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1012 both number one and number 2 in college football went down in the same weekend after Miami was done on Friday by Pitts operate Alabama lost all burnt at Jordan hair 26 to 14 as Kerry and Johnson ran for over 100 yards with a touchdown run and it's such down past Tigers move on to face Georgia in the s.c.c. Title game next weekend Washington won the Apple Cup over Washington State 41 to 14 which means staff will play u.s.c. In the Pac 12 title game on Friday speaking of the cardinal Baker stop Notre Dame 38 to 20. South Carolina 30 boards and they secured doubles weighs 100 career coaching victory Oklahoma it was constant good with a lot wins as well and the a.b.a. Blake Griffin if again when he jumper and score 33 points for the Clippers in 897-2951 over Sacramento wins as well for the Warriors rockets Celtics and Sixers I'm Kevin figures. The closely you know why don't you use the straight out of a. Guy with r.j. Bell and your host Colby. You and now a boxer witness to stress the street knowledge from the Vegas address straight out of Vegas with r.j. Bell and your host. Is our n.f.l. Our company live from the Geico Fox Sports radio studio 15 minutes can save you 50 percent or more on car insurance visit Geico dot com for a free rate quoted Steve Fielding along with r.j. And in the wiseguy chair the most famous and f.l. Handicapper in the world the only 2 time Super contest champion. So let's start from the top our Vegas lead we're looking for good match ups and in this case it's a good match up between good off and says the defense we're going to find out if the Rams can play some day Saints and hold on a 2nd let's look at d.v.d. Which is a sabermetrics measure a lot of people like if you look at the Rams on the fence with the d.v.l.a. . Is Last week they were number one let's see what they are this week this week the Rams have the very best defense in the n.f.l. So this is fascinating because I think the narrative has been gone off has improved so much what she has and oh it's of in and girly runs while what makes you feel like the Rams defense is an elite I don't think they can stop the run up the middle and so we actually have a breakdown and this is something I love to do is look at the run pass on both sides of the ball because I think you can get matchup advantages like the Browns last week against the Jags we had we had a real advantage dead is against the pass the Rams are number 2 against the run number 15 so average against their run a lead against the pass here and that often does just incredible as well I really like that what the Rams are doing r.j. I got a number 6 in the n.f.l. Unfortunately got the Saints Number 4 this is really a marquee match up so can we go back to what happened last week 1st off because people saw the final score it was 247 Vikings elite team take out the Rams and a lot of people walked away they're like oh boy genius the young quarterback not ready for prime time the Rams are just not there yet I think it was a bad spot you've got 3 straight wins by 30 plus points by these rams they've been a juggernaut and what happens when you're an elite team and you add another elite team that huge home field advantage oftentimes kicks in the game 77 and it just got away from the Rams I don't think I should bury them I didn't move them down based upon that game very much at all and listen let's remember tell me the team and I'm sure there's teams like this tell me the super emerging team. In the last 40 years that emerges out of nowhere and wins a Super Bowl meaning the Steelers and I'm going back to the Steel Curtain now they knocked on the door and you know it was against a Raiders backlit reception in 72 and then finally Super Bowl 9 they win or the 1st of 6 Super Bowl titles now you think about Jimmy Johnson's the 40 niners right under Walsh you think about Jimmy Johnson's Cowboys as you go up through these teams it seems like there's a process a learning curve and we certainly have seen that in the n.b.a. Not we can find exceptions right for sure but to go from being a playoff team and quite frankly a horrible team that the Rams were last year to be in a really good team you rarely see that team win the Super Bowl and thus I think going to Minnesota and losing games like this but playing fairly well is part of that learning curve to me I like their whims more this week because they lost a game than if they had played a cupcake and won the game that's a great point if you can get an elite playoff team that lost by double digits the week before usually as a basic strategy that the team should be looking to bet on not against the following week Celine or like on this one yeah I would lean to the Rams one important cluster injury here New Orleans cornerbacks cluster injuries Crowley and Latham are both confirmed out that's a big deal yeah and also though and maybe we have updates maybe we don't but on the Rams side at receiver there's a some question marks cracked Yeah they're missing one of their key wide receivers so I still think with the emergence of golf that he'll be able to move the ball fact of what those cluster injuries to the same city fence and last question on this game typical home field advantage during the n.f.l. What do you