 years troops have. Flags at the border crossing this is n.p.r. News and from k.q.e.d. News I'm Eric Comrie Adela in on the weekends we've been taking a look at where our tax dollars for measure a are going that's the clean and healthy baby measure that Fodor's past 2 years ago this week Tiffany cam high reports from a restoration site in Alameda with a geological feature that's rapidly disappearing from the bay. In the city of Alameda there's. In fact I did when I 1st tried to find all to. That program manager. Project. And Sullivan says back in the day. There to protect its base from the bay and in a happy accident the breakwater also created a beach and over the years this beach formed sand dunes Sullivan says now we need to preserve it because there are many little Dune areas in the in the bay and this is one little gem that happened to be created here it wasn't here originally or is obviously a result of human activity but it's unique the demon is now overrun with invasive ice plant with measure aid money it's all over and says they plan to restore it with native vegetation and that will make the dunes a prime habitat for several threatened birds like this now we pull over and the California lease turn the beach park will also get a much needed facelift they're going to remove an old rusty barge and some aged chain link fencing Plus they're building a new parking lot and boat launch I'm Tiffany cam Hi k.q.e.d. News more on line at k.q.e.d. News dot org I'm Rick hell Maria Dela support comes from Personal Capital the smart way to track and manage complex financial lives more personal capital dot com slash key q.e.d. And support for n.p.r. Today comes from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the u.s. State of Joan Kroc whose be quest serves has an enduring investment in the future of public radio and by the listeners members and sustaining members of k.q.e.d. Public Radio 88.5 f.m. . From n.p.r. And other t.v. Easy Chicago this is wait wait don't tell me the n.p.r. News Quiz get your constitutional protections and just listen to me I'm the build it's right Bill. Everybody. All right this week they were remembering. That day 242 years ago when a new country decided to try the radical experiment of self-government and you know to their credit it worked for a while. Remember they also thought diseases were caused by witches Nonetheless we were out celebrating with everybody else this week so we thought we'd share some firecrackers from some recent show let's start with someone famous for being impolite comedian Eddie Izzard He joined us in June of last year. If you go crazy crazy already and so you know whether or not they're crazy I really enjoyed reading your book but it was a little bit surprising because unlike most comedians certainly most extraordinarily successful comedians you don't describe yourself as being very funny growing up was that true no I'm not funny growing up I'm also not I I think I'm not to be boring maybe old people and if you get to a point where you enjoy it and you just put layers of interesting that's over the borders but no I wasn't funny until I was 1617 that's when I actively shock of trying to be funny yeah because you love things like math and sports and stuff yes will kill comedy is very mathematics I was like most music is very mathematical there's a certain belief equation that comes really so is that is that how you develop your comedy with that kind of a kind of I took a look around with a computer and it just churns out there you go I try not to think about it it sort of comes out mostly comes out stage really so you're telling me that you walk on stage and you're only you're not quite sure what you're going to say I would say that but I don't mean that conversation where I you know the show that I'm going to do I know I know the main was the freeway that you would say that could state highways of my of my comedy but then I would go off on the side roads because it will be like you. Think about the sign says stop and get back to shop you know what I. Go visit back and I go back migraine. And there's nothing I mean that I come back on to the highway and I go yeah I can I can I can sort of see that believe me I just want to say that you having done and I've seen you do your act in 2 languages and you've done it and so many more and all around the world if your considered not interesting do you know how high you put the bar for the rest of us to be like what are we supposed to do I remember watching you do and do it an act about the aristocrats in England who spoke French back in in the middle ages or something like that and all I could think while you were saying and I wonder if this is true. Nearly everything I say is true but I know but I'm not I must say that the interesting this was when I was a child when I was born I was not interesting I've very few babies that instead of the baby stuff I put layers of interestingness over my boringness So I now look funny fabulously interest. And you know your ambition and you've done it was to perform stand up comedy in another language and that wasn't my that was one of my ambitions like I'm doing your teenager you always say I want to fireman or bake a pie or go to the moon old play banjaxed they always had a few things on the boil but I'm just so intimidated by the idea of not only trying to speak a foreign language and be understood but to be funny in it it's much easier than you think it's a lot of lots of a lot of hard work but he's not