the Rams last year we had really low on home field advantage where do you got the Rams right now I moved him up Baby I. Moved him up to 3 n.f.l. Average because they're an elite team now and I feel they're going to get much more support from Los Angeles So what's the current line in this game this is a 2 right now Grampa So this is the market a strongly saying if we agree with 3 point home field for the Rams is that the Saints are clearly the better team Yes and I do have them half a point better than the Rams slightly better but you know what I had the Viking slightly worse than the Rams but it was a great spot I will make the argument this is the same situation only it's in the Rams favor this week they'll beat the better team so quickly why is this a good situational spot for the Rams because the Rams got honked last week. Off a bad loss am perishing lost so just to be clear I think bad and embarrassing is totally the wrong word because the way we led into this was saying it really wasn't a bad lot of us but on the scoreboard they lost by 7 teams not a plane ride home there they're very motivated to turn it around great next big t.v. Game the Broncos against the Raiders this one has been bad down to Raiders minus 4 and a half from minus 5 big factor we talked about the incompetent quarterback principle I don't know that we're sticking to it what is the Broncos situation at quarterback because we are now looking at John Elway's 3rd quarterback a former 1st round pick in Paxton Lynch in there here's what I will say in this is a great kind of teach a man to fish he eats forever fish sandwich he needs today I love fish sandwiches bread rather and rather learn that good fishing hole is when the organization with how you things that you can't know if you're not inside the building and we saw it last year with Gough is they were taking a tiny heat the Rams Why aren't you playing your you know number one pick why aren't you playing them and finally they played him and he was very very very very very bad now you do you think if you're a Broncos. Fan that you've been I've sat that Lynch hasn't been planned especially when you're bringing the ostrich in OS Wyler right so how bad must he be so now they're in a place where you've got John out Elway saying oh you know effort level blah blah blah and hey I'm going to shake things up a little bit but yeah we could shake things up by breaking our mikes right now probably isn't going to help the show do much to me this is the market hasn't reacted this way to me Faz this is a huge a significant a couple as bad as last Wyler is this is a couple point downgrade to me I don't think I can downgrade him to point how could he possibly be worse than what we saw from Simeon Did you watch the bills I did that's what a quarterback this shouldn't be on the field looks like why wasn't he playing well you're a couple nuggets Yeah so Mike Pritchard who now does Radio in Denver used to do radio here in Las Vegas we talked to him when Lynch wasn't playing about 3 weeks ago and he came right out and said actually Lynch is not playing because he's a gamer Now that sounds like oh he's a tough guy ready works hard no he's a video game any act he said the guy doesn't work the guy doesn't work he doesn't study his playbook talk to either Evans this week presented him with the scenario are there guys who don't work well when they go on the field they turn it on they flip the switch they're great he came back with a simple no. So passionate Lynch has not been working at his work ethic has not improved that should make doesn't really knows does it matter you mean in the last 3 weeks has his work ethic improved would it matter did he get the message you know when he wasn't president you're still it's what you're doing in March and April you're probably right operates Tom Brady and any illegal and here's the next question I don't want to point he did say hey cam newton week to week you don't know if he's worked during that week and you can see the difference in performance will Cam Newton is you know next level athlete is a super talent we don't know if Pacman Lynch is that if he's not working can you overcome it with all this athleticism I think we know it because we're more than one and a half years I'm a draft and he hasn't played I mean most 1st round picks the bomb already on the banks they've already frustrated their fans and he's on the bench he got his guys never played so just to clarify you said something interesting I think Cam Newton for sure doesn't put in that incredible amount of time in April and May So the question is is he motivated going to week or not which can you know affect things significantly but I think with Lynch Yeah I'm sure he's going to be you know like like fashion Northwestern graduate I'm guessing even though you were pretty studious you weren't dating too much I'm guess in it well I rush out is that that's a backhanded compliment their way that it's great he got his actuary degree or if he was right around the girls he might have dropped out I don't even know how to respond but I'm back but I guess in your smooth I'm gassin that you had some all night cramps sessions before a test when you procrastinated Absolutely and I had I have no doubt that he that Lynch's is cramming right now I don't think it makes a difference so fast the market's pretty sharp Why don't you think what are the other wise guys saying about this game why aren't they downgrading Denver Well they don't like Oakland at all Oakland but they didn't like Oakland when I when I watched while it was going to play so there was a line sat there couldn't you make the case a reasonable case the Denver isn't down graded with Lynch. Yes because OS while it was so awful and it's hard to believe that you couldn't make it when to be as good as the ostrich has been also Denver r.j. Wiseguy thing that we like to do there minus 16 and turn over differential with their 2 stiff quarterback they've had Year to date they've basically been losing the turnover battle on average by 2 a game can that possibly continue maybe it will with it was the worst quarterback Yes Not guaranteed but there's nothing listen how many we would is the chance to Lynch has gotten materially better in the last 4 or 5 weeks but if you've been in a program for a year and a half you're not going to get that much batter in let's be candid and f.l. Backup quarterbacks hardly get any practice time so he hasn't gotten much better when Simeon couldn't throw 20 yards down the field they said Lynch you just relax you stay on the bench and then when they finally couldn't deal with Simeon anymore they said hey I asked why are the worst quarterback in the league you seen in a long time last year you jump up I mean how are we even debating that the 3rd guy is better than the 1st or 2nd guy because the 1st 2 guys a both were playing so how about also Well so how bad must the 3rd guy be they pay might be bad but I tell you this r.j. The Oakland defense is very bad as well so it if there's going to be $1.00 good game which plays this year it'll be this one it won't be so where in the game I can't bet the Raiders because I fezzes right I was looking about the Broncos if they didn't make this quarterback change Broncos might have been my best bet I think this is a 34 point downgrade I know I'm out on an island on this we'll talk about it next week and see if I was right your going head to head and you bring up great points I like Denver but it's all anti Oakland I really think the dream crusher in Mexico City may fall to 4 and 6 the defense is a sea of I think this is the one week that we get some off and sat down with and remember a valid check talk to Tania will be talking about this later about the fatigue. Factor after Mexico City obviously a place like massive lines all over the place as people get to another big t.v. Game Sunday night football the Packers getting 14 against the Steelers we have that next hour to Vegas talk sports radio. This is your Thanksgiving weekend. Thanksgiving ever it is only one family that small waist glad to see you hi this is Jason Smith Hey this is Steve going Steve Balmer sports car family hey this is Doug Ollivant I'm wishing your family a happy Thanksgiving to your family thank you. Fox Sports Radio. 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This is the g o l e a case is a total joke and now the time Cy Young Award winner Floyd Halladay was filled in a plane crash in the n.b.a. No qualms that he thunder none of them really 3 point shooter or college football it's been an incredible run for Alabama like it deals like it's over when their story stretched we break it down for you that is a huge story in a professional manner of course are you kidding me this sports radio. Coast to coast am too old for. That reality. To find your television go to Fox Sports dot com for details. Please come. Cheap. Sure it isn't. Feeling good. R.j. Bell. And Chesapeake is here in the Wise Guys chair Let's turn our attention to Sunday Night Football the big t.v. Games Who lot of express this week Packers at the Steelers Pittsburgh lay in 14 clearly the better team but Mike Tomlin in these big point spread situations interesting guy to wager on yeah I think I've cracked the code on the Steelers lot of teams that are high variance right they can they play really well in some spots and really poorly in others not every team has variances just how wide are those ranges steel is probably one of the biggest ranges Now if you can't figure out why they're tough to bat I think it's a motivation issue I think the Steelers are more susceptible to lack of motivation than pretty much any team in the n.f.l. And because of that and this is an exercise I would suggest people do let's quantify when the Steelers would be motivated on national t.v. In a division game against any team but the Browns which would be Baltimore obviously in Cincinnati and then against a team that has a $701.00 percentage or better let's just you know we could debate 715 that's do that go back this year last year year before go back as many years as you want and quantify is this a motivation spot or not and I would strongly feel if you're looking to 60 percent against the spread if you just bet on the Steelers one motivated and against them one not to me this is a nought so I can't bet the Steelers but Hanley if he had played bad bad bad than good and he was trending up I would play the Packers here but because the good game only came for Hanley when I bat against them with the Bears that now another bad game to