rocket science you don't have to invent moon at all that trajectory reentry and docking and all that kind of stuff like NASA had to do all you have to do like I've got this example I have this joke in English which is about Julius Caesar I say see that's the ever think that he would end up as a salad and. That gets a laugh in English on salad and French state as he let you have me imagine a conjoint today on salad again the love comes in the same place now and Jim and the guys at the end of the set because it's past tense but it still gets a laugh they still laugh same place everyone gets humor is human. Right that's amazing. Of your confidence and your linguistic skill but how do you know they have Caesar salads in Germany. I checked I found out. Let me ask you about one more thing before we get to a game is that you call yourself in your book an action transvestite you. Tell me what that means well as in 26 you know I'm 27 mountains I'm 27 days not out of Nelson Mandela I'm a guy who fought against apartheid so that the action part of amateur. Self-explanatory it is. You you've mentioned in passing some of your activism is it true that you're going to be running for mayor of London in 2020 I've always had a rough amount of London the old member of parliament city is a Muslim and from the Labor party in London so that's right and he said in 92 it's a war with Donald Trump that I sometimes think anyone who's right and so he will run again I'm sure you want to get a 2nd term so maybe sometime in the future but Member of Parliament I will run for in the next general election do you think do you think that London or Britain I guess wherever you run is going to be ready to elect a man who has spent his career telling jokes often while wearing women's clothing. Yes they're not women close to that mine because I bought them. Cry. For you campaign as an actress is 2008 and in fact and no one is offering any course of a full bull which she won l.g.b. T. Boring them we've made it has been true when you're just as dull as the rest of us going to advise you better when someone says I'm gay I'm trying to genocide so watch what you do oh I need a banjo Are you any good. Well Eddie Izzard we are delighted to talk to you but we have also invited you here to play a game we're calling that a user would be king gizzard and the lizard wizard. So obvious. Eddie Izzard we couldn't decide whether to ask you about gizzards lizards or wizards but then we found out we could ask you about all 3 at once so we're going to ask you Eddie Izzard 3 questions about the very real Australian band King gizzard and the lizard wizard. Exists I love them you do not I do you are up there's no way to check that. If you're 2 of these 3 questions correctly you'll win our prize for one of our listeners who is Eddie Izzard playing for Jason's Crow Fini of Brooklyn New York all right your 1st question most critics agree that King gizzard and the lizard wizard did not really come into their own until their 2nd full length album a concept album called I like the sky what was the concept was it a 45 minutes of the lead to singer whispering your eyes over electronica music be a quote spaghetti western audiobook or c. 17 covers of old carpenter's besides. I'm going with a you know with a is actually d. It's big get the Western audience it is this strange Western sort of gun opera that the lead singer rode that music is like for mushrooms Yeah. It's not too much chances here anyway I reject that it is. Sadly true but you still Chima chances I'm looking for your chances are good now they have put out many albums since that 2nd one including which of these a flying micro tonal banana being king gizzards blizzard of Twizzlers. Or c. Fuzz in your belly button. You know sound very good. Are going to see you know is actually a flying micro timer banana that just has a ring to it it's certainly the. Last question came. Gizzard it got so popular they headlined their own music festival in Australia in 2015 called Kids fast. Which was one of the supporting acts a doctor psychedelic porn crumpets. Dr piffle and the burlap band or sea west the Barton brothel party. I think they were all of that all right. You're right they were all there. For the they were all a. Band at the 2015 good fest it was quite the festival. So Bill how did his or do in our quiz Well he got one right then and he good go way. The right you have to tell you know you did your theory right because there were 3 good writing That's right. Thank you. All right one last question your new book which you're out we out with now is called Believe me a Memoir of Love Death and jazz chickens would you like to explain to the good people what are jazz chickens you know it's not mentioned in the book I quite like that there's not much actually. But he is a legend done his job thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I'm going to talk to some of the stories. Thank the many thanks. I shouted I don't believe. So just a few months ago after years of requests we did a special show just for kids and their families at the Athenaeum feature in Chicago and it was a big deal for example for the very 1st time our show had an overture. Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls in white Jr And here is your nose. Peter Sagal. We hear a good old fashioned radio show Wait Wait Don't Tell me we'll make some jokes about stuff in the news. With Bill Kurtis to leave panelists there hi everybody now junior to because child is jokes are the best we can do he said the. Radio show we're good in traffic we're a radio show what did Trump just say headlines and studies and news you can't he. Is that Neil Patrick it is. Time will you let America. And that's not all there's always lots of yes great and so here he will. Sing radio show. We. Will make him sit on the star being living. In you. When we come back we continue our 4th of July celebrations with the Red White and Blue Man Group in Pekin Michael King which is way better than Francis Scott Key will be back with more of Wait Wait Don't Tell me from n.p.r. Support for k.q.e.d. Comes from the California Academy of Sciences where visitors can learn about tarring redwood trees mighty mammals and the natural forces that make the California coast so unique and the all new giants of land and sea exhibit. And European sleep works the store that bases its design and materials on research factors affecting sleep including comfort and support humidity levels and ease of breathing details online about their mattresses and bedding and sleep Works dot com On this week's On the Media a look at humanity enchant and everlasting drinking problem and how one scientist cooked up a new solution and realize there was some senses out there that actually could replicate some of the positive effects of Oklahoma but be much much less harmful a toast to progress on the next on the media from. Hear more about it today on the media to the softer now on k.q.e.d. Public Radio Have you downloaded the k.q.e.d. 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Generation Inc maker of 80 proof Tito's handmade vodka distilled from corn and naturally gluten free recipes and more Tito's vodka dot com distilled and bottled in Austin Texas and Home Advisor magine homeowners with home improvement professionals for a variety of home projects from minor repairs to major. Remodels homeowners can read reviews of local pros and book appointments online at Home Advisor dot com. From n.p.r. I'm going to be easy Chicago this is wait wait don't tell me the n.p.r. News quiz I'm Bill Kurtis and here is your host at the Chase Bank Auditorium in Chicago Peter Sagal hey. Hey hey. Thank you thank you thank you thank you. Guys I'm sad about that we assume as you're hearing this your ears are ringing from the fireworks and your head is aching from drinking too much beer which is the feeling we call patriotism. Where nursing our own hangovers mainly from the news so this week some favorite conversations with interesting people you probably know Keegan Michael key from his astounding run on the sketch show Key and Peele offers many roles in movies and t.v. Shows that we don't know is that whole career was really just a rebound for him after his 1st choice being a panelist on this show did not quite work out. A couple of times I certainly don't know 2 or 3 times and so you know and so we we parted Yeah didn't quite work out just I mean Peterson I can talk privately later if you want all right. I want you became really fantastically well known for Key and Peele and the next thing you know you're on the cover and I think Time magazine said I was crazy I would not expect We were not expecting that that we got to be on the cover of Time for the some as we wrote we also were on the cover of Time for $100.00 Most Influential People in the world or something in $24.00 it was crazy oh something like that you know. I'm not. Going to I don't on the cover of Time Out magazine. I don't own a rag. So. There's so many things about Key and Peele we could just talk about some of the amazing sketches we should cut right to the chase which is your anger translator sketch in which Jordan Peele your partner played the president where did you come up with this idea for the sketch and tell me exactly in your view who are you playing Ok so so I'm playing a guy named Luther was from Detroit and we remembered and I can't ever remember his name is Senator well since you said you lie during the State of the Union addresses a congressman named Joe Wilson from the congressman Joe Wilson that said and we start now see the president stuck between a rock and a hard place he can express himself or he'll still catch hell for it so what if we could invent a surrogate for the president who can get angry for him in his stead and that's why Luther was born you actually did this sketch when you translate the president's anger into words with the actual president right and I got to 1st with the president for like 10 minutes and this comes in the room and he's like yeah I was like you. Know I'm going to the you know when you get a question how do you know to go home I sat around on my forehead and such and. There was a point though prior to you performing with the president where you found out that the president was watching your sketches about you and the president and liking them and how did that feel to all that was done was crazy because we were given the opportunity to meet him in 2012 and the thing that just melted me in shortness I just said you look at both of us and he said I've got to tell you it's hard to believe but on t.v. . I think that the experience he went in and had a clear a stroke so he asked one of his age to hand him a bottle of water and screws the bottle of water takes a sip and then her feelings as if she had been poisoned by the water. Just want to. Knock you down sometimes and it's a joke. Well well Keegan Michael Key we could talk to you all day but we can't because we really I mean I did you he