me at this point I think you've got to dismiss Hanley and and Co feel let's . Hear from you 1st on this you were high on Hanley last week one of my best Pats were the Ravens It was an easy win or what did you say is that it was sloppy real sloppy that a hurt my confidence in him big time he's got a he's got a long learning curve and he probably won't have a chance to learn not not not there yeah well it's not there where right because and if anything you would think that's a a learning environment right it should be motivated Automator 1st next get to yes so to me this is a pass or remember guys there's 2 times not the bat in fact the only time to bat we're going to reverse it today the only time to bat is when you have a good feel what the numbers should be and the numbers wrong and in this case I don't really have a great feel what the number should be because a highly and thus I'm passin Fazli like I'm passing as well I don't like Conley and I don't like the cluster injuries for the Green Bay running backs Aaron Jones is out time Montgomery's out if you don't have a quarterback that can throw deep and you can't run the ball how are you going to cover also r.j. For Sunday Night Football though won't the Steelers be motivated because it's the like him you know that's a great point and boy that's a blind spot right is meaning I just said that and said they're not motivated. Wow I just feels like if the any team can kind of cause the Steelers are playing pretty much night games you know if you go back a couple weeks and go forward a couple weeks it's like 70 percent of the games in that child are night I think this is a team maybe they can find a way not to be motivated at night because they're going to be thinking we can win maybe I'll put a caviar night games are not favored by double digits because really in their mind they're thinking we can still win this game and not really play hard and so yeah I hear you but I still don't I'm not convinced I do have one stat that goes to that when Tom one and company are laying 10 points or more and the totals 40 or higher the game has gone under 15 of 16 times. I mean in the off chance is often lethargic and not bring their a game and that's a good one so repeat that again 2 conditions 2 conditions Steelers are favored by 10 or more and the total is 40 or higher the game is going under 15 out of the last 16 games and what you usually see with Pittsburgh in these spots is the off fans is where the problem is and at the end then they end up with the Colts game a couple weeks ago was was a great example of that I like the word lethargic that is a good lead in a Monday Night Football the Ravens are favored by 7 against the Texans the quarterback play in this is a question the Ravens are favored by 7 against anyone that's crazy remember how this Ravens team now it's getting some attention because of the shut out last week the 3rd best the fence and this is the v.o.a. 3rd best defense in the n.f.l. 3rd best special teams 27th best off s. So the question becomes to me I actually like Houston a good bit here because I think low scoring game and I think and this is one of those Teach a man to fish is the last scoring that's expected and the more points are worth right magine if somehow the total in the game was $33.00 and you're getting 17 extreme case wow right sounds great if you're getting 17 of the total 65 not quite as good to me I actually lean or I'll say I like Houston and I lean Baltimore maybe I'm making this too simplistic 3 times that great Ravens defense has played a backup quarterback this year 3 straight times they've shut out the backup quarterback I think that they may well be able to hold down Euston to no touchdowns in this game as well so it is savage a back up Oh absolutely I think so really so he started the season lost his job week wonder if Watson but what I'm saying is the fact but the fact that they made the decision to start Savage I mean we all have discussed this multiple times now. Is what was the over under for number of starts for Watson in everyone I've talked to the debates between 4 and 5 right fads where you out with that yes I agree Ok so the theory was coming in that a 1st round draft choice in the teens wasn't in his rookie year to be clearly better than savage that So if he's a bad I'm not saying he's better than the 262728th best quarterback somewhere in that bottom or tile no doubt about it but tell me name me a backup in the n.f.l. Better and savage a.j. McCarran. Good and well. That's what I'm going to get short I would think it is better. Ok I think that's fair maybe even Hoyer I actually like Hoyer more but so what I'm saying is but who are years should be starting probably on 8 or 10 teams this year right and so should what was that branch trade I know it got smushed or whatever do what was the trade they were trained for McCarran right yes and what were they given up to that get out yes they were giving up a 2nd and a 3rd more than the number 6 up for Team e.g. So someone in the Browns front office was like All right let's pump the brakes a.j. McCarron by the way I would take Jimmy g. Over Savage I believe and I'm not going to realize no I don't have a home I don't believe that Savage is probably the 12th or 13th best back of course but he's gotten better 12 to 14 I don't like him I do not I don't have a personal vendetta I just don't think he's a great quarterback but he has gotten better the last couple of weeks moving on to the Bills and the Chiefs I think these are great team to handicap because of questions going in the game the Chiefs have just fallen off and the bills how do the bills react now that their guy is back in their Toronto Eller So to me this is probably the most difficult I think I think Steve is like a sadist saying yeah this is a game no reasonable human could handicap so I want to hear what these guys have to say and it is a non a half point spread something that changes I think you'd be on the bills but you tell me here's our say one of the biggest surprises of the year and fans you can tell me if you agree with this was. Andy Reid being 1003 off by Count regular season and playoffs straight up 1003 and losing as a near double digit favorite to the giants of Q surprise agree disagree Yeah I mean obviously it's a huge surprise that big of an upset but even bigger because Andy Reid's history offered by Andy Reid always has a team ready to go and they weren't ready to go so it's one of 2 things just a total fluke or there's a fundamental problem and flukes happen right or there's a fundamental problem with can't see that I get Kansas City is of the team that you had in most had number one of the power ratings at a certain point the off fans just isn't playing the way they are running the ball the way that they did earlier I mean is there any Let's not state the obvious is there anything else about k.c. That you saw last week that troubles you greatly you know there's 35 mile an hour wind so I'm going to give their office a free pass it's their defense the trouble if anything it's not just a fluke or it's not a fluke it was extra no circumstances conspiring against Casey's often last week absolutely they're often says fine and the defense but the defense hasn't been good all year right if we go back to the v.o.a. And we're looking at Kansas City 26 best the fans I mean they've been in that in the 25 or worse in what your super play pretty much the whole year yeah and I don't think it'll get any better but now let's talk bills. To me and listen I don't like conspiracy theories when it comes to gambling if we're sitting around having a draft Hey I like Fat Tire for example is if we're having a draft out we can talk you know who killed Kennedy or whatever that's fine but when my money's at stake I don't want conspiracy theories Steve I'm going to ask you Mr Cofield square chair is do you think it's possible the Buffalo Bills thought they'd have a better chance of winning last week by putting you know fashion I did a whole 90 minute podcast on the dream preview by the way during preview we put all of the Sunday games 1st so if you you know obviously there's been 3 Thursday games if you listen to the dream preview just go to my Twitter account his Twitter handle is r.j. In Vegas and Torre morning will between that hour if you go back some tweets it's been tweeted out already fasten I with a special guest on the n.f.l. Dream preview but you know to me it's a situation we spent the entire dream preview St Peter said I think instead of Peterman so. Could they possibly have thought they had a better chance to win with Peter now so why start because the money deal because from the top down and I'm not sure it's a g.m. Or the coach the owner does not want All right Taylor around it does not want to pay him $90000000.00 a long term contract so my understanding is. If they caught him at a certain point the off season there's a $1000000.00 hit and that's it and I think and I believe that this team the players on the team really like tie rod Taylor and I think they're going to be motivated to back him as he can look at Yao Who are they going to be motivated to say wow this you know what is this is like major league right so what are we going to do well we got to win the hole after that day is that is that the sack going to be the response yes. So fast same question to you is there any way they thought that Peterman could be give them a better chance to win last week how could they absolutely not so how does the team react now I'm going to put on my psychology major hat that I don't have I think they'll be motivated. By more games on the way let's get to Kevin figures of the latest argument in the big story coming out of Saturday night in college football top ranked Alabama goes down just the day after number 2 goes down Miami against Pittsburgh $26.00 to $14.00 was the final score in favor of all burned over the top rank rooms inside Kerry and Johnson carried the ball 30 times $404.00 yards had a touchdown pass and a touchdown run all over him with over 40 yards of total oftens they win the f.c.c. West and will take on Georgia next weekend in the f.c.c. Championship game elsewhere 73 Washington destroyed Washington State 41 to 14 miles Gascon $192.00 yards on the ground including 4 touchdowns the victory for Washington knocks the cougars out of the Pac 12 title game so stamper will now take on u.s.c. And 4 the Pats will championship next Friday and speaking of the cardinal they get a 38 to 20 victory over Notre Dame as broad as low rushes for 125 yards and a victory elsewhere a secret antique ranked as you with a 45 to 21 victory over Texas and m. 347 yards passing and 3 touchdowns for Danny yelling in that one 3rd ring Quinn is in with a 34 to 10 victory over South Carolina Kelly Bryant $272.00 yards passing and 2 touchdown passes to Hunter run for the 4th straight victory. In the series over South Carolina for the Tigers were true car you can find out what other people area paid for the same car you're looking for whether it's new or used was a true car to enjoy a more confident car by experience in the n.b.a. The Clippers got 33 points in the game when he jumper with 3 seconds left from Blake Griffin to get a 9795 comeback victory over the kings the 2nd Menno jazz what they want $21.00 to $1.00 away with you over the bucks Warriors get $27.00 points and $6.00 from step curry in a one Santa $95.00 victory over the pelicans wins as well for the Mavericks rockets and Celtics guys. Thank you Kevin I jumped ahead there let's get an official lean or like on those bills plus 9 and a half against the Chiefs as a wherry I'm passing I just don't know how motivated the bills are going to be and yeah I do usually we like to give a leaner like on almost every game. But to me I just think it's such a big question and there's another factor for the bill is a segues into the next game the Jacksonville game is Marcel Dario's the tackle when he was with the bills they gave up 2 and a half yards per carry rushing so that average in the n.f.l. Is 4 yards per carry 2 and a half is the best in the n.f.l. Right during that period since he's left 4.7 yards per carry so went from the best in the n.f.l. To the 28th baster worst probably $4.00 So wow right now you look at Jack and you might say that's a fluke well that segue to the Jacksonville game before they got dairy as they were one of the worst in the n.f.l. And specifically they had given up 5.2 yards per carry Jacksonville so agree they had a great the fans against the Pats but one of the worst in the n.f.l. Against the run 3 games with Barry is now $2.00 yards per game. So that's a very Wowza. Then it was much better last week for the bills they gave up on 142 and 4 to a carrot Jacksonville is 4 and a half favored against the Cardinals they're in control their own destiny in the division are they ready to win a game like this on the road again it's 4 and a half Jags favorite on the road to Chad's not a great home field advantage show it how pens they help you on the road because you don't have all those great home performances blended in your stats and your rocker and us teams that tend to have a bad home field advantage or lesser home field advantage is tend to do better on the road you know the spread is only mattered in one of 10 Jacksonville games and it was actually not the Browns game it was the week before. I'm not getting over that Browns game things that stink was a tough one let it go. Yeah but he's right but. We still talk about games or less going to set like 96 the guy who never lets it go. But to me Jacksonville is probably the best team in the n.f.l. With a 10 point lead meaning they run the ball very well if they don't need to pass all the batter Blake Bortles and their pass the fence is the best in the n.f.l. Obviously the run defense is getting better too so to me one we've got a Jacksonville team probably better on defense in a scene because there is only 3 of those games but if you look at the stats now Jacksonville you know on d. Fans is a you know a very good team so you know I think it's a situation where because if they get the lead they're probably going to keep the lead I would lean towards Jacksonville I actually like Jacksonville on a neutral I would have made them an 11 point favorite a lot of the reasons you mention r.j. Blaine Gabbert is quarterbacking Euro Zone he's not going to pass the ball the running back a.p. Since he got that 37 carry game here's my key handicap he has been absolutely useless and he's the only running back right now they're utilizing Jackson is going to shut him down as well I don't see how Arizona gets past 10 points. Philadelphia has been outstanding there lay in 14 against the Chicago Bears we get a letdown from the Eagles Is there any way to prove that we get a let down like you mention the Steelers sometimes just let down I think teams when they reach a new pinnacle whereas a team that's kind of emerging upon the scene and then Algy I gave in the dream preview on this was Imagine you're a movie star or you're not a movie star you're an actor and you've tried for years and years of breakthrough you haven't yet finally breakthrough you're the 2nd lead to a big movie now you're getting behind a velvet rope you're dating you know the starlet and lo and behold it's Wednesday afternoon or Wednesday night you get a call you're going to say I'm going to hang out and play some x. Box or are you going to the Viper I'm not sure the 5 rooms in that. It To me it's like that with the Eagles if this was old hat like for Steelers they've been good for a long time you let down again I think it's more than that with Pittsburgh I think this is a momentum situation Think back with Allana late in the season last or the 2nd half of the season there was no let downs think about Carolina the year before I think this Philly team is probably most analogous to Carolina 2 years ago and they didn't let down I just feel like at a certain point when you break through you just keep not don't want to lay it here but it keeps you off the dog Yeah on the market is aware of this though and you're finally paying the point spread tack this line 13 and a half it was 11 what are they aware of they're aware that the Eagles aren't letting down so they're pricing it into the number I will say this I think it's a bad spot for the Bears they had back to back home division games that were winnable and they were all in on both of them and they played poorly against Green Bay and when you say winnable meaning they were for example they were favored against green but you're not saying watching the game they should've won the game you're saying and to win the game they were winnable Absolutely and then even against Detroit it came down to a $51.00 yard field goal at the end I got punched at the end of a game one has to wonder how much gas is left in the Bears tank Atlanta feeling good about it so playing 10 against him. I like Tampa here I think it's kind of like the guy in the office with a lot of talent but he's causing trouble he's a drama guy and lo and behold he's got a 3 week vacation or maybe he's in jail who knows where and all of a sudden the office starts saying yeah he was talented but man isn't it more fun to come to work and then you have a couple get a couple of deals that say we don't really need this guy I'm not saying that it's that extreme with Winston but man oh man when you went to you know if Winston won 2 in a row and played like Fitzpatrick I think you'd be talking he's finally here 3rd year is finally here I think that Tampa is freed up and I also think it Lana has had game. After game after game that's been high stakes I mean think back to that Pats game and even onward have a I mean have they had an easy game sense since they played the Pats on Sunday night they had easy games in the sense of the Dallas game because they got a crippled up our boys are yet to come in in they they were that game was in Atlanta right night game went with that was only what 3 was a lot yes and it was an all in a motional game so that's not an easy case same thing in Seattle to him when there are so because of that you wonder emotionally that this is their flat spot right and they've got a really tough schedule the rest of the year I think it's a flat spot so I'm going to like I'm going to like Tampa and Ali in Tampa with the Seattle rough outing against those Falcons on Monday night lane 6 and a half at San Francisco where do you think they are mentally right now the Seahawks You know physically they're battered on the back end of the defense where they are mentally I personally I'm going to be really short here because this is a game Fed has strong feelings on I think it's a potential dream crusher for Seattle what's their dream superball And my sense is this is the kind of team that making the playoffs and getting beat in the 1st round isn't enough and I think it was an all in moment on Monday night I give him credit that was a hack of a performance as in or at least they had so much fight in him Seattle did but man when you lose that game and all the injuries I don't want any part of Seattle physical and emotional problems for Seattle the physical problems the legion of boom is no more chance or is out cornerback Sherman is out for if and is out Avril is out that defense is just no longer there and like r.j. Mentioned mentally you're used to go into the Super Bowl or you really excited to compete for a wildcard the best way to find under-rated are overrated teams is fine teams that have had an inordinate number of close wins or close losses if you go back. In the last 111 score games San France in that sense 2016 so last year in this year 111 score games or one in 10 straight up so they should have won 5 or 6 of those games so 4 or 5 more games how much better. One score games are coin flips statistically how much better would San Francisco be considered by the public if they had 5 or 6 more wins in the last year and a half in real quick Seattle is skewed their statistics say that the easiest schedule in the n.f.l. By my numbers and because of that they've got good stats because I played some cupcakes for games they hit before we close out so we've got best bets from both physical and r.j. And will someone jump on the Browns the dog against the Bengals plus 7 and a half spoiler alert know that's going Brady years straight out of a yes Foxworth radio. Cox sparks radio call them around bounce them around you want to come with the best don't like us to. Think we never exaggerate just. 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It's personalities and sports are on f.x. Watch one dispute with Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe airs weekdays said 30 am Eastern only on the best watch. Certain to be assigned to work radio in the greater studios great news there's a quick way to save money so if the guy goes out to Geico dot com and 15 minutes you can save 15 percent. On current field along with r.j. Bill as it is here in the wiseguys share is still your best bet on the home stretch maybe that's what's up in less than 3 minutes 1st Carolina is taking on the Jets on the road Panthers are laying 5 and a half I have really been a skeptic on the Panthers I think Cam and fads you were talking about this is how he is he's been all year I think when he's healthy he's more willing to run the ball and when Cameron is he's a much more effective quarterback so I also think the Jets this is one of the game teams Faz the disparity between the v.o.a. Which they had the Jets at the bottom of the league literally. 27 and in your power ratings you've got the Jets. At 19 and to me I'm always afraid want to teens record is better than you'd expect that we overemphasize that record I think the Jets might be a low overrated so I would lean Carolina now looking at the total money go over and the total you mention can get healthy and Greg Olsen coming back is tight and as his security blanket is huge I can make the case r.j. We got $2.00 top 15 quarterbacks and Cam and McCown here can you believe I would be saying that back in September but toll on the game is 40 and a half Browns and the Bengals rivalry spot although a very one sided rivalry Browns are getting 7 and a half and to me the history between these teams makes me like Cincinnati Check this out they've won 6 straight against the Browns Ok Why have you on Beat the Browns they have covered 6 straight against the Browns Well almost everyone covers against a bronze as 20 therefore and 16 the Browns are against the spread 4 in 16 but here's what impresses me margin they've won these games Cincinnati by over $22.00 points per game and they've covered the spread by over 16 per game and you've got obviously franchises with huge jacks and 3 of those games with him obviously the Bangles have had consistency with their coach so I think it means something I'd lean Cincinnati going to pass the side but I'm going over the dark side here of the Cleveland Browns pick Six's I'm betting a derivative here on it but yes there will be a special teams or defensive score so when Kaiser throw one so what's what's yachts plus $170.00 there so you're saying yes will be a defensive or special teams score plus $170.00 as a prop bat yes assume a lot of value plus 173 you know I think fans is right about this is the books usually are wrote r o t e where they're just kind of robotically creating these numbers and they're not really accounting for Kaiser being such a catastrophe when it comes to turnovers and. Like last week best bet time pheasant is a 1st Titans at the Colts the number is now 3 in most spots Titans minus 3 and here's what we know about Fazakerley gives the best bat it means he's making a big bet on the game what do you do or why is it I don't care is money in a while or a wise guy carries money in the world 2 teams go in opposite directions I'm going to take the Colts plus the points here I love the fact that percent continues to improve each and every week we had forecasted that back in September their last 3 games they should have won at Cincinnati they did when they used and they played very well against the Pittsburgh Steelers the team I feel is the 3rd best team in the n.f.l. Tennessee Titans on the other side have not improved under Mary OTOH there was a lot of expectation that they would be a playoff team I don't see it I've got them rated Just as an average team here these teams played 6 weeks ago Monday night football the game could have gone either way phony final somehow the Colts lost that game by 14 points they win this one I agree with this and I think it was ever a time a quarterback is going to get much better it's when he's young inexperience on a new team and I think that all those stats are blended and also the drama from luck being in you know in out who knows if he's coming back that's behind him now I think the Colts are plain as good as any time during the year agree with has a good bit on the Colts all these mega spreads 14 in a couple spots mama 60 to hold my beer I bet Patriots 16 and a half against the Dolphins I like the Dolphins best bat you can find a 17 if you shop at I think there's a good chance we'll see a 17 tomorrow very widely is a one factor handicap ballot chack after the Mexico City game talked extensively about how fatiguing that game was multiple players left because of dehydration against the Raiders and I think he understands better than anybody in the world when it comes to football that his team is tired he doesn't care about style points Polacheck he does have to impress any g.m. He. Once you get out of there with the win he's going to slow this game way down and if the game gets slowed down 17 is very juicy fast bat golf like the plus 17 also also like the fact we've got Matt Moore in for Cutler I think he is the better quarterback for the team right now a great before we get outs mention the dream preview must listen to dream preview fast and I go about 90 minutes debating crossfire Pros vs Joes. Could listen to great things that us send out on Twitter the darker one she. Put out not your playoff it's the fans and turnovers and strength of schedule all in one she follow me on Twitter at r.j. In Vegas get a bunch of that stuff for morning join us Knox is on the way we'll see you next Friday started a Vegas on Fox Sports Radio. 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